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Victor J. Stenger

Science, Religion and Culture
...They are popular books addressed to a public that is becoming increasingly disenchanted with organized religion and its negative influence on society. The new approach takes a harder line in criticizing religion than was previously the case amongst secularists. The new atheists question whether faith, which is belief despite the absence of evidence or even in the presence of contrary evidence, has any moral or intellectual authority. New Atheism recognizes rel...

Robert E. Pollack


Science, Religion and Culture
...r the most part a few hundred years ago but including some passages from the Hebrew bible’s Torah, Prophets and Writings that are millennia old.



Francisco J. Ayala and John C. Avise (eds.)
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014, 547 pp., $47.64 (hbk),
ISBN 1421413051.

Reviewed by David Pindel



Science, Religion and Culture
...ise’s attempt to address a serious oversight in the scientific literature – no volume of essential readings in evolutionary biology exists, despite the fact that evolution remains central to and is the unifying principle of the biological sciences. To remedy this, they have put together an impressive collection of classical papers, encompassing virtually all aspects of evolutionary biology and including all of key figures in the development of this...

Ruse, Michael, The Gaia Hypothesis: Science on a Pagan Planet, The University of Chicago Press, 2013, 251 pp, $26.00, ISBN 978-0-226-73170-4


Science, Religion and Culture
...d appealed to my hormone-driven defiance and pacified my unruliness. I thought I knew my Thoreau.



Souvik Ghosh, Nobumichi Kobayashi

British Journal of Virology
...rrhea in infants and children. Although studies on the genetic diversity of the antigenically important RVA VP7- and VP4- protein encoding genes are important for vaccine development or judging the efficacy of existing RVA vaccines, they do not always provide conclusive information on the overall and complex genetic makeup of RVAs, as the remaining 9 RVA gene segments are also susceptible to the forces governing RVA genetic diversity. Whole genomic analysis of...

El-Sayed M. Abdelwhab, Jutta Veits and Thomas C. Mettenleiter

Avian Influenza H5N1 in Egypt: What we Know and What we have to Know?
...s resulting in antigenic drift and the establishment of infections in vaccinated poultry. The Egyptian H5N1 viruses remain susceptible to oseltamivir, but genetic markers indicating resistance to amantadine have increased dramatically. In this mini-review, we discuss recent findings on the H5N1 viruses endemic in poultry and humans in Egypt, and suggest possible options to control the infection.


Thaddeus Metz

...incorrect, Kershnar must draw on intuitions about the existence of meaning that undercut his suggestion that there is no such thing.


Aradhana Chopra1, Ravi Shukla2 and Tarun Kumar Sharma2,3*

...cs, biomarker discovery, drug delivery, bio-imaging and molecular therapy. In this review we have summarized recent advancements and applications of aptamers in biology.


Simon Mwangi Kihu1*, George Chege Gitao1, Lily Caroline Bebora1, Njenga Munene John1, Gidraph Gachunga Wairire2, Ndichu Maingi1, Raphael Githaiga Wahome1, Davis Njuguna Karanja1, Julius Otieno Oyugi3, Ernest Lutomia3

... later in 2006 following dramatic and devastating PPR outbreaks in Turkana County. In this context, an outbreak of PPRV was observed in Tukana County in 2011 and the current study detail the clinical, pathological and laboratory findings of this outbreak. The disease was clinically manifested by the depression, diarrhea, difficult breathing, muco-purulent ocular-nasal discharges with matted eyelids and encrusted nostrils and finally death. Clinical outcome, gr...

Salma Shaheen, Muhammad Jamil Khan, Saleem Jilani yields (330 g pot-1), dry foliage yields (32 g pot-1), leaf length (40.5 cm) and leaf area (238.4 mm2) relative to poultry manure, compost or FYM treatments. Similar trend was observed during 2010-11. Over all, press mud with EM was more effective in improving soil quality and enhancing spinach growth and quality followed by FYM and poultry manure. These results suggested that Press mud applied with EM have the most potential to increase yield and quality o...

Muhammad Ashraf Khan1, Hizbullah Khan1, Abid Farid2

...a armigera nu- cleopolyhedrovirus (HaNPV) applied to eggs of Sitotroga cerealella Olive, on emergence of and para- sitism by female Trichogramma chilonis (Ishii) emerged from HaNPV- treated host eggs. The percent emergence (mean) of tiny parasitoid from host eggs treated during egg, larval and pupal stages with the virus at field dose (x), 2x dose, and 0.5x dose ranged from 83.2- 87.3%, 87.1- 91.6%, and 83.7- 89.7%, respectively, relative to control eggs treat...

Frank Griffel

.... The headline above the drawing of the man reads: Tout est pardonné, all is forgiven. Regular readers of the journal know the man with the brown skin, white jelabiyya, and turban well. It is a familiar depiction of the prophet Muhammad as drawn by the caricaturist Luz, a member of Charlie Hebdo’s staff, who survived the attack on its office simply because he happened to be out at the time. For the magazine&rsquo...

Suresh V Kuchipudi* and Kin-Chow Chang


...n its ability to undergo dramatic phenotypic changes in response to physical demands, age and disease. The contributions of skeletal muscle to immune response and virus pathogenesis are increasingly recognized. Recent evidence strongly indicated that skeletal muscle cells fully support productive replication of influenza A virus (IAV) and could play an important role in disease outcome. We are of the opinion that skeletal muscle could be a key innate immune t...

Malik Ikram Ullah1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Inayatullah Awan1, Muhammad Munir2, Ghazanfarullah1

...ent, green fodder yield, dry matter yield, crude protein, crude fiber and ash percentage were significantly increased with increase nitrogen levels (200, 240, and 280 kg N ha-1). However, highest benefit-cost ratio was estimated when 240 kg N ha-1 was applied which was found best compromise between forage yield and quality for maize cultivar Kissan under the agro-climatic conditions of Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. The study also indicates that crude protein and...

Muhammad Mudassar Maqbool1, Anser Ali1, 2 *, Tanveer ul Haq1, Muhammad Nasir Majeed1, Dong Jin Lee2, 100-grain weight and dry matter per plant as compared with control. Wheat genotype Faisal-2008 exhibited comparatively more drought tolerance with less decrease in growth rate (18.70%); total dry matter (26.94%), 100-grain weight (23.45%) and grain yield (21.50%) as compared with all other treatments. It was concluded that water stress induced at grain filling stage showed a significan...

Shen Yang1, Guang-Zhi Tong1, 2*

...ctive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) is a major concern for the swine industry and causes high degrees of morbidity and mortality. The intracellular signalling cascades of the innate immune system triggered by HP-PRRSV often lead to the elimination of infection. However, HP-PRRSV induces pathological changes and can cause aberrant immune responses in the host, resulting in acute lung injury and immune dysfunction. Studies of the innate immune respon...

Josef D. Jarhult1, 2

...ns of the anti-influenza drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) have been intensely debated lately. This article aims to sum up what is known about positive and negative effects of the drug. The available data suggests that oseltamivir treatment of uncomplicated influenza in otherwise healthy patients shortens influenza symptoms with approximately 24 hours, and increases nausea and vomiting by 3-5%. Whether oseltamivir treatment ha...

Faheem Khan*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

...pling method was used to draw sample of 336 sugarcane growers for the present study and an interview schedule was used to solicit responses that addressed the research objectives. The findings from the study showed that 80 percent of respondents were illiterate while the 20 percent of respondents who were literate had achieved various levels of education. In the years 2012 and 2013, the average yield of educated sugarcane gr...

Thomas J. Coleman III1*, Ralph W. Hood Jr.1 and John R. Shook2

...ed with brief commentary drawing attention to some of the key theoretical and methodological issues surrounding them as well as their implications for the study of atheism and secularity.


Ethan G. Quillen

...and thereby the issues addressed in defining ‘religion’ with those affecting the definition of ‘Atheism.’


Ryan T. Cragun1*, Joseph H. Hammer2, Michael Nielsen3

...n: justify;">Although hundreds of measures of personal religiousness and spirituality exist, none are capable of reliably and validly assessing individuals who identify as nonreligious and nonspiritual. There is a need to develop a valid and reliable measure of (non)religiousness and (non)spirituality. This article discusses these problems, and presents the development and initial validation of a 17-item Nonreligious-Nonspiritual Scale (NRNSS) across three s...

Rabbi Paul Shrell-Fox

...e and daily prayer are addressed, as well as an exploration of the rabbis’ connection to the Jewish people, despite waning practice.


Marcus Mann day and found himself drawn to his computer, relating his thoughts on the 9/11 terrorist attacks’ implications to a word processor. What started as an itch evolved into his first book, The End of Faith: a scathing indictment of religion, which in his opinion, was an impetus just as effective and real as the jet engines that propelled the terrorists’ weapons of choice to their targets. The End of Faith was the first of four polemics that have com...

Amanda Schutz

...ise decent and happy children, navigate tragedy, or cooperate effectively with others in society. Phil Zuckerman spends the remainder of the book refuting this claim. His goal is to explore “how secular people navigate their lives,” which is no small task. Throughout the book he discusses how secularists do in fact have morals, successfully raise children, deal with death and heartache, and build communities&mdas...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro*, Habib-Ur-Rehman Memon, Muhammad Ali Ansari, Ahmed Naqi Shah

...o; was sown through drilling in the 1st week of May each year. The treatments consisted of: weedy check (no weeding), interculturing twice (30+60 DAS), Dual Gold 960-EC (S-metolachlor) @ 2.50 L ha-1, sorghum water extracts @ 15 L ha-1 (twice) and 25 L ha-1 (once and twice) and sunflower water extracts @ 15 L ha-1 (twice) and 25 L ha-1 (once and twice), sorghum water extract @ 15 L ha-1+1.25 L ha-1 Dual Gold and sunflower water extract @ 15 ...

Guoyi Li1, Haiyan Tong1, Jiansheng Chen2, Jinliang Wei2, Xiaoming Zhao2, Guoping Zhang2, Zixue Shi2*

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...od-borne disease causing dreadful central nervous system signs and high mortality in adults and children. It is caused by the JE virus (JEV), which belongs to the family Flaviviridae. JEV is endemic to many parts of East Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia, where periodic outbreaks take thousands of lives. With rapid globalisation and climatic shift, JEV has started to emerge in previously unaffected areas. Scientifi...

Oladipo Elijah Kolawole*, Oloke Julius Kola, Awoyelu Elukunbi Hilda, Olasunmibo Oluwatobi Gabriel, Ogunyale Tolulope Temitope

E-mail | koladipo2k3@

...mple of consented two hundred and seventy five (275) subjects were obtained and their sera were screened for antibodies to HEV using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Samples were collected over a period of 4 months (September – December, 2014). The mean age and mean CD4+ count of the subjects were 40.14±0.47 years and 387.28±18.91 cells/mm3 respectively. Out of 275 subjects tested, 15(5.45%; 95% confidence interval) were positive for anti...

Claudia Kohl*, Andreas Nitsche, Andreas Kurth


Mudasir Irfan Dar*, Fareed Ahmad Khan and Farha Rehman

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...n Ascorbate (ASC), de- hydroascorbate (DHA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels. The photosynthetic pigments showed slight increases over their respective controls at lower concentrations of the insecticide at all the growth stages, but at higher concentrations (30 and 40 g.a.i ha-1), both the pigments were decreased considerably at all the observed growth stages. These results suggested that the lower concentrations of Imidacloprid applied on the mustard mig...

 Nagina Zeb, Muhammad Sajid, Abdul Mateen Khattak and Imtiaz Hussain

...f potassium and maleic hydrazide on growth and flower quality of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) was carried out at Ornamental Nursery, Department of Horticulture, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar during 2011. Suckers of chrysanthemums were planted during the first week of January and transplanted in 20 cm clay pots in July. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with tw...

Muhammad Imran1*, Muhammad Mobashar2, Muhammad Irfan3, Shazia Hanif4, Sumaira Hanif5 and Muhammad Abubakar6

...tibility coefficients of dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) were non-significant (P>0.05) whereas digestibility of NDF was significantly increased (P<0.05) in treatment MLM4. When compared among treatments, the value of crude protein (CP) digestibility coefficient was high (P<0.05) in treatment MLM4 as compared to MLM1. Similar trend was also observed in case NDF among treatments. Daily milk yield and 4 % FCM has increased (P<0.05) in buffaloe...

Muhammad Arif Zafar1*, Arfan Yousaf1, Murtaz-ul-Hasan1, Faisal Ayub Kiayani1, Matee ul Islam2 and Muhammad Farooq Iqbal1 

...roidal anti-inflammatory drug, good outcome in the calf was obtained. There was no postoperative complication suggesting that modified two-layer hand-sewn anastomosis technique was a successful technique. It was concluded that traumatic hernia may lead to septic shock and modified two-layer hand-sewn anastomosis technique may be recommended in calves with no postoperative complications and there is a good chance for long-term survival.


Abiodun D. Olabode

...arcated forty-sampled quadrats from both irrigated and non-irrigated farms. Information on socio-economic activities of the rice farmers, level of rice yield, agricultural practices for rice production and farm management techniques employed in the study area were observed. The study employed simple percentages to analyse the farmers’ responses; while regression model established significant relationships between rice yield and farm management methods ad...

John G. Bruno

...#65279;This commentary addresses the perceived need for automated robotic development of aptamers or aptamer conjugates with associated mass production to provide rapid passive immunity for large human populations in the event of a major pandemic or infectious disease doomsday scenario. 


Behzad Hussain1, 2, Abdullah Iqbal2, Muhammad Abubakar2*

... but Ribavirin antiviral drug is used to cure this disease. There is currently no commercially available vaccine for this disease. It is recommended that the disease can be controlled by adopting preventive measures such as avoiding of tick bites and contact with blood of the suspected animal. 


Anna-Maria Andersson*, Ann-Kristin Nyman, Per Wallgren

... antibodies in serum and dried blood samples collected from mink, a VP2 ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) system was recently evaluated. However, such estimations of disease progression are commonly based on single sampling occasions and it is essential to know if estimated antibody levels vary over a period of weeks or months. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the short term stability and the long term consistenc...

Ilham Ulla, G. Arjumand, Nawab Ali and Mohammad Akmal*

...ces decreased production drastically. Moreover, an increase of N from 120 kg ha-1 is not of much value under these circumstances but have the potential to investigate for increasing production of the sunflower crop in the region.  


Murtaza Ali*, Yasser Durrani and Muhammad Ayub

...e effect of selected dehydration techniques sun drier cabinet drier, tunnel dryer, solar drier and portable solar dryer, on the white mulberry fruit (Morus alba) variety grown in District Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan. After drying, mulberry frui...

Mukhtarullah1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal1* of wheat crop due to dry weather i.e. late rainfall and/or eventuality of the previous crop of the cropping system could result higher wheat production from the variety Pak-2013 instead of growth the existing local (Khattakwal). Higher grain yield for future food security with growing population is important to be harvested with replacing the existing low yielding varieties by any of the improved available wheat varieties (e.g. Lalma, Chakwal-50, and Pak.-...

Klara Fischer1*, Erika Chenais1,2, Emeli Torsson1, Jonas Johansson Wensman1

...hat increased efforts to draw lessons from the social sciences and to increase the degree of participation in PE could increase its potential as an important tool in disease impact assessment and control. Particular attention is paid here to the potential role of PE in future research on the epidemiology and control of PPR. 


Ali Tahmasebi1, Parvin Raji1*, Mostafa Kamali2

... standing balance in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy (CP) compared to normal children under altered sensory environment. Out of 30 participants in the study, 15 children were with spastic diplegic CP with mean age and body mass index of 7 ± 1.3 years and 14.70 ± 1.73 kg/m2 respectively and 15 normal children with mean age and ...

 Shahab e Saqib, Mokbul Morshed Ahmad, Sanaullah Panezai, Hidayatullah, Khalid Khan Khattak

...o revamp the policy to address the interests of small landholders, particularly those who possess land less than 5 acres because they had limited access to formal sources of credit.


 Arif Khan, Abdur Rahman, Shoail Akhtar, Siraj Uddin, Zahid Ullah and Nazir Ahmad

...d age. A total of one hundred and eight beef samples from Longissimus dorsi muscle were collected from three age groups (i.e. group 1= 12-18 monts, 2 =18.1-36.0 months and 3= > 36 months) of Kundi and Nili Ravi breeds of buffalo. Samples were obtained from freshly preselected slaughtered buffaloes at local municipal abattoir Peshawar. The effect of breed and animal age on marbling, water holding capacity (WHC) and tenderness and sarcomere lenth of the two b...

Christopher U Orji1*, Ignatius O Onyeocha2, Steven S Shaida3, Peter M Dede4, Bitrus Yakubu5, Elijah E Ella6 and Pam D Luka5

...ns using two mitochondrial DNA fragment primers- Cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) and Cytochrome b (CytB). Twelve samples of laboratory-reared population of each species were used for the study. Sequencing data were used to calculate haplotype, haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity for the two species. Based on combined loci of cytochrome oxidase II (COII) and cytochrome b (CytB), twelve haplotypes were generated for G. p. palpalis and fi...

 Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro, Qamaruddin Jogi, Mahmooda Buriro, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro, Ghulam Mustafa Laghari and Ali Nawaz Khaskheli


... shoot length and fresh/ dry weight seedling-1 were recorded for both C. arvensis and C. rotundus, respectively. The water extract of E. camaldulensis showed superiority in allelopathic effects over its powder. Inhibitory effect of water extract or powder increased at higher rate (30 ml or 30 g kg-1 soil). Hence, results conferred that eucalyptus leaves possess allelopathic potential which could be utilized for suppression of weeds under field conditions.


Muhammad Ibrahim, Jawaria Ali Khan, Muhammad Sarwar Khan, Wasim Shehzad, Muhammad Avais, Ali Husnain, Naimatullah Khan, Muhammad Kamran Ameen and Abdullah Iqbal

... were the most efficient drugs as 66% cows suffering from subclinical mastitis were recovered by treatment of each of them. Cows suffering from subclinical mastitis showed a 50 % recovery percentage when treated with lemon for five days and 33 percent cows recovered from subclinical mastitis when treated with Black Pepper for five days. Udder health status and milk quality can be enhanced with use of Garlic and Vitamin E + Se combination in cows.


Mian Shamas Murtaza1, Aysha Sameen1, Nuzhat Huma1 and Fatma Hussain2

...o assess the impact of hydrocolloid gums on functional, textural and sensory attributes of low fat Cheddar cheese. Buffalo milk was standardized at 2% and 4% fat levels to manufacture Cheddar cheese. Cheese samples were manufactured by adding xanthan gum and guar gums individually @ 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5% in low fat cheese (2% fat) besides the negative (2% fat) and positive (4% fat) control samples. The cheese samples were ripened at 6-8oC for 30 days and analyzed ...

Hina Fatima, Muhammad Azeem Khan, Mahreen Zaid-Ullah, Abdul-Jabbar, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai

...Khan of Pakistan. Two hundred and fifteen farms were selected from each of the NonBT-cotton farms and BT-cotton farms. The Cobb- Douglas Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) has been employed to determine the technical efficiency of these growers. Technical efficiency has been found dissimilar under both the situations. The estimated mean technical efficiency of NonBT cotton farmers has been found to be 0.70, and 0.90 is the technical efficiency found in that of...

Wan-Long Zhu* and Gao Wenrong 

...e an increase in mitochondrial protein contents and COX activity both in liver and brown adipose tissue, suggesting that A. chevrieri was more sensitive to cold than that of photoperiod. Together, these data suggested that A. chevrieri mainly depend on increasing thermogenic capacity to cope with cold or winter condition.


Usman Ijaz1, Muhammad Sajid Tahir2, Khalid Abdul Majeed3*, Shahid Iqbal4, Iffat Huma5, S. Firyal6, Ijaz Ahmed7, Shahid Chohan8 and Aamir Riaz Khan9 

...DNA sequences of mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Scat samples of 15 different known leopards were collected from Nathiagali, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. After amplification with specific oligos, the amplicons of partial region of COI were subjected to sequencing, and then observed for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNPs were observed on three loci of the COI gene as compared to reference ...

Sungil Kim1, Muhammad Riaz2, Amjad Farooq3 and Sungkwon Park4*

...ts of dietary distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) on growth performance, meat quality and fatty acid composition of pork belly. A total of 50 gilts and 50 barrows (initial BW 26±6.3 kg) were randomly allotted to 2 diets including a corn-based control diet and control plus 9% DDGS. After 105 d administration of experimental diets, growth performance, pork quality traits, and fatty acid composition in loin were analyzed. No significant difference...

Paul I. Ankeli, Mashood A. Raji, Haruna M. Kazeem, Moses O. Odugbo, Nendir J. Umaru, Idowu O. Fagbamila, Livinus T. Ikpa, Obinna O. Nwankiti, Issa A. Muraina, Pam D. Luka and Nicholas D. Nwankpa

...u State, Nigeria. One hundred and sixty six ear swab samples (n=166) were cultured from which eight (8) Mycoplasma species were isolated and characterized using conventional biochemical tests and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. Six (6) were observed to ferment glucose, reduce tetrazolium chloride and hydrolysed casein. They had no phosphatase activity, did not produce ‘film and spots’ and neither h...

Mazhir Nadeem Ishaq, Li Cui Xia, Rukhsana Rasheed, Zeeshan Ahmad, Muhammad Abdullah

...conometric techniques to draw inferences include the application of t-test, binary Logistic model and Propensity Score Matching (PSM) with algorithm of near neighbor (NN) and interval matching. The impact of cooperative membership on small milk producers was evaluated by calculating the values of average treatment effects (ATE) on eight performance indicators. The outcomes of study disclosed that cooperative members have higher farm income, more milk productio...

Muhammad Mushtaq, Umer Sadique, Naila Chand, Iftikhar Ahmed, Said Sajjad Ali Shah, Ijaz Ahmad, Imran Ullah and Muqadar Shah

...n broiler chicks. One hundred and twenty (120) day-old broiler’s chicks were alienated into four treatment groups namely WST-0, WST-I, WST-II and WST-III with three replication. Group WST-0 was kept as a control, while WST-I, WST-II and WST-III were treated with W. somnifera water based infusion @ 10, 20 and 30ml/lit respectively. The means were compared by using CRD as statistical model for analysis. Lipid profile and serum glucose was significantly imp...

Ghani Akbar, Muhammad Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Asif, Iqbal Hassan, Qurban Hussain3 and Greg Hamilton

...tivity of major crops. Addressing these issues, a long term experiment (2000 to 2009) under wheat-maize (9 seasons each) cropping pattern was conducted on raised beds (with furrow spacing of 65 cm (Narrow Bed-NB), 130 cm (Medium Bed- MB) and 180 cm (Wide Bed-WB)), with controlled traffic regime emplaced, in comparison with traditional intensive cultivated flat basin (FB) for evaluating impacts on soil, crop and water productivity. The results showed reduced bu...

Zuhao Huang1, Feiyun Tu2 and Dianhua Ke1*

...on. The complete mitochondrial genome of Blue-throated Bee-eater M. viridis was determined. The mitogenome is a circular DNA molecule of 18,295 bp and comprises of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, two rRNA genes and two control regions CR and CCR, which was first reported in the order Coraciiformes. The overall A+T content for the mitogenome is 52%, and the GC and AT skews are -0.400 and 0.108. Unlike to many other birds, no extra base is inserte...

Laila M. Fadda1, Nouf M. Al-Rasheed1, Iman H. Hasan1, Hanaa M. Ali2,3*, Nawal M. Al-Rasheed1,4, Musaed Al-Fayez5, Aly M. Ahmed5, Nada Almutlaq1, Nehal Qasem1 and Reem Khalaf1

...atase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total protein, total bilirubin, hepatic glutathione (GSH), nitric oxide (NO), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and lipid peroxides (LP) levels were estimated. Moreover these biochemical parameters were confirmed by histopathological examination using hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) and Mason trichrome stains (MTC). Immunohistochemical investigations for the expression of the proapoptotic protein (Bax) and the expression of m...

Mehreen Zaidullah and Hina Fatima

... 2001-02 and 2007-08. Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) is employed to estimate the budget shares and test for these shifts. The results confirm for the significance of the quadratic variables in the model except for the Oils’ group. The presence of these shifts have been proved in Pakistan and hence there are other factors as well like urbanization that causing these shifts in food demand, apart from the c...

Shagufta Jabeen1, Muhammad Saqlain Raja1, Sadia Saeed1, Muhammad Mobeen Zafar1, Rizwana Abdul Ghani1, Abid Mahmood1, Muhammad Fiaz2, Pakeeza Arzoo Shiaq1, Shahid Mahmood Baig3, S.M. Saqlan Naqvi1 and Ghazala Kaukab Raja1

... including other illicit drugs is a chronic, relapsing multifactorial disorder of brain and, if left untreated, major medical, social, and economic problems arise. Drug addiction is among major health issues faced by the World including Pakistan with an alarming annual increase in heroin addicts. The study was designed to identify the socio-demographic risk factors contributing to increasing susceptibility to heroin addiction in Pakistani populations. In this ...

Zisha Liu1, Na Song1, Takashi Yanagimoto2, Zhiqiang Han3, Bonian Shui3 and Tianxiang Gao3*

Metin Duru1*, Asuman Arslan Duru1, Köksal Karadaş2, Ecevit Eyduran3, Harun Cinli4 and Mohammad Masood Tariq5

... determine the effect of dried carrot (Daucus carota) leaf powder at different amounts on some external and internal egg characteristics of Hy-line white laying hens as a commercial type through two-way ANOVA, to estimate the Pearson correlation between pairs of egg external and internal characteristics and to predict each of egg internal characteristics from egg external characteristics, treatment and week through CHAID analysis. A total number of eighty, 56 ...

Haji Muhammad, Zafar Iqbal* and Saira Saleemi

...d Chao-1 (70.75). The Quadrate diversity Indices were applied to the data and Bootstrap replicates mean values of the following indices were recorded as Chao 2 (70.8), Jackknife 1 (72.9), Jackknife 2 (71.9) and Bootstrap (70.17). The study further indicated that the population of many endemic and commercially important fish species has declined while the exotic family Cichlidae representative of three species (Oreochromis mossambicus, Oreochromis aureus and Or...

Sadiq Hussain, Muhammad Sharif, Sarmad Khan, Fazli Wahid, Hina Nihar, Wiqar Ahmad, Imran Khan, Nadeem Haider and Tabassum Yaseen

...7 g pot-1, highest total dry matter yield of 36.3 g and 36 g pot-1, maximum roots dry weight of 5.6 and 5.41g pot-1, hundred grains weight of 4.64 g and 4.6 g were observed for the mycorrhiza inoculation with half and full dose of vermicompost treatments, respectively. Highest straw yield of 21.5 g and 21.2 g pot-1, maximum plant N uptake of 0.71 g and 0.68 g pot-1 were obtained by mycorrh...

Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Hamid Bashir1*, Bilal Saeed Khan1 and Muhammad Shahid2

...s the main strategy to address these issues including sucking pests. Different biocontrol agents are being used for the management of these sucking insect pests. Neoseiulus barkeri (Acari: Phytoseiidae) has been proved as an efficient acarine predator of sucking insect pests of different crops. This predator has also been reported from different localities of Pakistan. The main objective of this study was to screen out locally used pesticides i.e., pyriproxyfe...

Atul Sharma, Aruna Chandra Singh, Gautam Bacher, Sunil Bhand

...he consequences of multi drug resistance and potential threat to human health and the environment. With the increasing incidences of antimicrobial contamination, especially in food, dairy products, agriculture and environment, their regular monitoring is on prime interest. Aptamers are synthetic short sequences of single stranded (ss) oligonucleotides (ss-RNA or DNA), which are developed by an in-vitro selection process known as “Systematic Evolution of ...

Afzaal Ahmad Naseem1*, Maleeha Akram1, Sarwat Jahan2, Kiran Afshan2, Zubaria Iqbal1, Faheem Tahir3, Mazhar Qayyum1 and Syed Shakeel Raza Rizvi1

...rough stimulation of chondrocytes and osteoblasts. Furthermore, T promotes LGV through augmentation of GH secretion. Nevertheless, age and developmental stage dependent changes in GH and T and LGV and their associations require further investigation. This study examined relationships between GH and LGV, T and LGV and GH and T in 540 normal healthy boys of 1 to 20 years (n=27 boys/age group). The concentrations of GH and T were measured using specific ELISA sys...

Taghreed A. Hafiz1, Murad A. Mubaraki1*, Mohamed A. Dkhil2,3 and Saleh Al-Quraishy2

...ombination with standard drug to treat herpes infection.


Ecevit Eyduran1, Daniel Zaborski2*, Abdul Waheed3, Senol Celik4, Koksal Karadas5 and Wilhelm Grzesiak2

...on standards, favourable drug doses and required feed amount for animals. The ascertainment of the body measurements associated with BW using data mining algorithms can be considered as an indirect selection criterion for future goat breeding studies. 


Ali Raza Awan*, Sehrish Firyal, Muhammad Tayyab, Lala Rukh, M. Zia ul Haq, Shagufta Saeed and Muhammad Wasim polymorphism. Mitochondrial DNA of 24 unrelated Pakistani wild Ring-rose Parakeets was isolated and utilized for amplification and DNA sequencing of Cytb gene. The Phylogenetic analysis of the Cytb gene indicated that the Pakistani wild Rose ringed Parakeet was mono-phyletically claded with P. k. manillensis with a sequence similarity of 99.37%. Comparative analysis indicated 4 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) sites in the Pakistani wild Rose-ringed pa...

Sania Subhan Qureshi, Mian Saeed Sarwar and Zahir Shah

...stitches and for regular dressing of the wound with antiseptic. Antibiotics and analgesic was recommended for 3-5 days respectively. As per feedback of the owner, the wound was healed and no complication was reported from the owner.


Abdullah Mart1* and Orhan Erman2

...r beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) collected from Bingöl province between May 2003-October 2004 have been described.


Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1, Muhammad Naeem2, Sara Ferrando3, Lorenzo Gallus3, Noor Khan4, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman4, Abdul Ghaffar5 and Abdul Mateen6

Faiqah Ramzan*1 and Muhammad Haris Ramzan2

...thesis is regulated by androgens. As, dose dependent degeneration of prostate gland has been described following intraperitoneal kisspeptin treatment. However, effects of kisspeptin administration on the levels of prostatic citric acid remain elusive till date. The present study, therefore, addresses the effects of 12 day administration of kisspeptin on prostatic citric acid levels in male mice. Kisspeptin-10 was administere...

Abdul Mannan Babar1* and Abdul Hannan Nagi2 skin, ventral perichondrium, cartilage, and dorsal perichondrium punch excision, leaving behind only dorsal skin.


Oladipo Elijah Kolawole, Oloke Julius Kola and Awoyelu Hilda Elukunbi

...ired immuno-deficient Syndrome patients, several distinct and additional EBV-associated diseases may occur and some forms of malignancies. This study was designed to determine the incidence of EBV in Human immune-deficient virus (HIV)-infected individuals in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. Two hundred and seventy eight HIV-infected individuals were screened for EBV antibodies over a period of four months (August to November, 2...

KM Fakhrul-Islam, Mohammad Shah Jalal, Sonnet Poddr, Md Nurul Quader, Md Sahidur-Rahman, Avijit Dutta and Shuvo Mazumder

...ering clinical signs and drugs used for treatment during 13 January to 15 March 2015. A total of 131 cattle was investigated and 16.8% cattle cattle were recorded as FMD. The proportionate prevalence of FMD in different study areas were 4.5-18.2%. The occurrence of FMD was higher in February (23.3%) than in January (13.5%) and March (18.5%). Younger cattle were more commonly affected (59.1%) than older ones. Almost 96% of the female cattle were FMD positive. C...

Fukuan Du1,2, Yan Li2, Zhixin Wen1, Ruguo Chen1 and Pao Xu2* belonging to mitochondria, a total of 278,260,960 clean reads corresponding to mRNAs were obtained, these reads covered a total of 34,780,598,273 bases. A total of 48,657 SSR loci were recognized, of which 10,310 unigene sequences contain more than one SSR. These genetic markers are ideal molecular markers for the following investigating genetic diversity, constructing genetic maps, and marker assisted selection.


Oluwasogo David Olorunfemi, Oluwasegun Adetokunbo Adekunle, Felix Olayinka Oladipo, Temitope Oluwaseun Oladele and Oladimeji Idowu Oladele

...chnique to select one hundred and sixty respondents for the study. A purposive selection of two Local Government Areas each from the two Agricultural Development Programme administrative zones (Zones C and D) in Kwara State where fish farming is prominent and well-practiced was carried out. Forty fish farmers were then randomly selected from the fish farmers’ association chapter present in each selected Local Government Area. Interview-schedule was used ...

Ahmed Zein Mahmoud, Muaz Abdellatif and Ahmed Abdalla

....9 to 61.4%) to 56.7% in dry hot season. Species, year and location appeared to be having significant effect (p<0.01) on the frequency of circulating antibodies in the study. The results highlight that PPR in Hail is alarming and warrants mass vaccination along with appropriate control measures.


Salma Shaheen, Mumtaz Khan, Muhammad Jamil Khan, Saleem Jilani, Zarina Bibi, Muhammad Munir and Mehwish Kiran foliage yield (136%), dry foliage yield (16.4%), leaf length (20.2%) and leaf area (77.4%) were noted where pressmud + EM was applied as compared to its corresponding treatment without EM. Maximum Fe, Cu and Mn concentrations were found where pressmud + EM was applied. Dietary fiber, vitamin C and crude proteins were also increased in spinach with pressmud + EM application. It was concluded that EM-inoculated pressmud has higher potential to increases soil ...

Neelum Andaleeb and Munir Khan

...ction analysis show that dry fodder, green fodder and daily labor hours have positive significant effect on milk production, while herd size has negative significant effect. Furthermore, the addition of estimated coefficients is less than 1, indicating a decreasing return to scale in milk production. These results suggest that small sized dairy farms are more productive and profitable; however, farmers need to utilize each input at its allocatively efficient l...

Fida Mohammad, O.S. Abdalla, Sheraz Ahmed, Fakharuddin and S. Rajaram

...s for stresses including drought and rusts. To evaluate the grain yield and related yield components of synthetic derived bread wheat lines under different moisture levels, this research was conducted during 2006-07 in the field conditions of Tel Hadya and Breda i.e. the leading research venues of International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Syria. The experimental material comprised of forty synthetic derived wheat lines along wit...

Naushad Khan1*, Shahnaz Akhtar1, Munir Khan1, Shaista Naz2, Javeria Tanveer1 and Muhammad Kaleem3 window operation to address the problems of farmers while obtaining loan/credit from ZTBL. Such type of credit program ensuring proper utilization of credit should also be replicated to other districts of the province.

Muhammad Arshad1*, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan2*, Faisal Hafeez3, Ravaid Sherazi1 and Naeem Iqbal4
...phid, Hyadaphis coriandri (Das); cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae L.;pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) was evaluated in the laboratory in no choice and free choice feeding assays. In the no choice feeding assay, the stages of beetle (adults, 3rd and 4th instar) consumed more aphids than early stages (1st and 2nd instar). In the free choice feeding assay, the consumption of pea aphid (77....
Lingtong Ye1, Chao Cao1,2, Bin Tang1,2, Tuo Yao1, Ruixuan Wang1 and Jiangyong Wang1*
... analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene. Adult P. websteri exhibit a high degree of morphological plasticity in the palp pigmentation pattern, the shape of the anterior edge of the prostomium, the shape of the major spines on chaetiger 5, and the shape of the pygidium. The COI gene sequence demonstrated that the intraspecific distance of P. websteri was 0.33%, whereas the interspecific distance of P. websteri
Hafiz Aftab Ahmed1, Asif Ali2, Akbar Ali2, Salman Ahmed Abid3 and Sajid Umar4*
...ieved by 2% lignocaine hydrochloride. The skin was apposed with simple interrupted sutures using silk. Post-operative care was continued for five days. Clinical signs abated in all operated animals, proving that the technique employed was effective and of simple execution for the treatment of dorsal patellar fixation in bovine.
Sumra Ashraf1, Zain ul Abdin1,*, Saqi Kosar Abbas2,Rao Sohail Ahmad Khan3, Muhammad Tahir1, Sehrish Rasool1, Maryam Anwar1 and Fiaz Hussain1
... sugars and other carbohydrates. These food resources are commonly obtained from animal secretions or plant exudates which include honeydew, fruit juices and both floral and extra-floral nectar. A direct behavioral assay was conducted to investigate the dietary preference and effects of different diets on the fecundity, sex ratio and longevity of B. hebetor. Three different diets [Honey syrup, sugar syrup, date syrup and a control (water)] were used wit...
Yang Wang1, Zhide Cheng2, Mengjie Tang3, Haixia Zhou1, Xiaolu Yuan4,Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf5, Shuting Mao1 and Jing Wang1,*
...erm-specific lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-C4) gene Ldh-c is expressed in plateau pika skeletal muscles. In order to shed light on the effect of LDH-C4 on the anaerobic glycolysis in plateau pika skeletal muscle, 20 pikas were randomly divided into two groups the inhibitor group (experimental) and the control group, reach of 10 pikas. The pikas of experimental group were injected with 1 mL of 1 mol/L N-isopropyl oxamate, a spec...
Jun Cui, Xiaoxu Zhou, Zhicheng Wang, Derong Kong, Xuemei Qiu, Hongdi Wang and Xiuli Wang*
...d 19. The CcWap65 is a hydrophilic protein and no trans-membrane topological proteins. The SMART analysis revealed that CcWap65 contains three hemopexin-like repeats (E-value < 0.05). The crucian carp Wap65 was mainly expressed in liver, with limited expression observed in intestine, skeletal muscle and kidney. CcWap65 was significantly up-regulated in the liver of crucian carp after heat stress, suggesting that increase in Wap65 gene may be r...
Shazia Ali, Hizb Ullah and Sarwat Jahan*
...fy;">Beta thalassemia syndrome are a group of hereditary blood disorders in which or absent beta globin chain synthesis, results in reduced Hemoglobin, decreased RBC production and anemia. Total 300 individuals were divided into 4 groups according to age and gender i.e ≤13 years females, >13 years females, ≤13 years and >13 years males. Height in centimeter, weight in kilogram was measured to calculate BMIKg/m2. Serum ferritin (ng...

Tuli Dey, Sonnet Poddar and Mukti Barua

... 3rd lactation came to Madras veterinary college with the clinical sign of complete uterine prolapse which calved one day before. The cow was handled and the prolapsed mass was corrected so carefully that there could be saved the life without any complication. The prolapsed mass of cow was managed with lukewarm water and manual pressure replacement in non-raising condition of hindquarter. Vulvar Retention Suture (modified Bhuners suture) was given for not to r...

 Eman M. Farghaly1, Ahmed Samy1,2*, Heba Roshdy

...rmation is important for drug choice and success of treatment as well as spotting the light on emerging antimicrobial resistance that represent major concern for public health. A total one hundred swabs and 500 organ samples were collected from apparently healthy and freshly dead quails respectively. Bacterial isolation and characterization were performed in accordance with the clinical laboratory standards and confirmed by ...

Zahir Shah, Ahmed Nawaz Tunio, Shakoor Ahmad, Ijaz Ahmad, Javid Ali, Sher Bhader Khan

... Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, University of Agriculture Peshawar-Pakistan. The surgery was performed under paravertebral anesthesia at T13, L1-3 using xylocaine 2% in standing position after proper sedation. The operated site was prepared for aseptic surgical procedure. A vertical incision was given in middle of the left flank region. Twin fetuses (one male and female) were surgically removed with care to avoid proliferation of uterine ...

Iftikhar Ahmad, Abdul M. Saleem, Ghulam Mustafa, Khurram Ziaf, Irfan Afzal and Muhammad Qasim

...ium chloride (KCl) and Hydropriming) on germination and seedling vigor of Gerbera jamesonii and Zinnia elegans. Seeds of Gerbera jamesonii and Zinnia elegans were primed in salt solutions and distilled water for 24 h and 12 h, respectively, and germinated at 25 ± 1 °C with 40-60% R.H. in 16/8 hours day/night conditions. Results revealed that pre-sowing seed treatment particularly halopriming with CaCl2 was the most effective for invigoration of gerb...

 Abdul Wajid Khalil and Zafar Iqbal

...ns. The result of carbohydrate (75.56±0.046%) of aerial parts was found higher as compared to the roots (31.22±0.05%) while protein (37.46±0.02%) and organic matter (21.25±0.03%) was recorded higher in roots than the aerial parts of B. procumbens. Calcium (309.73±0.06mg/100g), potassium (274.59±0.08mg/100g) and iron (32.58±0.05mg/100g) were found in highest amounts in aerial parts as compared to the roots. The C...

 Sheraz Ahmed and Fida Mohammad

...ovement program. One hundred recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from four F4 populations of Flue Cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco were tested to identify effective selection indices. Experimental material was planted at two locations i.e. Mardan (E-1, E-3 and E-5) and Mansehra (E-2, E-4 and E-6) using alpha lattice design with three replicates during 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15. Heritability in broad sense was generally low for all traits except nicotine an...
Nadeem Rashid1,*, Masroor Ahmad Bajwa1, Mohammad Masood Tariq1, Tanvir Ahmad2, Majed Rafeeq1, Zafar Ahmad1, Mohammad Arif Awan1, Mohammad Ali1, Muhammad Zahid Mustafa1, Muhammad Shafee1, Asad Ulah1 and Amanullah Khan3
... were determined by oven drying and pH meter, respectively. Viable fungal count of the feed samples was estimated by using spread plate technique. Identification of fungal isolates was carried out on the basis of cultural and morphological characters by using slide culture technique. While mean moisture percentage was recorded as 5.3% with a significant difference (P<0.05), the pH was noted to be slightly acidic with non-significant difference (P>0.05) a...

Mohammad Raoofi and Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim

...ed the highest fresh and dry yield in the second cutting. However, weed non-interference increased the levels of superior morphological traits of alfalfa, such as fresh and dry yield, plant height, and number of leaves per plant, number of main-stem nodes, leaf area and percentage of vegetation cover as well as increased the nutritional value of alfalfa in terms of nutrient elements, proteins and factors such as ADF, Ash, CF...
Cansu Akbulut1,*, Tuğba Kotil2, Burcu Öztürk1 and Nazan Deniz Yön1
...c catastrophe in mitochondria , chromatin condensation, mitochondrial vesiculation and dispersion at ooplasm were observed. In mitochondria, mitotic catastrophe , vesiculation, swelling and loss of organization of cristae were detected.Here we showed that TiO2 exposure trigger paraptotic type cell death in zebrafish ovary.
Sung Kwon Park1a, Jin Young Jeong2a, Eun Seok Cho3, Yong Dae Jeong3 and Chang Seok Park4*
...lets. This post-viral syndrome results in severe economic losses in the pig industry. However, limited information on the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus-infected pigs is available. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify transcriptomes with RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) in peripheral blood mononucleated cell (PBMC) of piglets, Large White x Landrace crossbreds, infected with live strain PED virus (PEDV). Several gene o...
Wali Khan*, Ghazal Mumtaz, Saima Bibi and Salma Afzal
...rasitic infection. Coriandrum annum (Coriander) was found highly contaminated 14.2% with parasitic infection while Zingiber officinale (Ginger) with least 1.78%. The vegetable collected from lower Dir were highly infected 41(73.2) than the upper Dir district 15(26.7). Based on the results of the present study it was suggested that vegetables are the possible source of transmission of intestinal parasites.

Muhammad Shahid1, Iram Amin1,*, Samia Afzal1, Zareen Fatima1, Sadia Zahid1, Usman Ashraf1 and Muhammad Idrees2
...n people each year. To address dengue outbreak 2013 in Pakistan we aimed to conduct a comprehensive study at molecular level to determine the main causative serotype of 2013 DENV outbreak in Pakistan. Overall 703 serologically positive suspected patients from different major health centers of Pakistan were registered in present study of which 214 were females and 489 were male. Overall weighted prevalence of PCR positivity was 38% (268). Of the total 268 PCR p...
Irum, Akram Shah*, Sobia Wahid, Nazma Habib Khan and Qaisar Jamal
...s. Pakistan was declared dracunculaisis-free in 1996. The present study is a follow-on to the declared eradication of dracunculiasis in Dera Ismail Khan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Province, Pakistan through investigating disease recurrences and Cyclops species in drinking water sources. A cross-sectional household survey was carried out using in-person questionnaire evaluat...
Salman Khalid1,*, Abdul Rehman2, Mohammad Yasin Amir1, Abdul Rehman1, Imran Sarfaraz1 and Muhammad Asif1
...nd efficacy of different drugs on controlling tick’s infestation in commercial layer, a double blind randomized controlled trial was conducted. For therapeutic trials, the 80 birds (n= 60 infested with ticks, n= 20 healthy birds) were selected and divided into four groups (A, B, C and D), each comprising of 20 birds. Group A and B were treated with Ivermectin @ 0.2mg/Kg orally for two days and Fipronil (Spray at once), respectively. Group C was kept as p...

Muhammad Waqas1*, Anwar Ali Shad1, Omaira Bashir2 and Mohsin Iqbal3

...t and diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) by using 50 to 200 mg/kg carotenoids in sunflower oil and spaghetti. The sunflower oil containing 50 to 200 mg/kg carotenoids showed higher antioxidant activity in comparison to 200 mg/kg Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Optimum cooking time, its weight and swelling index were remained same at different level of oil carotenoids tomato peel powder when compared with control. On the other ...

Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

...n the present era led to drastic changes in the transformation of agriculture to produce more farm commodities in shortest possible time with minimum inputs. Agriculture is the pivotal source of producing food crops including dairy, fruit cultivation, poultry, bee keeping and edible and non-edible like forestry products etc. An Agriculture Extension Officer (AEO) plays the role of a hub in agricultural development and covers all the areas of Agriculture. The p...
Tianzhu Chao, Huiqiang Cai, Yuxun Zhou, Kai Li* and Junhua Xiao
...A sequences from mitochondrial D-loop fragments. Our analyses revealed that Mus musculus musculus and M. m. castaneus are older colonized subspecies with broad distributions in East China, while M. m. domestics is a newly arrived subspecies currently restricted to Shanghai, indicating the elevated risk in this cosmopolitan cities. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that M. m. musculus migrated from northern China to eastern China and t...
Jun Gao1,2, Liang-Liang Yue3, Xianhuan Jiang1, Liju Ni4, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf5, Yuxun Zhou,1 Kai Li1,* and Junhua Xiao1,*
...populations. The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt b) and control region (CR) were sequenced and 49 haplotypes were observed. No shared haplotype was found among different geographic populations. High Fst values among the populations suggested that fragmentation of habitat has resulted in genetically distinct populations. The trees, inferred from maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis, highly supported all the M. f...
Maoying Zhu, Yuntao Ji, Xiaoyu Wang, Junying Pu and Changqing Qu*
... the effect of fasudil hydrochloride and H2 on the post-thaw viability of cryopreserved porcine adipose-derived stem cells. Four different combinations of cryoprotectants with and without hydrogen gas (H) (purified H2 was dissolved into normal cryopreservation solution for 2 hrs under 0.6 MPa were tested including the following groups: control (CK), 100µm GSH, 10µm fasudil hy
YaQiu Liu and ZhiJian Wang*
...ntained abundant mitochondria and pinocytotic vesicles. Epithelium of posterior intestine was thin, translucent and squamous with dense blood capillary network underground, while there were no folds on mucous membrane surface. Distance between blood capillary network and intestinal cavity was 1.95±0.34 μm. Respiration epithelial cells of posterior intestine are a kind of modified squamous epithelial cells which show the ultrastructural charact...

Wazha Mugabe1,2, Lawrence Akanyang1, Mackenzie Nsinamwa1, Batanani Moatswi1, Naledi Matthews1, Kealeboga Dipheko1, Imtiaz Ahmed Ujjan3 and Assar Ali Shah2*

...rposes for cattle in the dry season. Thus understanding the dynamics on rangeland response to grazing could prove worthy in finding an equilibrium point for optimizing animal productivity, with limited range degradation. Therefore, the current study was aimed at determining and comparing fodder tree species composition along grazing gradient in fenced and unfenced grazing area in the Gaborone North Region. For each study area, two parallel transects measuring ...

Waqas Ahmed Dogar2, Arshad Ali Khan3*, Saeed Ahmed2, Sudheer Tariq2, Mukhtar Ahmad2, Muhammad Imran2, Muhammad Noman2 and Nadeem Khan1 

...and Musambi) grown under drip irrigation at Postgraduate Agriculture Research Station (PARS) Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Plants were grown at three planting distances as T1 (11 x 22ft), T2 (11 x 11ft) and T3 (22 x 22ft). T1 (11x22ft) was optimum plantation and showed best results for yield. Maximum fruit yield per plant (3.6373 kg) was observed from the same plants. T2 (11 x 11ft) was close plantation and had more...
Ahmed Mujtaba1, Tariq Masud1, Asif Ahmad1, Waqar Ahmed3, Saqib Jabbar3* and Robert E. Levin2
...l of chlorogenic acid on dry weight basis. It is concluded that apricot may be an alternative, natural and supplemental treatment for diseases associated with these pathogens.

Usman Shakoor1*, Mudassar Rashid1, Abdul Saboor2, Nabila Khurshid1, Zuhair Husnain2 and Abdul Rehman2

... changing climate will address this serious concern expected in the future.


Nirbhay Kushwaha, Achuit K Singh, Brotati Chattopadhyay and Supriya Chakraborty

Recent advances in geminivirus detection and future perspectives
... size) and twined icosahedral virions (18 x 30 nm). Based on genome organization, host range and insect-vector, geminiviruses are divided into four genera:Mastrevirus, Curtovirus, Topocuvirus and Begomovirus. Begomoviruses are transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius) and usually possess a bipartite genome of twoDNAcomponents approximately 2.7 kb in size, designated as DNA-A and DNA-B. Monopartite begomoviruses are also known to occur. Recently, a n...

Honnur Basha, Vinaya Hemannavar, B.Ramanujam, R. Rangeshwaran and S.Sriram 

Screening of chilli microflora and other biocontrol agents for their antagonistic effects on Colletotrichum spp. infecting chillies
...a and Pithomyces. One-hundred and thirteen isolates of chilli microflora and 49 isolates of Trichoderma, 19 isolates of Bacillus sp., 34 isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens and 29 isolates of yeasts from NBAII germplasm collection of biocontrol agents were tested for their antagonistic effect on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. capsici by dual culture test. Among the isolates of chilli microflora tested, Aspergillus flavus showed 70.2% inhibition of C. gl...

Sitansu Pan, Surojit Khalko and Amrita Das

Effect of some fungicides on seed mycoflora, germination, viability and their persistence in treated seeds

Palash Mondal1 , Amitava Konar2 and N. Johnson Singh3

Evaluation of insecticidal schedules for the management of insect pests of potato
...madicloprid and cartap hydrochloride, respectively at 40, 55 and 70 DAP than other treatments. Maximum yield of healty potato tuber was recorded in the plot treated with chlorpyriphos before planting and foliar spray of acephate, imadichloprid and chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin at 40, 55 and 70 DAP(T ).Yield of damaged tuber caused by soil pests was found maximum in control plot and it was recorded lowest in T treatment which received soil application of phorate...

B. Ramanujam, R. D. Prasad, S. Sriram and R. Rangeswaran

Mass production, formulation, quality control and delivery of Trichoderma for plant disease management
...ed to the seed either by dry seed treatment or by seed biopriming for control of several soil-borne diseases of some field crops. Similarly, seedlings of horticultural crops and rice are treated by dipping the roots in Trichoderma suspensions before planting. Granular or pellets preparations and Trichoderma enriched FYM have been used for soil application directly and have provided effective control of diseases both nurseries and field conditions. To ensure th...

Sitansu Pan and N. K. Mishra

Epidemiological studies on some diseases of guava (Psidium guajava L.)
...ioides), stem canker and dry fruit rot (Botryodiplodia theobromae) and Phytophtora fruit rot (Phytophthora nicotianae var parasitica) of guava were analysed for predictive purpose from regression equations. The simple correlation coefficient matrix showed significantly positive correlation of canker severity with maximum relative humidity at 1% level whereas, anthracnose correlated well with minimum relative humidity, temperature and number of rainy days at 5%...

Basudeb Dasgupta, Partha Dutta and Srikanta Das

Biological control of foot rot of betelvine (Piper betle L.) caused by Phytophthora parasitica Dastur
...ease occurred where four drenching and eight sprayings of BM at monthly and fortnightly intervals respectively were applied in the 1st year. In the 2nd year, the minimum foot rot disease was recorded in the treatment where four applications of the Trichoderma preparation ha-1 at quarterly intervals were given. The maximum foot rot disease was recorded in control treatment. The yield parameters like fresh weight of 100 leaves and leaf yield were good in treatme...

Debjani Chowdhury, P. C. Paul and B. Dasgupta

Management of leaf spot of Centella asiatica (Thankuni) caused by Alternaria sp. and target leaf spot of Rauvolfia serpentina (Sarpagandha) caused by Corynespora cassicola
...t yield in fresh weight, dry weight of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight of 1000 leaves was recorded. Application of mancozeb resulted in the lowest PDI of target spot of Sarpagandha, increased the yield (both fresh weight and dry weight of the plant per sq.M) and increased the fresh weight and dry weight of plants.


Amitava Konar, Palash Mondal and N. Johnson Singh

Occurrence of potato pests in different dates of planting in Gangetic plains of West Bengal, India
...Bengal, India. Kufri Chandramukhi was planted in five dates of planting starting from 3rd week of November with one week interval upto 3rd week of December with a spacing of 60×20 cm. The trial was laid in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four replications. The recommended practices for raising the crop in the field was maintained except the application of insecticides. It was observed that the crops of first planting (at 3rd week of November) harboure...

K.N. Ahmed , M.A. Al-Helal, N-E-P. Khanom, S. Bulbul

Control strategies of papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Willink infesting vegetable crops in Bangladesh
... leaf deformation, early dropping of the leaves and fruits, a heavy accumulation of honeydew and death of the host plants. Heavy infestation is capable of making fruits inedible due to the deposition of thick white waxy material by this mealybug. Five biopesticides i.e., tobacco medicine (100 %), tobacco leaf extract (20 % ), mehgoni seed oil (5 % ), castor seed oil (5 % ) and neem seed oil (5 % ) were used to assess their effects on the mortality of P. margin...

M. S. A. Mamun and M. Ahmed

Integrated pest management in tea: prospects and future strategies in Bangladesh In tea husbandry, cultural control measures such as plucking, pruning, shade regulation, field sanitation, fertilizer application, manipulation or destruction of alternate hosts and selection of pest resistant/tolerant varieties and mechanical mechanisms like manual removal, heat treatments, light traps, use of bio-pesticides, bio-control agents and sex pheromone trap need to be given more importance in pest management programme. A tentative IPM st...

Nilesh Suresh Gole and Bijan Kumar Das

Biology of Dichromia sagitta (Fabricius) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera), a serious pest of Indian ipecac, Tylophora indica
...P on MAPB) at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal during 2010-2011 on seasonality, extent of damage and biologoy of D. sagitta on T. indica. The larvae were active almost throughout the year, fed voraciously on leaves and flowers causing extensive damage to T. indica during June and December. Eggs were laid singly or in batch of 2-3 on younger leaves (mostly on under surface) or on young shoot tips. Life cycle was completed...

Amitava Konar, Kiran A. More and Pradip Mondal

Efficacy of some insecticides against cutworm and molecricket of potato in West Bengal ha-1 at planting plus drenching the ridges with chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 2.5ml/L of water on appearance of pest (T5) was found most effective in decreasing the incidence of cutworm and molecricket followed by soil treatment at planting with phorate 10 G @15kg ha-1 with addition drenching the ridges with imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.004% (2ml/10L of water) on the occurrence of the pest (T6 ) than other treatments as well as contr...

A. Regupathy and R. Ayyasamy

Initiatives of papain industry by private-public-farmer link-ages in classical biocontrol program for papaya mealybug in Tamil Nadu
...ogether. Considering the drastic reduction in the wet latex supply, SPFP has taken up series of initiatives which are summarized in this paper. Initially, a survey made in more than 80 farmers holdings supplying wet latex to the industry to get the first hand information on the extent of mealy bug incidence. Secondly, it facilitated select cluster of papaya growers to meet the concerned authorities and scientists of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), C...

Md Riton Choudhury, Koushik Brahmachari, Sudeshna Kar and Rupayan Deb

Integration of weed management practices in rice-potato-groundnut cropping sequence
...; Block Farm, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia West Bengal in two consecutive years (2009-10 and 2010-11) to study the effect of different weed management measures (e.g. hand weeding, herbicides, mulching etc.) on the yield of crops in sequence and cost effectiveness of different weed control measures. Rice exhibited the maximum yield when treated with two hand weedings, but it may be profitably replaced by the application of herbicides. Fr...

M. A. Al-Helal, K. N. Ahmed, N-E-P. Khanom, and S. Bulbul 

Observations on papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Willink (Hemiptera : Pseudococcidae) damag-ing some crops in Bangladesh
...are most active in warm, dry and humid weather. The male adult mealybugs possess two pairs of wings. Female have no wings and move by crawling short distances or by being blown in air currents. Female usually lays 100 to 600 eggs. Eggs are greenish-yellow in colour measuring 0.120 cm diameter and laid in an ovisac that 3-4 times the body length. Eggs are covered with white waxy substances developed ventrally by the adult female. Egglaying is continued up to 2 ...

Biswajit Pramanick, Sruti Karmakar, Koushik Brahmachari, Rupayan Deb 

An integration of weed management practices in potato un-der New Alluvial soil
...Block farm of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal. The experiment was laid out in RBD with nine treatments replicated thrice. The predominant weed flora in the experimental field of potato was Cyperus rotundas, Chenopodium album, Anagallis arvensis and Fumaria purviflora. The results revealed that the maximum tuber yield and return per rupee invested vis-à-vis the maximum N, P, K uptake by potato and the minimum uptake of N...

Dipak Mandal, Paramita Bhowmik, Pronobesh Halder and M. L. Chatterjee

Determination of relative toxicity and base line data of dif-ferent insecticides against cotton mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley)
...l Entomology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Mohanpur during 2012. Both treated food untreated insect and treated food treated insect methods were followed. The lowest LC50 values through treated food untreated insect method were recorded in chlorpyriphos 20 EC (226 ppm) and dichlorvos 75 EC (282 ppm) in treated food treated insect method, which was 8.89 and 7.13 times more relatively toxic in respective method after 24 hours when compared to the...

D. C. Khatua, B. Mondal and G. Saha

Bioassay of some agricultural chemicals, human drugs and disinfectants on Phytophthora melonis Katsura causing fruit and vine rot of pointed gourd
...ctants and antiprotozoal drugs were tested on Phtophthora melonis Katsura causing fruit and vine rot of pointed gourd in aqueous environment. Antifungal antibiotics viz. validamycin, kasugamycin, griseofulvin, fluconazole and ketoconazole did not have any pronounced effect on mycelial growth, sporangia formation and its germination. None of the eight antibiotics used in this study prevented mycelial growth. No sporangia formation was recorded in five antibioti...

S. Patra, V.W. Dhote, SK F. Alam, B.C. Das, M.L. Chatterjee and A. Samanta

Population dynamics of major insect pests and their natural enemies on cabbage under new alluvial zone of West Bengal studied at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Kalyani, West Bengal(India) during rabi season of 2011-12 and 2012-13. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Cabbage (cv Rareball) seedlings were transplanted in the plot of 9 m2 area with 45cm x 45cm spacing. Observation was recorded at weekly interval from randomly selected five plants /plot. Peak population of diamond back moth (DBM) was recorded on 1st March an...

M. S. Joshi , D.M. Sawant and A.P. Gaikwad

Isolate variations in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting pomegranate

Anjan Bhattacharyya, Suhrid Ranjan Barik & Pritam Ganguly

New pesticide molecules, formulation technology and uses: Present status and future challenges
... gel, floating granules, drift less dust, macro and micro encapsulated suspension, hollow fibers, monolithic matrix, laminated structures etc can avoid these problems. The prime motto for these developments is to give protection to the crops along with safety to the natural enemies of different pests as a whole safety to environment.



Goutam Samui and S. Jha

Biology, seasonal incidence and management of Apsylla cistellata Bucton. on mango in West Bengal
...y eggs at the sides of midribs during first week to end of March. Incubation period lasted from first week of March to middle of August. Eggs hatched in the middle of August and gall formation had been found to start from first week of September. Nymphal period lasted from mid of August to end of February. Adult emergence occurred from fourth week of February and continued up to third week of March. Nymphs initially fed from midr

Amitava Konar and N. Johnson Singh

Occurrence of aphids on various potato germplasms in eastern gangetic plains of West Bengal
...germplasms viz Kufri Chandramukhi, Kufri Jyoti, Kufri Jawhar along with three processing varieties like Kufri Chipsona-1, Kufri Chipsona-2 and Atlantic were screened against aphids. Potato seed tuber was planted by end of November following all standard agronomic practices except insecticide application. The aphid species viz. Myzus persicae (Sulzur) and Aphis gossypi Glover were recorded first during third week of December and crossed the threshold limit (20 ...

S. Pal, H. Banerjee and N. N. Mandal 

Efficacy of low dose of herbicides against weeds in transplanted kharif rice (Oryza sativa L.)
...luvial Zone), Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Chakdaha, Nadia, West Bengal. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 7 treatments and 3 replications. The results revealed that the major weed flora associated with the transplanted rice during kharif season was mainly comprised of Echinochloa colona (30 %), Cyperus difformis (20 %), Monochoria vaginalis (30 %) and Ludwigia parviflora (20 %). Penoxsulam 24 SC at 0.0225 kg a.i. ha-1 appl...

Someshwar Bhagat and Sitansu Pan

Comparative ecological behaviour of some pre- and post-tsunami isolates of Trichoderma harzianum and T. viride from Andaman & Nicobar Islands
...n of other organisms withdrawn compared to natural and sun dried soil. Both competitive parasitic behaviour and rhizosphere colonization was low in post-Tsunami isolates of Trichoderma. The chlamydospore inoculum was found best in percentage colonization of sclerotia of boh R. solani and S. rolfsii, followed by mycelial and conidial inoculum. The isolate ThrAN-5 (T. harzianum) was most efficient in parasitizing the sclerotia...

Dhananjoy Mandal 2K. Baral 3M. K. Dasgupta

Developing site-specific appropriate precision agriculture
...cide threatened with withdrawal. We understand Appropriate PA (Appropriate Precision Agriculture, APA) as Site-Specific Appropriate Precision Agriculture (SSAPA) applied to cropping system management with geoinformatics and agriinformatics as may be available of land, soil, including its nutrient content and availability of requisite water, meteorology, agrometeorology and forecasting inputs and outputs by marketing, production, protection and processing, and ...

Partha Pratim Ghosh and 2N. C. Mandal 

Some disease management practices for bacterial wilt of potato
... stable bleaching powder drenching with out removal of affected plant at 40 Days After Planting (DAP) @ 10 gL-1, along with protective banding with well decomposed cowdung + oilcake + Single Super Phosphate + Muriate of Potash mixture at 20:5:3:1 in each bacterial wilt affected plant + mancozeb spray @ 2.5 gL-1 at 50, 57 and 60 DAP) were the best treatment in terms of their responses to yield, disease management and higher return per rupee investment. The high...

T. P. Ghosh, D. Mandal, S. Laha and M. K. Dasgupta 

Dynamics and severity model in managing fungal diseases
...d fastest during hot and dry (summer to pre-rainy) months. A generalized 0-9 point scale was prepared and used to determine severity (= Percent Disease Index, PDI). Strongly predictive equations for severity in terms of intensity in all cases but one viz. Alternaria leaf spot of Dracaena deremensis in terms of occurrence were developed. Such relationships helped prior assessment of severity before the disease reaches the predicted level. Thus, although crop lo...

Shyam Singh and L.P. Awasthi

Plant products for the management of yellow mosaic disease of mungbean and urdbean
... eight sprays of Clerodendrum aculeatum. Whereas, eight sprays of Boerhaavia diffusa root extract could reduce the disease incidence by 60.27 and 58.20 per cent followed by Azadirachta indica leaf extract by 42.43 and 42.92 percent in mungbean and urdbean, respectively. Maximum plant height (70.90 and 56.20 cm), primary branches (6.36 and 6.38 per plant), secondary branches (13.56 and 10.68 per plant), nodules (27.48 and 37.69 per plant), pods (17.25 and 22.85...

S. Pal and I. Sarkar

Pests infesting ornamental plants in hilly region of West Bengal
...and Chrysanthemum during dry summer months.


Beenish Zahid1,*, Asim Aslam2, Zafar Iqbal Chaudhry2 and Raheela Akhtar2
...oic membrane. The two hundred birds were divided into 4 groups A, B, C and D). The birds in group A were commercial broiler chicks having maternal derived antibodies and were challenged with IBDV field isolate at the rate of 0.1ml of EID50 (virus titer 105.50/100μl) on 2nd week of age through eye drops. Group B specific antibody negative (SAN) chicks were challenged with same dose at 2nd w...
Burhan Azam1, Muhammad Naeem Tahir2,*, Faisal Shahzad2, Abdul Ghaffar3, Ghulam Abbas4, Madiha Gohar5 and Saima1 concentrate ration on dry matter (DM) intake, milk production and composition, and diet digestibility in Nili Ravi buffaloes. Four lactating Nili-Ravi buffaloes of 3rd and 4th parity and milk production of 8±2.3 kg/day were selected and offered a basal diet based on sorghum forage and concentrate ration supplemented with fibrolytic enzyme (Fibrozyme™, Alltech Inc. Company, USA) at four levels (T1 = 0, T2 = 10, T3 = 15 and ...
Mousa Keshavarz1*, Maryam Soyuf Jahromi2
.... The males’ total dry weights were < 20 g and > 40 g but females’ were between 10 to 40 g. The total wet weight was > ~2x (females) and > ~7x (males) the total dry weight. The wet gonad weights is ~3x of the dry gonad weight of gonads and the two-thirds of total wet weight is the moisture of gonads. In females, Interquartile Range for gonad moisture content (GMC) w...
P.P. Ghosh*, C. Ghosh, B. Mahato, A. Chakraborty, S.K. Bhattacharya and M.K. Bhattacharjya
...ial wilt malady can be addressed by prophylactic application of lime at 500 kg/ha and bleaching powder 20 kg/ha in the soil four weeks before transplanting followed by seed dressing with 20g bioinoculant formulation per kg seed, pre-transplanting seedling root treatment with 20g bioinoculant formulation per litre and spot soil application of 7 days old mixture of bioinoculant formulation and well rotten cow-dung manure (1:40...
P.P. Ghosh*, A. Chakraborty, S.K. Bhattacharya, C. Ghosh, B. Mahato and M.K. Bhattacharjya
...esults showed that grain dressing with both neem and mustard oil under botanical approaches performed significantly superior over other approaches and traditional practice in terms reduction in percent infestation (92%), increase in germination percentage (36.04%), 88% increase in the quantity of viable seed after storage and benefit-cost ratio. Therefore, seed dressing with neem or mustard oil at 2ml/kg seed can be finally ...
Obaidullah1, Zafar Ali Shah1* and Sami Ullah2
...the presence of sodium hydroxide (0.1 N) in double distilled water at pH of 7.6 having temperature 40 °C for 3 hours. Whereas, copper-Lapachol nanoparticle synthesis was performed by treating 1 mM copper acetate tetrahydrate (Cu (CH3COO)2. 4H2O) with 1 mM solution of Lapachol at pH of 7.8 having temperature 40°C for 5 hours. Both newly formulated silver and copper nanoparticles were characterized using UV-visible, FT...
Fariha Imtiaz1, Muhammad Islam1, Hamid Saeed2,*, Bushra Saleem1, Maryam Asghar1 and Zikria Saleem2
...gherquantities of carbohydrates, proteins and secondary metabolites in methanol compared to other extracting solvents. Moreover, only ethanol (5 and 10%) and petroleum ether (5%) demonstrated significant hair growth promoting effects (p < 0.05) compared to standard, i.e., 5% minoxidil and extracts in other solvents. Likewise, ethanol (5% and 10 %) and petroleum ether (5%) extract had significant impact (p < 0.05) on hair length in comparison to mi...

Mahmoud Said1*, Abd El Satar Arafa1, Mohammed A. Rohaim2* and Hussein A. Hussein2

...ultry, a total of one hundred day old commercial broiler chicks were vaccinated with LaSota. A group of chicks (n=40) were immunized using baculovirus (H5 and ND) inactivated vaccine via subcutaneous route. Birds (n=20) were then either challenged with 106 EID50 using Egyptian avian influenza H5N1 and Newcastle disease genotype VII. Comparative blood profiling in vaccinated and challenged, non-vaccinated and non-challenged and non-vaccinated and challenged ind...
Naimat Ullah Khan1,2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1Nisar Ahmad3, Ayesha Hassan1, Sultan Ayaz2, Sajid Umar4, Muhammad Luqman Sohail5,*, Muhammad Shafee6, Ikramullah Khan7, Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Azmat Ullah Khan8Naimat Ullah Malik1 and Abdul Razzaq9
...ce (P<0.05) among children of different age groups with highest disease prevalence in children of less than 5 years of age (21.40%) and lowest in children of 11-15 years of age (15.99%). Cryptosporidium was significantly higher (P<0.05) in study subjects having livestock animal contact and persistent diarrhea, highlighting its zoonotic potential from livestock animals to human...
Rafi Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan1,*, Abdul Hafeez1, Asad Sultan1, Nazir Ahmad Khan2, Naila Chand1 and Naseer Ahmad1 
...s (P < 0.05). FCR and dressing percentage were similar among the all groups (P > 0.05). Albumin was higher in D1 group in comparison with other groups (P < 0.05), however, other blood parameters and carcass characteristics indicated no significant differences (P > 0.05). Cost per kg of feed gradually decline with increasing dietary level of SCM inclusion levels (P < 0.05), indicating higher economic benefit. However, the gross return per bird an...
Muzammil Sattar
... were: Casein, Protein hydrolysate, Torula yeast and Nu lure. Al these proteins were tested in laboratory at four concentrations, i.e., 1, 3, 5 and 7 mg/ml in diet. Significantly higher fecundity 785.12±25.7, fertility 89.23±0.36 % of eggs and longer oviposition period 42.13±1.11 days were recorded in adults feeding on a diet containing Nu lure followed by protein hydrolysate (control diet). The F...
Muhammad Ashfaq,1 Shamim Akhtar,2 Saleem Akhtar2,* and Mariyam Masood2
...A sequences from mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) and nuclear (internal transcribed spacer I) genes to identify the hyperparasitoid Promuscidea unfasciativentris. The successful PCR-based detection of hyperparasitism is promising for designing strategies for the biological control program of cotton mealybug.

Shahid Iqbal Khattak1*, Mohammad Safdar Baloch1, Khalid Naveed2 and Ejaz Ahmad Khan1

Khurram Shahzad and Mohammad Akmal*

... Pakhtunkhwa) using seed drill in rows spaced 0.25 m equal distances. Recommended rates of phosphorus and potassium were applied yielding 90 and 60 kg ha-1respectively while the N-application rates (i.e. NAR 0, 100, 120, 140 and 160 kg ha-1) were added with different N application timings (i.e. NAT1100% at seedbed, NAT2 50% at sowing and 50% 70 days after sowing (DAS), NAT3 25% at sowing, 50% + 70 DAS and 25% at anthesis 110 DAS and NAT4 25% at sowing, 25% 70 ...

Furukh Faiz1,2, Muhammad Issa Khan2, Masood Sadiq2 and Haq Nawaz3

...dies the citrus waste is dried and mixed with the broiler feed replacing maize from the feed at 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%. 225 birds were reared in 5 treatments and 3 replications of each treatment having 15 birds in each replication. The chicks were being provided with the standard conditions for light, water, vaccination and experimental feed for 42 days. The body weight gain, feed intake and the feed conversion ratio was observed weekly. After 42 day of th...
Oaj Khurshid1*, Naureen Aurangzeb1, Ayaz Khan1, Alia Naz1, Abdullah khan1, Sobia Nisa2 and Sehrish Sajawal3
...ent and C/N ratio. On windrow composting, not only the bulk of the waste was compacted but also formed a powdery earthy stinking soil-like, compost material. All valued factors in the compost samples were found to be within the acceptable limits set by international standard. The pH fluctuated between 7.5-8.1, moisture 35% and organic matter 43%, and has adequate quantity of plant nutrients C34%, N (0.06%), K (0.32%), P (0.004), Na (4.6%). The quality of compo...
Madiha Hashmi1, Abid Hussain1, Shafiq ur Rehman1, Farida Ahmed2, Shahbaz Aslam3,Nadeem Afzal4 and Zaigham Abbas1,*
Farah Ashfaq* and Tasnim Farasat
... and insulin of three hundred over weight, obese males and females, 17 to 30 years and 100 comparable control subjects were included. Serum resistin and insulin, fasting glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol were found significantly high in overweight and obese groups as compared to the normal weight group (p<0.01). In overweight group, resistin levels were significantly related with cholesterol, insulin levels and Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin R...
Sogolo L. Lebelo1,* and Gerhard van der Horst2
...ontains numerous mitochondria containing distinct lamellar cristae, small patches of rough endoplasmic reticulum as short cisternae, a large dense network of interconnecting tubular smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and round or oval lysosomes. Abundant lipid inclusions and collagen fibers are also found in the cytoplasm of these cells. These cells are found associated with the spermatogonia type B, pachytene spermatocytes and Sertoli cells. The results from this ...
Muhammad Imran Shabbir
...aits without the need to draw Punnett square for every parental genotype combination. These illustrations provide information for both forward (phenotype to genotype) as well as reverse genetics (genotype to phenotype) approaches.
Saba Irshad1,*, Ayesha Ashfaq1, Ammara Muazzam1 and Abida Yasmeen2
...onsiderably cheap herbal drug which can be prescribed to poor people efficiently at an affordable cost.
Ghulam Abbas1,Asif Nadeem1,*, Masroor Ellahi Babar2, Tanveer Hussain2, Muhammad Sajid Tahir3, Wasim Shehzad1, Rajput Zahid Iqbal3, Muhammad Tayyab1 and Maryam Javed1
...ty analysisusing mitochondrial cytochrome b, cytochrome c and d-loop region. Samples werecollected from different localities. After DNA extraction and quantification, amplification of gene was done by polymerase chain reaction. PCR products were sequenced bi-directionally, aligned and single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified. Bioinformatics tools were applied for construction of phylogenetic tree and genetic diversity analysis. Lowe...
Rahat Naseer1*, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Zulfiqar-ul-Hassan2, H. Rehman1, Saima Naveed1, F. Masood1 and M. Tayyab1
...on was recorded in HT (hydrothermal treatment) 1096.69±26.8 (mean± SE) while lowest in NC (untreated husk) 974.91±18.8 followed by 1069±28 in FT (Fermented), 1045.81±27.7 in BT 1042.47±33 in AT and 1032.17±32 in PC group. A significant difference (p=0.039) in the weekly body weight gain (BWG) was recorded among the experimental groups. The highest weight gain was found in PC (0.977±0.75) followed by FT (0...

Muhammad Abid1*, Tahir Yaqub2, Arslan Mehboob3 and Muhammad Zubair Shabbir4

...ted with high morbidity, drop in egg production and reduced weight gain. Besides economic losses to the poultry industry, these viruses pose a significant threat to public health. Owing to significant involvements of neuraminidase (NA) gene in virus pathobiology by mediating virus entry and release, the present study was conducted to determine the phylogenetic relationship of currently prevailing H9N2 isolates in Pakistan. A sum of ten H9N2 AIVs were isolated ...

Sania Shaheen1*, Hina Fatima2 and Muhammad Azeem Khan3

...ency of conventional and dry rice farmers and also determine the factors which significantly contribute to increase the rice output. Moreover, this study estimated the sources of inefficiency. Data collected from 300 sample rice farmers into the Kharif cycle (2013-14) at five main rice growing districts of Punjab namely: Hafizabad, Sheikhupura, Jhang, Vehari, and Gujranwala. Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) was applied to find the results of a study. Study r...
Fareeda Tasneem1, Farah Rauf Shakoori1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori2,*


...ain FT8. In order to readdress the relationships of FT8 strain with other strains of Paramecium species, a molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed on the basis of H4 gene sequences. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the aligned sequences of our study with 22 entries of closely related species from GenBank Data. Highly polymorphic sites were observed in FT8 strain sequence as compared to other species. Analysis of H4 gene sequences in our s...
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,Waqas Wakil2 andMuhammad Hussnain Babar3


... justify;">Nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) is an important potential pathogen which can control a wide range of bollworm larvae in both agricultural and horticultural crpos. Flubendiamide is a new chemistry insecticide which also controls bollworm effectively and relatively safer for natural enemies and beneficial arthropods. Present investigations were carried out to determine their impact on larval mortality, pupal and adult emergence of 2nd and ...
Tiansen Li1, Meiling Huang2, Zhen Wang1,Fei Guo3,Hui Zhang1,* and Chuangfu Chen1,*
... omp10 mutant was dramatically attenuated for survival in macrophages and mice than the parent strain 2308. With decrease in the spleen/body weight ratios of mice infected with omp10 mutants were noted, inhibition of phagosome-Lysosome fusion was dramaticly impaired, and profound increase of apoptosis rate after exposure of RAW264.7 to omp10 mutants at 12 h, 24 h and 48 h compared to RAW264.7 exposed to ...
Muhammad Arslan Khan1,*, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Imran-ul-haq1 and Rashad Waseem Khan2
...stify;">Root rot is very drastic disease prevalent in major cotton producing areas of Pakistan. Complex nature of disease due to root rot fungi and root-knot nematode cause huge losses to cotton. Experiments were conducted to assess the role of fungi and root knot nematodes in root rot disease complex of cotton and to optimize their control. For this purpose fifteen cotton growing areas in Southern Punjab were surveyed in year 2013-14. Data were recorded on di...
Usman Waheed1,*, Humayoon Shafique Satti2, Muhammad Arshad3, Ahmed Farooq3, Abdul Rauf4 and Hasan Abbas Zaheer1,5
...oners and 48 intravenous drug users (IDUs) through community outreach, peer referring and field sampling. Blood samples were tested for syphilis and HIV infections after pre-test counseling and receiving informed written consent. Initial testing was performed by rapid devices approved by World Health Organization (WHO) and confirmed by Chemiluminescence Immunoassays (CLIA). Of total 387 respondents, 149 subjects tested positive for syphilis (38.5%), whereas 37...
Naila Chand1,*, Shabana Naz2, Hamza Maris1, Rifat Ullhah Khan1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Muhammad Subhan Qureshi1
...tress. A total of one hundred and twenty day-old broiler chicks were divided into four different treatment groups such as Bet-0, Bet-1.0, Bet-1.5, Bet-2.0 having betaine supplementation at the rate of 0, 1, 1.5 and 2 g/kg feed, respectively. Significantly (P<0.05) higher weekly and total feed intake and weight gain were recorded in group Bet-2.0. Higher level of betaine supplementation significantly (P< 0.05) improved feed conversion ratio (FCR). Betaine...
Tanveer Ahmad1, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1*, Zulfiqar Ali1, Muhammad Azeem Khan2 and Shahid Zia3
...15.94 kg h-1 (dry fibre). Average yield of dry sisal fibre was 3.2% of green leaf weight and average fibre length was 1348.9 mm per leaf. Average power required to decorticate sisal leaves was 3.1 kW. Operating cost of sisal decorticator together with a combing machine was Rs. 507.9 h-1. The break-even point or payback period of this technology was 233 h. Sisal fibre needs to be washed,
Muhammad Tariq Saeed1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1, Mumtaz Akhtar Cheema2, Muhammad Shahid1, Abdul-Shakoor1, Abdul-Sattar3
...r germination rate. To address the problem of poor germination and low seed viability, a field study was conducted at Agronomic Research Area, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, during spring 2011. The experiment was composed of two soybean varieties (Faisal Soybean and 95-1) and five priming techniques (control, on-farm priming, hydro priming, hydration inoculation and osmo priming wit...
Lu Liu1, Sher Khan Panhwar2, Tianxiang Gao3, Zhiqiang Han3, Chunhou Li4, Dianrong Sun4 and Na Song1,*
... I (COI) gene of mitochondrial DNA of Liza affinis and Liza klunzingeri from coastal waters of China and Pakistan, respectively. Sequences of L. carinata were obtained from GenBank. A neighbor-joining tree showed the specimens to form a strong monophyletic group. The mean within-species genetic distances for L. affinis, L. carinata, and L. klunzingeri were 0.26%, 0.52%, and 0.47%, respectively. The mean genetic distanc...

Jawad Anwar* and Zafar Iqbal 

...ial source of antibiotic drugs as it showed a wide range of bioactivity against both phyto and human pathogenic bacteria.  


Muhammad Zafarullah Khan*, Shah Saud Ahmad and Asif Nawaz 

...%), single furrow (47%), drill (61%) and ridge maker (53%). Market was the source of seed for majority of the respondents regarding cauliflower (43%), bitter gourd (32%), bottle gourd (13%), potato (34%) and squash (29%). Similarly, majority of the respondents obtained urea (73%), SSP (54%), DAP (60%) and Nitro-Phos (55%) from the FSC whereas 91%, 99% and 96% respondents obtained Micron, Supper Silica and Gypsum from the concerned dealers. It is concluded that...

Sadia*, Abdur Rab, Sayyed Hamad Ahmad Shah, Irfan Ullah, Farida Bibi and Islam Zeb

...GA3 application on fruit drop and growth of winter guava was carried out in Horticulture Farm at The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan during 2016. RCB Design was used for this experiment with three replications i.e. factor A was Deblossoming Time (Control, May, June, July, August and September) and factor B was GA3 application (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ppm). Results demonstrated that minimum fruit drop (5.95%), f...
Mohammad Umar Farooq1*, Sarfaraz Ahmad2, Ghulam Nabi1, Ijaz Ali1 and Imtiaz Ahmad1
...Four transect lines were drawn in each experimental plot. Twenty four samples of each experimental plot were collected with the help of ADC one m 2 quadrate methods, weighed and then oven dried at 60 oC to find out the dry weight for above pytomass carbon Mg C ha-1 (Brown and Lugo, 1982). Similarly, the same 1 m2
Saleem Khan1, Amir Hamza2, Farhadullah Khan3, M. Subhan4, Aziz Khan1, Irfan Ali Shah1, Shakirullah Khan Shakir3*
...igned. For this purpose, dry seeds of four cotton genotypes (Gomal-93, Bt-131, Bt-121 and Bt-CIM-602) were exposed to gamma rays with 10, 15, 20 and 25 Kilo Radium (KR) doses sourced from 60Co. The irradiated seed samples were assumed treated seeds while non-irradiated seeds of each genotype were used as control. Field experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design (RCBD) in three replicates in the green house. Radiation effects were o...
Shantanu Jha1, A. Rama Devi1, Ngalaton Kasar1 and Abhishek Mukherjee2
...g held at the Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya on 7th August provided a unique platform to scientists working in the eastern and north-eastern parts of India on fruit flies to interact, share their experience and finally to prioritize areas for future Research. The meeting started at 12:00 noon on 7th of August and continued till 5:00 pm and was attended by 31 participants. The programme was inaugurated by Prof. D. D. Patra, Hon&rsquo...
Wanchao Zhu1, Qinguo Wei1, Shuyu Xue1, Huanxin Zhang2, Tianshu Lv1 and Honghai Zhang1,
...wild sables has declined dramatically in recent years due to the high value and increasing demand of their fur. In order to evaluate the genetic diversity and population structure for the conservation and management of sables (Martes zibellina), we developed six microsatellite markers using a method of fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) from them in this study. The primers designed by Primer Premier 5.0 based on conservative...
Zuhao Huang*, Meifang Li, Rujue Ruan and Jiawei Qin
...coding region of mitochondrial genome. To infer the organization and variation of Ardeidae mitochondrial DNA control region, the control region genes of 20 species were analyzed. All the Ardeidae species had duplicate control regions, except four species having only single region. The control region spans the region between the genes for tRNAGlu - tRNAPhe in the most Ardeidae species. The length of the ...
Umair Talib1*, Ijaz Ashraf1, Khalid Mahmood Chaudhary1, Riaz Ahmad2 the main source for addressing technical issues and dissemination of current technologies among the smallholder farmers in Pakistan. Since the late 1980s, the government of Pakistan include private sector in extension circle to enhance the effectiveness of public extension through competition. This study conducted in 2016, sought to analyze whether smallholder rice growers are more satisfied with public or private extension organizations and developmen...
Fang Wang, Yong-Fang Jia, Po Wang, Qi-Yan Du and Zhong-Jie Chang* a triazole-containing drug that can inhibit the activity of cytochrome P450 aromatase, so as to affect the production of estrogen. In the present study, to detect the effects of letrozole on gonad differentiation, 5dph fry of carp were exposed to different concentrations of LET. At 130 dph, sex ratio was recorded. The results showed that continuous exposure to LET induced the changes of sex ratio. High concentration of LET can promote male-biased sex ratio....
Alaeldein M. Abudabos1,*, Abdullah H. Alyemni2, Elsayeid O. Swilam1 and Mu’ath Q. Al-Ghadi3
...o standard anticoccidial drug (Elancoban) in experimentally induced coccidiosis in broiler. A total 200 birds (Ross 308) were randomly assigned to 10 treatments on day 15 after introduction of coccidiosis. The results indicated that feed intake and production efficiency factor (PEF) did not differ significantly (P>0.05) between Elancoban and natural products. However, treatment had a significant effect on BWG and FCR (P<0.01 and P<0.001, respectively)...
Muhammad Usman Qamar1, 2, Sidrah Saleem1, Usman Arshad1, Muhammad Farhan Rasheed3, Hasan Ejaz4, Naveed Shahzad5 and Shah Jahan6,*
...ved to be most effective drug. Manuka honey manifested significant antibacterial activity against all test isolates with almost similar zone of inhibition (7.4mm) except E. cloacae. Highest MIC and MBC of manuka honey was observed against K. pneumoniae (30%v/v) while lowest against A. baumannii (20%v/v). Here, we conclude that Manuka honey possess potent antibacterial activity and might be used as an alternative treatment option against ND...
Shahid Hussain Farooqi1,*, Muhammad Ijaz1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Muhammad Imran Rashid2, Muhammad Oneeb2, Amjad Khan3, Amjad Islam Aqib1 and Shakeel Mahmood4
...e of Pakistan. Twelve hundreds ticks were collected from four hundreds animals comprising of two hundred and fifty cattle and one hundred and fifty buffaloes. Descriptive statistics with Pearson’s Chi-square test and regression model were applied to analyze the data. The results of study found Rhepicephalus the most prevalent genus followed ...
Aqsa Qayyum1*, Masooma Munir1, Saeeda Raza1, Mussarat Gillani1, Saima Kanwal1, Nouman Rashid1, Amer Mumtaz1, Naeem Safdar1, Zarmina Gillani2
...composite flour. Wet and dry gluten content decreased from 22.16 ± 1.58 % (T0) to 16.43 ± 1.32 % (T3) and 7.46 ± 0.47 % (T0) to 5.03 ± 0.38 % (T3) respectively. With increasing percent of pea flour in biscuits, moisture, carbohydrates and caloric value decreased from (1.84% - 1.33%), (62.87% - 54.57%), (525.64 Kcal /100 g to 502.84 Kcal /100 g) respectiv...
Masooma Munir1,2*, Aqsa Qayyum1, Saeeda Raza1, Nouman Rashid Siddiqui1, Amer Mumtaz1, Naeem Safdar1, Sahar Shible1, Sohaib Afzal3, Saiqa Bashir4
... healthy and value added drink. Proximate, mineral analysis, total polyphenol content and mineral analysis of basil seeds was conducted. Result revealed that basil seeds are not only good source of fiber and protein but they provide appreciable amount of minerals and phenolic compounds. Swollen basil seeds were used to prepare beverage at three supplementation levels i.e. 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4%. Sensory evaluation of basil seed dr
Nargis Bano and Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*
...on of salicylic acid and drought treatments. The design of the experiment was a factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) with five water regimes (150ml, 175ml, 200ml, 225ml, 250ml) and five levels of SA at (0.0mML-1, 0.5mML-1 1mML-1, 2mML-1, and 3mML-1) as the main factors and four replications. The experiments were conducted in the research area of AAUR Pakistan. Statistical analysis showed

Rabia Tahir1*, Khushi Muhammad1, Masood Rabbani1, Muti-u-Rehman Khan2, Farah Khan1, Hassan Bin Aslam1 and Arslan Mehboob

...type 4 (AAV-4) causing hydropericardium syndrome (HPS) by transovarian route. For this purpose, liver and spleen samples (n=90) were collected from day-old-chicks derived from breeders at 14, 21 and 30 days of post-infection with AAV-4. The presence of AAV-4 DNA was detected through PCR. Chicks from virus-challenged breeders failed to show a clear and expected PCR positivity. The connotations derived from these findings are ...

Lucas Pedroso Colvero1, Paulo Eduardo Brandão2*, Cesar Alejandro Rodriguez Rosales2, Hanny Swam3 and Laura Yaneth Buitrago Villarreal1 


...e B group mean S/P ratio dropped to 0.550 at week 6. Virus neutralization test showed that birds vaccinated with vaccine A showed neutralizing antibodies against IBV Massachusetts, 4/91, D274 and Qx types, while titers for vaccine B were not detected, suggesting a role of the poor emulsion quality on the performance of vaccine B. These results demonstrate that effective quality control and emulsion preparation are essential benchmarks of immunization and vacci...
Nasira Kazi1, Muhammad Israr2 and Shahina Fayyaz1,*
... Paradorylaimus Andrassy 1969 is described and illustrated from Pakistan. Paradorylaimus dorsocaudali new species differ from all known species of the genus in having smaller body length, tail length and odontostyle length. The new species is characterized by 1.3-1.6 mm long female body, lip region truncate, offset by weak depression, odontostyle 21.4-23.2 µm long is and 2.8-3 µm wide, twice as long as the lip region width; vulva long...

Zakirullah Jan1, Shamsher Ali1*, Tariq Sultan2, Wasiullah1 and Wiqar Ahmad matter and plant dry weight are presented. The data revealed that cyanobacteria strains had significantly (p < 0.05) increased the availability of major plant nutrients and SOM under the saline soil conditions. Among the strains, Gloeobacter MMF-4 significantly increased the soil organic matter (SOM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and plant dry weight. Results showed tha...

Abdus Subhan1, Qudrat Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Mansoor2 and M. Jamil Khan

...gnificantly higher total dry matter, grain and straw yield and also due to the greater grain yield the water use efficiency calculated was greater in the NPK treatment. Bulk density, porosity and organic matter were significantly improved by the cattle manure and compost treatments. The moisture content and water holding capacity revealed non – significant effect of the treatments. It may be concluded from the current research that water use efficiency i...

Ghani Akbar1, Steven Raine2, Allen David McHugh3, Greg Hamilton4 and Qurban Hussain5 

...logging and salinity. Addressing this issue, farmer managed irrigations on commonly used Narrow Bed (NB) with furrow spacings 66 cm and newly introduced Wide Bed (WB) with furrow spacing 130 cm on sandy clay loam, were investigated using the irrigation modelling software, WinSRFR, to explore irrigation management strategies for improving irrigation eficiency. The study revealed existing average application efficiency of low quarter (AE lq) 71%, 87%, distribu...
Shakeel Ahmad Anjum, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem, Muhammad Shahid, Abdul Shakoor*, Muhammad Safeer, Imran Khan, Ayesha Farooq, Iftkhar Ali and Usman Nazir in soil is primary hindrance to achieve yield potential of maize. An experiment was conducted with the objectives to optimize methods of B and Zn application in maize and ultimately enhance profitability. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement during autumn 2015. Treatments were replicated three times. The treatments were comprised of C = no Zn and B (Control); Zn (S) = soil application of Zn @ of 12 kg ha...

Sanjukta Chakrabarti1, Colin J. Barrow2, Rupinder K. Kanwar3, Venkata Ramana1*, Rakesh N. Veedu4,5 and Jagat R. Kanwar3* 

...nesis. Several anti-VEGF drugs have been developed over the last two decades and some are still at different development stages of pre-clinical and clinical trials. In this study, we explored the anti-angiogenic properties of three anti-VEGF molecules such as two fusion proteins, VEGF TrapR1R2 and VEGFR1(D1-D3)-Fc, and one DNA aptamer, RNV66, in an in vivo model of human A549 lung cancer. VEGF TrapR1R2 is a commercial anti-angiogenic fusion protein. Our earlie...
Naheed Bano* and Muhammad Afzal
...with improvement in body dry matter, protein, fat, energy and ash contents of L. rohita. Acidification and phytase supplementation showed significant (P < 0.05) interaction on body composition and mineral utilization in rohu. Citric acid and phytase supplementation improves the diet by increasing the availability of minerals and quality of fish by positively affecting the body composition of fish. 3% citric acid and 1000FTU phytase proves to be inter...
Mehmet Guvenc1,*, Ayşe Nilay Guvenc3, Ökkeş Yılmaz2 and Mehmet Tuzcu2
...v) was administered with drinking water for 56 days every alternate day. Fructose administration increased the hepatic omega-6/omega-3 and 16:1 n7 / 16:0 ratios (p<0.001, p<0.001), but decreased the retinol and alfa tocoferol levels (p<0.01) compared with control group. Resveratrol administration to fructose treated rats decreased the retinol and cholesterol levels (p<0.01, p<0.05), and increased alfa tocoferol and vitamin d3 levels (...
Talat Bilal Yasoob and Nasir Ali Tauqir* 
...nd finisher phases. A quadratic response was also observed on the performance of broilers during starter phase. However, a linear effect was seen for feed consumption during finisher phase while quadratic effect was observed for weight gain and FCR in boilers fed different levels of DEB and sodium. At 28 day of age percent thigh meat yield, breast meat yield and abdominal fat yield were significantly better in broilers fed e...

Sikandar Hayat, Khalid Usman* and Muhammad Tahir Amin 

...ving technique, however, drill clogging and immobilization of nitrogen are problems in the standing stubbles of the previous crop. Row adjustment and an appropriate N fertilizer application method may be a possible solution. Field trials were carried out to explore suitable row spacing and N fertilizer application method for zero tillage wheat at Agronomic Research Area, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan (D. I. Khan), Pakistan in 2015-...
Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz
...hods i.e. broad cast and drill sowing with 30 cm apart rows and four nitrogen levels (75,100,125 and 150 % of N recommended dose i.e. 150kg ha-) were tested. Recommended dose of PK fertilizer (85-60 PK kg ha-1) was used uniformly with experimental N rates. Data on plant height (132.00 cm), number of plants (91.33 m-2), number of tillers (146.00 m-2), number of leaves tillers-1 (5.66), total
Muhammad Imran Mahmood* and Muhammad Zubair
...xperiment (103 cm) under drought condition. But, the minimum plant height (57 cm) before experiment was observed in Sufeda under droughtexhibiting 50% decline than Sufeda under flooding. Contrary to that Neem exhibited the maximum plant height before experiment (i.e 107 cm) under drought. The highest chlorophyll contents (73.51%) after experiment was observed in Sufeda under flooding and t...
Minmin Chen1, Xiaoke Zhang1, Kexiong Wang2, Zhigang Liu1, An Wan3, Daoping Yu1,*, Hong Ji3 and Fangzhen Peng1
...from the six different hydrological zones of the confluence, the porpoise was more likely to prefer the flow deflection and flow stagnation zones of the confluence. The average occurrence rate in the flow deflection and flow stagnation zones was 32% and 44%, respectively. Based on these observations, we concluded that the confluence of the Yangtze and Wanhe rivers is a popular habitat of the Yangtze finless porpoise in autumn and winter. Conservation measures ...
Ehab Bo Trabi1,2, Xianjun Yuan1, Junfeng Li1, Zhihao Dong1, Assar Ali Shah2 and Tao Shao1,2,*
...reated groups in term of dry matter (DM), neutral determgent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and water soluble carbohydrate (WSC). Acetic acid was significantly (P<0.05) low in G2 and G3, while propionic acid and yeast was significantly (P<0.05) low in LAB2. Gas production (GP 72) was significantly (P<0.05) high in LAB3. From the results of the present study, we concluded that addition of glucose and probiot...
Farid S. Ataya,1,2,* Dalia Fouad,3,4 Ajamaluddin Malik,1 Nikolaos E. Labrou,5 Mohamed S. Daoud1,6 and Hesham M. Saeed7
...1-1 gene from Camelus dromedarius (CdGSTP1-1). The coding sequence was cloned using RT-PCR. Sequence analysis demonstrated significant differences between amino acid sequence of C. dromedarius and other mammalian GSTP1-1 enzymes. Phylogenetic relationship was studied with different organisms belonging to animal kingdom and revealed that CdGSTP1-1 is grouped with the enzyme from S. scrofa. T...
Tahira Perveen1,*, Shaista Emad1, Saara Ahmad2, Zehra Batool1, Sarwat Yousuf1, Sheeza Sheikh1, Sara Qadeer1 and Saida Haider1
...epressants are effective drugs for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Along with the effectiveness these drugs are also associated with some side effects. Since ancient times herbs are used as medicinal purposes. One such herb is Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). Fennel has many efficacious uses. It is a common herb and spice. It is used in many culinary purposes and also it has therapeutic purposes. In the present st...
Jianping Li1, Qian Jiang2, Wei Chen2, Yumei Li3, Huaizhi Jiang4, Jinlong Huo5 and Qiaoling Zhang2*
...f yet, no studies have addressed the diverse expression of the KIT gene and its protein ingoats of different fur colors. The effect of KIT mutations on KIT protein expression was examined in white cashmere and black cashmere goats. A single A→G missense mutation in exon 13 differentiated cashmere goats with different colors. Only a histidine (H)→arginine (R) amino acid (AA) change was detected at KIT exon 13 in both the wh...
Zahid Latif1,*, Kathrin Blasius2-4, Tufail Hussain Tahir7, Muhammad Nasim Khan1, Ghazanfar Ali5, Ansar Ahmed Abbasi6, Abdul Rauf1, Hao Hu8 and Angela M. Kaindl2,3,4
...genic variant for non-syndromic autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa.
Mumtaz Akhtar1, Shabana Naz2,*, Muhamamad Iqbal3, Waqar Azeem4 and Mirza Azhar Beg5
... 0.01).
Muhammad Khaled Siddiq1, Ayesha Riaz2, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1, Khalid Mahmood1,* and Muhammad Akhtar1
... was adapted to open and dry habitats of the Siwaliks.
Jing Xin Mao1,2, Guo Wei Wang2, Yuan She Huang3, Rui Wang2, Guo Ze Wang4, Bing Zeng1 and Fu Yuan Zuo1,*
...een Rongchang pig and Landrace, we confirmed the expression of pig BPI gene in various tissues to determine the difference expression of antibacterial related gene among indigenous breed (Rongchang pig) and artificially cultivated breed (Landrace), The Rongchang pig (0 day old, 28 day old, 120 day old) and Landrace BPI (0 day old, 28 day old, 120 day old) gene were expressed in normal live...

Muhammad Asad1, Safdar Ali1, Muhammad Ramzan Ansar2, Ijaz Ahmad3*, Muhammad Suhaib4 and Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 

...redominantly affected by drought and infested by broad leaved weeds. 

Sana Imran1*, Sarwat Jahan2 and Mohammad Sair3
...ic patients taking these drugs.In this randomized and comparative study, psoriasis severity was checked by Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI). At day 90 Calcipotriol treated group B patients showed more improvement in mean PASI score as compared to Betamethasone valerate treated group A patients. In PASI score, Calcipotriol shows 71.61% betterment whereas Betamethasone vale rate shows 63.2% betterment in mild psoriatic patients. In PASI score, Calcipotriol s...
Medeni Aykut
...fauna. Furthermore, Hydroporus inscitus Sharp, 1882 is new record for the Turkish fauna.
Shumaila Ashfaq1, Liaqat Ali2*, Muhammad Ashraf Zia2, Rizwan Ahmad Khan2 and Mehtash Butt3
...e evaluated effects of hydrocortisone on the treatment of PDPH in obstetrical patient.To compare mean decrease in Visual Analogue Scalepain score in patients who developed PDPH after elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia who were given conventional treatment versus conventional treatment plus hydrocortisone.Double blind randomized control trial. Study conducted in department of anaesthesia and obstetrics of All...
Anan Kenthaoand Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame*
...of three different river drainages: Pong, Chi, and Mun Rivers. Thirty-two truss measures and standard length were obtained using digital calliper from 291 fish individuals, and raw measured data were then subjected to allometric equation to remove size-dependent variation prior further statistical analyses. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated highly significant differences in morphometric characters between populations (p <0.01). The...
Wali Khan1,*, Noor-Un-Nisa2 and Aly Khan3
...ntration methods. One hundred and fifteen (11.04%) participants were found infected with one or more than one intestinal protozoans. Forty one (35.6%) of the participants were infected with single parasite and seventy four (64.3%) with multiple infections. Entamoeba histolytica 30.5% (n=77/252), Giardia lamblia 15.0% (n=38/252), Ascaris lumbricoides 17% (n=43/252), Trichuris trichura 11.1% (n=28/252), Enterobius vermicularis ...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Khalid Usman2*, Muhammad Munir3 and Muhammad Sohail Khan

...for fruit set (%), fruit drop (%), fruit yield (kg palm-1) and wide range of physico-chemical quality parameters. Results revealed that pollination times affected all the parameters significantly. Maximum fruit set of 98.12, 93.14% and fruit yield of 79.43 and 78.80 kg palm-1 were recorded in 2012 and 2013, respectively, from pollination at spathe opening day. Mean values for these parameters decreased when pollination was carried out after spathe opening. Lat...
Saswati Roy1, Rakesh Pashi2, S. Dey3 and Shantanu Jha
...13064E) under Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Nadia and West Bengal during June 2015 to April 2016. Landscapes of the area can be classified into two major categories: agricultural fields and non-agricultural areas. Observations on birds were taken twice a week, at early morning, starting from just after the sunrise around 7a.m and till before sunset up to 5.30 pm. Data were collected by using the line transect method. Total 74 number of bird species wer...
Pan Hong, Ruonan Li, Yumeng Li, Hainan Lan* and Xin Zheng*
...e.g., the mitochondria and Golgi apparatus. The present study shows the first exploration of the behaviour of pGH in a somatic cell model of a domestic animal (pig), providing a basis for further studies on the physiological function of pGH based on its subcellular localization.
Muhammad Saqlain1, Humaira Kalsoom1, Muhammad Fiaz1,2, Abid Mahmood1, Rizwan Aziz Qazi4 ,Waseem Safdar5, Pakeeza Arzoo Shaiq1,Bernard M.Y. Cheung3 and Ghazala Kaukab Raja1,*
...abetes, and metabolic syndrome (MetS). In this study the association of Ala54Thr polymorphism with MetS and its risk components was studied in a local Pakistani population. MetS subjects and controls were recruited from out-patient departments of Pakistani hospitals. Ala54Thr genotyping of 200 MetS patients and 200 healthy controls was performed using a PCR-RFLP. Genotype and allele frequencies were calculated and computed for genetic associations presented as...

Rafiullah*, Muhammad Jamal Khan and Dost Muhammad 

...ext-align: justify;">A hydroponic study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of foliar applied phosphorus for enhancing P use efficiency and crop growth at Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar. Wheat (cv. Atta Habib-2010) seeds were first germinated in sand culture and then three weeks old seedlings (7.5 cm) were transferred to water tubs containing Hoagland solution without P. The treatments inc...
Muhammad Siraj-ud-Din1,2, Riaz Aziz Minhas1, Usman Ali3,*, Mayoor Khan2, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Nuzhat Shafi1 and Basharat Ahmad1
... urial preferred montane dry sub-tropical scrub zone habitat with 41.87% evidences of its presence followed by alpine meadows/alpine scrub zone (21.14%), sub-alpine scrub zone (13.41%), and dry temperate coniferous forests (8.54%). On the other hand, agricultural lands (3.24%) and dry alpine zone/permanent snowfield (3.66%) were the least preferred habitats of urial in Gilgit Baltistan. Th...
Hayat Badshah1, Farman Ullah1, Paul-André Calatayud2, Hidayat Ullah3 and Bashir Ahmad1
...tism generally decreased drastically when the time of exposure on mealybug hosts increased. In addition, the host plants species influenced significantly the female fitness of the parasitoid expressed in term of hind tibia length and body weight. The female parasitoids coming from mealybugs fed on hibiscus exhibited a significantly longer tibia and body weight than the parasitoids coming from the mealybugs reared on the other plants. The host plants did not in...
Wen-Feng Li, Xiao-Yan Wang, Ying-Kun Huang*, Rong-Yue Zhang, Jiong Yin, Zhi-Ming Luoand Hong-Li Shan
... - 5.63%; sugarcane brix dropped by 0.70-6.36 BX; the fibre and reducing sugar increased by 0.22% - 0.98% and 0.11%-1.58%, respectively. It was confirmed that in majority of sugarcane fields in Yunnan, China, T. schistaceana and C. sacchariphagus cause severe reduction of sugarcane and sugar yield.
Bian Xunguang1,2, Li Jiancheng1, Xu Chu1 and Yang Li2,3,4,*
...erm storage.
Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2,* and Syed Shahid Ali3
...ethylase and aniline 4-hydroxylase) and soluble protein contents of a wheat grain pest, Trogoderma granarium collected from godowns of Punjab, Pakistan. Six populations of khpara beetle with different levels of susceptibility to phosphine were used in this study. Based on LC50, five populations (previously exposed to phosphine for 15 years)viz., Mandi Bahauddin-I (MBDIN-I), Mandi Bahauddin-II (MBDIN-II), Gujrat, Gujranwala and Sargodha...
Salma Javed, Saima Majeed, Nasira Kazi and Shahina Fayyaz*
...ajpuri and Loof, 1968) Andrassy, 2009 is reported for the first time from Pakistan is briefly redescribed and illustrated.



Safdar Ali1*, Ghulam Abbas Shah1, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Shahid Mehmood2, Asim Gulzar3 , Ijaz Ahmad4 and Bashir Ahmad Khan5 

... agriculture. Thus, to address these issues, a two year field study was carried out at Agronomic Research Area of University Research Farm of PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi during 2012-14.The effects of different tillage systemscombined with glyphosate herbicide on soil moisture content,bulk density and porosity associated with wheat grain yield were evaluated. Seven tillage treatments were applied in the fallow periods (summer seasons) of both ye...
Tariq Mahmood*1, Syed Wasif Ahmed Shah1, Muhammad Rais1, Hira Fatima1, Faraz Akrim1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem2
... fulicatus and black drongo Dicrurus macrocerus preferred Kikar Acacia nilotica and Eucalyptus camaldulensis for nesting purpose while black kite Milvus migrans utilized semal tree Bombax ceiba. The weaver bird Ploceus philippinus also utilized only Acacia nilotica for nesting. The common crow, common myna, black kite, black drongo, red turtle dove Streptopelia tranqueb...

Gamalat Osman1, Mansour Galal1, Abbas Abul-Ezz2, Ahmad Mohammed1, Mohammed Abul-Ela3 and Asmaa Mostafa Hegazy2

...16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the flesh demonstrated that PAHs accumulation in the treated snails was fluctuated with time. The accumulation is due to their biotransformation process during metabolism. The histopathological observations of the gills and mantle of L. carinatus showed pronounced alterations at 24 hours and proliferated at the day 15 but showed a further decline at the day 30 of exposure. These findings seem to be time related and...
Muhammad Iqbal Anjum*, Shahbaz Javaid and Mukhtar Ahmad Nadeem
...d. Total weight gain and dry matter intake in chicks fed rations I, II and III were 1861, 1736 and 2023 gm/bird and 3242, 3284 and 3265 gm/bird, respectively. The chicks fed R-III got 16.00 and 8.00% higher weight gain compared to chicks fed R-II and R-I, respectively. Feed: gain ratio (gm/gm) was found best (P<0.05) in chicks fed R-III (1.61) and poorer in chicks on R-II (1.89). The concentration of Ca and P were 10.60, 9.47 and 11.43 mg/dL and 5.76, 4.91 ...

 Maleeha Manzoor1*, Madiha Manzoor2, Qurat-ul-ain Ahmed3, Sobia Ahmed4, Shazia Manzoor5

...Lahore. For this, one hundred pregnant females were selected randomly; relevant data was collected by interviewing and filling a questionnaire especially designed to record various socio-demographic characters of patients and their dietary history. Prevalence rate of anemia in the present study was found to be 78% (9.57±1.07), between age 19-40 years and it’s higher in 3rd trimester of their pregnancies. Additionally low educational status and poo...

 Maryum Fakhar, Iqra Jabbar, Anjum Nasim Sabri*

...e adherence, motility, hydrophobicity, aggregation and biofilm formation of two salt tolerant strains [Bacillus subtilis and Halomonas aquamarina (1)] in the presence of nickel. Two concentrations of nickel were used i.e., 500μg/ml and 1000μg/ml for subsequent tests. The results revealed that at low/ sub-inhibitory concentration of nickel (500 μg/ml), motility is inhibited; adhesion, hydrophobicity, aggregation, EPS...

 Asma Akhtar, Abdul Rehman

... Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity was increased to 279% (1f) and 150% (2b) when ompared to the respective control indicating the ability to tolerate tellurite tress. Differential pattern of bacterial proteins in tellurite stress was obtained by SDS-PAGE. Both bacterial strains can be utilized to convert toxic tellurite into its elemental form from the contaminated sites.

Rabia Qurashi, Qurat ul Ane Gillani* and Furhan Iqbal*
...l) ethyl] amino-2-(S)- hydroxypropyl-P-benzyl-phosphinic acid), intraperitoneally injected for 12 days, on hematological and serum biochemical profile of 6 week old male albino mice. Blood samples from male albino mice (CGP55845 treated N = 14 and saline treated N = 16) were collected directly by cardiac puncture and used for estimation of hematological and some serum biochemical parameters. The hematological parameters did not show any significant variation b...
Faiza Hassan1, Mubshara Saadia1,*, Muhammad Sher1, Mian Anjum Murtaza2, Muhammad Arshad3,Asam Riaz4 and Mahmood Ahmad Khan5
...of diabetes by synthetic drugs has been found cost effective with severe side effects as well. Herbal remedies are gaining popularity. Black cumin and garlic are found effective against hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypercholesterolemia. Present study was designed to evaluate the relative antidiabetic potential of garlic aqueous (AGE) and petroleum ether (EGE) extracts compared to black cumin (Nigella sativa oil; NSO) and insulin. Alloxan induced di...

 Addishiwot Fekdu, Afework Bekele and Demeke Datiko*

...ure the rodents. Four hundred sixty two (462) individuals of small mammals were captured and one recorded as observed species during both dry and wet season. They were identified into six species. Among these, 458 (99.1%) were rodents and 4 (0.9%) were insectivores. The trapped species were: Lophuromys melanonyx (242), Stenocephalemys albocaudata (126), Arvicanthis blicki (86), Mus Mahomet (3), Dendr...
Ozgur Altan*
...of a system called flash dryer has been researched. Before being subjected to drying and grinding in the flash dryer system, the FBP have been passed through the press and decanter, and it has been endeavored to separate the liquid part to the extent possible and to store them separately. At the end of the study, the fatty acids content in the liquid part, the nutrient content, amino acid ...
Yunjun Yan, Zhenming Lü, Tianming Wang, Yongjiu Chen, Jingwen Yang, Baoying Guo, Lihua Jiang, Changwen Wu and Liqin Liu*
... sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Octopus dollfusi (Robson, 1932) collected from the coast of Guangdong Province, China, and analyzed the phylogenetic relationship with other cephalopod species. The results show that the mitochondrial genome of O. dollfusi composed of 15843 nucleotide pairs and encodes 13 proteins, 2 ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 22 transfer RNAs (tRNAs) and a major long noncoding region (LNCR...
Saara Ahmad1,*, Iftikhar Ahmed2, Saida Haider3, Zehra Batool3, Fatima Ahmed4, Saiqa Tabassum3,6, Syeda Madiha3, Tahira Perveen3 and Saad Bilal Ahmed5
...estril, estradiol, and androgens were estimated at the end of the experiment. The ovaries of the rats were collected, weighed and histopathologically evaluated for the development of cysts. It was seen that the ovaries of the group treated with caged chicken meat showed increased cholesterol levels, imbalanced steroidal sex hormone levels, increased ovary weight and development of the cysts upon histopathological examination as compared to the rats of other gr...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan and Said Alam The key parameters addressed during survey were cropping pattern, sowing, harvesting date and yield per acre of different crops, pests and crops diseases, flowering time of fruits trees, biodiversity and livestock’s. Respondents were selected randomly but priority was given to elders and those possess land and practice agriculture. The study reveals that majority of the respondents are well aware of climate change and its effects on cropping calendar...
Ann Milliken Pederson
.../i> was like quenching a dry, parched throat with a long cool drink of water. Indeed, Peters claims that humans have an “ontological thirst” for the ultimate and this book attempts to satisfy the thirst or at least provide the water to drink. In a world where fragmentation, brutality, and chaos mark the lives of so many, it is no wonder that people long for wholeness, healing, ...
Nancy R. Howell
... History contribute to addressing the issue of particularity? (2) In what ways does Peters lead us to deeper thinking about the nature of God? Surely, reflection on these two questions will show that Peters has generated a fruitful method for and approach to Cosmic History.
Francisco J. Ayala
...Cosmic History, he addresses the knotty question of teleology in evolutionary biology. This requires further discussion. Scientifically speaking, we can perceive design in nature without a designer. On the one hand, there is purpose in nature. Human eyes have a purpose, namely, to see. Teleological explanations are required in biology for (1) goal oriented behavior; (2) self-regulating systems; and (3) the function of organs and limbs. On the other hand, t...
Shahid Mehmood1,*, Bushra Nisar Khan1, Hassan Raza1, Rida Ahmad1, Azhar Muhammad3, Zulfiqar Ali2, Farhan Abid1, Fehmeeda Bibi4 and Syed Maviz Ahmed5
... Among 71 species, Alexandrine parakeet, Psittacula eupatria was the only near threatened species: all other species were least concern. Human population pressure, habitat degradation and lack of awareness are the main threats that ultimately will cause reduction in species numbers around the study area. Therefore, there is an urgent need to save and protect bird diversity by maintaining the suitable habitat of the area.
Jo Ik-Hwan1, Choi Kwang-Won1 and Muhammad Fiaz2,*
...ropped with hairy vetch, dry matter (DM) and total digestible nutrient (TDN) yield was not different (P>0.05) from control, whereas rye-vetch mixture had increased (P<0.05) crude protein (CP) yield and carrying capacity for Hanwoo heifers than that of rye monoculture. DM and TDN yield under 100 kg manure was higher (P<0.05) than control and 50 kg N/ha levels but not different (P>0.05) with that of 150 kg N/ha. Manure levels did not affect (P>0.0...
Meghan Griffith
...ductory chapter, Fischer draws a comparison between determinism and foreknowledge with respect to moral responsibility, arguing that, like determinism, foreknowledge is compatible with our having it. Thus, he offers a parallel to one of his landmark views, namely his semicompatibilism about determinism. Fischer defines semicompatibilism about determinism as “the doctrine that moral responsibility is compatible with causal determinism, even if caus...

Afsheen Masood1*, Rubab Musarrat2, Shama Mazahir3 and Adeela Ashraf4  

...action in parents of children with leukemia with that of normal cohort. Case control study design was used. The sample consisted of N=120 parents out of which n=60 were the parents of children with leukemia and n=60 were the parents of normal children, , taken as normal cohort and drawn through non-probability purposive sampling procedure. Both cohorts w...

Muhammad Yahya Noori1*, Saharish Rizwan2, Zaheer Ali3 and Shaheen Sharafat4 

...ents suffering from Multidrug resistant (MDR) Tuberculosis by assessing their contact information. Data were obtained and analyzed from 164 individuals suffering from MDR TB. Records were scanned to evaluate the presence of a close contact with known history of Tuberculosis. Tabulations and analysis were performed in M...

Attia Anwar1, Sajida Malik2*, Zobia Usman1 and Sadia Chiragh3 

...supplemented berberine hydrochloride with dose of 75 mg/kg body weight/day. 24 weeks post-treatment, blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture from both groups and tested for Hb (%), WBC, RBC and platelet counts, SGPT, alkaline phosphatse, serum uric acid, blood urea and serum creatinine. All the numerical data were expressed as mean± SD. The values in two groups were analyzed with help of unpaired t-test. A p-value ˂ 0.05 was considered sig...

Shahid Iqbal1*, Amir Nawaz Khan2, Mushtaq Ahmad Jadoon3 and Intikhab Alam3 

...he study recommends to address the issues through the involvement of both the agricultural extension and research with major emphasis on cash and off-seasoned crops after resolving land demarcation issue and revival of water channels along with introduction of micro credit schemes. 

Mahboob Ali1, Muhammad Avais1, Riaz Hussain2, Kashif Prince1,*, Muhammad Ijaz1, Mamoona Chaudhry 3, Sehrish Firyal4, Amjad Islam Aqib1, Naimat Ullah Khan5 , Mian Saeed Sarwar5, Hazrat Ali5, Shahid Hussain Farooqi1, Ikramul Haq1 and Muhammad Sajid Hasni3
...>is emerging as multiple drug resistant (MDR) pathogens in milk of camels with characteristically zoonotic potential. Current study was planned to investigate epidemiology of MDR S. aureus in camel milk, and in-vitro therapeutic response to drugs. Two different ecologic...
Wali Khan1,*, Noor-Un-Nisa2 and Muhammad Asif Nawaz3
...ntration methods. Two hundred and twenty one (21.2%) participants were found infected with one or more than one intestinal tapeworms. Seventy seven (7.39%) of the participants were infected with single parasite and one hundred forty four (13.8%) with multiple infections. Taenia saginata 32.6% (n=146/447), Ascaris lumbricoides 20.3% (n=91/447), Hymenolepis nana 19.7% (n=88/447), Trichuris trichura ...
Muhammad Naeem1, Bushra Sadia1,2,*, Faisal Saeed Awan1and Muhammad Anjum Zia3
...ischemia, Budd-Chiari syndrome, myocardial infarction, brain stroke and myocardial infarction. Strain improvement is an important approach for its hyper production. In this connection, wild bacterial strain Streptococcus equisimilis was mutagenized using ethidium bromide and UV radiation. The colonies (15 each) showing > 1% survival rate at 150 min of UV exposure and 12 % survival at 0.5 mg/ml of ethidium bromide for 120 min were selected. Casein hy<...

Sadaf Ghulam Rasul1*, Uzma Yaqub2, Maida Manzoor1 and Hafsa Mubasshar

...Danazol is a synthetic androgen whereas Letrozole is aromatase inhibitor. This study was conducted to compare the mean decrease in visual analogue scale (VAS) pain score with Danazol versus Letrozole for the pain management of endometriosis in females. A total of 140 females fulfilling inclusion criteria were registered and an non-probability purposive technique of sampling was used. Diagnostic laparoscopy was conducted to make a diagnosis of endometriosis. Fe...

Muhammad Naeem Safdar, Khalid Naseem, Muhammad Amjad, Amer Mumtaz and Saeeda Raza*

...-align: justify;">Two hundred and seventy wheat grain samples were collected from nine different regions of Punjab and analyzed for physicochemical characteristics during 2006 to 2008. The quality parameters studied were test weight, 1000 kernel weight, foreign matter (non-edible and edible), broken/shrunken grains, damaged grains, moisture, ash, protein (N x 5.7), wet and dry gluten, falling number, and minerals (copper, ma...

Saeeda Raza, Muhammad Naeem Safdar, Amer Mumtaz, Nouman Siddiqui, Khalid Nasim and Muhammad Amjad*

...blanching of vegetables, drying, roasting, grinding and mixing of ingredients were used. Recipe “A” containing rice, mung, potato and poppy seed was organoleptically preferred. No significant change in moisture content, peroxide value and free fatty acid were observed during three months storage in double polyethylene bags at ambient temperature (20-25 ºC).


Haq Nawaz Malik*, Iffat Ara**, Muhammad Naeem, Mozammil Hussain, M. Hanif Munawwar and M. Yousaf

... the lowest (29). One hundred grain weight ranged from 23g (EV-6098) to 39g (2512).


Liaqat Ali Shahid, M. Azhar Saeed and Nadeem Amjad*

...lps to reduce the labour drudgery and ultimately increased farmers’ prosperity.


 R. Hussain* and A. N. Naqvi**

...smn;1.908 days. The mean dry period in Gojali goat was 153±2.285 days. The mean production of hair and Pashmina was 0.421±0.2 and 0.012 kg per year, respectively. The length of hair and Pashmina averaged 17±0.71 and 2.4±0.6 cm, respectively. The age of first breeding in both sexes averaged 18±0.160 months and service period 190.45±4.138 days. The conception rate was 85% and the twining percentage was zero.


 Abid Hussain*, Imdad Hussain Mirza and Muhammad Azeem Khan**

...d wheat straws were main dry fodder. Wheat grains, oil seed cakes, wheat bran (choker), grams and left over dry breads were the concentrates fed to goats. On the whole about 30% metabolizable energy requirements of non-milking goats and 34% of does were fulfilled by supplementation. Goats were supplemented maximum during January-March, June, November and December and grazed for greater periods in summer and autumn than in wi...

 Muhammad Azam Niazi*, Hassnain Shah, Waqar Akhtar and Nadeem Akmal** power of the farmers dropped. Pakistani farmers are expected to loose and consumers to gain if free agricultural trade (in selected commodities) opened with the neighboring India. It is suggested that farmer friendly policies and cost effective technologies should be transferred to farmers to make agriculture an attractive investment domestically and competitive internationally.


 Sumia Bint Zaman, Sidra Majeed and Shahid Ahmad*

...aries from 1.1 t ha-1 in drought or dry spells to 12.75 t ha-1 with full irrigation in favorable environments. Benefit-cost analysis shows that break-even point can be achieved in fourth year of plantation of Jatropha. The projected consumption in Pakistan for petro-fuel for 2025 is 35.1 mt, which is almost double of the current consumption. Thus, the target projections for replacement of petro-fuel with bio-diesel will be 3...

 Ghulam Shabbir*, Muhammad Aftab, Abid Mahmood** Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah* and Nasir Mahmood Cheema***

...t of a high yielding and drought tolerant elite line SPS-5, selected from the segregating progenies of a cross between Ganyou-4 x Westar. Breeding was carried out by the pedigree method and the elite line was evaluated for its yield potential in various yield trials conducted at BARI, Chakwal from 1994 to 1998. Based on the desirable phenotypic traits and superior seed yield, SPS-5 was approved as a rapeseed variety “Chakwal Sarson” by the Punjab S...

 Shazia Erum, Rashid Anwar and Shahid Masood*

...sted genotypes on the dendrogram, due to the geographical environment of Kasur in Punjab. In this connection ‘Benefit sharing’ mechanism can be accelerated by escalating farmer’s participation for more cultivation in the interest of country.


 Sarfraz Ahmad, Shaista Koukab, Nayyar Razzaq, Muhammad Islam, Aneel Rose*, and Muhammad Aslam**

...tions, maximum fresh and dry flower production at one flush was recorded 2783 and 763 kgha-1, respectively. The fresh and dry flower production under natural rainfall was recorded 812 and 252 kgha-1 respectively, at one flush. Matricaria recutita survived under the cold and drought conditions of highlands of Balochistan. Matricaria recutita has also shown regeneration potential on marginal...

Mian Sajjad Ahmad1, Somia Iqtadar1, Sami Ullah Mumtaz1*, Zafar Niaz1, Iqra Waheed2 and Sajid Abaidullah

...with unrestricted carbohydrate diet for three days and avoiding coffee, smoking and heavy exercise six hours before the test. Fasting sample was taken then 75g oral glucose was given. Sample after two hours was sent to KEMU clinical lab. A positive result of the patient was labeled as IGT. The patients mean age was 46.3±13.4 years. Out of 160 patients, 78 (48.8%) were males and 82 (51.2%) females.116 (72.5%) patients were obese grade 1 and 44 (27.5%) pa...

Sana Qanber Abbasi1*, Ejaz Ahmed2 and Rabia Sattar1 

...anization as close to quadriplegia and dementia.Among the headache complaint visitors in the emergency department, the most common are those suffering from migraine. (1) Alinear correlation has been found between rising serum pro BNP levels and Cardiovascular pathologies especially those involving left ventricular dysfunction which may depict a probable association between migraine and CVD. To compare the levels of serum pro Brain natriuretic peptide (pro BNP)...
Saba Rafique1,2,*, Khalid Naeem1, Naila Siddique1, Muhammad Athar Abbas1, Aamer Ali Shah2, Akbar Ali1, Abdul Rahim1 and Farooq Rashid1 could lead to genetic drift. The emergent strain of IBV in this study points out the need to include such variants in killed-vaccine form in the vaccination program of the affected region.
Promy Virk
...n was used as a standard drug. The results of Zetasizer and Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy images showed the presence of spherical to irregularly shaped green gold and silver (Au/Ag) nanopcomposite with an average size of 73.18 nm with polydispersity. A typical optical absorption peak at approximately 2.30 keV and 3.0 keV corresponded to the surface plasmon resonance property of gold and silver nanoparticles respectively. The green gold and silv...
Amtul Jamil Sami1,*, Sehrish Bilal1, Madeeha Khalid1, Muhammad Tahir Nazir1 and A.R. Shakoori2


... molecule to form four hydrogen bonds. Whereas in A. mellifera hydrogen bonds are formed at two positions by SER 171 and TYR104 with the saponin molecule indicating weak interaction as compared to T. castaneum Saponins derived from A. indica work as biosafe pesticides as it has no considerable effect on CNS enzymes of A. mellifera (a major plant pollinator and friendly insect) as compared to T<...

Anish Shrestha 

...and expenditure on sugar drug and comb foundation seems to have positive and significant relation with gross return. All of them appeared to be underutilized and needed to be increased by 39%, 74% and 34% respectively for the profit maximization. Main production problem found to be high cost and inadequate availability of modern equipment with the index score of 0.81. And, according to the farmers, main role institution that should play is providing training t...
Asad Sultan1, Sahal Ahmad1, Sarzamin Khan1, Rifat Ullah Khan2,*, Naila Chand1, Muhammad Tahir3 and Shakoor Ahmad2
...heat stress (HS). Two hundred and seventy broiler chicks were randomly assigned to 6 dietary groups: three dietary groups in thermoneutral temperature (TN) and three dietary groups under high temperature. One group of birds received a basal diet only (control group), second group of birds received a diet supplemented with silymarin at the level of 10g/kg and third group of birds received a diet supplemented with ZnO at the level of 60 mg/kg in both TN and HS b...
Saleem Abid1*, Nasir Jamal2, Muhammad Zubair Anwar3 and Saleem Zahid4 
...s Linear trend model, Quadratic trend model, Exponential growth model, S-curve trend model and double exponential smoothing model were used to find the best fitted model for area and production of potato in Pakistan. Forecasting errors namely mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), mean absolute deviation (MAD) and mean squared deviation (MSD) were used as model selection criteria. Lowest values of these errors indicated a best fitting model. The study showed t...
Muhammad Rasool1,*, Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Ismail Khan1, Qadeem Khan2 and Khalid Khan1
...reported subtype “adr4”. This sample showed 1.2 to 20% variation with the other reported sequences. Nucleotide sequence of the Pre-S2 region of the second sample MR03 does not show 100% homology with any of the reported sequences. It differs 2.4 to `18.8 % from the other reported sequences. Further it was established that MR02 and MR03 nucleotide sequences differ from one another at four positions, all substitutions. The first difference is observe...

 Hidayatullah, T. Mahmood, M. Farooq, M. A. Khokhar and S.I. Hussain*

* Corresponding author:

...cro;mol l ) and Maleic hydrazide (MH; 200, 400, 600 and 800 µmol l ) on sex expression of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria Molina) plants cv. Faisalabad Round was investigated under field conditions in National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad. Plants sprayed with distilled water were considered as control. Among all foliar agents, the response of -l GA3 3 and MH was found better. Exogenous application with 30 µmol l GA maximally increased ...

 A. N. Naqvi and K. Fatima*

...ed from the Animal Husbandry Department from 2003 to 2007. In total 19259 animals were found affected with various diseases. The disorders reported in the area were digestive diseases, infections, mastitis, reproductive diseases, endoparasites, ectoparasites, wounds, hematuria, respiratory diseases, emaciation, hemorrhagic septic-emia, tumour, blue tongue, cow pox, enterotoxaemia, tetanus, paralysis and arthritis. In precise, endoparasites were found in 25.3% ...

 Javid Iqbal, Asghar Ali Mian, Tanveer Ahmad*, Shamsul Hassan** and Sohail Hassan Khan* 

...tality, antibody titres, dressing percentage and economic evaluation as cost of broiler per kilogram live weight produced. The average body weights gained by the birds were 2264g, 2277g, 2256g and 1942g for A, B, C and D strains, respectively at 49 days of age. The birds in treatments A, B and C gained significantly (P <0.05) more weight than the birds in treatment D. On the contrary, the birds in treatment D (4371g) consumed significantly (P <0.05) less...

 Shahida N.Khokhar*

...y efforts were made to address the issue through developing and applying the inoculants. Several research institutions including National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan contributed significantly to these efforts. There are many reports on achieving increase in yield of legumes, cereals (wheat, maize) and vegetable crops. This however has yet to be taken to farmers' field effectively. The present paper reviews these efforts, lapses and...

 Faisal Khalil, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi, Ammaz Khan, Fakhar-ul-Hassan and Nabila Bibi*

...flower percentage, fruit drop percentage, fruit set percentage, fruit harvest percentage, fruit size, fruit weight, pulp weight and oil contents followed by girdling, NAA and SA. All growth parameters were found enhanced in Uslu (V ) with exception for fruit drop percentage, fruit size and fruit weight 1 which was improved in Nochlerra (V ). 


 Khalid Mahmood Qureshi, Fakhar ul Hassan, Qamar ul Hassan, Usman Shaukat Qureshi, Saman Chughtai and Adnan Saleem*

IMPACT OF CULTIVATION SYSTEMS ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF STRAWBERRY (FRAGARIA ANANASSA) CV. �CHANDLER�, leaf area, fresh and dry weights of leaves, crown size , root length and reproductive parameters i.e., number of trusses, number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit size, fruit weight and qualitative measures viz., total soluble solids, total sugars, ascorbic acid were found significantly higher under tunnel condition as compared to other cultivation systems. The experiment was arranged by employing the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) by using five...

 Parvez Khaliq*, Azim Malik**, Nasir Mahmood Cheema* and Muhammad Umair***

...opping system even under drought condition and there will be no economical loss of wheat yield when planted after maize fodder. Application of recommended dose of fertilizer -1 along with FYM @ 5 tha will enhance the yield of wheat and maize fodder. The improved cropping system of wheat-maize fodder-wheat will help the farmers to sustain productivity of these crops, stable economic benefits and improvement in soil nutrients and organic matter over time.


 Muhammad Tariq*, Raja Muhammad Omer**, Muhammad Ashraf Mian*, Obaid Ur Rehman***, Amjad Tahir Virk and Kazim Abbass**

...biotic stress especially drought during the crop season. The seed multiplication of crop varieties of rainfed areas can be done in irrigated areas to ensure the quality of seed and its availability in rainfed areas, which ultimately will increase the income of the farming community of the area.


 Safdar Ali, Sahiba, M. Azim Malik, Fayyaz-ul-Hassan and M. Ansar*

...ease in green fodder and dry matter yield was observed with the increased doses of nitrogen and phosphorus. Overall, the -1 nitrogen application @ 180 kg ha increased the green fodder and dry matter yield by 12.33% and 51.50%, respectively. Similarly, with -1 phosphorus application @ 90 kg ha , the 36.80% and 46.26% increase was observed in green fodder and dry matter yield, respectively. ...

 Muhammad Yaqoob*, Rukhsana Anjum, Mumtaz Hussain and Muhammad Jahangir Shah**

...lopment of high yielding drought tolerant varieties. A field study was therefore, conducted to evaluate the performance of 10 hybrid rice along with two high yielding varieties under drought conditions at Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI), Bahawalpur. The experiment was designed in RCBD with three replications. The crop was maintained under moisture stress conditions. The data on various plant traits including, days to pan...

 Munir Ahmad* and Asif Ali Mirani**

...nd it is not possible to dry it down to a safe moisture level by sun drying. Therefore, the chance for developing aflatoxins in it is high. To solve this problem of the groundnut growers, a low cost mobile flat-bed dryer designed and developed at Agricultural and Biological Engineering Institute (ABEI), National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad was evaluated for

 Muhammad Zubair Anwar, M. Azeem Khan, Ikram Saeed, Akhtar Ali*, Shafique Zahid and Abdul Majid**

...aid that the increase in dry stalk was about 50%. While in kharif 72% respondents pointed out 55% increase in grain yield and similarly majority of the farmers (68%) pointed out 50% increase in dry stalk yield. Majority of the respondents (83%) appreciated the newly introduced plant species while about 17% have shown their interest in fruit trees.

...fter planting. Moreover, dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) in vitro digestibility were statistically different among the species of legume (P<0.01). In DL the DM and OM were highest i.e., 74.84 % and 74.37%. Meanwhile, the biomass digestibility of DM and OM was affected by the -2 treatments (P<0.01), being highest in CT (2511.4 g DMm and 2172.1 g -2 -2 -2 OMm ) followed by DL (2351.8 g DMm and 2044.9 g OMm ). Based on this study, CT and DL have pot...

 Wabekwa, J.W., I.A. Sodagni and F.K. Mohammad*

...area per plant and plant dry weight increased with -1 increasing P O rates (40-60 kg ha ) at 6, 8 and 10 weeks after sowing (WAS) 2 5 . Crop growth rates similarly increased with increasing P O rates (40-80 kg 2 5 -1 ha ) at 6 WAS in both years and the combined means for the two years, and at 8 WAS in 2011 and the combined analysis. Days to 50% flowering and head dry weight were not significantly influenced by P O rates and ...

 Muhammad Sohail*, Imtiaz Hussain*, Riaz-ud-din*, Syed Haider Abbas*, Maqsood Qamar* and Muhammad Noman*

... , 1000 grain weight and dry matter production. Split N application was also linked with better flag leaf chlorophyll retention and cooler crop canopies during grain filling stages which showed positive association with grain yield.


 Sajida Taj*, Akhter Ali*, Nadeem Akmal*, Shujaat Yaqoob** and Mubarik Ali***

...t water saving models to draw some solid method of irrigation with less wastage. Raised bed planting method is also one of the modern methods of planting crop with significant water saving. The study was planned and conducted by the Social Sciences Research Institute, Faisalabad in 2011-12 to assess the determinants of the adoption of the raised bed technology for wheat crop in irrigated Punjab, Pakistan. The study was conducted at three sites of the districts...

 Rabeea Tariq*, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*, Imran Hassan*, Muhammad Rasheed* and Usman Shaukat Qureshi*

...nt increase in fresh and dry weight of leaves, number of leaves, fruit yield in term of fruit number, fruit size and fruit weight, and fruit quality with high ascorbic acid contents were observed. On the other hand, plants grown in silt, sand and FYM (1 : 1 : 1) at both planting densities showed significant increment in vegetative growth resulting in early flowering with more flowers per plant, better fruit setting and fruit set percentage, greater fruit size ...

 Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Muhammad Yasin Mirza*, Muhammad Amjad*, Nazakat Nawaz*, Malik Shah Nawaz* and Doulat Baig*

...ons for these traits. Dendrogram based on Euclidean distance coefficient using 10 quantitative traits, grouped all the linseed accessions into 13 clusters. Cluster II was the biggest and had 33 accessions followed by Cluster I having 11 accessions. For the development of high yielding varieties, best performing accessions of Clusters I and II could be used in hybridization programme by crossing with accessions of Clusters VII, VIII, IX and X followed by select...

 Shahid Ali*, Anjum Shehzad*, Muhammad Ather Rafi* and Ahmed Zia*

...ptera, while families, Andrenidae, Apidae, Halictidae and Vespidae belonged to order Hymenoptera.


 Khalid Naseem*, Naseem Bibi**, Saeeda Raza*, Amer Mumtaz*, Nouman Rashid Siddiqui*, Amina Bibi*** and Muhammad Ahsan Khan****

...cks for malnourished children. Biscuits were prepared by supplementing chickpea and oat in patent flour (fine flour) with different ratio (5%, 10%, 15% and 20 %). Biscuits with no supplementation were kept as control treatment. Chemical and sensory evaluation of supplemented biscuits was carried out. An increase in nutritive values have been observed with an increase in supplementation level. Proximate analysis shows that T and T get the highest values for pro...

 Md. Nazirul Islam*, A. K. Azad**, Leon O. Namuco***, Teresita H. Borromeo***, Maria Lourdes O. Cedo*** and Edna A. Aguilar***

MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERIZATION AND DIVERSITY ANALYSIS OF A MAKAPUNO COCONUT POPULATION IN U.P. LOS BANOS characterized by cylindrical stem and lower number of green leaves. Cluster IV is characterized by heavy fruit and nut weight with elongated shape of nut. Higher number of green leaves presence is the common character of palms of cluster V. Girth at bole region and longer petiole length of leaves are the common characters of palms belonging to cluster VI. 


 Adnan Umair*, Safdar Ali**, Muhammad Sarwar***, Kashif Bashir**, Muhammad Javed Tareen**** and Muhammad Asghar Malik*****

ASSESSMENT OF SOME PRIMING TECHNIQUES IN MUNGBEAN (VIGNA RADIATA) : A GREEN HOUSE STUDY seeds are partially hydrated to a point where germination process begin but radical emergence does not occur. A pot experiment was conducted in a green house. The seeds were invigorated by traditional soaking (hydropriming), osmo-conditioning using phosphorous (KH PO ; 2 4 -1 200 mM and 400 mM), mannitol (20 and 40 gl ), polyethylene glycol (50 and -1 -1 100 gl ), sodium molybdate dihydr

 Shahida Khalid*and Shahida Nasreen Khokhar*

...length, fresh weight and dry weight) the inhibitory effect of residues , when inoculated with Azospirillum A4. In second experiment two Azospirillum (B2 and B3) and two Azorhizobium (3.6ksk and srsn2k4) isolates reduced seed germination of Phalaris minor by 95%. The results imply that biofertilizer microbes can mitigate the carryover effect of the two sulfonylureas; they can also inhibit Phalaris minor. Therefore, the use of bio-inoculants, weed seed germinati...

 Nusrat Habib*, Muhammad Zubair Anwar* and Ikram Saeed*

...duction through adopting drought resistance high yielding varieties and improved management practice seems to contribute significantly. The output-input ratios of AZRI-06, NM- -1 -1 06 and NM-98 were 3.05, 2.79 and 2.41 with revenue crop day acre of Rs.451, Rs.368 and Rs.318, respectively. AZRI-06 variety showed higher -1 profitability level with higher output-input ratio and revenue crop day -1 acre . Adopting improved technology in mungbean production would ...

 Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar*, Maqsood Ahmad*, Gulshan Riaz* and Sartaj Khan*

...lock Design. The highest dry matter yield was obtained from millet (8.9 -1 -1 -1 tha ), followed by cowpeas (4.5 tha ), sesbania (4.4 tha ), rice beans (2.9 -1 -1 tha ), lablab bean (2.2 tha ) while cluster bean produced lowest dry matter -1 (1.7 tha ). Cluster bean had the highest crude protein content (23.2 %) followed by cowpea (22.6 %), lablab bean (21.6 %), rice bean (20.1 %) and sesbania (19.1 %). Millet had the lowest...

  Abdul Hassan*, Muhammad Ishaq*, Nisar Ali Shah* and Arshad Farooq*

...t mountains and Northern dry mountains of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan by using concept of typical farms. The yield and production of milk gap was estimated in three scenarios. The results showed that the present milk production of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is 2.74 mt with 1579 lit of milk per buffalo per year, 663 lit of milk per cow per year, 95 lit milk per goat per year and 64 lit of milk per sheep per year. The data in comparison to the National and World averag...

 Shafique Qadir Memon*, Nadeem Amjad**, Muhammad Safar Mirjat***, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Khalil Ahmad Ibupoto***, Shabbir Ahmad Kalwar****, Asif Ali Mirani**** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed****

... weight, grain yield and dry matter were maximum with deep tillage as compared to conventional and zero tillage. Comparing the seasons, the overall better plant height, 1000- grain weight, grain yield and dry matter were gained during autumn season due to its crop residue effect and supplemental fertilizer. Therefore, considering the environmental conditions, the deep tillage with recommended dose of organic and inorganic fe...

Tanzila Kazmi*, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry*, Aftab Ahmed** and Shaheer Ellahi Khan**

...mple of 187 farmers were drawn out of the population of 3680, to cultivate insight and beliefs regarding the indigenous farming practices and how it is related with sustainable agricultural development. During the study a mixture of qualitative techniques including interview guide(s), focus group discussions (FGDs) and case study were used. The study revealed that indigenous knowledge is a long term process and demands a complete approach to achieve destined g...

 Ayesha Tahir*

...the present study was quadratic trend model. Forecasting was done from 2012 to 2016.The forecasted export quantities are 1643.13, 1854.03, 2077.80, 2314.46 and 2564.00 thousand tons and forecasted export values are 673.67, 782.34, 898.57, 1022.35 and 1153.68 thousand dollars. Forecasted values are very close to actual values and have positive increasing trend in Pakistan.


 Mustaring,* I. Subagyo,** Soebarinoto** and Marsetyo*

... height, tillage number, dry matter (DM) yield, in vitro digestibility and nutrient contents. Plant height and tillage number were monitored at week 4, 6 and 8 then harvested at week 8. Results revealed that the Brachiaria mutica (8 weeks old) had highest plant height (207 cm), but lowest tillage number (64), crude protein (CP) content (8.64%), in vitro organic matter (OM) digestibility (47.36%) On the other hand, B. mulato had highest tillage number (117) and...

 Nazakat Nawaz*, Malik Shah Nawaz*, Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Mirza M. Yasin*, Doulat Baig*, Nasir Mehmood Cheema**, Muhammad Amjad** and M. Altaf Sher**

...nificantly 3 3 increased dry pod yield of all the tested genotypes over control. Dry pod yields of BARD-479, ICG-7326, and ICGV-92023 increased by 14- 20%, 21- 26% and 27- 34%, respectively. Genotype BARD-479 was the most boron efficient user, 83- 88% followed by ICG-7326, 79-83% and ICGV- 92023, 75- 79%. Critical boron concentrations in plant shoot terminals -1 recorded were 22-48, 23-50 and 25-54 mg kg during 2008 and 27-51, 30- -1 55 and 31-58 mg kg during ...

 Farman Ullah Shah*, G. Mustafa Sajid** and Sadar Uddin Siddiqui**

...ed density m , fresh and dry weight g m , while crop data -2 -2 -1 included crop density m , fresh and dry weight g m , number of plant plot , -1 stover yield (g), plant height (cm), number of cobs plant , number of leaves -1 -1 plant , average grain number of five cobs and grain yield (t ha ). With the -2 -2 exception of hand weeding, minimum number of weeds 128 m and 164 m were recorded in black plastic and weeds as mulch,...

 Maqsood Qamar*, S. Dilanawaz Ahmad Gardazi**, Riaz-ud-Din*, Muhammad Sohail* and Syed Haider Abbas*

...2008 cropping season was dry and no stripe rust appeared. Two advanced lines (NR 268 and NR 285) showed the infection type (IT) less than 7 (incompatible reaction) to the mixture of prevailing stripe rust inoculums. Very low level of DS and AUDPC were recorded in the remaining cultivars/lines indicating a high level of partial resistance to stripe rust compared to the susceptible check cultivar, Inqalab 91. Among eight cultivars/lines that showed compatible ty...

 Munir Ahmad*, Asif Ali Mirani**, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood**, Tanveer Ahmad** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed**

...ilability of postharvest drying and processing technologies. About 70% of the rice produced in the country is dried through sun heat. which is one of the major causes of reducing head rice recovery during the milling operation. Recently, cross-flow rice dryers have been adopted in the rice milling industry of the country. The heat source of these cross-flow dr

 Hassnain Shah*, Nadeem Akmal*, Waqas Farooq*, Muhammad Azeem Khan* and Shahid Munir**

...e important implications drawn in this regard was the need of a shift from site development to skill development. The same was derived as an important recommendation during assessment and evaluation of different demonstration and dissemination activities being conducted under Watershed Project. This shift could catalyze the technology adoption. 


 Usman Shakoor*, Abdul Saboor*, Irfan Baig*, Anila Afzal** and Abdul Rahman***

... temperatures as well as droughts will definitely enhance resilience of rice crop in Pakistan. 


 Muhammad Aamir Khan*, Abdul Saboor*, Rauf-i-Azam**, Abdul Qayyum Mohsin* and Fayyaz-ul-Hassan***

IMPACT OF AGRICULTURAL TRADE LIBERALIZATION ON INCOME INEQUALITY IN PAKISTAN poverty. In this backdrop, the current study evaluates the impact of Pakistan’s agricultural trade liberalization using a modified Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) framework. The newly developed MyGTAP program was used to modify the Pakistan’s data in the Global GTAP Database and Standard GTAP model to include multiple households and labor types. This disaggregation allows to analyze distributional impacts and to implement policy scenarios ...

 Maimoona Bashir*, Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar*, Muhammad Fateh Ullah Khan* and Abdul Razzaq*

...gnificant differences in dry matter (DM) among different grasses. DM content of low palatable grasses was generally high (70-75%) as compared to Ipil ipil leaves (45-55%). DM content among mixtures was also variable. For the treatment grass 75% + Ipil ipil 25%, DM range was 65-70%, for grass 50% + Ipil ipil 50%, it was 60-65% and for grass 25% + Ipil ipil 75%, it was 55%. The CP value of the treatments showed significant variation ranging from less than 10% in...

 Maimoona Bashir*, Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar*, Muhammad Fateh Ullah Khan* and Raheel Babar*

...75% 50% 50% 75% 25% 100% dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and crude fibre (CF) consumption among all the treatments. The digestibility percentage of dry matter intake (DMI) varied among the treatments ranging from 68.25% to 41.66%. Mixtures of low palatable grass and Ipil ipil were in general more digestible with more than 65% dry matter digestibility. The lowest digestibility of

 Mazher Abbas*, Irfan Mehmood*, Arshed Bashir*, Muhammad Ather Mehmood* and Sonila Hassan* 

... better education of children (21%). Majority of the respondents (97.33%) reported that the mode of payments of cotton picking was in cash and the most of the respondents (83.70%) reported that they got wages in time. Only few respondents (8.70%) were aware of health hazards due to pesticides and only 10% women wear protective clothes during cotton picking. Majority of the respondents (76%) wash their clothes after cotton picking whereas almost all the respond...

 Muhammad Akhter*, Muhammad Azhar Ali**, Zulqarnain Haider* and Shahzad Muzammil***

... parameters such as ash, dry matter, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, vitamin B6; milling quality parameters such as total milling recovery, head rice recovery, ratio of broken grains and cooking quality parameters such as curling, bursting and cooked grain length. The study showed significant variation in efficacy of parboiling to different varieties/lines. The results clearly showed average increase in mineral contents in terms of ash% increase,

 Riaz Hussain*, Muhammad Riaz** and Mushtaq A. Saleem***

...ychlorinated petroleum hydrocarbon (Tenekil 100 EC). The LC values of these insecticides were worked out as 12830 and 50 9331 ppm for azadirachtin and 5148 and 4047 ppm for Tenekil 100 EC against PAK and FSS-II strains, respectively. The results revealed that polychlorinated petroleum hydrocarbon was more toxic than the azadirachtin. Furthermore, both the insecticides were equally toxic to the adult beetles of T. castaneum a...

Muhammad Hidayat Rasool*, Abuzar Muhammad Afzal*, Abu Baker Siddique*, Waseem Akram**, Muhammad Saqalein*, Madiha Basit* and Muhammad Farooq Tahir***

...evelop a novel antiviral drug against NDV in poultry.


 Said Salman*, Shah Jehan Khan* and Javed Khan**

HETEROSIS AND HETROBELTIOSIS PERFORMANCE OF MORPHOLOGICAL TRAITS IN BREAD WHEAT CROSSES UNDER DROUGHT STRESS CONDITIONS crosses having four drought 1 tolerant cultivars and four susceptible lines as parents. The experiment was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan during 2012-13. The performance of crosses and their parents were evaluated with three replications. These crosses were -1 evaluated for plant height, number of tillers plant , days to 50% heading, -1 -1 spike length, number of spikelets spike , number of grains spi...

 Sobia Naheed*, Irum Raza*, M. Zubair Anwar*, Nusrat Habib*, Naheed Zahra* and Sabeen Siddiqui*

...1. Four models namely quadratic trend, linear trend, exponential growth curve and double exponential smoothing were compared and the best fitting model was chosen by reason of three accuracy measures namely mean absolute deviation (MAD), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and mean squared deviation (MSD). The values of these

measures were lowest for the double exponential smoothing method, therefore, this method was selected for predicting...

 Saqib Shakeel Abbasi*, Ayesha Tahir**, Irum Raza* Saleem Abid* and Muhammad Nisar Khan*

...e linear trend model, quadratic trend model, exponential growth model and S-curve model. The minimum values of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Mean Squared Deviation (MSD) have been acquired and then the forecasting was made for the best fitted model with minimum error. Five year average prices for the individual crop(s) were also calculated to observe the past trend. The study demonstrates that for wheat and rice (Basm...

 Raja Zoq-ul-Arfeen*, Aamir Saleem*, Sarwat Naz Mirza*, Muhammad Akmal**, Hafiz Muhammad Tayyab* and Obaid Afzal***

...bipinnata, Imperata cylindrica, Fimbristylis hispidula, Acacia nilotica, Phragmites karka, Tamarix sp. and Saccharum bengalense as dominant species. The biodiversity in upstream and downstream areas were rich in pre-monsoon season in comparison to post-monsoon season in surveyed areas. This study is useful for management of the area in the future as conservation strategies can be made through considering the adaptive tree species in future plantation and endan...

 Anwar Hussain* and Muhammad Rahman**

...n, harvesting, cleaning, drying, packing and marketing of MAPs. The overall findings revealed that the training had positive impact on farmers' revenue. If standardized, the MAPs collected, they can get fair prices for their products. The study recommends that the government and non-governmental organization should arrange such type of trainings in other regions of the country which will not only increase the trade volume of the MAPs but would also improve the...

 Muhammad Nisar Khan*, Tariq Hassan*, Hassnain Shah*, Saleem Abid*, Irum Raza* and Saqib Shakeel Abbasi*

...wered irrigation system, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, micro catchment, rooftop rainwater harvesting and irrigation scheduling. Therefore, the project activities also include the training of the professionals from the line departments for the demonstrated technologies to foster the process of adoption. For this purpose Climate and Alternate Energy Water Resources Institute, NARC, organized a professional training on “Water Rehabilitation and Irr...

 Naheed Zahra*, Nadeem Akmal*, Sobia Naheed*, Nusrat Habib*, Sabeen Siddiqui* and Irum Raza*

...s of accuracy measure quadratic model was selected. The estimated results revealed that there is an increasing trend in the area and yield of rice in Punjab. The area of rice was 276800 ha in 2012 and would be 2934280 ha in 2016. Likewise results about yield indicated that it was -1 -1 2438kg ha in 2012 and would be 2678kg ha in 2016. This increasing trend will provide a great opportunity for rice export from the country.


  Sohaib Arshad*, Sarwat Naz Mirza*, Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar** and Maqbool Shahbaz**

...bolizable energy, carbohydrates, proteins and other important minerals. As global warming is increasing, overall water scarcity is resulting in deterioration of natural resources, and it is need of the hour to find fodder crop resources which are more accustomed to change climatic conditions. Hence, different exotic and indigenous varieties of Rhodes grass were tested for quality and yield parameters. Three varieties were imported from Australia and Zimbabwe n...

 Muhammad Qasim*, Khuda Bakhsh**, Sultan Ali Tariq*, Mahmood Nasir***, Rashed Saeed**** and Muhammad Ather Mahmood****

... and kharif 2009. One hundred and forty groundnut producers were selected for collecting data using the well-structured questionnaire from two important districts recognised for area and production of groundnut. Results showed that large farmers allocated significantly higher area (34%) to groundnut cultivation compared to other categories of farmers. The gross margins were also significantly higher at large farms. Ploughing frequency, seed rate and labor mand...

 Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Abid Hussain*

... adult male, wet female, dry female and young stock, respectively. The prevailing marketing situation of live camels is an indicative of exploitation farmers from the village dealers/market intermediaries. The regulatory laws of livestock markets applied in Pakistan are not comprehensive and do not cover all the aspects necessary for the markets to function efficiently. It is, therefore, recommended that the proper marketing system and physical infrastructure ...

Sumia Bint Zaman*, Waqas Farooq*, Sidra Majeed*, Hasnain Shah*, and Abdul Majid**

...component to prepare a cadre was included in the USDA funded 'Watershed Rehabilitation' project being implemented in collaboration with ICARDA and other NARS partners. The prime objective of these training programmes was to impart training based skills on water conservation technologies. To help in improving the effectiveness, the socioeconomic backup for assessment of these trainings was included as part of the activity. The information for paper is collected...

 Muhammad Tahir* and Nawal Zafar* 

...te, fresh weight plant , dry weight plant , green forage yield and dry matter yield were obtained in plots where barley was sown alone at 100% seed ratio. The highest crude fiber and total ash percentage was observed in plots where oat was sown alone at 100% seed ratio and crude protein percentage was highest when oat was blended together with barley at 75% + 25% seed ratios.


Muhammad Zahid Kiani*, Tariq Sultan**, Arshad Ali**, Ghulam Qadir*** Imdad Ali Mahmood**, Tauseef Tabassam**, Muhammad Arshad Ullah** and Nasir Abbas* 

...ngth, plant height, root dry weight and shoot dry weight were recorded. The plant growth improved significantly with PGPR strain under salt stress. The root length, plant height, root and shoot weight increased up to 40%, 40%, 167% and 255%, -1 respectively over un-inoculated at 12 dS m salinity level. Whereas an increase of 38%, 54%, 109%, and 117% in root length, plant height, root weight and shoot -1 weight, respectively ...

Samina Qamer*, Iram Nasir**, Um-Habiba Zafar**, Salma Sultana** and Tayyaba Sultana**

BIO-CHEMICAL EVALUATION OF HONEY PRODUCED BY APIS MELLIFERA HONEYBEE COLLECTED FROM JHANG, BAHAWALPUR, MULTAN, JHELUM AND KALAR KAHAR AREAS and286.84-1 gkg . Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content of honey samples were measured as 30.25 mgkg -1 from Jhang, 18.10 mgkg -1 from Kalar Kahar, 25.29 mgkg from Bahawalpur,19.71mgkg fromMultan, and19.62mgkg fromJhelum, respectively.


 Waqar Akhtar*, Muhammad Sharif**, Abdul Hayee Qureshi*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla*** and Muhammad Azeem Khan*

...mato is also needed to address farm and market level issues of competitiveness.


 Inayat-Ur-Rahman*, Shamsher Ali**, Mukhtar Alam*, Mohammad Adnan*, Hidayat ullah*, Muhammad Faisal Anwar Malik*, Abdul Sattar Shah* Mohammad Ibrahim*

...2, 18 and 24 hours while dry seeds were used as control. Same primed seeds were used in the field experiment. Priming proved effective in improving percent germination and reducing the mean germination time (MGT) as compared to unprimed seeds. Priming agents, its osmotic potential and duration significantly affected germination percentage, which increased as osmotic potential lowered from 0 to -1.2 Mpa while further lowering osmotic potential to -1.6 Mpa and b...

 Dilawar Khan*, Abid Saeed*, Junaid Ahmad*, Imtiaz Qamar**, Fazal Yazdan**, Saleem ud Din** and Muhammad Tariq**

...n side by using 1x1 m quadrat method.


 Saleem Abid*, Anum Fatima*, Sobia Naheed*, Asrar Sarwar** and Muhammad Nisar Khan*

...models (linear trend, quadratic trend , exponential growth , s-curve and moving average) for estimating predicted values of area and production of dates for upcoming seven years. The estimated values of area and production represent increasing trend were 2.2, 93.8, 95.5, 97.2, 98.0, 100.6 and 102.3 '000' hectares and 548.5, 556.0, 563.5, 571.0, 578.5, 585.9 and 593.4 '000' tonnes from 2013-14 to 2019-20, respectively .


  Mohammad Umar Farooq* , Sarfraz Ahmad ** , Mohammad Islam and Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar ***

...Four transect lines were drawn in each experimental plot. Twenty four samples of each experimental plot were collected with the help of ADC one m quadrat method, weighed and then oven dried at 60 C to find out the dry weight for above phytomass carbon Mg C ha . Similarly, the one m quadrats were dig out up to the root ...

Mehwish Kiran*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani*, Kashif Waseem*
and Muhammad Sohail**

...h leaf weight plant (g), dry leaf weight plant (g), root length (cm), root diameter (cm), fresh root weight plant (g), dry root weight plant (g), total biomass plant (g), root yield pot (g) and root yield (t ha ) were recorded and analyzed statistically. The results revealed that all growth attributes and yield were significantly enhanced by the application of organic manures and NPK. The highest values were found in NPK tre...

 Asif ullah Khan*, Faizan Ullah*, Sultan Mehmood*, Muhammad Irshad* and Farhat Ullah Khan**

...hoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root length, root fresh weight, root dry weight, seedling relative water content and seed vigor index. It was inferred from findings of the present investigation that aqueous extract of exhibits inhibitory effects on growth and development of and therefore could be a potential source of botanical herbicide in the control of this noxious weed species.

Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1,2,, Shan Liang1, Muhammad Saleem Kalhoro2, Shoaib Ahmed Pirzado2, Nasir Rajput2, Muhammad Naeem2, Fahmida Parveen2 andYongjie Liu1* severe respiratory syndrome at the Animal Clinics of Nanjing Agricultural University in 2014. One viral strain was isolated from SPF embryonated chicken eggs. Sequencing analysis of hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes showed 93 to 99% similarity between each other. The CIV isolates shared high similarity (above 98%) to the H3N2 viruses from dogs in China. On the comparison of gene sequence four unique mutations were found in the amino acid of HA...
Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Farkhanda Khan2, Muhammad Kashan3, Qadir Ullah4 and Abdur Rauf5 followed by three top-dressing of 42 kg N ha−1 each just prior to first, second and third irrigations significantly enhanced seed cotton yield, quality, N uptake and N efficiencies compared to conventional practices. In conclusion, drilling of 24 kg N ha−1 as DAP into the soil at cotton sowing followed by three top-dressing of 42 kg N ha−1

Samina Ashraf1*, Ghulam Haider2 and Maimoona Ashraf

... institutional violence, drug use, undesirable sterilisation, medical abuse, mortification, and nuisance. This study is intended to explore the lived experiences of women with disabilities who have been subjected to any type of violence, generate a theoretical model for the ways in which women with disabilities survived and coped with their violence and finally to make suggestions and recommendations in order to reduce the elements causing violence against wom...
Naimat Ullah Khan1,2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1Nisar Ahmad3, Ayesha Hassan1, Muhammad Kashif Prince1, Muhammad Luqman Sohail4,*, Mian Saeed Sarwar2, Hazrat Ali2, Tahir Usman2, Asadullah Khan2, Siffat Ullah Khan3 and Shahid Zaman5
...uman infection. Three hundred and sixty fecal samples (n=360) were collected through convenient sampling from apparently healthy lambs and were examined using the modified Ziehl Neelsen acid fast staining. Prevalence was calculated along with different risk factors associated with the disease (month, age, sex and season). Results showed highest prevalence (P < 0.05) of the Cryptosporidium in Kohat (33.33%) followed by Lakki Marwat (25%), while the lo...
Martín Grassi
...estern thought. I will address philosophy, biology, and theology, by studying Aristotle’s natural philosophy, Thomas Aquinas’ theology, and Maturana and Varela’s biological theory of autopoiesis. Although self-sufficiency is quite revealing of what life is, I will argue that it does notdo justice to the relational essence of life, being my goal to open new perspectives on life by placing the prefix syn- over the prefix aut&oa...

Jesse M. Smith

...of Mormonism. Using data drawn from their semi-annual General Conference and other church-produced documents from 1903 to the present, I examine how Mormon leaders have responded, through discourse, to secular forces over the course of more than a century. I accomplish this by employing the techniques of ethnographic content analysis consistent with the inductive logic of a constructionist grounded theory. Combing elements of rhetorical theory with a sociologi...
Mahmoud M. Al-Azzazy1,2 and Saleh S. Alhewairini1,*
...50 is a formulation of hydrogen peroxide, stabilized by the addition of a small quantity of silver and is extensively used as a disinfectant. It was found to be very effective in killing A. lycopersici with no significant effect on N. cucumeris. Under greenhouse conditions, the mortality percentages were 81.17, 84.11, 92.74 and 95.10% for A. lycopersici and 15.86, 23.45, 33.33 and 58.19% for N. cucumeris after one week of exposure t...
Asmatullah1, Chaman Ara1,*, Shagufta Andleeb2, Maha Tahir1, Beenish Zahid1 and Madeeha Arshad1
...rdeveloped ventricles, hydropericardium and necrosis of the liver. Skeleton analysis of cadmium treated groups showed mostly un-ossified skeletons. The control mice showed normal ossification as compared to experimental groups. Morphological, histological and skeletal studies of fetuses treated cadmium chloride along with guava fruit extract revealed ameliorative effects on various kinds of birth defects. It is concluded based on this current study that guava ...
 Nazia Qamar1, Sher Khan Panhwar1,* and Ralf Riedel2,*
..., and weather (rainy and dry season) as factors. Patterns of empty stomachs were investigated to estimate feeding intensity. Feeding intensity was estimated with logistic regression, using the same independent variables as above. Prey importance was also investigated. Prey importance was assessed using a Wilcox Rank Correlation analysis on the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) by species and life-stage. Permanova analysis showed that fish was the most importa...
Alaeldein M. Abudabos*, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer, Elsayed O.S. Hussein and Mutahar H. Ali
... acid (vitamin C) to the drinking water or feed of poultry has become a common practice. Broilers are more susceptible to heat stress as compared to other animals. The current experiment was conducted to examine the effect of commercial vitamin C supplement (VC100, 200 mg/kg), on performance of broilers. Two levels of environmental temperatures: normal (22°C) and high (32°C) and two levels of vitamin C in drinking wa...
Xiaopeng Tang1,3, Rong Xiang1, Sijia Chen1,3, Shufen Yang1,3, Hu Liu1,3, Rejun Fang1,3,* and Aike Li2,
...entation and enzymatic hydrolysis treatment of cottonseed meal on crude protein (CP), water-soluble protein (WSP), amino acid (AA) and peptide fractions, and the AA digestibility and metabolic energy of fermented cottonseed meal (FCSM) and enzymatic hydrolyzed cotton seed meal (EHCSM) in white leghorn roosters. Firstly, CSM were fermented with Aspergillus niger, or hydrolyzed with a...
Abdul Nabi Jatt1,*, Sarfraz Ali Tunio1, Shaista Bano Memon1, Abdul Sattar Qureshi2 and Muhammad Aqeel Bhutto
...ularly involved in the hydrolysis of complex organic materials. Several pathogenic microbial species utilize enzymes as virulence factors to cause diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate enzymatic activities of the bacterial strain Shigella dysenteriae IM using API-ZYM test system. Out of nineteen different enzymes, S. dysenteriae IM strain was capable to poroduce nine enzymes, i.e., alkaline-phosphatase, acidic-phosphatase,...
Saba Parveen Samo1, Moolchand Malhi1,*, Javed Gadahi2, Yan Lei3, Allah Bux Kaciwal1 and Saeed Ahmed Soomro1
...aled that utilization of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and crude fiber (CF) increased (P < 0.05) by 13.71, 12.02 and 4.78% at week 3 and by 11.11, 11.8 and 3.46 % at week 6 in B compared to A. Among carcass characteristics the carcass dressing % (52.99 ± 0.77 vs 49.41 ± 0.6 ) and leg weight (kg) (1.28 ± 0.06 vs 1.05 ± 0.04) increased (P < 0.05) in B compared to A. The physico-chemical ...
Aqsa Gulzar1, Tariq Mahmud1,*, Rubina Munir2 and Asma Anjum3
...sulfanyl]-N-[4-(hydrazinecarbonyl)phenyl]acetamide with 3-nitro and 4-nitrobenzaldehyde. Characterization of the synthesized compounds was done by using various spectroscopic techniques namely FTIR, proton and carbon-13 NMR, Mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. The results were in great consistency with the structures of the synthesized compounds and confirmed the formation of the targeted compounds. It was found that the compound 4a was potentiall...
Wei Dang1, Ning Xu1, Wen Zhang1, Jing Gao2, Handong Fan1 and Hongliang Lu 1,*
...cies of the genus Takydromus from different geographical locations. We found that either the constitutive expression pattern in different organs or the inducible expression pattern under higher ambient temperature were the same. The expression of Hsp70 was higher in the muscles. In liver, Hsp70 expression significantly increased after 38°C heat shock. We then collected other three lizard species, Plestiodon chinensis, S
Shireen Ihsan Izzaddeen1 and Ali Kaygısız2,*
...eaning chest girth (cm), dry matter, roughage and concentrate feed consumption (gr), total milk consumption (kg), feed conversion ratio (kg), total cost and unit cost (P>0.05). However, essential oil contained calf’s milk decreased fecal evaluation score and number of days with diarrhea (P<0.05). The calf’s serum total cholesterol, glucose, AST, GGT, creatinine, phosphor, calcium, insulin, total T3, total T4, albumin, GH and globulin concentr...

Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Abdul Malik2*, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak2, Naveedullah1, Naeem Ijaz3 and Ishaq Ahmad4 

... table depths due to withdrawal and the water quality parameters and to find the effect of small dams on recharge of ground water aquifer. Water table depths data from the ground surface, discharge of the wells, water quality parameters such as Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and Electrical Conductivity (ECw) were determined. Suitability of groundwater for irrigation purposes was evaluated following various classification schemes. The results show that in most p...
Sana Zahra have reported that Pendred Syndrome (PDS) contributes approximately 4.7-7.2% of recessive hereditary deafness in Pakistani population. More than 367 mutations of SLC26A4 have been reported so far with PDS. Identification of recurrent mutations reveals widespread lineage diversity and mutational specificity of a population. This study reports p.Y556C mutation as a recurring mutation in Punjabi population of Pakistan...
Humaira Jabeen and Nazia Jamil* able to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Strain Acinetobacter seohaensis produced 40.6% bio-plastic when supplemented with coconut oil. This percentage is even higher than the glucose, which was 16.6 % after 24 h of incubation. The other competent strains i.e. Exiguobacterium indicum, Bacillus acidiceler were not able to utilize the coconut oil but produced 5 and 22% bio-plastic when supplemented with 2% glucose after 24 h of incuba...
Fouzia Tabssum1* and Syed Shahid Ali2
...antitatively. Zones of hydrolysis produced by the bacterial strains were ranged from 0.9-2.6 mm2 in diameter. Enzyme production units were 59.0, 57.0, 58.0and 58.0 µg/ml/min by the bacterial isolates designated as BCTL-SL-197, BCTL-FL-24, BCTL-VL-23 and BCTL-FL-27, respectively. Bacterial growth was checked at different pH and temperature conditions. Best growth was observed at pH 7 and at 37ºC.
Fouzia Tabssum1* and Syed Shahid Ali2
...antitatively. Zones of hydrolysis produced by the bacterial strains were ranged from 0.9-2.6 mm2 in diameter. Enzyme production units were 59.0, 57.0, 58.0and 58.0 µg/ml/min by the bacterial isolates designated as BCTL-SL-197, BCTL-FL-24, BCTL-VL-23 and BCTL-FL-27, respectively. Bacterial growth was checked at different pH and temperature conditions. Best growth was observed at pH 7 and at 37ºC.
María Magdalena Crosby-Galván1, Bernardino Espinoza-Velasco1 and Mónica Ramirez-Mella2,*
...iets with 10, 20 and 30% dry residue of chihua pumpkin instead of corn stover. Dry matter digestibility and gas production was determined at 24 h of incubation in ruminal fluid obtained from two Holstein cows with a ruminal cannula. Randomized block experimental design was used as and a comparison of means was performed by the Tukey test. The results indicated that dry matter digestibility was significantly increased (P <...
Zahida Parveen1, Safdar Sidra1*, Bushra Nisar Khan2 (12.7%). Feeding and drinking consumed approximately 4.6% and 2.1% of time, respectively. 
Nazish Imran 
...roximately 10-15% of children and adolescents worldwide suffer from mental health problems.(1) The WHO also highlights that “Lack of attention to mental health of children & adolescents may lead to mental disorders with lifelong consequences, undermines compliance with health regimens and reduces the capacity of societies to be safe and productive”.(2

Muhammad Suleman Bacha1*, Mohammad Nafees1 and Syed Adnan2

...uent and sever floods or droughts and reduction in agricultural productivity and poor farm householders with low farm holdings are more exposed to such extreme weather events. FGDs and interviews also showed various indicators of causes, impacts and observations of climate change in the study area. Vulnerability assessment revealed that cereals, vegetables and fruit orchards are vulnerable to both climatic and non-climatic factors resulting reduction in crop p...
Riyadh S. Aljumaah*, Mohammed A. Alshaikh, Abdulrahman Jarelnabi, Mutassim M. Abdelrahman and Mansour F. Hussein

Nadia Mubarik1, Aqib Iqbal1*, Iqbal Munir1 and Muhammad Arif2 

...riately activated during drought, was also delayed in the supplemented seedlings as highlighted by a high RWC and expression of the Lhcb2 gene. 

Song Jiang1,2, Fa-lin Zhou3, Jian-hua Huang1, Qi-bin Yang1, Li-shi Yang1 and Shi-gui Jiang1,*
...01). The gonadal wet and dry mass ratio (Gd/m) was higher in the treatment group than those in the control group, but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). Furthermore, the body energy values (Eb) slightly decreased in both groups. The increase in the gonad energy value (Eg) was significantly higher in the treatment than control group (P<0.01). Thus, the broodstock showed negative growth in the...
Syeda Madiha, Zehra Batool, Saiqa Tabassum, Laraib Liaquat, Sadia Sadir, Tahira Perveen and Saida Haider*


...e (pesticide and mitochondrial complex I inhibitor) has been associated to induce toxicity in humans and as well as in animals. The present study evaluated the protective role of curcumin against rotenone-induced motor deficits, biochemical and neurochemical alterations. Rotenone was injected subcutaneously at the dose of 1.5 mg/kg for 8 days. Supplementation of curcumin (100 mg/kg/day, p.o.) was started before 15 days of rotenone injection. The effects of cur...
Lotta Wahldén1, 3, Ulf Emanuelson1, Torsten Møller2 and Jonas Johansson Wensman1*
...n order to improve husbandry in zoos and help wildlife conservation. In total, 146 serum samples from 47 individuals were analyzed. Serum neutralization test was used to determine presence of CDV antibodies, and an indirect IgG ELISA was used to detect CPV antibodies. Neutralizing antibodies was induced after CDV vaccination and persisted up to 3.9 years. Most animals had high IgG antibody titers to CPV prior to vaccination and vaccination did not result in in...

Muhammad Suhaib1, Ijaz Ahmad2*, Masooma Munir3, Muhammad Bilal Iqbal4 , Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 and Safdar Ali6 

...n view these factors a hydroponic experiment was conducted on wheat with two levels of salicylic acid (0.25 mM and 0.50 mM) under two salt levels (75 mM and 150 mM) to assess that whether the salicylic acid is helpful in coping the harmful effects of salinity on crop growth or not and if it has certain positive response then which level is more suitable for wheat crop growth along with the genotypic assessment of salt tolerance in wheat cultivars (Faisalabad-2...
Shagufta Andleeb*1, Fariha Zahid1, Noor-ul-Ain1, Yousra Nisar1, Chaman Ara2
...ryos with microcephly, hydrocephaly, short neck, micromelia, amelia, micrognathia, agnathia, cataract, ectopiacordis, omphalocoel, axis distortion, anencephaly, anophthalmia, microphthalmia, phocomelia with reduced body weight and crown- rump length in all dose groups were obtained. Adverse histological changes appeared in the form of disrupted and malformed visceral organs, vertebral bone and spina bifida as compared to control. The findings of this study cle...
Noor Fatima1, Muhammad Irfan2,*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1 process affectively hydrolyzes the pretreated substrate at temperature of 50oC and 53 h of incubation period by releasing reducing sugars of 0.74 mg/ml. This study ensures the effective usage of lignocellulosic biomass at large scale biofuel production. 
Archana Naithani, Pongthep Suwanwaree* and Bartosz Nadolski
...17.The presence of Alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria) in the study, listed under the category ‘Near Threatened’ in the IUCN Red List, is a matter of concern.The findings of the present study would provide the baseline information about the composition of the avian community and its distribution in the Suranaree University of Technology, which is an important ecosystem for the conservation of avian biodiversity. Many other areas adjac...

Najeeb Ullah1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Niamat Ullah Khan2*, Muhammad Safdar Baloch1 and Ejaz Ahmad Khan

Felicia NkechiEkeh*, Ifeanyi Oscar Ndimkaoha Aguzie, Joy Ihuoma Nzei, Chinenye Maria-Goretti Ohanu, Godwin Ikechukwu Ngwu and ChukwudiebubeUgolo infestation on sundried catfish, Clarias gariepinus was studied. Ethanolic extracts of P. guineense and C. annum fruits were prepared using Soxhlet extractor. In a split-plot design comprising the two extracts in different concentrations, a total of 63 sundried adult C. gariepinus of mean weight 111.47 ± 2.34g were randomized into three treatment groups A – C for each extract a...
Leila A. Kaimbayeva1,*, Elena S. Malysheva2, Rashit Kazikhanov3 and Saule R. Kazikhanova4
...s were collected from quadriceps of 2.5-4 years old female red deer, immediately processed for isolation of muscular fibers and were evaluated for the pH, water-binding power, activities of tissue enzymes and microstructure changes. The results of chemical analysis revealed the nature of protein substances, altered рН value of the meat and the intensity of glycolysis. All these parameters were indicative of autolysis process in the meat. The levels...

Mohammad Javad Golmohammadi1, Hamid Reza Mohammaddoust Chamanabad1*, Bijan Yaghoubi2 and Mostafa Oveisi 0.5m × 0.5m quadrat to count existing genus and species of weeds. According to the results, the highest frequency was related to weed species of Echinochloa crusgalli (96.9%), Paspalum distichum (78.8%) and Eclipta prostrate (51.8%). Cyperaceae and Poaceae families showed the highest frequency with 13 species (20%) and 8 species (12%), respectively. The RC of E. crusgalli had the highest dominance (51.4%) after rice harvesting in the fields of Guil...

Feroza Haider1,2, Shamim Gul2,3*, Javaid Hussain4, Sadaf Asalam Ghori5, Muhammad Naeem Shahwani6, Muhammad Murad6 and Abdul Manan Kakar

Zakirullah Jan1, Shamsher Ali1*, Tariq Sultan2, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Zahir Shah1 and Farmanullah Khan1 

...ant fresh weight (45 g), dry weight (24.5 g) and root dry weight (2.80 g) followed by MMF-5 treatment. As regard shoot tissue analysis, the nutrients concentration was significantly changed in plant. The highest concentration of N (3.62 %), P (0.77 %), K+ (2.68 %), Ca++ (0.60 %), Mg (0.44 %) and Na+ (2.49 %) was found in the shoot of rice crop grown in saline condition of 7.0 dS m-1 treated with Gloeobacter strain as compare...
Habib-ur-Rehman1, Masood Ahmed Siddiqui1,*, Abdul Qayyum1, Arifa Bano1 and Naeem Rashid2
...wn as amylopullulanase hydrolyzes α-1,6 glycosidic bonds in pullulan and α-1,6 as well as α-1,4 glycosidic bonds in starch. Most of the previously reported type II pullulanases are metal ion dependent and hard to purify, to homogeneity, due to low level of expression or the proteolytic machinery of the host. Herein we report expression in Escherichia coli and purification of metal ion independent type II pullulanase from Pyrobaculum...
Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1,*, Hummaira Iqbal1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2, Haseena Ghulam Muhammad1 and Muhammad Irfan1
... citricola were more drastic than bifenthrin. It was also recorded that at low prey density, predation by C. citricola was delayed as compared to higher prey densities. C. citricola showed the type I functional response. It is concluded that both studied insecticides are not suitable for IPM program in the study area.
Ghulam Muhae-ud-Din1,4, Anam Moosa1, Umer Farooq Ghummen1, Muhammad Jabran1, Amjad Abbas1, Muhammad Naveed2, Abdul Jabbar1 and Muhammad Amjad Ali1,3,*
...values of canopy length, dry root weight, fresh root weight, root length, dry shoot weight and shoot height was variable for all plants and the maximum canopy length was recorded in C. macrocarpa, while maximum fresh root weight, dry root weight, root length and shoot weight were recorded in O. japonicus and R. escelsa, respectively. The susceptible plants were subject...

Muhammad Suhaib1*, Ijaz Ahmad2, Masooma Munir3, Badar-Uz-Zaman1, Bushra Atta4 and Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 

...ext-align: justify;">A hydroponic study was conducted to figure out the response of two different wheat genotypes supplemented with salicylic acid (0.25 and 0.5 mM) under salt stress (75 and 150 mM). It’s an obvious factor that under salt stress certain reactive oxygen species are produced that damage the vital plant organelles causing disturbances in the normal functioning of the plant and even may lead to death in severe cases. The results of this stud...

Madeeha Alamzeb1, Shazma Anwar1, Asif Iqbal1,2*, Song Meizhen2, Mazhar Iqbal3, Sara4, Muhammad Ramzan2 and Afza Tabassum1

... 125 and 150 kg ha-1) on dry matter partitioning of wheat under tillage systems (conventional and deep tillage). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement, having three replications. Tillage systems and organic sources were used as main plot factor, nitrogen levels as subplot factor. The results revealed that organic sources, nitrogen levels and tillage system significantly affected dr<...
Arshad Mahmood Malik1, Khalid Mahmood Mughal2, Sarfraz Ahmed Mian2 and Atta Ullah Khan2
..."text-align: justify;">Hydroponics production system is state of the art technology, ensuring round the year high quality vegetables free from any residual effects and multiple time productivity in specially developed glasshouses under controlled weather conditions during summer and winter. Rising population and stagnancy both in yield of vegetables and cultivated area of the country, are negatively affecting food supply in Pakistan. Supply of hy
Yakup Erdal Erturk1, Adem Aksoy2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3,*
... and unavailable), husbandry experience of farmer (year), farmer`s irrigated, dry and pasturage land, live weight before fattening, and fattening period. Predictive accuracy of MARS algorithm was evaluated using coefficient of determination (R2), Standard Deviation Ratio (SDRATIO), Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) and Pearson`s correlation (r) between actual and predicted AFFLW. Pearson`s correlation ...
Pasqua Rotondi1, Maria Antonietta Colonna1, Giuseppe Marsico1, Francesco Giannico1, Marco Ragni1 and Anna Maria Facciolongo2,*
...xtruded linseed and 0.6% dried oregano inflorescences. Kids were slaughtered at 60 days of age. Diet did not affect in vivo performances, dressing percentage, pH and meat colour, but it influenced meat tenderness, that was lower (P<0.01) in meat from kids receiving oregano, probably due to the lesser (P<0.05) fat content of their meat. The use of oregano also resulted in a lower muscle fat oxidation and in a bet...
Muhammad Mohsin Ahsan1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2,*, Khizar Samiullah3 the scorpion Androctonus finitimus (Pocock, 1897) from several areas of Punjab, Pakistan. This scorpion species has not been previously documented from this part of the country, highlighting the wide distribution of this specie across the country. We identified that A. finitimus prefers dry sandy habitat with lower vegetation. This information furthers our scientific understanding on the existing ...
Farah Rauf Shakoori1,*, Anum Feroz1, Ayesha Gondal1,Sahar Akram2 and Tanzeela Riaz3
...a;-cyhalothrin on carbohydrate metabolism and macromolecular concentrations of 4th and 6th instar larvae of a stored product pest, Trogoderma granarium. The LC50 values of λ-cyhalothrin for 4th and 6th instar larvae of Lahore population was 15.93 and 13.76ppm respectively, while 19.07 and 16.21ppm were for the 4th and 6th instar larvae of Gujranwala population, respectiv...
Asad Sultan1,*, Shahroom Khan1, Sarzamin Khan1, Naila Chand1, Muhammad Shuaib Khan2 and Hamza Maris3
....5) and 2 ml/l (OA-2) in drinking water during the starter period for 21 days. Feed intake was significantly (P<0.05) lower and weight gain and dressing percentage were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the OA-2 group, resultantly, the best feed conversion ratio (FCR) was recorded in the same group. Tibia dry matter, ash, calcium (Ca) and phosphorous (P) were significantly (P<0.05)...
Baoying Guo*1, Yu Chen1, Chuan Zhang2, Zhenming Lv1, Kaida Xu3, Hongling Ping4 and Huilai Shi4
...ced the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of the kisslip cuttlefish, Sepia lycidas, made the comparison with the mt genomes of other cuttlefishes, and constructed phylogenetic trees estimating their relationships. The genome was 16,228 bp and contained 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and 2 long-noncoding regions [both in the control regions (CR)]. The composition and order of genes in S. lycidas were simila...

Saima Rani*, Hassnian Shah, Nusrat Habib and Muhammad Azeem Khan, number of children, taste, no chemical residual, high nutritional value, freshness and colour of the vegetables have positive effects on consumer to pay a high price. While in case of product size and shape has a adverse effect on consumer. Results indicate that when making choices of food, consumers in Islamabad prioritise their health. Furthermore, the households who earn more income perceive a negative impact on health from chemical usage, the ...
Mehmet Aydın*


... trawl, trammel net, and dredges at six locations (Kastamonu, Sinop, Samsun, Ordu, Giresun, and Trabzon). Total carapace length (CL) and weight (W) of each individual were recorded with an accuracy of 0.01 cm and 0.01 g, respectively. During the sampling period, a total of 5932 crab individuals belonging to five species were collected and measured. The minimum and the maximum“b” values of the length-weight relationship among these five species...

