Academic Editors
ResearchersLinks Ltd is an academic open access publisher based in UK and was initially founded in 2013 to support publication of virology research. It has now grown into publishing house for diverse open access journals in collaboration with societies and governmental academic institutions.
Open Access: Publishing Model of ResearchersLinks
All journals operated by the ResearchersLinks are Open Access, which dictate that readers can access unlimited and unrestricted contents immediately of their publication. This also means that researchers, students, and general public around the world can rapidly access latest research in ResearchersLinks journals. All our contents are distributed through Creative Commons Open Access License. Read more in our Open Access and Public Access Policies
Our business model heavily relies on financial support made available through collection of article processing charges (APC). These APCs are paid by authors through institutional funds or from projects funded through different national and international funding bodies. These APCs are sole source of financial support to peer-review and editorial processes, language and copy-editing, publication and promotional support.
Open Access to authors and funding agencies means higher accessibility and reflectiveness, enhanced achievability and impact, financially competitive and support to general public. Read more in our Open Access and Public Access Policies
Editors (editor in chief, chief editor, associate editor or member of the editorial board) are expert in the field and play central roles in the peer-review process. They are expected to strictly follow guidelines to not only maintain quality of publications but also to ensure implementation of best possible publication ethics.
Editorial and Peer Review Work plan and Production Process
All our journals follow single blind peer-review (the reviewers know the authors’ identities, but the authors do not know the reviewers’ identities). All Editors perform their assigned tasks in our online manuscript processing system, Manuscript Handler (MH), a registered trademark, which provides highly professional and economical workstation for publishers. The MH is functionally integrated to provide solutions from a manuscript submission to final publications, all in one place, by providing individual panel for Authors, Reviewers, Editors, Associate Editors, Editorial Office and Publishers. Editors-in-Chief are able to handle all their tasks independently and/or integrated manners, whatever and wherever are needed.
Before publication of any contents in any form, unless it is stated otherwise, are strictly and rigorously peer-reviewed by experts in the field of presented research work. In order to facilitate authors, detailed guidelines on preparation of manuscript and how to submit manuscripts have been provided for individual journals. Upon submission of a manuscript, our Editorial Office performs initial quality control to ensure supply of essential information, suitability of the manuscript in the scope of the journal and the level of plagiarism. If required the Editorial Office may request authors to resubmit manuscripts lacking necessary information. The handling editors arrange the peer-review process and collect at least two reviewer’s recommendations and feedback for every submitted manuscript. Unless a substantial criticism is raised or manuscript found to be of poor quality, authors are request to revise the manuscript. The revised manuscript may undergo a second round of peer-review if deemed necessary before a final decision is made mainly by the Editor in Chief of the journal.
The Editor in Chief or Academic Editor seeks reports from at least two reviewers per manuscript. The Editor might seek opinions from additional reviewers if first two reviewers recommendations differ significantly. Editor shall select reviewers how are PhD and are expert in the field, have not published with the authors in the previous five years, and have recent publications in the field of the submitted manuscript.
All editors are selected through internal selection process (e.g. Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews), voting by members of the society (e.g. Pakistan Journal of Zoology) or selected by their respective institutions (e.g. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture,).
Generally, The Editor-in-Chief, allows one or two rounds of revisions by authors except in exceptional cases when Editor foresees the importance of the work but require authors contributions to raise its publication standards.
All accepted articles are copy-edited, language edited, and galley proofs are approved by authors before final publication and indexing of the manuscript. All our journals are structured on yearly-based volumes and issues are released bimonthly, quarterly or annually. Regardless of their volume and issue releases structures, all accepted manuscripts are published immediately either as Online First Articles or within an open issues as “Continues Publication”.
Editors Responsibilities
Editorship: Editors (chief editor, associate editor or member of the editorial board) are expert in the field and play central roles in the peer-review process. Editors are selected based on their excellent scientific qualification, and reputation in the field. They are expected to strictly follow guidelines to not only maintain quality of publications but also to ensure best possible publication ethics.
Confidentiality: Editors shall only access the submitted manuscripts for evaluation of quality and peer-review process. They shall not disclose any contents (full or partial) in any media (electronic or print) before the publication of the material or without prior written consent of the authors. Any idea or concept generated through the submitted manuscript shall not be used for personal benefits or financial gain.
Assessment of Manuscripts: Editors shall evaluate contents purely based on the scientific quality and advancement in the existing understanding. Decisions shall not be based on race, gender, geographical origin, religion, and ethnicity and on any other personal or commercial interests.
Flexibility and Cooperation: Editors are required to suggest and support the ethical standards, be willing to consider retractions, rectifications, and erratum and cooperate with authors to improve the quality of publications.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Editors shall not consider any submitted manuscript for the review process himself/herself where there is conflict of interests. In such situations, an alternative associate editor or member of the editorial board shall be considered.
Accountabilities: In case publisher suspect any form of misconduct, malpractice or unethical act, the matter shall be investigated promptly in agreement with authors and would be solved with diligence.
Launching New Journals with ResearchersLinks
ResearchersLinks aims to expand its open access publishing portfolio in all disciplines of science and technology. Scholars interested to launch a new journal and publishers intended to transfer existing journals can Jenny Hamm
Comments and Questions
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact us at or fill a short online Contact Us form. If your enquiries are related to journal itself, please contact the journal associated staff (information can be obtained by accessing the journals for email addresses). To contact ResearchersLinks office, addresses and phone numbers can be accessed.
Last updated on 2 January 2018