ResearchersLinks - About us


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Mission and Values

Brief History


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Management Team


Asma Naureen, Managing Director

I have studied Economics at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala Sweden and obtained extensive experience in Business Management and Digital Publishing. Currently, I am taking leading roles in the development and internationalization of ResearchersLinks with aim to sever the scientific community with innovating publishing scholarly contents.


Jenny Hamm, Marketing Advisor

I have gained extensive experience in Marketing and Business Development in different private and industrial sectors in the UK. Primarily, I am involved, and driving the marketing strategies of the ResearchersLinks. I also act as point-of-contact for international clients and training on Manuscript Handler, our in-house built publishing platform. 


Production Management by:



Managers and Advisors


Gregg D. Caruso, Corning Community College, United States

Mohammed Munir, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Suresh Kuchipudi, Penn State University, United States


Collaborations & Marketing

Proposals for collaboration and invitations to exhibit in the UK: Adrian Smith or Irfan Rasool


Mission and Values

The major infrastructure and management of ResearchersLinks are based in the UK, however, we do receive services from developing countries, for example, manuscript formatting and website maintenance whilst still under quality control of British standards. This model has been adapted primarily to provide an economical platform to the scientific communities and to facilitate the research dissemination in the most cost-effective manner possible.

The working principles of ResearchersLinks are:

Access to Everyone

ResearchersLinks is committed to disseminate novel and cutting-edge research globally with a primary focus on research communities in developing countries. As a step toward this goal, we offer a range of financial policies for journals. We offer journals that neither charge fee from author nor they require subscription for readers - free for everyone. Some of our journals are supported by societies and institutions, which require only discounted processing charges. While other journal have minimum essential processing charges. All together, we focus on disseminating scientific information at the most economical and professional ways possible. Regardless of the financial model, all of our content are published under open access and distributed under a Creative Commons License, which means published articles can be freely shared and the content re-used, upon proper attribution.


One of our primary objectives is to publish latest research in timely manners using our well-established editorial workflow. We bridge effectively and professionally all stockholders of peer-review process to ensure all contents are rigorously reviewed, meeting challenges of international societies and are of high standards.

Quality and Simplicity

In order to facilitate effective working among authors, editors and reviewers, we offer “all-in-one” platform developed by ResearchersLinks – Manuscript Handler. Using this system, all stakeholders of peer-review process are bridged to perform editorial responsibilities effectively and conveniently. To further support effective communication, we offer 24/7 services to all managerial staff of each journal. In addition to publication at ResearchersLinks, we are building facilities to organize conferences and meetings at The Events Portal and discuss burning questions at ResearchersLinks blogs. All these initiatives are to support international scientific communities to imply positive knock-on effects on global research.

Granularity and Judiciousness

In order to keep up the momentum and walking along the advancement in scholarly publication, we are continuously developing and adapting novel and innovative ways of disseminating contents, around the world. We occasionally send user surveys and give high importance to the feedback of authors, readers and editors. One of the priorities at ResearchersLinks is the sustainability and long-term preservation of contents through digital archiving, partnerships and sponsorships.


Brief History

The following year-wise timeline outlines the establishment and major achievements of the ResearchersLinks project:

2013 With an intention to provide forum for virologists to publish and disseminate their research outcomes free of cost- for contributors and readers- British Journal of Virology (ISSN: 2055-6128) was launched under the editorship of Dr Munir (founding editor), Dr Banyard and Dr Kuchipudi with a registered organization in the United Kingdom (Company Registration No: 08492932). The journal attracted attentions of leading researchers in the field and journal not only published scientific achievements from the UK but also attained international inputs. Based on interests from global virologists, the journal was rebranded into Hosts & Viruses (ISSN: 2515-4982) in 2017 to represent research in a global perspective.


2014 The company became truly a scholarly publishing platform by the launch of two additional unique journals in their respective fields. The Science, Religion and Culture was launched by Prof Gregg D. Caruso, Corning Community College, SUNY (USA) and Aptamers and Synthetic Antibodies was edited by Prof Munir Iqbal, The Pirbright Institute, UK. In 2016, Dr. Tarun Kumar Sharma took the editorship and still editing for the journal. Both journals were not only unique in their respective fields but were and are still providing free publication services to the scientific communities. In the same year, in order to publish contents professionally and of international standards, memberships of International DOI Foundation (IDF) was sought and every articles are bing assigned DOI and CrossMark-regulated updates. Since this year, ResearchersLinks is the member of CrossRef, CrossMark, iThenticate.