Usman Shakoor1, Ali Nasir2, Mudassar Rashid1, Muhammad Iftikhar-ul-Husnain1, Nabila Khurshid1 and Zuhair Husnain

... the fiscal machinery. Addressing the concern, the study has analysed the impact of agriculture taxes on the share of agriculture GDP of Pakistan and empirically investigated the long run relationship between the variables using time series data for last 23 years. It was empirically evaluated that increase in agriculture taxes led to a decrease in agriculture share of GDP. 1% increase in in the level of agricultural income tax decreased share of GDP by 0.073%....
Zeqin Fu, Yunfang Tian, Yingying Ye*, Pengzhi Qi and Changwen Wu study, we used one hundred and twenty primers pairs to screen all microsatellite loci and twenty-three polymorphic loci were identified. The number of alleles per loci ranged from six to twenty-one with an average of 12.913 and the allele size varied between 161 and 470 bp. The observed and expected heterozygosity varied from 0.143 to 1.000 and from 0.351 to 0.926, with average values of 0.614 and 0.771, respectively. Eighteen loci accorded with the Hardy-W...
Thomas W. Clark
...n nature proceeds apace, driven by science, in particular neuroscience as it maps the brain processes that mediate choice and behavior. Where the soul once presided, there are, it turns out, only neurons in fantastically complex structures which somehow maintain the coherent psychological and behavioral pattern – character, beliefs, desires – that constitutes each of us as a person. The feeling of being a singular self that owns these characteristi...
Yijiang Liu1, Kun Li2, Hui Zhang2, Khalid Mehmood2,3, Muhammad Shahzad3, Houqiang Luo1,*, Muhammad Asif Yaseen4 and Xiong Jiang2,5,*
... of the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of the pet bamboo rat Rhizomys pruinosus, which had a problem in standing and walking in a Bamboo farm in Wenzhou, China was carried out, using its tibia. The mt genome (16,579 bp) is composed of 13 protein coding genes, 22 tRNA genes and 2 rRNA genes. The ratio of the bases of the mt genome of R. pruinosus from Wenzhou are A (32.31%), T (31.04%), C (24.77%), G (11.88%), A+T (63.35%), respectively...
Fazul Nabi1,2, Hui Zhang1, Muhammad Kashif Iqbal1 , Mujeeb ur Rehman1, Muhammad Shahzad3, Khalid Mehmood1,3 and Jiakui Li1,* 

Muhammad Ismaeel1,2*, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1, Aziz Ur Rahman1 and Mian Ahmad Raza

Abdur Rahman1,*, Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul2, Ismail Bayram2, Cangir Uyarlar2, Abdil Burhaneddin Akkaya2, Eyup Eren Gultepe2, Hikmet Keles3, Aykut Ulucan4 and Zafar Hayat1
...pplementation of Oregano dried leaves in the quail diet on the intestinal properties and gut morphology. Quails fed diets containing 0% (A), 1% (B), 2% (C), 3% (D), 4% (E) and 5% (F) dried ground Oregano leaves. Results revealed that villus height was significantly higher in group D compared to control group, whereas crypt depth was significantly higher in all supplemented groups specifically remarkable in group D. Thickness...
Nausheen Irshad1,*, Imran Yousaf1, Tariq Mahmood2 and Muhammad Saeed Awan1
...t to be identified and addressed.
Danyu Zhang1, Ying Liu1, Qinxin Shi1, Zhiwei Peng1, Yan Hua1 and Zhijun Hou1,2,*
...sitic species and two hundreds thirty four gut bacteria (genus) of the sable were detected by the saturated NaCl floating and next sequencing methods. The parasites were Capillaria sp., Baylisascaris devosi, Echinochasmus sp., and two Coccidianspecies. The Echinochasmus sp. andtwo Coccidian species were first time found either in sable or in other martens. The 434 genus of bacteria, belong to 30 ph...
Musrrat Fatima, Muhammad Saad Khan, Hamid Rashid, Asim Mehmood, Sumaira Kanwal, Muhammad Asif Rasheed and Farrukh Jamil*
... microcephaly and GBS Syndrome. There is a need to develop drugs against ZIKV. Here we uses pharmacoinformatics techniques to identify potential inhibitors against ZIKV protease NS2B-NS3, which has a well-known role in the viral replication. By using three dimensional structure of the NS2B-NS3, an allosteric site has been identified in the protein. Moreover, the identified site is used for structure-based virtual screening. ...
Nina Bao1,*, Yongguang Yin2 and Panpan Wang3
...hat the extraction has hydroxyl and amide groups, which was proved to be cerebroside. Meanwhile, bioactivity showed that the extraction has antibacterial activity, and the purified one is better than the crude one.
Xi-wen Chen1,2, Qian Wang1,3, Miao Yin1, Zhong-hui Pu1,2, Ai-wei Guo3, Lian Li 1,3, Wen-tao Luo1,3 and Xiong-qing Wang1,*
...ctive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) for the global swine industry a rapid and practical early detection assay is required. This study established a reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay to detect PRRSV. Four primers were designed targeting the ORF5 gene of PRRSV were designed. Reverse transcription and amplification of the viral RNA using AMV reverse transcriptase was optimal at a constant temperature of 65 °...
Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Shehla Gul Bokhari1, Ikramul Haq1,*, Imdad Ullah Khan3, Naimat Ullah4, Naimat Ullah Khan4, Kashif Hussain1 and Azmat Ullah Khan2
...uvanted with aluminium hydroxide gel. Safety, sterility and stability of the toxoid were ascertained. Bacterin toxoid of C. perfringens type D was procured from Veterinary Research Institute Peshawar. The immunogenicity of toxoid vaccines and bacterin toxoid vaccine were studied and compared initially in rabbits and then in goats and sheep. Experimental trials were conducted on 54 healthy animals of each species and were divided into three equal groups ...
Muhammad Shahid Saeed1, Adeela Shahid2, Samia Jawed3, Muhammad Akram4, Irshad Hussain Qureshi5 
... factors. There are many drugs available for asthma and magnesium sulphate is given intravenously as an important adjunct therapy during the acute severe attack of asthma
Objective: This study was panned to determine the effect of intravenous MgSO4 on pulmonary function test in acute severe attack of asthma.
Methodology: A double blind placebo control study was conduced on about 132 asthmatics, which were aged b...
Sadaf Noveen1*, Shaista Habib Ullah2, Babar Alam3
...tment planning among children without any disability or ignored craniofacial deformities. Studies highlighting this relationship are rare to none in Pakistan. Therefore, this study aims to detect the type and extent of relationship between these two factors.
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted on a sample of 140, which were 4-8 years old children with speech sound disorders, without ...
Abdul Wajid1,*, Asma Basharat2, Muhammad Akbar Shahid3, Sidra Tul Muntaha1, Abdul Basit4, Tanveer Hussain5, Muhammad Farooq Tahir6, Muhammad Azhar7, Masroor Ellahi Babar1 and Shafqat Fatima Rehmani2
...dy hepatitis (IBH) and hydropericardium syndrome (HPS) in chickens worldwide. Identification of fowl adenovirus (FAdV) serotype is of most importance in epidemiological studies of disease outbreak and the adaptation of vaccine strategies. In spite of appropriate administration of vaccination, FAdV outbreaks have been reported and caused significant losses in poultry flocks throughout Pakistan in recent years. To identify the...

Rizwana Qamar1, Maria Ghias1, Fida Hussain1, Sajida Habib1, Muhammad Khuram Razzaq2*, Muhammad Aslam1 and Imran Habib3 

...r hybrids having greater drought tolerance are the effective and inexpensive approach by plant breeders to manage with drought. A wire house experiment was conducted in Oilseeds Research Institute, Ayub Agricultural Research Faisalabad for the screening of genotypes against drought. Ten hybrids along with their 13 parental inbred lines were grown in polythene bags following factorial struc...
Sukirno Sukirno1,2, Muhammad Tufail1,3,*, Khawaja Ghulam Rasool1Said El Salamouny1, 4, Koko Dwi Sutanto1 and Abdulrahman Saad Aldawood1
.../i> multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpliMNPV) against beet army worm, Spodoptera exigua(Hübner) under harsh sunny field conditions in Saudi Arabia. A preliminary test of SpliMNPV was performed to determine the lethal concentrations of this virus against the first and second larval instar of S. exigua. The potency of ten plant extracts as UV absorbers were done by measuring the absorption spectra of the 0.5% extracts using UV spe...
Doğan Türkyılmaz1,*, Selçuk Özyürek2,Nurinisa Esenbuğa1 and Mustafa Yaprak1
... udder width and non-fat dry matter content, high positive correlation was determined. The ideal and most suitable udder type for machine milking is pear-shaped and oblique teat (Type III). So this result can help us for selection of milking ability in Morkaraman and Tuj breeds.
Taimoor Akram Khan1*, Anam Farooq2, Amna Farooq3, Muhammad Nasir1, Gohar Khan4 and Ali Akram Khan1
...iv>Conclusions: Addressing and treating the diseases presenting at this basic level (BHU) can prove to be very useful in reducing patient load at the level of tertiary care and teaching hospitals.
Muhammad Kashif Munir1*, Sana Rehman1, Rizwan Iqbal1, Muhammad Saqib Saeed2, Muhammad Aasim1
...tagious disease and multidrug resistant tuberculosis is an emerging global issue. Rapid detection of such type of tuberculosis is necessary for timely control of the disease. GeneXpert test has already been implemented by World Health Organization to diagnose the infection on urgent basis.
Objectives: This study was designed to apply GeneXpert MTB/RIF assays for the detection of rifampicin resistant tuberculosis and validation of assays by c...
Sahar Naz1, Farhan Rasheed2, Muhammad Saeed3*, Shagufta Iram4 and Ambereen Anwar Imran5
...mains the only choice of drug for MβL positive and Negative isolates with 0% resistant rate except for Proteus species, to which it is intrinsically resistant.
Munir Ahmad1, Aisha Hameed2*, Saba Khaliq3, Hamid Saeed Malik4 and Shahida Mohsin5
...n malignant tumor in children and forms a major fraction of childhood malignancies in the developed countries. Numerous chromosomal aberrations have been observed in ALL including translocations which result in the production of fusion genes (BCR-ABL, TEL-AML1, and MLL-AF4). These chromosomal rearrangements have great prognostic and therapeutic significance. Amongst these, TEL-AML1 fusion gene represents a subgroup of ALL cases, which are associated wit...
Zartasha Anjum1*, Rakhshindah Bajwa2 and Munazza Hassan3
...ct | Statins are the drugs that target 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoAR). Several studies have reported the anti-tumoral properties of statins by exhibiting anti-proliferative properties in HMG-CoAR positive breast carcinomas. Increased efficacy has also been observed when these were used as combination therapy along with tamoxifen in estrogen receptor (ER) and HMG-COAR positive breast carcinomas...
Faisal Masood*1, Ranjit Kumar Sah2 and Ahmad Humayun Sarfaraz3
...agment aiming the subchondral cortex and were supplemented with short arm cast application in volar flexion. The outcome was evaluated using Pattee and Thompson functional criteria at 6 month. Also the percentage of union and time to union were evaluated.
Results: The mean age of total ten patients was 29.8± 3.20 years (25-35 years). We achieved union in 100% of the patient at mean time of 8.20 ± 0.92 weeks (7-10 weeks). There ...
Muhammad Younus1*, Sabah Usman2 and Samia Jawed3
...Lahore, Pakistan. One hundred and twenty individuals consisting of 60 obese (30 males, 30 females) and 60 non-obese (30 males, 30 females), fulfilling the inclusion criteria, were enrolled through non-probability purposive sampling. Informed written consent was taken from all subjects. The demographic information of these subjects such as name, age, sex, height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio were recorded. Spirometry of a...
Ayesha Noreen1, Dilara A. Bukhari2 and Abdul Rehman1,*, tobacco, xenobiotic, drugs, medical materials, radiations, pesticides, industrial solvents and ozone. The processes running in the cell membranes, peroxisomes, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum also generate ROS. ROS can be activated by numerous external factors, and play an important role in cancer growth and metastasis. ROS and tumor cell interaction could activate the signalling pathways, promoting cell prolifera...
Madeeha Arshad1, Asmatullah1, Chaman Ara1, Shagufta Andleeb2 and Naveed Ahmad3,*
...nt concentrations of the drug, 0.00, 4.10, 8.33 and 16.66 µg/g B.W. were administered orally to the dams on days 6-12 of gestation, and fetuses were recovered on day 18. Morphological observations of fetuses from 4.10, 8.33 and 16.66 µg/g B.W. dose groups showed abnormalities such as skin hemorrhages, microphthalmia, limb deformities, hygromas, kyphosis, curved and short tail and fluid filled abdominal cysts. Significant increase in intrauterine gr...
Rafa Almeer1,*, A. Alqarni1,2, S. Alqattan3, S. Abdi4,*, S. Alarifi1, Z.Hassan5 and A. Semlali6
...ties of natural honey (Sidr and Wild) on a human breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) cell line. The MDA-MB-231 cell lines were treated with Sidr honey (H1) and Wild honey (H2) for 6, 24, or 48 h followed by cell morphology evaluation. Cell viability was examined by MTT assay and gene expression of three tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMPs) and two matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) were measured by real-time PCR. All s...
Tanveer Hussain1,*, Masroor Ellahi Babar1, Marcos De Donato2, Abdul Wajid1, Asif Nadeem3, Zahoor Ahmad3, Waqas Ahmad Khan4, Sunday O. Peters5 and Ikhide G. Imumorin6
...equencing of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b (339 bp) was done in 136 individuals from 10 different breeds. Analysis of the Cyt b gene showed high conservation in Pakistani cattle as expected, with only 26 individuals showing nucleotide changes. Only 5 point mutations were present in multiple individuals (SNP), but one was specific for indicine cattle. Two Lohani and 5 Nari Master cattle showed nucleotide changes specific to taurine cattle. Of the changes ...
Wang-Dui Basang1, Tian-Wu An2, Luo-Bu Danjiu3, Yan-Bin Zhu1, Shi-Cheng He3, Xiao-Lin Luo2, Wei-Wei Ni4, Xiao Wang4, Shu-Zhu Cheng4, Jian Wang4 and Guang-Xin E4,*
... using an 811-bp mitochondrial DNA D-loop region sequence. In total, 57 polymorphic sites, including 54 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and 3 single-nucleotide copy number variants, and 59 haplotypes were detected. The number of haplotypes within the population ranged from 17 (SN and JL) to 28 (DX). The haplotype diversity ranged from 0.9420 (SN) to 0.9770 (NR). The highest nucleotide diversity was found in the JL population (0.01479), whereas the lowest was f...
Riaz Aziz Minhas1,*, Muhammad Nasim Khan1, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Basharat Ahmad1, Syda Shaista Bibi1, Mohsin Hanif1 and Afsar Mian2
...was high. UPGMA based dendrogram identified five distinct geographic groups, and Mantel tests (Rxy=-0.008, P>0.05) suggested a non-significant relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance. Phist PT) value suggested a significance difference in within population and between populations (PT=0.042; p=0.006) variances, suggesting that within populations variation was higher (96%) than variation b...

Muhammad Khalid1,2 and Muhammad Naeem2* 

...otein, lipids and carbohydrates. The purpose of this study was to affirm the proximate composition and nutritious status of Ctenopharyngodon idella. Standardized methods were used to determine the proximate composition of 72 samples. On wet weight basis, mean percentage for water was 80.76 %, ash 3.40 %, 4.31 % for fat and 11.53 % for protein in C. idella. Percent water contents showed inverse relationship with % protein (dr...

Fiaz Ahmad1, Mumtaz Hussain2, Ghulam Abbas1, Muhammad Jawad Asghar1 and Muhammad Rizwan3* 

...hoot, and root fresh and dry weight was observed more during 2nd harvest interval as compared to the 1st harvest interval. Highly significant differences were observed among treatments for all physiological and yield traits except chlorophyll b. Shoot phosphorus contents, shoot sodium contents and number of pods/plant also showed significant differences among varieties. All physiological and yield parameters showed gradual reduction with increasing concentrati...
Wei Meng1,3, Tianyan Yang2,*, Yunguo Liu1, Mahmut Halik1 and Tianxiang Gao2
...dy, the complete mitochondrial genomes of G. dybowskii from Tarim River system (16, 677bp) and Ili River system (16, 667bp) were sequenced. Besides, their genetic characteristics were also identified and compared simultaneously. Genetic distance and sequence differentiation suggested that great genetic variation existed within species and the sample from Kaidu River in South Xinjiang might be a cryptic species or subspecies of G. dybowskii. The p...


Syed Aun Muhammad1, Muhammad Soaib Said2, Shams Ur Rehman2, Muhammad Dawood2, Muneer Ahmed Qazi3 and Nighat Fatima2,*
... because of production hydrolytic enzyme New Delhi Metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1). The enzyme NDM-1 is responsible for bacterial resistance against almost all the β-lactam antibiotics. Therefore, NDM-1 inhibitors can play an important role against these emerging highly resistant microorganisms. The existing beta lactamase inhibitors are considered ineffective against these superbugs and there is an urgent need for discovery of novel
Ai Guo1,2,3, Jiaguang Xiao4, Binbin Shan4, Tianxiang Gao5 and Yongdong Zhou3,*
...i>, the complete mitochondrial genomes of two lineages in Coilia mystus were compared. They were all typical circular double stranded DNA molecule with 17075 bp in C. mystus N and 16964 bp in C. mystus S, respectively, containing the standard metazoan set of 22 transfer RNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes and non-coding regions. The mitogenomes of C. mystus N and C. mystus S shared the identical structur...

Fazal Munsif1, Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Arif2, Kawsar Ali3 and Ijaz Ahmad

...ength, cane yield, total dry matter, cane yield, pol and sugar recovery. Higher number of tillers (14.0), number of nodes tiller-1 (15.3) mean leaf area (466.3 cm2), leaf area index (10.47), internode length (14.3 cm), thicker canes (2.48 cm), total dry matter (105.8 t ha-1), cane yield (82.5 t ha-1) and higher sugar recovery (13.49 %) was achieved when sugarcane setts were sown on 20th September. The performance of plots so...

Mohammed Zaki Fathy* as pre-medication drug intravenously. Then in the first group (G1), was injected by the propofol (2mg/Kg intravenously) while in the second group (G2), was injected with ketamine HCl (2.2mg/Kg intravenously). The onset, duration, and recovery times were recorded for each group. Heart rate, respiratory rates, and rectal temperature were recorded. Blood samples were collected at 0, 20, 40, 80 minutes and 12 hours after administration for detection the hem...

Raphael Olanrewaju Babatunde, Adeyemi Esther Omoniwa and Miriam Ukemenam 

...p in schooling among children and increase enrolment in schools, most children are still found outside the walls of the classroom especially in rural areas. This research assessed how inequality in gender as it regards schooling among children affects the income as an indicator of livelihood of farming households in Kwara state, Nigeria. A sampling technique comprising of three stages was ...

Muhammad Siddiq1*, Sahib Alam2, Hamid Ullah Shah2, Zafar Iqbal2, Kalsoom Siddiq3 and Taufeq Ahmad4 

... should be undertaken to draw more conclusive results 


Ansaar Ahmed1, Imtiaz Hussain2*, Ibni Amin Khalil3, Subhanulla3, Gulzar Ahmed3, Imtiaz Ahmad3 and Muhammad Imtiaz2  

...rmer practice. Zero till drill planted wheat after maize crop had higher grain yield in comparison with mechanized bed planting and farmer practice of broadcasting in 2014-15 and 2015-16 wheat season. Because of higher maize grain yield, maize–wheat system productivity was significantly higher with bed planting and farmer practice in comparison with Zero tillage. Bed planting of maize had 20 – 30 percent higher water use efficiency (WUE) in compari...

Muhammad Haroon Hullio1,4, Abdul Ghani Lanjar2, Abdul Rahman Dhuyo3, Imran Khattri4 and Agha Mushtaque Ahmed4* 

Safia Rehman1, Nazish Mazhar Ali1,*, Gerald B. Pier2, Iram Liaqat1 and Bushra Mazhar1
...tic methods against multidrug resistant bacterial pathogens in chronic and acute lung infections. It provides a practical approach towards the use of nanoparticles to enhance antimicrobial activity against these pathogens.
Zisha Liu1, Na Song1, Takashi Yanagimoto2, Zhiqiang Han3, Bonian Shui3 and Tianxiang Gao3,*
Farah Rauf Shakoori1,*, Tanzeela Riaz2, Uzma Ramzan1, Anum Feroz1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori2,3,*
... esfenvalerate on carbohydrate metabolism and macromolecular concentrations of 4th and 6th instar larvae of a stored grain pest, Trogoderma granarium. The LC50 values of esfenvalerate for 4th and 6th instar larvae of Phosphine and deltamethrin-susceptible population was 34.29 and 28.05ppm, respectively, while 39.30 and 32.67ppm were for the 4th and 6th instar larvae of Phosphin...
Hafiz Manzoor Ahmad1,*, Hamad Bin Rashid1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Asim Khalid Mahmood1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Shahid Hussain Farooqi1, Muhammad Rafi Ullah2 and Usman Ghani1
...use of single anesthetic drug has failed to induce a safe and deep anesthesia for surgical as well as painful conditions. However, this problem can be solved with usage of anesthetic combinations. This study was aimed at comparative evaluation of two anesthetics combinations viz. ketamine-xyalzine (K+X) and ketamine-xylazine-diazepam (K+X+D). A total of 20 ducks presented at pet center University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore were divided int...

Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahito1*, Tajwer Sultana Syed1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1 and Inayatullah Rajper2  

... manure (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and conventional IPM on population of sucking insect pests of cotton during 2013. The population of sucking insect pests i.e., Bemesia tabaci, Amrasca biguttula biguttula and Scirtothrips dorsalis was recorded on weekly basis cotton grown with both green manure and IPM treatments. The green manure treatments suffered comparatively higher population of B. tabaci (0.83±0.09) and S. dorsalis (3.43±0.47) than IPM t...

Muhammad Sajid Mahmood1*, Muhammad Ashraf1, Ijaz Ahmad2, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar3, Sohail Latif4 Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar5 and Waqas Ahmad6 

... weight by 43% and weeds dry weight by 55% compared to control measured at 40 DAS. One pre-emergence spray of barley W.E. + pendimethalin @ 12 L ha-1 + 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 increased grain yield by 40 % and barley W.E. + pendimethalin @ 12 L ha-1 + 0.50 kg a.i. ha-1 increased mungbean grain yield by 56% relative to control. Pendimethalin @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 mixed with barley water extract may be utilized to control weeds efficiently and enhance mungbean yields.&nbs...
Muhammad Mobashar1, Muhammad Tahir1, Shahbaz Javaid2,*, Muhammad I. Anjum2, Insha Gul3, Nazir Ahmad1 andAbdul Sami1
...antly higher (P<0.05) dry matter (DM) intake followed by dough (ration III) and boot stage (ration I). Similarly, intakes of crude protein (CP) and crude fat (CF) were significantly higher (P<0.05) on ration II compared to rations I and III. Neutral Detergent Fibre intake (Kg/day) in rations I, II and III was 5.4, 6.8 and 6.19, respectively. Intake of Acid Detergent Fibre (Kg/day) was higher in ration II while lower in ration I. Acid Detergent Lignin int...

Muhammad Zahid1, Naeem Iqbal1, Sohaib Muhammad2*, Summiya Faisal3, Wajid Mahboob3, Makhdoom Hussain4 and Zaheer ud din Khan2 

...educe the adversities of drought, glucose was exogenously applied at various phenological stages on wheat variety “AARI-11” and desiccation tolerance potentials were assessed through growth, yield and physiological attributes. Glucose was supplied in various concentrations (0, 5, 10, 25 and 50 mM) as seed priming and foliar spray treatments at vegetative and reproductive stages. Plant growth and grain yields were reduced under
Nevran Eylem Akman Gündüz1,* and Özgür Özcan2
...d protein, lipid, carbohydrate and glycogen levels in the hemolymph were evaluated for the GA3 concentrations. The hemolymph protein level of the larvae increased significantly at 5, 10, 50 and 200 mg/L with respect to the control group. The lipid level of hemolymph fluctuated among the tested GA3 concentrations. It was significantly reduced at 5 and 10 mg/L, but increased at 50 and 200 mg/L. GA3 application also enhanced the c...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2,*, Rashid Mushtaq1, Samina Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2, Sumaira Maqsood3, Ishita Ahuja4 and Atle M. Bones4
.... litura nucleopolyhedroviruses (SltNPV) were collected from infected larvae fed on natural cotton crops. The NPV was isolated from the larvae and viral occlusion bodies (VOBs) were detected using a light microscope. The toxicity of native isolates against S. litura also studied by testing different concentrations (1 x 102 POB (Polyhedral occlusion bodies) mL-1- 1 x 1010 POB mL
Arifa Mehreen1, Iram Liaqat2,Muhammad Arshad3, Muzzamil Waheed4 and Najma Arshad1,*
...09 %) and toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1) (15 %). More than one toxin genes were present in 32.5% isolates. In addition, cluster analysis indicated that host immune evasion and toxin genes were not associated with each other suggesting the presence of diverse lineage specific strains in sore throat patients. However, the intraspecific association was noticed among these genes. Coa and spa polymorphism and association analysis indicated...
Ali Karabayir1,*, Nazan Arifoğlu2 and Mustafa Öğütcü3
...toluenesulphonamide trihydrate) addition into drinking water on the growth performance of three different chicken strains, Plymouth Rock, Australorp and Village (local mix-breed village chickens) was evaluated in the present study. Supplementation of disinfectant clearly improved the microbiological quality of chicken drinking water, by reducing the total bacteria, coliform and E.coli

Muhammad Ishfaq1*, Nadeem Akbar1, Imran Khan1, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Usman Zulfiqar1, Muhammad Ahmad1, Mumtaz Ahmad2 and Muhammad Umer Chattha1 

...condition, M2= Sowing in dry condition) in main plots, while three different row spacings (S1: broadcasting, (no defined row spacing) S2: 11.25 cm row spacing, S3: 22.50 cm row spacing) were assigned to sub-plots. The experimental results revealed that treatment S3 (22.50 cm row spacing) took minimum time to start emergence (3.7 days) and mean emergence time (9.6 days). In case of soil moisture condition at the time of sowing minimum time start to emergence an...

Asinamai Athliamai Bitrus1*, Olabode Mayowa Peter2, Muhammad Adamu Abbas3 and Mohammed Dauda Goni

...flux pump, alteration of drug target site, enzymatic inactivation and, mutation in drug target site and gene acquisition of resistance determinants through horizontal gene transfer. This review focused on the mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in S. aureus. Understanding the concept of resistance development and transfer will immensely help in curtailing the global rise in antimicrobial resistance in bacteria.  

Rida Zainab1, Sana Elahi1, Afshan Kaleem2,*, Daniel C. Hoessli3, Mehwish Iqtedar2, Roheena Abdullah2, Faiza Saleem2, Shanza Khan1, Anusha Ijaz1, Shagufta Naz2 and Abdul R. Shakoori4,5,*
... A novel, computer-based drug designing technique, has emerged to develop more efficient drugs. One of the computational methods becoming increasingly popular to develop new drugs is relying on Pharmacophores. This method was utilized to develop pharmacophore models of Akt2 inhibitors and β2-Adrenoceptor agonists. A pharmacophore model is proposed, ...
Junaid Akhtar1,2, Sidrah Saleem1, Naveed Shahzad3, Abdul Waheed1, Iqra Jameel1, Farhan Rasheed4 and Shah Jahan5,*
...ent option against multi-drug resistance GNR infections. However, the emergence of carbapenemases particularly metallo β-lactamases (MBLs) in bacteria have severely mitigated the efficiency of carbapenems. MBLs producing gram-negative bacteria have been reported from various hospital settings, worldwide. However, data is lacking in Pakistan regarding their frequency particularly among GNRs. Therefore, the present study aimed at determining the frequency o...
Dilara A. Bukhari1,*, Naureen Fatima1 and Abdul Rehman2


..., of which 75% were from dry, leaf litter, garden soil samples, 15% were from animal waste and 10 % were from moist soil of the crop area. A 650bp of cry11 gene was amplified by PCR and seven isolateswere found positive for cry11 gene. The 16S rDNA study exposed that these screened B.t. confirmed 99% homology with B.t. serovar tolworthi, B.t. str. Al Hakam, B.t. serover thuringiensis, B.t. s...

Safina Naz1, Khushbo Hussain1, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar2* and Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3

...eight of leaves is 5.1g, dry weight is 0.41g, while fresh weight of fruit is 121.66 g and fruit length is 14.11 cm. Salicylic acid promoted vine length upto 11.33 feet while chlorophyll contents were calculated as 71.09 (SPAD Value), while fresh weight of leaves was 4.9g, dry weight was 0.38g while fresh weight of fruit was 113.34g and fruit length was 9.80 cm. However, the combination of NAA and SA gave vine length upto 13....
Shafaq Fatima*, Sumrin Sahar and Khalid Lone
...rone (P) and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17α-HP) during annual reproductive cycle under semi-arid climate conditions. GSI increased during March concomitant with gradual increase in levels of T, P and 17α-HP. Highest values of these parameters were observed at different stages of gonadal development. T and 11-KT played key role in progress of testicular development and final maturation in June however, spawning in captivity was not observed. Rol...
Haroon Rashid1,*, Khushi Muhammad1, Masood Rabbani1, Muhammad Sarwar Khan1, Tasleem Ghori2, Mamoona Chaudhry3, Hamad Bin Rashid2, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir1, Muhammad Hamid Chaudhary4, Muhammad Asad Ali1, Mian Muhammad Khubaib Sattar5, Javed Muhammad1 and Bhushan Jayarao6
...from road, distance from drainage, not subjected to human population, and for distance animal density because only one sample was found positive others districts (Gujranwala, Sargodha, Sahiwal, Faisalabad and D.G Khan) showed no association.

Qaisar Jamal1,Salman Ahmad1, Nazma Habib Khan1, Sobia Wahid1, Muhammad Ikram2, Sadia Rehman2, Syed Basit Rasheed1 and Akram Shah1,* 

... (2-{(E)-[(2- {[(Z)-(2-hydroxynapthyl) methylidene]amino} phenyl)imino] methyl}phenol) Copper(II) and NM-4 (Tetrakis (2-{(E)-[(2- {[(Z)-(2-hydroxynapthyl) methylidene] amino}phenyl)imino]methyl} phenol) zinc(II)), against human THP-1 leukemia cell line in-relation to miltefosine (standard chemotherapy). Mean % inhibition for NM-3 against THP-1 was higher than NM-4, although both were less effective than miltefosine. IC5...
Iqbal Ahmad Alvi, Muhammad Asif, Rabia Tabassum, Zaigham Abbas and Shafiq ur Rehman*
...d -80oC as no drop in viral titer was witnesses in bacteriophage samples stored at 4oC for up to one year. The results of this research indicated, that a standard refrigeration is suitable and economical means of long term storage with no fall of phage activity.
Rahim Dad Brohi1,*, Amir Bukhsh Kalhoro1, Allah Bux Kachiwal1, Illahi Bux Kalhoro1, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1, Sarfaraz Ahmed2, Farhan Anwar Khan3, Hira Sajjad Talpur1, Zia-ur-Rehman1 and Dinesh Bhattaria4
...dication with xylazine hydrochloride (0.02 mg/kg) has been studied on six healthy female sheep using a crossover design. During xylazine therapy the pulse rate was significantly (P<0.01) decreased, but respiratory rate remained unchanged. The administration of anesthesia on the other hand caused a significant (P<0.01) increase in the pulse rate and a significant (P<0.01) decrease in the respiratory rate. The body temperature decreased (P<0.01) with...
Lamiaa Elsayed Mokhtar Deef
...s regions of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cyt b) and mitochondrial 12S rRNA genes, sequences of both genes were placed in the GenBank publication database (Accession numbers are KF783143 and KJ193305) and (Accession numbers are M95109, KF783175, AC175224 and AC160876) of Cyt b and 12S rRNA respectively. Furthermore, DNA barcoding is a widely used molecular-based identification system which aids in identifying species.&nbs...
Faxiang Wang, Yan Chen, Sai Chen, Xianghong Li, Jian Yu, Jianhui Wang and Yongle Liu*
...rotein’s surface hydrophobicity and total SH content increased during the first 4 days and then decreased gradually up to 10 days. The Ca2+-ATPase activity of protein decreased gradually during the storage period. The high MW proteins easily degraded during the cold storage, and the proteins with low MW were relatively stable but still gradually degraded. So the key time point for cold storage of grass carp is approximately 4-6 days.

Safina Naz1, Muhammad Akbar Anjum1, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi2*, Bushra Siddique3 and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4

...(84.5mg/100g) and carbohydrate and energy values in Daucus carota (11.25g/100g and 55.80 cal, respectively). While, higher mineral contents were recorded for phosphorous (P) in Spinacia oleracea (85.5mg/100g), sodium (Na) and iron (Fe) in Lycopericon esculentum (65.33mg/100g and11.67mg/100g, respectively), and potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) in Abelmoschus esculentus (277.33mg/100g and 81.17mg/100g, respectively). The present conclusions would be valuable for f...

Abdur Rehman1* and Shad Khan Khalil2 

...are considered to induce drought tolerance in plants. Field trials were conducted at Agricultural Research Institute Tarnab, Peshawar-Pakistan to study the effects of moisture stress and foliar application of chemicals at different growth stages on canola growth and phenology during 2015-16 and 2016-17. The experiment comprised of four moisture levels (optimum water, 10%, 20% and 30% reduced irrigation water), three chemicals (salicylic acid 0.5mM, potassium n...
Yang Liu1,2,3, Baimei Liu1,2,3, Chenchen Li1,2,3 and Meiwen An1,2,3,*
...ricated by vacuum freeze drying. Keratinocytes and fibroblasts were seeding on scaffolds to form systems as: keratinocytes monoculture (KM), fibroblasts monoculture (FM), co-culture of keratinocytes and fibroblasts (KM&FM). Systems was treated with 3.4 kPa pressure for 1 day, systems without pressure was considered as control groups. The mRNA expression and protein secretion of supernatant were tested using Q-PCR and ELISA method, respectively. Co-cultur...
Li Lv1, Liuan Li1,*, Ruibo Zhang1, Zhichao Deng1, Tianming Jin1 and Gaimei Du2
...tal egg selenium using hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Selenium dietary supplementation significantly increased egg white, egg yolk and total egg levels, as well as daily egg production (P < 0.05). During the study, egg white, egg yolk and total egg selenium, as well as egg production, initially increased for low- and medium-dose groups and then plateaued. In contrast, these parameters initially increased and subsequently decreas...
Xiaojie Ding, Xiling Sun, Zuien Wang, Qiusheng Zheng, Xiaofei Yu, Wenjin Hao, Kejun Wang, Wenjuan Xu and Zhengping Dong*
...inant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D). The model was established by means of acetic acid enema plus restraint stress. The rat fecal moisture content, fecal trait score, and abdominal wall withdrawal reflex (AWR) score were used to determine whether the model was successful. The effects of Wumei Pill on the TLR4/9-NF-kB signaling pathway rats with IBS-D was observed by testing the contents of serum level of tumour necrosis f...
Qiang Li1,2, Guo Qiao2, Li Wang1, Jipeng Zhang1, Ruijun Li1, Ping Ni1, Yi Guo1 and Shigen Ye1,*
...tohemia and intestinal hydrops. Totally, 104 diseased live fish were collected and 70 strains isolated from naturally diseased T. rubripes. Most isolates were obtained in May, September and December. The isolates were identified through 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and Vibrio spp.-specific PCR amplification, followed by pathogenicity determination. Results showed that the isolates belonged to 10 genera, including Vibrio (72%), Staphy...

Amar Razzaq1, Abdur Rehman4*, Abdul Hassan Qureshi2, Iqbal Javed3, Raheel Saqib5 and Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal6 

... on wheat crop while the drip irrigation systems were installed on mango orchards. Therefore, one half of the sample consisted of modern and conventional farmers growing wheat crop and the other half of the sample consisted of modern and conventional farmers growing mango orchards. Economic analysis measures of benefit-cost ratio (BCR) and net present value (NPV) were estimated. The results of the study showed that the users of high-efficiency irrigation syste...
Ammara Afzal1, Tazmeen Fatima1, Maham Tabassum1, Muhammad Nadeem2*, Muhammad Irfan3, Quratulain Syed2
...of ethanol in separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process. Fungal strains of Saccharomyces cervisae, Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma koninji and Trichoderma harzianum was used for subsequent process using saw dust as substrate. Three major processes convert lignocelluloses to bioethanol i.e. pretreatment of biomass, enzymatic hydrolysis of r...
Nimra Naseer, Adeela Fatima and Imran Sajid*
...emerging problem of multidrug resistant (MDR) pathogens, there is a demand of novel biological active compounds to replace currently used antibiotics in order to evade resistance. Currently, the pathogenic organisms of concern are methicillin and vancomycin resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter spp., extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) producing st...

Fan Shuli1*, Ameer Hussain Jarwar1,3, Xiaoyan Wang2, Long Wang1 and Qifeng Ma

...g oil alternatively of hydrogenating it is also known as ghee in (solid form), devising cotton production more vulnerable to abiotic and biotic menace. 

Merica Slišković1, Meta Povž2, Marina Piria3,*, Goran Jakšić4, Ana Gracanin5 andGorana Jelić Mrčelić1
...tribution, we observed a dramatically declining trend. Therefore, further research and targeted protection of the sichel in the middle Danube River tributaries are urgently required.

Bushra Qadir1, Muhammad Asim2 and Mohammad Akmal1* 

...vestock both in terms of dry matter (DM) and total digestible nutrient (TDN). Green forage availability fluctuates in months of the year due to prevailing climate. Alfalfa, with higher potential, can be adjusted in the cropping system for supplying green forage around the year. Nonetheless, its initial growth for stand establishment is a major issue. Treatments of the experiments were four alfalfa varieties (i.e. UCD, Dura, Vernal and Cuf 101) whose seed were ...

Bata Shalangwa Ishaku1*, Maimadu Abdullahi1, Dakwang Nalong1, Rengkat Jonah1 and Olabode Mayowa

...u State Nigeria. Five hundred (500) serum samples comprising of 300 pigs, 100 each of sheep and goats were collected and analyzed for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies (IgG) using latex agglutination test (LAT). Serum samples with LAT titer >10 IU/ml were considered positive. The study showed that 176 of the 500 samples analyzed were positive for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies (IgG) giving an overall prevalence of 35.2%. There was statistically significant differe...
Moorthy S. Muthuswamy
...ot well understood. To address this issue, I outline a novel theoretical framework for conceptualizing Salafi radicalism in terms of an underlying theme and its enablers. This proposal further divides radicalization processes into primary and secondary ones; the former are identified with the onset of radicalization in a community, and the latter develop in communities with longstanding exposure to the phenomenon. A new analysis of a 2013 Pew Research Center r...

Muhammad Israr1*, Saeed Ullah1, Shakeel Ahmad2, Asif Yaseen3, Urooba Pervaiz4 and Nafees Ahmad5 

...ght but the reduction of drainage density of water runoff and slope gradient reduction of soil index was severe. The tillage degradation index value moderate (0.57), overgrazing index (0.32) fall in the severity scale category. Soil structure degradation index was moderate (0.44) followed by salinization degradation of moderate (0.53) index value. The study concludes that the LD existed in the area in all the dimensions and its sub-indicators having different ...
Yuan Li1, Liyan Zhang2, Karhoe Loh3, Ji Feng1, Xinqing Zheng1, Puqing Song1 and Longshan Lin1,*
...esent study, the mitochondrial Cytb gene was employed to investigate the population genetics of P. minor collected along the coasts of China and Malaysia. The genetic diversity of all P. minor populations was moderate, and two major haplotype lineages were detected that were differentiated approximately 0.3 million years ago. These two haplotype lineages differed significantly in frequency distribution of Chinese and Malaysian populations, showin...
Neelima Gupta


...nder, elongated and cylindrical. The mouth is slit-like, surrounded by two lateral rows of somatic papillae, cephalic end was conical with 12 labial papillae arranged in two circles of 6 papillae each. Scanning electron microscopy on attachment structures revealed that the inner papillae had narrow bases and spine-like apices, the outer ones had wide bases and nipple like apices encircled by a conspicuous ring and embedded in the body wall. The body of the wor...

Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1*, Maryam Bisola Adebayo2, Bashiru Shafa Abubakar3, Ibrahim Abubakar Yusuf2 and Joseph Aje Anejo-Okopi1  

...has been implicated in hydrops foetalis, spontaneous abortion, aplastic crisis and acute symmetric polyarthropathy. The present study was carried out to determine the seroprevalence of Human Parvovirus B19 IgG and IgM antibodies and to determine the risk factors associated with acquisition of the virus. A total of 326 blood samples were collected from consenting pregnant women who were attending antenatal clinic in Abuja, Nigeria. Structured questionnaire was ...

Ali Muhammad*, Yasser Durrani, Majid Suhail Hashmi, Ihsan Mabood Qazi, Muhammad Ayub and Saifullah 

Aneel Salman1, Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain1, Inayatullah Jan2*, Muhammad Ashfaq2, Mudassar Rashid1 and Usman Shakoor1 

...ties, tree planting, and drip irrigation methods are prevalent in the research area. The major hurdles that farmers perceived in adaptation are limited access to credit, lack of access to information, and institutional support. As expected, no significant variations were found across districts in the characteristics of respondents (age and income) that can affect their perceptions, their adaptation strategies, and obstacles faced in adaptation. The results of ...

Waqas Ali* and Mudasser Habib 

...accination campaigns and drastic environmental conditions strains under negative selection has the ability to make escape mutants. 


Sabahat Noor*1, Shaukat Ali1, Hafeez-ur-Rahman1, Farhatullah2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1 

...arious abiotic stresses, drought and soil salinity have the most adversarial effect on wheat production. In this study the T2 transgenic (At-DREB1A) and non-transgenic line of lasani-08 from single transformation event was exposed to 15 days drought and different levels of salt concentrations separately. Four parameters i.e. sugar contents, proline conte...
Mehwish Aftab, Tariq Mahmud*, Muhammad Asim Raza Basra, Aqsa Gulzar, Sumaira Basharat and H.M. Junaid
... against diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The results showed that metal complexes are good antioxidant agents as compared to Trolox (standard) and ligand was less active as compared to Trolox. The Schiff base ligand and its metal (III) complexes showed antibacterial activity against E. coli, S. aureus by disc diffusion method and antifungal activity against Macrophomina phaseolina, Fusarium oxysporum. The metal (III) complexes are highly active und...
Shagufta Naz*, Saima Sharif, Hafsa Badar, Syeda Fareeha Tauheed
...tory. Main complaint was drop in visual acuity and loss of vision in all patients (100%) due to damage and accumulation ofkeratan sulfate (KS) in macular layer of corneal stroma. 87% cases have high vision loss and 13% patients have moderate vision loss. MCD were bilateral in all cases (100%). Cases of MCD were observed in all age groups but 40% cases were found in age 21-30 years. IOP was found to be normal in most of the cases and also increases as age incre...
Muhammad Babar Khawar1, Muddasir Hassan Abbasi2*, Zillay Mariam1, Nadeem Sheikh1,2*
...iety of pathogens. As it drains it pollutes the groundwater table and if used for irrigation purpose represents a major health risk not only to humans but also to local flora and fauna. The purpose of current research work was to analyze the toxicity of leachate in Wistar rats. Wistar rats of about 250g were selected and divided into three groups namely Control, Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 was given 4ml/kg leachate while Group 2 received 4ml/kg of 1:10 dilute...
Muhammad Zahid1, Aneela ZameerDurrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1, KhushiMuhammad1,Muhammad Usman1,*, Muhammad Husnain1 and Nadeem Kamal2


...ore, i.e. 56%. In dry, dusty and hot weather of Multan overall the prevalence of disease was 55.5%, while in Rajanpur topography of the land is mixed comprising of riverine, plateau, mountainous and semi-hilly areas showed 52.2% prevalence. When immunity status was taken into account it was found that vaccinated animals showed very low prevalence, i.e. 4.39% as compared to non-vaccinated animals having 66.53%. Another risk factor age suggested th...
Ashraf M. Mounir, A.N. El shahat* and A.M. Abdul Azeem
...ection of isoprenaline hydrochloride (100 mg/ kg B.Wt./day) to rats resulted in cardiac oxidative stress, inflammation, hyper-lipidemia and increase cardiac marker enzymes. Treatment of rats with GFAE (45 mg/kg/day) prior to injection of ISO provide significant cardio-protective effects evidenced by an obvious reduction in the level of cardiac marker enzymes, inflammatory factors and lipid contents with marked improvement in the cardiac antioxidant stat...
Farah Mansha, Abdul Rehman*
...nd diameter of zone of hydrolysis. All the isolates were identified as Bacillus sp. on the basis of biochemical tests, and showed optimum growth at 37°C and pH of 7. All the bacterial isolates showed highest enzyme activity at pH 7. Isolates H4 and M4 showed maximum enzyme activity at 55°C while H1 showed highest activity at 70°C. Chitinase activities exhibited by H1 and M4 are stimulated by the presence of Zn2+ ions, while the pr...

Asma Sohail1*, Aina Rafique2, Kashif Sarfraz Abbasi1 and Maryum Arif3 

...bial activity. Effect of drying methods (sun-, oven- and freeze drying) on antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of date fruit powders from three varieties Zahidi, Aseel and Muzafati were investigated. The DPPH activity was significantly higher in Muzafati sundried date powder, whereas maximum phenolic and flavonoid contents were significantly higher in Muzafati freeze

Umair Riaz1*, Muhammad Ali Kharal2, Ghulam Murtaza3, Qamar uz Zaman4, Sana Javaid4, Hina Ahmed Malik3, Humera Aziz3 and Zafar Abbas1 mesophyll cells under drought stress, mechanism involves the production of ferulic acid through the methylation of caffeic acid catalyzed by O-methyltransferase. It has been concluded that exogenous application of cafeic acid may be a best option to cope with salinity, ion toxicity, drought and heavy metal stress. 

Tariq Mahmood1,*, Ijaz Ahmad1, Faraz Akrim1, Abdul Hamid1, Muhammad Waseem1, Abid Hussain1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem2 of rough, sloping and dry regions rising to the higher foothill valleys of the internal Himalayan ranges and western Himalayas and plains, Balochistan, and dry hillsides of the Punjab and Sindh. It is the “National Bird” of Pakistan, however, very little is known about its ecology and breeding in its native range in the north of the country. The present study investigated breeding ecology of the bird in its na...
Muhammad Khan new uses of existing drugs) has offered a novel strategy for discovering new anticancer drugs from non-cancer drugs. Drug repurposing has attracted the attention of scientific community involved in anticancer drug discovery because it is cost effective and less time consuming compared to the conventional drug disco...

Nadia Khan1*, Abdul Waheed1, Farrukh Siyar Hamid1, Naveed Ahmed1, Zafar Iqbal2, Seemab Ali1, Madiha Bashir1 and Hina Gul3  

... metabolites like carbohydrates, amino acids, alkaloids, flavonoids and glycosides. To test the antibacterial activity of the extracted seed oil, Agar well diffusion assay was employed. Effectiveness of the oil against selected bacterial species was measured in terms of zone of inhibition in millimeters. Amoxicillin was used as a positive control. The results showed that Clavibacter sp. and E. coli exhibit resistant to the oil extract while Xanthomonas sp. dis...

Muhammad Kashif Asghar1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Shahid Riaz Malik2, Waqas Ahmad3, Sumaira Zareen4, Safdar Ali5 and Abid Ali6 

...g treatments including hydropriming, osmopriming (with 1, 0.1 and 0.01 mM B) using boric acid as a source of B. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement in triplicate run. Results from the experiment revealed that all the seed treatments significantly improved achene yield, yield attributes and oil contents of sunflower. However, seed priming with 1 mM B solution was the best treatment in improving achene yield...

Zubina Hameed1, Muhammad Azim Malik1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Ansar1, Farina Shaheen1, Ijaz Ahmad2 and Khisrao Kalim3 

... was sown with a tractor-drawn rabi drill in the last week of October 2010 with a seeding rate of 125 kg ha-1. The most dominant weeds found in the wheat crop were Fumaria indica, Convolvulus arvensis, Chenopodium album, and Asphodelus tenuifolius. The results of field experiment clearly showed that weed control efficiency was highest (98.18 %) in Buctril-super followed by Brominal-M (98.11%) and hand weeded weed-free plots ...
Amjad Islam Aqib1,*, Shagufta Nighat2, Rais Ahmed3, Saba Sana3, Muhammad Ameen Jamal4, Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam Kulyar2 , Naimat Ullah Khan5, Mian Saeed Sarwar5, Muhammad Asif Hussain5, Asadullah5, Attaur Rahman5 and Sadeeq ur Rahman5,*
...ns, macrolides and other drugs showed that 50% of CPS and 30% of CNS were found multi-drug resistant-exhibiting resistance against more than two or more than two classes of drugs. None of the CPS while 20 % from CNS isolates were 100% susceptible to all kinds of drugs tested. Finally, age, grazing system, use of beta-lactam antibiotics, parity, and poor ...

Nadia Sharif1, *Neelma Munir1 and Shagufta Naz1

...nt in nature; they are hydrocolloids, water soluble biopolymers. Alginate is a natural polysaccride that occur as 30 to 60% structural component of brown algae. Alginate favorable properties like ease of gelation and biocompatibility promote its applications in engineering and bio medical science.


 Hafiz Muhmmad Tahir1*, Rabia Yaqoob2

Comparing the efficiency of Taq DNA polymerase and PuRe Taq Ready-To-Go PCR beads in amplifying 12S and 16S ribosomal genes
...-To-Go PCR beads. One hundred seventy samples, including both fresh and up to five years old tissue samples, were compared. Taq DNA polymerase was found to be less efficient compared to the PuRe Taq Ready-To-Go PCR beads for amplification of the 12S rDNA gene. However, difference in the efficiency of both procedures was not statistically significant for the 16S rDNA gene. Furthermore, Taq DNA polymerase was found only efficient for fresh samples while PuRe Taq...

 Sumera Siddique1,†, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1*, Amtul Bari Tabinda2, Muhammad Irfan1

Screening of some agri-wastes for economical cultivation of Candida tropicalis SS1
...o 33% protein content on dry weight basis. In 2% aqueous extract of WM, the yeast strain yielded maximum biomass up to 6g/L with corresponding absorbance(600 nm) of 3.49±0.05 after 48 h of incubation at 37 ºC, pH 7.0 and under non aerating conditions. These results indicate important biochemical attributes of the abundantly produced fruit wastes and their efficiency for economic production of C. tropicalis SS1 which could be used as SCP supplementi...

 Tahir Abbas*1, Khawaja Raees Ahmad2, Asmatullah3, Khalid Pervaiz Lone4, Muhammad Ali Kanwal2, Sadia Suleman2

Reno-hepatic protective effects of Jambul against chromium induced anomalies in mice
...rosis, cirrhosis and dehydration in liver evident by significant elevation of Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT), Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), total protein, bilirubin, globulin, creatine and uric acid along with reduction of SGOT/SGPT, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), urea and albumin as compared to control. Treatments with JFE after Cr+6 exposures significantly improved the hepatic and renal functional profile...

 Muhammad Mohsin Ahsan1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2*, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1, Arshad Ali3, Zafar Iqbal Kahan4, Kafeel Ahmed4

Intra- and inter-specific foraging in three scorpion species (Pocock, 1897), and Androctonus finitimus (Pocock, 1897) inhabiting Punjab, Pakistan, was studied under laboratory and field conditions. Results of the study revealed that all three scorpion species were cannibalistic. Mesobuthus tumulus attacked and fed more upon juvenile and sub- adults (medium- sized), scorpions. They also consumed dead scorpions of their own species. Odontobuthus odonturus preferred to attack and consume healthy adults and did not feed ...

Tasleem Akhtar, Nadeem Sheikh*

Induction of acute phase in response to tacrolimus induced hepatotoxicity
... of an immunosuppressive drug (tacrolimus). Aqueous suspension of tacrolimus powder (3 mg/ml) was orally given to four experimental groups of wistar rats. Control group was provided with normal drinking water and dissections were done after 6, 12, 24 and 48 h of tacrolimus dose. Densitometric analysis revealed considerable elevated level of some positive acute phase proteins, specifically C-reactive protein, haptoglobin and ...

 Saiqa Andleeb* , Shaukat Ali

RNA interference; A tool for treatment of human diseases
... of RNAi technology as a drug therapy against various human disorders.


 Muhammad Mohsin Ahsan1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1

Effect of lunar cycle on active population density of scorpions, their potential prey and predators
...obuthus odonturus, and Androctonus finitimus, and their potential prey and predators were observed in the
field. The result showed that H. tamulus and A. finitimus were more active during dark nights compared to moonlight
nights; however, there was no obvious effect of the lunar cycle on the activity of O. odonturus. Young (Immature)
individuals of all scorpion species were always high in numbers at night, even under moonlight conditions. ...

Nasir Raza Zaidi1, Mian Waheed Ahmad1, Mahesh Gautam1, Riffat Mehboob2*

Risk factors for multiple sclerosis in Pakistani population- A crosssectional study
...13 to 2014. The first hundred patients who came for
reporting MRI of the brain and had positive findings of MS were retrospectively evaluated. Mean age of the patients
was 43.07±13.88 years, with youngest patient as 18 years old and eldest as 65 years. Our study depicted 19% cases
of MS were smokers. 8% of the patients had positive history for viral infections. 8 % of the patient had low level of
serum vitamin D and 30% of th...

 Jhan Zeb, Muhammad Javed

Forecasting percentage contribution of plankton biomass towards increase in fish yield under composite culture conditions
...plementary diet. Data on dry weights of plankton biomass and increase in fish yield were
collected on monthly basis and subjected to regression analysis in order to estimate the percentage contribution of
plankton biomass towards increase in fish yield. The correlation for plankton productivity v/s increase in fish yield was
positively significant (p<0.01) under all the treatments, showing the direct dependence of fish yield on plankton...

Dilara Abbas Bukhari1, Abdul Rehman2*

Isolation of bioactive compounds from exudate of edible fungus, Pleurotus ostreatus
...eatus. Exudate as liquid droplets on the mycelium was checked for antimicrobial activity against bacterial strain, Bacillus subtilus. Biochemical techniques, thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, were employed to study fungal exudate. A total of fifteen different metabolites were detected in the sample by GC/MS. The detected metabolites could be classified into chemical groups of 2 esters, 4...

 Hafiz Muhammad Awais Sarwar, Muhammad Tahir Waseem, Abdul Majid Khan*, Rana Manzoor Ahmad

Propotamochoerus hysudricus remains from late Miocene deposits of Hasnot, Pakistan, Propotamochoerus hysudricus are described in this paper on the basis of
their morphometric characters. This is perhaps the only known species of the genus Propotamochoerus in the
Siwaliks. The specimens are collected from the outcrops of Hasnot type locality, Punjab, Pakistan. The present
findings will strengthen the previous records of the species Propotamochoerus hysudricus from the Late Miocene

Shaukat Ali1,*, Sundas Nasreen1, Sobia Safeer1, Saiqa Andleeb1, Mubashir Ejaz1, Saira Bano2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir3

Medicinal plants as therapeutic agents for cancer treatment
...otent natural sources of drugs to treat different human inflammations since ancient time. Many
of anticancer lead bioactive molecules such as vinca alkaloid, vinblastine, vincristine, camptothecin, and taxanes
have been characterized from different medicinal plants and are used as therapeutic agents in worldwide. Technical
strategies based on the natural yield of drug innovation, ethnomedicines and tradi...

Hafiz Muhammad Umer Qaisar1, Tanveer Ahmad2, Muhammad Rizwan3*, Muhammad Saqib1

Antimicrobial efficacy of combination of lincomycin and spiramycin (Lispiracin™) as systemic dry cow therapy for controlling bovine mastitis
...astitis through systemic dry period therapy,
present study was designed. A total of 20 dry pregnant cows were selected
randomly at the end of lactation and divided into two equal G1 and G2 groups.
Group G1 was treated with lincomycin@ 5mg/kg (IM) and spiramycin@ 10 mg/kg
(IM) (Inj. lispiracin®) at end of lactation and at 14th day pre calving while group G2
was kept as control. Samples o...

 Halil Erhan Eroğlu

The comparison of the Felidae species with karyotype symmetry/asymmetry index (S/AI)
... a phylogenetic tree was drawn showing
relationships among the species.


 Khurram Shahzad1*, Muhammad Naeem Khan1, Farhat Jabeen2, Nasreen Kosour3, Muhammad Sohail1, Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan1, Munir Ahmad1

Bioaccumulation of manufactured titanium dioxide
...and muscles) were freeze dried. Freeze dried tissue samples
were digested with the help of nitric acid (HNO3) and perchloric acid (HClO4). Acid
digested samples were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
Spectrophotometry (ICP-MS) foraccumulation of Ti, Cu and Zn nanoparticles in
various tissues (gills, liver and muscles). Ti and Cu accumulation in gills was
recorded to be 5.7033 and ...

 Siddra Tayyab Akhtar, Anjum Nasim Sabri

Twitching, swimming, swarming in biofilm forming strains in response to chemical and physical factors
...ns were collected from a drain of sewage
water located in the vicinity of Jinnah hospital Lahore, Pakistan. Six biofilm forming
bacterial strains were selected on the basis of their motility and biofilm forming
ability firstly by growing them on congo red agar medium and then by performing
ring test. By 16S rRNA sequencing, bacterial strains were identified as
Exiguobacterium aurantiacum, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megateriu...

 Raazia Kiran1, Alya Riaz1, Muhammad Irfan1*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir2

An overview of pre-treatment methods used for bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomasses into valuable products
...hat are pre-treatment, hydrolysis, and fermentation.
The pre-treatment method involves the use of different physical processes i.e., size
reduction, steaming or boiling, ultrasonication, and bursting, chemical methods i.e.,
solvents, acids, salts, bases, the physicochemical processes include liquid hot
water and AFEX (ammonium fibre explosion), biological methods involving whiterot/
brown-rot fungi and bacteria, and quite a f...

 Sobia Faisal1*,Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad2, Maleeha Manzoor3, Madiha Manzoor4, Faisal Rifaq5

Socio-psychological factors related to tuberculosis diagnostic test seeking behavior in Pakistan to find the studies addressing psychosocial factors affecting the
diagnostic test seeking behaviors of TB patients in Google scholar, Medline and
PubMed. The related articles had been reviewed for the period of 1998 to 2013.
Emphasis was laid to review all studies conducted in Pakistan however where
needed reference from other countries with similar socio-demographic
characteristics was also included. The four key componen...
Atiq-ur-Rehman1,2,*, Abida Latif1,*, Rukhsana Anwar1, Nasir Abbas1, Sajid Nawaz2 and Hamid Turab Mirza3
...m fraction may inhibit hydrolyzing of starch via pancreatic α-amylase. It is concluded that chloroform fraction may have therapeutic potential to prevent prophylactically diabetes type 2.

Faheem Ali1*, Muhammad Naeem Arbab1, Abdul Basit2, Muhammad Kashif Khan1, Gulzar Ahmad1 and Muhammad Amir, pumping, harvesting, drying, cooking, baking, woodworking, forging and smelting etc. This results in lagging Volt-Ampere-Reactive (VARs), which must be balanced by the same number of leading VARs in order to ensure unity power factor, thus avoiding penalties on agricultural industry. Switched Capacitors and Voltage Regulators are used to cope with such a situation. Regulators results in higher line currents thus resulting in excessive losses in addition to...

Ali Zohaib1*, Saima Yousaf1,2, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Tahira Tabassum1, Tasawer Abbas3, Wardah Muzaffar1 and Wasiq Ikram2 

...h, allometric traits and dry matter yield of different soybean genotypes viz. EBR4V4, Freedom and Swat-84. Seed inoculation significantly improved the total chlorophyll content, leaf area index, leaf area duration, crop growth rate and dry matter yield. Seed inoculation with P. fluorescens produced more pronounced results for all the studied traits as compared to R. japonicum. The tested genotypes of soybean did not differ f...

Misbahullah, Shad Khan Khalil, Asim Muhammad*, Afza Tabassum and Shah Fahad  

... and pollute underground drinking water. Alternative environmental friendly methods are needed to explore possibility of weed control and enhance crop yield. Sorghum extract and their application times on weed dynamics, phenology and leaf tracts of variety Atta Habib was sown at the Research Farm of Agronomy, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan throughout 2015-16. Used of sorghum extract with three concentrations (1:3, 1:4, 1:5), weedicide (affini...

Farkhanda Asad1*, Samina Qamer1, Tayyaba Ali1, Ammara Behzad1 and Tahira Yasmin2 

... chromium chloride hexahydrate six test dietsdesignated as; T1(G/0.0, CrCl3.6H2O mg Kg-1), T2(NG/0.0, CrCl3.6H2O mg Kg-1), T3(G/0.2, CrCl3.6H2O mg Kg-1), T4(NG/0.2, CrCl3.6H2O mgKg-1), T5 (G/0.4, CrCl3.6H2O mg Kg-1) and T6(NG/0.4, CrCl3.6H2O mg Kg-1) were prepared. Results showed highest apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of nutrientsdry matter, crude lipid and gross energy in test diet T5 that was gelatinized and supp...
Aiguo Zhou1,3,4, Shaolin Xie1,4, Zhenlu Wang1, Lanfen Fan1, Yanfeng Chen2, QiaoYe1, Fang Zeng1 and Jixing Zou1,*


...n present study, mitochondrial Cyt b gene was used to analyze the relationships and genetic diversity of two color morphs of northern snakehead. For the Chnannidae family, the average genetic distances of Cyt b gene was 0.171 (ranged 0.000 to 0.248) with the inter-species genetic distances. The intra-species genetic distance ranged from 0.000 to 0.002. For the haplotypes of two color morphs of Channa argus, the mean pair-wise genetic dista...
Faiz Muhammad1,2, Canfeng Dou1, Zhen-ming Lü1,*, Li Gong1, Xun Du1 and Muhammad Shafi3
...2 bp fragment of Mitochondrial DNA subunit ATPase 6, thirty haplotypes and 140 polymorphic sites were noted, whereas (0.740, 0.048) high and low haplotype and nucleotide diversity observed. The data was further tested with AMOVA that validates 91.24% variation among populations and 8.76% within population. Genetic fixation index was also calculated as 0.91243*. The neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis revealed three lineages. The Dongshan population dis...

Muhammad Shahzad Khattak1*, Amjad Khan1, Mahmood Alam Khan1, Waqas Ahmad2, Shafiq ur Rehman3, Mohammad Sharif4 and Sajjad Ahmad1 

...emi-arid country where hydrological drought generally causes adverse impacts on agricultural production and hydropower generation. In this research, the characteristics of hydrological droughts in Indus River basin using stream flow data of major rivers of Pakistan were investigated. Stream flow <...
Zhongquan Zhao*, Tianyuan Yang, Lei Qiao, Qijie He and Zinuo Dai
..., twins, triplets and quadruplets born were 1.98, 47.27, 40.02 and 10.29 %, respectively. The mean litter sizes (2.60±0.72) were the highest among the reported meat goat breeds in China. Dazu black goat reached the highest litter sizes (2.74±0.71) in the fourth kidding.

Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Nazakat Nawaz, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Tahira, Doulat Baig, Ihsan Ullah Khan and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah 

...iod and plant height. Dendrogram based on Euclidean distance coefficient, using 9 quantitative traits, grouped 98 sesame genotypes in to 6 lineages and 29 clusters. Cluster 25 had the maximum number of genotypes i.e. 18 followed by Cluster 23 (14 genotypes), 19 (12 genotypes) and 9 (9 genotypes). There was a wide range of genetic diversity in this set of sesame germplasm which could be utilized for crop improvement. It is further recommended that for making im...
Ghulam Ali1,3, Wopke van der Werf2 and Just M. Vlak1,
...ptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (Pakistan isolate SpltNPV-Pak-BNG). Infected larvae with final polyhedrosis (disease resulting in dissolution of larval tissues and accumulation of viral occlusion bodies) exhibited reduced food intake and weight gain relative to uninfected larvae. The unexposed larvae and the larvae that were exposed but survived exhibited the same food consumption and weight gain. This study did thus not r...

Nighat Seema1*, Muhammad Hamayun1, Husan Ara1 and Raham Sheer Khan

...r without 8% PEG induced drought stress. Upon inoculation of different endophytic fungi with or without drought stress, the trend in pH values of soil remain variable (7.61~7.96) compared with the pH value before experiment. The 8% PEG induced drought stress elevated the EC value, however, the inoculation of all types of endophytic fungi lowered the EC to provide smooth medium for plant gr...

Sahar Shibli1,2*, Farzana Siddique1, Saeeda Raza2, Zaheer Ahsan3 and Irum Raza4 

....42±3.83 % carbohydrates and 4.95±0.06 to 8.53± % fiber. Mineral analysis of peanut cultivars showed 12.60±0.38 to 16.61±1.51 mg/100g Fe , 2.34±0.075 to 3.37±0.040 mg/100g Zn, 38.64±3.50 to 48.24±32.58 mg/100g Ca, 67.81±7.86 to 82.72±9.09 mg/100g Mg, 199.19±33.18 to 342.00±19.03 mg/100g Na and 1220.6±9.045 to 1411.3±1.71 mg/100g P and 841.01±50.41 to...
Asim Faraz1,*, Muhammad Younas2, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Yaqoob2 and Kashif Ishaq3


...recha calves (Camelus dromedarius) reared under intensive (IMS) and semi-intensive management systems (SIMS). Twelve Marecha calves were randomly allotted to two comparable groups of 6, (3 ♂ and 3 ♀). First group animals were reared under IMS, fed concentrate @ 1 kg/h/d plus crop residues of gram (Cicer arientinum) ad lib while in second group, calves were reared under SIMS, sent for grazing 8 hours daily plus gram crop residues ad ...
A.H. Shahzad1, A. Sattar1,*, A. Husnain1, I. Ahmad2, N. Ahmad1, D. Nak3 and Y. Nak3
Mahboob Ali1, Muhammad Avais1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Memoona Chaudhary2, Riaz Hussain3, Amjad Islam Aqib1, Naimat Ullah Khan4, Muhammad Luqman Sohail5,*, Madiha Khan6, Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Mehtab Ahmad7, Muhammad Sajid Hasni2Imran Qaiser8, Ghazanfar Rashid1, Ikramul Haq1 and Ikramullah Khan8
...ylococcus aureus, in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) reared in two distinct agro-ecological zones of Pakistan viz. Cholistan desert and Suleiman mountain range. A total of 768 lactating she-camels were screened for subclinical mastitis using California mastitis test (CMT). A preformed questionnaire was used to obtain data for the potential risk factors. Results showed an overall prevalence of 47.14% ...
Muhammad Saqib Shahzad1, Amina Arif1,*,Saeeda Kalsoom2, Javed Iqbal3, Shahnam Shafique2, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem4 and Rafique Ahmed5
...ed pre and post combined drug therapy during the period 2015-2017. Distribution of HCV genotypes, age groups, viral load and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values were recorded and analyzed for rapid virologic response (RVR), non-rapid virologic response (NRVR), sustained virologic response (SVR) and non-sustained virologic response (NSVR). Among the evaluated patients RVR was found among 81.5% and NRVR among 18.5%. Out of RVR patients, SVR was found in majori...
Muhammad Furqan1, Usman Ali1,*, Anjum Ara1, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad2, Muhammad Siddique Awan3, Riaz Aziz Minhas3, Khawaja Basharat Ahmad3, Qamar Zaman Qamar4 and Naeem Iftikhar Dar5
...abitat analysed using quadrat method. Mongoose was distributed with average population density of 9.8 animal/km2, with highest (17.8 animal/Km2) density at Kalyal and lowest (3.5 animal/km2) at Panyam. Most favored altitudinal range was 450 m to-550 m (asl). Population density was the highest (12 animals/km2) in October and lowest (7.4 animals/km2) in May. Dominant vegetation included Acacia nilotica

Masaud Khan1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Tahir Sarwar1 and Muhammad Jamal Khan2 

...he nitrate leaching also dropped by 70%. Based on the above results, it can be concluded that deficit irrigation with low nitrogen doses can be used to minimize nitrate leaching. HYDRUS-ID can be effectively used for simulating Nitrate leaching. 


Muhammad Ilyas*, Sardar Ali Khan, Shahid Iqbal Awan and Shafiq-Ur-Rehman 

...elected as parents viz., drought tolerant and susceptible from a diverse gene pool and crossed to produce 02 hybrids. The cross 1 comprised of a drought tolerant inbred line as VDR-51 and a susceptible inbred line 5CDR-53. The cross 2 comprised of a dr...

Salman Ali*, Inamullah, Muhammad Arif, Mehran Ali, Muhammad Owais Iqbal, Fazal Munsif and Arsalan Khan 

...g the adverse effects of drought stress. Although a large quantity of potassium can be found in soil but is mostly in an unavailable form. A field experiment was, therefore established at Agronomy Research Farm the University of Agriculture Peshawar-KP to evaluate the response of maize toward different K levels under varied irrigation frequencies, during Autumn, 2015. Randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement was used with a subplot size of ...

Raza Ullah1* and Jamal Shah

...infall patterns, floods, droughts and heavy rains etc. Farmers adopt available risk coping tools to minimize the impacts of such risks at farm level however, these adoptions require farmers to incur cost or forgo part of the potential benefits from agricultural production. These costs (explicit or implicit) are referred to as the cost of risk management. Previous studies on risk management in agriculture however have ignored such costs. The present study is th...
Muhammad Tufail1, Naila Chand1, Rafiullah1, Shakoor Ahmad2, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3 and Shabana Naz4,*
...-100) showed the maximum dressing percentage, weight of bursa, thymus and spleen. Significantly higher villus height, crypt depth and goblet cell count were recorded in MOS-100. It was concluded from the results that improvement in growth performance, intestinal histomorphology and relative weight of lymphoid organs in broiler chicks during finisher phase was attributed to MOS at the level of 100 mg/kg.

Muhammad Amin1, Aftab Ahmad Khan2, Abida Perveen1, Zareen Rauf1, Sher Shah Hassan2*, Muhammad Arif Goheer2 and Muhammad Ijaz2 

...varies. Misperception on drought and its features is common in defining policies and caused delays in its prevention (Gore, 2002). Pakistan is one the counties which is affected badly by drought. In near Past, Pakistan faced one of the worst drought span drought in 50 years from 1998 to 2003 which harshly affected socially and economically. The present s...

Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik1, Khalid Usman1*, Tahir Amin1, Muhammad Riaz2, Zafar Iqbal3 and Fiaz Hussain

...istan. In this scenario, drought-tolerant cotton cultivars with zero tillage could be the best option. This research aims to quantify the impact of limited water on lint yield and quality of cotton genotypes. An experiment was managed in a split plot, randomized complete block design, replicated thrice at the Agricultural Research Institute, Dera Ismail Khan. The experiment was conducted in 2016 using treatments irrigation intervals (10, 15, 20 and 25 days) an...
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Muhammad Saleem Haider1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1, Muhammad Ali1, Muhammad Ashfaq1, Muhammad A. Aqueel2 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah2
Zhen-li Li1,2, Hui-fang Zhou2,*, Bo-ru Zhou2, Bei Liu2, Xiao-fei Jiang2 and Jian-ya Xu2


...x hormones persist after drug discontinuation, possibly leading to luteal phase defect (LPD) and infertility. Recent studies revealed that mifepristone not only affects the ovary and uterus, but also the pituitary, resulting in LPD. Bu Shen Zhu Yun formula (BSZYF) was developed by Professor Guicheng Xia, a “great master in TCM.” It effectively cures LPD, while its effect on the pituitary is unclear. In this study, we aimed to explore the effect of ...
Jian Wang1,*, Zhi Liu2, Sheng Xu2, Mei-Fen Hu2, Xiao-Rui Liu1 and Wen-Jie Cai1
...aldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as the internal reference, the ratio of lgcDNA/lgGAPDH was regarded as the extreme level of CXCL8 mRNA. The serum level of CXCL8 and expression of CXCL8 mRNA in neutrophils of the chronic renal failure were (128.892±17.101) pg/mL and (1.332±0.138) lgcDNA/lgGAPDH. There was no significant difference compared with the normal controls (t=2.8468, P=0.062; t=1.953, P=0.0559). Furth...
Bei Liu1, Yanli Hong1, Huifang Zhou1,*, Zhenzhen Cao1, Shuang Zhang1, Jing Jin1, Miao Jiang1, Cunsi Shen2 and Jianjian Ji2
...ological mechanism can redress luteal function and improve endometrial receptivity, and thus increase the clinical pregnancy rate.
Hamidullah1,*, Arshad Javid2, Basit Rasheed1,Jehan Zeb3, Abidullah1 and Muhammad Iftikhar Khan1
...Pipistrelle P. coromandra, least Pipistrelle P. tenuis and Kelaart’sPipistrelle P. ceylonicus were recorded for the first time from the study area. Average forearm length of P. pipistrellus, P. javanicus, P. coromandra, P. tenuis and P. ceylonicus was recorded 30.9±0.14mm, 35.13±0.53mm, 31.64±1.19mm, 28.49±1.25mm and 40.11±2.24mm...

Aisha Siddiqua1*, Munir Ahmad1 and Nusrat Habib2 

...e change are significant drivers of adaptation to climate change. 


Muhammad Naveed Afzal1, Muhammad Tariq1*, Muhammad Ahmad1, Khuram Mubeen2, Muhammad Ayaz Khan3, Muhamamd Umer Afzal4 and Shakeel Ahmad

...lanting density (PD) for dry matter production, partitioning, nutrient use efficiency (NUE), lint yield and associated fiber properties. In this RCBD split plot experiment, two planting densities (8.88 and 4.44 plants m-2) were assigned to main plot and four nitrogen rates (0, 50,100 and 150 kg N ha-1) were kept in sub plots with three replications. The PD was maintained by altering the within plant spaces keeping the row spaces (75 cm) constant. The results i...

Syed Amjad Kamal Jan* and Naushad Khan 

...d to farmer for pick and drop of input and output; Several farm plots should be combined and modern farming be practiced on the farm for enhancement of rice productivity in the study area. 


Sonia1, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai1*, Noor Paio Khan2, Abbas Ullah Jan1 and Gulnaz Hameed3 

...gree centigrade (0C) can drop-down the wheat yield by 0.074 percent. The impact of precipitation was also observed negative with wheat crop in the panel data since 1985 to 2000. This study concludes that temperature and precipitation have inverse association with wheat production while humidity is positively associated. Overall scenario concludes that not only climatic variable but also major wheat crop’s input are significantly associated to wheat yield...
Tafail Akbar Mughal1, Muhammad Zubair Saleem2, Shaukat Ali3,*, Khawaja Khurshid Anwar1, Muhammad Majid Bashir1, Muhammad Babar4 and Muhammad Adeeb Khan1 and LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) and biochemical components like glucose, urea, lipids, cholesterol and protein contents both in the liver and blood while DNA and RNA contents only in liver. The administration of CCl4 resulted in increase in plasma ALAT and decrease in LDH. Vitamin E pre-treatment abolished CCl4-induced changes in the activities of these enzymes. Blood glucose content was increased while cholesterol content was decreas...
Dur-E-Shahwar1,2, Riaz Ahmad Sheikh1, Nazia Jamil2* subsurface in which hydrocarbons are found as a main environmental pollutant. Present study is focused on production of biosurfactants from indigenous bacteria, isolated from produced water and produced water contaminated soil samples collected from three selected sites of Eastern Potwar, Punjab, Pakistan. Forty seven bacteria were isolated out of which five (F1, F3, F20, F23 and C16) were selected on the basis of high optical densities of 0.7, 70% oil and ...

 Saira Zaheer1, Abrar Hussain1*, Aqsa Khalil1, Muhammad Mansha1, Muhammad Lateef2

...hanolic Extracts (CEE)of dried leaves of A. lebbeck L. and whole plant of C. sinensis L. were prepared by cold maceration method. The anthelmintic activity was analyzed by adult motility assay (AMA). Levamisole was used as positive control to compare the efficacy of CEE of both plants. Adult worms were treated with different concentrations i.e., 2, 4, 6 and 8 mg/ml of ethanolic extract and motility of the worms was examined after every two to eig...

Hina Ali*, Iram Shaheen and Feroza Hamid Wattoo 

...nd microbial analysis of drinking water samples of different areas of Rawalpindi. The water samples were collected into sterile containers from the different localities of Rawalpindi such as Dhokekala khan, Morgah, Scheme-III, Gulshandadan khan, Satellite town, Dhoke kashmirian, Pandora, Bahria town, University campus (Mehr water) and Air Port. The pH of PMAS-AAUR campus water ( Mehr Water) was found within WHO recommended values (pH limit 6.5-8.5) whereas the...
Zhiwen Zou, Jianfei Xi, Fen Chen, Rui Xu, Tianrong Xin and Bin Xia*
...mblyseiinae, the mitochondrial CO1 gene sequence of seven Amblyseiinae species, collected from four provinces of China, were sequenced, and another seven Amblyseiinae species mt CO1 gene sequenced were download from GenBank. And the phylogenetic relationship between the Amblyseiinae genus and the subspecies was studied. The results showed that four species of Kampimodromus and two species of Euseius clustered i...
Juan Augusto Hernández-Rivera1, Jaime Molina-Ochoa2,*, Luis Jorge García-Márquez1, Omar Francisco Prado-Rebolledo1, Rafael Julio Macedo-Barragán1, Arturo César García-Casillas1 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah3
...t, body condition score, dry matter intake, and feed efficiency. Is suggested to contemplate other traits like genetic potential, lactation (305 d), lactation number, fertility rate, and economic impact to observe clarity the potential of each crossbred in dairy cattle in the future.
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2,*, Muhammad Jafir1, Muhammad Wajid Javed1, Sumaira Maqsood3 and Samina J.N. Ahmad1,2,*
...uencing. In PCR, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene based primers were used for identification of this pest collected from various cotton fields in Punjab. Phylogenetic analysis was also complemented to differentiate DCB identified from other countries of the world. The PCR bands obtained in gel electrophoresis amplified PCR fragments from all DCB species at 710 bp. The sequencing results and phylogenetic analysis with sequences submitted at NCBI da...

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Sami Ullah1, 3*, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Ahmad Mujtaba1, Mumtaz Hussain2, Muhammad Jahangir Shah2, Bashir Ahmad2 and Ijaz Ahmad4 

...ibbling and zero tillage drill were performed as the experimental treatments. Results showed that maize hybrid sown under deep tillage gave the maximum grain yield (7.2 t ha-1), number of grains cob-1 (528), 1000-grain weight (265 g), plant height (205 cm), plant population (7.2 plants m-2) and stem diameter (1.58 cm), cob length (19.1 cm), biological yield (19.5 t ha-1) and harvest index (37.0%), while lowest grain yield (3.08 t ha-1), number of grains per co...
Khalid Khan1, Saima Liaqat2*, Somaiya Rasheed1 and Ihsanullah Kakar3
...estionnaires from one hundred livestock farmers of diverse Tehsil/Union Council of District Lasbela. The findings of the study exhibited that trivial farm holders widely used livestock for income generation. Furthermore, livestock have a predominant role to accomplish the rudimentary needs of the households. Moreover, livestock offer opportunities of income generation and to spend it on education, health and housing, which eventually enhanced the living standa...
Ali Raza Jahejo1,2, Nasir Rajput2, Wen-xia Tian1,*, Muhammad Naeem2, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro2, Asmatullah Kaka2, Sheng Niu1 and Fa-jie Jia1
Wen Chao Liu1,2, Kwan Sik Yun3 and In Ho Kim2,*
...L cholesterol levels (quadratic, P=0.074). Furthermore, the relative weight of bursa of Fabricius was increased by supplementation with 1,3-DAG (quadratic, P<0.05). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of different levels of 1,3-DAG in broilers diets could improve the growth performance, modify blood lipid profile and promote the development of bursa of Fabricius. 
Muhammad Usman Ahmadand Ikram-ul-Haq*
...ains (Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans OS1, Akkermansia muciniphila, Bilophila wadsworthia, and Roseburia intestinalis) were selected as experimental models for this purpose. Significant improvement in cell density of Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans culture with maximum OD600nm of 0.80±0.0017 reached after 4 days of incubation when oxyrase used as reducing agent, and maximum ...
Ajmal Khan Kassi1,*, Humayun Javed1 and Tariq Mukhtar2 densities on leaf midrib and leaf lamina were comparatively less in case of comparatively resistant varieties as compared to intermediate resistant and comparatively susceptible varieties. With one exception in each category, no significant differences were observed regarding area, moisture, thickness of leaves and fruit length of okra varieties. The leaf area was slightly greater in comparatively resistant varieties. Similarly, fruit was found to be sign...
Abdul Wahaab1, Muhammad Ijaz1,*, Syed Saleem Ahmad1, Umair Iqbal2, Abdul Tawaab1 and Iahtasham Khan3
...oups of 10 animals each, drug was administered to first three groups whereas last one was kept under positive control for comparison. Study revealed that Triclabendazole was most effective drug of all three in both cattle and buffaloes with efficacy of 97.92% and 100%, respectively; Oxyclozanide was 2nd most effective with efficacy of 96.87% and 97.05% % whereas Nitroxynil remained at last with efficacy of 93.47% ...
Muhammad Hidayat Rasool1,*, Muhammad Zaheer1, Muhammad Farooque Hassan2, Muhammad Shafique1 and Muhammad Usman Qamar1
...s were resistant towards drugs such as cephalosporin, ceftazidime but majority of them were sensitive to polymyxins, tazocin and fusidic acid. Proper screening of MBLs producing GNRs should be done from clinical specimens along with antimicrobial susceptibility testing for developing an effective treatment strategy and thus better control of infections caused by these bugs in future.
S. Justin Carlus1,*, Atiyeh M Abdallah1,2, Abdulhadi H. Al-Mazroea1, Mazen Khalid Al-Harbi3 and Khalid M Al-Harbi1
...tudies show that down syndrome (DS) and CHD are associated, and maternal hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for CHD. In Saudi Arabia CHD represents one of the most important health problems. Here we examined the association between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene polymorphisms and CHD and DS co-inheritance in patients from Al Madinah, Saudi Arabia. MTHFR rs1801133 and rs1801131 ...
Rishen Liang*, Meng Zhou, Zhenxiang Lin, Guozhang Li, Yuan Chen, Xuan Lin and Zaohe Wu
... level, complete mitochondrial genomes of the two species were first determined. The genomes were 16,546 bp (P. orientalis) and 16,545 bp (P. vittatus) in size, respectively, which both consisted of a typical structure of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and one noncoding control region. Genomic composition, organization and gene order were similar to that obtained in most vertebrates. By comparative analysis...

Sabi-Ur-Rehman1, Anwar Khalid2, Qazi Najam Us Saqib3, Farooq Ahmad1, Shaheed-Ur-Rehman4, Neelam Zaman3, Ayeza Mehmood5 and Abdul Samad6*  

...r to overcome antibiotic drugs resistance, plants provide source for discovery of new antimicrobial drugs. This study was carried out, include in-vitro antibacterial and antifungal screening of aqueous methanolic extracts as well as crude saponins isolated from leaves and roots of Sarcococca saligna, using disc diffusion method. The tested bacterial strains include, B. subtilis, E. coli, S. aureus, P. fluorescens and fungal ...
Umar Farooq Gohar1, Hamid Mukhtar1,*, Ali Nawaz1, Ikram-ul-Haq1 and Asad Mehmmood2
...144 h of incubation. The dry mycelial mass was found to be 39.46 mg/ml. The antimicrobial activity was assessed by disc diffusion method. Cephalosporin production was estimated by using spectrophotometric technique.
Liyan Zhang1,2, Zhidong Zhou1,3, Haiping Li1,2, Yanlong Qiao4, 5 and Yueping Zhang1,3,*
Doğukan Ölmez1 and Gonca Alak2,*
...lue. For this purpose, hydrolysates were prepared by enzymatic methods at different time periods using different trout byproducts. In this study, two different groups (viscera and muscles) of trout processing wastes were hydrolyzed by enzymatic method based on specific time periods (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 min) for this purpose. Protein profiles, molecular size and distribution changes of the obtained hy
Saleh S. Alhewairini1,* and Mahmoud M. Al-Azzazy1,2
... camel tick (Hyalomma dromedarii Koch) and cattle tick (Hyalomma impeltatum Schulze & Schlottke), to replace the widely used traditional acaricides. Huwa-San TR50 is a formulation of hydrogen peroxide, stabilized by the addition of a small quantity of silver and is extensively used as a disinfectant. Both tick species were susceptible to certain concentrations of Huwa-San TR50: 4,000, 8,000, 10,000, 12,000 ...

Muhammad Zulfiqar1*, Irshad Abbasi2, Himayatullah Khan1, Arjumand Nizami3, Abdul Hakeem4, Jawad Ali3 and Muhammad Jamal Khan

...neral, monsoon period is dry, and only 18% of total annual precipitation occurs during the months of July-October. Burgay watershed is situated upstream of Satpara Dam. Water from this watershed is distributed among the communities according to historically agreed distribution patterns. Water availability vary from season to season. The objective of the instant study was to assess the glaciers/snow water dependence of agriculture activities which have implicat...
Catherine J. Allen
...being through vocabulary drawn from Southern Peruvian Quechua, including allin kawsay (well-being), pacha (world), ayllu (community), ayni (reciprocity), uyway (nurturance), hucha (sin) and animu (individuating energy), with particular emphasis on values and ontological orientations that are generally consistent across the Andean ethnographic and ethnohistorical record. Underlying this vocabulary is a mindset th...
Kamran Zakaria1*, Noreen Munawar1 and Shafqat Ejaz2
... to safe this Globe from droughts and floods, it is essential to design a strategy for the balanced usage of water resources for urban uses and agriculture. For such purpose, Precipitation regions were recognized in river Indus basin in Pakistan by examining the rainfall frequencies with the help of global wavelet power spectra. Records from 52 rain gauges were studied and the outcomes of the whole power spectra exhibited a low annual frequency all over the ba...
Naveed Ahmad1,*, P.J.A. Siddiqui1, Amjad Ali1, Khan Mir Khan2, Rafaqat Masroor3, Noor ul Akbar4, Muhammad Amin5 and Mohammad Attaullah6
...otein kg-1 of dry matter. Thirty healthy fish (20.94±0.81g initial weight) were stocked in each floating net cage (1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m), with three replicates of each treatment. The diets were fed to visual apparent satiation two times a day for a period of eight weeks. At the end of the trial, P40 appeared to have significant (P<0.05) influence on the growth performance. The percent weight gain, average daily weight gain and ...
Zhen-Yang Wu1, Guang-Xin E2,*, Hui Ran1, Da-Hui Wang1 and Tian-You Yang1
...sequences of the mitochondrial D-Loop region. In total, 63 polymorphic sites, including four single-nucleotide polymorphisms and 59 parsimony-informative sites, and 18 haplotypes were detected. The number of haplotypes within populations ranged from one (WS and DJ) to six (JK). Haplotype diversity ranged from 0.000 (DJ and WS) to 0.793 (JK). The largest amount of nucleotide diversity was found in the SQ population (0.03111 ), whereas the smallest amount was in...

John Ogunsola1*, Richard E. Antia2, Benjamin O. Emikpe2 and Olajumoke A. Morenikeji

...f these challenges are addressed, are potentially humongous and rewarding. When appropriate management and health practices are put in place, wild animals in captivity can be successfully bred; thus, offering captive breeding as a veritable tool for conservation. 

Jesse Butler
... and their capacity to address our collective ecological well-being together on planet Earth. Specifically, I will argue that contemporary philosophers Viola Cordova and Tu Weiming exhibit ecological self-understanding as an epistemic virtue in their conceptions of human existence. Ecological self-understanding (ESU) is veridical acknowledgement of human beings as embodied agents in the world, fundamentally situated within interdependent relations between self...
Kathryn Phillips and Katherine L. Schaefer
...—Beauchamp and Childress’ influential principlism in particular—we explore how a Jain who is on the path to eventual bodily liberation via a fast to the death might be treated, and the difficulties inherent in applying an ethics framework that remains neutral about the existence of souls, or the effects of acts on those souls. We conclude that no account of well-being is complete without an account of its fundamental metaphysical commitments....
Ai Yuan
...of living a good life is dramatically different from the purposeful pursuit of well-being through action. Instead, to live a good life, the Zhuangzi requires one to uphold a form of courage (yong 澹) which requires one to willingly accept what is beyond human control without regret, anger, and useless struggle. Through this courage, one can participate in one’s life without avoiding its challenges. By demonstrating how and why one’s ...

 Jennifer Mei Sze Ang

...thentic life filled with dread and despair and a life filled with generally more positive emotions. It starts with outlining Sartrean existentialism – the ontological freedom we are born into experienced as feelings of anxiety and angst, and experiences of hostility as we encounter others through their gaze and objectification. From this framework, it examines and reflects on both the empirical models of well-being focused on desire/satisfaction/positive...

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Sidra Mushtaq1, Muhammad Tariq Malik2, Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Ateeq ur Rehman1, Shoaib Fareed3, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar

...d on sheesham decline syndrome especially die back and wilt in Indian sub-continent. A diversity of plant pathogenic fungi has been identified and isolated from the various affected sheesham trees from Indian sub-continent, yet the actual cause of the diseases is still controversial. It is pertinent to mention here that no viruses or any bacteria has been reported from a singly tree in whole of the Indian sub-continent. Although the involvement of the insect&r...

 Muqader Shah1,*, Hafsa Zaneb2, Saima Masood2, Rifat Ullah Khan1, Salahud Din1, Shakirullah3, Imad Khan2, Ambrina Tariq4 and Habib ur Rehman5

Arjumand Nizami1, Jawad Ali1 and Muhammad Zulfiqar2* 

...urrence and impacts of hydro-meteorological disasters on people’s well-being and which livelihood assets are significant for identifying coping strategies to deal with disasters are important ingredients to increased resilience of communities living in disaster prone areas. This study relies on the data collected using the Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods (Cristal) to map major risks and vulnerabilities along with co...

Saeed Ullah1, Muhammad Israr1*, Shakeel Ahmad2, Nafees Ahmad3 and Asif Yaseen

...e difficulty in farming, drought, desertification, increased the necessity for fertilizers, loss in livestock production, migration, poverty and economic backwardness. High land degradation was perceived by the farmers and having positive association with the socio-economic influences. There is a need for awareness about the different land management and conservation practices coupled with different socio-economic sector-specific interventions in order to redu...

 Abdul Maalik1, Shahzad Ali1,*, Anam Iftikhar1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Haroon Ahmad2 and Iahtasham Khan1

...was concluded that multi-drug resistant strains of Staph. aureus were major causative agent of bovine subclinical mastitis and there were multiple risk factors associated with incidence of mastitis.

Saleha Gul1,2, Muhammad Khisroon2, Ajmal Khan2, Attaullah1, Saira Gul3 and Gul Nabi Khan1,4,* polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrosamines cause the production of DNA adducts and leading to lung cancer. However, the adverse effects of cigarette smoke on other tissues are largely unknown. We explored the genotoxic effects of tobacco smoke on peripheral lymphocytes of active and passive smokers. Blood samples were isolated from 100 males’ including 25 active-, 25 passive- and 50 non-smokers. Alkaline comet assay was done and classes were de...

 Sohaib Afzaal1, Usman Hameed2, Nasir Ahmad3,*, Naeem Rashid3 and Muhammad Saleem Haider1

... screened, out of one hundred and forty-four (144) bacterial strains isolated from different local food groups, on the basis of stress tolerance assays. Identification of the screened strains was further confirmed by 16S ribosomal DNA sequences and strain level differentiation was carried out by sugar fermentation tests. These strains were further analyzed for their ability to produce lactic acid. Overall, Leuconostoc mesenteroides was found as pre-domi...

 Attaur Rahman1, Sadeeq ur Rahman1,*, Ashfaq Ahmad2, Abdul Sajid1, Muhammad Asif Hussain1, Mian Muhammad Salman1, Niamat Ullah Khan1, Kamran Khan3, Fazli Rabbani1, Muhammad Akbar Shahid4, Irshad Ahmad5 and Shakoor Ahmad6


 Asad Sultan1, Rabia Ali1, Rifat Ullah Khan2,*, Sarzamin Khan1, Naila Chand1 and Ambrina Tariq3

...trients and need to be addressed to avoid compromised birds’ performance. The present study assessed the impact of phytase on enhancing the nutrient retention and phosphorus utilization in two different sorghum cultivars fed to broiler. In an open sided house, a total of 160, 14-days-old broilers were allotted to four dietary bioassay treatments and fed mash red and white sorghum grain with or without phytase enzyme (500 FTU/kg) for 12 days (including 4 ...

 Mahroze Fatima1*, Muhammad Afzal2 and Syed Zakir Hussain Shah3

...fferences were found for dry matter, crude protein, crude fat and ash content in fish body. Lipid peroxidation was determined in terms of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and antioxidant enzyme activities. The minimum value of TBARS was recorded in VE150 group, which was increased again with supplementation of high vitamin E levels. Similarly, adequate supplementation levels (VE1000, VE1500) reduced the superoxid...
Bibi Nazia Murtaza1,2, Azhar Qayum3, Shamaila Inayat Nadeem1, Naif Awdh Al-Maliki4, Abdulaziz Alamri4 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori2,5,* of GAP-mediated GTP hydrolysis becomes altered when the Kras gene is mutated. The most common Kras mutations are found in codon 12 and 13 and 61. Some other noncanonical mutations have been reported in codon 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 27, 30, 31, 117, 146 and 154. We aimed to demonstrate the conformational changes induced in two novel K RAS variants, p.E31K and p.G138V, identified in two CRC patients, which may account for transformative capacity by bi...
Sumreen Hayat1,6, Muhammad Hussnain Siddique2, Bilal Aslam1, Habibullah Nadeem2, Asma Ashraf3, Muhammad Saqalein1, Mohsin Khurshid4, Naveed Shahzad5 and Saima Muzammil1,* isolated from children of different age groups. K. pneumoniae isolated from blood and urine samples were identified through API® 20E kit. Antibiogram was determined by disc diffusion method and isolates were screened for ESBL production using double-disc synergy test (DDST). Molecular detection for the presence of bla-SHV and bla-TEM was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Of 392 blood and urine samples, 1...

 Ping Zhang1,2, Yabin Pu1, Yu Zhang2, Jia Chen2, Kunfu Wang3, Qian Li3, Yujiao Sun3, Yuehui Ma1, Shuqing Jiao2,* and Weijun Guan1,*

...ocytes, osteoblasts, chondrocytes and neuron-like cells by the optimized inducing medium. After the two-step digestion and differential attachment technique, high purity MDSCs were successfully cultured. MDSCs were identified by round or short spindle cell, and gathered into clusters; The average doubling time and clone efficiency of the cells were 35.5h and 47.2%, respectively. The MDSCs makers, such as Sca-1, CD34, CD144 and Desmin, were positive expressed b...
Zhaochao Deng1, Jingchen Chen1, Na Song2, Yongzhen Li3 and Zhiqiang Han1,*
...03 bp segment of mitochondrial DNA control region was sequenced. 17 polymorphic sites were obtained defining 7 haplotypes in the South China Sea population. Contrary to heterogeneous expectation, AMOVA and pairwise FST values showed that the genetic differences in this region were all non-significant. The pattern of population demography showed a stable model in this species in the South China Sea population. To reveal its population structur...
Zhaochao Deng1, Na Song2, Yongzhen Li3, Tianxiang Gao1 and Zhiqiang Han1,*
...95 bp segment of mitochondrial DNA control region was sequenced. We collected a total of 65 individuals from three archipelagos (Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha) in the South China Sea and 107 polymorphic sites were obtained defining 39 haplotypes. Based on the NJ tree, two distinct lineages were detected, with strong frequency differences in the geographical distribution. Both lineages were found in Xisha and Zhongsha archipelagos, but only one lineage (lineage B)...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1,2*, Muhammad Iqbal2, Zia-ul-Haq2,3, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Shabbir Ahmed Kalwar1, Liaqat Ali Shahid1, Badar Munir Khan Niazi1 and Muzammil Husain1 

... wheat. Zone disc tiller drill sows crop in strips. Strip tillage of soil reduced labour, fuel, irrigation and machinery costs. Zone disk tiller was tested for its field performance with three different types of furrow openers viz; disk furrow opener, reverse hoe furrow opener and hoe furrow opener. Statistical design, RCBD, was employed to evaluate the machine performance in comparison with conventional method of wheat sowing in cotton harvested field. In thi...

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi* Climate change has a drastic effect for the development of this disease and still there are no remedies to tackle this problem. Environmental issues are also needed to be addressed in the future research agenda of this disease.

Zahra Nazir1, Saba Ijaz1, Roquyya Gul2 and Mahjabeen Saleem1,*
...its specificity in the hydrolysis of polysaccharide galacturonate chain. The presence of Na+1 and K+1 enhanced polygalacturonase activity up to 110% and 130%, respectively when used at a concentration of 1mM, however, the enzyme was almost completely inhibited by Pb+2 and Hg+2. Purified polygalacturonase showed pectinolytic effect in juice clarification by attaining maximum clarity (95% transmittance) after incubatio...
Rıfat Ertekin1*, Mete Ozkurt1, Gokhan Kus2 and Selda Kabadere1
...ioma cells (T-98G) and androgen-sensitive human prostate cancer cell line (LNCaP). In our study, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 μM doses of TA were applied to T-98G and LNCaP cell lines for periods of 24 and 48 h. Subsequent cell vitality was tested with MTT Atest. The effective doses were analysed by flow cytometry and real-time PCR techniques. MTT spectrophotometric tests showed no significant effects on the survival rate of T-98G cells in 24 and 48 h. Therefo...
...g fake reviewers email addresses. This led to an in-depth investigation by the Editorial Team and Executive Council of Zoological Society of Pakistan. The editorial team had written confidentially to all the reviewers at their official addresses, the list of which was provided by the corresponding author at the time of online submission of the manuscript. The editorial team was flabbergasted by the responses of scientists wh...

Fraza Ijaz1*, Umair Riaz2, Shazia Iqbal3, Qamar uz Zaman4, Muhammad Furqan Ijaz5, Hina Javed1, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Zuhra Mazhar3, Ahmad Hassan Khan6, Hassan Mehmood7 and Ijaz Ahmad8 

Bina Khanzada1*, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed1 and Nazir Ahmed2 

... honey, sugar, protein hydrolysate solution to enhance fecundity and fertility of the parasitoid under laboratory conditions and compared with the provision of flower nectors such as ornamental sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock in the laboratory. The ornamental plants sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock were also tested in the field for conservation of the C. flavipes. The results showed that during 2013 and 2014, the C. flavipes fed on Hollyhock produced mo...
Sheng Niu1, Ali-Raza Jahejo1, Fa-jie Jia1, Xin Li1, Guan-bao Ning1, Ding Zhang1, Hai-li Ma1, Wei-fang Hao2, Wen-wei Gao1, Yu-jun Zhao1, Shi-min Gao1, Jian-hui Li1, Gui-lan Li1, Fang Yan1, Rong-kun Gao1, Huan-chun Chen1,3 and Wen-xia Tian1,*
... to induce tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) and the chickens were injected with different doses of recombinant glutathione-S-transferase A3 (rGSTA3) proteins. We explored the responses of HDPs in erythrocytes to thiram-induced TD and rGSTA3 protein by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR). The results showed many HDPs expressions were suppressed by thiram-induced TD, and the expressions of HDPs were upregulated by rGSTA3 protein. These findings demonstrated that mR...
Muhammad Ahmad, Zohaib Noor*, Karim Johar Khan, Waqar Younas and Ajmal Hussain protein, fats, carbohydrates, Mg (%) and K (%) was recorded in the H. molitrix than C. catla. The results of the study showed that H. molitrix probably consumed all the phytoplankton density by filtering the water continuously resulting in the reduction of growth in other fish species in the polyculture system.
Nursinatrio and Rudy Agung Nugroho*
...termine the effects of Hydrolyzed Chicken Feather Meal (HCFM) supplementation on the growth, feed efficiency, survival rate and carcass composition of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp). A group of red tilapias (initial weight 24.09 ± 0.05 g) were fed 3, 6, 9 and 12% HCFM as a supplement and compared to a control group without supplementation. After 84 days, growth parameters such as body weight gain (BWG), average weekly gain (AWG), daily weight gain ...

Khan Sher1*, Muhammad Nisar2 and Muhammad Subhan1 

...ty local common beans landraces. Among all markers, only one was monomorphic, while the remaining were polymorphic. At average 2 alleles per locus were identified. The size of all alleles ranged from 210bp to 630 bp. Major allelic frequency fluctuated from 54.0% to 96.0%. An overall, the total No. of alleles per locus extended from 22 (PVBR 20) to 49 PvM053. Similarly, the frequency values oscillated from 0.06 of PVBR 20 to 0.14 of PvM053. The PIC values were ...

Zahin Anjum1*, Farhat Shehzad1, Amina Rahat1, Hamid Ullah Shah2 and Saleem Khan3 

...of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals in different types of marinated meat, such as beef, chicken, mutton and fish, and different grilling techniques were applied to see their effectiveness in lowering the levels of these toxicants. Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and heavy metals refer to a large group of chemicals that may be present in the environment as pollutants and can enter the food chain and might be...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Mehmood Shah2, Adiqa Kiani3 and Farhat Parveen4 

... world. In the season of draught and a crop failure, the only sector which generates incomes and financial support for agricultural sector. This research paper debates on livestock implications in raising labour productivity by taking time series data from 1984 to 2017 and Auto Regressive Distributive lag model (ARDL) has been applied to conclude the results. The other econometric test CUSUM and CUSUM sum of square were conducted to check the stability of the ...
Bingbing Gao1, Na Song1, Zhonglu Li2, Tianxiang Gao3 and Liqin Liu3,*
...en known. We use mitochondrial DNA markers to investigate the genetic structure of the species along southern coast of China. The complete sequences of Cytochrome b (Cytb) gene of 163 individuals collected from 6 locations were obtained and used for genetic analysis. No insertion or deletion were found among 26 mutation loci and 27 haplotypes were detected. All six populations were characterized by low haplotype diversity (0.39–0.59) and lo...
Hayat Zada and Ahmad-ur-Rahman Saljoqi*
...cae), Trifolium alexandrinum, Fabaceae) and Triticum aestivum, Poaceae) in the apple orchard were a substantial effect on the management of C. pomonella (L). Minimum mean fruit drop were recorded for the intercrop Apple + Trifolium (2.87) which were significantly lower than all other intercrops including control (Apple sole). Likewise, minimum percent infestation (57.19%) were recorded for the Apple + Tr...

Mehboob Arslan* and Xin Yang 

...mprove the diagnosis and drug development of future antiviral therapeutics. In fact, metabolism is considered as a crucial player in the cascade of viral interactions, its modulation is essential to decide the final outcome of viral infection. Here, we concisely present how viruses alter the metabolic pathways for their own survival.  

Sher Bahadar Khan1,2,*, Zou Geng1, Cheng Yu-ting1, Asad Sultan3, Mumtaz Ali4,5, Irshad Ahmad6 and Rui Zhou1
...valent. Besides multiple drug resistance, they share many traits with the human pathogenic isolates based on virulence gene contents that may pose a potential threat to public health.

Syeda Ain-ul-Batool1, Sadia1, Kathrin Blasius2,3,4, Angela Kaindl2,3,4 and Ghazanfar Ali1,*
Wali Khan1,*, Mudassar Iqbal2 and Israr Khan2
...amoebiasis in school children to make appropriate treatment protocol. All the infected children were randomly divided into 2 groups (A and B). Children in group A were treated with albendazole (bendazol) 400mg/kg while children in group B were treated with albendazole (zentel) 200mg/kg orally once a time. Eggs per gram of faeces were counted in each grou...
Abid Hussain Shahzad1, Abdul Sattar1,*, Nasim Ahmad1, Ijaz Ahmad2, Deniz Nak3 and Yavuz Nak3
...n of controlled internal drug release (CIDR) inserts for 5 or 7 days, respectively. Pregnancy was diagnosed using ultrasonography on d30, d60 and d90 post AI. Ovulatory follicle diameter was measured at timed AI and progesterone profile (ng/mL) on d30 and d60 post AI. Pregnancy rate was analyzed by Chi-square procedure while ovulatory follicle diameter and Progesterone profile by one way A...

Waqar Akhtar1*, Munir Ahmad2, Nadeem Akmal1, Hassnain Shah1 and Asif Ali Mirani2 

...roducts (fresh dates and dried dates) produced by farmers. The finding of positive Private Profitability and Private Cost Ratio (PCR) value less than 1 argues farm level competitiveness under small, medium and large farms in the study area. Fresh Dates has more competitiveness with less PCR value 0.62 compared to dry dates with PCR value 0.75.There is also influence of farm size on cost efficiency and competitiveness level. ...
Asghar Khan1,*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Arfan Yousaf2, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Mamoona Chaudhry1, Mumtaz Ali Khan3, Habibunnabi4 and Amjad Khan5
...nsidered as a leading hindrance in the development of dairy industry in Pakistan. Pakistan is the top listed country with the highest prevalence of Sub-clinical mastitis. Therefore, this study was conducted to estimate the prevalence and assess the potential risk factors of sub-clinical mastitis in lactating buffaloes in Pothohar region of Pakistan. A questionnaire based cross-sectional based survey was conducted in 30 commercial and subsistent farms in Pothoh...

Essossinam Ali* 

... focusing on fertilizer, drought tolerant seeds (DTS) and labor allocation. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to collect data from 704 farm households in three regions (Central, Kara and Savannah) in subsistence agriculture in Northern Togo. Tobit and linear regression models were used to analyze the effect of farmers’ risk aversion on fertilizer and DTS uses, and labour allocation, respectively. The results indicate that on average 86.22% of farme...
Hashim Ullah1, Abdur Rahman1, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Shakoor Ahmad2 and Ambrina Tariq3, Shabana Naz4,*
...otein, ash, moisture and dressing percentage of WaziriandMazaisheep. A total of 36 mature sheep of Waziri and Mazai were selected and processed for dressing percentage and meat quality through proximate analysis. Wazirisheephad lower cholesterol as compared to Mazai. With the increasing BCS, the cholesterol content was significantly increased in both the breeds. The dressing percentage and...
Zhengfei Wang*, Dan Tang, Xuejia Shi, Huayun Guo, Xiuping Chen, Daizheng Zhang and Boping Tang*

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Sami Ullah1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Mohsin Raza1, Muhammad Abbas3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Muhammad Zeshan5, Adeel Abbas1, Mehmood Ali Noor1 and Mohsin Nawaz1 

...ic tissue growth, carbohydrate metabolism, and pollen tube growth which suggests plausible effects on all these activities due to its deficiency. Therefore, a field trial was set up to assess the efficacy of different levels (control, 0.01 M and 0.05 M) of foliar applied B at booting, anthesis, and grain filling growth stages of wheat crop respectively. Results revealed that B application at the rate of 0.05 M solution substantially increased plant height, pro...
Muhammad Afzal1, Nighat Sultana1, Ali Hassan1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2,*, Mahroze Fatima3, Syed Makhdoom Hussain4, Muhammad Bilal5 and Majid Hussain2
...n and digestibilities of dry matter, crude protein and crude fat in Labeo rohita juveniles when fed CA supplemented diet. Similar observations were also recorded for the group fed on PHY supplemented diet. Citric acid addition in the diet also resulted in improved (p<0.05) digestibilities of Ca, Mg, P, Na, K, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn. Similarly, PHY pretreatment had also resulted in enhanced mineral digestibility as compare to control group. However,...
Rabia Khalid1, Saleema Bashir Shams1, Bibi Nazia Murtaza1,*, Gaitee Joshua1, Saira Mushtaq1, Hassan Al-Talhi2 and Abdulaziz Al-Amri2
Xiaohui Yu, Shuai He, Liqiang Wang, Mengyang Kang, Yanjiao Zhu, Shuhui Wang and Xiuzhu Sun*
... sperm motility, mitochondrial activity, membrane integrity and arosome integrity. The results illustrated that compared with controls, above-mentioned indices of sperm were significantly improved under concentrations of Vitamin C (400 mg/L) and Vitamin E (600 mg/L) (P < 0.05). Moreover, physiological indices of donkey semen were significantly higher than the control groups (P < 0.05) when Vitamin C (200 mg/L) and Vitamin E (200 mg/L) were ...
Iram Liaqat1,*, Nazish Mazhar Ali2, Najma Arshad3, Riffat Iqbal1 and Zain-ul-Abideen1
...uding salicylidene acylhydrazide, proteinase k, trypsin and chymotrypsin target bacterial virulence in Desulfovibrio spp. that causes bacteremia, periodontitis and abdominal infections. Ten soil samples were collected and screened by morphological and biochemical study. Only one strain DUV1 was confirmed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing as D. vulgaris (accession number: KY698020). It showed significantly reduced biofilm formation (52%; p<0.05) by t...

Hala Mohamed Nabil Tolba1, Naglaa Fathy Saeed Awad1*, Gamelat Kotb Farag Kotb2, Amany Adel3 

...0I and 302N). There were dramatic differences in the predictive antigenic determinants between these vvIBDV isolates and the classic vaccine strain (Bursin plus). These findings could explain the persistence of vvIBDV circulation in the Egyptian environment in spite of vaccination with classical vaccine strains.  


Kamran Aziz1*, Aamir Saleem1 and Arshad Mahmood Malik2 

...emental composition of Cedrus deodara and Pinus wallichiana in the study area Dungagali, Taohidabad, Kuzagali and Khanspur situated around the Ayubia National Park. The research was carried from September, 2016 to August, 2017. Litter bag technique was used to estimate the decomposition rate, elemental composition was carried through chemical analysis in the laboratory and litter fall production was estimated by trapper technique. Under Ce

Arshad Mahmood Malik1*, Khalid Mahmood Mughal2 and Abdul Saboor3 

..."text-align: justify;">Hydroponics production function provides technically efficient production system in the globe. Technological development is changing the shape of production systems all over the world. A Cobb Douglas type hydroponics production system was developed for estimation of production elasticity of hydroponics in Pakistan. Return to scale was calculated by adding all betas, ...
Mohsen M. El-Sherbiny1,2,*, Reny P. Devassy1, Erinn M. Muller3, Abdulmohsin A. Al-Sofyani1 and Ali M. Al-Aidaroos1
...pect to the prevailing hydrographic conditions along the coastal waters of Gulf of Aqaba, Saudi Arabia during the summer period. Conspicuous stratification was evident in the water column while nutrient distribution highlighted the oligotrophic nature of the region. Nitrate showed a notable increase in the deeper layers of almost all the stations and towards the south. Chlorophyll a was low throughout (0.05-0.27 mg m-3) though a small peak wa...

Shumaila Sadiq1,2*, Abdul Saboor2, Fouzia Jamshaid3, Abdul Qayyum Mohsin2 and Azeem Khalid

Muhammad Affan Khan* and Abdur Rab 

...ght per pod (4.61 g), hundred seed weight (6.87 g) and seed yield (4.42 t ha-1). The okra varieties and plant spacing interaction was significant for seed weight per pod only. In conclusion, 40 cm plant spacing can be recommended for optimum seed production in okra. 


Ali Mahmoud Zanaty, Naglaa Mohammed Hagag, Neveen Rabie, Mahmoud Saied, Karim Selim, Saad A. Mousa, Azhar Gaber Shalaby, Abdel-Sattar Arafa and Mohamed Khalifa Hassan 

...ory manifestation and/or drop in egg production during 2015-2018. Out of 588 NDV outbreaks 95 flocks were confirmed positive NDV by rRT-PCR using genotyping primers, with a prevalence rate of 16.2%. NDV outbreaks were recorded in 16 governorates, from total of18 investigated governorates and the recorded geo-prevalence of 89 %. Twenty-five samples were selected for further sequencing for the partial fusion protein. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 20 sample...
Jingchen Chen, Zhaochao Deng and Zhiqiang Han*
...easure the whole mitochondrial genome sequence of Ammodytes personatus, and compared with Sanger sequencing results. Three samples belonging to two lineages of A. personatus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used in the study. Based on the complete mtDNA sequence, the genetic distance between the two lineages is 0.064. Results show that the total sequence lengths of the three samples of A. personatus mitoch...
Uzma Jabeen1, Irfan Khan2, Nadia Naeem2, Asmat Salim2,* and Waseem Ahmed1 used chemotherapeutic drug. Oxidative stress plays an important role in DOX-induced toxicity. This study was aimed at analyzing the expression levels of genes that are induced in response to oxidative stress in heart and liver tissues following DOX administration to rats. In this study, DOX was administered to rats intraperitoneally (i. p.) at 3 mg/kg at alternate days for two weeks. Heart and liver tissues were harvested and the mRNA levels of NAD(P)H quin...

Zafar Abbas1*, Muhammad Mubashir1, Umair Riaz1, Zeenat Javid1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Saeed ur Rehman1, Muhammad Javid Qamar1, Syed Ali Zulqadar1 and Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2 

... of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and sugar, respectively. As well as one gram of okra contain 31.3 mg and 299mg of vitamin K and potassium, respectively. Therefore, to examine the effect of different forms of fertilizers (organic and inorganic) on the yield and physiochemical attributes of okra Abelmoschus esculentus a field trial was conducted. For this purpose, organic form of fertilizers like kitchen waste, poultry manure and compost were used while t...

Muhammad Shafique, Nosheen Noor Elahi*, Muhammad Rashid, Amjad Farooq and Kausar Hussain Shah

...ffectively increased the dry weights of plants at salinity levels of 0-50 mM NaCI as compared to uninoculated plants but was not effective at 200-300mM NaCI. Number and fresh weight of pods were not affected at 0-100 mM NaCI levels of salinity but strongly decreased at 200-300 mM NaCl. Number and fresh weights of nodules increased slightly at lower levels (20- I00 mM) of salinity but strongly decreased at 200 mM NaCI. Nodulation and pods were completely inhibi...

Samina Qamer1, Farkhanda Asad1*, Amna Faiz1, Robina Arshad1, Zunaira Shaheen1 and Tahira Yasmin2 

...chromium chloride hexa hydrate (CrCl36H2O by 0.3, 0.5 and 0.6mg/kg) and three groups supplemented with organic chromium picolinate (Cr-Pic-0.3, 0.5 and 0.6mg/kg) were used. It was found that Labeo rohita fed on inorganic chromium (CrCl2 Hexahydrate) showed maximum digestibility coefficient for ash and dry matter nutrients. In case of body muscle composition, fish fed on organic chromium (p...

Munazza Yousra1*, Sair Sarwar1, Muhammad Mahmood Ul Hassan1, Muhammad Zameer khan1, Abdul khaliq2, Shahbaz Ahmad1 and Shamim Ul Sibtain Shah3 

...espectively. The highest dry matter production of 65 and 76 g plant-1 was recorded using Zn treatment @ 8 mg Zn kg-1 by ZnSO4.H2O and Zn-EDTA in both varieties, respectively. Similarly, the Zn uptake was also shown significant increase over control at the Zn rate applied @ 8 mg kg-1 with ZnSO4.H2O (3.97) and Zn-EDTA (5.03 mg plant-1) source in both varieties. The results indicated that Zn-EDTA is the most effective source of Zn as compared to ZnSO4.7H2O to mee...
Shafqat Husnain Khan1, Shah Jahan2, Irshad Ahmad3,4, Sadeeq ur Rahman5,* and Tayyab ur Rehman4,*
Zil-e-Huma1, 2, Abdul Malik Tareen3, Kaleem Ullah3, Tauseef M Asmat4,Abdul Samad4Asim Iqbal2, Mohammad Zahid Mustafa3*,Irshad Ahmad5 and Sadeeq ur Rahman6
...ichia coli among children of less than five years of age in Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan. A total of 200 samples were collected from children suffering with diarrhea. E. coli was isolated using standard biological procedures and confirmed by colonial characteristics, biochemical profile and specie specific PCR. Multiplex PCR was applied to differentiate among the five main diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes ...

Aftab Shaukat1,*, Khalid Medmood3, Irfan Shaukat2, Tauseef ur Rehman3, Muhammad Ahsan Naeem1,5, Ashar Mehfooz1, Muhammad Ijaz Saleem1, Zia-ud-Din Sindhu1, Shahid Ali Rajput4, Mubashar Hassan1,4, Saqib Umar1, Muhammad Ali Jamil1, Rao Zahid Abbas1 and Anas Sarwar Qureshi1


...lood samples of three hundred and sixty nine cattle were collected. Giemsa stain of blood smears showed 10.84% infection of cattle with Anaplasma. A. marginale positive cases were further confirmed through PCR. Among risk factors, age (χ2=19.35, P value=0.001), breed (χ2=29.08, P value=0.000), frequency of acaricidal treatment (χ2=18.56, P value=0.001), number of cleaning times (χ2=16.11, P val...

Asad Ali Khaskheli1*, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Gul Bahar Khaskheli2, Allah Jurio Khaskheli3, Arshad Ali Khaskheli4, Abdul Samad Magsi5, Ghulam Shabir Barham2, Arab Khan Lund5 and Maqbool Ahmed Jamali4 

...ntent in Trifolium alexandrinum and lowest in Tamarix gallica. Zea mays contained considerably high organic matter. Capparis deciduas followed by Salvadora oleiodes and Ziziphus nummularia possessed significantly high concentration of crude protein. Further the Prosopis juliflora against Zea mays, in Acacia nilotica versus Alhagi maurorum, in Tamarix orientalis versus Trifolium alexandrinum, Tamarix gallica versus Cordia sin...
Ghaleb Adwan*, Sami Bdir and Kamel Adwan
... to the family Lecithodendriidae Luhe, 1901, and it could be placed in the genus, or closely related to known Lecithodendrium. Analysis of ITS1 rDNA indicates that Cercaria melanopsi palestinia III belongs to the family Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1925. The present study supported the presence of non-virgulate xiphidiocercariae among the Lecithodendriidae. Molecular characterization o...
Nida Zia1, *, Ayesha Maqbool2, Muhammad Safdar3, Umm-I-Habiba1, Altaf Mehmood4, Muhammad Usman5, Zahid Iqbal6, Javed Iqbal6, Shahid Mehmood6, Amanullah Khan7 and Sajid Umar8
Naimat Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3, Shahbaz Javaid4*, Tarique Tonio1 and Asif Mahmood5
...t didn’t influence dry matter and water intakes as well as weight gain significantly (P>0.05) among different treatments. Body conditions score was recorded significantly higher (P<0.05) in fat supplemented groups B (3.65) and C (3.78) as compared to group A (3.09). A significant increase (P<0.05) was observed in motility percentage, progressive motility percentage and semen concentration (million/ml) of group B and C. Treatment groups showed no...
Jae-Kang Lee, Hyun-Su Hwang, Tae-Kyung Eom and Shin-Jae Rhim*
...n. Population sizes were dramatically increased in the post-thinning session. Ground and understory vegetation coverage and number of downed trees ha-1 positively influenced the density. The overstory vegetation coverage negatively influenced the density. Tree thinning resulted in well-developed ground and understory vegetation and increasing downed trees might be an important method for forest management and biodiversity conservation. 

Rashid Iqbal1,2, Mathias Neumann Andersen1*, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza2, Muhammad Adil Rashid1 and Salman Ahmad2 

...I) and partial root-zone drying (PRD) on physiological, water relations, water use efficiency (WUE), and yield related attributes of wheat. These irrigation treatments were started at anthesis stage and maintained for 30 days. For FI and DI, 100 and 50% of evapotranspiration (ET) was replaced by irrigating the entire pot surface every 4-5 days. For PRD, root system was split into two equal halves and during each irrigation event, only one-half of the root syst...
Xiaopeng Tang1,2, Rejun Fang3,4,*, Guochang Pan1,2 and Kangning Xiong1,2,*
...o detect the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity of isolated small intestine at time on 0 min, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min and 120 min, to provide a appropriate operation time for Ussing chamber test. Then, a total of 20 Loman laying hens with similar weight (1.25±0.13 kg) were divided into 1 of 5 treatments: i) control group (0 ng/mL EGF), ii) 50 ng/mL EGF group, iii) 100 ng/mL EGF group, iv) 150 ng/mL EGF group, and v) 200 ng/mL EGF group for using c...
Qiuxia Lei1, 2, Haixia Han1, 2, Jinbo Gao1, 2, Yan Zhou1, 2, Wei Liu1, 2, Chunlei Wang3, Jie Liu1, 2, Dingguo Cao1, 2, Huimin Li1 , Baohua Huang1,* and Fuwei Li1, 2, *  
...content of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were increased at the first weekend, reaching up to 10ppm and 3.5 ppm respectively. Three weeks later, the content of the ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) were decreased to 0.3 ppm and 0.6 ppm respectively. Total N, P and K were increased gradually with time, whereas the content of ammonium nitrogen was decreased. SAS software analysis showed that there wa...
Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Shahid Yousaf1, Salman Khurshid1*, Qurrat Ul Ain Akbar1, Saqib Arif1, Nasreen Fatima2 and Ali Murad Rahoo3
...ications when not been addressed properly. This study has been attempted to assess the quality of citrus in terms of postharvest physiological disorders and organoleptic properties in relation to the occurrence of pathogenic diseases. Fruit samples (injured and healthy) were taken from the three different local markets of Karachi. Some of the fungal species viz. Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Altern...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1*, Taiba Sharif3, Samina J.N. Ahmad2, Sumaira Maqsood4 and Fariha Zafar3 
...R analysis using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene based primers. Phylogenetic analysis was also complemented to differentiate fruit flies identified from other countries of the world. The sequencing results and phylogenetic analysis of collected specimens indicated that sequences of B. dorsalis, B. cucurbitae and B. zonata have 99-100% similarity with fruit flies reported from other countries. This is the first report of molecular id...
Adel E.M. Mahmoud1, AdamCieślak2, Paulina Szulc2, Anna Łukomska3 and Małgorzata Szumacher-Strabel2,*
...cement of corn grains by dried sugar beet pulp on rumen parameters. The yellow corn was substituted by dried sugar beet pulp at 25 (D1), 50 (D2), 75 (D3), and 100% (D4). Results of chemical composition analyses indicated that DM, OM, ash and CP contents did not differ among treatments. Crude fiber content increased linearly with increased dried sugar beet pulp percentage in rations, with s...

Rizwan Ahmad and Muhammad Zulfiqar* 

...clude; farmers awareness drive to enhance capacity to strengthen local resilience, participation of farming community in formulation of policies, making meteorological information available to farmers, Design research plans to evolve wheat varieties addressing changing climatic challenges, construct water harvesting structures for high efficiency irrigation and further research to estimate range of temperature and precipitat...
Chen-Yu Sun, Wen-Chao Liu*, Mei Xiao, Zhi-Hui Zhao and Li-Long An*
...the BWG was improved (quadratic, P<0.05), whereas the FCR was decreased (linear, P<0.01). During d 14-28, dietary supplementation of graded level of betaine had no significant effects on BWG, feed intake and FCR (P>0.05). Overall (d 1-28), there was a quadratic increase in BWG (P<0.05) and a linear decrease in FCR (P<0.01) with increasing betaine supplementation. In addition, dietary supplementation with diffe...
Tahir Iqbal1, Umer Rashid1*, Naveed Shahzad2, Amber Afroz1Muhammad Faheem Malik3 and Muhammad Idrees4


...epatitis-splenomegaly syndrome (HSS) in chickens. To the best of our knowledge the circulation of aHEV in chicken has not been studied in Pakistan so far. Therefore, in the present study, we aimed to isolate and identify aHEV from layer chickens of Pakistan. The bile fluids, liver and spleen tissues were collected from overnight dead layer chickens (n = 8) from Pattoki region of Punjab province, Pakistan, during July to August 2016. The RT-PCR showed the ampli...
Muhammad Saleem Hanif1, Khalid Javed Iqbal1,*, Arshad Javid3, Noor Khan2, Irfan4, Hamid Majeed5, Muhammad Altaf3
...ll as tube well water as drinking source. On the other hand, to run the fishing business, majority of them were relying on loans from non-government sources.It is concluded that fishing is a profitable business but with educating the fishermen especially in fish handling could improve their status of living as well as in generating brilliant mind towards global economy. 

Matiullah Khan*, Shameemul Sibtain Shah, Atiqullah Khan, Muhammad Sarwar and Shoaib Ahmed 

...ed grain yield and total dry matter yield 2.5% and 4.7% over DAP, respectively. Similarly, SSP application enhanced P uptake of crop by 5.6% over DAP, however, no increase in postharvest soil P concentration was recorded. Seed inoculation with PSB significantly increased grain and dry matter yield. It can be concluded from the study that good quality of SSP can be manually prepared from HRP which may increase the yield compa...
Zijuan Li1,2, Rong Ma2, Muhammad Khan3*, Chenchen Liu2, Xiaolin Cui2 and Yongming Li1,2*;,4,5′-tetrahydroxy-trans-stilbene), a naturally occurring analog of resveratrol has been shown to exhibit anticancer activity in various human cancer cells. However, the anticancer mechanism of piceatannol is not well studied. In the meantime, cisplatin (CDDP) is the first line treatment for some tumors. The present study was aimed to explore the cellular targets and anticancer mechanism of piceatannol in human osteosarcoma U2OS cells. Cell prolife...
Abdul Waheed1,2, Sidrah Saleem1, Naveed Shahzad3, Junaid Akhtar4, Muhammad Saeed5, Iqra Jameel1, Farhan Rasheed6 and Shah Jahan7,*
...dy was planned to detect drug resistant genes like “blaSHV” and “blaOXA” among gram negative rods (GNRs) isolated from different clinical specimens, collected from Jinnah Hospital Lahore during January-December 2015. Majority of the GNRs were isolated from urine samples (55%) followed by pus (28%), blood (7%), sputum (6%), Broncho-alveolar lavage (2%), fluid (1%) and from tips (1%). The isolated organ...
Fiza Asif1,*, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Nasra Ashraf1, Nuzhat Shafi1, Abdul Rauf1, Khizra Bano1, Muhammad Razzaq2 and Naeem Iftikhar Dar2
.../i> Asculus indica, Cedrus deodara, Vibernum foetens, Pyrus pashia and Eleagnus orientalis in MNP.

Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad2 

... more crops and jobs per drop while conserving the quality of present terrestrial and groundwater. Saline water has been used for production of fodder and forages in many countries. Managing soil and water salinity under prevailing conditions of Pakistan is very important subject. Use of brackish water increased the salt concentration of soil. Resultantly, the growth of plants and yield becomes at threat. The salt stress is translated into decrease in growth r...

Muhammad Ali1*, Norsida Man2 and Farrah Melissa Muharam organize farmers to address climate changes collectively. 

Muhammad Khalid Rafique1, Rashid Mahmood1,*, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1,Imran Bodlah2 andFarid AsifShaheen2
...tion of royal jelly (A), dry grafting (B), grafting with addition of one drop of distilled water (C) Royal jelly plus distilled water (D) on queen bee rearing were investigated under field conditions. A considerable variation in queen rearing success was observed as calculated by percentage of secluded queen cells vs. grafted larvae over the study interlude. The highest larval acceptance 80.85 ± 0.64 and 81.25 ±...
Huma Sattar1, Sehrish Firyal1,*, Ali Raza Awan1, Habib-Ur -Rehman2, Muhammad Sajid Hasni3 and Amjad Islam Aqib4*
...lopments in animal husbandry, udder infection is still widespread; particularly in large herds that causes high production losses to the dairy industry of Pakistan. Identification of molecular marker sequences that are directly related to immunity against mastitis might be helpful for animal selection trait and prevention of this disease. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of polymorphism in bovine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-&a...
Sajida Sabahat1, Asif Nadeem1,*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1, Shahid Nabeel1 and Abu Saeed Hashmi2
...ptor (GHR) of Camelus dromedarius. GH is secreted and synthesized from somatotroph cells of the anterior pituitary lobe and plays significant role in growth, development, metabolism, lactation, and reproduction. Growth hormone interact with GHRs and influence on metabolism and growth. Changes in GHR concentration affect signalling pathways, binding capacity and alters activity of GH. Therefore, the GH and GHR genes are considered important candidate gen...
Shanshan Cai1, Tianxiang Gao2, Binlun Yan3, Aiyi Zhu1 and Xiumei Zhang1,2,*
...emented by using mitochondrial control region fragments and three microsatellite markers. When using mtDNA loci, 242 individuals (44.24%) were excluded for no shared haplotype with broodstock. Further 81 (14.81%) crabs were identified as hatchery-reared individuals based on microsatellite loci from the remaining 305 crabs. Our results also showed high genetic diversity and a certain degree of heterozygote deficiency of natural swimming crab populations. The ad...
Sabbah M. Allam, T.M. El-Bedawy, M.H. Bakr and A.E.M. Mahmoud*
...tudy the effect of using dried orange pulp (DOP), as an alternative energy source in the ration of Holstein dairy cows, on nutrient digestibility, blood constituents, level of antioxidants in plasma, and presence and count of fecal pathogenic bacteria e.g. E. coli and Salmonella spp. Forty lactating Holstein cows, weighing 550±50 kg, with an average of 20 kg daily milk yield, were randomly divided into four groups (ten in each group...
Mohammed Al Bratty1,*, Hassan A. Alhazmi1,2, Desam Nagarjuna Reddy3, Abdul Jabbar Al-Rajab3, Sadique A. Javed1 and Zia ur Rehman1,4
...d esters and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Methyl-(7Z)-7-hexadecenoate, methyl-(9E)-octadecenoate and methyl tetracosanoate were found to be the principal fatty acid esters, while E-pentatriacont-17-ene and 2,4-dimethylpentane were identified as predominant aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds. The propolis extract has exhibited remarkable antimicrobial activity against certain strains of bacteria and yeasts. In general, significant an...
Ihsanullah*, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Sohail Akhtar and Syed Muhammad Suhail
...m ovulation interval and dry period. Calving interval, postpartum ovulation interval and dry period were significantly longer in the spring season while age at first calving was significantly longer in autumn. Significantly high milk production was found in HF 50%. Peak daily milk yield and lactation length were significantly higher in autumn and spring respectively. Animals with highest exotic blood levels showed the trend ...
Muhammad Mansoor1, Khalid Usman2*, Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil3, Abdul Mateen Khattak4, Muhammad Ehsan Elahi1, Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik2 and Amir Hamza2
...switched to solar tunnel drying but couldn’t get the required results. The protocols of using solar tunnels needed fine-tuning of temperature and relative air humidity, which affect fruit quality. During dates’ drying process high temperature and low humidity is required. This research was conducted at Arid Zone Research Center, D.I. Khan, Pakistan for quick and safe ripening of date fruits under controlled condi...

Faleye Temitope Oluwasegun Cephas1,2*, Adewumi Moses Olubusuyi1, Olayinka Olaitan Titilola3 and Adeniji Johnson Adekunle1,3 

...tool suspension from children (<15 years) in Nigeria with acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). All CCS were screened for Enteric Adenoviruses (EAVs) and group A Rotavirus (GARV) using a rapid immunochromatographic test kit. Subsequently, they were passaged in HEp-2 cell line. All isolates were subjected to RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, three (5l-UTR, VP1 and EV Species C [EV-C]) different PCR assays and sequencing of amplicons. EVs were further subjected to [&l...
Ping Jiang1 , Zhihui Zhao1, 2, Xiaohui Li2, Mengyan Wang2, Lixin Xia2, Yang Cao3, Runjun Yang2 and Xibi Fang2*
... 4 (FABP4), acyl-CoA dehydrogenase short/branched chain (ACADSB), ELOVL fatty acid elongase 3 (ELOVL3) and solute carrier family 27 member 1 (SLC27A1), were altered upon ABCA1 down-regulation using RNA interference (RNAi). Overall, ABCA1 expression influenced triglyceride metabolism in BMECs by regulating the expression of related genes in the lipid metabolism pathway. 
Shad Mahfuz1,2, Shuyuan Wang1, Mo Chen1, Fei Zao1, Dong Zhen1
Zhongjun Liu4 and Hui Song1,3*
... human health hazards. A driving force for the interest of using natural herbs is to eliminate the use of low-dose antibiotics in poultry production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Flammulina velutipes stem waste (FVW) inclusion in laying hens diet on production performance, egg quality and serum metabolic profile during the early phase of production.A total of 105 ISA Brown 18 wk old laying hens were grouped into 5...

Sameera Arshad1*, Arshad Mahmood Malik2 and Iftikhar Hussain3 

..., p = 0.017).Information drawn by this study could be incorporated into bird control practices at the airfield. Management efforts could be intensified during periods of high bird activity.  

Tasleem Akhtar1,2,Ghazanfar Ali1,*, Nuzhat Shafi2 and Abdul Rauf2
... on the complete mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequences. The average nucleotide length of 16S rRNA in 45 samples ranged from 1527 to 1552 bps. Five haplotypes (h) were observed, with haplotype diversity (Hd) 0.5323±0.080. Among 5 haplotypes, 2, 2 and 1 haplotype were detected in S. plagiostomus, S. niger and S. esocinus, respectively. Haplotype diversity was lowest and same in S. esocinus, S. niger and S. progastus (0.0001) an...
Qi Ren, Shufeng Sun, Chen Niu, Yuhong Li, Yingzhi Chong, Biao Li, Guoying Zheng and Fumin Feng*


...1 is a typical one-phase drug metabolizing enzyme, and imbalances of its expression may cause liver tissue damage. At present, few studies on CYP1A1 methylation and anti-tuberculosis drug-induced liver injury are available. Studying the relationship between CpG island methylation in the CYP1A1 promoter region and drug-induced liver injury is, therefore, of great importance. Anti-tuberculos...
Lin Sun1, Xiaofang Bu2, Jian Wang1*, Xiaorui Liu1 and Zhanyi Kong2
... and its mRNA in the children with Mycoplasmal pneumonia needs to be further clarified. The concentration of the CXCL8 in serum and the level of CXCL8 mRNA in PBMCs of forty-eight children were dynamically measured by ELISA and PCR. The ratio of lgcDNA/lgGAPDH was regarded as the extreme level of CXCL8 mRNA. The serum level of CXCL8 and expression of CXCL8 mRNA in PBMCs in MPP children wer...
Yating Cheng1, Wenlong Shi1, Xue Xiao2, Qirong Zhang2, Qihao Zhang1, Zhijian Su1, Qi Xiang1,2* and Yadong Huang1,2
...hree polypeptides, and hydroxylation of proline residues is vital for the stability of this triple-helix. Prolyl-4-hydroxylase (P4H) is an enzyme with an α2β2 tetramer arrangement that functions to post-translationally hydroxylate proline residues in the collagen chain. The α subunit (P4Hα) of the P4H α2β2 tetramer contains the catalytic site, whereas the ...
Rafiq-ur-Rehman1*, Zahoor Ahmad1, Wiqar Ahmad2, Muhammad Mansoor3 and Shah Masaud1
..., respectively). Nodules dry weight plant-1 (52.7 mg), seed yield (1269 kg ha-1) and harvest index (43%) were maximum with NARC-BK. Seasons had significant effect on number of branches, pod clusters, and pods plant-1,1000-seed weight, root length, nodule dry weight plant-1, seed yield and harvest index with reduction by 5, 2.4, 8, 1.6, 3, 6, 2 and 2% respectively, in 2016 as compar...
Abdul Majeed1*, Muhammad Anwar-ul-Haq2, Abid Niaz3, Abid Mahmood4, Naeem Ahmad1 and Hafiz Muhammad Walyat Ali Khan1
... climatic conditions has drastic effect on plant physiology and growth. The current research experiment was performed to screen salt tolerant wheat varieties grown in hydroponic and soil medium on the basis of plant photosynthetic rate, potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) contents. Twenty wheat genotypes/varieties were grown in hydroponic culture, having different residua...
Muhammad Nisar* and Muhammad Idress
...khwa- Pakistan. Three hundred and twenty (320) small farmers were selected randomly on the basis of their involvement in home gardening via a pre-tested close ended interview schedule. Data were analyzed by SPSS. Results showed least small farmers involvement in home gardening might be due to lesser awareness and water scarcity. Small farmers’ involvement in home gardening was significantly associated to nursery preparation, water management and manure c...

Asma Hassan*, Zuhair Hasnain, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz, Muhmmad Ansar, Muhmmad Rasheed, Ajaz Ahmad, Lubna Ayub Durani and Muhmmad Bilal Ali 

Matiullah Khan1*, Motsim Billah2, Shoaib Ahmad1, Raza Ullah Khan1 and Muhammad Sarwar1 

...nd 11.9%-increased total dry matter yield over PLC at 8 Mg ha-1 and SSP, respectively. The highest soil post-harvest extractable P content of 5.42 mg kg-1and rice-plant P uptake (17.50 kg ha-1) were also recorded in the treatment PECat 6 Mg ha-1 as compared to other treatments. The residual effects of PEC applied at the rate of 6 Mg ha-was superior by producing 36.2%, 14.2% and 7.0%increased grain yields over those of control, PLC and SSP, respectively. The po...

Abdul Razzaq1*, Muhammad Islam2, Zahra Islam3, Zahida Fatima1, Munib Hussain4 and Farmanullah5,6 

... most part of the world, drug resistance against anthelmintic is now very common. In this context, various alternative control programs including herbal use against these worms is also an important option. To explore the problem, three available synthetic anthelmintic (Oxfendazole alone, oxfendazole-Levamisole combination and Ivermectin) were administered to natural major nematodes (Haemonchus, Trichuris, Strongyloides and Trichostrongylus) infected sheep and ...

Aamir Saleem1, Arshad Mahmood Malik2*, Najam Ul Hassan1 and Imtiaz A. Qamar

...plant height, fresh land dry weight and crude protein) and meteorological data regarding rain fall, temperature, pan evaporation, sunshine and wind speed for interpreting results along with their statistical analysis as fixing legume with grass has improved the forage quality. Overall, these results has suggested that grass-legume mixtures can improve livestock and pasture productivity, sustainability and as well as to fix atmospheric nitrogen and this may imp...

Muhammad Abdul Rahman1*, Abdul Saboor1, Gulnaz Hameed1, Ghulam Bilal2 and Farooq Tanwir3 critical factors that drive and increase occurrence of security hazards to health and production of dairy animals. Lack of labs to identify diseases, sensitiveness of buffaloes to temperature, slow and reduced weight gain and effect on birth and death rate are weighted high as threat to farm animal health while India-Pakistan ties on water, water scarcity, high water requirement for buffaloes and lack of innovation in processing of milk and milk products ar...

Mazhar Habib1, Aamir Saleem1, Arshad Mahmood Malik2*, Sarfraz Ahmed3 and Sameera Arshad4 

...ed (fresh biomass yield, dry matter yield) significant differences (P<0.05) at each clipping stage. With advanced plant maturity species, its herbage yield increased (P<0.05). However, phonologically, proportion of its plants with vegetative stage declined. This decline of plants with vegetative stage can cause distraction to livestock depending on the species for grazing purposes. It is suggested that two month clipping stage should be applied on Blue p...

Wajid Shah Yousafzai1, Irfan Ullah1*, Amjad Ali1, Mahmood Iqbal2 and Salman Khan1 technique was used to drive linear production function. The results revealed that Tractor (hrs), Labor (M-days), FYM (kg), chemical fertilizer (kg), pesticide/weedicide (ml), and irrigation numbers have positive effects on onion production in the research area. Allocative efficiency estimates showed that tractor hours, FYM, chemical fertilizer, and pesticide/weedicide are under-utilized having ratios of 22.15, 8.65, 5.49 and 34.69 respectively. Similarly, s...

Hala Rajab1, Muhammad Sayyar Khan1*, Safdar Hussain Shah1 and Syed Mehar Ali Shah2 

...AT4 (targeted to mitochondria). For stable transformation of B. napus floral-dip and tissue culture based approaches were tested using different formulations of phytohormones for calli, shoots and roots induction in a variety of genotypes. While false positive lines were obtained in the result of floral-dip method, the tissue culture based method led to successful regeneration of shoots on Murashige and Skoog (MS) media containing BAP 3 mgL-1 and developed roo...

Muhammad Naeem Khan* and Asad Jan 

...fixime, used as standard drug. In case of antifungal activity MCE hindered the growth of Fusarium oxysporum effectively, causing 19.3±0.41 mm zone of inhibition, while the activity of other solvent was moderate. 


Yousaf Noor*, Zahir Shah and Muhammad Tariq 

...e to control. June fruit drop was reduced by 28.82 % by Zn alone. In methods foliar spray significantly improved fruit retained (46.24%) and fruit yield (12.4 t ha-1) relative to soil applications. The fruit retained and yield were also significantly increased by 10.41% and 15.93% respectively, while June drop was reduced by 33.75% during 2nd year of the experiment compared to the 1st year. Results further revealed that Trea...

Sibgha Noreen*, Sumrina Faiz, Muhammad Salim Akhter, Kausar Hussain Shah 

...proline. The amount of hydrogen peroxide and Malondialdehyde were elevated by 170.3% and 68.7%, respectively while enhanced by 54% and 47.4% by spray of proline under salinity. Significant reduction in K+ uptake with concurrent increase in Na+ content was observed under NaCl salt stress, while the foliar application of proline increased the amount of K+ at vegetative growth under stress and non-stress conditions. The biological yield, physiological, and oxidat...
Hanif Ullah1, Muhammad Inayat Ullah Khan2, Suleman3, Sawar Khan1,Salma Javed4, Abdul Qadeer1, Mohsin Nawaz1, Sardar Azhar Mehmood4
...alence was higher in children (14.9%) than in females (9.30%). The prevalence of P. vivax was higher (90%) than that of P. falciparum (10%). Consequently, the children under the age of ten years were found highly effected and implicated with weak immunity whereas P. vivax was found the most common causative agent of malaria in District Dir Lower, which needs immediate attention to take preventive measure...
Shaukat Ali1,*, Sadia Batool2, Fatima Javed Butt2, Sundas Nasreen1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1
...apeutic and radiological drawback sand provides an appropriate cancer treatment strategy. Anticipating various challenges, we expect that probiotics may become a potential cancer bio-theranostic in the field of medical sciences shortly. Appropriate monitoring and treatment are strongly recommended to prevent hepatocellular carcinoma complications. 
Hafiz Muhammad Arsalan1, Maria Altaf1, Zeemal Seemab Amin1, Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan2, Anum Shahzadi1, Hina Mudasser1, Iqra Maqsood1, Nazia Gulshan1, Saira Naseem3 study. 5 ml Blood was drawn and serum was separated. Anti-Oxidant Biomarkers, Serum micronutrients, serum Electrolyte balance was measured through spectrophotometric procedure. Serum MDA level jump high in patients (14.19) as compared to normal subjects (3.26). Serum Glutathione declined in disease persons (0.56) from healthy subjects (6.39). Serum Micronutrients level was also declined in RA patients as compared to healthy persons and substantial statistic...
Fizza Anwar1, Muddassar Zafar1*, Zahid Anwar1, Raja Tahir Mehmood2
...osphatases leading to hindrance in bacterial growth. In addition, phylogenetic tree was also constructed using 18s rRNA gene of A. niger and gene clusters of secondary metabolites were determined through bioinformatics tools. 
Tanzeela Riaz, Fiza Sana-Ullah Khan, Farah Rauf Shakoori
...v>Mannanase belongs to hydrolytic family of enzymes which occupies a great commercial position because of their high stability under alkaline and acidic conditions. The current research was planned to isolate, screen and optimize mannanase production from Bacillus megaterium from decayed fruits. Microorganisms were isolated from fruits, soil and water samples obtained from different localities of Lahore city, Pakistan. Locally isolated microorganisms we...
Naila Riaz1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1, Ali Hassan2, Shaukat Ali2, Shafaat Yar Khan1
...abricius, 1798) and Androctonus finitimus (Pocock, 1897) by HPLC. The toxicity and acetylcholinesterase activity of selected venom fractions were determined using of Musca domestica adults. Only one fraction (out of 7) from H. tamulus venom and one fraction (out of 5) of A. finitimus venom were selected on the basis of their maximum yield. The approximate molecular weights of these selected venom fractions were determined by SDS Gel...
Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Palwasha Jabeen, Chand Raza, Shaukat Ali
...ries from each other. Spidroin is the protein found in spider silk while silkworm silk is made up of an inner core of fibroin and outer layer of sericin protein. After the removal of sericin, silk is non-immunogenic and non-allergic. It is a renowned biomaterial due to its biocompatible nature. Silk proteins have been found to possess antibacterial properties and application in culturing tissues including skin, bone, cartilage and nerves. Sericin has been hail...
Chaman Ara1*, Asmatullah1, Zainab Riaz1, Memoona1, Asma Chaudhary2, Shagufta Andleeb2
..., pharmaceutical agents, drinks, beautifying agents and numerous different items. So purpose of study was to determine the possible hepatic and nephrotoxic effects of Butyl paraben in mice and to explore the possible curative and protective impacts of turmeric. Fifty mice randomly divided in five groups, i.e. Control, dose group (BP), dose and antidote group (BP+AD), vehicle control group (VC) and antidote group (AD). A sub lethal concentration containing 15ug...
Peng Chen1,2, Zuhao Huang3,Chaoying Zhu1, Yuqing Han1, Zhifeng Xu1
Guanglong Sun1, Zhen Zhang1, Dongqin Zhao4, Gang Ge1 and Luzhang Ruan1*
...method to obtain mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Porzana paykullii, Rallus aquaticus and Gallirallus striatus in Gruiformes, and Hydrophasianus chirurgus in Charadriiformes, after which we analysed and compared structure, phylogeny, and taxonomic origin of the Gruiformes and Charadriiformes. Based on sequencing, splicing, and ann...

Imran1*, Amanullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Zahir Shah2 and Abdul Bari3 

...biochar) and Trichoderma drastically reduced weeds frequency, weeds biomass at flowering, pods formation and physiological maturity stages. However, P highest and moderate (100 and 75 kg P ha-1) rates were remained the same for weeds biomass. When compared with the economic analysis and profitability of soybean the highest net returns (NR) in Pakistani Rupees (PKRs) (PKR 62.082 ha-1) were noted with the biochar amendment followed by compost (PKR 60,168 ha-1), ...
Javeria Zafar1, Asif Nadeem1*, Maryam Javed1, Fehmeeda Fatima1, Wasim Shehzad1, Ghulam Abbas1, Rajput Zahid Iqbal2 and Muhammad Muddassir Ali1
... to characterize mitochondrial ATPase8/6 genes in Sindh ibex and to determin its phylogenetic relationship with other capra species. Blood samples were collected from Kirthar National Park, Sindh, Pakistan. PCR product was sequenced bi-directionally using dideoxy chain termination method after mitochondrial ATPase8/6 genes amplification. Polymorphism, Genetic diversity and Phylogenetic analysis were carried out...

Aftab Shaukat1,2,*, Tauseef ur Rehman3, Rizwan Shukat4, Shahid Ali Rajput5, 

Shadab Shaukat6, Muhammad Ahsan Naeem2,5,8, Mubashar Hassan2,5, Tabassam Fatima2,5
Fayyaz Ahmad1, Muhammad Usman Saleem7, Fatima Arooj1, Ashar Mehfooz2 and Anas Sarwar Qureshi2
...i> supply of fresh clean drinking water was made available round the clock. Exposed does were mated naturally and bucks were inducted to the exposed does for 30 minutes at morning and evening daily for teasing purpose to identify does in estrus, while separate them for breeding with enlisted buck. Mean values of Fertility rate and kidding rate in T1 and T2 were 75% vs 85% and 150% vs 176 % (p<0.01) showing significantly higher rate is ...
Barkat Ali1,2, Wasim Sajjad1,2,3, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Rafiq1, Sahib Zada1, Aamer Ali Shah1 and Fariha Hasan1,* of new antimicrobial drugs is always needed to solve the problem of continue resistance emerging among microorganisms against antibiotics already in use. Microorganisms from unusual environments, such as reported from the surface and inside of rocks are a repository of certain metabolites that might be able to solve the problem of increasing resistance against antibiotics. The present study was designed to isolate endolithic and epilithic bacterial strains...

Iffat Nawaz1*, Farhatullah1, Fida Muhammad1, Sajid Ali2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali

Arjumand Nizami1, Jawad Ali2 and Muhammad Zulfiqar

... and winter are becoming dryer till 2040. Nearly two-third or more of the total rains are received during spring and monsoon. In decadal scenario, it is likely that annual average precipitation will continue to increase till 2030 and start declining during 2030-2040 in all the seasons. The temperature scenarios also present a noticeable change. An average increase in temperature in KP is 1.80C during 2010-2040. In the Northern districts (mountain areas) it is ...

Syeda Naila, Muhammad Ibrar, Fazal Hadi* and Muhammad Nauman Khan 

...and phloem cells. Powder drug microscopy, ash analysis, extractive values and fluorescence analysis were also studied. Preliminary phytochemical screenings of different extracts of Oxalis pes-caprae L. showed the presence of carbohydrates, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponin, fats and oils 

Sumaira Abbas1, Muhammad Sultan Haider2,*, Fatima Kafayet1, Sana Ashraf2, Atifa Masood3 and Moazma Batool4
...lected from local market dried and grinded. Organic solvent extraction was carried out by hexane and acetone mixture (1:1 v/v). Carotenoid concentration was determined by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and found satisfactory. By mixing fish meal, sunflower meal and rice polish four treatment diets, T1, T2, T3, were prepared and citrus peel powder was added @ 200g, 400g and 600g/ 1000g, respectively. While fourth one, control d...
Zekeriya Demir1 and Hatice Kaya2*
...ected the egg weight (quadratic), yolk index (linear), Haugh unit and albumen index (cubically). On the other hand, supplemental bee pollen linearly decreased cholesterol, triglyceride and P values ​​ and linearly increased Mg value in the serum parameters. However, the other serum parameters were not affected by the treatment. In conclusion, supplementation of bee pollen during the study period improved the feed conversion ratio and decreased serum choles...
Hüseyin Erdem* and Ibrahim Cihangir Okuyucu
...determine the effects of dry period length (DPL), average daily milk yield (ADMY), parity and calving season on some colostrum quality traits in Holstein cows. The material of the study consisted of 51 Holstein Friesian cows. The specific gravity of colostrum, fat, non-fat dry matter (NDM) and protein percentages were measured for colostrum produced at 2, 24, 48 and 72 h after birth. The specific gravity of colostrum (colost...

Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1*, Javed Iqbal Qazi2, Abdul Shakoor Chaudhry2, Muhammad Irfan3, Muhammad Khan1, Shaukat Ali4 and Saima Shahzad Mirza5 

...ncentrations (µg/g dry weight) of Cd (0.29), Cr (4.64), Cu (8.85), Fe (65.66), Mn (5.14), Hg (2.91), Ni (3.18), Pb (5.14) and Zn (72.16) were recorded at site C. Among the sampled fish species, C. mrigala showed highest potential of metals bioaccumulation than L. rohita and C. catla. Scales of the fishes caught during low flow season showed significantly (P<0.001) higher concentrations of metals than the high flow season. The variations in metals cont...

Rahat Naz*, Mussawar Shah, Asad Ullah, Intikhab Alam and Younas Khan 

...that, climate change has drastically affected the agricultural practices, resulting into low crop production, soil erosions and water logging salinity. Taking climate change adaptation measure’s to minimize the impacts on agriculture and economy as well as policy formulation and implementation to cut short the emission of greenhouse gases were major recommendations. 


Hassnain1, Abdul Basit1*, Mehboob Alam1, Imran Ahmad1, Izhar Ullah1, Noor Alam2, Inayat Ullah3, Muhammad Areeb Khalid1, Muhammad Shair4 and Noor ul Ain1 

...chitosan helps to induce drought resistance and improved water use efficiency. Therefore, a research study was planned to investigate the effect of chitosan on growth and yield of tomato (Cv. Rio Grande) plant under water stress condition at Ornamental Nursery, Department of Horticulture, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan, during 2018, using Completely Randomize Design (CRD) with two factors and repeated three times in a control (Glass house) en...

Roshan Ali1, Afsar Ali2, Shamsher Ali2, Muhammad Arshad Khan3*, Haroon Shahzad3, Noman Latif3, Muhammad Waheed4, Ashraf Khan5 and Murad Ali6 

...eclining resources. To address this, issue several approaches are under consideration. Nutrient application/addition is one of the best known and adopted strategies. A field experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Mingora Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in summer 2016 aiming the effect of silicon fertilizer applied to acidic soil on yield of paddy as paddy is mostly affected through lodging in Swat valley. The treatments consisted of control,...
Nazir Ahmad Khan1,*, Mudassir Alam1, Rafiullah khan1, Kamran Khan2 and Sadeeq ur Rahman3
... higher in QPM300 (10.8% dry matter (DM)) and QPM200 (9.12% DM) than the CM (7.78% DM). Moreover, QPM200 and QPM300 had higher contents (% of DM) of methionine (0.20-0.24 vs. 0.12), threonine (0.43-0.69 vs. 0.17), and tryptophan (0.07 each vs. 0.05) as compared to CM. For testing the QPM in broiler feeds, four iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric feeds were prepared: commercial feed (control) containing only CM; (ii) diet containing only QPM200...

Awais Ahmed Khan1*, Zafar Iqbal1 and Muhammad Atiq2 

... of sample). Amount of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the signaling molecule was also significantly increased (30.33 mmol/ mg FW) and catalase (CAT) was higher (91 U/min g protein) in fruit treated with ascorbic acid as compared to control (22.67 U/min g protein) treatment. These results indicated that application of organic elicitors could increase the disease resistance by H2O2 elevation and by induction of antioxidant enzymes. This study was planned to evaluate ...
Hu Liu1,2, Qifang Yu1,2, Xiaopeng Tang1,2, Chengkun Fang1,2, Sijia Chen1,2 and Rejun Fang1,2,* laying hens. Seven-hundred and twenty 21-week-old healthy Roman laying hens with a similar laying rate were randomly divided into 5 groups with 6 replicates of 24 hens. The experiment was designed by 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two sources of Se and two levels of Se. The hens in control group were fed a basal diet without adding exogenous selenium source, and the hens in other four groups were fed basal diets supplemented with SY and SS containin...

Jawad Ali*, Ibad Ullah Jan and Hidayat Ullah 

...e) role in improving the drought tolerance in okra. Drought stress (three days (control), six days (mild stress) and nine days (severe stress)) and four doses of Se (0, 1, 2, and 3 mg L−1) were imposed after 30 days of sowing. Our outcomes showed that drought stress decreases the number of leaves, plant height, number of branches, stem dry weight, root dr

Muhammad Sohail1*, Imtiaz Hussain2, Maqsood Qamar2, Sikander Khan Tanveer2, Syed Haider Abbas2, Zeshan Ali1 and Muhammad Imtiaz3 

...ustify;">Temperature and drought stresses are generally considered main wheat yield limiting factors in rainfed environment, especially during reproductive growth stages. However, variability might exist among wheat genotypes in response to stressful conditions. The objective of the study was to test the climatic adaptability potential of the wheat genotypes using canopy temperature measurement as physiological indicator. The trial was comprised of forty sprin...

Muhammad Sohail Memon1*, Khadim Ullah1, Altaf Ali Siyal1,2, Naimatullah Leghari1, Ahmed Ali Tagar1, Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto1, Syed Tahir Ata-ul-karim3, Muhammad Tahir4 and Noreena Memon1 

Nihat Tekel1, Ilkay Baritci1, Halit Deniz Sireli1, Muhittin Tutkun1, Ecevit Eyduran2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3,*, cold carcass weight, dressing percentage, leg ratio, foreleg ratio, tail ratio and cooling loss of lambs were found as 33.62±0.968 kg, 14.91±0.627 kg, 44.67±0.008%, 33.76±0.326%, 18.94±0.468%, 4.98±0.467% and 4.99±0.135%, respectively. In conclusion, the present results indicated that daily live weight gain, feed efficiency and valuable carcass fractions of Awassi x (Romanov x Awassi) G1 crossbred...
Sameh S. Tawfik, Ahmed A. Elkady* and Ehab T. Mohamed
...nt and anti-inflammatory drug to prevent and/ or ameliorates the hazardous-effects of γ-rays

Muhammad Rehan3, Asim Aslam3, Javeria Umber4, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan3, Waqar Azeem3, Hassan Aftab5, Ahsan Anjum3, Muhammad Abid6, Abdul Hameed Khan3, Hafiz Hasnain Ayoub5, Altaf Hussain2 and Muhammad Farooq Khalid1* 

...ctivity of monocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages and activation of T and B lymphocytes. Vitamin D modulates cytokine response and anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) production which boost innate immune response. Hypovitaminosis D is a significant risk factor for infectious and non-infectious diseases however its exact mechanism is still unknown, but low levels of vitamin D has been detected in different diseased cases. Recent investigations have reported various...
Monica Paula Marin1, Elena Narcisa Pogurschi1*, Iuliana Marin2 and Carmen Georgeta Nicolae1
...0.28 mg selenium/kg feed dry matter, as opposed to the control group, which received 0.15 mg selenium/kg feed dry matter. The diets supplemented with natural zeolite based on clinoptilolite were administrated one month before parturition and continued for 16 other weeks. The zeolite consumption of 150 g/head/day has determined a decrease in the content of milk in heavy metals, increasing the concentration of unsaturated acid...
Anam Tariq, Alina Gul, Majida Atta Muhammad, Samia Falak and Naeem Rashid*
... gene, encoding a carbohydrate esterase, from Thermococcus kodakarensis was cloned with its native signal sequence and expressed in Escherichia coli. Heterologous gene expression resulted in production of recombinant protein in the cytoplasm which secreted gradually to the extracellular culture medium. Determination of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the recombinant protein, in the extracellular medium, revealed that the 19 amino acid signa...
Imdad Ullah Khan1, Shehla Gull Bokhari2, Mumtaz Ali Khan3, Ikramul Haq3*and Naimat Ullah Khan4
...ign at the anal site and dribbling of urine from the umbilicus.The case was diagnosed as atresia aniet recti with a patent urachus. After sedation, the blind terminal intestinal pouch was retracted through a caudal ventral midline laparotomy, incised to evacuate themeconium, and replaced in the pelvic canal. The rectum and anal orifice were then reconstructed using the cruciate flap incision technique at the anal site.Finally, the urachal duct was identified a...
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2

Ajmalud Din1*, Munir Ahmad2, Fahad Masoud Watto2, Sheraz Ahmed1, Imtiaz Ali1 and Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah

...ty of wheat genotypes to drought stress is an important objective in wheat breeding. This study was carried out to understand the effect of drought stress on growth and development, and to identify drought tolerant wheat genotypes. Thirty wheat genotypes of diverse genetic makeup were assessed in transparent polythene bags (6 × 27 inches), and filled them with sterile, homogenized mi...

Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2*, Muhammad Ajmal2, Taj Ali Khan2, Zia Ul Haq2, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak2 and Abdul Malik2 

...text-align: justify;">In drip irrigation system, emitters are the key system components. The hydraulic performance of these drip emitters may affect the efficiency of irrigation schemes if not conforming to specified standards. The main objective of this study was to investigate the hydraulic characteristics including average flow rate, emitter exponent,...

Gulfam Hassan1*, Ijaz Ashraf2, Muhammad Qavi Irshad3, Shafiq-ur-Rehman Zia2 and Muhammad Idrees

...alabad, Pakistan. Two hundred and eight vegetable growers were interviewed using a validated and reliable interview schedule. Findings reveal that cooperation of training staff was ranked first followed by use of simple and familiar words during training sessions and provision of timely information in case of strengths of training programs. While looking into weaknesses of trainings, vegetable growers disclosed the unavailability of literature and bad conditio...

Nosheen Noor Elahi1, Muhammad Shafique1, Muhammad Imtiaz2, Umer Farooq3* and Muhammad Rashid1 

... NaCl concentrations but drastically decreased at higher levels. While in varieties CM44 and CM2000 a gradual decrease of biomass with increasing salinity levels were observed. Number of pods, flowers and fresh weight of pods were not affected at salinity levels of 0-50mM and decreased at 100 mM NaCI in all the four varieties. In varieties CM91 and CM2000 nodules were formed at all levels of salinity treatments, while in varieties CM44 and CM98 nodules were fo...
Tanveer Ahmad1, Tariq Mehmood1, Muhammad Shahid1, Adnan Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Asim Raza Basra1, Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman3* and Munawar Ali Munawar1
...xcellent addition in the drugs used to suppress the higher level of blood glucose level in diabetes mellitus.
Saara Ahmad1,*, Iftikhar Ahmed2, Saida Haider3, Zehra Batool4, Laraib Liaquat3, Fatima Ahmed5, Asra Khan1, Tahira Perveen3, Mirza Jawad ul Hasnain6, Saima Khaliq7 and Saad Bilal Ahmed8 cells of rats. One hundred and twenty female Albino Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups and separately for standard chow rat, commercial chicken feed, commercial chicken meat and organic chicken meat over a six-week period. Plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) were estimated before and after the administration of different meals. After the experiment, the liver samples were weighed and histopa...
Nahed H. Ghoneim, Maha A. Sabry, Zeinab S. Ahmed and Esraa A. Elshafiee*, 9 isolates were multidrug resistant (MDR). The tet (O) gene, which is responsible for tetracycline resistance, was detected in only 6 isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of the tet (O) gene sequences recovered from the C. jejuni isolates revealed that the strains isolated from chickens and drinking water from the same farm were ident...
Muhammad Afzal1, Mahroze Fatima2, Aasma Qamar1, Muhammad Farhan1 and Syed Zakir Hussain Shah3,*
...roved (p<0.05) dry mater, crude protein, crude fat, and crude ash contents in the muscles and whole body of juveniles in response to CA and PHY supplementations were observed. Again, dietary acidification with CA also improved (p<0.05) the whole-body mineralization. Moreover, PHY pretreatment also resulted in higher (p<0.05) mineral deposition in the body as compared to control group. Both supplements interacted positively (p
Gasem Mohammad Abu-Taweel
...r of bites was decreased dramatically when compared with control. Motor activity and grip strength data were decreased significantly in exposed offsping. Interestingly, blood parameters like packed cell volume, red blood cell count, hemoglobin content, platelets and white blood cells were significantly reduced, while the glucose level and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity were elevated in treated animals. Liver was damaged and the liver sections showed...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2*, Rashid Mushtaq1, Samina Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2*Mubasher Ahmad Malik1, Mujahid Manzoor1, Muhammad Tahir2,  Zubair Aslam4, Sumaira Maqsood5, Ishita Ahuja3 and Atle M. Bones3
...ive isolated Nucleopolyhydrovirus (NPV) from Spodoptera litura and Spinosad (0.01 ppm) against 3rd and 4th instar larvae collected from three different geographical areas of Punjab (Pakistan). A difference in larval mortality, pupation, adult emergence and egg ecluson was observed. The higher but sub-lethal dose rate of NPV with Spinosad exhibited synergistic interaction, while the rest of the combinations were found additive in al...
Peng Peng1,3, Xiaopeng Tang2*, Dun Deng3, and Rejun Fang1*
...he chemical composition, dry matter (DM) digestibility, metabolic energy (ME) were determined. Secondly, a total of four hundred eighty 15-day-old Shuanggui-tou meat ducks were divided into 4 treatments, 1) Control group (0% GM in the diet), 2) 3% GM group (3% GM in the diet), 3) 6% GM group (6% GM in the diet), and 4) 9% GM group (9% GM in the diet). All groups had 8 replicates and 15 birds were included in each replic...
Nadeem Munawar1,2*, Tariq Mahmood2, Paula Rivadeneira1, Ali Akhter2 and Saqib Mehmood2
...s conducted using the quadrate method to record the vegetation around rodents’ active burrows at field boundaries. The dominant wild vegetation included Cynodon dactylon, Saccharum griffithii, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Dichanthium annulatum, Desmostachya bipinnata, Imperata cylindrical, Ziziphus nummularia, Achyranthes aspera, Calotropis procera, Sorghum halepense and Capparis deciduas. This...
Hong-mei Gao, Wen-long Su, Gui-bin Tao, Han-yang Li, Wen-zheng Cao and Zhi-dong Qiu*
...w (BM).Most chemotherapy drugs are toxic to cancer cells and normal healthy hematopoietic cells. Hemoglobin and red blood cell levels drop in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy. Geniposide can reduce the adverse radiation damage of bloosd tissue after high dose irradiation.We found that geniposide can recovery the red blood count after chemotherapy medications (5-Fluorouracil, 5-FU) treatment mice. The mechanism of ac...

Muhammad Ilyas1, Sardar Ali Khan1, Shahid Iqbal Awan1, Shafiq-ur-Rehman1, Waqar Ahmed1, Muhammad Riaz Khan2, Raja Mohib Muazzam Naz2, Muhammad Mohib Ullah Khan3 and Sumaira Hafeez1* 

...ayed different levels of drought tolerance. Four inbred lines were selected i.e., VDR-51, DR3-126, DR-37 and 5CDR-53. Crosses were attempted between the selected inbred lines. ...
Abdüssamet Aydın1 and Ş. Canan Bölükbaşı2*
...0 mg/kg BHA (Butylated hidroxyanisole) into diets of laying hens on performance, egg quality traits, thiobarbituric acid reactive substans (TBARS) of yolk, the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismütase (SOD) and glutation peroxidas (GSHPx) in serum. Sixty Lohman LSL white layers, 40 weeks of age, kept in individual cages were assigned randomly to five treatment groups, each group included 12 hens. The hens received one of five diets with 0, ...
Mingsan Miao*, Hui Zhao, Jiaojiao Jia, Xiaoyan Fang and Yanyan Miao
...e examined 24 hours post-drug administration to determine the level of biochemical indicators such as serum NSE in the brain tissue. To investigate the impact of total phenolic acid on the biochemical parameters in the repeated cerebral ischemia-reperfusion mice, the mouse model of cerebral ischemia repeated reperfusion was successfully replicated. The doses of total phenolic acid of D. canes have significantly reduced the levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in bra...

Masaud Khan1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Shahab Ahmad2, Asad Ali3, Numan Khan3 and Muhammad Adnan Fahad

.... However, the effect on dry-to-fresh weight ratio, plant height, days to 50% flowering, were found to be non-significant. Results indicated that deficit irrigation (I15, I30 and I45) had significant effect (P<0.05) on plant height and NUE. Plant height tends to decrease by 1.3 and 5.5% with deficit irrigation. NUE also decreased by 17, 16 and 24 with deficit irrigation. Compared to I0, while the effect on dry to fresh we...

Muhammad Ilyas1*, Sardar Ali Khan1, Shahid Iqbal Awan1, Shafiq-ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Riaz Khan2 and Sumaira Hafeez1 

...ayed different levels of drought tolerance. Four inbred lines were selected i.e. VDR-51, DR3-126, DR-37 and 5CDR-53. Crosses were done among the selected inbred lines. Six gene...

Mudassar Rashid1, Zuhair Husnain2, Usman Shakoor1* and Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain

...recipitation, floods and drought etc. This paper has empirically examined the effect of climatic variations on cotton productivity in Pakistan. In order to evaluate the climate change, three climatic variables (rainfall, max. temp and min temp) and three non-climatic variables (technology, fertilizer and area) had been used for analysis. Historical climate data from 1981-2015, was collected from Pakistan Meteorological Department, while data of Technology, fer...
Sana Aslam1, Wayne Thomas Shier2 and Imran Sajid1*
...activities against multi drug resistant pathogens and to characterize the bioactive metabolites produced by them. A total of seventy strains of actinomycetes were isolated from lake samples, out of them only forty bioactive strains were selected for further characterization on the basis of their preliminary antimicrobial activities. The isolated actinobacterial strains showed an optimum growth at alkaline pH (9.0-9.5). The taxonomic analysis revealed that thes...
Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Sajjad Ali2, Asad Abdullah1, Samina Khalid3, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif4, Syed Muhammad Ali Zahid1, Muhammad Afzal1 and Jaima Molina-Ochoa5
...measured using BioLeaf android application. The infected leaves due to citrus canker were also tested using BioLeaf for foliar analysis. Our results demonstrated that the quantification of foliar damage using BioLeaf application was easy and accurate. This method is also comparable with other techniques like digital analysis by ImageJ software and leaf area meter devices. With these results, it is concluded that the BioLeaf application has resulted in an accur...

Stanley Uchenna Onwudike* and Vivian Chizoba Edoziem 

...d okra were sampled, air dried and analyzed in the laboratory. Results showed significant effect (p = 5%) on soil moisture content, soil pH, organic carbon and exchangeable bases between the bulk soil and the rhizosphere. The highest value of saloid bound P (7.77 mg/kg) was found within the bean root zone while the highest value of phosphorus bound to Al (Al - P) (13.27 mg/kg) was found in okra root zone. Highest value of occluded – phosphorus (46.07 mg/...

Mahfooz Khan* and Himayatullah Khan remedial measure to address the concerns needs of the rural people. 

Abdurakhim Kuchboev1, Mehmonjon Egamberdiev2, Rokhatoy Karimova1, Oybek Amirov1 and Mitsuhiko Asakawa3,*
...arval Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Brachylaima sp. is described with molecular evidences in gastropod intermediate hosts from Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. Larvae of D. dendriticum were detected in 28 (10.7%) out of 262 Xceropicta candacharica, and 8 (9.7%) of 82 Angiomphalia gereliana. Brachylaima sp. larvae were found in 3 (1.6%) of 95 Pseudonapaeus sogdiana. The total number ...
Kadir Seyhan1,*, Nimet Selda Başçinar2, Nadir Başçinar3 and Umar Khan3
...prandial times, and were dried at 60° C to constant weight. The course of GE in both sizes of S. fontinalis fry was best described by the square root model. The relationship between GER and body mass was then determined by a power function of fry mass that can be summarized by the equation (g h-1), where St is current stomach mass (g), M is fry mass (g), and t is time (h). The course of GE in S. fon...

Muhammad Rasheed*, Tayyaba Naseer, Asma Hassan, Fayaz ul Hassan, Rifat Hayat, Ghulam Jilani, Samman Gul Vaseer and Muhammad Bilal Ali 

...t plant-1 (7.2560 g) and dry weight plant-1 (0.6047 g) was recorded at treatment BS3 and among the different cultivars, NIA 2005 depicted better response than other two cultivars. Crop growth rate showed maximum value (3.3977 gm-2day-1) at treatment BS3 and among the cultivars, NIA 2005 gave highest crop growth rate than others. Net assimilation rate increased due to increase in dry matter of plant and crop growth rate. Vari...
Fatima Hashim Abbas1,2* and Alaa Tareq Shakir Al-Hassnawi1 current study, One hundred and thirteen aborted women (73 known causes group, 40 unknown group) and control group (23 normal delivery women (control positive), 10 normal unmarried women (control negative) were recruited in this study. Levels of lipid peroxidation (MDA level), catalase activity (CAT), total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) were measured in the serum of all studied groups. MDA levels were significantly higher (p&le...
Asim Faraz1,*, Abdul Waheed1, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2 and Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1
Tasbihullah1, Sadeeq ur Rahman2,*, Tariq Ali3 , Umer Saddique1, Shakoor Ahmad1, Muhammad Shafiq4, Sultan Ayaz2, Hamayun Khan1, Ijaz Ahmad1 Asadullah2, Raheela Taj5, Hafiz Nidaullah6 and Alamgir Khan7
...4) were found to be multidrug resistant displaying resistance against at least three different classes of antibiotics. Class 1 integron was carried by (21/24) followed by additional class 2 integron (15/24). A total of 8 isolates were harboring insertion sequence common region 1 (ISCR1), which was found to be linked with blaCTXM in 50% (4/8) isolates. Results of the current study indicate contamination of eggs with ESBL-producing E....
Ahmet Ozer Sehirli1,2, Serkan Sayiner3*, Ayliz Velioglu-Ogunc4, Nedime Serakinci5, Emel Eksioglu-Demiralp6, Berrak Yegen7, Feriha Ercan8 andGoksel Sener2
...rogen (BUN), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6) concentrations, urinary volume, creatinine, and both serum and urinary electrolyte levels were measured. In addition, the apoptosis rate of white blood cells was analysed from plasma samples. Tissue samples from the brain, heart, aorta and kidneys were used for analysis of the collagen content besides tissue luminol, lucigenin, malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GS...
Ertuğrul Kul*
...xponential (PEXP) and Quadratic (QUA) models were used. The adjusted multiple coefficient of determination (R2adj) and the residual standard deviation (RSD) were evaluated as parameters to detect the best fitted lactation curve model. The results revealed that WOD model described the highest R2adj (0.98) and with the lowest RSD (0.065), besides the highest R2adj (0.97) and t...
Riffat Sultana1, Nuzhat Soomro1,*, Santosh Kumar2, Ahmed Ali Samejo1 and Samiullah Soomro1
...ya species were cylindrically elongated, large, slightly bent in the middle and rounded at ends while egg pods of Oxyina bidentata are bean shaped. The weight, width and length of freshly laid egg pods of Oxya species was46.82±5.28 mg, 15.56±9.56mm, and 7.20±0.78 mm, 43.39±4.31 mg, 15.3±1.05 mm, 6.10±0.87mm, 33.73±7.28 mg, 13.4±1.1 mm, 6.73±0.56 mm for Oxya velox, Oxya fuscovit...
Anila Naz Soomro1*, Hiroshi Suzuki2, Sadaf Tabassum Qureshi3 and Wazir Ali Baloch1
...udy the presence of amphidromy in two atyid shrimps Caridina sakishimensis and Caridina typus along the continuum of Urabaru stream. Study was carried out to clearly outline the life cycle of an endangered atyid C. sakishimensis and its co-existing species C. typus. Entire continuum of stream was divided into five stations (St.1, St. 2, St. 3, St. 4 and St. 5). Monthly sampling was carried out using a scoop net (1 × 1 mm) via ...
Zhi Yi Jin and Shao Ming Qin*
..., Tachysurus fulvidraco and Siniperca chuatsi, which were relatively common and present in all the four rivers, indicating that this bird was an opportunist predator. It is important to reduce human activities and protect woodland and aquatic environments because Scaly-sided Merganser have high requirements for safety and water conditions under both landscape and micro-habitat scales.
Boxin Dou, Ying Liu*, Yumeng Liu, Lili Fan, Yongqiang Ma, and Yanguo Shi
... protease to enzymatic hydrolysis of RB crude protein purified by ultrafiltration, size exclusion chromatography and RP-HPLC. Using consecutive chromatographic techniques successively, the acidic hydrolysates of RB proteins were fractionated and the new ACE inhibitory triplet was isolated and identified. The amino acid sequence of the ACEI was identified as Ile-Thr-Leu or Leu-Thr-Ile. In vitro, ACE inhibition assays s...
Asad Ali Khaskheli1*, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Gul Bahar Khaskheli3, Allah Jurio Khaskheli2 and Arshad Ali Khaskheli1
...jor nutrients (moisture, dry matter, total organic matter, inorganic/mineral matter (ash), ether extract, crude protein, crude fiber, nitrogen free extract and total carbohydrate contents) were included. Comprehensive survey indicated year round availability of 19 different vegetations at study areas whereby dry matter contents in Calligonum polygonoides (93.63%) recorded significan...
Jiantong Feng, Xueping Wen, Yahong Guo, Yingying Ye*, Jiji Li and Baoying Guo
...750 bp region of mitochondrial COIII gene and an 822 bp region of 12S rRNA gene were sequenced and analyzed for 118 and 105 individuals from five populations (ZS, WZ, ZP, ST and ZJ) in the Southeast coastal areas of China, respectively. Results revealed that 33 haplotypes were defined in COIII gene, and 30 haplotypes were defined in 12S rRNA gene. The pairwise Fst values between the ZS population and other four populations were range from 0.1...
Gulnaz Afzal1, Ghulam Mustafa2*, Shakila Mushtaq3 and Amer Jamil4
...DNA sequences of mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit 1 (CO1). In this study, we distinguished five species of spiders using their CO1 gene sequences and compared them with 40 earlier published sequences, retrieved from GenBank on the bases of maximum similarity index. The sequences of gene encoding CO1 of all five spider species were deposited in GenBank. Out of five spiders in this study, three species i.e. Leucauge decorata, Ox...
Yunfang Tian, Zeqin Fu, Jiantong Feng, Yahong Guo, Yingying Ye*, Jiji Li and Baoying Guo
...orth to south by mitochondrial DNA (COI and Cytb genes). The genetic diversity of seven samples was in a high level (h = 0.879-0.949, π =0.0033-0.0110). The Bayesian skyline plots showed that the samples were a stable population. The genetic divergence of seven samples was suggested that there was detected two obviously groups from pairwise FST values and networks. This differentiation was conformed to the geogr...
Muhammad Yahya1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Imtiaz Sarwar1, Khurram Shehzad2, Muhammad Luqman3 and 
Sher Muhammad Shahzad2
...ind out the main edaphic drivers which can explain the population dynamics of these microarthropods. Results revealed that all major factors i.e. land-use types and categories, collection seasons and soil properties had a significant impact on the population abundance of springtails and mites. Agricultural soils harbored maximum abundance of both microarthropods followed by orchard land-use types, while minimum arthropod abundance was recorded for soils...
Asim Faraz*
...l of Marecha (Camelus dromedarius) calves in intensive management system (IMS) and extensive management system (EMS) in Thal desert, Punjab Pakistan. Twelve male and female calves were divided into two comparable groups of six each containing three males and three females. The first group calves were fed concentrate @ 1 kg/h/d plus crop residues of gram (Cicer arientinum) ad libitum while in second group calves were allowed grazing/browsin...

Saima Sharif*, Farkhanda Manzoor, Tasnim Farasat, Shaugfta Naz and Raheela Tabasum 

Ihsanullah Kakr1, Sarwar Khan2, Khalid Khan3* and Sajjad Ahmed

...quality of hide, loss of draught power and traction force and change in herd. While, indirect losses include additional costs of drugs, veterinarian fee, preventive medicine and quarantine. Moreover, the present study demonstrates that the respondents above the age of 50 years were more experienced in disease diagnosis and use of traditional veterinary practices. 


Muhammad Asif Farooq1*, Muhammad Jalal Arif1, Muhammad Dildar Gogi1, Bilal Atta2 and Ahmad Nawaz

Bo Gao1,2, Fengmei Yang3, Wei Chen2, Xiaojia Song4, Xiaobo Liu5 and Dongmin Li1*
...xpression level of Multi-drug resistance gene (MDR1) in common tumor malignancies, and evaluate the prognostic value of MDR1 expression in common malignancies. mRNA relative expression levels of MDR1 were detected byreal-time quantitative polymeras...
Muhammad Rizwan Ashraf1, Asif Nadeem1,2, Eric Nelson Smith3, Maryam Javed1, Utpal Smart3, Tahir Yaqub4, Abu Saeed Hashmi1 and Panupong Thammachoti3
...iversity through mitochondrial genes in saw-scaled viper from Pakistan. Tail tip biopsies of Saw-scaled vipers were used for amplification of mitochondrial genes fragments (ND4, 16S rRNA and 12S rRNA) through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Nucleotide data was used for DNA polymorphism analyses and homology was measured among different species of genus Echis. Using the concatenated nucleotide data, Maximum likelihood and Ba...
Peimin Yang*, Zongyun Hu, Yixin Liu, Guanghai Jin and Lei Wang
...variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cyt b) for 94 specimens collected from five locations. Sequence analysis showed that there were 50 polymorphic sites and 20 haplotypes among five populations, and the samples exhibited high haplotype diversity (h=0.8467) and low nucleotide diversity (Pi=0.0063). Genetic distances ranged from 0.0002 to 0.0149 within and 0.0007 to 0.0140 between populations. AMOVA analysis indicated sig...

Arjumand Nizami1, Muhammad Zulfiqar2*, Jawad Ali1, Naushad Khan2 and Imran Sheikh

...ctivity enhancement to address increasing irrigation water demand and declining water resources. One of such technology known as laser land leveling was introduced in Pakistan in 1980s. More recent introduction is of another water efficient technique known as The Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) technology evolved by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). AWD intervention in conjunction with laser land leveling is made through Water Productivity (WAPR...

Shilong Chen1,2, Shifeng Xiao1,2, Shao Wang1,2, Fengqiang Lin1,2, Xiaoxia Cheng1,2, Xiaoli Zhu1,2, Dandan Jiang1,2, Shaoying Chen1,2* and Fusong Yu3* 

...ort beak and dwarfism syndrome virus (SBDSV) is an emerging distinct duck-origin goose parvovirus causing outbreaks of short beak and dwarfism syndrome duckling in Chinese duck flocks. The aim of this review is to describe the current knowledge on SBDSV with an emphasis on epidemiology, clinical symptoms, laboratory diagnosis, genomic organization and pathogenesis. However, the pathogenesis mechanisms of cross-species transm...
Xuhui Zhang1, Zhiyuan Sun2, Jinfeng Cai1, Guibin Wang1, Zunling Zhu1, Linguo Zhao3 and Fuliang Cao1,*
...ty of broilers. Three hundred day-old commercial Arbor Acres (AA) broiler chicks were randomly allocated into 5 dietary treatments including five variations: control group, fed with the basal diets; NF group, the addition of 3 g/kg NF products; FR1, FR2 and FR3 groups, addition of FR products 1 g/kg, 3 g/kg and 6 g/kg, respectively. There was no difference in body weight gain, feed intake and feed intake/gain ratio between treatments. Compared with the control...
Dongping Liu1, Guogang Zhang1, Chao Wang2, Baoping Qing2 and Jun Lu1,*
... females exhibited polyandry and 43.1% of nests were observed colonial in single tree in the reintroduced population, probably due to male-biased sex ratio and better nesting conditions. First nest failure in reintroduced population occurred much earlier than that in wild, which resulted in significantly higher probability of re-nesting. The phenotypic plasticity in crested ibis may play important role in future reintroduction of this critically endangered spe...

Pushpa1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Shahla Karim Baloch2, Mehmooda Buriro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Muhammad Tahir Khan3, Qamar Uddin Jogi1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1 and Farheen Deeba Soomro1 

... fresh weight (g), shoot dry weight (g), root dry weight (g), and seed vigor index of test species was investigated under laboratory conditions. The powder of weed plants produced significantly (p<0.05) harmful outcomes on all growth parameters of wheat varieties as compared to the control treatment. The maximum seed germination (82.16a %), shoot length (27.70 cm), root length (14.90 cm), shoot fresh weight (2.19 g), root...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Anam Sarwar2, Muhammad Junaid1, Mirza B. Baig3, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel4 and R. Kirby Barrick

...hem in identifying and addressing the impacts and challenges of climate change. This study was designed to utilize the Borich Needs Assessment Model for assessing the existing competencies and the training needs of EFS in the scenario of climate change. A descriptive survey research method was employed in this census study. There were 147 working EFS and 130 of them participated in the study. A well-defined structured interview schedule was designed for data c...
Mohammad Ejaz1, Salma Javed2, Muhammad Hamza1, Sadia Tabassum2, Muhammad Abubakar3, Irfan Ullah4* sources for the novel drugs. Endophytes are the rich source of these bioactive molecules having a wide range of applications as compared to the original products. Fungal endophytes are the most commonly used endophytes for the isolation of various different types of bioactive molecules. These bioactive molecules can be used as antimicrobial, antibacterial and anticancer agents. Fungal endophytes like Taxomyces andreana...
Qaisra Siddique1, Sajid Abdullah1, Huma Naz2*, Khalid Abbas1, Laiba Shafique3


...8 days after that it was dropped off up to 56-day. The trend of GST in fish tissues was observed as muscle<heart<brain<kidney<gills< liver. However, TPCs in selected tissues of stressed fishwas lower significantly as compared to control. 

Ahmad Naeem Shahzad1, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi2, Samee Ullah1, Muhammad Latif3, Shakeel Ahmad1 and Syed Asad Hussain Bukhari1* 

...ight, plant height, leaf dry weight and root dry weight were severely hampered by salt stress. The absence of necrosis in cotton leaves under salt treatments indicated that growth was primarily restricted by the osmotic component of salt stress. Activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase) in plant leaves were increased in response to salt stress. Treatment of stressed plants with trehalo...

Tahira Moeen Khan*, Irum Riaz, Shahida Hameed and Bushra Khan and its removal from drinking water has become a serious issue now a days. For arsenic removal batch studies were conducted using low cost adsorbent (raw date seeds husk and lemon juice microwave activated date seeds husk) by taking 25ppm/50ml initial concentration of NaAsO2. Best removal (90%) was achieved for Lemon juice microwave activated date seed husk LMDS (time= 30mins, agitation speed= 150 rpm, pH= 5, adsorbent dose= 0.1 g). While 85% removal e...
Maria Khalid1, Tanveer Hussain1*, Zahid Farooq2, Kamran Abbas1 and Masroor Ellahi Babar1  
... phylogeny using mitochondrial DNA, Cyt-b and Cox1 genes. A total of 749bp of Cox1 and 472 bp of Cyt-b complete coding regions of both genes were amplified by PCR followed by sequencing. The sequences were aligned and edited using Bio-Edit software and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified. The boot strapped Neighbor joining tree constructed from MEGA7 explained the genetic relationships of A.chukar with rela...
Hina Habib Syed1, Muzafar Shah2*, Shahid Sherzada3 and Masroor Elahi Babar1
...malaria is common in children and youth of the area.
Masroor Ellahi Babar*
...ationship with the C. dromedarius camel and all the breeds show a common ancestor that is sheep. For Casein loci in the Pakistani breeds these SNPs are the first to be reported.
Wen Qin1,2, YanGan Huang1, Lei Wang1, Gonghua Lin1, Jundong Yang1,2, Pengfei Song1,2, Hongmei Gao1,2, Jingjie Zhang1,2 and Tongzuo Zhang1,3,*
...anges ranging from cold, dry winters to short, hot summers. The gut microbiota plays a very important role in host health, immunity, and digestion. Therefore, seasonal changes in gut microbiota can affect host digestion and metabolism in ways that help the host adapt to different forage conditions. Understanding the relationship between seasonal variations in the gut microbiota and host adaptability is a good basis for the protection of the goitered gazelle. H...
Weihao Chen1,2, Zhilong Tian2, Lin Ma2, Shangquan Gan3, Wei Sun1,4,* and Mingxing Chu2,*
...ymis, vas deferens, and adrenal gland in high fecundity (Small Tail Han sheep) and low fecundity (Sunite sheep) rams. The results were as follows: BMPR1B, GDF9, Smad1, Smad5 and Smad9 were expressed in all selected tissues, but BMP15 was specifically expressed in the epididymis. Further study indicated that the expression of BMPRIB in the brain, hypothalamus, pituitary, epididymis, and a...

