Rice bran, a valuable energy source for animal feed and abundant in Indonesia, is prone to rancidity, which affects its quality and shelf life. Moringa oleifera leaves, which grow easily in diverse environmental conditions and are widely available in Indonesia, contain high levels of bioactive compounds with numerous benefits. This study evaluated Moringa oleifera leaves as a stabilization method to preserve rice bran quality over a 30 days of storage. A randomized block design was employed with ten treatments and four replications: no stabilization with no storage (Control-0) and 30 days of storage (Control-30), heat treatment without storage (Heated-0) and with 30 days of storage (Heated-30), addition of Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MOLP) without storage (MOLP-0) and with 30 days of storage (MOLP-30), addition of Moringa oleifera leaf extract (MOLE) without storage (MOLE-0) and with 30 days of storage (MOLE-30), addition of synthetic antioxidant Butylated hydroxytoluene without storage (BHT-0) and with 30 days of storage (BHT-30). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and post-hoc Duncan tests to determine significant differences (P < 0.05). Results indicated that MOLE and MOLP significantly (P < 0.05) reduced water activity and fat content, increased compacted bulk density, and preserved protein content of rice bran after storage. Heat treatment effectively reduced moisture content and free fatty acid levels (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the use of natural Moringa oleifera leaves as an antioxidant can replace synthetic antioxidants, as their functional benefits help maintain rice bran quality after 30 days of storage.
Keywords | Antioxidant, Heating, Moringa oleifera leaf, Rice bran, Stabilization, Storage