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Effect of Fertilizer Rates on Structural Parameters, Yield and Quality of Intercropping Plants: A Case Study for Azerbaijan

Effect of Fertilizer Rates on Structural Parameters, Yield and Quality of Intercropping Plants: A Case Study for Azerbaijan

Elkhan Rajaf Allahverdiyev1*, Azer Agazade Khalilov2, Araz Mustafa Gasimov2, Zahid Gurban Khalilov2, Parvana Bahlul Bayramova2, Kamala Fatiaga Abilova2 and Sait Engindeniz3

1Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, Faculty of Agronomy, Department of General Agriculture, Genetics and Selection, Ganja-Azerbaijan; 2Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, Faculty of Agrotechnology, Department of Earth Structure, Ganja-Azerbaijan; 3Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Izmir-Türkiye

*Correspondence | Elkhan Rajaf Allahverdiyev, Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, Faculty of Agronomy, Department of General Agriculture, Genetics and Selection, Ganja-Azerbaijan; Email:


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of fertilizer norms in mixed cropping on the structural indicators, productivity and quality of mixed cropping crops. Intercropping is of great importance in meeting the feed needs of livestock and protecting soil fertility. Thus, the correct and timely application of organic and mineral fertilizers within the normal limit had a positive effect on the growth and development of plants sown in intercrops. The height of the mixed sowing sorghum plant increased to 245-255 cm, and the height of the pea plant increased to 100-110 cm in the variant with 10 t/ha+N70P125K90 of mineral and organic-mineral fertilizers. The researches prove that in the variant applied with organic-mineral fertilizers at the rate of 10 t/ha+N70P125K90, along with the growth and development of plants, green mass yield has increased significantly. Thus, 62,400 kg/ha of green mass was obtained in the version with manure 10 t/ha+N70P125K90 fertilizer, which was 26,300 kg/ha or 72.85% increase compared to the control option without fertilizer. The effect of fertilizer treatments on quality indicators of fodder obtained from mixed sowing was studied. It was found that the amount of crude protein, absolute dry matter, yield of feed unit, amount of digestible protein in the green mass product increased significantly. The most important criterion in terms of quality in forage plants is the crude protein content in the dry matter. There is a positive relationship between nitrogen fertilization and the crude protein content of plants. At the end of the research, we came to the conclusion that in order to obtain a high and quality product from sorghum and pea plants, which are sown mixed in the corner crops, it is more appropriate to apply N90P120K120 kg of mineral fertilizers per hectare, and manure of 10 t/ha + N40P95K60 of organic and mineral fertilizers.

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Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56, Iss. 5, pp. 2001-2500


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