Peer Sikandar Shah1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan*1,2, Saddam Hussain1 and Jawad Ali Jan1

...tassium encourage carbohydrates metabolism, enzymes establishment and osmotic regulation This experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Institute Tarnab, Peshawar during spring season (March-june) 2016. Randomized Complete Block Design was used with split plot arrangement having three replications. The sponge gourd Luffa acutangula cultivars (Jaipuri and Dharidhar) were allotted to the main plot while organic and inorganic regimes (i.e. Control, NPK (N...
Qingzhan Ma1, Bo Wu1, Jianping Jiang2 and Zhaobin Song1,3* analysis and UPGMA dendrogram suggested that there were close genetic relationships between POPA and POPE, POPA and POPG, and POPF and POPH, respectively. POPH showed serious inbreeding based on Fis analysis.

 Muhammad Rafay1,*, Ghafoor Ahmad1, Tahira Ruby2, Muhammad Abdullah3, Fahad Rasheed4, Muhammad Abid1, Sohail Akhtar5, Zulfiqar Ahmad6 and Riaz Hussain7

...haped nests were made of dry grass and roots by a group of individuals of jungle babbler on Albizzia species having an average clutch size of 4 eggs. Average peripheral and core diameter, depth of nest was 13, 9 and 7 cm, respectively. Breeding completed in 36 days including incubation, nestling, post nestling and fledgling stages of 13, 5, 4, and 14 days, respectively. Overall predation during these stages was 57%. Adults consumed grains, insects, term...
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Annamaria Passantino2, Ayman Balla Mustafa3, Nasir Ali Tauqir4, Naeem Ullah Khan5, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel6
...neral profile of Marecha dromedary camel calves reared in intensive management system (IMS) by feeding two different dietary regimes. The study was conducted at camel breeding and research station (CBRS) Rakh-Mahni tahsil Mankera of district Bhakkar-Punjab, Pakistan. Ten male calves of 310±35 days of age were raised in stall-fed conditions. They were fed two isocaloric diets with different protein levels as 18% (G1) and 22% (G2). Regarding roughage prop...

Anila Kousar, Muhammad Naeem* and Samrah Masud 

...he basis of both wet and dry weights were recorded in the whole body constituents indicating that GIFT is rich source of protein with less fat content fed upon 25% CP (T3). 


Rabia Iqbal, Muhammad Naeem*, Samrah Masud and Abir Ishtiaq 

...water and % ash (wet and dry). All (T1, T2, T3) feeds observed highly significant correlation between body weight and water content. Investigation of body size on total body composition parameters revealed generally in different feeds an increasing trend in total protein, total ash and total organic content, while a decreasing trend in total fat content. Total length in all (T1, T2, T3) feeds observed no influence on total water content, total protein content ...

Muhammad Safdar Hussain1*, Muhammad Farrakh Nawaz2, Muhammad Ayyoub Tanvir2 and Noor-E-Hira

...rganisms are affected by drought in terms of food and health. In the current scenario of drought and gradual change in climate that can result in water stress for terrestrial vegetation, drought-resistant plants should be sorted out. The objective of this study was to explore the growth behavior of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (recommended for waterlogged areas) and Tamarix aphylla (recommende...

Mubashir Mehdi1*, Muhammad Bilal Ahsan1, Burhan Ahmad1, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai2, Gulnaaz Hameed3 and Muhammad Asif4 

...e certified orchards are driven by the global value chain system under the food safety and quality standards, they have more potential and prospective to improve the livelihood of the on-farm workers. Education included as schooling years was found major regressor for the income of on-farm laborers. In ceteris paribus conditions, coefficient of education indicates that there is a positive relationship among education of labor and Income. Credit facility at far...

Aqsa Ahmad1, Iftikhar Ahmad1* and Malik Fiaz Hussain Ferdosi area (cm2), fresh and dry weight (g), longest vase life (days). Substrates containing CC, RH and PM (50% + 40% + 10%; v/v/v) were superior to substrates of SD, PH and PM. For commercial cut antirrhinum production, substrates with locally available components of CC, RH and RM can be recommended. 


Gulnaz Hameed1, Abdul Saboor1, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai2*, Ghaffar Ali2, Dawood Jan2 and Mansoor Rasheed gap needs to be addressed is an empirical analysis of contribution of such initiatives in the welfare of masses through poverty reduction in the area. This research endeavor is designed to figure out the impact of one of such projects named as Azad Jammu and Kashmir Community Development (AJKCDP) through poverty estimation and exploring the correlates of poverty in AJ and K. Multistage sampling technique was used to dr

Muhammad Usman Saleem, Nadeem Iqbal, Shawaiz Iqbal*, Usama Bin Khalid, Adila Iram, Muhammad Akhter, Tahir Latif and Tahir Hussain Awan 

...r, high labor costs, and drudgery in manually transplanted rice (TPR) have motivated researchers to develop alternated technology such as direct seeded rice (DSR). About 30% of total water used in rice cultivation is consumed for puddling of soil (land preparation) and transplanting operations. Physical properties of soils are deteriorating due to continued puddling over the decades, resulting in structural breakdown leads to a compacted layer (the plough plat...
Bin Huo1 and Xiaoyun Shen1,2,3*
...argement of the costochondral junctions and abnormal curvature in long bones. The aim of the study was to determine possible relationships between the illness and mineral deficiency. The present result showed that phosphorus contents in soil and forage from affected pastures were significantly lower than those from healthy areas (P<0.01) and the ratio of calcium to phosphorus (Ca:P) in affected herbages was 13.16:1. Phosphorus contents of blood and h...
Aamir Mushtaq1,2, Rukhsana Anwar1 and Mobasher Ahmad1,2,* 
...Pimpinella anisum dried seeds to check the oxidative neuronal decay in brain parts. Methanolic extract of Pimpinella anisum (meP.a) dried seeds was explored qualitatively and quantitatively for analysis of phytoconstituents along with anti-oxidant activity. Anti-amnesic activity was found by behavioral and biochemical studies for which male albino mice were grouped into seven groups. Mice were subjected to elev...
Yan Xu1, Jia Zhou1, Guangfu Lv2, Yuexin Liu1, Xintong Zhao1, Xin Li1, Doudan Ye2, Xiaobo Qu1,* and Xiaowei Huang1*
...X+PAP group. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage and creatine kinase MB (CK-MB) level were used to detect cell viability, flow cytometry was used to detect cell cycle and apoptosis, and immunofluorescence was used to detect Bax and Bcl-2 expression. The protein levels of TGF-β/ Smad / ERK signaling pathway were detected by Western blot. We found that PAP significantly increased cell viability after DOX-induced injury, reduced LDH, CK-MB levels, up-regulat...
Hui-Ying Chen1,2*, Ping-Chuan Yin1,2, Ya-Nan Lu1,2, Hai-Yun Li1,2*and Yang Shan3
...atory and antithrombotic drug that exhibits chemopreventive anti-tumor properties. Aspirin is considered to be partially mediated by the induction of apoptosis in cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of aspirin in the prevention of cancer are yet to be fully elucidated. In the current study, the GSE115660 microarray dataset was downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus database to identify key genes in aspirin-damaged yeast cells following red...
Lei Wang1, Lu Yang2, Lei Luo1, Yaqi Gao1*, Jian Gao1 and Ping Liu1
...ates research aimed at addressing the regularity of genetic variations.
Yuhong Li1, Dongxue Wu1, Xue Wang1, Mi Zhang1, Hanyu Zhu1, Zhe Shi1 and Fumin Feng1,2*
...ced by anti-tuberculosis drugs in mice. A total of 168 Kunming mice were randomly divided into four experimental groups and one baseline group. The drug groups were orally administered with isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z), and combination of these three drugs (HRZ) at 3, 5, 7, 10, and 15 days, respectively. Liver tissue pathologies and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and asp...
Sana Khan1, Raheela Taj1, Noor Rehman2, Asad Ullah3, Imad Khan3 and Sadeeq ur Rahman3,*
...creasingly becoming multidrug resistant. The current study was aimed to determine the prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of extended spectrum β-lactamases producing C. freundii clinical isolates. A total of 2950 clinical samples were collected from both hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients of Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH), Peshawar, and processed by for isolation of C. freundii followed by phenotypic detection of ...
Shaista Abbas1,Imtiaz Rabbani1, Hafsa Zaneb2, M. Shahbaz Yousaf1, Saima Ashraf2, Abid Hussain Shahzad3, M. Afzal Rashid4 and Habib Rehman1,*
...inclusion levels of live dried yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on dry matter intake (DMI), body condition score (BCS), body weight (BW) and serum health biomarkers in Beetal goats during the transition period. Twenty-four Beetal goats were randomly allotted to three groups YSC0, YSC5 and YSC10 and were fed a basal diet supplemented with 0g, 5g or 10g yeast day/animal, respectively for 4 weeks before and -4 weeks afte...
Yue Qin Song, Hui Zhong Sun* and Jun Feng Dong
...eceptors (ORs) in the dendritic membrane of olfactory cells are the key elements in the molecular recognition and discrimination of odorants. On the basis of female and male antennal transcriptomes of Yemma signatus adults, a total of 66 candidate Y. signatus olfactory receptor genes (YsigORs), including one olfactory co-receptor (Orco), were identified in this study. All the sequences were further validated by cloning and sequencing. Tissue expr...
Murtala Muhammad, Ting Zhang, Siyu Gong, Jing Bai, Jiansong Ju, Baohua Zhao* and Dong Liu*
...d killing, exposure to hydrogen peroxide, and biofilm assays. This study represents the first Report of S. iniae infection of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis).
Omer Draz1, Xijun Ni2, Khizar Samiullah1,*, Riffat Yasin1, Rana Mehroz Fazal1, Sakeela Naz1, Saleem Akhtar1, Mahpara Gillani1 and Muzammil Ejaz1
... Propotamochoerus hysudricus. The bovids are more prominent here as compared to all other artiodactyls. The suggested age of recovered species is Late Miocene to early Pliocene (7-5 Ma). The discovered specimens consist of upper and lower dentition which enhances our knowledge to the dental morphological features and palaeoenvironment of the described species.
Muhammad Anwarullah1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Ghulam Mustafa3, Muhammad Husnain1 and Muhammad Usman1
...e economically important drugs in treatment of Johne’s disease. 

Hasnain Alam1*, Jabar Zaman Khan Khattak1 and Taoufik Saleh Ksiksi both induced salt and drought stress at the germination stages. It is concluded that all four-selected species successfully germinated under maximum osmotic potential understudy which is not suitable for landscape species. All four investigated species can be further evaluated for field performance under stress conditions so can be recommended for mass vegetation and as a substitute to exotic landscaping species. 


H. Liu1, X.P. Tang1, R.J. Fang1,*, F.Yi2, C. Zhang2, R.Q. Yang1, F. Sun1 and S.Y. Zhou1 

...iglets (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire) with an average body weight of (8.79±1.15) kg were randomly divided into 6 groups with 8 replicates in each group, and 6 piglets (3 castrated males and 3 females) per replicate. Control group was fed a basal diet, experimental groups were fed diets supplemented with copper amino acids addition level was 25, 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg Cu or 150 mg/kg Cu from CuSO4 of the control group,respectively. ...
Sara Zafar* and Asmatullah used antihypertensive drug, atenolol during gestation and ameliorative effect of pomegranate juice against its toxicity. Dose was administered to pregnant mice by gavage. The high dose contains Atenolol 2.5 µg/g body weight (B.wt.) of treated mice and low dose contains 1.65 µg/g B.wt. The dose was administered from the 6th -12th day of the gestation period for seven days. Many congenital abnormalities including hemorrhages, hygromas, resorbed fe...

Abdur Rehman1*, Sajjad Ahmad1, Ahmed Zia2, Asad Ali3, Kiran Shahjeer4, Abdul Latif1 and Taimur Khan

... in order to explore the dragonflies fauna in District Swabi of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. A comprehensive field survey was conducted to collect dragonfly adults using aerial nets. 19 sites of District Swabi were surveyed during summer seasons of 2015 and 2016. The study revealed 23 species from 15 genera under 3 families. The abundant family was recorded as Libellulidae that was comprised of 19 species belonging to 11 ge...
Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Abdul Majid Khan1*, Saliha Khalid1, Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,2, Ayesha Iqbal1, Muhammad Ameen1
...and Tetracerus quadricornis

Muhammad Medrar Hussain*, Asad Jan* and Sayyar Khan Kazi crops. Among these, drought is a serious abiotic stress effecting rice productivity. Therefore, the current study was designed to know the role of OsTZF8 gene in conferring tolerance to drought stress. For this purpose, OsTZF8 gene was over-expressed in Oryza sativa subspecies indica variety Swat-1. Through Agrobacterium mediated transformation, OsTZF8 gene (pBIG-Ubi-OsTZF8) was successfully transferred to rice calli. F...

Md. Zubael Islam, Rukhsana Amin Runa and Md. Mahmudul Alam* 

...tudies are required to address the foot disease burden in lactating cows. 

Mian Adnan Kakakhel1, Faryal Gohar1, Zahid Anwar2, Raza Ullah1, Muhammad Attaullah3, Shahbaz Ahmad4, Aamir Khan5, Kalimullah5*
...nbsp;A total of a hundred number of blood samples (72 males and 28 females) were collected from Peshawar, Pakistan. The serum samples were analyzed for IgG and IgM by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and statistical analysis carried out. Out of these tested samples, 20% were positive for both IgG and IgM against T. gondii. The positive prevalence of T. gondii

Muhammad Iqbal1, Sami Ul-Allah2*, Muhammad Naeem1, Muhammad Ijaz2 and Muhammad Qadir Ahmad3 

... 29.81% and reduction in dry weight due to water stress range 12.52 to 43.30%. Whereas increase in root-shoot ratio was observed due to water stress and it ranged from 11.19 to 54.05% for different genotypes. Cultivar into irrigation interaction was significant and genotypic variability declined under water stress conditions relative to irrigated conditions. Fresh and dry shoot weights were positively correlated with all see...

Ghani Akbar 

...e to frequent floods and droughts, decline in traditional springfed Kuhl (gravity channel) irrigation system, low productivity of crops and horticulture, less productive livestock, large postharvest losses and lack of value addition facilities are the main hurdles in utilizing the full potential of agriculture for achieving improved food security and better livelihood in this region. Lack of government spending and less available research facilities are consid...

Filza Fatima Rizvi1*, Waqar khan2, Syed Mohsin Raza Kazmi3 and Muhammad Umer capita in Pakistan is dropping very alarmingly. Against a dismal supply of 191 million-acre feet, the demand for water is projected to escalate to 274 MAF by 2025, culminating into a deficit of 83 MAF. Pakistan has the world’s fourth-highest rate of water use and is already the third most water-stressed country in the world. Being an Agricultural country, more than 90 percent of Pakistan’s water resources are used by the agriculture sector. It&r...
Muhammad Mohibullah1*, Mehran1, Sundas Batool1, Muhammad Amin1, Zakiullah1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Irfanullah1, Abdur Rehman1 and Sardar Ali3
...ant-1, 2ndry branches plant-1, plant height, hundred grain weight and grain yield plant-1. Overall, chickpea accessions CH30/12, CH10/12, CH44/12, CH14/12, and CH11/12 performed well, and recorded with maximum values for grains pod-1, hundred seed weight along with other contributing parameters. Values for phenotypic found greater than...

Ghani Akbar*, Muhammad Asif, Zafar Islam and Shahid Hameed 

...efficient. Sprinkler and drip irrigation are costly and require more technical knowledge, thus negligibly adopted and are generally considered as late time solutions. Although furrow bed irrigation, a relatively more efficient irrigation method, has been adopted, especially for row crops but decision support guidelines for their appropriate installation and management is very limited, thus potential benefits of furrow beds are yet to be achieved on Pakistani f...
Neelam Pery*, Nayab Batool Rizvi, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq
...modifying anti-rheumatic drugs over the drug platform has been taken over by a number of biologics including TNFα inhibitors, IL-1 inhibitors, IL-6 inhibitors, and co-stimulatory signal inhibitors with better efficacy and safety profile. However, certain factors such as lack of universal respon...

Zubair Aslam and Ali Ahmad* 

...shoot fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, number of leaf, leaf length, stem girth) and physiological parameters (relative water contents (RWC), chlorophyll contents and membrane stability index (MSI)). The obtained results indicated that vermi-fertilizers and chemical fertilizer significantly increased all of the above said parameters of maize as compared to control but foliar application of 6% vermi-tea treatme...

Anurag Sharma*, Naresh Kumar, Geetanjali Singh and Anika Sharma 

...ctagogue in animal husbandry. Both these herbs are known to have pharmacological effects which include hypoglycemic, hypo-lipidemic, antidiabetic, hepato-protective, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and galactagogue activity. The commercially available drugs pose health threats and prove detrimental to both human and animal health. The traditional use of herbal preparations suggests that they a...

Hassan Boulahyaoui1,2*, Sanaa Alaoui Amine1,3, Marouane Melloul4, Farida Hilali5, Elmostafa El-Fahime1,3, Saad Mrani1,2 and Nadia Touil1,5* 

...detected in Moroccan children fully vaccinated with Rotarix™. After RNA virus extraction, the rotavirus VP7 and VP4 genes were amplified. The DNA was purified, sequenced and genotypes were determined using the RotaC online classification tool. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the Maximum Likelihood method applying the Tamura 3-parameter model in MEGA 6.06 package and statistically supported by bootstrapping with 1000 replicates. The amino acid s...

Olotu Titilayo Mabel*, Adeosun Idowu Jesulayomi, Kaka Mary Oluwatosin and Oladipo Elijah Kolawole 

... other and its antiviral drug susceptibility which will provide more information on its sensitivity and resistivity to each antiviral drug. Seventeen partial genome sequences of HIV-1 Pol gene from some West African countries were retrieved from NCBI database. Evolutionary relationship was determined by Multiple sequence alignment using Clusta W and the sequences were further analyzed using MEGA 6 for phylogenetic tree. The ...

Muhammad Rafiq1, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood2*, Mushtaq Ahmad2, Imtiaz Ali3, Muhammad Saleem1, Irfan Rasool1 and Zeshan Ali

... primarily cultivated in drought-prone regions and marginal lands where moisture stress is a major limiting factor for chickpea production. In order to identify drought resilient chickpea genotypes, a field experiment consisting of 16 elite genotypes was carried out in two environments i.e. under moisture stress and non-stress environment following randomized complete block design at Gram Breeding Research Station, Kallurkot...

Nasrullah1*, Ahmad Nawaz Khoso1, Jamila Soomro2, Ilahi Bakhash Marghazani1, Masood-ul-Haq Kakar1, Abdul Hameed Baloch1, Sarfaraz Ahmed Brohi1 and Muhammad Asif Arain1* 

... to the goat. Meanwhile, drinking time was noted higher in sheep than goat. Moreover, goat exhibited higher resting, playing and other activities compared to sheep. Findings of dry matter intake (DMI), crude protein (CP) natural detergent fiber (NDF) and nutrient detergent fiber (NDF) were recorded significantly similar (P<0.05) in both species. Furthermore, digestibility of DM was observed similarly among two species whi...

Joseph Anejo-Okopi1*, Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1 and Onyemocho Audu2 

...ransmission; intravenous drug addiction or injection drug use accounts for the majority of many cases apart from hemodialysis patients, unprotected sexual intercourse, blood transfusion and vertical transmission. Therefore, there is a need for government commitment for HCV elimination program through making the DAAs available and its affordability to general population to curb the catastrophic cost of managing the epidemic. ...

Hafiz Abdul Ghafoor1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Luqman2, Muhammad Arshad Javed2, Syed Wasim Hasan3 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed

Khalid Khan1, Marguerite Wotto2, Saima Liaqat3, Gulawar Khan1, Balach Rasheed1, Sara Rafiq4 and Guo Xiangyu5* 

...collect data from one hundred tomato growers. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used for selection of the farmers. The Cobb-Douglas production function was used to estimate the technical efficiency and performance of the farmers. The study results disclosed that all explanatory variables have a positive impact on the farmers’ technical efficiency apart from pesticides. Additionally, the average technical performance of the farmer was 85% which sh...
Imad Hassan1, Bilal-ur-Rehman2, Muhammad Amir2, Faheem Ali2*, Salman Ilahi2 and Amjad Ali3 
...m biomass combustion has drawn significant attention because of its harmful effects on human health and environment. Consequently, it becomes important to have a simple and cost effective solution to avoid the problems of air pollution due to the combustion of biomass. Using an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is an effective method for the removal of particulate matter from industrial processes and boilers. This research proposes the development of a cost eff...

Abdul Raqeeb1,3, Syed Moazzam Nizami2,4*, Aamir Saleem3, Lubna Ansari3, Saeed Gulzar3, Basit Ali3, Masooma Saleem5

...c of naturally growing Cedrus deodara tree in dry temperate regions of Himalaya has been developed from the empirical data collected from four different locations with three sites each as representative of its naturally growing area. Destructive sampling including excavation of roots was carried for overall 60 trees. The results revealed generic equations for above ground biomass and volume. However, statistical analysis poi...

A.N. Ashfaque1, F. Shahina1 and S. Dawar2


Diversity of nematode fauna associated with cotton fields of high temperature areas of Sindh, Pakistan
...cted to construct the dendrogram for interpretation on the basis of their prevalence. In order to estimate nematode species diversity, richness and evenness, the data has been submitted for calculating the diversity parameters such as Dominance (D), Simpson’s diversity index (1-D), Shannon diversity index (H’), Evenness (e), Brillouin Diversity Index (HB), Menhinik Diversity , Margalef's richness index, Equitability (J) and Fisher's alpha. All esti...

U. A. Al-Karim, A. A. Alshimaysawe, A. E. Mohammed† , W. A. R. Aljaafri and F. A. Al-Fadhal

Evaluation of biological seed treatments for management of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton
...a spp., seeds treatments drastically suppressed the number of eggs isolated from cotton roots compared with the non-treated control. Abamectin also inhibited the number of vermiform life-stages found in the soil as compared to the nontreated control. Biological seed treatments produced no negative effects on plant growth. The use of different biological control agents as seed treatments can manage plant-parasitic nematodes and limit the crop damage.


A. S. M. El-Nuby1† , S. A. Montasser2 and I. A. El-Khadrawy

Control of root-knot nematodes using wild plants colonized Sinai, Egypt
...tion of extracts as soil drench was better than spraying them. The stock solution showed the highest reduction in nematode reproduction but the differences between 100% and 75% concentrations were non-significant. Our finding offers a non-poisonous tool that can insert in combating nematode programs especially for small-holder growers colonized Sinai Peninsula.


 K. Abbasi 1 , R. Wick2† and D. Zafari1

Chitinase activity of biocontrol fungi cultured from the golden potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis
...: justify;"> One hundred and fifty-four fungal isolates were compared for their ability to degrade chitin by the N-acetylglucosamine-dinitrosalicylate method. Ten isolates with high chitinase activity were selected for further characterization. Of the 10 selected isolates, three chitinase enzymes were evaluated using three substrates. Based on the results of our chitinase assay, Beauveria bassiana, Lecanicillium muscarium, Paecilomyces sp. and Trichoderma...

 Gulzar Mehmood1*, M. Zahid Khan1, Haseeb Ur Rahman1, and Sohail Abbas2

... is very important. To address this important issue, in this paper we propose a novel
secure session key establishment scheme for WBAN in health-care domain to ensure security and privacy of vital
sign related to human body. In the proposed scheme, session key is established for a specific period of time in order
to communicate important data related to vital signs of patients’ health securely. Hence, on the basis of this reliable

 Tajwali Khan1*, Ihtzaz Qamar1, Feroz Shah2, Kareem Akhtar2, Rehman Akhtar3

MODEL FOR FUEL DROPLET EVAPORATION IN COMBUSTION CHAMBER OF LIQUID PROPELLANT ROCKET ENGINES of liquid propellants droplets is very important to avoid combustion instability and to get higher
specific impulse from liquid rocket engines. Combustion takes place in gaseous phase and reaction is fast. So, the
time consumed by a droplet for complete burning is the time taken by a droplet to get evaporated. An analytical
mono component fuel ...

Ahmad Hussain1*, Syed Murtuza Mehdi2, Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Adeel3, Mohammed Hassan Jabal4, Farid Nasir Ani4 

such applications as lubricant in internal combustion engines and in industrial processes. In this paper, the impact
of mixing mineral oil at certain proportions with vegetable oil is discussed its use as commercial lubrication oil is
also outlined, The tribological attributes are investigated through the well known four ball tribotester method. In the
experiments, castor oil...

Muhammad Qasim Khan1, Syed Athar Masood1 

which are driven solely on profitability factor. Therefore, conventional productivity improvement models are
as such not fully applicable to public sector rebuild organizations. In this context, data of a public sector automobile
rebuild organization has been collected. Total and partial productivities of the organization have been measured and
analyzed by using Total Productivity Model (TPM). Detailed productivity analysis ...

Muhammad Amjad*1, Abdur Rafai1, Saeed Badshah1, Rafi Ullah Khan1, Sajjad Ahmad1 

... was meshed using tetrahedral element type. The simulation result show that maximum stress occurs at the neck of
the implant for each loading case. The stress level was approximately equal to the strength of Ti-27Nb in 100 Kg,
stand up position case. 


Mujahid Khan1*, Mohammad Tufail2, Muhammad Fahad1, Hazi Muhammad Azmathullah3, Muhammad Sagheer Aslam1, Fayaz Ahmad Khan4, Asif Khan5 

...of River Engineering and drainage control, USM, Malaysia.
The study shows that the pier scour depth and affected area around pier increase with the increase in pier size.
The study further demonstrates that the square pier models results in greater scour depth and area as compared to
circular pier models. Magnitudes of scour depths and area with reference to variation in shapes and sizes of piers
are also presented in this paper, al...

Younis Jamal1, Asad Naeem Shah1, Wasif Amin Butt1, Ahmad Naveed1*, Muhammad Usman1 

... carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and
smoke emissions along with better performance characteristics such as brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and
brake power (BP), while exhibit slightly higher oxides of nitrogen (NOx) relative to other combinations. Moreover,
the same combination also proves to be effective on emission control at 8 mode steady-state cycle.


Shafiullah1*, Mohammad Nafees2 

...ent measures. The
drain under study was observed for three months. In total 45 samples were collected from five different sites at the
rate of three samples per day (Morning, Afternoon and Evening). Each sample was a composite of three grab samples
collected with four hours intervals. All Samples were analyzed for physico-chemical characteristics. On comparison
with Pak NEQS it was observed that the municipal wastewater physicochemi...

 M. Ihsan Ul Haq1, Ahmad Hussain2*, Farzana Yasmeen3, Shafiq R. Qureshi4

...Non availability of safe drinkable water is the major source of diseases in the different regions of the world
especially remote rural and coastal areas. About 97% of water on earth is comprised of seawater. Desalination of
saline water is a prominent approach to handle the problem of water scarcity. Conventional desalination technologies
cause economic and environmental problems due to their dependency upon fossil fuels. Solar flash desal...

Nabeel Maqsood1,2*, Afzal Khan1, Muhammad Khalid Alamgir2, Shaukat Ali Shah1, Muhammad Fahad3 

...cidic media containing Hydrochloric acid (HCL). The anticorrosion property of the 316L SS and PTFE
coating was studied in 40% HCL by electrochemical corrosion test and potentiodynamic polarization curves at room
temperature and compared. The morphology of uncoated and coated substrates were examined by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) while the compositional analysis performed through energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX).

Khizar Azam1*, Abdul Shakoor1, Shahid Maqsood2, Muddasar Habib3, Muhammad Fahad4, Akhtar Zaib1 

... potential solution to address the energy crisis in Pakistan. 


Ghani Akbar1, Muhammad Munir Ahmad1, Abdul Ghafoor1, Matiullah Khan1, Zafar Islam1 

...or performance.
Addressing these issues, the three surface irrigation systems were evaluated on thirteen fields under routine farmer
management in Pakistan. Irrigation performance including application efficiency (AE), Potential Application Efficiency
(PAE), Adequacy (AD) and distribution uniformity (DU), of 17 irrigation events were evaluated and further potential
for improvement by optimising field sizes were identified using surf...

Nazish Huma Khan1, Mohammad Nafees1, Adila Bashir1, Farooq Ahmad1 

...ents via recycling of sundry plants. For this
purpose a detail study was conducted at paper mills and sundry plants at Hayatabad Industrial Estate. The plants
were examined for operation and sampled for waste water. Total 7 waste water samples were collected from selected
points of Paper mills, Industrial drain and Sundry plants. Sam...

Sajjad Ali1, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak1, Daulat Khan1, Mohammed Sharif2, Hamad Khan1, Asmat Ullah3,
Abdul Malik1 

PREDICTING FUTURE TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION OVER PAKISTAN IN THE 21ST CENTURY /> the likelihood of droughts in these regions. For the end century, positive precipitation departures were projected
throughout the country, except Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Southern Punjab, which showed negative departures
of (-1 to -19%). With the projected rise in mean annual temperature through Pakistan, several sectors such
as agriculture, energy, water supply and health will face serious challenges in the second half of ...

Shabana Rafique1, Shahnaz Parveen Khattak1, Tanveer Hussain2, Faiza Tauqeer1, Bashir Ahmad3 

...y for dyeing, finishing, drying and curing. Furthermore, elimination
of post wash treatment in this method caused little or no contamination. Despite its manifold advantages, the rubbing
fastness and fabric stiffness of pigment dyed fabrics in deeper shades is doubtful, hence needed further exploration.
The effect of various parameters i.e. finish type and concentration were taken in to consideration along different modes
of applica...

Farid Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Iqbal1 

...The less known electro-hydraulic shakers are more robust, but due to their high forces and
high velocities, these are usually utilized to characterize heavy samples. Electromagnetic shakers are the most reliable
and accurate and are increasingly used for accelerometers calibration and aerospace applications. Unlike mechanical
shakers, electromagnetic shakers can produce random vibrations and can also be used for shock tests. The reported

Faisal Shabbir*, Naeem Ejaz*, Daulat Khan**, Naveed Ahmad*, Jawad Hussain*, Muhammad Fiaz Tahir* 

...ater etc). In order to address such environmental issues related to cement manufacturing
there is dire need of replacing cement with other binders to be used in concrete. This study investigates the utilization of waste paper sludge ash (WPSA) in concrete. WPSA was partly replaced in the ratios of 5, 10, 15 and 20 percent of cement. Specimens were tested for initial setting time, final setting time, mechanical strengths (i.e. compressive and tensile str...

Asif Ali Khan*, Laiq Hassan*, Salim Ullah* 

...f the SW algorithm is quadratic. It is imperative to
use parallelism and distributed computing techniques in order to speed up this process. In this paper, we discuss and
evaluate an OpenMP based implementation of SW algorithm. All the experiments have been performed on a Linux
based multi-core machine thereby reducing the overall complexity of the SW algorithm from quadratic to linear. The

Suhaib*, Shahid Maqsood*, Sikandar Bilal Khattak*, Misbah Ullah*, Rehman Akhtar*, Rashid Nawaz*, Iftikhar Hussain*, Abdul Shakoor**, Khizar Azam** 

...using MATLAB in order to draw an ISO cost contour line around the optimum
location. The model is successfully developed and provides encouraging results. The cost analysis of each potential
location is also presented in this paper. 


Hamza Tariq1, Imran Hayat1, Saima Rafiq1*, Aqsa Qayyum2 and Sohrab Qayyum1 

...ys. Overall, the blended drink having 40% apple and 60% autumn olive juice RTS was highly acceptable. 


Waqas Anwar, Iftikhar Hussain 

... analysis using SPSS for drawing important conclusion from research. 


Waqas Anwar, Iftikhar Hussain 

... analysis using SPSS for drawing important conclusion from research. 


Shaista Naz1*, Noor P. Khan1, Himayatullah Khan1 and Azra2 

Does Women’s Participation in Livestock Management Enhance their Empowerment? An Insight from the Tribal Belt of Pakistan
... a debatable issue. To address the issue, this research is carried out in the tribal areas of Pakistan for which data were collected from 323 randomly selected female respondents from 323 randomly selected households in Mohmand Agency. The collected data were analyzed using percent participation, descriptive statistics, and Decision Making Index (DMI). The results showed that the decisions related to livestock management were mostly taken by both women and men...

Hina Fatima1*, Sania Shaheen2, Lal Khan Almas3 and Sehrish Haroon4

Profit Efficiency among Transplanting and Direct Seeded Rice Producers (Case Study of Certain Rice Growing Areas of Province Punjab, Pakistan)

Muhammad Naveed Anjum1, Abdur Rehman1*, Muhammad Niamatullah Khan1, Raheel Saqib2, Mohammad Fayaz3 and Iqbal Javed4

Impact of Microfinance on Socioeconomic Status of Farmers in District Dera Ismail Khan
...amily health status, children educational status, living standard, food/diet pattern, crop production and transportation and finally the constraints faced by the borrowers to get the loans from microfinance institutions. The primary data were collected from the 300 borrowers of microfinance institutions especially from Khushhali Bank limited through a well-designed structured questionnaire. The descriptive, inferential statistics, chi square statistics and sim...

Sajjad Haydar*, Zunaira Asif*, A. A. Bhatti**, Obaidullah Nadeem***, Ghulam Hussain*, Nadeem Abbas*

EFFICIENCY OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IN THE PUNJAB TANNERY SECTOR: A CASE STUDY OF DADA TANNERY treatment plants to address the issue. This study aims to evaluate the performance of wastewater
treatment plant (WWTP) of a local tanning industry. Raw wastewater showed high concentration of organic matter
and Chromium. Phosphorous concentration was found deficient for satisfactory biological treatment. WWTP showed
overall removal efficiency of 88.81, 84.54 and 62.31% for total suspended solids (TSS), five day biochemic...

 Farid Ullah Khan*, Atal Khattak*


 Muhammad Nafees*, Asim Nawab*, Wisal Shah**

...led on the main effluent drain

of Hayatabad Industrial Estate (HIE) for reducing pollution load. The objective of the study was to know about the
pollution removal efficiency and suggest changes in the existent treatment plant, if required. For this purpose, samples
were taken from the effluent, before and after it went through the treatment plant. It was found that the treatment
was not sufficient to remove variou...

 Akhtar Nawaz*, Sahar Noor*, Iftikhar Hussain*, Afzal Khan*, Shahid Rashid**, Rehman Akhtar*

...very lead time and helps draw a line of multiple decoupling points in the networks which is supposed to
yield best possible cost. The application of the model has been demonstrated through an example for its usefulness.
The results shows effectiveness of the proposed model and leads to recommendations for developing a comprehensive
and integrated methodology for designing interface for hybrid manufacturing supply chain netwo...

Waqas Anwar1*, Iftikhar Hussain1

... analysis using SPSS for drawing important conclusion from research.

 Muhammad Khurram Ali*, Raft Javed Qureshi**, Mirza Jahanzaib***

SELECTING FACILITY LOCATION USING HYBRID METHODOLOGIES IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: A CASE OF CEMENT PLANT problem. This paper addresses a real world case study of the problem of selecting a country best suitable for a new cement plant installation among the list offour alternatives. The irreversible nature of the crucial decision requires analysis of wi...

Nisar Mohammad٭, Mohammad Mansoor Khan٭, Noor Mohammad٭

...ign: justify;">Talc is hydrated magnesium silicate with chemical formula Mg3Si4O10(OH)2. In natural form pure talc is an extreme rarity and it is mostly associated with undesired minerals like magnesite, calcite, dolomite, quartz, muscovite, chlorite, tremolite and iron bearing minerals. These associated minerals determine the quality of talc for industrial purpose and if in access, limits its applications. In present research work, beneficiation studies of ca...

Farid Ullah Khan*

...dB respectively. Current drawn and power delivered are maximum, when the shaker is operated at the resonant frequency. Operating on the resonant frequency of 60 Hz, a maximum power of 0.6 W is delivered to the shaker at -48 dB gain level.
Khizar Azam٭, Abdul Shakoor٭, Riaz Akbar Shah٭, Afzal Khan٭, Shaukat Ali Shah٭,
Muhammad Shahid Khalil٭٭
...ompare the proportion of driver fatigue related RTC on the Motorways and National Highways of Pakistan. Data were collected from the National Highways and Motorway Police (NHMP). Data for 2003 to 2012 of all RTC on Motorways and 2003-2011 on the National Highways (N-5) were examined extensively by applying Australian Transportation Safety Bureau (ATSB) criteria for determining fatigue related RTC. The Total number of RTC on Motorways during 2003-2012 was 1750 ...

Gul Rukh*, Iftikhar Khan* M. Naeem Arbab*, Uzma Nawaz*

...presents a design of a hydroelectric scheme specially proposed for low head applications. After carefully studying the hydrology and geographical conditions of the site, turbine is designed for the heads of 3 to 10 meters obtainable from streams and irrigation channels. The low efficiency in already existing hydroelectric scheme used is addressed and com...

Shaukat Ali*, Shah Khusro*, Laiq Hasan**, Asif Ali Khan**

...eir understandings and address the open issues and challenges which exist or can emerge in this novel paradigm. A number of research dimensions are also highlighted to help researchers in finding research topics.



M. Rizwan Gul*

... strain to failure, with dry abrasive wear properties comparable to UHMWPE. Unirradiated LDPE on the other hand exhibit low strength and strain to failure, and comparatively high wear rate. UHMWPE has the highest cross-linking efficiency, while HDPE and LDPE show low cross-link densities. Cross-linking induces brittleness in the materials except in case of LDPE, and improves wear rate of LDPE and UHMWPE. However, the wear rate of HDPE increases with cross-link...

Muhammad Waseem*, Irshad Ahmad**, Rawid Khan**, Bashir Alam**, Khan Shahzada**, Muhammad Javed**

... for analysis under both dry and completely saturated conditions. Pseudo-static approach was used for the seismic stability analysis. The peak ground acceleration value for stability analysis was obtained from the seismic hazard analysis. Two soil slope conditions were considered, and one was found in critical condition. Retaining wall, Soil nails and ground anchors were assumed in the analysis for stability of slope with critical condition. Peak ground accele...

Syed Farasat Ali Shah*, Amjad Naseer**, Rashid Rehan**

...n concrete industry to address the problem of disposal of such wastes.

Azam Khan*, Irshad Ahmad**

...trength, stability and hydrostatic collapse have been performed.

Hazrat Hussain*, Muhammad Ibrahim**, Navid Ahmed***, Zia ul Haq**, Bashir Alam***

...d by the surface water hydrology division of WAPDA was analyzed. Based on the available data and using regression analysis a model is developed to establish a correlation between water discharge and sediment load. The model is an attempt to ascertain the rate of erosion in the catchment of the Gomal River since no generalized model has so far been developed to explain the nature of such weathering activities and all such works are situation...

Tanveer Sultan1, Anwaar Ahmed1, Aqsa Qayyum2*, Amer Mumtaz2 and Naeem Khalid be a good source to address this demand. In the present study, we investigated the supplementation of buckwheat @ 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% in durum wheat to make egg-free pasta of good quality. Rheological studies (dough development time, dough stability, water absorption and mixing tolerance index) were significantly affected (p≤0.05) by the supplementation of buckwheat flour. There was a gradual increase in the ash (0.88±0.02 to 1.72&plusm...

Sajad Ali1*, Jangraiz Khan2, Arshadullah Jadoon3, Muhammad Riaz4 and Abid Khan1

Evaluation of Farmers Socioeconomic Characteristics Influencing Tomato Output in District Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...ato (Kharif) growers was drawn from 16 villages of district Peshawar. Chi-Square and Pearson Rank correlation tests were employed to find out the association and correlation between level of productivity and socio-economic characteristics of tomato growers such as education level, work involvement, family size, farming experience, age, and source of income and land size. The results showed a highly significant positive relationship of tomato production with al...

Syed Mufeed Hadi Naqvi1*, Badar Naseem Siddiqui1, Waqar-Ul-Hassan Tareen1, Muhammad Ameer Qarib Naqvi2 and Naseeb Hussain3

Usage of Mobile Phone by Vegetable Growers and its Impact on Vegetable Production
...d to make a total one hundred and twenty respondents for the study. Most (44.2%) of the respondents of present study were present in middle age group and one out of three (31.7%) of the respondents were young and belong to age group of 15-35 years. Slightly more than one out of four (28.3%) of the respondent were owner-cum-tenant. Majority (76.7%) of them were literate at various level and they used smartphone by this they obtain information regarding vegetabl...
Sumaira, Ali Mujtaba Shah*, Ghulam Asghar Solangi, Ifra Anwar, Qudratullah Kalwar as water, fat, carbohydrates, lactose, protein, minerals, nutrients and catalysts. A total of 20 % milk is obtained from different species including sheep, ass, horse, yak, goat, bison and camel while the 80 % milk is produced by cows. Milk of camel plays an essential part in the diet of human. Additionally, camel milk comprises numerous fatty acids and enzymes. Hence camel milk has many beneficial effects, such as antiviral, antibacterial, anti-diabetic, a...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Saima Sadaf1, Adnan Ahmad1, Usman Rafique1 and Muhammad Arshad Javed1

An Assessment of Farmers’ Awareness Level Regarding Integrated Farming System in District Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
...rotection that help in addressing socio-economic challenges. An integrated farming system (IFS) holds a special position with the central concept that nothing is supposed to be wasted here. It is an integrated approach to farming compared with existing monoculture approach. It passes on to an agricultural system that integrates crop production and livestock. IFS helps small scale farmers to increase cash income, improve quality and quantity of food produced by...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Saima Sadaf1, Adnan Ahmad1, Usman Rafique1 and Muhammad Arshad Javed1

An Assessment of Farmers’ Awareness Level Regarding Integrated Farming System in District Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
...rotection that help in addressing socio-economic challenges. An integrated farming system (IFS) holds a special position with the central concept that nothing is supposed to be wasted here. It is an integrated approach to farming compared with existing monoculture approach. It passes on to an agricultural system that integrates crop production and livestock. IFS helps small scale farmers to increase cash income, improve quality and quantity of food produced by...

Shahida Nasreen Zakir*, Samina Siddiqui*, Nasreen Ghaffar* and Zia Ul Haq**

...index for irrigation and drinking purpose. A total of 95 groundwater samples at 1.5 to 30 m depths were collected in triplicate during wet and dry seasons. All samples were analyzed for pH, EC, TDS, SO4 2-, HCO3 -1, CO3 -2,Cl-1, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ , Fe+3 and K+ The result of this study showed that according to water quality index (WQI) of WHO all groundwater samples were categorized as good water and considered s...

Asadullah Saleem* and Nadeem Ehsan*

...n: justify;">performance drivers necessary for achieving long term goals.

Shahrukh Khalid* and Athar Mahboob**

...P/IP model which is IP address centric. All nodes which want to communicate must have unique IP addresses. Auto-configuration refers to assignment of unique IP addresses to the nodes of MANETs. Due to characteristics of MANETs, assignment of IP addresses to nodes is a non-trivial problem and renders itself as an open issue and potential pr...

Abroon Jamal Qazi*, Afzal Khan*, Muhammad Tahir Khan*, Muhammad Ali Kamran* and Khizar Azam*

...he semi-active system is driven by a fuzzy logic controller that is based on the feedback of relative displacement of the suspension with respect to the road disturbance and relative velocity across the damper. Fuzzy logic control can cope with the nonlinearities of system using heuristic rules. Three gains are incorporated in the system corresponding to the inputs and output of the controller. Particle swarm optimization method is utilized for ...
Faheem Ali1, Muhammad Amir1, Muhammad Iftikhar Khan1, Muhammad Naeem Arbab1, Abdul Basit2, Muhammad Kashif Khan1, Gulzar Ahmad1
...ed in this paper which addresses the real time varying reactive VAR requirement with reduced harmonic content.

Behram Khan1, Amir Nawaz Khan2, Said Qasim3, Atta-ur Rahman4

...y data sources. Three hundred adult residents in five sample villages along Chora River and its tributaries were interviewed by using a structured questionnaire which covered approximately 20% of the total households. Respondents’ perceptions were investigated about the occurrence of flash floods, flood damages, nature of affinity towards flood prone areas and adaptation strategies. Cartographic and statistical techniques were applied to process and anal...

 Gulzar Ahmad1, M. Inayatullah Babar2

...iciency have been addressed. A wideband and efficient microstrip patch antenna of 9×18mm2 size has been proposed for satellite and other fields of communications in future. The size of the antenna is very small and will definitely require a small space in the electronic equipment. An efficient substrate material was employed in the antenna that is known as Preperm L-450. Dielectric constant of this mentioned material is 4.4 and its he...

 Uzma Nawaz1*, Muhammad Iftikhar Khan1, Muhammad Naeem Arbab1

...heir use have not been addressed. The main component of UPS system is the battery, which is costly and has to be replaced after its useful service life. Failure to do so, the cost of utility bills increases since batteries operate charge at low efficiency, and have undesirable impact on consumer loads. In this work a survey highlighting the technical and economic issues with UPS system is described that allowed obtaining a cost model based ...

 Saman Shahid1, Shahid Ali1, Muhammad Abdullah Ahmad1, Sarfraz Munir2

... irrigation system. To address these problems, the canals can be analyzed to point out the flaws in design and operation mechanism. This study used a Physics based mathematical model, which can aid the engineers to design and analyze the canals on scientific basis. The research evaluated the existing design of BRBD link canal using SETRIC (Sediment Transport in Irrigation Canals) model based on Saint Venant shallow water equation and also, compared the sedimen...

 Muhammad Qasim Khan1*, Syed Athar Masood1 and Shahzad Naeem Qureshi2

...a from a total of two hundred and sixty-two respondents representing twenty-one different automobile rebuild organizations was compiled through quantitative survey and analyzed statistically through SPSS. Results implied that public sector automobile rebuild organizations due to certain peculiar characteristics possess low productivity and essentially require a distinct productivity improvement model. Based on the shortcomings/inadequacies ident...

 Muhammad Shahzad1, Arif Iqbal Umar1, Syed Hamad Shirazi1, Muhammad Tariq Pervez2*, Zakir Khan1, Waqas Yousaf1

...elps virologists in drug designing and vaccine development.


 Nashitah Alwaz1, Safdar Raza1*, Sadaqat Ali1

A COMMUNICATION-FREE SIGNAL GENERATING TECHNIQUE FOR REACTIVE POWER CORRECTION IN ISLANDED MICROGRID the load demands. The droop control methods are normally used for appropriate power sharing. However, these control techniques suffer badly due to the feeder impedances and uncontrollable power coupling issues. Many techniques have been proposed to share power accurately, most of them rely on communication
link. In this work a localized/communication free signal generating mechanism is proposed. The mechani...

 Zawar Hussain Khan1*, T. Aaron Gulliver2, Khizar Azam3, Khurram Shehzad Khattak4

...l and psychological driver behavior. Physiological behavior is the time taken to observe and process local traffic conditions and then initiate actions while psychological behavior includes the attitude and awareness of a driver. Thus, the traffic constant encompasses the perception, awareness, attitude, and reaction of a driver. The proposed model is evaluated for chan...

Altaf Hussain Rajpar1, Abdul Hameed Memon1, Mohammad Akram Shaikh2, Weimin Zhang3

... hand-eye coordination addresses four distinct problems i) Integration of vision control and motion control ii) hand-eye coordinate transformation iii) orientation of hand with target object iv) hand-eye localization. For hand localization and to limit the orientation problem a blue colored rectangle block was pasted on the robot hand. The blue colored rectangle block four sides were detected by applying karhunen loeve (K-L) transform, Houg...

 Riaz Sayed1, Khizar Azam1, Waqar Shah1, Inayat Babar1, Hamidullah1, and Sahar Noor1

...influence of fatigue and drowsiness is one of the leading causes of accidents throughout the world. The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) estimates that every year driver fatigue causes close to 100,000 crashes in the United States. These accidents results in1,544 fatalities, 71,000 injuries, and $12.5 billion in monetary losses in the US alone. Around the world, thousands of lives are lost&nb...

 Asad Naeem Shah1,2, GE Yun-shan1, HE Chao1,3

...nbsp;which increased the droplet momentum and tip penetration. The ambient pressure displayed a stronger impact on ‘L’ and ‘β’ of the fuels, compared with injection duration. The ‘L’ was increased, while ‘β’ decreased with the decrease in Pamb due to the decrease in resistance to penetration velocity. The shapes of spray images of two fuels were almost similar. However, B20 exhibited larg...

 Iftikhar Ahmad1, Sahar Noor1

CHARACTERIZATION OF CERAMICS WALL TILES USING LOCAL TALC AS A FLUXING AGENT percentage which drastically boosted fired strength, stabilized thermal shrinkage, thermal expansion to an optimum level and controlled the excessive water absorption. All these properties variations are in favor of good and free of defects wall tiles. The use of talc indicated that a normal strength (200-220 kg/cm2) can be acquired using 20% talc even at lower temperature of 1030-1050°C compared to 1160-1167°C used in local indu...

 Arshad Ali1, Hashim Nisar Hashmi2


Farah Mahmood1, Mohammad Inayatullah Babar1, Syed Waqar Shah1, Hamid Ullah1, Riaz Akbar Syed1

... multiple care of addresses handoff assistance.

 Usman Ali Naeem*, Hashim Nisar*, Habib-ur-Rehman** and Naeem Ejaz*

..."text-align: justify;">Hydrological command of waterway system has been altering beneath the crash of mutually environment disparity and human actions in the overall milieu. With the advent of technology it is now possible to model the complete resource allocation of any hydrological network duly integrating both natural and artificial networks. Advance applications allow an excellent automated system to monit...

Arshad Habib Malik*, Aftab Ahmed Memon** and Muhammad Rafiq Khan***

...put error dynamics are addressed and a multi-objective optimization problem is solved using LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) formulation. Fast output feedback gains are computed using LMI tool for MATLAB. An advanced fast output sampling controller is evaluated for power maneuvering from 270 MWth to 310 MWth on the nuclear power plant in Pakistan and found highly efficient and satisfactory within the control design constraints.

 Muhammad Shaheen*, Muhammad Shahbaz*, Zahoor ur Rehman* and Sajid Mehmood*

...ves. In Pakistan, hydrocarbons are considered to be one of the major sources of energy. The contribution of hydrocarbon to overall development will be considered sustainable only if the hydrocarbon exploration rate will conform to its consumption rate. To ensure sustainable energy development, sustainability indicators had been agreed by world experts in a summit held i...

Rashidullah*, Irshad Ahmad**

...sp;results obtained at bedrock are 0.28g by BA08 NGA attenuation relation.

 Muhammad Waseem*, Irshad Ahmad**, Muhammad Asif Khan**

... toll of about a hundred thousand people and monitory losses of about five billion US dollars. After this earthquake, most of research activities were directed to define earthquake hazard. However, amongst other problems in those studies, one hard decision is the use of attenuation relationship as no such equation is developed for Pakistan. These studies either do not consider the newly developed New Generation Attenuation (NGA) equations o...

Parakriti Gupta1, Kapil Goyal2 and Mini Pritam Singh3*

Hepatitis E Virus and Zoonosis
... monsoon season when the drinking water gets contaminated with sewage. However, the mode of acquisition of infection is different in developed nations with good sanitary conditions where the infection is a zoonosis. Though the virus has only one serotype, 8 genotypes have been documented. Out of these, HEV 1 and 2 have been reported from developing countries and are transmitted mainly through faeco-oral route while HEV 3 and 4 are reported from developed count...

Mehwish Liaquat1*, Arshad Mahmood Malik1, Muhammad Ishaq1, Hafiz Muhammad Qasim Ashraf2 and Ismara Naseem

...ed at the Institute of Hydroponic Agriculture PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi to check the growth and germination behaviour of different tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) varieties grown under hydroponic conditions. Five different tomato varieties (Berberana F1, Lezaforta F1, Elipida F1, Premium Ruby and Cherry Tomato) were used for the experiment. Growth related parameters such as shoot length, root length; st...

Markus I. Francis1*, Paul I. Ankeli2, Clara N. Kwanashie1, Jibril Adamu1, Lushaikyaa Allam1, Mashood A. Raji3, Godwin O. Egwu4, Flavio Sacchini5 and Massimo Scacchia5

Detection of Mycoplasma bovis from Cattle Presented for Slaughter in Adamawa and Taraba States, Northeastern Nigeria
...eastern Nigeria. Four hundred and eighty (480) samples of lung tissues (180), nasal swab (180), ear swab (60) and pleural fluid (60) were collected from 190 heads of cattle at slaughter in Yola and Jalingo abattoirs in Adamawa and Taraba States, respectively Samples were processed based on standard laboratory protocols. An overall Mycoplasma bovis isolation rate of 0.83% (4/480) was obtained. Based on the states studied, 1 (0.35%) and 3 (1.53%) M. bovis were i...

Uzma Arif1, Sadar Uddin Siddiqui2, Muhammad Fareed Khan1, Muhammad Arshad3 and Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi

...seedling biomass (g) and dry seedling biomass (g); revealing significant differences at all temperature regimes, controlled incubation period for ageing as well as their interaction. Rising temperatures was much steeper and negatively correlated as compared to the incubation period. The germination rate declined gradually at all temperatures, whereas, at higher temperature of 45°C accompanied with longer incubation periods (D5 and D6) the germination proce...
Fang Liu*
...cellular TH+ (tyrosine hydroxylase) axons, and attracts magnocelluar vasopressin+ axons in the hypothalamus.

Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal1*, Ijaz Ahmad2, Shahzad Maqsood Ahmed Basra3, Abu Baker Ijaz4, Zahid Hassan Tarar5, Muhammad Ansar6, Umer Iqbal7, Tayyaba Naz4, Bilquees Fatima8, Muhammad Akram9, Allah Wasaya10, Asif Iqbal11, Shakeel Ahmed Anwar12, Khalid Saif Ullah Khan13, Azeem Khalid14, Asif Aziz15 and Rashid Mehmood16 

...d their size. Spray of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), salicylic acid (SA) and ascorbic acid (AsA) may induce heat stress tolerance. Spray of SA, AsA, and H2O2 increased chlorophyll, relative water and nutrient contents, membrane stability index (MSI) and antioxidants activities in heat stress. Moreover, foliar application of chemicals during normal and late planting improved the grain yield by increasing both the grain number and size. Foliar spray of SA, AsA and H...

Ghulam Murtaza1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Ashraf Malik2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad3 

...h. Saline irrigation has drastic effects, limiting normal physiological activity and productive capacity of crops. The saline water irrigation leads to salt accumulation in the vicinity of roots which results in reduced yield along with soil deterioration. Organic matter application can prove helpful in keeping the salt level low in root rhizosphere. To check the efficacy of organic matter in mitigating the harmful impacts of salty water irrigation on soil cha...

Muhammad Usama Hameed*, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Sajjad Khan and Allah Bakhsh 

...than check). In terms of dry matter 20.100% increase in dry matter yield over check variety S-2000 was recorded (PARC Oat: 21.84 tha-1, S-2000 17.45 tha-1). In National Uniform Fodder Yield Trials (NUFYT) for first year (during 2010-11) it produced average yield 46.71 tha-1 while check variety S-2000 produced 43.45 tha-1 (6.9% Increase) at seven different agro-ecological locations. During 2011-12 and 2013-14 average yield wa...
Guang-Hui Tan, Yi-Yu Zhang*, Yuan-Yu Qin, Lei Wu and Jie-Zhang Li
...">Cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) plays a crucial role in the synthesis of bile acid, fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism in human and rodent. However, a little was known in the literature on the question of the effect of CYP7A1 gene on poultry lipid homeostasis. This study was performed to investigate the effect of the polymorphisms of CYP7A1 gene on lipid traits in Tianzhu Black Muscovy (Cairina moschata). We detected two novel silent muta...

Zakeer Ahmed Khan Abbasi* and Allah Nawaz 

...the local responses to address the impact of climate change in agriculture sector in the context of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab provinces of Pakistan. Pakistan’s agriculture is vulnerable to the cataclysmic transformations in the climate system; causing productivity loss, soil degradation, water scarcity, resource depletion etc. Climate change awareness empowers the farming communities to take appropriate measures to mitigate the negative consequences ...

Haiyan Yang1, Hongxia Liu1, Wenlong Wu1*, Weilin Li2 and Lianfei Lyu’ was chosen for drought stress analysis. All plants were grown in pots under greenhouse conditions, and were subjected to 20-day drought stress by withholding irrigation, followed by re-watering for 5 days. The changes in leaf water content (LWC), electrolyte leakage (EL), concentrations of photosynthetic pigments, protein, soluble sugar, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde ...
Roni Koneri1*, Meis Nangoy2 and Pience V. Maabuat1
...osition and diversity of dragonflies in Tunan Waterfall area, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Sampling was conducted from March 2018 to May 2018 at at three types of habitat, namely primary forest, secondary forest, and agricultural land. At each habitat type were laid four 300-metre-long transect lines. The lines were placed along the river of each habitat type, and sampling was carried out along the lines using sweep nets. From the research, 7 families, 20 specie...
Faruk Çolak1 and Ferhat Matur2,3,*
...smic signalling, by head drumming, to convey species-specific information. The lesser blind mole rats (Nannospalax sp.) are obligate subterranean rodents known for their remarkable chromosomal variation. In the present study, we investigated whether the structure of seismic signalling is different between the two species found in Turkey, Nannospalax leucodon and the N. xanthodon and whether it is associated with ecological, sex, temporal a...

Olga Mikhailovna Blinnikova1*, Vadim Anatolyevich Babushkin1, Lyudmila Gennadievna Eliseeva2 and Galina Severyanovna Usova3

Modeling a Formulation and Assessment of the Consumer Properties of the Special Purpose Starch Drink
...e consumer. Using of a hydrolyzate of collagen as a component of the enriched foodstuff opens unlimited opportunities of production of the goods for functional, medical preventive and medical purposes, capable to fill the shortage of collagen and to stimulate the human body to produce its own protein. Drinking kissel is a perspective product type for enrichment the CCR (Central Chernosem Region’s) fruit and berry’s by collagen and natural physiolog...

Syeda Farzana Bibi* and Siraj-ud-Din

Fluorescence Analysis, Extractive Values and Cytotoxic Screening of Crataeva adansonii DC Leaf and Bark through Brine Shrimp Larvae Assay
...adulterated or exhausted drugs. It lays down parameters for authentication and standardization of drugs. The cytotoxic study helps in the evaluation of a drug for its toxicity, which is determined by the prevention of growth and replication. Such drugs can be used to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. During the present study etha...
Mahak Fatima1, Memoona Syed1, Rabia Zeeshan2, Farah Rauf Shakoori3, Naveed Shahzad4, Moazzam Ali1 and Zeeshan Mutahir1*
...nt-size: small;">Nudix hydrolase 1 (NUDT1) or human MutT homolog 1 (MTH1) catalyzes the conversion of oxidized purine nucleotides to their monophosphate forms, thus preventing their incorporation into DNA and subsequently to oxidative damage. The present study explores the relationship between MTH1 gene silencing and its outcome on the growth of gemcitabine resistant breast cancer cells named MCF7-R. For this purpose, we transfected MCF7-R cells with
Maryam Yousaf1, Naveed Shahzad2, Zeeshan Mutahir1 and Moazzam Ali1*
...ys have been linked with drug resistance in various cancers. However, the role of Rab21, an endocytic Rab GTPase, in the emergence of drug resistance is not known. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the role of Rab21 in MRP-1, drug efflux pump, mediated resistance in prostate cancer cells. Drug sensitive (PC-3/Wt) and epirubicin resistant (PC-3/Res) prostate cancer cell lines were used in ...
Muhammad Khan1, Tehmina Ameer Khan1, Aziz Ud Din2, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Irfan Ullah3,*, Kalim Ullah4, Sadia Tabassum1,*
...l records. Three mitochondrial encoded genes 16S-rRNA (MT-RNR2), tRNAIle (MT-TI) and tRNALeu (MT-TL1) were targeted for analysis of mutation. Genomic DNA was extracted from buccal swab using Phenol: Chloroform: protocol. The target genes were amplified via polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The amplified gene products were sequenced and compared with the revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS) Accession-No. N_012920.1. Four mutat...
Kui Li1, Lijun Li1, Jialun Fu2, Yi He2, Zhaohui Song2, Shuiping Zhou2Luobu Gesang1* and Rui Liu2*
...stering compound Danshen dripping pills (CDDPs) on acute mountain sickness (AMS). To this end, a total number of 58 healthy low-altitude inhabitants residing in Beijing were randomized to two treatment sequences, receiving either 270mg CDDPs or placebo during an 11-day trip in Tibet, China, at an altitude of more than 3000 m. The Lake Louise Scoring System (LLSS) was also utilized to access AMS incidence and severity, twice a day, during the research period. A...

Ali Hazrat1*, Mohammad Nisar1, Khan Sher2, Jehandar Shah2, Tour Jan1 and Abid Ullah1

Taxonomic and Medicinal Study of Papilionaceae of District Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...i flowers and leaves are dried and powdered. One spoon of powder is taken twice a day for one week to cure jaundice, Vicia faba can be eaten before it is fully ripened in the same way as broad beans, fully ripened seed requires overnight soaking to soften it before cooking. All the species of the selected family are reported for the first time and studied for medicinal purposes.

Muhammad Rizwan1*, Bilal Atta1, Ana Maria Marino de Remes Lenicov2, Roxana Mariani2, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Muhammad Tahir3, Misbah Rizwan4, Muhammad Sabar1, Ch. Muhammad Rafique1, Muhammad Afzal5
...osts, Trifolium alexandrium, Leptochloa chinensis, Helianrhus allus, Medicago polymorpha and Sorghum bicolor were recorded for L. striatellus, while Leptochloa chinensis, Helianrhus allus, Medicago polymorpha, Sorghum bicolor, Zea mays and Cynodon dactylon were recorded for S. furcifera for the first time. N. lugens was recorded on weeds Leptochloa chinensis
Shagufta Parveen1*, Kousar Perveen1, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Amir Gilani2, Muhammad Musadaq3 concludes that children in which weaning is started before 6 months of age are less likely to be underweight or shorter than the 50th percentile of height for their age, and therefore less likely to be malnourished, than infants in whom weaning is started at 6 months of age or later. 

Erum Bughio1, Ahmed Sultan Jatoi1*, Jibran Hussain2, Muhammad Hayat Jaspal3, Shahid Mehmood2, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq4, Reema Bughio5 and Athar Mahmud2

Comparative Study of Carcass Traits in Four Strains of Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) at 3 to 6 Weeks of Age
...ccess to clean and fresh drinking water through automatic nipple drinkers all the times. There was a provision of ad-libitum broiler-quail ration feeding as per NRC standard. Data on live weight, dressing percentage, keel length, keel angle, length of shank, giblets and length of intestine were calculated. ANOVA technique was used for data analysis and DMR Test for comparison of means. Sig...
Tehmina Aslam, Shagufta Saeed*, Muhammed Tayyab, Huma Mujahid, Ali Raza Awan, Sehrish Firyal and AbuSaeed Hashmi
...r the synthesis of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) by Azotobacter vinelandii. The optimization of different carbon sources and various physical parameters was also performed. Highest yield of PHB was obtained by fermentation of 4% (w/v) wheat bran after 48 h of incubation with 4% (v/v) inoculum volume at pH 7.0 and 37oC. Among different nitrogen sources tested, 0.2% peptone gave the better yield (285 mg/100 mL), while yeast extract decreased the am...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,*, Samina J.N. Ahmad1,2,*, Mubashir Ahmad Malik1, Abid Ali1, Muhammad Ali3, Ejaz Ahmad1, Muhammad Tahir2 and Muhammad Ashraf2
... performed using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene based primers. Gel electrophoresis of the PCR products of desert locustsindicated a 710bp amplified DNA fragment on 1.5% agarose gel. DNA sequence analysis of PCR product indicated that specimens shared a 99-100% identity with Schistocerca gregaria gregaria)(Forskål, 1775). Molecular phylogenetic analysis and evolutionary divergence study also revealed the formation of same cluster in ...

Muhammad Jan1*, Tanveer ul Haq2, Hina Sattar3, Madiha Butt4, Abdul Khaliq5, Muhammad Arif6 and Abdul Rauf

...ditions like heat waves, dry spell, sustained drought and precipitation adversely reducing the crop productivity and these are considered as an alarming issue for the crop production in rainfed areas. Chick pea is deemed to be regarded as a drought sensitive crop. The low water and fertilizer demand and its ability to grow on marginal land is an excellent choice for the farming community. ...

Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Abdul Rasul Naseem1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Muhammad Khalid2, Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich3 and Muhammad Arif soils. For addressing this objective, a study was undertaken to investigate the ameliorative effect of humic acid (HA) with gypsum on rice-wheat crops under saline-sodic condition (ECe = 4.71 dS m-1, SAR = 31.82, pHs = 9.10). Different combinations of gypsum and humic acid tested were: T1 - control, T2 - gypsum @ 100 % GR, T3 - gypsum @ 75 % GR+ HA @ 15 kg ha-1, T4 - gypsum @ 75 % GR+ HA @ 30 kg ha-1, T5 - gypsum @ 50 % GR+ HA @ 15 kg ha-1, T6 - gy...
Huma Abbas1*, Nazir Javed1,Muhammad Kamran2, Sajid Aleem Khan1Hira Abbas3, Ehetisham-ul-Haq2, Abdul Jabbar1, Mehwish Naz1 and Ihsan Ullah4
...pplication methods; soil drench and root dip was also tested. Results revealed that all the chemicals have more or less systemic effect against M. incognita. Cartap was found to be more effective in reduction of egg masses followed by Virtako in both treated and untreated root portion. Number of egg masses was reduced significantly in Cure and Azadirachtin in treated (45.7, 58.2) as well untreated root portion (93.7, 80.7) respectively. In soil

Israr Yasin1, Ismail Qureshi1*, Shahjahn Qaimkhani1, Gulam Mustafa Solangi3, Ismail Qaimkhani1, Ismail Brohi1 and Abdul Ahad Soomro2

A Perspective on Household Dairy Farming in District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan
...rovince Pakistan. Six hundred households were selected from 40 villages in four out of nine Talukas (administrative units) using multistage clustering method. Estimates of the study revealed that 54% of the households possessed buffaloes. Average number of buffaloes was estimated at 4.28 while 376 (63%) of the household reported cattle with average number of 4.38 heads per household. Small numbers of buffalo and cattle bulls were recorded. Average number of 5....

Khalil Ahmed1*, Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Abdul Rasul Naseem1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Muhammad Khalid2, Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich3 and Muhammad Arif4

Use of Hyacinth Compost in Salt-Affected Soils
...) = 1.66 (Mg m-3), HC (hydraulic conductivity) = 0.35 (cm hr-1). Rice and wheat, crops were grown in the rotation. Data analysis showed that gypsum and hyacinth compost remarkably improved the soil SAR, pHs, ECe, BD, HC, growth and yield characteristics of rice and wheat crops, however at the same time use of gypsum and hyacinth compost in combination proved more superior to their sole application. Hyacinth compost @ 10 and 15 t ha-1 with gypsum @ 50 % of GR p...

Adnan Arshad1*, Huma Qamar2, Ristina Siti-Sundari3, Zhang Yue1, Muhammad Zubair2, Muhammad Ali Raza4, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rehman5 and Lizhen Zhang1*

Phenotypic Plasticity of Spineless Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Cultivars in Response to Exogenous Application of Salicylic Acid under Rainfed Climate Conditions
...treme climate, prolonged droughts, rise in temperatures, and erratic rainfall are common factors affecting crop productions in rainfed areas worldwide. This research intended to identify spineless Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) performance in acclimating changing climate, as safflower has gained prominence as an oilseed industry due to its hardiness in nature. A two-factor factorial experiment using completely randomized block design (RCBD) followed by fi...

Kanwar Muhammad Raheel Mehboob1, Rashid Iqbal2*, Muhammad Israr3,4, Jaweria Shamshad5, Umair Riaz6, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rahman7,8, Fawad Ali9, Arif Nawaz10, Maliha Sarfraz11, Abdul Waheed12, Muhammad Tahir Khan13 and Muhammad Aslam2


Assessment of the Consequences of Heat Changes on Cotton Cultivars Growth, Phenology and Yield at Different Sowing Regimes
... index (LAI) 4.38, total dry matter (TDM) 1033 g m-2, leaf area duration (LAD) 275.6 days and mean harvest development rate 6.51g m-2 day-1 were recorded on April 30 sowing. Yield contributing boundaries like opened boll, average boll weight and 100-seed weight altogether shifted and highest seed cotton yield 3847 kg ha-1 was acquired by cv. MNH-886 when it was planted on April 30.


Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi1*, Ayoola Olugbenga Oladele2 and Ibrahim Maharazu3

Profitability Analysis and Marketing Efficiency of Soyabean (Glycine max) Value Chain among Actors in Abuja, Nigeria collected from one hundred and fifty (150) randomly selected soyabeans marketers, using well- structured, well-designed questionnaire. Data obtained were coded, analyzed using descriptive statistics, gross margin analysis, financial analysis, marketing margin, marketing efficiency, Probit model analysis, five point Likert scale and principal component analysis. The results revealed that most (86.33%) of the soyabean marketers were between the ages of 31-60 ...
Safina Naz1, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi2*, Bushra Siddique3, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4 and Abdur Rehman5 
Exogenous Application of Selected Antioxidants and Phyto Development Directors Influenced the Development, Output and Biochemical Attributes of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)
...e. Ascorbic acid and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid on development, fruit bearing, output along with biochemical attributes of Lycopersicum esculentum fruits during 2014 and 2015. Foliar spray of GA3(100 ppm) and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (200 parts/million and 100 parts/million) give rise to significantly taller plants and greater leaf area while, shorter plants and lower leaf area was recorded in control. Greater leaf number per plant ...

Safina Naz1*, Muhammad Akbar Anjum1, Bushra Siddique2, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3*, Sajid Ali1, Hassan Sardar1, Sakeena Tul Ain Haider1, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4, Hajra Azeem3, Sibghat Ullah5, Shah Pasand6 and Zehri Khan5

Effect of Sewage Water Irrigation Frequency on Growth, Yield and Heavy Metals Accumulation of Tomato and Okra
...ficant increase in the addressed attributes of production in okra. The yield, as well as growth aspects of the okra, were reduced noticeably by using the reasonably less repetitive application. Frequent sewage water application resulted in an increased amount of Fe, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni and Cd in okra pods and tomato fruits than moderately and less repetitive irrigation. The leaves and root of okra and tomato displayed the higher contents of metal when these crops w...
Shahid Ali*, Aijaz Ali Channa, Waqar Ahmad, Rafia Akram and Imbasat Yousaf
...le="font-size: small;">Hydramnios was successfully managed in a full term pluriparous Nili Ravi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) that was recumbent and under extreme stress because of intemperate bilateral abdominal distension. Trans-rectal palpation revealed a taut uterus (bulged, tense and inelastic) and alive fetus. Subsequently upon induced cervical dilatation, 60-70 L of amniotic liquid was expelled out and dam delivered completely developed alive male ca...
Chao Zhao1,2, Sigang Fana2 and Lihua Qiua2,3,*
...rom day 6, and increased dramatically by day 12. Total ammonia concentration increased continuously from day 1 to 15. Heterotrophic bacteria increased slowly in the nauplii and zoea stages, grew rapidly in the mysis stage, and remained almost stable and reduced slightly in postlarvae. In most ponds, vibrio numbers did not change significantly in the nauplii and zoea stages, but increased from the mysis stage and were >10-4 cfu/mL, which potential...
Muhammad R. Khan1, Bushra A. Rakha1,* and Muhammad S. Ansari2
...zothoraicthys facing drastic decline in their distribution range and within River Swat due to introduction of exotic salmons and overfishing.
Huma Abbas1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2, Muhammad Kamran3, Muhammad Umar Shahbaz3*, Haseeb Ullah Kamber1, Nazir Javed1, Muhammad Junaid1, Hira Abbas4 and Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq3
Evaluation of Advanced Mung Bean Germplasm against Cercospora Leaf Spot and its In-vitro Management by Different Fungicides
...source along with carbohydrates and vitamins. Cercospora Leaf Spot is a devastating threat to the crop caused by Cercospora canescens, affects the whole crop and 95% yield losses may be attributed in severe conditions. To manage the diseases through tolerant germplasm and with environmentally safe fungicides is a cost-effective approach. The present study was aimed to find the resistant germplasm against the disease and to evaluate the relative efficacy of dif...

Tahseen Ullah* and Noor ul Amin

In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Medicinal Plant Extracts
...y or antibiotic for multidrug resistance pathogenic plants and human bacterias. 


Shaiza Rasool1, Iftikhar Ahmad1*, Khurram Ziaf1, Irfan Afzal2, Muhammad A.S. Khan1, Muhammad Aashir Sajjad1 and Muhammad Zain Ali1

Seed Conditioning Effects on Germination Performance, Seedling Vigor and Flower Production of Zinnia elegans
...root length of 4.2 cm. Hydro-priming resulted in the largest seedling fresh weight (0.8 g), seedling shoot length (5.8 cm), and seedling vigor index (980). The seedling vigor index was determined by multiplying the percent germination with the seedling length (cm). In the second experiment, seeds treated at 25 mT for 5 min. showed the highest (65%) and earliest (3.2 d) germination (T50) although not significantly different from treatments with 50 mT for 5 or 1...
Muhammad Zahid Mengal1, Hamida Ali2, Raheela Asmat3, Muhammad Naeem1,4, Ferhat Abbas1, Abdul Samad1, Mohammad Zahid Mustafa1, Jannat Raza2 and Tauseef M. Asmat1*
...urrogate marker for multidrug-resistant TB in less than two hours. The RIF-resistance pattern in Balochistan, Pakistan, is not documented. This study was aimed to detect RIF-resistant TB and mutations in RNA polymerase beta (rpoB) gene of M. tuberculosis within 81-bp RRDR in Quetta, Pakistan using GeneXpert® MTB/RIF assay.In total, 2300 clinical specimens were ...

Nadeem Abbas Shah1*, Ejaz Ashraf1, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Zaheer ud Din Mirani3, Usman Rafique1 and Raees Abbas Shah4

Assessing Perceptions of the Households-heads Regarding Food Security Status in Drought-hit Areas of District Tharparkar, Sindh, Pakistan: A Case Study for Agricultural Extension
...urces, unavailability of drought-tolerant crop varieties, lack of health facilities, lack of awareness for food security measures, lack of Extension services in the area, limited income resources, and insufficient information for food security were the main factors cause food insecurity in the study area. The results further described the strategies adopted by respondents in the study area to combat food insecurity were the construction of water storage facili...

Khan Sher1*, Muhammad Subhan1, Muhammad Nisar2, Ali Hazrat2, Zahid Fazal1, Gul Rahim2, Imran Ahmad1, Riaz ul Haq1 and Shamia Bibi1

Genetic Diversity in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgarus L.) Collected from Different Ecological Zones of Malakand Division (A Part of the Sino Japanese Region of Pakistan)
...iversity (GD) of bean landraces collected from diverse ecological zones of Malakand division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The qualitative traits showed significant level of diversity like seed shape was determined by two alleles, seed color was defined by 13 numbers of alleles and four alleles were responsible for flower color. Similarly, the quantitative traits showed 73% diversity in the parameters studied. However, it was different in individual character...

Md. Sahidur Rahman

Origin and Spillover of Coronaviruses: Prospects of One Health Action
...showed pneumonia-like syndrome named COVID-19. It was assumed that SARS-CoV-2 was initially a spillover from bats due to its genomic similarity with Bat-CoV-RaTG13, where pangolins may have acted as an intermediate host. Wild trade, ecotourism, destruction of wild habitat, and other anthropogenic activities disrupt the human-wildlife barrier which leads to the spillover process. In these circumstances, a One Health approach is crucial to implement multisectora...

Zafar Ahmad Handoo1*, Mihail Radu Kantor1 and Ekramullah Khan2

Description of Seven New Species and One New Record of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes (Nematoda: Tylenchida) Associated with Economically Important Crops of Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Kashmir (Part-1 of the series)
...Kashmir; Boleodorus seshadrii sp. nov. from soil around roots of Glycine max (L) Miller, in Aru, Pahalgam, Jammu and Kashmir; Macroposthonia iqbali sp. nov. from soil around roots of Pyrus malus L., from Kashmir University Campus, Srinagar, Kashmir and Pratylenchus ekrami Bajaj and Bhatti, 1984 from the roots of Solanum tuberosum L. in Narwara, Srinagar, Kashmir represents a new record of this species from the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Morphological and morp...
Gulzhan Aubakirova1*, Zhanat Adilbekov2, Assylkhan Inirbayev2, Assel Zhamanova2 and Aibar Akhmetov3
...ults of a study of the hydrochemical regime of water bodies in the Karaganda region, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and assesses the safety of fish. It was established that the hydrochemical regime of the water bodies was within the permissible concentration, however, a decreased permanganate oxidation was noted, which indicates a satisfactory state of water quality. Widespread infection of fish with postdiplostomatosis was rev...
Mikail Arslan1, Orhan Yilmaz2, Bahattin Cak2* and Ahmet Fatih Demirel2
...uscularly at sponges withdrawal. Rams remained with the ewes for 3-day from the start of estrus. Estrus rate, lambing rate and litter size were 96.00, 87.50% and 1.70 lamb/doe; 92.35, 85.20 and 1.50 lamb/doe; 78.92, 58.38 and 1.43 lamb/doe for summer, spring and winter seasons, respectively. Survival rates at weaning, birth and weaning weights of lambs were 86.44%, 3.11kg and 17.85kg; 72.80%, 3.24kg and 16.38kg; 66.88%, 3.38kg and 18.97kg for summer, spring an...
Sher Bahadar Khan1, Mumtaz Ali Khan2,*, Hameed Ullah Khan3, Sher Ali Khan4, Shah Fahad5, Faheem Ahmad Khan6, Irshad Ahmad7, Nighat Nawaz8, Sidra Bibi9 and Muhammad Muneeb10
...e found to have multiple drug resistance. As for as antibiotic resistant genes are concerned, the highest ARG was blaTEM (93%) followed by tetA (82%), sul2 (75%), blaSHV (72%), tetC (71%), strA/strB (50%), sul1 (49%), blaCMY2 and aadA (44%) while the least resistant gene was aadb (9%) followed by sul3 (21%) and aac(3)IV (37%). About 92% isolates were found to have multiple

Ghulam Akbar1*, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Aamna Rafique1, Sania Riasat1, Mohsin Raza1, Mahpara Qamar1, Shahneela Nusrat1 and Shakila Hanif1

Critical Update for the Treatment of Anemia by using Advanced Genome Editing Crispr Cas Technology pregnant women, children and aged people. Anemia associated with numerous infectious and continual problems such as persistent kidney disease, cancer, ischemic heart ailment and inflammatory bowel disorder. However, with the development in generation at genome editing level have made feasible to accurate mutations in human genome. A site oriented specific break in double stranded DNA is induced by CRISPR/Cas9, whereas different oligonucleotides are provid...
Rubina Munir1,2*, Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman3, Muhammad Makshoof Athar1, Noman Javid1,4, Ayesha Roohi2 and Syeda Fatima Razavi2
...bstituted benzoic acid hydrazides. Structures of the Schiff bases have been confirmed by spectral techniques including FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13CNMR, and mass spectroscopies. The purity of compounds has been established by elemental analysis. Free-radical scavenging activity of these compounds has been carried out by DPPH assay that showed these compounds to be effective radical scavengers. The compounds 7a, 7b, 7d, 7f and 7h have exhibited radic...
MA Liman1, QI Yongxiao1, Wang Wenji2* and Zhong Qianyi3*
...eptors (flt1, kdr). Western blot further confirmed that G-Rh2 treatment resulted in reduced Vegf protein expression. Our study suggested that G-Rh2 may exert anti-angiogenic activity by downregulation of Vegf in zebrafish embryos, thus indicating its role as a potential therapeutic agent against cancer.
Muhammad Umer Khan1,2*, Muhammad Farooq Sabar1, Atif Amin Baig3, Arif-un-Nisa Naqvi4 and Muhammad Usman Ghani1
...nt-size: small;">Mitochondrial DNA has been adopted as a versatile genetic marker all over the globe and provides a unique maternal ancestry portrait of a person’s genetic pin code. Overall knowledge of mtDNA profiles of worldwide populations can benefit population genetics and forensic sciences. Consequently, this study was designed to establish the mtDNA profiles of the Shin ethnic group in Gilgit-Baltistan, the northern most territory of Pakistan. Phl...

Asma Rashid Tariq1,2*, Saadia R. Tariq2, Tariq Mahmud1 and Misbah Sultan1*

Selective Capture of CO2 from Mixture of Different Gases using Cellulose Acetate, Polyimide, Polysulfone and some other Polymers based Mixed Matrix Membranes: A Review
...CO2, methane and other hydrocarbons but mixed matrix membrane based separation is gaining significant importance day by day. A number of different polymers have been employed for the fabrication of mixed matrix membranes for example cellulose acetate, polyimides, polysulfone, pebax, polybenzimidazole, polymer of intrinsic porosity, polyurethane, chitosan and many more. Likewise, along with other fillers, Metal organic frame works have also been tested as addit...

Syeda Farzana Bibi* and Siraj ud Din

Unraveling the Bioherbicidal Potential, Elemental Analysis and Nutritional Evaluation of Crataeva adansonii Dc Leaf and Bark percentages of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, ash, and moisture. The bioherbicidal potential of the proposed plant was evaluated through the Lemna minor model of phytotoxicity. C. adansonii is a source of several essential macro and micronutrients. A nutritional value analysis of this plant offers its use as a food source. Bioherbicidal/phytotoxic activity revealed significant results in the form of dose-dependent inhibition of frond growth. Ethanoli...

Taqi Raza1*, Sergio de Los Santos Villalobos2, Muhammad Shehzad3, Shakeel Imran4 and Derly José Henriques da Silva5

PGP Characterization of Rhizobacteria Associated with Apple Gourd (Praecitrullus fistulosus L.)
...14% strains showed the hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production abilities by slightly changing the color on media. While, in the case of enzyme production test, almost 90%, of isolated strains confirmed the amylase and pectinase production activities and 36% confirms the protease activities. Similarly, 82% and 45% of isolates confirmed the solubilization of zinc (Zn) and phosphorus (P) respectively. Almost, the entire isolated strains were given positive results for ...
Taqiur Rahman1, Tabassum Yaseen1*, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, Samiullah3, Ghulam Jelani3, Gul Nawaz1,Qudratullah Kalwar2
Samreen Khan, Tabassum Ara Khanum, Nasira Kazi, Salma Javed* and Shahina Fayyaz
Description of Aphelenchoides acacia n. sp. and Aphelenchoides naurangiensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) with Observation on Aphelenchoides saprophilus Franklin, 1957 from District Lakki Marwat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...t its base; tail subcylindrical, conoid with a rounded terminus. In addition, morphometrics and morphological details are given for Aphelenchoides saprophilus which is the first record for Pakistani nematode fauna.

Muhammad Aamir Naseer1, Amjad Islam Aqib2*, Ambreen Ashar3Muhammad Ijaz Saleem1, Muhammad Shoaib4Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam Kulyar1, Khurram Ashfaq1, Zeeshan Ahmad Bhutta1 and Shagufta Nighat5
...A and nbpSA at various cadre. Milk samples (n=250) from cattle (n=90) and buffalo (n=160) were aseptically collected from various dairy farms and put to biofilm detection and antibiogram. Based on collected data with statistical inferences, the study found 61.60% of S. aureus from subclinical samples, while 72.73% of S. aureus were positive for biofilm with uniform hike in samples from cattle (77.55% bpSA) and buffalo (70.48% bpSA). Udder conditi...
Ayesha Talib1,2, Khanzadi Nazneen Manzoor1, Wajahat Ali1, Maria Saeed1, Muhammad Asif Gondal1, Malik Badshah3 and Abid Ali Khan1* activity against Multidrug Resistant (MDR) bacteria is evaluated. The total formation of the Cu nanoparticles was observed visually with a color change and confirmed by the appearance of peak through UV-Vis spectroscopy analysis. The electron microscopy imaging revealed that the biogenic Cu nanoparticles were spherical in shape and had a diameter of 30-40 nm. The synthesized nanoparticl...

Kecheng Zhu1,2,3, Peiying He1, Baosuo Liu1,2,3, Huayang Guo1,2,3, Nan Zhang1,2,3, Liang Guo1,2,3, Shigui Jiang1,2,3 and Dianchang Zhang1,2,3,* 

...promoter was observed to dramatically decrease after targeted mutation of the MyoD1 M1 and MyoD2 M2 binding sites. In summary, MyoD1 and MyoD2 play an important role in the regulationof Almyomaker expression and may promote myoblast fusion during muscle development and growth by modulating Almyomaker expression.
Yihong Tian, Yongmei Qi*, Sajid Naeem, Ke Gao and Yingmei Zhang*
...a LDH assay kit. Mitochondria membrane potential (MMP) was measured by flow cytometry. LC3 conversion and p62 expression were evaluated by western blot analysis. MTT assay revealed that spermidine decreased the viability of Hela cells in a dose-dependent manner in conjunction with disrupted morphology. Moreover, spermidine caused cell damage as evidenced by elevated LDH leakage and compromised MMP as demonstrated by flow cytometry. Concomitantly, western blot ...

Fan Sigang1, Guo Yihui1* and Xu Youhou2

...iosynthetic processes, hydrolase activity, and AMPK were enriched in the ovary, whereas those related to male organ formation and spermiogenesis were enriched in the testis. The glycosphingolipid biosynthesis pathway was identified for the first time in a mollusc testis.The present study provides the first transcriptomic analysis of C. nobilis, which will help clarify the molecular mechanisms of gonadal maturation.
Zhi Chen1, Toshifumi Minamoto2, Longshan Lin3 and Tianxiang Gao4,* sometimes required hundreds of filter membranes and a mass of extraction kits. Combined the price and effectiveness, using AxyPrep DNA Gel Extraction Kit as an substitute for DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit could remarkably cut the eDNA extracting cost. AxyPrep DNA Gel Extraction Kit might be an optional low-cost method of extracting environmental DNA of macro-organisms from filter membranes in large scale eDNA surveys.

Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Ayman Balla Mustafa2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Rana Muhammad Bilal4 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel5

...urbanization, this husbandry system is changed and the cameleers are moving towards urban/peri-urban areas of arid and semi-arid environment. This study was planned to check its production potential in extensive management system (EMS) and semi-intensive management system (SIMS). The mean milk yield and range of Marecha she-camel was found to be 5.6±0.3, 6.1±0.2 and 3-8, 5-9 kg under EMS and SIMS, respectively. The fat, protein, lactose, SNF and ...
Neelam Pery1*, Fatima Ijaz1, Nayab Batool Rizvi1, Munawar Ali Munawar1 and Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq2*
...Using the computer-aided drug designing techniques, we developed dual JAK3 and BTK inhibitors based on quinoxaline derivatives which show appreciable dual inhibition in enzyme assays. To our knowledge, this is the first-ever report on dual JAK3/BTK inhibitors.

Tasleem Akhtar1, 2, Ghazanfar Ali1,* and Nuzhat Shafi2

...irst time in AJK. One hundred and fifty-nine specimens of S. plagiostomus, 74 specimens of S. esocinus, 21 specimens of S. progastus and 8 specimens of S. niger were taken for the study. The maximum snout length, eye diameter, length of lateral line, head length, dead depth and pre anal length were observed in S. niger followed by S. esocinus and two other species. Overall value of “b’ fluctuated from 1.183 to 2.7...
Mushtaq Ahamd Khan1, Ziaul Islam2, *, Amin Ullah Jan3, Kamran Khan2 and Abdullah Shah3
...ies in infants such as hydrocephalus and mental retardation. The present study was conducted to estimate seroprevalence and potential risk factors in acquiring T. gondii infection by child-bearing age women in Dir Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Pakistan. A cross sectional study was conducted and data regarding risk factors were recorded through questionnaire. A total of 405 women of child bearing age were serologically tested for T. gondii antibodies throu...
Mehwish Saleem Khan
Evaluation of Changes in Zinc Levels in Patients Suffering from Cancer activity or excessive drinking of alcohol. Other factors include certain infections, exposure to ionizing radiation and environmental pollutants. In this study zinc level in serum of cancer patients was observed. For this purpose, the blood of 50 cancer patients was taken from MAYO HOSPITAL Lahore. The patients are suffering from different type of cancers such as, breast cancer, lung cancer, uterus cancer, oral cavity cancer, esophageal cancer, urinary blad...

Agustine Christela Melviana1, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Maizirwan Mel3, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4 and Juris Burlakovs5

Gene Expression Related to Steviol Glycoside Synthesis Produced in Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Shoot Culture Induced with High Far-Red LED Light in TIS RITA® Bioreactor System
...stry. To overcome the hindrances in the propagation of Stevia plants using in vivo methods, an alternative technique of propagation using in vitro methods is needed. The micropropagation method with the RITA® (Recipient for Automated Temporary Immersion System) is used in the production of a large amount of stevia biomass in approximately a short period. The forming of flowers is one of the limiting factors interfering with the metabolite production, as th...

Samia Ikram1*, Riaz ur Rehman1, Farwa Batool2 and Atyab Amjad3

Evaluation of Bird of Paradise for Commercial Flower Production by using Organic Manures
...d: T1 (control), T2 (Top dressing with FYM), T3 (Top dressing with leaf manure), T4 (Top dressing with sewage sludge). Maximum plant height (93.53 cm), Number of suckers (4.20), Number of leaves (8.00), Number of flowers (4.11), Stem diameter (5.025 cm) and Spike diameter (5.03 cm) were contributed by T2whereas maximum spike length (61.21 cm) was recorded in T3 and maximum shelf life (14.8...
Mumtazur Rahman1, Farhan Anwar Khan1,*,Umar Sadique1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Shakoor Ahmad1, Faisal Ahmad1,2, Hayatullah Khan1,3, Muhammad Saeed1, Faiz Ur Rehman1, Ibrar Hussain1, M. Faraz Khan1, M. Izhar ul Haque1 and Hanif-ur-Rehman1,3

...e concentration for each drug was measured distantly depending on high concentration available in the market and was then used in various concentrations ranges from higher to lower i.e. moxifloxacin 80-0.156 µg/ml, levofloxacin 250-0.488 µg/ml, ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin 50-0.097 µg/ml. The resultant effective antimicrobial by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum mycoplasmacidal concentration (MMC) value was ciproflox...
Syed Zakir Hussain Shah1*, Muhammad Afzal2, Mahroze Fatima3Syed Makhdoom Hussain4 and Tanveer Ahmed5
...roved (p<0.05) dry matter, crude protein, crude fat and gross energy digestibility by fingerlings when fed PHY sprayed diet. Similarly, CA addition in the diet resulted in increased (p<0.05) digestibility of these nutrients. Also, the minerals digestibility was significantly (p<0.05) affected by top spraying of phytase on the diet pellets. Fish having CA acidified diet also showed improved (p<0.05) minerals digest...
Jin-Juan Wan, Mei-Fang Shen*, Hui Xue, Hong-Yan Liu, Mei-Qin Zhang, Xi-He Zhu and Chong-Hua Wang


...enged with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and cumulative mortality was recorded for the next 4 days. The results showed that the weight gain rate (WGR) of crayfish tended to increase initially and then decrease as feeding frequency increased. The WGR in F3 were significantly higher than those fed 1, 4 and 5 times/day (P<0.05). The highest serum lysozyme (LZM), lowest catalase (CAT) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were observed in crayfish fed 3 times/day...
Xuya Zhou1, Ying Liu1, Deqin Xu1, Jie Bao1, Yaru Cao2 and Yong Jin3*
..."font-size: small;">Many drugs increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as thiazolidine diketone: rosiglitazone, selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors: rofecoxib, celecoxib. This study was aimed to find out whether unification of two drugs would increase cardiovascular side effects. Type 2 diabetic rat model was induced through feeding with fodder containing high sugar and lipid and intraperitoneal injection o...

Syed Muhammad1*, Badar Naseem Siddiqui2, Farhat Ullah Khan1 and Nawab Khan3

Self-perceived Constraints of Extension Field Staff Affecting their Working Efficiency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...ppropriate measures to address these constraints of EFS in order to enable them to efficiently deliver their services.


Asifa Kamal1*, Ghazala Noreen1 and Muhammad Amin2

Trends and Determinants of Fertility in Pakistan: Multivariate Decomposition Analysis (PDHS 1990-91 to PDHS 2012-13)
... effect on the total children ever born to women in Pakistan. Child mortality (yes), husband’s desire for children (more than wife), ideal number of children, marital duration and ever use of contraceptives has significant positive contribution towards women fertility in terms of number of children ever born to women. A significant decline in ferti...
Adeen Kiran1, Umar Farooq Gohar1*, Ayesha Farooq1, Malik Muhammad Asif2 and Hamid Mukhtar1
Redressal of Antibiotic Resistance using Plant Extracts
... in microbes and current drugs are not effective enough to cure infectious diseases caused by these resistant pathogens. In this battle, there is a continuous need to develop new drugs or compounds that can cure these infections or to reverse the antibiotic resistance in these pathogens. In recent years different experimental approaches highlighted the importance of phytochemicals present in plants and its ability to kill th...
Yifan Ni1, Jian Liu1, Fen Wu1, Jianfeng Cai1, Jinzhi Zhang1*, Jianqing Hua2 and Jiping Fu2
...eproductive traits in Landrace, Large Yorkshire and Jinhua sows. A total of 316 sows of three different breeds were used to examine the genotypes, and DNA sequencing method was employed to detect the potential SNPs in this study. There were two SNP loci found in these genes totally. One mutation (G→A) was detected in exon 1 of MDR1 gene, which caused a synonymous mutation of am...

Luqman* and Zahid Hussain

Impact of Tillage Tools and Weeding Regimes on Nutritive Values of Maize Grains
...content, ash content and dry matter content of the maize grains. The results showed 13% protein content, 5.8 % fat content, 0.93 % ash content and 89.6 % dry matter content in the maize grains, which were the higher values achieved in plots treated with mouldboard plough, while in the weeding regimes the crude protein content, fat content, ash content and dry matter contents were highest (...

Ahmed Weli Hussein Osman1,2, Rakibul Islam1, Md. Bazlar Rashid1, Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud2,3* and Pravin Mishra4

Nanoparticle Tactics for the Oral Delivery of Insulin in Alloxan-Induced Hyperglycemia in Rat (Rattus norvegicus domestica) Model
...dministration of peptide drugs like insulin through the oral avenue specially the gastro-intestinal tract represents the great challenges. Polymeric nanoparticles are suitable colloidal carriers for insulin delivery. The current study was carried out to evaluate nanoparticle tactics for the oral delivery of insulin in the alloxan-induced hyperglycemia in rat model. Twenty male rats of age four months were randomly allocated into four different groups (T0, T1, ...
Abdul Hameed1*, Ihtsham ul Haq Padda2 and Abdul Salam3
Estimating Food Consumption Patterns in Pakistan by Using Ideal Demand System
...ata and the nonlinear quadratic almost ideal demand system. The paper finding shows that demand for most commodity items except for fruit, meat, sugar and other products is less than unit elastic to expenditure elasticity at the country and regional levels. Cross price elasticity assessment demonstrates that the most nutritious food items, such as fruit, milk and meat, are complementary products as compared to wheat, pulse and vegetables in Pakistan as well as...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Roshan Hussain1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehmood1, Ijaz Asghar2 and Usman Saleem1

Comparative Analysis of Dietary Intake Patterns of Rural and Urban Communities of Southern Punjab, Pakistan justify;">This study draws the attention towards dietary intake patterns and their health impacts according to different communities in the southern Punjab, Pakistan. Southern Punjab has the most impoverished segments of society as compared to other parts of Punjab province. This transverse study was conducted in purposively selected three districts of Southern Punjab. Exactly sample size of 600 respondents (300 rural respondents and 300 urban respondents)...

Amjed Ali1, Rafi Qamar1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Salman Saleem2, Sami Ullah3, Muhammad Arshad Javed4 and Syed Wasim Hasan5

Development and Growth: Influence of Sowing Dates on Performance of Cotton Cultivars
...anting is the leading hindrance in its production. Therefore, this one-year field experiment was performed to assess the result of varying cultivars and sowing dates on developmental and allometric traits of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under the agro-ecological conditions at Sargodha, Punjab, during Kharif season, 2015. The study consisted of i) three cultivars viz. Bt. FH-142, Bt. MNH-886 and FDH-170 and ii) three sowing dates viz. 21st April, 5th May and ...

Sajid Ali1, Abdul Basit1,3*, Abdul Mateen Khattak1, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Izhar Ullah2, Noor Alam Khan3, Imran Ahmad1, Kamran Rauf1, Salman Khan1, Irfan Ullah1 and Intizar Ahmad1

Managing the Growth and Flower Production of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) through Benzyle Amino Purine (BAP) Application and Pinching
...ower diameter, fresh and dry flower weight, and height of plant were reported. Hence, it is concluded form the research study that BAP application (@100 mg.L-1) reduced height of plant, enhanced number of flowers per plant and also lateral branching in zinnia plants. Moreover, the plants pinched at the stage of 6 leaves performed well in height reduction and flower quality enhancement.


Shujaat Ali1,2*, Tariq Ahmad Jan3, Khalil Ur Rahman3, Shah Masaud Khan2, Ijaz Hussain2, Waseem Ahmad2, Qasim Ayub2, Muhammad Abbas1 and Israr Ahmad1

Effect of Room Condition on Sweetening and other Chemical Components of Different Cultivars of Potato in Swat District
... showed that the highest dry matter (21.605 %) was recorded in Diamont while the lowest was recorded in Desiree cultivar. Vitamin C decreased significantly in Diamont and Desiree cultivars in first 45 days of storage while minimum vitamin C was recorded in Kruda cultivar after 60 days of storage. The total decrease in Vitamin C remained about of 76 % throughout the 90 % storage. It is concluded that sweetening decreased in all cultivars during 90 days storage ...

Muhammad Amir1*, Syed Waqar Shah1, Salman Ilahi1 and Michael J. Pont2

Integrating TTC-SC5 and TTC-SC6 “Shared-Clock” Protocols
...have the potential for addressing issues relating to Time-Triggered Cooperative (TTC) scheduling, Time Triggered bus-based CAN networks and the Single Point of Failure (SPF) hypothesis in star networks. In this paper, we present a mechanism for integrating the properties of both protocols in one. We present an amalgamation of protocols that result in a new protocol which addresses all the above stated issues on a single plat...

Muhammad Kashif Khan1*, Muhammad Wasim Jan Khan2, Kaleem Ullah Jan Khan3, Muhammad Ishaq Khan4, Muhammad Faheem Jan Khan5 and Abdul Salam Lodhi6


Impacts of Construction Risk Attributes on Organizational Performance of Registered Construction Companies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan of this study is to address the need of risk management practices in the construction industry of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. The research work carried out with the involvement of 150 Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) registered construction companies not only emphasizes on the crucial risk factors associated with construction projects but also insights into the impacts of the risk factors on the organizational performances. The relationships betwe...
Sukhpreet Kaur Sidhu*, Gurkirat Singh Sekhon, Randeep Kaur Aulakh and Tejdeep Kaur Kler
...egral component of the hydrological system; and perform diverse roles in the biosphere. The present study on ponds was carried out on avian diversity and its services of composition in relation to vegetation distribution to understand their biodiversity. Four natural ponds and one man-made pond were surveyed at three locations viz. Ludhiana (location I), Ropar (location II) and Ferozpur (location III) falling in three agro climatic zones. A total of 51 bird sp...
Saima Yaqub1, Tahir Yaqub1*, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir2, Asif Nadeem3Aziz-Ul-Rahman1, Muhammad Furqan Shahid1, Zarfishan Tahir4 and Nadia Mukhtar4
...s common among injecting drug users (IDUs), and HIV-1 positive IDUs may have potential of HIV transmission among general population through different ways. Therefore, an understanding towards current status of HIV prevalence and genomic characteristics of circulating strains is crucial to devise and implement necessary interventions to control disease in developing countries like Pakistan. A total of 201 plasma samples were collected from IDUs. Samples were fi...
Chaojie Yang1,2,3, Haishan Wang1,2,3, Le Ye1,2,3 and Zhi Chen1,2,3,*
...In addition, the mitochondrial fragment of 12S rRNA was also sequenced for the purpose of classification. Mean genetic distances within Muraenesox bagio (Hamilton, 1822) and Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål, 1775) group were 1.77% and 0.41%, respectively. Group mean distance between Congresox talabonoides (Bleeker, 1853) and other species ranged from 11.79% to 51.01%. Species were also confirmed at genetic level. According to present st...

Bilal Pervaiz Khan1, Neelam Ara1, Shujaat Ali1,2*, Kamran Khurshid Baigh1 and Abdul Wahab1

Effect of Seed Priming on Radish with Different Nutrients at Various Soaking Durations
...18, 24 hours). Un-soaked dried seeds were used as control. Research comprised of two factors i.e. sources and priming durations. There were 25 treatments having three replications. Priming seed significantly affected the germination and vegetative attributes of radish. The result of experiment showed that the highest germination percentage (86.4 %), percentage of survival (83.6 %), minimum days to emergence (9.1), tallest plant height (41 cm), yield of leaves ...
Arnab Tanveer, Shabana Naz*, Azhar Rafique and Asma Ashraf
...rk Bahawalnagar. Freshly dropped fecal sample were collected once before treatment with anthelminthic drug and twice after treatment and brought to laboratory for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Direct smear method and fecal floatation technique was used for isolation and identification of endo-parasites. Modified McMaster technique was used to calculate Eggs per gram. The data was subjected to ANOVA and Tukey-HSD (po...
Ehsan Kashani1, Hamid Reza Rezaei2*, Morteza Naderi3 and Nematolah Khorasani4


...deserts of Iran. Mitochondrial evidence indicates rapid population expansion and bottleneck event for both species during the past. Phylogenetic analysis successfully grouped the specimens in two distinct clades without any common haplotypes. Long-eared specimens grouped in two distinct phylogenetic groups which belong to two different geographic areas while for P. hypomelas no significant divergence happened in the species life history.

Shawaiz Iqbal1*, Nadeem Iqbal2, Usama Bin Khalid1, Muhammad Usman Saleem1, Adila Iram1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Muhammad Sabar1 and Tahir Hussain Awan1

Growth, Yield and Economic Analysis of Dry-Seeded Basmati Rice
... planting methods. Three dry-seeded rice (DSR) planting methods viz. (i) DSR-broadcast, (ii) DSR-drill, (iii) DSR-ridges were compared with the conventional transplanting (TR) method in lines having row to row and plant to plant distance of 22.5cm distance, and farmer transplanting method. Experimental design was randomized complete block, replicated 3 times. Data were recorded on height (cm), tillers m-2, filled and unfille...

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Waqas Wakil2, Shahbaz Talib Sahi3 and Waqas Raza1*

Influence of Resistance Inducers on Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Contents of Susceptible Chickpea Cultivars after Inoculation with Ascochyta rabiei
...c acid (SA), potassium hydroxide (KOH) or plant extracts of neem (A. indica A. Juss.), datura (D. metel L.) and garlic (A. sativum L.) were investigated 7 and 14 days after inoculation with Ascochyta rabiei. Elevated nitrogen (2.95%), potassium (1.05%) and potassium (533.00 ppm) contents in the tissues decreased disease severity (79.3%) in cv. C-44. These increases were significant (P ≤ 0.05) after 14 days of inoculation with plant pathogen in plants pretre...

Muhammad Tariq Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akhtar2, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Saleem2, Ali Aziz2, Irfan Rasool2, Zeshan Ali3 and Muhammad Amin2

An Update on Biology, Extent of Damage and Effective Management Strategies of Chickpea Pod Borer (Helicoverpa armigera)
...n insect responsible for drastic decline in chickpea productivity across the world. Management of H. armigera is of prime importance to achieve sustainable chickpea yields. Its life cycle passes through egg, larvae, pupae and adult stages in about 4-5 weeks. 1st to 3rd instar larvae generally feed on leaves, twigs and flowers. In later stages larger larvae (4th to 6th instar caterpillars) shift to developing pods by making holes/bores and consume entire develo...

Iqtidar Hussain*, Muzafar Ali, Imam Bakhsh and Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik

Effect of Different Levels of Naphthalene Acetic Acid at Various Phenological Stages of Hybrid Sorghum to Enhance Fodder Productivity
...a-1 was used with manual drill. The crop received irrigation at interval of 15 days whilst fertilizer was applied @ 120-90-60 kg NPK ha-1. Results revealed that levels of NAA affected significantly all parameters under study. Maximum number of leaves (16.70 plant-1), leaf area (411.98 cm2), chlorophyll contents (46.84 and 53.50 µg cm-2) at 30 and 60 DAS and fodder yield (35550 kg ha-1) were higher with L4 (120 ml) followed by L3 (80 ml). While L5 (160 ml...
Nadia Islam1, Khalil Ahmed1,*, Maisoor Ahmed Nafees1, Mujtaba Khalil2, Ishtiaq Hussain3, Muhammad Ali1 and Raja Imran1
...acteriological status of drinking water of Mishto uch (good spring) and Bar (big spring) springs of Sherqilla village, District Ghizer during winter and spring seasons. A total of twenty one samples were collected and analyzed by membrane filtration method. At Misto uch, the mean temperature was 9.7°C and 15.4°C, turbidity was 0.44 NTU and 0.67 NTU, electric conductivity was 147.4 µS/cm and 226.7 µS/cm, total dissolved solids was 99 mg...
Aamer Sharif1,*, Muftooh Ur Rehman Siddiqi1 and Riaz Muhammad2
...e energy such as micro hydropower has come to be one of the most dominant sources of energy for its low cost, user- friendly, reliable and clean generation of electricity. Gravitational water vortex power plant is certainly one of such low head hydro turbines in which the potential energy of free surface flowing water is converted into kinetic energy through vortex turbine that tangentially passing the water into the basin, ...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1, Waheed S. Khan2, Shafqat Saeed1 and Kashif Razzaq3

Application of Nanotechnology for Insect Pests Management: A Review
...biomolecules acting as a driving force for the designing of greener, safe and environmentally benign protocols for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Insect pests are main density dependent factors that deteriorate the quality and production of various crops i.e. vegetables, fruits, ornamental and field crops. In past decade, these insect pests had been controlled by the application of synthetic insecticides but due to the injurious application of these insectici...

Shishir Sharma* and Laxmi Prasad Joshi

Current Insights on Stemphylium Blight of Lentil with its Management Strategies wild varieties and landraces may be used to develop disease-resistant varieties which it is the most efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable technique. Integrated disease management approaches along with Omics and weather prediction tools may be crucial in avoiding severe SB outbreaks. A comprehensive review article discusses the morphological as well as molecular dimension of pathogens, their effects, pathogenicity, integrated disease ma...
Luka Anthony*, Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi, Elizabeth Samuel Ebukiba and Vandi Gamba
...e administered to two hundred and seven (207) small-holder rural rice farming households. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted. Data were analyzed using Multinomial Logit Model, Gini-Coefficient, Double-Log Regression Model, (Cobb-Douglas) and Principal Component Analysis. The results of the Multinomial Logit regression model show that among the significant factors that influence the choice of rice market outlets were: sex of the household head (P<0.1...
Alam Zeb* and Amanullah Jan
...lerant crop for avoiding drought conditions with higher yield. Experiments on “response of sesame to sowing methods, nitrogen and sulphur levels” were carried out in Agronomy Research Farms, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar. During two consecutive Kharif growing seasons of 2013 and 2014, respectively. Three sowing methods (flat, ridges and raised bed) were kept as main plot factor, whereas four nitrogen levels (00, 60, 120, and 180...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1*, Sultan Ahmad Rizvi1, Aaqib Riaz2, Waqas Naseem1, Ghulam Muhammad1, Mazher Iqbal3, Humara Umer3 and Inam ul Haq3

Apposite Sowing Techniques to Optimize Productivity and Profitability of Berseem
...Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) is an important fodder crop of Pakistan that provides nutritious and palatable fodder in repeated cuttings. Gap in its yield is required to be addressed, which is aim of the current study. This study was carried out to select an appropriate sowing technique for optimization of fodder and seed yield as well as to maximize the net return. The experiment was conducted using five sowing techni...

Junaid Ahmad1*, Shazma Anwar1, Anwar Ali Shad2, Fazal Yazdan Saleem Marwat3, Hamida Bibi4, Farhan Ahmad1, Wajia Noor5 and Bibi Sadia5

Yield and Nutritional Status of Mungbean as Influenced by Molybdenum and Phosphorus
...ontent (21.91 %), carbohydrates (60.36 %), nitrogen content in grain (3.76 %) and straw (1.10 %), phosphorus uptake in grain (0.380 %) and straw (0.186 %) was achieved with molybdenum applied at rate of 2.5 kg ha‑1. Whereas in case of phosphorus use maximum  seed yield (810.88 kg ha‑1) and harvest index (26.92 %) was observed with 60 kg ha‑1 P application while highest protein content (22.08 %), carbohydrates (60....

Hafiz Hammad Ahmad1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1*, Noor-us-Sabah1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Sher Muhammad2, Muhammad Aftab3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Aneela Riaz4

Growth and Yield Response of Sunflower to Organic Amendments in Aridisol
...fresh biomass (95.50 g), dry biomass (25.73 g), plant height (110.90 cm), head size (21.36 cm), number of achene haed-1 (864) and achene yield plant-1 (32.16 g) of sunflower was observed with application of NK + Rock phosphate at 7 g pot-1 + Wheat straw at 28 g pot-1 (T6) in cultivar Hysun-33. While, lowest value of fresh biomass (72.73 g), dry biomass (15.72 g), head size (16.63 cm), achene head-1 (711), achene yield plant-...

Muhammad Farooq1*, Elham Azadfar2, Zohre Bahrami3, Mahniya Sharifi3, A. Shakoor4, Shabir Ahmed5, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, Muhammad Noman Khan6, Memona Siddique7, Naila Ilyas8*, Muhammad Bakhtiar9, Mohamed El-Fatieh Ismael1 and Wang Yunyang1

Optimization of Drying Process of Rambutan by Combined Method of Osmosis Ultrasound and Complementary Drying of Hot Air
...smosis-ultrasound before drying with hot air causes the preservation of nutrients in products and reduces heat energy to remove the produc water. In this study, after osmosis pretreatment, samples were put under an osmosis dehydration process. First, using Osmosis-ultrasound with 40.5% concentration in Sekanjabin solution then dried in an oven at a temperature of 70°C. The characterist...
Muhammad Farooq1*, M. Javed Iqbal2, Rizwan Shukat2, Qayyum Shehzad3, Shabir Ahmed4, Elham Azadfar5, Abdul Saboor6, Ibrar Ahmad7, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, Kaleem Kakar8, Shoaib Khan9 and Wang Yunyang1
Development of Onion Powder by using Egg Albumin as a Foaming Agent by Foam-Mat Drying Process
...was prepared by foam mat drying technique in which onion paste was treated with different concentration of egg albumin (0%, 4%, 8% and 12%) as foaming agent and Carboxyl methylcellulose (0.5%) as foam stabilizer and these were dried in hot air tray drier at different temperatures (55°C, 65°C and 75°C) with 3mm sheet thickness of onion foams. Effect of different concentration of...
Muhammad Umar1, Muhammad Arshad2, Mubashar Hussain1*, Moazama Batool3 and Muhammad Faheem Malik1
...ed out. Simultaneously hydrological analysis of surface water of Mangla wetland was also conducted. Bird census was carried out in the months of January and February for both years (2010 and 2011) when a large number of migratory birds visit the Mangla Wetland. The birds were counted by the Point Count Method from a fixed point and for a fixed time period in such a way that the Sun was always behind the observer. A total of 37,082 birds belonging to eight orde...
Xiaopeng Tang1,*, Lei Chen1, Kangning Xiong1, Dun Deng2 and Peng Peng2,*
...evels of corn distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS) on the growth performance of meat ducks. To this end, a total of 450 Shuanggui-tou meat ducks with comparable body weights were treated with increasing concentration of DDGS. Compared to mock-treated group, the average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed to meat ratio (F:G) were measured. It was revealed that the addition of DDGS up to 24% in the diet remained ineffective for ADF...
Faiza Altaf1, Shamim Gul1,2*, Tasawar Ali Chandio3, Gul Bano Rehman1, Attiq-ur-Rehman Kakar4, Sami Ullah4, Naqeebullah Khan4, Umbreen Shaheen5, Muhammad Naeem Shahwani6, Muhammad Ajmal7 and Misbah Manzoor8
...har as mixtures with air-dried poultry manure on the growth and concentration of heavy metals in edible tissues of tomato and lettuce. These biochars were separately mixed with poultry manure as 1:1 ratio on air-dry weight bases. Soil was contaminated with chromite mine tailing debris at 2% amendment rate (980 g soil + 20 g debris). Biochar-poultry manure mixtures were applied in soil at 10% and 20% amendment rates (respecti...
Imran Haider1, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza1*, Rashid Iqbal1, Salman Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Usman Aslam1, Muhammad Israr3, Umair Riaz4, Maliha Sarfraz5, Nasir Abbas6, Salman Haidar Abbasi7, Zafar Abbas8 and Muhammad Aamer9 In the present study drought ameliorating effects of amino acid and yeast on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), development and yield were observed. A field experiment was performed at Agronomic Research Area, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur in November 2019. Factorial arrangement in Randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used to design the experimentation. The experiment consisted of six treatments viz, ...
Nasir Rashid1,2*, Javaid Iqbal1,2, Umar Shahbaz Khan1,2, Mohsin Islam Tiwana1,2 and Amir Hamza1,2
...has been exhibited by quadratic multiclass SVM (Q-mSVM) in terms of classification accuracy. The technique shows average accuracy percentage of 78.48% and maximum accuracy of 88.19% for one of the subjects. The proposed method has shown superior experimental results as compared to the previous studies using the same dataset for calculating multi-class classification accuracy. 
Nowsher Yousaf1*, Bushra Khan1, Dennis Flanagan2 and Ishaq Ahmad Mian3
...over therefore renewed hydrological situation encouraged by vegetation cover and insights into soil erosion processes can highlight useful design for new strategies on management of erosion and restoration of ecosystem.
Abdul Nabi Jatt1,2*
...roducing extracellular hydrolytic enzymes and are considered as key components in global carbon cycle. The aim of this study was to screen marine snow associated bacterium, Citrobacter freundii B1 for the production of QS-signals particularly acyl-homoserine-lactones (AHLs) and their influence on the production of extracellular cellulase enzyme. Mainly, two different ...
Faheem Ahmed Khan1*, Sarzamin Khan2, Qurat-ul-Ain3, Saqib Ishaq1Muhammad Salman1, Abdul Rehman1, Ikram Ullah4, Kalsoom5 and Johar Jamil5
...14.57%) were observed in dried single cell microbial protein produced on sugarcane molasses, orange peels and apple waste, respectively. Soybean meal protein source in broilers ration was replaced by SCMP. The level of antibody titre against Newcastle Disease Vaccine was significantly higher (p≤0.05) than all treated groups. Higher antibody titre was recorded for group C (6g/Kg) (HI≥1:64) followed by group B (4g/Kg) (HI≥1:32) and Group A (2g/Kg) (HI&g...
Amjad Ali, Kafeel Ahmad*and Shaista Rahat
...9) isolates showed multi drug resistance. The MAR index of 34.22% (n=64) isolates was higher than 0.2. Phenotypic ESBL production was observed in 21.39% (n=40) isolates. Prevalence of blaOXA-10, blaCTX-M, blaTEM and blaSHV was 36.89% (n=69), 20.85% (n=39), 5.34% (n=10) and 3.2% (n=6) respectively. PER-1 gene was not detected. Resistance to antibiotics is increasing in P. aeruginosa which is a matter of concern and needs proper management. Non-selective ...
Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Hera Gul2, Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Sami Ullah3, Ghulam Sabir Hussain4, Mumtaz Hussain1, Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmad1, Rao Wali Muhammad1, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Zeshan6

...ouble row strips. The quadruplicated experiment already laid out according to RCBD for the plant crop, used for this study. The sugarcane was sown on September 8 2015, and in late February, 2017 it was harvested. Consequent ratoon was the test crop. The latter was harvested on 16th of February, 2018. Observation on different qualitative and quantitative traits of crop were record...
Mashal Malik and Mudassar Nawaz Khan*
... against each primer. Dendrogram was constructed using software SAS by Neighbor-Joining method which clustered the soybean lines into two groups. Maximum genetic dissimilarity (7) was found between line B24G14 and line B23G16. From the results of the study, it was clear that B20G16 had maximum morphological growth, while B29G11 revealed minimum growth among the tested lines, although these two lines were clustered into the same cluster interestingly. It can be...
Muhammad Zubair1, Habib Ahmad2*, Brian E. Hemphill3, Muhammad Tariq4 and Muzafar Shah5 considered in the backdrop of living ethnic groups of peninsular Indians and prehistoric inhabitants of the Indus Valley and South-Central Asia. When consideration was limited to the people of Northern Pakistan, the uniqueness of Khalil and Daudzai, was emphasized. A comparison of the people from Peshawar emphasizes the uniqueness with south-central Asia, and shared no affinities to South Asians either living or prehistoric. These results show the influence...
Muhammad Rashid, Mahmood Ahmad Sajid, Nosheen Noor Elahi, Sibgha Noreen and Kausar Hussain Shah*
... in plant adaptations to drought stress. However, antioxidant defense system and lipid peroxidation play a key role in drought tolerance. The current study was intended to investigate physiological adaptations for drought tolerance in different wheat varieties. Three weeks old seedlings of each wheat cultivar were challenged with drought stress by skippi...
Guofang Wu1,2, Xingxing Xue1, Wenjuan Shen1, Lei Wang1,2*, Yuhong Ma1 and Jiping Zhou1
...ted in the inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase subunit 2 gene (IMMPL2) on SSC18. Further association analysis revealed that the L1-(GT)n locus was significantly associated with teat number (p < 0.05) and that the 152-bp allele exhibited the most positive association. Our data indicate that the L1-(GT)n microsatellite could represent a potential DNA marker with which to increase the number of teats. Thus could help to i...
Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Abdul Majid Khan1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Ayesha Iqbal1 and Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,3
... plications indicate the drier environments with hard and tough food available during the late Miocene. The late Miocene hipparionines were expected to have inhabited a mosaic of woodland and grassland with predominant C3 vegetation which latter shifted to C3/C4 grasses. For this purpose, fifteen dental samples (Five for each Hipparion species) from well dated late Miocene localities between 8.8-7.7 Ma are analyzed. All ...
Muhammad Naeem1,2, Nasir Rajput1,2, Sher Ali3, Asmatullah Kaka2, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro2, Mehvish Rajput2 and Tian Wang1,*
...w had higher (P<0.05) dry matter (DM), ash and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents; lower (P<0.05) organic matter (OM) than AH and CWR, the ether extract (EE) were higher and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) were lower (P<0.05) in AH and TRS-II, while the crude protein (CP) were higher and acid detergent lignin (ADL) were lower (P<0.05) in AH than other groups. The concentration of acetate, butyrate and iso-butyrate were almost similar in TRS-I...

Muhammad Jahanzaib1*, Nazakat Nawaz1, Muhammad Arshad1, Haris Khurshid1, Muzamil Hussain2 and Shahid Ali Khan1



... Similarly, the trait of dry pods yield was in significant positive correlation (1.216**) with plant height, while was significant negatively correlated (-.850**) with number of branches. A strong positive direct effect was observed between twenty pods length (5.548), shelling percentage (4.630), 100-kernels weight (3.738), and leaflet length (2.950) with dry pods yield, indicating the importance of traits linkage in groundn...
Eman A. Al-Shahari1,2, Abdelhalim A. Alkhazendar3, Eman R. ElBealy4 and Abeer A. Alm-Eldeen3* peroxidation and 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine while showed a decrease in the superoxide dismutase activity, testosterone level and sperm count and viability. Seminiferous tubules diameters were 84.3 ± 5.6 µm and their epithelium heights were 21.2 ± 3.4 µm. Only spermatogonia that were positively reacted with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). After quercetin administration, they showed an improvement in the previous b...
Muhammad Qayash Khan1,2, Muhammad Zubair Anjum2, Muhammad Adnan3, Abbas Khan1, Hafsa Zahid1, Javed Nawab4, Sher Zaman Safi5Muhammad Ishaq Ali Shah6, Atif Kamil7 and Abid Ali1*
... identified, its mitochondrial DNA was extracted and subjected to molecular characterization by amplifying and sequencing the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (CO1) gene. The sequencing data revealed rich genetic diversity among fish specimens belonging to the genus Schizothorax. For the genus Tor, as was commonly believed of having two species (Tor putitora and Tor macrolepus), the seq...
Muhammad Akram Muneer1, Khalid Munir1, Ghulam Abbas1’*, Isra Munir1Mumtaz Ahmad Khan1, Asif Iqbal1, Munsoor ud Din Ahmad1, Muhammad Arshad Javid2, Zareen Fatima1 and Maria Arshad1
...ere Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), H1N1 influenza and Middle EastRespiratorySyndromecoronavirus(MERS-CoV)emerged as very importantissuesduringlastthree decadesas these infectionscaused quitelargenumberofhumandeathsworldwide.Coronavirusesaresingle-strandedpositive sense RNA viruses which mainly in past were considered responsible for high percentage of (around 30%) of common cold/flu cases. Viruses causing SARS, MERS and ...
Hina Habib Syed1, Muzafar Shah2*, Shahid Sherzada3 and Masroor Elahi Babar1
...malaria is common in children and youth of the area.
Tanveer Hussain, Masroor Ellahi Babar*, Akhtar Ali and Fiaz Hussain
...ue of 1000. Finally, the dromedary camel sequences from Pakistan were compared with corresponding genetic sequences of other animal species available on NCBI including European bison, Indian bison, Tibetan antelope, wild yak, domestic goat, sheep, water buffalo and cattle for biological positioning of dromedary camel. The results reconfirmed the classical biological classification.
Eman Khalifa1*, Riad Khalil2 and Haitham Elaadli3
...ate farms in Cairo-Alexandria desert road in the north part of the Egypt and subjected to bacteriological and molecular examination for M. bovis followed by their antibiogram profile. Seven (7%) isolates were identified as M. bovis from totally examined 100 milk samplesand isolated M. bovis showed resistance to ciprofloxacin; gentamycin and sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim while were intermediate sensitive to both of erythromycin and norflox...
Junyan Bai*, Zhihao Dong, Youbing Yang, Ziheng Li, Xiaoning Lu and Huirong Gong
... The results showed that drip losses of back and tendon were obviously lower than those at other parts (P<0.05). Cooking loss of tendon was significantly lower than that at other parts (P<0.05). The shearing force of hind leg was obviously lower than that at other parts (P<0.05). The flesh color of waist was significantly lower than that at other parts (P<0.05). Crude protein contents in forelegs, hind leg and back were ...

Faiza Aman1,*, Neelam Ara1 and Syed Mehar Ali Shah2



...sup>-1 (37.67), hundred green seeds weight (57.33 g) and green pod yield (10.19 tons) was recorded for genotype UAP-47. Maximum pod length (9.87 cm), seeds pod-1 (9.33) and hundred green pods weight (583.00 g) was recorded for variety Green Gold. However, minimum pods plant-1 (15.00) was recorded for pea variety Rizwaan. The lowest pod length (3.57 cm) was displayed by genotype UAP-13. However, mi...
Sana* and Abbas Ullah Jan
...ement level of their children in agriculture was quantified over three points Likertscale(Neverinvolved,Part-time involved and Full-time involved). Data analysis revealed that 34.7 percent of children of the sampled farm households were full-time involved and 41.9 percent were part-time involved in different agricultural activities. The most frequent of them were animals grazing, fodder cutting an...
Raheel Saqib1*, Muhammad Luqman2, Saleem Ashraf3, Tahir Munir Butt4, Abdur Rehman5, Imtiaz Hussain6 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood2
...from the study area were drawn randomly. A total sample size of the study was 110 respondents (rural female engaged in different farming activities). Data were collected through pre-tested interview schedule and analyzed using SPSS. Results showed that an overwhelming majority of respondents (89.1%) were perceived that family farming played a significant role in improving their livelihoods on a sustainable basis. A large majority (84.6%) of respondents reporte...

Dilara Devranoglu, Ilksen Tavaci, Gonul Filoglu and Ozlem Bulbul*

...bserved allele and locus drop-outs on both bloodstains stored for five years and UVC exposed samples. The brown and blue eye colors were correctly predicted for reference and degraded samples. The intermediate eye colors were predicted to be brown or inconclusive. The degradation by aging bloodstains or UVC exposure, is differently affected the prediction accuracy depending on the informativeness of the SNPs. This study showed that the prediction of the eye co...
Jiawei Hong1,2, Mingqiang Chen 1,2, Zhenghua Deng1,2, Youning Li1,2 and Yu Wang1,2*
...ce of Mycoplasma, dropped down from 58.38% to 3.85%, and Vibrio increased (from 15.23% to 40.8%) to become the dominant genus. The hierarchical clustering heat map analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the microbial community of the high dosage group (10 mg/L) was clearly different from the other two groups. Overall, enrofloxacin at high dosage of 10 mg/L significantly altered the community diversity of noble scallop. This s...
Sadaf Javaria1, Anum Marwat1, Muhammad Nadeem2, Mehwish Zerlasht1, Aiman Kareem3, Iqra Rubab1 and Masooma Munir4* fruit leathers, a dehydrated snack have the potential to increase fresh fruit utilization especially in the children. The present investigation was designed to standardize the formulation of apple peach mixed fruit leather. Exact formulation has very important role in producing an acceptable and admired food product and the product grab more market. Therefore, the formulation of apple peach mix fruit leather was standardi...
Asima Batool1, Ghulam Abbas2*, Zuhair Hasnain3, Nasira Perveen4 and Muhammad Naeem Akhtar5
...manifested greater shoot dry matter yield, while none of the hybrids displayed greater root dry weight under heat stress than root respective controls. The Hybrid SB-11 incurred a minimal loss of leaf area followed by Hycorn-11 and Hycorn-984 while hybrids ICI-984 and SB-11 were the most affected. These data indicated that like convention...
Ahmad Abrar Khan* and Muhammad Idrees
...irrigated their crops in drought periods.In the majority of cases through wells/tube wells followed by canals, while one-third of total cases were only rain water-dependent. Further, more than 50% of the cases aphids, scale and flat-headed borer insect/pest attacks were reported on the apricot crop. Besides scab, brown rot and shot hole were reported by more than 60%, apricot growers.Regarding dormant practices, 65.2% apricot growers pruned their trees, 67.4% ...
Shakeel Ahmed Soomro1,2, Sikandar Almani3, Lal Bux4, Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto2, Muhammad Sohail Memon2, Farman Ali Chandio2, Shakeel Hussain Chattha2, Zaheer Ahmed Khan2, Zubair Ahmed Soomro5,Babar Mustafa Ansari6 and Kunjie Chen1*
... to assess the effect of drying on physical properties of Nanjing 9108 paddy variety using response surface methodology. A mathematical model was used predicting the effects of indicators i.e. temperature (40.86, 45, 55, 65 and 69.14 ºC) and time (4.11, 30, 92.5, 155 and 180 min) each with five levels on observed parameters. The suitability of quadratic model for present study was described by the responses having accep...
Kamran Baksh Soomro1*, Sina Alaghmand2, Sanyogita Andriyas3, Muhammad Rehmatullah Khan4, Naveedullah5 and Amin Talei6
...ons, were used under the drip system of irrigation. The crop yield in season 1, found under IT1 and IT2,were 11,337.3 and7764.4 kg.ha-1, respectively, without any salt accumulation in the wetted zone in both scenarios. Nevertheless, salts deposited at the wetted periphery at all three sampling depths, under both irrigation treatments, after the crop end. The benefit-cost Ratio (BCR) per hectare in season 1 was 1.90 and 1.69 und...
Umair Riaz1*, Shazia Iqbal2, Muhammad Irfan Sohail2, Tayyaba Samreen2, Muhammad Ashraf1, Fatima Akmal2, Ayesha Siddiqui3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Muhammad Naveed5, Naveed Iqbal Khan5 and Rao Masood Akhter6
...about 40% newly approved drugs during last two decades are formulated from natural origin. Multitude of socio-economic factors influence economic values of medicinal plants both locally and at international level. The world trade in botanicals is US $ 32.702 billion and Asian botanical trade is for US $ 14.505 billion with 6.634 million tones and accounts for 44.35 per cent and 53.13 per cent of world trade in terms of value and volume, respectively. Following...
Ryan Septa Kurnia1* and Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto2

...mechanism of disease and drug development is conducted in 2D cell culture or in animal models. The 2D cell culture models poorly imitate the condition in vivo and provide limited utility due to mimic tissue physiology in multicellular organisms. Although animal models can be used as pre-clinical tools for new-agent screening prior to clinical testing, there is a growing awareness of the limitations of animal research and its inability to make reliable p...
Hafiz Imran Iqbal1*, Zahir Ahmad Zahir2, Obaidur Rehman1, Rizwan Khalid1*, Abdul Waheed1, Raja Abad Raza1, Shahid Saleem1, Muhammad Rashid1, Sarosh Tariq Alvi1 and Asia Munir1

...-grain weight, fresh and dry plant biomass up to 35%, 36% and 48% at 6 dSm-1 respectively. Dry matter of the crop (40%) was recorded with Rhizobium strain Mn2 (alone) compared to un-inoculated control at 12 dSm-1. Results showed that the strains consortia (S2+Mn2) might be helpful in elevating the productivity of maize under saline conditions.
Sohail Akbar1*, Muhammad Shafiq2, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal2, Kashif Ishaq2, Muhammad Kamran2, Shazia Shamas3, Arbab Sikander4 and Muhammad Hashim5
...o heat stress, intake of dry matter decreases but requirement of energy increases along with the bypass protein. So there is need of nutrition based management of animals in proper way.
Asma Chaudhary1, Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad1, Afia Muhammad Akram1, Sadia Roshan2 and Javed Iqbal Qazi3* formulated fish feed, drying and storing in refrigerator. Mortalitiesof Labeo rohita fingerlings challenged to P. fluorescens intraperitoneally appeared in a dose dependent manner with symptoms like hemorrhage, swelling of the belly and anus, scale damage etc. The pathogen challenged fish were administered with Sphingomonas sp.AsCh-P3 (group-G1) and B. aerius AsCh-A7 (group-G2) treated feed in different experimental set ups. High...
Aylin Celile Oluk1*, Ugur Serbester2, Murat Reis Akkaya3 and Oya Berkay Karaca4
...oxylic acids, aromatic hydrocarbons and terpenes. Milk samples were collected at the early and late lactation periods from Hatay and Kilis, Turkey. During both periods, the goats consumed a diversity of plant species. Milk collected from Kilis had 15.27-16.10% total solids,5.70-6.50% fat and 4.80-5.10% protein. The lactose content did not differ significantly between milk samples from the two locations (3.90-4.20%). Total unsaturated fatty acid levels were sig...
A.E.S. Patrick1,*, S. Kuganathan2 and U. Edirisinghe3
...ere observed. During the drought period (July to August, 2014), A. melettinus, Esomus thermoicos (endemic) and Rasbora daniconius were observed at the sluice. E. thermoicos (b= 3.163, p=0.181) and R. daniconius (b= 3.065, p=0.393) obeyed the cubic law andshowed an isometric growth pattern. However, A. melettinus showed a negative allometric growth (b= 2.367, p=0.002). Although, most of the local fi...
BamideleAkinsanya1, Isaac O Ayanda2,*, Benson Onwusa1 and Joseph K Saliu1
...m. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and mono-aromatic hydrocarbons-benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) are chemicals derived from fossil fuels that easily get into the aquatic environment. These chemicals were investigated in the fish parasite Tenuisentis niloticus, as a reflection of the extent to which these compounds are present in the lagoon. One hundred (100)...
Ibrar Muhammad Khan1, Dezhi Xu1, Zubing Cao1, Hongyu Liu1, Adnan Khan2,  Sajid Ur Rahman3, Jam Zaheer Ahmed4, Muhammad Akmal Raheem5 and Yunhai Zhang1*
...NA integrity and mitochondrial membrane potential percentage were found significantly higher (P < 0.05) in diluent groups treated with 7.5 mmol L-cysteine or 4.8 mmol vitamin E. The juvenile results indicated that L-cysteine and vitamin E improves the freeze-thawed spermatozoa characteristics in crossbred bulls.

Joseph Anejo-Okopi1*, Jennifer Ifeoma Okpara1, James Mogoret Dabol1, Joshua Adetunji1, David Adeniyi2, David O. Amanyi3, Otobo I. Ujah4, Veronica David1, Patience Omaiye5 and Onyemocho Audu6

...smn; 15,35 years. One hundred and three (63.6%) of them were males and 59 (36,4%) were females. Ten (11.1%) of patients were positive for anti-HD antibodies. the infection among the HBV/HBV was 13.3% and HBV-mono 8.9%. In the statistical analysis, the HBV-mono infected; age (p=.037), marital status (p=.001), cigarette smoking (p=.022) and condom use (p=.04) were significantly related to HDV infection. The study demonstrated high prevalence of HDV infection, wh...
Suwati Suwati1, ErniRomansyah1,*, Syarifudin Syarifudin1, Yahya Jani2, Agus Heri Purnomo3
Damat Damat4 and Erkata Yandri5,6
...aweed consists of carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber and ash, vitamin, and beta-carotene. Right drying methods are needed to preserve the quality of dried seaweed. This study aims to compare the trend of weight reduction in seaweed during drying by natural and cabinet methods. The methods were used experimentally in the field and laboratory. And the data ...

Uwem E. George1, Oluwadamilola A. Arowolo2, Oluseyi A. Olayinka3, Ijeoma M. Ifeorah4, Temitope O.C. Faleye3,5, Bolaji Oluremi6, Arthur O. Oragwa7, Ewean C. Omoruyi8, Emmanuel E. Udoh9, Oluwadamilola G. Osasona1,10, Emmanuel Donbraye11, Olufunke P. Adeniji12, Olubusuyi M. Adewumi3,13* and Johnson A. Adeniji3,13,14

...the ARGs detected target drugs that inhibit translation, of which 66.6% (8/12) were tetracycline resistance (TC-r) genes, while remaining 9.5% (2/14) inhibit cell wall synthesis (cfxA3_1 and cfxA6_1). Eight (aph(3’)-III_1, cfxA3_1, cfxA6_1, erm(B)_10, tet(Q)_1, tet(Q)_2, tet(Q)_4, tet(W)_5) of the ARGs detected were predicted to be plasmid-borne. We report using a cultivation-independent approach the presence of ARGs in Nigerian Chimpanzees. Findings sug...
Shehzadi Saima1, Maqsoda Perveen2, Muhammad Nawaz1, Khalid M. Ahmad1,* and Haider Sultan1
...ontrol, 2g/pot with side dressing, 2g/pot with foliar spray). Results revealed that foliar spray of potassium enhanced most of parameters i.e. length of stalk, fresh weight of stalk, dry weight of stalk, number of florets per plant, diameter of stalk, fresh and dry weight of leaves, number of leaves significantly at P<0.01 more than side dressi...
Dara Jaff1,2* and Michael C. Jarvis
... farmers or breeders for dry climates need to cope with wide variation in rainfall from year to year. Vigorous vegetative growth is needed for yield when drought terminates growth early, but this character can lead to lodging in years with above average rainfall. Barley cultivars and landraces bred adapted to these conditions have thinner straw than higher-yielding cultivars adapted to mor...
Wahyu Widodo1,*, Imbang Dwi Rahayu2, Adi Sutanto3, Apriliana Devi Anggraini4, Harum Sahara4
Sara Safitri4 and Abubakar Yaro5,6
...e, feed efficiency, meat dry matter content, meat organic matter, meat ash content, dry matter, and organic matter digestibility in super kampong chicken. The best treatment was curcuma by 1 % as feed additive due to the increase of carcass weight percentage by the value was 69.60 %.

Masood Sadiq Butt1, Sadia Aslam1,2, Rizwan Shukat1,*, Syed Qamar Abbas1, Muhammad Issa Khan1, Shadab Shaukat3 and Muhammad Shahid4

...dy was to optimize the hydrolysis conditions for production of protein hydrolysate with enhanced functionality. Minced rohu (Labeo rohita) waste mainly comprising of head, tail, fins and skin was considered as raw material to prepare protein hydrolysate using flavorzyme enzyme. The results showed that response surface methodology was employed to optimize the reaction conditions (tem...
Saima Siddiqui1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed 1Abdul Sattar Buriro2, Sohail Ahmad3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed4 and Muhammad Asam Riaz4*


...of trichome on lamina, midrib and vein, gossypol glands on midrib and lamina) of above mentioned cotton varieties were correlated with the incidence of sucking pest. Result revealed that cotton varieties had significantly different physio- morphic characters. There was a negative and significant correlation of TDM (Trichome density on midrib), (r-value = -0.615) and TDV (Trichome density o...
Basharat Ahmed1, Muhammad Hamza Azhar2, Farah R. Shakoori1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,3,*
... were recovered from children (72%), 52 % were from male patients. The highest number of strains was isolated in summer (30.8 %) followed by in autumn (25.3 %) and in spring (22.6 %). The lowest number of strains was isolated in winter (21.2 %). The isolates showed highest resistance against carbenicillin followed by ampicillin, co-trimoxazole, streptomycin, amoxicillin, amikacin, ceftizoxime, tetracycline, erythromycin and nalidixic acid. The isolates showed ...
Canan Vejselova Sezer*
...spectively. A variety of drugs are in use for cancer treatment but their recruiting properties are limited because of the developing resistance and/or finiteness of bioavailability. Current research is aimed at synthesis of a new effective agent of a different type, silymarin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles and investigation of its effectiveness on treatment of lung and breast cancers. In this respect, these nanoparticles and silymarin were elucidated by usin...
Saira Batool1, Safdar Ali Shirazi1 and Syed Amer Mahmood2*
...fed and semi-arid with a drainage contributing area of 6524 km2. The RUSLE factors were calculated through vulnerable erosion zones remote sensing datasets demarcated by GIS. Computed soil erodibility, rainfall erodibilty, topographic-length-slope, crop management and conservation factor reveal interesting results and are in accordance with the local estimations that agree with each other well. The output maps indicate that the approximated total po...
Arshad Bhat1*, Masudul H. Wani1, Shabir A. Wani2, Abid Qadir3, Iqra Qureshi4 and Abid Sultan2

...d invisible. In this backdrop, present study attempts to highlight involvement of invisible costs in apple industry of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Defensive Expenditure Method and Willingness to Pay Model was used to estimate the costs incurred on the health and protective items purchased for reducing the impact of excessive pesticide use on health and ecosystem. Furthermore, Contingent Valuation Method was employed for knowing the willingness of the...
Uzma Ayaz1,* and Muhammad Fareed Khan2

...hene’s weight (g), dry achene’s weight (g) and achene’s yield (kg/ha). This experimental study depicts dependence and linkage of some agronomic factors with other inter-linked traits i.e flowering days, maturing days, width of stem, head diameter, chlorophyll content, leaves per plant, 1000-grains weight, grain yield and oil content. The tree diagram based on average linkage distances of morph-physiological traits grouped the studied traits i...

Memoona Tehseen1, Sajila Hina2*, Alim-un-Nisa2 and Naseem Zahra2

...antioxidants butylated hydroxianisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). The stabilization of sunflower oil with spinach extract as natural antioxidant was monitored by evaluating oxidation in terms of peroxide value, free fatty acid value, iodine value, conjugated dienes, conjugated trienes and para-anisidine value. Spinach extract with maximum concentration showed significant effectiveness in oxidative stabilization of...

Safdar Hussain1, Muhammad Naeem Mushtaq5, Ali Bakhsh3, Muhammad Mudassar Maqbool1, Muhammad Sarwar1, Muhammad Jan4*, Muhammad Abdul Qayyum2 and Arif Husain2

...which wheat can tolerate drought stress that can be measured in terms of foliar application of plant growth regulators and plant extracts. Wheat genotypes (Triple dwarf-1, Aas-2011; Faisalabad- 2008) were exposed to critical drought stage. The plants were exposed to normal irrigation, application of bio stimulants like 2µM ABA, 10 mM SA, 15% MLE and 10% MBLE were applied at grain filling stage but skipping irrigation. ...

M. Javed Iqbal1, Rizwan Shukat1, Muhammad Farooq2*, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi2, Naila Ilyas3, Rahman Ullah4, A. Shakoor5, Muhammad Bakhtiar6 and Faraz Ahmed7 

...was prepared by foam mat drying technique in which onion paste was treated with different concentration of soy protein (0%, 4%, 8% and 12%) as foaming agent and Carboxyl methylcellulose (0.5%) as foam stabilizer and these were dried in hot air tray drier at different temperatures (55°C, 65°C and 75°C) with 3mm sheet thickness of onion foams. Effect of different concentration of...

Salma Javed and Samreen Khan*

...sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrical L.) field in the vicinity of National Nematological Research Centre, University of Karachi and further processed by Cobb’s sieving and Baermann’s funnel techniques. Specimens were killed, fixed and identified up to species level under light microscope. Afterward, hundred fresh handpicked nematodes were inoculated on both fully grown fungal species at 25ºC. The nematode attract...

Muhammad Musa1*, Muhammad Riaz Gondal2, Aaqib Riaz3, Sikander Hayat2 and Iftikhar Haider1

...Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L) provides nutritious and palatable fodder in repeated cuttings during winter and early summer. However, its seed yield per unit area in Pakistan is relatively low as compared to other countries. The present study was aimed to evaluate the influence of climate on fodder production, seed vigour, seed yield and total income ha-1 of three berseem varieties and to enhance the production through management of harvesting at Fodder Re...

Raza Ullah Khan1*, Ahmad Khan1, Mohammad Zameer Khan1, Fayyaz Hussain1, Zafar Islam2 and Muhammad Asad Hameed2

...showed the presence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic sites. The Fourier infrared spectroscopy analysis showed spectrum bends at different wavenumbers while elemental analysis show existence of different macro and micro nutrients which can be used to supplement the plant needs for nutrients by incorporation of humic substances along with commercial inorganic fertilizers. Though findings in this study showed KOH as cost effectiv...

Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1*, Muhammad Aslam Panhwar1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio1, Muhammad Saleem Sarki1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi1, and Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2

...pplication in crop husbandry is essentially required. In a field experiment, the impact of foliar Zn fertilization was quantified on growth, yield, and Zn concentration in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Silder) at Nasarpur, Sindh, Pakistan during 2015-16. The foliar rates comprised of 33, 66, and 99 mg Zn L-1 (equivalent to 100, 200 and 300 mg ZnSO4 L-1) and distilled water (control treatment) and sprayed to strawberry plants before flower initiation. A c...

Muhammad Arslan Ibrahim1*, Aneeqa Aleem2, Farkhanda Manzoor2, Shahbaz Ahmad1, Hafiz Muhammad Zahid Anwar1, Talia Aroob2 and Mansoor Ahmad3 

...aining 4×106 polyhedral inclusion bodies (PIB) was tested as a mortality factor against the late larval instars of S. frugiperda when natural mortality tends to decrease after each successive instar. The single-sex method was adopted in the construction of the life table. The ratio of mortality in the late instars (3rd to 5th) was greater than the early instars because of entomopathogenic treatment. The survivorship curve explicated that the 4th to 6th i...

Mehwish Saleem1*, Maria Tahir1, Maryam Ilyas2 and Aqsa Malik2

...out cell functions i.e hydration, muscle contraction, heart beating and conduction of nerve impulse. These include calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride etc. Calcified body parts like teeth and bone contain calcium, which firm the bony parts and important factor in blood clotting and circulation purpose was to evaluate serum calcium level in patient’s blood. Blood samples were collected from cancer patients from MAYO hospital LHR during the tim...

Ch. Muhammad Rafiq1, Qasim Raza1*, Awais Riaz1, Misbah Hanif2, Wajiha Saeed2, Shawaiz Iqbal1, Tahir Hussain Awan1, Syed Sultan Ali1 and Muhammad Sabar1

...rge-scale adaption. To address subordinate germination issues, we investigated the effects of five salicylic acid (SA) concentrations (0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 ppm) on polyethylene glycol (PEG) induced drought stress conditions (0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6 and -0.8 MPa). Highly significant (p < 0.01) effects of drought, SA and their interactions were observed on seed germination. Interestingly, ...
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1 and  Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2 
...recha calves (Camelus dromedarius) around 300±30 days of age were weaned at 9 months age and used in 90 days trial to study their growth rate. Calves were raised in two groups with 5 each under stall-fed conditions (intensive management system, IMS). They were offered roughage+concentrate at the ratio of 60:40. In 60 proportions the ratio between fodder (lucerne) and crop residues (gram crop residues) was 70:30. They were fed two isocaloric diets...
Sara Sultan Alomran1, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak1,2, Amir Ali Khan1,2*, Sallam Hasan Abdallah2, Abeer Maher Fayyad1 and Khalid Bajou1,2
...tent and number of lipid droplets. While AKT3 is reported to be a target of miR-22-3p, our study indicated otherwise. Moreover, while miR-22-3p is known to target more than 500 genes, MAPK has not been identified as one of the more than 500 gene targets of miR-22-3p, though this pathway was upregulated in transfected iMSC3 that differentiated to adipocytes. Finally, miR-22-3p was observed to suppress adipocytes and was involved in adipocyte differentiation thr...
Xinjian Wang1,2, Eryan Yang1,2 and Lizhi Zhou1,2*
...ont-size: small;">The Tundra swan, Cygnus columbianus, wintering in the lakes of Yangtze River floodplain are facing wetland degeneration and habitat loss. Daily activity rhythm, time budget and foraging pattern of wintering swans are the important presentation of behavioral strategy in response to habitat variations. We studied the behavior of Tundra Swan wintering in the wetland of Huangpi Lake from November 2012 to...
Hesham Saeed1*, Manal Abdel-Fattah1, Ahmad Eldoksh1, Farid S. Ataya2 and Manal Shalaby3
... camel liver, Camelus dromedarius was isolated and cloned using reverse transcription-PCR. Sequence analysis of that gene showed a 564-bp encoding a protein of 187 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 21 kDa. Basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) sequence analysis revealed that C. dromedarius IFNα gene shares high sequence identity with IFNα genes of other species, including C. fe...

Ali Ahmad1*, Zubair Aslam1, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Naeem Iqbal3, Muhammad Idrees3, Muhammad Nawaz4, Muhammad Yasir Nawaz5, Muhammad Kashif Munir6, Ahmad Kamal1, Ehsan Ullah1, Muhammad Ahsan Jamil1, Yousuf Akram1, Tanveer Abbas1 and Muhammad Mohsin Aziz1

...ving good aeration, high drainage, good water holding capacity, microbial activity, superior in nutrient status and buffering capacity therefore having the amiable required physiochemical charms for fertility of soil and growth of plant. The worms increase the biological decomposition of organic substrates by maintaining the aerobic conditions of the organic substrates. Experiments on earthworms and the vermicast production by different species are also includ...
Arsalan Rasheed1, Tahir Usman2,*, Sadaf Niaz1, Irfan Khattak2, Saira Gul2, Nawab Ali1,Naimat Ullah Khan2, Hazrat Ali2, and Mian Saeed Sarwar2 through respiratory droplets and causes diseases, ranging from colds to more serious illnesses: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Severe Respiratory Syndrome, and Severe Respiratory Syndrome 2. The prevalence rate is high during winter and spring. Genomes of coronaviruses have large enveloped +RNA. First human corona viruses, causing respiratory dis...

Frederic Ndihokubwayo and Atakan Koç

...content (FC, %), non-fat dry matter content (NFDMC, %) and somatic cell count (SCC, cell/ml). The means for BDS, TEHS, MMY, FC, NFDMC and Log10SCC were 3.30±0.048, 2.17 ± 0.038, 13.92 ± 0.315 kg, 3.58 ± 0.039%, 10.14 ± 0.032% and 5.22 ± 0.024 (165 958 cells/ml), respectively. The effects of farm and parity (P < 0.01) on BDS and the effects of farm (P < 0.01), parity (P < 0.05) and lactation stage (P < 0.01)...

Salma Javed, Samreen Khan*, Nasira Kazi and Tabassum Ara Khanum 

...ption, measurement, line drawings, as well as photomicrographs for Pakistani population of these species are reported.


Zafar Ahmad Handoo1*, Mihail Radu Kantor1 and Ekramullah Khan2

...rphometric details, line drawings along with description, characteristics, and relationships of each new genus and species with its closely related genera and species are given.

Naimat Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Hassan Saleem2, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Nisar Ahmad2, Muhammad Shafee3, Ayesha Hassan2, Mumtaz Ali Khan2 and Nadeem Rashid3
...dazole and Azithromycin) drugs were used against five groups (groups A-E). Paromomycin, Metronidazole, Allium sativum and Azithromycin showed 91.77%, 78.20 %, 77% and 59.29 % reduction in oocysts per gram, respectively. This study explores the potential use of Allium sativum against crytosporidium infection and also warns about the high prevalence and possible zoonotic transmission of cryptosporidiosis in southern parts of KPK, Pakistan.
Saba Afzal1, Sohail Raza1,*, Masood Rabbani1, Sehrish Firyal2, Imran Altaf1 and Zahra Naeem1
...ossible mechanism of the drug. Therefore, our study first time demonstrated the antiviral potential of ivermectin against PPRV in vitro and its future potential for its use as anti-PPRV therapeutics.
Khurram Goraya1,*, Qais ALRawahi1, Sultan ALBalushi1, Hani ALSaadi1, Sami ALRahbi1, Zahir ALAlawi1, Muhammad Hammad Hussain2 and Madad Hussain1
...available on their husbandry requirements and diseases occurring in these species. This study aimed to evaluate the causes of mortalities at WWR. During July to October 2019, fifty mortalities were observed at WWR. These mortalities consisted of 10 Arabian oryx and 40 Sand gazelles. All carcasses were subjected to the detailed post-mortem (PM) examination to find out the potential cause of death. Fatal injuries caused by fighting were the major cause of deaths...
Aiguo Zhou1,2, Di Sun1,2,Shulin Liu 1,2, Yongyong Feng1,2, Yue Zhang3
Yanfeng Chen4, Shaolin Xie1,2* and Jixing Zou1,2*


...ntrol region for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been considered as one of the most effective molecular markers in the study of identification for fish species, which has a fast evolutionary rate. And thus, in the present study, investigation of genetic comparison was performed based on the complete sequences of mtDNA control region for “Bicolor” and “White” types of northern snakehead (Channa argus) due to an uncertain classificat...
Junyan Bai1,2, Ren Tao Di Wu2, Le Ma Dao2, Di Bao2, Qiang Zhang2 and Xing Hua Tian3


...ol fineness to age is quadratic regression equation: Y=15.971+0.409X-0.008X2, the fitting degree is 0.983, the fitting effect is very good. The best regression equation of female camel’s wool fineness to age is also a quadratic regression equation: Y=15.597+0.564X-0.030X2, the fitting degree is 0.873, the fitting effect is better.

Imran Ullah Khan*, Noor Ul Amin, Sayyed Hamad Ahmad Shah, Maqsood Khan, Shehzad Ahmad and Syed Aizaz Ali Shah

Syed Muhammad Aun Naqvi1, Sara Tahir1, Tanveer Ahmed2*, Huma Naz3, Amara Gilani4, Atif Liaqat5

... Generally, total carbohydrates are determined by the difference of the entire proximate body composition indices, and in this study, it was found that the liver contains maximum carbohydrates (percentage) relative to other sections of the body examined. Weight group W3 was found to have higher nutrients significantly (p<0.05) as compared to W1 and W2. Further, it is found that although the gills, liver, and gut of fish a...

Muhammad Yousif Jakhrai1, Ahmed Nawaz Tunio2, Ali Mujtaba Shah1*, Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1, Muhammad Mohsen Rahimoon1

...high epidural anesthetic drugs injected to induce epidural analgesia in small ruminants like caprine and ovine. The information was obtained from published papers of last twenty years via research gateways such as; PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar. Small ruminant anesthesia, local anesthesia in ruminants and high epidural analgesia in sheep and goats were key points for this review. However, these research papers were included in this study, were published be...

Imrana Khushk1, Abdul Nabi Jatt2, Abdul Sattar Qureshi1*, Choudhary Haider Ali3, Muhammad Aqeel Bhutto1, Imran Ibrahim Khaskheli1, Sartar Iqbal Panhwer1

...culated on wheat straw hydrolysate and were monitored with regular interval until stable cell growth, glucose consumption, and, ethanol and lactic acid production. Fermentation performance of the adapted strain improved over parental strains. Ethanol and lactic acid yield reached to 90% and 75%, respectively, when using freshly pretreated wheat straw or wheat straw hydrolysate or rice straw as carbon source. On-site produced...

Attaullah Jan1*, Saleem Khan2, Iftikhar Alam1, Farzeen Khan3 and Muhammad Farooq4*

...ded 235 school-going children of both sex aged 5-10 years. A Pre-tested questionnaire was used for collection of data for the parameters: socio-demographics, anthropometrics, and dietary intake. Data on anthropometrics included measurement of weight, height and BMI. Age and anthropometrics (weight, height and BMI) were used for z-score calculation following WHO standards and using WHO AnthroPlus software. Dietary data were collected in a 24-HR Dietary Recall Q...

Umar Farooq1, Muhammad Akmal1, Qadeer Ahmad2, Zahid Akram2, Adnan Arshad3, Huma Qamar4*, Hafeez Ullah5, Muhammad Zubair4 and Muhammad Rizwan Khurshid4

... the rate of 8 mgkg-1 of dry soil weight gave higher Fe concentration (3.32 mgkg-1) in grains. The lowest concentration of Fe found in control treatment (2.15 mgkg-1). The results revealed that various Fe-enriched organic amendments increased crop growth and yield related attributes like number of pods per plant, plant height; seed yield per plant and improved the quality by increasing iron concentration in grains. The pH and electrical conductivity (EC), orga...

Shujaa Arshad1, Muhammad Umair1*, Rana Shahzad Noor1, Chaudhry Arslan2, Arslan Afzal1 and Zafar Islam3

...rch, a small scale solar-driven desiccant cooling system was developed with 3 feet length, 2 feet width and 2 feet height and tested for local environmental conditions of Pakistan. Pakistan has blessed with an abundance of solar energy in most parts of the country and desiccant cooling technology in an environment as well as user-friendly technology. The objective of this study was to test the developed system for local conditions of Pakistan so that this tech...

Fayaz Ahmad, Noorullah Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Abdul Waheed, M. Abbas Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Shamsul Islam, Basharat Hussain Shah, Sohail Aslam and Qamar uz Zaman

... roots per plant (NLRP), dry shoot weight (DRW) and dry root weight (DRW). The highest plant height (78.66 cm) was produced by clone BP2-2, followed by Clones BP1-4, BP1-3, BP3-1 and BP2-5 with plant height of 70.46, 67.60, 67.20 and 66.36 cm respectively. Clone BP2-2 also produced h...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1

...ertilizer band placement drill (FBPD) for wheat had been developed and its performance was evaluated at farmer’s fields. This drill places DAP fertilizer near the seed that is about 5 cm away and 5 cm deeper than the seed due to which phosphorus use efficiency has increased. Experiments conducted at farmer’s fields showed excellent results of fertilizer band placement drill eve...
Md. Alal Hossen1, Mohammad Amzad Hossain1*, A.K.M. Munzurul Hasan1,2, Bipresh Das1, Sohel Mian1, Mohammed Mahbub Iqbal1
...omeres was progressively dropped and morula, blastula, and gastrula stages were found at 3:40 h, 4:20 h and 5:00 h, respectively after fertilization. The larvae-initiated hatching at around 21:00 h after fertilization and total length of larvae were computed 1.11±0.01 mm while the temperature of water was 30±1°C. The present study revealed that application of S-GnRHa hormone at dose of 0.5 ml kg-1 body weight of female could be efficacious fo...

Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1 and Nasir Ali Tauqir2 in hairs of Pakistani dromedaries reared in traditional system. A total of 12 (equal males and females) Marecha camels housed in half-open pens were studied. They were fed gram straw adlibitum with 8 to 10 hours grazing/browsing along with twice watering on daily basis. In hair minerals analyses, the levels of minerals including calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron and manganese were determined via standard lab procedures. Data collected was analyzed stat...

Taqi Raza1*, Kashif Nazir Qureshi2, Shakeel Imran2, Neal Samuel Eash3 and Imma Bortone4

Iqra Muzammil1, Muhammad Ijaz Saleem1, Amjad Islam Aqib2,*, Ambreen Ashar3Syed Ashar Mahfooz1, Sajjad ur Rahman4, Muhammad Shoaib4, Muhammad Aamir Naseer1, Imran Khan Sohrani1, Javeed Ahmad1, Razaullah Saqi1, Fizzah Laeeq Lodhi1 and
Qaisar Tanveer5
..., p=0.0996), poor drainage system (OR=7.33, p=0.002), pond as source of drinking water (OR=2.05, p=0.179), stall feeding (OR=7.27, p<0.001), 4-6 years of age of goat (OR=4.2, p=0.0874), and teat injury (OR=13.74, p<0.001) were potential risk factors for subclinical mastitis. The in-vitro findings of current study revealed 100% sensitivity of S. aureus against gent...
Suman Bhattarai1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Jaya Prakash Dutta3, Meghnath Timalsena4 and Rajendra Bam5
...ation and cost on sugar, drug and comb foundation was over-utilized and needed to be reduced by 30.65%. The efficient use of inputs could make it a profitable and viable commercial enterprise.


Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim1*, Asif Ahmad1, Anwaar Ahmed1, Amer Mumtaz2, Muhammad Javaid Asad3, Saqib Jabbar2, Ahmad Mujtaba1 and Muhammad Nadeem4 what we eat, chew, or drink is safe for human health. The whole food chain should be monitored right from production to consumption. The public health burden of developing countries is increasing beyond their resources. In developing countries like Pakistan, food safety issues result in serious health issues. Diarrhea is perhaps the most important problem that is responsible for more than half of the global burden of food borne diseases, causing 550 million...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Abdul Moeez1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Aneela Riaz3

...ding growth and yield of dry regions of the world and likewise in Pakistan. Silicon role in plant growth and especially strengthening of plant defence system is well documented particularly upon exposure to salt stress. Present research was performed using wheat variety Punjab-2011 with Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) under field conditions using three treatments and each replicated three times. Treatments were wheat florae were developed in plots havi...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Abdul Moeez1, Humaira Ramzan1, Mudassar Hafeez1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Aneela Riaz3, Sher Muhammad4 and Muhammad Latif4

...mass (25.62 g) and shoot dry matter (12.86 g) were found under saline environment when maximum concentration of Si was applied i.e. 100 µg Si/g and least values were obtained when no Si was applied. Thus, application of Si as higher concentration (100 µg Si/g soil) proved superior to mitigate harmful effects of salts on rice plants.


Muhammad Ahsan1*, Aneela Ramzan1, Muhammad Nafees1, Adnan Younis2, Muhammad Amin1, Gulzar Akhtar3, Khansa Saleem1 and Azka Sabeeh1

...salicylic acid). Maximum dry weight (g), highest flower freshness on 1st and 3rd day, minimum petal discoloration which leads to productive market acceptability and highest vase life was recorded in T2 (sugar). It is worth to note that lowest market acceptability of flower was observed when sugar is combined with other solution especially IAA. It means sugar reduces its effectiveness when combined with growth regulators. From this experiment, it can be conclud...

Mohammad Tariq Aziz* and Ayesha Khan

...0 registered farmers was drawn to collect primary data through pre-tested and well-structured interview schedule. Collected data was analysized using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results show that 42% of the respondents were above 35 years of age, majority (80%) were literate having education from primary to above matric, 45.5% had farming experience of 1-10 years while 67% have knowledge about agriculture extension department. All the respo...

Amjed Ali1, Kamran Arooj1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1­, Muhammad Imran1,2, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz3 and Muhammad Fraz Ali4 recorded by using standrd procedure. Results of experiment revealed that sowing date of 1st march and varity AZRI-2006 result in maximum leaf area index (3.43), leaf area duration (24.14), plant height (74.067cm), number of pod bearing branches per plant (60.96), number of grains per pod (11.30), grain yield (715.11 kg ha-1), biological yield (7773.3 kg ha-1) and harvest index (9.6167%) while sowing date 12th april and Varity AZRI-2006 produce maximum 1000-...

Muhammad Waqas1*, Muhammad Shoaib2, Muhammad Saifullah1, Adila Naseem4, Sarfraz Hashim1, Farrukh Ehsan1, Irfan Ali3 and Alamgir Khan1

...recasting is a crucial hydrological variable. In the current study, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) based techniques: TB (Tree Boost), DTF Decision Tree Forest, SDT Single Decision Tree and conventional Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks (MLPNN) are used for predicting streamflow of Jhelum River basin. The dataset was divided into two sections, i.e., training dataset (1971-2000); and testing dataset (2001-12). The tendency investigation was done by the Sen...
Amreen Zahra1, Mushtaq A. Saleem1*, Hasnain Javed2, Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan3, Muhammad Naveed1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4
...sites harboring dominant drug resistance mutations. 3D structure validation demonstrated 87.3% in Gag and 92.5% in Pol in the most favored regions. Dolutegravir, a protease inhibitor, was used for molecular docking to reveal the drug resistance sites among the isolates under investigation. However, strikingly the binding energies resulted were -7.9 kcal/mol for Pol and -5.7 kcal/mol in Gag that predicted that SNPs in the Pol...

Muhammad Yamin1*, Usama Ali Zafar1, Ghulam Usman2, Muhammad Nauman1, Muhammad Rizwan3, Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Azhar Ali1 and Usman Haider1

...moisture sensor and oven dry method. It was explored that an increase in temperature through an air heater decreases the RH in tunnel 1 and 2 compared to tunnel 3 which has higher RH because it was not installed with air heater and exhaust fan. System controlled the temperature and soil moisture within adjusted limits of 22-27 °C, 17-23 % for tunnel 1 and 19-22 °C, and 19-23 % for tunnel 2.


Fazal Subhan1,2, Abdul Malik1, Zia Ul Haq1 and Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,3*

...-align: justify;">In the dry region of the world, water scarcity is one of the emerging problems which is a severe constraint on food production. The available limited resources of water should be used economically and efficiently to sustain and improve agriculture productions. Based on actual crop requirements, irrigation techniques need improvement to get maximum yield with reduced irrigation. A field experiment was performed at Mardan region, Khyber Pakhtun...

Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar1, Fahad Nazir Khoso1*, Imran Khatri1, Niaz Hussain Khuhro2 and Arfan Ahmed Gilal1

... Cue-lure, T4= Protein hydrolysate, T5 = Trybliographa daci. Furthermore, combinations of these treatments were designed to find out the most effective combination. The results revealed that among the solo treatments, the plots sprayed with chemical (T2 = Tracer) had least number of infested fruits (29.75±2.69) while in combine treatments, the most effective treatment was T16 (Tracer + Protein hydrolysate + cuelure + ...

Weenghar Ali Chandio1, Tajnees Pirzada1*, Abdul Majid2 and Farzana Rashid3 

..., germination and fresh/ dry weight was investigated by applying varied concentrations of HA (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20ppm).UV-Visible spectroscopy confirmed the presence of HA in soil sample. XRD demonstrated that HA extracted had semi-crystalline structure with the average crystal size of 39.48 x 109nm. FTIR showed the presence of Oxygen-containing functional groups (aromatic) such as ether bonds, ester bonds, carboxyl group, phenolic hyd...
Maria Qibtia1, Muhammad Wasim1, Farzana Chowdhary1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Sehrish Faryal1, Ahmed Mansouri2, Zeeshan Ahmad2, Muhammad Hamid3 and Ali Raza Awan1,*
... the lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) enzyme. LPH is encoded by the LCT-gene located on chromosome 2q21. In this study, 50 patients with LI were investigated for the identification of mutations in the LCT-gene. In comparison of 30 subject with lactose persistence (LP) considered as healthy group. A total of 13 genomic mutations were identified, 1 in the promoter region and 12 in the intronic/exonic region of LCT-gene. Among these 12 mutat...

Arshad Khan1, Mohammad Ihsan1, Mohammad Nisar1, Ali Hazrat1*, Murad Ali3, Rashid Ul-Haq3, Khalid Khan2, Karishma Gul1 and Shah Faisal1 

...sity among the barley landraces; to explore significant variation which can be used in breeding programs. For this purpose, 40 barley landraces were collected from Dir Lower and Swat, districts of KP, Pakistan. A total of 18 traits were recorded, 10 qualitative characters including spike density, awn barbs, glume awn, lemma type and awn color, length of the rechilla hairs, lemma color, auricle pigmentation, photoperiod sensi...

Shaista Shafi* and Amjad Farooq

...y significant effects of drill dates and species on Brevicoryne brassicae populations, while brassica species × sowing date interaction was also highly significant. Early sown crops bore fewer aphid populations in contrast to mid and late sown crops. Therefore, it may be concluded that mid-October can be recommended for the farming of brassica crops.


Tahseen Ullah* and Noorul Amin

...rvival %, sprout weight, dry leaves weight, leaf area, root diameter, chlorophyll content, sprout diameter, fresh root weight, number of branches, shoot length and root length while the days to bud sprouting, fresh leaves weight and number of roots have non-significantly affected by IBA concentration and types of stem cutting. The results had shown that sprouting percentage was highest (99.33 %) in hard wood cutting while minimum sprouting (20 %) in soft wood ...

Gulnaz Parveen1*, Naila Mukhtar2, Shumaila Irum3 and Nain Bukhari4

Samra Aftab1, Saleem Ullah1 and Farida Anjum2* effect on cellulose hydrolysis. Microbes were isolated from soil by using serial dilution method and were selected on efficiency basis (screening of microbes on the basis of their activities as cellulose degrading agents). The cellulose and related constituent of saw dust and sugarcane bagasse showed that cellulose (49 %), hemicelluloses (23.5 %) and ash (1.8 %) were higher in sugarcane bagasse, while lignin (7.9 %) was higher in saw dust. The data regardin...

Hussan Ara Begum1, Muhammad Hamayun1, Noor Shad1, Waqar Khan3, Jawad Ahmad1, Muhammad Ezaz Hasan Khan2, David Aaron Jones2 and Kishwar Ali2*

...ll content and fresh and dry weight of Brassica rapa L. and Eruca sativa L. Some seeds of Brassica rapa L. and Eruca sativa L. were placed in petri plates, and were exposed to UV light for 30, 60 and 120 mins daily. The source of UV light was a UV box having a UV Tube. The UV exposure on the seeds reduced the germination percentage in both species. The germination percentage in control was recorded as 19.35%, while it was 18.65% in 30min and 19.00% in 120min e...
Majed Rafeeq1,*, Nadeem Rashid1, Muhammad Masood Tariq1, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh1, Muhammad Zahid Mustafa1, Muhammad Shafee1, Khalid Mehmood1, Rana Muhammad Bilal2 and Tauseef Asmat1
... offered twice a day and drinking water was offered ad-libitum. Growth performance parameters, hematology, serum biochemistry, immune response (ND and SRBC), intestinal histo-morphology, bacterial enumeration and cecal volatile fatty acids (VFAs) were measured. There were significant improvements in weight gain (WG), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and average daily gain (ADG) in the treatment groups supplemented with extract (P<0.05) compared to control...
Ghulam Raza1*, Maqsood Anawar2, Muhammad Akbar1, Muhammad Ali1, Alamdar Hussain1, Azhar Hussain3 and Tanveer Hussain4
... the upper comparatively dry mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is categorized as a Least Concern species globally as well as in Pakistan, however its presence in the Karakorum mountain plays a significant role in the economy of the region as dozens of trophy hunting of this specie takes place in the region every year and generates handsome money to the local inhabitants of the mountainous community. The characteristic habitat analysis and pref...
Muhammad Ramzan1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah2, Muhammad Umair Sial2, Naeem Iqbal2 and Shafqat Saeed2
...T. euproctidis and T. dendrolimi have been documented as potential egg and pupal parasitoids of T. varians in many countries of the world. The present paper is an attempt to bring and summarize the basic information on majoraspects like distribution, biological parameters and control strategies of bombycid moth T. varians.


Muhammad Shahzad1*, Syed Amer Mahmood2, Athar Ashraf3, Amer Masood2 and Saira Batool4

...surface dynamic indices (drainage density-DD, topographic surface roughness-TSR) to constrain the neotectonics of Nanga Parbat Syntaxis (NPS) in Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Pakistan). This study aims to assess the active surface deformation based on the DD and TSR techniques. These are the interrelated procedures, i.e. TSR investigation may be used to distinguish areas with low and higher DD values and their connection with the active tectonics. The three-dimen...

Iftikhar Jan* and Sahib Alam

...sphorescence, ammonium hydroxide vapor induced color change and sclerotia production) and immunological methods i.e., enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All the four cultural methods successfully differentiated aflatoxigenic and nonaflatoxigenic isolates, however ammonium hydroxide vapor induced test was found to be the most efficient (80.29%) for segregation of the isolates. Among all isolates, thirty were screened ...

Syed Muhammad Sulaiman, Nazir Ahmad and Nazir Ahmad Khan*

...weighed and analysed for dry matter (DM) content. The remaining samples were air dried, ground and analysed for chemical composition and in vitro digestibility (IVDMD) and in vitro gas production (IVGP). The results revealed large variability (P < 0.001) in DM yield, ranging from 1943 to 2763 kg/ha. There was also greater variability (P ˂ 0.001) in morphological characteristics among the wheat cultivars. The percentage o...
Samina Tahir Kiani1, Abdul Rauf1, Syed Ayaz Kazmi1,*, Nuzhat Shafi1, Madiha Khalid2, Naeem Latif1, Samina Gul2, Saghir Yousaf3 and Muhammad Arshad4 of a total of 300 children (150 males and 150 females), 4-17 years of age were screened for anti-HCV antibody, HBsAg and anti-MTB antibodies using ICT kits. Sputum microscopy for MTB was done in MTB antibody positive samples. The samples positive in initial screening were confirmed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Nine samples were found positive in both ICT and ELISA test for HCV while PCR showed six positiv...
Ying Yang 1,2,3, Tietao Zhang 1,2,3, Min Rong 1,2,3, JiaPing Xu 1,2,3 and Xiumei Xing 1,2,3*
...bean oil in the complete dry power respectively. Mink were voluntary feed intake was found to be dependent upon dietary energy content. Body weights were regulated by energy intake tended to increase at first and then decreased as the energy level was increased. The growth rate and voluntary feed intake regression coefficients for energy and the growth responses from weaning to the age of 26 weeks were studied in male and female mink receiving diets varying in...

Muhammad Akhtar1, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood2*, Kaiser Latif Cheema1, Mushtaq Ahmad2, Muhammad Jahanzaib Khalid1, Amir Amin1, Javed Anwar Shah1, Zeeshan Qadeer1 and Zeshan Ali3

...ign: justify;">Sustained drought, uneven rain falls, progressively depleting soil moisture and predominant cultivation of chickpea under residual soil moisture condition are major causes of drastic decline in chickpea productivity in Pakistan. Systematic breeding efforts are required for evaluation of available genetic material to evolve drought tolerant chickpea cultivars for

Ain-ul-Abad Syed1*, Zaheer Ahmed Khan1, Shakeel Hussain Chattha1, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh2, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio3, Shahzad Hussain Dahri2 and Ghous Bakhsh Buriro4

...he treatments included hydroponic (soil-less) and geoponic (soil) spinach seed cultivation. The seed was initially grown in a seedling tray before being transferred onto a prepared plot and a hydroponic model, respectively. All the standard materials (made of plastic) needed for a perfect low-cost hydroponic model, obtained from local markets, were combined accordingly to achieve the resul...

Mokbel, Samah A.1,Ahmed K. El Attar1; Azza G.Farag2.

...cted from El Giza, Alexandria, Qlubia,El-
Fayom, and El-Mansouragovernoratesand analyzed for phytoplasma infection.The
collected hibiscus plants showed characteristic symptoms for Phytoplasma associated
witches‟-Broom disease, which is characterized by excessive axillary branching,
abnormally small leaves, and deformed flowers. Dienes‟ stain was used for detection of
witches‟ broom infection mi<...

Mai A. Kilany1; Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1; Yousry E. Abo El-magd2 and Nermin Raafat2. 16 within the mitochondrial signaling se-quence. This study was designed to investigate the association of MnSOD gene SNP (Val16Ala) with HCV and HCV-related HCC to elucidate its possible role in patho-genesis of HCC. The study included sixty individuals; they were classified into three groups; 20 patients with hepatitis C virus infection, 20 patients with hepatitis C virus-related HCC and 20 unrelated healthy volunteers who served as controls. Qualitative ...

Enas K. Abo-Elmagd,Kouka S. Abd El-Wahab,Azza H. El- Salakawy

...diarrhea among young children worldwide. Rapid and accurate diagnosis of RV infection is crucial for appropriate patient management and infection control. The aim of our study was to compare the diagnostic performance of Lateral flow immuno-chromatography assay (LFICA) as a rapid test for detection of RV antigen in stool specimens collected from Egyptian infants and young children with ELISA, and nested reverse transcription...
Nader M. Sobhy,1 Sunil K. Mor,2 Mohammed E.M. Mohammed,1
Iman M. Bastawecy,3 Hiam M. Fakhry,4 and Sagar M. Goyal2
...ailia (KJ210076) , Alexandria (KJ210074) and El-Mania (KJ210077) showed 100% identity with each other and 92% identities with Asian type O sequences from Pakistan, Iran and Turkey while FMD/A/3D/Egypt/Al-Fayoum /2013/KJ210072 with serotype (A) sequences had closest identity with Asian Gulf area serotypes 95% identity with Iraq and Bahrain Also 94% with Iran/05. FMDV O, A and SAT2 strains were homologous with the vaccinal bovine strain.


1Mona A. El-Manzalawy, 2Abeer A. Boseila , 3Hanan M. El Zahed (PMO) with Aluminum hydroxide gel (Alum gel) or without Alum gel, then ensure the safety and sterility of these vaccines and compare between them with the local RVF vaccine with Alum gel alone in sheep. This peppermint formulation including Alum gel adjuvant was the best of choice as it induced higher immunological enhancement. In addition, synergistic action was discovered in RVF inactivated PMO vaccine including Alum gel as the immune response detected by...

Hala K. Abdelmegeed 1, Eman M. Abohatab 1, Khattab,O. M. 1 , Salem, S.A.H. 1 , Arafa, A. 2, Nashwa M. Helmy 3

...rbia, Domiatte and Alexandria) Serotyping and molecular characterization by polymerase chain reaction PCR for (31) samples as FMD Serotype O , (2) Serotype A and (3) serotype SAT2 the samples collected from outbreaks in period November 2013 –July 2014 the season Autumn and winter for forming an Epidemiological map for 10 governorates of the circulating strains during this period

Serag eldeen Sultana, M.W Abdel azeemb, Nahla Mohamed Eldamranyc

...he Anseriformes and Charadriiformes orders had the most frequently sero-positive species to AIV. In conclusion, the presence of H5 and H9 subtypes provided a public health risk and evoke the role of migratory birds in introducing AIV to human and other in contact wild and domestic birds.


Om-Hashem M. El-Banna1, Maisa A.E. Awad2, M.S. Abbas3, Hoda M. A. Waziri2 and Huda S. A. Darwish2

... of chloroplast, mitochondria, and the nucleus. The ultrastructure changes expanded also to the cell wall, cell membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum.
The chloroplast exhibited different degrees of malformation and lysis. The mitochondria were highly vacuolated and the nucleus was misshapen. On the other hand the cytoplasm contained large crystalline inclusion bodies. These anatomical and ultrastructure changes ...

A. B. Badr1 ; M. A. S. El-kady2; and Kh. E. A. Saker2

thickness of midrib zone was slightly reduced. Moreover, vascular tissues lost their
normal shape and arrangement as xylem arms. The most interesting finding, lengths
of both , protoxylem and metaxylem were reduced while their widths were increased.
Ultrathin sections of symptomatic leaf tissue showed several cytological changes
characteristic of Potyviruses. The thlakoidal structure of the chloroplaste...

Mohamed I. Azzam1, Safaa M. Ezzat1, K. A. El-Dougdoug2, Badawi A. Othman2 addition to five main drains located on its sides which
selected for confirmation the eco-diversity of aquatic viral isolates. The evaluation was
carried out using real time-quantitative reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction
(rt-qRT-PCR). Eight coliphage isolates were detected in both Rosetta Branch and
drainage water samples. Transmission Electron microscopy rev...

Elharony, S.B.1,3, SaharA.Youssef2 and Richard F. Lee3

perform hundreds of PCR-based reactions and also to be used in
other DNA manipulation techniques such as restriction digestion,
Southern blotting and cloning.
M. A. Kararah1, Om-Hashem M. El-Banna1, Salwa N. Zein2 and Abd-Elrehiem, A.F.3 
...Salicylic acid and Parahydroxy benzoic acid
were used for induction of systemic acquired resistance, whereas camphor
oil was used as an antiviral agent to reduce PMV infection. Parahydroxy
benzoic acid was effective at 0.001% concentration, exhibited 88.7%
reduction when had applied 2h before inoculation. Also, salicylic acid was
effective as it reduced infection to...

Maryam Yousaf1, Salman Ahmad1*, Romana Anjum2 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3

...×106 conidia/mL by drenching method. Untreated plants served as control. First disease symptoms appeared after seven days of inoculation and seedlings became wilted within 30 days post inoculation. Stems from wilted as well as control seedlings were cross sectioned to observe the histopathological modifications. Wilted cross sections represented the cell wall disintegration and disruption of the tissues along with the blockage in xylem and phloem vessels...

Magdy, Mariam1 ; Abou ElHassan D.G. 2 ; and Salem, S.A.H 3

test. Five hundred sera were collected from vaccinated cattle and buffalo from five Egyptian
governorates (Two governorates represent Delta region: El-Gharbia – Kafr El Sheikh , Two
governorates represent upper Egypt: El-Fayoum – El-Menya , and one governorate represents
central : El-Giza). The sera collected from diseased and apparent healthy animals. Results of
Serum Neutralization Test w...

Amir M. Walaa1 ; Ausama Yousif1; Walid H. Kilany2; Magdy El-Sayed1; Ahmed A. El-Sanousi1

...D and IB viruses. Two hundred and eighty commercial one-day-old broiler saso chicks were divided into 8 groups (35 birds each). Groups 2, 3, 4&5 were vaccinated at one-day-old with live hitchner + IB Primer. Then all groups at 7 days old were boosted with inactivated combined NDV+IBV vaccines with different adjuvants except for group 1 & 2. Group 1 was kept as unvaccinated control. At 28 days all groups were challenged with a dose of 105.5 EID50/bird o...

Badr, A. B. 1, Abou-zeid, A. A2. and Al-Naggar, A. M1.

...ean of thickness both, midrib zone, leaflet blade, upper epidermal layer, palisade and spongy tissues, length and width of protoxylem and metaxylem vessels were reduced. However, lower epidermal layer was increased. Stomatal characters i.e. number of stomata and length of stoma pore were increased, while, width of stoma pore, length and width of guard cells were reduced. Anatomical characters of tubers i.e. thickness cork layers was slightly increased, however...

Hanan M. El-Zahed, Hanaa A. Mostafa, Nermeen M. El Sayed and Lamiaa M. Omar

...x strain vaccine through drinking water (DW). Then the inactivated avian influenza (AI) H5N1 vaccine was inoculated intra-muscularly either at the 1st, 2nd or 3rd WPV with CAV vaccine forming three subgroups per each group. It is clearly observed that a relatively high levels of CAV ELISA antibody titers in all the vaccinated chicken subgroups at 4th WPV with either DW or S/C CAV vaccine indicating that the two CAV vaccines were immunogenic; Also, by measuring...
Eman A. Ahmed1, Osama Y. shalaby2, Emad F. Dwidar2, Samah A. Mokbel1 and Ahmed K. El-Attar1
...compound (tetracycline hydrochloride in three concentrations 25mgL-1, 50mgL-1 and 75mgL-1), irradiation by three doses (3, 5 and 10 Gy) of gamma ray and natural compound (1ml of garlic juice). All treatments proven to be a very useful effect against phytoplasma, except concentration 25 mgL-1 of tetracycline hydrochloride. The findings of this study have proven treatment at lower dose of gamma rays (3 Gy) of efficient methods...

Radwa M. Shafie 1 and Soha S. M. Mostafa2

... well as plant fresh and dry weight. Algal proteins were identified by the protein profile pattern using SDS-PAGE method. The contents of alkaloids, phenols and terpenoids in both algal filtrates and biomass were determined.


Lala Rukh1, Muhammad Nadeem1, Tusneem Kausar1, Mian Anjum Murtaza1, Muhammad Luqman2*, Muhammad Bilal Shahid1 and Amal Shaukat3

...f protein, fiber, carbohydrates and fat with good digestibility properties. Date pit powder and soy protein isolate incorporation enhanced the total antioxidants and DPPH activity in soy date bars however, decreasing trend was observed in total antioxidants and inhibition of DPPH radical activity during 90 days of storage. Based on the results, it has been suggested that date bars may be considered as a source to meet the energy requirements of health-consciou...

Nashwa M. Helmy1, Ahmed S. Ahmed2, and Zeinab3 Y. Mohamed

...thout anticoagulant were drawn from apparently healthy non vaccinated cattle against LSDV and (100) serum samples were drawn from cattle 4 weeks post vaccination with local attenuated sheep pox virus vaccine located in Sharkia and Fayoum governorates. Methods: Lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) was isolated from skin biopsies collected from clinically infected cattle. The virus was isolated on MDBK cell line and identified by a...

Salama M. El-Saghir1, 2

...d early
leaf dropping. Heavy losses; however, can occur upon mixed infection with PVS and PVX or PVM.
Objective: The objective of this study is to characterize the incidence of PVS serologically with
authentic antiserum for PVS and, molecularly using specific primers for PVS.
Methods: In-direct ELISA (I-ELISA) and dot blotting immunobinding assay (DBIA) were used for
detection of the virus in commerci...
Rasha M. Mahrous1,4, Ahmed K. El-Attar2, Ahlam A. AlWatban1, Sohair I. EL-Afifi3,
Nagwa M. Aref1,3
cells of leaf midribs by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Phytoplasma was molecularly
detected in symptomatic samples using the specific primers of their 16S-23S rRNA gene by PCR.
Results: The Phytoplasma was isolated on indicator (Vollka marina) plants. It was transmitted on
Lemon (Citrus limon) by grafting and on periwinkle by dodder. It was detected in the sieve tubes and
parenchyma cells of le...

Dina N. Abd-Elshafy

...s) or raw vegetables and drinking tap water.
Aim: To study potential antiviral effect of methanolic extract prepared from green tea on
HAV and explore supplementing drinking water in endemic areas for the virus with such an
extract to control infection.
Methods: Green tea powder was used for methanolic extraction. Cytotoxicity assay was
carried out according to Aqui...

Shimaa M. Mansour, Reham M. ElBakrey, Ahmed Orabi, Haytham Ali, Amal A. Eid

...ed in many pathologic syndromes of chicken including
the both major syndromes, Viral Arthritis (VA) and Runting Stunting Syndrome (RSS), which have
great negative impacts on the poultry industry. Although ARV was reported in Egypt since 1984 but
only few studies figured out the implication of ARV only in the uneven growth of some Egyptian
Abdullah Sheikh1,*, Faisal Almathen1,2 and Hairul Islam Mohamed Ibrahim3,4
...on analysis from various dromedary or Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius) phenotypes from Saudi Arabia. The four camel groups included were white, diluted (light brown, creamy and fawn), black and dark brown representing eumelanin and pheomelanin coat colors. Generally, the TYR gene expresses less in non-pigmented than the pigmented species. The results of our study showed that the mRNA from skin biopsies has l...
Sahar Mubashar*, Tariq Mukhtar and Nasir Ahmad Khan
...mmon symptoms are fever, dry cough, sore throat, fatigue and diarrhea and shortness of breath in severe cases. The virus attacks throat, lungs and trachea converting them to virus factories to infect more cells. It attacks not only lungs but also other vital organs of the body like kidneys and heart. It is spread from human to human through respiratory droplets or direct contact. Moreover, there have been reports of the mixe...
Roheela Yasmeen1*, Nida Mobeen1 and Samia Chaudhry2
...ere acute respiratory syndrome and mainly invades the lungs through angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. These ACE2 receptors are also found in heart and are reason for serious cardiovascular disease including myocardial injury. This virus can persuade cardiac damage, arrhythmias, severe coronary syndrome and venous thromboembolic complications. Patients of COVID-19 having already cardiovascular problems showed s...
Junyan Bai1*, Zhihao Dong1, Rentaodi Wu2, Lema Dao2, Di Bao2, Qiang Zhang2, Xinghua Tian3 and Hui Cao1
... models (Logarithmic, Quadratic, Cubic, S, and logistic) of body weight and body size traits of Alashan Bactrian camel. The results showed that the S growth model of body height, body length, chest circumference and tube circumference had the best fitting effect, and the fitting degree was 0.937, 0.982, 0.972 and 0.914, respectively. The S growth models of body height, body length, chest circumference and tube circumference were Y=e(5.219-0.520/X), ...
Nagwa K. Meselhy1, Mohamed A. Abo El-khair1, Basem M. Ahmed2, Sherif A. El-Soally3,
Abdelhamid M. Fares1, Mohamed A. Nayel1 and Hussein A. Hussein2
...ed animals needs to be addressed.

