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Keith Ward


Science, Religion and Culture
...n p. 13, even though the whole book is an exercise in scientifically informed philosophy). But there is something very odd about this. Nowhere in the book does he mention consciousness, value, or thought. In fact he finally gives the game away on p. 228 by saying, ‘we human beings ...are ourselves mere collections of fundamental particles’. That is a philosophical view if ever there was one! It is precisely what is usually called eliminative reduct...

John Shook


Science, Religion and Culture
.... religion is hardly the whole story. Only science joined by philosophical reflection suffices to skeptically analyze the natural theology arguments for supernatural gods, too aloof and abstract for direct confrontation over evidence. Theology’s desperate maneuvers for avoiding science and scientific atheology only delay the inevitable. Partner atheologies wielding logic, ethics, and civics await to help theology extinguish the gods.



Timothy Helton

In a Mirror Dimly: Anthropology and Restoring a Sense of Presence to an Empty World
...e essay urges that those who see in religions only objects for analysis participate in the construction of worlds inhabited by zombie-like beings devoid of selfhood. On the other hand, those who believe religions depict webs of relationships participate in the construction of worlds supportive of whole human beings capable of more than just physical life; and they offer a hopeful correctiv...

Souvik Ghosh, Nobumichi Kobayashi

British Journal of Virology
...h outcomes obtained from whole genomic analysis of common and unusual human RVAs. 


Reviewed by John Shook, University at Buffalo, USA; Email:

Science, Religion and Culture
...o, thanks to a publisher whose “5 Questions” series is permitting readers to examine direct answers on all sorts of topics from today’s premier public intellectu- als. Reading the answers about science and religion in this volume is consistently informative and inspi- rational, and frequently revealing in stunning ways. Comparing the answers from the impressive figures in the book takes readers on a journey through truly deep and important is...

Justin P. McBrayer

...n the afterlife to those who believe in God verses those who do not. A renewed wager can avoid this difficulty by relying solely on well-documented differences between those who believe in God verses those who do not. Social scientists have put together an impressive set of data that shows that theists do better in terms of happiness, health, longevity, ...

Justin P. McBrayer

...n the afterlife to those who believe in God verses those who do not. A renewed wager can avoid this difficulty by relying solely on well-documented differences between those who believe in God verses those who do not. Social scientists have put together an impressive set of data that shows that theists do better in terms of happiness, health, longevity, ...

Bruce L. Gordon

...and for young Christians who have been raised to equate YEC with the teaching of Scripture, it can destroy their faith altogether when its falsity is discovered. With a view toward encouraging a culture of biblical and scientific literacy and overcoming the anti-intellectual legacy of fundamentalism that sustains this particular “scandal of the evangelical mind”, we offer a synoptic critique of young-earth creationism while developing and defending...

John Martin Fischer

...eal of his approach to a whole range of interrelated issues. I’m not going to mince words: this book is a masterful and comprehensive articulation of Derk Pereboom’s very important and original theory of free will and moral responsibility. Throughout his career, and especially here in this book, Pereboom has developed and defended one of the real “contenders” as a comprehensive theory of freedom and responsibility. This is a huge, an...

Stephen Suleyman Schwartz


As a moderate Muslim, who works to unite moderate, traditional, conventional, spiritual, and even conservative (but not radical) Muslims, I must begin any commentary on the French atrocities by rejecting the claim that extremism and terror are not aspects of Islamic history. To declare, as even French president Francois Hollande did, “these terrorists and fanatics... have nothing to do with the Muslim religion” is inaccurate.


Varadaraja V. Raman

...mined and/or methodical) whose goal is to frighten and possibly kill people. Invading soldiers over the ages have terrorized innocent civilians in many regions of the world. Governments have terrorized their own people, the most glaring instance was in post-Revolutionary France during the Reign of Terror. On the other hand disgruntled, oppressed, and frustrated citizens (Irish Catholics, Algerian Muslims, Sri Lankan Tamils, etc.) have terrorized people and gov...

