Sustainable Feed Supply for Bali Cattle Breeding Center in Pulukan, Bali, Indonesia: A System Dynamics Modelling
Sustainable Feed Supply for Bali Cattle Breeding Center in Pulukan, Bali, Indonesia: A System Dynamics Modelling
Roy Malindo1, Hosea Abdiel Duto Wicaksono2, Maskur2, Anuraga Jayanegara3, Osfar Sjofjan4, Siti Chuzaemi4*
This study aimed to simulate and determine the dynamics of feed supply under three scenarios at the Bali cattle breeding centre in Pulukan, Bali, Indonesia. The system dynamics approach were employed to develop the model, and Pulukan data from 2019 to 2021 was used to validate the model. The data were analysed using Powersim Academic version 10. The dynamic modelling consisted of three sub-models, i.e., cattle population, forage production, and concentrate supplementation. The model predicted that the level of feed supply would increase as forage production was increased the cattle population was reduced and although concentrate supplementation was decreased. The simulations of three scenarios revealed that a combination of scenarios across the cattle-forage-concentrate nexus appears to be the most efficient in meeting answer to meet the standards for recommended nutrient intake. In conclusion, larger forage production rate and cattle distribution rate scenario returned the higher feedstock, which could supply 100% of the needs for protein and energy, and 96.5% for dry matter by 2029.
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