Hanaa A. Elsamadony1, Laila A. Tantawy1, Sabry E. Omar2 and Heba A. Abd Alah1

(Alexandria, Gharbia, Giza and Qalubia) were examined for CAV with real-time PCR and
histopathological examination. The positive samples were prepared and inoculated in SPF chicks' oneday-
old then at aged 10-days post-inoculation collected organs for PCR, sequencing and
immunohistochemically examination.
Results: There's one positive farm of age 100-days-old from Qalubia governorate. The
Othman N. O. Mansour 1, Naglaa Hagag 2, Momtaz A. Shahein 1, Sayed S. Hassan 1 Ahmed
A. EL-Sanousi 3 and Mohamed A. Shalaby3
...ddle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a newly emerging viral disease of
coronaviridae family which appeared firstly in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MERS affects the lower
respiratory tract of human. There are many researches which emphasized that camels are carrier for
Objective: This study aim to know the extent of prevalence of new Exotic diseases like MERS among
imported camels from some e...

Rana A. Rabiea1, Mohamed Fawzy2, Mohamed H. Khodeir3 and MokhtarM. EL-Tarabili2

...t their populations in a dramatic form. Successful control of these viral
diseases depends on the implementation of well-designed vaccination programs using highly potent
and safe vaccines.
Aim: The present study investigated the effect of simultaneous administration of inactivated AI
vaccine and live attenuated TRT vaccine on the immune response of turkey chickens.
Methods: Four groups of bronzy turk...
Samira M. Bolis1, Magda Mahmoud2, Salah E. Gumma3, Naser E. Bilal1 and
Isam ElKhidir4
... were collected from Children (3 -14) years old, who
attended the pediatric dental clinics of Faculty of Dentistry, University of Khartoum and Khartoum
Dental Teaching Hospital, clinically diagnosed by the dental clincian as FEH cases and their guardian
agreed to participate. The study used the multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the most
common HPV genotypes associated with FEH in chil

Riham H. Bassam, Hussein A. Hussein, Mohamed M. Amer and Ahmed A. El-Sanousi

...ore studies need to be addressed to understand the real effect of the H9 virus on chickens and
humans in Lebanon.

Shimaa M. Gad1, Ahmed A. Kheder1, Mohamed A. Awad 2

...renchyma cells of leaf midribs in infected plants. DNA extracted from symptomatic samples was
used as a template in nested polymerase chain reaction (nested-PCR) using universal primer pairs
P1/P7 and R16F2n/R16R2. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis were performed to identify the
detected phytoplasmas.
Results: Phytoplasma was transmitted successfully from naturally infected gazania to healthy

Youssef A. Elgharbawy1, Mervat M. Ali1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2, Mohamed A. Shalaby2

... using Bromoethylamine hydro bromide (BEI) that did not affect the immunogenic characterization of the LSDV and the process last for 18 hours with 1% concentration of BEI at 37°c. The inactivated LSDV tested on MDBK cells and the animals free of antibodies for residual live virus and determination of minimal protective dose (MPD) of prepared inactivated LSDV. The MPD was 1.5 ml of the inactivated virus and the vaccine was prepared by adding equal volume of...
Hadeer M. Mossa, Ausama A. Yousif, Emad A. Aboelsoud, Mahmoud El Gamal, Ahmed El-
remain to be addressed to fully exploit the potential of the nanopore technology, together with some
other conventional testing before judging the sample.
Shourok E. Aly 1, Karim Zaki1, Soad E. Elsayed2, M. Elgamal2, Ausama A. Yousef1, Mohamed A. Shalaby1
...tock using an aluminum hydroxide gel-adjuvanted inactivated Rift Valley
fever virus (RVFV) vaccine.
Objective: Herein, we aimed to enhance the immunogenicity of the conventional vaccine by
developing a smaller particle size vaccine formulation through ultrasonic dispersion of aluminum
hydroxide adjuvant.
Methods: This was achieved by ultrasonication of aluminum hy

Samah A. Mokbel, Eman A. Ahmed, Hanan F. El-Kammar, Ahmed A. Kheder

...r epidermis thickness, midrib thickness, blade thickness, palisade tissue
thickness, spongy tissue thickness, height and width of the vascular bundle.
Results: Phylogenetic analysis results indicated that SEA-CMV-isolate under study (acc. no.
MT491996) closely related (99.9%) to Beet-EG-CMV-isolate (JX826591), isolated from sugar beet
plants from Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, Egypt during 2012. Results of sequence ...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Samra Ammara1, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1, Shahbaz Hussain2, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid1, Abdul Rehman1 and Amjed Ali1

...y the lowest R. capitata dry weight and highest seed yield of green gram. However, these treatments remained statistically at par with lactofen 80% and lactofen 60% doses with adjuvant regarding these parameters. Keeping in view the R. capitata weed control efficiency along with green gram yield enhancement, it was concluded that lactofen dose can be reduced up to 20-40% by the addition of adjuvant (alkyl ether sulfate) for management of R. capitata in green g...

Gulnaz Ismaylova

... ovipositor and let them dry. Wintering is carried out in the egg phase. Nymphs begin to hatch from overwintered eggs in early May. The eggs of O. japonica were also photographed under a JCM-6000 electron microscope and given dimensions. It turned out that the surface of the egg has a peculiar microstructure (consists mainly of hexagonal and sometimes pentagonal shapes with pyramidal projections at the apex of the corners). The distribution map (scale of 1: 50...

Bakhtiar Gul*, Saleetha Rabial and Haroon Khan

...s (pots). Data were recordrd on fresh biomass, budding (%), duckweed mortality (%), plant growth, root length, frond diameter, growth of microscopic algae and macrophytes associated with duckweed, and water surface coverage (%). Results revealed that herbicides had a significant effect on duckweed fresh biomass, budding % and water surface coverage. Minimum fresh biomass (2.98 g pot-1), budding (24 %) and water surface coverage (14.67 %) were recorded for glyp...

Ibadullah Jan1*, Iqbal Munir2, Inamullah Khan3, Syed Muhammad Suhail4 and Aqib Iqbal2

...table animal models to address its pharmacokinetic behaviour and to improve its therapeutic efficacy and potency by enhancing its binding affinity against multiple target proteins. It must also be screened for long-term toxicological and side effects to further investigate its safety profile.


Pukhtoon Yar1*, Salman Khan2, Du Ying1 and Muhammad Israr3

...rsquo;s (CPEC) role in addressing these issues. The agriculture sector is playing a major role in the economic development of Pakistan and this sector has greatly sustained rural livelihood. There are three various stages for the successful execution of the projects under the umbrella of CPEC. The agriculture sector would be directly or indirectly benefited from these projects, currently ongoing under CPEC. Over the last several decades the country’s agr...

Md. Sahidur Rahman1*, Tishita Ape1, Md. Islam1 and Sharmin Chowdhury2

... amoxicillin, and sulfur drugs were the most frequently used antibiotics in the study area. Among the participants, 99% did not follow the withdrawal period of the drugs and claimed their prescribers did not advise them on it. Among participants, 81% were found unaware of the effect of antibiotic resistance on animal health. The univariable significance test showed the educational status o...
Khawaja Adeel Tariq1*, Hadhi Hassan Khan2, Shuja Zaib Afghan3 and Arslan Raza4
Jehan Dastagir, Muhammad Amir*, Bilal Ur Rehman, Shahid Hameed and Majad Ashraf

Reema Zia* and Noor Paio Khan

...’s rice sector and draw policy implications for possible adjustments in policies and future strategy. The quantitative analyses of PSE and SRP reveals overall transfers from rice producers to society. The analysis depicts Pakistan’s stronger position towards WTO trade liberalization in the rice sector. Pakistan would not need to change any of its policies and would benefit from trade liberalization due to the expansion of rice production when world...

Ghani Akbar*, Muhammad Asif and Zafar Islam

...and land productivity of drip irrigated off-season tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus) under tunnel farming compared with traditional open-air farming method in Potohar, a rainfed area in Pakistan. The results indicated increased production potential per unit of land (46%) and per unit of water (74%) and larger farm income (3.47 BCR) than the traditional open-air farming method. These production benefits can be instrumental in...

Nusrat Habib

...eople were women and children. Women’s household activities burden doubled during the disaster days comparing with their male member’s counterparts. Women contribute significantly to adaptation and resilience to climatic extremes. The drivers of their resilience are hard work and diversity of livelihood resources. In changing climate conditions, it is imperative to devise gender-sensitive and region-wise policies...

 Yongmin Li1,2, Huabin Zhang1, Xiaoyou Wu1, Dongwei Li 2, Peng Yan1 and Xiaobing Wu1*

...ned the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of Rhacophorus dennysi (family Rhacophoridae). The R. dennysi mitogenome (18,052 bp) contained the 37 genes and a single control region (CR) typically found in neobatrachian mtDNAs. In the new mt genome, the ND5 gene and a TLPF tRNA cluster (tRNAThr, tRNALeu(CUN), tRNAPro and tRNAPhe) were located between the CR and the 12S rRNA gene. R. dennys...
Bingjie Zhou1, Hitesh Bhagavanbhai Mangukiya1, Siva Bharath Merugu1, Fakhar-un-Nisa Yunus1, Yuchen Fan1, Zhenghua Wu1,* and Dawei Li1,2,*
...e cancer progression and drug resistance, the abnormal expression of AGR2 is also involved in diseases like asthma and inflammatory bowel disease. Studies on the role of AGR2 in tumor micro-environment can help potential therapeutic development. Here, we report the generation of a fluorescent functional AGR2 fusion protein as a powerful visual tracking tool to trace the external function of AGR2. This bioactive and auto-fluorescent his-tag recombinant AGR2-DsR...

Ahmed Ali Moryani1, Nasir Rajput1*, Muhammad Naeem1, Atta Hussain Shah1 and Hidayatullah Soomro2 with citric acid. The dressing percentage was observed significantly (P < 0.05) higher in compound II supplementary group F and lowest in control group A. Whereas, the fat pad percentage recorded significantly (P < 0.05) lowest in the compound II supplementary group F and highest in control group A. The relative weight of organs; liver, pancreas, spleen, heart, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, thymus and ceaca was observed significant (P < 0.05) in the he...
Aamer Abbas1, Jabbar Khan1*, Mir Abid Hassan2, Asif Qayyum3 and Hamed Shafiq4
...pted to characterize the drastic effects of heavy metals on male infertility, the hormone analysis and genetic determination of SRY gene as some of infertile human had smaller sized testis. Blood and semen samples were collected from clinically diagnosed 130 oligozoospermic males throughout D. I. Khan. The patients included had been married for 3 to 19 years, their wives had normal reproductive capabilities; the couples were living together for more tha...
Asma Chaudhary1, Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad1, Afia Muhammad Akram1, Mehwish Iqtedar2 and Javed Iqbal Qazi3,*
.... On the contrary carbohydrate contents were found to be decreased significantly in all experimental groups. Henceforth, it has been concluded that on the basis of survival data and body profile, Sphingomonas sp. AsCh--P3 could be used successfully as probiotic bacterium against the fish pathogen prophylactically in Labeo rohita fingerlings.

Dilan Ozmen Ozgun1, Gonca Alak2, Arzu Ucar2, Sinan Bilginer3, Halise Inci Gul3, Mahmut Kocaman2, Cem Yamalı3, Veysel Parlak2, Muhammed Atamanalp2, Ahmad Maslat4 and Telat Yanık2*

... chalcone and p-hydrazinobenzenesulfonamide hydrochloride in 1:1.1 mol ratio in ethanol (25 ml) in the presence of glacial acetic acid (0.05 ml) was refluxed for synthesis of 4-(3-(4-Bromophenyl)-5-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) benzenesulfonamide, B4, for 7h at first experiment. Effects of B4 on antioxidant enzymes of gill and liver, and changes in...

Jie Gao1, Guannan Wang1, Chuang Zhou1, Megan Price2, Jinnan Ma1, Xiaohong Sun1, Benping Chen3, Xiuyue Zhang2 and Bisong Yue1* The complete mitochondrial genome of F. cinereiceps is lacking although there has been considerable phylogenetic research on babblers. Therefore, we aimed to determine F. cinereiceps’ mitogenome and investigate its phylogenetic relationships within the babblers and superfamily Sylvioidea. F. cinereiceps’ mitogenome is typically circular, 16,969 bp in size with a rich A+T content (52.7%), 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 t...
Muhammad Noman Koondhar1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1,*, Muhammad Ammar Khan2, Riaz Ahmed Leghari3 and Parkash Dewani4 were recorded as multidrug resistant (MDR) resistant. Maximum number of S. Gallinarum (9/10), S. Typhi(12/14), S. Cholerasuis (8/10) and S.Enteritidis(13/15) isolates were exhibited resistance against ampicillin antibiotic. A 78.6% isolates of S. Typhi were recogn...

Haroon Ur Rashid1*, Nazia Tahir2, Muhammad Zamin3, Naveed Shehzad4, Aman Ullah2, Bibi Zainub5 and Farooq Azam6

...ecorded and analyzed for dry biomass (g) of total weeds 60 DAS, leaf area (cm2), leaf area Index (%) and Stover yield (Kg.ha-1). Integration of tillage regimes and various allelopathic treatments had significant effect on tested parameters. However, the efficacy of surface mulches was more pronounced than atrazine foliar application @ 0.50 kg a.i ha-1 and allelopathic plants water extracts combined with atrazine @ 0.125 kg a.i ha-1. Data obtained for the inter...

Muhammad Jan1*, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah1, Shoaib Akhtar1, Inam Ul Haq2, Muhammad Ramzan Anser1 and Iqra Yasmin1 

Maimoona Imran1,2, Soumble Zulfiqar2, Hafsa Saeed2 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*
...8.77µg per mg cell dry weight, respectively. The strains also exhibited efflux ability; KW possessed more efficient efflux system as it expelled 94.46% of maximum stored copper within 24 h as compared to 56% by CC. These strains were also found substantially resistant to some other toxic heavy metals generally present in the industrial effluents. These strains exhibited good growth in the wide range of pH (5-10) and temperature (25 -44°C). KW and CC ...
Muhammad Mobashar1, Qazi Aqeel1, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Assar Ali Shah2*, Ahmed A.A. Abdel-Wareth3, Salman Khan4, Nazir Ahmad1, Sami Ullah1 and  Haq Amanullah5
... TMR + 70% PP: AL 0 % on dry matter basis were fed to experimental sheep for a period of 90 days. The dry matter intake, crude protein intake and organic matter intake (g/day) were significantly (P<0.05) affected in treatment groups. In-vivo nutrient digestibility, dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crude fat, nitrogen-free extract (NFE), ash were significantly higher (P&...

Javed Anwar Shah1, Azhar Iqbal1, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood2, Muhammad Aslam3, Muneer Abbas4 and Ilyas Ahmad5*

...t factor responsible for drastic decline in productivity. Other disease management approaches are not more efficient and economical except to exploit the host plant resistance mechanism. The present study for screening of 60 elite chickpea lines was carried out for two consecutive years during 2017-18 and 2018-19 under controlled environment at pulses research Institute Faisalabad, Pakistan. Favorable conditions for disease incidence were developed by maintain...

Muzamil Farooque Jamali1, Fayaz Ali Jamali1, Tanveer Fatima Miano1, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi2, Sohail Ahmed Otho3, Khalid Hussain Talpur4, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho1 and Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro5*

...ot biomass (0.821 g) and dry root biomass (2.28 mg). The plants treated with 2 dSm-1 showed seed germination (65.35 %), seed germination index (1.53), plant height (16.61cm), branches/plant (40.38), leaves/plant (195.33), flowers/plant (6.83), diameter of flower (6.75 cm), fresh root biomass (0.718 g) and dry root biomass (2.04 mg). It was further noted that as the salt stress increases the plant performance for all investig...
Arbab Zubair Ahmad1, Farman Ullah1, Hayat Badshah2, Muhammad Shehzad Khan1* and Bashir Ahmad1
...sture content and carbohydrate was observed. Wheat proved to be suitable as host with high bio-chemical contents for mass rearing of S. cerealella that provide maximum moths in short duration and their eggs yield more of T. chilonis, thus recommended for production system of T. chilonis.

Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2*, Syed Shahid Ali2 and Mushtaq Ahmad Saleem1
...b>of phosphine on carbohydrate metabolism and macromolecular concentrations in two larval instars (4th and 6th) of the khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium, at different exposure periods (24-120 h) was determined. Two populations of khapra beetle used in this research possessed different levels of susceptibility to phosphine. Based on LC50 one population was termed as a susceptible population (never exposed to phosphine p...
Zhengyi Fu1,2,3,4, Rui Yang2,3,4, Zhenhua Ma2,3,4*, Mingyang Han2,3,4 and Yifu Wang2,3,4 proportions of carbohydrate in the diet don’t affect their growth performance. Considering the cost of production, carbohydrate could be a potential energy supplementing source.
Mona Kadry, Sara Mohamed Nader*, Esraa A. Elshafiee and Zeinab S. Ahmed
... they are becoming multi-drug resistant. This study describes the role of chicken in harboring and environmental spread of ESBL and carbapenemase - producing Salmonella spp, which could pose a potential hazard to human and animal health. A total of 334 chicken meat samples, 197 eggshells and 160 human stool specimens were included in this study. The presence of salmonellae spp. was examined using bacteriological isolation and serological identification. PCR am...
Iram Liaqat1,*, Safdar Ali Mirza2, Sumera Sajjad3, Shaukat Ali1,*, Muhammad Faiz Qamar4 and Ikram Ul Haq5
...cture making it an ideal drug target. The knowledge obtained will help to elucidate mechanism and design principles necessary to understand protein secretion systems.

Muhammad Waheed* and Dost Muhammad

... 2 and 4 % P with FYM on dry weight basis either from RP (rock phosphate) or TSP (triple super phosphate fertilizer). The prepared composts were then applied to pots containing 6 kg of soil @ 160 mg P2O5 kg-1 and data were recorded on phosphorus fractionations at 1st, 5th and 10th week of germination and its correlation with wheat seedlings growth and leaf [P]. Results showed that the labile P fraction initially increased and then decreased and as compared to ...

Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Nasir Ali Tauqir2 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel3 

...on blood biochemicals of dromedary male camel in Pakistan. The clinically healthy male Marecha camels (n=5) from five to ten years old were investigated in non-breeding “August” and breeding “February” months. They were housed in half-opened pens, TMR, 6-8 hours browsing and twice-watering was performed. Blood biochemicals were studied by using standard kits through biochemistry analyzer. The glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride values...
Chaochao Hu1,2, Xue Xu1, Wenjia Yao1, Wei Liu3, Deyun Tai1, Wan Chen4 and Qing Chang1*
...aring 31 species in Charadriiformes.The complete mitochondrial genome of H. ostralegus is a circular molecule of 16,798 bp in length and the overall nucleotide composition of H-strand was A: 31.45%, T: 23.46%, C: 31.30%, G: 13.79%. In Charadriiformes mitogenomes, AT skews values were positive, while the values of GC skew were negative. We found a significant negative correlation bet...
Mengke Wang1, Shucheng Huang2, Cai Zhang1*, Haizhou Gong1
Shunan Cuan1, Shuaishuai Wang1, Qi Shao1, Wenhao Xu1, Sudan Meng1
Pengfei Li1, Yuqin Wang1 and Zijun Yang1
...y in laying hens. One hundred eighty 320-day-old Hy-Line brown laying hens were allocated to five equal groups and administrated with the concentrations of 0 (control), 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/L of MAG supplementation in the drinking water, respectively. The histological analysis results by Oil Red O and TUNEL staining showed that lipid deposition and hepatocytes apoptosis in the MAG treated groups were significantly lower t...
Jia Li and Hong Yang* polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) was increased via a combination of alkyl polyglucosides and alkaline treatment during the waste activated sludge (WAS) anaerobic fermentation. During the experimental study, the biodegradation efficiency of BaA was enhanced from 12.2% in the control to 25.6% at pH 10 and 46.7% at pH 10 and alkyl polyglucosides (APG) reactors. APG and alkaline treatment increased the BaA deposition desorption from the sludge and transfe...
Li Ma1 *, Xu Han1, Bo Yang2 and Chunhua Zhou3
...) assay was applied in hydrogen peroxide-treated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). The hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis was gauged using flow cytometry whereas western blotting was applied to detect the expression of key cellular markers in oxidation pathways. The data indicate that a total of 50 µmol/l concentration of kaempferol can profoundly protect the oxidative damage in HUVECs. However, compare...
Arsalan Khan1*, Navid Anjum2, Muhammad Shuaib Khan3, Shakeeb Ullah3
Ali Zaman3, Kamran Safdar3, Khalid Muhammad3, Ambrina Tariq4
Muhammad Inam Malik3, Muhammad Kamal Shah3, Atiq ur Rehman3 
and Hamza Maris3
...k production in terms of drop in meat and milk production, decline in hide worth, physical damage to the skin of animals and susceptibility to infestation of tick borne parasitic infections. Conventionally acaricides are used in the treatment of tick infestation in livestock but potentially satisfactory alternative technique is the immunological control against ticks infestation. Therefore, this study was planned to investigate the effect of crude extract of h...
Tian Tian, Lili Luo*, Haiyan Wang and Lei Wang
...ith mifepristone. One hundred and eighty patients with ectopic pregnancy were included in the study, all of whom were treated with methotrexate combined with mifepristone tablets. According to the treatment results, they were divided into treatment success group and the treatment failure group, each containing with 90 cases. The levels of β- human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone in the two groups were compared.Of the 180 patients, 168 were cured s...
Aqsa Shahid1, Saima Muzammil1, Farhan Rasheed2,Bilal Aslam1, Muhammad Akhtar Ali3, Syed Zohaib Haider4, Masroor Ellahi Babar4, Muhammad Saeed1, Umair Waqas1 and Mohsin Khurshid1,*
...creasing reports of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii associated infections especially in the healthcare settings are of global concern. The recent emergence of 16S rRNA methylases particularly armA is associated with a high-level resistance to the routinely used aminoglycosides in clinical settings. The current study aimed to screen the armA genes among the A. baumannii isolates collected from clinical specimens at the te...

 Yanqiang Zhou1, Lixin Wang1, Chunxiao Hao1, Xiuyun Li2, Shakeel Hussain1, Dongdong Shen1, Zhiwei Peng1, Qi`an Zhai1 and Zhijun Hou1,*

...nd goats with same husbandry and fence site in Harbin Zoo, China. From August 2015 to August 2016, 507 fecal samples of blue wildebeest (188), alpacas (195) and goats (124) were examined for gastrointestinal parasites by saturated sodium chloride floatation technique. The microscopic analysis, based on the morphology of oocysts, indicates that the present parasites are Capillaria sp. in blue wildebeest; Eimeria christenseni, E. alijevi, Trichu...
Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Sehrish Firyal1, Abu Saeed Hashmi2, Asif Nadeem3, Shagufta Saeed1, Ali Raza Awan1 and Muhammad Wasim1
...otential regarding the hydrolysis of β-lactam ring containing antibiotics and showed comparable results to β-lactamase from Hi-media kit available in the market. The β-lactamase from current study was found suitable for its use as positive control in antibiotic susceptibility testing and this enzyme will be utilized for the development of antibiotic susceptibility testing kit at domestic level in near future.
Niaz Muhammad1, Samina Yasin1, Zunaira Fatima1, Noor ul Ain1, 
Muhammad Faizan2 and Sadaf Naz1*
..."font-size: small;">Achondroplasia is an autosomal dominant disorder of rhizomelic dwarfism. It is predominantly caused by de novo mutations in FGFR3. This study was aimed to determine the common variants of FGFR3 in one inherited, and eighteen sporadic cases of achondroplasia from Pakistan. Sanger sequencing analysis of FGFR3 exon 9 revealed that more than 90%cases had the c.1138G>A p.(Gly380A...
Yuli Andriani1*, Rintan Octaviana Julia1, Lintang Permata Sari Yuliadi1, Iskandar Iskandar1 and 
Yaya Rukayadi2
...nd carotenoid content of dried BPLM, changes in tail color quality, survival rate and water quality. Kruskal-Wallis analysis was applied to analyzed the data of tail color. Data on the survival rate were analyzed using analysis of variance with the F test with 95 % level of confidence. The result showed that there was 9 076 mg kg−1 of carotenoid contained in BPLM. The inclusion of 12 % BPLM to commercial feed was able to enhance the color qual...

Muhammad Aftab1*, Aneela Riaz2, Ghulam Sarwar3, Muhammad Arif1, Qudsia Nazir1, Ifra Saleem1, Sarfraz Hussain1, Abid Ali4, Abid Niaz1, Fakhar Mujeeb4, Khalid Mahmood5 and Sarfraz Nawaz6

...pecies (ROS) including hydroxyl radicals (OH-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide (O2-). However, on their side, efficient antioxidant defense system developed in plants, which having lower molecular weight of antioxidants. It also reduces (ROS) enzymatic activities including catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Under combined stress conditions agronomic, bio-chemical, quality and over all y...
Rosidah Rosidah1*, Angga Nugraha1, Yuli Andriani1, Kiki Haetami1, Olga Anne2 and Agus Heri Purnomo3
...tacked by Aeromonas hydrophila (Chester, 1901). The method used was the experimental method using a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications was applied. The treatment used was immersion with A. vera extract with a concentration of treatment A 
(0 mg kg...
Ahmad Wahyudi1*, Sujono Sujono2, Listiari Hendraningsih2, Ari Prima2, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile3 and 
Ivar Zekker4
...ake and digestibility of dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) and average daily gain (ADG). The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and followed by Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The average DM intake (kg head-1 day-1) for CON, TMR, and TMR silages were 5.15; 6.79; and 4.14 meanwhile OM intakes were 4.68; 6.04; and 3.94 respectively, TMR significantly higher than others (P < 0.05). Digestibility of...

Reena Ambreen1, Sadaf Sarfraz1*, Fouzia Qamar2 and Shomaila Skinadar1 

... oil recovery, emulsion, drug distribution, textile staining and detergency. Surface active agents molecules tend to aggregate themselves into structures named as micelles. The formation of these micelles is accountable for the hydrophobic substances that are solubilized in surfactant-water system. The present review focuses to study the effect of various parameters like pH, temperature, additive effect, surfactant structure...

Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Iram Liaqat*, Junaid Nadeem, Hammad Aamir and Shaukat Ali

...frequently used as wound dressings. In recent years, several studies have investigated the alleged antibacterial potential of spider silk but the results have largely been inconclusive. The studies either failed to consider the inhibitory effects of the processing chemicals or did not investigate whether the inhibitory potential is an intrinsic property of silk or is due to the aggregate gland secretion coating its surface, hence a borrowed property. Our study...

Huda Bilal1, Hasnain Raza2*, Kaynat Ahmed2, Iqra Tariq2, Qurat-ul-Ain2, Sana Sarfaraz1, Sanaullah1, Maryam Maqsood3 and Ali Raza3

...coral reefs, and fishes) drastically.

Muhammad Mansha1*, Sidra Yaqub1, Asma Abdul Latif2, Muhammad Wasim3 and Peter C. Thomson4 cancer. Two hundred breast cancer patients from INMOL hospital, Lahore (Pakistan) were interviewed on reproductive factors. HER2/neu levels were determined by ELISA from 52 patients and 37 age-matched control women. The results of survey study showed that “premature termination of pregnancy” emerges as a potential risk factor of breast cancer. Number of pregn...
Muhammad Javed Iqbal1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Khalid Abbas1 and Muhammad Shahid2
...rved in digestibility of dry matter and ash. The increasing dietary P / E ratio significantly increased the digestibility of Na, Ca, P, Cu, Mn, Zn, and Fe. The diet with P / E ratio of 86.67 mg / kcal showed higher digestibility of dry matter (69.38±1.06), crude protein (88.18±1.59), lipid (93.43±0.22) and gross energy (86.50±0.57) while lower digestibility was observed in D12 (dietary protein 30%...
Nagarathinam Arunkumar*, Jainullabudeen Gulsar Banu, Nagarajan Gopalakrishnan and Arkalgud Hiriyannaiah Prakash triacylglycerol acylhydrolases that hydrolyze triglycerides to glycerol and fatty acids. The numerous applications of lipases in chemical, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, detergents and surfactants, and agricultural industries and in waste treatment plants proved their importance. In this study, 23 wax-degrading bacterial strains isolated from four mealybug species infesting cotton were screened for lipase product...
Zheng Yan1,2,*, Shuang Liu2, Ai-Qing Liu2 and Hai-Yan Wang2
...s, hyaluronic acid and hydroxyproline in skin tissue were also determined. The results indicated that the oral administration of elastin peptide greatly improved the skin elasticity, accompanying with significantly upregulated expression of hyaluronic acid and hydroxyproline. In addition, the contents of collagen in animal skin were also significantly increased, especially Type III and IV collagen. However, the effects induc...

Mukhtar Iderawumi Abdulraheem1*, Muhammad Ihtisham2*, Abiodun Yusuff Moshood3, Nawab Khan4, Muhammad Owais Shahid5, Shafiq Hussain6, Kumail Abbas6 and Fawad Zaman7

...evels i.e., no mulching, dry grasses mulching, and polythene mulching. The findings revealed that all of the okra plants tested were susceptible to virus infections regardless of treatment. Those who had a treatment combination of three weedings and polythene mulching, on the other hand, had the lowest incidence and severity of viral infection, while those who received no weeding and no mulching had the highest. At the 7th week after planting, the treatment co...

Kemi Funmilayo Omotesho1*, Philip Akintunde Fatodu1 and Toyin Benedict Ajibade2

...d also be organised to address deficiencies of poorly schooled youths. 


Shahid Ali1*, Murtaza1, Waqas Ahmad1, Muhammad Israr2, Aftab Khan3, Hamdullah1 and Syed Attaullah Shah1

Theophilus Miebi Gbigbi* and Rodney Akpoviri Isiorhovoja

...of day old chicks, feed, drugs and vaccines, labour, shelter and equipment significantly influenced exotic chicken production. The resource use efficiency result infers that DOCs and drugs and vaccine were under-utilized while feeds, labour and housing and equipment were over-utilized by the farmers. The elasticity of production was 1.08. This is increasing returns to scale. This paper concludes that poultry farmers were ine...

Inam Ur Rahman1, Sanam Wagma Khattak2*, Muhammad Israr3 and Saima Hashim4

...on are important to be addressed initially and then to focus on the other two dimensions.


Nazeer Ahmed Lashari1*, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh2, Aijaz Hussain Soomro2 and ShamsuddinTunio3

...heller, the samples were dried at 25±2 °C for 24 hours and kept in cotton, gunny & nylon bags and stored for the period of one year at 20 ± 1°C in cold storage room. The current findings indicates that the maximum moisture content was 20% of (DR-82) in nylon packing at 6 months of storing time; whereas, lowest moisture was observed in BS-385 (10.76%) at fresh leve...
Suherman Suherman1*, AndhiniPutri Trianita1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1 and Wea Aanisah Mentari Putri2
...ine the effect of freeze-drying time (t) and pressure (P) on mass balance and characteristics of dried mango slices produced through treatments based on time 13 h and 17 h and pressure 25 Pa, 30 Pa, and 35 Pa, with temperature constant -50 oC. Freeze-dried mango was calculated for mass balance and analyzed for water content, color, and hedonic test. The mass balance yield was ar...

Sheikh Muhammad Azam1,2 and Muhammad Naeem1*

... contents and protein in dry body weight were non-significant (P>0.05). Highly significant relationships were also observed for fish size (weight and total length) with all other body constituents in log-transformed data. Condition factor had highly significant relationships with percent ash, water, protein, organic contents while significant relation was observed with percent fat.


Tajnees Pirzada1*, Weenghar Ali Chandio1, Mansoor Ali Kalhoro2, Mir Munsif Ali Talpur1, Waheed Ali Mirbahar1, Abdul Ghafar Solangi1, Zulfiquar Ali Jumani1 and Rehana Kerio1

...ination index, fresh and dry weight for 15 days. HA/ZnO NPs were confirmed with various physicochemical techniques such as X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), UV-Vis spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The data confirmed the adsorption of humic acid on the surface of ZnO nanoparticles. The HA/ZnO NPs exposure significantly increased germination by 83 %, root length (60 %), shoot length (78 %), fresh weight (71.4 %) and

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Sallam Shahzad2, Farhat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Luqman1, Usman Saleem3 and Shoaib Nasir4

...ervices providers must address different hurdles hampering the successful development and execution of the latest rice production strategies. Furthermore, the public sector advisory services providers must develop strategies to make farmers aware of the latest rice production technologies.
Zhiyuan Sun1, 3, Xuhui Zhang2,*, Xian Li3, Yanping Huang3, Shiyan Sui3, Weifeng Liu3, Guochao Ni3, Xiaozhou Xu1, Jianbo Yang1, Xue Lian1 and Hui Jia1
...h or without continuous adrenocorticotropine hormone (ACTH) pretreatment. Twenty-four 30-day-old Duroc × Landrace × Large White crossbred piglets (12 ± 0.5 kg) were randomly assigned to 4 treatments: control, LPS, ACTH, and ACTH+LPS groups. Each group consisted of 6 male piglets. All ACTH pigs and ACTH+LPS pigs were injected intramuscularly with ACTH (2.25 IU/kg body weight) for 7 consecutive injections at...

Asma Hanif* and Shahnaz Dawar

...niles. Other homeopathic drugs used in the experiment showed no significant nematicidal effect against M. incognita. Kent-20 and Santonine-43 at three different concentrations of 50, 100 and 75% was highly effective when used as seed treatment of okra, sunflower, mung bean and mash beans followed by drenching the soil with these concentrations of both homeopathic drugs separately, also res...

Mohammed Abdel-Mageed Abdel-Aziz Abdel-Mageed1, Eman Alsayed Hammad2*, Nashaat Abdel-Aziz Mahmoud1 and Anas Farag El-Mesalamy1

...s with chelates and soil drenches were tested against root-knot nematode M. javanica infecting tomato plants cv. Strain-B under greenhouse conditions. Almost tested materials have significantly reduced nematode parameters compared to Oxamyl 24% L. and the untreated plants (check). The degree of nematode reduction varied according to the method of applications and the type of materials. Adding the extract with the chelating nutrients improved the properties of ...

Mahmoud M.A.Youssef and Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi

...uch as soil temperature, dry heat, irradiation and CO2 can work for controlling plant-parasitic nematodes. Higher soil temperatures with transparent or black plastic cover reduced citrus nematode, Tylenchulus semipenetrans on navel orange and reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis on sunflower. Also, dry heat was used to control rice root nematode, Hirschmanniella oryzae on rice soil and root and wheat soil. Several inv...

Riaz Alam1*, Muhammad Sajid2 and Durri Shahwar3

...olution with the help of dropper. The daughter saplings of cultivar Manzanilla produced through air-layering by the application of IBA in various concentrations, produced early rooting (36.00 days), high rooting percentage (77.47%), maximum number of roots (6.38) per layering, root length (7.03 cm), root weight (2.62 g) and more number of re-sprouts (5.57), followed by number of days to root appearance (38.80), rooting percentage (65.73%), number of roots (5.6...
Ziyue Qin1, Zhen Wang1, Ali Mujtaba Shah3,4, Zifan Ning1, Yaofu Tian1, Qing Zhu1, Yan Wang1, Huadong Yin1, Zhichao Zhang1, Lu Zhang1, Lin Ye1, Diyan Li1, Gang Shu2 and Xiaoling Zhao1,*
...common practice in husbandry to limit body weight gain during the grower period in broiler breeders. However, whether the chickens with different genetic background have the same response to feed restriction is not reported, herein we evaluated three levels of feed restriction effects on growth performance and blood glucose concentrations in faster- and slower- growing chicken (different genotypes). In the present study, birds were restricted to 100% to full f...

Mst. Deloara Begum1, Md. Muniruzzaman1, Md. Salauddin2* and Md. Mostafizer Rahman1

...ich 54 samples were from dried fish and 25 from cooked fish samples. In this research there were 18 different types of dried fish and 6 types of cooked fish were used as a sample. Laboratory work was done by different bacteriological laboratory methods and purified isolates were identified according to gram’s staining reaction, colony morphology, cultural characteristics, biochemical and antibiotic susceptibility test....
Luis Daniel Jiménez Martínez1, Vicente Morales Garcia2Carlos Alfonso Frias Quintana3, Alejandra del Carmen Castillo Collado1, Gloria Gertrudys Asencio Alcudia4, Carina Shianya Alvarez Villagomez4, Emyr Saul Peña Marín4,5, Bartolo Concha Frias1 and 
Carlos Alfonso Alvarez-Gonzalez4
...aldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) in the different tissues of the intestine, muscle, gill, stomach, brain and liver in adult males of A. tropicus from reared in captivity through three BestKeeper, geNorm and NormFinder algorithms. Based on our results we can conclude that in the three BestKeeper, NormFinder and geNorm algorithms, the most stable genes are ef1, followed by 18s rrna and actb where the gene stability wi...
Rajesh Kumar Oad1, Nasir Rajput1, Imdad Hussain laghari1, Hidayatullah Soomro1, Muhammad Azhar Memon2, Abdul Sattar Baloch5, Qudratullah Kalwar3,  Mashhood Ahmed1, Zubair Ahmed Soomro2 and Waseem Ali Vistro4*
...oiler carcass weight and dressing of group F (1.298 kg/bird and 60.83 kg/bird) was higher as compared to other groups. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was better (1.538) in group D following by group A, B, C, E and F. Broiler breast, leg, neck, drum and head weights was higher in group D than other groups (p<0.05). Broiler heart was heavier in group D, while liver and gizzard were heavier in group B than other groups, whereas...
Muhammad Awais1,2, Waqas Ahmad3, Akhtar Rasool Asif4, Sayyed Aun Muhammad1, Iahtasham Khan1*, Muhammad Amjad Ali5, Muhammad Qaiser Riaz1 and Muhammad Saqib2 
...ngth, healing time and hydroxyproline contents measurement in both experiments. Honey and povidone mixture treated animals showed significantly improved wound contraction, healing time, tensile strength and hydroxyproline measurements in dexamethasone treated group. In normal group, honey treated animals have significantly reduced wound healing time than the honey and povidone treated animals in dexamethasone treated animals...
Roheela Yasmeen1*, Laiba Asif1 and Samia Djeffal2
...roidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) diclofenac has been linked to this rapid decline in vulture populations. Diclofenac has been in use since 1974 to treat several problems in cattle such as pain during calving, lameness, mastitis, and swelling. The drug was also used to treat diverse problems such as dysmenorrhea, ocular inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and actinic keratosis etc....
Muhammad Hamza Tariq1, Mahjabeen Akram2 and Yasir Sharif3*
...ere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Once SARS-CoV-2 manages to enter the body, it identifies and binds to the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors through the binding receptor of Spike Protein (S-protein). The present study aimed to investigate the phytochemicals as potential inhibitors of the binding domain of S protein so that the binding of COVID-19 with ACE2 receptors could be restrained. For this purpose, the library of ...

Iffat Nawaz1*, Tahseen Zeb1, Bibi Saima Zeb2 and Javaria Sherani3

...imalayan range. Local landraces cultivated in traditional farming systems are the sole source of its production. 108 land races of beans including 96 landraces of Himalayan region, the ten Mesoamerican and the two Andean genotypes were evaluated at three locations during 2015 and 2016 at the Summer Agricultural Research Station Kaghan, Batakundi Potato Seed Farm Batakundi and Agricultural Research Station Baffa, Mansehra. Th...

Mubeen Zahra1,2, Muhammad Nawaz3, Muhammad Umer Chattha4, Imran Khan4, Muhammad Bilal Chattha5*, Muhammad Ashraf Bhatti6, Abdul Rehman4, Faryal Ahmed4, Faran Muhammad4, Mina Kharal7 and Muhammad Umair Hassan4

... determine the impact of drought on growth and yield of different wheat cultivars. The study was comprised of early drought treatment such as I0 (control), I1 (fist irrigation 30 days after sowing), I2 (first irrigation 45 days after sowing) and I3 (first irrigation 60 days after sowing) and wheat cultivars Faisalabad-2008 (standard height and low tillering), Td-1 (low height and low tillering) and Galaxy-2013 (standard heig...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi

...cted and refluxed with hydrochloric acid to produce furfural. Growth response of sugarcane plants increased significantly (p=0.05) with the highest concentration (75 mg) of furfural. A reduction in nematode population in soil of treated plants was remarked. The results indicated that furfural could be practically applied in the management of nematode pests of sugarcane, while safe guarding the environment from pollution.

Nasir Ali Tauqir1, Asim Faraz2*, Muhammad Arif1, Abdul Rehman1Imtiaz Hussain1, Abdul Waheed2, Gabriele Marino3 and Michela Pugliese3


...ntake (% body weight) of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), metabolizable energy (ME), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) did not show any treatment effect. However, the intake of rumen un-degradable protein, lysine, methionine, and threonine reduced linearly (P<0.01) with decreasing concentrations of these nutrients in the experimental diets. A linear increase (P<0.01) in DM, NDF and ADF degradabilites was recorded with gradu...
Zahid Beg Mirza1,*, Naveed Ali Soomro2 and Farwah Shariff1
...y in the province in the dry season in June 2019 and another survey in the vulture breeding season, in February 2020. Methodology included direct field observations and interviews of local communities. Field Guide to the Birds of Pakistan, by the senior author and other related literature, as well as the use of a high resolution camera helped in the identification of the species. During the surveys, information on the use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory
He Yujiao1,2, Xie Huichun1, Lin Gonghua2,3, ZhangTongzuo2,3, Su Jianping2,3 and Du Yurong1*
...ateau pika using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Analysis suggests that the differentiation within this species could be related to quaternary glaciation. We also compared the clustering analysis results generated using mtDNA versus microsatellite markers. The most obvious difference between the two markers was reflected in the fact that the populations Yelashan (YLS) and Bangda (BD) represented a separate cluster based on the microsatellite data. Additionally, our...

Rasool Bux Kalhoro1, Ghulam Mustafa Laghari2*, Ghulam Hyder Jamro2 and Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio2

...most important oilseed andrich protein crop throughout the world.A two- years (2007-2008) fieldtrail was carried out to improve the soybean production under integrated agronomic practices.A three replicated experimental design was conducted, which consisted of three different seed rates (60, 75 and 90 kg ha-1) and row spacings (30cm, 45cm, and 60cm). The results exhibited higher plant 55.24cm and 55.14cm at 45 cm row spacing under the interaction of seed rate ...

Syeda Shazia Bokhari, Aisha Waheed Qurashi*, Roheela Yasmeen*, Fouzia Yasmeen, Nabeela Nayab, Uzma Rafi

...bacterial cell surface hydrophobicity and auto-aggregation assay. Highest percentage hydrophobicity values of the strain EPF1 were recorded with toluene (84 %) as compared to other organic solvents such as chloroform (58 %) and xylene (63%). Auto-aggregation response of E. auranticum EPF1 was highest at fifth hour of culture incubation. Qualitative analysis of exopolysaccharides (EPS) in congo red supplemented Brain Heart In...

Adel M. Abdelrahman1, Sahar R. Mohamed1, Soliman M. Soliman2, Sherif Marouf3* 

...eruginosa is harbor multidrug antimicrobial resistance of camel has serious consequences for human health, so, this study aimed to characterized of P. aeruginosa especially extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) producing one; phenotypic and genotypic. The isolates of P. aeruginosa were confirmed biochemically by a Vitek 2 compact system (bioMe´rieux). Suspected P. aeruginosa colonies carry ESBL were 56.6% by the double disc synergy test (DDST). Dete...

Md. Sanjid Hasan1, A K M Humayun Kober1, Eaftekhar Ahmed Rana2, Md Saiful Bari1,3,4* 

...tion shed used, adequate drainage facility were statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) to causing both SCM and udder lesions. Predominant causal agents isolated were Staphylococcus sp 186 (70.4%), Streptococcus sp 146 (55.3%), Bacillus sp 62 (23.5%) and E. coli 20 (7.6%) from collected CMT positive milk samples. Bacterial cultures of swab samples of udder lesions revealed Staphylococcus sp 120 (77.4%), Streptococcus sp 112 (72.2%), E. coli 110 (71.0%), and Ba...

Najeeb Ullah1*, Muhammad Nadeem2, Malik Mujaddad-ur-Rehman1, Rubina Nelofer2 and Yasir Arfat3

... the vitally important hydrolytic enzymes. The present experimental work of the protease production was conducted by using skin waste from leather industry as a substrate. Different sources of nitrogen and carbon were screened in order to enhance the production of protease by a locally isolated Bacillus sp. In order to ensure the best results Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize five different independent variables including substrate, M...

Ayesha Muzamil, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir, Shaukat Ali, Iram Liaqat, Aamir Ali, Muhammad Summer

...roidal and non steroidal drugs i.e., antibiotics are used to treat inflammatory disorders. Theses synthetic drugs have many side effects on the health such as gastrointestinal problems, stomach ulcers, dizziness, liver or kidney problems etc. Cytokines play an important role in the induction and suppression of inflammation. Cytokines are diverse form of proteins that act pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The main compone...

Eman H. Mahrous1, Mohamed. W. Abd Al -Azeem2, Faisal A. Wasel1, Waleed Younis2* 

... that they were all multidrug-resistant (MDR) with a predominance of resistance to erythromycin and oxytetracycline. In conclusion, these findings evidenced that clinically diseased rabbits have a high frequency of MDR and virulent Pasteurella multocida strains.

Keywords | Antimicrobial susceptibility; Pasteure...

Hailemariam Assefa1*, Tesfahun Dagnaw2 

...ereas Yeast, Mold and Dandruff were selected as tested fungi. The effect was seen high on Staphylococcus aureus, while the Klebsiella pneumoniae was less affected by any of the used extracts. Methanolic extract was more active than petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extract on all three tested fungal species. The oil was obtained by soxhlet extraction method. The maximum oil yield using petroleum ether was found 18.4% at a temperature of 70oC and a minimum yiel...
Syed Sikandar Habib1*, Saira Naz2, Sadia Nawaz1, Iqra Ameer1, Ameer Khatoon1, Hameed Ur Rehman3, Sahibzada Muhammad Jawad4 and Haider Ali5
...sampling was immediately drawn from caudal peduncle by syringe and added in EDTA containing vial and shake well for proper mixing. Vials stored in ice containing boxes and carried to laboratory for total complete blood count. The water parameter was analyzed in laboratory by taking the sample of water and some (Temperature, DO) was measured in situ. Results of hematological analysis revealed that there is no significant (P > 0.05) difference in packed cell ...
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Nasir Ali Tauqir2 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel3
... 991±30 g/d while dry matter intake (DMI) of concentrate, fodder and gram straw was 2.9±0.15, 3.0±0.16 and 1.5±0.08; 2.9±0.07, 3.0±0.07 and 1.3±0.03 kg/d with diet 1 and 2, respectively. Haemoglobin concentration (P<0.05) was found to be 16.4±0.14 and 16.8±0.09 (g/dl) with diet 1 and 2, respectively. Cu and Mn concentrations in wool also differed significantly (P<0.05) between two groups and ...
Muhammad Anwarullah1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Usman1*,Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1Muhammad Husnain1,Ahsan Anjum3, Qurratulain Ashraf4 and Ghulam Mustafa3

...; and 1.20 times more in dry animals compared to milking animals. Furthermore, body condition score (BCS), type of housing, and condition of drinking water were also found to have significant (p<0.05) effect on the occurrence of MAP in cattle and buffalo. Moreover, hematological profile of MAP-positive animals showed significantly (p<0.05) lower values of RBCs, Hb, and PCV; whereas, levels of MCHC showed non-significan...

Sadarman1, Agung Irawan2, Muhammad Ridla3, Anuraga Jayanegara3*, Nahrowi3, Roni Ridwan4, Ahmad Sofyan5, Hendra Herdian5, I Nyoman Guna Darma5, Teguh Wahyono6, Dewi Febrina1, Rakhmad Perkasa Harahap7, Rizki Amalia Nurfitriani8, Danung Nur Adli9 

...ensed tannins (CT) and hydrolyzable tannins (HT) are secondary metabolites substances that are widely proposed as safe additives to improve protein utilization in ruminants. This study aimed to investigate the effect of tannins extracted from acacia and chestnut on the degradation kinetics of ensiled and non-ensiled soy sauce residue (SSR) in sacco. Two fistulated beef cattle (425±25 kg) fed a diet consisting of 80% Pennisetum purpureum and 20% concentr...
Weihao Chen1, 2, Zhilong Tian1, Lin Ma1, Shangquan Gan3, Wei Sun2, 4* and Mingxing Chu1*
...dymis, vas deferens and adrenal gland tissues in both breeds. The expression level of Clock and BMAL1 showed similar trends in the brain, cerebellum, hypothalamus, pituitary, testis and epididymis in both breeds. The expression levels of Clock, BMAL1, and Cry1 were significantly higher in the pituitary tissue of STH rams than in that of SNT rams, whereas the expression level of Cry2 showed the opposite pattern. We spec...

Tilahun Woretaw1, Netsanet Beyero2*, Yonatan Kassu3 

...pplement their milk cow, dry cow, heifers, calves, oxen, bull, sheep, goat, and equine, respectively. The drinking mixture of P. schimperiana in milk, and water was higher during the dry season and lowered during the wet season. The estimated biomass yields were 4.34±0.13 kg and 5.56±0.119 kg in the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Furthe...
Hongbin Li1,2, Lei Fang1, 3 and Lei Cao1,2*
...e of spring migrating tundra bean geese (Anser serrirostris)fitted with telemetry devices from two flyways between Yangtze River Floodplain winter areas and Anadyr (Russia)/Central Arctic breeding grounds. We combined these with high spatial resolution MODIS satellite-derived plant production data to relate the timing of spring migration to that of the green wave index (GWI) at different staging regions and on breeding areas. Results showed that, at sto...

Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1, Dilbar Hussain2, Muhammad Luqman3, Muhammad Qasim1, Gulfam Yousaf1, Hamza Latif1 and Muhammad Zeeshan1

Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Umar1, Bashir Ahmad Khan2, Ijaz Ahmed3, Amir Manzoor1, Muhammad Saqib Riaz1, Muhammad Irfan Arif1 and Asif Nawaz1

...ntly reduced density and dry biomass of weeds per unit area. Moreover, the biological yield, grain yield and the harvesting index of pearl millet and mung bean were also affected significantly under different sowing geometries. Both crops growth and yield was increased in the narrow row spacing as compared to wider row spacing, whereas, weed density and biomass was decreased in narrow spacing that may be due to less availability of space and more intra and int...

Aftab Ahmad Sheikh1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Belqees Akhter1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Hafeezullah Rafa1, Abdul Wakeel1, Abdul Manan Saeed2

... the plant height, fresh/dry fodder yield, nitrogen free extracts (NFE), crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, phosphorus, and calcium contents were envaulted at the physiological maturity of crop, four months after the sowing of crop. Results revealed that water salinity adversely affected the quantitative and qualitative attributes of sorghum crop and negative effects were more pronounced with higher level of salinity ECiw (10 dS m-1). Irrigation with highe...

Daniel Stewart Robertson

...abolism is shown to be hydrolysis of the capsid by monophosphoric acid. Also shown is that for protection against the common cold an individual has ideally to be vaccinated with attenuated versions of the virus particles produced by his or her own cells. Observations supporting the proposals are presented.


Pham Tan Nha*, Le Thu Thuy of shrimp soluble hydrolyte extracts of Hoa Lan ducks. It was a complete randomized design with 5 treatments corresponding to 5 diets and 3 replications. Ten ducks balancing in sex were used in one experimental unit. The treatment 0 (basic diet, 0%). Treatment 1, 2, 3 and 4 were mixed basic and shrimp soluble hydrolysate with 1%, 2%, 3% and 4%, respectively (DM). The treatments were: SH0, SH1, SH2, SH3 and SH4, respecti...

Noha M. El-Shabrawy1, Atef M. Kamel2, Aza S. Goda1, Gehad R. Donia1, Ahmed M. Salah-Eldein2* 

... for land irrigation and drinking of livestock in north Sinai, Egypt. A total of 58 wild birds belonging to 4 different species; Egyptian barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), house sparrow (Passer domestics), great white egret (Ardea alba) and striated heron (Butorides striata) were hunted by a net trap to determine the concentration of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) in their muscle, liver, kidney and feather. Also, 16 water samp...

Arshad Farooq1, Abdul Hassan1, Muhammad Ishaq2, Asif Nawaz3*, Iltaf Ullah4 and Hidayatullah5

...edbed (24.17%), heat and drought tolerant maize (OPVs) varieties (20.84%), heat and drought tolerant wheat varieties (20%) and organic farming (16.67%). Knowledge index revealed that both districts’ farmers had 35.71% knowledge level in fourteen different indicators in the study area. The farmers of district Charsadda had slightly high knowledge level (38.67%) compared to district Nowshera farmers (32.75%). Results of ...
Samaria Nisar1, Tariq Manzoor Khan1, Muhammad Ahsan Iqbal1, Rahmat Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3*, Saghir Ahmad3, Amna Bibi3, Hafeez ur Rehman4, Umar Farooq4 and Muhammad Zubair Ishaq5
...t turn (GOT percent), hundred seed weight (100SW), yield/plant (YP), fiber fineness (FF), fiber length (FL), and fiber strength (FS) all revealed substantial variation in the analysis of variance (FS). The goal of this research was to quantify variability and conduct a correlation analysis to see potential for selection in the F2 population. Plant height (cm) was found to have a positive relationship with boll weight, bolls/plant, fiber strength, fiber length,...

Faryal Malik, Mudassar Nawaz Khan* and Israr-ud-Din

...sponse mechanism. Poorly drained fields and unexpected rains in the sowing and germination times lead to flooding stress. Wheat varieties namely Atta Habib, Siran and Ghanemat-e-IBGE were grown in glass house and studied for their flooding stress response and ability to recover after flooding stress removal at morphological and antioxidant enzymes (catalase; CAT, superoxide dismutase; SOD, and peroxidase; POD) levels. Wheat varieties were grown for 15 days, fl...

Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning1,2, L.M. Yusiati1, C. Hanim1, B.P. Widyobroto1*

...L pure cineole at 300 mg dry matter feed. The experiment proves that gas production, methane (CH4), dry matter digestibility, and ammonia (NH3) significantly decrease (P<0.05) at all doses of galangal EO. The addition of cineole results in the significant decrease (P<0,05) of CH4 (ml/dry matter degraded) while dry matter degradability and gas produ...
Yang Yang1,2, Ji Shao1,2, Mingxu Zhou3,4, Qiangde Duan1,2, Xinyi Zhang1,2 and Guoqiang Zhu1,2*

...ously harms animal husbandry and causes huge economic losses. The pathogenicity of E. coli is closely related to its virulence factors, which are strictly regulated in vivo, and the quorum sensing system is involved in this process. To study the effect of quorum sensing signal molecule acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) on the biological characteristics of Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), gene lasI of Pseudomonas aeruginosa which i...

Ahmed M. Elbaz*, Engy F. Zaki, Morsy A. S. 

...kens. A total of four hundred and eighty 1-day-old Ross 308 chicks were randomly divided into four experimental groups: Control (CON), 5% of quinoa seeds (QS5), 10% of quinoa seeds (QS10), and 15% of quinoa seeds (QS15) groups. Results indicated that increasing inclusion levels of QS improved body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and crude protein digestibility of broiler chickens. Including quinoa seeds significantly increased carcass
Tabinda Urooj1,*, Bushra Wasim1, Shamim Mushtaq2, Syed Nudrat Nawaid Shah1, Lubna Faisal3, Moazzam Ali2, Nabeela Rasheed1 and Syed Faizan Ali Rizvi4
...e females have three children or more with the history of breast feeding. It was concluded that, lack of education combine with low socioeconomic status, which further aggravates the health outcomes especially by neglecting the early diagnosis of the disease. Also, higher risk was observed for married women, housewives with extended family that is 3 or more children. Breast feeding for extended duration (at least 2 years) an...
Romaan Hayat Khattak1, Zhensheng Liu1*, Liwei Teng1* and Ejaz ur Rehman2
...the biodiversity towards dramatic falls. The presence of several endangered species in many areas remains unveiled due to the lack of faunal inventories. In such situations, it is imperative to make proper records of the existing fauna on local scales to strengthen the conservation practices. Twenty-one species representing 18 genera, 12 families and six orders of mammals were recorded in Nowshera district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (KP), Pakistan from an in...

Ali Zohaib*, Muzzammil Hussain, Iftikhar Ahmad and Adnan Bashir

...grain weight (8%), total dry biomass (14-17%) and grain yield (10-16%) was caused by 90 g seed per tray, as compared to 110 g seed per tray. Order of grain yield produced by different seeding rates was 90 > 80 > 100 > 110 g per tray. Economic analysis exhibited that maximum net returns and benefit cost ratio (BCR) was achieved by using 90 g seed per tray. In conclusion, 90 g seed per tray improved the grain yield by enhancing number of productive till...

Rehman Shahzad1, Saba Irshad1* and Faisal Amin2

...due to poor weight gain, drop in egg production and mortality of birds since first reported in 1998. Influenza viral surface protein neuraminidase enhances both virus replication and its release from host cells. In this study we isolated nineteen H9N2 viruses from infected birds of various farms from Punjab, Pakistan. Neuraminidase gene of these viruses was amplified using RT-PCR and sequenced to perform mutational analysis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that...

Asmaa G. Mubarak1*, Mona M. Mustafa2, Mohamed W. Abdel-Azeem3, Dina N. Ali2 the high rate of multidrug-resistant Salmonella isolates and the risks it poses to public health.

Keywords | Chicken meals, Salmonella, Humans, Antibiotics, Virulence, Sequencing 


Anguara Khatun1*, Sachchidananda Das Chowdhury1, Bibek Chandra Roy2, S.M. Shafikul Gani3, Bipul Chandra Ray1, Tanvir Ahmed1 

...iler production. Four hundred eighty Cobb 500 straight run broiler chicks were randomly allocated to three dietary treatments each of eight replications having 20 birds each. The basal diets were corn-soya broiler starter and broiler grower diets. Starter diet was fed up to 21 days and grower diet during 22-35 days. In treatment 1, chicks were fed a basal diet (Diet 1), in treatment 2, chicks received a basal diet plus a multi-strain probiotics @100g/100kg fee...

K.M. Injarul Haque, Sharmeen Islam*, Md. Rokibul Islam Khan, Md. Ruhul Amin 

... RC) with 5% molasses as dry matter basis at 0, 14, 21, and 28 days, respectively. Results showed that the physical qualities (color, odor, and softness) of silages were improved in rumen content added treatments till 28 days of ensiling period. The pH of silages was declined (p<0.05) with the enhancement of RC and ensiling period. The crude protein (CP), metabolizable energy (ME), and organic matter digestibility (OMD) were improved (p<0.05) but

Ghulam Abbas, Sultan Mahmood*, Ahsan ul Haq and Haq Nawaz

...mmer was studied. One hundred sixty commercial layers (24 weeks old) were purchased from a poultry farm and were reared in a group for one week (adaptation period). At the start of 25th week of age, these layers were divided into 20 experimental units/replicates (8 layers/ replicate), which were further allotted to five treatment groups (4 replicate/ treatment). Five diets (A, B, C, D and E) were prepared with or without addition of sodium bicarbonate. Diet A,...

Rehman Shahzad1, Saba Irshad1*, Malik Saddique Mehmood1 and Faisal Amin2 enhancing the total hydrophobicity of the molecules. Hydrophobicity was calculated by using Kyte and Doolittle method. High hydrophobicity of NS1 protein is also posing a potential for H9N2 virus to adapt in host, which might be contributing to the increase in pathogenicity of the circulating H9N2 virus.


Fang Zhao, Gen Wang, Xiaobin Li, Guodong Zhao, Hui Chen, Chen Ma and Kailun Yang*

...with rumen-protected 5-hydroxytryptophan (RPT 5-HTP) on the concentration of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and melatonin (MLT) in the plasma of sheep. Eighteen sheep were assigned randomly to three diet groups (n = 6). The treatment groups included control (CT, corn-soybean meal basal diet), CT + 111 (CT + 111 mg/kg BW RPT 5-HTP), and CT + 222 (CT + 222 mg/kg BW RPT 5-HTP) groups. The experiment lasted for 16 d. On the 16th da...

Syed Sikandar Habib1*, Saira Naz2, Sehar Khalid3, Rimsha Kanwal2, Iqra Ameer1, Sadia Nawaz1 Aamir Khan4, Abid Ur Rehman5, Muqaddas Kousar6, Shafa Ullah Khan7 and Nadia Nazir7

...mental stress. Different drugs have been used against several infections, but sometimes they produce toxic effect in fish body and deteriorate the water quality, which in turn decrease the output of the aquaculture. To overcome these issues, herbal products are used in aquaculture and these are the perfect immune stimulator, antibiotic alternative and growth promotor. The current research was conducted to assess the effect of variant level of Agaricus bisporus...

Li Wei, Wei-wei Shao and Zhi-hua Lin*

...ocharis tadpoles did not drastically differ under treatment with all four individual pesticides. In contrast, the survival rates of M. fissipes showed significant differences under treatment with three of the four pesticides (except for pymetrozine). Our results suggested that individual pesticides and their combinations exerted different effects on organisms and implied the existence of pesticide- and species-specific toxicity effects.


Mustafa Ozan Atasoy

...utlines the benefits and drawbacks of HVT-vectored vaccines in combating health-threatening poultry infections and briefly pinpoints the future perspectives for improving the success of poultry vaccines. 


Arkan B. Mohammed*, Ammar S. Abdulwahid, Samah M. Raouf 

...s of laying hens. One hundred and eighty Hy-line Brown hens, 40 weeks old were randomly divided into 9 groups of 20 hens and subjected to one of the following treatments: T1 (control diet), T2 (5g/kg of thyme), and T3 (10g/kg of thyme). Each treatment was tested using three groups of hens, which were subject to treatments from 40 to 47 weeks of age. The productive metrics were measured on daily and weekly basis in the period from 40 to 47 weeks of age, while t...

Tintin Rostini1*, Irwan Zakir1, Danang Biyatmoko2 include consumption, dry matter digestibility, organic matter, crude protein, NDF, ADF, daily body weight gain, feed conversion, and blood metabolism. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance while differences between treatments were further analyzed with Duncan’s test. The results showed that yeast + curcuma (TR3) supplementation had a significant performance by increasing consumption, dr
Lin Ye, Jie-Lan Jiang*, Jia Xu, Rui-Ting Liu, Yin-Qiu Tian, Qing-Qing Zang, Jia-Yi Cao and Ming-Guang Mao*
...l 5 (CLCN5) transports hydrogen ions into the nucleolus and removes chloride ions, which helps the cell to maintain its pH value and osmotic pressure. To reveal the role of CLCN5 under low-salinity stress, a cDNA sequence of CLCN5 (TrCLCN5) was cloned from Takifugu rubripes using the reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) technique. The results showed that TrCLCN5 cDNA contained a complete open reading frame of 2505 bp continuously encoding 834 amino acid residues...
Imran Bodlah1*, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Muhammad Farooq Nasir1, Tariq Mahmood2 and Muhammad Asif3
...een described using line drawings and coloured drawings. Main diagnostic characters, brief description, morphometrics, distribution and illustrations are provided. Biology, trophic associations with 4 ant’s species namely, Camponotus parius, Camponotus compressus, Tapinoma melaocephalum, Lepisiota fraunfeldi have been discussed. Four natural enemies; two species of syrphid flies namely, Allobaccha apicalis (Loew, 1858)...

A.M. Abdul Azeem, Ashraf M. Mounir and Amr N. El-Shahat* flavonoid contents of dried pumpkin seeds as well to determine the hypoglycemic influence of γ-irradiated pumpkin seeds dried powder (GPSDP) on diabetic rats. In this work, the level of total phenolic and total flavonoid contents of raw dried pumpkin seeds was significantly increase under the effect of γ-irradiation (10 kGy). The results showed that glucose and testicular ma...

Chunjie Song1, Shangquan Gan2 and Xiaoyun Shen1,3*

...te blood cell (WBC) in 3 drug delivery groups were extremely significantly lower (P<0.01) than the control group, and the contents of potassium (K), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), globulin (GLB), and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) in the 3 drug delivery groups were extremely significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of control group, but there were no remarkable differences between the 3 ...

Muhammad Khubaib Hameed, Muhammad Aziz ur Rahman, Muhammad Ashraf, Safdar Hassan, Muhammad Riaz, Muhammad Qamar Bilal, Fawwad Ahmad, Muhammad Sharif*

...stics like percentage of dressed meat, thigh meat yield, breast meat yield, relative organs weight (heart, liver and gizzard) and immune organs such as bursa, spleen and thymus weight were also recorded. Weekly feed intake (3506g, 3531g) and body weight (2080g, 2139g) were better (P<0.05) in group fed arginine supplementation as 0.4 and 0.6%, respectively as compared to control group. Better feed conversion ratio (FCR, P<0.05) was shown by the all argini...

Xiaoli Cai1,2, Saeed Ahmed3, Zhixin Lei1,*, Jianping Wu1,* and Taolei Sun1,2,*

...teria with antimicrobial drugs and resistance to multidrug (MDR). The present study delivers a possible elucidation to this problem via Nano Drug Delivery. Nanomaterials are relatively small as compared to ordinary antibiotics. The nanoparticle has unique physical and chemical properties, a large surface area, and an electric charge. Additionally, its an...

Amira Mahmoud Refaie1*, Marwa Hosni Abd El-Maged2, Hassan Abd El-Kriam Hassan Abd El-Halim2, Hanan Abd El-Rahman Hassan Alghonimy2, Sayed Ahmed Mohamed Shaban1 

...rol (0.0125% Butylated hydroxytoluene; BHT), 0.1% and 0.3% DPP, respectively. The DPP was used in two forms i.e., powder (DPP) for Exp.1 and aqueous extract (DPPE) for Exp.2. The results revealed that egg production was significantly improved (P<0.01) in the 0.1% DPP group (Exp.1) whereas, all groups exhibited higher (P<0.05) egg production (Exp.2) comparing to normal control. All treated groups exhibited an enhancement (P<0.01) in yolk total choleste...

Asim Faraz1, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2,* and Abdur Rehman3

...p (n=26) crossed with Mundri Ram (for experimental group). Regarding fecundity, the single birth, twining and triplitting was 42, 58, 0 for control and 27, 65, 8 % for experimental group. The birth weight achieved was 5.5, 5.0 and 6.5, 5.5 kg for male suckler and female suckler in control and experimental group, respectively. The weaning weight attained was 28 (control) and 32 kg (experimental) for female sucklers while male sucklers of both groups were sold b...

Ziyue Qin1, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, 3, Qing Zhu1, Yan Wang1, Diyan Li1, Gang Shu4, Yaofu Tian1 and Xiaoling Zhao1*

...40 and 60 µg/kg BW dramatically decreased blood glucose level in FG but didn’t affect SG. And at 40 µg/kg BW insulin administration, FG had lower blood glucose than SG (P < 0.05). These results suggested that the growth speed greatly affects oral glucose tolerance and hypoglycemic response to exogenous insulin in chickens.


Neven Waheeb1*, Sherif Marouf2, Essam Nasr3, Shaymaa Abdelmalek2 

...of dogs and cats. Two hundred stool samples from humans and eighty-eight fecal samples from dogs and cats were collected with gastric disorders. The presence of H. Pylori infection in stool and fecal samples were tested by ELISA and PCR methods. In ELISA the test utilizes H. pylori antibodies to selectively detect H. pylori Antigen in human stool and fasces of pet animals, and PCR by using 16srRNA primers through a semi-nested PCR technique.

Keywords |...

Yin-Hua Wang1,2, Yi-Bing Zhu1, Li Jiang1, Bin Du3 and Xiu-Ming Xi1* relevant to the study drugs. Data analysis will adopt an intention-to-treat approach. This trial will demonstrate the probability that remifentanil can reduce the duration of MV in long-term ventilated patients in critically ill patients compared to fentanyl.


Tran Thi Bich Ngoc1,2, Ninh Thi Huyen1,2, Nguyen Cong Oanh2, Pham Kim Dang2* 

...imes; Duroc) × (Landrace × Yorkshire)], with an average initial body weight of 26 ± 0.77 kg (around 75 days old), were equally divided into four dietary groups, 6 replicates each group. The animals were housed individually in metabolism cages. The four experimental diets consisted of a basal diet (CONT), PROB diet (CONT + 0.2% PROB), ORAC diet (CONT + 0.2% ORAC), and PROR diet (CONT + 0.2% PROB + 0.2% ORAC) for 60 days including 2 periods (2...

Masouras P.K.1, Nikolaou K.1,2, Laliotis G.P.1*, Koutsouli P.1, Bizelis I.1 

...parameters (L*, a*, b*), drip and cooking loss, tenderness and IMF. Marbling was estimated using an image analysis approach. Samples of Greek Red had higher a* value (P<0.05) compared to those obtained from crossbreds. Female samples revealed higher (P<0.05) values of L* compared to male. Significant correlations were observed between some of the determined meat quality parameters. A strong correlation (r = 0.798; P<0.01) was noted between IMF and mar...
Shehzadi Saima1*, Faiza Ghaffar1, Ghulam Yasin1, Muhammad Nawaz2 and Khalid Masood Ahmad1
...atments also reduced the dry and fresh weight of roots and shoots in all varieties considerably (P<0.05). Over all Nerali performed better and thus concluded as tolerant variety while Rama posa was proved to be a sensitive variety.
Seble Mulugeta1 and Amenu Leta2*
...or rural peoples until hydroelectric power is well disseminated in the country. Ethiopia has been faced with critical energy access and supply problems with poorly ventilated cooking places. The current study examined factors determining households’ decision to adopt renewable energy technologies and energy source choice in Boset District. A two-stage stratified random sampling was employed to draw 210 respondents. The...

Mahreen Alam*, Muhammad Ashfaq, Sarfraz Hassan and Asghar Ali 

...ctivity, and potential Hydrogen. The groundwater quality was good at the tail, marginal at the middle, and poor at the head reaches of the distributary. Primary data were collected from 300 respondents along 11-L distributary located in District Sahiwal, Punjab-Pakistan during 2018-19. A stratified random sampling technique was used to collect data, and three stratums like head, middle, and tail of 11-L distributary were selected based on groundwater quality. ...
Zane Vincevica-Gaile1, Karina Stankevica1, Maris Klavins1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Damat Damat3*, Praptiningsih Gawawati Adinurani4, Lili Zalizar5, Muhammad Zul Mazwan6, Juris Burlakovs7
Didiek Hadjar Goenadi8,9, Rista Anggriani3 and Aamir Sohail10
...e product made by rotary drum granulation from biomass fly ashes (energy production waste) and local freshwater sediments in a mass ratio mixture of 67:100, optimally applicable for soil improvement at a rate of 50 g L–1. Besides, regional opportunities in Indonesia and Latvia are referred. It was concluded that peat-free soil amendment elaboration can be better implemented on a regional scale after assessing agricultural needs, soil...
Indah Prihartini1*, Miftachi Ari2, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum3,4, Akhis Soleh Ismail1 and  Listiari Hendraningsih1
... highest gas production, dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) digestibility, and ESPM were 73.86 mL 500 mg–1 DM; 43.56 %; 48.41 %, and 34.26 g N kg–1 FOM (fermented organic matter) at 96 h incubation respectively. Therefore, probiotic lignolitic improves the digestibility of rice straw lignocelluse.

Martha Echioda Ogbole*, James Agbo Ameh, Samuel Mailafia, Olatunde Hamza Olabode and Bridget Jessica Adah

...urring mostly during the dry season. It is hereby recommended that policy makers should timely provide prioritized budgetary allocation for the control of LF. In addition, sustained public enlightenment campaigns on strict hygienic practices and rodent control are also advocated.


Lin Huang1, Ling Mai2, Keyan Zhong1 and Xinjun Chen3*

... vaccine development and drug design.


Yongjie Xue1, Jinling Yan1, Huifeng Zhao1*, Haijing Zheng2 and Changhai Ma1

...: justify;">Animal husbandry is an important industry for human survival. International trade not only affects the production, but also the consumption, of animal products in the domestic market. The question of whether domestic animal husbandry can develop independently in an open country is an interesting one. Through an empirical study of China’s beef cattle industry, this paper answers a common question in academia...

Abdul Jabbar*, Anees-Ul-Hussnain Shah, Abdul Basit, Ghulam Ahmad, Aftab Ahmad Khan, Suleman Raza, Muhammad Sultan Ali Bazmi, Imtiaz Akram Khan Niazi and Ahmad Hussain

Lanjie Li1, Jingjing Zhang2, Ruiyan Zhang2, Ning Zhang2, Zixiang Wei2, Guiqin Liu1,*, Riaz Hussain Pasha3, Muhammad Akram Khan4 and Saif-Ur-Rehman5

... by two-step enzymatic hydrolysis. The influence of enzymolysis on the degree of hydrolysis (DH) and protein recovery (PR) were evaluated, and the chemical composition, antioxidant activity, and molecular weight distribution of oligopeptides in hydrolysates were studied. The optimum enzymatic hydrolysis conditions were identified at 5.96 pH, 0.7% enzyme-...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Hina Gohar1, Muhammad Asrar1, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad2, Azhar Rasul1, Majid Hussain3, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan1, Nisar Ahmad4 and Aqsa Sharif1
...ash, moisture and carbohydrates) were noted in fish group fed on 400mg/kg of polyphenols in diet. Hence supplementation of polyphenols at 400mg/kg was found to be optimum for better hematology, minerals absorption and carcass composition of common carp.

Muhammad Qasim Mazari1, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1,*, Hasina Baloch1, Muhammad Saleem Kalhoro2, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Rehana Buriro1, Asmatullah Kaka1, Fahmida Parveen1, Mazhar Hussain Mangi3, Ghulam Murtaza Lochi1, Abdul Ahad Soomro4, Ali Gul Soomro1, Abdul Ghaffar Abbasi1 and Sarfraz Hussain Depar1 collected from two hundred descriptive (Holstein Friesian) and non-descriptive (Thari) cattle breeds from districts of Mirpurkhas and Badin, 400 samples were taken from each district. Animals were first screened through Single Intradermal Tuberculin Test (SITT) then positive and negative reactors of SITT were further investigated through Rapid BTB Ab test, culture examination and ELISA test. Risk factors such as sex, age, health status, lactating, non-lacta...

Shuangye Wang1,2, Yunlin Zhao1,2, Zhenggang Xu2,3,*, Junzhi Chen3, Guiyan Yang3, Song Wang2 and Kangkang Jiang2


...found that home range of dry and wet periods in 2017 was larger than in 2016 for the same period; (2) The milu population lived together in the released area. They even moved to outside of Dongting Lake in summer and moved back in autumn with the water level change. The milu population separated into several groups during the movement process; (3) By combining home range and the maximum flooded time index map, the milu population habitat covered various types ...
Damat Damat1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Juris Burlakovs3, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile4
Devi Dwi Siskawardani1, Rista Anggriani1 and Anas Tain5
...ith slightly more carbohydrates than natural rice. Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L) canbe used as raw material in analog rice, with red seaweed (Gracilaria spp.) are added to increase the fiber content. A disadvantage of analog rice is its bland taste, which can be improved by adding spices and seaweed, expected to increase the functional value. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of various seaweed pulp concentrations and sp...

Nour El-Hoda Khayrat Hammad1*, Yousef Y. El-Seady3, Azza E. Hassan1, Sara T. Elazab2, Magdy S. Amer2 

... (BW)/day for 7 days) in drinking water, while the 3rd group received FCZ in drinking water for a week, then given LIN oil (60 ml/kg basal diet) for two weeks. FCZ administrated cocks showed elevation in abnormal sperm % and significant decrease in serum testosterone hormonal levels and spermatozoa (viability and motility) which accompanied by some histopathological damage in testes and epididymis. On a molecular basis, mRNA...

Dabeeran Zehra1, Zahida Memon1, Shumaila Usman2,*, Almas Jabeen3, Kauser Ismail1 and Rehan Ahmed Siddiqui2 the only FDA approved drug designed to target advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, unbearable side effects, insufficient efficacy and resistance mechanisms against this drug, generates necessity to develop novel therapeutic strategies and drugs. Recently macrolides have drawn attention of researchers in the treatment of cancer owing to th...

Saba Iqbal, Asmat Ullah*, Muhammad Luqman, Hafiz Muhammad Akram, Muhammad Kashif Munir and Nawal Zafar

...echniques (broadcast and drill) with the water efficient planting techniques (ridge and bed planting) to evaluate their water use efficiency and their economic feasibility. Results of this study revealed that sowing of wheat on ridges and beds gave higher productive tillers (384 ha-1 and 401 ha-1, respectively), grains per spike (47 and 47, respectively), 1000-grains weight (43 and 44 g, respectively) and ultimately higher grain yield (4492 kg ha-1 and 4761 kg...

Saima Parveen1, Altaf Mahmood2*, Ayesha Azad3, Sajid Umar4, Nosheen Shoukat6, Mirza Muhammad Arsalan Azam5, Qurat-Ul-Ain5 and Nausheen Akhtar Malik1

...omphalitis (3.71%) and hydropericardium syndrome (0.05%). Maximum share in crude morbidity was contributed by bacterial diseases with highest proportional morbidity of 48.68% followed by viral (40.32%), parasitic (5.80%) and fungal (5.20%) diseases. This epidemiological data represents true picture of study population and is a valuable tool for planning of prevention strategy and research priorities.

Noor Muhammad* and Shah Alam Khan

...) and proportional plant dry weight change (DWT) to identify tolerance of canola crop. Results revealed that commercial cultivar ‘Zahoor’ comparatively performed well despite higher number of aphids found on itas compared its other counterparts “Abaseen, Omega and KS-75” and hence, was identified as tolerant to mustard aphid. This cultivar also exhibited strong vigor against mustard aphid and minimal symptoms of damages were observed. T...

Jing Fu

...ognostic outcome. One hundred and sixty cases of ovarian mucinous tumors diagnosed from January 2018 and January 2020 were selected. They were divided into four groups: mucinous cystadenocarcinoma group (age 62.78±7.92, n=53), borderline mucinous cystadenocarcinoma group (age 63.82±9.26, n=55), mucinous cystadenocarcinoma group (age 62.81±6.28, n=52) Group and normal ovarian group (age 62.71±7.97, n=160). All cases were examined by ...

Wafaa M.A. Ghoneem, Reham R. El-Tanany and Adel E.M. Mahmoud*

...odium bicarbonate (1% of dry matter (DM)), while lambs in G2 and G3 groups fed clover hay, CFM plus natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) at the level of 1 and 2% of DM, respectively. Results showed that there were insignificant (P<0.05) differences among groups in the digestion coefficients (%) of dry matter, crude fiber, ether extract, nitrogen-free extract, and feeding value expressed as digestible crude protein. And there ...

Neelam Saba and Saba Irshad*

...016-September 2019). Children under 15 years of age (mean age=2.2 ± 1.03 years) and diagnosed with congenital or acquired cataract were included in the study. Among 192 cases of cataract 166 were of congenital and 26 were of acquired cataract during childhood. Among 166 congenital cases, 97(58.4%) cases were bilateral and 69 (41.6 %) were unilateral. Maximum number of cases of congenital cataract was observed in idiopathic group (40.96%) with unknown et...
Hadia Gul1, Abdul Haleem Shah1, Ricardo Harripaul2, Anna Mikhailov2, Ejaz Ullah Khan3, Wasim Shah3, Nisar Ahmad3, John B Vincent2,4 and Muzammil Ahmad Khan3* reported seven non-syndromic OCA genes, among which Pakistani OCA families mostly segregate TYR and OCA2 gene mutations. In the present study we aimed to investigate the genetic factor of OCA in a consanguineous family from Pakistan. Genetic analysis was performed through microarray genotyping and homozygosity-by-descent (HBD) mapping, whole exome sequencing (for mutation identification) and Sanger sequencing (for variant segregation). Homozygosity analysis...

Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,2, Irkham Widiyono3*, Bambang Suwignyo4, Amado A. Angeles5 

...densed tannin (CT) and hydrolyzed tannin (HT) types both play an important role in reducing methane, but CT is widely studied because of its presence which is more commonly found. The concept of tannin utilization still presents its own challenges to focus on the dose of administration, the structure of the tannin itself, the substitution of other ingredients and also includes the types of animals given treatment.

Keywords | Environment, Methane, Rumin...

Riaz Shah1*, Shaikha Hilal Al Ismaili2, Sheikha S. Al-Siaby1, Amal Mohammed Al Nasiri2, Thuraiya Hafidh Al Maskari2, Jamal AlSabahi3 and Huda Al-Ruqaishi3

..., growing conditions and drying methods of basil may change its essential oil quantity and composition. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of essential oils extracted from commercially available fresh and dried organic or conventionally grown basil available in Oman. The essential oils from Omani and Indian fresh conventionally grown basil, fresh organic Belgian basil, dr...

Hafiz Ghulam Muhu-Din Ahmed1, Aziz Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3*, Amna Bibi3, Hafeez-ur-Rehman4 and Umar Farooq4

...h and productivity under drought conditions. Total 40 wheat genotypes with diverse genetic makeup were assessed in glasshouse for seedling attributes against limited water conditions using completely randomized design during the season 2019-20 in the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Based on mean values reasonable variations were noticed in evaluated genotypes for studied attributes. Results from radar analysis, performance designated that the root related at...

Junaid Ahmad1*, Shazma Anwar1, Anwar Ali Shad2, Sher Shah Souri1, Bibi Amina3, Wajia Noor4, Abidullah1 and Muhammad Adil1

...rotein (21.70 %), carbohydrates (60.53 %) and seed N content (3.76) was recorded with molybdenum applied at rate of 2.5 kg ha-1. Similarly in case of phosphorus application at rate of 60 kg ha-1 recorded maximum pods (30), seed pod-1 (11), thousand seed weightage (40 g), biological and grain production (3017, 816 kg ha-1). Whereas phosphorus applied at rate 90 kg ha-1 produced plants taller (81 cm), nodules plant-1 (22), protein (22.35 %), carbohy

Muhammad Tariq Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akhtar2, Kaiser Latif Cheema2, Abdul Ghaffar3, Imtiaz Ali4, Muhammad Jahanzaib Khalid2 and Zeshan Ali5

...usters. Agglomerative dendrogram of genotypes was constructed by Ward’s method. On the basis of Euclidean distance it was observed that members of cluster 3 (G.P-110, G.P-111, G.P-115, G.P-116, G.P-121, G.P-125, G.P-138, G.P-139, G.P-150, G.P-151, G.P-164, G.P-165) and cluster 4 (G.P-112, G.P-126, G.P-140, G.P-152, G.P-166) were most diverse. Results also showed that the genotypes of cluster 3 were high yielding and genetically diverse as well. Therefore...

Shumaila Nazir1, Iqbal Javed1, Muhammad Luqman2* and Azra3

...tion ratio needs to be addressed. It is proposed that Pakistan seek to improve the environment of exports with countries close to Pakistan and its neighbors. Policymakers should address the problems of Kinnow export and formulate policies. 


Hams M.A. Mohamed1, Mona A. El-Zamkan2* 

...r clindamycin. B-lactams drug resistance encoded by pbp1A gene could be detected in all the isolates, while one isolate harbored vanA and optrA gene, and no isolate harbored ermB gene. Two isolates were biofilm producers, one of them possessed lmb gene while both lacked brpA gene. Only one isolate expressed a proteolytic activity. It was thought that S. thoraltensis is non-pathogenic in humans, however, recently, it was implicated in many infections and its is...

Syed Haseeb Ahmed Shah, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh, Abdul Samad, Muhammad Kamran Taj, Mohammad Masood Tariq*, Majed Rafeeq, Sumaira Fazal, Niamatullah Kakar, Sabeera Afzal and Asadullah litter, optimal husbandry conditions for broiler rearing were provided to the birds and vaccinations against Newcastle disease and Infectious bursal disease (IBD) were done at 9th, 19th and 11th, 23rd day, respectively. The results of current study revealed that there was non-significant difference (P>0.05) among treatment groups in feed intake and relative visceral organ weight. Whereas, a significant difference between control and AGPs supplemented gro...

Gülseren Kırbas Dogan1,*, Emin Karakurt2, Mushap Kuru3 and Hilmi Nuhoglu2 with diencephalic syndrome, one with schistosoma reflexum, two with anasarca, and one with nasal and calvarium openings. After necropsy, samples were taken from the organs, foreseen and routine pathological examinations were performed. Following these procedures, the calves were brought to the anatomy laboratory and anatomically examined. The most important result; in the mid-section of the sections taken from the existing structure other than the normal f...

Hafiz Adnan Ahmad1,2*, Muhammad Aslam2, Salman Gul2, Tariq Mehmood2 and Munawar Ali Munawar2

... potential than standard drugs celecoxib and indomethacin. While the anti-inflammation profile of compounds 4h, 4e and 4f during in vivo screening was also comparable to celecoxib and indomethacin. The structure-activity relationship (SAR) was also discussed with the reference of substituent nature. Present results showed that newly synthesized hybrids have significant anti-inflammatory potential and might be played an important role to the development of more...

Ndumiso Malusi1, Andrew Bamidele Falowo2, Yiseyon Sunday Hosu3,4, Emrobowansan Monday Idamokoro3,4* 

...lture that forms a major driver through which the aims of poverty reduction and community development can be realized. For instance, about twenty-five to thirty percent of cattle farming contributes to the sum aggregate of farm produce to the South Africa economy yearly. Several prevailing factors have however limited the prospect and sustainability of cattle production among rural farmers who happen to be a major player in cattle production in South Africa. S...
 Mian Abdul Hafeez1*, Adeel Sattar2, Faiza Aslam3, Muhammad Imran3, Kamran Ashraf1, Rashid Zia2 and M. Muntazir Mehdi1
...roidal anti-inflammatory drug and coccidiostat (Clopidol) alone and in combination against coccidiosis in broiler birds. Chicks were randomly allocated to five treatment groups of 25 broilers in each pen on 5th day of age. Birds in groups A, B, C and D were challenged by 60,000-70,000 sporulated oocysts of mixed species local isolates at 21st day of age. Groups A and B were medicated with Ibuprofen (100mg/kg body weight) orally and Ibuprofen (100mg/kg B.W) ora...

A.H. Alqhtani1, A.S. Alharthi1, N.J. Siddiqi2, S. Zargar2 and A.M. Abudabos1*

...nzymes viz., lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) increased after feeding on growth promoters. However, total serum protein, gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) showed no significant differences between the groups. Thus, it can be concluded that probiotic, prebiotic and symbiotic in feed may cause some degree of liver damage as indicated by the release of AST and ALT in the...

Mensah Gertrude Dzifa1, Christian Larbi Ayisi2,* and Elliot Haruna Alhassan1

...vel of shea meal. Two hundred fry of O. niloticus (initial weight of 0.82g) were obtained from Water Research Institute of Ghana (WA center) and transported to the Spanish Laboratory of University for Development Studies where they were acclimatized for two weeks. The fry were then stocked in 60 litre bowls (50 cm X 40 cm X 40 cm) at a density of 20 fry per bowl. The results show that substituting fish meal with shea meal affects final weight, weight gain, fin...

Doaa Sh. Mohamed1, Nema S. Shaban2 , Mai M. Labib3, Olfat Shehata4 is a chemotherapeutic drug broadly used for the treatment of a wide range of malignancies. Many studies have shown that natural compounds derived from plants have medicinal and antioxidant properties. The purpose of the current investigation was to investigate if almond oil could protect male mice against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. The experimental mice were divided into three groups; control group: received 0.9 percent saline, doxorubicin group: M...

Kanakuntla Sandhyarani*, Dhoppalapudi Madhuri, Yadala Ravikumar 

...Hypervitaminosis D3, dehydration, high sodium carbonate, Copper sulfate, mycotoxins in feed causes renal failure leads to gout. The managemental practices involves high brooding temperature thereby reducing the water intake and hence increasing chances of development of gout. In addition, products used on a routine basis and result into toxicity includes antibiotics, anticoccidials, manufactured chemicals, and pesticides can also induce gout in poultry. Clinic...

Naima Din1, Misbah Ashraf1, Muhammad Rizwan2*, Muhammad Babar Shahzad Afzal4, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas2, Farrukh Ilahi2, Amir Hameed5, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub6, Qurban Ali1 and Muhammad Farooq2,3

...amina, hair density on midrib, chlorophyll contents and moisture percentage were also evaluated for the tested varieties. Among the tested varieties, OK Advanta-803 was most resistant to the jassid (13.36/leaf), whereas NS-810 was most susceptible to the A. devastans (23.93/leaf). A. devastans population showed a significant and positive correlation (r = 0.8573*) with area of leaf lamina and moisture percentage (r = +0.7192*). As leaf area of NS-810 (184.34 cm...

Sharjeel Saif1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi2, Rehana Burriro3, Hasina Baloch1, Atta Muhammad Memon2  

...r teats or have suddenly dropped milk production. All samples were cultured on PPLO (pleuropneumonia like organism) media and were found negative for Mycoplasma spp. The prevalence of mycoplasma mastitis in this population of dairy buffaloes was recorded <0.23%. The study results suggested that the mycoplasma mastitis did not exist in buffaloes of study area, however, further studies using molecular tools are warranted to validate these findings.


Hong Liu and Rui Xu*

...nal hypertension. One-hundred single-fetal pregnant women diagnosed with gestational hypertension in our hospital from June 2017 to December 2019 were enrolled in the study. They were divided into mild prehypertension group (50 cases) and severe prehypertension group (50 cases). Another 50 cases of normal single-fetal pregnant women were selected as the control group. Within three months, all single-pregnant women received the measurement of the 3D-CPA vascula...

Ali Ghazi Atiyah1*, Nadia Hameed Rija Al-Falahi2 and Ghazi Atiya Zarraq3

...s designed by using cylindrical template under specific compression pressure. Synthesis of β-CPP powder was characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and simulation body fluid. The results reveal that β-CPP powder was pure, well crystallinity and the designed scaffold had multiparous surface with pillars particles morphology, with Ca/P ratio (0.8) which matched with theoretical predicti...

Nan Jiang, Tong Liu, Jimin Liu and Guobin Tang*

...p accepting conventional drug therapy. The therapeutic effects of the two groups were compared. Compared with the control group (77.78%), the overall treatment effective rate of was significantly higher in the experimental group (94.44%), p<0.05. The improvement degree of pulmonary function in the experimental group was more significant than that in the control group, p<0.05. Observing asthma symptom scores of the patients in the two groups, it was found...

Saima Mustafa1, Firdous Bukhari1, Muhammad Nazar Aftab1, Muhammad Asif1, Muhammad Amjad1, Maryam Ijaz1, Muhammad Latif2 and Furhan Iqbal1*

...mid-type metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (MCDS) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by COL10A1 mutations and is characterized by short stature, waddling gait, coxa vara and bowing of the long bones. A large family from Southern Punjab in Pakistan suffering from MCDS following autosomal dominant mode of inheritance were enrolled in present study. Whole exome sequencing (WES) approach was adopted to identify causative agent of dwarfism that reveled a previousl...

Farheen Aslam*, Hira Lodhi, Rasheeda Bashir, Faiza Saleem and Shagufta Naz

...tify;">Carbapenems are hydrolyzed by carbapanamase, present in the bacteria, which is a growing clinical threats. bla Ndm gene encodes for new Delhi metallo-beta lactamase, which can hydrolyze all types of beta-lactams. The objective of the study was to screen multiple drug resistant strains of bacteria for New delhi-metallo-beta-lactamase (bla-Ndm1) gene. Blood samples (5ml) of chil
Soliman Mohammed Soliman
...ty acid, in-vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), in-vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) were estimated. The results revealed that feed additives enhanced the beneficial processes of the rumen with the reduction in total gas and methane production. All the experimental fed additives had a positive significant effect on the reduction of methane production. Moreover, green seaweed and yucca reduced total gas and methane production s...
Mohamed Ali Zayed
...lands, livestock usually drinks lowly or marginal quality water. Irregularly as water is excessive in salt, which could reason physiological dissatisfied or maybe a death in farm animals. Three major muscles Triceps Brachii (TB), Longsimus Dorssi (LD) and Biceps Femoris (BF) samples were collected at 24 h postmortem from the carcasses of Bakri lambs. Lambs were separated according on drinking water type into two ...

Jocelín Selene Sánchez Cisneros1, Braulio Alejandro Fuantos Gámez1, Martin Herrik Ramón Kane1, Laura Miranda Contreras2, Camilo Romero Núñez2* 

...araxis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or also called skin fragility syndrome, is a hereditary disorder of the connective tissue caused by the defective synthesis or assembly of collagen. This case describes a young albino Burmese python that presented with dry-looking skin, multiple folds and wounds. Skin samples were taken for histopathology and compared with a healthy specimen of the same spec...

Nuzhat Naseem, Sajid Abdullah and Sana Aziz*

...s) fed distiller’s dried grains with solubles based diet, supplemented with phytase. Six different feeds were formulated by supplementing different concentrations of phytase. i.e. D1 without phytase supplementation, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6 with 250, 500, 750, 1000 and 1250 FTU phytase per kilogram of diet, respectively. An experiment was conducted for 2 months. During this experiment, water quality parameters were also examined e.g pH, Dissolved oxygen and...

Shahid Sherzada1,2*, Muhammad Naeem Khan1 and Masroor Ellahi Babar2 mrigala using mitochondrial DNA marker cytochrome oxidase I (COI). Genomic DNA isolated from whole blood was used to amplify and sequence a short region of COI gene in mitochondrial DNA. The identification of sequenced samples was done by NCBI (98-99%) and BOLD (99%) databases. The sequence data analysis represented 15 variable polymorphic sites and 4 haplotypes. Mean haplotypes and nucleotide diversity was 0.42 and 0.001...

Ali Raza1, Muhammad Sharif1*, Fawwad Ahmad1, Asghar Ali Kamboh2, Muhammad Saeed3, Muhammad Ashraf1 and Asad Ullah Hayder1

...he highest (P < 0.05) dressing percentage was observed in group F, and highest (P < 0.05) tibial ash contents were found in groups F and G. Keel bone length was improved (P < 0.05) in those birds receiving ration F and G, while highest (P < 0.05) shank length was observed in those birds receiving diet G. Based on these results, it was concluded that phytase and vitamin D, at the level of 400 FTU/kg and 4000 IU/kg, cumulatively improved the weight g...

El-Kholy KH1, Tag El-Din H1, Tawfeek FA2, Sara HM Hassab1* 

...erthermia stress. Two hundred and twenty 25-wks-old-laying hens were randomly split into 4 groups, each is composed of 50 hens and 5 cock; the groups were included control group (received a basal diet without addition), SLAE2.5 group (received basal diet + 2.5 ml SLAE /kg diet), SLAE 5 (basal diet + 5 ml SLAE /kg diet) and SLAE 7.5 (basal diet + 7.5 ml SLAE /kg diet). Averages of ambient temperature, relative humidity, and THI during this study were 32.27&plus...

Fatma Desouki Mohammed Abdallah

...s were (live, slaughter, dressing, carcass, heart, liver, gizzard, and spleen) weight. SPSS packages used for calculation descriptive statistics, correlations and principal component reduction method. The results showed that Bartletts test of sphericity is highly significant (P = 0.000 **) for the three lines. Three principle components were able to explain 82.193% (53.927, 15.188, 13.078 for PC1, PC2, PC3 respectively) of the total variance in the eight varia...

Mohamed Attia Ahmed Awad1*, Obaida Abdel Kareem Almasri2, Mohamed Abd El-Aziz Mohamed Ibrahim1, Rabie Ragab Sadek1, Samy Abou-Bakr1

...decline from the peak to dried off (c). The least squares means for the peak milk yield (PMY), peak week (PW), and persistency of lactation (P %) were 12.1 ± 0.11 kg, 4.5 ± 0.07 weeks, and 43.8 ± 1.11 %, respectively. The effect of parity on “a”, PMY, and PW was significant (P < 0.01). Season of calving affected significantly only on PMY and P % (P < 0.05). The effect of the period of calving was significant on all studie...

Chandrakala Rana1*, Deepak Subedi1*, Shanti Kunwar1, Rajesh Neupane1, Birendra Shrestha2, Khan Sharun3, Dinesh Kumar Singh4 and Krishna Kaphle2

...: justify;">A mildly dehydrated dog was presented at Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Paklihawa Campus, Tribhuvan University with symptoms of urinary inconsistency, haematuria, and inappetence. Radiography and ultrasonography revealed the presence of calculus in the urinary bladder. Cystolithotomy was performed and the dog responded to the intervention and recovered uneventfully.


Bilal Jan1, Farida Anjum1*, Aasma Bibi1, Syed Roohul Hussain1, Abdul Ahad1, Azeem ud Deen1, Zia Ullah2 and Farrakh Mehboob3

... α-endosulfan, dieldrin, β-endosulfan, endosulfan sulfate, and α-cypermethrin) of various chemical classes, using Agilent’s Intuvo-9000 GC-µECD system. A total of thirteen peach samples, ten from fruit orchards and three from fruit markets, belonging to five different varieties were collected and analysed. 38% of the samples were found to be non-compliant to EU-MRL for chlorpyrifos, 8% for atrazine and parathion-methyl, whereas no ...

Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat Ul Ain Akbar1, Saqib Arif1, Shahid Yousaf2*, Salman Khurshid1, Saqib Jabbar2, Neelofar Hamid3 and Uzma Sitara1

..., 2-diphenyl, 1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) and antimicrobial activity in Roma VF tomato variety was assessed within three different mature levels viz., green, pink and red. Outcomes from recent study pointed out that maturity levels involved to change the quality of tomato. Moisture and ash increased with the maturity ranged from 89.38±0.54 to 93.34±0.48 and 0.35±0.02 to 0.41±0.02% respectively. pH increases 4.23±0.15 to 4.77&plu...

Tarık Bugra Saruhan and Alptug Sarı*

...ogs, roads, agricultural drugs, and environmental pollution.


Palwasha1, Siraj-ud-Din1 and Muhammad Fahim2*

... the United Nations to address global issues including food insecurity around the world. However, in developing countries, like Pakistan, a number of basic factors are the major impediments in implementation of these goals. Surveys were conducted in Peach (Prunus persica L.) producing areas of Malakand Division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where peach production, a major income source, is facing a serious decline over the past decade. Peach growers were mostly owners ...

Noor-us-Sabah1*, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Luqman2, Amir Aziz1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Muhammad Aftab3

... availability but having drawback of poor solubility. Pakistan is a resource poor country. Economy of Pakistan mainly relies upon agriculture. Phosphorus (P) application (like other essential nutrients) is compulsory for getting higher yield. But availability of P is compromised in those soils having high pH and high calcium content. As at higher pH, conversion of P to plant unavailable forms take place. Chemical P fertilizers are needed to be applied at highe...
Ilvir Khabibullin1*, Ruzel Khabibullin1, Irina Mironova1, Lyalya Musina2, Elmira Akhmadullina1, Victoria Morozova1 
....001), animals receiving drone brood overran by 0.5 minutes (Р≤0.01). Heart muscle of animals fed with pantocrine and lemongrass seed tincture at physical load had fewer dystrophic changes in muscle cells. The wall structure of most vessels did not have obvious pathological changes. Consequently, greater physical endurance in mice administered pantocrine and hamsters given lemongrass tincture is mainly due to better coordination of motor and vegetative fun...

Fan Da1,3, Zheng-Yong Wen1,2*, Xiao-Dong Wang4 and Yu Luo5

...ber of the inner mitochondrial membrane protein families, plays pivotal roles in energy expenditure, fatty acid metabolism and ROS emission in mammals. In contrast to mammals, the roles of this protein are still rarely known in fish. Here, we first identified the ucp2 gene in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus vachelli) and investigated its transcriptional changes in response to fasting and refeeding. The cDNA of pvucp2 was 1,193 bp long and possessed a 939 bp open ...

Moh Zali*, Nur Ihsan, Bambang Ali Nugroho, Kuswati, Umi Wisaptiningsih Suwandi, Riszqina, Suyadi

...livestock. Our data were drawn from local breeders in Pamekasan, Indonesia, known as a centre of Sonok cattle breeders. To examine the interaction effects, we used an IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Our study suggests that age, education, long-time breeding experience, family dependents are not related to cattle business activities. Moreover, we find that number of livestock is positively and significantly associated with cattle business activities. The theoretical an...
Khaled El-Kholy1*, Yaser Rizk2, Mohamed El-Helbawy1, Eman El-Said1
...with those of salbutamol drug on growth performance, carcass characteristics and some blood parameters for growing rabbits. Forty New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits aged 6 weeks and weighing 950±30 g g were equally and randomly distributed into five groups which containing eight rabbits in each. Rabbits were injected once-weekly for all experimental period up to 14th weeks of age. The first treatment groups were the control without injection (T1), and thos...

Amal Hamad1, Ashraf M. Abu-Seida2*, Faisal A. Torad2, Nahed S. Thabet3, Shabaan M. Gadallah1

... Meloxicam, Nalbuphine hydrochloride, Tramadol hydrochloride

Shewangizaw Wolde1,2*, Tadele Mirkena1,3, Aberra Melesse1, Tadelle Dessie4, Solomon Abegaz5 

...e. Weights of slaughter, drumstick, thigh, breast, skin, gizzard, neck and total edible carcass were highest (P< 0.05) for SRSR and lowest (P< 0.05) for LL chickens in both sexes. The weights of drumstick, thigh, breast, back, heart, and kidney were increased with age. The dressing percent was not affected by genotype for male chickens, but it was higher for LL, lower for SRSR, and i...

Ly Thi Thu Lan1, Nguyen Thi Anh Thu1, Lam Thai Hung2, Nguyen Thi Hong Nhan3, Le Thanh Phuong4, Nguyen Trong Ngu3* 

...05) except for thigh and drumstick weight. In breeding selection for improving growth and carcass traits in Noi native chickens, allele 1 was more advantageous.

Keywords | ApoB2, Carcass, Chicken, Growth, Linkage


Magdy M. Fahmy1, Nisreen E. Mahmoud 1*, Mohamed R. Mousa2, Manal M. Zaki3, Elshaimaa Ismael3, Mai Abuowarda1 

...remnants of clearing and dredging processes that were taking place by the government in the lake. Additionally, the bio security strategies should be applied in fish farms, also the dependency of farmers on fish seeds for farm stocking from natural open water instead of the hatcheries should be avoided to prevent the entrance of parasites and other undesirable organisms from open seas to the lake and corresponding fish farms. This study is the first to in...

Hafeez-ur-Rehman1*, Umar Farooq1, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2, Saghir Ahmad2, Muhammad Akram2, Muhammad Rafiq Shahid2, Hammad Hussnain2, Muhammad Shahid2, Muhammad Mehmood Iqbal2, Ali Raza2 and Muhammad Iqbal2

...ith natural tolerance to drought stress is the foremost agenda of cotton breeders these days under the current scenario of climate change. The major purpose of the present study was to evaluate the cotton genotypes under naturally developed water-deficit condition and evaluating them in comparative study with natural full irrigation condition. For the purpose, seven cotton genotypes along with a drought tolerant check (FH-14...

Ahmed Abdel-Rady1,2, Walaa Mostafa3* 

...alence was low in such a dry weather area, with sustainable control programs. Risk factors of age, season, and sex were considered as factors influencing nematodes prevalence. These findings should contribute to advising appropriate control programs.

Keywords | Sheep, Trichostrongyle egg, Prevalence, Season, Sex, Age 


Adriana Cervantes-Noriega1, Norma A. López2, Alfredo Estrada-Angulo2, Beatriz I. Castro-Pérez2, Elizama Ponce-Barraza2, Gilberto López-Valencia1, Alberto Barreras1, Alejandro Plascencia3* 

...tion of water offered as drink water on growth performance, dietary energetics, carcass traits, and diarrhea frequency in finishing lambs. Lambs were fed with a cracked corn-based high-energy diet during 89-d. Treatment consisted in filtering and sanitization of raw dam water qualified as “clean and safe” comparing it as follows: 1) dam water (RAW), and 2) dam filtered-sanitized water (FILT). Water filtered-sanitized decreased three-fold total soli...

Aymen Mabrouk*

...000 ppm of Pb acetate in drinking water) and/or TQ (5 mg/kg/day, per os) for five weeks. Results obtained clearly showed that Pb intoxication significantly decreased the mean red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets values, but significantly increased the white blood cells count. Interestingly, co-administration of TQ to the metal-treated animals corrected all the altered hematological parameters except platelets level. In conclusion, TQ can be co...

Ji Xu, Zhonghua Liu, Zhenhai Cui and Wenhai Zhao*

...terrestris (GSTT) on chondrocyte injury induced by IL-1β and its possible mechanism. Chondrocytes were isolated from rat knee joints and cultured. Chondrocytes were treated with IL-1β, and chondrocytes were treated with different concentrations of GSTT. ELISA was used to detect the levels of IL-6, TNF-α and IFN-γ. Flow cytometry was...

Ejaz Ali and Nageen Hussain*

...therapy and also through drug designing.


Jumshaid Iqbal1, Muhammad Sharif1*, Muhammad Nadeem Suleman2, Muhammad Saeed3, Fawwad Ahamd1, Asghar Ali kamboh4, Tugay Ayaşan5 and Muhammad Arslan3

...broiler chickens. One hundred and twenty day-old broiler chicks were randomly distributed into four treatment groups with three replicates per treatment (10 chicks per replicate) under Completely Randomized Design. Four iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric diets i.e. A, B, C and D were supplemented with a natural growth promoter (NGP) at the rate of 0 (control), 1.5, 3 and 4.5g/kg of feed, respectively. Feed consumption (FC) and weight gain (WG) were recorded to ch...

Ayu Cusiayuni1, Risan Khaerani Nurfatahillah1, Rakhmad Perkasa Harahap2, Komang Gede Wiryawan3, Dwierra Evvyernie3, Anuraga Jayanegara3* 

...Lauric acid also reduced dry matter digestibility (P < 0.05). It is concluded that lauric acid is an effective agent for mitigating methanogenesis in the rumen.

Keywords | Lauric acid, Meta-analysis, Methane, Rumen 


Ishrat Younus1,2 and Afshan Siddiq1*

...comparable with standard drug (aspirin). Although the finding of present investigation highlighted the medicinal importance of the plant but there is dire need to carry out the fractional extraction of crude extract with different solvents based on polarity to identify the active constituents with exact analgesic and antipyretic mechanistic action of Raphanus caudatus as well as clinical trials are required in future for medicinal use of the plant in humans.

Asmaa S. Mohammed*, Ahmed F. Abou-Elnaga, Ahmed I. Ateya, Mohammed M. Fouda, Ragab A. Darwish, Usama A. Abou-Ismail 

...and levels of serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D and cortisol were evaluated at the end of the exposure period. The results showed that the exposure of female rabbits to prolonged durations of UVB radiation (8 and 12 hours) reduced the level of inactive behaviours and bar chewing, and improved maintenance and exploratory behaviours. Similarly, the exposure to long durations of UVB radiation elevated serum 25-hydroxy vitamin-D to saf...

Pan Ziyi1, Ambreen Iqbal1, Gao Zhen1, Liu Juan1, Fang Xibi2, Jiang Ping1* and Zhao Zhihui1 justify;">3-β-hydroxysteroid-Δ-24-reductase (DHCR24) gene regulates the abdominal fat of broilers and it is hypothesized that it can also play a role in the fat metabolism of cattle. A mutation in the 3’ untranslated region of the DHCR24 gene was identified that led to the differential expression of DHCR24 in cattle. In this study, we detected mutation at g.32435 from G > A in 3’UTR of DHCR24 gene in a Chinese Simmental steer popu...

Mohamed Mohamady Ghanem1*, Yassine Mahmoud Abdelraoof1, Abdelghany Hefnawy Abdelghany2, Eman Abdelhamid El-Ebissy3, Ahmed Ragab Askar4,5, Attia Ahmed Eissa6  

...althy she camel at Ras Sudr Research Station, belonging to Desert Researcher Center, aged from 8-10 years old and weighting 350- 400 kg were used. Lactic acidosis was induced with oral sucrose (14 gm/ kg BW) for 24hs after which camels were treated with oral Rumitone daily for a week. Clinical examination revealed significant increase (P < 0.05) in body temperature, respiratory rate, and pulse rate, and significant decrease (P < 0.05) in ruminal movement...

Xiaopeng Tang1*, Kangning Xiong1, Peng Peng2 and Dun Deng2*

...BM) with corn distillers dried grain with solubles (cDDGS) on growth performance and carcass characteristics of broilers. A total of six hundred and forty-eight 21-day-old Sanhuang Broiler with similar weight (443.89 ± 13.2 g) were divided into 6 treatments: (1) Control group (T0), (2) 20% replacement group (T1), (3) 40% replacement group (T2), (4) 60% replacement group (T3), (5) 80% replacement group (T4), and (6) 10...

Muhammad Ammar Dilawar1,2, Hong Seok Mun1, Myeong Gil Jeong1, Eun Ju Yang3, Hyeoung Seog Park4 and Chul Ju Yang1,2,*

...d liquid mineral (LM) in drinking water, on the growth performance, breast and thigh meat yield, digestive organ weights and meat quality characteristics in broilers. A total of 210 broilers were divided into the following treatment groups: (i) control, (ii) T1 (0.05% 4 MA: 1 GT + 0.01% LM), (iii) T2 (0.05% 4 MA: 1 GT + 0.05% LM), (iv) T3 (0.05% 4 MA: 1 GT + 0.1% LM), (v) T4 (0.1% 4 MA: 1 GT + 0.01% LM), (vi) T5 (0.1% 4 MA: 1 GT + 0.05% LM) and (vii) T6 (0.1% ...

Hosny Kesba1, Ashraf Suloma2, Samy Sayed3*, Abdullah Abdel-Rahman1 and Shaimaa Diab1

...ts (length and fresh and dry weights) in both soil types also significantly increased when compared with WW. The STB and ITB irrigation sources improved the plant content regarding the total protein, total amino acids, and total carbohydrates in both tested soil types. These results suggest that aquaculture effluents from tilapia production could be utilized to manage M. incognita in different soil types.


Mashakgene Isaac Senoamadi, Thobela Louis, Tyasi Teedzai Chitura* 

...nty-six sheep and one-hundred and sixty-three goats were evaluated for clinical haemonchosis using the FAMACHA© diagnostic system. Information on the methods of control used by the smallholder farmers was gathered through a questionnaire-based survey that was carried out by interviewing forty-seven Small ruminants farmers (both males and females) of mixed ages. The average FAMACHA© score for the goats was three while for sheep the average score was 2...

Min Li1, Shiwu Deng2*, Yiqian Peng3 and Hong Li2

...y (MIRI) through mitochondrial and ER oxidative stress pathways. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDd) and left ventricular end-systolic diameter (LVESd) of SD rats were measured by echocardiography, and the mRNA expression level of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1-a (PGC1 a), superoxide dismutase (SOD2) and citrate synthase (Cs) were detected by real-time PCR. Ultrastructural ...

Uzma Jabeen1, Asmat Salim2*, Irfan Khan2, Nadia Naeem3 and Rubina Mushtaq4

..., a valuable anti-cancer drug can cause multi-organ toxicities. Among several suggested mechanisms, the role of oxidative stress remains obscure, though it is the most probable mechanism for its cardiotoxic effect. The main focus of this study is to analyze the mechanism of renal toxicity caused by this chemotherapeutic drug. As reactive oxygen species are significant regulators of transcription factors and gene expression, ...

Amira M. Nowier1, Hassan R. Darwish2, Sherif I. Ramadan3, Nadia A. Abo El-Maaty2 and Othman E. Othman2*

...n Egyptian goats. One hundred and sixty blood samples were collected for DNA extraction; 74 from Zaraibi, 41 from Damascus, and 45 from Barki breeds. Two genotypes, TT and TC, in the α-lactalbumin gene were identified using single strand conformation polymorphism. DNA sequencing resulted in one non-synonymous MT163744: g.128T>C SNP (TCG Ser> CCG Pro) at the sixth nucleotide of α-lactalbumin gene exon III. Barki breed showed the highest hetero...

Xu Liu1, 2, Liwei Teng2, Youzhong Ding3 and Zhensheng Liu2*

...s (<3/400 m2). In the dry season, red panda preferred coniferous forest and broad-leaved coniferous forest on eastern and southern  slopes in mid and upper parts of the hillside, containing larger diameter trees (15~30 cm), good hiding conditions (visibility <10 m), a small number of stumps (<3/400 m2) and a high bamboo density (>70/m2 and 40~70/m2).

Muhammad Idrees1, Bashir Ahmad2, Muhammad Waqas1, Syed Muhammad Mukarram Shah3 and Saad Ahmad Khan4

.... The increasing rate of drug resistance to infectious agents has provoked an urgent need to discover novel anti-tuberculosis agents with novel modes of action. In this study, small molecule inhibitors of the proteins encoded by the drug resistant genes, i.e., katG, gyrA, pncA and rpoB of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis), were identified using computational methods. In the ligand base pharmacophore, an already re...

Roshana Mukhtar1, Shaheen Shahzad1*, Sajid Rashid2, Maryam Rozi2, Madiha Rasheed3, Imran Afzal4 and Pakeeza Arzoo Shaiq5

...20, 21, 22, 23, 24-octahydroporphyrin-2-yl] propanoic acid) due to narrowing of domain-I and domain-II (18.46-12.17Å) of UROSL237P as compared to UROSWT. This suggests that UROS L237P mutation may influence heme biosynthesis mechanism through altered Urogen binding mechanism. Therefore, we propose that the newly identified pathogenic missense variant (c.935T>C [p.L237P]) p.Gly439Ser) of the UROS gene causes CEP in a large consanguineous Pakistani fami...

Roheela Yasmeen1* and Samia Chaudhry2

...fected persons in its prodromal stage which suggest its transmission is not likely through air. COVID-19 can affect people of all age groups and mostly results in the death of people with weak immune systems. Its most common reported symptoms are fever, fatigue, dry cough, lymphopenia, raised levels of lactate de-hydrogenase and, bilateral patchy shadows or ground glass opacity in the lung...

Fan Xu1,2*, Cheng Wu3 and Su Zeng1

...d to provide a basis for drug safe use in the clinic. PGE1 lipid microspheres (lipo-PGE1) and alprostadil dried emulsion (DN-PGE1) were compatibility with different volumes of 0.9% sodium chloride and 5% glucose, respectively. After the compatibility of different concentrations, the changes of pH, particle size distributions, the particles greater than 5μm and encapsulation rate of the compatibility solutions were observe...

Haipeng Liu1, Xubin Jiao1, Xiangqing Li1 and Xinru Xu2*

... may become an effective drug therapy for treating osteoporosis, and its mechanism of action may be related to improving bone metabolism, promoting bone formation, and increasing bone mineral density.
Aqsa Fayyaz1, Muhammad Kashif Zahoor1*, Asma Ashraf2, Muhammad Asif Zahoor3, Azhar Rasul2, Humara Naz Majeed4, Muhammad Zulhussnain1, Kanwal Ranian1, Bushra Riaz1, Nazia Khalil1 and Attaullah1
...and will feed on poultry droppings and potentially serves as a mechanical vector for Newcastle disease. During the current study, houseflies were captured and examined for the presence of NDV. A total of 80 samples were collected from eight different poultry farms located around Faisalabad city with ten samples from each farm viz. Khurrianwala road, Shahkot road, Faisalabad road, Satyana road, Jhumra road, Nankana sahib road, Lahore road and Jaranwala road. Ho...

Chuanfeng Fan1,2,*, Wenguo Feng1,3, Jingchang Yang1,2, Qingchao Chen1,2 and Yu Wang1,4

...optosis rate and mitochondrial membrane potential of the retinal nerve cells were compared between the three groups. According to our results the contents of free glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid, taurine, glycine and aspartate were all higher in the induced injury group than in the normal control group, which were significantly lower in the intervention group than in the induced injury group, though higher than the normal control group, showing statistica...

Ahmed M. Darwish1*, Hassan R. Darwish1, Dalia M. Mabrouk1, Mohamed A. Abdelhafez1, Ahmed M. Abdel-Salam2, Ibrahim E. Mohamed3, Ibrahim M. Farag1 

...gypt. The potential of hydrogen (pH), fat, protein, lactose, and solid not fat (SNF) were determined by biochemical methods in all milk samples. Different genotypes of β-LG and LEP genes were detected by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP-PCR), and then validated by sequence analysis. The results of SSCP-PCR showed a monomorphic pattern for the β-LG gene and a polymorphic pattern for the LEP gene. The sequence analysis showed that the &bet...

Qi Zhao1, Yuanyuan Hou1, Xiangdong Jin1 and Chen Zhang 2,*

...cerative colitis. One hundred sixty patients with ulcerative colitis were divided into the experimental group accepting mesalazine combined with BTV and the control group accepting mesalazine alone. It was found that the overall treatment effective rate was 93.75%, in the experimental group as against 77.50% in the control group, p<0.05. Comparing the levels of inflammatory factors (IL-6,IL-8,TNF-α) before and after treatment in the two groups, the im...
Nadeem Raza1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Ali Ahmed Sheikh2, Muhammad Usman1*, Quratulain Mujahid3, Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1 and Muhammad Rizwan4

Nahla Hamada Magd Khalil1*, Ihab Mahmoud Helal2, El-Desoky Hassan Ibrahim Dorrah1, Soad Ahmed Soliman Ismail3 

...lene (DDE), Alderin, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Alpha hexachlorocyclohexanes (αHCH), Gamma hexachlorocyclohexanes (γHCH), Endosulfan and Gamma chlordane (γ-chlordane) in the examined fish species at different concentrations. Mullet fish samples had significantly (P < 0.05) the highest concentrations of alderin, dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide with mean ± SE concentration of 89&plusm...

Aml M. Ragab1*, Maha R. Basyoni1, Enas A.I. Khoris2, Nadia A. Abd Elghany3 



Nabila Khan1, Imran Ahmad2 and Muhammad Bilal Sadiq1*

... 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity were used as response variables. Almond hull extract was chemically characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) and gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GCMS). The extraction conditions were optimized by using independent extraction parameters; sample to solvent ratio (1:20-1:40 w/v), solvent concentrations (20-80%, v/v) and time (10-30 min), whereas, TPC and DPPH were used...

Wael Felefel1*, Mohamed EL-Beskawy2, M. F. El -Dakroury3, Mohamed Morsi Elkamshishi4, Eman Sayed Mohammed5 

...ere collected from Alexandria governorate with heavy or moderate ticks infestation. The captured dogs were divided into 3 groups, each group includes 15 dogs, and categorized as follows; group (1): (Positive control group), group (2): (Doramectin injected group), and group (3): (topical Fipronil group). It was observed that the overall complete curative rate was 60.00% in group 2 and 33.33% in group 3. Marginal Homogeneity test showed that there was a statisti...

Ibrarul-Haq* and Malik Muhammad Shafi

...s) plays a vital role in driving the economy of people who inhabits within or near forests. This study aims to examine how the NTFP’s collection affects the rural households’ income in district Swat, Pakistan. In addition, the factors of household’s participation in the study area were also identified. The relationship among the household’s income from of the NTFP’s collection and age of the household head, level of education, dis...

Asim Faraz1*, Bernard Faye2, Cem Tirink3, Ayman Balla Mustafa4, Amal AlKharusi5, Morteza Bitaraf Sani6, Nasir Ali Tauqir7, Muhammad Arslan Akbar8, Muhammad Usman Saleem9, Rana Muhammad Bilal7, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel10

... auspicious livestock in drastic weather conditions. The location of Pakistan is at the hotspot regions where the disasters of environmental changes hit severely. The future hope for food security is a camel particularly for drought-stricken areas of the country, such as Cholistan, Thal, in Punjab, and Thar Deserts in Sindh. Camels have the ability to adapt to the harshest climatic conditions when kept for milk, meat, wool, ...

Saima Naz1*, Ahmad Manan Mustafa Chatha2, Sajjad Ali2 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah3

..., but also cause mitochondrial abnormalities. The use of different antibiotics is also posing threat to bees by causing changes in the structure, productivity and physiology of their gut microbiota. The current review compared the effect of these environmental pollutants on bee diversity and their functional systems. Therefore, it can be indicated that all these environmental pollutants may pose serious negative effects on the fitness and survival of insects. ...

Bridget Adah1*, Clara Kwanashie2, Haruna Kazeem2 and Samuel Mailafia1

...scopy. A total of two hundred (200) blood samples and two hundred (200) urine samples each were collected from pigs in Kaduna state, Nigeria. A total of 9 (4.5%) of the cultured samples were positive for the Leptospira organisms and % isolation from blood sample was 7 (3.5%), while 2 (1%) came from urine samples. Our results demonstrated that the total prevalence of Leptospira organisms in pigs in these areas was 4.5%. Consi...

Rasha Ali Taha Hamza1, Atef Saad Osheba1, Hassan Mohamed Sobhy2, Sahar Hussein Abdalla Hekal2* 

...d 58.03 mg gallic acid/g dry sample for total phenolic and 28.45mg quercetin /g dry sample for total flavonoid whereas the 90% Ethanol Extract of galangal had 46.12 mg gallic acid/g dry sample for total phenolic and 20.08 mg quercetin /g dry sample for total flavonoid. Two types of burger were manufactured, the first was prepared from Brazilian meat whil...
Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, Erkata Yandri2, Yogo Adi Nugroho3, Mardiana Sri Susanti4
Satriyo Krido Wahono5, Wahyu Widodo1, Lili Zalizar1, Elfi Anis Saati1, Maftuchah Maftuchah1
Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum6, Muhannad Illayan Massadeh6, Dwi Yono3, Rangga Kala Mahaswa7
Herry Susanto2, Damat Damat1*, Dyah Roeswitawati1, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani8 and 
Susi Mindarti1
...ed from the pulper, oven-dried at 80 °C for 15 h, and then grounded using a coffee grinder. Analyses on Mengani’s CCF and La Boite’s comprised Fe content (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer) as well as five enhancer agents – vitamin C (Iodimetric titration), beta carotene (UV-Vis spectrophotometer), amino acid (amino acid analyzer), and reducing sugars (colorimetric method). Utilizing descriptive statistics, the rese...
Didiek Hadjar Goenadi1,2*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi3,4, Erkata Yandri3,4, Kiman Siregar5,6, Aris Winaya7, Damat Damat7, Wahyu Widodo7, Ahmad Wahyudi7, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4,8
Maizirwan Mel9, Ivar Zekker10, Muhammad Zul Mazwan7, Devi Dwi Siskawardani7
Endang Dwi Purbajanti11 and Ida Ekawati12 (SDGs). This review addresses 56 references from Google Scholar for the issues on understanding the sustainability from land management’s perspective, the land suitability for oil palm, and the strategy for land management to achieve oil palm sustainability. The role of land management technology and the maintenance of soil carbon stocks are emphasized as vital parts of best management practice to achieve conditions in line with SDGs.
Syarif Husen1*, Devi Dwi Siskawardani2, Setiawan Deny Rexmardi1, Erny Ishartati1, Muhidin Muhidin1, Jumpen Onthong3 and Ivar Zekker4

Eman Alsayed Hammad and Atef Mohamed El-Sagheer

...ase percentages in shoot dry weight were associated with the use of Marjoram emulsion oil (82.5, 208%), Chitosan (75.3, 105.8%), and Vermicompost (72.1, 93.4%) after chemical nematicide (93.0, 424.3%). Whereas, under field conditions, the application of Chitosan achieved the greatest reduction percentage (82.2%), followed by Marjoram emulsion oil (71.2%), compared to the nematicide Nemaphos (83.5%). This effect has been shown significantly in the plant growth,...

Weidong Huang1,2,3, Xinyue Liang1,2,3, Xiufeng Xie4, Xingmin Wang2, 3 and Xiaosheng Chen1,2,3*

...tus based on two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and II (COII), and two nuclear genes, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CAD) and histone subunit 3 (H3). Results indicated the average genetic distance was 0.005 among the different elytral forms of M. sexmaculatus based on combined dataset, which shows very close genetic relationships among them. Results also showed a high level of haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.902) and the low level of nucl...

Jiang Wu*

...U/mL. T. officinale were dried in a hot air oven, and chemical substances in the dried powder were separated using Soxhlet extraction method with light petroleum as organic solvent. The antibacterial properties of T. officinale extracts against foodborne pathogens were evaluated by agar diffusion method. Sub-inhibitory concentration (SIC) value, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value and minimum bactericidal concentrat...

Maria Qibtia1, Sehrish Faryal1, Muhammad Wasim1, Farzana Chowdhary1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Ahmed Mansovuri2, Zeeshan Ahmed2, Muhammad Hamid3 and Ali Raza Awan1,*

...e of Lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) activity in enterocytes. The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) associated with occurrence of LP/LNP are different for European, Asian, African-American, Northern African and Arab populations. In this study, we studied, the association of these SNPs with LNP in Pakistani patients. Our analysis has evaluated the association between the development of LNP trait and two common variants in intron 13 and 9 (13910-C/T and 22...

Noora Hassan Hezam Al-Aqmer1*, Zain Aamir2, Muhammad Farooq Hanif3, Soumble Zulfiqar4, Sibgha Zulfiqar1, Mateen Izhar5 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4*

...d, and 5 mL of blood was drawn from each participant and used for DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. After restriction, samples were run on 2% agarose gel followed by visualization under UV light. Data analysis was done using IBM SPSS 24. We found that the distribution of ApaI genotypes was 28 (42.4%), 27 (40.9%), and 11 (16.7%) for the genotypes AA, Aa, and aa in responders and 22 (33.3%), 26 (39.4...
Mubasshir Sohail*, Qadeer Ahmed Soomro, Raza Muhammad, Muhammad Usman Asif and Imran Rauf

Aiman Al Mufarji, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed* 

...protein (28.28%), carbohydrate (47.82%), fat (7.57) and fiber (28.35%). In addition, fatty acid profiles were saturated fatty acids (3.76%), unsaturated fatty acids (3.79), monounsaturated fatty acids (2.39%), polyunsaturated fatty acids (0.76%) and trans fatty acids (0.64%). Upon supplementation to ewes, M. oleifera leaves caused significant changes in hematological (RBCs, WBCs, Ht and Hb) and plasma biochemistry (total protein, albumin, urea, liver enzymes) ...

Anis Suraya Mohamad Abir1, Sakinah Yusof1, Abd Rahaman Yasmin1,2, Abdul Rahman Omar1,3, Kok Lian Ho4, Wen Siang Tan1,5, Abdul Razak Mariatulqabtiah1,6* 

...n bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (chBM-DCs) and FWPV and its recombinant viruses are limited compared to other avian viral infectious diseases. Therefore, this study characterised the response of chBM-DCs to infection with the wild-type (WT) FP9 strain of FWPV compared to a recombinant FWPV carrying the H5 gene of avian influenza virus (rFWPV-H5) using morphological and immunophenotypical observations. The results showed that the rFWPV-H5-infected chBM-DC...
De Hu, Jia Wang, Huan Wang, Xiang-Yang Leng, Tian-Yi Zhao* and Shu-Min Wang*
... (WIRS) after 10 days of drug administration. To observe the histopathological changes of gastric mucosa. the activities of pepsin, superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO) in gastric tissue and the levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF–α) and interleukin (IL-6) in serum were measured through ELISA, and the contents of NLRP3, ASC, caspase-1 and IL-1β in gastric tissue were detected by Western blot. The results showed...

Shuhuan Li1*, Yongheng Bo2, Youzhi Li3 and Xiuzhen Yang2 is an anticholinergic drug from natural plants, and has been widely used in the clinical applications of animals and humans. However, in livestock production, excessive or improper use of atropine will lead to atropine residues in meat. When people eat animal meat from these sources, it will pose a potential threat to human health. Thus, in production practice, atropine residues in meat are usually determined quantitatively. In this study, high performance ...

M.A. Salam1,*, Sarada Kanta Bhagabati1, Rajdeep Datta1, H. Ramananda Singh2 and Gunajit Oinam2

...ryngodon mola, Esomus dandricus, Puntius sophore and Channa orientalis was found to be highly abundant. The recorded six orders comprised namely, Cypriniformes, Siluriformes, Anabantiformes, Perciformes, Gobiiformes and Synbranchiformes. The Cypriniformes formed one of the most dominant order as compared to all other orders recorded in the present study comprising of 52 % of the total fish species of the lake. Cyprinidae family was the most dominant comprising...

Serdar Bektas* and Ozer Ayik

... glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, blood samples were taken 1,3,7,14 and 21 days after the infection. Total red blood cell values, were significantly decreased in 7 and 21th day, a significant decrease in hemoglobin concentration noted only in the 21th day, significantly lower values in hematocrit, were observed at 7, 14 and 21th days, total leucocyte and thrombocyte counts, found significantly higher only in the 3th day, comparing with the control g...

Wei Cui1, Yanwei Du1, Lijuan Jiang1, Yan Wei1, Yuguo Li1, Wenfeng Zhang1* and Ling Zhang2* blood circulation and dredging collaterals. To investigate the protective effect and mechanism of BHD on hippocampal neurons in diabetes, a high glucose (HG) induced PC12 cell injury model was established, cell proliferation and apoptosis were detected. The protein expression levels were detected by western blot. Rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus were fed high-fat-sugar diet and low dose of streptozotocin for 4 weeks to observe the body weight, fasting blo...
Yuechen Li1, Yumo Li1, Xuefeng Zhuang1, Guangfu Lv2, Xiaowei Huang1, Zhe Lin1, Yuchen Wang1* and He Lin1*
...viductus ranae (OR), the dried oviduct of mature female Rana dybowskii, also known as Hamayou and Hashimayou, is a famous animal derived traditional Chinese medicine that have a variety of pharmacological effects. In our study, the anti-aging effect of OR on 53-week-old aging mice was investigated. The results showed that OR could significantly shorten the destination quadrant distance and latency in the Morris water maze of...

Momotaz Khanom*, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman, Muhammad Yousuf Ali, Md. Shahin Parvez, Al-Hasan Antu, Md. Nazmul Ahsan larvae has recently drawn a great attention due to inadequate supply and inconsistent price. The present study evaluated the effects of early introduction of formulated feed as a substitute for live feed on growth performances of Asian stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis larvae reared in laboratory conditions. Three-day-old larvae hatched through induced breeding (2.0±0.00016 mg; 0.57±0.09cm) were subjected to four feeding treatments i...

Seun Eui Kim1,2*, Myoung-Hoon Lee1, Hye Myoung Jang2, Garam Park2, Wan-Taek Im3, Gwang Joo Jeon2,4* 

...most common tumor in children and is still a carcinoma, which requires discovery of new therapeutic agents as were in cases of other cancers. Although the anticancer activity of a rare ginsenoside compound K (CK) against various cancers has been reported, there are few studies on neuroblastoma. In this study, cell viability and cell migration assay were tested and the expression of 17 genes in related signaling pathways was analyzed to determine the potential ...

Tabassum Ara Khanum, Nasir Mehmood* and Shahina Fayyaz

... species, Neorhabditis andrassyii n. sp., and Poikilolaimus oxycercus which represents a new record of this species from Pakistan. Neorhabditis andrassyii n. sp. is characterized by having male (1109-1222) µm long body, spicules 32-44 µm long, gubernaculum slightly curved, boat shaped with flat distal end eight pairs of bursal papillae were present. Tail (46-68) µm long conical with fine tip, leptoderan bur...

Amreen Zahra1, Mushtaq A. Saleem1*, Hasnain Javed2 and Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan3

...ired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are major viral infectious diseases around the world especially in developing nations with poor healthcare facilities. Owing to blood-borne transmission, sharing of needles by the Intravenous Drug Users (IDUs) aggravates the spread of Hepatitis C and AIDS. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), causative of AIDS, mainly leads to reduced immunity provoking increased vulnerability to opportunistic infections such as Hepatitis C...
Hafiz Liaqat Ali1, Muhammad Tahir Hassan1*, Muftooh Ur Rehman Siddiqi2, Mehwish Arshad1 and Muhammad Mudassar Sharif3
...ean combustion. Adding hydrogen (H2) in NG can be a solution to lean NG combustion limits. Herein, the experimental research was accomplished to analyze the effect of hydrogen blending on the combustion, emission, and performance aspects of NG EQD210N-20 engines. The engine was run at six different working conditions which are characterized by engine load, engine speed, and hydr...
Ateeq-Ur-Rauf1*,Wisal Khan1, Muhammad Salman Rafi2 and Nauman Khan3

Nour H. Abdel-Hamid1*, Walid Elmonir2, Eman I. M. Beleta1, Rania I. Ismail1, Momtaz Shahein1, Mahmoud E. R. Hamdy1 

...ERIC-PCR and RAPD-PCR Dendrograms clustered the B. melitensis isolates into two clusters and three clusters composed of 16 and 13 genotypes with genetic similarity percentages of 62% and 54% with a diversity index of 0.82 and 0.88. Both ERIC-PCR and RAPD-PCR dendrograms clustered B. abortus isolates into two clusters and three genotypes with discriminatory of 0.8 and 0.72. Both ERIC and RAPD PCRs revealed 25 singleton genoty...

Zhongqing Wang1, Qiuyue Wu1, Ruiling Ye1, Fazul Nabi1,4, Yangfei Shang1, Sarfaraz Ali4 and Juan Liu1,2,3*

...infection (IG), positive drug (PG), AMP low/middle/high dose (LG/ MG/ HG) groups respectively, (n=12). The mice were induced by diarrhea with E. coli (5×107CFU) via i.p injection (0.5 mL/time/d) after seven days of pre-administration except in CG. After the induction of the diarrhea, the pathological signs and the quantity of iIELs in small intestine and the mRNA level of IL-6 and TNF-α in duodenum were analyzed by qRT-PCR from all groups at 6 h an...

Zilu Zhang1, Ning Wang2, Ce Hou1, Laiba Shafique1, Saif ur Rehman1, Zhuyue Wu2, Zhiqiang Wang1, Mingsong Wei3* and Kuiqing Cui1*

... goat Polled Intersex Syndrome(PIS) a 11.7-kb deletion triggers intersexuality and polledness in goats. To determine the effect of PIS region on horned phenotype of Guanzhong dairy goats, four specific primers (PIS1-1, PIS1-2, PIS2 and PIS3) covering PIS fragment were designed, and four DNA fragment were amplifed and sequenced. A 12.814kb sequence was assembled containing the whole goat PIS region both in horned goats and in polled goats, which mean there were...

Shorouk Aladdin Helmy1, Hossam Mahrous Ebeid2*, Mohamed Ahmed Hanafy1, Adel Eid Mohamed Mahmoud1, Reham Roshdy Ali El-tanany1 

...r cottonseed meals) on a dry matter basis. All rations were incubated in a rumen culture medium collected from sheep in a 3 (sources of clay), 4 (levels of clay), and 3 (protein sources) factorial design. All rations were prepared to be iso-nitrogenous. The results illustrated that humic acid addition had made a significant difference on the amount of degradable dry matter (dDM, g/kg DM), total gas production, per (ml) and (...

Nausheen Irshad1, Maria Akhter1, Tariq Mahmood2*, Faraz Akrim3, Muhammad Rafique Khan1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem4

...pugmarks, burrows, fecal droppings, and reported sightings by local community). During one-year study period (September 2015-August 2016), a total of 28 individuals of the species were sighted in the field including 18 live and 10 dead specimens. In addition, 93 fecal samples of the species were collected and analyzed for investigating its diet composition and identification of its prey species. Analysis of scats revealed its diet comprising of both vertebrate...

Rabia Goher, Inamullah and Mohammad Akmal*

... within different AE to adress future food security. Moreover, expressing suitable traits, a genotype could be used as a source of well breeding material for ensuring food security in changing climate.


Ikele*, Chika Bright, Ujunwa Aghaji, Mgbenka, Benard Obialo 

...tatus. A total of two hundred and seventy juvenile Clarias gariepinus were randomly distributed into six plastic bioreactors groups (A-F) in triplicates with equal volume of inoculum, maintained in 30 L tank with constant aeration. Addition of organic carbon sources (CN 10:1, 20:1) were evaluated to stimulate rapid growth of microbial dynamics biomass whereas, no carbon sources were added in the control systems. The CN ratios (cassava and wheat) of 10:1 and 2...

Eman Alsayed Hammad1* and Mahmoud Mohamed Hassanin Hasanin2

... Nanoemulsions of thyme (droplets size was in the range of 25.4–32.9 nm) and spearmint (droplets size was in the range of 5.91–9.77 nm) at concentrations 4000 and 5000ppm separately, recorded the best results in vitro investigations, completely prevented F. oxysporum growth at all concentrations, and increased M. javanica mortality by 100%, in comparison to the non-treated control. In the greenhouse, thyme and sp...

Phassakon Nuntapanich1*, Hathaichanok Nuntapanich2 and Woraman Maicharoen3

...t act as a mechanism for driving society leading to organics farming production in the TKR. 


Ghassan Zahid1, 2*, Sara Iftikhar3, Muhammad Umer Farooq4 and Shakeel Ahmed Soomro5

...ntific information and addressing developments, notably in DNA-based molecular markers, this review paper may serve as a road map for obtaining high-yielding fruit varieties in Pakistan.


Md. Enayet Kabir1, Md. Jahangir Alam1*, Md. Mosharaf Hossain2, Zannatul Ferdaushi3 

...40% concentrate mixture (dry matter basis) fed separately as a conventional feeding system. Cattle in the other two treatment groups were fed TMR, where one fed TMR (TMR1) with control ration and the other fed TMR (TMR2) with the same feed ingredients in the same quantity except probiotic fermented rice straw instead of untreated rice straw of TMR1. The trial lasted ninety days. Feeding of TMR2 improved the growth rate (P<0.05) of fattening cattle compared ...

Tao Ren1, Guiqiu Cao2, Xiao Han3, Feng Tan1, Qiaoli Chen4, Shicheng Yang5 and Haiyan Zhang6*

...otein (HDL), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine, troponin-T (TRT), cholesterol, C - reactive protein (CRP), and concentration of mitochondrial enzymes viz., Ca2+, Na+ and K+ ions were estimated in blood. Heart tissue was also isolated for caspase-3 activity. Our result showed that naringenin pretreatment significantly increased cardiac dysfunction via scavenged free radicals and a reduction of inflammatory reaction. Dose-...

Zahra Jamilah Sabrina1, Adrian Pearl Gunawan2, Beryl Reinaldo Chandra2, Ilham Pangestu Harwoko3, Johannes Marulitua Nainggolan4,Widi Nugroho1* 

... from micro-carbonated hydroxyapatite (micro-CHA) and nano-CHA from bovine bone combined with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) was hypothesized to accelerate fracture healing. This study aimed to characterise micro-CHA and nano-CHA synthesized from bovine bone and analyze their effects as xenografts on fracture healing in Rattus norvegicus models. The micro-CHA was synthesized using thermal treatment at 720oC, and nano-CHA was made from the micro-CHA using nano-mill...

Weam Mohamed Baher1, Wageh Sobhy Darwish2*, Abdelazim Elsayed Elhelaly3,4 

...tta, Port Said and Alexandria. The obtained results revealed overall incidence rates of Anisakis larvae in herrings and sardine at 70% and 50%, respectively. The parasite infested mainly (100%) the visceral organs of the positive samples in the two fish species; while infested the muscles in 30% and 10% of herrings and sardine, respectively. The highest prevalence rates for the two species were recorded in the collected samples from Damietta, followed by Alexa...

Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Tayyab1*, Abu Saeed Hashmi2, Asif Nadeem3, Shumaila Hanif4, Sehrish Firyal1, Shagufta Saeed1, Ali Raza Awan1 and Muhammad Wasim1

...nt β-lactamase to hydrolyze a variety of β-lactam ring containing antibiotics makes it a suitable candidate for its utilization as positive control in diagnostics and in antibiotic susceptibility testing experiments.

Nguyen Binh Truong1,2,3*, Nguyen Van Thu3
...ttle from 47 to 59%, the dry matter and organic matter digestibility were gradually reduced (P<0.05), however, there was no significant differences between the NDF47 và NDF55 treatment (P>0.05). Before and 3 h after feeding the rumen pH values, N-NH3 and total volatile fatty acids concentration of cattle were no differences and good for the rumen activities. In this research content, the NDF55 treatment revealed an expectation for the applied stud...

I Gusti Lanang Oka Cakra1*, Anak Agung Ngurah Badung Sarmuda Dinata2,  I Gede Mahardika1,  I Gusti  Nyoman Gde Bidura1

... particularly during the dry season, but the study of its effect was limited. This study aims to determine the effect of additional Hibiscus leaf flour (HLF) in the concentrate on protein balance, blood metabolic profile, and body composition of Etawah crossbreed goats. A total of 20 goats with an average initial body weight of 18.22 ± 3.09 kg were used in the study with a randomized block design consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications. The four t...
Paulus Klau Tahuk*, Oktovianus R. Nahak T.B., Gerson F. Bira, Adrianus Manek, Donatus Manek, Tobias Y. Purnama, Emanuel Bubun, Bergias Subay indicated that the dry matter and organic matter intake were relatively the same among treatments. However, the intake of CP and CF in T2 and T3 was higher (P<0.05) than T1. On the other hand, the TDN intake of T2 was higher (P<0.05) than T1. However, T3 has relatively the same consumption with T2 and T1. Furthermore, the nutrient digestibility was relatively the same among the treatments, while the daily body weight gain (ADG) of T2 was higher (P&...

Soliman Mohammed Soliman1*, Mohsen Mahmoud Shoukry2, Ahmed Mohammed El-Okazy1, Ahmed Mahmoud El-Morsy1, Mahmoud Mohammed Soliman1

...duction in the extent of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) degradation was mainly due to a marked decrease in the immediately degradable fraction (a), the potential fraction degradation (b), and a lower rate of degradation. Diets containing SBM treated with 200 or 250 gm of PP reduced in vitro gas production, methane production, and TVFA and ammonia concentrations without effect on physiological rumen activity. Moreover, milk yield and milk composition we...
Zayed Mohammad Ali I.1*, Mona Mohamdy1, M.F. Shehata1, Nasser Ghanem2
...ned between G1 and G2 in dressing percentage based on slaughter weight (49.11 vs. 46.21 %), liver percentage (1.74 vs. 1.39%) and percentages of edible parts (2.60 vs. 2.14%). Our results indicated that animals rose under semi-intensive system has more fat content in their eye muscle linked with increased expression of CPT-1 gene compared with animals rose under intensive system. This could be due to free movement which increased fat mobilization into muscle t...

Barirah Rehman Talpur1, Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani1*, Imdad Hussain Leghari2, Mansoor Tariq1, Aisha Rehman3, Shahnawaz Kumbhar1 

...birds is often caused by drinking of fluoride contaminated groundwater. The study was designed to evaluate nephro-hepatotoxic effects of fluorosis on liver and kidneys in rabbits and broilers. Sixteen rabbits and sixteen broilers of four weeks age were divided into four subgroups each were given 0mg (control),50 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg Sodium Fluoride /liter in water daily for 18 days. The clinical signs and mortality were noted. Blood was collected at days 0, 5...
Manatsanun Nopparatmaitree1*, Pornpan Saenphoom1, Sittichai Bunlue1, Silchai Washiraomornlert1, Warangkana Kitpipit2,3,4, Soranot Chotnipat1
...nd performance. Three hundred twenty-one days old, Ross 308® chicks; were raised under ambient temperature and assigned to a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications per treatment (n = 20). The treatment consisted of a control diet based on a corn-soybean basal diet and a control diet supplemented with 10, 30, and 50 g/kg TABP combined with 2 g/kg probiotics. This study shows that TABP combined with probiotic supplementation ...

Muhamad Khairul Riza, Valentinus Priyo Bintoro, Sri Kismiyati, Sugiharto Sugiharto*

...ensity condition. Two hundred and eighty-five 14 days old Lohmann broiler chicks were randomly allotted to CONT (birds stocked at a density of 9 birds/m2 and received control/basic feed), HSD (birds stocked at a density of 16 chicks/m2 and received control feed), HSDT (birds stocked at a density of 16 chicks/m2 and received feed supplemented with 1% turmeric powder) and HSDAT (birds stocked at a density of 16 chicks/m2 and received feed supplemented with 1% ac...
Mohammad Belal Shaker1, Waleed Rizk El-Ghareeb2,3*, Marwa Magdy Seliem4, Wageh Sobhy Darwish3, Bassam Abdulla Alhawas2, Ahmed E. Tharwat3
... spp., particularly A. hydrophila in three crustaceans (crab, lobster, and shrimp) retailed in Zagazig, Egypt, and Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Detection of virulence associated genes in the recovered A. hydrophila isolates was additionally screened using PCR. Furthermore, antimicrobial resistance profiling was examined among the recovered A. hydrophila isolates. The obtained results of the pres...

Hany M.R. Elsherif1, Ahmed Orabi2, Hussein M.A. Hassan3, Ahmed Samy3*

...he weight of carcass and dressing percentages of birds. The liver, heart, gizzard, and spleen were unchanged (% of body weight). Birds fed diets enriched with SF or SP had considerably (P<0.05) longer and wider guts than the control group, and scored zero in intestinal lesions scale. The addition of SF or SP were significantly enhanced (P<0.05) the lactobacillus count when compared to the control, while the quantity of Clostridium perfringens intestinal ...

Abd El-Moniem Ali S. Mahgoub, Ahmed Mohamed Abd El-Hafeez, Mahmoud Yassin Mohamed*, Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy, Mohamed Ibrahim Nassar

... and NH3-N values. Total dry matter intake tended insignificantly decrease with increasing levels from sesban hay. Final body weight, average daily gain, growth rate, and body weight gain did not affect by sesban supplementation. Supplementation of sesban hay improved feed conversion to digestible crude protein (P < 0.002). The replacement of clover hay 10, 20, and 30% ratios of sesban hay did not affect most of the puberty parameters and semen characterist...
Gamalat Y. Osman1, Elham M. Hassan1*, Tarek A. Salem2, Azza H. Mohamed1 applied as a standard drug. FWE was chemically analyzed by the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. The main recorded constituents were rutin, P-coumaric, hydroxyl-benzoic acid, ferulic acid, and sinapic acid. Results of the present study indicated that FWE (0.5 ml/mouse for 10 successive days) exhibited a significant reduction (P<0.05) in worm burden. A scan electron microscope examination of male ...

Hend K. Sorour, Mohammed A. M. Saleh, Azhar G. Shalaby* 

...astly used antimicrobial drug for the treatment of many infections. As the extensive use of colistin, resistance has been increasing rapidly, thus, 200 different chicken samples were examined for isolation of E. coli and for colistin resistance gene. Eighty-three selected samples (chicken breast) were subjected to detection of colistin residues by HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography). In this research, we used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the d...

Avijite Sarker, Sharmeen Islam, S.M. Ariful Islam, Md. Rokibul Islam Khan*, Md Mukhlesur Rahman 

...s were placed in plastic drums and sealed properly. The preparation was completed under room temperature following T0 (0% MFW), T1 (5% MFW), T2 (10% MFW), and T3 (15% MFW) to examine the physical qualities, metabolizable Energy (ME), in vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD) and other nutritional properties, at different intervals (0, 30, 45, and 60 days). The organoleptic and physical characteristics (smell, color, and hardness) of feeds were improved in tr...
Neeranoot Detcharoenyos1, Nakrob Pattanapon1, Soontaree Petchdee2*
...lign: justify;">Osteochondroma is the most common type of benign bone tumor. We report here a rare case of osteochondroma in a 4-month-old male golden retriever dog presented to Kasetsart Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Kamphaeng Saen, with progressive paresis over two weeks. The dog was ultimately diagnosed with a spinal tumor by radiography and MRI. In this study, the dog was successfully treated by dorsal laminectomy of T8-...

Muneeza Zafar1,2,3, Fazli Rabbi Awan2,*, Munazza Raza Mirza3,*, Sumaira Nishat2,4, Sajid Ali Rajput5 and Imran Riaz Malik1,*

...NPs possibly be a better drug target and contribute to the treatment and better understanding of human cardiovascular disease.


Iram Liaqat1*, Umaima Bibi2, Muhammad Arshad3 and Najma Arshad2*

..., 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydroxyl radical scavenging assay, and free-radical-scavenging assay. Results revealed that O. vulgare and T. vulgaris possess high free radical scavenging capability and significant antioxidant activity. On the other hand, H. officinalis plant extracts exhibited low free radical scavenging ability and antioxidant potential. Obtained knowledge via present study have been extended furth...

Abdul Majid1*, Farah Naz1, Nasrullah Laghari1, Sanaullah Abbasi1, Sham Lal2 and Safdar Ujjan3

...oline (DMPC) through rehydration method. CDS identified that secondary structure was maintained in saline phosphate buffer (PBS) pH (6.4, 7.4 and 8.0), similar to that of water. Temperature based experiments depicted the resistance due to changes in the secondary structural conformation up to 50 °C, however such resistance was reversible after the cooling to 20 °C. In both solvents (PBS and water) lysozyme was predominantly folded to α-helical co...

Adil Ali Gadahi1, Wajid Ali Jatoi1, Saima Mir Arain2, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Sadaf Memon1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Zeeshan Majeed Kumbhar1 and Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1

...ed the world by creating drought and its related issues. In this way, plenty of hexaploid wheat is influenced in our Pakistan. For combating this situation, research was carried out on sixteen bread wheat genotypes to see the effect of water stress at the experimental field, NIA, Tandojam in an RCBD with factorial arrangement of three treatments i.e. T1 (zero irrigation), T2 (two irrigations), T3 (four irrigations) during Rabi season, 2016-2017. The ANOVA resu...

Muhammad Zeeshan Nadeem1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1 and Muhammad Anwar ul Haq2

...riming treatments viz. hydro priming (48h), ascorbate (40 mg L-1) and calcium chloride (100 mg L-1) including one control (no-priming) were tested with four pearl millet cultivars (YBS-98, 18-BY, Ghana White and Sargodha Bajra 2011) during the experimentation. Treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design and replicated thrice. The results revealed that seed germination, plant growth, fodder yield and quality were improved by all seed priming ag...

Mehwish Saleem Khan* and Sumama Farooq

...tics by inactivating the drugs, altering the target site, chemically modifying the antibiotics and by ribosomal splitting. Antibiotic resistance can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Bacteria transfer resistance to other microbes through conjugation, transformation and transduction. The present study was conducted at Ganga Ram Hospital Lahore in order to study the resistance pattern of gram-negative bacteria. Females are more prone to infections as compared to males ...

Naseem Sharif1,2*, Imran Muhammad Siqqique2, Muhammad Kashif Raza3, Urwa Irshad1, Muhammad Ikhlaq Khan4, Ammara Noreen4 , Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi1, Mohsin Abbas5, Muhammad Maaz Aziz5, Sitwat Riaz5, Komal Aslam5 and Naseem Akhtar6

... investigated traits. Dendrogram was successfully constructed with two main clusters (C1, C2) which further partitioned into sub clusters i.e. C1A, C1B, C2A and C2B. Fruit colour meter value showed average +a* =2.7 and average +b* =13.0 for Bhakkar accessions, while for Layyah accessions these were 3.8 and 16.4, respectively. Such variation can strengthen jujube germplasm conservation, be able to provide strong basis for initiating conventional breeding progra...

Asim Faraz1, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Ayman Balla Mustafa4, Amir Ismail5, Muhammad Arslan Akbar6, Abdul Waheed1* and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel7

...ncy indicators in female dromedary camel. A total of 44 female Marecha camels were selected in Thal desert of Pakistan during breeding season (December-March) and kept under semi-intensive management system (SIMS). Selected animals were divided into two comparable groups of 22 animals in each to determine the hormonal profile. G1 was composed on lactating non-pregnant while G2 had newly bred she camels. Blood samples from G1 was collected at first day of trial...

Mohamed. E. Taha1, Mohamed S. Ahmed2, Ahmed I. Ahmed2, Amany Adel3, Salama Rehab4,5*, Nabila Osman2** 

...rnorate in 2016. Five hundred (n= 500) samples were collected from fifty farms (5 tracheal and 5 cloacal pools from each farm) have been examined by real time RT-PCR for the prevalence of AIV H9. The results revealed that ten farms (20%) were positive for AIV (H9N2). Three isolates with high CT values have been selected for complete sequencing of hemagglutinin gene. Amino acid sequences showed that these isolates were identical to the Asian strain “A Qu...

Nkana Kontchiachou J. Gwladys1, Kouamo Justin2, Vemo Bertin Narcisse3*, Mweugang Ngouopo Nathalie4, Wang-Baa Temoa Christophe1, Awantu Christian Funwi1, Semi Yam Alphonsius1, Kenne Noubissie Christèle5, Tendonkeng Fernand5

...gical parameters, and in dry tubes, for the dosage of serum biochemical parameters. The main results revealed that the number of total white blood cells, lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes increased significantly (p<0.05) in guinea pigs supplemented at 0.5% green anise, compared to the control. The haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, mean corpuscular volume of haemoglobin, the number of red blood cells and the concentration of placitonin wer...

Duong Thanh Hai1*, Tomas J. Acosta2, Tran Thi Minh Tu3

...F915275 (PF, 11-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 inhibitor) was exanimated. PF at a dose of 1000 nM (PF1000) decreased significantly the absolute conversion of Cs to Cr (p<0.05). Thus, the PF1000 was chosen for the further studies. Tissues of endometrium were collected at the follicular stage (days 19-21), and exposed to Cs (300 nM) or Cs (300 nM) combined with oxytocin (OT, 100 nM) in the presence or absence of...
Yasmin M.M. Mahmoud
...l solid %, lactose % and dry matter intake. Also, better (P < 0.05) feed conversion was observed with the tested rations based on control (T0). Blood analysis and hematological characteristics were also estimated. It is recommended to replace berseem hay with dried broccoli by-products up to 20 % in the diet of lactating goats regarding their digestibility, productive performance, blood parameters and hematological profil...

Teguh Wahyono1,2*, Wahidin Teguh Sasongko3, Wijaya Murti Indriatama4, Setiawan Martono5, Slamet Widodo3, Widhi Kurniawan6, Muhamad Nasir Rofiq7

...wilted materials, higher dry-matter (DM) and organic-matter (OM) content were found in wilted materials (P < 0.01). Wilting did not affect crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), hemicellulose, cellulose, or non-fibre carbohydrate (NFC) content. Samurai 1 sorghum silage had the lowest NDF and ADF, both in non-wilted and wilted materials (P < 0.05). The interact...

Farzana Begum* and Gohar Ayub

...f turning stage, brown undried stage and brown dried stage) on seed yield and quality attributes of okra sown at different dates (March 10, March 30, April 19 and May 9) at Agriculture Research Institute Tarnab Peshawar, during 2016 and 2017. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement having sowing dates as the main plot factor, while harvesting stages as sub plot factor was used. The seeds of okra...

Syed Muhammad Amir1*, Shehzad Khan2, Asif Ali Abro3, Ehsan Inamullah4 and Tahir Mehmood5 in Pakistan have driven implementation of biogas technology by governmental and non-governmental organizations. This study focuses on the rate of successful adoption of bio gas technology and its multiple impacts on 113 farming households in two purposively selected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (i.e. district Mardan and Dera Ismail Khan). Based on the descriptive nature of the study, quantitative approach was used with the help of a predesi...
Amreen Zahra1*, Mushtaq A. Saleem2, Hasnain Javed3, Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan4 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4
...ajor health challenge of drug resistance and viral escape mutants of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) worldwide. Therefore, a deep molecular insight unveiling the genetic characteristics of the prevailing strains is the need of the hour for successful disease control interventions in endemic countries like Pakistan. Here we present, a detailed molecular and computational analysis of the major genetic constituents, Gag-Pol region of HIV-1 for the very first...

Yasmin M. M. Mahmoud* 

...ct of supplementation of dried chicory herb leaves (DCHL) in their diets on nutrient digestibility, growth performance, some blood parameters and hematological profile. Animals were chosen with an average body weight 15.40±1.99kg and divided randomly into three similar groups (8 kids/each). The 1st group (G0) was fed the control diet formulated from concentrate feed mixture and berseem hay with rate of 60 and 40%, respectively. Kids in the 2nd (G1) and ...
Dalia M. Aboelhassan1*, Inas S. Ghaly1, Noha E. Ibrahim2, Nermeen M. Shaffie3, Mariam G. Eshak1, Aboelfetoh M. Abdallah4, Ibrahim M. Farag1
...l as the expressions of mdr1a and COX-1 genes in kidney tissues are evaluated. In addition, the histological architectures of these organs are examined. Bisphenol A (BPA) treatment causes over-expressions of the above mentioned genes, and induces massive damage to the histological architectures of liver and kidney tissues. In contrast, FCE treatment with different doses (3.3 g/Kg., 4.2 g/kg. and 5.0 g/kg) can inhibit the upregulation of such gene expressions a...

Atta Ullah*, Nasrullah Khan, Ataur Rahman and Rafi Ullah 

...uses in the park. One hundred and sixteen plants species belonging to 99 genera and 50 families were recorded and identified with the help of available literature. Of these, monocots were represented by 17 species under 15 genera and 5 families, while dicots were represented by 99 species belonging to 84 genera and 45 families. The results reflect that 24% of plants were used as fodder, 29% fuel, 20% medicinal, 17% construction, and furniture, while 8% were us...

Imtiaz Ahmed*, Imran Khan and Zia Ud Din

...icantly while the carbohydrate content had significantly lower values (p, for all trends < 0.05) as the ratio of incorporation increased when compared with the control sample (data not shown here). The CWB also showed significantly (P<0.05) higher phenolic and total flavonoids content. Furthermore,CWB showed significantly (P<0.05) higher antioxidant activity, low starch digestibility and low hydrolysis index (HI) as...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Minh Thanh Tram1, Thi Thu Pham1, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Khanh Ly Nguyen1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Cong Thieu Pham3, Nguyen Khang Duong4 

...-loop) of mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) of local goat breeds in Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam was studied to provide useful information on their origin. Blood samples were taken from two local goat breeds in Ninh Thuan (De Co = CO and Bach Thao = BT, 10 samples each) and three other exotic goats including Saanen (SA; 10 samples), Red Boer (RB; 10 samples) and White Boer (WB; 9 samples) raised at An Phu Dairy Company in Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City. Extracted m...

Ziaul Islam1*, Asad Sultan1, Sar Zamin Khan1 and Sher Bahader Khan2

...ilers. A total of six hundred, day-old healthy broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were procured from a local hatchery and were randomly allocated to five different dietary treatments. A basal diet formulated with corn-soybean meal (CON; without any additives) served as control diet and fed to birds in control group. Birds in other four groups were given same basal diet mixed either with zinc bacitracin (150 mg/kg diet; ZB-150); organic acids (200 mg/kg feed; OA-200); e...

Hui Xu1,*, Ronghua Luo1, Yaping Duan1, Mingjia Chen1, Jiaxu Zhou1 and Xiaoli Shao2

... peripheral blood in children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP). From January 2018 to January 2020, 114 children with MPP in our hospital were selected and randomly divided into control group and experimental group, each containing 57 cases. The control group was given azithromycin. The experimental group was given fibrobronchoscope-assisted lavage on the basis of the control group. The curative effect, the time of ...
Baila Ahmad1, Muhammad Ammar Khan1*, Zulfiqar Ahmad1, Rana Muhammad Bilal2 and Asghar Ali Kamboh3
...HC), instrumental color, drip loss (DL) and cook loss (CL) were measured. Afterward, the effect of processing (25°C, thermal treatment for 15 min, refrigeration for 3 d, and pressure treatment of 196 N for 15 min) was evaluated. The significantly (p<0.05) lowest EM, but highest (p<0.05) WHC of T3 samples depicted raw meat processing quality improvement. Moreover, dietary incorporation of 40 ppm Zn resulted in a significant (p<0.05) decline (1.88%)...

Limei Yuan1, Kong Yang1* and Dechun Jiang2*

...elingensis using mitochondrial DNA (12S rRNA, tRNAVal, 16S rRNA and Cyt b) fragments and nuclear DNA (RAG-1, RHOD, TYR) fragments. Our results revealed that Rhacophorus laoshan is closely related to R. verrucopus, R. orlovi and R. calcaneus, and Zhangixalus yinggelingensis should indeed be placed under Zhangixalus. This research clarified the phylogenetic positions of two species within the genus Rhacophorus sensu lato, and it also has an impact on the protect...

Sameena Gul1, Sayyeda Hira Hassan1, Amara Maryam1, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Muhammad Khan*1, Muhammad Irfan2, Farah Rauf Shakoori1 and Javed Iqbal Qazi1

...t these chemotherapeutic drugs through multiple mechanisms including MDR1 gene expression. EGCG (Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate) is one of the major polyphenols present in the dry leaves of green tea plant (Camellia sinensis). It has been observed to potentiate the apoptosis and also inhibit cancer cell growth by affecting various signaling molecules and cel...

Xiaojing Liu and Zhongxin Li*

...ention effects of tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside (TSG) in diabetic nephropathy (DN) rats and analyze its action on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-) 9 protein expression in kidney tissues, in order to reveal the mechanism of TSG. After 12 weeks of administration, compared with those in the DN modeling group, 24 h urine protein, serum creatinine (Scr), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), blood uric acid (UA), alanine aminotran...

Madiha Khalil1, Amjad Farooq1, Asim Faraz2*, Abdul Waheed2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Riaz Hussain Mirza2 and Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2

...of animal (linear and quadratic effects) and lactation period were fitted as co-variables. Dependent variables were lactation performance traits (lactation milk yield, dry period, etc.). The results of all traits showed that the year of calving had a highly significant (p<0.01) effect on lactation length, month of calving and parity. Lactation milk yield was significantly affected by year of calving (p<0.01) and month ...

Harpreet Kaur* and S.S. Hundal

... activity in earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae and Metaphire posthuma. E. eugeniae and M. posthuma were exposed to soil spiked with different concentrations (0.3, 0.6 and 1.0 mg/kg dry soil) of imidacloprid under laboratory conditions. The activity of AChE and GST have been reported as potential biomarkers to assess toxicity levels, hence the activity of these enzymes were assessed to study imidacloprid toxicity. Inhibition of ACh...

Reyad R. Shawish, Reda E. Hamed*, Zakaria H. Elbayoumi polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and comparison of their contents with the recommended standard limits. Regarding the obtained findings, kabab recorded the highest concentrations of PAHs and PAH4 (the sum of four different polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, named benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, and benzo[a]pyrene) made it of the highest health risk to the consumers, followed by kofta, shawa...

Masudul Haq Wani and Arshad Bhat*

... On the basis of results drawn, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions on how to check the urbanization in the UT. 


Dede Kardaya*, Dewi Wahyuni, Elis Dihansih 

...a atroviridis) contain hydroxy citric acid and other active substances that function as antioxidants, so the use of them in ration is expected to improve the meat quality of spent layer ducks. Sixty spent layer ducks were fed four rations including commercial rations (R1), nonconventional rations + 2% Asam gelugur leaf meal (AGLM) (R2), nonconventional rations + 4% AGLM (R3), and nonconventional rations + 6% AGLM (R4) ...

Muhammad Ajmal Khan1, Muhammad Yahya2*, Ali Hazrat2, Javed Khan3, Saeed Jan4, Tabinda Nowsheen2 and Inam Ullah5

...col 2,2-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) at various concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 µL). The phytochemical analysis of methanolic leaves extract of T. camphoratum showed 2.80% alkaloids, 4.90% flavonoids and 1.80% terpenoids content. The antibacterial activity of the methanolic extract showed high effectiveness against Gram-positive bacteria (MRSA) with 23 mm zone of inhibition (ZOI), whereas against G...

Bibi Hajira*, Imran Khan and Zia-ud-Din

... only. In-vitro starch hydrolysis was determined enzymatically at 0, 20, 30, 45, 90 and 120 min. Rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS), resistant starch (RS) and estimated eGI were calculated from starch digestion values. Consumer acceptability was determined using nine-point hedonic scale. The incorporation of sorghum and barley into wheat bread decreased in-vitro starch digestion at all incorporation levels than CB. RDS content sign...

Ochieng Onunga George*, Owuor Ndonga Millicent Florence, Mario Kollenberg  

...or two months during the dry and wet seasons. Wastewater samples from five slaughterhouses and water samples from water sources next to the abattoirs were examined using standard procedures. The bacteria isolated were E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, E. faecalis, and S. dysenteriae. Bacterial concentrations cfu/100ml of abattoir effluents ranged from 3.17 × 106 of TC. 3.94x104 of FC, 2.84x104 of E. faecalis, 8.65x104 of E. coli, and BOD of 828.04mg...
Ramadan Sary, Asmaa M. Ibrahium*
...face formed of nasal, quadrate bone, zygomatic, palatine, vomer, premaxillary, maxillary and ethmoid. The cranium and viscerocranium demarcated from each other by orbital cavities. The mandible composed of five ill distinguished bones; dental, splenial, angular, supra angular, and the articular.
Keywords | Egyptian owl, Skull, Morphology, Radiology, Computerized tomography

Taufiq Bachtiar1, Muftia Hanani2, Anisiyah2, Winda Puspitasari2, Wahidin Teguh Sasongko3, Teguh Wahyono4*

...ontent, non-fiber carbohydrate content, and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) parameters among studied genotypes.   There were significant differences (p < 0.05) between the two soil pH conditions for ash, organic matter, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, hemicellulose, and non-fiber carbohydrate. Organic matter, crude protein, ether extract...
Eman M. Aboelela1, Mohamed A. Sobieh2, Eman M. Abouelhassan3, Doaa S. Farid4, Essam S. Soliman2*
...seasons in cats consumed dry, cooked, raw, canned, and mixed food respectively. Species-specific PPinfestations revealed highly significant (P < 0.01) increases in fleas during spring, ticks during summer, skin mites, and lice during fall in dogs, fleas during spring, and ear mites during the fall season in cats. Parasitological examinations identified Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks, Ctenocephalides canis flea, Heterodoxus spiniger lice, and Sarcoptic scabi...

Lyudmila Yakovlevna Rodionova*, Irina Valeryevna Sobol, Lyudmila Vladimirovna Donchenko, Artem Vasilevich Stepovoy  and Andrey Georgievich Koshchaev

...rameters (the content of dry substances, sugars, organic acids, vitamin C, carotene, pectin substances) of pumpkin varieties grown in the south of Russia. In the course of the study, standardized and modern methods of physical and chemical analysis of plant materials were used. The biochemical parameters of pumpkins were studied: the content of dry substances, sugars, titratable acidity, the content of ascorbic acid and caro...

Ayesha Khan*, Mohammad Tariq Aziz, Urooba Pervaiz and Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

...e of 112 respondents was drawn through proportional allocation technique based on 10% of total 1120 registered farmers. A pre-tested and well-developed interview schedule was used to collect primary data. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. Results indicated that 42% respondents had age above 35 years, literate respondents were 80%, 45.5% had farming experience of 1-10 years, half of the respondents (50.1%) were owners,...

Zahin Anjum1*, Farhat Shehzad1, Shaista Ali1, Sumbla Yousaf2, Amina Rahat1 and Hamid Ullah Shah3

...of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in different barbecued mutton and beef samples available in district Peshawar, Pakistan. In addition, the effect of various grilling methods on PAH levels was evaluated. Mutton grilled with three grilling procedures, were analyzed for its PAHs content. A total of 120 samples were collected from local food vendor spots or general restaurants, and control samples of gas and electric grilled meat samples were also prepar...

Iqra Ejaz1, Saima Chaudhry2 and Sarah Ghafoor1*

...injecting an anti-cancer drug Bleomycin (1mg/mL) into buccal mucosa of animals daily for 8 weeks. The 24 male Wistar rats were equally divided into two groups; six rats (group 1A) were injected with normal saline (control group) while 18 rats (groups 1B, 2A and 2B, experimental groups) were injected with bleomycin. The six rats of control group (1A) and the six rats of experimental group (1B) were sacrificed after week 4 and week 8. Of the remaining 12 experim...

Lin Li1,2, Pingsheng Ye1, Xi Chen1, Shuping Yan1 and Yuanshu Zhang1* (HC/LF) diets cause a dramatic decline in milk fat secretion. Hepatic lipid metabolism is active when ruminant is on lactation period. The aim of this study was to evaluate liver metabolism adaptation to high-concentrate diet-induced milk fat depression (MFD). Six Saanen dairy goats were randomly divided into 2 groups and fed either a high-forage (HF) diet or a high- concentrate (HC) diet. The high-concentrate diet caused lower milk fat content and milk fat...

Shambel Boki Dabi

... were chosen. During the dry and rainy seasons, water samples were collected at a depth of 10 to 15 cm in plastic bottles from each site of three streams for laboratory study. Water quality parameters such as CO2, Chloride, and alkalinity were instantly assessed using the titration method, while water turbidity, temperature, water pH, and dissolved oxygen were measured directly on site. A simple test kit was used to evaluate nitrite and ammonia levels. The res...

Qian Chong1, Muhammad Mohsin2*, Zhu Ting1, Chen Qiqi1 and Ana Mehak3

...e better-fitted model to draw results. SPMs were applied with the help of computer-based fishery analysis software, i.e., catch and effort data analysis (CEDA) and a stock production model incorporating covariates (ASPIC). In the principle initial portion (IP = 0.9), CEDA output showed higher values of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) (480000 – 614000 t) as compared to ASPIC (468000 – 583000 t). Similarly, R2 values followed the pattern of estimatio...
Fei Wang1, Xiaofen Hu1, Feng Wen2, Xiaoen Tang3, Shanshan Yang1, Shengwei Zhong1, Zuohong Zhou1, Xu Yuan1 and Yong Li1,*
... probably belongs to a hydrophilic peptide without any signal peptide and transmembrane structure, and mainly plays its biological function due to occupying 89.6% in cytoplasm. Furthermore, it consists of one N-glycosylation site and 17 phosphorylation sites, and the secondary structure contains 50.76% of alpha helix, 5.30% of beta turn, 9.09% of extended strand, and 34.85% of random coil. Phylogenetic tree analysis shows that Wahui pigeon hold the close relat...
Muhammad Kashif Iqbal1*, Khalid Mehmood2,4, Shakeel Ahmed3, Fazul Nabi4, Muhammad Arif Rizwan1, Muhammad Kaleem1, Mushtaq Ahmed1, Abdul Waheed1 and Jiakui Li5
... justify;">Tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) is a disorder of rapidly growing avian species characterized by enlarge avascular growth plate with lesions in proximal tibiotarsal bone. The aim of present study was to investigate the antioxidant capacity of FK228 and role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Flk-1 genes in thiram induced TD. One hundred and fifty broiler chicks were equally divided into 3 groups: control...
Rida Haroon Durrani1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1*, Masood Rabbani1, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan2, Aneela Zameer Durrani3, Salman Ashraf1, Muhammad Anas Naeem1, Muhammad Usman3 and Tauqeer Mahmood4
... oral phage delivery via drinking water and feed resulted in a significant (P ≤ 0.05) reduction in bacterial numbers with a mean log101.43, log101.17, log101.92 and log101.625 on 3rd and 6th dpc, respectively. The least reduction was seen in the birds that received cocktail intranasally showing log100.85 on the 3rd day. As a delayed treatment, oral delivery significantly (P ≤ 0.05) reduced count with a mean log101.2 and log101.55 on 3rd dpc, with efficie...

Amira Adel Taha AL-Hosary1, Walaa Mostafa2* 

...ith one of the following drugs: Frontline®-Merial, BARS® ampules, BARS® ear drops, and the last group received a combination of Frontline® and BARS® ear drops. The most prevalent clinical signs were pruritus, dermatitis, frequent scratching of the ears, and head shaking with coffee-like waxy excretions. The epidemiological findings revealed that age and season significa...

Ahmed A. Mohammed1, Madeha H. A. Darwish1, Eman A.A. Negm2, Ayman S. Abdel- Maguid3 

...e branch of animal husbandry. This reproduction method is relatively quick, which allows for faster turnover of the resources involved. Recent addition of Probiotics with broilers feed shows good efficacy to improve its production. So this expermintal study aimed to examine the influence of the addition of probiotics in broiler diets on the economic outcomes of production. Total 120 broiler chicks were divided into three groups of fourty birds each (C, L, &...

Muhammad Haris Raza Farhan1*, Qamar Iqbal1, Tariq Jamil1, Muhammad Fayaz2, Abdul Kabir2,3, Eid Nawaz2, Marjan Ali2, Shumaila Manzoor2 revealed signs of dehydration, emaciation, anorexia, nutritional stress, and high fever in animals. Tick infestation was found on the skin of animals while Babesia was found in the blood smears of some animals. Pox-like lesions were also found on the skin of some goats.

Keywords | Parasitic infections, Babesia, Malnutrition, Worm infestation, Stress 


Shujaat Hussain1*, Muhammad Saqib1, Khurram Ashfaq1 and Zia ud Din Sindhu2

...iochemical variations in dromedary camels due to subclinical coxiellosis. The study encompassed two groups viz, one group of 20 C. burnetii positive camel identified by Real time PCR and second group of 20 healthy camels (Real time PCR negative) used as control. The student t-test demonstrated significant (p<0.05) rise in packed cell volume (36.30±0.32%), hemoglobin (15.57±0.32g/dL), neutrophils (71.03±0.58%), erythrocyte sedimentation ...

Shahan Azeem1*, Muhammad Akram Muneer2, Liaquat Ahmad3, Sameera Akhtar1 and Talat Naseer Pasha4,5

...ed under identical husbandry conditions. Antibiotic-free poultry feed was procured from a commercial feed mill. The antibiotics were mixed in the feed as per the manufacturer’s instructions and offered ad libitum to the chickens for the entire study period. The chickens were vaccinated for NDV and AIV. None of the antibiotics adversely affected the development of NDV or AIV hemagglutination inhibition geometric mean titers. Flavomycin and zinc bacitracin...

Hairul Islam M. Ibrahim1,2, Abdalla A. Sayed1,3, Abdel Naser A. Ahmed4,5 and Emad A. Ahmed*1,6

...levels in myelin oligodendrocyte glyco-protein (MOG) challenged PCB treated cells were estimated using flow cytometry and ELISA kits. Apoptotic and neuronal markers were evaluated using quantitative real time PCR and protein blots. Results showed that PCB inhibited the infiltration of inflammatory cells and improved the myelin protective proteins. It also positively regulated the antioxidants and apoptotic markers including Caspase-3, TGF-β, SIRT-1, CCL-2...

Md. Sabuj Rahman and Md. Mahmudul Alam*

...roidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a good prognosis in the calf was noticed. After 1 month, a mild skin problem occurred which was minimized simultaneously.


Omnia Mohamed Khattab1*, Hala Kamel Abdelmegeed2, Mohamed Mahmoud Mashaly1, Mervat Hamdy1*, Naglaa Hagag1, Ayman Hamed3, Hanan Aly Fahmy3, Essam Ibrahim4, Momtaz Abdelhady Shahein2, Elsayyad Mohamed Ahmed2

...uencing is required to address any genetic recombination in EHV-4 associated with abortion cases.
Keywords | EHV-4, Equine, rt-PCR, n-PCR, Sequencing, Phylogenetic analysis, Outbreak

Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1, Atta Hussain Shah1*, Gul Bahar Khaskheli1, Zubair Ahmed Laghari2, Ghulam Shabir Bahram1, Muneer Ahmed Jamali1, Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1 

...nce. A total of three hundred and fifteen raw milk samples (n=315) from dairy farms of three regions in Sindh province i.e., southern (Karachi, Thatta, Hyderabad), central (Mirpurkhas, Umerkot, Shaheed Benazirabad) and northern (Naushahro Feroze, Sukkur and Larkana) were collected and analyzed using commercial ELISA kit. The results revealed that AFM1 was statistically higher (P˂0.05) in district Karachi (0.7223 µg/L) as compared to Thatta and Hyderabad...

Jiacheng Du and Yuping Cao*

...he polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who underwent Invitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET). This study selected 200 patients with PCOS who took IVF-ET in our hospital from January 2016 to January 2020 as subjects. The study subjects were divided into group A (low-level group, n=90) and group B (high-level group, n=110) according to serum AMH levels; and group C (successful group, n= 88) and group D (failure group, n=112) according to whether they compl...

Aysam Fayed1, Mohga A Ibrahem2, Soha A. Hassan3, Mohammed Abdalla Hussein4*, Tamer Roshdy1  

... as a new pharmaceutical drug in the treatment of obesity.

Keywords | Cranberry extract, Insulin, Leptin, Total cholesterol, Paraoxonase1  


Umar Farooq Gohar, Attia Majeed, Bushra Muneer* and Hamid Mukhtar

...thesis of the anticancer drugs. In the present study, for the isolation of podophyllotoxin producing endophytic fungi 30 plant (Podophyllum hexandrum) samples were collected from different localities of Pakistan. About 261 fungal strains isolated, among them 22 strains had the ability to produce podophyllotoxin. Maximum podophyllotoxin production (88.14µg/ml) was shown by fungal strain P-18, which was later identified ...

Nguyen Hai Quan, Nguyen Huu Van*, Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Vo Thi Minh Tam, Le Duc Thao, Le Duc Ngoan 

...e lowest proportion. The dry matter (DM) content of the whole plant was 17.5% DM, in which 13.5% CP, 45.8% NDF, 44% ADF and 20.7% Lignin; and DE and ME values for ruminants were 3,436 and 2,818 kcal/kg DM, respectively. In Exp. 2, eight treatments included: Control (CTL) – without any additives; Salt 0.5% added to CTL (SCTL); Cassava byproduct added to CTL at 5, 10 and 15% (CB5, CB10 and CB15, respectively); Molasses added to CTL at 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5% (M2...

Mutassim Abdelrahman1, Ibrahim Alhidary1, Majdi Bahaddi1,2, Mohsen Alobre1,3, Riyadh Aljumaah1 and Rifat Ullah Khan4, *

...tio [TMR]); T1 (TMR with drenching 1% of Zeolite daily); and T2 (TMR with drenching 2% of Zeolite daily). The feeding trial lasted for 56 days. Digestibility trial was conducted at mid of the feeding trial using four lambs from each trial. At end of the trial, four lambs from each treatment were slaughtered and rumen fluid, liver, kidney, and meat were collected for mineral analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emis...

Hazem E. M. Hassanien1*, Awad M. M. Mahmoud2, Elsayed M. Abdel-Raouf1, Nabil M. Eweedah1 and Midhat. N. Nassif3

...Na + K - Cl + S)]/ kg of dry matter on blood total Ca, ionized iCa, blood, and rumen metabolites, and endocrine status in prepartum and postpartum phases. Forty-eight multiparous Holstein cows range lactation 1-5 with an average body weight 706 kg ±7.29 SD were enrolled in a nested block design trial at 29 d prior anticipated parturition through 90 d in milk. A factorial arrangement of treatments -3 DCAD concentrations Tr1. (0.0, -100 or -180 mEq/kg DM)...
Muhammad Sajid Hamid Akash1*, Hina Sharif1, Kanwal Rehman2, Sumbal Rasheed1 and Shagufta Kamal3
...ATO) in impairing carbohydrate metabolism and therapeutic potential of resveratrol (RSV) to treat ATO-induced metabolic disorder. Twenty Wistar rats were used for this study; one group was normal control (NC), second group was exposed to ATO only while the other two groups received metformin (MF) and RSV separately along with ATO. We measured serum levels of glycemic index biomarkers and carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes. Si...

Malik Fiaz Hussain1, Atif Akbar2, Muhammad Asif1, Laraib Nisar3, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq3 and Furhan Iqbal1*

...they might have lot more drawbacks than their bulky counter parts. Present investigation was aimed to document the effect of two different doses of NiO NPs on behavior of albino mice in a sex specific manner. Five weeks old albino mice (N = 48) of both sex were intraperitoneally injected with either low dose (20 mg) or high dose (50mg/ ml saline/ Kg body weight) of NiO NPs (average particle size 43 nm) for 14 days. Control groups were treated with saline solut...

Saleha Tabassum1, Muneeza Zafar1,2, Munazza Raza Mirza1*, Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary1,3, Ikram ul Haq4, Imran Riaz Malik2, Ambreen Ansari1 and Mehtab Alam5

...K) cell, NKT cell and dendritic cell trafficking. These chemokines were suggested for their use as alternative markers for TB diagnosis, and their possible involvement in disease pathophysiology. In the present study, we investigated the genetic association and frequency of CXCL9 and CXCL10 genes polymorphisms in TB patients of Pakistani population. A total of 260 study participants, including 122 with tuberculosis disease (TB) and 138 healthy control (HC) wer...

Sarzamin Khan1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Rafiullah1, Ibrahimullah1, Ghulam Abbas3*, Jabbar Khan4, Muhammad Saeed Imran5, Asghar Ali Kamboh6 

...nal feed ingredients has driven the dire need to search for alternative protein and energy sources to be incorporated in poultry feed. Insects may be one of the alternative feed source which can be used as a good quality, low-cost and sustainable ingredients of poultry feed. Therefore, the present experiment was designed to explore the effect of dietary inclusion of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) scales in diet on production performance, carcass quality and histo...

Desy Cahya Widianingrum1*, Himmatul Khasanah1, Melinda Erdya Krismaputri1, Susan Barbara Patricia Sembiring Meliala2 

...e total digestibility of dry matter (78.89 ± 0.06%) and organic matter (78.49 ± 0.16%). Our results showed that VCO treatments have not negative effect on the rumen environment (pH and NH3 level), both protective and non-protective VCO, in the in vitro study. The findings that we can summarize are in the physical test treatments all of the groups has good quality and have not negative effect on the ruminal environment.

Keywords | Complet...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi2, Muhammad Jawad Nazir1, Ehtesham Ul Haq1, Faheem Abbas1 and Muhammad Saqib Raza Shah1

... length, plant fresh and dry biomass were studied. The strong phytotoxic effect of aqueous extract on all the studied parameters was recorded when applied @ 25 g L-1(w/v). The data revealed that aqueous extract produced an inhibitory effect on all the crops’ growth parameters studied. It is recommended that unplanned planting of poplar (P. deltoides L.) around the cereal crop fields should be avoided in order to obtain optimum crop population and finally...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1,2*, Sobia Ijaz1, Nauman Ali1, Muhammad Saeed Ashraf1, Muhammad Naeem Khan1, Muhammad Arshad3, Muhammad Arif1, Jamil Akhtar4, Naeem Iqbal1 and Bushra Zulfiqar5

...Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) in Pakistan is a vital forage Yield gap because of its palatable and nutritional nature that provides forage in repeated cuttings almost year round is mandatory to be addressed, that is the main focus of the present investigation. The recent investigation was performed to assess the impact of seeding rate consequently plant density on forage and seed tonnage in order to enhance the net ret...

Sajid Hanif1, Abdul Shakoor1,4*, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1, Ifra Saleem2, Sajid Ali3, Muhammad Awais Ashraf4, Majid Nadeem4, Hira Shair4, Anwar ul Haq5, Rana Abdul Hamid Khan6 and Muhammad Amir Amin7

...iotic stresses, heat and drought stresses instigate substantial rice yield reductions. A pot trial was laid out to observe the efficacy of foliar spray of proline on rice in the alleviation of both heat and drought effects in rice. Pot experiment was laid out in Kharif season 2018 inside the glasshouse of University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Treatments viz., control (no stress imposition) and stress treatments viz.,

Muhammad Jan1*, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah1, Javed Iqbal2, Muhammad Aslam3, Rizwan Latif4, Muhammad Arif5, Muhammad Tahir Akbar6 and Hafiz Husnain Nawaz1

... low fruit set and fruit drops. All these factors are the climatic factors dependent which can be controlled by proper irrigation scheduling, proper pruning and proper dose and source of fertilizer application at a proper growth stage. As a result, OFF season crop in once year and followed by ON year crop. Alternate bearing cannot be completely controlled but it can be minimized by adopting different approaches like mechanical pruning, pruning through use of g...