Frank Griffel

...ain. Last week, almost a whole nation lined up at French newsstands to buy the first issue of “Charlie Hebdo” after the attacks on the satirical magazine. It showed yet another caricature of a dark-skinned man in white jelabiyya and turban carrying the now famous “Je suis Charlie” sign. The headline above the drawing of the man reads: Tout est pardonné, all is forgiven. Regular readers of the journal know the man with the brown sk...

Yashab Tur


Science, Religion and Culture, Vol. 2, Iss. 2
... scholars (‘Ulama) who are not ready to deal with a science that attempts to extract God from the explanatory hypothesis.



Thomas J. Coleman III

Science, Religion and Culture, Vol. 2, Iss. 2, Pages 39-41
...rwin? More specifically, who gets to claim both the man and his theory in support of their ideological worldview? If you were like me, at first glance this would be an obvious answer: godless naturalism intertwined with the “New Atheism” of the Richard Dawkins’s and Sam Harris’s of the world gets to lay claim to the man and his ideas, or at least they have often appropriated him in this fashion. However, J. David Pleins’s book The...

Suresh V Kuchipudi* and Kin-Chow Chang


... tissue mass in the body whose principal roles are postural maintenance and locomotion. Comprising heterogeneous multi-nucleated fibres, skeletal muscle is one of more astounding and unusual tissues in the body in its ability to undergo dramatic phenotypic changes in response to physical demands, age and disease. The contributions of skeletal muscle to immune response and virus pathogenesis are increasingly recognized. Recent evidence strongly indicated that...

Muhammad Mudassar Maqbool1, Anser Ali1, 2 *, Tanveer ul Haq1, Muhammad Nasir Majeed1, Dong Jin Lee2


...was also included during whole plant growth and development period. The results showed that water stress significantly reduced plant height, number of total tillers per plant, number of fertile tillers per plant, number of nodes per plant, spikelet per spike, number of grains per spike, 100-grain weight and dry matter per plant as compared with control. Wheat genotype Faisal-2008 exhibited comparatively more drought tolerance with less decrease in growth rate ...

Hina Fatima1*, Muhammad Azeem Khan2

...itional wheat varieties, whose yields are quite below the modern wheat varieties. The result of the study reveals that the parameter estimate of wheat variety is negative and significant also. The parameter of seed rate variable is also negative and statistically significant. A technical inefficiency of 22% is present in the production of wheat crop in the selected district. Majority of the farmers typically utilize the last year’s crop seeds to economiz...

Faheem Khan*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

...0 percent of respondents who were literate had achieved various levels of education. In the years 2012 and 2013, the average yield of educated sugarcane growers was 76 t/ha while illiterate sugarcane growers was 64 t/ha. It is recommended that sugarcane growers should be educated through Farmer Field School and other extension programs and extension agents should motivate and train the growers to cultivate sugarcane using scientific techniques, paying special ...

Ryan T. Cragun1*, Joseph H. Hammer2, Michael Nielsen3 assessing individuals who identify as nonreligious and nonspiritual. There is a need to develop a valid and reliable measure of (non)religiousness and (non)spirituality. This article discusses these problems, and presents the development and initial validation of a 17-item Nonreligious-Nonspiritual Scale (NRNSS) across three studies. The NRNSS exhibited high internal consistency (α > .94) and high test-retest reliability (r = .92). Two explorator...

Luke Galen, defining individuals who are not committed or engaged in socially supportive groups solely in terms of their lack of religious belief virtually guarantees that atheists and agnostics will appear inferior on a variety of outcome variables. However, nonbelief and secular worldviews can also be practiced in social groups such as atheist, humanist, and freethought organizations. Contrary to prevalent stereotypes, organized nonbelief is also associated with wel...

Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi

...ast century, individuals who make academic research their life’s work have been themselves the subject of academic studies which looked at their social origins, conscious ideals, beliefs, and psychological traits. The findings regarding religiosity have been striking. Academics, especially eminent ones, turn out to be quite irreligious. This is especially striking for academics in the United States, where a culture which is manifestly the most devout amo...

