Preliminary vegetation and soil investigation of Lohibher range
Amjum Amin, Zafar Uddin, Rukhsana Roohi and Tayyab Jamil
A range ecological survey was conducted in the Lohibher Range in January 1981 and September-October 1982. Vegetation was studied on different major land units viz, (i) dissecting rolling plains, (ii) stream beds, adjoining slopes and edges, (iii) eroded hill slopes and
tops and (iv) gravely hills, laying adjustable decimal collapsible (ADC) quadrat in homogeneous stands of vegetation. Analysis of data resulted in four plant communities, i.e. Chrysopogon montanus, Heterioigib contortus, Desmostachya bipinnata, Desmostachya bipinnata, Saccharum spontaneum, Cymbopogonschoenanthus, Capparisdcidua and Chrysopogon montanus, Adhatoda vasica, Eleusine compressa. The communities were finally named by combining the physical and biological features.
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