Muhammad Mansoor1, Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil2*, Zafar Islam2, Muhammad Asif2, Ghani Akbar2, Muhammad Ashraf Khan3 and Ibadullah Jan4

..., hindering ripening and drying processes at the end. Growers are adapting some alternate options of making ‘Chuhara’ (dried dates) at Khalal stage instead of processed Rutab dates. Experiments were conducted to find out comparative yield potentials of ‘Chuhara’ as well as processed dates produced from the fruits collected from trees protected from rain-fall. The results show that BCR for fresh dates ...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Pham Kim Ngan Nguyen1, Thao Huong Phan1, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Khanh Ly Nguyen1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Cong Thieu Pham3, Cong Dinh Nguyen3, Nguyen Khang Duong4 

...loop (D-loop) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Thirty-one blood samples that were collected from three native buffalo populations such as Bao Yen (BY: 7 samples), LangBiang (LB: 7 samples) and Thanh Chuong (TC: 7 samples) and two imported buffaloes from Thailand (T: 5 samples) and India (Murrah – M: 5 samples) were extracted for total DNA and amplified about 760 bp mtDNA fragment, with 576 bp in the D-loop region, followed by sequencing to analyze genetic d...

Eman H. Abotalp, Sahar R. Mohamed, Jakeen K. El Jakee

...carry diarrheic and multidrug resistant E. coli serotypes which have a public health concern. Attention should be paid to the contact with canines and felines, and the occurrence of multidrug resistance.

Keywords | Canines, Diarrhea, E. coli Serotypes, Felines, Multidrug resistance, Public health concern. 


Shahid Ali1*, Murtaza2, Waqas Ahmad1, Nargis Bibi3, Aftab Khan2 and Jahangir Khan

... of 300 rice growers was drawn randomly using a multistage sampling procedure through a well-organized pretested interview schedule. Stochastic frontier models (SFM-1 and SFM-2) were utilized to investigate effects of farm inputs and socioeconomic factors on rice production. Results of SFM-1 explicated that all the regressors except irrigation numbers were highly significant with the estimated coefficients of 0.369, 0.047, 0.060, 0.246 and 0.098 for labor hour...

Nuraini Nuraini*, Yuliaty Shafan Nur, Ade Djulardi, Robi Amizar, Yesi Chwenta Sari

... in concentrate and tofu dregs growth media on nutrient content and determine the Tmc effect in the diet on the production of laying quail. The study was divided into two stages of research. Phase 1 of the laboratory experiment determined the composition of the concentrate and tofu dregs media on the nutrient content of Tenebrio molitor. This study method was a completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments and three...

Razaq Adekunle Animashahun1*, Gbenga Emmanuel Onibi2, Samuel Olanrewaju Aro2, Oghenerobor Benjamin Akpor3, Funmilayo Abimbola Okeniyi1, Olayinka Olubunmi Alabi1, Michael Babatunde Falana1, Ayoola John Shoyombo1, Samuel Oyewale Olawoye1 

...n a solid substrate. The dried and milled cassava stumps were aseptically inoculated with Aspergillus niger (ATCC 16404) strain in a solid-state at substrates to water ratio 1.0:1.0 w/v and then incubated for 192 hours at room temperature. Samples were taken at 48 h interval for the proximate, minerals and anti-nutrients composition determination of the fermented cassava stumps. The experimental design employed was completely Randomized Design. The results sho...

Hassan Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Irfan Majeed2, Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman1 and Muhammad Asam Riaz1

... episodes of wetting and drying and were able to attract more than 50% termite individuals exposed. This formulation suppressed the termites in field as no termite foraging was recorded inside the bait-treated monitoring stations for about a month post-treatment, while the termites fed on all beads in the control monitoring stations. Overall study findings validate the effectiveness of fipronil and formulated beads for their potential incorporation in the mana...

Asim Faraz1*, Nasir Ali Tauqir2, Abdul Waheed1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Syeda Maryam Hussain3, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Rana Muhammad Bilal2, Muhammad Arslan Akbar4 and  Muhammad Shahid Nabeel5 

Ali Wahdan1*, Mahmoud Ezzat1, Fatma Youssef2, Manal Munier2, Elsayyad M. Ahmed3, Marwa Abo Hashem1  

...imicrobials. Three multi-drug resistant isolates carried ica from human abscess (A9), sputum of dog (A12), and cow mastitic milk (A13) were sequenced with other genome sequences retrieved from the GenBank. Ten samples (9.17%) were S. aureus from human, while 3 samples (1.24%) were S. aureus and 2 samples (0.83%) were coagulase negative staphylococcus (CONS) from animal sources. The multiple sequences alignments (MSA) and phylogenetic tracking proved the geneti...

Gudeta Nepir Gurmu, Tade Bitima Mulisa, Alemu Lenco Gemechu, Kegna Gadisa Amena and Gemechu Nedi Terfa*

...of seed per pods, and hundred seed weights were recorded. Analysis of variance combined over five locations manifested significant differences among varieties, environment, environment, and varieties interaction for grain yield and other yield-related traits. The combined mean of grain yield of varieties indicated that Bursa (3.03 t/ha), Adi (2.84t/ha) and Weyib (2.83 t/ha) varieties had the highest grain yield advantage over the other tested varieties without...
Irfan Shahzad Sheikh1, Syed Haseeb Shah1, Niamatullah Kakar2*, Mohammad Masood Tariq1, Muhammad Essa Kakar3 and Muhammad Zahid Mustafa1
... of oxytetracycline di-hydrate (OXY) and tylosin phosphate (TP) on different blood physiological and biochemical parameters in broiler chicken. AGPs supplement alone and in combinations were provided as pre-starter (days 1-12), starter (days 13 to 24) and finisher (day 25 to 42) feed. Standard broiler rearing temperature was provided in the shed. Results showed that the OXY and TP had significant (P<0.05) effect on physiology of blood parameters, mainly on ...

Caiyun Ma1, Hebao Wen1, Lu Li2, Gaofeng Liu1, Chunjing Wang1, Yu Guo1, Shiji Fang1, Hongyu Wang1* and Changqing Liu1*

...y and preference for chondrogenesis of resident CSPCs have propelled their exciting therapeutic prospects for cartilage repair. Tibetan mastiff, the ancestor of large breed dogs worldwide, represents a valuable model for human diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first study to capture the emergence of Tibetan mastiff-derived CSPCs. Our study aimed to unveil the biological properties and differentiation multipotency of CSPCs. CSPCs were characterized by the...

Sohail Nadeem1, Muhammad Aziz2*, Ayesha Mohy ud Din1 and Tayyaba Jamil1

...oal, softwares like Avogadro, Gamess, Gabedit, Chimera and free online databases were used. The infrared and raman spectra were computed at the harmonic level with restricted Hartree-Fock in basis sets 3-21G and 6-31G. Molecular docking is calculated using online server with Lanosterol 14α-demethylase to know antifungal properties. The theoretically computed results of heterocyclic organic molecule gives us information regarding the structural arrangemen...

Arshad Mahmood Malik1*, Nigah Hussain1 and Nasim Akhter2

...jab Labor Policy 2018, addresses agriculture labor on the lines of industrial labor to improve its supply. This study is designed to ascertain the factors effecting agricultural labour supply of irrigated area of Khushab District of Punjab. Primary data of three villages was collected having different cropping patterns and irrigation systems of the study area. Multivariate model was developed to ascertain the various socio-economic factors i.e., off-farm work,...

Fatin Khalil*, Harinath Yapati, Zainab Al Blallam, Ronia Jose 

...vely. During the winter, dry ewes’ total protein and hemoglobin levels are significantly greater (P<0.05) than other types of sheep, according to a biochemical investigation. The results showed that the physiological, biochemical, hematology analysis and production performance of Naeemi sheep were affected by the seasons and stage of production and growth.

Keywords | Naeemi sheep, Seasonal effect, Intensive management, Reproductive performance...

Shou-Dong Zhang1,2,3, Dao-Xin Liu1,2, Dan Mou1, Tong-Zuo Zhang2, Jian-Ping Su2 and Jiu-Xiang Xie1*

...hes and inside nearby quadrats of zokor burrow systems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Based on human volunteer taste-testing, or assignment using the Chinese Materia Medica Monographs, we divided the collected plant species into four different taste groups (sweet, bitter, other-taste, and tasteless) and then compared Ei values to determine whether plant taste can affect zokor diet selection. A total of 124 burrow systems were analyzed and 103 plants were used i...

Muhammad Halim Natsir*, Osfar Sjofjan, Yuli Frita Nuningtyas, Danung Nur Adli, Lizar Basnelda, Dimas Frisky Apriyanto, Wahyu Tri Utami 

...ions of fountain clerodendrum and avocado seed flour enhanced with nanotechnology on growth performance, intestinal profile, and microbial population of Lohman chickens. A total 256 Lohmann chicken were used on the experimental diets. The Fountain clerodendrum and avocado seed flour were enhanced with nanotechnology 500 mm. The two-way nested Anova with eight treatments and four replication was employed, with each experiment...

Olufemi Bolarin, Sijuade Adebukola Adebayo and Sola Emmanuel Komolafe*

...ed in this study. One hundred and eighty (180) yam farmers were sampled for the study. Primary data was gathered with the use of interview schedule. Descriptive statistics and regression were used to analyze data collected. The result shows that the mean age of the farmers was 45.3 years and 83.3% were males. The result also shows that weather forecast (Mean=1.42) and change in farming type (crop- livestock Mean=1.36) were not commonly used by farmers meanwhil...

Zulqarnain Haider1*, Muhammad Akhter2, Syed Sultan Ali1, Tahir Latif1, Rana Ahsan Raza Khan1, Awais Riaz1, Tahira Bibi1, Muhammad Ijaz3, Qasim Raza1, Mohsin Ali Raza4, Samina Sarfaraz1, Muhammad Iqbal1 and Muhammad Rafiq1

...ousand grains weight. Dendrograms divided the genotypes into six distinct Clusters. Based on GGE biplots, PK10324-1-1 followed by PK9444-8-1-2 and PK10029-13-2-1 were identified to be most superior and potential candidate Basmati lines with better yield and stability across three years (growing seasons). Whereas, Super Basmati (check), PK 10436-2-1-1, PK10437-14-2-1 exhibited lowest yield stability across test environments. Test-environment analysis indicated ...

Onwusiribe Ndubuisi Chigozirim*, Okpokiri Chibuzo Ikechukwu, Agu-Aguiyi Fortune Nneka and Oteh Ogbonnaya Ukeh

...takeholder approach to addressing climate change, including the private sector and communities, as well as improving extension services’ capacity to educate farmers.


Sidrah Ashfaq1, Muhammad Nadeem1*, Muhammad Yamin1, Talha Afzal1, Muhammad Waqar Akram1, Rabia Anam1 and Ali Mehboob2 problem, a downdraft gasifier with cyclone separator and hybrid biomass filter was fabricated using locally available materials in the workshop of the Dept. of Farm Machinery and Power at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Uniform distribution of 2.54-5.08 cm2 sizes of feedstock was used for gasification. Air was used as a gasifying agent. The reactor capacity was 0.19 m3. The values of performance parameters for wood waste and corncobs were ...

Robina Karim1*, Farhan Ali1, Ali Muhammad1, Nasrullah2, Azra3 and Tahir Mehmood4

...that consist of 1.89 children (32.95%), 3.72 adults (64.69%) and 0.125 (2.17%) aged person (≥60 years). Based on calorie requirement at various stages of age of a person, an adult equivalent has been calculated as 5.271of actual household size 5.75. The results reveal that on average an adult equivalent consumed 243.48 gm flour, 142.86 gm meat, 249.19 gm vegetables, 74.04 gm of rice, 81.99 gm of pulses, 42.24 gm fats, 77.02 ml milk, 54.66 gm of sugar, 29.81...

N. Wachida1*, P. M. Dawuda2,1, I. U. Ate3,1, P. I. Rekwot4, 2 

...nger (P<0.05) in hot dry season (8.088±0.52 mm) than in raining seasons (8.618±0.9 mm) and cold dry season (6.338± 0.68 mm). At 72 hr follicular diameters were longer (P<0.05) in hot dry season (17.006±1.41 mm) than cold dry (12.898±1.22 mm) and raining seasons (12.075±0.82 mm). Time to peak of oestradiol ...

Al-Hassan M. Mostafa1*, Gehan Mohammed Sayed2 

...ver, the time that Coriandrum sativum needs for repairing affected tissue is relatively more than that of Allium sativum.

Keywords | Goat, Haemonchus contortus, Garlic, Coriander and abomasum. 


Hurriya Alzahra1, Susmiati Susmiati2*, Sri Melia3 

...ood is a type of food or drink that can benefit people’s health. Fermented milk is a functional food derived from the fermentation of milk with probiotic lactic acid bacteria, specifically the Lactiplantibacillus pentosus HBUAS53657. This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity, total phenol, and organoleptic characteristics including the taste, aroma, and texture of fermented milk with orange juice added (Citrus nobilis L.). The study was based...

Rijumoni Daimari, Silistina Narzari, Jatin Sarmah* 

...tein 6.85-22.36%, carbohydrate 10.18-24.65% and calorie 124.31-198.16 k/cal/100g. Among the samples the maximum protein, carbohydrate and calorie were found in liver. Most numbers of the essential amino acids was found in spleen with lysine contributing the largest amount. Fat content was maximum in large intestine, similarly the saturated fatty acid content too was found highest in large intestine. Furthermore, the saturat...

H. A. Aidaros1*, S. S. Khalafallah1, M. S. Diab2, Nehal K. Alm Eldin2, Halla E.K. El Bahgy1 

...from the feeders, water, drinkers, droppings, dust, swabs from walls, birds’ cloaca, worker’s hands, and wheels of vehicles. The results showed that there was a negative relationship between the prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae and the hygienic measures enforced in the poultry farms under study. The highest prevalence of Salmonella and E. coli was recorded in duck farms (36.2% and 54.3% respectively) an...

Riaz Hussain1*, Adnan Ihsan2, Azaz Ali Shah2, Najeeb Ullah2, Hamza Iftikhar3 and Ranra Jalal4

...m sativum) @ 2%, tobacco dry leaves (Nicotiana tabacum) @ 2%, red chili (Capsicum spp.) @ 5% and Chinaberry dry fruits (Melia azedarach) @ 10% concentrations were used singly and tobacco dry leaves (N. tabacum) + Chinaberry dry fruits (M. azedarach) @ 1% + 5%, garlicbulb (A. sativum) + Red chili(Capsicum spp.) @1% + 2.5%, tobacco

Mai A Fadel1*, Ahmed M Elmahdy1, Jihan Mostafa Badr2, Mohammed AM Saleh3, Mona A.A. AbdelRahman3 

...broiler chickens. One-hundred and five chickens were equally divided into 7 groups. Group one was used as a non-treated non-infected group (negative control). Group two was used as an infected with Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis (mixed infection), non-treated group (positive control). Group three was infected with the mixed infection and treated with amoxicillin 13.1 mg/kg b.wt. Group four was infected with the mixed infection and treated with enr...

Mian Sabahatullah* and Maqsood Shah

... Indiopius fischeri, Phaedrotoma biharensis, Phaedrotoma angiclypeata and Xynobius maculipennis. New distributional data for already reported species Diachasmimorpha longicaudata are also provided. The study raises the number of species of the subfamily to 9 from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.

Sajjad Khan, Fahad Karim Awan*, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Muhammad Usama Hameed, Allah Bakhsh and Kainat Bibi

...availability of salt and drought tolerant oat cultivars. For the purpose in-vitro study was conducted at NARC fodder laboratory to study the response of two oat cultivars namely NARC and PARC Oat against drought and salinity stress. Salt concentration of 80 mmolLˉ¹ showed non-significant effect on germination % and shoot length of both oat cultivars except salt concentration of 120 mmolLˉ¹, but tolerance in NARC,...

Sonia Sumreen1, Muhammad Sharif2, Tariq Sultan1 and Ijaz Ali1*

...content, P uptake, total dry matter, grains, and straw yield of wheat over control. Whereas application of RP with increasing amount of HA augmentation further increase these soil and crop parameters over RP alone. The increase in soil P2O5 content, P uptake, grains, total dry matter, and straw yield of wheat was in the order RP+HA-10 > RP+HA-5 > RP > Control. This study conclude that RP can be used as P fertilizer ...

Sadaf Ansari1, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Abdullah Sethar3, Ghulam Abbas4, Sabahat Ansari1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1* 

...umoniae) were found multidrug resistant.

Keywords | Microbial load, Raw fish, Cooked meat, Beef, Foodborne pathogens 


Dede Kardaya*, Ayu Ratnasari, Dewi Wahyuni because it contains hydroxy citric acid. This study aimed to examine the effect of Garcinia atroviridis leaf meal (GALM) supplementation in fermented nonconventional diets on the percentage of spent layer duck carcasses. The study used a completely randomized design with three treatments, and 50 replicates. The treatments consisted of 50% rice bran and 50% aking (leftover rice) diets (R1), 0% GALM in the fermented nonconventional diets (R2), and 6% GALM in ...

Bilal Dik1, Saima Naz2*, Muhammad Sohail Sajid3,4 

...rus: F. suturalis, F. quadripustulatus and one species of Kurodaia fulvofasciata. Among birds, Buteo (Buzzards) were the most prevalent (73.63%), with 6 species of lice on B. buteo and 5 on B. rufinus; 3 each on Aegypius monachus, Aquila heliaca, Aq. nisus, and Circus aeruginosus; 2 each on Pernis apivorus, Ci. pygargus and Milvus migrans; and one each on Circaetus gallicus, Hieraaetus pennatus, Aq. chrysaetos and Aq. gentilis. Circus cyaneus, Ci. macrourus, C...

Muhammad Ikram Ullah

...s detected the loss of hydrogen bonding between Thr at 904 with Arg at 916 in mutant MAN2B1. It is concluded that a novel mutation is identified in MAN2B1 associated with a complex neurological disease. The results indicate huge heterogeneity in the Pakistani population due to consanguinity. The combination of next-generation sequencing has facilitated the identification of genes in complex disorders like alpha-mannosidosis.


Habib Ullah Habib1, Malik Muhammad Akram2, Mujahid Ali1*, Tahir Mehmood3, Muhammad Manzoor4, Maqsood Ahmad3, Hasseb Ahsan1, Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal3, Malik Abdul Rehman5, Muhammad Mohsan1 and Ahsan Mohyo ud Din6 

... nutrient requirement in drip-irrigated high dense kinnow orchard. To study such changes present study was performed with kinnow under different water depletion levels and fertilizer levels. The research was conducted on Water Management Research Farm, Renala Khurd, Okara. Kinnow was given two water depletion levels 10% and 15% along with four NPK fertilizer levels 100%, 75%, 50%, 75% of percent recommended dose of fertilizer) of NPK were studied by using solu...

Juweria Abid1, Shakeel Ahmad2, Humaira Wasila3, Tooba Asif4, Muhammad Farooq5* and Attaullah Jan6

...after composite sampling dried in oven and stored at room temperature for further biochemical analysis. Samples were then analyzed for minerals content, total phenolic compounds, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity. Physicochemical characteristics, proximate composition and energy density were also estimated. Statistical analysis showed significant differences (p <0.05). Fat content (6.73±0.06%) and total solid (15.21±0.01%) were found h...

Dhiya Altememy1, Mohammad Darvishi2*, Samira Shokri3, Saber Abbaszadeh4 

...5 MacFarland tube. The hydroalcoholic extracts of Origanum vulgare, Hypericum perforatum, and their active ingredients including carvacrol and hypericin, were prepared, and then TiO2N.Ps. were prepared from them using isopropoxide. The antibiotic methicillin and calcium alginate pad was also loaded as control of nanoparticles embedded in the calcium alginate pad and then the restorative effect on the wound was studied. On days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 21, hematoxylin-...

Ali Ahmad1*, Zubair Aslam1, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Ehsan Ullah1, Ali Raza1 and Muhammad Asif3

...t and human health. To address these issues, we must turn to ecologically friendly alternatives like vermicompost tea and vermicompost, which not only increase crop growth and production while lowering diseases and pests over time, but also protect environment and human health. Vermicomposting is the process of breaking down and stabilizing solid organic waste to produce fine organic rich manure that can be readily stored, processed, and put into agricultural ...

Shakeel Ahmad1*, Humaira Wasila2, Juweria Abid3, Nazir Muhammad4 and Hazrat Usman5 

...ze moisture, ash, carbohydrates, fats and protein contents of milk products. Atomic absorption spectroscopy and flame photometry were used for mineral analysis. Total phenolic compounds were evaluated by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The aluminum chloride colorimetric method was used for evaluating total flavonoids contents. Antioxidant activity was assessed by the DPPH method. The results showed that moisture was high in Buttermilk (92.15±0.13 g/100g), a...

Othman E. Othman1*, Lingjiang Min2, Amira M. Nowier3  

...n the two groups. One-hundred and seventy fertility-related genes with different frequency in methylation levels were selected for functional enrichment analysis and the results declared the strong relation between methylation patterns of DMGs and fertility trait. It is concluded that DNA methylation patterns of Zaraibi goat ovaries may be responsible for difference in ovulation rate trait between high and low fertility groups through their important roles in ...

Chooi Lin Phooi1, Elisa Azura Azman1* and Roslan Ismail2,3

...r, fruit size, fresh and dry matter, chlorophyll content, leaves the area, leaves number, plant nutrient, sugar, total soluble solid, organic acid, and ascorbic acid. No doubt, plant growth performance is closed related to soil properties. Bokashi is proper organic waste management and is easy to be implemented by household size. Bokashi can turn waste into the next food nutrient and ensure food security. 


Asma Hassan*, Zuhair Hasnain, Muhmmad Asadullah, Syed Saqlain Hussain and Muhammad Abbas Anees

...ild) is a pseudo cereal, drought-resistant, and medicinally value able with a superior nutritional profile as compared to common cereals. It’s obligatory to obtain the maximum yield of quinoa under rain-fed conditions with a well-adjusted quantity of nutrients. To evaluate nitrogen (N) levels viz 55 kg ha-1, 65 kg ha-1, 75 kg ha-1, 85 kg ha-1, and 95 kg ha-1 and seed priming techniques water soaking, K2HPO4, K2SO4, and CaSO4 (2%) seeds for half-day used ...

Abhishek Pandit1, Suman Poudel2, Manish Gautam3* and Shambhu Shah4

...cilities are some of the drawbacks of this technique. Successful estrus synchronization necessitates optimum nutrition, a good body condition score, the best semen quality, general health, and an efficient estrus detection technique.


Abdul Latif1, Shahid Sattar1, Fazal Maula2, Imtiaz Khan4*, Asim Iqbal3 and Said Hussain Shah1*

...hta indica, Persicaria hydropiper, Eucalyptus globulus and control (tap water) were assigned in Randomized Complete Block (RCB) Design in three replications. Influence of treatments on mean percent infestation of V. isocrates revealed that lamda-cyhalothrin resulted in lowest mean infestation (3.74±0.36) followed by bifenthrin (3.95±0.32), indoaxarb (4.35±0.28), cypermethrin (4.55±0.28), A. indica (8.00±0.50), P. hy

Midrar Ullah1, Nail Chand2, Abdul Kabir3, Muhammad Rasheed4, Hubdar Ali Kaleri5, Saqib Kakar5, Mubarak Ali4, Deepesh Kumar6, Asad Ali Shah1, Amir Shahb1, Muhammad Amir Khan1, Raza Ali Mangi7, Abdul Wahid Solangi5, Rameez Kaleri5,8*

...luding feed intake, FCR, dressing percentage, weight gain, mortality percentage, weight of goblet and TFT thyroid function test were performed. In this experiment total 9 hundred broiler chicks were purchased from local market and randomly divided into two groups 1 control and 1 irradiated. These groups were further distributed in two more replications with 50 birds per replication using the random treatment design. The find...

Shad Mahfuz1,2†, Hong-Seok Mun1,3†, Muhammad Ammar Dilawar1, Keiven Mark B Ampode1,4, Veasna Chem1, Young-Hwa Kim5, Jong-Pil Moon6, Chul-Ju Yang1,7* 

... humidity, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentration were measured on weekly basis. There were no significant differences on the final body weight, average daily body weight gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR), between the incubators. However, ADG was numerically higher (P > 0.05) and FCR was lower (P > 0.05) in solar heating incubator compared with the control incubator. The consumption of electricity with solar...

Maham Tariq, Aqsa Akhtar and Nauman Khalid*

...groups, particularly children. Fennel seed extract having the highest flavonoids and antioxidant capacity was selected to blend with carrot juice for hard candy formulation. Five different concentrations of fennel extract and carrot juice were added for the formulation of hard candy containing 30% (w/w) sugar, 30% (w/w) corn syrup, 0-40% (w/w) fennel seed extract, and 0 to 40% (w/w) carrot juice. The results showed the highest content of flavonoids in 40% (w/w...

Xin Xing Dong1*, Gai Cui Bai2, Ming Li Li1, Guo Xiang Lan1, Da Wei Yan1, Xiao Yi Wang1, Qiang Chen1 and Shao Xiong Lu1*

... Duroc, Yorkshire and Landrace, and the association of the novel SNPs with growth traits. PCR-SSCP and sequencing were used to detect the GHRL gene polymorphisms in the present study. Three SNPs were detected, one in the exon 1 (g.3734 G>T), which was synonymous, and two SNPs in intron 4 (g.7691 A>C and g.8523 T>C). The sites g.3734 G>T and g.7691 A>C had significantly impact on body weight at 21 days (BW21) and body weight at 70 days (BW70), th...

Ashira Manzoor1, Imran Ahmad Khan1,2*, Muqadas Sadiq3, Muhammad Omer Iqbal4 and Shaukat Hussain Munawar5

...rotective potential of hydroalcoholic leaf extract of Citrullus colocynthis against doxorubicin-induced myocardial ischemia in rats. Animals were divided into 5-groups each group consisting eight rats. Group-1 was given saline for 2 weeks and on 11th day DOX 18mg/kg was given intraperitoneally. Group-2, Group-3, Group-4 rats pre-treated orally with the leaf extract of C. colocynthis 250mg/kg, 500mg/kg, 750mg/kg respectively for 14 successive days and on 11th-d...

Nuraini Nuraini*, Yuliaty Shafan Nur, Ade Djulardi, Robi Amizar, Yesi Chwenta Sari 

...% concentrate + 50% Tofu dregs) was an effective treatment and obtained protein content (71.13%), fat content (17.60%), and production of larvae (105.12 g). Phase 2 showed that the use of 12% Tenebrio molitor larvae (substituted 100% fish meal) could maintain the performance of broilers.

Keywords | Medium fermentation, Natura, Tenebrio molitor larvae, Nutrient content, Broiler performance 


Zheng-Yong Wen1, 2*, Chuan-Jie Qin1,2, Bin Li1,2, Rui Li1,2 and Xiao-Tao Shi3*

...s counterpart in P. fulvidraco. Tissue distribution analysis showed that pvleptin was widely distributed with the highest mRNA expression level in liver. Two-week fasting significantly decreased the transcription level while refeeding elevated the mRNA expression level of pvleptin in liver, suggesting leptin may be involved in regulating food intake and energy metabolism in darkbarbel catfish. These findings may expand our understanding about the evolutionary ...

Xibin Liu1,2,3, Weijun Guan2,* and Dong Zheng1,*, osteoblasts, and chondrocytes, showing that they have an in vitro differentiation ability. These findings provide a theoretical and experimental basis for cell transplantation therapy in tissue engineering.


Sekobane Daniel Kolobe, Tlou Grace Manyelo*, Jones Wilfred Ng’ambi, Munyadziwa Felicia Dorcus Nemauluma, Emmanuel Malematja  

...t 0, 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5g/kg dry matter (DM). Weekly feed intake (FI), live weight (LW), and growth rate (GR) were measured to obtain the feed conversion ratio (FCR). Gut characteristics were measured on days 21st and 42nd of age. Data were analysed using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedures of the Statistical Analysis System. FI, FCR, GR, and LW of both sexes were the same (P>0.05) across all treatments for the first 2 weeks. During the 3rd week, AKLM i...

Qamar Javed Iqbal1*, Zainab Masood2, Asad Abbas3 and Sidra Munir4

...ble bond: Acetic Acid: Hydrogen peroxide (D: A: H) 1.0:0.5:1.5 at stirring speed of 1000 rpm. The kinetics of epoxide formation was studied under different ranges of temperatures i.e. 50oC, 60oC and 70oC.The Activation Energy of reaction was found to be 23.64kj/mol with the help of Arrhenius Equation (ln k = ln ko – Ea/RT). The purpose of this study is to produce highly epoxidized pumpkin oil which can be further utilized as raw material in polymer indus...
Rafiq Ali Khan1, Sajjad Ahmed1, Salim Raza2* and Shehla Gul1
... Formation is a proven hydrocarbon reservoir in the Kohat–Potwar areas of Upper Indus basin. The geomechnical properties of the formation varies laterally and are not uniform due to which the drilling and field development is a serious challenge for petroleum companies. The Lockhart Formation is categorized into three lithological units to assess its geotechnical characteristics. The representative samples of the units...

Ekechukwu Esther1, Ohanu Chinenye1, Ossai Nelson1*, Elijah Okwuonu1, Hinmikaiye Funmilayo1, Ngene Innocent1, Andong Felix1, Ikegbunam Clara2, Echude Daniel1, Ekeh Felicia1 and Odo Gregory1

...s diets up to 25% of the dry matter.


Siriporn Namted, Kanokporn Poungpong, Wiriya Loongyai, Choawit Rakangthong, Chaiyapoom Bunchasak* 

...ocessing (autolysis or hydrolysis) and differing doses/responses. In a feed additive, the components of the cell wall (β-glucan and mannan-oligosaccharides) and some of their cellular metabolites are key beneficial factors in promoting the growth performance, immunological response, gut morphology, gut microbiota, and feed consumption of pigs.

Keywords | Yeast extract, Yeast cell wall, Performance, Immune, Pig  


Jiahua Peng1,2, Shiyao Hua3* and Qian Wu4

...l of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) induced by DHEA, and to explore the possible mechanism. Forty rats were randomly divided into four group, the model groups each of 10 the control group, the DHEA group (low dose, 15 μg/kg/d) and the DHEA group (high dose, 30 μg/kg/d). DHEA subcutaneous injection was used to construct the PCOS model of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) model of rats. The general condition of rats...
Farzana Bashir2, Aysha Saleem1, Khalid Iqbal Khichi2, Rubina Nelofer3* and Rauf Ahmad Khan2
...crobial contaminant from drinking water. The copper nanoparticles (Cu-NP) were prepared by using copper sulphate, sodium hydroxide and ascorbic acid and then embedded on rice husk for the removal of bacterial contaminants from drinking water. The Cu-NP embedded rice husk then characterized by SEM, EMAX and ICP-OES techniques. The antibacterial activity was determined by column studies usin...

Jie Yang1, Wenjun Zhou2, Qi Zhang2, Lei Chu2, Zhenshi Chen1, Xiajun Zhang2, Weidong Wu3*, Shaoru Zhang1* and Lihui Wang1*

...I-TOF MS). Secondly, the drug sensitivity of all clinical isolates was analyzed. Thirdly, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing were used to analyze the genes related to AZM resistance (AZM-R), including 23s rRNA allele mutation, mtrR promoter and coding region mutation, rplD and rplV mutation. Finally, the clinical isolates resistant to AZM were typed by N. gonorrhoeae multiantigen sequence typing (NG-MAST). 388 clinical isolates of N. gonorrhoea...

Syeda Batool Zehra1, Abdullah G. Arijo2, Aly Khan3, Nasira Khatoon1* and Samina Waheed1

...rns, particularly in children. Samples were collected from the laboratory of Jinnah Hospital, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. The data of 60 pinworm-infected children were recorded. These children were of various sexes and ages. Pinworm prevalence in children by gender from 2019 to 2020 demonstrates that females have a higher rate of incidence than males becau...

Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1*, Dalia Y.Z. Amin1, Mona A. Ismail1 and Khalid A. El-Dougdoug2

...1) in fig plants. One hundreds fig trees were collected with virus-like symptoms and symptomless fig trees. The virus was detected by DAS-ELISA. Infected fig leaves were mechanically inoculated on Chenopodium amaranticolor L. and reinoculated on Ch. amaranticolar L. and Nicotiana glutinosa for virus propagation. Fresh wood cuttings (4-6 nodes) were collected from naturally infected fig plants. Healthy fig plants were grafting-inoculated with chip budding of in...

S. M. Ashraful Karim1, Md. Shohel Al Faruk2* 

...examination revealed dehydration and polydipsia and the cat was suspected of CKD. The Blood sample was collected for estimation of biochemical parameters e.g. ALP, ALT, AST, Phosphorus, Glucose, Total protein, BUN, and Serum creatinine. The Urine sample was taken also for determination of Urine pH, Specific gravity, Proteinuria, and Glucose. Ultrasonography was performed to check the condition of the kidney. Increased levels of BUN, Serum creatinine, Proteinur...

Ayesha Saeed1*, Farzana Kishwar2, Ahsan Nazir3, Sharjeel Abid4, Muhammad Abiodullah5, and Danial Ali6 develop antibacterial dry sheet nanofiber mask loaded with leaf extracts of MA and HRS as antibacterial agents in SA/PVA nanofibers through electrospinning method, which was just wet before its application. Leaf extracts were used at three concentration levels (0.5, 1, and 1.5 %). Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images confirmed the formation of optimized nanofibers with diameter range from ±49 to ±545 nm. It was observed that addition of l...

Rani Winardi Wulan Sari1, Novirman Jamarun2*, Suyitman3, Khasrad4, Elihasridas2, James Hellyward5, Gusri Yanti1 

... P3 had digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), cellulose, and hemicellulose of 62.82%;65.69%;66.17%;50.67%; 57.22%; 55.84%; 63.27%. VFA and NH3 is 156.20%;9.84%. The methane gas production in P3 was lowest 20.57 ml/gr DM. This research concludes that P3 (40% hay mangrove leaves + 60% native grass) had the best resulted effect on nutrient and fiber in vitro digestibility, rumen flui...

Ahmed H. Abed1, Ahmed Orabi2*, Wafaa Hassan3, , Enas Hammad4 , Ghada Gaber5 

...ged with E. coli. One hundred and twenty broiler chicks were separated into eight equal groups in an in vitro experiment (15 birds for each group). A negative control group was the first group. There were 3 groupings were given immune modulatory agents (lectins, probiotic, and essential oil) for five days without being challenged; Immune modulatory agents were given to the remaining three groups, who were also infected with E. coli O78, and one group act as an...

Saleh M. Albarrak1*, Fahad S. Aldahmashi1,2, Abdulrhman A. Alrubayan1,2, Abdel Kader A. Zaki1,3 

...l plasma of 29 infertile dromedary male camels, which were of two different breeds (Waddah & Majaheem) and three different ages (> 3 to ≤5, ≥5 to ≤7, and >7 years). ASAs were detected in ≥ 80% of the examined animals with considerable individual variation within each group. The serum and seminal plasma ASAs indexes (%) were significantly elevated in the >7 years group compared to the >3 to ≤5 and ≥5 to ≤7 years groups (P &l...

Florence N. Nworah*, Nene O. Uchendu, Ifeoma F. Chukwuma*, Emmanuel C. Ossai and Emmanuel C. Ezeako

... standard haematopoietic drug, Ginovera (5 mg/kg body weight), 50 and 100 mg­­/kg body weight of raw blood and 100 mg­­/kg body weight of cooked blood respectively. Determination of the constituents of turtle blood revealed the presence of vitamins such as Vitamin A, B6, B9 and B12 and minerals such as Selenium, Iron and Zinc. After the induction of myelosuppression, there was a significant (p<0.05) decrease in haematological parameters and ...

Aslı Çilingir Yeltekin

...ase- 3), DNA damage (8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)), malondialdehyde (MDA), and antioxidants (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px) activity in Van fish kidney and muscle tissue after 24., 48., 72., and 96. h of tebuconazole exposure at a concentration of 2.5 mg/L. The obtained results indicated that caspase-3, 8-OHdG, and MDA levels significantly increased compared to the control (p < 0.05). The kidney and muscle tissues indicated a significant decrease in antioxidant e...

Ishtiaq Ahmad1*, Muhammad Nafees1, Maryam2, Irfan Ashraf3, Ambreen Maqsood4 and Muhammad Saqib5 

... evaluation of different drying methods to improve shelf-life of dry mulberry fruits for their sustainable availability in the market for human consumption. For this purpose, common drying methods viz., sun drying, shade drying and oven drying were applied on freshly harvested black ...

Adefunke Fadilat O. Ayinde1*, Peter Allison Johnston2, Olanrewaju Olusoji Olujimi3, Purnamita  Dasgupta4 and Dare  Akerele5

...ions of farmers. Four hundred smallholder farmers were interviewed in Ogun State (rain-forest zone) and Kwara State (derived savannah) using a multi-stage sampling technique. Farmers perceived climate variability as unpredictable weather situation over the years (65.41%), though some (23.31%) perceived it as the act of God or the wrath of God (11.28%). In terms of adaptation measures, 63.4% of the respondents had access to the weather forecast, some (55.4%) ut...

Sanwal Masood1, Dildar Ahmed2, Silvia Machado1 and Sohaib Aslam1*

...tries, sewage/wastewater drains, and agricultural practices. In the present study, water samples were collected and analyzed for selected physicochemical parameters including toxic metals for determining the impact of land uses on the ground water quality of Lahore, Pakistan. Our results showed that water of three sites namely Shadman, Samnabad and Township had the TDS above 300 mgL-1 and this value was comparatively greater than samples of other areas. Only o...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Naila Chand1 and Muhammad Tahir2

...3=week 37 to 40). One hundred and sixty golden misri (Brown) laying hens of age 28 weeks were brought for the experimental purpose and reared up to 40 weeks of age. All birds were divided into 4 groups with 4 replicate per group containing 10 birds per replicate and offered the corn-soybean meal diet with soybean hull (3,%, 6 %, and 9 %) respectively. Results showed that during all phases, feed intake and weight gain were (P<0.05) higher in the control grou...

Hemat A. Abdel Magied*, Heba H. Habib, Amany H. Waly, Ahmed Fadl, Sayed M. Shalash (P<0.05) increased dressing % by 7.89% and drum stick by 9.27% compared to control. All supplementation had significant improvement in total protein (TP) level in broiler meat. PE and PEP enhance meat oxidative by decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) by 28.15 and 19.87 %, respectively and improve meat quality by decreased low density lipoprotein (LDL) by 7.69 and 4.73 %, respectively. The EXP2 observed chicks fed on low ME ...

Irshad Ahmad1,2*

...proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, pigments, etc., which are essential for not only sustaining fish health but also its unique array of bioactive compounds can improve coloration and quality of fillet. The aim of this review is to provide an update of the current knowledge of microalgae as a supplement or feed additive to substitute FM and FO in aquafeeds. This review will provide a platform to highlight the potential of microalgae-based aqua...

Asma Basharat1, Abdul Wajid2*, Andleeb Batool1, Tayyeba Batool3, Abdul Basit4, Kamran Abbas5, Aziz Ullah1 and Mahmood Shaukat6

...ant proportion of non-syndromic CP cases in Pakistani population and confirming its importance as a frequent cause of non-syndromic CP across various populations. The robustness of the association between TBX22 and CP is worth further examination in the future across different populations.


Anum Syyam1,2, Nazish Saqlain1, Sidra Hareem1, Naghmana Mazhar1, Liaqat Ali3 and Samia Afzal2*

...nsfusion Medicine in Children’s Hospital and the Institute of Child Health, Lahore, Pakistan over a period of four months from Oct, 2019 to Feb, 2020. Blood samples were collected from 350 healthy and voluntary group “O” donors (males = 320 and females = 30, median age 27 years ± 6.4 SD). Estimation of IgM type anti-A and anti-B titers was done using the standard tube technique and the samples positive for hemolysis were further evalua...

Nina Chen1, Shuang Xu2, Juanjuan Lin1* and Moslem Lari Najafi3

... containing vancomycin hydrochloride, levofloxacin hydrate, metronidazole and fluconazole increased gradually. The particle size of fosfomycin sodium in the mixture containing gentamicin sulfate, abacain sulfate, minocycline hydrochloride, ciprofloxacin and/ or ciprofloxacin also changed significantly after preparation. We concluded the particle size changes of some <...

Qingyue Han1, Ying Li1, Jichang Deng1, Kunxuan Huang1, Yanyang Yang1, Quanwei Li1, Zhuowei Zhang1, Na Qiao1, Yanju Ji2, Khalid Mehmood3, Sarfaraz Ali Fazlani4, Hui Zhang1 and Zhaoxin Tang1*

...lign: justify;">The 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] level in serum is currently considered the best indicator of vitamin D supply to the body from cutaneous synthesis and nutritional intake. Few reports are available regarding the effects of vitamin D and its metabolites on heart development in swine. The effect of 25(OH)D3 and Ca2+ supplementation in diets on heart development in neonatal piglets during pregnancy were examined in this study. Total 40 sows of 7 ...

Chattida Panprom1, Nakrob Pattanapon1, Wannisa Meepoo1, Soontaree Petchdee2* 

...sted that the anesthetic drug protocol of alfaxalone 2.5 mg/kg and a maintenance fluid rate of 5 mL/kg/hr in dogs with valve disease is safe and appropriate for preserving cardiovascular functions.


Keywords | Dog, General anesthesia, Mitral valve degeneration, Noncardiac surgery 


Ghani Akbar*, Zafar Islam, Muhammad Umar and Shahi Salam

...acing with 2 crop rows), drip irrigated wide beds (WB-130cm furrow spacing with 5 crop rows) and flood irrigated flat basin (FB) as control. The irrigation was scheduled at above field capacity (30kPa matric potential). The calibrated Aqua Crop FAO model was used for evaluating the root zone and atmospheric water balance and water productivity based on evapotranspiration (WPET). The field results indicated, comparable yield for the NB treatment but increased (...

Hams M.A. Mohamed1*, Katreen K.G.2, M.W. Abd Al-Azeem1, Faysal A. Wasel2, Ahmed M. Abd-Eldayem3 

... profiling revealed multidrug resistance of L. monocytogenes strains against several antimicrobials in addition, they harbored antibiotic resistance genes, including. ampC, aad6, tetM each present in 100% of our isolates and mefA (37.5%). Furthermore, different virulence genes, including the most often found virulence-associated genes hlyA and inlB (100% for each), inlA (50%) were present in our isolates. Interestingly, all of the isolates demonstrated varying...

Iftikhar Alam1*, Sana Shah1, Muhammad Farooq2* and Samiya Rahman3

...riculum to effectively address nutritional problems confronting the humanity at national and international levels. Therefore, the current study analyzed postgraduate NEC in Pakistan against a standard setup in previous research. The present study used the Delphi method to build consensus among selected (n=46) members of nutrition experts on research questions of interest. The experts were motivated to thoroughly review the postgraduate NEC contents against the...

Abdul Kabir1, Muhammad Rasheed2, Hubdar Ali Kaleri5, Depeesh Kumar Bhuptani3, Mithan Kumar4, Raza Ali Mangi6, Abdul Wahid Solangi4, Sheva Dari1, Saqib Kakar4, Panah Munir4, Ekra Akbar4 and Rameez Raja Kaleri4,5*

...ion, pain in chest area, dry cough, fever with difficulty in breathiness. Its genome sequence homology study also showed that the nucleotide sequence of human corona virus (SARS Cov-2 virus) is 87.5 percent to 96.3 percent identical to bat-borne corona viruses. Factory closures, IT parks, restaurants, shopping centers, and multiplexes are relatively easy to close during lockdowns, but agriculture and animal husbandry are mor...

Amber Khalid1*, Farah Ashfaq1, Shahzadi Farah1, Amna Akbar1, Farkhanda Manzoor1, Muhammad Babar Khawar2, Saira Riaz3 and Safina Ashfaq3

...meters in overweight children of 6-12 years (n=300) in Lahore, Pakistan. Anthropometric assessment was carried out. Blood samples were taken and lipid Profile, serum creatinine and Serum albumin analysis was done by using automated chemistry analyzer. Results concluded that the experimental subjects have shown a significant difference (P<0.00) in HDL level as compared to control subjects. Result of t test has shown significant increase (P<0.00) in total ...

Fahrauk Faramayuda*, Soraya Riyanti and Sitty Mahanadhiandinie

...the shoots is picked and dried by simple processing. Brewing white tea leaves have been shown to have antioxidant activity. This study aimed to determine the antioxidant activity of white tea leaves grown in Indonesia using extraction methods other than brewing, i.e., maceration. Study of free radical scavenging activity of 1,1- Diphenyl-2- Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the determination of the total polyphenol content of white ...

Reda Hassan*, Bahaa Abou-shehema, Sherif Zayed, Micheal Gorgy, Shama Morsy, El-Sayed Abu El-Hassan, Mahmoud El-Gbaly, Hanaa Basuony, Ebtehal Hassan 

...sive effect of dietary Hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) (0.5%) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) (0.1%) on the preclusion of aflatoxin-B1 (AFB1) toxicity in broiler chicken during 1 – 42 days of age. Eight hundred broiler chicks were arbitrarily assigned for 8 treatments of 5 replicates (each contained 20 chicks). On the other hand, chickens were offered the basal dietas Negative Control (NC, group 1); t...

Ibrahim El-Ratel1*, Mostafa El-Moghazy2, Amira El-Gaml2, Ibrahim Abu El-Naser2 

...entration, sperm mitochondrial potential, and initial semen fructose. All PEE levels increased serum follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, testosterone, immunoglobulin, and antibody titer, while reduced lysozyme. All PEE levels improved antioxidants capacity, while reduced malondialdehyde in blood serum and in seminal plasma. Advanced motility, membrane integrity, livability and sperm viability were improved, but sperm abnormality, apoptosis and n...

Phan Truong Khanh* and Tran Thi Hong Ngoc

...requency and severity of droughts, perhaps linked to climate change, is impacting adversely on rice production. The overall purpose of the study is planning of irrigation scheduling, it requires information of precise quantity of water needed by crop in a certain set of meteorological condition of the region. Moreover, determination of water requirement for crop is a first stage in the design, operation and planning of irrigation schemes to ensure adequate wat...

Antonius1,3, Anuraga Jayanegara2*, Komang Gede Wiryawan2, Simon Petrus Ginting3, Anjas Asmara Samsudin4, Elizabeth Wina5 

...alter the consumption of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat. The T1 and T2 treatments resulted higher (P<0.05) average daily gain of 52.87% and 48.05% than that of control, respectively. The mutton tenderness level of T1 increased from tough scale in the control treatment to quite tender. In conclusion, gambir leaf extract addition did not negatively affect palatability and nutrient intake, increased average daily gain for ...

Lopamudra Samantaray*, Yashaswi Nayak 

...s (AGPs), which may have driven consumer demand for antibiotic-free animal yield, have necessitated research towards a safer natural alternative, such as the use of phytobiotic essential oils (EOs). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of phytobiotic EOs on laying hen performance, physical characteristics, and egg cholesterol content. A total of 280 birds aged 70 days were enrolled in the study, which included seven experimental diets suppleme...

Pham Tan Nha*, Le Thu Thuy  

...) and 16% (CP16). One hundred and eighty Noi chickens at 6 weeks of age (334±9.5 g/bird), and 10 birds per unit (balanced sex) were in the treatment. All treatments were added 4% (DM) of fermented feed to the basal diet. The trial lasted 9 weeks with Noi chickens from 6 to 14 weeks of age. The results showed when adding yeast feed at 4% (DM) to the diet of Noi chickens, there is an increase the weight and decrease in FCR of Noi chickens. Especially the...

Noor-us-Sabah1*, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Tayyab Boota1, Muhammad Luqman2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Amir Aziz1 and Ameer Hamza1 

...ex (LAI), shoot and root dry weight, seed germination %, leaf P %, and leaf K %) significantly as compared to control. Similarly, soil chemical properties including organic matter (O.M %) contents, available and extractable concentration of P (ppm) and K (ppm) in soil also increased. Although, all the organic sources had shown positive results but press mud application performed best regarding availability of K and poultry manure performed best in terms of P a...

Ifrah Amjad1, Muhammad Nouman Khalid1*, Muhammad Kashif1, Muhammad Noman1, Sajid Ali2, Rizwan Ahmed Shaikh3, Muhammad Babar4, Muhammad Asim Bhutta5 and Amna Bibi5 under submergence and drought stress in field conditions at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad. A pot experiment was also performed to study the influence of complete submergence on elongation and survival percentage of fiveSub1 genotypes along with two high yielding local cultivars. All Sub1 genotypes showed less elongation percentages than Super Basmati and KSK-133 while maximum survival percentage was observed in IR-07-F289 ...

Mushtaq Hussain Soomro1, Jan Muhammad Mari1, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal2* and Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar2

...ed against RPW. Three hundred grams of each food bait along with Ferrolure + was used in the traps as weekly observations were taken on the RPW attracted in traps. Food and water were changed after weekly observations. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design where each treatment was replicated three times. Results confirmed a significant effect of the addition of sugarcane and date palm stems to enhance the mean capture of RPW compared ...

Shama Sadaf1*, Komal Hassan1, Ayesha Saeed1 and Zeeshan Ahmad2 

...inish was applied by pad dry cure method and finish was fixed by using of poly urethane binder. The presence of microorganisms was checked by ASTEM E2149 shake flask method before and after applying antimicrobial finish and after successive 25 washes. The results were analyzed through MANOVA. The fabric properties were checked by using ISO standard test methods. The fabric which was treated with A. indica showed 100% reduction on all samples after 22 hours, bu...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Rizwan2,3*, Tanveer Ahmad4, Muhammad Kashif5, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Ali6, Asghar Abbas7, Safder Imran8, Sidra Saher9, Syeda Fakhra Waheed10 was respiratory syndrome, mastitis, enterotoxaemia, tick and mite infestations and pox disease. There was no proof of rinderpest occurrence since long in area of examination. Participatory disease surveillance presented to be a worth full technique to obtain trustworthy data that may be helpful in making most effective policies for control and eradication of livestock diseases in and Pakistan. 
Novelty Statement | Part...

Muhammad Khalid Bhatti, Khalil Ahmed*, Ghulam Shabir, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Ashfaq Anjum, Muhammad Sarfraz, Amar Iqbal Saqib, Abdul Wakeel, Hafeezullah Rafa, Nadeem Iqbal, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz, Ghulam Qadir, Muhammad Rizwan and Muhammad Faisal Nawaz

...lant height, shoot fresh/dry weight, root fresh/dry weight, panicle length, No. grain/ panicle, No. of tillers/plant, grain yield and 1000 grain weight were recorded at maturity while Na and K contents were determined in leaves. Overall results revealed that SRI-23 and SRI-28 showed better performance than all other genotypes and produced comparatively better plant height, shoot fresh/dry ...

Hafiz Husnain Nawaz1*, Ayesha Ahsan2, Amir Afzal1, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah1, Muhammad Jan1, Kashif Ali1, Muhammad Arsalan1 and Rizwan Latif3

...-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test were used to measure the total phenolic content of oil and leaf extracts. Bioactive components included in plant extracts, such as tocopherol, chlorophyll, carotenoids, phenolics, flavonoids, and other scavenging components, make them more potent. Thus, the 50µg/ml concentration plant extract solution has the lowest radical scavenging percentage, whereas the 1000µg/ml concentration plant extract solution ...
Ahmad Zaman, Azhar Rafique*, Farhat Jabeen and Tayyaba Sultana
...hat, cattle egret, black drongo, red wattled lapwing, red vented bulbul were abundant, 7 species i.e. purple sunbird, bank myna, The white wagtail, baya weaver, laughing dove, Rofous tail lark and Greater coucal were very common, 23 species were common, 27 species were fairly common, 15 species were uncommon, 5 species were rare while black francolin was single infrequent species. A total of 268013 individual birds were observed from seven selected sampling si...

Monis Hussain Shah1*, Rizwan Rafique2,6, Munawar Almas1, Muhammad Usman3, Sadia Yasin4 and Sajida Bibi5, Grapes and Banana. Addressing these challenges of fruit production industry can further improve yield and quality of fruits local fruits. Secondly the nurseries stocks of fruit plants should be certified, the small land holders should be supported by the government incentives for specific fruit production. Research according to the modern steps regarding plant protection measures, introduction of exotic varieties and use of Biotechnological tools for crop ...

Marwa S. Khattab1*, Ahmed H. Osman1, Huda O. AbuBakr2, Rehab A. Azouz3, Asmaa A. Azouz4, Heba S. Farag5 

...only used anti-parasitic drugs is ivermectin in many food-producing animals. This study investigates the harmful effect of ectoparasites, and the side effects of commercial ivermectin drugs on the quality of skin collected from slaughterhouses in Egypt. Methodology: Overall, Ivermectin, pesticide, and veterinary drug residues were detected in 50 random bovine skin samples. Each sample was ...

Eighty Mardiyan Kurniawati1*, Budi Santoso1, Fedik Abdul Rantam2, Widjiati3, Budi Iman Santoso4, Tri Hastono Setyo Hadi1, Gatut Hardianto1, Hari Paraton1  

...etween the use of freeze-dried amnion and primary suturing on day 21. Materials and Methods: This experimental study used New Zealand rabbits which were female and weighed 3-4.5 kg. The first stage of the study created a model of a vesicovaginal fistula. The second stage of the study closed the vesicovaginal fistula which was successfully created in the first stage. The study used a post-test-only control group design. The histological examination included fib...

Jinzhao He1, Pengfei Feng2, Junqi Qin2, Yun Teng1, Xu Luo2*, Zigui Chen1*, Huawei Ma2* and Dayan Zhou1

...en the water temperature dropped to 16-14°C, and continued to drop to about 11°C, it was discolored in a large area reaching above 90%. According to the differential analysis: Tyrosine Kinase STYK1, HSP70, HSP30 and Transcription factor Sp6 expressions were significantly increased in the low temperature group, while MC1R, Transcription factor (MafB, jun-D, AP-1, E2F5, ETV6, Sp9, Sp7, E2F1, Sp4) expressions were notab...

Yar Muhammad Jalbani1,2*, Muhammad Farooque Hassan2, Kiran Nazish2 and Yang Shuming1

...hemometrics tool of data driven soft independent modeling of class analogy. The meat samples from day 0 were selected as target class and checked against other day samples. All the samples were accepted for training data set with 4 PCs while for test data set the constructed model accepted 100% samples and 100% rejection for other day samples. Three PCs were depicted for target class 3 and model accepted all the training samples, while for test set samples, th...

Ergi Bahrioglu1, Mustafa Hac Isa2, Sibel Cengiz2 and Ertan Ercan2*

...unit (2.2 Liters of cylindrical containers), and all the experiments were carried out in the dark at a constant temperature at 18oC. Worms were collected from the substrate by heat treatment and the counting was done manually, using dissection tools. Proximate composition of the produced white worms was measured with regard to given ratios of the protein, carbohydrate and lipid sources provided from the feed materials. The p...

He-Cai Zhang, Tian-Ge Hu, Chang-Ying Shi, Guang-Wen Chen* and De-Zeng Liu

...g Mountains, the mitochondrial Cytb and nuclear ITS-1 sequences of 120 individuals from 20 populations were analyzed. The results showed that 46 haplotypes were detected in total, including 10 shared haplotypes and 36 private ones. The overall haplotype diversity (Hd) and nucleotide diversity (π) were 0.961 and 0.00157, respectively. The phylogenetic relationship and haplotype network analysis indicated that there was no obvious correspondence between the h...

Sayed H. Al Habty1, Dina N.Ali2* 

...tect the percent of multidrug resistant (MDR) Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in some dairy products as well as to assess the effectiveness of lactoferrin (LF) as a bio preservative for yogurt. 150 dairy product samples from yogurt, ice cream and Damietta cheese (50 for each) were collected from Assiut city, Egypt. Antimicrobial susceptibility against antibiotics commonly utilized in hum...

Rahman Ullah1*, Muhammad Junaid2, Nabila Gulzar2, Rahat Ullah Khan3, Baseer Ahmad4, Ambrina Tariq5, Aamir Iqbal6, Mushtaq Ahmed7 and Mirwaise Khan8*

... count, Gram staining, Hydrogen sulphide, Citrate, Urease and Indole Tests). A high level of total plate count (TPC) and E. coli was observed from both raw and pasteurized milk. The results also indicated a high incidence of ETEC i.e. 63.63% and 50% in raw and pasteurized milk, respectively. The most occurring enterotoxins are ST-I and ST-II (40%) followed by LT-II and ST-II, 20% each, followed by ST-I (13.33%) and LT-I, LT-II (6.66%).


Khalid Farooq, Muhammad Tahir and Nazir Ahmad Khan*

...udy was carried out to address this issue, by developing maize silage and ryegrass forage blend based fattening rations. Five diets containing maize silage and ryegrass in the ratios of 30:70; 40:60; 50:50; 60:40 and 70:30 on dry matter (DM) basis in the forage mixture were evaluated in comparison with a control/traditional diet. A total of 18 calves were allocated to the six experimental diets according to a randomized comp...

Maha Mostafa1, Sohail Soliman1, Reham I. Mohamed2 and Wael M. El-Sayed1*

...estrogens, progestins, androgens, chemical compounds, and natural plant extracts. The aim of this approach is to lower the population size of pests by reducing the natality rather than by increasing mortality. Male (20) and female (40) albino mice were orally administered testosterone at 25 mg/kg for 35 days. The males were allowed to mate with females to estimate the fertility index. After the end of treatment, mice were sacrificed, blood was collected for bi...

Muhammad Saif-ur Rehman1, Faiz-ul Hassan1* and Muhammad Sajjad Khan2

...performed to generate dendrogram using unweighted pair group method of arithmetic means (UPGMA). Six hundred and four amplified bands were observed from successful amplifications of 73 primers (average 8.2 bands per prime). Only seven primers amplified no product or unidentifiable (smeared) bands. A total of 68 polymorphic bands were observed, showing 11.25 % polymorphism on average across cattle breeds. Results revealed a l...

Cristina Stanca Moise1*, Cornelia Chimisliu2, Mihaela Arinton3, Tom Brereton4 and George Moise1

...ed on these data we have drawn a map of the distribution of this species in Romania’s nine regions, also considering the collecting period. Considering the gaps in studying the distribution of this protected species in Romania, our paper forms a new baseline for future surveys and studies on Lucanus cervus.


Saba Rehman1, Faisal Salih Hayat1, Sadia Norin2, Abdul Aziz1, Siddiq Ur Rahman1* and Noor ul Haq1*

...ere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has rapidly evolved in the last couple of years. This has created major havoc and concern because it has affected millions of people around the world. The new variants of covid-19 are classified into two types, VOI (variant of interest) and VOC (variant of concern). The major variants of concern (VOCs) have shared mutations in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronav...

Saima Rubab1,3*, Ghazala H Rizwani2, Arjumand Iqbal Durrani3, Iram Liaqat4*, Urooj Zafar5, Mahjabeen6, Farah Batool7, Noor-E- Seher3, Naveera Younas3 and Ayesha Sadiqa8

...s, glycosides and carbohydrates in all plant parts with varied strength. Phytochemical analysis showed comparatively high percentage yield of ethanolic extract of all plant parts, hence was employed for evaluating the antimicrobial potential against 11 Gram positive bacteria, 9 Gram negative bacteria, 2 yeasts, 2 dermatophytes and 7 saprophytes. The petroleum ether seed extract and methanolic leaf extract was evaluated for the comparative anti-inflammatory and...

Ahmed Fathy1, Rania A. Hassan2, Essam S. Soliman3* 

...s), days open (DO/days), dry period (DP/weeks), number of services per conception (SPC rate), and days to first insemination (DFI/days). The raw data on 927 buffaloes (763 crossbred and 164 Baladi buffaloes) were collected from a dairy farm in Al Sharqia governorate- Egypt. The results showed that MY/kg, DIM/days, AFC/months, CI/months, DO/days, DP/weeks, SPC rate, and DFI/days were good discriminators between both buffalo breeds. The discriminant function sho...

Xuan Liang, Rongfang Zhang, Yan Xu, Hui Yang, Li Guo, Feiyang Na and Donghai Liu*

...djuvant treatment of children with recurrent respiratory tract infections (RRTI). A total of 138 children with RRTI admitted to our hospital from May 2017 to May 2019 were selected as the study subjects and randomly divided into 3 groups with 46 cases in each group. The 3 groups were given conventional treatment. On this basis, control group A was given spleen aminopeptide adjuvant treatment, the control group B was given xi...

Doaa H. Assar1, Rasha A. Al Wakeel2, Mahmoud M. El-Maghraby3, Mohammed M. El-Badawy3, Adel A. El-Badawy3, Wael M. Nagy3, Mustafa S. Atta2, Abdel-Khalek E. Abdel Khalek4* 

...wes (n=48, 1/2 Finish Landrace x 1/2 Ossimi) with 2-5 y old at late pregnancy were distributed into four groups, 12 ewes in each. The controls were fed a control diet without supplementation. The other three groups were fed the same diet supplemented with allicin at the level of 0, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 g/kg, respectively. The experimental period lasted 150 days (45 d prepartum, 60 d suckling, and 45 d post-partum. Results showed that allicin (0.8 and 1.2 g/kg) ha...

Ilhama G. Kerimova1*, Viktor A.Krivokhatsky2, Merve N. Aydemir3 and Lala N. Mamedova4 from each other in dendrogram by more than 10%. The NJ tree shows that the genus Myrmecaelurus (Costa, 1855) is supported by 97-100%, and it is connected with another close genus Nohoveus (Navás, 1918) (Azerbaijanian N. zigan) and Chinese population of N. atrifrons (Hölzel, 1970). The sequences of Bubopsis hamata (Klug, 1834) (IGK25) and B. andromache (Aspöck et al., 1979) (IGK26) turned to be identical. ...

Ghulam Akbar1*, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Amer Jamil1 and Faiz Ahmad Joyia2

...weight. The fibrinolytic drug is comparatively cheap as compared to all other fibrinolytic drugs. It is the drug of choice in all low income nations and developing countries. The mortality rate with cardiovascular diseases is 85% in less developed countries and 75% prevalence is in women. The wild and mutant strains of Streptococcus mutans were used for this trace element optimization stud...

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Luqman1*, Bushra Pervaiz2, Rana Shahzad Noor3, Muhammad Ameen4, Sadia Hassan3 and Wassi Abbas1

...centages were applied to draw results and to interpret. The prominent mode of rural advisory services by the public sector was ‘training program’ whereas for the private sector it was ‘advice on phone’. The public and private sectors should consider diversifying their strategies for the provision of rural advisory services that target improvements in farm production and food security.


Umar M. Bello1*, Samuel A. Ojo1, Abdurrahman Ghaji1, Ambrose A. Voh (Jr)2, Muazu N. Bappah3, Casmir O. Igbokwe4  

...ecorded with a standard (dry-bulb) clinical thermometer taken from 07:30 to 08:30 hrs daily and monitored throughout the period of experiment. In vaginal cytological smear examination, five exfoliated cell types were identifiable viz; anucleated superficial cells, superficial nucleated cells, intermediate cells, parabasal cells and leucocytes. Typically, the proestrus witnessed an increase in the proportion of anucleated superficial and superficial nucleated ...

Samiya Rehman*, Eman Mustafa, Ali Ahmad Faiz, Maheen Kanwal, Farkhanda Yasmin and Arooj Fatima

...d physical dependence on drugs which has become a serious issue in the world. Millions of people are using drugs due to different psychological, socio-cultural and family factors. In this regard geographical location and neurobiological circuits also acts supportive factors of addiction. As the rate of drugs usage has increased from era of industrialization, so now it is prevalent everywhe...

Nam Thanh Nguyen1,2,3, Linh Manh Ha4, Anh Thi Nguyen5, Nam Hoang Chu5, Hau Duc Tran5, Hung Phuc Nguyen5 and Thuy Thi Ta6*

...alues were higher in the dry season than in the wet season, but this was only significant in females. The higher intra-seasonal variability in the slope values was evaluated, showing females undergoing gonad depletion of the two sexes during their spawning season. The condition factors of both sexes were higher in the wet season when water temperature and food availability are higher. Female fish seemed to be more sensitive to environmental changes. The high v...

Salma Bessalah1, Samira Jebahi2, Asim Faraz3*, Amel Raoufi2, Cem Tırınk4, Walid Dridi2, Mahmoud Daouad2, Hassib Keskes5, Touhami Khorchani1, Khaled Farah2, Abdul Waheed3 and Mohamed Hammadi1

... from collagen through hydrolysis. It most extensively used in diverse fields, mainly in pharmaceuticals and therapeutic. Herein Gelatin was newly extracted from camel (Camelus dromedarius) skin and irradiated with gamma rays from 60Co source. Gelatin was optimized and characterization and functional properties were determined. The structural changes occurring after γ-irradiation at doses from 5 to 30 kGy were reported...
Shakeel Ahmed Wagan1, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Qudratullah Kalwar2*, Asmatullah kaka1, Mohammad Farooque Hassan2, Hidayatulah Soomro2, Safia Kadhro3, Abdullah Sethar4 and Muhammad Jehangeer5

Hongfeng Guo

...poxia group (n = 20) and drug administration group (n = 20). Establishment of intermittent hypoxia model: the oxygen concentration in the cabin of mice in intermittent hypoxia group was maintained at 40%, then decreased to 10% and maintained for 3 min. After that, it was continuously increased to 40%, and was decreased to hypoxia after 8 min. The operation was repeated 3 times every 3h. The drug administration group was trea...

Mian Shamas Murtaza1,*, Aysha Sameen2, Saima Rafique3, Muhammad Shahbaz1,*, Nabeela Gulzar4, Mian Anjum Murtaza5, Umar Farooq1 and Iram Hafiz6

...ngs to a class of carbohydrates known as fructans with degree of polymerization range from 2-70. Resistant starch is obtained by chemical and enzymatic treatment of starch to increase its properties. These have functional and health-promoting properties as they reduce caloric value, add dietary fiber and endorse prebiotic effects. These are frequently used in industrially processed dairy as a bulking agent for fat replacement, textural modifications and organo...

Barbosa Carla1*, Gregori Fabio2, Thomazelli Luciano1, Oliveira Amanda1, Araújo Jansen1, Ometto Tatiana1, Marcatti Roberta3, Nardi Marcelo3, Paludo Danielle4, Utecht Nathalia1 and Edison Durigon1

N. Hajra

...ile comprising of carbohydrate, glucose, sucrose and total soluble sugars and nitrogen profile comprising of proteins, amino acids protease and proline. Results showed that carbon profile in plant treated with AM fungi have high to low and varied amount of carbohydrates, sucrose, glucose and total soluble sugars in different parts of the plant; amino acids and proline in nitrogen profile found in higher amount in AM treated ...

W. M. El-Nagdi,1†, Z. , E. Ghareeb2 and E. M. Zayed3

... of leaves per plant and dry weight per plant were the most important contributing traits to root yield (R2= 94.76%). Hence, the selection among these traits would be accompanied by high yielding and more effective for the improvement of fodder root yield in the same conditions.


Y. Danso†, J. Adomako, K. Osei and B. Abugri

..., plant height and shoot dry matter weights were not significantly affected. These maize varieties could be incorporated into well planned crop-land rotational and maize breeding systems to minimize M. incognita populations’ build-up and damage to susceptible crops such as okra which follow maize in a crop rotation system.


Hira Anwar1, Muhammad Jabran1,3, Anam Moosa2, Usman Arshad2, Abdul Haseeb1, Abdul Jabbar1, Muhammad Burhan4, Amjad Abbas1, Muhammad Naveed5 and Muhammad Amjad Ali1*

... weight (8.7), and shoot dry weight (19.6) as compared to other treatments. However, the combined treatment of Bacillus sp. MN54 + Enterobacter sp. MN17 + B. phytofirmans PsJN has successfully reduced the number of galls (10.5), number of females (23.2), egg masses (19.5), egg mass index (4.1), and galling index (2.1) against the RKNs. Conclusively, the combined application of all the bacterial strains was more effective in causing the suppression of RKNs and ...

Muhammad Shahid Nadeem*, Jalaluddin Azam Khan and Firoz Anwar

...of amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism. The enzyme has been reported from a wide range of organisms including animals, plants, fungi and microbes. The enzyme has a clinical applications in the diagnosis of many diseases. In the present study we have produced a recombinant of ALT from Pyrococcus abyssi in BL21 (DE3) strain of E. coli. The recombinant enzyme was purified by anion exchange chromatography, it displayed a 45kDa band on SDS-PAGE, with 58.1% final...

Dzulhelmi Muhammad Nasir1,*, Suriyanti Su2, Van Lun Low3, Zulqarnain Mohamed1 and Norma-Rashid Yusoff1

...ify the species. Mitochondria-encoded cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and nuclear-encoded 18S rRNA (18S) genes) were adopted to establish DNA bacodes for 17 species of tetragnathid spiders (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) in Malaysia. Generally, the molecular data of tetragnathid spiders was consistent with their classification based upon morphological characteristics, though species boundary of Opadometa grata and Leucauge decorate could not be resolved by 18S gene.


Sony A.E. Moningkey1*, Ronny A.V. Tuturoong1, Ingriet D.R. Lumenta1 and Nova L.I.M. Ogi2, pollard, bran, sugar drops and minerals. Rabbits were given complete feed with following treatment: R0 = feed without FRCSM, R1 = feed with 10% FRCSM, R2 = feed with 20% FRCSM, R3 = feed with 30% FRCSM, and R4 = feed with 40% FRCSM. The results showed that the highest feed consumption and weight increment were found in the R3 group by 60.5 g/individual/day and 17.8 g/individual/day, respectively. However, the R3 group exhibited the lowest food conversion (...

J. Salma, K. Nasira, M. Saima and F. Shahina†

...orangi Creek, Ibrahim Haidry, Mubarak Village and two of Balochistan
coast viz., Gadani and Sonmiani beach. As a result, four new species Oncholaimus paraoxyuris n. sp.,
Metoncholaimus medispiculatum n. sp., Theristus (P) karachiense n. sp. and Theristus cylindricus n. sp. were
found. O. paraoxyuris, M. medispiculatum and T. karachiense were molecularly identified on the basis of 18S

I. K.A. Ibrahim1, Z.A. Handoo2† and A. B. A. Basyony1

...three governorates Alexandria, El Behera and Sohag of Egypt during 2012-2016 and one
hundred seventy-eight soil and root samples were collected for the detection of cyst nematodes. The results showed
the prevalence of nine cyst nematode species associated with different crop plants: Heterodera avenae on wheat, H.
daverti and H. trifolii on Egyptian clover, H. leuceilyma on Bermuda grass, H...

C. C. Famina1†, A. Usman2 and M. K. M. Nasser1

...d with rhizosphere of Nendra
and Nattupoovan banana varieties.

M. A. Radwan†, M. M. Abu-Elamayem, S. A. A. Farrag and N. S. Ahmed

galls than soil drench application. Foliar application of ASA caused superior effect in the reduction of J2 in soil (100
%) followed by AA (89.44 %), OA (88.25 %) and SA (70.69 %). CA (96.52 %) was tended to be the most effective
chemicals in reducing J2 in soil when applied as soil drench. All treatments enhanced shoot and root length of tomato
as well as shoot weight compared wi...
M. Bajestani1†, E. Moghadam2 and K. Dolatabadi3
...xt-align: justify;">cylindricaudus, Geocenamus tenuidens, Irantylenchus clavidorus, Merlinius brevidens, M. communicus, M.
pistaciei, Neopsilenchus magnidens, Pratylenchus neglectus and Zygotylenchus guevarai. Among these species M.
communicus and M. pistaciei are new records for nematode fauna of Iran.
K. Nasira, S. Shamim and F. Shahina†
...ural source of water for drinking; domestic and industrial use which available primarily from
melting of ice, rivers, streams ponds and ground. In Pakistan Indus River and its tributaries are the major sources of
fresh water. Fresh water is clear from pollutants in upcountry, but as it flows downstream it becomes more pollutant.
In the present study nematodes were selected as bio-indicators for these pollutants at eight loca...

R. Singh1† and R. Z. Sayyed2

...sponge gourd, Luffa cylindrica L., infected with root-knot nematode Meloidogyne
incognita. Histochemistry of the roots revealed an increase in protein, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) and
amylodextrin (hydrolyzed starch) concentration in the infected regions as compared with normal healthy sections.
Protein localization found more pronounced at the sites of infection of M. incognita viz., cort...

A. M. Rahoo1,2,†, T. Mukhtar3, S. R. Gowen2, B. Pembroke2 and M. A. Rahu4
moist and dry conditions. A significantly high number of infective juveniles of S. feltiae emerged in moist
conditions as compared to dry. A positive correlation was found between the weight of the Galleria
larvae at infection and the numbers of IJ recovered in the moist as compared with dry conditions.
M. M. A. Youssef† and W. M. A. El-Nagdi
...ita on subsequent common dry bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Treatments were made by removing whole plant or cutting sugar beet above the surface of
soil in each pot 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 days after nematode inoculation. The population density of root-knot
nematode as indicated by the number of galls and egg-masses on roots of sugar beet increased gradually as
influenced by the time ...

K. A. Tabassum, F. Shahina†, K. Nasira and Y. I. Erum

... of the genus Oscheius Andrassy, 1976 viz., Oscheius citri n. sp., O. cynodonti n. sp., O. cobbi n. sp.,
O. esculentus n. sp., O. punctata n. sp. and O. sacchari n. sp., are described by both morphological and molecular
means from different agro-climatic regions of Sindh, Punjab and Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan. All species
belong to insectivora group on the basis of leptoderan bursa, crochet needle-shaped spicules, no...

I. K. A. Ibrahim1 and Z. A. Handoo2

... soil samples from Alexandria governorate, the sugar beet cyst nematode
(Heterodera schachtii) was very common on sugar beet while the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita and
M. javanica were very common on guava, olive trees and sugar beet. Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus, M. incognita,
Pratylenchus sp., Rotylenchulus reniformis and Xiphinema sp. were observed in spearmint soil samples. The...

A. M. Rahoo1,*, †, T. Mukhtar2, S. I. Abro3, S. R. Gowen1 and B. A. Bughio4

...onitored under moist and dry
conditions at 5 and 10oC. Greater numbers of IJs of S. feltiae recovered from G. mellonella cadavers kept at 10oC
than from those kept at 5oC. Likewise, significantly greater number of infective juveniles emerged in moist
conditions as compared to dry. The relationship between both the temperatures and wet and dry conditions ...

A. Sattar1, †, A. Khan2, N. Khatoon1 and A. Mujahid3

...d et Magath, 1917) and Hedruris bryttosi (Yamaguti, 1935) were recorded from
the gut of the catfish, Arius arius (Hamilton, 1822). These are new host records as these parasites have not been
reported from Arius arius species in the region, off the Karachi coast.

A. M. Korayem1†, M. M. M. Mohamed1 and S. M. El-Ashry2

...ield and 0.40 in case of dry seeds. In second
season (2015-2016), both pods and dry seeds yield were significantly reduced by 10.6% and 15.2%, respectively at
severe infestation (GI=6). Also correlation coefficient between nematode and yield was 0.92 in case of nematodepod
yield and 0.91 in case of nematode-seed yield. Seed contents viz., proteins, carbohydr...

M. M. A. Youssef1†, Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi1, and Mona G. Dawood2

...beet residues, fresh and dry leaves and mashed storage roots of sugar beet @20 and 10g were tested
for controlling root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on cowpea in screen house. On the basis of the average
percentages nematode reduction, mashed storage roots at the highest rate (20g) achieved 85.1% increase followed by
dry leaves at the same rate caused the reduction 81.6%. Average n...

I. Kepenekci1†, S. Toksöz2, T. Atay1 and I. Saruhan2

...mber bark beetle, Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford)
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) under laboratory conditions. The studies were conducted in June, 2017 at
the Ondokuz Mayıs University (Samsun, Turkey). The suspensions of nematodes were applied at one concentration
(1000 IJs ml-1) (200 IJs insect-1 or approximately 15 IJs cm-2) at 25°C temperatures. The data for mortality was
recorded after 2, 4, 6 a...

K. Taimoor1† and F. Shahina2

...tricaria lasiocarpa, Ephedra procera, Centratherum anthelminticum, Zatoria multiflora,
Lallemantia royaleana, Mentha spicata, Withania coagulans, Achillea santolina, Ferula oopoda, Nepeta cateria,
Teucrium stocksianum and Fagonia cretica were screened for their efficacy test against Meloidogyne incognita both
in laboratory and pot experiments at doses of 0.5g/lit water (0.5% w/v), 1.0g/lit water (1% w/v), 1.5g/lit water (1.5...

M. Israr†1, F. Shahina1 and M. Habib2

...e plants viz., fresh and dry weight and water content were decreased by the infection of root-knot nematode as compared to un-infected (control) plants. Similarly root-knot nematode decreased the host nutrients contents viz., total carbohydrates, total soluble sugars, total protein, total phenols and amino acids. Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids also decreased in nematode infected plants as compared to control. T...

F. Shahina† and G. Mehreen

... were presented using dendrogram of the
association groups hierarchical cluster analysis.

A.A. Tanimola† and B. Fawole1

...tional groups; amines, hydroxyl, unsaturated aromatic compounds, ketone, aldehyde
and phenol. The nematicidal potentials of these Aloe species might be due to the type and quantity presence in these
phytochemicals. The presence of the nematicidal principles identified in Aloe species used in the management of M.

N. Hajra, F. Shahina1, †, K. Firoza1 and R. Maria

...s in roots of Luffa cylindrica
(L.) Roem was studied under greenhouse conditions. Six treatments were used; viz., C = Control, T1 = VAM only,
T2 = nematodes only, T3 = VAM and nematodes simultaneously, T4 = VAM fungi one week before nematodes and
T5 = VAM fungi one week after nematodes. Damage produced by nematodes was observed in T2 and T5, vascular
tissue obliterated by root-knot nematodes. However, VAM fungi s...

C. Azhagumurugan† and M.K. Rajan

... shoot length, fresh and dry weight of root and
shoot, leaf area, root gall index and chlorophyll content after 65 days. These growth characteristics found decreased
with increasing inoculum levels of egg-masses and increased with increasing concentrations of leaf extract
treatment and fresh and dry weight of root and root gall index found increased with increasing inoculum levels of

A.M. Korayem, M.M.M. Mohamed† and S.M. EL-Ashry1

...ia was studied on common dry bean plants under natural
infestation in the field at two different seasons of planting. In the first season, bean was grown in Autumn, 2012
while, the second season in early Spring, 2013. For the first season, the relation between nematode initial population
density and bean yield was significantly negative (r = -0.6). A significant reduction in bean yield (P = 0.05) was
obtained whe...
C. Azhagumurugan and M.K. Rajan
...h as,
carbohydrate, protein, amino acid, lipid, proline and phenol content after 65 days of treatment. Carbohydrate and
protein were found decreased with increasing inoculum levels of egg-masses and increased with increasing
concentrations of leaf extract treatment and lipid, amino acid, proline and phenol content found increased with
increasing inoculum levels of egg-masses an...

W.M.A. El-Nagdi and M.M.A. Youssef†

...nces including cucumber, dry common bean, cowpea, maize and sesame plants
replacing sugar beet for controlling root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita resulted that sugar beet-Hybrid
maize and sugar beet-sesame cropping sequences proved most effective against root-knot nematode as they reduced
nematode parameters as indicated by the number of galls, egg-masses and hatched juveniles on roots. Co...

N. Hajra

...bottle gourd (Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem) in control,
mycorrhizal and other biotic and abiotic soil components treated plants. Higher proline concentrations
reflected in leaves of treated plants as compared with mycorrhizal treated plants. The decrease in shoot length,
number of leaves and leaf area were observed in non mycorrhizal and plant treated with other biotic and
abiotic stresses. Higher amount of proline...

A. Zia†, K. Zia*, S.A. Anwar** and M. Iqbal their infestation. Hundred and
sixty-one samples from 23 locations scattered over the vegetable growing areas of four tehsils of Faisalabad district
including Faisalabad, Chak Jhumra, Jaranwala and Samundri. The results showed that 87% of the tomato fields
were infested. The incidence of RKN ranged from 0 to 100% with an average of 36%. The galling index (GI) was
ranged betw...

A.E. Ismail† and A.M. Kheir*

nematode population dropped sharply when the field became fallow. Likewise, the population densities of the
previous stages declined gradually even though in the presence of the non host crop (Meskawii Egyptian clover).

H. Ravindra†, M. Sehgal*, A.S. Pawan, B.S. Archana, S.A. Shruti and H.B. Narasimhamurty

...e growth parameters with drastic reduction in root-knot index.
However, the treatment combinations of acasia compost with different bioagents performed well with highest
growth shoot, root length, root weight, yield and lowest root-knot indices. Among the integrated treatments, P.
lilacinus with acacia compost recorded maximum growth parameters and yield with least root-knot index. In
contrast with other works of...

O. A. Fabiyi

...v>of D. oliveri were air dried and extracted with n-hexane, there after acetone. The concentrated extracts were
subjected to chromatography on a silica gel packed column. The nematicidal activity of the fractions were
evaluated in the laboratory using a 4x4x3 factorial experiment, while the crude extracts were tested on
Meloidogyne incognita infecting Abelmoschus esculentus in the field. Three hundr<...

Z. Gill and K. Firoza†

(3.84%). The dendrogram indicted that there was 4 groups of 8 localities in relation to 32 nematode species.
Morphological and taxonomical studies indicated that all nematode genera and species have been identified and
recorded for the first time from date palm orchards of Khairpur district. Merlinius nothus Allen, (1955) Siddiqi,
1980, is reported as a new record nematode species in Pakistan. It is briefly redescri...

A.A. Mokbel

51.7-77.0% in dry weights of shoot and root systems and number of peanut pods/plant, followed by treatments with
the same concentrations of PpB and PpG isolates, which showed 32.7-48.5% increase. Number of bacterial
nodules/root system was significantly increased with Pp treatments in both seasons. However, numbers of adherent
endospores on J2 cuticle were ranged 3.6-9.4 and 6.2-11.4 endospore/J2 in the 1st and 2n...

F. Shahina† and G. Mehreen

...en) and 12S rDNA mitochondrial gene (twenty nine) to investigate the
genetic diversity. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using two different methods maximum parsimony (MP) and
Bayesian inference (BI) in which most of them form highly to moderately supported clades.

A.A. Anter, A.W. Amin†, A.H. Ashoub* and A.S. El-Nuby*

...ers were applied as soil dren ch to
tomato plants grown in 25 cm-diam. earthen pots. Three days-before nematode inoculation time treatment
maximized the efficacy of tested chemicals in reducing nematode galls, egg-masses and eggs numbers
followed by synchronized addition with inoculation. While, post-inoculation treatment was less effective.
Reiterative doses post-inoculation were improved the efficacy of single ...

W.M.A. El-Nagdi†, M.M.A. Youssef and M.G. Dawood*

...2.5, 1.25 and 0.625% and drenched in each plot. Results showed that
the plant extracts showed nematicidal and nematode-hatching inhibitory activity reduced nematode criteria including
number of galls, egg-masses and hatched juveniles on roots of eggplant and number of juveniles in soil at harvest
stage compared to untreated plants significantly (p ≤ 0.05). Lower concentration of the tested materials caused

Belema Robert1, Favour Welenya1, Deborah Achi1, Cynthia Onyeagwara1, Soala Obie Minimah2, Ebele Anulika Obichi2, Chidinma Charity Amuzie1* microscope slide; a drop or two of Lugol’s iodine was added to it. This was then covered with a cover slip and viewed under the light microscope at x4 and x10 objective lens. Results: Only S. stercoralis was isolated from the samples examined. Water leaves (50%) and pumpkin leaves (11%) were infected. Bitter leaves and scent leaves were uninfected. The parasite was encountered in all locations except Creek Road market and the farm at Rumuolumeni.

Soshe Ahmed1*, Mst. Ishrat Zerin Moni1, Maksuda Begum2, Md. Jafar Eqbal3, Md. Shahidul Islam4, Mst. Samira Tanjim1, Mst. Rokeya Sultana1 

...ent. A total of three hundred forty-five one-day-old Ross-308 broiler chicks were randomly allotted into five treatment groups as T1, T2, T3, T4 & T5 (6 hrs, 12 hrs, 24 hrs, 48 hrs, and 60 hrs of post-hatch feed and water deprivation). Birds were allowed a two-phase feeding system, such as starter and finisher, where appropriate. Performance parameters include feed intake (g/birds), body weight gain, average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, and viability...

Jax Vincent Gamulo, Maye Pearl Bolina, Jessica Serena Brion, Via Crishiela Nicole Dela Rosa, Roxanne Francesca Maglaya, Carl Lexter Tan, Aimee Caye Chang* 

...y available anthelmintic drugs. Eligibility criteria for inclusion and protocol was defined for systematic publication database searching. Final reference database consisted of eight (8) published journal articles with a total of 106 Fasciola flukes, published between years 2001 to 2021. The mortality time between tropical plant extracts and commercially available drugs posed a significant difference (P < 0.05), while ten...

Muhammad Iqbal Anjum*, Shahbaz Javaid, Agha Waqar Yunus, Faisal Ashfaq and Javed Iqbal

...WS. Intake of calves for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF), among all the groups was similar, however, except ADF, digestibility of DM, CP and NDF was significantly (P<0.05) higher in calves fed TMR with 25% MC and lower in those fed 35% WS based TMR. Cost of feed per kg gain was lowest (Rs 128) in calves fed TMR with 35% MC and it was highest (Rs. 167) in both TMRs with 25% WS and 35% WS, resp...

Mohsin Shad1, Muhammad Usman2 and Qurratulann Afza Gardner1*

...align: justify;">Mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) transfers the electrons in bc1 complex from ubiquinone to cytochrome c reductase in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, and similarly in b6f enzyme complex, from plastoquinol (QH2) to plastocyanin (Pc) within the thylakoid membrane. Mitochondrial cyt b in bc1 complexes contains eight transmembrane helices A to H; two of these, B and E al...

Rukhsana Anwar1*, Ammara Abd-Us-Sattar1, Afifa Noor2, Kanwal Ashiq1,3 and Shah Jahan4 

...squo;s effect on hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes and glutathion S-transferase. For this purpose, different cytochrome (CYP450) modulators were selected to determine pharmacokinetic interactions. Cimetidine, rifampicin, dexamethasone, and tamoxifen were selected as CYP450 modulators. In a sub-acute in vivo study, 200 mg/kg BW of both extracts were orally administered once daily for 19 days to different groups of rats. CYP modulators were administered to respe...

Nuzhat Munawar1, Abrar Hussain1, Imran Sajid2, Zahra Noreen1, Muhammad Aslam3*, Zeeshan Rehman1 and Aamir Ali3,4

...he plant were collected, dried, powdered, and extracted by using ethyl acetate, chloroform, and acetone as solvents. Qualitative phytochemical analysis showed the presence of active compounds. The antibacterial potential of various plant extracts was evaluated using well diffusion and disc diffusion assay against various disease-causing microorganisms. In the case of well diffusion assay, the plant exhibited a maximum 16mm inhibition zone against B. subtilis a...

Ronny A.V. Tuturoong1*, Sony A. E. Moningkey1 and Nova L.I.M. Ogi2 analyzed. The highest dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD), NH3 concentration and efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (ESPM) were found in T2 group (64.04%, 65.05%, 60.63%, 189.36 mg.L-1, and 24.10 gr BOTR-1, respectively). While the highest ADF was found in the T3 group (56.37%). The study suggested that T2 group produce the highest nutritional value compared to other...

Salman Hussain1, Basit Zeshan2*, Rabiya Arshad1, Saba Kabir1 and Naveed Ahmed3 vancomycin antibiotic drugs. Cefoxitin (30 µg) disk diffusion test showed 100% sensitivity and specificity for the identification of MRSA phenotypically. A total of 100 MRSA clinical isolates were positive for the mecA and nuc gene. Only 3 MRSA isolates were positive for the mecC gene. Congo red agar method showed that 20 (20%) isolates formed moderate biofilm while 80 (80%) isolates were non-biofilm forming. Multi dr

Kalsoom1, Nasir Shah2, Muhammad Ibrahim3*, Tahira Bibi1, Kazim Ali4 and Zahir Shah2

...s (cm), fresh as well as dry root and shoot weights (g). In contrast, proline, Na+ and K+ (mg g-1 FW) contents increased, while total chlorophyll (mg g-1 FW) content in all the variants reduced in salt stress. Overall, maximum salt tolerance was exhibited by Sante 8 event at (50 mM) in in vitro condition, as compared to other potato varieties. Furthermore, Sante 2 showed slight resistance to salt stress and Sante wild resulted in poor growth which makes it the...

Mutasim Billah1, Sardar Azhar Mehmood1, Abdul Rauf Bhatti2*, Ahmed Zia2, Shabir Ahmed1, Waqas Ahmad2, Kiran Shahjeer3, and Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi4

Saima Mumtaz1,3*, M. Imran Kasana1, Riaz Alam1, Noorullah Khan1, Muhammad Noman1, Sanjeela Sabahat1 and Hussain Shah2

...r intensive method. To address these issues an alternative technique has been employed for quick multiplication of litchi. In the present study we have investigated the influence of various levels of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) on four Litchi cultivars (Gola, Surahi, China and Bedana) for root induction, its development and success rate of survival in hardwood cuttings. Six treatments of IBA (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000ppm) and one with control (without I...

Rahim Bux Vistro1*, Mashooque Ali Talpur1, Irfan Ahmed Sheikh1, Muneer Ahmed Mangrio2, Rajish Kumar Soothar1, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali3,4, Imran Ali Dhamach4, Muhammd Urs Mirjat1 and Abdul Saboor Soomro2

...r 2018-19, for different dry densities under soil compaction treatments C1, C2, and C3, the soil penetration resistance values were 1.10 MPa, 0.81 MPa, and 0.40 MPa, respectively. The reduction in soil EC1:5 was determined in the without-compaction/control (C1) plots under both cropping years. However, substantial change in the soil EC1:5 was observed in compact treatment three tractor wheel passes (C2) and six tractor wheel passes (C3) plots. Generally, a sli...

Laveena Shekhawat, Sheethal S* in the right upper quadrant with radiation towards the back along with abdominal fullness for 5-7 days. Physical examination and imaging investigations were performed on the patient which revealed the diagnosis. Results: The patient underwent laparoscopic deroofing procedure and the cyst was sent to pathology and microbiology sections for laboratory diagnosis. Identification of sickle shaped hooklets on wet mount and ZN staining confirmed the diagnosis. The...
Ulvi Fitri Handayani1, Wizna2, Irfan Suliansyah3, Yose Rizal2, Maria Endo Mahata2*
...ity Lipoprotein). Two hundred laying hens of the Lohman Brown were healthy, had no physical defects, weighed 1600-1800 g, and produced 82% at the age of 32weeks at the beginning of the treatment. They were randomly housed in cages (one bird per cage, ten cages per replicate) and subjected to one of five experimental diets. This experiment used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 different ration treatments, consist of Ration A = 0% PT W, Ration B = 0% ...
Aulia Evi Susanti1*, Rudy Priyanto2, Muladno2, Dewi Apri Astuti3, Lucia Cyrilla2
...verage daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI), pregnancy rate, the ratio of male and female calf births, mortality rates, production costs and income. A business feasibility analysis is calculated by the value of net present value (NPV), benefit/cost (B/C ratio), and internal rate of return (IRR). Vensim software and powersim studio version 10 were used to compile causal loop (CLD) and flow chart diagrams, followed by dynamic system analysis. Based on the s...

Sutawi*, Ahmad Wahyudi, Abdul Malik, Suyatno, Asmah Hidayati, Imbang D. Rahayu, Endang S. Hartatie

...ak has again infected hundreds of thousands of livestock in Indonesia after being declared FMD-free for 32 years since 1990. As of November 18, 2022, FMD is still spreading in 17 provinces in 146 regencies/cities with the the number of infected cows 578.060 heads, recovered 508.494 heads, conditionally cut 13.177 heads, died 10.269 heads, and vaccinated 5.847.113 heads. This article is carried out using literature study and secondary data exploration methods. ...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel4, Abdelwahab M. Abdelwahab1,5
...xplore the linear and quadratic contrasts of increasing the BSFL levels on all the parameters. The results of this study showed a linear improvement (p < 0.05) in the egg production (by 3.38 percent points than control), egg weight (by 1.54 g than control), feed conversion (by 20% than control), and egg quality traits, such as Haugh unit, yolk color, shell strength, and shell thickness, with the increase in the BSFL inclusion levels into the layer diets. Th...

Owolabi Olutunmise Victoria1*, Saka Olusola Stephen2, Olashinde Oluwaseun Ruth1, Alli Smith Yemisi Rufina3

...s are in search for safe drugs that can bring a total recovery from diabetes. Thirty (35) male wistar rats were divided into six (7) groups of five animals each to study the antidiabetic and antioxidative properties of young Cola acuminata leaves aqueous extract. Diabetes was induced using alloxan monohydrate.5 ml of normal saline was given to group I , group 2 received 5 mg/kg/ body weight of the standard

Bashir Ahmad1*, Ali Muhammad Yousafzai2, Waqar Ali1, Ikram Ilahi1, Farman Ullah3, Saeed Ahmad1, Ayaz Ali Khan1, Umair Ahmad2 and Hafsa Maria2 treated with standard drug), group D and group E (extract was given at doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg body weight after paracetamol intoxication) retrospectively. The results were contrasted with those of the common hepatoprotective medication silymarine (50 mg/kg body weight). When contrasted to toxic control rabbits, the highest dose of garlic aqueous extract i.e. 300 mg/kg b.w excellently decreased the high serum rates of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine ...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Mohammad A. Al-Mahaish4, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel5
...xplore the linear and quadratic effects of increasing the MWM levels into the broiler diets. The results of this study showed a linear increase (p < 0.05) in the final body weight, body weight gain, carcass weight, dressing, and meat yellowness (b*) of broilers as the dietary MWM level increased. In addition, linear and quadratic increasing yields of liver, abdominal fats, and intestine...
Magda A. Eldomiaty1,2, Manal E. Elsawaf2, Soad S. Ali3, Heba El-Sayed Mostafa4,5*
...e changes that occur in adrenal cortex in an animal model of depression and the effect of voluntary exercise on these changes. Thirty-two adults male Wistar rats were included based on their forced swimming test behavior. The rats were divided into 4 groups. Group 1 was the control group, group II was the control exercise group, group III was the depression group, and group IV was the depression exercise group. The forced swimming protocol was used to induce d...

Aamir Mushtaq1*, Fatima Habib2, Umar Farooq Gohar3, Abdul Malik4 and Mobasher Ahmad2

...nd chronic toxicity. The dried fruits/seeds of P. anisum were powdered and its methanolic extract (with 19 % yield) was prepared by cold extraction technique. Acute toxicity studies were performed in female albino mice by administration of single oral doses (4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 g/Kg/po) respectively, to individual groups (n=5) and after that the behavioral changes were observed. To find the chronic toxicity, the animals were divided in three groups (n=6) which we...

Tilahun Bekele* and Abebaw H. Georgis were carried out in Andracha woreda of southwestern Ethiopia during the 2017 and 2018 major cropping period of year to identify the top-performing genotypes of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) in response to seed rate. The experiment composed of four varieties (Dirshaye, Darbera, Aden, and local), and four levels of seed rate (10kg, 15kg, 20kg, and 25kg per ha) set out in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times. The findings of the stat...

Nachaat Sakr

...are crucial crops in the dried Mediterranean area, there is insufficient information about their resistance to head blight infection and aggressiveness of Fusarium species. A 3-year (2019 to 2021) experiment was conducted under arid Mediterranean conditions to measure disease reactions, i.e., FHB incidence (DI, Type I resistance), FHB severity (DS, Type II) and FHB-damaged kernels (FDK, Type III), on barley, bread and durum wheat cultivars of varying susceptib...

S.H.M. Faruk Siddiki1*, Md. Golam Morshed2, Md Robiul Karim1, Lutfun Naher1, Md. Sodrul Islam3

...tock that provides food, draft power, transportation, hides, bones, and biogas. However, they are affected by various diseases that can lead to economic losses for the farmers. This study was conducted to determine the clinical prevalence of diseases in cattle attended at the Upazilla (sub-district) Veterinary Hospital, Mirzapur, in the Tangail district during the period between January 2017 and December 2018. A total of 22,418 clinical cases of cattle were di...

Zarema Alimsultanova Magomedova1*, Kheda Khalitovna Dadaeva1, Roza Said-Akhmedovna Zakhkieva1, Khasan Khamitovich Shakhbiev1, Boris Kazievich Laipanov2 Caucasus and test new drugs: tableted Helmicide F, powder Fenbental 50% and Mebentfen powder 50% for the treatment of intestinal nematodes. Studies have shown that nematodes of a zoonotic nature in dogs in the form of mono- and mixed invasions are widespread in the regions of the North Caucasus (KBR, CHR, KCHR) with a total EI of 44-68%. Associative invasion of intestinal nematodes (Toxocara canis and Ancylostoma caninum) was observed mainly in rural settle...

Vetlana Aleksandrovna Shemyakova1, Boris Kazievich Laipanov1, Ismail Anatolyevich Bittirov2, Kerim Khasanovich Bolatchiev1, Kamilla Gadzhimuradovna Alieva4, Anatoly Murashevich Bittirov2,3* 

...f soil samples in animal drinking places, in the soils of grazing lands, gardens, residential sectors, and reverie of coastal areas of were contaminated with invasive material of from nematodes of the species Bunostomum trigonocephalum and Bunostomum phlebotomum, which indicates of a high level of contamination of biotopes of pasture with eggs. The current sanitary condition of the mountainous territories of Kabardino-Balkaria under the conditions of soil cont...

Roni Pazla1, Novirman Jamarun1*, Elihasridas1, Arief1, Gusri Yanti2, Zaitul Ikhlas2

...cluded feed consumption (dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein), nutrient digestibility (dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein), and production performance (body weight gain and feed efficiency). The result showed that the difference in ration composition had a significant effect (P<0.05) on feed consumption, nutrient digestibility, and production performance. This study concluded that the combination of 3...
Seyedmohammad Karimi1, Mohammad Darvishi2*, Mohammad Barati3, Ramin Hamidi Frahani4, Mohammad Hassan Kazemi5
.... The first FDA approved drug in the treatment of this disease was Remdesivir, which, despite its many benefits, has harmful effects on the liver. Melatonin and N-acetylcysteine, two drugs that have previously been shown to protect the liver with their antioxidant properties, may reduce the hepatic toxicity induced by Remdesivir. Given that few studies have been performed on the role of oral melatonin and N-acetylcysteine on...

Muhammad Umair1,2, Muhammad Naeem1, Asad Jamil3 and Muhammad Younas2,4*

...aximum increase in shoot dry weight (160.24%), root dry biomass (169.52%), root length (15.87%), and chlorophyll contents (53.62%) was also found for rice husk biochar @ 0.3% as compared to saline-sodic control. rice husk biochar @ 0.3% was found most effective in improving maize growth and soil properties under saline-sodic conditions.


Muhammad Afzal1,3*, Shafqat Saeed1, Hasan Riaz1, Muhammad Ishtiaq1, M. Habib ur Rahman2

...ifferentiated by mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI-3ʹ) gene. Most numerous cryptic species is Asia II-1recorded all over in Pakistan whereas North Africa-Middle East (NAFME) previously known to be found in the Sindh province but now also reported in the Punjab province. This study revealed that overall diversity of whitefly cryptic species in Pakistan is higher than previous studies. Some whitefly cryptic species cause direct damage to the crops by fe...

Yuli Retnani1*, Heri Ahmad Sukria1, Indah Wijayanti1, Didid Diapari1, Muhammad Dimas Erlangga1, M Fatahillah Ibsyah1, Taryati1, Nisa Nurmilati Barkah1,3, Novia Qomariyah2,3

...< 0.05) effect on the dry matter, crude protein, and crude fat intake and was able to increase final body weights and feed efficiency compared to sheep fed with conventional feed. Processing of agricultural waste into silage and wafers can improve the performance of local sheep so that agricultural waste has great potential to be used as animal feed. 


Faustin Dokui1*, Frédéric M. Houndonougbo1, Service G. Djidda1, Venant P. Houndonougbo1, Edith Gangbedji1, Gwladys Menon Agbo2, Sedjro Ludolphe Dedome2, Séverin Babatoundé1, Soumanou Seibou Toleba1, Christophe A.A.M. Chrysostome1 

... other groups during the dry season and higher than the intake of the treatment group fed with salt-poor stone during the experiment period. Cows in the LS2 treatment group produced much more milk during the dry season than the other treatment groups. Cows in the LS3 treatment group fed with stone low in salt produced much more milk from the fifth week to the end of the trial than the other treatment groups. Animals in the c...

Mutia Rizkia Shaffira, Nurhayati, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri* 

... combined application in drinking water on the productivity and carcass quality in broiler. One hundred unsexed broilers were reared for 28 days. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications, each replication consist of 5 broilers placed randomly in each treatment. The treatment were P0 = giving drinking water without adding red ginger and broto...
Safika1*, Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari1, Juliadi Ramadhan2
...ere categorized as multi drug resistant (MDR), demonstrating variable proportions of antibiotic resistance coding genes. Antibiotic resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae has been detected in the majority of veterinary clinics in Bogor, although at varying degrees in each group. Resistance gene activity against each antibiotic can measure both the phenotype and genotype of Klebsiella pneumoni...

W. Khan, N. U. Nisa, A. Khan and S. M. H. M. Naqvi

...;species 1.69 %. The children were found more infected than adults but adults were found infected with multiple infection. Present study leads to understand that sanitary measures should be effectively adopted and health education should be given as a compulsory subject.


O. A. Fabiyi, G. A. Olatunji and O. Atolani

..."> (Benth) were air dried at ambient temperature (27 ºC) and subjected to successive cold extraction using n-Hexane, Ethyl acetate and Ethanol. Thirty grams from the resulting crude extracts were further subjected to open column chromatography on silica gel (100-120 mesh grades) using glass column. The chromatographic fractions were tested in vitro along with their crudes and carbofuran on 

Tae-Kyung Eom1, Jae-Kang Lee1, Dong-Ho Lee1, Ho-Kyoung Bae1, Hyeongyu Ko1, Kyu-Jung Kim1, Sung-Cheol Jung2, Jong-Hwan Lim2 and Shin-Jae Rhim1*

...patterns of water deer Hydropotes inermis, roe deer Capreolus pygargus, and Amur goral Naemorhedus caudatus in the Seoraksan and Jirisan National Parks, South Korea. We compared activity patterns among pairs of sympatric species in each area, as well as those of water deer and roe deer populations inhabiting the two parks. Overlaps in activity patterns were estimated based on kernel density function and overlap coefficient analyses, and activity pattern distri...

Mohamed S. Abbas1*, Adel E.M. Mahmoud2, Hemat S. Mohamed3, Adam Cieślak4 and Małgorzata Szumacher-Strabel4

...thane in Anacyclus alexandrinex. From among grasses: Aegilops kotschyi had the highest value of acetic, propionic, VFA, APB (acetic, propionic, butyric) and A/P (acetic to propionic ratio) and Aeluropus lagopoides had the highest value of isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric and valeric. In legumes: Lotus polyphyllos had the highest value of acetic, propionic, butyric, walerianowy, total VFA and OPB (oil from among, propionic acid, and butyric acid). However, Vicia...

Shah Murad Khan1, Hamayun Khan1, Younas Muhammad1, Haq Aman Ullah1*, Muhammad Tariq Tunio2, Ali Gohar2 and Fazli Rabbani a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert on day -7 with simultaneous use of prostaglandin 2-alpha (PGF2-α), GnRH-1 at day -5, removal of CIDR at day 0, concurrent with two doses of PGF2-α at 8 hr. interval, GnRH-2 on day 3, followed by TAI after 16 hrs. Results showed higher estrogen (E2) and low...

Esam A Razin1, Hassan Sobhy2, Tarek R. AboElnaga1, Asmaa A. Darwish1*, Rasha S. Mohammed1

...icient anti-trypanosomal drug. CK, CK-MB, LDH, and GR are moderate biomarkers for disease diagnosis and its treatment monitoring. 
Keywords | Anti-trypanosomal activity, Basil extract, Clinicopathological alterations, Histopathological alterations, Diminazene aceturate

Ghada A. Ibrahim1*, Mohamed Sayed Helal1, Nahed Abd Elhafeeze Kamoura2, Mohamed Samir3,4, Amira Mohamed Mazid5, Mohamed F.M. Farag6

...xt-align: justify;">Multidrug resistant Klebsiella spp. (MDR) and the extended-spectrum 𝛽-lactamases (ESBL) producing strains are one of the dominantly pathogenic bacteria that involved in bovine respiratory infections. Its spreading problem is growing rapidly especially it could combine resistance with high-level of virulence traits that make it is more difficult to be treated. This st...

Abdul Azis*, Afriani Afriani

...his research used two hundred of seven days-old unsexed commercial strain Lohmann of broiler chicken. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 5 treatments and 4 replications. As a control, chickens were fed ad libitum (FR-0); chickens were given free access to feed during two periods of 2 hours from age 7-14 days (FR-1) and age 7-21 days (FR-2); chickens were given free ac­cess to feed during two periods of 4 hours from age 7-14 days (FR-3)...

Bilgenur Yasa1* and Ali Uzun2

...iiformes, 9 (7.5%); Charadriiformes, 19 (15.9%); and Passeriformes, 46 (38.6%). The migration status of the species observed in the Kocaçay Delta was also defined as follows: 76 (63.8%) resident, 27 (22.6%) summer migrant, 15 (12.6%) winter migrant, and 1 (0.8%) transit migrant.


Zongliang Li1, Rongxin Ma2,*, Yan Wei1 and Jianghua Zuo3

...ast growth factor in children with cutaneous hemangioma. Eighty children with hemangioma treated in the Provincial Women and Children’s Hospital from May 2018 to April 2019 were enrolled in the study, including 37 males and 43 females. The children were randomized into two groups according to the experiment: the conventional treatment group (taking...

Rana Aamir Shehzad1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Sabir Hussain Shah2, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1, Sher Muhammad2, Muhammad Aftab3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Imran Shehzad1 and Usman Saleem4

... plant (71.42 cm), shoot dry weight (10.74 g), length of spike (13.33 cm), tiller numbers in a plant (7.16), weight of dry root (0.335 g), root length (11.68 cm), weight of 1000 grains (37.88 g) and wheat biomass (48.63 g) were recorded with T11 (T2 + all P from PROM). Thus, P application improved the wheat growth and yield traits significantly (T1) and T11 was found more effective for achieving the optimum output.


Lihang Wang, Qiling Chen, Tingsheng Lu, Shudan Yao, Xingwei Pu and Chunshan Luo*

... reduce apoptotic cells, dramatically minify TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, MDA and Bax contents (P < 0.01) and elevate GSH-Px and Bcl-2 level (P < 0.01). Additionally, the P38AMPK/Smad2 pathway proteins (phosphorylated p -P38MAPK and Samd2) were notably higher in the model versus the control and the sham, while MH and MH+MPS could patently down-regulate p-P38MAPK and Samd2 protein levels. To conclude, MH+MPS is available to refrain the activation of P38AMPK/S...

Songruo Tao1, Cuiyi Liao1, Jinju Peng1, Yuexia Ding1,* and Yi Ma1,2,*

...sed with the increase of drug concentration, and the diversity index of the drug group was significantly lower than that of the blank control group. This indicated that florfenicol had an effect on the dominance, richness and evenness of soil phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria community.


Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Karim Gabol1, Asif Sadam2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Hamidullah4 and Abdul Rahim1

... constructed using local dry grasses (48%) followed by crop leaves (35%), plastic string (10%), and unidentified materials (7%). The average outer diameter of the nest 12.00±1.1 cm, inner diameter 9.13±2.3 cm and inner cup depth was 4.99±2.1 cm. This bird has one brood per season. Overall breeding cycle lasted for 90 days. The shape of the eggs was oblong and white pinkish, with darker red spots. The average incubation and nestling periods...

Dalia Zaafar1*, Heba M.A Khalil2, Soha Hassanin3, Mohamed R. Mousa4, Mona G. Khalil1 

...g for newly repositioned drugs that can either inhibit cancer proliferation or promote cancer cell apoptosis. Methods: This study examined the effectiveness of pioglitazone (Pio) against mice bearing Ehrlich solid carcinoma in terms of its ability to inhibit cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Six groups were created using sixty male mice after the Ehrlich inoculation tumor growth was confirmed: control, Cis (5 ml/kg), Pio low dose (LD) (17.5 mg/kg), Pio high...

Shabana Memon1*, Aamir Ali Abro1, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro2, Aqsa Farid3, Maliha Habib4, Maqbool Ahmed5, Liaquat Ali Bhutto6, Saba Ambreen Memon7 and Muhammad Farooq8*

...rce locations, screening drought-tolerant wheat cultivars is crucial. At the Plant Physiology Division of NIA, Tando Jam, the current experiment was conducted during the Rabi year of 2021. At both the P0.01 and P0.05 probability levels, the growth measurements at the seedling stage revealed extremely significant variations for all characteristics among genotypes, treatments, and interactions. The results demonstrated a stronger osmotic impact when using -0.5 M...

Saleem Hussain1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Tauqir Anwar1, Talha Nazir2*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3, Zohaib Asad2,4, Muhammad Adnan3 and Tajwar Alam5

Ali I. Al-Ameedi1, Zahraa M. Ayad2*, Wed Abbas Mohammed3, Salim K. Hajwal4

...e first group received hydroxyurea (80mg/kg B. W) orally daily for 30 days, while second and third group received Ginkgo Biloba (100 mg/ kg.BW) and omega3 (150 mg/kg.BW) orally daily for two weeks of HU administration as protective and 4th group (C-ve) were considered as control negative group was given distilled water orally. After therapy by removing the bone marrow from the animal’s bone after anesthesia with ketamine+xylazine and slide preparation wi...

Abdirahman Barre*, Karanja D Njuguna, Bebora Lilly Caroline and George Chege Gitao

... and accessibility. A hundred and sixty (160) camels were selected from 238 presented during the visits based on clinical manifestations suggestive of Brucellosis obtained upon ante-mortem examination and clinical history from owners. Sero-prevallance determination that involved the blood collection from the jugular and screening serum for attendance of Brucella antibodies using Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), serum agglutination test, competitive- enzyme linke...


...lic extract of fresh and dried parts of each plant were used for qualitative estimation of thirteen metabolites (alkaloids, carbohydrate, cardiac glycoside, flavonoid, phenol, phlobatannine, free amino acids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, quinine, oxalic acid and steroids). Twenty one plants showed the presence of phytochemicals. The use of piscicidal property of these plants may improve the production of aquaculture by get...
...crobiological quality of drinking water from different sources (tap water, open wells, stream water, spring water and water supply networks such as municipal main storage tank) in rural communities of the Oghi; a total of 175 water samples were collected from the study area with 35 samples from each source. All the samples were analyzed for microbial contamination by pour plate method, membrane filtration technique and MacConkey agar for the isolation of Enter...

Subramaniyam Suresh, Saravanakumar Marimuthu*, Prashanth D’Souza fat (%), blood beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) (mmol/L), and serum cholesterol & triglycerides (mg/dL), and liver marker enzymes (IU/L) viz. aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT). Results revealed that 4% FCM was numerically improved on week 1 (0.11), week 2 (0.46), week 3 (0.56), and week 4 (0.54) as compared to baseline in PTF supplemented group. Milk fat (%) was also significantly (p < 0.001)...

Chun Ik Lim, Hyeon Kwon Kim, Kang Nyeong Heo, Are Sun You, Hyo Jun Choo* 

.... FGP supplementation quadratically (P < 0.05) increased serum total protein (TP) level. Aspartate amino transferase (AST), cholesterol (CHOL), and triglyceride (TG) concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) decreased in the FGP2.0 group than in the CON group. Serum IL-2 level was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the FGP2.0 group than in the CON group, although IL-6 level showed no significant difference. These findings suggest that dietary suppl...

Nguyen Thi Kim Dong1*, Nguyen Van Thu2 , Nguyen Hoang Qui3 

...l tract digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), ether extract (EE), and nitrogen-free extract (NFE), as well as nitrogen retention, decreased linearly with increasing SBP (P <0.05). The apparent total tract digestibility of the majority of individual amino acids was greater than their apparent ileal digestibility (P <0.05). Individual amino acid digestibility decreased linearly (P<0.05) as the dietary level of SBP increased



...are quite similar to the drug-like candidates.



...ted in the occurrence of drug resistant microbes. This has urged the investigators and researchers to use and develop the antimicrobial agents derived from some natural resources. Among various naturally occurring medicinal plants, Cinnamaldehyde, owing to its acid generation, acid tolerance and virulence gene expression has gained a considerable attention. Keeping in view its beneficial aspects, the present study ha...
 ASMAT MEHMOOD, ZAEEMA KHAN AND NAILA MALKANI* is a dire need to address this problem. In addition, we recommend the development of an appropriate nationwide system of cancer registry. 
...ltimately improves the hydrolysis of phytate, improves minerals absorption, upsurges the pace of gastric activities and augment digestion. The present study was designed to judge the effectiveness of Tau supplemented LMS (linseed meal) based diet in enhancing mineral absorption and nutrient digestibility in selected fish fingerlings. Graded levels of the prepared feed containing (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 g/kg) of Tau were fed to C. carpio fingerlings for 6...
...rmal;"> Transdermal drug delivery seems to be overwhelming and alternative to other means of drug delivery via oral or intravenous. To treat the diabetes mellitus and to get rid of the traditional injection treatment which is a painful process and can cause infections and allergy, the drug delivery through the skin cells can substitute only if the skins cells permeability for the
...roperties of different hydroethanolic leaf extracts of Conocarpus lancifolius. Freeze drying assisted ultra-sonication was adopted for extract preparation. The results showed that highest total antioxidant power of 291 ± 0.50 mg ASE/g DE was exhibited by 60% ethanolic extract which was slightly lower than antioxidant power of BHA (309.16 ± 3.90 mg ASE/g DE). The β-carotene bleaching inhibition of 87...

AZKA ASIF, HAREEM MOHSIN*, SADIA N CHAUDHRY, & WARDA FATIMA slide assay (TGS), drop collapse assay, emulsification index E24 and emulsification assay were used to evaluate production of biosurfactants in five biochemically identified strains isolated form oil contaminated sites. All strains used were known producers of biosurfactants but showed variable results for different tests. Four of five strains produced similar results for OST, TGS and emulsification assay. Drop collapse assay produced negative results wh...

SAIMA SHARIF*1, SHAGUFTA NAZ1, RIDA IRAM1, FARKHANDA MANZOOR1, TASNIM FARASAT1 and MUHAMMAD SAQIB2 problem among children in the world especially in those who live in rural communities having low socioeconomic status. This cross sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of anaemia in children of rural communities of Punjab from January 2016 to July 2016. The children were selected from Services hospital, Lahore and District hospital Sharqpur, Dist. Sheikhupura. A ...

Zubair Ali, Muhammad Sohail*, Yasir Ameen, Hamidullah, Ishtiaq Ahmed and Mehwish Malik

...auterine. Pyometra and Hydrometra were first treated with Cyclomate to regress the Corpus luteum. In repeat breeding issues due to nymphomenia, follicular cysts, Luteal cysts, Buserelin 0.0105 mg/lecirelin 50µg and  PGF2α Analogue100µg Intramuscular (IM) were used. Further research on the efficacy of protocols that integrate ultrasonography with timed AI protocols for re-synchronzation of ovulation, differential management strategies for...

Caiping Duan

...e contents of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine kinase (CK), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results showed that compared with the control group, the low-dose propofol group had increased NO, decreased ET-1 and cTnT contents (P<0.05), and high-dose propofol group had further increased NO and further decreased ET- 1 and cTnT contents compared with low-dose propofol group (P<0.05)....

Chenchen Liu1,2, Tong Wang1, Muhammad Khan3*, Xiaolin Cui2 and Yongming Li1,2*

...egulation of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) and glucose transporter-1 (GLUT1). Finally, ALT effectively suppressed growth and induced apoptosis in cisplatin resistant A2780/CR cells. Taken together, our findings suggest that ALT could be developed into a lead for effective treatment of ovarian cancer.


Ovirup Bhushan Paul1, Shodipta Sharma Urmi2, Md. Ashraf Ali Biswas3* 

...ein demand is one of the driving factors of increasing global greenhouse gases. The current study aimed to assess the effects of total mixed ration (TMR) and fermented TMR (FTMR) feed on digestibility, total gas production and pH of ruminants. Novel feeding techniques were implemented that combined fermentation to improve digestibility with locally accessible feed supplies using a completely randomized design. TMR feed was produced with 70% roughage of silage ...
Nazish Huma Khan1*, Muhammad Sufyan Khan1, Tooba Saeed2, Mohammad Ilyas3 and Hazrat Husaain4
...duction is up to 2%, children’s pattern of daily screen use increased from 1.4% to 33.3% and physical activities decreased from 10.1% to 5.8% during the COVID-19 pandemic. Till now, 5 strong waves have affected millions of people in Pakistan. To control this disease, different national and international vaccines have been introduced and about 80% people have been vaccinated in the country till date. How much these vaccines are effective against COVID-19 ...

Zhe Lin1, Yumo Li1, Yuchen Wang1, Yuechen Li1, Ke Pei1, Guangfu Lv2, He Lin1* and Zhun Yu3*

...ortisol produced by the adrenal glands. Oviductus ranae (OR) is an animal based raw material of folk medicine which plays a variety of activities. However, its anti-stress effects mechanism has not been fully revealed. In this work, based on network pharmacology, the potential targets of OR were screened, and an protein-protein interaction (PPI) network between the target of OR and anti-stress target was constructed using STRING database. Kyoto Encyclopedia of...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Ziaul Islam2, Assar Ali Shah3 and Saad Ullah1

...3=week 37 to 40). One hundred and sixty golden misri (Brown) laying hens of age 28 weeks were sourced and reared for 40 weeks. There were 4 groups with 4 replicates per group containing 10 birds each. Corn-soybean meal diet (Basal Diet) was offered to the control group (A), while groups B, C, and D were fed the basal diet with 3, 6, and 9 % soybean hulls (SH) respectively. Results showed higher(P<0.05)crude fiber, ash, cellulose, and hemicellulose content f...

Riko Noviadi, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri, Gusma Gama Maradon*, Agung Adi Candra, Nani Irwani, Gadis Apriani, Made Guntur Candra Adinata, I Made Krisnanda

...four treatments, P1 = Sundried for 2 days + grinding, P2 = Oven dried at 50°C for 7 h + grinding, P3 = Roasting at 100 °C for 15 min + grinding, and P4 = Water scalding at 96 °C for 1 min + grinding. The processing techniques can provide a comparison of price differences in each treatment and can reduce production costs with the application of as much as 11.25% in broiler rations. The oven-<...

Theresia Nur Indah Koni*, Tri Anggarini Yuniwati Foenay, Stormy Vertygo

...rbon from soluble carbohydrates such as palmyra sap and nitrogen from Non-Protein Nitrogen such as urea. This experiment aimed to evaluate the fermentation characteristics and nutrient content of rice bran fermented anaerobically for six days. This experiment used a Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and four replications. The treatments included rice bran without palmyra sap and urea (T0), rice bran with 2% urea (T1), rice bran with 10% palmyra...

Doungnapa Promket1,2,4*, Khanitta Pengmeesri2,4, Jennarong Kammongkun3, Thassawan Somchan2

Hanaa M. Abdelkhalek1, Hanan E. Nagib1, Randa S. Elias1, Saad S. Mansour1, Walid S. Mousa2*

...resistance genes. Two hundred buffaloes were examined and sixty mastitis milk samples were collected from clinical cases from the period from October 2021 until March 2022. The acute mastitis sings were assessed according to cardinal signs of inflammation and milk abnormalities. Out of two hundred buffaloes, sixty (30%) were diagnosed as clinical mastitis according to inflammatory signs and the culture results reveled only 5...

Zulaikha Zainool Abidin1, Fahim Hafiy Idris2, Suriya Kumari Ramiah1, Elmutaz Atta Awad1, Zunita Zakaria3,4, Zulkifli Idrus1,2* 

...actices, namely feed withdrawal, road transportation, and lairage, on the caecal population Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., E. coli, Clostridium spp., and Lactobacillus spp. in broiler chickens. Thirty-five-day-old broiler chickens were subjected to either 0 h or 8 h of feed withdrawal, followed by 2 h or 4 h of road transportation. For each feed withdrawal-transportation subgroup, th...

Fathin Faahimaah Abdul Hamid1, Mohd Farhan Hanif Reduan1*, Jasni Sabri1 , Faez Firdaus Jesse Abdullah2,Mohammed Naji Odhah1, Nur Athirah Binti Abdul Manaf1, Mohd Jefri Norsidin2 , Siti Nor Che Yahya1, Intan Noor Aina Kamaruzaman1, Nur Zul Izzati Mohd Rajdi1 increased lactate dehydrogenase levels post-infection with Mannheimia haemolytica (p<0.05). In conclusion, oxytetracycline and flunixin meglumine treatments does not have a great influence on the parameters evaluated in goats experimentally induced with Mannheimia haemolytica pneumonia. 


Omnia M. Khattab1, Morcos I. Yanni2, Hala K. Abdelmegeed2, Mahmoud Eliwa1, Naglaa M. Hagag1, Sara M. Elnomrosy1

Riswandi1*, Ali Aim1, Muhakka1, Afnur Imsya1, Agus Wijaya2

...te, 4:3:3). The value of dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), pH, N-Ammonia (N-NH3), total volatile fatty acids (TVFA), partial VFA, and methane production, total bacteria, and protozoa were the variables observed. The results showed that the combination of swamp forage could increase (p<0.05) DMD, OMD, TVFA, partial VFA, and total bacteria, while N-NH3, methane production, and protozoa decreased. It was concluded that the com...

Imran Khan1*, Shahid Amin2, Safiullah3, Shah Zeb Khan3, Abidullah3, Amjad Ali3, Saghir Imdad Hassan3 and Israr Ud Din3

... enzootic disease of the dromedary camel caused by Trypanosoma evansi (surra). The present study was conducted in District Tank southern part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of camel Trypanosomiasis and to find the comparative infection rate in different age and sex groups of camels. A total of 300 blood samples were used for diagnosis. After analyses, 5.67% (17/300) samples were found positive for Tr...
Riaz Muhammad1*, Aamer Sharif2 and Muftooh ur Rehman Siddiqi³ among various micro hydro-power plants because of its low head, cost-effectiveness, environmentally friendly and minimal installation and setup time. In the present study, the performance of single-stage gravitational water vortex turbine assembled in a conical basin with curved blade has been analyzed at different head and flow rate to investigate the performance parameters such as vortex formation, vortex height and rotational speed. In addition to that, ...

Khitam J. Yahya*, Mohammed T. S. Al-Zubaidi

...recurrence 10 days after drug withdrawal. The pre-patient periods (p.p) was 8-9 DPI. The maximum intensity was 11,000 oocysts per gram of feces. The first clinical sign was detected on 8 th DPI. Top of shedding occurred on 14 DPI, The patient period was 16 DPI. No clinical signs appeared on experimentally infected birds, (incubation period of 8 days). Histopathology examination of the infected ileum showed the development st...
Lubna Anjum Minhas, Abdul Samad Mumtaz*, Muhammad Kaleem, Rooma Waqar and Jamila Annum 
...s and Cosmarium isthmocondrum are new record from Pakistan. Among identified taxa, Scenedesmus was the dominant genus with 8 species and their contribution was 26.6%. The 2nd most dominant genus was Cosmarium with 6 species and their contribution was 20%. The other genera Chlorococcum, Ankistrodesmus, Coelastrum, and Closterium were (6.6%). Some genera represented only one (3.3%) species that were Chlamydomonas, Eudorina, Tetraspora, Chlorella, Westella, Pedia...

Faradji Khalil1*, Slimani Noureddine2 and Senoussi Abdelhakim3

...ght of climatic changes, drought, and deterioration of pastures, sheep breeders resorted to adopting pastoral agriculture to meet the needs of their livestock as a result of the deterioration of pastures, in addition to determining the patterns of livestock breeding in the Ain Ben Khelile region, Nâama Province (western Algeria). From a natural area characterised by a stepic environment in the region of Ain Ben Khelile wilaya of Nâama West of Alger...

Siti Azizah1*, Salsa I Latifah1, Irfan H Djunaidi1, Anif M Wati1, Achadiah Rachmawati1, Siti Hamidah2 

Ijaz Haider1,2*, Muhammad Riaz2, Sikandar Ali2, Qurban Ali1, Ali Noman3, Dilbar Hussain1, Imran Nadeem1, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Aqsa Abbas1, Asad Aslam1, Hafiz Saad Bin Mustafa2, Ejaz Ul Hassan2, Muhammad Zubair2, Muhammad Saleem1 and Muhammad Kamil Malik1

...lic acid (SA) by Sigma-Aldrich 500 G was used 01 mL/L of water along with the tested insecticides under field conditions. Highest reduction 90.63% was observed in Flonicamid+SA treatment followed by 82.89% in Diafenthiuran +SA, Flonicamid 77.76%, Diafenthiuron 76.28% and lowest 29.36% reduction was observed in SA treatment with respect to control after 72 hrs. of treatment application. After 7 days maximum reduction 83.43% was observed in Flonicamid+SA followe...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Asif1, Amjed Ali1, Ahsan Aziz1, Naeem Akhtar2, Muhammad Shahid Gulrez1 and Waqas Raza3*

... (155 g m-2day-1), total dry matter (10663 kg ha-1), LAD (360 days), LAI (4.6), and NAR (34.4 g m-2 day-1), plant height (195.0 cm), and silique length (6.06 cm) biological yield (15.67 tons ha-1), seed yield (3.85 t ha-1) and oil yield (1188.3 kg ha-1) of canola were recorded with 2 kg ha-1 B + 10 kg ha-1 Zn treatment. The enhancement in seed and oil yield of canola seems to be due to improvement in seeds per silique (29) and 1000-seed weight (4.25 g). A syne...

Ahmad Jupri1*, Yuliana Vofi2, Faturrahman2, Immy Suci Rohyani1, Ernawati1, Bulkaini3, Djoko Kisworo3, Wardatul Jannah4 

...r humans, mainly used as drinking water. There are still many people in Indonesia who use springs as a source of drinking water, one of which is in Joben, Pesanggrahan Village, Montong Gading District, East Lombok Regency. Drinking water from springs can be polluted by contaminants such as bacteria, viruses and others during storage and distribution. This study aims to analyze the quality and microbiological feasibility of <...

E. K. Allam.1; B. A. Othman.1; Hayam S. Abdelkader2; and Noher A. Mahmoud2

...d GFLV in both fresh and dried tissues. A fragment (321 bp) of the coat protein gene of GFLV was amplified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using two primers specific for the coat protein gene or GFLV. Nucleotide sequences of the RT-PCR products confirmed that these sequences were amplified from the GFLV coat protein gene. A specific GFLV Dig labeled DNA probe was prepared by PCR and detected the GFLV virus in fresh leaves up to 10-5...

Hendy Musbawandi1, Mohammad H. Tamzil2*, Budi Indarsih2 

...s. The study used one hundred and eighty Lohmann unsex broilers reared for 4 weeks feeding with commercial feed produced by PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. The study was designed using a completely randomized design using 180 chickens. All chickens were divided into three groups with six replicates each which were the first group was reared in a closed house, the second and third groups were reared in positive pressure and open houses. Each replicate, in each...

A. S. Gamal El din1; Sohair I. El-Afifi2; A. S. Sadik2; Nashwa M. A. Abd El Mohsen1; and H. M. Abdelmaksoud1

...chloroplasts and mitochondria. The CP genes of PAMV were detected using RT-PCR with specific primers. 


S.A. El-Kewey1; R.A. Omar1; S.A. Sidaros2 and Samaa Abd El-Khalik3, leaf area. fresh and dry weight of bulb decreased significantly with the increasing of severity symptoms on garlic plants of both cultivars. The electron microscope preparations of crude sap extracted from naturally infected garlic plants and negatively stained with 2% PTA showed flexuous rod-shaped particles 657-714 nm long. Biological relationships between the virus and insect vectors were studied.


Waheed Khan1, Muhammad Ajmal Khan2, Bakhtawar Khan1*, Aftab Amin3, Muhsin Ali4, Awais Farid, Ali Hazrat5 and Muhammad Yahya5

...isting diabetes mellitus drugs have many adverse reactions. Therefore, it is needed to investigate novel methods to improve DM treatment. Thus plant-based management could be a possible antidiabetic strategy. The objective of the most recent study was to assess Verbascum thapsus’s ability to combat hyperlipidemia and diabetes. Mice were given an intraperitoneal injection of alloxan (150 mg kg-1, b.w.) to cause diabetes. There were five groups of mice (n=...

Asim Faraz1*, Nasir Ali Tauqir2, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Muhammad Arslan Akbar3, Muhammad Abubakar Sufyan1, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Usman Saleem4, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel5, Morteza Bitaraf Sani6, Amal AlKharusi7, Samira Jebahi8 and Ayman Balla Mustafa9

...nd production of Marecha dromedary camel at Camel Breeding and Research Station (CBRS), Rakh Mahni, district Bhakkar of Punjab province, Pakistan. Two comparable groups of she-camels were formed and each group had ten she-camels; one group was selected from early lactation stage (1-3 months) with no pregnancy (G1) and the second group (G2) with end lactation stage (11-14 months) with pregnancy (2-4). Milk yield was recorded in liters. By using Milky Lab Analyz...

Asim Faraz1, Amal AlKharusi2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel4, Syeda Maryam Hussain5, Abdul Waheed1*, Muhammad Arslan Akbar6

...arameters in sheep husbandry. 
Novelty Statement |Sheep play an important role in the subsistence livestock economy and socio-economics of rural poor in the country. By improving its productive and reproductive parameters, the sheep rearing enterprise will flourish and it will pave the way for poverty alleviation in Pakistan. 

Muhammad Ismail1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,2, Zarina Qasim3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*

...application of protein hydrolyzate based female fly trapping baits, for the management of fruit fly infestation in citrus orchards. Combination of these IPM strategies significantly reduced fruit infestation and enhanced fruit yield.

Tanvir Ahmed1, Sachchidananda Das Chowdhury1, Bibek Chandra Roy1Shubash Chandra Das1*, Khan Md. Shaiful Islam2, Bipul Chandra Ray1, Sukumar Saha3 

...reated groups had higher dressing yields (p = 0.01). Breast meat yield was increased in the PB-fed group (p = 0.01), with a reduction of abdominal fat (p = 0.01). The duodenal total viable count (TVC) was higher (p = 0.05) in AGP-treated birds. Total E. coli count (TEC) in the duodenum, ileum, and caecum decreased (p = 0.01) in the PB-fed birds. Antibody titer increased significantly (p < 0.05) with PB supplementation in both collections against ND and IBD....

Bismillah Khan1*, Muhammad Mehran Anjum1,2*, Maaz Ullah1, Izharullah1, Aftab Ahmad3 and Jawad Akbar1

...ctively. Moreover, weeds dry weight was recorded higher (61.3 g m-2), (88.6 g m-2) and (111.6 g m-2) 30, 60 and 90 DAS in local cultivar PS-15, respectively. Regarding sowing dates, sowing on 1st November resulted in maximum weeds density (67.6 plants m-2), (49.9 plants m-2) and (31.2 plants m-2), weeds fresh weight (209.0 g m-2), (241.0 g m-2) and (288.0 g m-2) and weeds dry weight (51.0 g m-2), (81.4 g m-2) and (101.4 g m-...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1,2*, Neelam Yaqoob3*, Abdullah2, Amina Iftikhar4, Muhammad Irfan5, Hafiza Zara Saeed6, Syed Saqlain Hussain7 and Sidra Shakil8

... fresh biomass (0.95 g), dry biomass (0.32 g), minimum time to start emergence (2.56 days), mean emergence time (4.51 days), time to complete 50% emergence (3.62 days), was observed under control while minimum emergence percentage (22.50 %), shoot length (0.95 cm), root length (1.11 cm), fresh biomass (0.18 cm), dry biomass (0.06 cm), maximum time to start emergence (6.08 days), mean emergence time (21.55 days), time complet...

Behari Lal Meghwar1*, Attaullah Khan1, Imran Ali Lakhiar1, Asif Ali Mirani2, Muhammad Siddique Daper1 and Muhammad Waseem Kalroo

...e chili is being usually dry under the open sun (T3) or traditional method; this practice has many drawbacks and leads to poor quality. A study was planned to find an alternative chili drying method for the study area. To achieve the desired goal, we considered two different drying methods, solar tunnel (T1) and solar cum gas (T2), and compared the rate ...

Yun Zhang*

...luded CD63 and CD81 were dramatically upregulated in PE group. The protein level of ET-1 and Ang-II were significantly increased in PE group, and the upregulated ET-1 and Ang-II expression were highly correlated with PE progression. The present study demonstrated that the exosome protein ET-1 upregulated the expression of Ang-II and contributed to the progression of PE.


Fang Chen

...omosome 10 (PTEN) on the drug resistance of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) to apatinib. Human SCLC cell line H69 was purchased from the American Type Culture Collection. Through stepwise screening, an apatinib-resistant SCLC cell line (H69/Apatinib) was established. All cell lines were stored in RPMI-1640 medium, which was supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 µg/ml streptomycin and 100 U/ml penicillin and kept in humid air containing 5% CO2 at 37...

Yisi Chen*, Jun Zhang and Fayin Li, n = 15). The paw withdrawal threshold was used to evaluate the mechanical pain before and after the incision. L3-L5 was taken 1h after incision. The phosphorylation level of GluN2b, p38MAPK, ERK, JNK and EPAC was measured by Western blot and immunofluorescence. We found that the mechanical pain induced by plantar incision peaked at 1h after surgery and lasted for 3 days. Compared with the isoflurane group, the mechanical pain in propofol group was signific...

Saad Zaghlou El-Damrawy1, Reda Ali Hassan2*, Ahmed Maher Bakhaty1, Adel M. Nasr2, El-Sayed A. Abu El-Hassan2  

...; growth characteristics dramatically decreased. While total antioxidant capacity (TAC) dropped as a result of AFB1, serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), uric acid, creatinine, and malnodialdhyde (MDA) dramatically rose. After 35 days of feeding, AFB1-treated chicks showed a significant decrease in their total erythrocyte count (TEC), total leuk...

Muhammad Arshad Iqbal*, Aamir Ghafoor, Irfan Ahmad, Muhammad Ijaz 

...fe poultry rearing and addressing public health concerns associated with AGP.


Wuritunashun*, Burenbatu, Narenqiqige, Jiuguniang, Eerdunduleng, Shuanglian Wang, Cuiqin Gong, Hashengaowa, Huizhi Jin, Baiwurihan and Chunhaizi

...redominantly seen in children (8–20/100000 each year) worldwide. It is characterized by inflammation and bleeding of tiny blood vessels in the skin, joints, intestines, and kidneys. The most distinctive characteristic of this type of vasculitis is a purple rash that often affects the thighs and buttocks. The Zhenbao pill, containing several medicinally important compounds, has been found to be effective against a variety of neurological and immunological...

Shaimaa A.Tawfik2,3, EL S.T. Awad1*, Hoda O.Abu Bakr1, Amira M.Gamal-Eldeen4, Esmat Ashour2, Ismail M.Ahmed1  

...both proteins. c-MYC was dramatically decreased in DOX group, while CSO/DOX group restored cellular c-MYC. CSO/DOX group resulted in a remarkable inhibition in the tumor suppressor miRNA (let-7a) compared to DOX-induced expression. Moreover, miR-122, as negative regulator of DOX resistance, showed a dramatic induction in CSO/DOX group compared to DOX group. Conclusion, CSO is capable of effectively inhibit DOX resistance, i...

Adel B. Salama and Reham M. Sabry*

...n flower heads fresh and dry weights, monthly and cumulative number of flower heads/plant, seed yield, fixed oil percentage and fatty acid analysis of pot marigold (Calendula officinalis). A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used to arrange the treatments in three replicates, (H): petal harvesting and (C): without petal harvesting (control). Petal harvested plants produced a significantly much more harvestable total flower yield of 297-350 per plant ...
Balquees Kanwal1*, Syeda Saba Shah1, Syed Waqas Hassan2 and Farzana Shaheen3
...ea, haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), hemorrhagic colitis (HC) and other lethal complications. Consumption of STEC contaminated food has been associated with food related illnesses outbreak. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of O157:H7 strain of STEC by detection of Stx-1 and Stx-2 genes in 160 chicken meat samples, which are randomly collected from different regions of Northern Punjab, Pakistan. Isolation of pathogen from meat samples were performed ...

Kétomon Pierre Challaton1*, Coovi Guénolé Akouedegni1, Kadoéito Cyrille Boko2, Goué Géorcelin Alowanou1,3, Pascal Venant Houndonougbo4, Aboudou Habirou Kifouly1, Mawulé Sylvie Hounzangbé-Adoté1  

...7 goats in the rainy and dry seasons, respectively, in southern, central and northern Benin. The parasite inventory was performed using the Mini-FLOTAC technique for the quantitative study and the Baermann method for the qualitative research. The results showed an overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of 96.82 %. Furthermore, goats were mainly infected with coccidia (92.24 %); strongyles (83.91 %), of which the critical genera were Haemonchus sp., T...

Yue-Xia Ding1, Qun Wu2, Zhao Namula1 and Yi Ma1,*

...ns obtained by different drug resistance transfer methods was lower than that of their parents.


Xiaowei Huang1, Chao Ma1, He Lin1, Yuchen Wang1, Yan Xu1, Guangfu Lv2* and Zhe Lin1*

...eleasing hormone (CRH), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT) in serum were detected. Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining was used to observe the hippocampal histomorphological changes. The protein levels of glucocorticoid receptor (GR), mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), trosine kinase B (TrkB) and cyclic adenosine monophosphatec response element binding protein (CREB) in hippocampus were de...

Anwar ul Haq1, Maqsooda Parveen2, Shehzadi Saima3* and Khalid Masood Ahmad1*

...length, number of roots, dry and fresh weights of roots, number of sprouted buds, number of leaves, leaves fresh weight and dry leaves weight as compared to other treatments and control. This data suggested that NAA can be successfully used to increase root and shoot parameters in chrysanthemum propagated by means of tip cuttings.


Jihan Abd Wahab, Nur Bahiah Mohamed Haris* and Jasmin Arif Shah

...Malaysia. This study was driven by the Iceberg Model and distributed using a random sampling technique. A total of 362 extension agents from Peninsular Malaysia were participated in this research. Based on the result, all independent variables (PIME skills) indicated a positive correlation towards work performance. The monitoring and evaluating are the skills that significant towards work performance, and the evaluating skill became the highest independent var...

Seyi Olalekan Olawuyi1*, Adedotun Oluwagbenga Anjorin2, Oluwagbenga Titus Alao3, Tosin Dolapo Olawuyi3, Rachael Ajibola Ayinla3 and Rasheed Ayodele Ayinla3

...ood insecurity, which is driven by climate extreme events, soil degradation, economic instability, lack of sound agricultural policy, unstable political situation, herders-farmers crisis, and other pressing challenges. Most notably, bio-security threats, and other unobserved events ravaging the agri-food system, and causing significant loss of farm output, disruption of food supply chain, as well as loss of returns and other economic damages. This research int...

Faiza Siddique1, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Rana Arsalan Javaid1, Alvina Hanif1, Maria Rabnawaz1, Muhammad Arshad2, Irum Raza3 and Abid Majeed1*

...s impact on crop growth, drought poses a significant reducing stress towards crop yield and its stability over the time and locality. In terms of sensitivity to this environmental stress, rice, which is a drought-sensitive crop, exhibits notable varietal variability. for the estimation of elite coarse rice lines to withstand against the drought stress especially during early plant developm...

Nitya Salsabila, Djalal Rosyidi, Agus Susilo* 

... water, fat, ash, carbohydrates by difference, and organoleptic quality (color, texture, aroma, and taste). The research material used was jerky made from duck meat with the addition of coconut shell liquid smoke and spices such as salt, coconut sugar, garlic, galangal, coriander and tamarind. The method used was a laboratory experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions, namely P0: without the addition of l...

Natalia Shchur1,2*, Olha Chechet1, Tetiana Mazur2, Oleksandr Martyniuk2, Olga Gorbatiuk1, Halyna Buchkovska1, Iryna Musiets1, Diana Ordynska1, Olena Finkova3, Larisa Moskalenko3, Tetiana Ponomaryova-Gerasimyuk3, Maksym Lusta3, Vitalii Nedosekov2 

.... The presence multidrug resistant (MDR) Campylobacter isolates obtained from broilers indicates dangerous uncontrolled use of antibiotics in poultry farming. The article highlights the potential health hazard to consumers posed by the presence of Campylobacter jejuni in industrial poultry and poultry products, as well as its resistance to various antibiotics. The study also reports a...

Roy Malindo1, Anuraga Jayanegara2, Osfar Sjofjan3, Siti Chuzaemi3*

...dy aimed to evaluate the dry matter supply from both forage and concentrate and the average daily gain of Bali cattle at the breeding center in Pulukan, Jembrana Regency, Bali Province. This study used an analytical survey approach. Data collection consisted of interviews and observations based on a questionnaire. The observed forage land area was 96.5 ha, including cropland of 26.5 ha and pasture of 70 ha. A total of 760 Bali cattle were observed to determine...

Sahar Ezeldien1,2, Foromo Dramou2, Fatma M. Yousseff3*, Alexander A. Nikishov2, Sergy B Seleznev2

...s extract (3ml/L) in the drinking water from 2 weeks to 13 week at the end of expermint. The total phenols, flavonoids, , and antioxidant potential of chamomile extract were all assayed. The results showed that the chamomile aqueous extract is rich in phenolic(108.92 μg/ml) and flavonoid (66.41 μmol/ml ) compounds. Additionally, chamomile extract is a potent antioxidant(1.77 ng/ml). Laying quails supplemented with chamomile aqueous extract showed increas...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Kim Ngan Vo1, Chi Hieu Do1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Nguyen Khang Duong3, Quang Minh Luu4

...rossbred ducks. Three hundred and thirty-one crossbred ducks were used in this study, with blood samples collected from the wing vein for DNA extraction to amplify the fragment length with 536 bp by PCR, and then the PCR products were cleaved with the PstI enzyme. The fragment length with 536 bp was successfully amplified in all individual samples, while genetic polymorphism at the PRL/PstI site was identified as C and T alleles, with allele frequencies 0.811 ...

Munasik*, Titin Widiyastuti, Caribu Hadi Prayitno by-products) and tofu dregs as substitutes for corn through fermentation technology using Neurospora sp. This produces alternative feed ingredients with nutrient levels that are in balance with corn. To improve the quality of the cassava-tofu dreg mixture, this study used red oncom mushrooms enriched with Na-glutamate during the fermentation process. The research used a completely randomized factorial design, where two fa...

Somia Eissa Sharawi

...nd the global economy by driving the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. COVID-19 in humans is characterized by a wide range of symptoms, from asymptomatic to mild or severe illnesses, including death. The existing literature shows the roles of insect vectors in aiding the transmission of viral pathogens and the possible roles of some insects in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transm...

Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Mudssar Ali1*, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed1

...ustify;">Trifolium alexandrinum L. is a multi-cut, winter annual fodder crop in the South Punjab region of Pakistan. Being cross pollinated crop, better seed production of T. alexandrinum depends upon insect pollinators. Current study was planned to find effective native insect pollinators which play a crucial role in enhancing seed production of T. alexandrinum. The goals were achieved by...

Mahpara Fida Ahmed1, Abdul Hanan2* and Sher Ahmed2

...saffron stigma fresh and dry weight produced by large corms was recorded as 0.0354 and 0.0075g, respectively. Further results indicated no significant differences among the parameters recorded for the row to row and plant to plant spacing experiment except for total flower production where the highest production (162.3) was recorded in 15 cm spacing. The results also indicated that corms with a weight of 8-11 g are suitable for sowing while below 8 g are not s...

Ahamed Mohamed Korayem, Moawad Mohamed Mohamed* and Mohamed and Mostafa Mohamed Attia Hamman

...g middle Egypt and Alexandria, El-Beheira, Kafr-Elsheikh and Dakahlia representing northern Egypt, was conducted during the growing season 2020. A total of 100 root samples were collected and processed for identification of root-knot nematode species. Data revealed the presence of three root-knot nematode species, they were Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and M. arenaria. The former species was the most frequent (58.8%) followed by M. javanica (31.9%) and M...

Nawfal Hammadi Jasim1, Yasmeen Jassim Mohammed2 , Jala Amir Salman Alahmed1, Majdy Faisal Majeed3* 



Indira Jurinskaya1*, Tynyshtyk Kenzhebaeva2, Kairat Iskakov3, Bekzat Niyazbekov1 

... of the cyclophosphamide drug at a dose of 7 ml/kg of body weight. The results showed one-year-old goats of the Kazakh coarse-haired and Gorno-Altai downy breeds subjected to an intramuscular injection did not show a molt of down, but the output during their brushing was, respectively, 14.3 and 7.8% higher than that of the peers in control groups due to better separation of down. The down output in experimental animals partially increased and its technological...

Pawinee Kingkan1, Thanathip Supcharoenkul1, Chaowit Rakangthong1, Chaiyapoom Bunchasak1, Komwit Surachat2,3, Wiriya Loongyai1* 

... (Large White × Landrace × Duroc) were randomly allocated to two treatments: a basal diet supplemented with a mixture of amoxicillin and colistin (Amox-Co) and a basal diet supplemented with amoxicillin and 1 g/kg of a bacteriophage cocktail (Amox-Phage). Each treatment consisted of eight replicate pens, with 50 pigs per replicate. Average daily gain (ADG) and the FCR did not differ between the groups. The Amox-Phage group showed greater resistance...

Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

... remain and need to be addressed to reduce the incidence of disease outbreaks and indiscriminate use of drugs.


Rukhsana Anwar1*, Muhammad Usman Khalil1 and Kanwal Ashiq1,2

...cid synthesis from the hydrolysis of Hippuryl-L-Histidyl-L-Leucine was utilized to calculate angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity. The results showed that in comparison to hypertensive rats, the test doses of the extract significantly decreased systolic blood pressure (96.75±3.9 mmHg and 104±3.8 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (73.12±5.2 mmHg and 65.37±8.2 mmHg), mean arterial blood pressure (81±4.1 mmHg and 78.25&plu...

Ahmad Shahzaib1*, Tabish Raza2 and Aisha Areej2

...ere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel respiratory infection that has caused the most recent epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Although COVID-19 has a wide range of clinical manifestations, affecting many vital organs, the virus enters via the respiratory system, and the lungs are the leading site of the infection. The virus spreads primarily by respiratory droplets generated by c...

Tasew Getu1*, Wassu Mohammed2, Awol Seid3, Tesfamariam Mekete4 and Bekele Kassa

...reproduction factor with drip irrigation amended with VC. Belete registered the lowest mean values of galls (6.6) and eggmasses (7.0) per root system and tuber, and RS final colonies (2.6 × 105) with same treatment. The presence of VC greatly increased tuber yield, and Guassa and Bubu produced the highest marketable tuber yield of 47 and 48 t/ha, respectively under this treatment. All cultivars that were grown with dri...

Hafiz Muhammad Walayat Ali1, Hafiz Basheer Ahmad1*, Zaheer Ahmad Nazar2, Muhammad Akhlaq Mudassir1, Mahmood-Ul-Hasan1, Abdul Khaliq1 and Muhammad Shahzad Afzal1

...ease infestation. One hundred and three clones of sugarcane were evaluated for two crop seasons through applying high inoculum conditions for smut incidence following RCBD during 2017-18. The analysis of variance revealed significant variations in cane weight, sugar recovery and smut incidence for both years. During the evaluation 84 and 80 clones were found resistant to smut in plant and ratoon crop respectively. Principal component analysis showed that first...

Sigit Bintara1*, Riyan Nugroho Aji1, Panjono2, Ali Agus3

...v/v), Sodium citrate dihydrate buffer, 100 mL of distilled water, and an egg yolk mixture to a proportion of 20% egg yolk 8% (v/v) glycerol (Merck, Germany), penicillin (1,000 IU/mL), and streptomycin (1,000 mg/mL). Sperm was diluted to 50 million/mL and treated with lycopene extract levels of 0% (control), 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% in a diluent, equilibrated at the temperature of 5°C for 4 hours, packed in 0.25 ml straw, and refrozen into liquid nitrogen vapor a...

Abdulaziz A. Alaqil EC infection. Four hundred broiler chickens (Cobb500, 1-d-old) were randomly distributed in equal numbers in 40 battery cages (10 birds per cage). Every ten cages were placed in a room to arrange four experimental room groups identified as C, EC, PR, and PR+EC groups, respectively. From 22-42 d of age, the C and EC groups have received a basal diet with no PR supplements, whereas the PR and PR+EC groups have received PR at 1 g/kg of the basal diet. On day 3...

Fakhra Nazir1*, Sahar Fazal1 and Fakhar-i-Abbas2

...A barcodes using mitochondrial COI gene (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) was aimed for samples of birds collected from different regions of Pakistan. Mitochondrial DNA was successfully extracted from keel tissue and Folmer region of COI gene comprising ~650 bps was amplified using universal primers and PCR products were confirmed by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. Sequencing was carried out by Sanger’s method and BLAST...

Navjot Hothi 

... run several vaccination drives, but 100% vaccination has not been achieved yet. The disease has subsided in the autumn and winter months, leading to callousness amongst farmers about getting their livestock vaccinated. Trends suggest that this disease could resurface in the summer of 2023 and could also spread across the nation, with the fear of becoming endemic. The virus can survive for months in dark enclosures. The main culprit behind the spread of the di...

Md Tariqul Islam1,5 *, Aditya Chowdhury Avi1,5, Md Saiful Bari2,5, Most Rebeka Sultana Swapna Khandoker3, Homaira Pervin Heema4, Goutam Buddha Das1 

...ce of nutritional carbohydrates. The objective of the study was to observe the impacts of varied ranges of PM on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. In a 28-day study, Investigation was carried out using 120 Ross-308 unsexed day-old chicks (DOC) of broiler chicken. Birds were selected by random selection to assign them to each of four feed trial groups: T0, T1, T2, and T3, and each of those received 0, 20, 30, and 40% PM su...

Meltem Kızıl1*, Ali Rişvanlı2, Murat Abay3, Tarık Şafak4, Mehmet Akif Kılınç5, Öznur Yılmaz6, Burak Fatih Yüksel1 and İbrahim Şeker1

...oups during birth, after drinking colostrum from calves and on the 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th days after birth in 10 ml tubes. The levels of the aforementioned molecules in these blood samples were determined by ELISA method. Feeding with colostrum led to a decrease in the irisin levels in the dystocia and cesarean section groups and in the IGF-1 levels in the vaginal delivery group, but it did not lead to any other significant changes. The irisin levels of the...
Umara Amir ud Din1, Waqas Ahmed Khan1*, Khurrum Shahzad1,2, Basharat Ali3, Misbah Hussain1,4 and Fazli Rabbi Awan4 for anti-hypertensive drugs. ACE (I/D) polymorphism studies for its association with kidney function and risks of DN have been reported in different populations but with varying results. Hence, the objective of current study was to study the association of ACE (I/D) polymorphism with risk of DN in Pakistani subjects. For this study, 702 subjects were recruited who were divided into three groups; healthy control (n=222), diabetics without nephropathy (n=230)...

Hamdi Mayulu1*, Endang Sawitri2

...y 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and expressed with IC50 value. The data obtained were analyzed using the single factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results showed that the concentrations of flavonoids, tannins, and total phenolics were 51.325±1.47 mgQE/g, 553.165±34.18 mg tannic acid/g, and 339.875±18.86 mg GAE/g respectively, while the DPPH radical scavenging activity...

Khalil1*, Dwi Ananta1, Andri Bachtiar2, Hermon3

... live weight gain (LWG), dry matter intake (DMI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and nutrient digestibility. Storage of the supplemented straw by wrapping minimized the change of color, flavor, texture, microbial contamination, and moisture content but increased the crude protein and reduced the crude fiber content. Feeding the stored rice straw gave no significant effects on cattle performances. The results suggested that wrapping was the most appropriate metho...

Chang-Man Kim1, Sam-Churl Kim2 , Young-Ho Joo2, In-Hag Choi3*

...bred fattening pigs ([Landrace × Yorkshire] × Duroc]) with an average body weight of 60.5 ± 1.21 kg, were randomly divided into nine-floor pens (40 pigs/pen) in a single facility for a month. Aluminum chloride was added weekly to pig slurry pits (3.5×9.0×1.5 m) at 0, 0.05, and 0.1% AlCl3 on a volumetric basis determined by the estimated final manure volume for each flush cycle. Ammonia levels were measured twice a week at 90 cm h...

Mati Ullah1*, Muhammad Rizwan2, Ali Raza3, Xianlin Zhao4, Yanling Sun4, Sarah Gul5, Muhammad Ihtesham Waheed6, Muhammad Nadeem Khan7, Alvina Gul8, Sami Ullah Jan9* and Chao Huang4*

...s revealed “Carbohydrates” is the largest subsystem followed by “protein metabolism” while the biological pathway analysis by the Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) database identified the “metabolic and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites pathway” as the dominant one. Similarly, the functional characterization by eggNOG database revealed that the COGs associated with “Carbohydr

Aditya Chowdhury Avi1,4*, Md Tariqul Islam1,4, Md Saiful Bari2,4, Rebeka Sultana Swapna Khandoker3, Goutam Buddha Das1 

...2%, and 3% FO in regular drinking water, as well as a control group. All of the birds were given enough commercial broiler-feed and water. The performance gained by broilers after 30 days of rearing from all supplemented groups complied with the standards. Observed parameters like live weight, feed intake, weight gain, and FCR of broilers were significantly higher in the 2% and 3% FO-supplemented groups. Data for cost-benefit analysis revealed significantly in...

Falah Mahmood Hameed1*, Asaad Khalaf Talal AL-Shuwaili2, Eman Jawad Jabber3, Mayada Sahib Hassan1  

...r of 5 mg/kg xylazine hydrochloride, 35 mg/kg ketamine hydrochloride, and 1 mg/kg diazepam were carried out. Based on the sort of treatment applied, these animals were allocated into three groups (A, B, and C). Chitosan powder was applied locally to wounds in group (A), as well as administered orally in group (B), and the wounds were left untreated in group (C) as a standard group. Each group was split into four subgroups, ...

Ibrahim Elmaghraby*, Abdel-Baset I. El-Mashad, Shawky A. Moustafa, Aziza A. Amin 

...x cord-stromal tumors in dromedary camels slaughtered at Egyptian slaughterhouses between January 2019 and February 2022. The study included 180 female single-humped camels in which all data on the animal’s age, location, and gross tumor lesions were documented, and positive ovaries were collected for further histological and immunohistochemical examination.Results: Interestingly, our results diagnosed 15 cases of sex cord-stromal tumors (8.30 %) in the ...

Ikram Ullah1, Zaib Ullah2*, Junaid Khan1, Sajid Mahmood1, Zafar Iqbal3 and Naveed Akhtar2

...nts. Although good husbandry is the most effective measure of preventing black bear damage, compensation of loss and community involvement in conservation programs were documented as the most effective mitigation strategies. Human dependence on forest resources, habitat destruction, anthropogenic food waste, and retaliatory killing were the main conservation threats to black bear survival in the study area.


Ying Liu1,2, Ji-Yong Fang2, Na Zheng3 and Hai-Long Wu1*

... gene (18S), and mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) genes of Seuratascaris schmackeri sp. nov., a member of ascaridoids, exhibiting characteristics of Ascaridoidea sensu Chabaud (1965) identified through microscopy. This new species was collected from the small intestine of the Chinese frog species Odorrana schmackeri Boettger, 1892, acquired from four regions of Anhui Province, southeastern China. To our knowledge, one species of the Seuratasc...

Sarwat Yousuf1, Shaista Emad2 , Mohammad Misbah ur Rehman3, Zehra Batool4, Sara Qadeer5, Yousra Sarfaraz1, Sheeza Sheikh1, Sana Sadaf6 and Tahira Perveen1,*

...w dose of lemon peel oil dramatically reduced in rats.


Amina Rahat1, Zahin Anjum1*, Sehlina Zehra2, Fatima Umal Baneen3 and Rabia Chishti1

... paralysis, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistant syndrome, and high level of cholesterol, nerve tension problems; it stops hair fall and boost’s immune system. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that almost all the plant extracts showed potential antibacterial, insecticidal and antifungal activities against different. The research has focused on the potential therapeutic efficacy of AliumSativum, ...

Dina A. Yousif, Mohamed M.T. Emara, Marwa R.S. Abdallah*  

...;C using either moist or dry thermal processing. The fatty acid profile, pH value, objective color indexes, sensory characteristics, and marinade uptake were all measured in the raw mutton samples. Additionally, the cooked samples were examined for cooking loss, fatty acid composition, shear force, instrumental color parameters, and sensory analysis. The use of both extracts improved the overall sensory attributes, eliminated the unfavorable mutton flavor, imp...

You-Ming Teng, Wen-Zhou Liu and Li Yang*

...ardiac hypertrophy and redress abnormal myocardial glucolipid metabolism in rats by down-regulating the protein expression of myocardial HIF-1α and increasing the protein expressions of myocardial PPARα, CPT-1 and PDK-4.


Yanping Li, Fei Xu, Yongming Wang*, Yunyun Lv, Jinrong Shi, Biwen Xie, Wenyao Cai and Dian Liu

...populations of them have dropped sharply due to anthropogenic and environmental threats. There is an increasing need to implement captive propagation programs to protect their populations. Here, we firstly carried out artificial breeding of S. superciliaris and S. reevesae, and hybrid combinations were designed as S. superciliaris ♀ × S. reevesae ♂, and S. superciliaris ♂ × S. reevesae ♀. Secondly, 19 microsatellite loci were used to evalua...

Luigi Liotta1, Vincenzo Lopreiato1, Fariborz Asroosh2 and Alireza Seidavi2*

..., taste, freezing point, dry matter free of fat, acidity (lactic acid), density (in 15 °C), pH, fat and protein were determined according to the standard methods. Macro and micro elements of milk were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Data were subjected to the two-way ANOVA analysis to determine the significant differences between species/breeds. The acidity, density and fat in Talesh sheep’s milk was higher than milk from...
Daud Khan1, Naila Chand1, Muhammad Saeed2, Muhammad Tahir3, Alam Zeb4 and Rifat Ullah Khan5*
...nversion ratio (FCR) and dressing percentage were significantly (P<0.05) higher in infected +SN100 compared to positive control. Fecal E. coli count was similar in infected + SN100 and infected + SN150. The pH in gizzard and small intestine was similar (p>0.05) in infected + SN100 and infected + enrofloxacin, however, it was significantly (p<0.01) different from infected + SN150. Villus height, crypt depth, goblet cells and epithelial thickness were s...

Asifa Hameed1*, Haider Karar2, Abdul Ghaffar1, Abid Hameed Khan1, Muhammad Mubashir1 and Ghulam Mustafa1

...s, syrphid flies, native drones, zebra flies, stingless bees, bumble bee, wild bees, and flesh flies. Honey bees Apis florea can be utilized as the pollinator but honey bee species A. dorsata, and A. melliferae visitation was almost negligible. The total value of insect pollination was estimated as 1299 million dollars. Overall, this is the first study describing the role of pollinators in successful fruit setting in southern Punjab Pakistan and describing the...

Muhammad Aijaz1, Nasir Mahmood2, Ghulam Mujtaba3 and Imran Riaz Malik1*

...samples. Urban locality, drinking of non-filtered water, poor hygiene, and poor socioeconomic status are the risk factors for the onset of breast cancer in the Pakistani population. Molecular analysis of the human IL-10 gene revealed that the prevalence of homozygous normal GG allele was 19%, heterozygous GA was 29% and homozygous mutant AA was 52% in breast cancer patients. However, in healthy individuals, GG allele was found in 70%, GA in 20%, and AA in 10% ...
Muhammad Rizwan1, Hamid Akbar1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Abid Hayat3, Anjum Masood4, Muhammad Talha Sajjad1 and Nadeem Raza2
...metabolic status (beta hydroxybutyric acid, BHBA; nonesterified fatty acid NEFA) and hematological changes (hemoglobin, total leucocytes, red blood cells, neutrophils, platelets, lymphocytes) in serum of dairy cows before and after the surgical correction of left displacement abomasum. Twenty-six cows were divided into two groups as control (Group-A) and treatment (Group-B), each of 13 cows. Left displacement abomasum was confirmed by clinical assessment and u...

Siswanto Imam Santoso*, Agus Setiadi, Wahyu Dyah Prastiwi in Indonesia. Two hundred duck farmers in Brebes Regency were randomly selected as research respondents. Brebes is the duck production center of Indonesia. Approximately 80% of duck egg production originates in this area. The variables utilized include socioeconomic characteristics of duck farmers, social variables, age, education, medicinal seeds, feed, dried-cooked rice, trash fish, processing, business pattern, market...

Abdulaziz A. Alaqil*

...(LPS). A total of one hundred twenty, 40-week-old, laying hens from the Hy-line breed were allocated at random into four groups of 30 hens each. For eight consecutive weeks (40–48 weeks of age), two groups of the layers were given a basal diet as control, while the remaining two groups were given a basal diet enhanced with a 2 g/kg diet of LA bacteria. At 47 wk of age, layers in one of the control or LA groups received an intravenous injection for 7...

Isatay Tusupovich Jakupov, Gulzhan Tursunovna Yeszhanova, Gulnur Kurbanalievna Mamytbekova* 

...dum. For comparison, the drug «Biometrosanit» was used in the treatment of cows of the control group. Phytopreparations of C. leucocladum were suppositories obtained from extracts for intrauterine administration, with 20% and 40% content of C. leucocladum. Previously, phytopreparations were tested for antimicrobial (diffusion in agar by serial double dilutions) and antiradical activity (comparison with Butylhydro...

Roy Malindo1, Hosea Abdiel Duto Wicaksono2, Maskur2, Anuraga Jayanegara3, Osfar Sjofjan4, Siti Chuzaemi4* 

...nd energy, and 96.5% for dry matter by 2029.  


Altaf Ur Rahman1, Muhammad Ajmal Khan2*, Ali Hazrat3, Awais Farid4, Muhammad Yahya3* and Inam Ullah5

...d be used to develop new drugs. Therefore, the current study was aimed to investigate the methanolic extract of Corylus jacquemontii for phytochemical, antibacterial, antioxidant potential. The methanolic fraction of C. jacquemontii was evaluated for quantitative phytochemical constituents. The antibacterial efficacy was investigated via well diffusion method by using a concentration of 100 µg/ml. Furthermore, the antioxidant potential of extract was est...

Abdullah*, Imtiaz Khan, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan, Muhammad Ibrahim and Muhammad Fawad

...f district Karak. The quadrate method was used to determine the relative weed density. The data were recorded on density (%), relative density (%), frequency (%), relative frequency (%) and importance value of weed species. The present findings revealed that Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav., Carthamus oxycantha M. Bieb., Medicago denticulata Willd., Anagallis arvensis, Lathyrus aphaca L. Euphorbia helioscopia L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Cyprus rotundus, Vicia sati...

Nguyen Thi Anh Thu1*, Ly Thi Thu Lan1, Nguyen Thuy Linh1, Chau Cong Dang1, Nguyen Hoang Phuc1, Tran Dinh Tuan1, Nguyen Trong Ngu2 organs of chicks were dramatically decreased in BC+S group compared to S group in both treatments. Moreover, supplementing BC tended to improve the weight gain of chicks.  


Dede Kardaya*, Deden Sudrajat, Dewi Wahyuni 

...d intake level, improved dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and hemicellulose digestibility (P<0.05), and increased feed efficiency and live weight gain of lambs (P<0.05). It is implicated that zeolite or urea-impregnated zeolite improves lamb performances probably as a result of the cation exchange capacity of zeolite or slow-release characteristics of urea-impregnated zeolite. 


Rizki Palupi*, Arfan Abrar, Fitri Nova Liya Lubis, Yuni Kurniati, Bianca Ikriza Octa Nadia Putri 

... nutrient digestibility (dry matter, crude protein and crude fiber), hematological status and blood malondialdehyde levels in blood of broiler chickens. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and further tested by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results of this study indicated that the CCI had a significant (P<0.05) effect on nutrient digestibility, hematological status and malondialdehyde levels in blood of broiler chicken. The CCI at a level of 10% in the rat...

Malik F.H. Ferdosi1*, Arshad Javaid2, Iqra Haider Khan2 and Muhammad Kaleem Naseem

... 4H-pyran-4-one, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl (9.69%), cyclohexane, 1,1’-(2-propyl-1,3-propanediyl)bis-(8.81%), hexadecane-1,2-diol (6.34%), pentadecanoic acid, 14-methyl-, methyl ester (5.76%), methyl linolenate (5.38%), octadecanoic acid (4.04%), methyl (Z)-5,11,14,17-eicosatetraenoate (3.56%), methyl linoleate (4.38%), and linoleic acid (2.94%). These compounds possess various biological activities as reported...

Komal Javed1, Sohaib Muhammad1*, Zarghaam Khan1, Sehar Fatima1, Hassan Nawaz1, Mahrukh1, Tahira Khalid1 and Shariat Ullah2 with the help of a quadrat method (1m2). For each crop, sixty quadrats were taken from each village i.e., twenty quadrats from each selected site. The data was gathered after every fifteen days during the course of crop. For the determination of Importance Value Index (IVI) percentage frequency, density and percentage cover were determined. A total of 19 families were present in all thr...

Arshad Javaid1*, Iqra Haider Khan1, Malik F. H. Ferdosi2, Aneela Anwar3 and Mujahid Manzoor4 

...ortant constituents. The dried and crushed material of flowers was extracted in analytical grade methanol for one week and after filtration, it was subjected to GC-MS analysis. Major compounds in the flower extract were germacrene D (12.44%), n-hexadecanoic acid (12.15%), and caryophyllene (11.28%). Moderately occurring compounds included docosane (7.68%), 4H-pyran-4-one, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydr

Sarfraz Ahmad1, Mian Anjum Murtaza1,* and Kashif Akram1,2

... prospects of selected hydrocolloids to enhance the quality and functionality of low fat Mozzarella cheese from buffalo milk. Two hydrocolloids i.e. inulin (0.2, 0.4 and 0.6%) and resistant starch (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5) were added in Mozzarella cheese making from low fat milk (2% fat). The positive (4% milk fat) and negative (2% milk fat) control samples were also prepared for comparison. The Mozzarella cheese samples were analy...

Abiyu Tadele 1,2*, Gebreyohannes Berhane2, Wondmeneh Esatu3

...sumers and chicken husbandry, helping them to anticipate yield, market, and exploitation of the genotypes in future breeding plans. The main ecotypes in Southwest Ethiopia are the indigenous naked-neck and normal-feathered chicken genotypes, and the exotic Tetra H, a dual-purpose genotype that was imported from Hungary. Data were collected from 168 hens of the three genotypes kept under intensive management for 20 weeks. The Tetra H genotype had significantly ...

Ahmed El-Sayed Ismail 

... the nematode population dropped sharply when the field became fallow. Likewise, the population densities of the previous stages declined gradually, even in the presence of the non-host crop (Egyptian clover CV. Meskawii).


Vui Van Nguyen1, Samorn Ponchunchoovong2, Sajeera Kupittayanant3, Pakanit Kupittayanant2* 

...tage of the high mitochondrial membrane potential, the intact plasma membrane and acrosome membrane indicators in the Ocimum gratissimum essential oils treatment were higher than those in the rest treatments and had a substantial difference when compared to the control treatment (P<0.05). In concluding, semen extender supplemented with Ocimum gratissimum essential oils is appropriate for improving the chilled canine sperm for the duration of 12 days in stor...

Farooq Jan1*, Abdur Rauf1, Ikramullah Khan1, Muhammad Yasin2, Muhammad Qayash3, Hazrat Wali1, Muhammad Luqman1, Fayaz Asad4 and Muhammad Khalid5

...PSS 16.0 and MS Excel to draw a relationship between them which are useful for allergy patients. The results showed that mean temperature, wind speed and rainfall are the factors that influence pollen of Broussonetia papyrifera only during the spring seasons and the Dandelion, Cannabis sativa and Eucalyptus globulus pollen grains are influence throughout the year. As a result, the total pollen counts in the atmosphere increased due to Broussonetia papyrifera t...

Farha Deba1, Rubina Nelofer2 and Muhammad Irfan1* appearance of sizable dramatic zones around the growth patterns. These seven strains such as Bacillus velezensis FD1, Bacillus cereus FD2, Bacillus subtilis FD3, Bacillus altitudinis FD4, Bacillus licheniformis FD5, Bacillus flexus FD6 and Alcaligenes sp. FD7 were verified by the molecular identification investigation using 16S rRNA sequence technology respectively. Out of these seven isolates, the Bacillus cereus FD2 strain produced the most keratinase (29...

Yoshio Hamano1*, Yasuji Kurimoto2 

... birds received feed withdrawal, breast muscle was obtained and stored at 2°C for 3 days. LIP reduced body weight gains when the chickens were concomitantly fed AWP. LIP and AWP increased the feed conversion rates and decreased feed intakes, respectively. However, breast muscle and abdominal fat weights remained constant. No significant interaction between LIP and AWP was detected in the free amino or fatty acid profiles in the ante- and post-mortem breast...

Muhammad Shoaib Azeem1, Hafiz Qadeer Ahmed2,3*, Adil Shahzad2,4, Umar Farooq2,5, Ghayyoor Ahmad6, Muhammad Yaqoob3, Jamal Nasir1

...hat the effect of age on dressing percentage was significant, but the effect of sex was not significant. The killing out percentage value was higher in two-teeth animals and lower in milk teeth animals, but there was no significant difference between male and female goats. Overall, the study provides important insights into the optimal age and sex for slaughtering goats to achieve maximum returns and standardize the retail cuts of local Pakistani goats. <...

Akbar Hayat1*, Muhammad Asim1*, Tehseen Ashraf2, Ehsan-Ul-Haque1, Rabia Zulifqar2, Maryam Nasir3, Ahmed Raza1, Fahim Khadija1, Sohaib Afzal1 and Shafqat Ali1

...ves, fresh plant weight, dry plant weight, fresh root weight, dry root weight, root length, root diameter, leaf area and chlorophyll contents. The results from this study indicated that in term of stem thickness(2.98mm), more no. of leaves (15), root fresh weight (1.39g), root length (25.5 cm), No. of branches (4) root diameter (4.47 mm) and maximum chlorophyll contents were observed in T1. Overall various potting media conc...

Amna Mushtaq, Asia Bibi* and Nahid Kausar

...of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have been linked with psychotic morbidity and infertility in the women of fertile age. Considering limited research data available about the psychological aspects in these patients, we conducted current study to assess psychotic distress and infertility in PCOS patients of southern Punjab, Pakistan. In this study 204 PCOS women and 150 controls were enrolled. Data of recruited patients was collected from different hospital...

Lianci He1, Dingxi Bai2, Chenxi Wu2, Yizhu Zhong2, Shi Chen2, Xinru Bao2, Jing Gao2*, Chaoming Hou2*

... with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) on NF-κB signalling pathway and the expression of related factors. To reveal the relevant signal transduction mechanism in the treatment of CFS. Seventy two male SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups with 12 rats in each group. Namely: control group (CON), low dose Shenxian Congee group (SXC-L), medium dose Shenxian Congee group (SXC-M), high dose Shenxian Congee group (SXC-M), fluoxetine hy

Jie Wang1, Di Fang1, Jianqing Zhao1, Fei Huang2, Bo Liu2, Weikun Tao2, Baoshan Cui2 and Qinghua Gao1,2,3*

Xiangjie Zhao1, Zheshi Kuang2, Jiyuan Yang2, Muhammad Bilal1 and Rongling Yang1*
...tment groups had a lower drip loss in meat quality compared to control, and Treatment 1 reached a significant level (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the FSP can be employed as a potential economical substitute for the fishmeal to Lingnan yellow broiler chickens.


Yingying Ye1, Chengrui Yan1, Kaida Xu2, Jiji Li1, Jing Miao1, Zhenming Lü1 and Baoying Guo1*

...a products in China, has dramatically declined since the 1990s to near extinction, presumably due to over exploitation and environmental disruption and particularly because of the deterioration of their spawning grounds. In this study, we developed primers for nine microsatellite loci resulting from an enrichment process based on the Wenzhou population. Eight out of nine microsatellite loci were used to analyze population genetic diversity of cuttlefish in Chi...

Amirul Faiz Mohd Azmi1,4,Wan Nur Hanani Wan Roslan1, Athirah Zawani Zulkifli Amin Rashid1, Siti Aisyah Mohd Hafiz Ngoo1, Mohd Hezmee Mohd Noor1, Muhammad Azrolharith Rashid1, Mohd Zamri Saad2, Danung Nur Adli5, Hasliza Abu Hassim1,3* 

...e evaluated based on the dressing weight, pH, and meat proximate analysis. The results revealed that the body weight, average daily gain, dressed weight and pH value were significantly differ (p<0.05) in treated group 3 compared to the control without soybean waste. The carcass crude protein and fat were also significantly (p<0.05) better. In conclusion, adding soybean waste into quail diet for up to 30% could be a pot...
Maria Azam1, Tahir Mahmood Qureshi1, Saddam Hussain2, Amjad Islam Aqib3*, Shanza Rauf Khan4, Kashif Akram1, Misbah Ijaz5, Maheen Murtaza6, Afshan Muneer6 and Sammina Mahmood7
...e rise in prevalence and drug resistance in Staphylococcus aureus of dairy animals require an alternative to antibiotics. Nanoparticles particularly metallic nanoparticles are a wise approach to modulating drug resistance. The current study thus focuses on the replacement of antibiotics with ZnO, MgO, and Fe2O3 nanoparticles. To achieve this goal, 200 cattle milk samples were collected aseptically and screened for subclinica...

Ghulam Sarwar Channa1*, Abdul Razak Mahar1, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Abdul Aziz Mirani3, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti2, Muneer Ali Bhagat1 and Wazir Ali Maitlo shifted in isolated hydroponic plastic tubs containing the Hoagland solution and 0 (control), 40, 80, 120 and 160 mM of NaCl concentrations. Amongst the five rice cultivars, DR-92 performed better in terms of survival percentage, average plant height, shoot dry weight, percent reduction over control (PROC) for plant height and shoot

Rashid Saraz1, Saiqa Amur1, Zia-ul-Hassan1*, Naheed Akhter Talpur1, Inayatullah Rajpar1, Muhammad Sohail Memon2, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro3, Khalid Hussain Talpur1 and Nizamuddin Depar4

...oil texture (Bouyoucos Hydrometer method), electrical conductivity and pH (1:2 soil-water extract), organic matter (Walkley-Black method), and ABDTPA (Ammonium bicarbonate diethylene triamine penta acetic acid) extractable phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) were determined using standard protocols, with no further alterations. Soil variability mapping was done using ArcGIS ver. 10.7. through IDW interpolation. The results reveled that majority (40%) of soils wer...

Afifatul H.A. Adilah1, Junun Sartohadi2* and Suci Handayani1

...ed as intercrops in most dry-land agricultural fields by many people for different purposes of income generation. The differences in canopy characteristics between the two plants significantly affect the production of runoff. Field evidence is needed to support it as a suitable plant for soil and water conservation efforts. The study was conducted using a field survey method equipped with soil characteristic measurements in the laboratory. The data collection ...

Nadia Jabeen1, Abdul Mubeen Lodhi1*, Rehana Naz Syed1, Muhammad Ali Khanzada2 and Alia Gul3

...reserved by sun and oven drying methods. The area of District Mansehra is enriched with natural vegetation and can be explored for new species.


Ertika Fitri Lisnanti1,4, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari2*, Eka Pramyrtha Hestianah3, Mohammad Anam Al Arif2, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi4,5 

...e leaf water extract in drinking water, P1: Drinking water plus marsh fleabane leaf extract at a dose of 4ml/litre, P2: Drinking water plus Marsh fleabane leaf extract at a dose of 6ml/litre, P3: drinking water added Marsh fleabane leaf extract with a dose of 8ml/litre, P4: Drinking water plus marsh fleabane leaf water extract with a dose of 10ml/litre. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), if the result...

Asim Zubair1*, Anam Farid Chishtti2, Zohaib Atta Mehdie3, Aamna Arshad3, Ghulam Akbar Malik4 and Iffat Batool5

...women in livestock husbandry, a survey was carried out in the area of Dera Ghazi Khan. A well-structured questionnaire was utilized to collect data from female respondents during face-to-face interviews, a random selection approach was employed to choose a sample of 100 livestock farm homes from the research area. To gauge the level of women’s participation, a composite score was created, and factors influencing women’s participation in cattle farm...

Amthal Ahmed Fouad1, Basem Mohamed Ahmed2, Momtaz Abdelhady Shahein1, Hussein Aly Hussein2* 

...em were assembled into a draft genome. The draft genome was analyzed, re-assembled, and compared to representative RABV genomes from Africa and the Middle East region. Results: The complete genome of 5EG-QH19 strain extends for 11919 nt including the standard RABV protein genes in the correct order. Twenty-nine synonymous and five non-synonymous mutations were evident in the protein genes. Deletions and insertions were obser...

Elihasridas, Mardiati Zain*, Roni Pazla, Simel Sowmen, Qurrata Aini 

...rious components such as dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, cellulose, and hemicelluloses in the ammoniated aromatic lemongrass waste samples was evaluated by incubating them on in-vitro media at 39ºC/48 h. The analysis of variance following a 5 x 4 randomized block design was used. The results revealed a significant (P<0.05) increase in the digestibility of ammoniated aromatic lemongrass waste in...

Satya Fahriani1, Hadri Latif2*, Herwin Pisestyani2, Zhang Shuqi3, Suyanto Chen3

...he nitrite level and rehydration capacity of EBN after undergoing a retort process. The samples were 24 raw uncleaned white EBN from 4 swiftlet farmhouses (SFHs) collected using purposive sampling. Two SFH from Sanggau District, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Two SFH from Pekanbaru City, Riau, Indonesia. 12 pieces of samples were not heated, while the other 12 pieces were heated at retort temperature. The sample’s nitrite level was measured using a...

Mohamed Mahrous Amer1*, Hanaa Sayed Fedawy2, Hoda Mohamed Mekky2, Khaled Mohamed Elbayoumi2, Ahmed Ali El-Shemy3, Mohamed Abd El-Rahman Bosila2

...ear cell infiltration, hydropic degeneration of the hepatocytes and congested splenic sinusoids. While treated groups showed limited skin inflammatory condition at the site of injection and return of skin to normal color and thickness. Doxycycline+ colistin combination helps in reduction of lesions in treat infected birds, with marked improvement in measured parameters. We recommended active actions to prevent causes and factors helping in including cellulitis...

Novirman Jamarun1, Roni Pazla1*, Arief2, Elihasridas1, Gusri Yanti3, Rani Winardi Wulan Sari4, Zaitul Ikhlas4

...the study comprised tofu dregs, corn, rice bran, palm kernel cake, minerals, and salt. A randomized block design with four treatments and four groups of goat body weight as replicates was employed in the research. The four treatments were as follows: (T1 = mangrove leaves hay (MLH) 35% + fermented T. diversifolia (FTD) 5% + Concentrate (C) 60%, T2 = MLH 30% + FTD 10% + C 60%, T3= MLH 25% + FTD 15% + C 60%, T4= MLH 20% + FTD 20% + C 60%). Parameters measured in...

Wizna1, Rusfidra2, Robi Amizar3, Romi Andika1, Muhammad Haikal1, Zurmiati1*

...llus sp., water content, dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, calcium, and phosphorus were measured. The dose of B. amyloliquefaciens and fermentation time significantly effect (p<0.05) the total colony count of Bacillus sp. in the fermented product, but there was no interaction. The dose of B. amyloliquefaciens had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the water content, dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, ...

Rusul Adnan Dawood, Hasan F.K. Alghetaa*

...ministration to HR group drove the inflammatory cell counts to be significantly (P<0.05) lower than of HD group. Altogether, we can conclude that the resveratrol has the required biological effects to support the body responses against deleterious consequences of mercuric chloride poisoning.
Keywords | Nephrotoxicity, Mercuric chloride toxicity, Peritoneal exudate, Resveratrol, Oxidative stress, He...

Rida Ahmad1,2*, Zulfiqar Ali2*, Farkhanda Manzoor1, Usman Ahmad3, Safdar Sidra4, Irfan Zainab2, Muhammad Furqan2, Aliza Batool1,2 and Zaidi Zona2

Muhammad Nasir Bhaya1,2* and Hikmet Keles2

...tochemical sections, 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) revealed less positivity in EA received groups but B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) revealed more positivity as compared to CP. Both histopathological and immunohistochemical findings revealed that EA has a protective effect against CP-induced renal damage in rats.


Lichun Jiang1,2*, Lan Zhu1, Meiqi Li1, Xinyue Bao1, Zhenkun Zhao2, Haifen Qin2 and Wei Chen3*

... its nuclear and mitochondrial genomes and their phylogenetic position within the family Cervidae. In this study, we have determined the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the tufted deer, by using a long polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The entire mtDNA sequence is 16,196 bp in length, which compared with previous studies is the least, containing 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, 22 t...

Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan and Abdul Rauf Shakoori*

...s is still lacking. To address the said gap in knowledge, first we have identified the TFs specific to IL-1β a key player in mediating inflammatory process using online databases. Next, we identified the interacting partners of the significantly differentially expressed TFs out of the selected ones, and the mRNA expression changes were studied for both the differentially expressed TF along with its interacting partners. Finally, we explored the expression...

Bing Yan1, Meng Meng Zhang2, Xi Chen2, Yongming Li2*, Muhammad Khan3* and Tonghui Ma1*

... a promising therapeutic drug candidate, and YAP as a potential therapeutic target for glioblastoma treatment. 


Ramanathan Baluchamy* and Gnanamani Radhakrishnan

...tioning in this tropical dry deciduous forest of Alagar hill (Eastern Ghats), South India. In forest ecosystem, conservation of millipede is an essential step to improve the fertility of soil and maintaining the forest ecosystem.


Lili Zhao1, Fan Zhao1 and Yaping Jin2*

...nd progesterone was also dramatically decreased after Grp78 knockout. Our results strongly suggest that GRP78 plays an important role in maintaining the normal functionalities of GTCs.


Hafiz Muhammad Arsalan1, Amina Arif1 and Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan2*

...or nilotinib therapeutic drugs. Fresh venous blood sample (10 mL) of 170 CML diagnosed patients and 10 healthy individuals was collected in heparin vial from oncology department, Mayo hospital and Jinnah hospital Lahore, Pakistan. Biochemical profiling of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione (GSH), nitric oxide (NO), advanced oxidation protein product (AOPP), advanced glycation end products (AGE’s) and micronutri...
Muhammad Shoaib1, Muhammad Mahboob Ali Hamid1, Shafaq Amir2, Shaukat Ali Bhatti1*, Hafiz Hassan Iqbal1, Najam-us-Sahar1 and Mubsher Hussain1,3 diluted diet. Five hundred and twenty birds were divided into 8 treatments groups with 5 replicates of 13 birds in each. Total 8 diets viz., PC (Positive control), NC1 (Negative control 1; 75 Kcal/kg reduced energy), NC1L (NC1 + lipase at 0.015%), NC1LB (NC1 + lipase at 0.015% + bile acids at 0.05%), NC2 (Negative control 2; 150 Kcal/kg reduced energy), NC2L (NC2 + lipase at 0.015%), NC2LB (NC2 + lipase at 0.015% + bile acids at 0.05%) and NC2 (2LB) (NC2 + ...