 David F. Bradley*, Julie J. Exline, Alex Uzdavines

...-align: justify;">People who believe in the existence of a god or gods often hold an image of a god with relational characteristics (e.g., loving, cruel, and/or distant). Can nonbelievers form an image of a hypothetical god? What characteristics do their hypothetical gods have? We conducted an Internet-based survey of adult nonbelievers in the U.S. (N = 458). Most (86%; N = 393) were able to form an image of a hypothetical god. On average, nonbelievers descr...

Rabbi Paul Shrell-Fox Those rabbis who denied a belief in a supernatural being were interviewed to explore the evolution of their religious faith and its impact on their religious practice and behavior. In as much as Judaism places a great emphasis on communal deeds rather than cultural creed, the rabbis still feel comfortable functioning in communities, school settings and informal educational roles. We therefore may expect little existential angst; this was found to b...

Stephen Kershnar


...uired reading for anyone who wants to think seriously about the topic.


Elly Vintiadis

...ics at Oxford University who is also a devout Christian. The aim of this book, as the author describes it in the introduction, is to show that scientific study of the natural world and mainstream theistic belief are at ease with each other. It is a main contention of the book that the question of the conflict between science and religion is ill-posed because, properly understood, theism incorporates science since it too, just...

Muhammad Zubair, Sajid Mahmood Sajid

...ifene is useful in those who are infertile due to anovu- lation or oligoovulation. Clomifene inhibits estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, inhibiting negative feedback of estrogen on gonadotropin release and leading to up-regulation of ovulation. It has useful effects on the reproduction of female in terms of reduction in puberty and ovulation induction. The beneficial effects are manifested in male in terms of improvement of semen.


Claudia Kohl*, Andreas Nitsche, Andreas Kurth


...pportunity to study i.e. whole ecosystems. Basically, the metagenomics approach is similar to well-known shotgun-sequencing, though on a much bigger scale. For instance, the metagenome of a lake would include all the fish, ducks, plants, fungi, bacteria and everything else that belongs to the lake. If we apply this approach to clinical samples we can identify the community of etiological pathogens, without any knowledge on the targets in advance. However, clin...

Corey McCal

...ecently, Charles Taylor, who tell the story of secularization as a process distinct from religious belief and religious institutions, Erdozain argues that the basis for secularization can be found in the religious ferment of modernity itself, beginning with the Protestant Reformation and extending through the first half of the nineteenth century. The book begins with Martin Luther and his critics, proceeds through discussions of Spinoza and the English Dissent...

Rick Repetti

...t God could create souls whose identities vary with their bodies, but reply that He could create souls whose identities do not vary trans-corporeally.


Maurice A. Finocchiaro

...died by several scholars whom I label “Berkeley para-clericals,” chiefly philosopher Paul Feyerabend and historian John Heilbron. Their approach is distinctive: it views controversial topics involving the relationship between science and religion from a perspective that is secular-minded, but appreciative of religion, and yet conducted in the belief that such topics are too important to leave to religious believers. This approach also characterizes...

Khalid Ali1*, Amanullah Jan2

... sowing, DAS) and parts (whole plants incorporation and stubbles incorporation) under varying nitrogen levels (0, 75 and 100 kg ha-1) on physiology, yield and economic returns of Canola (Brassica napus L. cv. Bulbul-98). The experiments were laid out in randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement having three replications. Findings of the experiment revealed that guar as previously green manuring crop considerably increased leaf area index (LA...

Abiodun D. Olabode

... response of the farmers whose plots fall within the demarcated forty-sampled quadrats from both irrigated and non-irrigated farms. Information on socio-economic activities of the rice farmers, level of rice yield, agricultural practices for rice production and farm management techniques employed in the study area were observed. The study employed simple percentages to analyse the farmers’ responses; while regression model established significant relatio...

Moorthy S. Muthuswamy

...nce of religious leaders who espouse violence or undercut the value of modern education, and the ideology of radicals. Not least of all, this approach, as history suggests, has a good chance of reinvigorating modernity in affected Muslim communities.


