Abstract | Agricultural extension is the main source for addressing technical issues and dissemination of current technologies among the smallholder farmers in Pakistan. Since the late 1980s, the government of Pakistan include private sector in extension circle to enhance the effectiveness of public extension through competition. This study conducted in 2016, sought to analyze whether smallholder rice growers are more satisfied with public or private extension organizations and development of a strategy to enhance the effectiveness of extension work. The specific objectives were to ascertain the satisfaction smallholder rice growers regarding the extension work conducted by public and private extension organizations; to analyze the satisfaction of smallholder rice growers with public and private organizations; and to develop a strategy to enhance effectiveness of extension work. Gujranwala, being the largest rice growing district in the Punjab was selected as study area. A sample of 342 drawn from the list of 2,365 rice growers registered by public and private sectors in the district was selected. Interview schedule was used as research tool. In the light of above findings, it is concluded that growers were not satisfied with public sector’s extension field staff (EFS) regarding their help in credit acquisition and dealing with them. Performance of private sector is very poor in provision of information about innovative technologies to farmers. Analysis of satisfaction of farmers with public and private sectors show that farmers are not completely satisfied with extension package of either sector. Therefore, the new strategy proposes changes in working order of both sectors in order to enhance the extension work in the Punjab.
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