Sumei Zeng and Yong Zhang*

...he field of animal husbandry. IOT technology has a variety of applications in the economic productivity of the livestock and poultry industry. The purpose of this study is to identify and rank IOT applications in dairy cattle industry productivity with a multi-criteria decision making approach and using the Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) method. Evaluation indicators were selected by theme analysis method based on the opinion of managers working in i...
Chen Gu1,2, Ze-Dong Xu1, Lin Chen1, Ming-Hui Gu1, Sheng-Mei Yang1, Ai-Qing Wang1, Bao-Fa Yin1* and Wan-Hong Wei1,2,3*
... hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) responses of Brandt’s vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii) offspring after their mothers had been repeatedly exposed to predator odors during pregnancy. We exposed pregnant Brandt’s voles to distilled water (DW, the control), rabbit odor (RO, non-predator odor), or cat odor (CO, predator odor) for 18 days (60 min/day). Once the offspring matured into adults, we exposed them to either rabbit odor or cat odor and recorde...

Moustafa M. Zeitoun 1,3; Mohamed M. Mansour 2,4* 

...ertile camels. Infertile dromedary camels could be identified with conventional semen quality assessments, but relative in vivo fertility varies significantly for camels considered fertile. Aim; Study the blood and seminal plasma aldosterone and testosterone levels of male dromedary camels and their outcome on semen parameters and fertility. Methods; From breeding history records, depending on fertility status, sixty camels ...

Deny Anjelus Iyai1*, Ambo Ako2, Sitti Nurani Siradjuddin2, Budiman Nohong2 

... districts (44.44%). Withdrawal of grass clippings is done using a quadrant measuring 1 x 1 m2. Quadrant laying is done diagonally in a land area of ​​100 m2. Dominance Index, Species abundance using Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index, Similarity index, Species richness). The number of plant families identified was 751 families spread over 4 districts, with 890 species of grass, legume and...

Sherein H. Mohamed1, Soad El Naggar2*, Ayman A. Hassan3, Mohamed A.M. Mousa3, Mohamed M. Basyony3, Mohamed F. Sadek3, Mohamed A. A. Ahmed4, Saadia M. Hashem5 

...and meat quality. One hundred twenty six male growing New Zealand White rabbits aged eight weeks old with an average body weight of 675±47.95 g were divided into six equal groups 21 rabbits each, control diet group, C fed the basal diet and the other five groups (GE, ClE, ThE, TE, and CE) fed on basal diet supplemented with 200 ppm of garlic, clove, thyme, turmeric and cinnamon extracts respectively.  These extracts revealed an increase in final bo...

Ishtiaq Ahmed1*, Hamid Ullah2, Zubair Ali2, Muhammad Sohail2, Yasir Amin2 and Afrasyab1

... farmers regarding husbandry practices may be implemented in the study area to boost the economy of the farmers.


Imbang Dwi Rahayu1, Ali Mahmud1*, Wahyu Widodo1, Adi Sutanto1, Apriliana Devi Anggraini1, Devi Dwi Siskawardani2, Wisnu Nurcahyo3, Tri Untari3

...ditives through feed and drinking water on the biochemical parameters of broiler blood. In this study, 175 chickens were used and divided into seven levels of treatments; T0 (feed without herbs), T1 (feed + 1% herbs), T2 (Feed + 2% herbs), T3 (Feed + 3% herbs), T4 (drinking water +1% herbal), T5 (drinking water + 2% herbal), T6 (drinking water + 3% herba...

Ali A. M. Al-Kuhla1*, Yaman S. Fadhil1, Saffanah K. Mahmood2 



Jameel-ur-Rehman1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Ahmad Ali Moryani1, Riaz Ahmed Leghari1, Abdullah Sethar2, Ali Raza Nizamani3, Abdul Ahad Soomro3, Kanwar Kumar Malhi1 

...s were recorded as multi drug resistant, they were found resistant to at least four antimicrobial agents. 


Sameh Abdel-Moez Ahmed Amer1*, Aly Mohammed Ghetas1, Asmaa Mahmoud Maatouq1, Hagar Magdy Ahmed1, Khaled Mohamed El-Bayoumi1, Mohamed Abd El-Rahman Bosila1, Ahmed Ali El-Shemy2

...the shedding of NDV with drastically blocked shedding 7 days PC compared to group B with little clinical protection, higher mortalities, lower antibody titers and longest viral shedding PC. In conclusion, the NDV genotype VII-based vaccines homologous to challenge virus ensure a significant control on VNDV in terms of clinical protection, mortality, and virus shedding than the genotype II classic vaccines heterologous to the endemic virus in broiler chickens.&...

Elfadil, G.E.1,3, G.F. Gouda1*, M.A. Rashed2, A.R. Shemeis1

...), higher percentages of dressing (DP) and boneless meat (BMP). Sources of information were various combinations from weaning weight (WW), slaughter weight (SW), DG, body length (BL) and round girth (RG). The maximum accuracy of selection (RTI = 0.71) was obtained from the selection based on the full index (I1) containing the five sources of information. Dropping WW and RG from the full index simultaneously, to form the best reduced index (I3), is expected to ...

Mehmet Akif Cam1,* and Koray Kirikci2

...e, twin and triplet + quadruplet were 5.21±0.15, 5.14±0.06 and 5.003±0.05 and single and twin bearing for Karayaka ewes were 4.94±0.06 and 5.04±0.07, respectively. The SCC (≥7.5x105) affected MY (P<0.05) and milk components (MC, P<0.01) significantly. With the increase in the number of sucking lambs in the Bafra breed, the SCC in the milk decreased (P<0.05), but not in Karayaka.


Tahir Rasool Qamar1, Sanaullah Iqbal1*, Muhammad Nasir1 and Habib-ur- Rehman2

...carcinogen 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride (DMH) at dose of 40 mg/kg body weight, twice a week for 2 weeks. After DHM injections, chicory powder treatments were started to group G3 as well and group G2 was DHM control group receiving only basal diet while G1 was normal control group. The amount of chicory roots powder given was 5% w/w mixed in basal diet. It was observed that group G4 showed better results overall. Enz...

Xiaowei Huang, Yajie Wang, Jia Zhou, Junxiu Liu, Zhe Lin and Ruili Li*

...ting blood deficiency syndrome. To investigate its effects on the hematopoietic function, aplastic anemia (AA) rat model was established by injection of cyclophosphamide (CTX) intraperitoneally. 60 SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, control, model, positive drug (compound E-jiao slurry), SBG high-, medium- and low-dose (SBG-H, SBG-M, SBG-L) groups. After 21 days of intervention, the changes of thymus and spleen ind...

Azza M. El-Kattawy1, Tarek Abou Zed1, Randa Megahed1 and Mohammed El-Magd2*

... the hypocholesterolemic drug simvastatin (Sim) has been confirmed, however, its actual mechanism of action has not been investigated yet. Therefore, this study aimed to unveil the biochemical and molecular changes that accompany the application of Sim as anti-arthritic in a mouse model of pristane-induced arthritis. Female Swiss albino mice (20-30g) were randomly divided into 5 groups (n= 10/group): control, Sim control, pristane-induced arthritis, Sim co-tre...

Xu Yun-Ming1*, Sun Zhi-Yuan1, Yang Jian-Bo1, Bian Rong-Rong2, Ren Hong-Lin3, Zhong Si-Yuan1, Cai Yu-Hong1, Peng Jing1 and Bao Hua-Xia1

...h bacteria. Visual dye hydroxynaphthol (HNB) successfully used in LAMP assay was established for detection of B. cereus in meat.


Peng Chen1, Jiaqi Li1, Hongbo Li2, Qin Lu3, Wei Liu1,4,5* and Jianliang Zhang1*

...ic strategy. The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Mergus serrator was 16,627 bp in length, and its structure was circular. The structure and gene arrangement of the genome were basically the same as those of Anseriformes species. The mean base composition of the mitogenome of Anseriformes was T (22.31 ± 0.51%), C (32.63 ± 0.64%), A (29.36 ± 0.64%), and G (15.71 ± 0.52%), indicating a slight specific bias towards A and C. AT cont...

Ming Wang1, Nan Yang2, Xiaolin Zhang2 and Wei Liu1*

...elopment of animal husbandry, increase in the incidence of rodent-borne diseases and the potential for zoonoses. The Sichuan Tibetan area is ecologically fragile and has reported the most serious rodent damage in China. The rodent control technology is presently advanced and diverse, however, awareness among the herdsmen in this area to control the rodents remains relatively regressive. Given the limitations in organizing herdsmen to participate in the governm...
Misbah Ammanat1, Abdul Qadir1, Zulfiqar Ali2*, Rida Ahmad2,3, Usman Ahmad1, Irfan Zainab2 and Aliza Batool2,3
...retching from the Dasu Hydropower Project in the north to the Islamabad West Grid Station in the south. Field surveys at 678 observation points were conducted from November 2017 to October 2018. A total of 38,939 birds were sighted, representing 215 different species. Tarbela Reservoir and the future Dasu dam site had the greatest abundance and diversity of avifauna. The number of individuals observed per survey peaked in November, at the height of fall migrat...

Wei Wang1, Meifeng Zhou2, Yuebo Liang1, Fan Zhang1, Zhong Wu3, Shaowei Mo4* and Yi Qing Wang1*

...of YAP and TAZ were both dramatically upregulated in SK-BR-3-TR cells. The cell viability was increased, while cell apoptosis was inhibited in SK-BR-3-TS cells compared with SK-BR-3-TS. The depletion of YAP by si-YAP reversed the YAP/TAZ expression, cell viability and cell apoptosis in SK-BR-3-TR cells. YAP/TAZ pathway might induce the trastuzumab resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer and targeting YAP would be an alternative way for the clinical therapeut...

Abdullah Naser1*, Nirwana1, Sri Wulan1, Zaenal1, Mustafa1, Effendy2 

...t; 0.05) in body weight, dry matter intake, growth performance, and digestibility in rams, with the highest value in the palm leaf roof. Likewise, substituting soybean meal with fermented kapok seeds makes a significant difference (P < 0.05) with the highest value in the R4 and R5 diet groups. However, there was no interaction between the roof of the stall and substituting soybean meal with fermented kapok seeds (P ≥ 0.05) on body weight,

Nwafili Sylvanus Anene, Ibinabo Jessica

...ecord keeping to further drive the growth of aquaculture production in Nigeria.



Yuyu Wang1,2, Mingzhu Li 3,4, Gang Lin4, Xiaohua Guo5, Aihua Sun5, Hao Dong5, Qinghui Ai1,* and Kangsen Mai1,*

...ion, 50-100 g kg−1 dry matter Schizochytrium meal in microdiets can improve growth performance and may be a valuable additive in microdiets of turbot larvae.


Nasir Ali1,2,6, Muhammad Ilyas2,3, Nazia Akbar1,2*, Gohar Rahman2, Shakirullah Khan4, Mujaddad Ur Rehman6, Abdul Samad5, Habib Ahmad1,2 and Bibi Nazia Murtaza7*

...e HVSI region of mitochondrial DNA sequences of 56 ancient samples (1000-3000 old) and 303 modern samples from three different regions (Chitral, Swat and Hazara) were analyzed for hyper variable sequences of mitochondrial DNA for the determination of their maternal affinities. Our results revealed 25% unique haplotypes in ancient samples whereas 28% unique haplotypes have been observed in the modern samples. The most frequen...

Amistu KU1,2*, Monahan FJ2, Wims P2, Yonatan KY1 , Fahey AG2, Takele TA3 

...tle fattening during the dry season are Desho grass (30.7%), hay (15.0%), and crop residues (14.7%) as basal diets, whereas for the rainy season fatteners almost fully depend on natural pasture (97.7%). However, fatteners use corn/fresh maize (87.7%), coffee leaf boiled together with water (44.4%), haricot bean (40.5%), cassava root (28.8%), mixed concentrates (21.6%), enset root (14.7%), and local brewery by-product (9.8%) as supplementary feed. The mean age ...

Nida Sadaqat1, Sheheyar Ahmed Khan1, Amna Bibi1, Sadaf Zahra1, Muhammad faisal Salamt1, Noreen Latief2 and Fatima Ali1*

...or the various groups. Hydroxyproline was estimated in wound tissue. Wounded skin tissues were cut off and stored at − 20°C for PCR and ELISA analysis. The therapeutic effects of a NAC supplementation for a short period of time on rat skin wound healing were investigated. The NAC treatment promoted an improvement of wound healing by reducing the oxidative stress, improving wound closure, reducing tissue inflammation with no significant change ...
Sami Ullah1, Choudary Ihtasham Ali1, Umar Ijaz Ahmed1*, Shoaib Nasir1 and Amjad Masood2
...rms; vegetable oil and hydrogenated oil which is commonly known as vanaspati ghee. Over time, due to changing eating preferences, health concerns, and quality issues, vegetable oil is rapidly replacing vanaspati ghee in the country. This study has investigated the impact of taste and health preferences and other factors on the choice of cooking medium. In this study, we have utilized a well-structured and pre-tested questionnaire for data collection from 250 r...

Frah Razzaq Kbyeh1, Ahmed N. Abedsalih2* 

....E. coli 0157:H7 two hundred urine samples were collected from adult women patients suffering from UTIs during a period from February 2022 to July 2022 in Diwaniyah city Iraq . All urine samples were incubated aerobically at 37°C for 24-48 hrs on blood agar, MacConkey agar as well as biochemical tests identified special media and the isolates. The isolates were confirmed and diagnosed by Vitek assay. In this study, forty-eighth adult female rabbit aged (...

Fatima Ali1*, Rimsha Tahir1 and Tahir Rehman Samiullah2

...he treatment of wound as dressing for the last thousands of years, however its effectiveness in clinical trials not yet been fully recognized. It is now known that honey acts as a biologic wound dressing with multiple bioactivities. Major aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of honey in combination with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) for the treatment of excisional wounds in rats. Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were inflicted w...

Meryem Betmezoğlu1*, Dilek Arsoy2 and Mahmut Çerkez Ergören3

...air goat in animal husbandry has a critical importance in terms of species genetic diversity We believe that this breed will play a key role in the reduction of scrapie cases, based on its resistance genotype H154 ratio. Larger studies are needed to gain a complete understanding with regards to the impacts of the 146D, 146S, and 154H alleles in Damascus, Cyprus Native Hair Goat and Damascus-Saanen hybrids.


Mamona Jabeen1, Sumra Naz1, Hina Amjad1, Khalid Abbas1*, Sajid Abdullah1, Muhammad Anjum Zia2, Taqwa Safdar1 and Muhammad Sarfraz Ahmed1

...s (15.48%). The UPGMA dendrogram based on Nei’s genetic distance revealed that the C. marulius population was divided into two major clusters. This study would be helpful to underpin the causes of decline in genetic diversity of C. marulius and provide significant guidelines over the effective management and conservation strategies for sustainable fisheries of Channa species in Pakistan.


Bayanda Mdoda*, Faith Machabi, Busisani Wiseman Lembede, Eliton Chivandi 

...nd carcass yield. One hundred and twenty unsexed 1-day-old Cobb 500 broiler chicks (10 chicks per replicate with 3 replicates per diet) were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments where zingerone replaced zinc bacitracin (ZnBcn) at 0 mg/kg (control: 500 mg/kg of zinc bacitracin), 40 mg/kg; 80 mg/kg and 120 mg/kg in the starter, grower and finisher diets. The broiler chicks were fed ad libitum for 6 weeks: starter (days 1-14), grower (days 15-28), and fin...

Ayoola J. Shoyombo1, Ake A. Moses1, Comfort I. Ukim2, Mustapha A. Popoola2, Olayinka O. Alabi1, Noah C. Edozie1, Faith Ogbor1, Jacob Kuusu1, Ekemini M. Okon3* 

...t season compared to the dry season, while progesterone and luteinizing hormones were significantly (p<0.05) higher during the wet season. Only testosterone was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the wet season compared to the dry season in WAD bucks. All other measured hormones in WAD bucks showed no clear pattern. This study hypothesized that the seasonal effect is more pronounced in the female gender than in the male....

Zeyad Kamal Imari 

...y old broilers. Three hundred and sixty commercial broiler chickens were used in this study. The broiler chickens were randomly placed in 36 pens with 6 groups, each group contained 6 pens with 10 birds for each pen. Six experimental diets with different levels of calcium (Ca) were formulated to be as follows: 1.4% Ca, 1.2% Ca, 1% Ca, 0.8% Ca, 0.6% Ca and 0.4% Ca. The polynomial regression equations were used to estimate nutritional requirements of calcium. R...

Abnet Mekonnen1*, Kadir Abderehman1 and Feti Seyaka2

...">Now a day a variety of drugs are on use for providing anesthesia in animals. Small ruminants, due to their anatomy and physiology, are not suitable for many of the anesthetic drugs. With strict consideration, some drugs are commonly used in these animals. Anesthetic drugs classified based on their action and efficacy. The commonly used local anesthetic...

Olabode, H.O.K1, Mailafia, S1, Martha Echioda-Ogbole1*, Ameh, J.A1, Amadi, K.I1 and Meseko C.A

...Council, Nigeria. One hundred (100) blood samples collected randomly post slaughter from chickens in live bird markets were screened and characterized using Agar Gel Immuno Diffusion and Haemagglutination Inhibition Tests at the Avian Influenza laboratory, of the National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom Plateau State. A structured Questionnaire was also administered to 50 poultry farmers. Results revealed an overall sero-prevalence of 5% with H5 and H9 haem...
Yafang Wang1,2,3, Fugui Jiang2,3, Haijian Cheng2,3, Yifan Liu2,3, Chen Wei2,3, Ce Liu2,3 and Enliang Song1,2,3*
... starter, and Chinese wildrye ad libitum for the whole trial period. The total dry matter intake of calves were similar among treatments, whereas the final body weight at 120 days (P = 0.084) and average daily gain (P = 0.025) increased with increased ASIV. There were no significant differences among treatments on body measurement indexes. Serum blood urea nitrogen levels decreased (P = 0.028) and glucose levels increased (P...
Rabail Hassan Toor1,3, Raazia Tasadduq2, Jane B. Lian3, Janet L. Stein3, Gary S. Stein3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1*

Di Zhou1, Qingmeng Long1*, Rong Yang1, Xiaoshan Tan1, Jun Li1, Mingyan Tang1, Zhonghai Zhao3, Ye Ao2, Zhinan Zhou1 and Changxue Chen1

Salma Jameel Askar 

...roidal anti-inflammatory drugs, suppression of cyclooxygenase (COX-1) activity by these drugs has been associated with substantial side effects, beetroots act as a medicinal herb in the treatment of hematological disorders, and act as antioxidant. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of sub-chronic exposure to meloxicam, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, on hematological alt...

Wafaa AL. Bnyean1,2 ,Zainab A.H. AL-Mousawi1* 

...hizic acid (GA) against adrenal insufficiency caused by glucocorticoids in female rats. Fifty female rats were divided randomly into five groups. Negative control group(G1): Normal saline was given orally to rats. Positive control group(G2): rats for seven days were treated with Hydrocortisone Sodium I.P. (50 mg/kg). Therapeutic group(G3): rats for seven days were treated with Hydrocortiso...

Wei Fang1,2,3, Jiawei Hong1,2,3,4, Zhengyi Fu1,2,3, Jing Hu1,2,3, Gang Yu1,2,3, Zhenhua Ma1,2,3* and Humin Zong5*

...nin-angiotensin system, adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes, oxidative phosphorylation; The distribution types of SSR sites and their characteristic analysis results showed that the most important repeat type was mononucleotide repeats (7,840, accounting for 51.31%), followed by dinucleotide repeats (4,007, accounting for 26.22%), while the number of tetranucleotide, pentanucleotide and hexanucleotide repeat was relatively small. Through the above analysis,...

Khadija Begum, Azizunnessa and Md Ahaduzzaman*

..., and repeat breeding syndrome (4.19%, 16/382). Significant variation in prevalence estimates was observed considering the season (P=0.02) but not the age (P=0.59), BCS (P=0.65) or breed (P=0.97) of the animal. Different types of therapeutics were used for the treatment of reproductive disorders in goats, including nutritional supplements (62.68%, 173/276) that were commonly prescribed for treating anestrous. A combination of antibiotics and uterine lavage was...
Muhammad Abdul Mannan1,2, Sharmin Chowdhury2, Md Abul Hashem3,4 and Md. Hazzaz Bin Kabir1,5*
...omal DNA and the mitochondrial nicotinamide dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene (nad4) to identify H. contortus, followed by direct sequencing. Out of the 400 samples tested, 186 (46.5%) were positive for H. contortus. The parasite was found in 51.3% of sheep and 43.6% of goats. Through the sequencing analysis, 45 nad4 genotypes and 10 ITS-2 genotypes were discovered. The prevalence of Haemonchus contortus isolated was not influenc...

Zhipeng Song1,2, Jialiang Xin1,3, Xiaoli Wei1,2, Abula Zulipiya1,3, Kadier Kedireya1,2 and Xinmin Mao1,3* given the appropriate drugs by gavage. Tissue material was taken after 12 weeks. Haematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining was used to detect the pathological changes of retinal tissue. Cell apoptosis was analysed by TUNEL staining. The expression of retinal proteins was detected by tissue immunofluorescence and immunohistochemical staining. The mRNA level of VEGF was detected by RT-qPCR. In the in vitro experiments, cell viability was detected by CCK-8 reagent...

Bilal Ahmed Shah1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Masood Rabbani2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Asad Ali2, Muhammad Awais1, Sohail Ahmad3 and Shahan Azeem2*

...n-inactivated aluminum hydroxide adjuvanted polyvalent mastitis vaccine (FAPV), and formalin-inactivated montanide plus aluminum hydroxide adjuvanted mastitis vaccine (FMAPV) were prepared after confirmation for antigenicity and immunogenicity and evaluated for safety, side effects, challenge protection assay, sterility and humoral response in laboratory animals. Safety test showed no general adverse reactions to the vaccine...

Tehreem Iqbal1, Roheela Yasmeen1* and Faheem Hafeez2

...sphate test, Lactate dehydrogenase, and alanine amino transferase) and kidney (Blood Urea Nitrogen, Creatinine, and Uric acid) biomarkers were assessed. The highest levels of ALT and ALP were linked to liver injury and a higher weight in the liver were observed in BPA treated rats as compared to the control group. Similarly, an increase in blood parameters were recorded in BPA treated rats followed by post -treated rats and pre- treated group. It was concluded...

Fariha Qahar and Muhammad Sayyar Khan*

...l, plastids, and mitochondria in transgenic lines, resulted in enhanced tolerance in terms of lesser wilting and pigment discoloration to induced stress compared to non-transformed plants. In terms of approximate percentage damage, under 14% H2O2stress,30-60% of the leaf area turned necrotic in the single overexpression lines compared to 95% damage in the wild-type plants. Whereas, the least amount of damage (10-20%) was observed in the double overexpression l...
Qiangsheng Wu1, Yumei Yin2, Hui Gao1, Baoding Chen3, Jianjun Yu2, Jian Zhang4, Donglai Zhu5, Fang Liu6, Guohong Ge7 and Ya-Mei Dang8*
... oxidation-reduction and drug metabolic process. Additionally, the top 10 core genes of these differently expressed genes were mainly participated in cell cycle and strongly correlated with worse prognosis of survival, which may be potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets of HCC.

Guo-Hai Wang1, Ji-Feng Long2, Li-Juan Wei3, Zhi Qin2, Wei Yao4, Chuang-Bin-Tang1* and Qi-Hai Zhou4*
...gnificantly different in dry season and rainy season. The overlap coefficients between red-bellied squirrels and Northern tree shrews was high (Δ=0.86), with significant differences in both dry season and rainy season. The activity duration of red-bellied squirrels was significantly lower than that of Northern tree shrews (5.49±0.57 vs. 6.80±0.63 s), but the activity temperature was just the opposite (22....
Mohamed I. El-Katcha1, Mosaad A. Soltan1, Seham M. El-Kassas2*, Mahmoud M. Arafa3, El-Sayed R. Kawarei 3, Karima M. El-Naggar1*
...ents of layers. Three hundred, 55 weeks old of Isa Brown hens were randomly allotted into 5 groups. First group received CuO at 8 mg/kg diet, while the second and third group supplemented with the organic form of Cu (copper polysaccharide complex) at 8 and 4 mg/kg diet, respectively. Fourth and fifth group received the Cu as nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) at the same levels of the organic form, respectively. Birds fed the experimental diets for 10 weeks at 110 g/hen/...

Weidong Liu, Jiashen Tian, Zhen Wang, Zhongren Kong, Jiabo Han and Zhichuang Lu*

...vestigated using mitochondrial ND4L and D-loop sequences, and the results were compared with the same population in 2005. The haplotype diversity of Liaodong Gulf spotted seals was low compared to other spotted seal populations in other habitats. Fortunately, the genetic diversity of the current Liaodong Gulf spotted seal population was higher than 15 years ago, and the population expanded between 2005 and 2020. Our findings indicated that conservation activit...

Syed Shakeel Shah1, Ayesha Jameel1, Sabila Afzal1*, Muhammad Zubair2, Iram Fatima Bokhari1

...ned in our study. One hundred forty-five samples of different vegetables were collected and processed. 200 grams of each vegetable sample was centrifuged, followed by sedimentation and floatation to recover parasites eggs, cysts and larvae. A high prevalence of about 47.58% was described in this study. Coriander was the highest contaminated vegetable (51.42%), followed by mint (48.57%). The carrot was the minimum contaminated vegetable with 40% contamination. ...
...d the presence of carbohydrates,
glycosides, cardiac glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, cumarins, steroids,
proteins, and amino acids, fixed fats and oils in all fractions. Floral
extracts were found to contain highest total phenolic contents (64 to 73
mg GAE/g), whereas leaves n-hexane fraction exhibited maximum DPPH
potential (70 %). All the extracts showed promising anti...
CHAUDHRY11 an imperative factor driving the
intentions of people towards fish consumption due to its healthy and
nutritious characteristics. So, a simulated research was designed to study
consumer‘s attitude towards Wild-caught fish and Farm-raised fish in
district Bahawalpur, Punjab province, Pakistan. By using consumer‘s
survey data, analysis techniques were carried out to achieve attitude


...f health concerns in children as well as adults
but comparatively less information is available about sources and health
impacts of indoor PM. The current study was designed to monitor microenvironments
of asthmatic residential houses (n=50) in Lahore, Pakistan.
PM10 and PM (Total) was monitored in the living rooms and immediate
outdoor of residential household of each selected site using DustTrak

SHEHLA AKBAR*, SAIQA ISHTIAQ*, KHALID HUSSAIN, ANS MUNIR & SAIRA REHMAN value of total carbohydrates (11.04μg/ml),
total starch (14.69μg/ml), total protein (14.34μg/ml), total amino
acids(28.43μg/ml), total lipids (3.67 μg/ml), total glycosaponins (14.95%),
total alkaloids (24.67%), total polyphenolics (28.40%) and total flavonoids
(5.67%) were found in given plant samples. were found in the samples.
Haemolytic and DNA protection studies of Misopates oro...


...ght of leaves and roots, dry weight of roots and leaves, were recorded in the different concentrations of industrial effluents. The maximum growth was observed in 10 and 15% concentrations and minimum in 100% (industrial effluents). The uptake of metals Cr, Cd, and Pb was recorded after 15, 30 and 45 days of the experiment. The protein and chlorophyll content were reported in Eichhornia crassipes after 45 days. Amount of chlorophyll decreased with the increase...


...ot length, fresh weight, dry weight, amount of protein and antioxidant enzymes. The higher levels of NaCl (100-200 mM) in this investigation drastically suppressed the growth of plants of Suaeda fruticosa L. in the form of stunted growth. The overall increase in antioxidant enzyme activities during this study seems to be their scavenging role by neutralizing the reactive oxygen species produced during salt stress episode. It...


...unt and LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) as primary biomarkers in diagnosing the COVID-19-associated coagulopathy (CAC) in severe and critical cases. 141 COVID-19 patients of severe and critical categories, were enrolled from an epicenter tertiary care hospital. The mean values of platelets were found normal, whereas, the mean values of LDH were found elevated in both severe and critical cases. There was no patient with low value of LDH in both groups. 87% patients...

MUHAMMAD JAVAID AFZAL1*, FARAH JAVAID2, SHAHZADI TAYYABA3, MUHAMMAD WASEEM ASHRAF4 & MUHAMMAD ILYAS YASIN5 is Raynaud’s syndrome, where the blood vessels in hands constrict either reducing or completely blocking normal blood flow. In the current study, ANSYS simulation are used to estimate the pressure and velocity variations in constricted vessels. The results showed that velocity and pressure of blood may reduce up to 50% and 40%, respectively after passing through the constricted area. The results of this study will be helpful for the comprehension of s...

Nusrat Habiullah1*, Shah Nawaz Kumbar1, Fahmida Parveen Samo1, Shamusuddin Bughio2, Asghar Ali Kamboh3, Burirah Rehman Talpur1 

...e given by adding in the drinking water for 20 days. At the end of experiment, four birds from each group were slaughtered and blood was collected for evaluation of biochemical tests like Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), bilirubin, albumin, uric acid and creatinine. After necropsy examination, the liver and kidney samples were collected for gross and histopathological examination. The mild clinical signs like reduced feed and water intake, and weight loss in g...

Abdul Latif Rind1*, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Rameez Raja Kaleri2,3, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi4, Raza Ali Mangi5, Muhammad Anees Memon6, Depeesh Kumar Bhuptani7, Sana Noor8, Zainab Lanjar9, Zahid Ali Mangrio10 and Abdul Wahid Solangi

... Sindh, Pakistan. Two hundred samples of oculo-nasal discharge were gathered and subjected to Ic-ELISA testing to identify PPR antigens. The analysis of PPR prevalence was carried out according to breed, sex, age, and Taluka. The overall PPR prevalence was found to be 20%, with the highest prevalence rate (50%) observed in Jam Nawaz Ali Taluka and the lowest (7.5%) in Shahdadpur Taluka. The prevalence was higher in goats (30%) than in sheep (10%). Female anima...

Hazrat Usman1, Shakeel Ahmad2*, Salah Uddin3, Humaira Wasila3 and Yasser Durrani4

...ated open well water for drinking and other domestic purposes to reduce the associated health risks.


Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud1,2*, Yonis Abukar Mohamed1,3 and Shafii Abdullahi Mohamed1,4

...resource optimization. Addressing research gaps, including socio-economic impact assessments, intervention effectiveness evaluations, cultural and contextual considerations, analysis of different production systems, and exploration of the intersection of animal welfare and zoonotic disease prevention, is necessary for evidence-based decision-making. By leveraging research, promoting evidence-based interventions, and strengthening policy and governance framewor...

Muhammad Umar Farooq1, Kashif Ishaq1*, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal1, Tanveer Ahmad1, Jamil Akbar1, Asim Fraz2, Sara Naeem1 and Aansa Latif1

...ept under the same husbandry practices. The results showed that ADG was highest (P<0.001) in T3 (887 g/d) followed by T2 and T2 due to higher intake during restriction phase. However, this was reversed in re-alimentation phase where the ADG was highest (P<0.001) in T1 (153 g/d) followed by T2 (112.10 g/d) and T3 (100.08 g/d) mainly due to compensatory growth phenomena. The ADFI data also support the ADG trend as it was higher in the groups showing higher...
Fariha Javaid1*, Zahoor Qadir Samra1, Madeeha Shahzad Lodhi1,2, Aroosha Hussain1 and Gulnaz Pervaiz1
...ed BRM enzyme in the laundry and detergent industry due to its stability in different detergents and destaining properties.


Erni Damayanti1, Herry Sonjaya2*, Sudirman Baco2 and Hasbi Hasbi2

...e the concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in Bali cattle embryos produced in vitro. 542 oocytes were matured in TCM 199 medium, were fertilized and were cultured using CR1aa medium for 48 h. After 48 h of culture, the embryo developed into 2, 4, 8 and 16 cells. Furthermore, it was grouped based on the stage of development, each of which was re-cultured for 48 h. After that, its development was re-evaluated and H2O2 measurements were taken. The 2-cell emb...
Ummul Firmani1,3, Rahmi Nurdiani2, Arning Wilujeng Ekawati2 and Happy Nursyam2*
...thod against Aeromonas hydrophila showed that B. paramycoides did not produce an inhibition zone around the bacterial wells. The molecular identification found that the bacterial species was B. paramycoides B2.1. These results suggested that Bacillus paramycoides B2.1, which is found in the digestive tract of milkfish, can be used as a probiotic candidate for fish feed indicated by several probiotic tests that have been carried out.

Saad Ibrahim Al-Sultan1, Mariam H.E. Khedr2, Ahmed S. Abdelaziz3, Mostafa M. Abdelhafeez4, Tamer Mohamed Gad5, Sabry Mohamed El-Bahr6,7*, Sherief Abdel-Raheem1,8 and Hesham A. Khalifa3
...and Saudi adults and children indicated that HI was higher than one for Egyptian children consuming liver, kidney, and tongues of the camel. Therefore, it is highly recommended to reduce the daily consumption of such offal samples, particularly among children in Egypt.


Lu Liu1, Xiang Zhao2, Yue Qin2, Tianxiang Gao3 and Tianyan Yang3*

...dy, the complete mitochondrial genome of Lophius litulon was sequenced and assembled by next-generation sequencing techniques. The complete mitochondrial genome of Lophius litulon contained 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. The total length of the mitochondrial genome of L. litulon was 16,430 bp, and the overall base co...

Al Salihi karima Akool1* , Almas. M. Al-Bayati2, Iman Mousa Khaleel3  

...n. Both conical and cylindrical shapes of teat were observed, which constituted 75%& 25% and 37.5% & 62.5% for SCPMG & SCN-PMG), respectively. Microscopical examination of teats revealed two streak canals lined by a stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. Furstenberg’s Rosettes were vertically located as ridges at teat internal streak canal end mucosa. The number of Furstenberg’s Rosettes ranged from 11 to 15 and 9 to 11 in SCPMG an...

Vijay Kumar1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Nazar Ali Korejo1, Ambreen Leghari2, Faiz Muhammad Khand2, Riaz Ahmed Leghari1, Khaliq-ur-Rehman Bhutto3 

... were recognized as multidrug resistant (MDR). Similarly, out of 19 isolates of layer birds, 17 (89.47%) were recorded as MDR organisms. However, Salmonella isolates of ducks exhibited a little bit less number of MDR organisms i.e., 60%. The antibi...

Nimra Altaf1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Afzal1,2, Muhammad Arshad1, Samina Khalid3, Naunain Mehmood4

...practical guidance for addressing a critical issue in the field of agriculture.
Nighat Nisar*, Hasina Maham Qadri, Asad Afridi, Muhammad Sami Khan, Muhammad Abdullah Khan
... such as snacks and cold drinks were found expensive as compared to local market. About half of the study participants reported that the cost of mineral water was high in the cafeteria as compared to the local market. Forty-two percent of the students were not satisfied with the staff attitude and dissatisfied with the availability of food. The study findings reported that cost, availability of food and staff attitude should need improvement to maintain qualit...

Slamet Widodo1*, Mohammad Ikhsan Shiddieqy1, Teguh Wahyono2, Yeni Widiawati1, Zultinur Muttaqin1

..., lignin, fat, minerals, dry matter digestibility with pepsine (DMdPeps), organic matter digestibility with pepsine (OMdPeps), nitrogen digestibility with pepsin (NdPepsin), gas production.   The results showed that CP, NDF, and ADF   had the highest variability among the nutrients. A total of 27 significant (p<0.05) among nutrient content, digestibility, and gas production were determined in this study. The most significant correlations...

Maria Endo Mahata*, Yose Rizal, Zurmiati, Sepri Reski

...plications. We evaluated dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ash, salt, and alginate contents. The results revealed a significant (p<0.05) impact on OM, CP, ash, salt, and alginate contents but did not significantly affect DM. Immersing P. australis in flowing water for 4 h is the optimal duration for decreasing salt content up to 97.62% while increasing CP and alginate levels proportionally. Immersion treatment in flowing water mainta...

Rokhani Rokhani1, Amam Amam2*, Mochammad Wildan Jadmiko2, Dhimas Yusantoro2

... livestock, Animal husbandry
... and degenerated mitochondria in cytoplasm of lentil leaf cells infected with PMoV. Effect of environmental factors and populations of insects on virus infection.

Sona Salem El-Nwehy1*, Assem Abbas Mohammed El-Naggar2 and Adel Badr El-Nasharty1

...esearch Institute, Alexandria, Egypt. There are 7 treatments which consist of 3 percent of the suggested soil amendment NPK (50%NPK, 75%NPK, 100%NPK) were applied as a combined with two concentrations of EM1 (Effective Microorganisms) (1% EM1 and 2% EM1). On the other hand, the control treatment used the entire prescribed NPK soil amendment proportion. Biofertilizer (EM1) applications combined with NPK had a substantial impact on enhancement of the characteris...

Aamir Shakeel1*, Anwar Ali2, Tahir Iqbal1 and Ziad Raza1

...nthropogenic and natural drivers have a great impact on the land use land cover of the Kaghan valley in Mansehra District. Rapid, unplanned and unsustainable urbanization in the area has changed the landscape of the area to a great deal. Forests are one of the worst affected land cover in a result of the changing landuse. This analysis examines the dynamics of Land Use Land Cover (LULC) changes in Kaghan Valley between 2004 and 2012 with range of observation o...

Khalid Hussain1*, Tanvir Hussain2 and Muhammad Inamullah Khan3

...dy was to explore the dendrochronological and dendroclimatological potential of broad-leaved species, specifically Walnut (Juglans regia) in dry tem perate fore st zone, Swat, Pakistan. Juglansregia was selected to assess the resilience and adaptability potential of the species in the scenario of climate change, because no broad-leaved species have been studied so far in

Aishat Adetola Anifowose*, Nkechi Betsy Izuogu and Benoit Katchitche Sossou

...xt-align: justify;">To address the constraints posed by root-knot nematodes (RKN) and hazards of chemical nematicides in sweet potato production, effective microorganisms (EM) and compost manure were applied singly and in combination on two varieties of sweet potato under field and -screenhouse conditions. The trials were 2x5 (screenhouse) and 2x4 (field) factorial experiments fitted into a randomized complete block design (RCBD), respectively, and the field w...

Muhammad Salman1*, Naveed Ahmed2, Mir Manzar Ud Din3, Fazli Amin4 and Arsalan Ali5

...5-0.806 gm) and filament dry weight (0.191-0.288 gm). Four randomly selected cocoons were selected for the reeling process. The mean boiling temperature was recorded at 87°C. Temperature varies between 85°C and 90°C during the rearing season. The study shows that carefully controlling the temperature and humidity levels and managing the feeding of silkworms ensure the optimal growth and development resulting in healthy and productive silkworms.


Hayder M. Watban1,2, Nabeel M.H. Al-Maaly2

...a. In this study, one hundred camels were examined and samples were collected from lungs of pneumonic camels slaughtered in Al-Muthanna abattoir. Swabs were taken from lungs of slaughter camels, and cultured on blood and MacConkey agars. The bacterial growth was subjected into gram stain and subculture to Klebsiella pneumoniae selective media. Subsequently isolated bacteria were subjected to molecular detection using conventional PCR and sequencing. The findin...

Nurul Isnaini*, Dedes Amertaningtyas, Hanief Eko Sulistyo, Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, Faizal Andri

...ted as follows: T0: 100% dried poultry waste; T1: mixed up-fermented dried poultry waste 75% and commercially laying hens feed (starter); T2: mixed up-fermented dried poultry waste 50% and 50% commercially laying hens feed (starter); T3: mixed up-fermented dried poultry waste 25% and 75% commercially laying hens feed (starter); T4: 100% and commercially ...

Abd-Alfattah Abd-Alhamid Alderey1, Nabila Elsaid Mahmod El-Kassas1, Eman Said El-Hadad1*, Manal Hamdy Gomaa1, Eman Ashour Hussein2  

...reated with Econase (E), dry yeast (DY), or both on productive performance of laying hens. Total of 147 Mandarah laying hens (28-week old) were assigned to seven groups. The first group was fed a control diet, while six treatment groups were fed diets containing 15 or 20% SOP with Econase (0.1g/kg), DY (0.3g/kg), or both. The tested diets were isonitrogenous and isoenergetics (16% CP and 2750 kcal ME/kg). During a feeding period from 28 to 40 weeks of age, gro...

Ahmed Al-Hasnawi*, Wafaa Kadhim Jasim

...e findings, azathioprine dramatically decreased the MCV, MCH, and MCHC blood test results as compared to the control group receiving only regular aloe vera, as well as the levels of the function liver enzymes GST and GSH. In contrast to the control group, azathioprine treatment led to a considerable rise in MDA levels when liver function enzymes were measured, but aloe vera administration caused them to revert to normal levels. aside from the liver’s his...

Hermawan Setyo Widodo1,2*, Tridjoko Wisnu Murti1, Ali Agus1, Ambar Pertiwiningrum1

... respectively. It can be drawn that the CSN1S1 gene variation has occurred in those breeds and an intermediate-expressing genotype was predominant, which affected the amount of some milk protein.
Keywords | Casein, CSN1S1, Goat, Milk, Gene variation

Raed Hussein Salih Rabee1, Yahya Sabah Abdulameer1, Walla Farhan Obed1, Noor R Abady1, Adnan Mansour Jasim1*, Firas Hussein Albawi1, Mohammed Jasim Jawad2, Ahmed Samir Abukhomra3 the emergence of multidrug-resistant microbial strains, allergic and an alteration of the normal flora in the intestines. The study aimed to evaluate the residue levels of enrofloxacin in chicken meat after administering berberine (BBR). Escherichia coli (E. coli) was isolated from chickens suffering from diarrhea, and its isolation was confirmed by culturing it on MacConkey agar medium. In this study, a total of one hundr

Tevina Edwin, Arfa’i*, Olivio Dickresna to examine the husbandry system and income of beef cattle enterprises located in Luak Sub-district, Lima Puluh Kota District, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. We used a total of ninetyseven farmers who agreed to participate in the study. We used survey methodology. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. respondents in this study were 97 breeders. The cattle kept were generally Peranakan simental (F1-F4), Pesisir cattle, Bali cattle, and ...
Rusli Tonda1, Lili Zalizar1*, Wahyu Widodo1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, David Hermawan1, Damat Damat1, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile2, Irum Iqrar3, Trias Agung Pakarti4,5, Shazma Anwar6 and Wirawan Wira7, rice remains are sundried to reach a water content of < 14 %. However, no literature or findings are yet to discover whether “aking rice” is palatable for poultry. Therefore, this study is focused on determining “aking rice” palatability to see its chance to substitute corn and rice bran with an experimental design of three replications employing three treatments of corn (T1), “aking rice” (T2), and rice bran (T3). B...

Irfan Safdar Durrani*, Noreen Asim and Ammar Sohail

... analysis revealed the hydrogen bonding interaction between cis-acting elements and their corresponding Transcription factors.


Naeem Tariq Narejo1*, Muhammad Hanif Chandio2, Faheem Saddar3, Majida Parveen Narejo4, Bushra Ainy Dars5, Hafeez ur Rehman Narejo6, Athar Mustafa Laghari2, Shafiq ur Rehman Shaikh3, Shahnaz Rashid7 and Ghulam Abbas7

...onversely, a significant drop in performance was observed in T-I (p < 0.05). The highest temperature, measured at T-III, was recorded as 32 °C during the month of June. Conversely, the lowest temperature, observed at T-I, was recorded as 25.5 °C in the month of April. The month of June exhibited a higher dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in T-II, measuring at 5.6 mg/l. Conversely, the month of April recorded a minimum DO concentration in T-III gro...

Tanvir Hussain1,2*, Kafeel Ahmad2, Muhammad Bilal Zia1, Hammad Uddin1, Khalid Hussain1, Muhammad Inamulla Khan3 and Said Akhtar Khan1 Spruce growing in the dry temperate and moist temperate forests of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan using random amplified polymorphic (RAPD) DNA method. Five study sites were selected and 20 samples (needles) from each site were collected. Six RAPD markers produced 92 amplicons with sizes range 250-2000bp. Among all studied populations 100% polymorphism was observed. The highest percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB=82.61%), observed number of alleles (na=...

Muhammad Mukhtar*, Syamsul Bahri, Syahruddin 

...ely fresh matter weight, dry matter weight and leaf blade percentage and (3) nitrogen uptake. The results showed that the treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on growth and biomass production, and a significant effect (P<0.05) on nitrogen uptake. The highest yield for plant height growth reached 446 cm and the growth of tiller number reached 39 tillers. The highest yield in the production of fresh matter weight was 40 kg/m2 and

Ehtesham Khan, Talha Ahmed, M. Irfan Anis* and Syed Ahsan Rehman

...;">An advanced form of hydroponics, aeroponics farming is the procedure of plant cultivation in a mist environment by spraying micro droplets of nutrient solution on the roots of plant in a closed habitat in order to procure fast and healthy plant growth. It is a soil-less culture as soil is just the medium for the plant for nutrients ingestion. As nutrients are supplied in an air water culture in the form of mist directly t...

Sajida Batool1, Mubeen Akhtar1, Shafaat Yar Khan1,2*

...;">Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is among the common endocrine disorders in childbearing aged females. This study is designed to compare a few anthropometric, hematological, and biochemical parameters in PCOS patients with that of normal females including correlation between interleukin-3 and blood cell count. Patients with PCOS and normal healthy females (n=60) of same age group were included in this study following Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM criteria. The par...

Md. Ariful Alam1, Mst. Misrat Masuma Parvez1, Md. Salauddin2*, Rakibul Islam1 and Md. Bazlar Rashid1

...-vet Powder (amprolium hydrochloride 20%) at a dose rate of 1g per 3 liters of drinking water for 7 days. Results showed that the body weight of T0, T1, T2 T3, and T4 group at 30 days of post-infection were 627.96 ± 1.82, 585.52 ± 2.76, 595.66 ± 2.76, 743.17 ± 3.55, 734.88 ± 2.36 gm respectively which is statistically significant (P<0.01) and highest body weight gain was recorded from T3...

Md. Ariful Alam1, Mst. Misrat Masuma Parvez1, Md. Salauddin2*, Rakibul Islam1 and Md. Bazlar Rashid1

...-vet Powder (amprolium hydrochloride 20%) at a dose rate of 1g per 3 liters of drinking water for 7 days. Results showed that the body weight of T0, T1, T2 T3, and T4 group at 30 days of post-infection were 627.96 ± 1.82, 585.52 ± 2.76, 595.66 ± 2.76, 743.17 ± 3.55, 734.88 ± 2.36 gm respectively which is statistically significant (P<0.01) and highest body weight gain was recorded from T3...

Imtiaz Khan1*, Abdullah1, Muhammad Ibrahim1, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan1, Saima Hashim1, Shomayela Afzal2 and Khalid Nawab3 

...r application, fresh and dry weight (m-2) of A. tenuifolius Cav., plant height (cm), number of nodes and branches plant-1, leaf area index (LAI), number of pods plant-1, number of grains pod-1, 500 seed weight (g), biological yield (kgha-1), grain yield (kgha-1) and cost benefit ratio (%).The data analysis revealed that the herbicide Pendimethalin showed the lowest A. tenuifolius Cav. density (6.10 m-2), fresh weight (1.30 kgm-2) and d...

Afsheen Khattak1, Shahida Naveed1*, Naila Khalid1, Inayat Ullah Khan2 and Tamana Bakht

...celioides was collected, dried, powdered, and aqueous extracts were prepared at room temperature. Randomized Complete Design (RCD) with four treatments and one control were used in the experiment. Data was recorded for seed germination rate (%), shoot length (cm), radical length (cm), fresh biomass weight (g), dry weight (g), and moisture content (%) of wheat and maize seedling. Result revealed that V. encelioides extracts s...

Waqas Ahmad*, Muhammad Naeem

...nd barcoded with mitochondrial COI gene. BLAST analysis confirmed 100% identity of Notopterus notopterus with reference sequences belonging to NCBI GenBank database. Genetic diversity was analysed by using PCR amplification of 75 specimens of N. notopterus with five RAPD markers. RAPD markers data indicated high genetic diversity 0.5832 in Satluj while lowest genetic diversity 0.2173 in Chenab. High genetic polymorphism 60.52% observed in Satluj while lowest g...

Kristina Morkūnienė*, Rūta Insodaitė, Laimutis Kučinskas, Renata Bižienė 

...veral factors, including drifting of infested bees, movement of bee swarms, robbing of weakened colonies. However, some bees’ colonies are resistant to V. destructor and that may be related to changes in the amino acid sequence of the Mblk1 protein leading to higher brain functions in bees. In this study, we aimed to test the contribution of three Mblk-1 gene polymorphisms to the resistance to V. destructor mites. This case–control study involved 1...

Fatemeh Beheshti1, Maliheh Safavi2, Mohammad Reza Akbari Eidgahi1,3, Parviz Kokhaei4, Mehdi Vazirian5 and  Ali Akbar Shabani1,3*

...2, 2-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazil (DPPH) was seen across all three extract types (ethanol, water, and chloroform) with the IC50 values of 42.30 ± 2.35, 54.11 ± 3.62, and 85.71 ± 4.83 μg/mL, respectively which were higher compared to the positive control (ascorbic acid = 8.07 ± 0.30 μg/mL) and (butylated hydroxyanisole or BHA = 13.9 ± 0.54 μg/mL). The ferrous reducing antioxidant powe...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Muhammad Waryam Warraich1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Fakhar Mujeeb3, Muhammad Zeeshan Maznoor1, Aneela Riaz4 and Sarfraz Hussain2

...esh weight (42.43 g) and dry biomass (14.37 g) of wheat were also observed when SOP was used in combination with press mud as CSF. Press mud found to be most effective CSF compared to compost and fly ash. 


Mollah Mohammad Lalmoddin*, Pal Dipa Rani, Ferdous Jannatul

...ammatory, antihistaminic drugs were commonly used as supportive treatment for the disease. Lumpy Skin Disease causes higher morbidity and heavy economic losses in recent years which may be reduced substantially by vaccination, proper surveillance and monitoring, restricted movement of infected and exposed animals. 


Muhammad Nauman Arif1, Muhammad Mansha1* and Tanveer Hussain2

...ase 6/8 genes of mitochondrial DNA. The blood samples from hog deer were collected and DNA was extracted by using in-house organic methods. PCR was used to amplify a total of 880 bp of overlapping genes, which were then sequenced. Bioedit software was used to align, and edit the sequences, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were evaluated. The MEGA X-based maximum likelihood method was employed to study the genetic relatedness between sequenced samples...

Jasir Hakim Hidayah1,2, Yos Adi Prakoso2, Sitarina Widyarini3* 

... effects of antiplatelet drugs against stroke, such as using herbs, including calabash (Crescentia cujete L.). This study aimed to analyze the efficacy of calabash fruit against histopathology of the brain in a mouse model with artificially induced ischemic stroke. As many as fifty – rat models were used in this study. The rats were separated into P1 (sham-operated), P2 (ischemic stroke model (IS)), P3 (IS + 0.74 mg/kg BW of calabash), P4 (IS + 1.48...

Faiza Naeem1, Muhammad Farooq Sabar1, Muhammad Usman Ghani2,*, Qurat Ul Ain1 and Qurat-ul-Ain Zafar1

...protein for the targeted drug discovery and therapies. An extensive study of published articles was conducted to enlist asthma-associated genes reported significant (P-value < 0.05) in the Pakistani population. Pathway Connector ( was used to analyze the pathways associated with genes as well as novel pathways through complimentary network analysis. Protein-protein interaction studies were conducted using St...
Hyun-Su Hwang1, Jae-Kang Lee2, Tae-Kyung Eom2, Seung-Hun Son3, Dong-Ho Lee2, Hyeongyu Ko2 and Shin-Jae Rhim2*

Muhammad Ayub1*, Syed Arif Husain Rizvi2, Ishtiaq Hussain3, Musa Ali Hashmi4, Iqbal Hussain5, Shahid Hussain1, Zakir Hussain1 and Rehmat Kabir6 

Ahmed H. El-Anwar, Eid A. Mabrouk, Khaled M. Ali, Nermeen A. Helmy, Rehab M. Reda* extended to examine androgen receptor (AR) gene expression and microscopical structure of testicular tissue at the end of the 5th-month-old.  Results revealed that the n-ZnO group exhibited significant (P ≤ 0.05) improvement over that of the ZnO group on all growth performances and serum biochemical parameters compared with the control group except for FC, T3, and T4, which were insignificantly changed. Moreover, AR gene expression and microscopical...

Aniqa Nasir1, Rashid Masih1, Shazma Massey1*, Laiba Arshad2, Sabi Ur Rehman2, Irva Waqar1 and Anwar Khalid3

...epare non-adherent wound dressing and its stability is determined by thermal analysis by using advanced isoconversional method. Isoconversional method is used to determine kinetic triplet including activation energy, pre-exponential factor and mechanism of thermal degradation. The prepared dressings were subjected to thermal analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the degradation of wound dr...

Khanitta Pengmeesri1,2* Thassawan Somchan1 , Doungnapa Promket1,3 

...laughtered. Post-carcass dressing, breast and thigh sections were hermetically sealed and stored at -30°C for four weeks, followed by thawing at 4°C for 24 hours. The assessment covers thaw, cooking, and drip losses, along with shear force measurements. Muscle fibers in the breast and thigh were studied via Scanning Electron Microscopy. Using a Completely Randomized Design, meat quality records underwent analysis wit...

Sara H. Zughayyar*, Amer H. Gyad 

...sence of tannins, carbohydrates, phenols, resins, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, coumarins, terpenes, and glycosides, while steroids and proteins were absent. The extract displayed antidiarrheal activity comparable to loperamide, showing a significant reduction in intestinal content volume and weight (P≤0.05). In conclusion, the ethanolic extract of Prosopis farcta L. fruits demonstrated promising antidiarrheal activity, potentially due to the phytochemic...

Arslan Muhammad Ali Khan1, Rao Zahid Abbas1*, Zia ud Din Sindhu1, Muhammad Shahid Mahmood2

...l (8.9%), α-phellandrene (7.8%), linalool (4.7%), myrtenol (4.7%), nerolidol (4.6%), β-pinene (4.6%), terphenyl acetate (3.6%), 1, 8-cineole (2.7%), and traces (1.7%). Five different concentrations of A. subulatum essential oil (0.31, 0.62, 1.25, 2.50, and 5% v/v) along with positive (0.1% Cypermethrin) and negative control (absolute alcohol) were prepared to check the acaricidal and repellent effects. A. subulatum essential oil significantly (p<...

Ying Chen1, Chao-Zheng Li2, Zhun Yu3, Jia Zhou4, Yan Xu4, Zhe Lin4, He Lin4* and Xiao-Wei Huang4*

...ctivities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) isoenzymes in serum, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase (CAT) in myocardial tissue were detected by ELISA. Hematoxylin and eosin (HandE) staining was used to detect the histological changes of rat myocardium. Western blotting (WB) was used to detect the protein expression levels of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 ...

Adeel Kazam1, Safdar Sidra2, Zulfiqar Ali1*, Rida Ahmad1,3, Ahmad Bilal1 and Aliza Batool1,3

...anellus vanellus), alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria), and pallid harrier (Circus macrourus), and one endangered species steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis) were observed during the study. These species require special attention for conservation as illegal hunting is one of the major threats to the species in the study area. Other threats include fishing, use of insecticides and pesticides.


Khansa Jamil1, Muhammad Ramzan Khan1, Asad Jan2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

...e played a vital role in drug production. Herbal medicines have proved to be safe to use. Crude extract of Caralluma tuberculata stem was used to examine its antibacterial activity and phytochemical screening. Antibacterial assay was carried out by well diffusion method. A maximum number of compounds were eluted by methanolic extract by thin-layer chromatography and a total of 70 compounds were identified by GC-MS analysis. The phytochemical screening showed t...

Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Muddassir Ali3, Tariq Usman4, Bilques Bano5, Nazia Rubab6, Syed Tasadak Mehdi7, Muhammad Wasim Iqbal8, Kumayl Hassan Akhtar9, Hira Hameed10

...dica and other synthetic drugs comparatively compare and to justify the said seed consumption as an anthelmintic by the customary therapists of animals in South-Asia. Crude aqueous extract (CAE) from seeds of A. indica at the dosage of 2 g/kg of body weight,  levamisole HCL at the dose rate of 7.5 mg/kg and 3.0% oxyclozanide BP (vet), 1.5 levamisole hydrochloride BP (vet) and 0.382% cobalt sulphate in combination were a...

Shu-Zhi Qin, Wen-Pei Ling, Mei-Fang Yin, Chun-Yu Luo and Cheng-Guo Zhao* (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured by colorimetry; Apoptosis rate and reactive oxygen species (ROS) content were measured by flow cytometry; the expression of Bcl-2, Caspase-3, p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 and JNK proteins were determined by WB technique. The results showed that, compared with control group, LDH, AST content, ROS level, apoptosis rate, Caspase-3, p38 MAPK, ERK1/2, JNK protein expression in H/R group were significantly increased, while ...

Nafissa Sahel1*, Fadela Chougrani2, Abderrahim Cheriguene3 and Zineb Hamani1

...s of El Bayadh, Bechar, Adrar and Tindouf. A wide variation was observed in the physico-chemical properties due to variation in feed, lactation period and environmental conditions. Microbiological results indicate that camel milk from Tindouf was the most contaminated with total aerobic flora, psychrotrophic flora, total and thermos-tolerant coliforms, faecal streptococci, total yeasts and moulds. Whereas camel milk from El Bayadh was the least contaminated wi...

Nguyen Huu Van1*, Nguyen Thi Mui1, Dinh Van Dung1, Van Ngoc Phong1, Tran Ngoc Long1, Le Tran Hoan1, Le Duc Thao1, Vo Thi Minh Tam1, Ngo Mau Dung1, Bui Van Loi1, Nguyen Xuan Ba1, Ton Nu Minh Thi2, Nishino Naoki2

...entage of live weight on dry matter basis. Fifteen lambs (three of each treatment) were slaughtered at the end of the experiment (90th day). The results indicated that dry matter intake (%DM/kgLW) and daily gain weight (DGW) of the animals increased linearly as concentrate level increased in the diet. The average DGW of the animals was significantly higher in treatments 3.0% and 2.25% (161.3g/day and 117.1g/day, respectively...

Wei Wan1, Xiao-Li Wang1, Shu-Juan Wang2, Qin Si2 and Li-Qing Duan1*

...ure of l-carvone and dihydrocarvone, with an expected mortality of 35.2% and actual mortality of 98.4%. Estragole had the highest frequency of antagonistic effect (7 combinations), and the most significant antagonism was observed when combining β-pinene and estragole, with an expected mortality of 29.0% and actual mortality of 3.8%. Furthermore, AChE inhibition was observed with estragole, cuminaldehyde, and 1,8-cineole displayed high potency. L-carvone s...

Dan Song1,2, Ming-Juan Ge3, Jie Li1,2, Yi Jiang1, Xiu-Mei Kong1, Jiao-Jiao Xu1, Xu Ji1,2, Rui-Xin Shi1 and Qin Zhao1,2*

...xia-related diseases and drug development.

Muhammad Javed Iqbal1, Farah Rauf Shakoori1*, Bushra Muneer2 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori3
...deline to use a specific drug in a specific dose for a specific patient. The PI3K/AKT1/MTOR (PI3K) pathway is crucial for normal cellular processes. Several activating factors and genetic mutations, in associated genes (PIK3CA, AKT1, MTOR and PTEN), lead this pathway to function abnormally to trigger breast cancer. The mutations in these genes were explored in female patients with breast cancer. The demographic studies showed that all the patients were married...

Shehar Bano Bhatti1, Muhammad Irfan Malik2, Rabia Faryad Khan1, Mahmood Ul Hassan2, Muhammad Shahbaz Aslam3 and Zaigham Abbas1*

Hualong Jiang1, Tao Li2,3*, Jing Xiang3, Hanqing Yang3 and Maolin He3 is the first to address the ecological impacts of sea-crossing bridge construction on local microeukaryotic communities, which can improve our understanding of local microbial responses to marine infrastructure construction.

Iko-Ojo Charity Ikwe Agada, James Agbo Ameh, Olatunde H. Olabode and Martha Echioda-Ogbole*
...y high prevalence in the dry season with peak of infections in the month of January. Breed disposition to CPE showed highest occurrence in Rottweiler, Alsatian and Boerboel dogs with susceptibility in male dogs (54%) than female dogs (33%) while age distribution showed high CPE affinity for younger dogs less than 12 months (86%) than older dogs (10%). In conclusion, this highlights CPV as a leading cause of canine gastroenteritis despite routine vaccinations i...
Morcos Ibrahim Yanni1* and Eid Elsaid Abdelaziz2; Dakahleya (3), Alexandria (4); and Beheira (3) were diagnosed using viral cell culture and Direct Fluorescent Test (DFT) for the rabies virus. The samples were tested positive by DFT and isolated on baby hamster kidney cell culture. Of them, three confirmed rabies samples were picked to determine their N and P genes by sequencing further (at the level of nucleotide and amino acid). The N and P genes in this study isolates have a great similarity to previou...
Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1*, Dalia Y.A. Amin1, Mona A. Ismail1, Basma Hamdy2, Khaled A. El-Dougdoug3, leaf area, fresh and dry weight were determined. Biochemical markers as indicators for systemic acquired resistance; total proteins, salicylic acid, phenol, proline, oxidative enzyme activities (polyphenol oxidase and superoxide dismutase) and virological assessments were assayed. Reduction in the disease severity of treated foliar ChNPs and BM fig plants was recorded. Systemic acquired resistance was detected related to Chlorophyll a and b and carotenoid,...

Zhimin Wu1,2, Yaping Yang1, Arshad Zahoor1, Aftab Shaukat1 and Ganzhen Deng1,2*

... and obvious clinical syndromes (n=57) were selected as trials to evaluate and confirm the availability of these indexes for the diagnosis of canine pulmonary function. The most valuable indexes for the clinical diagnosis of abnormal pulmonary function were selected with correlation analysis and single factor analysis of variance. The posterior lung field angles and the thoracic indexes showed no correlation in both healthy group and unhealthy group (r<0.3)...

Milena Vlahovic*, Dragana Matic, Marija Mrdakovic, Larisa Ilijin, Anja Grcic, Aleksandra Filipovic, Jelica Lazarevic and Vesna Peric-Mataruga

...ns, 10 and 30 μg Cd/g dry food, as well as a three-day recovery from chronic treatments. PMM is also an indirect indicator of food consumption and was found to be significantly reduced compared to control in both acute effects and chronic treatment at 30 μg and its three-day recovery. The PMM reduction during acute treatments is a consequence of cadmium action, while in chronic treatment, the genetic factor (egg mass) plays a crucial role in the change o...

Oghenebrorhie M. Oghenochuko1,4*, Olubukola T. Adenubi3, Olusola L. Ajayi3, Fakilahyel M. Mshelbwala3, Johnny O. Olukunle3, Samson A. Rahman3 and Godfrey N.O. Ezeri2

...ealed presence of carbohydrate (7.82%), protein (4.48%), crude fiber (1.68%), iron (0.5mg/l), magnesium (210mg/l), flavonoids (0.46%), saponins (0.28%), tannins (0.95%). PCV, Hb, RBC and WBC were increased in all treatments but values were higher in bath treatment for RBC (3.0×1012/L), PCV (32.7%), Hb (10.7%). MCV, MCH and MCHC showed similar trend. Similar trends as in RBC and WBC were observed in total proteins. Liver and kidney functionality as expres...
Suneela, Sajida Mushtaq*, Sadia Maalik, Asma Waheed Qureshi and Moazama Batool
... with Trifolium alexandrinum (Berseem) in District Sialkot. Total of six orders such as, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera belonging to 12 families i.e., Acrididae, Gryllidae, Aleyrodidae, Pentatomidae, Noctuidae, Syrphidae, Culicidae, Formicidae, Braconidae, Coccinellidae, Staphylinidae and Chrysomelidae were sampled from district Sialkot. Coleoptera was recorded as most abundant order with 39% relative abunda...
Budi Utomo1*, Amaq Fadholly2,3, Endang Tri Margawati2, Alek Ibrahim2, Ristaqul Husna Belgania1, Muhammad Fajar Amrullah1, Rimayanti1 and Hermin Ratnani1
...y between Limousin and Madrasin cattle based on the sex determining region-Y (SRY) gene. SRY gene is used in the analysis of genetic diversity for sex determination based on the paternal pathway (Y chromosome). The DNA samples used for this study were 10 frozen straw of Limousin cattle and 10 samples of Madrasin cattle. The method used in this research was a descriptive analysis by duplex polymerase chain reaction and analyz...

Rizki Dwi Setiawan1, Zurmiati2, Wizna2, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli2, Ade Trisna3, Surya Aulia4 

.../mL) was performed using drinking water. Probiotic supplementation resulted in a significant difference (P<0.05) in meat lightness (L*) from 35.21 (control) to 40.91 (treatment group) and water-holding capacity from 64.31% (control) to 72.70% (group treatment), but had no effect (P>0.05) on a*, b*, cooking loss, and meat hardness. The administration of probiotics (Bacillus subtilis FNCC 0059) also did not have a significant effect (P>0.05) on the mois...

Daniel Offiong Etim1*, Idorenyin Asukwo Udo2, Rosemary Anietie Bassey1, Victoria Barrong Ogar1 and Etim John Umana1

...t;0.05) enhanced growth, dry matter accumulation and fresh pod yield. 


Abdul Aleem Memon1*, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2, Javaid Ahmed Shah3

...gth, fresh shoot weight, dry shoot weight, fresh root weight, and dry root weight in sunflower seedlings. Similarly, shoot K content was also decreased by 30.44% at increased lime content level (30%) over control, and chlorophyll concentration in leaves declined with increasing% of lime in comparison with the control. Moreover, when compared to the control, SoP application resulted in greater growth parameters, followed by M...

Amer Hakeem Chyad1, Omar S.I. Al-Janabi2*, Orooba Mohammed Saeed Ibrahim1, Najeeb Mohaamed Hussein3

...amide (CP) is a chemical drug that can induce infertility and have adverse effects on various organs, including male reproductive system. In the present investigation, we investigated the effect of oral administration of Chelidonium majus L. root extract on the testes of rats. Fifty adult male rate were divided into five equal groups, and each group received thirty days of treatment. first group (G1). Gave only distilled water (negative control group). second ...

Turrini Yudiarti*, Sugiharto Sugiharto, Endang Widiastuti, Hanny Indrat Wahyuni, Tri Agus Sartono, Maulana Hamonangan Nasution

...t. The method was one hundred and fifty un-sexed one-day-old chicks (DOC) were reared in an open cage. With three treatments, the study used a completely randomized design. The treatments consisted of a dose of the fungus Monascus purpureus as a feed additive (FA). These included T0 (basal diet/control); T1 (basal diet supplemented with 0.5% FA); and T2 (basal diet supplemented with 1% FA). Each treatment was repeated five times with a total of ten chiks each ...

Ghusoon Hasan Jadaan1*, Khalisa K. Khudair2 

...ributed to a substantial drop in serum TAC-O, an increase in MDA, GGT, PC, and ROS concentration, and attenuation of silica’s oxidative stress status, CP NPs (T3) or SiO2 NPs (T2) administered orally to female rats for four weeks constitutes a case of oxidative stress. The study revealed the protective role of CP NPs against the negative impact of SiO2 NPs. The T3 group that got CP alone saw higher results; CP NPs can be thought of as an antioxidant comp...
Omaima Khamiss
...ost multiple nucleopolyhedroviruses (MNPVs) Spli MNPV, and granulovirus SpliGV. Mixed infection of the tow viruses was carried out in vivo and in vitro, showing clearly that the mixture with Spli GV enhance the effect of Spli NPV when it was introduced 24hr prior to NPV or simultaneously: In addition to' protein profiles by SDS-PAGE, TEM electron microscopy ultrathin sections and hybridization dot blots, gel transfer to follow the probable mechanism especially...
Mohga A. El-Tahlawey1, Samah. A. Mokbel1, A.M. Mandour1,and H. A. Mohamed2
... and degenerated mitochondria in cytoplasm of lentil leaf cells infected with PMoV. Effect of environmental factors and populations of insects on virus infection revealed a positive relationship was recorded between Insect incidence and percentage of virus infection during 2007 and 2009, meanwhile the temperature and relative humidity were lower in Behera than Fayoum. the percentage of virus infection was higher.
Mohga A. El-Tahlawey l, L.R. Rizkallal , S.A. El-Arnaouty 2 and Amal A.Khalil 3
... (imidacloprid) for seed dressing used different cultural practices to reduce the natural infection by Faba Bean Necrotic Yellows Virus (FBNYV) in faba bean crop. The results of seed dressing by Gaucho were obtained in the growing season 2007/08 and 2008/09 growing seasons. In 2007/08 growing season showed that seed dressing with Gaucho was effective in reducing FBNYV from 44.50% in plant ...
Johan Sukweenadhi1*, Stefan Pratama Chandra1, Finna Setiawan2, Christina Avanti2, Kartini Kartini2, Arief Koeswanto3 and Deok-Chun Yang4
...tly different from wound dressings and silver dressings on the market (p-value < 0.05). In addition, the best concentration that can be formulated into the dermal patch is 0.005% (p-value <0.05).
Elamien***, Mohammed; Kotob**, Nahla S.; Elsayed*, Eltayeb A.; Ragab, Yasser M. and Mourad, Fathia E.
... years, four of five children poliomyelitis cases reported in March 2009 in northern Sudan States, came from the Red Sea State. The aim of this study is to investigate the quality Of OPV used for children immunization clinics in Red Sea State, to ensure whether the vaccine is still keeping its potency after being exposed to storage and transportation conditions. Several fixed, outreach and mobile immunization clinics were se...

Elkalamawyl, I.M.; Elhddadl, S.; Swelim2, M.A.; Hamdy2, S.M. and Fahmy3, Hanan A.•

..., which will require new drugs, vaccines, and treatment strategies, will become the next major challenge on the path to eventual elimination of HBV infection. Keywords: HBsAg, PCR, Sequencing, Phylogenetic.


Rizk, Sonia A.; El-garf, Eman M. and Talaat, Abeer A.

...eously with bivalent Alhydragel adjuvanted (30) % FMD vaccine, while group (B) vaccinated subcutanously with bivalent FMD vaccine adjuvanted with both Alhydragel and GSLS (10 mg/dose). The humeral and cellular immunoresponses were monitored in different tested groups that received the gel adjuvanted vaccine and the Alhydragel-GSLS adjuvanted vaccine. Results indicated that the higher immun...

Omarl , Dalia M.; El-Ibiaryl , Elham A.; Sadik2, Atef S.; Abdel-Ghaffar2, Mamdouh. H. and Othman2, Badawy A.

...ds in Egypt and resulted dramatic economic losses to the poultry industry of Egypt and continue to pose a serious threat to public health. The present study was designed for detection and isolation of Avian Influenza Viruses (AIV) circulating among poultry since their first detection in 2006. Tracheal and cloacal swabs were taken from the freshly dead birds. Till now (2010) the tested swab samples were inoculated into the allantoic cavity of 911-day-old SPF em...

Madbouly*, H.M.; Saif**, M.A. and Hussein* , A.S. at 21st day of age in drinking water, while groups vaccinated with MDV vaccine (0.2ml/chick) at one day of age by SIC injection. Serum samples at 10, 14, 17, 21, 28, 35, and 42 of age for HI test against NDV. Heparinized blood samples at 10, 14, 17, 21, days of age for phagocytic activity of macrophages. All groups were challenged with vvNDV for detecting the protection percent. From this study it could be concluded that MDV vaccine has an immunosuppressive...

Zaghloull , A.H.; Mahmoud2, Amal; Hassanl , H.Y.; Hemeida2, A.A.; Nayell , M. A. and Zaghawal , A.A.

...gypt (Menoufia and Alexandria Governorates) and Japan. The PCR product was sequenced and analyzed. PCR product of Alexandria isolate was cloned and labeled with digoxigenin and used as diagnostic probe for BEF virus infection using dot-blot hybridization. Thirty six samples were collected from Menoufia Governorate (Berket El-Sabaa, Tokh Tambesha and Salamon regions) and Demiate Governorate and were tested in dot-blot hybridi...

Madboulyl , H. M.; Tamami , S.M.; Abd Elmoneml , A.S.; Husseinl , A.S. and Arafa2, A.M.

...-Monofia, Dommiat, Alexandria and Al Behira and 675 turkey egg yolk samples from El-Fayoum and Beni suef Governorates) were tested by using ELISA. The percentages of positive reactors of chicken sera and egg yolk samples were 57.4% and 74.4%, while it were 77.5% and 83.2% respectively in turkey sera and egg yolk. The APV disease was recorded in young chicks and turkey poults showed typical symptoms and APV was isolated regardless the presence of high level of ...

Abd El-Razakl, A.G. and AboElkhair2, M.

...BD vaccine was given via drinking water at the age of day. The vaccine uptake was monitored via serology, bursal indices and effect of the two vaccines on immune response to Newcastle disease and avian influenza vaccines. It was also verified by an experimental very virulent IBD challenge performed at the age of 2e day in birds transferred from the farms with appropriate control groups in a laboratory. The immune response on farm A showing higher serological t...

El-Dougdoug2, Kh.A; Ghalyl, M.F. and Tahal , M.A.

...alvus, canarius, vinaceusdrappus, nogalater and viridosporus. The Streptomyces spp were grown in glycerol asparagine broth medium and the culture supernatants obtained were filtered through 0.45 pl filter. These isolates were tested in two experiments for their ability to control a Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). In the 1st experiment, One half of leaves of Chenopodium amaranticolor were treated with culture filtrate (CF) followed by CMV inoculation on both halve...

Wisit Ketpanyapong1, Kulisara Marupanthorn2* 

... on 144 Duroc × Landrace × Large White weaned pigs over a 5-week period. The results of this study showed that dietary supplementation with MOLE for 5 weeks improved average daily weight gain, feed efficiency and reduced the incidence of diarrhea in weaned pigs. Blood hematological parameters, intestinal morphology, and fecal microbial shedding were assessed at the end of the experiment. MOLE supplementation did not significantly affect blood indic...

Mahdyl , A.M.M.; Hafezl , M.A.; EL-Dougdoug2, Kh. A.; Fawzyl , R.N. and Shahwanl , Eman S.M.•

...irabilis jalapa, Clerodendrum inerme and Kombucha as antiviral to control the virus infection and detection systemic acquired resistance (SAR) Were Studied. SAR was detected by determination of salicylic acid (SA) resulted induction of protein related to biotic inducers, virus concentration and disease severity (DS). The obtained results from quantification of total SA in induced tomato plants (after 7 days of spraying inducers) showed high level of SA with ko...

Azzami, Mohamed 1.; Hakiml , Aya Salah El-Din; Othman2, Badawi A. and 2 El-Dougoug, Khaled A.

...Rayah El-Menofy in three drinking water stations during the four seasons at 2007-2009. The water samples were ultrafiltered to concentrate coliphages, enteric and H5Nl viruses. Coliphages infecting Escherichia coli were detected in both of sewage polluted samples and chlorinated water samples especially in warmer seasons, however, maximum counts were recorded during summer and the minimal were detected in winter. The viruses obtained by ultrafiltration process...
... and mean temperature of driest quarter are the most important predictors of citrus gummy bark disease-habitat distribution.


Khamiss l , Omaima; El Helaly , Alexandra and Abol Ela 3, Said

...baculovirus (Nucleopolyhedrovirus) was carried out on (SL Omi) new established cells in the presence of PEG treatments which demonstrate that PEG has affected the penneability of cells to the NPV infection and enhances the viral replication.


El Sayed l , Yasmein A.; Ghareeb2 , A.; El-Dougdoug3, K. A. and Bekheetl , H. K.

...ffected by nuclear polyhedrosis virus, the disease specific polyhedral virus particles was found to be associated with the beet army worm (BAW). Inoculation of SeNPV into S.exigua induced characteristic symptoms of slow motion larvae, cuticle showing red color and swilling of the body. Examination of BAW infected extract by light microscope showed polyhedral bodies with concentration (2.3x...

Rabia Anjum

...he realm of experimental drug therapy, shedding light on the potential breakthroughs, such as aducanumab, while acknowledging the ongoing quest for more targeted treatments that address the fundamental causes of this multifactorial neurodegenerative disease.

Abo-Elmagdl , Enas K;El-Mougy2, Hala M. T. and Abd El-Salam 3, Manal infants and young children. An association between primary RSV infection and childhood asthma has been suggested. Rapid and accurate diagnosis of RSV infection is crucial for appropriate patient management and infection control. The aim of our study was to compare the diagnostic performance of Binax NOW RSV (BN) as a rapid test for detection of RSV antigen in nasal wash specimens collected from Egyptian infants and young childr
Abdel Hamidl , Saiwa El-s.; Abdel-Wahab l , Kouka S.E. ; salehl , Laila H.;
Davis3, E. Graham ; Hastie4, Ian and Booth2 ,James C.
...rom 8.6% of Egyptian children aged 2 weeks to 5 years were positive for HCMV by culture, compared with 3.6% aged 6-10 years and 5.8% aged 11-15 years. In children from London, HCMV was isolated from the urines of 11% aged 2 weeks to 5 years, 5.2% of those aged 6-10 years but from none aged 11-15 years.


Ebied, Eman M.; Salem, Zeinab T. and Al-Imam, Hemmat S.

...alent inactivated freeze-dried equine influenza (El) vaccine, reconstituted in diethylaminoethyle (DEAE) Dextran solution as an adjuvant. It was found that mares developed high haemagglutinating inhibition (HI) titre at 3 weeks post vaccination and remain with protective level up to 6 months, while their foals had moderate (HI) antibodies within  48 hours post colostral suckling, the HI antibodies rise to a level similar to their dams within one to two we...

El.-Kadyl, M.A.S; Badr2, A.B.; zein3, Saiwa N. and Khalifa4, M.A.A.

...Salicylic acid and Parahydroxy benzoic acid has the same effect (80% reduction) at concentration of 0.01% and 0.1, respectively in the treatments inoculated one hr. after sprays. Six different chemical compounds applied as foliar sprays with two concentrations for each were used to study their effect on the percentage of virus infection in pepper treated plants: Actellic application gave superior results (46.7%) in decreasing the infection percentage followed ...

Alhudaib, Khalid

...TNAs) extraction. One hundred mg of leaf veins and or cortical scrapings were used for extraction. Samples were macerated in 1 ml of grinding buffer. TNAs were recovered with a silica-capture procedure and stored at —200C till used. 8-10gl of TNA extracts were mixed with Igl random hexamer primer, (Boehringer Mannheim, GbmH) (0.5 g/gl). RT-PCR assay of leaves extracts of infected fig accession using specific primers gave positive results and non with FLM...
Mazharul A. M. 1, Md. S. Sarwar ,M. Nurullah 2, Keshab K. Adhikary I and M. Rahmatullah 1 
...hirata, Vitex negundo, Andrographis paniculata, Clerodendrum viscosum and Tinospora cordifolia were used for treatment of viral fevers. Stemona tuberosa was used in case of measles. Moringa oleifera and Azadirachta indica were used to treat chicken pox. Three plants, namely Cyathula prostrata, Amaranthus spinosus. and Calotropis procera were used to treat patients with rabies.


... Kaffer el sheikh, Alexandria, EL Behaira, Port Said, Demiatta El-Qalubia and Giza through the winter seasons of years 1999 to 2003. The virus was successfully isolated from three ovine samples after three successive passages on MDBK•cells. The isolated viruses were then titerated and identified using different biological, serological and molecular assay.


Eman, Abo Hatab*; Hussein, HA.; El-Sabagh IM. and Saber, MS.

...g from diarrhea in Alexandria and Esmalia governorates. After preparation of fecal samples and inoculation on MA 104 cell line for five passages, eight isolates were successfully isolated with a clear and reproducible CPE on the inoculated cells. The isolates were identified antigenically using VP6 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) based antigens capture ELISA that able to detect any group A rotavirus. The viral RNA was extracted from the tissue culture harvest of ...

El-Sabagh, I.M.; Hussein, H.A.; Amer, H.M.; El-Sanousi, A.A.; Reda,I.M. and M.A. Shalaby

...the control of the polyhedrin promotor. A recombinant baculovirus carrying the VP7 gene was constucted through homologous recombination between the baculovirus transfer vector carrying the VP7 gene and Autographa californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (AcNPV). Infection of Spodoptera frugiperda (SD) cells with Baculovirus recombinants expressing VP7 protein revealed high reactivity with hyperimmune antiserum to BRV when test...
Hala M. El-Makaky*•, Sherif, N.A.;Fekria El-Bordiny* and Taha, M.M.*
...d single swollen head syndrome oil emulsion vaccine (SHSV) was prepared and evaluated. SHSV was successfully propagated on the yolk sac of 5-7 days of SPF embryonated chicken eggs. The virus was harvested 48-72 hours post inoculation. The titre of the virus reached 1062 EID50ml. One hundred and fifty chickens were divided into 3 equal groups. The first group was vaccinated with the prepared SHS vaccine, 2nd group two was vac...
Ashraf M. Metwally*, Ausama A. Yousif*k , Iman B. Walaa A.   Attia M. Samy * , and Ismail M. Reda *
...wo major and two minor hydrophilic peaks. IBDV was detected in tested samples. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequenced PCR product and deduced amino acid sequences of IBDV Giza2008 VP2 demonstrated the continued circulation of very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV). The mutations reported in Giza2008 demonstrate that Egyptian field viruses are isolating from their European ancestors.  Some of the aa mutations have lead to a change in some of the exposed regions of th...

Laila,A. Sedeek; Fatma,S. Mohamed and Manal Abo El-Yazyed

...d groups and there is no drawbacks noticed from combination of the two vaccines in the field.


*Amal Abou El-Ela A., M. A. Amer and Eman A. H. Khatab,

...chloroplasts and mitochondria. A combined assay of reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction utilizing degenerate primers derived from conserved regions in the genome of potyviruses was designed to amplify a 335 bp cDNA fragment from infected plant using degenerate oligonucleotide primers specific for detection of Potyvirus group. Amplification of total RNA extracted from infected carnation suggesting the presence of one Potyvirus in the tested ...

Amina A. II. and M.K. Amin

...olated from agricultural drain water of Zagazig city. One of them designated as PAI has been characterized. The ability of phage PAI to form plaques with strain PAOI was examined. Two kinds of plaques (turbid and clear) have been observed. The average number of turbid plaques was 2.52 x 109 pfu/ml whereas of clear plaques was 9.96 x 107 pfu/n) l. The phage was able to lysis 13 out of 20 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, this result shows that phage PAI has a ...

S.Y.M. Mahmoud1 and M. Hashem2

...ymptoms of rhizomania syndrome. i.e., stunted, and constricted roots which developed proliferation of rootlets. The foliar symptoms appeared as yellowing rounded patches in the field, including general chlorosis, wilting and necrotic vein yellowing. Samples Of rhizomania-like symptom roots and its adjacent soil were taken from these areas and tested for the presence of BNYVV using indirect DAS-ELISA with specific polyclonal antibodies to C-terminal 60 amino ac...

A. A. Kheder1; I. A. M. Ibrahim2; H. M. Mazyadl

... chloroplast and mitochondria structure as well as development of cell wall protrusions was observed.


M. Osman1, Kh. El-Dougdoug2, E. T. Abd El-Salam3, R.M. Taha4 and R.M. El-Hamidl

...scular elements of the midrib formed in two patches. The upper patch was completely divided in two parts. Scanning electron microscopy showed alteration in epidermal cells elongated, deformed, and disconnect hairs. decrease of opened stomata, destroyed and forming giant cells. The midrib cells of infected leaves showing clear elongations as well as deformation. Transmission electron microscopy illustrated highly thickened wi...

Hanaa H.A.Gomaa1, A. F. Moustafal, Kh.A.El-Dougdoug2, A.A. Abou-Zeid3 and S. Y.M. Mahmoud4

...t detectable decrease or dry matter, total nitrogen, tuber Starch, number of starch granules, and total protein. The nucleic acid content of infected plants increased than healthy ones. The investigated hydrolytic enzymes of amylase and protease were reduced in infected potato plants while the level of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase was increased. PVX and PVY infected potato plants contained less auxins and gibberellins, ...

Nahed A. Mohamed l, H. A. Hussein2, Fathia M. Mohamed1 and M. A. Shalaby2 buffaloes. One hundred and thirty-two samples including buffy coat and organs were collected from apparently health Screening buffaloes in Cairo, Mansoura and Suez governorates in Egypt during the year 1999. Screening of samples by GAPT using standard known anti-BVDV antisera revealed that three positive samples for the presence of BVDV antigen. In a trial for the isolation of the BVDV, 69 buffy coat samples were inoculated in MDBK cells, five selected ...

Maria Kikelomo Adegun1*, Femi Godwin Ekundayo1, David Daisi Ajayi2 and health during the dry season, several combinations of non-traditional diets are being researched. In order to better understand the growth, haematology, and serum biochemical indicators of West African Dwarf (WAD) ram lambs, a study was designed that included cassava peels ensiled with urea (UTCP) and graded amounts of Gliricidia sepium fodder (GSF). Sixteen yearling WAD rams with an average weight of 12±1 kg was randomly assigned into four treat...

Huda M. Hamid1, Fadia W. Al-Azawi2* and Zaid F. Makki3

...: justify;">A dam is a hydraulic structure of impervious material constructed across a river or natural stream to create a reservoir to allow off-season storage of vital water supplies and for impounding water. Iraq is a country of limited water resources and a high demand for water due to its agricultural sector and its growing population. In this study, an analysis of hydrology characteristics of Iraqi dams has been presen...

Tariq I. Almundarij

... abnormalities in female dromedary camels. To determine their link with two different ages of the Majaheem (black) and Waddah (white) breeds, measurements of lipogram and antioxidant parameters were assessed. During the breeding season, 16 dromedary she-camels that appeared to be in good health included in this study as controls. Their average body weight ranged from 430 kg for camels under 8 years old to 480 kg for camels o...

Makmun1, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid2, Muhammad Saleh S. Ali2*, Muhammad Yamin Saud2, Rahmadanih3

...ers and the Animal Husbandry Department of Blitar Regency. The study’s findings indicated that actors involved in the laying hen farming business were small farmers, medium farmers, large farmers, farmer groups, poultry shops, the Animal Husbandry Department, Ministry of Agriculture-Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health, feed/medicine companies, egg collectors/middlemen, local traders, inter-regional/islan...

Nguyen Binh Truong1,2*, Ho Xuan Nghiep1,2, Tran Trung Tuan1,2

...ortion of combination (% dry matter intake) in two energy feed sources was 15% and 15% such as MaCa, MaWh, BrCa and BrWh. The results show that dry matter intake per body weight of BrWh (3.42%) and BrCa (3.40%) treatments tended to high compared to the MaCa (3.29%) and MaWh (3.08%) treatments. The organic matter digestibility (%) of BrCa was not different (P>0.05) with MaWh and BrWh but it was higher (P<0.05) than MaCa...

Divanildo Outor-Monteiro1,2,3*, José António Silva2,3,4, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3

...not significantly impact dressing out, visceral development, Warner-Bratzler Shear Force – WBSF and meat pH. In contrast, 84-day-old rabbits reared in cages displayed reduced digestive organ development, decreased caecal acetic acid and increased butyric acid concentration, compared to their counterparts. When comparing slaughter ages, the 84-day-old rabbits exhibited higher dressing out percentages, lower relative org...

Firda Dimawarnita1*, Edwina Gabriela Tesalonika Mustamu2, Yora Faramitha1, Haryo Tejo Prakoso1, Wildan Aulia Noorsy1, Komang Gede Wiryawan2

...nia concentration (NH3), dry matter digestibility (DMD), crude fiber digestibility (CFD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), methane gas production, fulvic acid content, and bacterial population. The results indicated that the treatment did not have a significant effect on DMD, OMD, pH, NH3 concentration, methane gas, and bacterial populations. Treatment showed a significant result (P<0.05) on total VFA. The contents of fulvic acid in raw and delignified E...

Zurmiati1*, Ade Trisna2, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli1, Yelsi Listiana Dewi3, Ulvi Fitri Handayani4, Wizna1 

...NCC 0059 was included in drinking water of male Bayang ducks at different doses (0, 76x106, 69x108, 65x1010, 53x1012 CFU/ml), and each of these five treatment was replicated four times. Feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion, and final body weight were the parameters studied. The results revealed that the probiotic Bacillus subtilis FNCC 0059 has a significant (p<0.05) effect on feed intake (being low in 53x1012 and 65x1010 CFU/ml), body weight, bod...

Tarek Refaay, E.A. Elshafiee, Hayam A. Mansour and Maha A. Sabry*


... and cotrimoxazole. Multidrug resistance (MDR) was observed among all E. coli O157:H7 isolates. All E. coli O157:H7 isolates harbor the eae gene with complete absence of stx1 gene. The most prevalent phylogroup among the E. coli O157:H7 strains was B2 identified in raw and cooked beef and cooked chicken, collected from Luxor, Hurghada, and Alexandria gov...

Doungnapa Promket1*, Khanitta Pengmeesri1, Jennarong Kammongkun2, Thassawan Somchan1 

... we worked with three hundred Thai indigenous chickens. This study employed PCR-RFLP genotyping of the MTNR1C and NPY genes to investigate their association with egg production traits. The results revealed significant associations between these genes and several egg production parameters on Thai indigenous chicken populations. In the case of the MTNR1C gene, significant effects were observed on WE360d, NE360d, and E/M (P < 0.05). Specifically, Thai indigeno...

Saddam Hummadi1, Nadia Al-Falahi2* 

...e synthesis and use of hydrogel derived from small intestine submucosa (SIS) and AgNPs composite for accelerate the healing of infected wounds and improve cosmetic outcomes. A 5% w/v SIS hydrogel was prepared and formulated with 100 µg/ml AgNPs to evaluate its effect on healing of infected wounds in rabbit. Forty eight adult rabbits aged 8-12 months, weighing 1.5-2.5 kg, were divided randomly into three equal groups (...

Estabraq Hayder Khayoon, Ammar Ahmed Abdulwahid* in the swimming test, dramatically lengthens the time needed to turn an animal’s head 180 degrees during a negative geotaxis test and decreased locomotors activity in the Y maze test. Curcumin’s anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties have not been thoroughly examined in neurotoxicity given on by Acrylamide, nevertheless. We investigated whether Curcumin may protect against oxidative stress, apoptosis, and inflammation in n...

Xiaojun Li

...cryptotanshinone and dihydrotanshinone had lethal effect on diamondback moth larvae, and the correlation coefficient was 0.972. Through further antifeedant test, it was found that diamondback moth larvae had obvious antifeedant behavior to acetone extracts of SIB represented by cryptotanshinone and dihydrotanshinone, and the correlation coefficient was -0.915. By further observing the influence of acetone extract of SIB on t...
Asma Ilyas1, Tanzeela Riaz 2*, Sammi Rasheed1, Uzma Ramzan1, Afsheen Munawar Butt1 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*
Raed M. Al-Atiyat1,2*, Gamaleldin M. Suliman3, Khaled Abu-Alruz4, Firas Al-Zyoud5, Amer Mamkagh6, Ahmed M. El-Waziry7, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer8 and Rifat Ullah Khan9
...laughtering, empty body, dressing percentage, hot carcass, cold carcass, and head weight which had a significant effect on breed. The phenotypic associations between the traits were also studied and strong associations between economically important traits were reported. The analyses of principal components were efficient in showing the total variation of 13 traits accumulated in linear combinations of four traits of most discriminant power body depth, ear len...

Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain2, Ishtiaq Hassan3, Muhammad Tahir Latif2, Tahira Tabassum1 and Naeem Faisal2

...d root length as well as dry mass of rice seedlings sown in trays were significantly increased with increase in seedling age. Increase in puddled soil settling period and seedling age significantly interacted in increasing filled hills and decreasing missing hills after transplanting the nursery. Root length, plant height and root/shoot ratio was significantly higher at 72 hours puddled soil setting period; however, seedling age didn’t affect plant growt...

Muhammad Wasif Gulzar* and Jawad Hussain

...what happens if the self-driving car’s camera is covered, causing the system to misinterpret blurry images of pedestrians. Expanding the use of an evidence-based approach to creating AI is necessary, as is supporting openness, continuous quality control, and a risk-benefit analysis. We think AI tools should only be used in clinical settings once they have undergone thorough validation. Once that is done, we think they should be continuously checked in cl...

Farid S. Nassar1,2, Osama A. El-Sayed3, Saidi Ouassaf4, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2* 

...d immune status. Four hundred male Cobb500 broiler chickens were grown on floor pens and fed a mash-based corn-soybean diet from one day to 21 days old. From 22-42 days of age, the birds were divided into four experimental groups (10 replicate pens × 10 chicks each) in which the birds were fed on a finisher-based diet supplemented with 0, 10, 20, and 30 g/kg FS powder (FS0, FS10, FS20, and FS30 groups, respectively). Data were analyzed using one-way ANOV...

Sukhpreet Kaur Sidhu1*, Gurkirat Singh Sekhon1, Sachin Kumar1, Tejdeep Kaur Kler1 and Anureet Kaur Chandi2

...aging frequency of black drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus) was the highest followed by green bee-eater (Merops orientalis), wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii), common swallow (Hirundo rustica) and house swift (Apus affinis). Study results have highlighted the biocontrol potential of insectivore avian species along with relevance of ponds in agricultural habitats.

Asad Ullah1, Hayat Ullah2, Muhammad Lateef3, Imrana Niaz Sultan4, Afrasiab Khan Tareen4 and Muhammad Waseem Khan4,5*
...t. We recruited eight hundred clinically TB suspects initially and included seven hundred and sixteen clinically TB suspects in the final analysis. The results of GeneXpert were compared with Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) and Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining. In comparison to MGIT and ZN staining the sensitivity of GeneXpert with 95 % confidence interval (CI) was (99.7 %, CI 0.98-0.99) and (95.1 %, CI 0.92-0.97) respe...

Rahmat Rahmat1, Muhammad Yusuf2*, Abdul Latief Toleng2, Herdis Herdis3, Athhar Manabi Diansyah2, Hasrin Hasrin4 

...spermatozoa using freeze dry albumin with different concentrations is expected to separate spermatozoa. This study aims to identify the quality and movement patterns in Bali bull sexed sperm using freeze-dry albumin. This study was conducted five times for semen collection and using treatments; T1 = Medium concentration of 10% and 30%, T2 = Medium concentration of 15% and 45%, T3 = Medium concentration of 20% and 60%. Parame...

Kouengoua Kouengoua Armelle Prudence1*, Yessinou Roland2, Nankam Chimi Roland1, Fotsac Dzousse Muller1, Kouam Alain1, Djuikwo Felicite1, Facho Balaam1, Awah Ndukum Julius3, Farougou Souaibou2 

... review systematically addresses data available on bovine tuberculosis in Africa’s wildlife. This article has given an overview of the factors related to prevalence, host, causal agents, methods of diagnostics, risk factors. After several screenings, six articles were considered for this systematic review. East and Southern Africa countries carry on most researches on bovine tuberculosis in wildlife. Available studies assessed the status of wild mammal, ...

Vladimir Vasilievich Shimalov  

...naeus, 1758) inhabits of drainage channels banks on reclaimed areas, where a specific complex of helminths is formed. The aim of the study is to conduct a helminthological investigation of common shrews inhabiting on drainage channel banks on model reclamation systems in Brest Polesie (South-West Belarus), to establish the species composition of helminths and their infection of these animals under conditions of increased ant...

Ahmed M. Manthoor, Ali H. Saliem* 

...onoids, steroids, carbohydrates, tannins, free amino acid and protein. While the gram staining, cultural characteristics, biochemical tests, Vitek 2 system and PCR tests referred to that bacteria was E. Coli. Bacteria was susceptible to the alcoholic extract of P. oleracea and gave an inhibitory zone 14-30 mm, while 15- 37 mm for ciprofloxacin. The MIC was 32 mg/ml for the extract and 25 µg/ml for the antibiotic. The MBC was 64 mg/ml for the extract and ...

Tabinda Nowsheen1, Sayed Wadood Ali Shah2, Ali Hazrat1*, Muhammad Yahya1, Gul Rahim1, Muhammad Mukhtiar4 and Muhammad Ajmal Khan3

...lics steroids and carbohydrates but deficient of proteins. In minimum inhibitory concentration assay, the crude methanolic extracts showed significant inhibition against all tested bacterial strains at25, 50 and 100 µg/ml. The methanolic crude extract of A. maritime various parts showed MIC of 37.5µg/ml for S. aureus which is gram-positive bacteria followed by 75µg/ml for P. aeruginosa, (gram negative), and B. subtilis (gram positive) that is...
Rehan Ahmed Siddiqui1,2*, Shabana Usman Simjee2,3, Nurul Kabir4, Muhammad Ateeq3,5, Kevin Joseph Jerome Borges6, Muhammad Raza Shah3 and Rahman M. Hafizur2 result from ischemia, drugs, renal obstruction, inflammation, or extensive muscle injury. The current study focused only on Rhabdomyolysis-induced AKI. We make an attempt to uncover the preventive efficacy of cinnamic acid (CA) and CA-conjugated gold nanoparticles (CA-AuNPs) against rhabdomyolysis-induced AKI induced in mice. CA (50 mg/Kg) and CA-AuNPs (30 mg/Kg) were given to the animals for four days. On the fourth day and after 24 h of water deprivation,...

Skeikh Mustafizur Rahman1*, Mst. Shirin Sharmin Khan1, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis2,3, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Md. Moshiur Rahman1, Mohammed Monirul Islam4, Md. Asadujjaman5 and Md. Golam Sarower1

...ocessed fish (boiled and dried). This study further compared the nutrition values in relation to the price of individual species. Protein content (13.27–33.56%) between species and methods of cooking varied considerably. The highest amounts of protein (19.18 to 33.55%) were found in the fried fish, while the raw and boiled fish contained almost similar amount (protein, 14.00 to 19.57%). Fat content differed between species ranged from 0.38 to 4% in raw f...

Ahokpossi AGAC1,2*, Salifou CFA2, Youssao Abdou Karim I2, Ameyapoh Y3 weight, and thigh-to-drumstick weight, and the highest carcass yield and proportion of breast (P<0.001). The Cobb 500 have whiter meat. Based on the sensory characteristics, the meat of Goliath was more tender than Cobb 500 The muscle of local chickens was more reddish and yellowish than that of the Goliath (P<0.001). The meat of Goliath chicken was rated higher than that of the locals by panelists. Regardless of farming methods, the meat of Goliath ...

Sena’a M. Hussein1,2, Raffal A. Omar3* 

...parison with lidocaine hydrochloride. A total of 24 male local breed dogs were divided randomly into the lidocaine group that received 4.5 mg/Kg of 2% lidocaine and liposome group which received the same dose of lidocaine carried by liposome. Pinprick and spinal reflex tests were evaluated each minute for the first five minutes following lumbosacral injection and then every five minutes until the sensory blockade disappeared. Motor activities were constantly m...

Ram Prasad Ghimire

...tents), voluntary fodder dry matter intake (74.40±10.12 g day-1 per kg metabolic weight of goat), apparent dry matter digestibilities of dry matter (54.96±4.77%), crude protein (57.73±5.97%), neutral detergent fiber (52.48±6.0%) and acid detergent fiber (39.29±4.18%) and for the body weight gain of goats (5.35±0.51 kg goat-1 in 120 days) among the ...

Pedro Nunes1*, José Teixeira1,2, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Divanildo Monteiro1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3

...diets, and cecal content dry matter, which was lower in the control diet relative to the EOC10 diet. Consequently, this study validates the potential utility of exhausted olive cake as a valuable component in rabbit fattening diets, serving as a substitute for dietary fiber in traditional formulations and contributing to reduced feed expenses.
Keywords | Exhausted olive cake, Rabbit, Carcass characteristics, Growth performance, V...

Mathew O. Ayoola1*, Kayode Sasona1, Oluwakamisi F Akinmoladun2, Tolulope O. Faniyi3, Abel O. Oguntunji1, Tunde E. Lawal1

... carcass weight (kg) and dressing-out percentage (%) were significantly (p<0.05) affected by the main and interactive effect of housing with feeding systems. Overall, H3 and F3 had the best growth performance, carcass characteristics and physiological response (p<0.05) as compared to other treatment groups. The interaction effects revealed that the combination of H3 x F3 had the best performance (p<0.05) as compared to other groups. Rabbits on H1 and ...

Nasir Shah1,4, Muhammad Ibrahim1*, Zarnosh Habib2, Kalsoom3 and Zahir Shah4

...hese plant extracts, and dried under shade and exposed to peach fruit flies for feeding for 15 days. All the three plants exhibited insect repelling potential but these had no significant difference from each other, while A. indica showing nonsignificant but most promising results. Similarly, there was no significant combine effect of plants extracts and its various concentrations. However, various doses of plant extracts showed significant difference in reduc...

Xiangmei Chen, Burie Bao* and Mo Degema

...erglycaemia. Metformin hydrochloride tablets were used as a positive control to detect fasting blood glucose. The contents of glycated haemoglobin (HbALc), insulin (INS) and glucose (GLUC3) as well as the protein expression and mRNA levels of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) and glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) were used to study the mechanism of the hypoglycaemic effect of CPP on diabetic rats. We found that camel placenta produced no meaningful changes i...
Rahmat Ullah Khan*1, Karim Gabol1, Abbas Khan1, Asif Sadam2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Hamid Ullah5, Muhsin Ali4, Gul Bacha Khan4 and Habib Ul Hassan1
...sion, human interaction, drought, illegal killing, predation, water pollution, scarcity of food, and unfavorable environmental conditions. The study area is rich in bird diversity however, awareness campaigns and enforcement of legislation are required on a priority basis to conserve the avian diversity, distribution, and address the threats.


Siqiang Li1,2, Tiantian Wang1, Peng Sun1, Airong Gao1, Xin Gong1, Yuanhong Xu2, Baogen Wang2, Jun Wu1* and Bo Liu1*

...orophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis. We obtained MDS I with a purity exceeding 90% in gram scales, which was capable of digesting α-1,2 linked mannose residues in high selectivity. The highest enzymatic activity of MDS I occurred at a pH of 7.0 and a temperature of 42°C. Enzymatic activity of MDS I was also influenced by metal ions, which were increased to 22% and 17%, respectively, by Co2+ and Cu2+ (2 mmol/L each), while were inhibited to...

Limbang Kustiawan Nuswantara, Eko Pangestu, Marry Christiyanto, Santoso Dwi Pratomo, Elyza Zahrotul Muhtaromah

...feed in the form of tofu dregs, elephant grass and concentrate composed of distillers dried grains with soluble (DDGS), corn gluten feed (CGF), coconut cake, soybean meal, wheat bran, molasses, gamal leaf flour, calliandra leaf flour. and indigofera leaf flour and then made in pellets. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RBD) based on grouping body weights consistin...

Khaeruddin1, Gatot Ciptadi2, Muhammad Yusuf3, Iswati4, Setya Budhi Udrayana4, Sri Wahjuningsih2*

... adding BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) into the diluent and storage time on the quality of Gaga chicken spermatozoa during liquid storage. The semen was collected using abdominal massage methods and divided into 4 tubes filled with diluent. For the analysis, the diluent selected was egg yolk Ringer’s lactate added with BHT at concentrations of 1, 2, and 3 mM, respectively as well as a control treatment without BHT. Liquid semen was stored for 72 hours at...

Nguyen Binh Truong1,3*, Nguyen Ba Trung1,3, Nguyen Thi Bich Hạnh2,3

...ere 43, 47, 51 and 55 (% dry matter intake) corresponding to NDF43, NDF47, NDF51 and NDF55 treatments. Dry matter intake per body weight of NDF43 (2.40%) treatments tended to (P>0.05) high compared to the NDF47 (2.20%), NDF51 (2.22%) and NDF55 (2.16%) treatments. Total metabolism energy inclined to decrease (P>0.05) from NDF43 to NDF55 treatments. It was 42.8, 38.4, 35.5 and 35.6 MJ/cattle/day (NDF43, NDF47, NDF51 and NDF55 treatments, respectively). The...

Shakir Ullah1*, Lubna Shakir2, Ghani Subhan3 and Mohammad Sohail4

...fficiency and ability to drought resistance is very important. The field experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of irrigation regimes at different growth stages (Full irrigation, irrigation regimes at vegetable growth, flowering, and pod full stages) on yield and yield components of two soybean varieties (1448 and Egyptian) under semi-arid regions. The results indicated that irrigation regime applications had a significant effect on most of the tra...

Muhammad Usman1*, Muhammad Uzair Khalid2, Muhammad Hasnain3*, Muhammad Tauseef4, Ali Raza4, Muhammad Akram4, Muhammad Shahid4, Abrar Ahmad4, Muhammad Shoaib Ismail1, Rabia Afzal2, Atta-Ulla2 and Muhammad Hussnain Babar3

...have been adopted like hydro priming, osmo-priming, on-farm priming, and control under different tillage operations just like zero tillage, conventional tillage, deep tillage, and bed sowing. Result showed that osmo-priming is the best method to increase the plant height (94.74cm), tillers (311.49 m-2), spike length (10.18cm), number of grains per spike (43.24), grain yield (4244.8kg ha-1), straw yield (8330.5kg ha-1) and Harvest Index (33.81%) especially in l...

Pramudya Andiana*, Moch. Geerhan Miraja Syahdan, Khothibul Umam Al Awwaly, Abdul Manab

... and papain enzymes in hydrolyzing chicken head protein in terms of the physicochemical characteristics and bioactivity of the hydrolysate. A laboratory experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) was used in this research. In this study, chicken head protein was hydrolyzed using different combinations of bromelain (b) and papain (p), namely CHP (without hy

Muhammad Akram1, Anirban Mandal2*, Mehwish Iqbal3, Arindam Mukherjee4, Ritika Bandyopadhyay5, Surendar Rangasamy6, Rida Zainab1, Muhammad Talha Khalil1, Pragnesh Parmar7 and Umme Laila1

...s are useful as food and drugs to human beings. People are becoming progressively conscious of complications with the abuse and over prescription of conventional antibiotics. Plant extracts can be good alternative in day-to-day illness instead of antibiotics misuse. Complementary and alternative medicines are good option for treatment of routine ailments. Complexes and constituents with antiviral activity exists in numerous plants, for instance, rutin, a flavo...

Noor A. Namaa*, Hayder A.N. Al-Zamely

...showed increased mitochondrial expression of the SDHA protein. Comparison of the values of the therapeutic groups showed that the Ginseng NP group had higher values than the Ginseng extract group. In conclusion, Western blotting proved to be an effective method for identifying and characterizing specific proteins. Additionally, BCA demonstrated a highly sensitive and straightforward immunoassay for detecting elevated complete testicular protein. However, isola...

Diky Ramdani1*, Dwi Cipto Budinuryanto1,2, Siti Darodjah Rasad1, Novi Mayasari3, Krisna Rizki Rismawan1, Muhammad Fajryanto Solihin1, Ririn Siti Rahmatillah1

...heep. However, the total dry matter intake (DMI, g/head/day) was reduced (P < 0.001). The inclusion of dietary PPS-50 and PPS-75 effectively maintained fecal egg counts (FEC, eggs/g feces) of Strongylus sp. within the mild infection category. Additionally, fecal oocyte counts (FOC, eggs/g feces) of Coccidia were consistently lower for PPS-50 and PPS-75 compared to PPS-0. After the anthelmintic treatment, dietary PPS-75 significantly increased (P < 0.05) ...
Raza Ali Mangi1,2, Ali Raza Jahejo1,2, Afrasyab Khan1,2, Meng-li Qiao1,2, Muhammad Farhan Qadir1,2, Mazhar Hussain Mangi3,  Shi-xiong Yang1,2, Xin-yu Han1,2, Sheng Niu1,2, Ding Zhang1,2, Ying Wang1,2 and Wen-xia Tian1,2*
... justify;">Tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) is one of the most common problems in broiler chickens. Chicken erythrocyte is the most abundant cell found in blood vessels, in which host defense resistance (HDR) and pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) play a significant role in the immune response. However, the function of HDR

Peixia Yu1*, Lijun Bo2 and Xueyin Song1

... of Fen1 and Fen2 groups dropped significantly (all P<0.05); moreover, Bcl-2 protein and mRNA expression rose significantly in the Fen group by being compared to the I/R group, while Bax protein and mRNA expression were declined clearly (all P<0.05). Regulating Bcl-2 and Bax of Fen pretreatment can inhibit I/R-induced myocardial apoptosis of rats. As a result, Fen may be a potential drug to treat of I/R injury-related ...

Suhad Mohmmed Alrobyrai1 , Falah Muosa Al-Rekabi2*

...nalgesic and antipyretic drug, but it can cause liver damage when taken in high doses or for prolonged periods. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Tempol are two antioxidants that have been shown to protect against various forms of oxidative stress and inflammation. This study explored the hepatoprotective effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Tempol against subacutely repeated acetaminophen (APAP) exposure in a murine model. Fifty male Balb-c mice were divided into...

Qamer J. Jadoaa, Raffal A. Omar*

...n rout of 2% lidocaine hydrochloride and 3.75% Diclofenac, on bone regeneration. Forty-five adult male rabbits of the local breed were employed to create a 3.5mm hole defect in the proximal third of the medial aspect of the tibia by an electric drill with dropping isotonic normal saline to prevent thermal necrosis. The experimental animals were divided randomly into three equal groups, eac...

Ruth Dameria Haloho1*, Jisril Palayukan1, Agus Setiadi2, Edy Rianto2, Nadlirotun Luthfi3

...ation of buffalo. One hundred buffalo farmers were taken as respondents by a multistage random sampling method. The data were obtained by observation and direct interviews the farmers. The data was analysed descriptively and quantitatively. The study showed that there are two kinds of buffalo in West Sulawesi, the first one is the expensive buffalo and raised by intensive system. The expensive buffalo were consisted of Saleko, Doti Salamba and Bonga. The anoth...

Ida Indrayani*, Andi Andri, Tevina Edwin

...equirements are based on dry matter digestible (DM) originating from food crop waste. The sustainability of the beef cattle business was assessed based on four indicators economic, social, environmental, and institutional. The total feed availability of Pesisir Selatan regency was 251,378 Tons DM/year, while the current total feed needs are 78,823.93 Tons/DM/year. The ability of the area to accommodate ruminants based on the total availability of feed in the P...

Irfan Ullah1, Asad Ullah2*, Tahira Tayyeb1, Rafiq Ullah1, Muhammad Hanif1, Faiza Khan3, Imad Khan2, Raheela Taj4, Fatima Syed4, Shumaila Gul5, Muhammad Sadeeq6, Muneeb Islam7, Arsalan Khan8 and Khudija Ghani9

...ess. The day old, two hundred (n=200) chicks were bought from commercial hatchery and randomly divided into five groups with eight replicas(n=5) in each group. Broiler chickens were fed with starter and finishing commercial corn based basal diet (BD) with different doses of inorganic Selenium (Se) powder. Group-A was kept negative control provided with BD twice a day. Group-B was positive control group fed with 15mg DEX/kg twice/day. The Group-C was fed with B...

Diding Latipudin*, Chitra Kumalasari, Lovita Adriani

...research to assesses the dried probiotic impact on broilers health as measured by uric acid, blood urea nitrogen, and blood creatinine. The study was conducted at Test Farm Animal Husbandry Faculty, Universitas Padjadjaran, from 6 August to 6 September 2019. A total of 100 day-old-chick were randomly assigned to five treatments and four replications using Completely Randomized Design. Dried probiotics   used cow&rs...

Ahmed K. Fahd*, Ali H. Saliem

...r (control), the 2nd was drenched with apigenin (50 mg/Kg B.W.) orally, and the 3rd was drenched only diclofenac (0.71 mg/kg B.W). The hot plate’s outcomes showed that the animals treated with apigenin significantly increased in time than with diclofenac. The number of writhes in both apigenin and diclofenac-treated groups has been significantly reduced in the acetic acid test when compared to the control. The formalin...

Shirina Akter Toma1, Shah Ahmed Belal2, Md Abdul Baset3, Md Nazim Uddin3*

...cochemical properties of drumstick, wing, thigh, and breast meat of commercially spent hens and broilers. The commercial spent hens (n=30) and broilers (n=30) were slaughtered at market age (306 days spent hen and 28 days broiler). The thigh, drumstick, breast, and wing muscles from both sides of the carcasses were separated. The right thigh, drumstick, breast, and wing meat was vacuumed p...

Shahid Iqbal1, Arshad Khan, Ali Hazrat1*, Gul Rahim, Mohammad Ihsan1, Umar Zad Gul1, Maryam Bibi1, Khadija Bibi1 and Muhammad Mukhtiar2 the extreme of the Dendrogram. For total seed, storage proteins all the genotypes were subjected to SDS-PAGE analysis using 12.5% acrylamide gel, where a total of 14 polymorphic bands were observed. In Band 1 the highest degree of variation (0.83%), followed by Band 2 and Band 3 with a value of 0.75% variation, whereas the lowest (0.17%) was found in Band 12, followed by Band 14 with a value of 0.25% respectively. Based on two-way cluster analysis all the g...

Zhenglei Qiao*, Jie Xing and Fang Li, the whole mitochondrial genome sequence of Pethia stoliczkana was obtained using high-throughput sequencing technology, and its structure and characteristics were analyzed. The P. stoliczkana mitochondrial genome contained a total of 16,966 base pairs, including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transport RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, and one control region. The A+T content (59.7%) of the whole mitochon

Tayfun Karatas1*, Betul Apaydın Yıldırım2 and Serkan Yıldırım3

...expression levels of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and Caspase 3 were severe in the liver and gill tissues. However, both 50 and 100 mg doses of TLE had protective effects against CMN-induced toxicity in all the above parameters. As a result, we have shown that 100 mg of tea leaf extract is more effective in preventing harmful effects on blood biochemistry (AST and ALT), oxidative stress, immunity, apoptosis, histopathology and DNA damage caused by CMN.<...
Sijie Jian1,2,3,4, Wei Sun1,3, Jia Chao1,2, Na Rong1,4, Xiang Liu1,2,3,4* and Chen Chen1,2,3,4*
...n: justify;">Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas fluorescens are major pathogenic bacteria in freshwater aquaculture and cause huge economic losses. The outer membrane lipoprotein Slp of A. hydrophila has potential applications in fish vaccines. Slp bioinformatics analysis showed that anti-Slp serum might provide cross-protection to resist bacterial infection in fish. Slp was obtained by molecular cloning, expression and pu...

Sudip Kumar Sharma1, Al-Nur Md. Iftekhar Rahman1,2, Mahfuzul Islam1,3*  

...e disease prevalence and drug use among pet dogs at the Central Veterinary Hospital (CVH) in Bangladesh. Ninety (90) pet dogs that were brought to the CVH were the subjects of a two-month cross-sectional prospective study that took place between July and August of 2022. Patient owners’ complaints, clinical disease histories, and patient clinical examinations were used to diagnose the clinical diseases. The most common clinical diseases in dogs were ...

Hongsen Xu*, Xiaoni Wang, Tie Tian, Changyu Zhao, Denghang Yu and Jun Liu

... the strain has multiple drug resistance and was only sensitive to a few antibiotics (doxycycline, tetracycline, minocycline and ciprofloxacin). PCR amplification of specific genes responsible for antibiotic resistance (extended-spectrum β-lactamases, quinolone resistance determinants and tetracycline-resistance) confirmed antibiotics sensitivity of this bacterium. Artificial infection showed that the strain could cause similar symptoms to those of natura...

Perinçek Seçkinozan Seker

...urkish roe deer, mitochondrial DNA sequence data belonging to a population from Artvin, Turkey were introduced by this study. The cytochrome b (cyt b) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) genes of mitochondrial DNA belonging to the four samples of Capreolus capreolus were partially sequenced and analyzed alongside the sequences obtained from GenBank. The cyt b and COI data sets included sequences that were 1059 and 646 b...

Lijuan Liu1, Jinghang Chen2*, Min Wang3 and Wei Li4

...ation treatment using prodrug technology is now an alternate method of inhalation drug development. This article examines the use of prodrug technology in inhalation administration throughout the last 20 years. These studies discovered that: esterification modification or prodrug technology combined with macromolecular compounds can extend

Shamsa Jabeen and Javed Iqbal Qazi*

...ase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) are myosin heavy chain associated molecules which do not have the capacity to cross muscle cell membrane under normal conditions. Their increase in serum concentration have been used as indicators for muscle damage. The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus administration on CK and LDH levels in the serum of mice following extensor digitorium longus (EDL) muscle grafting. Blood ...

Kalsoom Abdulrazaq1*, Bisma Arif1, Rimsha Mehboob2, Asma Mehboob3 

...pproach is crucial for addressing the complex dynamics of zoonotic diseases and mitigating their impact on both human and animal populations.


Wafa’a Mohammad Abduwhab1*, Waseem Ali Hasan2, Mohanad Abdulsataar AL-Bayati3 into a nanotechnology-driven composition involves encapsulating Lidocaine within the phytosome structure of the oil. This process aims to bolster its physical resilience and therapeutic advantages while mitigating potential adverse reactions. The central objective of this research centers on assessing the curative impacts of the innovative Nano phytosome pumpkin-lidocaine gel in the context of third-degree burn wound healing. The reformulation of standard p...

Feri Eko Hermanto1, Yuli Frita Nuningtyas1, Filoza Marwi1, Fajar Shodiq Permata2, Agus Susilo1, Muhammad Halim Natsir1*, ß-sesquiphellandrene, Luteolin 7-O-diglucuronide, Verbacoside, and Quercetin emerge as promising IL-6 inhibitors, establishing multiple hydrogen bonds and demonstrating favorable binding affinities. Molecular dynamics simulations provide visual insights into the stability of these compounds during their interaction with IL-6. In summary, the potential mucosal immunomodulatory effects of Teak Leaves, Turmeric, and G...

Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory1*, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2, Majeed Ajafar1, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali1

...with each group being quadruplicated and 20 birds allocated to each replication. Melatonin was supplemented in the G1 control group. G2 received 10 mg of melatonin per kg of diet, G3 received 20 mg of melatonin per kg of diet, G4 received 10 mg of melatonin per liter, and G5 received 20 mg of melatonin per liter, respectively. All groups’ chicks were exposed to heat stress (30-35-30 °C) during the breeding period. Our results showed a significant inc...

Kashif Abdaal, Aneeza Batool, Muhammad Tariq Navid*, Saeed Ahmed, Asma Saleem Qazi, Waseem Safdar, Haidar Ali, Mobeen Ur Rashid, Somia Rafaqat 

...accines is crucial for addressing persistent infections including the challenging ones like malaria and tuberculosis and exploring their potential applications in non-infectious conditions like Alzheimer’s. Traditional vaccines such as: live attenuated and inactivated have long been treated as effective against infectious diseases. However, recent advancements in vaccine development strategies including mRNA- and recombinant DNA technologies along with v...


... weight up to 19%, shoot dry weight up to 31%, root length up to 79%, root fresh weight up to 58%, root dry weight up to 66%, number of fruits plant-1 up to 89%, fruit fresh weight up to 79%, fruit dry weight up to 78%, concentration of N up to 20%, P up to 65%, K up to 20%, and protein contents up to 20% as compared to uninoculated control. It is concluded that inoculation of ZSB strains ...


...epatitis-splenomegaly syndrome (HSS) in chickens. Like other HEV strains, it is single-stranded positive sense RNA virus belonging to Hepeviridae. In the present study we report partial structural homology of ORF3 encoded protein (ORF3P) of Pakistani novel aHEV (Pak naHEV) strain with a kinase 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophos-ph...


...dation of RNA is main hindrance for dealing with fine quality RNA for its downstream processing. Mostly RNAs are degraded as tissues are taken from fields, therefore the protocol for PSTVd RNA isolation was optimized and improved for obtaining Pure and high quality RNA having an increased and nondegradable life from infected plants of Potatoes. The present study was aimed to confirm the presence and identification of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on pota...


... skin of patients in children hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. The isolated microorganisms were identified as P. aeruginosa, E.coli, K. pneumoniae and S. aureus. The original bacterial inoculum was serially diluted (adjusted to 1.5 X 106 CFU) and spread on the nutrient agar plates. Whattmann filter paper discs were soaked in three different concentrations (50%, 70% & 90%) of each of the three unifloral honey samples for 48 hrs. The filter discs were placed on t...

MUHAMMAD MANSHA1, MAIRA HAFEEZ1, QAMAR ALI1, ABRAR HUSSAIN1, MUHAMMAD TARIQ1 & ATIF YAQUB2 justify;">Aromatic hydrazones and their derivatives are being explored to develop new drugs against microorganisms, resistant to presently available anti-microbials. In the present study, 13 hydrazone derivatives were screened in vitro for their biological activity against microorganisms by employing agar well diffusion method. The microbes, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and ...


...ggested that salt stress drastically reduced length of shoot and root, fresh / dry weight and leaf area and antioxidant enzyme activities while the use of 0.5 mM concentration of SA greatly made good progress in all these growth and biochemical parameters. Production of antioxidant compounds under salt stress is accelerated under the influence of SA. So it causes modifications in antioxidant compounds and hence increases sal...


... oral anti hyperglycemic drug used by the patients of diabetes all over the world. In present study, Metformin hydrochloride (Glucophage) was used to determine the histological changes in liver of mice. Twenty mice (4-5 weeks old) were given oral gavages of 0.1 ml of 0.00, 31.25, 125 and 500μg/g B.W (Complete). of Metformin prepared in distilled water, for 04 weeks daily. After 24 hours of last dose, the animals were anae...


...ause allergies, itching, drowsiness, insensibility etc. Effective planning is required for timely detection in order to check and control the spread of new acclimatized exotics.


Adriana Beatriz Sánchez-Urdaneta1,2*, Gisela del Carmen Rivero-Maldonado2, Cecilia Beatriz Peña-Valdivia3 and Dianelis del Carmen Sánchez-Urdaneta4



...alcium oxalate crystals (druse), were counted, as well as the perimeter of parenchyma cells, xylem vessels, and mucilage cells. A completely randomized experimental design with three replications was used. Among the most outstanding results, it was determined that the cv. Solferino presented the greatest thickness of cladodes, cuticle, collenchyma, collenchyma strata, and druses, and the greatest number of parenchyma cells. ...
Jaime Vera Chang1, Arianna Torres Coronel2, Luis Vásquez Cortez2,3, Kerly Alvarado Vásquez2,3 and Frank Intriago Flor4*
...esearch was to prepare a drink based on mucilage and cocoa powder infected with 25% of Moniliophthora roreri (monilla), adding a tropical fruit such as Guava (Psidium guajava L.). A completely randomized design was applied, with five treatments and four repetitions. giving a total of 20 study objects. To determine differences between treatments, Tukey’s multiple range test was used at 5% probability, the treatments were prepared from five e...

ATEEQUE RAHMAN KHOOHARO* & PIRZADA JAMALUDDIN A. SIDDIQUI coast of Pakistan. Quadrat techniques were used to establish abundance of species. Overall, 49 species of invertebrates were recorded. Two of these species were annelids, 35 molluscs (Polyplacophora 1, gastropods 30, bivalves 4), 9 arthropods (cirripediae 2, malacostraca 7) & 3 echinoderms (stelleroids 3). The Highest diversity was found during the mid & high tidal zones. Diversity & distribution configurations were found to be linked with topog...


...s) and corriander (Coriandrum sativum) were assessed using standard methods. Overall parasitic contamination of 30.7% was observed. Highest contamination was detected in Mardan (36%) followed by Katlang (30%) while the lowest contamination was observed in Takhat bhai (26%). Hookworm (32.6%) was the most common contaminant found followed by Ascaris lumbricoides (21.7%) and Trichostrongylus spp. (10.87%) and the least detected parasite was Schistosoma (1.08%). A...


... justify;">Alloxan monohydrate is an organic compound with heterocyclic skeleton; it has been the routine part of all bakery products such as pizza, biscuits and cakes etc. Swiss albino mice of six weeks were divided into control group and experimental group. Experimental group was administered with Alloxan monohydrate (200 mg/kg) intraperitoneally and then livers were extracted after 3, 6 and 12 hours. All the samples were ...


...y logic for flow rate of drug delivery through a nanoneedle for drug delivery. The outflow rate is measured as 1.32 mL/min through MATLAB simulation. The measurements are verified by the Mamdani’s model and the previous research. The simulated results given in this study specifies that the fuzzy logic deliver an effective modeling presentation by showing good agreement with the parametric measurements. Therefore, Fuzzy...


...Ethanolic extract of its dried fruits was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively for evaluation of phytochemical agents. Then its antioxidant and anti-diabetic activities were found. The results indicated the presence of carbohydrates, tannins, phenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, amino acids and proteins in crude extract with phenolic and flavonoid contents observed as 9.9 mg/g equivalent of gallic ...


...isolated from the leaf midrib of different varieties of citrus cultivated in the Sargodha region of Punjab Pakistan. The endophytic bacterial community associated with citrus was characterized and screened for antifungal activity against Alternaria solani which causes losses to crops. A total of twelve strains were identified based on morphological and biochemical tests following Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology. The antagonistic potential of b...


...servoirs which help in hydroelectric power production and provide water for agriculture. The changing climatic trends of the Hindu-Kush Himalayan (HKH) region have resulted in the decrease of its glacial volume such as Baltoro and Biafo. Passu, the glacier whose water feeds Hunza River, is also facing retreat due to climate change. Changes in the area under vegetation in Passu village due to Passu glacier retreat have also been estimated using normalized diffe...


...The plant materials were dried, ground firmly, macerated in ethanol and then the crude ethanolic extract (CEE) was prepared. Adult motility assay (AMA) was carried out on adult Haemonchus contortus to analyze the anthelmintic efficacy of CEE of the whole plant and the leaves of Tribulus terrestris L and Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. The motility of insects was assessed at concentration of 2, 4, 6 & 8 mg/ml after 2, 4, 6 & 8 hours of post treatment and dead ...


...a obtained from forty quadrats was compiled. Thirty eight plant species belonging to twenty one families were recorded. TWINSPAN bifurcated the flora of entire study zone into two main communities that had been again separated into smaller i.e., sub communities. Canonical correspondence analysis recognized the relation of vegetation assembly to underlying environmental factors. This correlation was studied by CANOCO analysis. In the Canonical correspondence an...


...ation of the two mitochondrial housekeeping genes i.e. 16S rDNA, COI, and one nuclear H3 gene. The nutritional significance of the Siphonaria sp. is also highlighted via amino acid profiling. Sampling was conducted at Buleji, the major coastal site of Karachi which harbours a huge and varied number of gastropods. The body muscle was dissected out of the shell and used for molecular identification and biochemical analysis (Amino acid profiling). Macro/micro mor...


...erapy, immunotoxins, and drug therapy but these treatments cause various side effects to the cancer patients, as they not only target cancer cells but also cause harm to normal body cells. At present some live bacteria, bacterial products, and bacterial proteins are used to treat cancer. One of the amazing bacterial protein azurin can work as an anti-cancerous agent which only target cancerous cells and do not cause any harm to healthy cells and thus minimize ...
...nts are needed to combat drugs resistance in microorganisms. The aqueous and methanolic extracts of Nigella sativa and Ficus carica seeds were used against bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) and Fungi (Candida albicans, Fusarium oxysporium and Microsporum canis) to check their antimicrobial activities. For antibacterial assays, the volume and concentrations of extracts used were 0.5 μl (62.5 μg), 1 μl (125 μg), 5 μl (625 μg...


...microbial strategies for drug-resistant pathogens is desired. Here, Phytogenic Feed Additives (PFA) were administered in chicken diet to decipher their impact on animal performance and gut microbiota composition. One-hundred-fifty-day-old chicks were randomly divided into three treatment groups with five replicates/group as (i) Control diets (CON); (ii) Control diets + 0.01% w/v enramycin (antibiotic growth promoter, AB); (i...

Uqba Mehmood

...n and germination. The hydrolysis of spore proteins to free amino acids, is accomplished by proteases, in first 20 minutes of spore germination. The analysis of Spo mutants (strains which lack Sporulation (Spo) gene or have its inactive form) revealed that many of these strains did not produce extracellular proteases. Some evidence for the involvement of serine proteases in sporulation has been provided by inhibitor studies. Nevertheless variation in germinati...


... to be used in keratin hydrolysis.



...degeneration and hyaline droplets degeneration. In the liver tissue prominent histological changes observed including hepatic cell degeneration, nuclear hypertrophy, bile stagnation, irregular shaped cells, degeneration in the liver parenchymal cells, nuclear and cytoplasmic degeneration. Therefore, we here conclude that Chlorpyrifos adversely affects the major organs of Labeo rohita (Rohu).



...rk, effects of different drying procedures as well as of different solvents on extraction of antioxidants from M. nigra leaves have been studied. Initially, samples were dried using different drying procedures (shade, oven and microwave drying) and extracted using different solvents (ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol) in combination with microwave-assi...


... (83%) responded. One hundred and sixty six asthmatic subjects were selected and given to the practitioners at Gulab Devi hospital, Lahore. Practitioners were asked for a prescription for each subject and also to write views on dietary restrictions in asthmatics. The practitioners prescribed totally thirty patterns of short acting β-2 agonist and 16 patterns of steroid treatments. Only 39% of practitioners recommended corticosteroids for asthma symptoms p...


...>Caffeine is a stimulant drug and beneficial to most human being when taken in at low-to-moderate amount, whereas at high amount it may have negative impact on health. Recently the caffeine is being added by companies in energy drinks and other beverages. The aim of this work was to determine the caffeine concentration, pH and acidity in a few energy drinks brands namely sting, booster six...


...t-align: justify;">Super drug resistance (PDR/EDR) in microbial strains has been a continuous phenomenon in nosocomial and miscellaneous infections. The load of these bugs has inflated over worldwide. Microbes evolve such phenomena involving mutational processes, hyper performance of pumping out systems, synthesis of s...


...nhibition potential of hydroethanolic leaf extracts of Vitexnegundo. Freeze drying assisted ultrasonicated extraction revealed highest level of total phenolic contents (258.29±2.52 mgGAE/g DE) and total flavonoid content (155.91±1.75 mgRE/g DE) in 60% hydro-ethanolic V. negundo leaf extract. Furthermore, total antioxidant power (254.35±1.56 mg AAE/g DE) and antidiabeti...


... be used as antidiabetic drug because it is involved in lowering the blood glucose level and Piper betle leaf is a good source of anti-oxidants.


Deni Novia*, Indri Juliyarsi, Rizki Dwi Setiawan, Clara Mustika, Cindi Melani

...a traditional Indonesian drink made from free-range chicken or duck egg yolk, and brewed tea. Egg tea drinks are preferred because of their taste and are thought to provide health benefits. We aimed to determine some instant egg tea drinks qualities, such as the antioxidant, physicochemical, and sensory properties using a food dehydrator that can maintai...

Ho Xuan Nghiep1,2, Nguyen Binh Truong1,2*

...e result showed that the dry matter (DM) intake tended to decrease (P>0.05) from CMW0 to CMW75. In detail, the DM per body weight was 1.64, 1.65, 1.50 and 1.47% corresponding to CMW0, CMW25, CMW50 and CMW75 treatments. The neutral detergent fiber consumption tended to increase (P>0.05) from CMW0 (2.97 kg) to CMW75 treatments (3.22 kg). However, the metabolism energy of CMW25 was higher than (P>0.05) CMW0, CMW50 and CMW75 (57.9, 54.7, 52.7 and 52.2 MJ/...

Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti1, Ikuo Kobayashi2, Ahmad Juwari3, Lovin Dika Antari4*

...threats) of animal husbandry in two countries. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and quantitatively. Primary and secondary data were collected from July to September 2023. The results showed that economic losses due to FMD in cattle in Miyazaki Prefecture amounted to USD 775,184.77/farmer (beef cattle and dairy cattle), higher than losses in East Java province with USD 2,508.27/farmer for dairy cattle and USD 2,747.26/farmer for beef cattle. The high...

 Muhammad Sultan1,4, Muhammad H. Mahmood2,4, Takahiko Miyazaki3,4, Shigeru Koyama3,4, Zahid M. Khan1


...nt of low-cost thermally driven desiccant air-conditioning systems. It also influences various operating parameters of desiccant air-conditioning systems e.g. switching/cycle time, desiccant/system size, and regeneration temperature etc. Usually it is difficult to measure open-cycle adsorption kinetics precisely in adsorption heat pump systems. Therefore, present study provides an experimental comparison of close and open cycle based water vapor adsorption kin...

Youfang Li1, Xu Li2, Shaik Althaf Hussain3, Jayasimha Rayalu Daddam4 and Zhigang Chen5*

...ere fed regular chow and drank water ad libitum; group 2 animals were fed chow containing 3% sodium oxalate with the administration of gentamicin (40 mg/kg) and drank water ad libitum; group 3-7 animals were fed the same diet as group 2 with gentamicin administration and administered with standard drug i.e., allopurinol, EGCG, quercetin and EGCG: quercetin (1:1). All the study animals were...

Wasan Ali Hasan1*, Manal Abdulkhaliq Ibrahim2 

... water only, without any drug; B_group (Positive Control) rats underwent ovalbumin sensitization and challenge of the airways; C_group rats were treated orally with a dose of prednisolone (4.12 mg/kg/d) and subjected to ovalbumin sensitization of the airways; D_group rats received oral famotidine at a dose of 20 mg/kg/d with ovalbumin sensitization of the airways; and E_group rats were given oral prednisolone (4.12 mg/kg) and famotidine (20 mg/kg) with ovalbum...

Nurcholis1*, Syetiel M. Salamony1, Abdullah Baharun2

... 0.25 mL straws. Treat Andromed® as a comparison, P0 tris egg yolk (TYE), P1 TYE+MYE 1 mL, P2 TYE+MYE 2 mL. The parameters observed include fresh semen quality, sperm motility, sperm viability, sperm membrane integrity, and recovery rate. The results showed that MYE 2 mL supplementation (P<0.05) affected the quality of sperm motility during equilibration and post-thawing compared to P0 and P1. MYE 2mL supplementation in tris diluent has almost the same ...

Teedzai Chitura*

...stify;">The emergence of drug-resistant microorganisms threatens human and animal health. The inappropriate use of prescribed antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock production is the main contributor of antimicrobial resistance. As a result, there have been growing calls by consumers and international health organizations for reduced application of antibiotic growth promoters in livestock production. To address this pr...

Shama Sadaf1*, Ayesha Saeed1, Komal Hassan1, Zeeshan Ahmad2 and Maha Naeem Butt1

...hen rinse the sample and dry it under shadow to penetrate color. Then the sample was washed with tap water for 2 minutes to remove extra color. After this wash all the dyed samples in machine. Put 10 litter water and 50gm detergent and wash for 15 minutes. Same procedure would be followed in level 2 with 2 tablespoons of turmeric. And in level 3 same procedure would be followed with 3 tablespoons of turmeric. In results it shows that in all three level there i...

Waseem Abbas, Imtiaz Ahmed* and Imran Khan 

... the CB. When the carbohydrate content of both breads was compared, the functional bread had significantly lower values (p, for all trends < 0.05), respectively, as the ratio of incorporation increased. Total starch (TS) and DS reduced non-significantly at 1 and 2 % and significantly at 3% incorporation as compared with CB. Resistant starch (RS) content of CWB increased significantly (p<0.05) at 1, 2 and 3% incorporation of these herbs with high RS at th...

Safdar Hassan1, Shaukat Ali Bhatti1, Fawwad Ahmad1, Asad Ullah Hyder1, Muhammad Arslan2, Ashar Mehfooz3, Ijaz Saleem3, Muhammad Umar Yaqoob4,5, Mushrraf Nazir1, Muhammad Sharif1* 

...Zn, respectively. Two hundreds day-old broiler chicks were used for this study. Each diet was fed to a group of 50 broilers (Hubbard, BW 40±3 g, mixed male and female) divided into 5 replicates from day 1 to 35 for their life, raised under the temperature of 34 ± 1.3 °C. Results revealed that FCR was reduced (P=0.006) in Zn-50 than in Zn-70, but it was similar to other groups during the starter phase. The highest feed intake (P=0.007) and bo...

Tianhoun Denté Fidèle1,2*, Meda Nãg-Tiéro Roland2, Zabré Geneviève3, Koama Benjamin2, Kaboré Adama1, Tamboura H. Hamidou1, Bélem Adrien Marie Gaston4 

...fficacy of aqueous and hydroacetone extracts of Combretum micranthum leaves on the parasite Haemonchus contortus. Following phytochemical assay, five increasing concentrations (0.6; 1.2; 2.4; 4.8 and 9.6 mg/ml) of the two extracts were prepared and tested for egg hatching and larval development in the presence of positive (Albendazole) and negative (PBS) controls. Aqueous and hydroacetonic extracts of C. micranthum significa...

Mercy Cuenca-Condoy1*, Lourdes Reinoso-García2, Juan González-Rojas2, Dionel García-Bracho3  

...on. One thousand four hundred and forty mammary quarters were analyzed, coming from 360 Holstein cows in milk production. The California Mastitis Test (CMT) was used to qualitatively verify the increase in somatic cell count (SCC) in milk to indicate the presence of microorganisms causing bovine mastitis. Of the 1440 quarters studied, 175 were found positive by CMT, these were plated in duplicate and incubated at 37°C for 18 hours. The microorganisms were...

Addisu Jimma1,2*, Aberra Melesse1, Aynalem Haile3, Tesfaye Getachew3  

... the CBBP started. To address this gap, a study involving 260 randomly selected farmers, with 130 being CBBP members and 130 non-members owning sheep from similar locations, was conducted. The results revealed significant differences (p<0.05) in various aspects between CBBP members and non-members. CBBP participants showed higher numbers of lambs below 3 months, male lambs between 3-6 months, intact males between 6-12 months, breeding rams, mature ewes, an...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Muhammad Inam Ullah Qaisrani1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Zuhair Hasnian2, Umar Khitab Saddozai1, Muhammad Naeem4, Hadia Gul5 and Moneeza Abbass3

...replications. Parthenium dry powder (5, 10, 15, and 20 %) mixed with soil produced variable responses regarding seed germination and seedling growth. Emergence index, mean germination time and vigour index were significantly affected by various parthenium dry powder percentages. The smaller amount of parthenium powder (5, 10 and 15%) promoted the maize germination and seedling growth. The highest parthenium

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Woo Kyun Kim2, Aamir Khan3 and Abubakar Sufyan4

... consistency was normal (dry and cone farming) for the control and 3% SH groups while loose droppings but no free water for the 6% and 9%SH treatment groups. The hematological and serum biochemistry parameters were not affected during all phases. The control group had significantly higher duodenum villus height and crypt depth during all phases while ileum villus height was significantly lower in the 9%SH treatment group tha...

Yousef Abdal Jalil Fadladdin1, Ateeq Ullah2*, Raheela Nawaz3, Yagoob Garedaghi4, Abbas M.A. Al-Azab5 and Mashael Abdullah Aldamigh6

...ections among school children in district Malakand, Pakistan. A cross-sectional study, involving 200 school children was conducted between October 2018 to September 2019. The risk factor was identified by using the Interviews, observation, and anthropometric indices assessment. The stool samples were collected and preserved in 10% formalin solution and safely transported to Parasitology Laboratory, University of Malakand for...

Javairia Shafi*, Kashifa Naghma Waheed, Zahid Sharif Mirza and Shaista Razaq

...ity coefficient (ADC) of dry matter among treatments. Feed ADC (protein) with duckweed at 30% inclusion level was significantly lower (P<0.05) compared to the other treatments. There was no significant difference in muscle composition of fish reared under the four treatments. Results of the present study showed that duckweed can be used to replace up to 20% of fish meal in feed of catla without any negative effect on fish growth or feed digestibility.


Muhammad Usman1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Nasir Mehmood2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1 and Mamoona Chaudhry3

...amoxicillin @2mg/Kg. All drugs were administered orally in different forms, i.e., tablet, capsule, or suspension as per the availability. Five clinical biomarkers including fever, anorexia, arthritis, lameness, and lymphadenopathy were used to declare the status of the disease at days zero, 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th. Serum samples were also collected on the same days for determining C-reactive protein (CRP) values. The results of clinical biomarkers showed tha...

Sedef Selviler Sizer1, Semih Kurt1*, Burcu Onuk1, Gokmen Zafer Pekmezci2 and Murat Kabak1 In addition, using hydrogen peroxide solution to kill remaining beetles in the cleaned osteological material and determine the whitening and degreasing efficiency of this solution was also aimed. In the study, approximately 10,000 Dermestes maculatus, along with the heads of six roe deer, three cows, and three cats were used. To observe the meat-cleaning performance, the initial and final weights of the heads were measured before they were placed in the be...
Mouhamed Zakiou Kolawole Adissa Raimi1, Ghulam Hussain2, Nousheen Zafeer3, Faheem Ahmad1, Muhammad Irfan4, Anwar Ullah1, Imdad Kaleem1 and Asghar Shabbir1*
...reat MS, where synthetic drugs are the most frequently used but they do not cure the disease. Secondly, the stem cell therapy but this too has limited success in treating MS in humans. The thirds technique involving administering hormones has been found to be most effective method but this too have some significant side effects. Alternatively, natural products can potentially serve as an affordable and effective substitute for the treatment of MS with minimum ...

Zhenkun Zhao1,2, Ziniu Alimo2, Xinyue Zhao2, Haifen Qin1, Buddhi Dayananda3, Lichun Jiang1,2* and Wei Chen4*

...align: justify;">Mitochondrial genome is a very useful marker for determining the phylogenetic relationships. Hence in this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of Turdus merula was sequenced, described, and analyzed with Sanger sequencing technology. The complete mitochondrial genome of T. merula was 16,734 bp in length and encoded 37 genes, including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs...

Shishir Sharma1*, Suk Bahadur Gurung2, Ritesh Kumar Yadav1, Bibek Phulara1 and Laxmi Prasad Joshi1

...breeding program. One hundred one inbred lines of maize were evaluated using Rampur Hybrid 10 as resistant check in a rod row design from October 2020 to March 2021 at the National Maize Research Program’s research farm in Rampur, Chitwan. The goal includes identifying correlations between genotypes, estimating the proportionate contribution of various disease characteristics, and selecting eligible parent lines for hybridization purposes utilizing princ...

Muhammad Usman1, Majid S. Hashmi1, Ayaz Ahmad1*, Fawad Ahmad2 and Zahid Alam1

... of a low-caloric orange drink by incorporating various concentrations of stevia powder and storing it within a temperature range of 20±0.4°C. The investigated treatments included: Orange Drink (OD)0 (Juice: 15%, Sugar: 13%, Stevia: 0%, Sodium Benzoate: 0.1%, Water: 72%), OD1 (Juice: 15%, Sugar: 0%, Stevia: 0.065%, Sodium Benzoate: 0.1%, Water: 84.83%), OD2 (Juice: 15%, Sugar: 0%, Stevia: 0.070%, Sodium Benzoate: 0.1%, Water: 84.83%), and OD3 (Juice...

Shahbaz Hussain1, Asif Ameen2*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar3, Atif Naeem1, Ahmad Jawad1, Madad Ali1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem3, Ghulam Abbas2, Muhammad Arif2, Muhammad Ahmad Zafar4, Zahid Hassan5

... density and 93-97% weed dry biomass) and Echinochloa colona (94-97% weed density and weed dry biomass) weeds over control, while Puma Super proved efficient in suppressing Leptochloa chinensis and Echinochloa colona weeds. Among all the tested treatments, application of Puma Super at 92.66 g a.i. ha-1 furnished the highest number of tillers (137.3 in 2014 and 141.3 in 2015), grains panicle-1 (77 in 2014 and 79 in 2015), fin...

Iqra Munir*, Farrah Iftikhar, Hira Fatima, Sunbal Khalil Chaudhari and Roha Ramash

...mens underwent pressing, drying, and mounting onto herbarium sheets. The identification process was conducted for all gathered samples. In this research study, documentation was carried out for 50 plant species distributed across 27 families. These species arranged with scientific names, common names, family names, plant part used and ethnopharmacological applications. There were 20- herbs, 13- shrubs and 18 tree species documented on the basis of their import...

Philip O. Akporhuarho1, Ufuoma Godstime Sorhue1*, Adimabua Mike Moemeka2, Onyinye Stella Onwumere-Idolor3, Jonathan Ujomu1, Emmanuel Abadah1, Jennfer Aaron1

...ction. A total of one hundred and forty-four day-old Aboracre strains of broilers were randomly allotted into four dietary treatments. Treatments one (control) had no ACSM in the diet but was given routine antibiotics medication for broilers. Treatments two (T2), three (T3), and four (T4) had ACSM at 1%, 1.5%, and 2% inclusion levels. The experimental diet was fed for 8weeks; Daily feed intake and weekly body weight were collected, panelist were trained for se...

Dio Fico Felsidan Diatmono1, Seraphina Kumala1, Pradita Iustitia Sitaresmi2, Stefani Winda Paramita1, Megawati Andi1, Yustina Yuni Suranindyah3, Diah Tri Widayati1*

...mate method to determine dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and total digestible nutrient (TDN) intake. The data results were analysed using Independent Sample T-Test and the correlation between blood metabolite profiles and nutrients was analysed using bivariate correlations by Pearson. The data showed that the cholesterol level was higher (p<0.05) on follicular phase (134.04±25.11 mg/dL) than on luteal phase (96.74±22.67 mg/dL), while no d...

Ndubuisi Chinedu Adikuru1*, Paul Inyang2, Abraham Agwu Ngwuta1, Chinyere Prisca Anyanwu1 and Rosemond Adaohuru Alagba1

... varieties developed for drought tolerance were evaluated over two years to identify those which could be included in the strategy for adapting to climate variability and change in the rainforest agroecology of Nigeria. The treatments were ten (10) maize varieties (eight drought tolerant varieties, an improved hybrid adapted to the location and a landrace) and two planting years. The exper...

Muhammad Ilyas Riaz1, Masood Rabbani1*, Sohail Raza1, Ali Raza Awan2, Aleena Kokab1, and Rida Haroon Durrani1

...but has several reported drawbacks including pathogenic potential for humans and excreted in body fluids of vaccinated animals. In the present study, we constructed a more attenuated B. abortus ΔpurD mutant by deleting the purD gene from the RB51 strain through site-directed mutagenesis. For virulence attenuation comparison with the parent RB51 strain, the constructed mutant was evaluated for attenuation estimation and clearance in BALB/c mice. The B. ab...

Noor-ul-Ain1, Zulfiqar Ali1*, Saba Naz1, Kiran Saleem1,2, Syeda Rida Hasan1, Sana Arif1, Rida Ahmad1,3, Nida Naeem1, Zarmina Zainab1 and Aliza Batool1,3 were resting, eating, drinking, locomotion, aggression, urination, defecation, fighting, pacing, playing, foaming, cage exploration, and being out of view. Two different enrichments were installed for two pairs. The first pair was provided with a feeding enrichment consisting of a large wood log applied with small wooden branches on it, upon which food-filled plastic tires were hung. The second enrichment was installed in the second bear pair’s cage, ...

Muhammad Asif Iftikhar1, Talat Naseer Pasha2, Saima Inayat1, Khalid Javed3 and Rahman Ullah4*

...s purchased from Sigma Aldrich Germany through local suppliers. Milk was standardized to 15% total solids with 3.5% fat. Skim Milk Powder (SMP) was used for the standardization of the yogurt. Milk was pasteurized at 82oC for 5 minutes and cool down to 43oC and at this temperature starter culture was added. Yogurt batch incubated at 43oC for 3 to 3.5 h. During this period pH was monitored regularly and as the pH drops to 4.6,...

Igor Ponjiger1, Milutin Kovacevic1*, Vladimir Markovic1, Zoran Ristic1 and Vukan Lavadinovic2 the last decades has dramatically changed the structure of the farmland landscape with an intensive impact on ecosystem stability. Changes in the production led to decreased habitat heterogeneity and to decline in biodiversity, including the European hare (Lepus europaeus), especially in the lowland regions. Even though European hare mostly adapted to intensive agricultural habitats, the population densities have decreased throughout Europe since the 1960s...

Noura K. Al-Suwailem1, Nancy N. Kamel2, Ahmed O. Abbas1,3*, Farid S. Nassar1,3 , Dalia A.A. Elsayed4, Gouda F. Gouda1,5, Hosam M. Safaa6

...uality. We used three hundred one-day-old Cobb chickens and were randomly divided into three groups, each with five replicates of 20 birds. The thermoneutral control group received a basal diet, while the other two groups experienced cyclic thermal stress from day 22 to 42 and were fed the basal diet provided with either 0 or 2 g MLM/kg diet. On day 42, we reported carcass characteristics and evaluated meat yield and quality. Blood samples (n=10) were used for...
Julio Adolfo Corzo-Bacallao1*, Carlos Alfredo Salas-Macías1, Osvaldo Fonseca-Rodríguez2,3, Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos1, Erika Isabel Alcívar-Muñoz1 and Henry Fabricio Baque-Loor1 
...e species typical of the dry forest. The system involves manual weed control, without fertilization, irrigation, phytosanitary control, or shade regulation. In this scenario, and during an experimental period of 90 days (03/08/2022 - 26/10/2022), phenological variables of coffee trees maintained in a study area of 50 x 50 m at a high (S1: 51-70%) and low (S3: 1-30%) shade level was compared with those obtained at an intermediate shade level considered as stand...

Aspen Abutalip*, Batyrbek Aitzhanov, Assiya Mussayeva, Vladislava Suchshikh, Natalya Yegorova reaction of the test drug to the causative agents of emphysematous carbuncle, regardless of their biological properties. The sensitivity of the developed test, even with a limited number of studies conducted, was 80%. There was almost always confirmation of the initial diagnosis made after agglutination results in a reaction medium from two crosses or more. This was done by isolating the pathogen during microbiological cultivation. Therefore, the high corr...

Shah Zeb Khan1, Ali Hazrat1*, Farman Ali Khan2, Muhammad Yahya1, Gul Rahim1, Muhammad Mukhtiar3, Muhammad Ajmal Khan4 and Hayat Ullah1

...evelopment of antibiotic drugs through pharmacological formulation.


Wajid Ali1, Muhammad Noman Khan1*, Ghulam Nabi1, Shahid Ur Rahman1, Saira Sattar2, Muhammad Fawad Khan1, Saeed Ur Rahman1, Sayed Zubair1, Qurat Ul Ain1, Muhammad Sabeeh1 and Afsar Ali3

...eaf extract solution and dry Moringa leaf powder solution, while Factor B was Moringa leaf extract levels (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8%). Different forms of Moringa leaf extract solution and levels positively affected growth and yield of okra. The maximum plant height (226.1cm), flowers plant-1 (34.5), number of fruit pickings (28.3), pod length (9.5 cm), pod diameter (14.6 mm), individual pod weight (11.3 g), pods plant-1 (34.5), yield ha-1 (14.6 tons) were noted with ...

Muhammad Ayyub, Mitha Khan*, Syed Abdul Malik, Sakhawat Ali, Syed Shamsullah, Mujeeb ur Rehman, Ikhlaq Ahmed, Ameer Uddin, Habibullah Kakar, Mohammad Zahid, Khalil Ahmed, Mana Khan, Mukhtiar Ahmed, Muhammad Rafiq Khetran, Zia ul Haq and Muhammad Azam

Evy Rossi1*, Fajar Restuhadi1, Raswen Efendi1, Yusmarini1, Rahmayuni1, Emma Riftyan1, Bisma Panca Winata2, Yolanda Ashara2, Usman Pato1

...duced all meet probiotic drink standards with LAB content exceeding WHO standards, namely LAB content of more than 7 log CFU or 107CFU/ml.
Keywords | Starter, Lactic acid bacteria, Yogurt, Back-sloping fermentation

Asmit Subba1*, Jash Hang Limbu2 and Laxman Khanal1*

...(Eichhornia crassipes, Hydrilla verticillata, and Ceratophyllum submersum). The type locality of the H. nani in Bangladesh and the newly reported locality in Nepal share similar tropical monsoon climates and river connectivity that might have facilitated their dispersal. Further studies are warranted to understand the detailed taxonomy and distribution pattern of H. nani in Nepal. 

Naveed Akhtar, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Azizullah, Aamir Ali

...ll as their composition, drivers of assemblages, and species richness, lack comprehensive understanding and remain poorly documented. We studied biodiversity, species richness, and seasonal dynamics of coccinellids in two major maize-growing districts of the Punjab province, i.e., Kasur and Lahore, in 2018-2019. The coccinellids were collected from February to June during both cropping seasons. Visual counting, handpicking, sweep nets, sticky traps, and pitfal...

Saira Jabeen1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Kamran Ashraf2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum3

...accine or the aluminum hydroxide-adjuvanted vaccine. Challenge protection assay revealed that Montanide and aluminum adjuvanted vaccines had 100% survival rate among rabbits compared to 16.7% of placebo group. It was concluded that newly developed E. coli (aggR) mastitis vaccines have promising results to combat E. coli mastitis in dairy cows. 
Novelty Statement | This research presents a novel a...

Jinzhao Li1, Yawen Zhang2, Binghan Jia1, Yuqiong Zhao1, Huijuan Luo1, Xiaojie Ren1, Yuan Li3, Xiaoyan Bai1, Jing Ye3 and Junping Li1*

...njection of loperamide hydrochloride (Lop; 5mg/kg), and was evaluated by examining the fecal properties, intestinal propulsion mobility, immunohistochemistry (IHC), western blot (WB) and ELISA for detecting levels of Tau, P-Ser396-tau, P-Ser404-tau, protein kinase C (PKC), p38 MAPK (p38), p-p38 MAPK (p-p38) and µ-opioid receptors (MORs) in the colonic samples. The gene sequencing approach was used to detect alternatively spliced tau isoforms in the dista...

M.J.Al-Saadi*, Jassim E.Q.Al-Musawi 

... the therapeutic role of dried mint leaves powder in the diet of broiler chicken exposed to thermal stress on production and histological parameters. Broiler chickens (n= 160, Ross 308) were divided randomly into four groups first one was the negative control group which kept without exposure to heat stress or mint treatment, while groups 2-4 kept under heat stress. Group 2 kept under heat stress but without mint treatment, while the groups 3 and 4 exposed to...

Md. Khayrul Basher1, Sumon Sarkar2,3, Md. Samiul Haque1, Sourav Sarker4, Md. Rashedul Islam1*

...orally administrated via drinking water up to 60 days of the treatment period. Then the hematological, biochemical parameters, organ-to-body weight ratio, and morphology of the Liver and Lung were assessed. Na-arsenite exposure caused significant (p<0.05, respectively) increases in WBC count, RBC count, platelet count, hemoglobin, ESR, TCE, and RDW SD. The result also showed that serum RBS, ALT (SGPT), Alkaline phosphatase, Total cholesterol, Triglyceride, ...

Hilarius Yosef Sikone1*, Gomera Bouk2, Edelnia Kristina Bere2, Yohana Kamlasi2, Elisabeth Yulia Nugraha1

Asmahan M.S. Lashein1, Al-Kazafy H. Sabry2 and Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1*

...reases of root and shoot dry weights.

Shahid Iqbal Khattak1, Mohammad Safdar Baloch*1, Khalid Naveed2, Muhammad Amjad
Nadim1, Asghar Ali Khan1 and Kaleem Ullah3
biomass (g m-2) and dry weed biomass (g m-2) influenced non-significantly for both the
years. These findings suggest that foliar application of potassium sulphate @ 60 kg ha-1
along with recommended dose of nitrogen (120 kg ha-1) and phosphorus (90 kg ha-1) is the
most suitable for successful wheat production under rainfed conditions.

Arshad Javaid1* and Iqra Haider Khan

...0.10, 1.2% (w/w) crushed dry
biomass of C. didymus, parthenium seeds were sown after one week and the effect of
amendment on germination and plant growth was recorded after 45 days of sowing. All the
doses of soil amendment significantly suppressed root length by 21–48% over control. A
1.2% soil amendment significantly reduced biomass of parthenium seedlings by 23%. This
study concludes that lea...
Muhammad Usman1, Ghulam Murtaza2, Allah Ditta3, Tamana Bakht3 Muhammad Asif4,
Muhammad Nadir1and Sehar Nawaz5
...rops. This issue is more drastic for cereal crops like wheat which is the staple food
crop of over 2.5 billion population of the world. One the control strategies is to investigate
the distribution pattern of weeds under field conditions. In this regard, a survey study was
conducted to investigate the distribution pattern of weed species in wheat crop during 2016-
18 in district Khanewal, Punjab Pakistan. Thirty-...

Ali Hazrat1*, Qasir Ali2, Mohammad Nisar1, Khan Sher2, Tour Jan1 and Abid Ullah1

...abitat variety including dry
and wet habitats, as well as its bigger area, seem to account for the higher diversity of the
bryophyte species in Sheringal valley. Most bryophytes in Sheringal valley are corticolous
(40%) followed by epiphyllous (30%), saxicolous (20%), and terrestrial (10%). Further
studies are suggested to further confirm our findings.

Farrukh Hussain1, Sajid Aziz1, Gul Hassan2, Khalid Aziz1 and Sapna Raisham1

...analyzed using 10, 1m2quadrats in duplicate for the identification and determining phytosociological features. The study revealed 56 weed species distributed among 42 genera and 23 families in the area. Dryopteris fragrans was the only pterodophyte. There were 2 families, 6 genera and 9 species of monocots. Dicots had 35 genera, 46 species and 20 families. Based on the floristic and FIV data Poaceae, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Cyperaceae, Papilionaceae, Euphorb...

Felix O. Takim*1, Gideon Z. Nayan2, Oluwafemi O. Osatuyi1and Israel O. Olayiwola1

...the component crops in a drought-prone southern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. The experiment was laid as a randomized complete block design with a split-plot arrangement and 3 replications in 2018 and 2019 growing seasons. The main plots were planting time (May, June and July) while the sub-plots consisted of 3 maize-sweet potato intercropping populations(maize at 53,333 plants/ha + 33,333 plants/ha of sweet potato, maize at 53,333 plants/ha + 66,666 plants/ha of...

Pradeep Shah1*, Shrawan Kumar Sah2, Komal Bahadur Basnet2 and Mina Nath Paudel3

...text-align: justify;">In dry direct seeded rice (DDSR), weeds are the major problems limiting the productivity of crop. Sesbania co-culture with DDSR as well as seed rates of rice affect weed density by smothering effect on weeds and therefore can be a better weed management technique. Two year field experiments were conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Parwanipur, Bara, Nepal from 2015 to 2016 to assess the effect of Sesbania knockdown dates a...
Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Abdul Rehman1, Amjed Ali1,
Nasir Iqbal2, Qaisar Mumtaz1, Amir Javed1
... density (up to 94%) and dry weight (up to 88%); and caused significant
increases in plant height (up to 85%), pod bearing branches (up to 77%), number of
pods per plant (up to 83%), 100-seed weight (up to 37%) and seed yield (up to 160%)
of soybean. Among herbicides, topramezone at 21.5 g a.i ha-1 gave significantly the
highest (1234 and 1272 kg ha-1 in years 2018 and 2019) seed yield of soybean and HEIs

Muhammad Rafiq,1 Amna Shoaib,1 Arshad Javaid1

... was prepared by soaking dried root biomass in methanol and analyzed by GC-MS.
Antifungal potential of the extract was detected in test tubes filled with malt extract broth.
The results revealed fungal biomass was significantly reduced (52–97%) with increase in
concentrations of the extract (1.56–200 mg mL-1). GC-MS analysis revealed that benzoic
acid, 4-hydroxy-3-m...

Arshad Javaid, Amna Ali, Iqra Haider Khan and Amna Shoaib

...n, soil was amended with dry biomass of C.
album aerial parts at 1, 2 and 3% (w/w), irrigated and left for one week for leaching.
Thereafter, chickpea seeds were sown in the pots. Experiment was conducted in a
completely randomized design with six replications. S. rolfsii significantly reduced dry
biomass of shoot, root and grains of chickpea by 21, 36 and 50%, respectively, as...
Muhammad Bilal Niaz1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Khuram Mubeen1, Mahmood Alam Khan1
and Wazir Ahmed2
Weed density, weed dry biomass, crop growth and yield related parameters were recorded
following standard procedures. All recorded data were analyzed with the help of Fisher's
Analysis of Variance. The means of different treatments were separated by using Tukey’s
HSD test at 5% probability level. Horse purslane reduced the height of cotton plants by
26.51%, crop growth rate in terms of biomass by 28.4...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1, Sadia Afzal2, Hasnain Abbas3, Muhammad Khuram Dar3, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Ishtiaq Hassan4, Muhammad Asif1, Muhammad Adnan1, Amir Aziz5

...m), fresh weight (g) and dry weight (g) of O. punctata. Maximum mean emergence time (9.18 days) and minimum shoot length (1.13 cm) emergence index (0.89) and emergence percentage (6.67%) was observed under fruit extract at 8% concentration. P. somniferum aqueous extract of stem at 8% concentration took maximum time to complete 50% emergence and gave minimum root length, fresh weight, and dry weight of O. punctata. Based on t...

Khalid Ali1, Asif Tanveer1, Naila Farooq2, Tasawer Abbas3*, Ghulam Sarwar2, Muhammad Ather Nadeem4, Ishtiaq Hassan3, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid4, Anees-ul-Hussnain Shah5, Bilal Ahmad Khan4 , Ali Raza6

...ion, seedling length and dry weight, respectively. Among various salt stresses CaCl2 showed less inhibition of R. capitata. The higher tolerance of this weed to wide range of salt stresses is alarming factor under current and anticipated increase in salinity, as it will disturb management plans by changing critical completion period and threshold level due to more adaptability of weed under stress than crop plants.


Kiran Rani1*, R. Aliya1, Barkat Ali Solangi2, M. Kashif Pervez2, Nasrullah Akhtar3 and Farman Ahmed4*

...bacterial and antifungal drugs. It was found at the optimized dyeing condition has 1 percent formic acid as fixing agent with 120 min dyeing period. At this condition, the dye molecule shows 70 percent exhaustion and 59 percent fixation along with acceptable fastness and antimicrobial activities Furthermore, the dyed fabric shows effective inhibition against all tested organisms. Fabric samples showed greater antimicrobial efficiency for Candida albicans and p...

Shabana Mangi1, Waheed Ali Panhwar1, Abdul Manan Shaikh1, G. Sarwar Solangi2, Khalid Hussain Rind3, Nazir Ahmed Abro4, Zaibun-nisa Memon1, Gul Hafeeza Lund1 and Paras Somroo1 to 3rd antennomers quadrates, clypeus bigonal, legs lengthened, tarsi denticated, 5 claws on tarsi, meta tarsi slightly smooth. Male genitalia (aedeagus) is wider than longer, base broader, lateral lobe of parameres slightly bigonal, lateral margins with golden hairs, median lobe of parameres broad at base, rapidly narrowing apically, hairs like structure view from the ventral aspects. The instant discovery will help the growers and technical personals to i...

Syeda Fakehha Naqvi1, Iqra Haider Khan1 and Arshad Javaid1

...oxylic acid (1.05%), 2-hydroxy-2-phenylbutanamide (0.91%), hexacosanoic acid (0.76%), cholestrol (0.61%), methyl octacosanoate (0.55%) and tetracosanoic acid (0.30%) were present in low concentrations. A thorough literature survey showed that most of the identified compounds possessed antifungal and/or antibacterial properties while very few of them also possessed antioxidant potential. This study concludes that n-hexane soluble fraction of methanolic stem ext...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Saima Anwar2, Hasnain Abbas3, Muhammad Yasin1, Rizwan Maqbool3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz5, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1, Muhammad Shozib Javed5

...hoot length and seedling dry weight were recorded. All the tested concentrations of all the parts of S. oleraceus significantly inhibited the seed emergence, emergence index, emergence percentage (%), growth and delayed mean emergence time and time taken to 50% emergence of E. cruss-galli. However, maximum mean emergence time (5.20 days) and time taken to 50% emergence (3.49 days), were noted at 8% concentration of fruit and leaf aqueous extracts, respectively...

Haroon Khan1*, M. Mubassir Khan1, Bakhitar Gul1, M. Fawad1 and Imtiaz Khan1

..., and orchards with a quadrate randomly thrown 50 times at different locations. A total of 39 weeds species from 16 families (14 dicots and 2 monocots) and 36 genera were identified. The major monocot family Poaceae contributed 10 species while among dicots, Asteraceae took the lead with 6 species. Among the weed species, 27 were annual and the rest 12 were perennial. Annuals were reported from all three sites, while perennials were found in the non-field area...

Salman Ali1*, Muhammad Arif1, Mehran Ali1, Muhammad Afzaal2, Gohar Saeed32, Muhammad Bilal4, Fazal Munsif1 and Sajjad Zaheer1 on density, fresh and dry weight of weeds in maize during 2016. Experiment was executed using randomized complete block design and treatments included biochar (0 and 10 tonnes ha-1) and three sources of P; FYM, PM and one DAP. Phosphorus at the rate of 100 kg ha-1 was applied in such a way that each plot received 50, 75 and 100% P from PM or FYM and the rest from DAP. Biochar and P sources significantly affected density, fresh and d...

Amir Ehsan1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Amjed Ali1

... m-2) enhanced its plant dry biomass up to 348 and 353%; and relative competitive index maximally to 80 and 77% in years 2015 and 2016, respectively. While the corresponding increases in plant dry weight and relative competitive index of D. arvensis were 367 and 360% and 79 and 82%. The enhancement in N (up to 258 & 257 %), P (up to 220 & 232%) and K (up to 293 & 301%) uptake in years 2015 and 2016, respectively ...
Muhammad Ather Nadeem1 , Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Saima Anwar2, Ahsan Aziz1, Rizwan Maqbool3, Muhammad Kashif Sohail4, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid1, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1, Muhammad Kashif Iqbal1, Amir Aziz4
... fresh weight (59 g) and dry weight (8 g) of red rice with
application of 8% aqueous extract of S. oleraceus fruit. However, 4% aqueous extract of S.
oleraceus fruit produced minimum root length (5.71). On the basis of this experiment, it is
concluded that 8% aqueous extract of S. oleraceus fruit can be used for controlling red rice
Barkatullah1, Sumayya Noreen1.Khushnood Ur Rehman1, Zahid Ali Butt2, Tabassum
Yaseen3, Kamran Akbar3, and Salma Noreen3
...d District Karak and was dried at room temperature under the shade. The aqueous
extract was used from different parts of the plants, which include bark, fruit, leaves,
mulching, and rainwater. In all applications the growth of plumules and radicles of three
test species was retarded. It was determined that the allelopathic effect of extracts is
directly related to the duration of soaking i.e. 48 h extracts were m...
Naeema Khatoon Khaskheli1 , Muzafar Hussain Sirohi11, 2,*, Ameer Ahmed
Mirbahar1, Abdul Razak Mahar1, Mumtaz Ali Saand1, Mirza Hussain3
using the quadrat method (60 quadrats/site). The species were identified and herbarium
samples were preserved in Herbarium, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh
Pakistan, for future reference. The species community composition, habit, and life span
were determined. The study confirmed 35 weed species belonging to 14 plant families. The
weed community was dom...
Haseeb Ahmad1*, Muhammad Shafi1, Waqas Liaqat1, Muhammad Faheem Jan1,
Shahzad Ahmad2 and Muhammad Farooq3
and weeds dry weight (6.83 g m-2, 38.69 g m-2 and 80.61 g m-2) at 30, 45 and 60 days
after sowing, respectively. The operation of chisel plough + rotavator produced tallest plants
(221.22 cm) with maximum grain rows ear-1 (16) and shelling percentage (78.14%).
Among weed control methods, hoeing 15, 30 and 45 days after sowing showed maximum
plant height (226.41 cm), grain rows ear-1 (16), and shell...
Imtiaz Khan,1 Muhammad Kabir, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan, Haroon Khan, Saima
Hashim and Muhammad Azim Khan
...d density m-2, fresh and dry weed biomass (kg) , plant height (cm),
spike length (cm), leaf area (cm), number of tillers (m-2), number of grains spike-1, 1000
grain weight (g), biological yield (kg ha-1) and grain yield (kg ha-1), Harvest index (%).
These data parameters were formally observed with great care to avoid any repetition or
error of the data. Noxious weeds were observed and recorded in the field viz. ...

*Arshad Javaid1, Syeda Fakehha Naqvi1 and Iqra Haider Khan1

...Pakistan. Its roots were dried,
powdered and extracted in methanol. After evaporation of the solvent, the remaining
extract was mixed in water and partitioned with n-hexane, chloroform and finally with ethyl
acetate. The last fraction was analyzed through GC-MS that indicated the presence of 15
compounds. These included the three major compounds namely o-xylene (15.03%),
cyclopentanol (13.42%) and 2-h...

Shabnam Javed1, Amna Shoaib2 and Zaid Mehmood1

...e parameters like carbohydrate, ash, protein, moisture
content and fat, along with carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur were analyzed in whole
plant of S. tomentosa. The results revealed the occurrence of considerable proportion of
carbohydrates (52%) and protein (23.80%). Moisture, fat and ash contents were found in
small amount i.e. 6.25%...
Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Mansoor
...ling length and seedling dry biomass of
rice as compared with control, respectively. This treatment also resulted in maximum delays
in mean germination time (up to 4.80 days with SE= 0.408) and days taken to 50%
germination (up to 4.40 days with SE=0.431) of rice. The highest concentrated (6%) soildecomposed
plant residue of red sprangletop significantly reduced the germination
percentage, germination...

*Malik F. H. Ferdosi1, Iqra Haider Khan2, Arshad Javaid2 and Muhammad F. A. Fardosi3

...o achieve this goal, the dried flowers of this weed were soaked in methanol for one week and filtered. This methanolic extract was subjected to GC-MS analysis and 7 compounds were identified. These included olean-12-en-3-ol, acetate, (3β)- (63.87%), lanosta-8,24-dien-3-ol, acetate, (3β)- (12.12%), β-amyrin (6.19%), γ-sitosterol (6.09%), α-amyrin (5.24%), stigmasterol (3.29%) and carbonic acid, 2-ethylhexyl heptadecyl ester (3.16%). L...

*Malik F. H. Ferdosi1, Arshad Javaid2, Iqra Haider Khan2, Muhammad F. A. Fardosi3 and Ayesha Munir4,5

...Ageratum conyzoides, the dried powdered flowers were extracted in methanol and the extract was examined by GC-MS. In total, eight constituents were identified in the extract. The predominant compound in the methanol flower extract was precocene II (59.50%). Three moderately abundant compounds including ethanone, 1-(7-hydroxy-5-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran-6-yl)- (9.77%), precocene I (8.61%) and caryophyllene (7.60%) ...

Iqtidar Hussain1, Ejaz Ahmed Khan1, Jawad Nazir and Ehtesham-ul-Haq1

... (cm), fresh weight (g), dry weight (g), tiller (plant-1) and chlorophyll content (μg cm-2) of Triticum aestivum.All concentration of Leaves litterof M. azedarachshowed pronounced inhibitory effect on all parameters of T. aestivum. M. azedarach exerted phytotoxic influence on T. aestivum at initial growth stages. M.azedarachexhibited a significant negative impact on germination of T. aestivumat100, 200, 300, 400 glitterof leaves than control (sterilized soi...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Saima Anwar2, Rizwan Maqbool3, Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz4, Iram Batool3, Athar Mahmood3, Abdul Rehman1, Aafaq Ali5, Aneela Nijabat5

...m), fresh weight (59 g), dry weight (4.06 g) was noted at 8% concentration with fruit aqueous extract. Seeds of O. punctata took maximum time to complete 50% emergence (3.33 days) under control where we applied distilled water. Results suggested that the fruit extract of S. oleraceus at 8% concentration can be used potential bio-herbicide for the control of O. punctata.


Muhammad Nasir Mazhar1, Muhammad Arif*, Naeem Akhtar1 and Muhammad Shafiq1 and Muhammad Yousaf1

...weeds density, fresh and dry weight of weeds. However, covering the soil surface with the organic mulch may have a great impact on the growth and yield-contributing attributes, hence produced maximum grain yield.


Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1* Sadia Afzal2, Rizwan Maqbool3, Hasnain Waheed1, Aneela Nijabat4, Muhammad Ikram5, Amir Aziz6, Muhammad Adnan1, Qaisar Mehmood7, Hasnain Umer3

...t fresh weight (6.28 g), dry weight (1.00 g) and root length (0.33 cm) of E. cruss-galli. Whereas leaf extract at 8% concentration produces less shoot length (1.13 cm) and more emergence time (9.18 days). Lowest emergence percentage (6.67%) and germination index (0.89) were produced by aqueous extract of fruit at 8% concentration. On the basis of this experiment, it can be concluded that higher concentration (8%) of stem extract of P. somniferum was used to bi...

Yuping Liu, Sige Wang and Tianyan Yang*, the complete mitochondrial genome (16607 bp) of A.cernua was sequenced by high-throughput sequencing technology, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, 2 rRNA genes, a control region (CR) and a L-strand replication origin (OL), and its gene composition and order were similar to those of most teleosts. The A + T content of the whole mtDNA was 55.39 %, suggesting an obvious anti-G bias (16.64 %). The positive AT-skew (0.01) and negative GC-...
Wagner Antonio Gorozabel Muñoz1*, Mayra Jossenka Loor Solórzano1, Josselyn Gema Palacio Intriago1, Virginia Vanessa Andrade Andrade1 and Carlos Alfredo Cedeño-Palacios1,2 
... sectioning process, dehydration at 60°C for 12 hours, and grinding at 210 mm. The physicochemical evaluation was determined by: fat NTE INEN-ISO11085AOAC 2003.06, ash NTE INEN-ISO 2171, moisture NTE INEN-ISO 712, protein NTE INEN-ISO 20483, fiber NTE INEN 542, carbohydrates; antioxidant capacity by DPPH and carotenoids by HPLC. The results showed that the flour extracted from macer squash reached better averages in term...
Memoona Adil1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Jibran Hussain2, Sehrish Firyal1, Saadat Ali3, Muhammad Azam4, Muhammad Wasim1 and Ali Raza Awan1*
...hank circumference (SC), drumstick length (DL), drumstick circumference (DC), breast width (BD) and keel length (KL). The overall association between BW and other body measurements was found highly significant (p-value = 0.000). A multiple linear regression model for both male and female birds was found to be highly significant (p-value=0.000). In male birds, there was a strong positive correlation between BW and BL (p-value...

Md. Shahidul Islam*, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Md. Sodrul Islam, Kazi Khalid Ibne Khalil and Apurbo Kumar Mondal

...TOSAC @ 0.2 ml per liter drinking water and group A was reared with normal broiler ration along with growth promoter, antibiotics (Tetravet) @ 0.2 mg per liter drinking water. All the birds were reared in the same environmental conditions. As a part of growth performances evaluation, daily body weight gain and weight improvement, weekly average feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, final average body weight and carcass we...

M. Daud AK1,2*, Mahdi Abrar2*, Teuku Reza Ferasyi3,4, Harapan Harapan5,6,7,8

...sures is beneficial in addressing future outbreaks of FMD and other recurring diseases. 
Keywords | Foot and mouth disease, Geographic information system, Cloven-hoofed animals, Mapping, Disease outbreak

Suparada Saphaphan, K. Teepalak Rangubhet, Phongthorn Kongmun*

.... Additionally, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) at 24 and 48 h was highest in the 3.5% UTRS treatment (P<0.001), while that in the MSGBTRS treatment was comparable to PH. The concentrations of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and total volatile fatty acids (VFA) showed no significant differences across the treatments. The populations of total ruminal bacteria and cellulolytic bacteria did not show significant differences among treatments. In conclusion, t...

Claude Mona Airin1*, Miyayu Soneta Sofyan2, Galy Hardyta3, Khrisdiana Putri4, Pudji Astuti1

...ecal samples were freeze-dried for 72 hours, and 80% methanol extraction followed by Enzyme Immuno Assay (EIA) analysis on cortisol, T3 and T4 levels carried out. Other data, such as the number of visitors, mileage, and number of horse riders, are also recorded. The average daily cortisol level during the low season is 392.41 ng/g dry feces, with a total visitor count of 21 without tourists riding horses. Meanwhile, the peak...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito2, Bhugro Mal3 and Naseem Qureshi4

...cticides against Batrachedra amydraula (Meyrick) at Taluka Kingri, District Khairpur under field conditions during, 2020-21. The four different bio-rational insecticides viz., (T1) = Azadirachta indica oil, (T2) = Azadirachta indica leaves extract, (T3)= Calotropis gigantea leaves, (T4) = Citrullus colocynthis fruit were applied against B. amydraula population and (T5)= as control. The res...

Siti Zubaidah1, Chusnul Hanim2, Bambang Ariyadi3, Aji Praba Baskara2*, Zuprizal2 composition included dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ash, ether extract (EE), nitrogen-free extract (NFE), crude fiber (CF), total energy, amino acids (AAs), and fatty acids (FAs). In this study, the chemical composition was analyzed T - test student, while AAs, FAs, and cell-wall structure was analyzed descriptively. The microstructure of PKC cell wall after in vitro digestibility was determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The PKC with she...

Mthi S. 1,2, Ikusika O.O.1*, Washaya S.3, Mpendulo C.T.1, Nowers C.B.2 

...ME (T3), 10% DME (T4) of dry matter(DM) and twelve animals were used per treatment. Animals were allowed to graze at a Kikuyu pasture and were supplemented with lamb diet at 1.5% of body weight. Bodyweight was measured weekly, while faecal samples were collected every fortnight. Faecal egg count was performed using the McMaster and modified Stoll methods, while body weight was measured using an electronic scale. Treatments had a significant difference (P<0....

Khalid Hussain*, Tanvir Hussain, Zahid Rauf and Nowsherwan Zarif

... the Blue Pine (Abies pindrow) one of the dominant species in the moist temperate forest of Ayubia National Park (ANP), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study revealed that the species is climate and drought sensitive with dendrochronological potential. It was hypothesized that A. pindrow is sensitive to climate change and records the variations in climatic facto...

Salim Saifullah, Muhammad Ilyas, Bashir Ullah and Sanam Zarif Satti*

... solids (TSS), and total dry weight (TDW) varied from 31 to 34% and 34 to 40%, respectively. Rosehips collected from Bhurban (BH) showed the highest vitamin C content with 2985 mg/100 g along with 36% TSS and 40% TDW, followed by rosehips from Ghora Gali (GG) that had 2535 mg/100 g vitamin C content along with 35% TSS and 39% TDW. The difference in vitamin C content could be attributed to climate, including temperature and rainfall patterns, which directly inf...

Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Hammad Ud Din1 and Fazli Amin1

... forage plant in hot and dry climate regions, and it can be used to increase the food security of a herd. A field experiment was conducted in 2022 at Medicinal Plants Farm, located in the Peshawar region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, using seven improved varieties of Sesame under irrigation conditions with a conventional watering frequency of once per month. The objective of the study was to identify the best-performing Sesame varieties that would enhance productivit...

Ashar Farooq1*, Farrukh Waheed1 and Asad Abbas Khan2

...he transect lines and quadrat method was used to collect the vegetation parameters such as cover percent and forage production. Three transect lines, each of 100 m long, were stretched in the sample area. On each transect line, ten (10) equally spaced one meter square (1mx1m) quadrats were placed at a distance of 10 meters. Thus, 30 quadrats from the area were studied. The clipping of gras...

Mansoor Ali Khan*, Khalid Imran, Zahid Rauf, Tanvir Hussain, Muhammad Umair Khan and Sajid Ali

...hile ash, acidity carbohydrates and copper were found in greater amount in Karak and Mardan varieties of guava respectively. Additionally, the G.M samples of peach (Prunus persica), when compared with the conventional varieties showed high moisture contents (81.20%), protein (1.26%), fibers (1.48%), phosphorous (1.86%), iron (76.50 PPm), calcium (2.00mg/100g), magnesium (7.12mg/100g) and manganese (0.16mg/100g). However, in pectin (0.18%), lipids (0.32%), acid...

Amir Afzal1*, Sairah Syed1, Hafiz Husnain Nawaz2, Ruqeah Mustafa1, Marjan Aziz1, Madeeha Khan1, Azra Khan3, Uzma Javed1, Attiq Ur Rehman4, Rubab Altaf 5 and Qamar Shakil6

...f new races is primarily driven by the selection pressure imposed by the deployment of resistance genes in wheat cultivars. Work documented by prominent researchers conducted in diverse regions of the planet has been reviewed in this article to understand how disease perpetuates from one year to next year. Recent studies have shown that Pst populations can undergo rapid adaptation to changing environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity, which can...

Ghalib Nadeem* and Muhammad Irfan Anis 

...her in a new era of data-driven dairy management.

Rameez Raja Kaleri1,5*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Ahmed Nawaz Khosa2, Raza Ali Mangi3, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi4 Mushtaq Ahmed Jalbani1, Irfan Ali Sahto1 and Muhammad Ismail1
... weight, carcass weight, dressing percentage and boneless weight significantly higher (P≤0.0) in Balochi sheep breed followed by Bibrik, Rakhshani and Harnai sheep breed. The result for thoracolumbar vertebrae variation were 20, 18, 18 and 19, Balochi, Rakhshani, Harnai and Bibrik, respectively. It is concluded that Balochi sheep breed carcass traits are better expressed and produce more meat as compared with other sheep breeds whereas, thoracolumbar verteb...

Nageen Iqbal1,2*, Abdul Mateen2, Laiba Shafique1,*, Huma Naz3, Saif ur Rehman4, Nouman Nazir2 and Qingyou Liu4

...nt differences in carbohydrates and moisture content of fish was observed. Bone meal could replace fish meal as an acceptable protein source to promote growth of L. rohita without any negative effects on growth and body composition.

Muhammad Shakil Ahmad1, Muhammad Afzal1, Liu Yu Feng2
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Hina Safdar3, Arif Mehmood1, Shahid Iqbal4 and Muhammad Adnan1
... S. litura-nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) and Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki appeared as the most effective microbial treatments exhibiting minimum LC50 (3.78 × 103 OB mL-1 and 1.22 × 107 spores mL-1, respectively) and LT50 (3.83 and 3.71 days, respectively) values. While flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole and spinetoram exerted most significant lethal and sublethal effects on S. litura with minimum LT50 values (i.e. 19.58, 30.78 and 26.25 h, re...

Youlin Fu1, Zhongming Yang1 and Chongrong Qiu2*

...of hypertensive rats was dramatically higher than that of rats in Wistar group. There was no significant difference in BK channel BK α protein expression between the two groups. The expression level of BK β protein in hypertension group of rats was markedly higher than that in Wistar group. The BK channel current and protein of CA smooth muscle cells in spontaneously hypertensive rats were significantly higher than those in normal rats, suggesting t...
Hamid Reza Mohammaddoust, Ali Asghari, Aleksander Mihailovic Tulikov, Mohammad Hasanzadeh , Mohammad Reza Saidi
HAFIZ MUHAMMAD SHAFIQ,ABDUL MAJID,Amar Matloob,Zahid Ata Cheema,Abdul Khaliq
Masood Ur Rahman,Muhammad Hanif,Muhammad Amin,Salim Shah,Subhan Uddin,SAJJAD ALI,Rafi Ud Din,Anwar Ali Shad
Shila Pramanik,Rakiba Shultana,Mst. Selima Zahan,Md. Abdullah Al Mamun,Md. Abubakar Siddique
Haji Khalil Ahmad,GUL HASSAN,MUHAMMAD IQBAL MARWAT,Khan Bahadar Marwat
Asif Tanveer , Muhammad Salman Arshad , Muhammad Ayub , Muhammad Mansoor Javaid , Muhammad Yaseen
Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, Abdul Basir, Muhammad Adnan, Abdul Sattar Shah, Muhammad Noor, Abid Khan, Jawad Ali Shah1,Zohaib Ali and Abdur Rahman

Majid Ali1*, Naila Chand1, Sarzamin Khan1, Shakoor Ahmad2 and Muhammad Tahir3

...ris were supplemented in drinking water. The duration of the experiment was 42 days. The results showed significantly higher feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, broiler performance efficiency factor, and broiler farm economy index in the M50T50 diet group. Digestibility of ash, dry matter, ether extract, crude fiber, and nitrogen-free extract were not affected except for crude protein which was significantl...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Sarzamin khan1, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Abubakar Sufyan2 and Muhammad Ayaz3

...roduction period. Two hundred golden brown (RIR×Fayoumi) layer birds of age 28 weeks were used for the experimental purpose and were assigned into five groups CON, T1, T2, T3, and T4. Each group contained 4 replicates with 10 birds per replicate. The CON group had a corn-soybean basal diet while the T1 group had 3%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, T2 3%SH+30mg/kg enzyme, T3 9%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, and T4 group 9%SH+30mg/kg enzyme in the feed. The result showed significant...