John G. Bruno1*, Chien-Chung Chao2,3, Zhiwen Zhang3, Wei-Mei Ching2,3, Taylor Phillips1, Allison Edge1, Jeffery C. Sivils1

...hi (R. typhi) whole cells and individual candidate aptamer sequences were ranked according to affinity by an ELISA-like microplate-screening assay (ELASA). Top three candidate aptamers were then paired in a matrix of all possible capture and reporter aptamer combinations and tested in a fluorescent peroxidase-linked Amplex® UltraRed (AUR; a resazurin-like substrate) version of a rapid (< 1 h) aptamer magnetic bead sandwich assay. The optimal ...

 Shahab e Saqib, Mokbul Morshed Ahmad, Sanaullah Panezai, Hidayatullah, Khalid Khan Khattak

...ders, particularly those who possess land less than 5 acres because they had limited access to formal sources of credit.


Neha Singh and Anjana Pandey

...rified ligand molecules, whole live cells are used as targets, so the aptamers being generated could bind target molecules on live cells in their native conformation and it is possible to know the molecular profile of the cellular surface. Whole CELL SELEX is very useful in the field of diagnostics and targeted therapy and the aptamers generated can be utilized to differentiate cancerous cells from normal cells or even different types of cancerous cells, detec...

 Ian von Hegner

...e leaders of government, who are selected through free elections. This article argues, that if the concept of democracy is generalized to be universally applicable, then the concept of hypothetical gods’ right to rule results in dictatorship. Whereas the concepts of dictator and tyrant originally had a more positive meaning, those meanings have changed. However, the concept of the gods in the philosophical debate has avoided a similar redefinition in lig...

Halide Nihal Açikgöz1*, Serdal Kenan Köse2 and Ali Açikgöz3



.... C. vicina was found in whole year in 2012 and 2015. All of the fly species identified have forensic importance. The highest taxa richness was observed in 2012, in May (307; 73.80%), while the lowest was in March (23; 5.53%). The highest taxa richness was observed in June (544; 21.92%), while the lowest was in January (6; 0.24%) in 2015. Macro and micro climatic factors and biodiversity of the fauna are significant for solving suspect entomological cases.


John Gachohi, Simon Karanja, Salome Wanyoike, Nduhiu Gitahi, Salome Bukachi, Kenneth Ngure

...eudo-longitudinal design whose findings are expected to inform public health decision-making. Going forward, it will be possible to parameterize complex realistic Leptospira transmission models for understanding urban Leptospirosis dynamics.


Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1*, Lorenzo Gallus2, Sara Ferrando2, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman3, Abdul Ghaffar4 and Abdul Mateen5

...tein and ash contents of whole body of the fish were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by feeding frequency. The highest lipid contents were observed in fish at feeding frequency of three to four times daily. The condition factor (CF), viscerosomatic index (VSI) and hepatosomatic index (HSI) were significantly (P< 0.05) higher in fish at ration levels from 2.5 to 4.5% BW d−1 and feeding frequency of three to four times daily. These results conclu...

Naushad Khan1*, Shahnaz Akhtar1, Munir Khan1, Shaista Naz2, Javeria Tanveer1 and Muhammad Kaleem3

...were small scale farmers who obtained medium term credit followed by short term credit type. Thus, higher amount of credit was disbursed under the category of medium term followed by short term. The average yield, cost and return for the maize crop showed significant results due to the proper utilization of the credit by the farmers. The major constraints to farmers while obtaining credit were complicated procedure of pass book preparation, amount less than re...

Gabriela Mansano do Nascimento, Helena Lage Ferreira and Clarice Weis Arns


...virus is innate immunity whose activation is independent of the antigen and depends on the ability of the host to recognize pathogens by means of specific pattern recognition receptors. This interaction induces the production of cytokines, chemokines and interferons. Through Janus kinase/signal transducers and transcription activators pathway, interferon induces the transcription of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), responsible for playing an essential and d...
Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1,*, Sara Ferrando2, Lorenzo Gallus2 and Abdul Ghaffar3
...ut additives. During the whole study period, water quality parameters of the experimental ponds remained as salinity (15‰ -20‰), dissolved oxygen (5.6 to 7.5ml/l), temperature (25°C to 28°C). pH (7.6-7.8), ammonia (NH4-N) and `nitrites (NO2-N) less than (0.001mg/l), Secchi’s disc visibility (8 cm to 46 cm). Higher percent weight gain (2665 g), specific growth rate (2.76±0.5 % day-1)...
...logists around the globe who gathered after publishing a series of books on the mononegaviruses of veterinary importance. The rebranding of the journal is a part of the journal’s re-structuring process to expand the avenue from regional to global audiences. With heavy contributions from authors around the world, we aim to publish quality publications, both critical reviewers and cutting-edge research, in coming issues of the Hosts and Viruses.
Akbar Ali1,*, Khalil Mohamed2 and Fawzia Toulah3