Recognizing the professionalism and serious publishing ethics, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (Print ISSN 1016-4383; Online ISSN 2224-5383) joined the platform. The Sarhad Journal of Agriculture is an official journal of The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan and has been publishing regularly since 1985. The journal is partially supported by The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and is one of the few HEC-recognized journals in the country.

In order to run journals professionally and effectively, an in-house manuscript management system (eSubmit) was developed in collaboration with with extensive functionalities for each stakeholder of the peer-review process including authors, reviewers, editors, editorial office and publisher. These tools and memberships have self-sustained the company in offering publishing platform that meet all requirements of scholarly publications.


2015 In this year, the company decided to collate eSubmit functionalities into an independent project and launched the Manuscript Handler. This online software has been expanded and currently more than 20 journals are using this software to process all steps of manuscript’s editorial workflow. Promotional activities of the company were intensified where the presence at social media was made. The Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews (ISSN 2397-3463) journal was launched. In this year another venture, The Events Portal, was introduced to organize and host conferences. The first conference on Global Alliance for Research on Avian Diseases was held at the Strand Campus, King´s College London WC2R 2LS London.

2016 Recognizing the future and professional packages of the publishing platform, Pakistan Journal of Zoology joined the company. The Pakistan Journal of Zoology is operated by the Zoological Society of the Punjab University and is publishing since 1969. Beside its HEC-recognized status, the Pakistan Journal of Zoology is covered by the Journal Citation Reports released by Web of Science, and SCOPUS and PubMed. Additionally, Meat Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, sponsored by the Dairy Science Park and University of Agriculture, Peshawar opted to use our publishing platform. For the first time, small profit was observed for the publication of seven journals, which was encouraging and supported the viability and success of the fully open access publication model. In this year, the second version of the Manuscript Handler brought enhanced functionalities and advanced our internal reporting and controlling system.


2017 In this year three new journals joined our publishing forum including The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences (2249-7897), Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research (ISSN: 0251-0480 CODEN: PJARC) which is an official journal of the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC). These journals have great publishing history and are indexed in several credible databases including Web of Science. In this year, the editorial office in UK was expanded by hiring and training two full-time editorial staff members and Ms Asma Naureen took the directorship to drive the publishing portfolio and overall management of the company. In order to promote internationalization, Ms Jenny Hamm started working as Marketing Advisor. At this stage, a total of 4 full time employees are working in the company and 2 part time students support the day-to-day activities. Until December 2017, the ResearchersLinks was operating 10 journals and the number of published articles acceded to 100.


2018 In this year, Punjab University Journal of Zoology joined our publishing forum. Punjab University Journal of Zoology is an official journal of Punjab University, which has been ranked among the top universities in the country. The journal is one of the few HEC recognised journals in the country and is now indexed in Scopus, Zoological Record, and BIOSIS Previews. Additionally, the journal is indexed in several credible databases including Web of Science. In this year, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture was accepted in Scopus and was tracked for its first CiteScore. At this stage, a total of 5 full time employees are working in the company and 2 part time students support the day-to-day activities. Until December 2018, the ResearchersLinks was operating 12 journals and the number of published articles acceded to 500.


2019 In this year, Journal of Innovative Sciences joined our publishing platform. The Journal of Innovative Sciences is an official journal of Society for Promotion of Science and Technology and is HEC recognized journal. Also, Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology joined the ResearchersLinks and is now indexed in Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record. A journal called Science, Religion and Culture was terminated and was permanently archived to be accessed freely. In this year, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture acquired its first CiteScore. Additionally, the Punjab University Journal of Zoology obtained its CiteScore of 0.310. At this stage, a total of 7 full time employees are working in the company and 2 part time students support the day-to-day activities. Until December 2019, the ResearchersLinks was operating 11 journals and the number of published articles acceded to 800.


2020 In this year, Pakistan Journal of Zoology obtained its improved Impact Factor of 0.831 and CiteScore of 1.5. In addition, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture acquired its CiteScore 0.5. Additionally, the Punjab University Journal of Zoology obtained its CiteScore of 0.5. At this stage, a total of 7 full time employees are working in the company and 2 part time students support the day-to-day activities. Until December 2020, the ResearchersLinks was operating 11 journals and the number of published articles acceded to 1000.