Majeed Ajafar1, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory1*, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2

...icks. A total of nine hundred eggs were used in this study. All the eggs were set in an automatic incubator at the same time. On the 12th day of embryonic age, half of the eggs (450 eggs) were divided into 6 groups (75 eggs per group). The first egg group was kept in the incubator without treatment and was a negative control (NC). The second egg group was injected with 0.3 ml of NACL solution and served as a positive control (PC).In contrast, the 3rd, 4th, 5th...

Migie Handayani1*, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Jamhari Jamhari2

...erinary and animal husbandry
Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Abubakar Sufyan2 and Hammad Ullah3
...roduction period. Two hundred golden brown (RIR × Fayoumi) layer birds, 28 weeks old, were used for the experimental purpose and were assigned into five groups CON, T1, T2, T3, and T4. Each group contained 4 replicates with 10 birds per replicate. The CON group had a corn-soybean basal diet while the T1 group had 3%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, T2 3%SH+30mg/kg enzyme, T3 9%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, and T4 group 9%SH+30mg/kg enzyme in the feed. Results indicated overall si...
Mubashar Hussain1,2*, Hifza Liaqat1, Muhammad Faheem Malik1
Kiran Aftab1, Moazama Batool3, Razia Iqbal1 and Somia Liaqat1
...empunctata, Sceliphron madraspatanum, Aedes albopictus, Eristalis tenax, Crambus albellus, Zonitoschema melanarthra, Zonitoschema gibdoana, Camponotus vagus, Polistes carolira, and Episyrphus viridaureus were the main contributing species in the community dissimilarity. Results showed significant differences between Vatala - Deva with higher Shannon value in Vatala (H’ = 4.03) than Deva (H’ = 3.92), Deva-Barmala with higher Shannon index in Barmala...

Asad Sultan1, Ziaul Islam2*, Faiza Shahzadi3, Sarzamin Khan1, Rafiullah Khan1 and Ihsan Ali4

...igera supplementation in drinking water on the growth performance, nutrient utilization, liver anti-oxidative function, and welfare indices of commercial broilers. A total of 320 one-day-old Cobb 500 chicks were divided into four treatment groups (80 chicks/group). The first control group (G1) was fed with the basal diet without supplementation of Y. schidigera extract. The second, third and fourth groups (G2, G3, and G4) were fed with Y. schidigera extract su...

Lipigwe Lauya1*, Peace Nkiruka Okeke2, Nanma Tongnan Cosmas1 and Chukwudi Chizorom Ibeh1

...for unified efforts to address the multidimensional problems associated with HIV-2 to guarantee the sustained integrity of public health.


Yasameen Waleed Al-Abedi1, Murtadha Kadhim Hasan2*, Alaa Abdalhadi Halboti3, Ali Abdulhussein Saleh Alsaeedi3, Rafed Abbas Kadhum1

...gularly interspaced palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins (CRISPR-Cas) for carrying out site-specific epigenetic alterations and so uncovering the capability of its use for the upcoming revolution of genetic engineering. The study provides an outline of the CRISPR-Cas system, followed by the mechanisms of genome modification, mainly focusing on the repair mechanisms of the double-stranded breaks. This key idea becomes the starting p...

Abdur Rahman Khan1*, Mansoor Ali Khan1, Abdur Rehman1 and Muhammad Umair Khan1

... composites are highly hydrophobic, resistant to pesticides, promising physico-mechanical properties, UV resistance, eco-friendly and fire retardant etc. Nano-structures accelerate and enhance the durability and life span of building materials and furniture. The nanotechnology scavenges the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from the synthetic adhesive used in wood panels. Due to the vast scope of nanoparticle, it paves a way to use nano-structure in wo...

Sumaira Fiaz1*, Huma Naz1*, Tanveer Ahmed2*, Iqra Zulfiqar1, Khalid Mehmood1, Muhammad Jabbar1, Syed Qaswar Ali Shah1, Muhammad Usman4

...e experimental period. Addressing this problem requires a coordinated effort among governments, industries, and individuals to reduce heavy metal pollution, protect aquatic ecosystems, and safeguard human health. 
Novelty Statement | The study is novel for fish farming as it finds out that cadmium has clear negative effects on the growth performance, liver histology and hepato-somatic index of fish.

Zaigham Abbas1*, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Muhammad Anjum Aqeel1, Talha Nazir2

... in crude fat and carbohydrate contents (i.e., 1.18 and 13.21%) were noted for Thal-2006 and CM-2008 varieties, respectively. While, Punjab-2008 and Punjab-2009 exhibited minimum reductions (i.e., 0.91 and 7.8%) in crude fat and carbohydrate contents, respectively. From overall study results, it is concluded that C. chinensis can result in considerable damage to stored chickpea grains. Moreover, rough surface chickpea variet...
Ashar Farooq1 and Shakeel Ahmad2
...ere studied in square quadrats with area of 1 meter square. During data collection, the vegetation density, cover (%), relative density and species composition were determined. Secondary data regarding rehabilitation of degraded slopes were also collected. Results revealed that slope stabilization measures have significant positive effect on vegetation parameters. The statistics show that the cover percent at Asrait, Niam, Kullaly and Dabargai sites was 55.5%....
Muhammad Umar Atique1, Sanam Zarif Satti1, Muhammad Ilyas1*
...t/oil, fiber, and carbohydrate content were determined. The results of the study revealed that Bauhinia variegata has a maximum percentage (12.56%) of protein content, followed by Acacia nilotica (10.28%) and Ceratonia siliqua (6.54%). The maximum carbohydrate percentage was found in Acacia nilotica (39.41%) followed by Bauhinia variegata (33.8%), while the minimum concentration (27.48%) was found in Ceratonia siliqua. Relat...
Basheer Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Salman Ahmad1, Nowsherwan Zarif1* and Saif Ullah Khan1 populace, however, is drawn to plantations and nursery-raising. The forest department lends its full assistance. The assistance is provided in the form of a cheque payment, and the director of I&HR also provided the necessary trainings. The forest guard provides on-site training for the nursery farmers. Out of 50 individuals who were interviewed, 68% believe that there are no significant types of damages in plantations, whereas 28% believe that damages have...
Muhammad Rayyan1, Basheer Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Nowsherwan Zarif1*, Saif Ullah1 Khan and Salman Ahmad1
... as well as potential hindrances to their efforts. Two-stage random sampling was adopted to collect the required information from forty respondents through a structured questionnaire. Our results revealed that about 72.5% of respondents have the primary reason for planting is economic return, while 15% plants for shelterbelt purposes. Whereas, results further revealed that 12.5% farmers planted trees for land stabilization. In addition to that 57.5% of househo...
Maaha Malik1, Muzakir Shah2, Muhammad Naqash2, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2, Safdar Ali Shah2, Bushra Khan1, Sayyed Masoom Shah2, Zahid Mahmood2, Syed Talha Kamil2, Kamal Anwar2 and Faisal Khalid2 conducted based on hundred questionnaire including 25 questions ranging from demographic background of the participants to their level of awareness regarding climate change and the suggestions for measures to mitigate and adapt the effects of climate change. The study results showed that the only 24% participants know about concept of Climate Change. The term climate change is understood differently by different people and therefore they perceive different ...
Pervez Manan1, Farhat Jabeen1 and Ahmad Zamir2
...ilghoza�, rich in carbohydrates and proteins. It is native to the north-western Himalaya and is distributed in eastern Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and north-western India, growing at altitudes ranging between 1800 and 3300 m. It is often associated with the Blue pine (Pinus wallichiana) and Deodar (Cedrus deodara). In Pakistan these forests are mainly located in the dry te...
Ashar Farooq1*, Mohammad Salim2, Muhammad Tahir Khan3, Zahid Rauf1, Ahmed Hussain2 and Muhammad Bilal Zia1
...g. The samples were oven dried to determine dry matter yield and In-Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility. The data were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for Factorial arrangement. Significant difference between individual means was separated using Tukey's HSD test. The results of the study for comparison of species indicated that fresh forage yield (t/ha) and In-Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (%) of Panicum maximum...
ASM Helal Siddiqui, Md. Najmus Sayadat Pitol, Md. Akramul Islam and Sk. Mehedi Hasan
...>Heritiera fomes (Sundri) trees have been dying due to a disorder known as top dying disorder, caused by different environmental, physicochemical and pathological factors. A study was initiated to increased yield by capturing higher genetic gain and availability of pests and diseases free sundri for sustainable production. All seeds were collected from selected 30 healthy sundri trees ...
Kaleem Mehmood1, Sultan Muhammad2 and Altaf Hussain3
...ns have a potential to address the menace of rural poverty besides increasing the forest cover in the area. Two-stage Random sampling was adopted for the selection of respondents. The sampling intensity was kept as 12.5%. Major source of income in the area is farming. The plantation in the study area increases fodder production to fold for livestock for fulfilling their daily needs. Firewood is the main source of fuel. Average fire wood consumption per day per...
Ch. Muhammad Muslim1, Hassan Sher2, Junaid Khan2, Shahid Hussain2, Ashfaq Ali2 and Atif Majeed3
... was obtained through quadrate method. The study reported 40 herbaceous medicinal plants belonging to 33 different angiosperm families used by local people to cure different ailments. Lamiaceae was represented by maximum number of 6 species followed by Apiaceae and Solancaceae represented by 4 species each. Alliaceae was represented by 3 species while Amaranthaceae, Asterceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Pllygonaceae were represented by 2 species each. All othe...
Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
...he soil samples were air dried grinded and packed tightly in plastic bottles and labeled. These samples were then used for further investigation. The soil layer, cover, depth, water holding capacity texture, pH, total organic matter, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), percent nitrogen (%N), phosphorus (%P) and potassium (%K) were determined in the soil of selected area through recommended analytical procedures. We found that the soil of Utror valley Kalam S...
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
...showed maximum fresh and dry biomass production in all seasons followed by Cynmbopogan distans (Chita) and is highly recommended for reseeding under rain-fed conditions of Pothowar....
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
...showed maximum fresh and dry biomass production in all seasons followed by Cynmbopogan distans (Chita) and is highly recommended for reseeding under rain-fed conditions of Pothowar....
M. M. Rahaman, K. Akhter and R. Akhter
...veneer can be peeled and dried easily. Three-ply plywood were made using veneer of this species bonded with liquid urea formaldehyde glue of 50% solid content extended with wheat flour and catalyzed with 2% hardener (ammonium chloride) under the three specific pressures, viz, 1.05 N/mm2, 1.40 N/mm2, 1.76 N/mm2 in three replications at 6 minute press time and 120oC press temperature. Dry and wet shear test were conduc...
Muhammad Farrukh Lateef1, Asad Abbas Khan2 and Muhammad Arif
...ethod was applied and quadrat was used to collect the data. The study revealed that forage production was higher in summer season. The carrying capacity of the study area was higher in summer season, and carrying capacity was higher in reseeded range area than unseeded range area which shows that poor condition of the rangeland could be improved by reseeding techniques. ...
Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
...;. Morels are collected, dried, packed and marketed for its economic incentives, medicinal value and use for food. The locals of the valley use their endogenous knowledge for collection, drying, packing and marketing. Questionnaire of standard questions was designed and data regarding five years back record, recent information on collection in the beginning of summer season and at the end of summer season was investigated an...
Anwar Ali1, Saz Muhammad2, Zakir Hussain3, Khadim Abbas4 and Kiramat Husain5
Ashar Farooq1; Farid Shah2; Saifullah Zahri2 and Samiullah Jaffar2
...ts was also measured. Quadrat method was used to measure the number of individuals per unit area of Seriphidium at both sites. For measuring the concentration of Fe+, the plant samples were dried, digested and analyzed on AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometer). It has been concluded that there was non-significant impact of browsing upon the nutrient concentration but there was a significant difference in plant cover, he...
Mamoona Wali Muhammad1, Syed Ajmal Rahim2, Junaid Mumtaz3 and Syed Akmal Rahim4 crops is the major hindrance and be removed by conducting on farm relevant scientific research and disseminating the finding to the farmers.

Mubashir Jamil Khan1, Asad Abbas Khan2, Amir Saleem1, Lateef M. A.1, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Mushtaq2, Abdul Ghaffoor2 Amna Btool1 and Arsalan Ali Khan1
...all nutrients except for dry matter were observed from summer to winter season and then reverse from winter to spring in the major range grass species of Kherimurat....
Anwar Ali1, Muhammad Iftikhar2, Sajjad Ahmad3, Ayaz Khan4 and Sultan Muhammad5
...l volume tables for Cedrus deodara of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). Data was collected from 52 sample trees which were measured for the study in natural dry temperate forests of Gilgit-Baltistan. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) and total height of the sample tree were measured before felling. After felling, the bole was cut into 2m logs with end log of variable length. The over bark mid diameter of the log and its length wer...
Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
...0 sites plots 20mx20m quadrate size) were taken covering slopes, and altitudes, through transact walk with in the study area at approximately 200m (400 steps) distance. Soil samples were collected from the study area and thus investigated for climatic parameters. The results show that the climate of Utror valley is quite suitable and is fit for growth of Morels....
Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Muhammad Waseem
... lower elevation or from dry temperate forest to moist temperate forest. Margalef Species Distribution Index (3.25) showed greater richness of species during 2011-12 compared to 1960s. Shannon Wiener Maximum Species Evenness Index (2.64) showed greater species evenness in different niches of the Park during the study period. The highest increase in species number was recorded in family Noctuidae. Temporal Temperature showed highly significant (p<0.01) impact o...
Mazhar Iqbal1, Ahmad Hussain2 and Zulfiqar Ali Sheikh3
...ance issues that needs redressal both at policy and implementation level.

Keywords: Forest Governance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Joint Forest Management

Sarfraz Hasan Dogar and Ashar Farooq
...unseeded areas. Forty quadrats (1x1m) i.e. 20 in seeded area and 20 in unseeded area were studied for forage yield determination. Data were statistically analyzed using t-test. Results revealed that forage production in seeded area was significantly higher than in the unseeded area (P<0.01). The forage production was about 5 times more in seeded area as compared to un-seeded area. As a result of re-seeding, the carrying capacity has also been increased. This ...
Muhammad Tahir Laeeq and Muhammad Asif Aziz
... (ii) application of a hydroabsorbant polymer having a blend of fertilizer and growth stimulants. (iii) use of four mixtures of soil, sand and farmyard manure in the ratios of 3:2:1, 2:2:1, 4:3:2 and 3:2:2. (iv) use of four sizes of polythene bags (17.8 x 10.6 cm, 17.8 x 8.9 cm, 16.5 x 10.6 cm and 20.3 x 10.2 cm).

The result of fertilizer experiment revealed that control seedlings and those treated at intervals of 4,6 and 8 days with urea gave signif...

Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Muhammad Yousaf Khan Syed Zakir Hussain Shah and Khalid Jan
...h can be utilized during dry months for agriculture purpose. The dams will help in resolving the severe energy crisis which Pakistan is facing these days. At present, thermal power houses run by furnace oil and natural gas, contribute 70% of the total power generated in the country contrary to 1980, when the generation ratio was 80% hydel and 20% thermal. Thermal power, drains foreign exchange for purchase of fuel as at pres...
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
Ch. Muhammad Muslim and Sohail Sikander
...garded as future of safe drugs. Sustainable management of this renewable natural resource is an important issue which needs to be discussed at national level. Because it not only provides basic raw material for the preparation of a number of allopathic medicines, but also more than 70% of the population residing in rural and remote hilly areas rely on plant-lore and traditional system of medicine for their primary health care....
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Muhammad Muslim
...e plain area falls under dry subtropical broad leaved thorn forests and hilly area under dry subtropical Chir pine forests. Bhimber district is very rich in biodiversity, enchanting valley present panoramic views to the visitors and is important from Archaeological point of view. During survey visited many places, notable among these were Surela plantation on Mirpur-Bhimber road, Bhimber headquarter, Kadala nurseries, Barna...
Muhammad Yousaf Khan, Ayaz Khan and Syed Zakir Hussain Shah
...on agents and has been addressed properly in Chitral. ...
Amjad Ali Ch., Mansoor Ali and Aurangzeb Ashraf Awan
...ated 30.72-47.48 percent dry matter (DM), 17.37-19.38 percent crude protein (CP), 35.5-39.95 percent crude fibre (CF), 3.49-3.99 percent ether extract (EE), 7.35-10 32 percent ash and 28.31-35.91 percent nitrogen - free extract (NFE). It should be advised on the basis of data that twigs and leaves of Acacia modesta must utilized in spring season from nutritional point of view....
Tariq Mahmood and Zulfiqar Ali
... Pakistan. The article addresses the same issue and emphasizes that participatory watershed management is the only solution for sustainable development of natural resources in degraded watersheds of Pakistan.

Tanvir Hussain
...Sapindus mukorossi, Cedrela toona and Ficus palmate collected from Azad Jamu and Kashmir (AJK). For this purpose wooden plates of 14"x7x3/4" sizes were prepared from each species and partioned into two portions i.e. uncoated and coated. The coating was done with commonly used five finishes (Lacquer, Varnish, Wax polish, Spirit polish and Linseed oil) in wood woodworking. Wooden plates were kept for one year in outdoor natural climatic c...
M. Nafees and Zahid Ullah
...e stakeholders must be addressed by providing corresponding legislative coverage.

Key words: Social codes of conduct, communal land, reforestation, livelihood opportunity

Naveed Ahmed revealed that the top dried shoots and twigs of trees were infested by two bark beetles, Ips longifolia and Scolytus major belonging to the family Scolytidae, order Coleoptera. Feeding on the cambium of the tender branches, the pest infested blue pine in a range of 5-8% in Municiple Forest Division, 2-5% in Lower Topa and 3-7% in Sehrbagla Sub Divisions. Long droughts and warm winter followed by early spring helped...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal, Asif Raza Wazir and Ch. Muhammad Muslim
...s-Abies-Sophora, Abies-Cedrus and Abides-Pinus communities were determined on the basis of the highest important value (HIV). The dominant species were Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana, Abies pindrow, Picea smithiana, Pinus gerardiana and Quercus dilatata, Quercus incana etc. These plant species were the main source of income of the inhabitants. A number of medici...
Waqar Ahmad, Zahid Ali, Muhammad Rafique and Tariq Mahmood
...urse of study. Fresh and dry weight of plant was adversely affected by partial shade. Similarly the root-shoot ratio was not found to be affected by partial and no shade treatments. It was statistically confirmed that the Albizia lebbeck should be raised under full sunlight for better results....
N. R. Wani1, A. H. Mughal2 and M. A. Khan3
...ea were recorded in Cedrus deodara. The soil analysis of the afforested site and the adjoining barren land revealed that soil reaction was approximately neutral in case of vegetation area but was mildly alkaline in barren land. However, vegetation area was comparatively superior in organic carbon, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium and moisture content than barren land.

Key words: Afforestation, Nutrient status, Manasbal...

Syed Said Badshah Bukhari and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...mate was shifted towards dry tropical with eight months receiving <25 mm rainfall. The rainfall was reduced drastically in spring and late summer seasons. Evaporation and wind increased 1.59 times and 1.40 times, respectively. The results indicated a significant feedback mechanism among temperature, rainfall and evaporation. The temperature showed negative correlation with rainfall (r2 = 0.49) while positive corre...
Amjad Ali Ch., Javaid Ahsan, Tariq Mehmood, Shahzad Fazal, Punjab Forestry Research Institute, Faisalabad and Nowsherwan Zarif
...pacity of Rakhs, lack of drinking water and protection measures forced by the Forest Department. The major constraints regarding range development efforts were lack of funds, and interest of range personnel working in the field. Other constraints were half hearted implementation of existing range management regulation and inadequate research. ...
Tanvir Hussain then transferred to hydroponic conditions for maturity. For this purpose MS (Full-strength, 1/2, 1/4), B.N.M and Hooglands solution were used. It was researched out that 1/4 MS (pH 5.8) and B.N.M. (pH 5.8) gave excellent results. The study concluded that water hyacinth can be cultured and established in-situ by using usual techniques and methodologies of tissue culture....
Md Golam Moula
...s namely Ceriops decandra, Aegiceras corniculatum, Phoenix paludosa, Excoecaria agallocha, Heritiera fomes, Lumnitzera racemosa, Xxlocarpus mekongensis, Cynometra ramiflora and Bruguiera sexangula were tried. The highest survivability was found in A. corniculatum and P. paludosa (87.67%) and lowest in L. racemosa (61.33%). The maximum and minimum diameter after 11 years of planting were found in E. agallocha (10.15 ...
G. M. Nasir and Iqbal Mahmood
...s (both in green and air dry conditions) the wood samples were prepared and tested according to ISO and ASTM standards. Results showed that Robinia wood is better in strength due to thick walled and long fibers. It is stronger than Shisham wood in different mechanical properties. The wood may be less durable but can be easily preserved with chemicals. Similarly the wood can be seasoned well without any difficulty. After careful processing, Robinia wood can als...
Malik Mahboob ur Rehman1, Muhammad Rafiq2, Amjad Ali Ch.3, Tariq Mahmood4, Javaid Ahsan5 and Shahzad Fazal6
...rrying capacity based on dry biomass of grasses/herbs was found to be 18 Ac/AU/Yr and 10 Ac/AU/Yr in un-treated and treated areas. Study concluded that untreated area provides fodder to 944 Animal Unit/5664 Sheep Unit while that of treated area to 1700 Animal Unit/10200 Sheep Unit....
Muhammad Afzal, Amjad Ali Ch., Javaid Ahsan, Shahzad Fazal and Saima Tabassum
Amjad Ali Ch., Tariq Mahmood, Shahzad Fazal and Nowsherwan Zarif
... Response variables were dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), Neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL).With increasing clipping stage, concentration of DM, OM, NDF, ADF and ADL increased in all plant parts whereas CP contents declined with increasing clipping stage. One month clipping stage these grasses got optimum nutritional value and sustained grass vigor....
Sarfraz Ahmad, Sarwat N. Mirza and Muhammad Islam
... and establishment under drill and broadcast seeding treatments for range improvement in highland Balochistan. Seeds of S. vermiculata germinated in both treatments with higher germination percentage in drill seeding. Apparently, no differences were observed for seedling survival and seedling establishment between drill and broadcast methods. The seedlings of S.vermiculata we...
A. W. Jasra and I. Ahmad
...mmunity due to prolonged drought conditions and excessive mining of ground water for agriculture. The highest concern of transhumant community is the scarcity of forage and fuel wood at the winter stations. Animal health, prolonged droughts and feed shortage on migratory routes were the major problems of nomadic community. Poor marketing opportunities, high fodder prices, social intolerance and disease incidences are the oth...
G. M. Nasir and Noreen Fatima diameter due to which drying process and preservative treatment of these woods may be slow. Furthermore, on the basis of Runkel ratio, the wood of all the studied species may also be suitable for pulp and paper manufacture....
Ferit Turanli
...the infestation level of dried fig pests during the year 2001 and 2002. The samples were collected from Aydin and Izmir provinces and villages where the production is extensively made and were kept in dark room with 25±3oC and 60-80% relative humidity. The infestation levels of each fig samples in relation to pest emerging were measured periodically.

According to the findings; fig moth, Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: ...

Asad Ullah, Abdur Rashid and Sher Aman
... genera viz. Abies pindrow, Acer caesium, Aesculus indica, Betula utilis, Cedrus deodara, Corylus colurna, Crataegus songarica, Ficus carica, Juglans regia, Malus pumila, Morus alba, Picea smithiana, Pinus wallichiana, Populus alba, Punica granatum, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus domestica, Pyrus communis, Quercus baloot, Salix turanica were recorded. Among these 19(95%) were utilized as Timber, 18(90%) Fuel wood, 13(65%) M...
Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Amjad Ali Ch., Javaid Ahsan and Shahzad Fazal
...ed 32.86 - 40.72 percent dry matter (DM), 11.18 - 15.29 percent crude protein (CP), 22.36 - 30.78 percent crude fibre (CF), 2.88 - 3.62 percent ether extract (EE), 5.18 - 10.02 percent ash and 42.16 - 53.99 percent nitrogen - free extract (NFE). The data so collected suggest that leaves and twigs of Acacia nilotica can be fed to livestock due to their high contents of CP, EE, NFE and DM, CF during summer and winter respectively. ...
Hasanuzzaman, Md., H. Mahmood, H.L. Sharif and Md. N. Islam
...o light, frosts and long dry seasons. Nutrients (P, K and Na) leaching from leaf litter of D. sissoo were studied in the laboratory. About 20% of initial weight of leaf litter was lost, while conductivity and TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) of leached water increased to 239 µS/cm and 114 mg/l, respectively and pH decreased to 5.81 after 96 hours. Weight loss (%) of leaf litter, conductivity and TDS of leached water showed significant (NAOVA, p<0.05) cur...
Ajiboye, A. A.1, Ebofin, A. O.1, M. O. Atayese,2, M. O. Adedire3, D. A. Agboola1 and M. Kadiri1 the moisture content, dry matter, fibre content, crude protein content, crude fibre content, ash content and carbohydrate content were estimated. The seeds of P. Africana and D. guineensis contain moisture content (%) of 8.64 and 12.62, dry matter content (%) of 9.36 and 87.38; Iron (%) 4.57 and 8.85; crude protein (%) 78.00 and 21.61; crude fibre (%) of 2.43 and 2.33; A...
Abdul Hameed Khan1, Bashir Ahmed Wani2, Hakim Shah3 and Basar Ali4
...nsist of class II (good) dry-farmed land. About 469 hectares (27.6 %) of the land consist of class III land, having moderate general potential in which about 29 hectares (1.7 %) are under irrigated farming and the remaining about 440 hectares (25.9 %) are used mainly for dry farming. About 436 hectares (25.7 %) of the land is consisting of class IV (poor) dry farmed cum forest/range land. ...
Nasar Iqbal and Naveed Anwar Virk
...ence in respect of fruit drop at pea stage. The varieties regarding fruit set by selfing portrayed a sequence of V4, V6, V3, V5, V2, and V1 in descending order giving 2.25, 2.05, 0.60, 0.50, 0.37 and 0.22 %, respectively. Pollen viability by staining with acetocarmine showed that V6 had the highest number of viable pollens followed by V4 with 95 and 91.30 percent. Similarly pollen viability with iodine gave almost the identical results as that of acetocarmine....
J. Kayode and P. O. Tedela
...e number of nodules. The dry weight of nodules was affected by soil type but the soil type and the frequency of watering did not significantly affect the dry shoot and root weights.

Keywords: Irrigation frequency, Germination, Root and shoot yields, Leucaena leucocephala.

Sardar M. Rafique and Muhammad Akbar
...ture land and persistent drought are the principal reasons of deforestation. Present study was conducted with Landsat TM multi-temporal data however, for precise monitoring, use of high resolution satellite imagery and GPS is recommended. In addition, it is also suggested that canopy density be considered for accurate assessment of the forest area.

Key words: Mangrove forests, Landsat TM, Indus Delta, Monitoring

Anwar Ali and Hakim Shah users have led to the drastic degradation of the resources. Though forest legislation limits the rights of local people in the forests but still majority (72%) of them have access to forest resources in the area. They fulfill all their requirements from these forests but contribute nothing to the protection and development of the forest resources. The existing forest legislation and forest management have totally failed to achieve their objectives. It is fe...
Muhammad Afzal1, S. M. Hafeez2 and Aqeela M. Akhter3
... same tree with the Cylindrical formula came to be 71% of the Local Volume Table figure. Along the same distributary, total volume including timber and small wood of a kikar tree with the Quarter Girth formula came to be 45% on an average of the Local Volume Table figure while this volume came to be 58% of the Local Volume Table figure when calculated with the Cylindrical formula. Hence, the average lopping loss estimated in...
Iqbal Mahmood and Tanvir Ahmad Qureshi
...4.5 %). Fir (Abies pindrow), kail (Pinus wallichiana), mulberry (Morus alba), bhan (Populus euphratica), walnut (Juglans regia), toon (Cedrela toona). Jaman (Eugenia jambolana) and semul (Bombax ceiba) were of medium movement (3-4.5%) while deodar (Cedrus deodara), babul (Acacia nilotica), shisham (Dalbergia sisso...
Muhammad Arif Chaudhary, Muhammad Akbar and Muhammad Ajmal Khan
...ct boundaries, land use, drainage & road network, rivers, cities/towns, etc. Classified and resampled image clearly differentiated the basin into, vegetated (44%) as a major land use followed by not available for cultivation (38%), range land/barren land (17%) and water bodies (1%). The vegetation map revealed that Charsadda and Mardan were the most vegetated districts Area-wise districts of basin were arrayed in an order of Nowshera,> Mardan > Swabi > Peshawa...
Sardar M. Rafique and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...CD and LBWG were reduced drastically during final instar. It is therefore, recommended that for efficient utilization of food silkworm should not be reared above 26±1°C and 75±5% RH.

Key words: Silkworm Bombyx mori. Strains, Food consumption and utilization, ingestibility, ECI, ECD, AD, rearing season Larval body weight.

Bashir Ahmed Wani1, Shakeel Haider Zaidi2, Hakim Shah3 and Muhammad Muslim4
...inal plants.

Sardar Muhammad Rafique and Saliheen Khan
...teeply during summer and drops sharply in winter giving rise to great variations in diurnal temperature Subsequently the arid and semi-arid parts of the country are characterized by low precipitation, extreme temperatures and low humidity These conditions are inhospitable to good plant growth There are frequent droughts and the plant growth fluctuates greatly with precipitation.

Pakistan is blessed to possess some of...

Muhamamd Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
...5 km.

The number of dry patches, beneath the bark in the sapwood were maximum (5) in thinned canopy followed by top die (3) and vertically half dead (1). The continuity of such patches towards crown and root was confirmed by making the cross sections of stem logs and excavating root system of top die tree. Besides, there were recorded 9 dead roots in top die, 7 in thinned canopy, 6 in vertically half dead and none in healthy. A maximum number of termite r...

Mohammad Iqbal Swati
...n the plains and provide drinking water to the millions of people.

The majority of upland watersheds suffer from varying degrees of soil erosion and land degradation mainly due to high rate of deforestation, inadequate soil conservation measures, poor agriculture terracing, intensive agricultural activities, over-grazing, complex land tenure, and prevailing poverty in the mountain regions. As a result of water erosion top soil is being washed away into ...

Klaus Euler and Zulfiqar Ali Qazi
... for better animal husbandry practices, than to go for timber....
Sardar M. Rafique and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
... hand, more total carbohydrates (60.81%) and minerals (15.15%) were found in tree followed by bush However, no single cultivation form gave all the nutrients at the highest level. High growth rates, single cocoon & cocoon shell weight and cocoon shell ratio on low cut reflected positive effect of high moisture and protein contents Based on these findings it is recommended that silkworm (B. mori) should be reared on low cut mulberry leaves for better gro...
M. Al-Amin and M. Alamgir
.... A stratified random quadrat method was used to study the regeneration status. Total 143 seedlings and saplings of 39 species under 18 families were recorded in the sampled area Moraceae is the dominant family having 5 species followed by Anacardiaceae, Euphorbieaceae, Myrtaceae, Mimosaceae, Combretaceae and Verbenaceae (3 species each). Tectona grandis has the highest importance value index (31.05) followed by Gmelina arborea (16.05), Mangif...
Syed Shahinshah Gilani, S. M. Chaghtai and Umbrin Khan
... extracts from different dried plant parts, soaked for 48 hours, inhibited radicle growth, plumule growth and seed germination of Pennisetum glaucum cv Bari-Hairy. However, no serious inhibition of seed germination was occurred. The toxicity varied from part to part and was related to concentration and soaking duration Root exudates were highly toxic to the radicle growth followed by leaves, stem and whole plant material For the growth of plumule, leave...
Mohammad Anis and Farooq Ahmed Dar
... eleven families of Cedrus deodara pretreated with gibberallic acid, hydrogen peroxide and control were tested for germination in the laboratory Highly significant differences were observed among the families, treatments and their interactions. The results suggest that in hormonal control of dormancy, gibbere Uric acid plays a primary role in regulation of germination.

Keywords: Cedr<...

Mohammad Ayaz
...arid with extremely hot, dry and long summers However, due to geographic variations, climate may be modified locally, but generally high heat and dryness prevail throughout the plains, The forest area in Pakistan is 4.224 million ha (Ashfaque et al., 2000) forming only 4.8% of the total land area of 87.98 million ha. This forest area is recognized into nine major forest types/biomes, depending upon distribution and sp...
Sarfaraz Hussain Bangash
...uble nitrogen and carbohydrates in plants and a reduction of amount of protein formed. Its deficiency results in higher NO3-N, whereas its sufficiency decreases NO3-N in plants (Oram, 1961). Boron has an effect on pollen germination and prevents bursting of Pollen Tube, hastens flowering and fruiting process and increases seed & fruit formation, activities salt absorption, Increases seed & Fruit formation, hormone movement, metabolism of ...
Amjad Ali Ch., Zafar Iqbal, Muhammad Afzal and Muhammad Mushtaque
M. K. Hossain, B. M. Khan and B. Koirala
... root and total seedling dry weight, seedling vigor index and seedling quality index Therefore, presowing treatments of T5 and T4 (seeds soaked in concentration H2SO4 for seven minutes or five minutes followed by cold water washing) or, T1 (soaking the seeds in cold water for 48 hours following storage in wet pit for 12 days) may be recommended for the maximum germination and quality seedling production of T. grandis in the nursery.

Key words: P...

Mahmood Nasir and Mohammad Noor
...ted area. Twenty 1 m2 quadrats were studied randomly in both the areas.

The cover percent (10%) and above ground biomass (216 kg/ha) of Chrysopogon aucheri were higher three times in protected area than that of unprotected area, but its density remained unchanged which shows that the species is a grazing resistant The cover percent (5%), above ground biomass (78 kg/ha) and density (3) of

Cymbopogon jawarancusa were higher in un-protected a...

Mohammad Ayaz
...ies for afforestation of dry tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. In Pakistan, it has proved to be the most promising fast growing tree for dry afforestation and consating desortafication. For these reasons, Eucalyptus is planted in blocks and linear rows on farmlands, dry areas, marginal lands, as shelter belts and control of waterlogging and salinity in the plains of Pakistan....
Mian Muhammad Shafiq and Umeed Khalid
...98. 1x1 m3 quadrate sample was taken after every 10 m length and 2 m inside the plots with plots without trees, plot having trees on one side, trees in the whole field and trees in whole field with barbed wire/fence. The damage was observed in the plots with trees on two sides and in plots with trees and fenced sides. The damage observed was very minor i.e. 0.09% to 1.07%. It is concluded that damage to wheat crop by house sparrow is negligible and ...
Muhammad Ibrar Shinwari, Maryum Ibrar Shinwari and Mir Ajab Khan
...cted by the inhabitants, drug dealers and herbalists for their socioeconomic value. Among the species sold in the local market, 3 species i.e., Asparagus adscendens Roxb., Berberis lyceum Royle. and Viola canescens Wall, ex Roxb. found vulnerable to harvesting....
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
...cer caesium and Cedrela toona, major portion of the wood by volume was composed of fibers. In Acacia modesta, Melia azedarach, Tamarix aphylla, Prosopis cineraria. Bombax ceiba and Morus alba, greater volume of the wood was occupied by parenchymatous cells. Whereas, the wood volume occupied by vessels was found higher (44%) only in Aesculus indica. However, it was observed about 20% in A. nilotica, F. excelsior. M. azedarach,...
Raza-ul-Haq and Muhammad Tahir Laeeq
..., Elaeagnus hortensis, Cedrus deodara. Pinus halepensis, Quercus baloot, and Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Treatments of mulching, species and irrigation frequencies indicated significant differences on initial survival of seedlings. Plants showed better survival under mulching and irrigation thrice a month, while E. camaldulensis gave the best survival (1%) followed by A. altissima (6%) after 4% years of planting....
Tanvir Ahmad Qureshi
...B strength and screw-withdrawal resistance) and dimensional stabilities (Thickness swelling, water absorption and Linear expansion) of the boards were determined. Mechanical properties of boards of paper mulberry increased with board density. The boards with density 0.66 g/cm3 have better dimensional stability than those with the density lesser or greater than this value....
Syed Zainul Arifeen
... the last two decades. Hydroelectricity is the main source of cheap energy in the country. However, due to alarming rate of degradation of the mountainous watersheds and sedimentation in the reservoirs, their capacity for water storage and electricity generation is decreasing rapidly. Keeping in view this critical situation, the Government has initiated schemes to control degradation of watersheds through afforestation and other technical soil conservation mea...
Hanif Gul and Mirza Hakim Khan
...ress caused by extremely dry conditions during winters of year 2000 and preceding springs.

The beetle population developed on the weak trees under moisture stress growing on warmer aspects and ridges with stony soil The stressed trees had very little sap which made them prone to the attack of above beetles The grubs of these beetles constructed concealed and irregular gallaries in the twigs and branches, causing damage to conducting tissue by complete stra...

Ghayyas Ahmad
... image. However, for the drier western forests of the study area, classification accuracy was quite low

A total of 17 priority forest fragments for biodiversity conservation have been identified which could form the core areas in any proposed reserve design. Remote sensing and GIS are powerful and useful tools for biodiversity assessment, mapping and conservation planning at the ecosystem or landscape scale.

Anwar Ali, Kamran Khan, Ayaz Khan Marwat, Sajid Aman and Irfan Ullah
...t was carried out. Seven drought resistant tree species were planted in three replications on RCB design. After plantation in 2017 the survival and height data of each species were collected every year in June till 2020 and analysed statistically. Acacia ampliceps and Acacia elata gained maximum height than Acacia nilotica, Zizyphus mauritiana, Acacia victoriae, Acacia catechu and Acacia stenophylla

Mean heights recorded for ...
Tanvir Hussain, G. M. Nasir, and Khalid Hussain Sulangi
...e help of advanced WinDendro System. The chronology of Spruce for the area was developed by verification of data through statistical program Cofecha and elimination of the edaphic factors after detrending and standardization through the computer based program Auto-Regressive Standardization (ARSTAN) and its empirical modeling was done by the software Dendroclimb 2002. Tree-ring chronology showed a strong positive response to...
Ayaz Khan Marwat, Kamran Khan, Anwar Ali, Sajid Aman and Irfan Ullah
... was carried out. Twelve drought resistant tree species were planted in three replications on RCB design. After plantation in 2017 the survival and height data of each plant species were collected every year in June till 2020 and analysed statistically. The result showed that maximum height was gained by Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia albida than Acacia nilotica, Acacia ampliceps, Acacia nilotica (Cup), Tamarix aphylla, Acacia farn...
Siraj-ud-Din and Abdul Waheed Baloch
...Rainwater harvesting and dry afforestation techniques were compared with conventional method of planting (simple pit planting) of three species viz. Pistacia khinjak, Elaeagnus angustifolium and Atriplex spp. at Mianghundi Quetta. The above techniques were also compared at Karak valley on Atriplex canisence, A. lentiformus, Ailanthus sp. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Data on survival of all species and height of Atriplex canisence was recorded and analyzed.<...
Anwar Ali, Muhmmad Ayaz, Saz Muhammad
...nifers, Fir (Abies pindrow) is the dominant species (38%) followed by Kail (Pinus wallichiana) with 35%, Deodar (Cedrus deodara) 11% and Spruce (Picea smithiana) with 10% share. The average stocking/density was estimated at 250 trees per ha. In Reserved Forests, the average number of trees per ha was estimated at 285 whereas in Guzara Forests, the tree density was 176 stems per ha. The results of ...
Iqtidar Hussain and Adnan Noor Shah the control, 10 ml of dry leaf water extract was applied at intervals of 3 days for each treatment. The data obtained after 20 days showed that the fresh weight and dry weight of each tested weed were significantly reduced compared to the treatment with water (control). Germination, root length (cm), shoot length (cm) and chlorophyll content of the weeds are adversely affected by the application of the extract instead of ...
Tanvir Hussain and G. M. Nasir wallichiana) from dry temperate forest of Bomborat, Chitral Forest Division was developed to identify the effect of climate change happened in this area for the last 30 years. The climatic parameters including mean monthly temperature and precipitation were taken into consideration for the determination of impact over time scale (1985-2015). Results showed an obvious transformation in both correlation and response coefficients of this tree species duri...
Hanif Gul and Wali-ur-Rehman
...tkai villages. Number of dry branches per tree ranged from 5-15 at Sairai and 5-10 at Kotkai. Similarly 60-70% trees at Sromanzo and 30-50% at Navra of Dir and Barawal were infested by the pest with 10-12 dry branches per tree in the former and 5-8 in the Latter village. In Ushery valley 20 to 50% infestation of walnut trees was found in Jabar and 10 to 20% each in Almas and Usherai villages. Number of infested branches per...
Muhammad Tahir Laeeq
...nd grow in the moist and dry temperate zones in the northern parts of the country in the altitudinal range from 1500-3000 m. While P. euphratica occupies the riverain tract right from sea-level to 4000 m in the mountains (Sheikh, 1985). The indigenous Poplar species are comparatively slow growing and take a long time to attain exploitable size (Sheikh, 1972), therefore, do not find a high recognition for the commercial production of poplar wood. The sea...
Kh. Rizwan Shehzad, Z. H. Malik and Rizwana Aleem Qureshi
... was sampled by using quadrates of 10x2m, 5x2m and 0.5x0.5m for trees, shrubs and herbs respectively. Density, frequency and coverage of each species in the different stands were recorded. It was changed to relative scales and then added together to get the importance value for each species in each stand. Communities were named after the 3 leading dominants. The following five communities were recognized: (I) Melia-Lantana-Stellaria, (II) Morus-Dodon...
M. Rahim Niazi, G. Habib and M. M. Siddiqui
...composition and in vitro dry matter (DM) digestibility of leaves of five wild trees (Acacia modesta, Pistacia attlantica, Pistacia Khinjuk, Olea cuspidate and Zizyphus mauritiana) and five cultivated trees (Prunus dulcis, Pyrus malees, Prunus persica, Prunus domestica and Punica granatum), collected from three different locations in Balochistan. Were determined. Ash, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent ...
Altaf Hussain, M. Arif Chaudhry and Syed Hasnain Abbas
..., root length, fresh and dry weight of one year old Eucalyptus camaldulensis potted seedlings were studied in the nursery at Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. The results indicated that treatment T1 (50% effluent water + 50% tap water) was the best treatment as for as growth parameters are concerned. The maximum survival (100%) was obtained with treatment T0 (100% tap water) followed by treatment T1 (95.8%) which is comparable with treatment T0. The ...
Mohammad Ayaz
... an important herbaceous drug collected from temperate forests of Pakistan for it's medicinal value. In common with others, the supplies of this drug are dwindling due to over and un-controlled collection. Sustained production compatible with it's survival through management plans and in-situ cultivation is recommended to meet the traditional and commercial needs. In addition, artificial cultivation of Mushkbala, on one han...
Syed Zainul Arifeen and Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry
...ducted to evaluate the hydrologic response and sediment yield under different land uses such as agriculture, rangeland, forests and mixed forest, horticulture and agriculture in moist temperate zone at Chikar. Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). In this study four sub-catchments were selected. Nine year's (1988-1996) average data showed that both the hydrologic response (16%) and sediment concentration (158 kg/ha) were minimum i.e...
Muhammad Afzal
... has a many jointed cylindrical hollow stems called the culms. The stems are connected to a rhizome network that spreads out horizontally beneath the soil, forming a bush known as clump. The propagation of bamboos by seed is most successful but many of the bamboos flower and seed after long intervals. Seeding cycles vary from species to species and may be 30-100 years (Banik, 1980). Due to long inter-seeding intervals, the propagation is done vegetatively. Ba...
Iqbal Mahmood and G. M. Nasir
...nical properties of Cedrela toona were determined in accordance with standard methods. The results indicated that the wood of Cedrela toona is good in all the physical and mechanical properties both in green and air dry conditions and meet the standard requirements. More diversified and extensive use of the wood can be contemplated in addition to its traditional uses....
Tanvir Ahmad Qureshi
...nternal bond, screw withdrawal, thickness swelling, water absorption and linear expansion of particleboards for each age class and their mixtures were determined. Boards easily met industry specifications for all properties except linear expansion. Overall, the properties of the panels produced from 100 percent class A flakes were significantly superior to those of 100 percent class C. the properties of the panels produced from class B and C flakes we...
...ach plant species....
Syed Zainul Arifeen and Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry
... showed that both the hydrologic response and sediment yield from the catchment treated with mix plantation and engineering technique was less than half as compared to other treatments. This response was much higher in the catchment untreated and kept open to grazing. The analysis of variance showed that hydrological response and sediment concentration was significant and non significant at 5% level, respectively....
Shad K. Khalil and John G. Mexal
...ponse of photosynthesis, dry matter, shoot-root partitioning and photosynthetic water use efficiency (PWUE). Containerized seedlings were grown in greenhouse for about 9 months under well-watered and nitrogen fertilized conditions, and then transferred to a growth chamber where measurements were made three days latter. All seedlings were watered to field capacity the evening before measurements were made. Net photosynthetic rate and PWUE over one day period we...
Ghulam Akbar, Muhammad Arshad and Taj Naseeb Khan
... kept at 0.5 m. Overall dry matter yield (DMY) than rest of the grasses. Field observations confirmed that plants emerging from seed were morphologically more vigorous than those arising from root stumps. Thus seeding method if synchronized with suitable soil moisture can prove more effective in terms of DMY in desert areas like Cholistan....
Muhammad Ayaz in important plant drugs. Presently the supplies of these drugs, especially Kuth (Saussurea lappa) are dwindling mainly because of over and uncontrolled extraction. As a result, Kuth has been listed as Threatened with Extinction in Appendix II of CITES. Therefore, the production and utilization of this drug plant need to be regulated through management plans and i...
Kanwar Muhammad Suleman and Muhammad Ayaz
...situation needs to be redressed to break the deadlock in eucalyptus marketing as well as for the promotion of afforestation programs by creating better profitability from planting Eucalyptus. Beside many other marketing and utilization measures the export potential of Eucalyptus wood chips from Pakistan could be an alternative to improve eucalyptus marketing and hence its profitability and production. In the present study benefit cost analysis has bee...
A. G. Wilkinson
...ed planting has declined dramatically in the late 1980's and 1990's with the emphasis shifting to sustainable land management systems. Radiata pine affoestation, poplar silvipastoral systems, and various plant combinations including poplars and willows for riparian management were introduced. To prevent long term degradation by soil erosion, there is a need to develop economic poplar silvipastoral systems on at least one million hectares of New Zealand pastora...
Mohammad Noor and Bashir Hussain Shah
...Survival, growth and airdried biomass data were collected in January, 1994 on each tree species, and analyzed statistically. Acacia modesta, Prosopis cineraria and Acaica albida had substantially higher survival percent than Acacia tortilis and Acacia victoriae. Acacia albida and Acacia tortilis showed significantly higher growth than the other species. The airdried biomass of 65 kg/...
A. U. Khan, S. Siddique and F. Naz
...r adapted to survive dehydration stress compared to other species which are more susceptible and are therefore more prone to pollution injuries. The chemical and physical forms of the pollutants, effects of exposure dosage on the plants, alongwith plant physiology and the energy and chemical balance in the plant micro-environment created on the road determine to what extent pollution can be absorved or emitted by these trees....
Hanif Gul
...e Dalbergia sissoo, Cedrus deodara and Acacia nilotica as the most resistant wood while Salmalia malabarica and Populus x-euramericana were found as the most susceptible woods. Extractive of the resistant wood were chemically obtained and D. sissoo, C. deodara, extractive have shown resistance against termites. The trials on the influence of plant stress on termite infestation showed that damage to roots of seedlings ...
Mohammad Hafeez and Muhammad Rafique
Muhammad Rafique chopped fresh leaves, dry leaves, fresh bark, dry bark, fruits and floral buds of Eucalyptus camaldulensis whereas ordinary water was used for control. Fertilizer was also applied to the wheat crop. Effects of different parts of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on germination percentage, number of tillers per plant, hight of crop and yield of wheat crop were studied which were statistically insignificant....
S. M. Raidh, M. K. Hossain and S. Akhtar
...t length, root diameter, dry weight of root and shoot etc. were measured at the end of the experiment. The finding showed that the polybags of T4 treatment (30.5 x 15 cm size) produced quality seedlings of both the species within three months time and the size may be used in quality seedling production purposes for a short time. But, for large scale plantations, the polybags of T2 treatment (23 x 15 cm size) is the optimal size for raising quality seedlings ...
Mohammad Rafique and Mohammad Hafeez
...olution of fresh leaves, dry leaves, fresh bark, dry bark, whereas pure water was used for woodlot soil treatment and control. Effects of 5% solution of different parts of Eucaluptus camadulensis on the pH of soil, germination percentage, number of tillers per plant, height of crop and yield, (straw and grains) of wheat crop were studied which were statistically insignificant....
K. M. Suleman
...wn bamboo species (Daldrocalamus hamiltonii, Dandrocalamus strictus and Bambusa tulda) were pulped by soda process to investigate their pulping potential as a source of long fiber pulp in Pakistan. All the species can be pulped by soda process. D. hamiltonii gave the highest yield and the best tearing strength properties. Tearing properties were comparable to the kraft pulp made from Pinus roxbu...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...ributed in the moist and dry temperate forests of the world. Six species namely Quercus baloot, Q. dilatata, Q. glauca, Q. incana, Q. rubra and Q. semicarpifolia are found in temperate and sub-tropical forests of Pakistan. The key character, brief description, distribution, ecology and uses of these species are discussed....
K. M. Siddiqui
...of natural vegetation of dry tropical thorn forests and disturbance of natural ecosystem and drainage in the first instance which was subsequently extended by faulty irrigation practices for production of food and fiber to meet the needs of increasing population. In the latter case, the seepage of irrigation water from unlined water courses has aggravated the problem to an enormous and critical extent. Unfortunately, role of...
Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Hanif Gul
..., fresh weight of stem, dry weight of leaves, dry weight of stem and percent dry matter. Five plants per treatment were selected at random, then data were converted on per plant basis. Plant height was the only parameter which significantly increased in response to Temik, while others were non-significant. Temik 10g at the dose of 3.2 g/plot increased 32.13 percent plant height over...
Bashir Hussain Shah and Mohammad Noor
...produced 75 kg/plant air dry biomass and out yielded all the other multipurpose tree species tested in the experiment. Zizyphus mauritiana had minimum height dbh and also produced lowest air dry biomass (2 kg/plant)....
Maqsood Ahmed and H. Verplancke
...toring capacities of the drought-prone soils and to improve the supplies of plant available water, thus helping in better plant establishment and growth. The effects of polyacrylamide co-plymers on germination and growth were investigated in this study. The polymer was mixed with dune sand at different percentage by weight and soil-hydrogel mixtures were saturated with saline solutions prepared by mixing NaCl at diffe...
...seedlings of Abies pindrow were subjected to three water stresses (-0.04, -0.4, and -0.8 MPa) created by the addition of osmoticum (Polyethylene glycol 6000) to nutrient solution under three levels of light (50, 125 and 250µmol m-2 s-1) in the phytotron. Compared to the control seedlings, growth in terms of net photosynthesis, was significantly reduced (57 percent) for seedlings subjected to High light and the severest water s...
Ghulam Akbar, Shahid Rafique and Muhammad Asghar
...aluated for above ground dry matter biomass in Mastung and Tomagh areas in upland Balochistan. Tall wheatgrass and pubescent wheatgrass exhibited high dry matter biomass in southern upland region (Mastung) both in fall, 1989 and spring 1990. In north-eastern region (Tomagh), weeping lovegrass outperformed in dry matter biomass production, however, some other species such as tall whe...
Mohammad Saleem and C. A. Call
...nd % in vitro digestible dry matter when compared to Cymbopogon jwarancusa. Chrysopogon aucheri may not decrease in mixed Chrysopogon - Cymbopogon communities if the frequency and intensity of defoliation are controlled more closely as in this experiment. ...
..., a fruit borer of Cedrela toona, DDVP 50% EC killed 100% larvae each in 0.05 and 0.03% doses and 83% larvae in 0.01% dose while Laser 25% EC gave 80, 43 and 33% kill of larvae, respectively in 0.05, 0.03 and 0.01% doses. Malathion showed poor results with 36.6 and 26.6% mortality of larvae in 0.05 and 0.03% doses, respectively. In another trial (a fumigant caused 100% mortality of adultas of stored seed pests, Caryedon serratus and T...
Adnan Zahoor
...two million years, have drastically modified the environment. They cleared the large areas of forest, grass land and created new landscapes. Humans started replacing the vegetated landscape with constructed citiescapes. Several physical features of the landscape combine to produce local climate variations. Chief among these are the influence of topography, proximity to the ocean, and urbanization. ...
K. M. Siddiqui and B. H. Shah
...ence in the practice of dry affoestaiton because about 60-70% area in arid and semi-arid parts in Pakistan is subjected to desertification to varying degree for climatic reasons and due to misuse of land for agricultural and pastoral purposes over a long period of time. A number of government agencies have been engaged in the afforestation of vast dry areas in the country. Most of the efforts in this regards have so ...
...tortilis (80%), Cedrela toona (97.5%) and Bauhinia variegate (73.5%) respectively. The unidentified pests caused heavy infestation of seeds of Acaica catechu (98.4%), Aleurites fordii (88.8%) and Pongamia glabra (62.3%) whereas seeds of 40 tree species were found free from insect damage. A Hymenopterous parasite, Phanerotoma sp. Caused 16% parasitism in each of Coleopterous and Lepidopterous pests....
K. M. Siddiqui and Saliheen Khan
...oons, making the climate dry. Most of the precipitation falls as snow and the climate undergoes extremes of temperature - dry and hot (Upto 35°C) in summer and dry and cold in winter.

Valley bottoms are at an elevation of 1,200 to 1,500 m. Precipitation here is only 120 to 150 mm per year, which increases with elevation. At 3,000 m there is enough snow (equivalent to 750 mm ...

Muhammad Shabir Mughal
... durable heartwood (air dried specific gravity 0.72- 0.83); leaves are compound. 22.5-37.5 cm long; flowers in axillary panicles, lilac, honey-scented particularly during night....
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...k borer, Indarbela quadrinotata (Pseuderbelidae, Lepidopteral) larvae and pupae, were recorded. Aeolesthes sarta (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) grubs were found predated by a mite predator. Entomophathogenic fungus attacking all stages of I. quadrinotata and Elaterid predator of A. sarta, pit borer Apriona cinerea (Lamiidae, Coleoptera) were recorded. Observations on the biology o...
...eneration of Abies pindrow in the moist temperate forests of Pakistan at Kund. It has been concluded that tree and vegetative cover from Viburnm and Tree plus viburnm greatly affects the PAR levels reaching seedlings. Under these conditions, the quantity of PAR reaching at seedlings height was reduced to 2-4% of total PAR received in the open conditions. After seeds germinate, mortality rates of 1 to 3 year old seedlings are high. The mortality ...
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...different parts of four drug plants Azadirachata indica, Dhatoora alba, Melia azedarach and Calotropis procera were used to determine their efficacy against Plecoptera reflexa larvae, an important defoliator of shisham plantations. In case of A. indica and M. azedarach seed powder was used for making 10% water extract and for D. alba and C. procera leaves, branches and stem were boiled in water for makin...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...ander and native of very dry climate. It has light crown, leaf blade 0.6096- 0.9144 m long and broad. It flowers and fruits from June to November respectively. Its natural range extends to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran (Bailly, 1935 and Malik,. 1984). In is widely distributed in Makran, Kharan.Khuzdar, Hernai and Sibi area of Balochistan, Kohat,. Hungu, Orakzai, Waziristan and Kurram Agencies of N.W.F.P., and Jacobabad of Sindh (Watt, ...
*Muhammad Iqbal, James A. Moore and ***Charles R. Hatch
...loped for green and air-dried branch wood and fodder crown biomass components under different lopping intensities. Tables were produced to formulate management, planning and marketing strategies. Diameter at breast height squared (Dbh2) and its square proved to be the independent variables to predict crown biomass weights....
...neration of Abies pindrow in the moist temperate forests of Pakistan. Seed production from mature and over- mature tree crops (150-200 years old) is numerically adequate (upto 136 seeds /m2) in some years. However, the amount of viable seeds does not exceed 15% (20 seeds per m2). Seed production in 1987 at Kund was seven times higher then in 1988. No seed was produced in 1989, indicating that a 2 or more years seeding cycle...
Mirza Hakim Khan
... in November, 1989 by Quadrat method. Three plant communities were recognized, namely Juniperus macropoda, Ephedra nebrodensis, Daphne oleoides community, Sophora griffithii, Artimisia maritima community Juniperus macropoda, Perovskia abrotanoides community First two communities were found the best for food and shelter of Markhor-Hazarganji and Chiltan in summer and winter seasons. The third commu...
Abdul Khaliq, Ahmad Hayat and Anwar Hussain
M. Ayaz
...version of deodar (Cedrus deodara) and fir/spruce (Abies pindrow / Picea smithiana) trees. Piece-rates so developed are presented in this article....
Rafique Ahmad Dr. and Nasreen Muzaffar Dr.
Muhammad Rafique Sardar
...characteristics. One hundred twenty semi-permanent quadrats (plot) of 1 sq.m area both in fall 1987 and spring 1988 were laid out at six representative sites along 400 meter long transect line running across the contours. Out of these, 60 were clipped for estimation of forage production and 60 were studied for vegetation characteristics in two seasons. The study reveled that enclosure had positive effects on range ve...
Mohammad Noor
...d significantly more air-dried forage (4726 kg/ha) and was one of the best among all ecotypes. The ecotypes from Australia (426) USA (235) and Pakistan (229) produced higher (p< 0.05) quantity of air -dried for age compared with other ecotypes except No.269, but did not differ significantly among themselves. The average number of established plants of the ecotypes from India (269), Australia (426) USA (235) and Pakistan (229...
Pazir Gul and Muhammad Farooq
...n. It was found to be nondrying comparing oil favorably well with oil from plants grown in colder climate but less unsaturated than Russian oil. It was also observed that the oil was of fair standard and could be used in place of oil from other Ricinus spp....
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
....01, 0.02 and 0.04% Dieldrin 20% EC in 0.5% dose was used as standard for comparison along with check (no treatment). Half of the stacks were sprayed for the second time, three months after first spray with the same insecticides in same doses. Observations recorded in December, 1991 showed that permethrin gave 88% protection in two sprays in 0.04% and cislin (deltamethrin) 0.04% afforded 100 and 95% protection, respectively, in two sprays. Diel
S. M. Rafique
...ed from an open sewerage drain. All necessary cultural operation were carried out according to the plan of operations. Ten years old tree crop in may, 1992 consisted of only 536 trees because there were numerous gaps in it. Amongst these, 11 trees were defective (top broken per dry and partially rotten from ground upwards). The diameters of trees at breast height (dbh) ranged from 6 cm (2.4 inch) to 50 cm (20 inch) with stan...
... conservation and use of drug plants on scientific lines, marketing, processing and involvement of the end users i.e. industrial manufacturers....
Mirza Hakim Khan Dr.
...i>Pinus gerardiana, Ephedra nebrodensis, Cotoneaster nummularia community at higher elevation of the habitat. T he first community was found to be the best habitat for Suleiman markhor because it possessed ample number of food plants, shelter and spring water for the animal. Improvement of this habitat is, therefore, essential for the protection of the animal against biotic interference....
K. M. Siddiqui
...ture, such as hot summer droughts of the 1980s in parts of Asia and Africa. Their affect was similar in nature. Climate has also changed in the distant past. Since the depth of the little Ice age in 1700 A.D., the average temperature has risen by 1.5°C in northern Europe without any noticeable effect on forests. On the other hand, when 5°C warming occurred between 15,000 and 7000 year ago, it caused major changes in the distribution and ab...
*Nasir M. But, **Noor Mohammad, *Sartaj and *M. I. Sultani
...vested material was sun dried to determine the dry grow Cenchrus ciliaris years results it is recommended to grow Cenchrus ciliaris (RM 269), Pnicum antidotale (RM269), and Pennisetum purpureum (A146) in the rangelands of Pothwar tract of Pakistan....
Shakeel Haider Zaidi and Anwar Ahmad Khan of various steroidal drugs and sex hormones. In order to develop regeneration technology and its sustained supply, a number of long-term experiments on effect of cultural and fertilizer requirements on growth performance of the plants were under-taken in its natural habitat. Results are presented in this paper....
S. H. Iqbal, Shahbaz and Ghazala Nasim
... tissues of Abies pindrow, Auracaria cunnighamii, Cycas circinalis, C. revoluta, Cupresses torulosa, Ephedra gerardiana, E. regeliana, Juniperus communis, Pinus helepensis, P. roxburghii, Podocarpus chinensis, Taxodium mucronatum, Thuja orientalis and Zamia floridana. Endomycorrhizae were prevalent in species of most families including Pinaceae which normally forms the ectomycorrhiza. Fungal hyphae colo...
P. H. Haydock Wilson and A. R. Beg
...y grass Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauve. a pan-tropical weed. Plots with and without the presence Imperata were sampled over six sites along a single watershed. The number and biomass of Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) seedlings of all ages were found to be markedly less in plots where Imperata ground cover exceeds 75%. Over the range of sites, however, other factors of the pine's regenerative ecology appear to dwarf this ef...
Mir Baz Khan
...n, old persons and children who cannot work else-where on the farms.

Large areas of NWFP potential wealth of mulberry trees, the only food of silkworms. Climatic conditions for silkworms rearing are also suitable in many parts of the province. Silkworm rearing is therefore, carried out throughout the province where mulberry trees plants are found in .abundance. The following sericulture centres have been established over the years in the province....

S. M. Yasin and T. A. Qureshi
... the rate of 66% of air-dry weight of the board Physico mechanical properties of different panels indicated that the dimensional stability of panels containing cold water extracted flakes was poor as compared to those containing hot water extracted flakes. The modulus of rupture, nail and screw withdrawal resistance of panels containing hot water extracted flakes were better than the panels of cold eater extracted fl...
Muhammad Hanif and Bashir Hussain Shah, kail, fir-spruce and dry temperate zones. Analysis of soil samples showed that soil under forest had higher permeability, porosity and water holding capacity as compared to soil under agriculture and pasture while the bulk density of soil under forest was lower than that of soil under agriculture and range vegetation. However, except for permeability these values were not significantly different from each other. On the other hand, in all land uses, ...
Mohammad Noor compared. Average air dry forage production increased nine times due to closure, this increase was both for grasses and forbs. The percent cover of grasses and forbs increased 21/2 times inside as compared with that of outside the closure. The grazing capacity due to closure increased 7 times of the grazed area. ...
K. M. Siddiqui
...reasing. This called for drastic changes in the aid policy of the donor countries, which could ensure development at grass-root level for individual farmers through development of his own resources. Since, trees provide numerous benefits to the farmers, hence they should be provided assistance to harness the increased benefits. This concept is now gaining ground with growing realization that farming and forestry are inter linked, which were often consid...
S. I. Zafar, Ulfat Naheed, N. Abdullah and M. Yasin
...z et al., 1983; Zadrazil and Brunnert, 1980). Biodegradation of lignin in the nature, furthermore, is of particular importance because of its high recalcitrance (Reddy, 1984) and protection of cellulose from attack by various cellulolytic microbes (Fan et al., 1982) thereby preventing bioavailability of as much as half the photosynthethically produced high energy carbon. Though lignocellulosic biodegradation under laboratory conditions ha...
Mahmood Iqbal Shiekh, Saliheen Khan and Hakim Shah
...soo Roxb. and Cerdrus deodara (Roxb.ex Lamb) G.Don for the year 1990,1995 and 2000 were worked out to be 18,012, 27,379 and 36,745 m3 respectively....
Muhammad Farooq, Pazir Gul Khan and F. W. Khan
...lysed for fibers, carbohydrate, fat and protein content. The nutritive ratios of all the grasses were also determined. The results obtained were compared with those of common grasses of Cholistan, Kalachitta area and Thai already supporting large herds of cattle. They compared favourably well to justify their propagation as a cattle feed on pilot scale....
K.M. Siddiqui, J. A. Khan and Iqbal Mahmood
...twood species growing in dry and wet temperature forests exhibit slow growth rate and high density and strength samples from dry temperate forests exhibit slow growth rate and high density and strength properties than those from wet temperate forest. The results of this study would enable efficient and economical utilization of scarce coniferous timber resources in the country....
Hanif Gul, M.I. Chaudhry M. Farooq and Rahmatullah Jan excelsa M.B. Cedrus deodare (Roxb Ex. Lanb) G. Don and Morus indica L. were installed in the termites activity areas in different ecological zones during 1985-86. Observations recorded revealed that Platanus orientalis, L. Melia azadarach Linn and Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Out of the broad leaved species and Cedrus deodara (Roxb Ex. Lanb) G. Don in the coniferous timbers showed an...
Ghulam Sarwar Khan
... Biology Faisalabad. The dry see was treated with 1,3,5,7,9,10,15,20,25,30, and 40 KR. Doses of 7to 15 KR doses showed significant increase in tillering, plant height, fresh and dry matter yield. Flowering was earlier in 5 to 15 KR and delayed for other doses. Germination was not much affected. Pollen fertility gradually decreased with the increase in radiation dosage....
Mohammad Hafeez
...nd can tolerate heat and drought and a variety of soils. It is excellent for firewood and makes superior charcoal. It is an exceptionally high yielder of biomass....
Moinuddin Ahmad
...d from Gilgit to Astore (dry temperate). Thirty stands were sampled. On the basis of index of similarity, dominant species and floristic composition fifteen community types were recognized. The area shows three ecogeomorphological regions which differentiated into various habitats. Rainfall, temperature altitude, plant cover and vegetation composition show wide variation in the different sectors of the study area....
Mohammad Ismail Zafar, Mohammad Shafiq and Ali Gohar
...servation even under the drought, severe and unfavorable climatic conditions. ...
M. I. Shiekh, R.W. Hussain and Saliheen Khan
...n flue and fire and fire drying. The tobacco crop grown in NWFP is 15,000. Data were collected from 58curing units throughout the province. The average loading capacity of green tobacco per unit is 1500-2500 kg. The average consumption of fire -wood per sample unit is 1.26 m3 per load and 6 to 7 days are required to cure one load. The average price of fore wood is 20/-, 28/- and 35/-per 40 kg for Malakand, Hazara and Peshawar Civil Division respecti...
S. M. Chughtai, Jehandar Shah, Syed Zahir Shah and Sardar Hussain Shah
... dominant; on relatively drier sites, Astragalus graveolens took the lead over; and in more wet habitats, Salvia-Polypogon community dominated the scene. The stable land was dominated by Cynodon-Imperata community representing a relatively a advanced stage of succession....
A. B. I. Igboanugo
...lignotubers had started drying up, the lignotubers were assessed for differences in root number and length. The lower the concentration if IBA, and the fewer the number of hours soaked the higher the number of adventitious roots formed. However, in higher concentrations of IBA, rooting was achieved in longer hours of soaking only. Root length increased with the concentration of IBA, but no roots were formed in 75ppm concentration. There is the potentia...
K.M. Siddiqui and Iqbal Mahmood
...tsoniana and E. sidropholia were determined and found to better than those of commonly grown local species of hard-wood. The results of current study indicate good utilization potential of these Eucalyptus species for many purposes....
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Hanif Gul
...ion industries to expand dramatically to keep pace with the enlarging population, and this is motivating the plywood and lumber mills to intensify their demands. This ever increasing requirements for new products put more and more pressure on tree growers to maximize wood yield from the same land in the shortest possible time....
Wali-ur-Rahman and M. I an ail Chaudhry
...rghii, P. wallichiana, Cedrus deodara and Abies pindrow from Swat (Chaudhry et al., 1966) is infesting cones of Silver fir (Abies pindrow) in six localities of Hazara (NWFP). It destroys the seed out rightly or damages to the extent that the viability is undermined....
K. M. Siddiqui and Iqbal Mahmood
...testing was done in air-dry condition in accordance with standard procedures....
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...m did not survive in hot dry weather of June where as the eggs aestivated successfully....
Pazir Gul and F. W. Khan, dental cream, cough drops and alcoholic leqururs like those oils from other Mintha spp. Further work in the other aspects of this problem is in progress....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...uding foot-hill ranges, dry temperate ranges and alpine pastures. In cultivated fields shaftal, Lucerne, aftermath of agricultural crops, fodder trees and leaf fall of fruit trees are important sources of livestock feed. The availability of winter feed is a limiting factor in the production of livestock. In Northern Areas 100,125 metric tonnes of air dry feed is available annually against a requirement of 1,212,439 m...
M. I. Sultani, Muhammad Banaras Bhatti, Sartaj and Anjum Amin
...uring 1982.The green and dry matter yield was found significantly higher in monoculture pure form as compared to the other treatments throughout the growing period. Legume in the pure form as well as in mixture significantly increased the total soil nitrogen in soil. The increase in crude protein contents was associated with the increase of legume in the grass legume mixture. Similarly increased of crude fiber was found with higher proportion of grass....
M. A. Ogigirigi and A. B. I. Igboanugo
...etative zones of varying dryness and soil types (Afaka, Miango and Nimbia ) in Nigeria. Root size and distribution were measured and compared at three determined depths along the soil profiles. Although all the soil types have a layer of hard iron crust (plinthite layer) with in a depth of 40-60 cm in the soil the roots of the exotics were able to penetrate beyond the plinths. Among the exotic, Eucalypts proved best at penetrating the plinths, having c...
A. Mahmood and Tariq Mahmood
...nifers viz. Abies pindrow, Cedrus deodara, Juniperus polycarpos, Pinus halepensis, P. roxburghii-amercana and P. wallichiana were compared for holocellulose, alphacellulose and lignin content in branch wood of C. deodara, J. polycarpos, P. halepensis and P. roxburghii-americana was comparable with the corresponding values for their trunk wood. The branch wood of
M. I. Shiekh, S. H. Bangash and S. Hasan Abbas
...rtilizer studies on Cedrus deodara (deodar) of different ages were under taken at different planting sites in Azad Kashmir during 1979. The effect alone or in combinations, measured for diameter and height growth and Foliar nutrient composition was recorded during 1979-82. At Sharda, the analysis of height measurements recorded in 1981 gave a significant response to NPK combined treatment whereas over all diameter and height growth from 1979--82...
Mohammad Noor
...d significantly more air-dried forage (2139 kg/ ha) while in May, 1979 Medicago sativa (Viuta) produced significantly more air-dried forage (1516 kg/ha) as compared with other forage species. The two ecotypes of Festuca elatior did not show any significant difference in the air-dried forage production between themselves. Phalaris tuberose produced less air
S. Fazal Hussain and Arfa Yasmin value of berberine, a drug needed in international market, a study has been undertaken to evaluate the berberine content of Berberis species found in the forests of Punjab and N.W.F.P. The study would help in process development and its economic feasibility evaluation....
M.A. Hassnain Fatime and Raja Walayat Hussain
...iameters of deodar (Cedrus deodara) trees were measured at 1 (30.48 Cm) interval above ground level up to 7 feet (2.13 meters). Each set of diameters showed a strong linear correlation with diameter at breast height. Straight line regression equations were developed for each set of diameter separately using sets of diameter at different heights as independent variables and diameter breast height as dependent variable. DBH was estimated from thes...
Wulf Killmann
...h fillets between) - air dry timber down to 30% before kiln drying it do not dry batches of mixed densities. Preservation: all timber In exterior use and/ or with ground contact should be (preferably pressure) treated for pressure treatments, the material should be dried below fiber saturation point logs for power poles have to debarked and then
Abdur Rashid Tariq and Haji Moosa A. Tayab
...water of these sites was drawn from the subsoil and it contained 3500ppm of dissolved salts. This project went into full production within three months of its initiation. Thereafter this programme was extended further over an area of about 2000 hectares under various agencies. The Forestry Department, besides raising pastures on project scale, also initiated a study to test the adaptability of Pioneer Rhodes grass to irrigation water having higher levels of sa...
S. M. Chughtai, Abdus Sadiq and S. Zahir Shah
...tia thea var. brandrethiana; but none of them is perpetual. The area is much disturbed biotic ally and A. modesta seems to be the prime target of fuel hunters. ...
K. M. Siddiqui
...g 6 tons of wood on oven dry weight basis were cooked. Average screened pulp yield was found to be 46.3%with a Kappa number of 25. After washing and screening, three stages bleaching of pulp was carried out by chlorination, alkali extraction and hypochlorite bleach. Facilities for the fourth stage were not available and therefore, a low pulp brightness of 750 GE was attained. The bleached supphate pulp was evaluated in the form of mixed furnish for the manufa...
Salahuddin Ahmad industry .We talk and dream no stalically about a land overflowing with milk and honey but practically do nothing to realise our ambition. Generally it does not pay to raise plants specially for the bees but we can combine and encourage, by thoughtful selection of nectar-producing plants for the chief object which could be wood or landscaping and thus a honey crop would be harvested as a bye-product. ...
Salahuddin Ahmad
...d diversity, and then to draw inferences as to who other than Allah could have caused their existence and subsequent maintenance. Among the creation of Heavens and Earth, while the former is decorated with Jannat, the garden of bliss, the latter is also provided with every type of vegetation and animals of all kinds (Sura Luqman, Ayat-10). Indeed when Aadm was asked to quit the garden of heaven where he and Eve were provided with plenty of things, the...
A. R. Beg and Mirza Hakim Khan investigations on the dry oak forest zone in Swat valley revealed that three more plant communities, viz Diospyros lotus, Cotoneaster nummularia, Sophora mollis and Quercus baloot, Impatiens bicolor occur in the area. Prospects of renewable resource development have also been indicated....
Amjum Amin, Zafar Uddin, Rukhsana Roohi and Tayyab Jamil
...mal collapsible (ADC) quadrat in homogeneous stands of vegetation. Analysis of data resulted in four plant communities, i.e. Chrysopogon montanus, Heterioigib contortus, Desmostachya bipinnata, Desmostachya bipinnata, Saccharum spontaneum, Cymbopogonschoenanthus, Capparisdcidua and Chrysopogon montanus, Adhatoda vasica, Eleusine compressa. The communities were finally named by combining the physical and biological features....
K.M. Siddiqui, Jaleel Ahmad Khan and Iqbal Mahmood are comparable in air-dry condition. Some suggestions for proper utilization of Chilghoza pine wood are given....
M. Aliul Hassnain Fatime and S. Hasan Abbas
...ashmir i.e. deodar (Cedrus deodara) Kail (Pinus wallichiana), Chir (P. roxburghii) and fir (Abies pindrow) were originally prepared by Malik et al. (1971), based on the data collected from the forests of Azad Kashmir. As spruce (Picea smithiana) forms a small percentage of the coniferous forest and has also a close relationship with fir in height and form for the same diameter, it w...
Mohammad Shariq Khan, Altaf Ahmad and Anwar Ahmad Khan

Intro: Ephedra nebrodensis var. procera F.M. is the main source of income of the Forest Department of Baluchistan. The plant is being used in medicine from very ancient times and its curing properties are because of the presence of an alkaloid ephedrine (C10 H15 N0). Ephedra plants are a good remedy for curing bronchial asthma, cold, cough...

K.M. Siddiqui
...1% and 20 - 22kg on oven-dry wood and per ton of oven-dry pulp basis respectively....
M.I. Sheikh and Abdul Aleem
...igation, spray with dieldrin and use of N.P. could improve the situation. The study was maintained for five years and was assessed recently. It was found that fertilizers improved the growth of 16 year old plants and hence resistance to the disease but none of the three treatments had any effect on the younger plants. ...
Mohammad Noor
.../i> produced maximum air-dried forage in April, 1979 . Trifolium hybridum and Trifolium incarnatum produced significantly more air dried forage (2200 kg/ha and 2160 kg/ha) as compared with Trifolium pratense,(1007 kg/ha). There was no significant difference in forage production between Trifolium hybridum and Trifolium incarmatum. None of clovers showed any significant difference in t...
K.M. Siddiqui and Shamsur-Rehman Khan leuocephala under dry tropical conditions with artificial irrigation. Preliminary results show the suitability of two different varieties at these two sites. Overall growth performance of this species appears to be better than most of the Eucalypt species currently being planted in Pakistan....
Mohammad Ayaz
...>Intro: Deodar (Cedrus deodara) is one of the most important softwood species of Pakistan. It is extensively used on account of its properties e.g., lighter weight, straight grain, good seasoning and working characteristics and high durability. One of its important uses is the manufacture of containers for various items. However, tarnishing of the metal surface of the material kept in deodar containers is generally observed. This difficulty arises...
Anjum Amin and Raja Mohammad Ashfaque
.../i> and Sageretia brandrethiana....
M.I.R. Khan
...intained with artificial drip irrigation utilizing the locally available brackish underground waters. ...
M.I. Sheikh and Raza-ul-Haq
...ngs. For the last one hundred years the tree has been planted at a conventional spacing of 6 x 10 ft. To release the congestion and depending on the condition of the crop, first thinning is done in the 6th year, the second in the 12th, another in the 18th year if need be, and the final felling at the age of 20-22 years.

In order to find out the effect of spacing on the pattern of growth, a study was laid out in the Pakistan Forest Institute Research G...

Pazir Gul and Fazli Wahid Khan
...were analyzed for Carbohydrate protein, Cellulose, oil moisture and ash. The results obtained were compared with those of seeds of and exotic species of Quercus incana. The result compared well and justified the exploitation of the indigenous Quercus as a poultry and live-stock feed on a cottage Industry level. It was also concluded that because of their high carbohydrate content they can be used for the prepar...
G. M. Khattak Dr. and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...y, and by topography and drainage. About one third of the area comprises bare rock. Over the rest the soil is shallow, light grey brown, gravelly clay loam with a surface covering of gravel. It is generally underlain by weathered limestone fragments followed by bed rock. The soils are highly calcareous, non-saline and moderately alkaline due to the presence of carbonates. Their organic matter content is negligible except for partially decayed humus under trees...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...then washed under tap to drain off the refuse and pulp. The clean seed was soaked in water for 20 hours arid then subjected to floatation test on water to find out if the filled seed could be separated from the empty. 500 seeds each were taken from the settled and floated seeds of each locality and cut open....
Mohammad Noor
...ed maximum green and air dried forage in April 1978. There was no significant difference of forage production amongst the Medicago spp. and Vicia spp. Forage production of grasses was significantly more as compared to Medicago spp. and Vicia spp. However, Festuca arundinacea (70), Loium perenne (334) and Lolium multiflorum (191) did not show any significant difference in forage production amongst themselves....
K.M. Siddiqui and Mohammad Pervez
...perature. Seed stored in dry cold or stratified condition retains its viability and maximum terminations per cant as well as speed of germination are obtained if the seed is stratified for 120 days. Insecticidal treatment of seed in storage adversely affects its germination. Large differences were also noticed between different seed sources of blue pine in respect of various germination characteristics....
M. Ihsanur Rahman Khan being situated in the dry warm sub-tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere is not bestowed naturally with the lush green vegetation common to the wetter and more moist regions of the world. Inspite of the natural extreme aridity and desert conditions prevailing in Abu Dhabi, the Emirate is not completely devoid of natural plant life. Certain areas like the Sabkha (salty flats) or extremely arid and moving sand dunes may have no worthwhile plant...
S. M. A. Shah, A. Razzaq and M. T. Younis
...-benzene solubility, a-hydrolysis, B-hydrolysis and acid purification were examined in these samples....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...8 thousand tones of air dry forage annually against the present production of only 547 thousand tones from cropland, rangeland and forests combined. The production of Shaftal can be increased by 90 thousand tones if the local variety is replaced with improved variety and fertilized. Planting of summer legumes in 10 per cant of the cultivated land and alfalfa under apple trees can increase the forage production by 772 and 40 thousand tones respectively....
Mirza Hakim Khan Dr.
.../i> community (2) Ephedra nebrodensis, Juniperus excelsa community (3) Perovskia abrotanoides, Juniperus excelsa community (4) Sophora griffthii, Othonopsis intermedia community Community 1 was found the best both from food and shelter point of view, while the others stand in descending order of importance....
G. M. Khattak and M. I. Sheikh
... of wheat was sown in drills 45 cm apart between the lines of trees. The drill next to the line of trees was 80 cm away from it. Seed rate was 135 kg/ha. Urea was applied on 4-12-1979 at the rate of 230 kg/ha. Two irrigations of 10 cm depth each were given to the crop on 4-12-1979 and 14-4-1980. From sowing to harvesting on 2-5-1980, 240 mm rain was received....
Ashiq Ahmad and G. M. Khattak
... days. Soaking seed in hydrogen peroxide for 15 minutes, 30minutes and one hour followed by soaking in water for 24 hours gave, in 5 days 7, 8 and 11% germination, respectively. When soaking in hydrogen peroxide was not followed by soaking in water, germination was delayed by 5 days. Control and cold water soaking for 24 hours gave only about 8% germination in 20 days. ...
A. R. Beg and Mirza Hakim Khan
...Drosh, both lying in the dry oak forest zone, to other parts of Pakistan, actual biogeograhical limits of the zone were determined. Dry oak forests were found to indicate Mediterranean climate as elsewhere in the world. They, however, comprise of two sub-types in this country: the pure dry oak forests with true Mediterranean climate and the dry oak-chir ecotonal forests with transitional M...
Adil Al-Kinany
...nd leaves, and fresh and dry weight of stems as well as roots. The experimental results of Populus tremula cuttings indicated that there are bright prospects of boosting their rooting and survival percentage by using higher concentrations than 2000 ppm of alone or in mixture with NAA. With Picea abies, though IBA at 4000 ppm gave better survival percentage and number of roots per plant than 200 ppm or control, the differences among these ...
G. M. Khattak and Ashiq Ahmad
... silver fir (Abies pindrow). Moist stratification at 40°C for 21 days did not improve germination. Seed source influenced germination significantly: Maximum germination was obtained from Nala and Chanian seed sources and minimum from Kalabagh and Kuzagali. ...
Q. N. Javeed, Rehana Perveen, Imtiazul Haq and Ihsan Elahi
...oconut milk and casein hydrolysate was studied on induction and further growth of callus. Auxins were NAA (0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/1). Cytokinin used was BAP (1.0mg/1). Our results indicated that size of the explant, presence or absence of apical bud, controlled conditions of light and temperature are important factors in callus formation. A successful callus could only be raised on MS medium supplemented with 1.0mg/1 of 2, 4-D, CM10%, sucrose 2%in diffused ...
Abdul Aleem
...or 1978 litter the ratio dropped to only 0.96 from 1.18 after six months. ...
Shahida Parveen and Zakaullah
...ices and medicine. The dry fruits are a rich source of thymol. They contain 17.2 % of protein and 13% of fat (Chopra ., 1958). The area under the valuable crop is expected to increase in the country. Cultivation of cumin is being tried under the Peshawar conditions. Work on the collection of information about the diseases of the crop was initiated and available literature on the subject was reviewed.

Joshi and Agnihotri (...

Mussarrat N. Ali, Anwar Ahmad Khan and Shakeel Haider Zaidi
Zakaullah and Khial Badshah
...ultivated for spices and drugs throughout the tropics. The feasibility of its introduction is being studied in Pakistan. Work on the collection of information on the diseases of the crop was initiated at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar and available literature on the subject was reviewed.

Ramakrishnan (1949) reported the occurrence of Pythium vexans on several hosts including ginger growing at elevations of over 915 m. The aerial sh...

Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...essus arizonica with drip system of irrigation. To find out whether drip system of irrigation could be usefully employed to raise trees at Ziarat (2440 m A.S.L.), av. ann. rainfall 380 mm, average maximum and minimum temperatures 18.3°C and 4.1°C respectively, a study was started in May, 1976 using Cupressus arizonica as the test species. The method involves supply of water direct to the plant roots throu...
Ali Asghar Khan
...emphasis on deodar (Cedrus deodara) and Kail (Pinus wallichiana). The prognosis of this approach is discussed briefly, to create awareness about the effects of unwarranted changes in environment and need for studying the factors involve don pilot basis. ...
Mirza Hakim Khan Dr.
... Gokshal, Chat and Duni drain into Chitral Gol, which later on joins the river Chitral near Chitral town. A thin layer of slate and phyllites (palaeozoic) overlies the crystalline or grey limestone of midcretaceous period. The soil formed by the disintegration of rocks is generally fertile and varies from clay loam to sandy loam. ...
Pazir Gul and F. W. Khan
...that this oil, being non-drying in nature and have no toxic compounds, can be used for edible purposes. The seeds, which were analysed for protein, carbohydrate and ash, indicate that they can be utilized as poultry and livestock feed (9)....
Abdul Aziz Khan and M. Jamil Khan
...0% sulphitation and thin drying the extract under reduced pressure. Pickled and deli med identical pieces of sheep and goat skins were tanned with pine and imported mimosa solids for comparative studies of light leather producing qualities under similar tanning conditions. For production of heavy leather, depickled buffalo hide pieces were tanned. Comparative studies of shrinkage temperature, tensile strength and elongation of resultant leather indicate that ...
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Wali-ur-Rehman
...oe (Arceuthobium oxycedri M. Bieb.), a plant parasite. Trichodes sp. Healthy trees in Sasnamana, Ziarat and Chautair were found free from the attack of these borers. Trichodes sp. and Teretrius sp. were recorded as predators and Heterospilus sp. and Agathis sp. as parasites on these borers mostly in Sasnamana area. Fruit berries were heavily infested by fruit moth larvae in all the localities....
R. H. Jafri Dr., K.M. Saleem, R. Iqbal and Qaisra Fazal
...n 1975-76. Nuclear polyhedrosis virus was identified as one of the causal agents responsible for the death of millions of silkworm larvae in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. Histopathological studies showed that the nuclei of adipose tissues, tracheal membrane, dermal cells and blood cells developed polyhedral bodies within a week after infection. Nuclear polyhedrosis virus multiplied rapidly an...
M. Ismail Chaudhry, Nasrullah Khan and M. Arshad
...s of these timbers. Cedrus deodara and Tectona grandis proved most resistant while Salmalia malabarica, Abies pindrow and Picea smithiana were the most susceptible timbers....
Abdul Ghaffar Marwat, Pazir Gul and Fazli Wahid Khan was found to be a non-drying comparing favorably well with oils from Querous ilex, and Quercus incana (5, 6, 7). It was concluded that this oil can be used for edible purposes. The seeds, which were analyzed for its nutrients, indicate its utilization a as poultry and livestock feed (8). ...
Mairza Hakim Khan
...1977. The forest type is dry temperate. The communities were identified:
Study area: Chitral Gol is a narrow valley. It starts 3 km west of Chitral town, runs as a gorge for about 18 km and then broadens into three sub-valleys each surrounded by high peaks. The area is mountainous with steep slopes. It is bounded on the north and west by Butkoh tehsil, on the east by Singur Gol, on the south by Chitral town and Molen Gol. A number of sma...
M. Ikram
...pium increased to one hundred seventy tons in 1972 of which approximately sixty tons was obtained from straw. Poppy straw consists of dried capsule walls and stems. Table I1 gives the composition of opium from various sources....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...d the extremely cold and dry conditions of Ziarat (Baluchistan)....
Mohammad Amjad
...prising 25 workers was drawn, 13 regular and 12 casual. The workers were interviewed by the investigators. The objective of the investigation and the questions were explained to them in their language and their replies recorded on the questionnaires....
Abdul Aleem
...ernor, NWFP. In his address of welcome, Dr. Mohammad Aslam Khan, Secretary, National MAB programme introduced the programme and its activities in Pakistan. Professor Yogesh Atal, UNESCO Regional Adviser for Social Sciences in Asia and Oceana, highlighted the importance of social sciences and stressed the need for their integration with the natural sciences to achieve success in MAB programmes. He outlined the following objectives for the semi...
Fazli Wahid Khan, Pazir Gul and Abdul Ghaffar Marwat
...uded that the oil is non-drying in nature and is fit for edible purposes as it has non-toxic compounds and can be purified cheaply. The seeds have been analysed for protein, arbohydrates and ash and the results indicate their utility as poultry and livestock feed. ...
Abdul Aleem
...mber of young per female dropped to more than half. Males were classified into mature and over-mature categories and it was recommended that 14 males may be harvested....
Faqir Mohammad Khan
...hy, vegetation, soils, hydrology and climate and to interpret these data for the drawing up of land use plans relative to the needs of sound management of these watersheds and for the preparation of management plans for proper working of the forests situated therein. The project covers one of the most difficult and inaccessible areas of the world. Altitudes vary from about 500 meters to well over 7000 meters above mean sea l...
Anwar Ahmad Khan
...led that large number of drugs are sold in sizable quantities in the markets of Pakistan. Thirty crude drugs were surveyed in view of their importance in different system of medicine. Information was collected on consumption, sources of supply and price....
Moin Uddin Ahmad and S. A. Qadir Dr.
...ifferent locations by quadrat and plotless methods. Community attributes, maturity and homogeneity of every stand were studied. 10 communities were recognized on the basis of physiognomy, floristic composition and importance value index....
Anwar Ahmad Khan and Altaf Ahmad
...a considerable number of drugs mentioned in the formularies are manufactured from plants. A casual look on the national formulary booklet confirms this statement.
Pakistan is importing crude extract of drug plants from developed countries, although these medicinal plants are available in our country. Plants like Dioscorea deltoidea, Valeriana wallichii and Podophyllum hexandr
Miss Munawar Sultana and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...large quantities of this drug can be collected easily from the above mentioned areas. The seeds are a good source of an essential oil, which constitutes about 22 per cent of the total weight. Pharmacognostic studies were carried out on Adhatoda vasica plants in order to identify, evaluate the distinguishing macroscopical and microscopical characters of the crude drug. Results achieved during this study are prese...
F. W. Khan and Pazir Gul
... the oil, being of semi-drying type, can be used in cosmetics and varnish industries. ...
Editor guests. The welcome address of the Director General is reproduced as downloadable attached PDF....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Abdul Aleem
...rshed runs southwards, draining into the river Indus. The river traverses whole of the district of Skardu after covering about 8C0 km. stretch before entering into the boundaries of Pakistan. As it meanders down, small streams and nullahs contribute their share to the total stream flow. About 10 km. down strefm of Gilgit town, it is joined by Gilgit river, which itself is formed by the union of Gilgit and Hunza rivers....
Mohammad Yasin and Qaim Hussain Shah
...ioning period and veneer drying temperature and time on the quality of veneer were studied. It was observed that mulberry logs produce good quality veneer of 1.0 mm, 2.0 mm and 2.5mm thickness, when they were conditioned in hot water for 12 to 18 hours before peeling. Knife angle of 920 was found be optimum for cutting good quality veneer from logs of 1.0 to 1.5 feet diameter. Drying of the veneer was observed to be somewhat patchy and therefore, diffi...
F. W. Khan and K.K. Niazi
...ound to be a typical semidrying oil comparing favourably with oils from warmer climates but less unsaturated than the English oils. The HCN content of the oil was also investigated. ...
Sultan Maqsood Khan
... watershed project area (dry sub-tropical) grass introduction trials with 39 cotypes of 14 species are being carried out in collaboration with Watershed Management Project of WAPDA in Missa Research Plot of Rawalpindi district since February,1973. On the basis of 1-1/2 years' observations on establishment, vigour, longevity and forage yield of these introductions, seven ecotypes of Bothriochloa pertusa, Cenchrus ciliaris, Chrysopogon aucheri, Dicanthium an...
A. R. Beg
... in Pakistan. Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees is a tropical species. As a natural growth, it is extremely rare and is known to occur only at a very few places in Pakistan. It was recorded so far in the Margalla Hills, Nurpur Hills and Chattar, Islamabad-Murree Road, in eastern Salt Range and Shahpur, Kandi and in Billawar, Mirpur, Udhampur and Jammu upto an altitude of 800 m (Stewart, 1972). During a recent visit to Buner...
Ishtiaq Ahmad Qazi
...tick can be used as a dendrometer, hypsometer, angle gauge, scale stick, range and direction finder besides functioning as an ordinary walking stick. Its accuracy is comparable with corresponding standard instruments. ...
Mohammad Shamsul Hasan Khan
...ely reviewed. Ekalux, Azodrin, Lebaycid and Bidrin against leaf eating insects and Dieldrin, Aldrin and Heptaclhor against white ants and wood borers have been recommended....
Jalal-ud-Din and M. Farooq
...ed for original flora or drought/salt resistant tree species. If, however, sufficient water is made available for intensive forestry, the reclamation of saline-sodic soils could be undertaken by using gypsum and growing high delta crops. The dense soil mass could be improved by subsoiling and green manuring. The sand dunes cannot be brought under irrigated plantation. They could be developed as range land, or used for wild life....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh guests. The welcome address of the Director General is reproduced: Honourable Chief Minister, Distinguished Guests. Ladies and Gentlemen: It is my proud privilege and pleasant duty to extend a cordial welcome to you, Sir, and to the distinguished guests who have graced this occasion of the Twenty-fifth Passing-Out Ceremony of the Pakistan Forest Institute. I am particularly grateful to you, Sir, for agreeing to be with us to preside over this function despi...
Dr. K. M. Salim and Rehman Gul Shahid
Ch. Manzoor Ahmad and M. N. Malik
...saw-dust of deodar (Cedrus deodara) and kail (Pinus wallichiana) was conducted under varied conditions of temperature, period of heating, and acid concentration. The hydrolysed products from pre main, and post-hydrolysis were pentoses, oligo saccharides and mono-saccharides, respectively. The glucose content ranged from 2.63 to 25.29% in the saw-dust of deodar and 2.15 to...
M. A Quraishi and Manzoor Ahmad
...urs chiefly on deep well drained and fertile soil on sheltered situations such as moist ravines or depressions. Pure crops are found on lower gentle slopes of well drained depressions the parts of which are occupied by coniferous forests. (6) It is also found mixed with horse chestnut, maple, oak, bird cherry or with conifers particularly spruce, fir and blue pine In west Pakistan it is commonly found in Hazara, Murree, Swa...
Anwar Masrur, PFS (I)
...practical value to the hydrologists, the present trend is to describe the drainage basins and channel networks by means of quantitative methods instead of purely qualitative and deductive studies. The paper describes some aspects of morphometric analysis of Kunhar river watershed including stream order, bifurcation ratio, drainage density, constant of channel maintenance, stream frequency...
Dr. K. M. Salim and Gul Shahid
Mohammad Amin Siddiqi
...of the plants with their drawings have been given. Modern nomenclature has been used and the synonyms from various floristic works have also been cited....
T. J. Roberts
...existence for several hundred years. Such cultivation depended mainly upon the indigenous construction of subterranean percolation trenches or tunnels which are known locally as Kharezes. This was supplemented with a few open wells. Even from the times of the earliest British administrative control in the region, which provides the first written records, the climate was one of extremes. Shortage of water was an ever present...
M. N. Malik, M. Jamil-ur-Rehman and M. Hafiz
...fferent age crop of Cedrus deodara were determined. The findings are tabulated and discussed. The roll of organic matter in the enrichment of soil-site and towards maintenance of nutrient balance is elaborated....
Mohammad Hafeez
... bushy rounded crown and drooping branches. Bark is rough with numerous irregular cracks. Sap wood is generally white and heartwood is dark brown. Leaves are broadly ovate or obovate, oblique and abtuse. Flowers are pale in colour.
It is a very slow growing tree. It obtains a height from 20 to 30 feet. It occurs more or less gregariously in dry hills up to 4,000 feet. It is found in various geological formations and is ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh guests. The welcome address of the Director General is reproduced....

Muhammad Ikram Ullah Malik1*, Aamir Saleem1, Lubna Ansari1 and Arshad Mahmood Malik2

...Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum). 1 kanal was used for livestock and poultry, to generate income through dairy and poultry products. The results showed that multifunctional agroforestry system yielded more than the agricultural crops through graphs and charts. This strategy supported sustainable land management and provides livestock farmers with a number of advantages. By enhancing the diet’s nutritional value, it was found that this variety also promot...

Helal F. Al-Harthi1*, Essam H. Eldrehmy1,2, Afaf Eladl3, Marwa I Abd El-Hamid2*

...;">The emergence of multidrug resistance (MDR) among methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become a significant threat worldwide. Thus, the current work was designed to elucidate the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of S. aureus among meat and meat products’ samples in Egypt and to determine the virulence genes profiles of M<...

Sundus Oun Ali Al-Zaini1, Mohanad A. Al-Bayati3*, Khazaal Abbas Khazaal2, Salma Talib Salih1 (KHV) and Aeromonas hydrophila antigen in common carp, Cyprinus carpio, using formalin-inactivated versions of both virus and bacteria (mean body weight of 108.2±1.2g). Vaccines that have been prepared and loaded into Nano liposome blank that have been formulated according to the thin film method (Bangham). The experimental was designed into four fish groups for vaccinination. The Formulated vaccines (viral and bacterial) was vaccinated once daily fo...

Kremlin Mark B. Ampode

...d a significantly higher dressing percentage (68%), suggesting improved carcass yield. These findings indicate that OLM, rich in phenolic and flavonoid compounds, has the potential to be a safe and effective alternative to antibiotic growth promoters in broiler chickens, warranting further investigation into the mechanisms underlying its beneficial effects.
Keywords | Origanum vulgare, Antimicrobial a...

Ari Firmansyah1, Lovita Adriani1*, Andi Mushawwir1, Novi Mayasari1, Denny Rusmana1, Safri Ishmayana2

... Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Padjadjaran. Thirty-five 40-week-old Isa Brown laying hens were randomized to seven experimental treatments and five replicates using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Treatments included T0: basal diet without probiotic yogurt (control); T1: diet and 2% liquid probiotic yogurt; T2: diet and 3% liquid probiotic yogurt; T3: diet and 4% liquid probiotic yogurt; T4: diet and 2% powdered probiotic yogurt; T5: diet and ...

Danh Mo

... of Wedelia in fresh and dry matter (DM) rose significantly (P<0.05) when harvesting at times from 3, 5, 7 to 9 weeks following planting and regeneration. With a yield of 22.4 tons/ha/year, the harvest period of 9 weeks had the best yield. Wedelia tends to lose nutritive value (P<0.05) when harvesting time increases (crude protein, CP 10.4-18.8% DM and acid detergent fiber, ADF 20.1-33.5% DM). Significantly (P<0.05) lower in CP and higher in ADF, the ...

Amal Mohammed Ali Alah Al-Marmadhi*, Saadeya Ali lefelef Al-Gnami

...T2,T3 and T4 groups were drenched with thyroxine (300mg/kg of B.W for 28 days ) for hyperthyroidism induction, T2 was drenched with methimazole (2.5 mg/kg of B.W for 30 days), T3 was drenched with allicin nanoparticles (50 mg/kg of B.W for 30 days) and T4 was drenched with methimazole and allicin nanoparticles for 30 days. The results showed a significan...

Syed Saqlain Hussain1*, Muhammad Rasheed2, Zammurad Iqbal Ahmed2, Ghulam Jilani3, Muhammad Irfan4, Muhammad Kashif Aziz5, Fiaz Hussain1, Muhammad Akhlaq Mudassar1 and Zuhair Hasnain2

...was searched out viz., hydro-priming (HP), 500, 1000 and1500 µM on seed germination and early seedling establishment of six maize genotypes viz., MMRI-Yellow, NCEV-1530-9, YH-1898, Composite, SB-9617 and FH-949 under salinity-induced stress. Seed priming with 1000µM melatonin efficiently lowered the deleterious effects of salt stress on germination and early seedling stages in all the studied genotypes. Moreover, SB-9617 exhibited comparatively the...

Shabana Islam1, Shahida Shujaat1*, Erum Akbar Hussain1, Mateen Abbas2

...range of 52 to 183 mg/kg dried matter respectively. The agar well diffusion method was employed to assess the additional in vitro antibacterial activity of the samples against two Gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus) and three Gram negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella typhimurium). The effectiveness of the samples was greater against Gram positive bacteria (MIC = 0.3 mg/mL) compared to Gram nega...

Ahmad Shandookh Hameed1, Ali Abd Kadhum2 and Murtada Wafi Beden1

...he main reasons of Multi drugs resistance (MDR) bacterial infections. These infections can worsen the clinical outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 patients, resulting in prolonged hospital stays, the need for mechanical ventilation, and higher mortality rates. Additionally, weakened immune systems due to viral infections can also make individuals more susceptible to M

Ammar Abdulhasan Aldhalemi1, Murtadha Abdulhasan Aldhalemi2, Ali Joodi3, Qais R. Lahhob4* 

...well, protein and carbohydrate percentage values that signified the difference of ginger oil extract on cheese properties. In addition, the noticed anti-fungal efficiency against the common fungus provides a promising solution as ginger oil extract has antimicrobial properties too with a very affordable cost. To be concise, the application of ginge oil extra has highly improved the texture, taste, and the reception of the product; moreover, it has also acted w...

Ammar Abdulhasan Aldhalemi1, Murtadha Abdulhasan Aldhalemi2, Ali Joodi3, Qais R. Lahhob4* 

...well, protein and carbohydrate percentage values that signified the difference of ginger oil extract on cheese properties. In addition, the noticed anti-fungal efficiency against the common fungus provides a promising solution as ginger oil extract has antimicrobial properties too with a very affordable cost. To be concise, the application of ginge oil extra has highly improved the texture, taste, and the reception of the product; moreover, it has also acted w...
Luqman1*, Zahid Hussain2, Tamana Bakht3, Miftah-Ud-Din1, Haroon Khan2, Muhammad
Rameez Khan1, Ata Ullah1 and Faraz Ali Shah1, Imtiaz Khan2 and Abdul Majid Khan Dawar2
Javairia Mehboob1, Syeda Hafsa Ali1*, Fahima Ashraf Kasi1, Syeda Ayesha Ali2, Safa
Farooqi3, Muneeza Arbab4,
...ity and possible risk of drug resistance.

Maqsood Anwar, Shah Khalid and Naveed Akhtar1*

total of 200 quadrats (square shaped) having size (1m × 1m) were placed in 20 randomly
selected wheat fields in the study area. Analytical quantitative characters like density,
frequency and cover were calculated for each weed species. Twenty weed communities were
established in 20 selected sites/stands. Comparative evaluation of diversity revealed
that Menhinick’s index ranged from 0.61 to 1...
Muhammad Naeem Korejo1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1 and Niaz
Ahmed Wahocho2
m-2) and dry weight (99.0 g m-2) and produced maximum mungbean growth and yield traits
particularly seed yield (2404 kg ha-1). Bermuda grass extract @ 15 L ha-1 in integration with
herbicides (atlantis @ 0.1 L ha-1 + puma super @ 0.156 L ha-1) followed in effectiveness
with weed density of 61.0 m-2 and weed dry weight of 132.0 g m-2 as well as mungbean
seed yiel...
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Azhar
Hassan1, Jamshaid Qamar2, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Adnan2, Rafia Khalid3, Muhammad
...shoot fresh weight, root dry weigh) of radish were recorded using standard
procedures. Results revealed that the aqueous extract of A. officinalis at higher
concentration (80%) act as bioherbicide and produced inhibitory effects on R. sativus that
resulted in maximum time to 50% germination (4.68 days) and mean germination time
(9.05 days) while minimum germination index (3.60), germination percentage (85.00%),
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2,
Muhammad Mughees Ud Din4, Jamshaid Qamar2, Muhammad Waqas1, Muhammad Mohsin
Amin2, Burhan Khalid1
...shoot fresh weight, root dry weigh) of weed were recorded following
standard procedures. Results Reveals that the aqueous extract of A. officinalis at higher
concentration (80%) act as bioherbicide and produced inhibitory effects on R. sativus result
in Maximum time to 50% germination (6.70 days) and mean germination time (10.00 days)
while minimum germination index (4.70), germination percentage (66.60%), shoot ...
Mamoona Arooj1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Muhammad Mansoor
Javaid1, Erum Rashid2, Muhammad Saleem Jilani3, Jamshahid Qamar1, Faryal Ali4, Sadaf
Javeria5, Muhammad Faisal4
...l content, fresh weight, dry weight, root length and
shoot length were observed after spraying of atrazine @ 5, 10 and 20 g a.i. ha-1 at 100 %
water concentration. Doses of atrazine above 20 g a.i. ha-1 negatively affect the growth of
Tribulus terrestris.

*Arshad Javaid1, Iqra Haider Khan1 and Malik F. H. Ferdosi2

...d, methyl ester (0.88%), dronabinol (1.02%) and 2-
methoxy-4-vinylphenol (0.96%). Most of the identified compounds possess one or
more biological activities viz. antitumor, antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant,
anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and analgesic.

Abid Hussain Khoso1, Mahmooda Buriro1*, Bakht-un-Nisa Mangan1, Naimatullah Laghari1, Muharam Ali Qambrani1, Allah Ditta2, Muhammad Saeed3, Taufiq Nawaz4

... fresh (293.6 g m-2) and dry biomass (122.52 g m-2) with maximum weed control (81%) was recorded with banana leaves as mulching material in Sindh-1. It can be concluded that mulching with banana leaves at 12 t ha-1 significantly reduced the weeds infestation, resulting in enhanced growth, yield, and physiological parameters of the cotton crop.


Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan2*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin2, Jamshahid Qamar2, Azhar Hassan1, Muhammd Alam Elahi1, Jamshed Haider1, Muhammad Irfan4 and Memuna Ghafoor Shahid5

...shoot fresh weight, root dry weigh) of radish were recorded following standard procedures. Results of our study revealed that the higher concentration acted as bioherbicide and exhibited inhibitory effects on R. sativus while the low concentration it showed hermetic effect and promoted the seedling growth. Among different phenolic compound (syringic acid, p-crumeic, ferulic acid, quercetion and gallic acid) were determined in aqueous extract of bark of C. veru...

Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Iqbal1, Malik Muhammad Hashim2, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Mohammad Safdar Baloch3, Muhammad Sohail Khan1, Asif Latif1, Muhammad Amjad Nadim3, Muhammad Mamoon-ur-Rashid4 recorded on fresh and dry weed biomasses (g m-2), number of leaves plant-1, leaf area plant-1 (cm2), leaf and root weights plant-1 (g), sucrose (%), TSS (%), root and sugar yields (t ha-1). The results showed significant variation among the treatments for all parameters during both years of study. Among the treatments, the dual gold (S-metolachlor) applied as pre-emergence reduced weed fresh and dry biomasses (g m-2) and ...

Tariq Ahmed Keerio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Ahmed Naqi Shah1, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro3

... weed density (m 2 ) and dry biomass (g m
2 and resultantly produced superior growth and yield traits particularly kernel yield (t
per ha ) of maize . Sorghum mature plant extract @ 15 L per ha in integration with
herbicide (Mesotrione Atrazine @ 1.0 L per ha ranked 2 nd in effect iveness of controlling
weeds as well as increasing m aize kernel yield t per ha As the effect of seed rates is
concerned, ...

Malik F. H. Ferdosi1, Iqra Haider Khan2, Arshad Javaid2*, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed1, Ifrayeem Butt2 and Ayesha Munir3 Murree, Pakistan. The dried flowers were extracted in methanol and subjected to GC-MS analysis that showed 7 compounds in it. The predominant compound was hexanedioic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester (48.88%) followed by γ-sitosterol (22.56%). Moderately occurring compound was cyclohexane, 1,3,5-triphenyl- (12.87%). The remaining compounds namely n-hexadecanoic acid (4.97%), pentadecanoic acid, 14-methyl-, methyl ester (3.77%), 9,12-octadecadienoic acid,...

Arshad Javaid1*, Malik F. H. Ferdosi2, Iqra Haider Khan1, Amna Shoaib1, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed2, Muhammad Abrar Ul Hassan1

... during June 2021, shade dried and extracted in pure methanol for two weeks. After filtration, the extract was analyzed by GC-MS for the identification of possible bioactive compounds. α-Amyrin was the major compound (32.49%) followed by lup-20(29)-en-3-ol, acetate, (3β)- (25.72%). Moderately abundant compounds included γ-sitosterol (8.78%), β-amyrone (7.25%), cyclohexane, 1,3,5-triphenyl- (7.01%), olean-12-en-3-ol, acetate, (3β)- (5...

Sumaira Abdul Raouf1, Nadia Jabeen1* and Sundus Akhtar1 (2.4 g to 0.94 g) and dry biomass of seedling (1.2 g to 0.47 g). Biological agent Pseudomonas sp. (PF-097) act as bioherbicide and as plant growth promoter agent to decrease the T. portulacastrum allelopathic stress and to enhance the growth of V. mungo. Amendment of Pseudomonas sp. (PF-097) increase V. mungo percentage of germination (8-42%), seedling length (12-54%), fresh biomass of seedling (8-17%) and dry biomass of ...

Saiful Islam1*, Muhammad Zubair Khan1 and Haroon Khan2

..."text-align: justify;">Hydrophytes effect directly canal performance by reducing water flow, enhancing sedimentation, raising water level and reduce canal cross section area. The free-floating hydrophytes trapped in the outlets and culverts dipping its flow. In this apprehension a research study was conducted to investigate the effects of hydrophytes on canal capacity and at the outlets on...

Duong Thanh Hai1*, Phan Thi Hang1, Nguyen Thi Thuong2, Zábranský Luboš3

... cerevisiae increases in dry matter, protein digestibility and the villi height in the chicken duodenum. However, whether effects of feed fermentation on carcass characteristics, meat quality and amino acid contents remain unknown. This study was conducted to examine the effects of maize and rice bran fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on carcass characteristics, meat quality and amino acid composition of (Ri x Luong Phuong) chicken. The study was carried...

Nada Hamzah Shareef Al Shabbani1, Marwa Jamal Hussain Al Kinani2*, Tmara Qais Al-Mohammadi1 

...ction. From the three hundred cases examined microscopically, most (80%) of them were found to be characterized by acanthotic epidermis and diffuse dense dermal lymphocytic infiltration. Neutrophilic reaction, epithelioid-granulomatous inflammation and eosinophilia have been diagnosed in 76 % sight upon while 100 % of other nodules have shown eosinophilia 


Farhatul-Ain Arshad1, Asia Bibi1*, Amna Mushtaq1, Rubaida Mehmood2 and Nahid Kausar1

...he polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disease in reproductively aged women and is charactered bydyslipidemia, hyper-androgenism, acne, hirsutism, menstrual irregularities, and ovarian dysfunction resulting in infertility. A balanced body mass index, physical fitness, biochemical and endocrine ratios play vital role in proper functioning of reproductive system and guard against PCOS development. This study was...

Hong Chen1,2, Jiawei Liu1,2, Chuan Lin1,2, Hao Lv1,2, Jiyun Zhang1,2, Xiaodong Jia1,2, Qinghua Gao1,2 and Chunmei Han1,2*

...rentiation of antler chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and T lymphocytes through biological signals such as WNT, IHH, and IL2RA to ensure the development of antler tissue again after top pruning. To sum up, our data implied that BVES gene regulated mesenchymal stem cells’ proliferation and differentiation activities in response to ischemic stimuli to promote the healing and rapid growth of wounded antlers.


Ali D. Nashmi1*, Jawad K. Hasan1, Manal A. Ibrahim2 

...onventional antiplatelet drug that increases adenosine. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether dipyridamole plays a role as an anti-inflammatory to improve airway inflammation. A total of 24 healthy rats (albino, male), were weighted (150-300 g), were divided into four groups, each group consisting of six rats; Group A rats were given oral distal water and was considered a negative control group. Group B rats received distal water orally with ova...

Hafiz Ishtiaq Ahmad1, Jinlong Zhang1, Fuxun Luo1, Owais Iqbal2 and Yuying Wang1*

...tioxidant activity of Dendrobium officinale tissue culture seedlings. The fluorescent white light served as control. The tissue culture seedlings were grown in simple light and transplanted about 0.1 cm long into a solid culture medium. The plants were subjected to various LED spectra for a duration of 14 hours each day and continuous subsequent 100 days. The experiment was completely randomized design with nine treatments and each treatment have ten replicati...

Riam Yousfe Muttair 

...and specificities that address resistance mechanisms and immune-related adverse events. Advancing efficacy and safety profiles represents the core objective in the development of the new generation of inhibitors based on bi-specific antibodies, nanoparticle delivery systems, etc. The novel humanized next-generation checkpoint inhibitors demonstrate various antagonistic activity against multiple immune checkpoints as well as resistance mechanisms at the same ti...

Zhenyu Chang1,3, Qingqing Xiao1,2, Yourong Ye1,2, Mujahid Iqbal4, Mengqi Duan1,2, Yangzom Chamba1,2* and Peng Shang1,2*

...1 also showed a strong hydrophobicity and self-agglutination ability. It is sensitive to butamicane, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, cefazolin, norfloxacin, cotrimoxazole and other antibiotics, and has resistance for ampicillin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, penicillin and so on. In this study, one strain of Tibetan Porcine Lactobacillus was screened, obtained, and its biological characteristics were found good, which could provide reference and support for the de...

Ayoola Mathew Oluwaseyi1*, Aderemi Foluke Abimbola1, Alikwe Philip2 , Tumgbulu Samuel2, Eniufuoma Augustina2 

...d as the control. Two hundred and twenty-five Arbor acre-day-old chicks were randomly assigned to the dietary treatments each replicated thrice for eight weeks. Results revealed that average body weight gain, average daily feed intake, and feed conversion ratio were significantly (p<0.05) affected by ECLM while spleen and bursa of fabricius were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by ECLM feed additive. Measured serum total protein of the groups on ECLM ...

Saddam Hussain1, Muhammad Asrar2*, Usama Saleem2, Dilbar Hussain3, Muhammad Sohail Qadir3, Muhammad Saleem3, Rashid Ali2, Zeeshan Javed2 and Mubshar Saleem4

...le for termites, such as drought. Furthermore, pasture lands used for grazing are susceptible to termites, leading to an acute shortage of animal feed. In this review, we tried to reveal all about the damages of termites in agriculture of Pakistan. 


Walid Elmonir1*, Dalia Abdeltawab1, Hanem El-Sharkawy2 and Rasha N. Zahran3

...t-align: justify;">Multi-drug resistant (MDR) non-typhoidal Salmonella in poultry food chain are emerging worldwide. This study aimed to estimate the serotypes diversity, virulence and antimicrobial resistance traits of non-typhoidal Salmonella in commercial and backyard egg production systems in Kafrelsheikh Governorate, Egypt. A total of 610 samples (200 egg shells, 200 egg contents, and...

Mati Ullah1*, Muhammad Rizwan2, Ali Raza3, Xianlin Zhao4, Yanling Sun4, Sarah Gul5, Muhammad Ihtesham Waheed6, Muhammad Nadeem Khan7, Alvina Gul8, Sami Ullah Jan9* and Chao Huang4*

...s revealed “carbohydrates” was the largest subsystem, followed by “protein metabolism”. The eggNOG functional analysis revealed that the COGs associated with “Carbohydrate transport and metabolism were dominant followed by those associated with “Replication, recombination, and repair” while the biological pathway analysis by the Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) database...

Hasina Basharat1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Aziz Ahmed2, Muhammad Zubair Anjum1 and Shamim Akhter1 from each pond using drag net (mesh size 3 cm) to record data on growth. At the end of the experiment total number of fish was counted from each pond and various production characteristics were determined for different stocking densities. Water quality analysis was performed for each treatment to record variations for each treatment. The ANOVA (analysis of variance) test was performed to analyze the difference between the means among the three different st...

Yaowu Zhan, Dandan Su*, Jinxiu Bai, Fang Li and Yulian Dong

... reactive protein in children with acute upper respiratory tract infection. A total of 324 children with acute upper respiratory tract infection (ARTI) who were treated in our hospital from October 2020 to April 2022 were selected as the research subjects. The variation of C-reactive protein concentration was tested by sphericity hypothesis, and the Greenhouse-Geisser method was used for in-depth analysis. The Receiver-Opera...

Xiaowei Zhang*

... of two chemotherapeutic drugs, apatinib and trastuzumab, on gastric cancer with ascites. 225 patients with gastric cancer and ascites received by the Oncology Department and Gastrointestinal Department of the Central Hospital during October 2019-2021 were selected. They were subsequently assigned into apatinib group, trastuzumab group and combined treatment group. Compared with other treatment groups, the long-term and short-term survival rate of the apatinib...
Suherman Suherman1*, Muhammad Fahri Rizky1, Zaki Bahrul Fikri1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1,  Zane Vincevica-Gaile2, Anwar Saeed Khan3, Erkata Yandri4,5 and Iswahyudi Iswahyudi6 
...tural products are still dried using conventional methods. Although, traditional drying is relatively simple, it has disadvantages such as relatively long drying time, relatively low drying quality, significant damage, and the sun’s ultraviolet rays can also damage the chemical components of dried materials. Ther...

Maysaa A. Jumaah*, Ali A. Al-Iedani 

...the adjuvant with alum hydroxide mixed with sonicated antigens and killed bacteria induced higher pro-inflammatory cytokine effects (IFN- γ P ˂ 0.05, P <0.0 1) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4 P ˂ 0.0001, P ˂ 0.001), respectively. Interestingly, all immunized groups switched immune responses toward Th2 and reduced pro-inflammatory cytokines to produce homeostasis and reduce damage to body tissue. In conclusion, the use of natural vaccine adjuv...

Tarek Mahmoud Mousa-Balabel* and Karima Mohamed Abdo Abofarag, which are major hindrances to the development of the poultry industry in the developing countries. This experiment was planned to study the effects of blue light colour and vitamin E and Selenium (Se) supplementation before and after Newcastle disease vaccination (NDV-LaSota) on post vaccine reactions (immune response) of a recently imported Indian River (IR) broilers to Egypt. In this study, 180 one-day old IR broiler chicks were used. The chicks were r...

Gökhan Ulukan1*, Zeynep Pekcan2, Zülfükar Kadir Sarıtas3, Ilker Etikan4, Serkan Sayıner5, Feride Zabitler6 and Fatma Eser Özgencil1

...roidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), on the Glasgow Composite Pain Scale Short Form (GCPS-SF) scores and pain mediators in the early post-operative ovariohysterectomy (OHE) period in 30 female dogs of different breeds and ages divided into three equal groups. OHE is reportedly associated with moderate pain. BLK was administered inside the ovarian bursa 10 min before ovary removal in Groups (G) 1 and G2 and linear to the incision line 10 min before entering t...

Hongping Zhong1, Xiaoning Cheng2 and Peiqiang Yan3*

...after treatment, 156 children with epilepsy diagnosed at Yan’an University Affiliated Hospital were selected as the research objects. In addition, 100 healthy children were selected and divided into control group. Flow cytometry was utilized to detect T lymphocyte subpopulation. Common silver staining technique was adopted to detect Ag-NORs of T lymphocyte. There were 85 patients in big seizure group (54.48%) and 41 pa...

Rumisha Raza1*, Ali Raza Awan1, Muhammad Wasim1, Shagufta Saeed1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Aftab Ahmed Anjum2, Muhammad Muddassir Ali1 and Sehrish Firyal1*

...ular level using mitochondrial ND2 gene. The partial sequence of ND2 gene was submitted to GenBank. The novel SNPs were investigated which serves as marker for identification of Pakistani raptorial species. Two sub species of falcons are also characterized at genetic level for the first time. The study represented the first report on genetic data of raptorial species of the Pakistan. This strategy can be used to identify other species of birds of prey to get d...

Chao Du1, Li Liu1, Li Gao1, Yongqi Ren2, Shiqiang Wang3 and Wei Liu4*

...ding here since the lake dried up in the early 21st century. Since the water diversion started in 2018, five and 35 nests have been recorded breeding here in 2020 and 2021, but the arthropod community in the wetland has not been completely rebuilt. Whether its diversity and biomass can provide sufficient food during the breeding period is the key to the recovery of the relict gull. Here we investigated aquatic arthropods in the TAN and Hotong Qagan Nur (HQN) t...

Toyin B. Ajibade1*, Mukhtar A. Yusuf1, Sijuwade A. Adebayo2, Uswat T. Adeyemi1 and Olubunmi A. Omotesho1

...We recommend the need to draw up strategies towards cleaner aquatic environment through the improvement of waste disposal system in Nigeria alongside concerted ocean clean-up exercises. Policies towards ban of single-use plastics, accountability of manufacturers using plastic packaging, job creation in wastes aggregation, and deepening the attractiveness of the upcycling node in the waste value chain were also recommended. Given the potential of climate variab...

Shoaib Zawar1, Muhammad Waqas Yonas1,2*, Muhammad Mujahid Akbar1 and Abeer Ahmad1

...0 cm distance), modified drill (15.5 cm distance) and drill sowing (22.5 cm distance). Results revealed that sowing methods significantly influenced wheat production. Among treatments, augmented furrow expressed consistently the higher grain yield (42.46%) compared to conventional broadcast method, which was due to its ability for plants to maintain optimum density per unit area, reduced intraspecific competition, and enhanc...

Mohammed Mijbas Mohammed Alomari1, Nawar Jasim Alsalih2*, Samir Sabaa Raheem2, Mohenned Alsaadawi2, Ali Mosa Rashid Al-Yasari3

...g, intoxication, and dehydration syndromes, normalization of the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, total bilirubin, circulating immune complexes, the activity of alanine and aspartic aminotransferases, α-amylase in blood serum, erythrocytes, leukocytes, T- and B-lymphocytes, O-cells, and T-helpers. From this study concluded the treating sick dogs, positive changes occur...

Tanvir Hussain*, Zahid Rauf, Mansoor Ali Khan and Khalid Hussain 

...text-align: justify;">Dendroclimatic potential of coniferous trees reflects their ability to serve as a valuable tool for understanding the past climatic conditions and predicting future trends of the region. Blue pine (Pinus wallichiana ) with well-defined annual growth rings offers a reliable record of previous circumstances of environment . The objective of current study was to evaluate its dendroclimatic potential under ...

Wadood Shah* and Sanam Zarif Satti

...motic load. In addition, dramatic climatic changes can reduce water availability, leading to a variety of problems, including the ongoing limited water condition. The present review article intends to critically analyze morpho-physiological and growth, responses of plants to various levels of drought stress as well as their ability to regulate and alleviate the negative consequences of low water availability. Meeting the wor...

Diyar Mohammad Hussein*, Iman Mousa Khaleel

...tics of the thyroid and adrenal glands in suckling and adult local male cats. In suckling and adult cats, the thyroid gland was consisted of two entirely separated lobes without isthmus and appeared as smooth elongated oval shape with rounded cranial, narrow caudal ends and smooth lateral and medial surfaces. All measurements of left lobe in suckling and adult cats were higher than those of the right one. Statistically, the weight, length, width and thickness ...

Salman K.A.A1, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory3*

...ruary 25, 2020. Three hundred eggs were split into four experimental treatments, 75 eggs each. Four treatments were used for the hatching egg treatments. They were as follows: T1: a 0.3 ml injection of NaCl, the T2, T3, and T4 treatments egg was treated with a 60, 80, and 100 ppm zinc-methionine solution, respectively. After that, 15 chicks from each treatment were selected and given a 48-hour fast. The results were: At six hours, the cholesterol levels

Talal Jabal Hussen1, Sattar J.J. Al-Shaeli1*, Baidaa H.R. Al-Mahna2, Hasanain A.J. Gharban3

... mice caused significant dropdown the activity of antioxidant markers including catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) compared to control mice. Histologically, tissue sections of liver, spleen and kidney in mice exposed to estrogen showed variable degrees of abnormalities in their histological architecture and textures in compared to normal mice. This study is unique as it estimates the influencing of the long-term admi...

Istna Mangisah*, Lilik Krismiyanto, Vitus Dwi Yunianto Budi Ismadi, Mulyono Mulyono, Nyoman Suthama, Fajar Wahyono

...ct of adding levels of Andrographis paniculata leaf meal (ALM) on intestinal bacteria, intestinal growth, blood lipid profile, and performance of Tegal ducks kept in different cage densities. A total of 140 7-day-old male Tegal ducks with an average body weight of 130.83 ± 7.54 g/head were placed in 20 experimental units in stilt cages following a completely randomized design procedure, 5 treatments, and 4 replications. The research ration was prepared ...

Muhammad Usman1, Hussain Abbas1, Riffat Maqsood1, Muhammad Awais Nadeem1, Abdul Hanan Shazal1, Ali Usman1, Amna Hameed2, Haram Shahid3, Zulqarnain Haider3, Muhammad Zain1, Muhammad Suleman1 and Muhammad Wasif Gulzar1*

...e Health strategy must address certain ethical, legal, and socially and politically problems. EID events are made up of complex and conditioned sets of relationships that pertain to socioeconomic and social and political life. drivers and consequences, the latter of which go beyond the effects of the disease, according to the intellectual review and evaluation of scholarship surrounding the concept and application of One Hea...

Chinenye Maria-Goretti Ohanu, Chika Bright Ikele*, Okoye, ChukwuEbuka Kingsley, Charity Chidera Eze

...relative to the standard drug, chloramphenicol’s significant (P=0.05) performance. However, between 72 h and 96 h post-treatment, both the intensity of theronts and trophonts declined to a non-detectable level at a concentration of 500mg/L ELEOG with linear similarity with the standard drug. A positive and strong relationship was observed between pH and Ich intensity, although no Ich was detected at 5.5. There was no r...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Naila Chand1 and Muhammad Tahir2

...roduction period. Two hundred golden brown (RIR×Fayoumi) layer birds of age 28 weeks were used for the experimental purpose and were distributed in five groups control (CON), and treatment groups (T1, T2, T3, and T4), each had 4 replicates with 10 birds per replicate. The CON group had a corn-soybean basal diet while the T1 group contained 3%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, T2 3%SH+30mg/kg enzyme, T3 9%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, and T4 group 9%SH+30mg/kg enzyme in the feed. O...

Yugang Meng1*, Xiting Yan2 and Haiying Liang3

...tine treatment such as medroxyprogesterone acetate tablet, and the study group was given injection of goserellin on the basis of the control group. The changes of serum VEGF, EMAb, CA125 and sex hormones (FSH, LH, E2, P) were compared before and after treatment. Adverse reactions were recorded during the treatment The occurrence and recurrence were followed up for 1 year. After treatment, the total effective rate of the study group was 95.65%, which was signif...

Ashiq Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib1*, Sohaib ul Hassan2, Abubakar Sufyan3, Kinkpe Lionel5, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Majid Ali1, Aamir Khan4, Qudrat Ullah2 and Waqar Azeem6

...mics in broilers. One hundred and twenty days old broiler chicks were used for the experiment and were divided into four groups each with three replicates of ten birds. Group 1 was control with normal water while 1, 1.5, and 2ml/liter of liquorice extract (LE) in drinking water were provided to the remaining three groups. The results showed significantly reduced feed consumption, increased weight gain, and better FCR in 2ml/...

Kashif Haleem, Basheer Ahmad, Muhammad Rayyan, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

...est authorities should address misconceptions about agroforestry, educate farmers on the benefits of various tree species, including environmental benefits, fruits, and fodder, and provide tree saplings. Additionally, new plantations should be established to combat climate change.

Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, Shazma Anwar2, Mohammed Ali Wedyan3, Damat Damat1*, 
Yogo Adhi Nugroho4, Tony Liwang4, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani5, Satriyo Krido Wahono6
Evika Sandi Savitri7, Bayu Agung Prahardika7, Irma Rahmaita Utarid8, Iswahyudi Iswahyudi9 and 
Hemalia Agustin Rachmawati1
... one of the most popular drinks in the world. However, during processing coffee a substantial quantity of waste is produced. This study analyzed the amino acid composition of coffee cherry flour (CCF) from four farms: Ijen Farm, Karang Ploso Farm, Mengani Farm and La Boitê. The results depicted that the amino acid composition of CCF varied among different sources. Serine, histidine, threonine, isoleucine and cysteine were noted higher in CCF from La Boit...

Ihteram Ullah1*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil2, Said Salman1, Nasir Mehmood3, Abdul Majid4, Syed Noor Muhammad Shah5 and Zahoor Ahmed6

... justify;">Post-anthesis drought poses a significant threat to wheat productivity on a global scale. To assess the performance of wheat genotypes under differing moisture regimes, a study was conducted at Agricultural University, Peshawar, using 24 advanced wheat lines alongside four check cultivars grown in irrigated (normal) and rainfed (stress) conditions. All measured traits, except grain weight per seed, showed significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) amid e...

Nask Jawher Ahmed and Kawa A. Ali*

...t vegetative parts under drought with focusing observation on morphological and physiological traits of sesame. The study was consisted in two different environments. Treatments were irrigation based on principal development stages according to the general BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, und Chemische Industrie) scale, with three levels of water regimes: (a) control (full irrigations), (b) No further irrigation after flowering (65BBCH), and (c) No further irr...

Yujun Shuai and Jinhong Zhao*

... analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Anisakis simplex, the results revealed a full-length genome with 13,903 bp, including 12 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNAs and 22 tRNAs. There was no encoding gene of atp8, which was consistent with the genome characteristics of Anisakis nematodes. Additionally, 25 related nematodes belonged to 5 different families served as study subjects for the construction of phylogenetic trees.


Efi Rokana1, Iin Rohmatul Fatimah1, Brilian Desca Dianingtyas1, Niswatin Hasanah2, Wulandari3, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,3* 

...s, the research examined dry matter intake, body weight gain, feed efficiency, and income over feed cost (IOFC). Results indicated that feeding with different types of forage did not significantly impact dry matter intake (P>0.05) but significantly affected body weight gain, feed conversion, feed efficiency (P<0.05), and IOFC (P<0.01). The ration formula containing corn plants (T2) emerged as the optimal treatment, ...

Umair Khatri1, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1*, Shahzor Gul Khaskheli1 and Omer Mukhtar Tarar2

...f fatty acids. Mushrooms dried in cabinet dehydrator at 55°C for 16 hrs, the obtained mushroom powder packed in an airtight jar. All mushroom-based food products (MBFPs) i.e., biscuits, noodles, nuggets and soup mix were developed using mushroom powder. Results regarding the fatty acids profile showed that, Saturated fatty acid (SFA) followed by (palmitic acid 13.20g/100) BMP, (stearic acid 3.97g/100) OMP, (margaric acid...

Bushra Irfan1, Muhammad Shahbaz1*, Asif Mukhtiar1, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Muhammad Atif Bashir3, Sabina Asghar4, Abdul Ghaffar5 and Samreen Nazeer6*

...s and productivity. To address this issue a pot trial was conducted to check the effectiveness of hydropriming (water; control), thiourea (150 mM) seed priming under normal (10.8 mM) and saline conditions (70 mM). The seeds of two varieties (TS-05 and TH-06) was sown at Botany Garden, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Results showed that salinity decreases the growth (root and shoot parameters) impaired the balance betw...

Iwona Szatkowska1, Jan Udała2, Daniel Zaborski3*, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska1, Wilhelm Grzesiak3, Małgorzata Wasielewska1 and Jerzy Wójcik4

...f the polled intersex syndrome (PIS) deletion in hermaphroditic individuals and polled bucks, transmitting at least one of its copies to PIS individuals. Two sex-reversed animals (Czech White Improved and Polish White Improved), two polled and two horned bucks were examined. Three primer pairs were designed for the identification of the PIS deletion in the sex-reversed individuals and polled bucks. Additional 24 primer pairs were used for the identification of...

Arba Aleem, Norrizah Jaafar Sidik*, Wan Razarinah Wan, Abdul Razak and Norfatimah Mohamed Yunus

...onment such as salinity, drought, and heat stress. In biotic conditions, plant roots secrete exudates which may attract or repel microbes. Certain microorganisms present in the soil may cause the activation of plant defense system. Root exudates secreted by plants roots can attract beneficial microbes that help plants by boosting nutrient intake and improving plant growth. Sustainable agriculture and ecosystem management potentially benefit from an understandi...

Fadia W. Al-Azawi1* , Huda M. Hamid2, Husam Jasim Mohammed1 and Jan Muhammad3

Marwa M. El-Deriny1,2*, Rania H. Wahdan1, Marwa S. Fouad3 and Dina S.S. Ibrahim1,2*

... weight (114.06%), shoot dry weight (163.97%) and yield per plant (153.06%) upon the treatment with T. viride incorporated with NPK compared to the untreated control under the infection stress. Moreover, the concomitant treatment of NPK and T. viride gave the highest reduction percentage in the total nematode population (52.5%) followed by treatment with NPK associated with P. fluorescens (42.93%). Furthermore, a highest negative correlation was found between ...

Muhammad Salman1, Rao Zahid Abbas1*, Muhammad Kasib Khan1 and Muhammad Shahid Mahmood2

...ike non-target toxicity, drug residues and drug resistance has stressed the need to search for effective alternatives such as botanicals. Hence, the current research was aimed at the evaluation of acaricidal and repellent efficacies of the Cinnamomum verum bark essential oil against the Rhipicephalus microplus ticks of cattle. Moreover, the C. verum essential oil was also analysed using GC-FID analysis which revealed the cin...
Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Muhammad Mushtaq1, Muhammad Shuaib1*, Saqib Nawaz2, Mehboob Ali2, Faiz ur Rehman2, Abubakar Sufyan3, Usman Zeb4, Muhammad Ayaz5 and Muhammad Aamir Khan5
...ation. A total of one hundred and eighty day-old chicks were randomly allotted to 6 groups i.e. G1 (negative control), G2 (positive control), G3 (standard antibiotic neomycin only), SN-1 (Serratiopeptidase @40g/L+Neomycin@10mg/L), SN-2 (Serratiopeptidase @50mg/L+ Neomycin @20mg/L), and SN-3 (Serratiopeptidase @ 60mg/L+ Neomycin @30mg/L). Each group consisted of thirty birds with 5 replicates (6 birds/ replicate). On day 21, fresh inocula of E. coli (1x109cfu) ...

Abdullah Channo1,2*, Asmatullah Kaka1, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Mool Chand Malhi3, Muhammad Bakhsh4, Qudratullah Kalwar5, Shakeel Ahmed Tunio6 and Muhammad Ibrahim Panhwar7

... Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, Sindh Agricultural University Tandojam. In this study four fertile Tharparkar bulls (A, B, C and D) having age of 4-5 years were used. A total of 52 (n=13) ejaculates were collected with the help of artificial vagina, after the collection macroscopic (color, volume and pH) and microscopic (motility, morphology, viability, concentration and membrane integrity) parameters were observed. The samples having mot...

Sushan Chowhan1,2*, Md. Moshiur Rahman3, Razia Sultana4,5, Md. Abdur Rouf6, Majharul Islam7 and Sharmin Ara Jannat8

...ty, it is essential to address problems at the grassroots level, rather than focusing solely on R and D. Emphasizing grassroots solutions can pave the way to a more resilient and self-sufficient agricultural sector.


Masoumeh Hosseynikhah 

... was cultivated in the hydroponic system under different levels of NaCl (20, 60 and 100 mmol/L) and silicon treatment (0, 2 and 4 mmol/L, final concentration in nutrient solution using potassium). Findings show that environmental stress significantly increased the accumulation of proline and sodium content in plant tissues and decreased the absorption and accumulation of potassium by plants. In addition, plant weight, 100 seed weight, relative water content, c...

Fatima Kanwal

... For this purpose, 50 quadrats of 1m by 1m were randomly plotted and analyzed. Polygonaceae, Poaceae, and Chenopodiaceae were the most common families observed. A total of 14 different weed species belonging to 10 distinct families were identified. Goose grass (Elusine indica), Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), and Black nightshade (Solanum nigram) accounted for 87% of the weeds and had densities of 1.82%, 1.82%, and 1.71%, respectively. Species of Amaranthus...

Junaid Khan* and Muhammad Sajid

...season due to low carbohydrates. To increase guava fruit production during winter season, this experiment ‘effect of nitrogen doses (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha-1) and timing (September, October and November) on fruit quality of guava in winter’ was conducted at farmer field of village, Gher Khan, District, Haripur during 2017-2018 with the objectives to optimize the appropriate dose of nitrogen and timing of application for growth and fruit quality o...

Norsida Man1*, Shin Yee Siaw2, Munifah Siti Amira Yusuf2 and Siti Azizah3

...o;s huge ruminant sector drives expansion and livestock self-sufficiency. However, Malaysia struggles to increase meat production to meet rising demand and reduce import dependence. Malaysia has 22.2% self-sufficiency, 5.6kg large ruminant meat consumption per capita, and 78.1% import dependency. Other obstacles include a lack of development, awareness, labour, technology, livestock farm facilities, and incompatibility of some cattle breeds. The study analysed...

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Asmat Ullah2, Arbab Jahangeer1, Naveed Akhtar3, Tahira Tabassum3, Ali Zohaib3, Naveed Ramzan3

... water contents (32%), hydraulic conductivity (5%) whereas reduced soil salt contents (67%) and bulk density (12%) compared to control especially where FYMM + WSM were applied. This treatment also gave higher values of soil organic matter (43%), total nitrogen (31%) and available phosphorous (62%) than control. Physiological parameters including stomatal conductance (14%), photosynthetic rate (50%), transpiration rate (44%), and Na+/K+ ratio (29%) were also im...

Xiaoping Gao1, Yanping Li2*, Renyi Zhang3, Yunyun Lv2, Yongming Wang2, Jinrong Shi2, Jiang Xie2, Chiping Kong1 and Lekang Li1

... of 57.22%. Most mitochondrial genes except ND6 and eight tRNAs were encoded on the heavy strand. All tRNA genes fold into the typical cloverleaf secondary structures, except for tRNA-Ser (AGY) that lacked the dihydrouracil arm. 15 of 22 tRNA genes were found to have 29 G-U mismatches in their secondary structures, which formed a weak bond. In addition, mismatches of A-C, C-C, U-U, and A-A were also found in their tRNA secon...
...nd to determine multiple drug resistance of C. pseudotuberculosis in sheep and goats in Halal Food Industries, Modjo, Ethiopia. A total of 450 animals (100 sheep and 350 goats) were examined during antemortem and postmortem inspections. Bacteriological isolation and identification of the collected lymph nodes were performed and then confirmed by PCR. Then, the antibiotic resistance profile was revealed. Seven (17.7%) of goat isolates from Oromia, 5 (12.5%) fro...

Yibo Yan, Zhaohui Ding, Nanxin Liang, Kai Zhang, Lei Yue, Wengang Li* and Xianyi Song*

...iglets (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire; half female and half castrated male) with 10 ± 0.30 kg of IBW were randomly assigned to 4 group (1 female and 1 castrated male/pen and 5 replicates/group). Piglets were consumed a basal diet, or the basal diet supplemented with 0.5%, 1.0%, and 2.0% SBP for 30 d, respectively. The results showed that the ADG, ADFI, and FBW were greater (p < 0.05), whereas the FCR was lesser (p < 0.05) in 2.0% and 1....
Nguyen Van Vui1*, Duong Hoang Oanh2, Nguyen Thi Kim Quyen1, Nguyen Thuy Linh1, Kim Nang1, Nhan Hoai Phong1
...nting laying hens’ drinking water with Spirulina algae on their productive performance, egg quality, yolk lipid peroxidation, and blood biochemical parameters. The experiment followed a completely randomized design, featuring five treatments with varying concentrations of Spirulina, monitored over a 10-week period. Reproductive performance was assessed daily, while egg quality was evaluated on a weekly basis. The antioxidant capacity of the egg yolk was ...

Suhair Sh. Al-Siraj1, Jihan M. Badr2 and Dalia M.A. El-Masry3* increasing multiple drug resistance microorganisms, especially dangerous bacteria, created a concern for both humans and animals. Plant components may be utilised to cure or manage infections instead of antibiotics. This study examined the antibacterial effects of Bay leaf (laurusnobilis) aqueous extracts and nano-emulsion against gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and gram-negative (E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacteria and their effects on vir...

Paulus Klau Tahuk*, Gerson Frans Bira, Wolfhardus Vinansius Feka 

...gnificant differences in dry matter (DM) and gross energy (GE) intake among treatments, significant variations (P<0.05) were observed in the intake of organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), carbohydrates (CHO), and metabolizable energy (ME). OM intake in treatments T2 and T3 was higher than in T1; CP intake in treatment T3 was higher than in T1, but similar to T2. CF intake in T3 was lower (P<0.05) ...

Noor Nemia Hafed 

...ins found in foods are hydroxo-, methyl-, and 5’-deoxyadenosyl-cobalamins.Some processed foods may include sulphitocobalamin, which has a sulphite ligand chelated to the central cobalt atom in the corrin ring. One of the most prevalent vitamin deficiencies is a vitamin B12 insufficiency. It occurs more frequently in underdeveloped nations. In fact, 40% of children are affected by it. Methods: There were 30 sick chil

Barkat Ali Jatoi1*, Amjad Hussain Mirani1, Abdul Latif Bhutto1, Ambreen Laghari2, Abdul Samad Magsi3, Ahmed Sultan Jatoi4, Aneela Sultan Jatoi5, Muhammad Mohsen Rahimoon6, Aarab Khan Lund7, Om Parkash1, Atif Ali Malak8 

... observe the efficacy of drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera) and river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) plant extracts against Pasteurella multocida. A total of 10 farms of each taluka of Shaheed Benazirabad district (i.e. Nawabshah, Qazi Ahmed, Daur and Sakrand) were visited to examine animals suspected of being infected with HS. A total of 2244 buffaloes and 576 buffalo calves were investigated. Among the suspected animals 100 (blood samples) were cultured, ...

Byamungu Mayange Tomple1*, Ik-Hwan Jo2, Rajaraman Bharanidharan1, Seun-Gun Won2 and Muhammad Mahboob Ali Hamid3*

... resulted in the highest dry matter (DM) yield, coupled with the highest crude protein (CP) content in kenaf leaves. Elevating manure fertilization level had a significant diminishing effect on acid detergent fiber (ADF) content, concurrently escalating neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content. Notably, the manure fertilization levels of 200 and 250 kg N/ha exhibited the highest total digestible nutrient (TDN) content. The temporal progression of kenaf growth was...

Iffat Ara Mahzabin, Mohammad Maruf Hasan*, Saifur Rahman, Md. Asaduzzaman Sarker and Md. Yeakub Ali

...te illegal fishing. To address this issue, we conducted a study to gauge the fishermen’s satisfaction level with the services provided by fisherman identity cards. We conducted the study in two unions of Madarganj upazila (sub-district) under Jamalpur district. A Likert-type scale was used to identify the services the respondents mostly received. For each of the statements, they were asked to indicate whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongl...

Rejvi Ahmed Bhuiya1, Md. Ruhul Amin2 and A.K.M. Kanak Pervez2*

...chnologies (RCTs) in the drought-prone parts of Bangladesh (northwest part). The study also explores the relationship between farmers’ socio-demographic factors and the adoption of RCTs. To accurately reflect the northwest high Barind tract, the Tanore Upazila (sub-district) in Rajshahi District was purposefully chosen as the study’s location as the area is highly vulnerable to drought in Bangladesh. Upazilla Agr...

Jamal Abdul Nasir1, Naila Chand1, Abdul Hafeez1 and Rifat Ullah Khan2*

...oteworthy improvement in dressing percentage observed in the PO-3 group. Additionally, the antibody titers against NDV, IBV, and IBDV were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the PO-3 group. Similarly, the histological features of the cecum, including villus height, width, and their respective ratio, were significantly higher in PO3 compared to the control group. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that supplementing the diet with various levels of oyster m...

Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed1*, Mohammed Al-Saiady2, Ahmed El-Waziry3 and Tarek Al-Shaheen1 dairy cattle. Two hundred and sixty-eight lactating cows were blocked by stage of lactation and assigned to three groups, a control group and two treated groups fed diets containing salmate (25 g/head/day) and extruded flaxseed (7.0%). The formulated control, salmate and extruded flaxseed diets were isoenergetic and isonitrogenous. The diets were given to animals from three weeks pre-partum to 160 days postpartum. Reproductive performance and biochemical p...

Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed1, Tarek Al-Shaheen1, Mohammed Al-Saiady2 and Ahmed El-Waziry3

...g dairy cattle. Three hundred Holstein lactating cows in a commercial farm were assorted to a control group fed basal control diet and two treated groups fed diets containing extruded flaxseed (7.0%) and salmate (25 g/head/day). The basal control, extruded flaxseed and salmate diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets. The diets were given to each group from three weeks pre-parturition to week 23 of lactation. Feed intake, milk producti...

Rijanto Hutasoit1,3, Edison Purba2*, Simon Petrus Ginting3, Nevy Diana Hanafi2

...atment produced the most dry matter production (11.08 t ha-1 y-1). When compared with those that are not irradiated, the impact of radiation can result in an increase in dry matter yield of 1.2 t ha-1 y-1. The highest crude protein content (26%) was seen in the 300 Gy treatment. The digestibility of dry and organic matter peaked at 200 Gy (73.65 and 72.26%, respectively). The 200 Gy treatm...

Waqas Ahmad Shams1*, Gauhar Rehman2, Muhammad Ismail3, Rahmul Kabir4 and Abdul Qahar1

... 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity compared to other extracts. Similarly, the aqueous extract displayed high anti-OH* activity in the H2O2 assay. In contrast, the ethanolic extract showed superior antioxidant potential in the ferric cyanide (Fe3+) reducing assay compared to ethyl acetate and aqueous extracts. Furthermore, all extracts exhibited antioxidant properties in the nitric oxide (NO) scavenging assay, with the ethanolic ...

Bilal Ahmed Qazi, Nowsherwan Zarif, Anwar Ali*, Faizan Ahmed, Asim Karim and Ali Nawaz 

...istan is predominantly a dry country, where 51.5% of the area is arid and 36.9% is semi-arid. The two-thirds of the livelihood of Pakistan is growing rapidly over a population of 184 million people, who directly depend on goods and services provided by dryland natural resources, especially natural forests. In the dry zone areas, the natural forests have completely disappeared and degraded....

Ali Nawaz*, Qazi Bilal Ahmed, Anwar Ali, Nowsherwan Zarif, Faizan Ahmad and Asim Karim 

...ffective strategies to address climate-related challenges and promote sustainable urban development practices in Peshawar and similar contexts globally.


Razaq Animashahun1, Funmilayo Okeniyi1, Olayinka Alabi1, Samuel Olawoye1, Precious Oluwafemi1, Princess Odhe1, Oluwatola Akintola1, Adedeji Animashahun2

...ithonia, parkia, and synedrella leaf meals on the growth, carcass, and meat qualities of New Zealand male kit rabbits was conducted. The rabbits, aged eight weeks, were assigned in a Completely Randomized Design into five dietary treatments, each containing 12 rabbits per group with 3 replicates. Treatment 1 served as the control, while treatments 2, 3, and 4 included 6% tithonia, parkia, and synedrella leaf meal, respective...

Mohammed Abdulameer Rashid Al-Sarray1, Hasanain Jihad Neamah2*, Sarah Gatea Fayyadh AL-Omairi1

...h; Diphenyl - 1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) was used to estimate the TAC of seminal plasma depending on the absorbance. The P1, P2, O1, and O2 groups recorded a highly significant (P≤0.01) decrease in seminal MDA level. The P1, P2, O1, and O2 groups recorded a highly significant (P≤0.01) decrease in seminal MDA level. On the other hand, the results suggested a higher TAC increase for all groups than the control at different times of cooling and post-cryoprese...
Muhammad Ambar Islahuddin1, Yuli Retnani2*, Despal2
...>Keywords | Binder, Biohydrogenation, Dairy cattle, In vitro, Precision, Wafer supplements
Saadeya Ali Lefelef Al-Gnami1, Fatima Ibrahim Mohammad2, Huda Jassim Mohammed Al-Helali3
...t;0.05) in T3 group that drenched with dexamethasone. T4 and T5 exposed a substantial rise(p<0.05) in all these blood parameters when compared to T3. Exa-mination of liver tissue in control , T1 and T2 exposed normal tissue appearance. T3 exposed the normal radial arrangements of hepatocyte with a trifling infiltration of inflammatory cells and multiplying in kuffer cells. T4 and T5 revealed normal appear of hepatocyte with a clear central nucleus site. Thi...

Ria Dewi Andriani1, Lilik Eka Radiati1, Teti Estiasih2*

...ated the capability of hydrolyzed goldband snapper (Pristipomides multidens) visceral oil (HGSVO) as the omega-3 fatty acid containing emulsifier for dairy creamer produced by spray drying method. This HGSVO was obtained by hydrolyzing the goldband snapper oil with goldband snapper visceral lipase. The glycerides composition of HGSVO was monoglyceride, diglyceride, triglyceride, glycerol, ...

Muhammad Shahid Hassan1, Nargis Naz2, Hassan Raza Javeed1*, Sabahat Zafar1, Laraib Kanwal1, Seerat Mariyum1, Areej Fatima1, Areeba Bashir1 and Muhammad Imran Atta3

... recorded by a random quadrate sampling method using the quadrate of 5 m2. Phyto-sociological attributes such as density, frequency, cover, relative density, relative frequency, relative cover, and importance values index were measured for each field. The importance value index and Simpson’s biodiversity index were also calculated. Weeds community in the study areas encompasses 18 weed species with 17 Genera and 11 fam...
Ayub Khawar1, Noor Khan1*, Khalid Javed Iqbal2, Mahroze Fatima1, Fayyaz Rasool3, Khalid Mahmood Anjum4, Hamda Azmat1, Shahid Sherzada1, Anjum Khalique5, Sadia Nazir1, Sheeza Bano1, Sakhawat Ali6 and Muhammad Asghar1
... The percentage level of dry matter was significantly higher in T3 fish and ash percentage was significantly higher in T2 fish relative to T3, T1 and CTRL groups. Amylase and Lipase concentration was significantly higher in T2 fish compared with T3, T1 and CTRL groups. Protease concentration was significantly higher in T3 fish, followed by the T1, T2 and CTRL fish groups. Lastly, the presence of Lactobacillus fermentum was confirmed in the T1, T2 and T3 fish g...

Mukondwa Olivia1, Rugare Joyful Tatenda1, Mabasa Stanford1 and Mandumbu Ronald2*

...suppress germination and dry weight of blackjack (Bidens pilosa L.), upright starbur (Acanthospermum hispidium L.) and goose grass [Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn)] and by the addition of their plant material to soil under laboratory and glasshouse conditions. A randomized complete block design with three replicates was used and the experiment was repeated twice over time. Results showed that there was a significant (P < 0.01) effect of sorghum and pearl mille...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat, Muhammad Zeshan Maajid, Mubashar Nadeem and Amjed Ali

.... arvensis increased its dry weight m-2 but reduced its plant height. A significant reduction in wheat growth and yield was recorded by increasing C. arvensis density. Wheat plant height, number of productive tillers, spike length and grain yield showed a significant decline at and beyond C. arvensis density of 8 plants per m2. Whereas number of grain spike-1 and 1000-grain weight of wheat were prone to substantial reduction at and above 4 and 12 C. arvensis p...

Abdessatar Omezine1

...ion intensity and actual dry weight loss was calculated for both species. These intercropping evaluation indices showed that C. annuum is a weak competitor and S. verticillata is a strong competitor. The dry weight advantage was caused by the rapid growth of S. verticillata. C. annuum cannot grow with S. verticillata due to very competitive nature of this weed. The suppression of the later weed is unavoidable for growth of C...

Zahid Fazal1, Jaweria Gul2, Muhammad Subhan, Khan Sher and Qasir Ali

...ected and five 1x1 m2 quadrants were used at each location. For the first time phytosociological data regarding absolute density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, importance value %, average importance value, Constancy classes and Importance value constancy index of various weeds of the area were recorded. The mean data across surveyed localities revealed that the flora is dominated by Digitaria sanguinalis with the highest relative density of ...

Umm-e-Kulsoom1, Saima Hashim2, Fazli Wahid3, Haseena Gulzar4 and Tamana Bakht5

...ntified as Juglans sp, Cedrus sp, and Pinus sp. The bark, stem and leaves of these species (donor plants) were collected and stored. After drying, the plant materials were grinded. The powder of each species and each part were soaked separately at 100 g per liter and 150 g per liter to get two different aqueous extracts. The objectives of the studies were to investigate the allelopathic effect of extracts of different parts ...

Fawad Ali1, 2, Gul Hassan2*, Naveed Akhtar3, Muhammad Jamal Babar3 and Ataullah Jan4

... field survey through Quadrat method was conducted during March and April, 2013. A total of 32 weed species belonging to 18 families were recorded from the research area. The predominant families were Brassicaeae (5 spp.), Poacea and Fabaceae (4 spp. ea.) followed by Polygonaceae, Asteraceae, Caryophlliceae and Plantaginaceae (2 spp. ea.), while the remaining families were represented by only one species each. Five weed communities were established on the basi...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Mohammad Safdar Baloch, Ejaz Ahmad Khan and Asghar Ali Khan the mature harvested dry leaves while other plant extracts were prepared by grinding the mature harvested dry stem peel and their 20% concentrated extracts were obtained. The extracts were applied after preparation of 72 hours and were used as per requirement of plants till 30 days. The data recorded after 15 and 30 days after sowing exhibited that all the studied parameters were negatively influenced by the application ...

Gul Hassan, Anees Amin, Haroon ur Rashid, Naqib Ullah Khan and Hussain Ali1

... into about 1 cm pieces, dried and then incorporated into soil 30 days before planting. The treatments included NPK at recommended dose alone and NPK + 1, 2, 3 and 4% dried parthenium (w/w of soil). For comparison, treatments like dried berseem 2% (w/w) and untreated (0 NPK and 0 Parthenium or berseem); were also employed. The experiments were replicated four times as factorial in complete...

Uzma Zafar1*, Zaima Ali1, Ambreen Tauseef2 and Saba Khaliq3

...C>G with metabolic syndrome and to compare serum adiponectin levels in its polymorphic genotypes. It was an observational study conducted at University of Health Sciences, Lahore. Study approval was granted by institutional Review/Ethical Board. Informed consent was taken from all the participants. The venous blood sample was taken after an overnight fast of 8-10 h. Blood was secured for DNA analysis and biochemical tests. Adiponectin rs266729(-11377 C>G...

Taqwa Safdar, Khalid Abbas*, Muhammad Sarfraz Ahmed, Hina Amjad, Sumra Naz and Jamal Kazam

...netic distance, UPGMA dendrogram was constructed that resulted in two clusters: one cluster consisted of JB and CB while other consisted of GG, GB and TB. The findings of this research will be useful for restoring, conservation and monitoring the natural aquatic fish species in Pakistan.


Huzaifa Hammad1, Bakhtiar Gul1, Haroon Khan1, Muhammad Fawad1*, Hafizullah2, Haidar Ali3 and Tamana Bakht4

...ght, fresh weed biomass, dry weed biomass, weed species composition, biological yield, thousand grain weight, grain yield, harvest index and cost benefit ratio. The results showed that both the herbicides (Atrazine and Stomp 300 EC) were effective in weed control having lowest fresh weed biomass of 29.31 and 32.65 kg ha-1, respectively. Maximum biological yield (8309.7 kg ha-1) was recorded in cowpea as living mulch while minimum biological yield (5909 kg ha-1...
Sohaila Fathi El-Hawary1, Nermeen M.L. Malak2, Reda A. Gomaa3, Hesham Z. Tawfeuk3, Suzan Ismail4, Nady Khairy Elbarbary5*
...monly used antimicrobial drugs in Egypt. These drugs included ampicillin, tetracycline, and sulfamethoxazole. The average MAR score was 0.530 indicating that the isolates have acquired a hereditary resistance that poses a public health hazard to customers. Moreover, the marinate with 5% lemon juice (LJ) and 3% pomegranate peel (PPE) extract had a positive impact on the diminution of V. cholerae and V. parahaemolyti...

Essa D Alhtheal1*, Sufian S Salman2, Salah M AL-Kubaisi3

...or three and adding five drops of acetic acid. The physical properties and chemical composition were characterized using FE-SEM. Preparation of chitosan nanoparticles with sizes ranging from 20 – 50 nanometers. For succession. Bone marrow examination, counting myeloid cells to nucleated red blood cells revealed significant differences (P < 0.05) between the negative control group and the other groups, where the myeloid cells to nucleated red blood cel...

Ahmed J. Jaafer1*, Alaa K. Jassim1, Nidhal A. Hashim2 doctors at Maysan Children’s and Maternity Hospital for the period from 5/11/2023 to 5/20/2024, along with 50 pregnant women who did not have gestational diabetes and 50 non-pregnant women who did not have gestational diabetes as a healthy control group. The study groups were divided according to body mass index into a normal weight group, an overweight group, and an obese group. Ethical approval was taken from all research participants, 5 ml was with...

Abdel Fattah A. Khalaf1, Karam T. Hussein1, Shehta A. Ali2, Doaa K. Barakat2*, Mohamed I. Gad1

...t, and total body carbohydrate of Chrysoperla carnea (C. carnea). The lifespan of C. carnea was significantly reduced by all treatments compared to the control group (41.34 days).Fixed oils and ethanolic extracts affected the levels of total protein, fat, and total body carbohydrate. The obtained results concluded that the two fixed oils (Croton tiglum and Simmondsia chinensis) and the two ethanolic extracts (Urtica dioica a...

Nesreen Ahmed Nasser1, Anas H. Sadek2, Bayadir Abdulhussein Mahmeed3, Osama Akram Mohsein4* 

...3/2024, and 5 ml was withdrawn from each participant and placed in a gel tube. prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and leptin levels were examined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Result; The results showed that there was no statistical significance in age or body mass index. The results also showed an increase in blood sugar, leptin, PSA, cholesterol, triglycerides, GOT, GPT, urea, and creatinine in the patient group compared to the control group. Conclu...

Khalil1*, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli2, Montesqrit2, Andri3

...rage due to insufficient drying and sterilization. Calcined bivalve shell had antimicrobial effects and was potentially used as a preservative ingredient to improve fishmeal’s shelf life and nutritional value. The present research aimed to study the beneficial effect of calcined mussel meal (CMM) as a preservative agent to improve fishmeal’s storage stability and nutritional values. CMSM was mixed with fish meal in four levels: 0, 3, 6, and 9% (w/w...

Md Imran Hossen1, Shakhe Reju Ana Boishakhe1 and Mohammad Enamul Hoque Kayesh2*

...d different level of dehydration were recorded as the prominent clinical signs in FPV infection. Fluid therapy (5% dextrose saline and 0.9% saline), antiemetic (ondansetron), proton pump inhibitor (pantoprazole/esomeprazole), antibiotics (ceftriaxone or metronidazole and ceftriaxone) and multivitamins were suggested as the supportive treatment of the disease. Overall, it is understood that a timely vaccination is imperative to prevent the disease. 


Noor Nemia Hafed 

...ins found in foods are hydroxo-, methyl-, and 5’-deoxyadenosyl-cobalamins.Some processed foods may include sulphitocobalamin, which has a sulphite ligand chelated to the central cobalt atom in the corrin ring. Methods: There were 30 sick children and 30 healthy children among the pediatric patients that were admitted to the hospital throughout a 4-month period (April 2022 to July 202...

Ririn Siti Rahmatillah1*, Diky Ramdani1, Iman Hernaman2, Anuraga Jayanegara3, Yulianri Rizki Yanza2

...ores (BCS), DMI (g/day), dry matter digestibility (DMD, %), crude protein digestibility (CPD, %), acid detergent fiber digestibility (ADFD, %), neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD, %), and blood urea levels. However, a significant reduction in blood glucose levels was observed (P = 0.002). A sub-group analysis showed that spent tea leaves supplementation affected the DMI (P=0.004) and ADFD (P = 0.032). In contrast, tea extract influenced blood glucose ...

Hasan Ali Al-Sailawi1, Araa Ali Hadi1, Hussein A. Raheem2, Mustafa Mudhafar3,4, Sahi J Dhahi5, Qais R. Lahhob6*

...kin grafting without any drug), and the skin was taken from the shoulder to the femoral area. In group 2 (G2), the skin graft was taken from the same area in the G1 using Serratiopeptidase, while in group 3 (G3), the skin graft was taken from the same area in G1 using NAC. The outcomes demonstrated that Serratiopeptidase and NAC both had good enhancement effects on the skin graft and demonstrated superior effects on the AST, histology, and hematology parameter...

Mohammed Haider Asker1*, Yahya Fawzi Hashim2, Huda Hamid Mohsen3

...0 can ameliorate all the drug-induced side effects in the cardiac muscles and also points the directions for the future research on the potential benefits of CoQ10 in clinical settings.
Keywords | Coenzyme Q10, Cardiotoxicity, Nitrofurantoin, Cardiac protection, Antioxidant therapy

Baraa Najim Al-Okaily 

... within cellular mitochondria that can impact plenty physiological functions in either a positive or negative manner. Under normal physiological circumstances, the cells of the body generate a minimal amount of ROS, which corresponds to a low level of oxidative stress. These molecules play a crucial role in regulating cellular signaling pathways, facilitating communication between cells, and supporting the immune system. However, when the level of oxidative ch...

Mehak Muhammad Ashfaq1*, Aqsa Naeem Chawla1, Muhammad Umaid Ali1 and Adnan Ahmed Bhutto2

...eferred to as “the drink of the Gods”. Originally called Theobroma cocoa, the cocoa tree” (meaning drink). Nutrient-dense flavanols are found in cocoa. Flavanols are unconjugated chemicals found in plants that comprise the group of polyphenols, which also include epicatechin, catechin, and procyanidin. Based on a ground-breaking study, eating foods high in flavonoids is linked to a lower risk of cancer, car...

Nguyen Tuyet Giang1,2*, Le Thi Thuy Hang1,2, Phan Phuong Loan1,2 and Le Thi Thuy Loan1,2

...obtained at four hot-air drying temperatures (50, 60, 70, and 80°C). The drying process ended when the materials achieved the moisture content of about 5-7%. The final products were subsequently analyzed for water activity, hydration indices, chemical composition, and color attributes to evaluate the influence of drying temperature on the quality of ...

Auras Muhi Taha*, Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim, Hassanein Abduladeem, Mohammed Qais Yassen, Omaima Khalid Ahmed and Tabark Najim Abdul-Allah

...s study aims to evaluate drought levels for the period from 1988 to 2023 and their impact on soil uses and plant densities based on Landsat sensor data. The results showed that the very severe drought type dominated throughout the study period, followed by the severe drought type, while the moderate drought type was constantly decreasing with alternating...

Mohanad O. Al-Jubouri1*, Sadeq M. AL Haider2, Safa M. Imran3

...rot, Infection abdominal dropsy, Columnaris Disease, Enteric red mouth disease, Bacterial enteritis, Vibriosis). Bacteria were identified according to their shape, characterization and use of the Vitek II system, and they include: A. hydrophila, A. veronii, P. putida, A. hydrophila, B. columnaris, F. columnaris, C. columnaris, F. columnare, E. cloacae, P. fluorescens Intestinalis, Streptoc...

Dalia M.A. Elmasry1*, Dalia M. El-Husseini1, Asmaa A. Eissa1, Zakaria R. Elkanawati2, Momtaz A. Shahein3, Amany Adel4

... economic losses. One hundred samples has been collected from bee colony farms had bees loss 20% or more during 2021-2022 from some Egyptian governorates. The samples have been prepared and suspected viruses detection for Sacbrood virus (SBV), Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), Acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), Lake Sinai Viruses (LSV) ,Black queen cell virus (BQCV), Kashmir bee virus (KBV), Deformed wing virus (DWV) and Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV) b...

Muhammad Ariana Setiawan1, Ujang Hidayat Tanuwiria2*, Andi Mushawwir2

...DP) and non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC). Nutrients that are easily degraded in the rumen can be seen from their metabolite products such as total gas production, gas kinetics, and methane gas production. This study aims to determine the effect of the balance of rumen degradable protein (RDP) with non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) in cattle rations on total gas production, gas kinetics and methane gas production in vitro. The study u...

Bilal Ahmed1, Faheem Ahmed Khan2, Nuruliarizki Shinta Pandupuspitasari1*, Muhammad Rizwan Yousaf1 and Asep Setiaji1 

...methane emissions (CH4), dry matter intake (DMI), or rumen pH in dairy cows, this study provides valuable insights into future dose-dependent studies to address the methanogenic potential of yeast-based products recognizing the urgency of identifying effective mitigation strategies while maintaining productivity. As the cattle industry seeks sustainable solutions, further research should explore alternative strategies and op...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Yasmeen Buriro1, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1 and Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito

...lky white oval, and cylindrical. The length and width of eggs (2.56±0.40) (1.18±0.28) were noted at (30±2°C) followed by (2.33±0.42), (1.102±0.22) mm, at (20±2°C). The newly hatched larvae were white-brown and gradually turned into dirty-brown at later stages. The 1st instar stage measurement was recorded (0.98±0.31), 2nd (172±0.40), 3rd (2.86±0.52), 4th (0.63±0.25), and 5th (3.54&pl...
Plinio Vargas Zambrano1*, Luis Vásquez Cortez2,3, Julio Ibarra Arteaga4, Camilo Chávez Ceballos4 and Ramona Párraga Alava1
Damat Damat1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Shazma Anwar3, Mohammed Ali Wedyan4
Zane Vincevica-Gaile5, Yogo Adhi Nugroho2, Tony Liwang2, Thontowi Djauhari Nur Subchi1*, 
Ahmad Fauzi1, Hanif Alamudin Manshur1, Devi Dwi Siskawardani1, Vritta Amroini Wahyudi1
Yolla Muvika Ananda1 and Hemalia Agustin Rachmawati1
Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1*,Nuratiqah Emran1, Nurul Elyni Mat Shaari1, Arba Aleem2, Zanariah Mohd Nor1 and Ali Majrashi3
...ere also planted under hydroponic conditions to investigate their morphological characteristics, growth and development. After two weeks of growth, the application of CdCl2 was made with four treatments consisting of nutrient solution without CdCl2 (control) and 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mM CdCl2-nutrient solution. Two weeks of plant growth were allowed before the experiment was terminated. At the end of the experiment, the chlorophyll ...

Rawya Sh. Mohammed*, Baraa N. Al-Okaily (CurSeNPs), using a hydroalcoholic extract of Curcuma longa rhizomes, in reducing disruption to hormonal profiles, redox homeostasis, inflammatory parameters, and ovarian tissue PTEN gene expressions in rats treated with doxorubicin. CurSeNPs were synthesized using sodium hydrogen selenite and a hydroalcoholic extract derived from Curcuma longa. The in vivo study utilized thirty-two mat...

Kremlin Mark B. Ampode1,2,3*, Ramanathan Solaiyappan1, Baskaralingam Vaseeharan1 

... promising strategy to address this issue is the use of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) synthesized from probiotics like Bacillus subtilis. This study explored the potential effects of ZnONPs synthesized using Bacillus subtilis on the performance, antioxidant activity, and neurotoxicity of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). A total of 96 fish were divided into four groups: T1 (Control), T2 (3 mg ZnONPs /g diet), T3 (6 mg ZnONPs /g diet), and T4 (9 mg ZnONPs ...

Rafika Febriani Putri1, Chairdin Dwi Nugraha2, Ari Ardiantoro3, Irida Novianti1, Irisa Trianti4, Wike Andre Septian1, Ahmad Furqon5, Kuswati Kuswati1, Nashi Widodo6, Suyadi Suyadi1*

...lay down more, and their drinking frequency increased compared to other groups of goats (P<0.05). Feeding levels provided significant improvements (P<0.05) in MCV and PLT parameters. Low feed consumption caused a decrease in MCH in Kacang goats, but it was not significant (P>0.05). In conclusion, when evaluated in terms of animal welfare, the results of the current study may indicate that Kacang goats had a high ability to manage restricted feeding.

Renny Fatmyah Utamy1*, Ambo Ako1, Hasbi Hasbi1, Zyahrul Ramadan2, Andi Arif Rahman Hakim2,3, Siti Annisa Sukri2

...ct (P>0.05) on either dry matter intake of forage, concentrate, total consumption, milk yield, feed conversion efficiency, heart rate, body temperature, heat tolerance coefficient, or Benezra coefficients. In early lactation, dairy cows are susceptible to negative energy balance, which can reduce performance and affect physiological values. Proper feed intake can help address the negative energy balance (NEB), many cows g...

Sumaya Loay Mohamed Shams Al-Dean1*, Sura Shakir Hammoud2, Mohammedali J. Ghafil3

...rm cells’ motility dramatically increased with the addition of 2 mM (56.8±1.16), 4 mM (57.6±1.36), and 7 mM (62.1±1.67). The sperms viability is improved post-thawimg and at 5C after addition of anti-oxidants vitamin C. When compared to the control values, the fresh, 5C, and post-thaw sperm motility improved significantly for each concentration of vitamin E. The p-value for 2mM(0.030), 4mM(0.04), and 7mM(0.03). Based on the current f...

Saitul Fakhri1*, Heni Suryani2, Teja Kaswari1, Munawwaroh Pane1, Neneng Hariyati1, Dodi Rolis Limbong1, Anuraga Jayanegara3, Daniel Komwihangilo4

...0 days, the samples were dried, ground to a size of 1 mm, and analyzed for proximate parameters and fiber fractions. One gram of the sample from each treatment group was incubated with buffered rumen fluid at 39°C for 72 h. Gas production was measured after incubation for 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 62, and 72 h. pH, NH3, organic matter degradation (OMD) and microbial yield (MBO) were measured at the end of the incubation period. The gas data were fitt...

Mohamed Ahmed Abaza1, Amany O. Selim2, Mona Abdallah3, Shimaa A.E. Atwa4, Hala El Daous5, Mona Abd-Allah Abd-Elrehim6, Mohamed M.S. Gaballa7, Reda R. Fathy1*

...ation was to control the drug-resistant E. coli O6 infection using nano-production of zinc oxide (ZnO-NPs) in both in vitro and vivo studies. ZnO-NPs was applied in one day old specific pathogen free chicks to evaluate the antibacterial effectiveness of 50mg/kg ration dosage compared with colistin as commercial antibiotic at 5 days old. E. coli serotype O6 was the highest prevalent and pathogenic multi drug resistant bacteri...

Rael Jepkogei Masai 

...fied into wet season and dry season. Consenting participants provided stool samples that were processed by formal-ether concentration techniques and results recorded as either positive or negative. Capillary blood samples was collected for slide preparations and subjected to microscopy to determine presence of P.falciparum. A questionnaire was used to obtain information on study subjects’ area of residence. Results were processed using SSPS and significa...

Mohsin Rafique1*, Muhammad Atif Majeed2, Aamir Shakeel3, Tahir Iqbal4 and Ziad Raza5

...-2023) almost 7 percent, driven by innovative initiatives like the Miyawaki forest method and ambitious afforestation projects. Significant shifts in land use land cover in Lahore includes a reduction of 31 percent in agricultural land, a rapid surge of 28 percent built-up area and urbanization, minor changes in water bodies, substantial forest growth, and slight declines in barren land. These transformations hold profound implications for urban planning, agri...

Ngele Blessing Alfred, Agba Mary-Ibenreh Ogaboh*, Bassey Rosemary Anietie and Egeh Ajah Egwu

... a common commercial laundry detergent in Nigeria (Ariel) on maize seedlings’ germination, growth, and physiological processes, including oxidative stress enzymes activities and chlorophyll content. A mixture of sawdust and sand (1:1) was utilized as the growth medium. Detergent solutions with concentrations of 1g/l, 2.5g/l, and 5.0g/l were prepared, with deionized water as the control (0g/l). Maize seeds were sown in germination trays and irrigated with...

Haifen Qin1,2, Yujia Liu1, Yujie Zhang1, Jingfeng Liu1, Zhenkun Zhao1,2 and Lichun Jiang1,2*

...align: justify;">Mitochondrial genomes are important markers using to reconstruct phylogenetic status and reveal insect molecular evolution. In this study, the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Anoplophora horsfieldi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was determined using high-throughput sequencing. The size of circular mitogenome is 15,796 bp and it includes a typical structure of 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal R...

Hina Yasin1,2*, Shaukat Mahmud2, Hina Abrar1, Kaneez Fatima3, Rabia Bushra1 and Saima Zahid2

...hemicals and plant based drugs in curtailment of diseases has already been established. Croton bonplandianus plant has found to be popular in the healthcare system for treatment of various complaints. In the present study, plant leaves were screened for analgesic and cytotoxic activities using animal models for the safe and effective utilization of plant material. The leaves were soaked in methanol and successively fractionated using n-hexane, chloroform, ethy...

Shah Fahad* and Akhtar Ali 

...A sample size of 385 was drawn out of total households through Yamani formula. Proportional allocation method was used for equal representation of the respondents. Interview schedule was used as a tool for the collection of primary data. The data results indicates that majority of the respondents were having age between 20-30 years. The illiteracy ratio was 58% while 42% were literate, 28% of the respondents were having primary level of education. The family s...

Muhmmad Bilal Islam1* and Sar Zamin Khan2

...e of 1.5 ml per liter of drinking water having the garlic, onion, and chilli concentration as (T-1=37.5:50:12.5, T-2=25:50:25, T-3=50:37.5:12.5). While group D and E were designated for receiving (T-4) Mannan Oligo-Saccharide and (T-5) plain water. The gut health parameters including gut pH and ileal histomorphometry including villus height, width, crypt depth and surface area were significantly affected by the treatment groups. The villus surface area for ile...
Hussein Ali Naji1, Saad Hashim Al-Husseiny2, Zainab Abdul Hussein Saud3 and Wesssam Monther Mohammed Saleh1*
...c clinical signs such as dropping of milk production 78 (100%), loss of appetite 70 (89.74%), still birth 46 (58.97%), abortion 28 (35.89%) and malformation 4 (5.12%). The results of competitive ELISA technique indicated the 66 (84.6%) of 78 samples were positive for antibodies Schmallenberg virus, the incidence was 87.09% in Basrah while 82.97% in Al_Qadisiyah. The seropositive ELISA results according the clinical signs were 66 (84.61%), 39 (50%), 24 (30.67%)...

Fitrini1*, Masyhuri2, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti3

...tutions and animal husbandry institutions, infrastructure and facilities are quite supportive although some of these aspects need improvement from the government. Beef cattle have potential as a leading commodity as evidenced by LQ>1, which means that beef cattle are a commodity that has a comparative advantage that can fulfilling the needs of beef cattle at the district and regency area and even can be sold to other regions but beef cattle do not have a co...

Emad M. Gad1, Haidy G. Abdel-Rahman2, Mohy Eldin Abd-El-Fattah1, Merna M. Kamal1, Ahmed Shaker Eltahan3, Amina A. Dessouki3*

...ith 10% fructose (Fr) in drinking water for the first two weeks. Each Fr-fed animal received an intraperitoneal injection of a low single dose of STZ (40 mg/kg) after being fasted for the whole night. Sixty albino rats were separated into six equivalent groups. Group I control rats administrated 0.5ml distilled water by gavage for six weeks, group II untreated diabetic rats, group III–VI are diabetic groups; received dapagliflozin (1 mg/Kg daily) by gava...

Ashraf Samir Hakim1*, Doaa Diab Khalaf1, Engy Farahat1, Mohammed Darwish Mohammed1, Wahid Hussein El-Dabae1, Khaled Abd El-Hamid Abd El‑Razik2, Amany Nabil Dapgh3, Ehab Ali Fouad4, Hussein Ahmed Abuelhag1

...nd dissemination of multidrug resistant uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) which causes community-acquired UTI in pets and human community has been monitored. The current study aimed to investigate the prevalence of shared uropathogenic E. coli serotypes isolated from companion animals and human as well as assessed their virulence determinants which implemented in pathogenesis and severity of infection via phenotypic and molecular methods. Besides that, the study de...

Isti Anindya1, Ibnu Agus Ariyanto2  and Amin Soebandrio

...vity of the brain in children with autism. The infection in healthy children is usually mild or asymptomatic, but individuals with weakened immune systems are at higher risk for severe diseases. Study in Egypt showed a high prevalence of CMV IgG (97.8%) in children with autism. In Indonesia, there is no current data available to indicate the prevalence of CMV in chil<...

Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara*, Tina Sri Purwanti, Budi Hartono, Awang Tri Satria, Izdihar Ratnaduhita Hidayat

...asize health benefits, address safety concerns transparently, promote enjoyment and positive emotions, provide detailed product information, and balance environmental values with convenience to enhance consumer satisfaction and drive repeat purchases.
Keywords | Consumers value, Attitude towards behavior, Repurchase intention, UHT milk, Dairy product, SEM
Faiza Ghazanfar1, Masood Rabbani1*, Aamir Ghafoor2 and Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq3
...ance profile of multiple drugs resistant (MDR) strains of thermophilic C. jejuni from broiler chickens. A total of 375 cloacal swab samples were collected by systematic sampling method of commercial broiler farms in and around Lahore and examined for the presence of thermophilic C. jejuni. Their prevalence was found to be 53% (200/375). Confirmation was done by biochemical and molecular (P...
Rehana Yasmin1,2, Rashda Abbasi2*, Tariq Saeed2, Madiha Sadiq2, Nuzhat Yasmeen3, Muhammad Iqbal4, A. Khuzaim Alzahrani5, Nadeem Kizilbash5, Ugur Bilge6, Nafees Ahmad2 and Sajid Malik1*
...=2.93; 95%CI=2.10-4.10), drinking of groundwater (OR=2.25; 95%CI=1.6479-3.0964), wooden fuel (OR= 3.97; 95%CI=3.14-5.01), carbonated drinks (OR=1.25, 95%CI=1.00-1.57) and tobacco usage (OR=1.57, 95%CI=1.24-1.98) as significant risk factors for leukemia. However, odds ratios were significantly lower for patients using microwave oven (OR=0.25; 95%CI=0.18-0.35), and perfumes (OR=0.42; 95%CI=0.33-0.53). Males exhibit an increase...

Rahmat Ullah Khan* and Karim Gabol

...icity of their diets and drinking water, illegal and merciless killing, rapid urbanization and road constructions, deforestation, habitat deterioration, predation, disease, and harsh environmental conditions. The valley of Bajaur would maintain its beauty gifted by birds chirping if awareness about birds’ ecological value is made public and operationalized and implementation of wildlife legislation is made successful.


Wen Xiong1, Zhimin Jin1, Zinuo Yuan1, Qin Liu2* and Peter A. Bowler3

...he Yujiang River and its drainage basin. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria, six of these species (Anguilla japonica, Cyprinus carpio, Luciocyprinus langsoni, Pseudohemiculter dispar, Ptychidio jordani, and Cranoglanis bouderius), qualify for recognition as Threatened Species. Overfishing, water flow diversions and modifications, and the impacts of non-native species are the greatest threats to freshwater fish biodi...

Jawwad Rehman1,2, Muhammad Khizar1, Muhammad Naeem1, Atique Ahmed Behan3*, Huma Rizwana1, Nasir Rajput4, Ghulam Shabir Barham5, Syed Uzair Ali Shah1, Nisar Subhani2,4  

...ided with feed and fresh drinking water ad libitum for a 90-day experimental trial. Milk yield and composition, including ash, fat, lactose, protein, total solids, pH, and specific gravity, were significantly (p<0.05) higher in Group B compared to Group A. Conversely, the moisture content was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the milk of Group A goats. Behavioral observations indicated that eating, ruminating, and sleeping time were significantly (p<0....

Shiguftah Khalid1, Muhammad Jahanzaib2*, Haris Khurshid2, Rabia Khalid3, Sundas Waqar3, Faiza Siddique3, Fazal Yazdan Saleem Marwat3 and Zahid Akram1

...verage pod length and hundred seed weight. In contrast, leaf area, pegs per plant and mature pods per plant revealed negative direct effect. The mean values for genotypes N0334, abCG005 and BARI-2000 had maximum pod yield per plant among all the genotypes. Biplot and cluster analysis indicated the overall variability among genotypes and degree of genetic diversity. Cluster demonstration also validates the association of parameters revealed in correlation analy...

Basirat Opemipo Amoo-Adeboye1*, Kazeem Olanrewaju Amoo2, Saheed Adeyinka Odediji3, James Akinwunmi Ogunniran1, Adenike Titilayo Olayinka1 and Oluyinka Oladele Opaleye1 congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) characterized by cerebral, ophthalmic and auditory manifestations. Determination of the susceptibility levels among pregnant women as well as factors influencing their susceptibility is an important first line approach. Hence, this study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of Rubella IgG and IgM and associated likely factors influencing susceptibility levels among pregnant women accessing antenatal care at the hospital. A...

Iram Alam Sthanadar1*, Muhammad Zahid1, Sami Siraj2 and Omar Malik2

... used oral anti-diabetic drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450 belonging to family 2 subfamily C member 9 (CYP2C9). CYP2C9 has shown better glycemic control and reduced the treatment failure rates compared to metformin and its combination therapy. To study the association of CY2PC9 gene variant rs1057910 in T2DM patients of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) origin, the cohort study was conducted for a period of 12 months including 150 patients receiving metformin, glimep...

Rongrong Wang1,2, Da Ji1,2, Junjie Yao1,2*, Wenzheng Zhang1,2, Xianjun Zhou1,2, Xin Su1,2 and Tianquan Bai3 based on the mitochondrial DNA COI gene. Sixty-two individuals displayed four haplotypes, and the overall haplotype diversity (Hd) and nucleotide diversity (Pi) of the three C. sowerbyi groups were 0.531 and 0.00067, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that inter- and intrapopulation variation accounted for 41.63039% and 58.36961%, respectively, of the total variation, and the genetic variation coefficient (Fst) was 0.05268. The gen...

Zhongjiang Niu1, Periyannan Velu2, Annamalai Vijayalakshmi2*

...campal levels of mitochondrial complexes (IV, II, and I) in animal model. The experiment also assessed Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS), mean kindling score, hypertension, anxiety, discrimination ability (SNSE), learning, and memory in eight groups of rats. PTZ – kindling rats showed poor motor activity. PTZ-kindling rats showed increase in emotional tension, anxiety, learning and memory, pro-inflammatory mediators (IL-1β and TNF-&alph...

Kusuma Adhianto*, Chindy Damanik, Dandi Oherman Girsang, Erwanto, Liman, Muhtarudin and Ali Husni 

... on the digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), and Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) components in Brahman Crossbred cattle. The research utilized a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) comprising of 3 treatments and 3 groups. The experimental treatments consisted of three groups: P0, which consisted of 80% basal feed and 20% untreated corn cobs (0% urea); P1, which consisted of 80% basal feed and 20% ammoniated corn ...

Muhammad Suleman Aziz1, Muhammad Iqbal1, Muhammad Sohail Khan1, Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Munir2, Khalida Musa3 and Asim Iqbal1

...iz fruit set %age, fruit drop %age, fruit yield (kg bunch-1) and physico-chemical fruit characteristics. Results indicated that except control, all the treatments improved the yield and yield components. The highest fruit set (81.68% and 82.30 %,), bunch weight (15.28 and 16.20 kg), fruit weight (25.13 and 25.25 g), fruit length (5.09 and 5.19 cm), fruit width (3.06 and 3.13 cm) pulp weight (23.80 and 23.93 g), moisture content (63.11 and 62.89%) and T.S.S (33...

Abid Jan* and Asad Ullah Effective awareness drive to control food wastage using appropriate communication channels, training and facilitation of families in planning meals, optimal food storage, regular kitchen inventory, and checking and creative cooking practices involving leftovers were some of the study recommendations.


Muhammad Nauman Hanif1*, Tanveer-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar2*, Abid Hussain3 and Amar Matloob4

...n. This study uniquely addresses the quantification of pesticide residues in cauliflower curds and soil, and associated human health risks in the specific climatic conditions of Multan City, and it is the first to collectively examine these five (lufenuron, bifenthrin, emamectin benzoate, metalaxyl, and mancozeb) pesticides in cauliflower. A survey of the cauliflower production area was performed to collect information about pesticides used for insect pest and...

1Md. Faruq Hasan, 2Nazmunnahar Kolpona, 3*Atia Shahin, 3Md. Rayhan Sojib and 3Susmita Sarmin

...g a Likert scale. One hundred twenty-five (125) IFMC farmers from Phulbari upazila in Dinajpur district receiving government extension services were selected for data collection using a multi-stage random sampling procedure. The percentages, means, and standard deviations were employed to summarise the data gathered during the interviews. The inferential statistical investigation involved using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The finding...

Elkhan Rajaf Allahverdiyev1*, Azer Agazade Khalilov2, Araz Mustafa Gasimov2, Zahid Gurban Khalilov2, Parvana Bahlul Bayramova2, Kamala Fatiaga Abilova2 and Sait Engindeniz3

... crude protein, absolute dry matter, yield of feed unit, amount of digestible protein in the green mass product increased significantly. The most important criterion in terms of quality in forage plants is the crude protein content in the dry matter. There is a positive relationship between nitrogen fertilization and the crude protein content of plants. At the end of the research, we came to the conclusion that in order to o...