...ence was higher in women who ever got pregnant as compared to those who were never pregnant (13% vs 5%). The percentage was also higher in women with direct contact to soil (14% vs 5%). Only one sample was PCR positive. The results show that overall prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in young women of Rafha city is low as compared to other regions of Saudi Arabia.

John G. Bruno

...ttsia exposure in humans who have seroconverted. Such anti-idiotypic aptamer antigens might also serve as rickettsial vaccines, if fully developed. The top five highest affinity R. rickettsii and top five R. typhi anti-Fab aptamers as assessed by enzyme-linked aptamer sorbent assay (ELASA) screening were shown to specifically bind their cognate antibodies when captured by their Fc tails on the surface of Protein A-conjugated magnetic beads. While no clear simi...

A. K.Bhattacherjee and B. K. Pandey

Dissipation of carbendazim in mango after pre- and post-harvest treatments
...and 2.14 mg kg in mature whole fruit after harvest (12 days after second spray) at 0.05 and 0.1 per cent concentrations, respectively, following first order rate kinetics. The corresponding values in fruit pulp after 12 days were 0.57 and 1.26 mg kg . In another experiment, cold water dip treatment in carbendazim solution @0.05 and 0.1 percent was given for 10 min to a separate lot of fruit having no pre harvest spray. Dissipation of carbendazim in

A. Regupathy and R. Ayyasamy

Initiatives of papain industry by private-public-farmer link-ages in classical biocontrol program for papaya mealybug in Tamil Nadu
...ore, the papain industry wholeheartedly supported the training programmes by deploying its field staff in release and multiplication of the parasitoid. For enabling initial multiplication of the released parasitoids, farmers of heavily infested papaya fields were compensated for the yield loss to serve as field-mass-multiplication-strategy. Further, the farmers of neighbouring fields were encouraged and facilitated through thirteen field staff to take the bug ...

Anjan Bhattacharyya, Suhrid Ranjan Barik & Pritam Ganguly

New pesticide molecules, formulation technology and uses: Present status and future challenges
... of different pests as a whole safety to environment.



Partha Pratim Ghosh and 2N. C. Mandal 

Some disease management practices for bacterial wilt of potato
...on revealed that T1 (TPS whole tuber planting) and T4 (supervised management - cowdung @ 40 ha-1 at land preparation + seed piece tuber treatment with carbendazim 2.5 gL-1 and Streptocycline @ 1 gL-1 + stable bleaching powder drenching with out removal of affected plant at 40 Days After Planting (DAP) @ 10 gL-1, along with protective banding with well decomposed cowdung + oilcake + Single Super Phosphate + Muriate of Potash mixture at 20:5:3:1 in each bacteria...
Song Li1,* and Zuojian Feng2
...a, stretching across the whole southern Himalayan mountains. However, relatively little work has been performed on mapping its geographic variations in China. In this study, we used 45 P. albiventer specimens from Xizang and Yunnan in China to conduct multivariate analyses and calculate coefficients of differences on cranial measurements, together with a comparison of pelage characteristics. Results indicated that the allopatric samples from Xizang were...
Ayesha Zahid,Ammara Muazzam, Sidra Mustafa, Saba Irshad*,Malik Siddique Mahmood and Rehman Shahzad