2021 In this year, three established journals joined our publishing platform to adapt advanced journal management and contents dissemination systems. These include Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Journal of Virological Sciences and Pakistan Journal of Nematology. The Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences is a bi-annual research journal and is official journal of the University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan. The Pakistan Journal of Nematology is official journal of Pakistan Society of Nematologists (PSN) has been regularly publishing since 1983. In 2021, two journals (Pakistan Journal of Nematology and Pakistan Journal of Agricultural) were indexed in Scopus. At this stage, a total of 7 full time employees are working in the company and 2 part time students support the day-to-day activities. Until December 2021, the ResearchersLinks was operating 12 journals and the number of published articles acceded to 2200.


2022 In this year, Biologia journal joined our publishing platform to adapt advanced journal management and contents dissemination systems. ResearchersLinks, Ltd has partnered with Nexus Academic Publishers to adapt 5 journals including two Scopus index journals. These include Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Journal of Animal Health and Production, South Asian Journal of Life Sciences, Research Journal for Veterinary Practitioners, and The Journal of Advances in Parasitology. Two journals (Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences and Journal of Animal Health and Production) are Scopus Indexed and carry Cite Score of 0.9 and 0.4, respectively. At this stage, a total of 7 full time employees are working in the company and 2 part time students support the day-to-day activities. Until December 2022, the ResearchersLinks was operating a total of 18 journals with 7 Scopus indexed journals and 3 Web of Science covered journals and one journal with Impact Factor. By the end of 2022, number of articles published by ResearchersLinks acceded to 4200.


2023 In this year, two additional journals have joined our publishing platform to adapt advanced journal management and contents dissemination systems. These include Pakistan Journal of Forestry and Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research. A total of 7 journals were Scopus Indexed and carry Cite Score of over 1.0. A total of 7 full time employees maintained to work in the company and 2 part time students support the day-to-day activities. Until December 2023, the ResearchersLinks was operating a total of 19 journals with 7 Scopus indexed journals and 3 Web of Science covered journals. By the end of 2023, number of articles published by ResearchersLinks acceded to 7000. In 2023, ResearchersLinks has successifully launched artificial intelligence-powered Manuscript Handler v2.2 to manage manuscript processing. The system is being used not only for ResearchersLinks journals but also by several other publishers and individual journals.


2024 In this year, a new journal called Advanced Analytical Pathology was launched to cover the emerging fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and image processing for diagnostics in the domain of biomedicine. A total of 8 journals were Scopus Indexed, and carry Cite Score of ranging from 1.0 to 1.8. A total of 8 full time employees maintained to work in the company and 2 part time students continued to support the day-to-day activities. Until December 2024, the ResearchersLinks was operating a total of 20 journals with 8 Scopus indexed journals and 3 Web of Science covered journals. By the end of 2024, number of articles published by ResearchersLinks acceded to 8500. In 2024, ResearchersLinks has further advanced artificial intelligence-powered Manuscript Handler v2.2 to manage manuscript processing. The system is being used not only for ResearchersLinks journals but also by several other publishers and individual journals.



ResearchersLinks, UK has joined CrossCheck (iThenticate), CrossRef and CrossMark in March 2015. These quality benchmarks are being practiced since April 2015 and every published article are being checked for plagiarism by iThenticate, assigned DOI (digital object identifier) and tagged with CrossMark to post any latest updates on the published article.


CrossMark gives readers quick and easy access to the current status of a piece of content. With one click, you can see if content has been updated, corrected or retracted and access valuable additional metadata provided by the publisher.


 iThenticate is also available to authors and researchers who wish to check their papers before submission. iThenticate compares submitted documents to extensive data repositories to create a comprehensive Similarity Report, which highlights and provides links to any significant text matches, helping to ensure that you are submitting an original and well-attributed document. iThenticate for Researchers is a separate service to CrossCheck.

 CrossRef is an association of scholarly publishers that develops shared infrastructure to support more effective scholarly communications. Our citation-linking network today covers over 72 million journal articles and other content items (books chapters, data, theses, technical reports) from thousands of scholarly and professional publishers around the globe. See more detail at:


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Email us for recruitment and work related inquiries using our Contact Us form.

Website and Customer Support

If you observe any technical issues in our websites please Contact Our IT Desk, operated by

General Support

In order to raise any general enquiries, please contact ResearchersLinks using our Contact Us form

Journal Specific Questions

If your question is related to the previous history of journal’s publication or a question that is specifically related to the journal, please contact the Editor by accessing the information on the journal’s home page.

Editorial & Production

Publishing proposals, including new journal titles or transferring journals to ResearchersLinks, contact Jenny Hamm with a cc to Irfan Rasool

Requesting information regarding manuscript status, production stage, send us correspondence at:

If there is any technical issues or errors observed in files submitted to indexing services, Contact Us.  

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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