Rawya Shakir Mohammed*, Baraa Najim Al-Okaily

...s) by combining sodium hydrogen selenite with a hydroalcoholic extract obtained from Curcuma longa rhizomes in alleviating the disturbance of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA expression, histomorphometric and histological alterations of ovaries in healthy rats that administered doxorubicin.Thirty-two fully grown female rats were randomly divided into four equal groups and were treated for two weeks as follows: ...

Rico Anggriawan1*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari2, Sri Hidanah3, Muhammad Anam Al Arif4, Diyah Ayu Candra5

... antibiotics can lead to drug residues in the final product, potentially jeopardizing the health of consumers. This research aims to identify the number of cases and residues of enrofloxacin and tylosin that exceed the maximum threshold the maximum number of cases of overuse of enrofloxacin and tylosin antibiotics in commercial broiler farms in Indonesia, as well as detect drug residues that exceed the maximum threshold set ...

Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, Ani Atul Arif, Putri Utami, Habib Asshidiq Syah, Anggita Dian Pramudhita, Rr. Ani Rizqianti, Trinil Susilawati*

...DGC 10 fractions using Andromed® diluent. T1: sexing PDGC 10 fractions using tris aminomethane diluent + 20% egg yolk. T2: sexing PDGC 5 fractions using Andromed® diluent. T43: sexing PDGC 10 fractions using tris aminomethane diluent + 20% egg yolk. Parameters measured include motility, viability, abnormalities, concentration, Total motile sperm, and proportion of sperm. The results of the analysis of variance showed...

Yusuf Subagyo*, Merryafinola Ifani, Hermawan Setyo Widodo

...-align: justify;">Calliandra calothyrsus is a common legume in Indonesia that has both high nutritional value and antinutritions. It is potent as a concentrate substitution regarding its phytochemicals and the effect on Indonesian Peranakan Etawa crossbreed Goats (PE), which needed to be comprehensively explored. Dried C. calothyrsus leaves were extracted with 70% ethanol, hexane, and chloroform. Twenty PE does on the third week of lactation with an average bo...

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Trang1, Nguyen Thi Thu Hong2,3* percentage, pH value, drip loss, cooking loss and chemical of breast meat) had not difference between experimental and control treatment. The results indicated that supplementation with fresh garlic at 3% increased the final live weight of the bird, as well as improved weight gain and feed conversion ratio.
Keywords | Minhdu poultry, Garlic, Diet addition, Growth performance, Carcasses, Impact

Sutaryo Sutaryo1*, Jeksen Nikolas1, Nain Ufidiyati1, Ivena Setiany1, Nadlirotun Luthfi2, Retno Adiwinarti1, Agung Purnomoadi1 

...f soybean meal (SBM) has driven the search for new protein sources for feed ingredients. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of dietary inclusion of Indigofera leaf meal (ILM) on the performance, diet digestibility, and feed efficiency of growing male rabbits. A total of 28 New Zealand White (NZW) male rabbits, aged 9–10 weeks (body weight = 1.45 ± 0.45 kg), were used in a completely randomized design. The rabbits were divided into four treat...

Manel Ben Larbi1*, Ameni Askri1, Mariem Saidani1, Naceur M’Hamdi2, Ibrahim El Akram Znaïdi3, Nadia Ben Braiek4 and Hajer M’Hamdi5

...m2. The industry’s drive to ever faster growth rates has an impact on broiler health and welfare such as painful leg disorders and heart failure in broiler chickens and hunger due to severe food restriction in the breeding birds. The scientific literature on broiler chicken welfare in Tunisia is scarce. This study aimed to assess broiler welfare conditions in five Arbor Acres commercial flocks at the age of 35 days. Some indicators were observed like hoc...

Hina Abrar1*, Hina Yasin1, Hira Naeem2, Rabia Bushra1, Shaukat Mahmood2 and Kaneez Fatima3

...t effective anti-seizure drug to treat the partial and tonic clonic seizure. However; hepatotoxicity associated with the Phenytoin (PHY) is of great concern in clinical settings. Contrarywise, Propranolol (PRL) is reported to possess the significant hepatoprotective effects owing to the reduced blood flow. Therefore, the present study was aimed to evaluate the hepatotoxicity of PHY alone and in combination with PRL in healthy male rabbits. Post treatment level...

Efi Rokana1*, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,2, Khoirul Wafa1, Kalvin Putra Wahyudatama1, Ferdian Ginanjar1, Rini Mastuti3, Amiril Mukmin1, Miarsono Sigit4 feed ingredients to address the issue of high production costs in sheep fattening systems. This research aims to determine the effect of utilizing beer waste on the performance and health of sheep. The study involved 24 female thin-tailed sheep, each approximately 7 months old. They were divided into four groups: a control group and three groups that received beer waste at 5%, 10%, and 15% of their ration. Feed consumption was measured by calculating the di...
Shaiqah Mohd Rus1*, Anika Z.M.R.2, Awis Sukarni Mohmad Sabere3, Mohd. Rushdi Abu Bakar4,5, Farahidah Mohamed4 and Abd Almonem Doolaanea6*
... the ultrasonicator. The droplet size, PdI, and zeta potential of the nanoemulsion were investigated. The zeta potential values for BSO nanoemulsions ranging from -53.83 ± 1.50 to −63.50 ± 0.66 mV. All zeta values were below -30 mV, demonstrating that the nanoemulsions are stable emulsions. Each amplitude and flow rate produced BSO alginate nanoemulsion within the targeted droplet size, which is below 500...
Che Ku Nur Ain Mardhiah Che Ku Azman and Norlia Muhamad*
...radation kinetics of the dried immature Melon Manis Terengganu (MMT) using a hot air dryer at four different temperatures (40, 50, 60, and 70 °C). Drying kinetics is very helpful as it can design and optimize thermal processes to maximize the quality of dried products. The immature MMT was immersed in 0.2% sodium metabisulfite before drying. The...

Fazli Amin1*, Amjad Usman1, Maqsood Shah¹ and Sarzamin Khan²

...ed conversion ratio, and dressing percentage, and reduced feed intake in the D4 group compared to all other groups. Similarly, the highest antibody titers against the Newcastle disease, and lower mortality rate were calculated in the D4 group than in the remaining groups. Meat quality was not affected. A significant increase in the net profit was observed in the D4 group as compared to the leftover groups. Based on the current findings, it is concluded that T....

Sami ul Haq, Basheer Ahmad* and Bilal Ahmed Qazi 

...d and construction. To address these challenges, alternative fuelwood and construction materials should be provided to local communities.This study contributes to understanding species composition and soil factors influencing forest ecosystems in the region, informing conservation strategies and sustainable forest management practices. Community-led initiatives are necessary to protect the Shahpur Valley’s unique biodiversity and promote sustainable fore...
Nur Anis Hashim1, Nor Hasima Mahmod1*, Abubakar Abdullahi Lema2, Lee-Hoon Ho3 and Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1
...s for the preparation of dried materials for further processing and suitable drying techniques while preserving their antioxidants have yet to be inferred. Thus, the present study aims to determine the content and activity of the antioxidants in fresh and dried roselle calyx. The random sampling technique was applied by collecting the calyx roselle from different plants. Calyx samples were...
Mohd Aiman Hamdan1, Muhammad Fitri Yusof2, Hajar Fauzan Ahmad3,Mufafikri Musa4, Najmuddin Mohd Ramli5,6 and Mohd Najib Razali5,6*
...nificantly higher carbohydrate content as compared to Grade A cat food. The new cat food formulation innovated from this work via utilizing the local raw materials has the highest protein, fibre, and ash contents but is lower in fat, moisture and carbohydrate content in comparison to commercial cat food products. All of the cat food products in Malaysia that were analysed in this work met the Association of American Feed Con...

Imtiaz Khan1, Arsalan Khan2*, Umme Aimen2, Waseem Ullah2, Akhtar Ali2, Qamar Ullah3, Muhammad Faimullah Khan4, Abdul Wadood Jan5, Salma Zaman6, Abdul Qadoos1, Tayyeb Ullah7 

...p. A single anthelmintic drug was administered to each cohort on day zero. Fecal samples were collected from each animal in the groups on the first, seventh, fourteenth, twenty-eighth, sixty-fifth and eightieth days following treatment. The efficacy of the anthelmintics was determined by the percent reduction in fecal egg count, which was conducted using the McMaster technique. The fecal egg count was reduced by 100% on the 28th day post-treatment and oxycloza...

Oluwakamisi F. Akinmoladun1,2*, Olusegun O. Ikusika1, Conference T. Mpendulo1

...turnix Japonica). Two hundred growing quails were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments and five replicates, with eight birds each. The treatment consisted of a basal diet (control) containing 0.101% of Na in the diet. In the remaining treatment groups, sodium carbonate was supplemented to reach levels of 0.144, 0.187, 0.231, and 0.274% of Na. After the 20-d of the feeding trial, data obtained on growth performance (final weight (F...

Nguyen Ba Trung1,2*, Pham Thi Kim Phuong1,2

...ide sequences of mitochondrial DNA and the SRY gene on the Y chromosome, as well as conducted genotyping of the NCAPG, DGAT1, and RNF212 genes in the Ongole cattle population. The sequence investigation of the mitochondrial DNA revealed that the cattle possess the Bos indicus type I1 haplotype, suggesting relatively high genetic diversity in the maternal lineage. The sequence analysis of the SRY gene suggests that all the ma...

Devi Ermawati1, Panjono2, Sigit Bintara1, Ali Agus3, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto2, Bertha Yudistyra4, Rifai Mustofa4, Tety Hartatik1*

... F1 Crossbred during AI, dropping to 276.44±119.04 and 326.64±147.42, respectively, after 30 days. After AI, F1 Crossbred cattle in particular exhibit the lowest levels of estrogen, which is correlated with conception.On the other hand, non-pregnant Brahman Cross cattle exhibit lower levels of estrogen and estrus, probably as a result of repeated mating. The significance of keeping an eye on estrogen levels and estrus signs in cattle breeding pro...

Khawla Abdul- Aziz Salman1, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory3*, Rasha Fajer Al-Jebory4

... there was a substantial drop in the levels of triglycerides in all supplements compared to T1. At 14 days old, there was a notable reduction (P≤0.05) in glucose levels in all treatment groups compared to T1. Additionally, glucose levels dropped in T3 and T4 at 21 days old. At 14 days of age, there was a statistically significant increase (P≤0.05) in the concentration of glutathione in T3 compared to T1. At the age of ...

Ehab Hussein1, Edris A.M.1 and Ghada A.K. Kirrella2*

...12 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (benzo[a]pyrene; dibenzo [ae] pyrene; dibenzo [al] pyrene; dibenzo [ah] pyrene; dibenzo [ai] pyrene; indeno [1, 2, 3-cd] pyrene; benzo [ghi] perylene; cyclopenta (c, d) pyrene; benzo[a] anthracene; Dibenzo [a, h] anthracene; benzo[b] fluoranthene; chrysene). The treated samples were demonstrated as 3 untreated (control group); 9 samples treated with thyme oil at concentrations of 0.5, 1 and 1.5% (3 of each), 9 samples...
Ahmad Ibrahim Jalali1, Mudssar Ali1*, Hafiz Mohkum Hammad2,4 and Fawad Zafar Ahmad Khan1,3
...ional options (including dried plant powders and sand mixtures, and eucalyptus based biopesticides) on fall armyworm control, as well as their effects on non-target fauna. The results showed that fall armyworm damage was lowest in synthetic pesticide treatment, followed equally by eucalyptus-based biopesticide, sand mixtures of neem, red pepper, ash and turmeric, while the highest damage was recorded where no management was done. For the occurrence of the non-...
Aamir Khan Awan1, Nighat Sultana1*, Rahmat Ali Khan2, Rifhat Sultana3
Umm-e-Kalsoom1, Fayaz Ahmed Sahibzada4, Rifat Ullah Khan5, Naimat Ullah Khan6, Nazir Ahmad Khan7, Syed Haider Zaman8, Mir Sadiq Shah9 and Assar Ali Shah10*
...elopment of antidiabetic drugs or in folk medicines traditionally to treat the diabetes.


Shimaa R. Hamam, Reham A. El-shafei, Nani N. Abdelaziz, Magdy S. Amer

...profen as a chemotherapy drug has an adverse effect on male fertility. By altering hormonal profiles, ibuprofen causes a state of compensatory hypogonadism. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to assess the potential effects of ginseng or sandalwood, as a natural remedy, on the previously documented negative effects of ibuprofen on male fertility. For this study, twenty-four male were employed. Four groups of six rats each were used: the control group ...

Adham Omar Mohamad Sallam1*, Ashraf Abd El-Hakem Ahmed El-Komy1, Enas Abdulrahman Hasan Farag2, Samar Saber Ibrahim3

...roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including Meloxicam, are associated with significant hepato-renal toxicity due to their inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzymes. This study hypothesizes that grape seed extract (GSE), rich in potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory flavonoids, mitigates the hepato-renal toxicity induced by Meloxicam. Fifty albino rats were divided into five groups: A control, vehicle control, Meloxicam-treated, GSE-treated, and a combina...
Nor Adila Zulkifli1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1*, Zalilawati Mat Rashid1, Zarinah Zakaria1, Norshazila Shahidan2, Lee-Hoon Ho1 and Faridah Yahya3
...ncer-causing substance hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in honey and will reduce the physicochemical and nutritional attributes due to its heat sensitivity. Hence, ultrasound which is a non- thermal processing was chosen as an alternative method to minimize the quality loss during the processing of Kelulut honey. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ultrasound processing on the quality of Kelulut honey. The ultrasound processing was conducted ...

Awang Hazmi Awang-Junaidi1, Yeoh Boon Nie2, Siew Te Wong2, Nur Nabila Sarkawi3, Wafeq Mu’izzadin Khairul Anuar1, Siti Mariam Zainal Ariffin1* 

...ophyte formation, subchondral bone degradation, and joint remodelling. In conclusion, the findings provide valuable insights into the joint health of Bornean sun bear and highlight the importance of proactive measures to mitigate factors contributing to joint degeneration, such as optimizing husbandry practices and providing appropriate environmental enrichment. 


Aimen Raza1, Muhammad Muzamil Ijaz1,2*, Adnan Younis1, Nasir Ahmad Khan3, Ahsan Akram1, M. Abdul Salam khan2 and M. Nadeem4

...mpost 50% showed maximum dry leaf weight (0.09 g). Maximum EC (5.3 dS/m), pH (8.5), N (2.1 %), P (43.3 ppm), and K (285.12 ppm) were observed in T4 coco peat 50% + peat moss 50%. Minimum values regarding most parameters were studied in the control treatment (garden soil) due to poor chemical properties and the low availability of nutrients. 


Muhammad Tahir1, Muhammad Saqib1, Shahbaz ul Haq2, Shahrood Ahmed Siddiqui3,4, Khurram Ashfaq1, Urfa Bin Tahir5, Mughees Aizaz Alvi1*, Shujaat Hussain6, Talha Javaid1, Raheela Taj7, Muneeb Islam8, Imad Khan9, Asad Ullah9* and Shakirullah Khan10 high prevalence in Mundri breed and lowest in Thalli at 40% and 10.96%, respectively. The district wise data showed that Bhakkar has highest prevalence 31.30% and Khanewal showed lowest prevalence 11.40%. Data showed that Non-lactating animals showed high prevalence 35.29% and lactating animals have low prevalence 10.74%. Pregnant and non-pregnant animals have big differences of 10.68% and 38.66% prevalence, respectively. Prevalence rate was high by using t...

Farida Bibi2, Zahin Anjum1*, Imran Khan3, Shaista Ali1 and Rabia Chishti1

... intakes. It will help addressing the major nutritional disorders that are related with the diet of community. The research study was a challenging one as it was an exploratory study it gave an insight both to the cultural relevance of commonly consumed breakfast in Peshawar and its macro-nutrient content.


Farhan Anjum1*, Sheraz Ahmad Khan1, Raees Muhammad2, Yousaf Jamal1, Durrishahwar1, Jawad Ali Shah1 and Hidayat Ullah1*

...atures of three local landraces and one exotic maize variety of yellow genotypes. A Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications was used to evaluate the genotypes. With the exception of days to maturity, there were highly significant differences among the maize genotypes for almost all traits. Genotype ‘Saleem Khan-2’ had the maximum days to tasseling, whereas the ‘Bamkhel-2’ genotype had the shortest. The genotypes ‘...

Safaa El Bialy1*, Nabil Bker2, Hossam Ibrahim3, Saber, A. Saad4, Eman Ali5

...gnificantly (p< 0.05) dropped by 22.06%, TVN levels dropped by 62.55%, and TBA levels dropped by 82.75%. The most significant reduction in biogenic amines was observed in tyramine, which decreased by 89.04%. This was followed by reductions in putrescine, cadaverine, and histamine, respectively, at the end of the experiment using 3% PEO. Regarding the microbiological status, the results ...

Dalia Hamid Mansour1, Mohamed Elshabrawy Ghanem2, Marwa Hassan3, Yousry Ibrahim4, Ibrahim M. Hegab5*

... bacterial count. One hundred and five chicks were divided into 3 groups, Group A, in which chicks (n=35) was vaccinated and taken Biocid® for the entire experimental period (31 days) in both feed and drinking water. Group B, in which chicks (n=35) was vaccinated with no Biocid® supplementation. Group C, in which chicks (n=35) was not vaccinated but taken Biocid® only in feed. Birds were weekly weighted. Ten bird...

Nahed Yehia1*, Rania I. Mohamed2

...ahlia, El-Sharqia, Alexandria, Al-Qalyubia, and El-Gharbia) and tested using Real-Time Reverse Transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) by specific primers detect avian influenza type A and H9 typing. The nine samples selected represent different governorates for sequencing the HA gene. Also, the pathogenicity of the virus was positive experimentally in specific pathogen-free (SPF) chicks. In this research, the prevalence was 45% (18 out of 40 farms) w...

Ali Bain*, Musriah, La Ode Nafiu, La Ode Muh. Munadi, La Ode Muhsafaat, Nur Santy Asminaya, Astriana Napirah, Widhi Kurniawan, Fuji Astuty Auza, Deki Zulkarnain 

... nutrient digestibility (dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), crude fiber digestibility (CFD) and crude protein digestibility (CPD)). The results showed that fermented corn cob-based rations supplemented with CaS-soybean oil at different levels significantly (P<0.01) affected fermentation characteristics and ration nutrient digestibility. The different levels of CaS-soybean oil (1.5%-4.5%) produced optimal fermentation charact...

Nguyen Hoang Qui*, Nguyen Thuy Linh 

... into the animals’ drinking water. The highest weights for carcass, breast, and thigh were observed in the 0.8% FG treatment, while the 0.6% FG treatment resulted in the highest weights for liver and small intestine (p < 0.05). There was no significant effect of FG on the carcass quality or blood lipid markers (p > 0.05). The addition of a 0.8% fermented grain (FG) improved the carcass quality of turkey broilers, without negatively affecting the bl...

Mona F. Shousha1*, Aml M. Ragab2 and Salwa M. Helmy1

...ce and the emerging multidrug-resistant strains. As a result, this study determined the patterns of antibiotic resistance in Salmonella spp., which was isolated from sick broilers from different farms in Egypt. Then, we investigated the presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes in Salmonella isolates. First, 800 internal organs (heart, liver, intestine, and yolk sac) were collected from 200 infected broilers ...

Abdul Zahir1*, Asad Ullah1, Yonis Gulzar2*, Mohammad Shuaib Mir2, Abdus Salaam3 and Arjumand Bano Soomro2

..., however, it fails to address socio-economic and political inequities in the study districts of KP province. This research further recommended that policymakers may enhance the equality and fairness in irrigation water distribution, strengthen the complaint mechanism by making it more transparent and time-bound. It may also involve the farmers in the water distribution system to reduce the chance of inequality in irrigation water distribution.


Arshad Iqbal1, Shahid Javed Butt1, Zia Ul Haq2*, Ismara Naseem3, Qaisar Ali Khan4 and Muhammad Sajid1

..."text-align: justify;">Hydroponics is an innovative off-season vegetable/fruit production technique, especially for water-scarce, urban environments, and uneven weather conditions. Such types of weather conditions decrease the shelf-life of hydroponically grown fruit. Almost 30-40% postharvest losses were recorded for fruits and vegetables. This economic loss imposes growers for the adoption of suitable packing materials. Th...

Nesreen Z. Eleiwa1, Radwa A. Lela2, Eman K. Fathalla2 capacity, and reduced drip and cooking losses compared to 1% water Kefir and the control one. In conclusion, Water Kefir was preferred to be used in the fermented sausage as it not only enriched the flavor and texture of the sausages but also decreased total bacterial, total psychrotrophic, and total mycotic counts, enhanced the physicochemical characteristics, sensory qualities, and overall standard of the sausages.

Naglaa A. El-Taib1*, Asmaa T. Talayea2, Hanan R. Ghanayem3

...effect of chlorine and hydrogen peroxide as common chemical sanitizers on inducing E. coli O157 into a VBNC state. The results showed that after 30 minutes of treatment with 200, 100, or 50 ppm chlorine, the numbers of culturable E. coli significance P<0.05 dropped (100%) from 6.93±0.04 log10 CFU/mL to less than 1 CFU/mL (0.0%). However, after 48 hours of resuscitation using sodium pyruvate as nourished media, the ...

Amal Mahmood Alwan1*, Thekra Atta Ibrahim1, Ghalib Idrees Atiya Ali2 rat animal model. The drug is previously known to impact the histological structure of the kidneys of male rats, however, mechanistic insights remained unknown. To investigate generic impact of the drug in animals, 15 adult male rats were randomly divided into two groups. The control group consisted of 5 rats, while the treatment group was divided into two subgroups, each consisting of 5 rats. Diabetes condition was induc...

Budi Guntoro1*, Nguyen Hoang Qui1,2, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra1, Nguyen Thi Anh Thu1,2 and Nguyen Van Vui2

... social influence, and addressing economic factors related to investment costs and benefits.

Khaled A. El-Dougdoug1, Wael S. El-Araby2* and Rehab, A. Dawoud3
... to their application to drug administration, are discussed. The utilize of VLPs for drug delivery in model systems is discussed, and various examples of its effectiveness are highlighted.

Soumia Ed-Day1*, Meryam Laanaya1, Chaimae El Kourchi3, Radia Elgui1, Fatima Ezzahra Kacimi2, Latifa Didou1, Samira Boulbaroud2, Hicham Harhar3, Fatima-Zahra Azzaoui1

...aromatic flavor and have drawn interest due to their possible therapeutic applications in illness prevention and treatment. This study aims to determine the acute oral toxicity of the ethanolic extract obtained from Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi fruits and assess the impact of the berries extract on behavioral patterns in Wistar rats. Methods: 48 adult female Wistar rats were divided into six groups (n=8) and administered orally (by gavage) the following dose...

Manar Mousa Alhussein*, Eman Faisal Albghdady

...ell as a non-significant drop in total weight. Histologically, the epididymis tubules showed a significant decrease in diameter; the lumen was empty of sperm; there was an increase in epithelial height; hyperplastic epithelia; and an appearance of cribriform forms with infiltration of inflammatory cells. Also, treated rats in G2 exhibited significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower blood testosterone and higher estradiol levels. This study concluded that rats exposed to...

Efe Peterson Irikefe-Ekeke1, Oghenebrorhie Obakanurhe1*, Adimabua Mike Moemeka1, UfuomaGodstime Sorhue2, Ifeoma Jane Onwumelu1, Ifo Alex Amata2

...ns was conducted. One hundred and twenty-six composite breeds of weaned rabbits of both sexes were randomly divided into seven groups. This was replicated thrice with six rabbits per replicate and was assigned to 7 diets in a completely randomized arrangement. The diets involved three levels of organic chromium (0.02, 0.04 and 0.06g/kg diet) and three inorganic chromium levels (0.02, 0.04 and 0.06g/kg diet), and the treatment without chromium was the control i...

Mujahid Ali1*, Malik Muhammad Akram2, Emily Silverman3, Asif Iqbal1, Muhammad Mohsan1, Haseeb Ahsan4

.... The country requires hydrogeological surveys, applied water management research for identification, evaluation, pilot testing, and demonstration of water management interventions, and practical training of stakeholders for successful pilot testing of new technologies, and sustainable practices. There is an urgent need to educate the public and develop infrastructure for better water management because of the increasing water insecurity in agriculture, low wa...

Mostafa R. Zaher1,2*, Amir A. Shehata1, Azza M. El Amir2, Naglaa M. Hagag1, Reham H. Tammam3**

...ghting their properties, drawbacks, and recent advancements. Besides, the use of adjuvants and delivery systems to boost vaccine performance was also reviewed. Furthermore, we explore state-of-the-art methodologies such as exosome-based vaccines, cell-free protein synthesis systems, self-amplifying RNA vaccines, and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and computational biology in vaccine design. These methodologies may offer solutions for the chall...

Dheyaa Ali Aljuhaishi*, Firas Hussain Kadim Albawi 

... 200mg/kg orally through drinking water. In the group G3, chickens were orally inoculated with E. coli at a dose of 0.5 ml containing 7.5x106 CFU/ml and were treated with both combination bacteriophage 3.2×108PFU/g with feeding and enrofloxacin 100mg/kg and neomycin 200mg/kg orally through drinking water. The G4 acted as control group, where chickens were orally inoculated with E. coli at a dose of 0.5 ml containing 7....

Y. Eid1, S. Abo El-Sood1, A. Fawzi1, W.A. Morsy2* and H. Mehany3

...blood parameters. One hundred and twenty APRI line rabbits, with an average live body weight of 914.4±12.35 g and an age of 6 weeks, were divided and randomly assigned into four experimental groups, each with 30 rabbits. Four experimental diets were formulated containing 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% fish oil, respectively. The results indicated that rabbits fed diets containing 1.0 and 1.5% fish oil had the highest final body weight, whereas those fed the cont...

Qamar Ullah1,2, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan1*, Raheela Akhtar1 and Aftab Ahmad Anjum3

...s milk, meat, hides, and draught power and gives a significant share to the agricultural economy of the globe. The river buffalo and the swamp buffalo are two distinct types of water buffalo that are present in different places of the world. River buffalo have been preferred for their superior ability of milk production. Mastitis is among the topmost health concerns of farm animals, causing massive financial damage to the agro-livestock sector globally. A tota...

Tarek M. Mousa-Balabel1*, Ebrahim M. Farg2 and Abobakr A. Elkot1 behavior (feeding and drinking time) was improved in the concrete floor group. On the other hand, the longest and shortest resting duration of the calves after feeding belonged to the rubber mat and straw bedding. However, bedding substrates had no effect on hemato-biochemical blood parameters except for oesinophils and neutrophils. It could be concluded that the concrete floor substrate was excellent in terms of growth performance and the behavior of calve...

Nguyen Ba Trung1,2*, Pham Thi Kim Phuong1,2

...ide sequences of mitochondrial DNA and the SRY gene on the Y chromosome, as well as performed genotyping of the DGAT1, NCAPG, and RNF212 genes related to economically important traits such as milk yield, carcass weight, and fertility within the Vang cattle population. The analysis of the mitochondrial DNA sequences indicated that the Vang cattle carry the Bos indicus type I1 haplotype, which implies a significant level of ge...

Syarifah Nurul Waqiah1, Ratmawati Malaka2*, Ambo Ako2, Sadam Suliman Mohamed Yousof3, Hanif Uzwa Hasanah Sudirman4

...f wound area (cm), wound drying time (days), wound healing time (days), the content of saponins (exist/not exist), tannins (%), flavonoids (ppm), and pH on herbal sprays. The results revealed that the measurement of wound area in dairy cattle after herbal sprays at P0=0.66 cm, P1=2.22 cm, P2=0.06 cm, and P3=0.00 cm; wound drying time was faster at P0=11 days, P1=9 days, P2=8 days, and P3=5 days; and significantly faster woun...

Mohamed A. Omar, Fardos A.M. Hassan, Sara E. Shahin, Marwa El-Shahat*

...vity except Cairo, Alexandria, Port- said, Gharbia, Menofia, Behira, Sohag, Qana and Aswan.
Keywords: Technical efficiency, Total factor productivity, Scale efficiency, DEA, Dairy

Eman Wahsh1, Tarek M Ibrahim2, Mirna E. ElAwady3* to explore anxiolytic drugs that are devoid of the addicting properties. The cardiovascular drugs, calcium channel-blocker (CCB), nifedipine, and beta-blocker, propranolol, are currently investigated for their possible anxiolytic effects. Anxiolytic properties of CCBs are attributed to inhibition of brain calcium transportation. Propranolol reduces the physical signs of anxiety by blocking adr

Wan Nurfarzana Wan Mohamad Zani1, Norrizah Jaafar Sidik1*, Asmah Awal2, Nurul Izzati Osman3, Lyena Watty Zuraine Ahmad1 and Mohd Khairi Nordin4

...text-align: justify;">Dendrocalamus asper, a tropical bamboo variety renowned for its economic significance across industries like food, construction, and handicrafts, is presently a surge in demand for large-scale propagation and sustained supply. Traditional propagation methods are inconvenient and time-intensive. As an alternative, micropropagation techniques are opted to overcome these challenges. This research aimed to develop a micropropagation protocol ...

Rehmat Ullah, Riaz Ahmed*, Muhammad Tahir, Abdul Majid Nasir and Mushtaq Muhammad

...edit emerges as a potent driver that significantly boosted the production of food crops, cash crops, pulses, and oilseeds during the study period. A 10 percent increase in small-scale farm credit resulted in substantial production gains ranging from 1.44 to 5.98 percent across these crops. Medium-scale farm credit also exhibited a positive association, notably enhancing yields of food crops, cash crops, and oilseeds by 2.61, 7.49, and 3.61 percent respectively...

Mahmoud Saber1, Sabry A. Mousa2, Hisham A. Abdelrahman3, Eman Rashad4, Ramadan Sary5, Meray N. Ramsis5* pillars. Due to their dramatic drawbacks, it is not recommended to administer DOSS as a surfactant for treating bloat or to apply defaunation using SLS in fattening ruminants, to maintain sustainable production in goat’s flocks.
Keywords | Goats, Rumen ciliates, Rumen papillae, Bodyweight, Defaunation, Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate, Sodium lauryl sulphate

Nguyen Thi Hanh Chi1,2, Ho Xuan Nghiep1,2, Tran Trung Tuan1,2, Nguyen Binh Truong1,2*

...resh elephant grass. The dry matter consumption per body weight showed a tendency towards a decrease in Ma.C.U (3.11%) and Ma.C treatments (3.11%) than in BrR.C.U (3.31%) and BrR.C (3.25%) treatments. Crude protein digestibility (%) of BrR.C.U was similar to Ma.C.U (P>0.05), but it was higher than (P<0.05) BrR.C and Ma.C (78.0, 78.7, 67.4 and 68.2, respectively). Across treatments, nitrogen retention (g/animal/day) differed (P<0.05). Treatments were 4...

Nuttanun Leamkrajang, Somkiert Prasanpanich, K. Teepalak Rangubhet, Phongthorn Kongmun*

...: 100:0 and 70:30, using dry leucaena leaves as the source of roughage. The kinetic values of fermentation, gas production, and IVDMD showed significant differences across treatments (p<0.05). The swamp buffalo and the 70:30 ratio exhibited the greatest gas production and IVDMD, while beef cattle followed, and goats produced the least (p=0.004, p<0.001, p=0.001). The swamp buffalo and the 70:30 ratio exhibited the highest concentration of ammonia nitroge...

Bounthan Sounyvong1, Yohan Lee2 and Eun-Jae Lee3*

...practices contributed to dramatically converting the structure of forests. Coverage of overstory, midstory, and ground vegetation, number of tree stems, woody seedlings, snags, and volume of coarse woody debris all had significant differences among study sites. We captured 456 individual small rodents during the dry and rainy seasons. The mean number of small rodents captured in primary forests was significantly higher than ...

Kamal Ahmed El-Shazly1, Amira Abd El-Latif1, Nagwa Elhawary2, Asmaa F. Alswaf1, Foad Farrag3, Samy Sayed4, Mohamed El-Sharnouby5 and Mustafa Shukry6*

... divided randomly one hundred broiler chicks at 15th-day old into equal five groups (20 each). kept G1 as control negative; G2, non-treated infected; G3, infected treated with cashew oil (1.5ml/liter drinking water); G4, infected treated with toltrazuril (2.5ml/liter drinking water); G5, infected treated with a mixture of cashew oil at a dose of 1ml and toltrazuril 1.25ml/liter

Moh Sofi’ul Anam1, Ali Agus1, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto1, Gunawan2, Andriyani Astuti1*

...45 mg/kg and 60 mg/kg of dry matter (DM), respectively, based on our previous studies. The selenium and zinc were provided in organic chelated-methionine forms. The experimental feeding lasted for 49 days. Blood samples were drawn from each cow at the trial’s conclusion and placed in tubes containing anticoagulants. Whole blood was used for haematological analysis with a haematology analyzer. Additional samples were co...

Heni Suryani1, Sri Novianti2*, Fatati2, Jul Andayani2, Saitul Fakhri2, Muhammad Ambar Islahudin3

...%, 1.5%, and 2% based on dry matter (DM). One gram of feed substrate, supplemented with binahong extract, was incubated in buffered rumen fluid at 390C for 48 hours in a 120 ml serum bottle. Gas production was measured at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, and 48 hours. Rumen fluid was also collected to calculate the population of protozoa at 4, 24 and 48 hours. After incubation, the residue was used for determining dr

Nbaa Mutea Abid AL-Alh1, Nuha Hatem Khalaf1, Nagam Khudhair1*, Ahmed Khalid2

...Z) remains a widely used drug in psychiatric practice today. The aim of this study is to investigate the protective role of ethanolic costus root extracr in CPZ-induced functional and histological changes in rats’ liver. The study was carried out on 30 male albino rats, 12-14 weeks old. The Rats were divided into 5 groups, G1 control negative received distilled water 2 ml. CPZ was administered orally at dose 2 mg/kg of body weight. The rats dosed CPZ wer...

Mahmoud Ezzat1, Fatma Youssef2, Ahmed Eid1, Marwa E. Abo Hashem1*

...rythromycin (100%). Multidrug-resistance (MDR) was detected in SEP, STP, STH by 100%, 80% and 50%, respectively. invA, stn genes were detected by 100% in all serovars. ermB was detected in SEP, STH and STP by 100%, 100% and 80% respectively. aadB gene was detected in SEP, STP and STH by 100%, 80% and 50%, respectively. stn sequencing revealed similarity between S. Typhimurium of human and ...

Shaza N. Alkhatib1, Rasha M. Ghoneim2, Hend M. Tag2,3, Hekmat M. Tantawy2, Heba M.A. Abdelrazek4*

...nth of their dietary withdrawal on the same parameters. Therefore, forty-two female Albino rats were subjected to ovariectomy then divided into six groups. Experiment I: 3 groups (7 each); group A, served as control, received based casein diet, group B, fed low dietary soy (6.6%) for one month, and group C, fed high dietary soy (26.41%) for one month. Experiment II: Group D, control group (WC), rats were given based casein diet for two months, group E with

Azza Mohamed Morsi Fahd1*, Al-Sadik K Saleem2, Mohamed Y Ibrahim2, Azhar F. Abdel Fattah2, Gehad R. Donia1

...r, feeding behaviour and drinking behaviour compared with Second Group that flies for long distance, While growth performance was higher in the First Group (715.90 ±0.68) than the Second Group (615.26±0.79), a full soft rounded crop filled test showed that the First Group was more active than the Second Group. It was concluded that transportation has a significant impact on the growth performance, behaviour and welfare of turkey pullets.
Abrar ul Haq1, Shusheng Yin2, Amara Maryam1, Muhammad Khan1*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Muhammad Akhtar Ali3, Muhammad Irfan4, Muhammad Faisal Maqbool1 and Yongming Li2*
...binding domain through hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions with various amino acid residues of STAT3. Using immunoblotting, we found that lathyrol did not inhibit STAT3 phosphorylation and dimerization. Moreover, we showed that lathyrol induces apoptosis as evident from a remarkably increased expression of cleaved caspase-3 in all four cancer cell lines. Taken together, our findings suggest that lathyrol is a poten...

Muhammad Ahsan Raza1,2*, Nabila Roohi2, Abdul Qayyum Khan Sulehria3 and Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan4

...d heavy metals generally drive the population dynamics of rotifers during the whole year cycle. Findings of this study suggested that rotifer fauna could be a robust bioindicator of water quality in aquatic ecosystem.


Ye-Ling Lao, Jin-Long Huang, Cheng-He Sun, Xiao-Ying Huang, Ting Wu and Qun Zhang*

...nces in complete mitochondrial genome determination, researchers have published the mitogenomes of many New World cichlids. However, few phylogenetic analyses of New World cichlids have been conducted. In this study, we determined the complete mitogenome of Mikrogeophagus altispinosus. After sequencing with the Illumina HiSeq 4000 platform, SPAdes v3.10.1 was used for assembly, and MITOS2 and MitoFish were used for annotation. We then successfully annotated th...

Kai Wang, Weifeng Xu, Pengyuan Dai and Chunmei Li*

...malondialdehyde (MDA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superoxide dismutase (T-SOD), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Meanwhile, the mRNA expression of HO-1 and NQO1 in liver tissue was also not significantly different. These results indicate that PNP may damage liver tissue through oxidative stress. Arg may improve growth performance and attenuate PNP-induced liver inflammation in healthy animals, but not by reducing oxidative le...

Shibao Guo1, Junhua Chen1, Nan Song2, Fangmei Zhang1*

...y;">The complete mitochondrial genome of Sphaeniscus atilius was characterized and annotated in this study. The mitogenome was 16,854 bp in length and encoded 37 typical mitochondrial genes, including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and 1 control regions. The total length of the 13 PCGs was 11,140 bp, and the AT content was 79.8%. There were five types of start codons, ATT (nad2, nad3, nad5, an...

Sehar Aslam1, Muhammad Qasim1*, Mohsin Khurshid2*, Usman Ali Ashfaq1 and Muhammad Akhtar Ali3

...ould be used in food and drugs to treat various diseases.


Wen Xiong1, Yifan Huang1, Yue Liu1, Shuyin Li2* and Baoqiang Wang3*

...creased quickly due to hydrological disconnected, overfishing, and non-native species. In order to protect freshwater fish biodiversity and fisheries in Honghu Lake, some measures including establishment of protect area, artificial propagation and artificial releasing and fishing ban, were implemented in Honghu Lake. We hope that this study should provide more management recommendations that will be useful for freshwater fish biodiversity conservation and fish...

Zuhaib Nishtar1, Wang Fangzong1,  Nan Yang1 and Jamil Afzal2*

...uding solar, wind, and hydropower will experience rapid growth, leading the China to a greener and more sustainable energy future. At the same time, preventative actions are taken to lessen the impact of habitat loss, protect vital ecosystems, and keep biodiversity from dwindling. In addition, the article explores the potential approaches, regulations, and technological advancements that can facilitate the successful integration of renewable energy and wildlif...

Sadaf Aman1, Yung Fu Chang2, Javed Iqbal Qazi1*, Rahman Ullah3* and Farah Aman4, all the aquaria were dried for 3 days. One eighty hundred and eighty fish (Labeo rohita) were stocked in 9 aquaria. Twenty fishes were kept in each group. Before stocking, the fish was treated with KMnO4. In treatment 1 (T1) fish were fed with canola meal along with Lactobacillus rhamnosus (NR-113332.1). In treatment 2 (T2) fish were fed with corn gluten meal along with Lactobacillus rhamnosus. The fish were fed at the r...

Ho-Kyoung Bae, Jae-Kang Lee, Tae-Kyung Eom, Dong-Ho Lee, Hyeongyu Ko, Joo-Hee Kim, Sung-Hyun Ahn and Shin-Jae Rhim*

...ould be considered and addressed by forest managers.

Roshita Ibrahim1*, Mohd Firza Ahmad Fauzi1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
...ent trend favours health drinks that incorporate herbs and solid components such as aloe vera pieces, grass jelly, fruit jellies, and tapioca balls. These drinks typically sweetened, which contribute to increased calorie intake. This study explores the use of black jelly mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae) with its gel-like texture in producing healthy drinks, aiming to diversify ...
Rukayat Omolara Folarin1,2, Nurhadirah Hairil1, Nurafiqah Anis Ismail1, Putri Athirah Zamrifana1, Lina Nadhirah Abdullah1, Muhammad Afiq Zabhin1, Ariff Imran Alkaf1, Farrah Izzuanie Zainudin1, Hanisah Basir1, Asmad Kari1, Enike Dwi Kusumawati3, I Wayan Karyasa4 and Connie Fay Komilus1*
... line-height: normal;">Hydroponic wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum Linn) production is an alternative to conventional planting, providing a constant supply of green fodder for livestock year-round. It involves growing plants without soil in water or a nutrient-rich solution in a greenhouse. All parts of the hydroponic fodder (leaves, stems, roots, and grain) are fed to livestock by the farmers. This experiment aimed to i...
Mat Zin Ain-Auzureen1, Maizan Mohamed1, Tan Li Peng1, Mohd Faizal Ghazali2, Choong Siew Shean1, Kamaruddin Mardhiah3, Najiah Musa4, Nora Faten Afifah Mohamad5, Chai Min Hian2 and Ruhil Hayati Hamdan1*
...dex scores between (multidrug resistance index) MARi and multi-virulence gene indexes (MVGi) were compared using the Mann-Whitney test. Total of 26 (7.2%) isolates out of 360 organ samples were determined as V. alginolyticus. The observation of external lesions was haemorrhagic eyes, pale skin, detachable scales, pale liver and enlarged spleen. Twenty-six isolates of V. alginolyticus were containing chiA (100%) and 96% of colA genes...
Norsyasya Shari1, Nur Nabilah Husin1, Zalilawati Mat Rasid1, Maaruf Abdul Ghani2 and Noroul Asyikeen Zulkifli1*
...t: normal;">Coconut milk drink (CMD) is plant-based milk that has been formulated into ready-to-drink beverage in response to the changing lifestyles and the growing health concerns among people nowadays, which influenced people towards choosing dairy product alternatives. The aim of the research was to ascertain the physico-chemical, nutritional properties and sensory characteristics of formulated CMD. Formulated CMD contai...

Masoumeh Younesabadi1*, Parviz Sharifi Ziveh2 and Sepideh Hatami3

...after treatment and weed dry weight was measured before soybean harvesting. Data were analysed with SAS 9.2 and means comparison was done by LSD at p=0.05. Based on the results, the highest weed control efficiency (WCE) and weed control index (WCI), after hand weeding treatment (weed free), was observed in 45 and 60 g ha-1 of thifensulfuron-methyl in Golestan and Ardabil. In West Azarbaijan, similar results were observed for all weeds except Xanthium struamari...

Shireen Ali Hasan1*, Ahlam A. Al-Rikaby2, Maitham Ali Al-Rikaby3  

...ety of food products and drugs that are consumed by about 70% of the population. The present work carried out to assess whether the daily administration of ASP induced alteration in body weight and biochemical indices in male rabbits. Eighteen rabbits were used and distributed randomly into three groups, group one considered as control which was administered 1ml of distilled water orally, group two was administered 40mg/kg of aspartame orally, group three was ...

Eslam Arafa1,2, Hanan M.F. Abdien1*, Mohamed Ali Zain El-Abideen3, Emad Diab2,4, Mahmoud Assad2,5, Mohamed Tarek3, Mohsen M.Z. El-Dimerdash1, Wael K. Elfeil1

...e of running-stunting syndrome (RSS) and viral arthritis cases attributed to a novel strain of variant avian reovirus (ARV) that could bypass the protection conferred by traditional vaccines. Consequently, our study focused on identifying and characterizing the circulating ARV strain among various broiler flocks in Egypt. Out of 73 suspected reovirus examined samples, 23% tested positive for reovirus PCR at a fragment of 1088 base pairs using primers P1 and P4...

Bassant Mahmoud Emam1, Jehan Abd Elrazek Hassanen1, Abeer Gaffer Ali Hassan3, Azza Mahmoud Abdullah1, Hadeer Said Aboelnaga2, Amina Ali Dessouki2*

...established antidiabetic drugs in the pharmaceutical sector like Dapagliflozin (DAPA). However, medicinal plant remedies, e.g., Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), are efficiently utilized for DM treatment with low side effects. Accordingly, the study aimed to compare the effects of DAPA and Fenugreek seeds powder (FSP) or extract (FSE) on hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and hepatic alterations of streptozotocin (STZ)-provoked DM rats. Here, DM was triggered b...

El-Sayed I. Hassanein1, Abdallah E. Metwally1, Hossam Eldin M. Abd Elbaky1*, Walaa Fathy Saad Eldin2

...<0.05) improvement in dressing % and carcass attributes. The breast muscle of broilers fed linseed oil had considerably (P<0.05) greater values of poly unsaturated fatty acids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids than that of the control groups. Additionally, there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the amounts of triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, and TAC. Nevertheless, consuming meals containing linseed oil led to a significant (P<0.05) in...

Anisa Aprilia*, Syafrial, Djoko Koestiono, Fitria Dina Riana and Silvana Maulidah 

...s that can effectively address the challenges inherent in the agro-food industry. This review also provides a concise overview of intervention strategies to address disruptions in sustainable agro-food supply chains. These strategies include enhancing natural farming techniques, optimizing fertilizer management, improving food waste management among consumers, and implementing more efficient management practices for clean wa...

Rand Kamil Abbas, Zahra Sadoon Hadi*, Ahmad Hassan Sahib 

...PCV concentrations while dramatically increasing WBC with no discernible effect on RBCs. On the other hand, garlic possessed beneficial effects on blood parameters and bird health. Gross clinical changes include yellowish white caseous necrotic haemorrhagic lesions in the upper digestive system, starting from the oral cavity, and also present in the liver. Histopathologically, there was an infiltration of large number of mononuclear inflammatory cells in the t...

Humaira1, Afsana Huseynova Anvar2, Shaukat Ali3, Marcelo Franco4, Muhammad Irfan1*

...tabolic activities. To address these challenges, cell-free approaches developed as promising platform to proceed towards sustainable bio-manufacturing through the development of self-sustaining, constantly operating systems employing renewable biomass to yield higher concentrations and productivity of extended-range of products. To-date established cell-free systems including extract-based and purified enzyme-based cell-free technologies have been widely explo...

Abid Hussain1*, Bilal Khan Yousafzai1 and Muhammad Ishaq2

...focuses on women and children under the age of five. This study is an attempt to cover geographical location wise determination of the dietary diversity in Pakistan. Changes in monthly per capita consumption of high value agricultural commodities from year 2013-14 to 2018-19 has also been determined. The findings of the study are important to suggest recommendations for food dietary improvement in the country. These can be used to develop policies and programs...
Syed Zeeshan Ahmed Naqvi1, Aftab Khan1*, Abdul Majid2, Tahir Javed1 and Muhammad Huzaifa1 
...nce decision-making, and drive innovation. From predicting demand patterns in the hospitality sector to optimizing manufacturing processes through predictive maintenance, machine learning has demonstrated its capacity to deliver tangible benefits. Furthermore, the review discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating machine learning into these sectors, addressing issues related to data privacy, scala...

Mahisba Waris1, Muhammad Azim Khan2*, Muhammad Fawad1*, Nabeela Jafer1, Rashid Hussain3 and Haseeb Ahmad3

...a grinder and 50grams of dried leaves powder was added with 500 milliliters of distilled water in a beaker. Subsequently, the mixture was passed through muslin cloth and various concentration was prepared (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). Statistical analysis of data reveal that various concentration of moringa aqueous extract significantly affected germination indices of okra seeds with highest germination (93.3%), followed by germination energy (93.3%), germination...
Khalid Abdullah1, Muhammad Mamoon-ur-Rashid2*, Muhammad Safdar Baloch3, Iqtidar Hussain3, Zuhair Hasnain4 and Muhammad Naeem2
...e percent infestation in dropped and harvested fruits. The neem oil at 5% and 3% concentrations was found effective for controlling fruit flies. Pheromone traps lured with Methyl Eugenol in combination with intermittent food bait comprising of protein hydrolysate resulted in 86.48 and 94.18% reduction in fruit fly population in dropped and harvested fruits in first picking 87.5 and 89.2% i...

Saiqa Jehan1*, Tahir Sarwar1, Naveedullah1, Shahzad Khan Khattak2 and M. Jamal Khan3 

...d glacier melt. However, dry periods has increased by 2-3 weeks according to majority of the respondents. All the respondents mentioned that the temperature has changed of the area in the last 25 years, which has resulted in GLOF (Glacial Lake Outburst Floods). Most of the respondents reported that they have experienced the disasters (such as flash floods, drought, GLOF, landslides and windstorms) in the last 25 years. Accor...

Muhammad Noman Tariq1, Saeed Ahmed*1, Ghazanfar Ali Chishti1, Muhammad Shahbaz Zafar1, Muhammad Saadullah2, Muhammad Usman1, Mohsin Ali1 and Ghulam Qadir1

...e effect of Cysteamine Hydrochloride (CSH) Supplementation on nutrients digestibility in Beetal bucks. The CSH is a feed additive that increases the baseline growth hormone level by decreasing the somatostatin level. A total of Twenty-four Beetal bucks, aged 12±1 months, with an average body weight of 30±5 kg, were selected and distributed among 04 treatments in a completely randomized design under 2 × 2 factorial arrangements...

Saima Bibi* and Nazir Ahmad

...and 10% concentrate on a dry matter basis. Five Plant-derived phenolic compounds and commercial tannic acid at concentration of 1.5%, 3.0% and 4.5% were used. The phenolic extracts were prepared by treating plants in hot water, allowing biological activity at room temperature and then filtering. These extracts were then applied to berseem fodder to assess changes in nutrient composition. The treatment decreased neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fib...

Hussain Shah1, Ali Hazrat2*, Ateef Ullah1, Hafsa Razzaq3, Shabir Ahmad1, Muhammad Yahya2, Muhammad Abdullah1, Sahar Nasim2, Waqar Ahmad2, Muhammad Junaid1 and Gul Rahim2

...d number per pod, and hundred seed weight compared to other alternatives. The result showed that among the eleven different high-yielding pea varieties, the PL-8 variety recognized a significantly higher yield than the rest.


Arshad Javaid1*, Freeha Anjum1, Aneela Anwar2, Mahrukh Asif1, Sadia Ahmad1 and Malik F.H. Ferdosi3

...hore, Pakistan and shade dried. The dried and crushed roots were extracted in methanol for two weeks and the effect of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% concentrations of the extract was checked in vitro against P. oryzae using malt extract broth as a growth medium. All the applied concentrations of the extract exhibited significant antifungal activity and declined P. oryzae biomass by 45–56% over control. The extract was analyzed by ...
Arbab Waseem Abbas1*, Waseem Ullah Khan1, Huda Nauman1, Khalid Saeed2 and Syed Mujtaba Abbas Zaidi3
...individual characters, addressing a critical challenge in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for this language. Pashto, a right-to-left, highly cursive language similar to Arabic and Urdu, poses unique segmentation difficulties due to the variable shapes and forms of its characters depending on their position in a word. The segmentation of Pashto characters remains an underdeveloped area in language processing, significantly hindering OCR performance. To tack...

Muhammad Waqas1*, Razia Bashir1, Haroon Ali2, Arslan Shahzad1 and Tehmina Saddique3

...-inspired solutions in addressing the complex challenges of energy security and environmental degradation. By harnessing the potential of Spirogyra microalgae for biodiesel production, it offers a pathway towards sustainable energy production and environmental conservation.

Muhammad Safdar1*, Muhammad Younus2, Faiz-ul Hassan1 and Yasmeen Junejo3
...fragments of the mitochondrial COX1 (donkey; 184 bp), 12S rRNA (cow; 271 bp), and ATPase subunit 6and8 genes (pork; 459 bp), respectively, as well as universal 18S rRNA primers that amplify a 99 bp fragment. The detection limit of the assay was 0.005% for each species. In conclusion, this PCR assay is a simple, rapid, sensitive, precise, and economical method to identify donkey, pork, and cow species in commercial food samples.


Jiaojiao Wang, Peng Pan, Tingting Wu and Jianhua Hou*

...dicate that the vehicles driving on the airfield lawn disturbed the insects in the lawn layer, causing the insects inhabiting the lawn layer to fly up, resulting in a significant increase in the number of insects in the space above the lawn layer, which in turn attracted barn swallows to feed and form flocks. This study provides direct evidence for the phenomenon that airport environments attract foraging birds. Therefore, to prevent bird strikes at airports, ...

Jian Bai1, Xiyuan Dong1, Longjie Gu2, Jianhua Wang3 and Chen Gong3*

...s/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and erectile dysfunction (ED) eventually show increased sympathetic tension. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effects of serum Immunoglobulin G (IgG) on secreted norepinephrine (NE) amounts and norepinephrine transporter (NET) expression in sympathetic neurons. The purified serum IgG from the patient group Control, CP/CPPS+ED, CP/CPPS and ED was administered to ...

Hind Abdulzahra Abdulkadhim Alshaibani1*, Abdul Jaleel Aziz Karim Alqaraghli2, Mohammed Azeez Yasir Alzaidi3 

...lineate the causation of dropping animal productivity. 


Nuning Nur Laila1, Abdul Manab1, Hari Dwi Utami1, Retno Budi Lestari2, Lilik Eka Radiati1*

... justify;">The making of dried Gouda cheese products is needed to increase the economic value and prolong the shelf life of the Gouda cheese without reducing its nutrient value. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical quality of the dried Gouda cheese produced by different drying methods and drying times. The 2 x 2 factorial completely randomi...

Faheen Riaz1, Sarfraz Mehmmod1, Aatka Jamil1, Khansa Jamil1, Imran Riaz Malik2, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1* and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

...tions. Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase is a mitochondrial enzyme that is produced using instructions from the CYP11B1 gene. In cattle, it facilitates the conversion of 11-deoxy-cortisol to cortisol and 11-deoxycorticosterone to corticosterone. The protein produced by the bovine CYP11B1 gene, which has nine exons and eight introns and is located on BTA14q12, is linked to the mitochondrial epith...

Abdullah Khazal Mohsen1, Sura Emad Jassim2, Tania T. Alaridhi3, Amran M. Al-Erjan4, Qais R. Lahhob5*, Mustafa Mudhafar6,7 

Muhammad Saleem Chang1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Bakhat-un-Nisa Mangan1, Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2 and Siraj Ahmed Channa

... 3.67, 2.00 and 2.10 g), dry biomass (2.73, 1.23, 1.00 and 1.28 g), vigour index (699, 310, 514 and 519) and moisture content (29.42, 37.29, 34.18 and 32.29 %). Hence, the overall findings suggested that the sole application of Sorghum extract @ 40 ml kg-1 soil exerted a higher phytotoxic potential and significantly suppressed the germination and seedling growth of all tested weeds as compared to control. Therefore, it is recommended the use of sorghum water e...

Trang Nguyen Phan*, Loc Bao Nguyen, Thi Anh Ngoc Tong

...8% of LAB exhibited multidrug-resistant strains with various resistance patterns. Moreover, 14 of 18 LAB isolates with a multiple antibiotic resistance index above the threshold limit (0.2) indicated potential risks associated with using these strains. Furthermore, molecular identification at the species level by 16 S rRNA sequencing revealed that selected LAB isolates belonged to the species Pediococcus pentosaceus, Limosilactobacillus fermentum, Lactiplantib...

Muhammad Abdul Basit1, Lionel Kinkpe1,3*, Abdur Rahman1, Boko Michel Orounladji2, Hafiz Qadeer Ahmed3, Muhammad Subbayyal Akram4, Elodie Dimon5, Gadah Albasher6, Syed Muhammad Suhail1  

... The findings not only address local challenges but also offer insights that could be valuable for improving goat production systems globally. 


Mohammed Jawad Kadhim*, Qasim Jawad Amer

...ople and animals. One hundred samples were taken from humans and one hundred from cattle around the province, for a grand total of 200 fecal samples. PCR and microscopy were performed to assess the genetics and diversity of the Entamoeba histolytica. The ITS1 region of the parasite’s small subunit rRNA gene was amplified using a PCR. in conjunction with microscopy. The microscopy results revealed the existence of paras...

Sulake Fadhil Al-Zubaidi1*, Khawla A. Hussain2, Abdulamir A. Alzahid3

...s soaked with 60 mg of Medroxyprogesterone acetate/sponge for 10 days. Group III was treated with sponge was soaked with 60 mg of Medroxyprogesterone acetate/sponge for 14 days. Group IV was treated with CIDR containing progesterone (0.3 g) for 10 days. Group V was treated with CIDR ...

Heba Saleh Shaheed1, Zainab J. Malik2*, Ghusoon A.A. Alneamah1, Salih T.H.2

...consisting of ketamine hydrochloride (40 mg/kg of B.W. and xylazine hydrochloride (20 mg/kg B.W.). After anesthetizing the animals , in the upper part of the abdomen the location of operation is determine, , and the incision surgically made exposing the fourth lobe of the animal. The liver was manipulated with impact forceps, and stitches were applied to the lobe then by using the surgical scissors to cutting the tied lobe a...

Salma Ali Munshed*, Fadwa Abdul Razaq Jameel

...osis. The secretion of hydrolytic enzymes is considered a virulence factor in this species. The question of whether Aspergillus species can actually create biofilms has gained attention in recent times. Our work aimed to isolation and identification of Aspergillus flavus from dogs with study and evaluate some of virulence factors of this fungus like proteinase, hemolytic activity and biofilm formation in Laboratory. Fifty clinical isolates of respiratory infec...

Mayada Sahib Hassan1*, Hayder Talib Mahdi1, Sajaa R. Al-Saedi1, Ali Farid Shakir1, Ali J. Al-Nuaimi1, Marwa Sabah Majed1, Ridha Adel Fahad1, Karar Ali Kadhim1, Mustafa Ali Noor1, Ameer Hameed Kadhim1, Hussein Ali Mohammed Hadi1, Zainab Amori Oribi2, Mazin Talib Abbas3, Mahdi S. Hassan4 

...tioxidant effects. The hydroalcoholic extract of TT has been investigated against lead acetate-induced nephrotoxicity. In experimental animals, forty adult male albino rats were utilized. Four groups of animals were used in the study. Ten male rats each group are used: Group 1 (control group): For 28 days, the animals were given distilled water orally. Group 2 (lead acetate group): For seven days, animals in this group received intraperitoneal injections of le...

H.A. Abdul-Ratha1*, Sahar Mahdi Hayyawi2, Essam F. AL-Jumaily3

...rature and antibacterial drugs. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the effect of purified acidocin (alone) that produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus isolates or with biofilm extract produced by Staphylococcus aureus, on cell permeability and mode of action on cell structure under scanning electron microscope. Forty eight Staphylococcus aureus isolates were diagnosed from the total 142 cows milk samples collected from different areas.These isolates we...

Syed Abdul Hadi1, Jameel Ahmed Gandahi1*, Muhammad Ghiasuddin Shah1, Saima Masood2, Noor Samad Gandahi1  

...tion was undertaken to address the harmful effect of heat stress (HS) on poultry production. Day-old 336 chicks, divided into seven groups, viz., negative control (NC) group received basal diet (BD) only; positive control (PC) group received BD + HS; heat-stress-zinc (HZ) group received HS + ZnO (60 mg/kg); heat-stress-zinc-nanoparticles (HZN) group received HS + ZnO-NP (60 mg/kg); heat-stress-chitosan oligosaccharide (HC) group received HS + COS (200 mg/kg); ...

Mahyudin Humalanggi1, Mohammad Zubair Hippy2*, Muhammad Mukhtar3, Sutrisno Hadi Purnomo4, Siti Rahmatia Machieu2, Nancy Noviana Lantapon1, Ivana Butolo1

...odel’s success was driven by partnerships, agricultural technology, and natural resources. The key strategies included accelerating organic farming and livestock groups through partnerships, integrated marketing, and infrastructure development.
Keywords | Beef cattle, Ecosystem, Food crops, Integration, Technology

Herna Febrianty Sianipar1,2,3, Wahyu Widoretno1, Luchman Hakim1, Rezi Rahmi Amolia4, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah1,2,5* (P<0.05) of carbohydrates (84.09%), fat (3.07%), energy from fat (27.69 Kcal/100 g), total energy (386.34 Kcal/100g), and amino acids such as L-Histidine (1721.09ppm), L-Isoleucine (1329.17ppm), and L-Lysine (1484.99ppm). Phytochemical screening is most notable in Aglaia tomentosa, showing positive results for alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, phenolics, and quinolines. Aglaia tomentosa contains the highest total flavonoid content (23.27 ±...
Nguyen Thi Vinh1, Pham Kim Dang2, Tran Bich Phuong1, Nguyen Thi Phuong Giang1, Do Duc Luc1, Ha Xuan Bo1, Bui Huy Doanh1, Nguyen Van Duy3, Nguyen Van Thong1, Bui Binh An4, Nguyen Quoc Trung4, Nguyen Hoang Thinh1*
...netic diversity, Mitochondrial D-loop, Vietnamese duck.

Tuti Widjastuti*, Wiwin Tanwiriah, Eka Wulandari, Sekarupa Rengganis Nusantara

...sitively influenced both dry matter digestibility and crude protein digestibility. Furthermore, it significantly affected the levels of amylase and protease activity; however, there was no significant effect on lipase activity. Treatment with 150 to 225 mg/kg significantly improved hematological indicators. It was concluded that 150 mg of the MFNE product could be used as a feed additive in poultry to replace Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGPs).

Rakhtasha Munir1, Shazia Rafique2*, Iram Amin1,2, Sameen Ahmed2, Ayesha Vajeeha2, Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Shahid2, Muhammad Umer Khan4 and Muhammad Idrees2

...e fever, dengue shock syndrome, and liver dysfunction. Early diagnosis of the disease is crucial for prompt treatment strategies. One of the detection strategies of the infection can be made through viral structural peptides that act as markers for discernment, including Capsid (C) protein. In the proposed research, the structural gene obtained from local isolates was targeted for detection. For this purpose, a bacterial expression system was used to amplify, ...

Quddusi B. Kazmi* and M.A. Kazmi

...e sp. of the family Cylindroleberididae Müller; another species- Ancohenia robusta (Brady, 1890) of a myodocopid family Sarsiellidae and Rutiderma sp. of family Rutidermatidae Brady and Norman were also collected; an instar of an indeterminate myodocopid ostracod is added here Additional descriptions of cyprinid Cypridina dentata (Müller,1906), and a diplostracan Penilia avirostris Dana, 1849 of the order Ctenopoda in the family Sididae Baird are giv...

A. Arif Rahman1, Renny Fatmyah Utamy2*, Ambo Ako2, Mohammad Mijanur Rahman3, Siti Annisa Sukri1

...ted (p < 0.05) forage dry matter intake (DMI), total DMI, milk fat, and milk viscosity. Up to 50% of the molasses and cement used in UMMB production can be replaced with cocoa pulp and tapioca meal without reducing the final product’s physical quality. Substitution of molasses filler and cement adhesive with cocoa pulp and tapioca meal enhances forage DMI and total DMI while maintaining the yield and physical quality of milk in Holstein Friesian cows....

Constant Boris Bankole1, Ignace Ogoudanan Dotche1*, Serge Gbênagnon Ahounou1, Mahamadou Dahouda2, Issaka Youssao Abdou Karim1, Marcel Senou2

...out was shorter and cylindrical in Pietrain (100 %) and their crossbred (100 %) (p < 0.05). The findings indicate that local, improved, Pietrain, and crossbred pigs can be distinguished morphometrically and phenotypically.
Keywords | Pig breed, Phenotype, Body measurements, Crossbreeding, Pietrain, Benin

Khalid Hadi Kadhim1*, Iman Mousa Khaleel2, Firas Abbas Hussen3

...m was consisted of polyhedral cells. As well as, the stratum granulosum was appeared containing several layers of cells with lipid granules. While the stratum corneum was covered by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium in all regions of skin (neck and tail) except in abdomen was non-keratinized. The dermis of the abdomen skin of males was thicker than in females, while the dermal thickness of females in both neck and tail skin was higher than in males. T...

Martina Tri Puspita Sari1, Muhammad Ridla2,3*, Heri Ahmad Sukria2,3

... antioxidant Butylated hydroxytoluene without storage (BHT-0) and with 30 days of storage (BHT-30). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and post-hoc Duncan tests to determine significant differences (P < 0.05). Results indicated that MOLE and MOLP significantly (P < 0.05) reduced water activity and fat content, increased compacted bulk density, and preserved protein content of rice bran after storage. Heat treatment effectively reduced moisture content and fr...
Imad Ahmad Noor1, Abdullah1, Ihteram Ullah2*, Kashif ur Rahman4, Imtiaz Ahmed1 and Habib Ur Rahman3
... shoot length. Fresh and dry weight of seedlings was also enhanced when associated with fungi. The fungal strains didn’t influence each other growth when grown side by side on the agar plate. It concluded that both the fungi can be used as bio-inoculants in combination for plant growth and development. Based on the current study the above mentioned fungal strains are suitable and can be utilized to enhance the growth of okra plant.


Afshan Kaleem*, Iqra Noor, Roheena Abdullah and Mehwish Iqtedar

...s, dietary fiber, carbohydrates and bioactive compounds. They serve as medicinal plants and are used as common food in developing countries. The objective of the current study was to analyze the various biological characteristics of Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna unguiculata in order to identify new therapeutic leads for specific disorders (colon cancer and memory improvement in Alzheimer’s disease). Phytochemical testing showed the presence of various bio...

Sahir Odhano1*, Michael S Rosenberg2, Noor Us Saher3, Guan Yang Zhang4 and Mustafa Kamal5

...nase (CK), carbonate dehydratase (CD), catalase (CAT), amylases (AMY), peroxidase (PXD) and octanol (OCT). The isozyme CD was revealed as a distinguishing marker between two species with significant differences (P=0.00), deviating from the hardy weinberg (HW) equilibrium. The fixation index (FST) was higher (53.3%) between the two species indicating species are distinct from each. The molecular study of the combined data set revealed both species belong to a h...
Aatif Masood Ahmad Khan1, Masood Rabbani1*, Arfan Ahmad1, Muhammad Wasim2 and Sohail Raza1
...he present study, one hundred, six weeks old layer chickens were divided into equally distributed 10 groups. These groups were vaccinated with A. paragallinarum autogenous bacterin containing aluminum hydroxide and montanide oil with 107, 108 and 109 CFU/0.5 ml/ dose and two commercial vaccines (A and B; alum-based and mineral oil-based vaccines, respectively). Two groups were the control positive (challenged and non-vaccina...

Muhammad Shehzad1, Fida Ullah1, Shahid Niaz Khan1, Abdul Majid1*, Muhammad Rais2, Muazzam Ali Khan3, Tariq Ahmad4 and Sanaullah Khan5 

...untain regions, tropical dry deciduous forests, sandy patches, sand dunes, hard clay cliffs, hard soil, and small rivers in southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from April 2021 to October 2022. We collected a total of 28-eight squamate species distributed over 13 families. We documented 13 lizards (eight families) and 15 snakes (five families) species from the study area. Our findings will enhance existing knowledge of the herpetofauna of the country and could be used ...

Junrong Yang1, Ning Zhang1*, Muhammad Akram Khan2, Qingpeng Wang1*, Zhengping Wang1*, Quiqin Liu3, Lanjie Li3, Jun Han1, Abdul Asim Farooq4, Aayesha Riaz5 and Ruiyan Zhang1

...-protein, and low-carbohydrate diet with documented anti-tumor effects. However, the mechanism of KD inhibiting colon cancer remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism underlying the effects of KD on cell cycle and autophagy in colon tumor-bearing mice. Our results showed that compared with the SD group, KD treatment upregulated the expressions of autophagy-related proteins LC3-II and Beclin-1 while downregulated the expression of ...

Touseeq Haider1, Saeed Gulzar1, Sabeeqa Usman Malik1*, Aamir Saleem1, Zuhair Hasnain2, Nazakat Hussain3, Syed Ali Abbas1, Amir Hussain4 and Qadir Hussain4 

...ned stresses of heat and drought, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, such as in Pakistan. The study investigated the impact of temperature and drought strain on Chloris gayana and Setaria anceps growth. Plants were exposed to combined stresses including normal (100% Fc and 25˚C), moderate (75% Fc and 30˚C), severe (50% Fc and 35˚C), and high severe (25% Fc and 40˚C) conditions. Physiological parameters, includin...

Yonis Gulzar1*, Faheem Ahmad Reegu2, Arjumand Bano Soomro1,3, Mohammad Shuaib Mir1, Abdul Zahir4* and Choo Wou Onn5

... of IoT adoption are the driving factors for the adoption of IoT. There is a strong tendency for farmers to embrace IoT technologies when they perceive substantial economic gains that can be obtained through their implementation. In Jizan’s agricultural sector, these results highlight the economic rationale behind the adoption of IoT, emphasizing the importance of knowledge, sustainable practices, and incentives as primary dr

Pacifica Chepchumba Bwogo1*, Samuel Mong’are1, Rael Masai1, Dr. Damaris Matoke-Muhia2

... vectors responsible for driving this phenomenon remain unclear. Methods: The present study, investigated the genetically characterized populations and abundance of malaria vectors captured indoors in three chosen endemic sub-counties of Kisii County, Kenya. Results: The research findings revealed a greater abundance of members from the Anopheles funestus group (12.47 ± 6.06) in contrast to those belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex (4.20 ±...

Shajaan Ridha Hasan, Farhan Khaleel Hussein*, Feedan Mohammed Junaid

... infection rate with the dry ulcer type, 59.590%, and the lowest infection rate with the wet ulcer type, 40.410%. The current study showed that the highest infection rates were recorded in the face, upper extremities, and lower extremities, 36.301%, 32.191%, and 25.684%, respectively. The lowest infection rate was in the abdomen, 0.342%, and no injury was recorded in the neck area. According to the results of the current study, the highest infection rate was i...

Shahbaz Ahmad1*, Mubashar Iqbal1, Arshad Javaid2, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3, Muhammad Ashfaq4, Tajamal Hussain5 and Sumra Ashraf1

...iz. coriander-oil (Coriandrum sativum), caster-oil (Ricinus communis) and taramira-oil (Eruca Sativa) and to assess the impact of these oils on the pathogenicity of EPF strains against melon fruit fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett) maggots. Under the laboratory conditions, EPF strains namely Metarhizium anisopliae (F 52), Metarhizium pinghaense (MBC 709), Isaria cateniammulata (MBC 289), Isaria javanica (MBC 524), Isaria farinose (MBC 389), Isaria fumosoro...

Malik F.H. Ferdosi1, Arshad Javaid2*, Muhammad Samiullah1, Zeeshan Mutahir3 and Tajamal Hussain4

...2-cyclopenten-1-one, 2-hydroxy-3-methyl- (8.56%), 2-cyclopenten-1-one, 3-methyl- (7.73%), butanal, 3-hydroxy- (6.19%), phenol, 4-ethyl- (4.83%), aziridine, 1-(2-methyl-1-propenyl)- (4.50%), 2-cyclopenten-1-one, 2,3-dimethyl- (3.52%), benzene, 1-ethenyl-4-methoxy- (3.29%), indole (3.64%), benzaldehyde, 2-methyl- (2.57%). A literature survey revealed that some compounds viz. linolenic acid, methyl ester; hexadecanoic acid, 15-...

Zhang Qiang1,2

...hylcrotonyl glycine, 2-hydroxy-3, and 5-dinitrobenzoic acid, etc.) in the yaks living at extremely high altitude. In addition, 28 metabolites (fumaric acid, serotonin, glycochenodeoxycholic acid, and all trans-retinal) were enriched in 55 KEGG signaling pathways and mainly attributed to organismal systems and metabolism. This work further clarified that long-term natural selection at extremely high altitude prompts animals to have visible physiological adaptat...

Wasan Abdulmunem Taha1*, Umer Abdullah Ahmed Alelyan1, Raid D. Hashim2, Zainab Nizar Jawad3, Mohammed Khaleel Jameel4, Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa1

...fy;">Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a multifaceted endocrine ailment which affects large number of women during their reproductive years and results in heterogeneous metabolic and hormonal derangements. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of PCOS on blood glucose levels and liver enzyme. A total of 100 grown up, reproductive adult female Albino rabbits was divided into two groups (n = 50). In the control group PCOS wasn’t motivated, while...

Aamir Sohail1, Irshad Ali Khan2*, Ahmed Shamkhi Jabbar3, Mehran Gul2, Sidra Ahmad4, Nayab Ahmad4, Farzana6, Abdur Rehman5, Arooba Bashir4, Syed Muhammad Owais Shah2 and Ayesha Alam7

...valuated the efficacy of dried Nerium oleander powder in controlling bacterial wilt (BW) in tomatoes. The experiment applied the powder to pathogen-contaminated soil using mulching and mixing techniques, testing two particle sizes (fine and coarse) at four doses (0 g, 14 g, 28 g, and 42 g). Laboratory results showed that all powder concentrations significantly inhibited pathogen growth compared to the control, with the 15% powder extract achieving the highest ...

Tawoos Mohammed Kamel Ahmed1*, Khalid Mahmood Yosif1, Sameerah Faydhallah Mohammed2 

...nd it was clear that the drug exhibited a solid resistance to biodegradation . Although TMP is light-sensitive, the abiotic control demonstrated that during the experimentation period, photodegradation did not occur. 


Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1,2*, Atta Hussain Shah1, Muhammad Farooque Hassan2, Gul Bahar Khaskheli1, Zubair Ahmed Leghari3 and Qudratullah Kalwar2

... Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam for analysis. In in-vitro study thirty (n=30) cottonseed cake samples with known level of aflatoxin B1 was extracted and treated with three binders Milbond, China Clay and Novasil. at three doses (T0 = recommended dose; T1 = < recommended dose; T2 = > recommended dose) to compare the adsorption rate. The China Clay and Novasil showed significant (p<0.05) effect ...

Esam M. Al-Shaebi, Saleh Al-Quraishy, Saleh N. Maodaa, Hossam M.A. Aljawdah and Rewaida Abdel-Gaber* 

...s parasite resistance to drugs has been reported, which infects many animals and leads to great economic losses. Medicinal plants are a promising source of a cure for many diseases. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Allium sativum juice (ASJ) on the sporulation of oocytes and as an anthelminthic effector via in vitro study. Characterization of the plant was done by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and determination of phenolics, flav...

Haleema Sadia1, Masroor Ellahi Babar2, Asif Nadeem3, Tanveer Hussain4 , Muhammad Tariq Parvez5, Muhammad Muzammal6, Hafiz Ullah6 and Jabbar Khan7

...zed the complete mitochondrial DNA displacement-loop (D-loop) and the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of ten Pakistani domestic goat breeds (Capra hircus). The sequence analysis showed 209 variable sites in goat breeds and each haplotype was unique. All the haplotypes were rich in A/T content. Analysis of variable sites revealed 178 transitions and 31 transversions. Out of 178 transitions 81 were A↔G and 97 were C↔T. Of the 31 transversions, 2 were heterom...

Muhammad Waseem1, Santosh Kumar1* and Riffat Sultana2

...53), O. (Afromorgus) maindroni Pittino, 2005, O. (Afromorgus) procerus (Harold, 1872), O. (Afromorgus) testudo (Arrow, 1927), and the newly described Omorgus (Afromorgus) riffati from Cholistan. The distribution of this sub-genus globally has also been documented.


Yushuang Zhao, Jin Li, Ling Mao, Juan Guo and Yu Zeng*

...ted the complete mitochondrial DNA genome of S. nitens by high-throughput sequencing, and explored the phylogenetic position of S. nitens within the subfamily Gobioninae. The entire length of the mitochondrial genome is 16,606 bp, containing 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and a control region (D-loop). The nucleotide composition was made up of 29.97% A, 27.26% C, 1...

Qiu-Cheng Zhao1,2, Xin-Ling Gan1,2, Zhou-Quan Wei1,2, Zhong-Hao Huang1,2* and You-Bang Li1,2*

...ogrooming posture in the dry season was sprawl (32.73%), and that of in the rainy season was sit side (33.56%). There were significant differences among allogrooming postures throughout the year (p < 0.001). Proportion of allogrooming in inaccessible area in the dry season was higher than in the rainy season. The grooming preference index was greater than 0 in the dry season and less th...
Sanjay Chandravanshi1*, H.S. Mogalekar2, Omkar Sahu2, C. Sudhan3
Roshan Kumar Ram2 and Shivendra Kumar2
...orth Bihar, India. The hydro-morphology of the river were studied and revealed that river width varied from 87.34±10.17 to 102.77±11.58 m and maximum river width was recorded in August 2020. The maximum depth was observed between 8.62±0.99 to 13.55±1.21 m and maximum depth was observed in August 2020 and minimum depth ranged from 6.44±0.80 to 9.92±1.06 m and minimum depth was found in June 2021. The maximum water flows...

Asher Azeem1, Misbah Javed2, Muhammad Riaz ul Haq1, Maria Shahzeen1, Muhammad Asif1, Gul Muhammad1, Khalid Hussain3, Ahmad Ali3, Muhammad Latif4, Noreen Samad2 and Furhan Iqbal1*

...est mortality by mitochondrial function inhibition. It has been reported in local news papers that this pesticide is entering in our fresh water bodies affecting aquatic life. The objective of this investigation was to report the LC50 value of diafenthiuron for grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella and to report the effect of various doses such as 0.0038 (T1), 0.05 (T2), 0.5 (T3), 1 (T4), 5 (T5) and 6.67 mg/L (T6) on complete blood count, serum biochemical profi...

Iqra Javed, Beenish Maqsood* and Muhammad Khurshid*

...its use as an anticancer drug and an acrylamide mitigator in the food industry. The screening of L-asparaginase from new microbial sources, with greater yield and fewer drawbacks is greatly appreciated. The present work attempts to screen and identify L-asparaginase producing bacteria from soil, as well as to optimize the bioprocess parameters for higher yield of extracellular L-asparaginase. For this purpose, fifteen isolat...

Abdul Nabi Jatt1*, Abdul Sattar Qureshi2 and Abdul Sami Dahri1

...terial populations and hydrolysis of these carbon rich aggregates.

 Nadeem Raza1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1,  Ali Ahmed Sheikh2, Muhammad Usman1*, Quratulain Mujahid3,  Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1, Muhammad Rizwan4 and Muhammad Husnain Ali Alvi1
... ticks on camels. Two hundred ticks collected (Bhakkar=100, Bahawalpur=100) from camel in Punjab were examined for potential risk factors, morphological identification, and molecular characterization by using polymerase chain reaction targeting 16S rRNA gene and phylogenetic analysis. Hyalomma dromedarii and Rhipicephalus were found to be 76% (152/200) and 24% (48/200), respectively. Molecular study show...

Faturrahman1,3*, N.L. Nakadira1, N. Anjani1, B.N. Fajriah1, B.F. Suryadi1, A.A.M.N. Kasman2, T.W. Setyaningrum1

... for their capacity to hydrolyze protein, amylum, lipids, and cellulose. Moreover, the degree of pathogen inhibition and macromolecule hydrolysis was determined by the size of the clear zone formed. The results showed that a total of 27 isolates were found, with a distribution of 5 (18.51%), 7 (25.93%), 5 (18.51%), 8 (29.63%) and 2 (7.41%) isolates in the proventriculus, duodenum, jejunum, colon, and ileum respectively. Of t...

Madeeha1, Shahida Naveed1*, Ayosha Hanif1, Jalwa Afroz1, Abdul Haq1, Gul Rose2, Inayat Ullah3 and Zunaira Inayat4

...peniods, tannins, carbohydrates, proteins, steroids and saponins. Various extracts of Olea ferruginea leaf nut galls were screened for antimicrobial activity at 100mg/ml concentration level against four bacterial species including two gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans), two gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Salmonella typha) and one yeast species (Candida albicans) using agar well diffusion method. Among the extr...

Urfiana Sara1,3, Muhammad Irfan Said2*, Wempie Pakiding2, Sri Purwanti2

... hens, specifically in Sidrap Regency. This study uses quantitative techniques to ascertain how the independent variable (X) affects the dependent variable (Y) in the four sub-districts of Sidrap Regency, Maritengngae, Pitu Riawa, Kulo, and Watang Pulu. Data was gathered from 96 units on laying hen farms. Ammonia (NH3) emissions (variable Y) were measured, and data was instantly collected using the Ammonia Gas Detector Smart...

Ariani Trisna Murti1, Budi Hartono1*, Hari Dwi Utami1, Tri Wahyu Nugroho2, Tina Sri Purwanti1, Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara1

...odeling is employed to address the research questions. The results reveal that consumer demographics, product attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control positively and significantly impact willingness to pay (WTP), which is a mediating variable. Additionally, WTP, and these factors, significantly influence key outcomes like product stability, habitual buying, recommendations, and repurchase intention. Notably, the study underscores the mediat...

Wilmienthe Marlene Mesang Nalley1*, Thomas Mata Hine1, Aloysius Marawali1, Solvi Mariana Makandolu1, Maria Marsefar Raja Kota1, Athhar Manabi Diansyah2, Annisa Rahmi3, Abdullah Baharun3

...roving the quality of Landrace boar semen, focusing on how these proteins may influence semen characteristics related to reproductive performance. Using the 1D-SDS-PAGE technique, relevant proteins were separated and identified. Semen from six Landrace boars was evaluated macroscopically (volume, pH) and microscopically (concentration, motility, viability, and abnormality), while protein content was analyzed using 1D-SDS-PAG...

La Van Kinh1, Nguyen Vu Thuy Hong Loan1*, La Thi Thanh Huyen2, Le Duc Ngoan1

...oss of EAAs is 1.22 g/kg dry matter intake; the average AID and SID values of EAAs in broken rice are highest (81.72% and 83.57%, respectively), and lowest in paddy rice (72.69% and 74.85%, respectively). The values of AID and SID of most essential amino acids are higher in broken rice than in paddy rice and rice bran. In conclusion, the broken rice, rice bran and paddy rice contained readily digestible essential amino acid and SID values are very high.

Mube Kuietche Hervé1*, Saknteh W.B1, Azoutane Julien2, Kana Sagne Derrick1, Vemo Bertin3, Djoumessi Gina4, Tatsinkou Alain Serge1, Francois Djitie5, Defang F. Henry1

...tion is warranted before drawing definitive conclusions about its efficacy as a growth promoter in this context.
Keywords | Ginger powder, Rabbits, Growth performance, Metabolic profile

Bridget Maria Jessica Adah1, Samuel Mailafia1, H.O.K Olabode1, James Agbo Ameh1, Martha Echioda Ogbole1, Ebenezer Odey Odey1, Ifeanyi Cajetan Cashmir1, Hakeem Onigbanjo1, Monday Onakpa2, Enid Godwin3, Chinwe Elizabeth Okoli3, Nicodemus Nnabuike Mkpuma4, Oluwa Adikpe Agbonu5, Rabi Rebecca Mairabo6

...F.C.T, Nigeria. Three hundred and sixty (360) chicken blood samples were collected from six Area Councils (AC) in FCT. Isolation and preliminary identification were done using Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) and Microscopy. Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (AFST) was done with liofilchem® antifungal disc using Disc Diffusion method by Kirby bauer and Ten (10) antifungal agents were tested. Fifty-four (54) isolates were confirmed positive for Aspergillus niger ...

Imelda Siska1,4, Ambo Ako2*, Asmuddin Natsir3, Renny Fatmyah Utamy2

...tional factors such as hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and tannins, which require proper processing. This study aims to assess and examine the processes of haymaking and activated charcoal soaking to optimize the use of cassava leaves as a sustainable substitute for green forage for Ettawa crossbred goats in dry and rainy seasons. A completely randomized design was employed with three treatments: 0% cassava leaves + 100% green forage...

Thuong Thi Nguyen*, Quynh Ngoc Nguyen

...ame rate as 86.71%), dehydration and fever. The study demonstrated that a highly positive rate of FHV and FCV caused the upper respiratory tract disease in cats, with clinical signs including sneezing (73.24%), nasal discharge (45.07%), ocular discharge (36.62%), conjunctivitis (33.8%), coughing and dyspnea. The result of CBC tests of 21 FPV-infected cats revealed a marked leukopenia (4.6 ± 1.1 x 109/L), a slight decrease of lymphocytes (0.7 ± 1....

Fatima Aziz Mahdi Al-Badry*

...he indiscriminate use of drugs poses a significant health risk. So, the aim of the study is to evaluate the harmful effects of metronidazole in parameters infertility of male reproductive system and treatment by Spirulina platensis extract. Thirty two of male rats were used. They were divided into four groups (8/each). The first group administrated distilled water as control group. The second group was received oral dose of metronidazole (18 mg/200 body weight...

Imtiaz Kashani1*, Asadullah Ali Mohammad2, Abdul Hameed1, Ali Jan3, Nazeer Ahmed4 and Kishwar Kumar Kachhi1

...change and anthropogenic driver ultimately effect on benthic community which play a key role in functioning the ecosystem. Our findings unveil a hidden gem: Sunehri Beach, boasting higher species richness despite facing greater tidal influences. Mollusks, particularly gastropods, thriving in these rocky havens. The number of individuals per unit area of intertidal fauna was higher at Mubarak Village, which was dominated by mollusks and arthropods. Mollusks wer...

Tengku Halimatun Sa’adiah T. Abu Bakar1,2,3*, Norsida Man1, Nolila Mohd Nawi1, Jasmin Arif Shah Shah1 and Munifah Siti Amira Yusuf1

...rvices are utilised to address some of the contradictions in the literature regarding PHP adoption. Through multi-stage sampling techniques, 400 durian farmers in Peninsular Malaysia were selected for sampling and population. Smart-PLS was employed to analyse and answer the research objectives. The findings of this study indicates that agricultural extension services (β=0.109; t=1.901; p=0.029), attitude (β =0.271; t=4.781; p=0.000), knowledge (&beta...

Sitti Rosmalah1*, Hartati1, Harianti1, Selvi Diliyanti Rizki1, Rustam2, La Ode Muh. Munadi3, Rina Astarika4, La Ode Jabuddin5, Abdul Rizal6, Muh. Obi Kasmin7 and Muhtar Amin

...s known as the centre of dryland rice production in Southeast Sulawesi Province, playing an essential role in meeting the community’s food needs with agricultural potential that continues to grow. This drives the government’s commitment to making Buton Utara Regency an organic district. Dryland rice is one of the local products of Buton Utara Regency and is famous nationally and internationally. However, various ...

Shajaan Ridha Hasan*, Feedan Mohammed Junaid, Bayan Mohammed Mahdi, Farhan Khaleel Hussein

...t common diseases in children. It is also essential to use an alternative treatment to chemical drugs using herbs and medicinal plants, including mint, chamomile, ginger, carob, and other spices, with safe and sound therapeutic properties without causing severe side effects to the human body and intestines.
Keywords | Diarrhea, Intestinal parasites, Drugs, Medicinal herbs, Pathogens, Health awa...

Vitta Herina1, Suraya Kaffi Syahpura2, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri2*

...tly affected cooking and drip loss (P<0.05) but had no effect on tenderness, pH, or water-holding capacity (P>0.05). Honey significantly influenced fat, protein, and carbohydrate content (P<0.05), but not water or ash content (P>0.05). Honey supplements increased carcass percentage, reduced cooking and drip losses, raised protein content, and lowered fat and carbohy

Achmad Firman1*, Lilis Nurlina1, Diky Ramdani2, Yayan Rismayanti2

...e spread across three quadrants: symptom, critical element, and buffer. Factors influencing young farmers not to continue family sheep farming are not a hobby, preferring to work outside the farm, limited fodder forage, farmers lose but traders gain, lack of sheep farming skills, limited land and capital, no parental support, farming is not a prestigious profession and uncertain income. The nine are spread into two quadrants...

Renny Fatmyah Utamy1, Ambo Ako1, Syahdar Baba2, Zulkharnaim1, Sri Gustina1, Laode Alhamd3, Indrawirawan2, Aulia Uswa Noor Khasanah1, Arif Rahman4,5, Siti Annisa Sukri5, Rara Mufliha5, Zyahrul Ramadan5 and Purnama Isti Khaerani6

...nt height, fresh weight, dry weight, and proximate analysis. Results indicates that both level of P and D significantly influenced the measured parameters. Interaction of the factors P and D has a highly significant effects (p<0.01) on germination rate, plant height, fresh and dry weight. The combination of P at 15 ml/l with D 0.47 g/cm² showed the highest germination. Whereas, morphological traits like plant height,...

Khakim R. Tukhtaev1, Adolat U. Mirzaeva2*, Firuza D. Akramova2, Orifjon Khamidov3, Ruziboy K. Shapaotov2, Javokhir R. Esonboev2, Shoira O. Saidova2, Angela Monica Ionică5*, Kakali Bhadra4 control strategies, addressing the limitations associated with traditional pyrethroids. Further studies and development of these emulsions can enhance their potential as an effective and sustainable solution in pest management.
Keywords | Acaricidal activity, Alcoholic extract, Concentrated emulsions, Pest control, Phase transition, Rhipicephalus turanicus ticks

Yunita Sari1, Arif Hendra Utama1, Arif Irawan2, Pramudya Andiana1, Riska Faradila3, Abdul Manab1, Lilik Eka Radiati1*

...wa Mare’s Milk was dried using the vacuum foam oven drying (VFOD) method at a temperature of 70 oC for 7 hours, the resulting flakes are ground into powder. The research results showed that the addition of dextrin at different levels significantly (P<0.05) affected pH and emulsion stability and highly significantly (P<0.01) influenced water solubility and water content. However, it did not significantly affect (P...

Eluzia A. Barus1*, Novi Mayasari2, Indrawati Y. Asmara3

...amination. The blood was drawn from 4-6 birds sampled from six sampling points and brought to a private lab in Bandung City to be analyzed using a hematology analyzer. The blood profiles of red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs) were then described with descriptive analysis. Results showed that birds with mild FPD and HB had higher leukocytes compared to unaffected birds, alongside lower RBC counts with larger cell sizes. These findings suggest th...

Epro Barades1,4*, Iskandar2, Ibnu Dwi Buwono2, Yuli Andriani2, Ayi Yustiati2, Roffi Grandiosa2, Ratu Siti Aliah3

...1% (Y), and 0.49% (Z) in dry feed), replicated individually with a total of five broodstocks for each treatment. Broodstock was maintained in the same environment at a constant temperature of 28 °C, pH between 6-7, dissolved oxygen levels of 4-5 mg L-1, and total darkness (24 hours dark). Microchip tags were used for sample identification and replication. Observations and samples were collected from five individuals every 10 days for 30 days. The results s...

Dina Al-Shinawy1*, Reda E.M. Moghaieb2, Sara B. Awaly2, Gihan El-Moghazy1 and Dalia S. Ahmed2

Hend A. Hamedo, Ahmed E.M. Shokr, Omnia T. Abd-Elsalam and Naglaa Elshafey*

...t-align: justify;">Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biodegradable, low-cost, and ecofriendly polymers produced by various bacteria in the environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of moderately halophilic Paracoccus onubensis strain E3 as a promising PHA-producing bacteria isolated from a hyper-saline environment in Egypt. The optimum conditions for PHAs production were explored and the recorded maximum yield of PHAs was 54.77 mg/ l after 7...

Hongxiao Li1*, Xiying Wu2, Dengxiang Wu1 and Jiangqing Yu1 groups were decreased drastically, and the scores in the Exp. group were dramatically lower than those in the Ctrl group (P<0.05). The bacterial clearance rate in the Exp. group was 64%, which was notably superior to 28% in the Ctrl group (P<0.05). The combination of amikacin and PPC/TS can greatly enhance the disease severity in elderly patients with severe drug-resistant PA, con...

Wei Li1, Hui Xu2, Si Li2 and Jing Liu2*

...g factor (PAF), 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2D3) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) levels in the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease (KD) and prediction of coronary artery lesion (CAL) value at risk. A total of 120 children with KD were selected as the KD group, and they were divided into acute stage group (n=64) and recovery stage group (n= 56), and another 60 healthy children were ...

García Domínguez María Fernanda1, Páez Lerma Jesús Bernardo1, Reyes Jáquez Damián1, Carrete Carreón Francisco Oscar2, Guerra Rosas María Inés1, Araiza Rosales Elia Esther2*

...annins (CT) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). With the superimposition of response surfaces, a numerical optimization of the extrusion process was conducted based on the selected model. The optimal processing conditions for the elaboration of the extruded product were X1=150 °C, X2=14% humidity and X3=10% HUI, with an EI of 1.107, BD of 1060.79 kg/m3, H of 145.2 N, WAI of 3.51 g/g, WSI of 7.58%, TP of 0.246%, CT of 0.173% and IVDMD of 93.82%. ...

Hakeem J. Kadhim1*, Iman J. Hasan2 

...expression of genes that drive muscle cell proliferation. Finally, turmeric enhances gut health through the mucin2 gene. 
Keywords | Growth hormone, TSH, Mucin2, Insulin-like growth factor, RT-PCR, Body weight 

Dadile M. Abdulrahman 1 Abdullahi M. Daskum 1 Kura M. Abdulrahim 1 Abubakar M. Dadile 2 Hajja Amma 3

Volume 1, Issue 1, November and December 2017, Pages 3-13
...ity of AGE loaded on Gel dressing revealed that it can have potency when applied on patients with Staphylococcal skin infections. Findings from this study encourage and support the use of AGE in treating bacterial skin infections especially in developing countries like Africa, as it is available, economic and have no side effects.



Mahesh Raj Pant 1 Dipti Shrestha 1 Shovana Thapa 2

Volume 2, Issue 3 May and June 2018 Pages 53-60
...rnational Friendship Children’s Hospital (IFCH), Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal. Specimens were processed by conventional culture technique and antibiogram of isolates were done by modified Kirby-Bauer disc-diffusion method. Out of 219 skin pus samples, 132 (60.3%) were reported to be bacterial culture positive. Eight different bacterial species were identified as; S. aureus 75 (56.8%), Coagulase negative S. aureus (CONS) 20 (15.2%), Escherichia coli 13 (...

Binod G.C. 1 Nim Raj Sapkota 2 Binod Rayamajhee 2 Jayram Lamichhane 1 Pramod Poudel 1 Sunil Lekhak 3 Shovana Thapa 4 Santosh Khanal 1

Volume 2, Issue 5 September and October 2018 Pages 65-74
...rnational Friendship Children’s Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. Among the E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates, 14.1%, 17.1% were resistant to meropenem, whereas 11.28%, 17.1% were resistant to imipenem, respectively. From the pool of 94 E. coli and 35 K. pneumoniae isolates, 34 E. coli and 18 K. pneumoniae were screened as possible carbapenemase producers. For screening of carbapenemase enzyme production among these isolates, resistances to third generation c...

Abdelhak Rhouma 1 Ibtissem Ben Salem 1 Mahmoud M’Hamdi 2 Naima Boughalleb-M’Hamdi 1

Volume 2, Issue 5 September and October 2018 Pages 85-100
..., and 12.84-14.93 g) and dry wt. (2.49-2.6 g, and 2.66-2.70 g), underground fresh wt. (0.725-0.654 g, and 0.717-0.690 g) and dry wt. (0.147-0.214 g, and 0.156-0.152 g). Based on current results, it appears that Trichoderma spp. could be employed in soil treatments to promote watermelon plant growth and development.


Amirreza Amirmijani Mahdieh Sadeghian Behanz Karimi

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 105-113
...ies associated with some dried fruits including; Common fig, Date palm, and White Mulberry, 35 fruit samples were collected from common markets in the south of Kerman province, Jiroft, Iran, during 2016. After surface disinfestation with 0.5% NaOCl, small fragments of each dried fruit were plated onto Potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. Recovered fungal isolates were purified by single spore method. Morphological characterist...

Solange Gahongayire 1 Ibrahim Ntulume 1 Kagimbura Ervine 2 Bizimana Évariste 2 Adamu A. Aliero 3

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 156-166
...Plant samples were shade dried for 10 days, and then standard method was used for extraction using 96% ethanol as a solvent. Antibacterial activities of ethanolic crude extracts of fruits and leaves of C. annum were determined against 


Bashir I. 1 Adam A.S. 2 Yahaya H.S. 3 Makeri D. 4 Ntulume I. 2 Aliero A.A. 5 Afolabi R.O. 6

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 175-184
...udy, the major source of drinking water within Arkilla which is the one of the most growing community in Wamakko local government area of Sokoto state, were analyzed bacteriologically to ascertain their portability. A total of three water samples were collected from available boreholes within the major sites of Arkilla area namely; Arkilla layout, Arkilla federal low cost and Arkilla state low cost. They were analyzed for the total bacterial, coliform and faec...
Samia Sharafat1, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1*, Muhammad Saleem Kalhoro1, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Mazhar Hussain Mangi1, Azhar Ali Laghari2, Ali Raza Nizamani3, Abdul Ahad Soomro3, Rani Wagan1, Asmatullah Kaka1, Abdullah Channo1, Hubdar Ali Kolachi4, Muhammad Ibrahim Panhwar4 and Mehkar Hussain5
...d resistance against all drugs. However, Staph. aureus showed high resistance to norfloxacin 84%, penicillin and ampicillin 78%, tetracycline, oxytetracycline and kanamycin 73%, bacitracin, doxycycline and vancomycin 68%, cephalothin 63%, neomycin 36%, erythromycin and gentamycin 31% and streptomycin  15%. Salmonella showed high resistance to ampicillin 94%, penicillin 91%, oxytetracycline 88%, bacitracin and neomycin 85%, doxycycline and tetracycline 82%...
Abdul Qadeer1,2, Muhammad Avais1*, Abdul Wajid3, Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1, Hanif Ullah4, Asad Khan5, Sajid Ur Rahman2,6, Aqeel Javeed7 and Sher Zaman Safi8,9
.... The commonly available drugs show unwanted side effects as well as resistance to different parasites, so medicinal plants have attracted attention due to their affordability and beneficial effects. In this study, the activity of Hedera helix extracts was investigated against H. contortus in sheep. In the in-vitro trial, the anthelminthic activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hedera helix was checked on eggs and developed larvae of H. contortus at di...

Ashar Farooq1*, Mohammad Salim2, Zahid Rauf1, Muhammad Tahir Khan3 and Asad Abbas Khan4

...s. The samples were oven-dried in order to determine dry matter (DM) yield and subsequent analysis for Crude Protein (CP), Ash Content, Ether Extract (EE), Crude Fiber (CF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) and Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF). ANOVA test was applied on the data to determine the considerable differences of means which were further separated through Tukey’s range test. Results revealed that DM, CF, Ash, ADF and ...

Kazi Abdus Sobur1*, Shabuj Kumar Pal2, Md. Abdur Rahim3 and Palash Bose1

...tionally, enhanced husbandry practices and the development of a breeding policy are essential to optimize the production of quality meat and skin. 


Praveen Reddy P., K. Sandhya  and Aparna Srikantam* disorder in young children, stress, anxiety etc., are afflicting the people all over the world. The pathophysiology of some of these disorders is not fully understood. Furthermore, the conventional therapies are not effective for all patients with psychiatric disorders. Hence, alternative therapeutic strategies/agents are much needed. Clinical researchers suggest that certain microorganisms (beneficial microorganisms/probiotics) could be substituted for con...


Fatiha Malki1*; Abdelkader Touati1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 281-285
... possible sources of new drugs effective against various infectious diseases.


 Yahaya, S.M.1*; Mardiyya, A.Y.1; Sakina, S.B.1; Hayatu, L.W.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 204-214
...e current study was to address perspectives for novel control strategies that may reduce and/or delay the damage incited by B. cinerea infection.


Laxmi, D.1*; Gayathri, C.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 252-257
...investigated for their hydrocarbon degrading abilities. These isolates were assigned names as GD30 and DM27; and then were subjected to morphological and molecular characterization, finally identified as Oceanobacillus oncorhynchi and Pseudomonas stutzeri, respectively. Among both isolates, DM27 specifically showed maximum growth and degradation activity of hydrocarbons (i.e. diesel and naphthalene). This hy


Naïma Boughalleb-M’Hamdi1*; Najwa Benfradj1; Ibtissem Ben Salem1; Paloma Abad-Campos2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 271-280
...ce 1 in Tunisia. ISSR dendrogram of the ten F.s.c. isolates generated by bi- and trinucleotide primers; and conducted by the unweight pair grouping using mathematical averaging (UPGMA) method from Nei’s genetic distance, revealed the presence of similarities between the isolates that ranged from 31 to 84%. The isolates F.s.c.8 (collected from Gabes) and F.s.c.4 (collected from Sidi Bouzid), were genetically dissimilar presenting the lowest similarity coe...

 Seham Abdel-Shafi1*; Ghaly Mohamed Farouk1; Mohamed Taha1; Khalid El-Dougdoug2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(2): 297-313
..., surface probability, hydrophobicity and secondary structure were used. These models were applied to PVY as a case study to predict immunogenic peptides for antibodies production. The most hydrophilic regions of PVY-coat protein (PVY- CP) were; 36-40, 46-47, 67-74, 96-98, 130-133, 164-166 and 198-200, which showed high hydrophobicity of this protein. This indicated that this protein was o...


Mahmoud Hamdy Abd El-Aziz1*; Hosny Aly Younes2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(2): 326-340
...rtain locations of Alexandria governorate, Egypt, during the growing seasons from 2011- 2012. CMV isolate was transmitted by Aphid nerii, A. gossypii, and Myzus persicae in non-persistent manner. The virus was partially purified using polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000, and differential centrifugation. The ratio of A 260/280 was 1.622 and A 280/260 was 0.617. Whereas, the ratio of A max/ min was 1.915. Concentration of the virus in the preparation was estimated us...

 Waithaka, P.N.1*; Mwaura, F.B.1; Wagacha, J.M.1; Gathuru, E.M.2; Githaiga, B.M.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(3): 351-365
...tes is increasing due to drug resistance been witnessed today. This study was conceived to isolate, identify and compare the antimicrobial metabolites yield of four actinomycetes isolated from Menengai crater soil, Kenya. The actinomycetes were isolated using starch casein, Luria Bertani (M1) and starch nitrate agar. The antimicrobial metabolites were extracted using standard techniques followed by purification, test for antagonism against selected pathogenic ...

Maha E. Omran1; Azza A. Shafei2; Sally E. Abdel-Rahman2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(3): 366-378
... 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assay (DPPH), whereas the in vitro antimicrobial activity was evaluated using the disc agar plate method. Chemical constituents of the leaves extracts were isolated through column chromatography, and then identified using 1H, 13C-NMR and IR spectroscopic tools. In the DPPH assay; the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value of the total extract was 72.4 ± 1.4 μg/ ml, relative to 11.2 &plusm...

Dambolachepa, H.B.1*; Muthomi, J.W.1; Mutitu, E.W.1; Njoroge, S.M.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(3): 396-414
... of harvesting dates and drying methods on aflatoxin contamination. Field experiments were carried out both at Chitedze and Chitala Agricultural Research Stations in Malawi during 2017/2018 growing season. A randomized complete block design in a split plot arrangement with three harvesting dates as the main plot and four drying methods as the sub-plots replicated three times was used. Groundnut was assessed for kernel infect...


Ahmed Ali1*; Ahmed I. Abd El-Mawgoud2; Al-Hussien M. Dahshan1; Azza A. EL-Sawah1; Soad A. Nasef3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(4): 415-427
...r the emergence of multi-drug resistant E. coli, and the difficulty of discovering new antimicrobial therapies made vaccine the best choice to control E. coli infections in poultry farms. In this review, the various aspects of APEC infection in poultry with special focus on the epidemiology of APEC in Egypt in relation to virulence traits were discussed. In addition, the most recent vaccination trials against the APEC diseases in poultry were discussed. We con...


Mahmoud H. Abd El-Aziz1*; S.I. Behiry2; H.A. Younes2; Karrar A. Hamza2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(4): 440-452
... of El-Beheira and Alexandria governorates, Egypt. PVY could be easily transmitted mechanically by aphids. Detection of the PVY- 3 in different organs of infected Nicotiana glutinosa plants by Indirect-ELISA; Dot blot immunoassay (DBIA) and Tissue blot immunoassay (TBIA), indicated the possibility of using these methods for viral detection. Egyptian PVY (MK376452) isolate was of close homology to PVY isolated from South Africa. The other Egyptian isolates were...

 Dalia Gamil Aseel1*; Mahmoud Hamdy Abd El-Aziz2; E. E. Hafez1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 493-501
...apevines leaves at Alexandria, Egypt. A 606 bp fragment of the GFLV RNA-2 coat protein (CP) gene was amplified and then sequenced. Results of reactions of diagnostic hosts were observed on Gomphrena globosa, which developed systemic mottling, leaves twisting and necrotic spots during spring, wher...


Mohamed G. Farahat

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 511-525
...for production of agar hydrolysates with special emphasis on their anti-oxidant potential. An agarolytic strain NI125 was isolated from Nelson's Island, Alexandria, Egypt. Based on 16S rRNA analysis and extensive phenotypic characterization, it was identified as Aquimarina agarilytica. Maximum enzyme production was achieved after 24 h incubation at 20°C, and tryptone was recorded to be the best nitrogen source for agaras...

Hafsa Zaib1; Rabia Kanwar1; Nishat Zafar1*; Sultan Ali1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 526-534


Bassma H. Elwakil1; Safaa M. Ali2*; Soad F. Hafez3; Adnan A. Bekhit4; Moustafa Y. El-Naggar5; Zakia A. Olama5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 535-545


Sohila A. Abd Elmohsen1*; Samah A. Mohmed1; Ghadir E. Daigham2; Essam M. Hoballah3; Nagwa M. Sidkey2


Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 546-557
...l tolerance ability of a drinking water fungi and its potential for the synthesis of silica oxide (SiO2) nanoparticles (NPs). Metal oxide NPs can be synthesized biologically by different methods including; microorganisms, plant extracts and\ or plant biomass. These methods in some time are better alternatives to the chemical and physical methods through an environmentally route. In the present work, twenty fungal strains were isolated from eight potable water ...


Ungo-kore, H.Y1*; Ibrahim, Y.K.E.2; Tytler, B.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 579-589 were collected, shade dried, pulverized and extracted with petroleum ether using soxhlet and cold maceration. Physicochemical analysis of the seed oil was carried out as described by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. The oil was fractionated using column chromatography, and then Infra-Red (IR) analysis was carried out using a spectrophotometer. The antifungal activities of the oil and Terbinafine standard compound were evaluated by de...


Safaa M. Ali1*; Nadia A. Soliman2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 590-597
...elopment of chemical and drug synthesis. The soil metagenome is an affluent source for the discovery of new natural products. The objective of the current study was to identify the isolated functional gene(s) of the cellulase enzyme by using metagenomics. The plan of work composed of collection of different soil samples, isolation of total DNA, fragmentation, cloning, and expression of the isolated gene(s) in the suitable host microorganism. The total genomic ...


Ahmed El Taweel1*; Ahmed Kandeil1; Ahmed Barakat2; Omar El Faroq2; Ghazi Kayali3; Mohamed Ahmed Ali1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 666-674
...and 4, from infected children in Cairo, Egypt. Currently, we report the isolation and full-genome sequencing of two human isolates based on our novel designed overlapped primers. The original stool samples were collected from children suffering from diarrhea, residing in Abo-El-Reesh Hospital, Cairo, Egypt, and were well characterized as having astrovirus infections. The phylogenetic relationship of the obtained sequences of...


Ram Bahadur Khadka1,2*; Ravin Bhandari2; Rabin Gyawali3; Balram Neupane1; Dhakaraj Pant4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 675-687
...>An acute respiratory syndrome (ARDS) episode was first identified in Wuhan, China, and later officially designated as COVID-19 by the WHO. It is caused by SARS-CoV-2 that is likely associated with zoonotic transmission. Based on the live data from live reference website Worldometer which provides counters and real- time statistics for diverse topics data, COVID-19 has influenced 186 nations. China reported 25 % of cases, while 75 % of the remaining cases were...

Adamu, U.1*; Yusha’u, M.2; Usman, A. D.2; Abdulhadi, S.K.3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 696-703
... State, Nigeria. Four hundred bacterial isolates were recovered from these samples, were identified as; Salmonella typhimurium, S. enteritidis, S. typhi, S. paratyphi A, and S. paratyphi B using microgen biochemical system, according to the standard techniques. The antibiogram of all these Salmonella spp. were carried out using standard oxoid disc of different antibiotics. Double disc diffusion technique was employed to determine the isolates’ capacity t...


Mohamed GabAllah1; Ahmed Kandeil2; Adel Abd El-Baset Mousa1; Mohamed Ahmed Ali2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 725-735
...increase in the cases of drug-resistant influenza A virus has brought the urgent need for alternative anti-influenza drugs. In the present study, water extracts from eight commonly available medicinal and nutritive plants from the Apiaceae family including; Dill, Celery, Caraway, Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Anise, and Parsley were prepared. The cytotoxicity of each of extract was individually determined in the Madin–Darb...

Adamu, U.1*; Yusha’u, M.2; Usman, A. D.2; Abdulhadi, S.K.3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 696-703
... State, Nigeria. Four hundred bacterial isolates were recovered from these samples, were identified as; Salmonella typhimurium, S. enteritidis, S. typhi, S. paratyphi A, and S. paratyphi B using microgen biochemical system, according to the standard techniques. The antibiogram of all these Salmonella spp. were carried out using standard oxoid disc of different antibiotics. Double disc diffusion technique was employed to determine the isolates’ capacity t...

Taiba F. Al-Mayyahi, Dhafer A. Jameel and Haider A. Alghanmi*

... season 2022-2023 in a hydroponic system in Al-Diwaniyah Governorate, Iraq, to investigate the impact of spraying with conventional and nano-NPK fertilizer on several vegetative Growing properties and composition of Lactuca sativa var. capitata L., the experiment included two fertilizer treatments, 2 and 4 g/l of conventional and nano-NPK fertilizer, in addition to an un-fertilized control group. The results showed significant superiority of Nano NPK 4g/l trea...

Shahzadi Sarrah Atique and Ishrat Aziz* 

...stitialis) (n=10), Alexandrine Parrot (Psittacula eupatria) (n=14), and Australian Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) (n=12). In total, 45 out of 110 birds tested positive for Ascaridia spp., with a prevalence of 40.9%. Specifically, Ascaridia galli and Ascaridia platyceri were identified as the predominant parasites. The prevalence of Ascaridia galli was highest in Grey Parrots (21.4%), followed by Rump Parrots (21.4%), Alexandr
Hodan Ibrahim Nageye1, Mohamed Hassan Mohamud1, Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud2,3*, Mohamed Ahmed Jimale1, Mohamoud Abdirahman Awil1, Abdirahman Aden Hussein1 and Mohamed Isse Dhaqane1 
...rcentage of participants drank untreated water or tap water (95%). These findings highlight the concerning lack of knowledge, varied attitudes, and risky practices regarding toxoplasmosis among small-scale farmers in Mogadishu, Somalia. Public education campaigns should be implemented to enhance awareness, promote positive attitudes, and encourage safe practices to prevent toxoplasmosis in this population.

Faisal Ahmad1,2,3, Farhan Anwar Khan1, Hayatullah Khan4* and Muhammad Saeed1
...analyses revealed two hundred twenty-seven (17.5%) samples positive for anti-Mccp antibodies. The zone-wise distribution of CCPP in goats was significantly different (P˂0.05), indicated by positive sera for Mccp of 23% animals from the northern zone followed by 15% and 13% from tribal and central zones, respectively. The data analysis showed non-significant values in the seroprevalence among bucks and doe(s), indicated by anti-Mccp sera from 16.6% bucks and 1...

Enas M. Hefzy1*; Reda M. Taha2; Safaa Abd El Salam2; Abdelrhman Abdelmoktader1; Mahmoud A.F. Khalil3

...ntinuously growing. Multidrug resistance
(MDR) and increased virulence of these strains may be the cause of the subsequent clinical
crisis. This study aimed to review and analyse the epidemiology, the factors associated with
hypervirulence, and the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance of the hvKp strains in order to
provide a better understand...

Souvik Roy1*; Dibyanshu Shaw1; Tiyas Sarkar1; Lopamudra Choudhury2

.... This review aimed to address several aspects pertaining to
mycotoxins, including their predominant types and producer fungi; their harmful effects,
methods of sampling and extraction from fermented foods, and their detection and analysis
techniques, in addition to the methods used to mitigate those.

Abeer Muazi Alenazi1; Yasir Anwar1*; Salah E.M. Abo-Aba1; Noor M Bataweel1,2

drugs, and immunosuppressives. In order to compete with other microorganisms, including
those of the same genera, Streptomyces species produce several secondary metabolites.
However, despite the discovery of antibiotics, the infectious diseases remain the secondleading
cause of death worldwide. Each year, around 17 million people die from bacterial
infections; mainly chil
Sherien E. Sobhy1*; Dalia G. Aseel1*; Essam-Eldeen M. Abo-Kassem2; Nasser A. Sewelam2; Khalil M. Saad-
Allah2; Marwa A. Samy1; Elsayed E. Hafez1
...d abiotic stress factors drastically limit plant growth and productivity through
changing the physiological, biochemical, and cellular processes. In this study, 100 mM of lead
(Pb) was used as an abiotic stress source, while Fusarium graminearum represented a biotic
one on wheat plant. Compared to the control, Pb treatment and F. graminearum inoculation
led to remarkable reductions in the wheat seedlings leaf are...

Malathi H1*; Pooja Sharma2

been linked to the dramatic shifts in the microbial diversity, which are observed during the
microbial restoration. It has been suggested that in situ bioremediation (ISB) can help with the
emerging contamination problems; as the bacteria can be used to clean up the polluted areas.
In the future, the researchers should pay more attention to the assessment methodologies for
determining the success of remedia...

Noha Mostafa Mahmoud*

... be used to cultivate hundreds of novel
microorganisms linked to human; thus, opening new insights on the host-microbial
relationships. Novel taxa and species will be detected by optimizing the culture conditions;
followed by quick identification using mass spectrometry or molecular next generation
sequencing. Culturomics of the human gut microbiota can be used as a bactriotherapy for the

Ram Bahadur Khadka1*; Khimdhoj Karki1; Gautam Prasad Chaudhary2; Jitendra Pandey3

...v>disease comprises a prodromal phase and subsequent skin rash. Originating in 1959 following
a monkey outbreak in Copenhagen's research institute; the initial human case was documented
in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The virus subsequently dispersed globally;
impacting several nations such as UK, USA, Israel, and Singapore. Thus, in addition to the
healthcare infrastructure, combating monkeypox in t...

Amira H. El-Ashry*

...y interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR), which represents the
prokaryotes adaptive immune defense. The CRISPR/Cas-9 genome editing system relies on
two key elements; mainly the guide RNA (gRNA) and CRISPR-associated (Cas-9) proteins. A
complementary base pair in the designed sgRNA allows it to recognize the target sequence in
the gene of interest. Either the non-homologous end joining or the homology-dire...

Ali, A.A.M.1*; Hassanin, M.M.H.2; Abdel-Rahman, T.F.M.2; Mergawy, M.M.3

...inen-4-ol, β-phyllandrene, and sabinene in
marjoram oil, and thymol, 1.8-cineole, ρ-cymene, and α-terpinene in thyme oil. In the
greenhouse experiments, Actamyl 70 % wp (wettable powder) and Bio Cure F were the most
effective treatments, which significantly decreased the disease incidence and increased the
plant growth parameters, compared with the untreated control. On the other hand, all
Debasmita Dubey1; Gopal Krishna Purohit2; Shakti Rath3*; Sushree Swagatika Subhadarshini4; Rajashree
...dida spp., such as the hydrolytic enzymes and toxins, contribute to the tissue
damage and modulation of the immune response, aiding in Candida spp. survival and evasion
of the host defences. The formation of Candida biofilms and the complex structures, which are
composed of fungal cells encased in an extracellular matrix, has emerged as an essential aspect
of VVC pathogenesis. Biofilms confer Candida spp. enhance...

Naam Fadhil Abbas Al-Helli*; Jehan Abdul Sattar Salman

...luated against the multi-drug resistant E. coli (MDR-E. coli)
isolates obtained from various clinical sources (i.e., urine, stool, wound, and catheter). Using a
standardized protocol with slight modifications, the crude mannan extraction yielded 37.6 %,
and subsequent purification achieved an efficiency of 99.6 %. Characterization assays of the

Abdur Rauf1, Farooq Jan1*, Muhammad Yasin2, Muhammad Qayash3, Muhammad Luqman1, Kashif Hayat4, Fayaz Asad5, Ikramullah Khan1 and Muhammad Khalid6 

... present (cal.yrs.BP). A drastic decrease in the abundance of Conifers coupled with the simultaneous spread of different herb species, belonging to Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Amaranthaceae families, was found from 500 back till 900 cal. yrs. BP. Further back in the late Holocene period from 900 to 2000 cal. yrs. BP, herbs belonging to Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Amaranthaceae dominated these mountains with a little cover of Conifers represented by Taxus and Picea. ...

Gamal, Abdelaziz1*; Heba, A. Mostafa2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 736-745
...ere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is the third spillover of animal coronavirus to humans, resulting in a major respiratory epidemic in less than two decades. In March, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) called this respiratory infectious disease as a “Pandemic Outbreaks”, unfortunately, no drug or vaccine has yet been approved to treat COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). About 3.5 million confir...

Ramesh Bhandari*; Fenyong Sun; Qiuhui Pan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 746-765
...ere Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a causative agent of COVID-19 infections. In late December, 2019 emergence and pandemic outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 virus has created serious health threat globally, unlike emergence of SARS-CoV in 2002, and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS- CoV) in 2012. Globally, about 4,434,653 confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections are reported including 302,169 deaths. Wild a...

Ola Joshua Ajibola 

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 779-789


Rabaa Yaseen

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 790-807
...nd garlic stalks, were hydrolyzed by the selected cellulolytic B. thiooxidans strain UAB7, and their extracts were tested for in vitro antifungal potential against a number of fungal phytopathogens mainly; Rizoctonia solani, Fusarium moniliform; Pythium sp. and Phytophothora sp. Extracts of the decomposed garlic and olive wastes gave inhibition percentages ranging from 25-100 %, against the tested fungal pathogens. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed...

Michael E. Nkereuwem1,2*; O. Fagbola2; Iniobong E. Okon3; Ini D. Edem4; Adeniyi O. Adeleye5; Victor O.

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 808-824
...sidual total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) content of the soil, plant height, number of leaves, fresh and dry weights, percent of mycorrhizal root colonization, and fungal total colony count, were collected at 4, 8 and 12 weeks after planting (WAP). Current results showed that mycorrhizal inoculation and fertilizer application enhanced the tolerance and growth of C. lucanusianus plant to the crude oil contaminated soil. Mycorr...


Abeer F. Ahmad*; Heba A. Shehta

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 825-844
...f 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging capacity showed that ultrasonic treated leaves, sprouts (10 min.), and macerated sprouts (72 h), recorded the lowest effective concentrations (EC50) of; 2.77, 3.846, and 3.676 mg/100 ml, respectively. The antimicrobial activity of the extracts was assessed using the well diffusion method. Results showed that ultrasonic treated sprouts (10 min.) and ultrasonic treated leaves (10 and 30 min.) have better ...


David C. Nwobodo1,5*; Chibueze P. Ihekwereme2; Chinedu J. Ikem3,5; Festus B.C. Okoye4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 845-855
...ue to the development of drug-resistant strains. This study aimed to explore the secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi of Garcinia kola for their antibacterial activities against P. aeruginosa. The endophytic fungi associated with healthy leaves of G. kola were isolated using the standard methods. These fungi were subjected to solid-state fermentation on rice media at 28oC for 21 d. The fungal secondary metabolites were extracted using ethyl acetate, and t...


Fabrice Mutijima; Mostafa Basiony; Morihisa Fujita*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 856-867


Mati Ullah*; Muhammad Ibrar; Salah Uddin Khan; Habib Ullah; Nasir Ali Khan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 868-883
...ere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has created a global alarming situation. Initially, diagnosis of the virus was conducted by a combination of different assays including; electron microscopy (EM), computed tomography (CT) scan and whole-genome sequencing. However, such time-consuming diagnosis has critically highlighted the need for a fast and specific testing approach for earlier detection. It is expected that the ongoing research advanc...

Sagorika Rai; Pallabi Banerjee; Anshuman Chandra; Imteyaz Qamar*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 901-906 severe respiratory syndrome COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), owing to its hereditary similarities with the SARS infection. Individual to-individual transmission of the COVID-19 contamination led to the isolation of the patients that were treated with various types of treatments. Various measures have been executed to decrease the individual to-individual transmission of the SARS-CoV-2, to stop the present outbreak. Unique considerations and many efforts ought to be a...


Dhurva Prasad Gauchan1*; Ashok Kumar Bhattarai2; Shishir Pandey1; Sunil Bhandari1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 921-938
...ntly higher (P< 0.05) dry biomass weight (g) was obtained at pH 7 (0.66 ± 0.05) and pH 6 (0.55 ± 0.05), than at pH 3, pH 4 and pH 5. Similarly, higher biomass significance (P< 0.001) was obtained in yeast mannitol broth (2.58 ± 0.11 g), compared to potato dextrose broth (PDB) and nutrient broth (NB). The production of spores by isolate MUSH was tested on four locally available solid substrates (i.e. corn stalk, rice husk, jackfruit m...


Yasmine Abdallah; Ranya M. El-Ashmony; Abdelrazek S. Abdelrhim*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 939-954
..., root length, fresh and dry weight by 166.7 %, 168.2 %, 100 %, and 255.6 %; respectively, compared to the positive control (Xoo only). Three antimicrobial related genes; pmxB, pmxD and Fusdel were detected in P. polymyxa SX3 using nine specific gene markers. The aims of the study were to investigate the impact of P. polymyxa SX3 on in vitro growth of Xoo, in vivo growth of the rice seedlings in the greenhouse, and to detect the presence of related antimicrobi...


Gehendra Adhikari

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 955-967
...ere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the etiological agent of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and represents the causative agent of a potentially systemic disease that has drawn a global attention. Based on the study of large number of infected people who were exposed to the bat animal market in Wuhan city, China, they suggested that the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (i.e., COVID-19) is likely to be as...


Shimaa, A. Abdel Salam1; Raghda, Hager2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 968-978


Hosam, El-Sayyad1, 2; Khaled, F. Elyasergy3; Tahany, M. Abdel Rahaman3; Moustafa, A.S. Aly1, 4; Menna Allah, Ashraf 1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 979-991
...ion capacity and gain in dry biomass than single treatment. Treatment with Pb (1950 mg/ l) in combination with gamma irradiation (100 Gy) proved to be optimum for increasing the biosorption capacity of this isolate. However, Pb at 650 mg/ l combined with gamma irradiation at 100 Gy was the optimum for gain in dry biomass. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic (FTIR) analysis showed that the fungal biomass includes in its ...

Salwa M. Masoud1; Hend A. Refat2; Nada S. Sayed2; Mohamed K. Abd-El Aal2; Ahmed A. Dosocky2; Zeinab S. Mohammed3; Mohamed A. H. Abdel Wahab3; Dina M. Mekawy3; Ali I. Ali4; Basma A. Atya4; Katren T. Welliam4; Rehab M. Abd El-Baky1, 5; Zeinab S. Hashem1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 1005-1014
...the growth of some multi-drug resistance Escherichia coli and other bacterial uropathogens. Urine samples were collected from 30 UTI patients at Minia University Hospital, Minia, Egypt. Twenty Escherichia coli strains were isolated from UTI patients. The Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method was used to determine the isolates antibiotic susceptibility. The isolates showed resistance to ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin by 70%. Five E. coli bacteriophages were isolate...

Bijay Kumar Shrestha*; Jenish Shakya; Manita Tumbahangphe; Bidhya Dhungana; Romika Shrestha; Jyoti Limbu

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(6): 1015-1028
... transmitted through air droplets from infected person to healthy person. Beta- coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that shares common relativeness with Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS) affects the lungs, which is manifested as pneumonia clinically characterized by; fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and fatigue....


Fatma M. Abdel Baset; Noura Sh. A. Hagaggi*; Francis F. Hezayen; Usama M. Abdul- Raouf

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(6): 1045-1056 sources of numerous hydrolytic exo-enzymes. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from all plant parts such as; roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and latex. Bacillus was the prevalent genus. At the species level, the bacterial diversity was high. Eight representative species were isolated including; Citricoccus alkalitolerans (Cps2) (NR025771), Bacillus cereus (Cps1) (NR074540), B. pumilus (Cps3) (NR112637), B. firmus (Cpl1) (NR025842), B. niabensis (Cpl3) ...


Yusuf Muhammed; Mkpouto Pius; Bashiru Sani; Bulus Timothy; Jafar Usman; Musa Garba


Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1063-1076
...ere Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV- 2), and the disease which spread all over the world, was named COVID-19. This pandemic has negatively affected quality of life and economy worldwide, thus motivating thoughtful search for treatment and prevention strategies. Efforts have been made in drug repositioning and vaccine development as well as development of monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies provide...

Abdul, K. Madadi1*; Hadia Rauf1; Mohammad, H. Falahzadah1; Ahsanullah Yousufzai1; Abdul, S. Jamily1; Wakil, A. Sarhadi2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1106-1117
...g; 20% WE) , Mancozeb (Qadri Mancozeb® 80% WP) and Flutriafol 6.94% + Tebuconazole 20.8% (Topgaurd® 30% SC) were tested at four different concentrations of; 20, 100, 300 and 500 mg\ l, using the poisoned food technique. Among the tested fungicides, the highest in vitro inhibition (%) of mycelial growth of the pathogen was recorded on using Flutriafol 6.94% + Tebuconazole 20.8% causing complete inhibition (100 %) at 100, 300 and 500 mg\ l, followed by P...


Mojisola, C. Owoseni*; Clara Ginikanwa; Bashiru Sani; Peter Uteh Upla

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1132-1145
...pproaches to manage multidrug resistant pathogens, including infectious agents that cause nosocomial infections. This study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial potentials of ethanolic extracts of Ricinus comunis, Swietenia mahogani and Crusentia cujete against five multidrug resistant nosocomial pathogens namely; Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas sp., Klebsiella sp., Escherichia coli and Candida sp., which were isolated ...

Zeinab, S. Hashem1*; Rehab, M. Abd El-Baky1,2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1091-1105
...terium exhibits multiple drug resistance, which is responsible for recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI) that are difficult to eradicate. The work aimed to investigate the antibacterial and antibiofilm activities of Lactobacilli isolated from fecal microbiota of healthy infants; to identify these isolates and determine their probiotic characteristics. E. coli isolates were recovered from urine samples of patients with urinary tract infections. On the other ...


Bala, N. Umar1*; Jibril, Adamu1; Muhammad, T. Ahmad2; Kabiru, H. Ahmad3; Ochuko, Orakpoghenor4; Bashir, S. Aliyu5; Nuhu, Mohammed6; Aliyu Sada1,7

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1162-1175
... respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), in addition to having no specific therapy. The protective immunity involving solid CD4+ T-cells, viral specific CD8+ T-cells and the neutralizing immunoglobulins have been established in most of the convalescent COVID-19 individuals. On the other hand, the host immune response to severe COVID-19 infection has been attributed to the inflammatory cytokine storm, and to influx of the activated immune cells to the lungs; lead...

Zeinab S. Hashem1*; Ahmed S. Hashem2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1176-1193
...c appliances, and 20 children having dental caries, respectively. The antifungal susceptibility of Candida spp. was investigated using disk diffusion assay. C. albicans strains showed low resistance to fluconazole (15 %) and amphotericin B (10 %). Using the agar well diffusion assay, both L. acidophilus and L. plantarum supernatants inhibited the in vitro growth of all tested Candida spp. with inhibition zone diameters of (11-19 mm) and (7-16 mm), respectively...

G.I. Ogu1*; J.C. Okolo2; J.C. Igborgbor3; F.I. Akinnibosun4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1214-1226
...hat the recovery of multidrug-resistant and biofilm-producing Salmonella spp. from chicken meat is still scanty in Nigeria. Consequently, this study aimed to characterize the probable multidrug- resistant and biofilm producing Salmonella spp. prevalent in chicken meat vended in southern Nigerian markets. About 240 randomly sampled chilled raw chicken meats were collected from open markets in Delta, Edo, Ekiti and Ondo States...

Nouran H. Assar1*; Aya allah T. Mohamed2,3; Rehab M. Abd El-Baky2,3; Reham Ali Ibrahem2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1256-1268
...f the NPs displaying a hydrodynamic distance across of 188.0 nm (SD= 117.7). The polydispersity index was 0.246 and the Zeta- potential value was - 17.2 mV, which indicates good colloidal stability. Results of the Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation indicated that the particles were spherical in shape with an average size of 21.8- 27.5 nm. The antibacterial efficacy of the AgNPs against Methicillin resistant Staph. aureus (MRSA) and E. coli clin...


Abdulnabi A. A. Matrood1; Abdelhak Rhouma2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1283-1293
...58 g, respectively), and dry weight (4.61 and 4.60 g, respectively). Moreover, both fungicides recorded the highest peroxidase activities of 4.128 units/g/ml/min. and 3.038 units/g/ml/min., respectively. Current findings can be used to assist the eggplant growers to improve the control of early blight disease, and increase the marketable yields of this crop.


Prasanta Majumder1*; Shyamalendu Laskar2; Aesha Zafna3; Manisha Koul4; Anudarsh P. Kalakumari5; Pallavi A. Thomas6

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1294-1300
...sed acute respiratory syndrome of unknown etiology. The World Health Organization (WHO) named the viral causal agent as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV2) or COVID-19, and declared this infection as a pandemic on the 11th of March, 2020. The first case of COVID-19 infection in India was reported on late January, 2020, and since then the numbers of confirmed cases have been increasing; thus the govern...


Sunday Zeal Bala1*; Abdullahi Nasiru1; Madinat Hassan2; Priscilla Kini3; Paul Isaac Ojodale4; Yusuf Muhammed5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(5): 1351-1370
...ere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in late 2019 has necessitated discussions on different facets of the disease. These include its transmission, pathogenesis and vaccine development. The aims of this study were to discuss the SARS-COV-2 vaccines development, mechanisms of action as well as the general acceptance of these vaccines by various countries/or people. Sequel to the outbreak, several vaccines models have been discovere...

Rutuja S. Patankar1; Vasudeo P. Zambare2,3*; Mohanadoss Ponraj4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(5): 1371-1391
...ergence of the new multi-drug resistant pathogenic microbes.



Nnoli, O. Chidinma*; Adetayo, E. Temidayo; Ogunjobi, A. Adeniyi

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(5): 1392-1404
...ased development of multidrug resistant bacterial strains that is attributable to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics has led to the search for new antimicrobials of plants origin. This study aimed to assess the potentials of the multidrug resistant bacterial strains to develop resistance to the aqueous fruit extract of Xylopia aethiopica. The tested bacterial strains were; Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprop...

Asmaa Alrobai1*; Jehan Alrahimi1,2; Sahar El Hadad1,2,3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1463-1479


Noura El-Kattan1*; Kamilia A.M. Allam2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1447-1462
...omum verum) against multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. A total of 115 wound swab samples were collected from patients admitted to Naser Institute, Cairo, Egypt, suffering from wounds discharge; pain, swelling, foul-smelling, delayed and non-healing wound infections. Six genera of bacteria were isolated from the collected swab samples, and then identified using conventional biochemical met...


Folake T. Afolabi1*; Ibukun E. Ola1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(1): 1494-1514
...fiber (0.8 %) and carbohydrate (84.28 %). Sulphuric acid was used for pre-treatment of the date palm fruit substrate. Fermentation was carried out under shaking and static conditions using Pichia kudriavzevii yeast strains isolated from date palm fruit wastes. Greater bioethanol yield was observed when the substrates were fermented under shaking condition. Optimization of the physical conditions improved the fermentation pro...

Abdulaziz Yahya Al-Ghamdi

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(2): 1515-1529
...aves were collected, air-dried, macerated, and then extracted with ethanol, chloroform and hot water. The phytochemical constituents and antimicrobial potential against Gram-positive bacteria including; Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Gram- negative bacteria such as; Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the yeast fungus Candida albicans were determined. Results indicated that the extracts contained saponins; coumarins, alkaloids, tannins, flav...


Salwa Mahmoud Masoud1; Rehab Mahmoud Abd El-Baky1,2; Sherine A. Aly3; Reham Ali Ibrahem1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(2): 1543-1556


Gareeballah Osman Adam1,2*; Hong-Geun Oh2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(3): 1583-1600
...e existing antimycotoxin drugs, chemicals, enzymes and medicinal plants; such as the mycotoxin antidotes. These antidotes range from binders, such as aluminosilicates and activated charcoal, to herbal compounds that are diverse. For instance, extracts of several plants such as Camellia sinensis leaves, Carum carve seeds, garlic, and many others, are frequently used to mitigate the mycotoxicosis in humans and animals. Besides, clinicians support the diagnosed p...


Soumya Nigam1; Urvashi Vijay2*; Bhumandeep Kour3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(3): 1601-1613
...ere Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus - 2 (SARS- CoV-2), had a significant impact on the healthcare system, especially in the clinical microbiology laboratories worldwide. The choice of a correct anatomical site for good samples collections with the proper precautions is essential for prompt and accurate diagnosis of COVID-19. This review aimed to cover the challenges faced during the choice of appropriate sample collection sites, transport and tests for...

Bijay Kumar Shrestha1*; Manita Tumbahangphe1; Jenish Shakya1; Sujata Chauhan1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1614-1634
...a. Furthermore, the multidrug resistance patterns of UPEC may result in severe septic shock. Factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of UPEC include; secreted proteins, haemolysins, capsule, lipopolysaccharides, biofilm, fimbriae adhesions and iron acquisition systems. In spite of several host protection mechanisms; however, UPEC may persist inside the urinary tract and serve as a reservoir of recurrent infections and complications. Early diagnosis and pro...

 Jorge G. Robalino1; Patricio A. Salazar2; Nelson E. Muñóz3; Diego M. Tene4; Adriana B. Pedreáñez5*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1635-1658
...arrative review was to address the role of the gut microbiome in the respiratory health and in particular, its association with the severity of COVID-19. The gut microbiome plays several important roles therefore; its balance is determinant for the human health, due to its relationship with several essential physiological processes, including maturation of both of the innate and the adaptive immune responses. Intestinal dysbiosis has an impact on the respirato...


Vinita C. Patole1*; Jayashri G. Mahore1; Tanaji D. Nandgude1; Anil Gutte1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1659-1669
... the vagina to synthetic drugs. Hence, an attempt was made to investigate whether ACV could support growth of the beneficial bacteria and inhibit growth of the pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli in the vagina. In vitro evaluation of the anti-bacterial potential of ACV against E. coli showed a potent antibacterial activity, recording a zone of inhibition diameter of 32.9 ± 0.5 mm; however, no zone of inhibition was observed against Lactobacillus acidoph...

Ena Gupta1; Neha Mishra2; Pragya Mishra3; Priyanka Singh3*; Uroosa Noor1; Shashi Soni1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1670-1681
...ere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has spread in almost every country in the world. This infection has appeared as a subject of intensive debate and concern among most of the government’s public health systems, researchers, and policymakers. The severity of this zoonotic disease upshot a pandemic situation, which has a long-term impact on the personal, behavioral, social, and economic, as well as on the political and state affairs....


Ekadashi Rajni*; Vishnu Kumar Garg; Rajat Vohra; Yogita Jangid1; Richa Sharma

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1700-1712
...ere Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2), during which an increase in the incidence of candidemia and Candida auris cases were reported by several researchers. This study aimed to address how the entire landscape evolved during the downslide of the COVID-19 pandemic over the study period that spanned five years, including the pre-pandemic, peak, and waning of the COVID-19 pandemic. This retrospective observat...


Amal Nasser Alahmari1*; Shahira A. Hassoubah1; Bothaina Ali Alaidaroos1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1742-1767


Amal Nasser Alahmari1*; Shahira A. Hassoubah1; Bothaina Ali Alaidaroos1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1742-1767


Amira H. El-Ashry1*; Rasha H. El-Mahdy1; Mohammad A. Gaballah2; Rania Talaat3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1768-1782



Heba Ahmed Mohamed1*; Gamal Fadl Mahmoud Gad1; Mona Fattouh Mohamed2; Hend Harby Ahmed3; Ameer Effat Elfarash4; Nahed Fathallah Fahmy2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1801-1820
...mannii strains were multidrug resistant (MDR), and high rate of Extreme drug resistant (XDR) A. baumannii (70 %) was detected. Carbapenem resistance was detected in 65 % of A. baumannii isolates, 70.58 % of MDR i...


Simiat O. Jimoh*; Semirah A. Sanusi; Farouq A. Olaogun; Ramot B. Badmos-Oladapo; Kifayat O. Asafa- Adedimeji

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1821-1835
...cess through enzymatic hydrolysis of cassava peel using Aspergillus niger 11JK and Saccharomyces cerevisiae 19KB strain. The mevalonate (MVA) pathway (synthetic route) exploited during bioisoprene production by S. cerevisiae 19KB strain was investigated using the hydrolyzed cassava peel broth. The obtained crude extract was analyzed for bioisoprene yield and enzymatic activities using Gas chromatography. Furthermore, results...


Ghadir A. El-Chaghaby; Heba A. Shehta; Sayed Rashad; El-Shaimaa A. Rawash; Heba R. Eid

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2303-2319
...d 0.2 %) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT, 0.02 %) was used as a synthetic preservative. The antioxidant and microbiological attributes of the SCE treated chicken fillets were investigated at 3 d intervals for 15 d. The results showed that inclusion of SCE enhanced the chicken fillets antioxidant properties and microbiological characteristics. Furthermore, the chicken fillets treatments succeeded in stopping the rise of the total bacterial count, with no Salm...


Sherin P. Mekhail1; Marwa S. Fouad2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(2): 2393-2413


Apoorva Jain1; Ajay Kumar Oli1*; Sughosh Kulkarni2; Raghavendra D. Kulkarni2; Kelmani Chandrakanth3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2435-2451
... patterns among the multidrug-resistant pathogens, thereby guiding the development of targeted therapies and preventive measures. Consequently, comprehensive efforts are needed aiming at unraveling the intricacies of antibacterial resistance in ESKAPE pathogens that are imperative to safeguarding the public health. The aim of the present review was to highlight the patho-mechanisms of ESKAPE bacteria towards the different antibiotics and genes involved in mult...


Simiat O. Jimoh1*; Faizah R. Adebowale2; Kifayat O. Asafa-Adedimeji2, Ramat B. Badmos-Oladapo2; Taiwo A. Sorunke1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2452-2468
...; mainly GDP-Mannose dehydrogenase (23.77± 0.13 U/ ml); glycosyltransferase (9.68± 0.53 U/ ml), phosphomannomutase (266.09± 0.16 U/ ml), mannose phosphate isomerase (95.87± 0.51 U/ ml), alginate lyase (24.50± 0.95 U/ ml), and mannuronan epimerase (49.93± 0.82 U/ ml). In this study, the expression of alginate-modifying genes such as alginate lyase and GDP-Mannose dehydrogenase amplico...


Osama M. Ghanem1; Nehal Kamal2; Alaa F. Said3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2469-2490
...ess was carried out from drought-suffered locations to obtain efficient promising strains adapted to carry out vital processes under an irrigation water shortage. Eight bacterial isolates were selected and identified by phenotypic properties, and were subjected to screening procedures to assess their growth capabilities and evaluate their potential as PGPB. The screening process involved investigating various PGPB features, such as phosphate solubilization, fo...


Zine El Abidine Bzazou El Ouazzani1; Laila Reklaoui1; Houda Benaicha1,2; Said Barrijal1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2491-2509
...defense in treating multidrug- resistant (MDR) infections. This elevated level of resistance presents a substantial threat to the healthcare system, paving the way for a post-antibiotic era. In the present study, a checkerboard assay was employed to pinpoint the optimal combinations of Origanum majorana (OM) essential oil and colistin (CS) for the purpose of enhancing colistin's antibacter...


Hend M. Radwan; Nagwan G. El Menofy*; Sahar M.R. Radwan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2510-2525
... high concentration of hydrogen ions, antibiotics, and minerals can start and spread AMR in wastewater. Antimicrobial agents are present in the environment in varying amounts depending on the antimicrobial class and their frequent use. Evolution of antibiotic- resistant bacteria (ARB) poses a significant public health risk; especially in healthcare facilities and hospital’s wastewater. Advanced wastewater treatment technologies should be implemented for ...

 Maria R. Boushra1*; Noha A. Hassuna2; Gamal F.M. Gad1; Reham A. Ibrahem1; Nancy G.F.M. Waly1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2526-2541
...ic modification of these drugs is the predominant resistance mechanism. Additionally, P. aeruginosa possesses many efflux systems that enable it to resist a variety of antimicrobial agents. This study aimed to determine the resistance patterns to several antibiotics as well as the possible mechanisms of aminoglycosides resistance, including aminoglycosides modifying enzymes (AMEs), genes, and active efflux system, observed in clinical P. aeruginosa isolates re...


Fateh Merouane1*; Amani Kifadji2; Racha Mansouri3; Meroua Safa Mechouche1,4; Chemes El-Houda Messaad5,6; Anfal Bellebcir1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2555-2579
...sp;The emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), poses a significant threat to the global public health. Streptomyces species have been recognized as a prolific source of bioactive secondary metabolites, including antimicrobial compounds. In this study, we aimed to optimize the production of anti-MRSA compounds by Streptomyces sp. AR05; a strain isolated from hydr...

Mai N. Amer1; Maissara M.K. Elmaghraby2; Aya A.M. Abdellatif2; Sondos R. Salem3; Mariam M. Salama3; Omar A. Abdel Maksoud3; Radwa M. Nasr3; Mohamed N.H. Amer4; Mohamed M.H. Marghany5; Hassan M. Awad1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2580-2603
...e or non-dairy foods and drinks. Probiotics are mainly categorized into two main genera; mainly Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. Probiotics are vital for maintaining a healthy microbiota; especially in cancer patients. They enhance the production of anticancer enzymes, apoptosis, autophagy, immunology, and other processes. Additionally, probiotics produce various bioactive molecules such as short-chain fatty acids, enzymes, vitamins, and exopolysacc...


Subhasmita Mallik1; Samikshya Nayak1; Arpita Panda2; Smrutirekha Behera1; Kamalakanta Swain2; Archita Patra1; Rukmini Mishra1; Jatindra Nath Mohanty1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2604-2631
...istance to antimicrobial drugs has emerged as a global health crisis. Therefore, it is crucial to develop alternative therapeutic strategies to address the growing threat of multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogens. Researchers and clinicians are increasingly focusing on plant-based products due to their antibiotic propert...


Zine El abidine Bzazou El Ouazzani1*; Laila Reklaoui1; Monsif El Madany2; Houda Benaicha3; Said Barrijal1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2632-2652
...rial to
evade the drugs' harmful effects. Colistin disrupts bacterial cell membranes by interacting with
lipopolysaccharides (LPS), causing cell death. Currently, colistin is regarded as a last-resort
antibiotic for treating infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria (GNB). Overuse of colistin
in animal feed and human medicine has led to the appearance of genetic mutations and the
acquisition of mobile colistin resistance (m...


Amany A. Hassabo1; Basant A. Ali1; Shaimaa A. Tawfik2; Hossam E. Emam3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2666-2682 biomedical agents for drug delivery, antibacterial, and anticancer treatments due to their significant permeability and retention effects. Both of nano-size copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) exhibited a significant activity in biological treatment and drug delivery systems. Consequently, the present work aimed to focus on the novel biogenic synthesis of Cu-Se BNPs using cell-free extract of a marine bacterium, and studying th...


Belal Natey1; Ahmed M.M.A. Kasem1; Younes M. Rashad2*; Nageh Fathy Abo-Dahab1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2712-2733
...ed total protein, carbohydrates, phenols, and flavonoid contents. Our results suggested that T. afroharzianum B3R12 represents a promising bioagent for biocontrol of onion white rot and promoting the plant growth; however, field evaluation in the future studies is necessary before the final recommendation.


Omnia Karem Riad*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2734-2749
...y interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR-Cas) system is a gene-editing tool that can re-sensitize the resistant bacteria. Vaccination prevents infectious diseases and halts the emergence of resistant pathogens. Meanwhile, bacterial ghosts (BGs) and bacterial outer membrane vesicles (bOMVs) can be used to develop safe vaccines. bOMVs are also used as efficient tools for drug delivery due to their nanosizes. Additionall...

Aml Ghanem1,2; Ahmed A. Al-Karmalawy3,4; Noha E. Morsy5; Mahmoud Elsabahy6; Ahmed M. Rayan2,7*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2750-2771
... metabolites such as dihydroaltersolanol showed strong binding activity across multiple bacterial targets; suggesting their broad-spectrum antibacterial potential, while Bicycloalternarene F demonstrated specific high affinity for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl- coenzyme. Alternatone A, tenuazonic acid, and A reductase expressed strong multi-target antibacterial potential, while Bicycloalternarene F and Alternatone A displayed h...

Yana Gocheva*; Stephan Engibarov; Rumyana Eneva; Irina Lazarkevich; Simona Mitova; Ivanka Boyadzhieva

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2772-2789
...ymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of phytic acid, play a major role in various biotechnological processes; especially in agriculture. Among the diverse sources of phytases as prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, bacterial phytases have gained considerable attention due to their specific characteristics, potentials for genetic manipulation, and various biotechnological and industrial applications. Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria with phytase activity have been ...

Linda Herlina*, Anita Fitriani, Marina Sulistyati, Khansa Nurul Salsabilah, Achmad Firman

...earch was conducted in Indramayu District because it has the largest rice field area in West Java Province. This condition makes Indramayu District very potential for the development of duck farming areas because the physiological status of ducks as waterfowl allows ducks to be reared in low tide areas such as rice fields and swamps. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the profitability of duck farming and pro...

Tesfaye Edjem1,2, Yisehak Kechero2*, Asrat Guja2

...lenges such as recurrent droughts, limited access to commercial feed, poor infrastructure, and insufficient extension services hindered progress. The findings underscore the need for policies that enhance feed security, infrastructure, and market access while integrating indigenous knowledge with modern techniques. Future research should focus on developing sustainable fattening models and scaling up best practices to improve livelihoods and meet market demand...

Aulia Kanwal1, Rehana Kausar2, Muhammad Asif Gondal1* and Chi Chen3

...ibited the presence of hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxycinnamic acid in agricultural waste samples. Effects of RH, SB, and CC on growth performance, gut microbial flora, innate immunity, and hematology of hybrid red tilapia (Oreochromis aureus X Oreochromis mossambicus) were evaluated in 91 days feeding trial with a test diet supplemented with 10% RH, SB, CC to basal diet (BD) ingredients in optimum conditions of growth. Grow...

Usman Pato1*, Emma Riftyan1, Yusmarini1, Evy Rossi1, Azzahra Adeela Putri1, Shelvia Karvina1, Tri Zulia Ningrum1, Nisa Ikhwana1, Tjipto Leksono2, Aqilah Sakura Usman3, Agrina4

...h cellulose microfiber hydrogel (CMFH) from oil palm solid waste (OPSW) challenged with S. aureus and measured weight gain parameters, total faecal LAB and S. aureus, and several blood serum immune parameters. The results demonstrated that rats given LFB1295 encapsulated in CMFH had lower S. aureus counts by 3.16 to 14.47%, greater body weights by 19.50 to 37.33%, and total LAB counts by 7.80 to 13.15%. Oral administration of CMFH-encapsulated LFB1295 signific...

Edy Rianto1*, Vita Restitrisnani1, Sutaryo Sutaryo1, Sri Mawati1, Agung Purnomoadi1, Endang Purbowati1, Retno Adiwinarti1, Muhammad Hesa Karim1, Putty Kinanti Anif Machfiroh1, Niar Ulfa1, Agnes Ragil Mustikasari1, Dwi Wahyu Setiawan1, Farkhan Farkhan1, Marcelinus Dwi Septian1, Nadlirotun Luthfi2

...uffalo farming. Three hundred and eighty buffalo farmers were chosen as respondents for having been at least 3 years buffalo farming experience. They were interviewed using open questionnaires for buffalo raising practices and economic feasibility. The data collected were characteristics of the respondents, reproductive performance, and economic analysis of the buffalo farming. The data of buffalo growth rate were collected by crass-sectional comparison method...

Manan Kumar1, Sony Eka Nugraha2*, Nabila Nabila3

...eagents for alkaloids; hydrochloric acid with magnesium powder for flavonoids; and the foam test for saponins. The Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) method was used to extract compounds from the beetroot tubers. Furthermore, diabetic rats were induced via a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin at a dose of 65 mg/kg body weight (BW), which was administered 15 min after the administration of nicotinamide at 110 mg/kg body weight. Diabetic rats we...

Mathew O. Ayoola1*, Akingbolabo D. Ogunlakin2, Abel O. Oguntunji1

...e, sheep, and goat husbandry; largely managed by semi-sedentary and nomadic pastoralists. These pastoralists have little or no access to prompt modern veterinary medical interventions and thereby depend mostly on ethno-veterinary medicine. Recently, it has been documented that alkaloids, terpenoids, and flavonoids from these medicinal plants boost the quality and quantity of milk production. Meanwhile, there is a paucity of information on those medicinal plant...

Danh Mo1*, Nguyen Van Thu2

..., and 28 to 35% of total dry matter (DM) intake. Urea was also used to adjust the crude protein content in diets to approximately 11% of DM. The dietary organic matter digestibility (OMD) and metabolizable energy (ME) were determined by the in vivo, formal in vitro (F_iv) and in vitro procedure of simplified medium (S_iv) by eliminating trypticase, minerals and reducing solutions and replacing them with rumen fluid from slaughterhouses of cattle with unknown d...

Ahyuni Indahwati, Edy Kurnianto, Enny Tantini Setiatin, Daud Samsudewa*

... Rembang regency. Two hundred and thirty-nine cows of Ongole grade cow used in this research to observe for qualitative traits. Descriptive statistics analysis was used in this research. The results showed that the majority of observed qualitative traits conformed to national standards with minor deviations in certain grades. In conclusion, qualitative traits of Ongole grade cows in Rembang Regency resemble with Indonesian National Standard.

Ujang Hidayat Tanuwiria1*, Andi Mushawwir1, Alika Yulistina2, Najmah Ali3

...RDP) to non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) in cattle feed affects the production of ammonia (NH3), total volatile fatty acids (VFA), and protozoa. The experimental design was completely randomized (CRD) with six treatments and five replications. The treatments consisted of varying RDP to NFC ratios: R1 (60:35), R2 (60:40), R3 (65:35), R4 (65:40), R5 (55:39), and R6 (55:41). The research data were analyzed for variance, followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test...

Ahmed Abdullahi Salad1, Saeed Ahmed1*, Ehsan Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Shahbaz Zafar1, Imran Mohsin2, Mubarik Ahmad2, Zakariye Abdifatah Ahmed3 and Muhammad Uzair4

...digestibility, including dry matter and NDF in T4. Triglyceride levels were also higher (P < 0.05) in the high NDF and bypass fat supplemented group (T4), though blood glucose levels remained unaffected. It is concluded that bypass fat supplementation (40gm) with a high NDF (40%) diet, positively influenced growth performance, nutrient digestibility and economic efficiency in Beetal goat bucks.


Hareem Fatima1, Lubna Ansari1*, Sajjad Haider Zaidi2, Shazia3, Saqib Mehmood4 and Nasim Iqbal Butt5

...There was no research on drivers of Invasive species (Prosopis juliflora and Arundo donax) and current and temporal spread of these species spread in the study area. The main objective of this study is to access time wise distribution of these species (10 years) and current distribution in the study area. This research also intends to identify the main drivers of invasive species (Prosopis juliflora, Arundo donax) in the stu...

Denny Rusmana1*, Diding Latipudin1, Deni Saefulhajar1, Ronnie Permana1, Najmah Ali2, Eli Sahara3

...have access to water for drinking. The treatment gave rations with various electrolyte balances (100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 mEq/kg ration). Ducks fed rations with electrolyte Balance 150 and 200 mEq/kg had digestibility of dry matter (DDM), organic matter (DOM), and crude protein (DCP) highest with values of DDM between 59.74 % - 61.01 % (P<0.05), Value DOM between 61.88 to 62.36 % and the value of DCP 70.79 -71.90 %. Du...

Wilmienthe Marlene Mesang Nalley1*, Aloysius Marawali1, Kirenius Uly1, Petrus Kune1, Franky Ms Telupere1, Ni Made Paramita Setyani1, Alvrado Bire Lawa1, Yustiany Yuliana Bette1, Thomas Mata Hine1, Abdullah Baharun2 adding various carbohydrates (sucrose, lactose, and fructose) to Tris-egg yolk diluents  , providing additional energy substrates that may extend sperm viability and motility. Good-quality sperm samples, with motility levels of ≥70% and abnormalities <20%, were diluted in a TEy control solution, with additional treatments including sucrose (TS), lactose (TL), fructose (TF), and combinations of the carbohydrates...

Merry Muspita Dyah Utami*, Aryanti Candra Dewi, Rosa Tri Hertamawati, Dillenia Jasmine, Nala Wafia, Jini Saputri, Kornelius Hangga Septiyanto were water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, ash, polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, antioxidant activity, and oil volatile composition. The findings showed that the water content (1.73%), fat (0.39%), and protein (3.51%) of peel ethanol extract were substantially lower than those of arils and whole fruit, in contrast, the ash (36.67%), fiber (37.67%), carbohydrate (72.51%), polyphenols (12.34 mg/g), flavonoid (5.57 ...

Ikram-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Huzaifa1*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, Abdul Hannan Afzal1, Iqra Bibi1, Tashfeen Fatima1, Tayyaba Batool1 and Mudassar Nawaz1

...ot and root weights with dry seedling, shoot and root weights. Means, genotypic and phenotypic variation, heritability, genetic advance and correlation analysis were done for these characters. The phenotypic for germination percentage is 208.52 and genotypic variance is 254.44. For all the characters the phenotypic variance (PV) is greater than genotypic variance (GV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) is greater than genotypic coefficient of variat...

Israa Kareem Abdulhussein Al-Kanani and Harith Mahmood Azeez Al-Tamimi*

...n leaf content of carbohydrates, proteins, and nitrogen (N). The interactions among the factors studied were also significant as contributors to better nutritional and chemical properties of the orange seedlings. The highest yield was recorded when the Blood variety was treated with 0.6 mg/L Brassinolide and 1 g/L HumZinc, as it showed the highest amount of carbohydrates 19.10%, proteins 16.67%, and nitrogen 2.67 % in leaves...

Zheng Han1, Junbo Liu2, Jingyao Luan2, Changlong Gao2, Yufeng Tai2, He Liu2, Saipeng Zhang2, Guanqiang Zhai2, Xi Yang1,3, Haitao Wang1,4*

Ajmal Hussan1, AT Ramachandra Naik2, Subhendu Adhikari3, Arabinda Das3, Farhana Hoque3, Pramod Kumar Sahoo4 and Jitendra Kumar Sundaray4*

... size of ripe females. Hydrological parameter analysis showed significant differences in concentration of ammonia (p= 0.003), nitrate (p<0.001) and phosphate (p<0.001) between study sites. Analysis of pearson correlation reveled a significant correlation between nutrient contents of the invaded sites and reproductive traits of Amazon sailfin catfish. Mean GSI of mature female, gonad mass and absolute fecundity of ripe females were found to have a signifi...
Xianmei Song1, Yuchen Zhao1, Peng Zhao1, Yinxiang Ma1, Ming Bai1,2 and Xinpu Wang1,*
... nearly complete mitochondrial genome of P. poligraphus contained a set of 36 genes typical of the insect mitogenome, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), 21 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs) but lacked tRNA-Ile, as for the typical insect mitogenome. The results of nucleotide skew statistics showed that the AT-skews and GC-skew of P. poligraphus were positive and negative, respectively, which were similar to other Scolytinae insect...

Hanadi J. Al-Zubaidi1*, Shatha Mousa Mlaghee Al-Safi2, Asseel Abdulateef Abdulzahra1, Saadia Saleh Mehdyal-Zeiny2, Nadia K. J. Al-Dawah2, Zainab Abbas Al-Asadi3

...g-day) orally. Blood was drawn during the sacrifice and was placed into heparin and EDTA tubes for biochemical analyses. As liver tissue was collected, and then fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution for histological studies. The results showed that crudeWEE better than crude MEE in reducing potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) mediated liver toxicity. Also, that treatment with crude WEE reduced bad lipid serum levels significantly. The histopathological re...

Adeola D. Ayanyinka1,2*, Itunuoluwa Oyelayo1,2, Adedayo Simeon Okediji1,2, O. Opaleye1,2, O. Ojurongbe1,2 and Olugbenga A Olowe1,2

...une system interactions, drug-drug interactions, and immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), complicate treatment further. Contemporary strategies to tackle these challenges encompass integrated screening, customized treatment protocols, and public health initiatives such as vaccination and enhanced healthcare systems. This review also emphasizes the necessity of multidisciplin...

Nusrat Jahan Lily1*, Kazi Abdus Sobur2, Minhaz Zabin Saif Mim3, Anika Thasin Bithi4, Hamja Hasanat5, Tabassum Mounita5, Foysal Ahammad6,7, Abdus Samad7,8 and Palash Bose2

... formation of multiple hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions with key residues (LYS1119, ASP1120, and LYS1073) in the protease’s active site, indicating strong and stable ligand-protein interactions. CID: 56649692 demonstrates significant potential as a lead compound for ZIKV inhibition based on its high binding affinity, molecular stability, and favorable ADME and toxicity profiles. Targeting the NS2B-NS3 protea...

Salwan A.Z.J. Allobawi1*, Ali Ajil Al-Haidery2, Malik H. Karem2 and Adeeb Kitab Abdul Zaid Al-Shafiee3

...spectively. Furthermore, dry biomass weight measurements in PDB revealed that Bestor promoted growth in all fungi tested, Spartan enhanced all fungi except A. flavus, and Appland stimulated A. terreus and B. cinerea, with growth percentages recorded at 24.39%, 48.48%, 71.21%, 73.91%, 51.16%, 29.54%, 42.42%, 87.50%, 72.72%, 51.56%, and 75.00%, respectively. These results underscore the potential of these insecticides to indirectly influence soil fungal populati...

Nura Abubakar1, Abubakar Sadiq Yakubu1, Salisu Buhari1, Adamu Abdul Abubakar2,1*, Mohammad Sani Ismaila3,4, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga1, Hassan Yahaya Nawawi5, Ashiru Dahiru6, Shehu Zaid7, Umar Salisu Ahmad1, Umar Abubakar Uwais8, Kabiru Zaki9

...sured at 0 hours (before drug administration) and then six times after drug administration at one-hour intervals while the rumenotomy was ongoing. There was a significant difference in the onset and duration of action between the lidocaine alone and lidocaine-tramadol-treated groups (P<0.05). There was a significant difference in pulse rate 1 hour after lidocaine administration; however, the lidocaine-tramadol group showe...

Mohammed Jard Kadhim*, Mohanad K. Ulsagheer

...blood cholesterol, and address liver issues. The present study involved 450 one-day-old Ross broiler chicks, which were employed in an experiment. The broilers were divided into six groups, each containing 75 chicks and three replicates, to examine the effects of plant extracts from Ocimum sanctum and Silybum marianum. The control group (T1) was given a basal diet, while the treatment groups (T2 and T3) were supplemented with Ocimum sanctum extract (5 and 10 g...

Romi Andika1*, Wizna2, Mirzah2, Yetti Marlida2

... included water content, dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, and ash content. The results showed that fermentation duration and inoculum dosage had a significant interaction (P < 0.05) on crude protein and crude fiber, but no significant interaction (P > 0.05) on water content, dry matter, crude fat, and ash content. It was concluded that the optimal treatment for fermenting corn tumpi with Bacillus amyl...

Ke Li1,2, Hai Liu1, Jiangang Zhou1, Hongbing Chen1 and Zhengxiang Wang1,2*

...he central Yangtze River drainage, which is categorized as a priority region for biodiversity conservation. The Lake is lies within an important fishery region, but research-based information about its freshwater fishes is very limited. We summarize and update the freshwater species list of fish in Liangzi Lake. Based upon our field investigations and literature review, there are 95 freshwater fish species belonging to 12 orders, 28 families and 61 genera in L...

Anwar A. Maki* and Asaad M.R. Al-Taee

...des for the methanol dehydrogenase enzyme was also detected, confirming the identification of PPFM. Growth was achieved in MSM medium supplemented with 1% crude oil as a carbon source, recording highest optical density (OD600) of 0.7 after 5 days of incubation in a shaking incubator at 120 rpm and 30 °C. Gas chromatography (GC) analysis showed high rates of aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkane) degradation after incubation i...

Aklilu Getahun*, Yisehak Kechero and Nebiyu Yemane

...ed. These include high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), seafood irradiation, pulsed light technology, pulsed electric fields (PEF), and microwave processing. These emerging techniques offer promising solutions for seafood preservation while maintaining nutritional quality, texture, and flavor. Importantly, they align with current consumer preferences for fresh, additive-free, and minimally processed food products. As health-conscious consumers increasingly prioriti...
Zaheer Abbas, Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Yousuf Rafiq, Hafiz Shahzad* and Aqeel Ur Rehman
...meability varies in a quadratic parabolic form. The Brinkman model is applied to the porous medium to effectively regulate the flow. The impacts of viscous dissipation are also incorporated into the energy equation. The exact solution for velocity and temperature fields is obtained using the direct integration method, and then the obtained results are plotted to see the influence of different physical parameters. Furthermore, the skin friction coefficient and ...

Ruth Dameria Haloho1*, Marsudi1, Siti Nuraliah1, Agus Setiadi2, Edy Rianto2, Nadlirotun Luthfi3, Muh Munadi4

Dian Septinova*, Ridwan, Tiara Arnenda, Mita Dewita Sari, Riyanti Riyanti, Madi Hartono

... (CA) as an acidifier in drinking water on the performance and internal organs of KUB chickens aged 2–8 weeks. A total of 200 KUB chickens were randomly divided into four groups: 0% (T0), 0.5% (T1), 1.0% (T2), and 1.5% (T3) CA. Results indicated that in the 2nd week, CA administration significantly decreased (P < 0.05) drinking water consumption, feed intake, body weight gain (BWG), and overall body weight of the ch...

En Zhang1, Ming Zhu1, Wenli Zhu1, Wei Xiong1, Zhongfei Huang1, Xin Qiao2 and Chuanfu Song1*

...time and did not receive drug treatment in our hospital were selected as the depression group, and 42 healthy people who underwent physical examination in our hospital during the same period were selected as healthy controls. We compared the serum levels of NGF, GDNF, VEGF, and IGF-1 between the two groups. The patients in the depression group were treated with SSRI antidepressants for 8 weeks, and the changes in serum growth factors and Hamilton Depression Sc...

Yulin Zeng

...y of PZ matrix cells was dramatically increased. The TRAF6 in the inhibition group of TZ tissue was greatly lower, while that in the enhancement group of PZ tissue was greatly higher. It was concluded that TRAF6 promotes Pro of prostate TZ and PZ cells by activating the IGF1-Akt/mTOR signaling.


Zhenfeng Cai1, Xingli Jiang2, Xintao Dai1 and Pinglei Wu1*

...taglandin E2 (PGE2), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). A convenient sampling method was used to select 86 patients who were scheduled to undergo total LH from March 2020 to April 2022. The patients were divided into control group (CG) and research group (RG), 43 cases each. All patients are treated with PCIA, CG with Sufentanil+Granisetron, RG with Nalbuphine combined with Sufentanil+Granisetron. At 6h and 12h after operation, the scores of VAS and Ramnsay sedation ...

Xiang Lv1, Sufang Zhang2, Li Ling3, Xian Wang4, Ying Xia5, Xiaoping Wang6 and Yan Li1*

Mashael Alhumaidi Alotaibi*

...eaves extract on mitochondrial morphology in MCF7 cells. It was observed that mitochondrial fragmentation increased with higher concentrations of the extract, accompanied by changes in nuclear morphology and DNA fragmentation. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects, the study examined the mRNA expression levels of apoptotic genes in MCF7 cells treated with lemongrass extract. The results revealed that...

Wen-Da Wang1, Wei-Yue Gong1, Bin Li2, Shan-Shan Lei3* and Qing-Hua Wang1*

...ain biological reactions driving the development of psoriasis. The lncRNA (NEAT1)-miRNA (miR-125b-5p, miR-125b-2-3p)-mRNA (KIF2C) axis, and lncRNA (MALAT1, XIST)-miRNA (miR-135b-5p)-mRNA (MYLK, ACTG2, and MYH11) axis play vital roles in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, which may be the important mechanisms to explain the happen and progression of psoriasis.

Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Muhammad Idrees1, Faisal Bashir2 and Sher Ali Khan2
...healthy source of carbohydrates with minimum calories. This plant provides numerous health advantages due to the presence of constituents such as tannins, alkaloids, saponins and protein playing a vital role in enhancing vigor and fertility of both men and women. Asparagus officinalis exhibits pharmacological characters and work as an active anti- inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-abortifacient, anti-cancer, anti-oxytocic, anti-cancer, anti- ulcer, anti -fungal...

Muhammad Farooq*, Shahab Momand, Salim Saifullah and Sanam Zarif Satti

...(9 species 20.4%), Cough/dry cough (10 species 22.7%), Stomach problems (7 species 15.9%), Diuretic (8 species 18.1%), Anti inflammation (6 species 13.6%), Body pain and Abdominal pain (4 species 9.0 %). 11 species 25% were also used as a food. 18.1% species were used as a fuel and 22% species were used for other uses. Rest of specie identified were less used. The common plant parts used for the different ethnobotanical purposes were leaves (31 species 70.4%),...

Rini Mastuti1*, Muhammad Fuad2, Yenni Marnita3, Cut Gustiana1, Silvia Anzitha1, Muhammad Jamil1

...interest in animal husbandry (0.277), followed by challenges and risks (0.255). Further research is needed using other variables that are thought to motivate people in raising livestock to produce a better model and increase the production of livestock products in Aceh Tamiang District.
Keywords | Aceh tamiang, Challenges and risks, Infrastructure, Interest in farming, SEM-PLS

I. N. T. Ariana1*, G. A. M. Kristina Dewi2, N. L. P. Sriyani1, I. N. S. Miwada3, T. I. A. S. Ardani4

... significantly increased drip loss (T2:12,77% and T3: 11,93%), cooking loss (T2: 40,02% and T3: 40,12%), and meat fat content ( T2: 5 , 45 % and T 3 : 5 , 89 %) (P < 0.05) while decreasing water-holding capacity (T2: 32,98% and T3: 33,34%) and protein content (T2: 22,32% and T3: 22,12%) (P < 0.05). Substitution of CC with 24% BBBC can maintain FCR, WD values and pH, water content, ash content, but reduces the meat quality of Bali local pig. It is recomme...

Andi Mushawwir1*, Ronnie Permana1, Johar Arifin2, Najma Ali3, Eli Sahara4

...ogy and growth. Three hundred and fifty day-old Sentul chickens were randomly assigned to 35 experimental groups, each containing ten chickens. The study involved five different dietary treatments: P1: 2417 kcal/kg; P2: 2590 kcal/kg; P3: 2417 kcal/kg with amino acids; P4: 2590 kcal/kg with amino acids; and P5: 3178 kcal/kg. The chickens were fed these diets for eight weeks, from one day to eight weeks old. The results indicated that a low-calorie diet affected...
Kashif-ur-Rehman1,2, Ahmad Bakhsh1, Muhammad Akram Tariq3
Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan4 and Sumaira Mehboob1*
...ents in the form of a prodrug, which is further metabolized into an active form by the CYP enzymes. There are many allelic variants of the CYP gene which are involved in clopidogrel resistance but CYP2C19*3 has been proven one of the most significant loss-of-function alleles and the role of CYP1A1 has also been determined in reduced response to clopidogrel. We selected 100 cardiac patients with PCI or ACS who were on clopidogrel treatment and analyzed them for...

Dan Liao1, Mingchao Li2, Zijun Xiong3, Qiuming Ji4, Ying Xia5, Bing Liu6 and Xiu Gui1* medication revealed a drastic increase in blood lithium C/D ratio in the calcium channel blocker (CCB) subgroup. After the treatment, the YMRS score was 7.84±0.82 in the CG and 9.12±0.89 in the HG. The total number of ARs in the HG was superior to the CG, and the occurrence of ARs in both groups was concentrated within 3-15 days, accounting for 48.6% of all ARs. Patients in the HG had higher blood lithium concentrations, slower lithium metabol...

Hu-Hu Chen1,2, Xin Li2,3, Mohd Hijaz Mohd Sani2 and Siat Yee Fong2,4* (TNBC) has focused on drug combinations that can improve their anticancer properties while minimizing adverse effects. This study investigated the efficacy of combined treatment with doxorubicin (Dox) and carvacrol on proliferation, apoptosis, migration and invasion of MDA-MB-231 cells. After co-treatment with varying concentrations of Dox and carvacrol, cell proliferation, migration, and invasion were assessed. The expression levels of proteins associated ...

Haichao Wang1,2, Yi Liu1,2, Jingwen Wu1,2, Wenjing Wang1,2, Hongyi Zhang1,2* and Cunjian Yi3*

Mimi Jin*, Xiaoye Hu, Lijing Yu, Shuangli Zheng, Huishuang Huang and Fang Chen value of serum in children with hypospadias. The sample consisted children with hypospadias between January 2019 and December 2021 at the Second Affiliated Hospital. 136 children were treated with operation and one-stage urethral reconstruction and divided into infection group (n=18) and non-infection group (n=118). The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that Snodgrass, pe...

Muddassir Ali1*, Fraz Ahmad Khan1, Hafiz Mutther Javed1, Syed Ali Zafar1, Atif Naeem2, Ahmad Jawad2, Bilal Ashraf2 and Tahira Bibi1

...of alternate and wetting drying (AWD) such as AWD at 15 cm (AWD15); AWD at 20 cm (AWD20); and AWD at 25 cm (AWD25), and Conventional Flood Irrigation (CFI) were used in this study. The objective of the study was to identify the best suitable irrigation regime for basmati rice varieties. Results revealed that the effect of treatment was highly significant (p < 0.01) on TI, WP, GY, HR, BR, AGL, and BT. Similarly, the influence of variety was highly significan...

Shuangmei Zhu1, Xiang Lan1, Hanying Wang1 and Jianan Hu2*

...iations with CRC. Two hundred eighty-three patients with CRC at our hospital who were diagnosed during January 2019 and December 2022 were collected and marked as a cancer group (CCG). On the other hand, three hundred twenty healthy patients who underwent routine physical examinations at our hospital during the same period were selected as a control group (CTG). Furthermore, genotypes of three IGF-1 genes, rs6218, rs35767, a...

Sayra Tariq, Zeeshan Mutahir and Moazzam Ali*

...cancer. The incorporated drugs are pumped out of the cells due to a number of reasons. However, if these drugs are attached to nanoparticles, they are likly to be retained by the cells for longer period of time. In this study, iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized using green synthesis and studied for their drug release and anticancer properties. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) anal...

Muti Ullah1*, Muhammad Kashif Raza1, Muhammad Zahid Rashid2, Amina2, Maryam Nasir2 and Zaid Mustafa3 

...wa, Amber, Barhee and Khudri were investigated for morphological and biochemical attributes under agro climatic conditions of central Punjab. Result regarding plant height (cm) and number of fronds were found maximum in Ajwa cultivar, while maximum suckers were observed in Khudri. Reproductive parameter spathe per plant was noted maximum (8.5) in Amber followed by khudri (7.2). In case of ...
Khaled Abdel-Fattah El-Dougdoug1, Aya Hussin El-Turkey2*, Wael Sayed El-Araby2, Ahmed Ramadan Sofy3, Adel Abd El-Based Mousa1 and Ahmed Abbas3
...were extracted through hydro distillation and subsequently analyzed using GC-MS. Notable alterations in the essential oil composition due to viral infection were recorded. The principal constituents identified were methyleugenol and p-cresol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl; however, the levels of methyleugenol were significantly reduced in the infected specimens.

Muhammad Luqman1*, Muhammad Yaseen1, Talha Mohsin Tanvir1, Tahir Munir Butt2, Muhammad Usman1 and Abdus Salam3

...atform be conducted to address technical issues and enhance user experience.


Shoaib Hassan and Muhammad Naeem*

...t) of P. pangasius. Oven dried method was used for estimation of water content; muffle furnace for ashing, chloroform: methanol method for fat content and protein content was estimated by the difference in mass of other constituents. Variation in the percentage of water and protein content was observed, and minimum water content and maximum protein content were observed in control (To). Regression analysis was done by a relationship of various body constituent...

Sundus Malik, Dawood Ahmad*, Irfan Safdar Durrani and Muhammad Sayyar Khan, and butanol from the dried leaves of Diospyros kaki and Diospyros lotus. The antimicrobial efficacy was assessed against four bacterial species and one fungal strain using a disc diffusion assay. The results indicated that the ethyl acetate and n-butanol extracts from the leaves of both Diospyros species exhibited significant inhibitory activities against all the tested microorganisms. Notably, the crude methanol extract of Diospyros lotus demonstrated the...

Monira Sultana1, Md. Shohel Al Faruk2*

... was 101.2 with mild dehydration. Because of a suspicion of hemorrhagic cystitis, a blood sample was taken and sent to the lab for evaluation of hematological profiles like WBC, platelets etc., as well as biochemical profiles like phosphorus, albumin, BUN, total protein, serum creatinine etc. A urine sample was also taken in order to determine the pH, specific gravity, blood, and whether or not hematuria (red urine) was present. Analysis of the urine reveals p...

Noura Sh. A. Hagaggi1*, Marwa E.A. Khalaf2 and Eman A. El Rady2 alternative route for drug discovery. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify the endophytic bacteria from the medicinal Hyoscyamus muticus (L.) (Egyptian henbane) plant, and investigate their bioactivities. According to the sequences of their 16S rRNA genes, the isolated bacteria from root, stem, leaf, and flower were respectively identified as Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus mojavensis, Bacillus australimaris, and Psychrobacter pulmonis. The ethyl ac...

Mustafa S. Arif1*, Sanaa. A. Mustafa1

...rosis. Kidney displays hydropic degeneration, aggregation of melano macrophage with hemosiderosis. These changes were more severe at high concentration of TiO2NPs (i.e., T4). In conclusion, these findings underscore the toxicological risks posed by TiO₂NP contamination in aquatic ecosystems, threatening both fish health and the stability of aquatic ecosystem and also human health. The study emphasizes the urgent requirement for stringent regulations and sust...

Jinjian Ma1, Zhaokang Wang2 and Hong Liu3*

...dothelin-1 (ET-1) in children with congenital hydronephrosis. A study group consisted of 52 children who were admitted to our hospital from August 2021 to August 2022 and diagnosed with congenital pyelonephric junction stenosis (UPJO) leading to hydronephrosis through imaging examination. At the same time, 20 hospitalized childr<...

Suanyuan Zhang, Qing Ji, Xinglong Wu, Jinjing Wang, Jin Yao, Chengfang Li, Xiaorong Yang, Na Tan, Jing Yang and Hong Zheng*

...squo;s progression. GRh2 drives miR-30a-5p to repress inflammation, NF-κB pathway and cell advancement, thereby mitigating UC.


Zhihong Huang1, Xuemei Zhang1, Ling Li1, Min Hu1, Mo Chen1 and Qunchao Mei2*

...1 and CDX2 genes, one hundred thirty-three tissue samples were analyzed using the Methylation Specific PCR method and in order to investigate gene expression, sixty-one tumor tissue samples and eleven normal tissue samples were analyzed using the Real-Time RT-PCR method. According to the data obtained, there was no significant difference in the promoter methylation results of CDX1 and CDX2 genes in tumor tissue compared to normal tissues adjacent to the tumor ...

Hu-Hu Chen1,2*, Jiao-han Zhou3 and Siat Yee Fong2,4

...fective therapies that address drug resistance and improve patient outcomes.


Fuling Wang1,2, Changlin Yue2, Hong Li2, Wenjing Yu1, Wenlan Li1* and Guosong Xin1*

...t-align: justify;">Tetrandrine (TET) has been known to possess anti-cancer properties in wide variety of cancers, however, the underlying mechanism for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have not been fully elucidated. We focused our investigation the effect of TET on programmed cell death and growth of HepG2 cancer cell live. TET was found to significantly inhibit the proliferation of HepG2 cells, with an half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 7.76 μm...

Chunqin Tian1, Lichun Cui1 and Xiaoyan Wang2*

...atient prognosis. One hundred thirty-nine GC patients receiving PD-1 inhibitor therapy were enrolled. Peripheral blood (PB) and tumor tissues were collected before treatment (TB), during treatment (TM), and after treatment (TA). Multiple-parameter flow cytometry and immunohistochemical analysis were employed to analyze changes in immune cells and biomarkers. Correlations between these changes with treatment response, overall survival (OS), and progression-free...

Duo Yuan, Bin Shi and Yanhua Tu*

...atients with BHP. One hundred patients with blood fever psoriasis who were treated in our hospital from May 2020 to May 2023 randomly were selected as study subjects and included into an observation group (group SCD, n=50) and a control group (group CWM, n=50). The group CWM were treated with conventional western medicine, while the group SCD were treated with SCD. After one month, the clinical efficacy, IL-6 and TNF-α levels of the groups were compared....

Wei Tian, Junquan Han*, Wenheng Han, Jia Wei and Hong Wang

...ility of the co-cultured drug-added group was significantly lower than the co-cultured blank group at 12h, 24h, and 48h. Cell apoptosis in the co-cultured drug group was significantly higher than the co-cultured blank group at both 12h and 24h. The number of cell invasion in the co-culture blank group increased compared to the LLC blank group and LLC drug-added group, while the co-culture ...

Mao MeiYa, Sheng Yuehua, Ding Huiqing*, Zheng Xiaojiao and Du Yongming

...ges, neutrophils, and dendritic cells). Our results may provide novel insights for the selection of immunotherapeutic targets and prognostic biomarkers for OC.

Adham Ezz El-Regal Mahmoud1, Atef Shoukry Sadik2 and Ahmed Mahdy3*
...ompared to the antiviral drug Ribavirin, using SwissADMET predictions and molecular docking simulations. The physicochemical profiles revealed that all black seed compounds are drug-like, with molecular weights under 500 g/mol, low molecular flexibility, and adherence to Lipinski’s rule. Black seed compounds exhibit high gastrointestinal absorption and positive blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability, suggesting better ...

Jiajia Wan1,2, Chi Zhang3, Xiaodi Li3, Longkang Liu3, Linxiu Peng3,4, Yuejian Liu2, Yang Qiu2, Guokai Wu2, Bo Zhang3*, Yan Wang3* and Tonghui Ma3*

...mport of extracellular hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and impeded activation of NF-κB signaling pathway. Our findings demonstrate that AQP9 facilitates M1-like macrophage polarization by modulating plasma membrane H2O2 transport, thereby exacerbating lung inflammation in LPS-induced ALI. The study provides new insights into the regulatory mechanisms of M1-like macrophage polarization in LPS-induced ALI.


Usama Bin Naeem1, Muhammad Adil Rasheed1*, Muhammad Ashraf1 and Muhammad Yasir Zahoor2

... line (MCF-7) to improve drug delivery to the target sites. Characterization of NPs were carried out by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, zeta sizer, potential, morphology by scanning electron microscope, drug entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release. In TAM and IVM loaded chitosan nanoparticles the peaks were at 1606 cm-1 and 1640 cm-1 respectively. TAM and IVM-CsNPs have si...

Fangyi Hao1, Tian Tian1, Zhen Yang1 and Jiaxin Zheng2*

...of CKD and the design of drug targets.

Fayaz Khan1, Aziz Uddin1, Hisham N. Altayb2, Bibi Nazia Murtaza3
Sajid Ul Ghafoor1, Faisal Imam4, Saima Iftikhar5, Sadia Tabassum1
Khushi Muhammad1* and Muhammad Shahid Nadeem2
...y;">Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been associated with many pathological conditions including cardiovascular diseases. In the present study, we have evaluated the mutations in the mitochondrial tRNA genes for leucine, threonine and proline in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). It included a large family with 11 cases and 29 healthy individuals. Mitochondrial tRNA ge...

Biao Zhong1*, MengMeng Zou1, Jie Zeng1, Juan Bai2, YongJun Deng3, Xin Li4 and YongQin Wang5

...ic antigen (CEA), carbohydrate antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) changes in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) positive breast cancer patients. This randomized clinical trial was conducted in China. A total of 50 patients with HPBC, already receiving conventional chemotherapy with trastuzumab combined with docetaxel (TCD), were enrolled in the study, which was conducted from January 202...
Sumayya Aziz1, Abdul Rauf1, Gotam Das2, Muhammad Zahid Latif3
Mohammed Merae Alshahrani4, Nawal E Al-Hazmi5, Ahmed Abdullah Al-Awadh4, Syed Ayaz Kazmi1, Zeeshan Anjum6 and Zahoor Iqbal7*
...lenged by an increase in drug-resistant TB cases. The present study was conducted to estimate multi drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis, to analyse mutations responsible for the drug resistant tuberculosis and to control the spread, better understanding of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Azad Jammu and Kashmir state of Pak...

Muzhi Pan1,2, Pengli Si2, Ping Zheng2 and Bingwei Ai2,3*

...nd the presence of lipid droplets were notably ameliorated following acupuncture treatments. Comparative analysis indicated superior efficacy in the high-frequency and low-frequency twisting groups over conventional acupuncture, with the high-frequency twisting group demonstrating the most pronounced effects. Additionally, variations in the SIRT1/SREBP-1c/PPARγ signaling pathway were observed, contributing to the differential impacts on obesity. This stu...

Li Nanlin1, Liu Huijun2, Ma Han1, Ma Yanshou1, Lv Fengquan1, Dong Xiangyuan1, Wang Yongting1, Zhao Huicheng1, Li Huanxiang1 and Bao Guanghe1*

...rterial embolism. One hundred and twenty patients with acute lower extremity arterial embolism diagnosed and treated in Qinghai Provincial People’s hospital from January 2020 to January 2022 were selected as the study group, and 120 healthy people examined in Qinghai Provincial People’s hospital in the same period were selected as the control group. The levels of hemoglobin and fibrinogen in the two groups were analyzed, and then the correlation be...
Yanxi Li1, Yong Huang1*, Jun Peng1*, Yicun Man2, Yaqi Li1, Erqing Peng1
Xin Wen1, Xi Yang1 and Li Hong1
...m in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The sample of 82 PCOS patients was divided into the overweight subgroup and normal weight subgroup according to the BMI of all subjects. The morning fasting venous blood of all subjects was collected and detected by radioimmunoassay. The levels of apelin, PTX3 and sRAGE, FPG, fins, TC, LDL-C, TG, and HDL-C were detached using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and HOMA was calculated -IR. Spearman was used to analyzing the...

Linyu Zhou, Hong Yu, Yang Wang, Jianbing Bai, Chuanyan Bao and Yongqing Dai*

...nfarction (APCI). One hundred twenty-nine patients with acute cerebral infarction (ACI) were collected as observation objects and divided into an APCI group and no progression group according to the progress of the patients’ cerebral infarction, and 40 healthy people were selected as a control group. The levels of miR-155 and miR-21 in all subjects were determined by qRT-PCR. The miR-155 and miR-21serum levels in the APCI group and the progression-free g...

Liu Nie

...l indices of Alagille syndrome (ALGS) and to explore the changes of the indicators of neonatal intrahepatic cholestasis caused by ALGS. This study was conducted on data of thirty-two neonatal intrahepatic cholestasis caused by ALGS treated from June 2017 to January 2020 and were randomly selected as a study group (ALGS group). Thirty-six children with unexplained cholestasis in the same period were selected as a control grou...

Muhammad Sadiq1, Nadia1, Abdur Rauf1*, Khilwat Afridi2, Muhammad Qayash1, Saman Yaqub1, Kashmala Jabbar1, Guleena Khan1, Ikramullah Khan1, Adeel Khan1, Tahseen Ullah1, Tanweer Kumar3, Muhammad Arif3, Muhammad Ismail3 and Muntaha Munir4

...ion that contribute to addressing climate change-related challenges, including both biotic and abiotic stresses. The F3 wheat populations were evaluated for genetic variability, heritability, and their association with yellow rust and morpho-yield-related traits in a Complete Randomized Block Design (RCBD). The variance analysis revealed significant genetic variability in all traits, although some parameters, such as days to maturity, grain yield, and 1000-gra...

Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research


Vol.30, Iss. 4, Pages 162-215


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