...nnels anatomy and on the whole, pave ways to the genesis of cataract.
1Sitesh Chatterjee, 1Chirasree Gangopadhyay and 2Santosh Kumar Roy
...ts. The study found that whorl maggot can be managed properly in seedbed application with chlorantraniliprole granule 0.4% WW/SR in seven days prior to seedling uprooting along with spraying of indoxacarb 14.5 SC /chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC /flubendiamide 48% SC in the main-field. The leaf folder was also managed properly by application of chlorantraniliprole granule in seedbed along with spraying of chlorantraniliprole/spinosad in the main-field. The incide...
Baohua Chen1,2, Wenzhu Peng3, Jian Xu2, Jingyan Feng1,2, Chuanju Dong1,2 and Peng Xu2,3,*
...nding on gene fates post whole genome duplication (WGD) of common carp. The expression patterns of all GST genes were established in various tissues, including brain, heart, spleen, kidney, intestine, gill, liver, skin, blood and muscle of common carp. Expression profiles provided us more evidences to understand GST gene functions as well as their functional evolution post duplication. Overall, the whole set of GST genes pro...

Muhammad Abid1*, Tahir Yaqub2, Arslan Mehboob3 and Muhammad Zubair Shabbir4

... studies for analysis of whole genome sequencing of prevailing H9N2 viruses in Pakistan which may further contribute towards the better understanding of the genetic nature and evolutionary behavior of these viruses in the country.


Raza Ullah1*, Qaisar Shah Safi2, Ghaffar Ali3 and Irfan Ullah

...o pre-harvest contractor who then harvest the orchard, pack the produce and transport it to the market where the produce is handed to wholesalers. Wholesalers then channel the produce to retailer from where the ultimately consumers buy the product. It was also observed that considerable marketing margins were taken by the marketing intermediaries in the citrus value chain. It is recommended that the post-harvest management/m...
Usman Waheed1,*, Humayoon Shafique Satti2, Muhammad Arshad3, Ahmed Farooq3, Abdul Rauf4 and Hasan Abbas Zaheer1,5

Hassan Hashim Ghalib, Syed Attaullah Shah*, Abbas Ullan Jan and Ghaffar Ali 

...g of net-returns for the whole KP reveals that an increase in temperature by 2oC from current average level could reduce wheat growers’ net-return by 37 percent. Increase in rainfall by 20 percent from current level could increase net-return by 6 percent. In the Central and Southern climatic zones of KP, where average monthly temperature in wheat season is above 25oC, wheat growers’ net return per acre could be hugely affected by temperature increa...

Zaheer Abbas*, Shaukat Ali, Jalal-Ud-Din and Ghulam M. Ali plant cell from which whole plant can be regenerated. The results indicated that optimal embryo physiological age is 15 and 18 days after pollination and transient transformation efficiency decreased at 22 days after pollination. Enhanced transient beta glucuronidase (GUS) expression with average frequency of 40.56% was noticed with three days of co-cultivation period while two days of co-cultivation period resulted 24.07% transient GUS expression. Addition...

Zaheer Abbas*, Shaukat Ali, Jalal-Ud-Din and Ghulam M. Ali* 

...pable to regenerate into whole plant under specific chemical and environmental conditions.

Shengyan Su, Zaijie Dong*, Wenbin Zhu, Lanmei Wang and Jianjun Fu 
... in 5% each step for the whole group (e.g. 5%, 10%, 15%, etc.) Compared the harvesting weight and weight gain, significant differences were found between non-compensatory like growth and compensatory like growth group on all levels except the 25% level. Particularly, the 35% level had the biggest compensatory like growth. Body shape changed during the compensatory like growth process. This study shows that compensatory like growth of body weight ...
Liana Mihaela Fericean1* and Mihaela Corneanu2
...s a cosmopolitan species who can cause direct damage to the plants by extracting the sap, and indirectly it is a vector to 16 plant viruses. The study presents data referring to the external morphological characteristics, to the biometrical measurements and to the life cycle of Aphis nasturtii. The researches have been carried out for a period of four years on the potato and for a period of two years on the orchards from Romania. At the Aphis nasturt...
Mahreen Yahya, Noor Abid Saeed*, Sajid Nadeem, Muhammad Hamed and Sajid Shokat 
... wheat plants during the whole season was the highest in NW-1-8183-8 and NW-3-3341-7 and the lowest in Faisalabad-08. However, grain yield was the highest in Galaxy-13 and the lowest was in Lasani-08 variety. Two applications of insecticide, (imidacloprid @ 625 ml/ hectare), significantly controlled the aphid population and enhanced the yield of all wheat varieties. The higher aphid infestations in untreated plots resulted in less chlorophyll content and reduc...
Boran Karataş, Muhammed Arabaci and Şükrü Önalan*
..., and for fish breeders, who would like to increase the growth rate of the trout, G66K34 polyculture group would be more useful when compared to brown trout monoculture.
Minmin Chen1, Xiaoke Zhang1, Kexiong Wang2, Zhigang Liu1, An Wan3, Daoping Yu1,*, Hong Ji3 and Fangzhen Peng1
...dangered species, as the whole population in the wild suffered sharp decline and fragmentation. Observations of the local spatial and temporal distribution dynamics can help establish better conservation strategies. In order to understand the characteristics of habitat chosen, a continuous 15 months observation on the distribution patterns of the Yangtze finless porpoise at the confluence of Yangtze and Wanhe rivers was conducted. The results showed that the d...
Fahad Tanveer1, Adnan Afzal2, Muhammad Adeel3*, Sana Shahid4 and Maham Masood5
...ience sampling technique who fulfilled the specific inclusion and exclusion criteria were randomly allocated to three groups; group 1 received SNAGs, group 2 Maitland mobilization and group 3 conventional treatment. Baseline, post-intervention and follow up readings were taken through numeric pain rating scale (NPRS) for pain intensity, neck disability index (NDI) for functional status,goniometer for range of motion and manual muscle testing for muscle strengt...
Shumaila Ashfaq1, Liaqat Ali2*, Muhammad Ashraf Zia2, Rizwan Ahmad Khan2 and Mehtash Butt3
...lepain score in patients who developed PDPH after elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia who were given conventional treatment versus conventional treatment plus hydrocortisone.Double blind randomized control trial. Study conducted in department of anaesthesia and obstetrics of Allama Iqbal Medical College, Jinnah hospital (tertiary care) conducted from13th June 2014to 13th December 2014. S...
Serap Gelibolu1,*, Yasemen Yanar2, M. Ayce Genc3 and Ercument Genc4 Interestingly, the whole body and fillet fatty acid composition shown no-correlation between treated and control groups (p>0.05). During the course of whole body examination, a positive correlation between MOS-fed and control-fed fish was observed for monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, these observations were not apparent in fillet samples. Profiling of the hepatic fatty acid clari...
Amjad Khan1,*, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq1, Mansur ud Din Ahmad1, Jawad Nazir1, Zahida Fatima2, Asghar Khan3 and Shahid Hussain Farooqi3
Ann Milliken Pederson
...der that people long for wholeness, healing, transformation, and an encounter with the ultimate. Ted Peters’ new book locates the vocation of humankind within their cosmic home, brings together the disciplines (humanities, social sciences, natural sciences) into a holistic integration of knowledge, places the quest and the question of God within the historical narrative of the natural and cultural history of the entire cosmos, and offers a vision of hope...
George L. Murphy
...ropic one. It is God who created the cosmos so that flesh would evolve for the Word to become flesh, and to unite all things in that incarnate Word.

Ayesha Bibi*, Musharaf Ahmad and Shaukat Hussain 

...f bacterial plasmid. The whole bacterial DNA was used as template, extracted with standard procedures using commercially available kit i.e. protinase-K (sigma). 27 out of 34 isolates were confirmed as Cmm having 614bp band. Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L) was the only weed from which pathogen was consistently isolated. From Northern KP, a total of nine weeds including; Solanum nigrum L., Solanum americanum Mill., Solanum Sarrachoides Sedntner, Amaranthus b...
Abdul Malik1,2, Ghulam Abbas1,*, Abdul Ghaffar3, Ghulam Dastagir4, Sara Ferrando5, Lorenzo Gallus5, Asad Ali Muhammad1,6, Abdul Jabbar2 and Khalil-ur-Rehman2 
... 4.18%) contents of fish whole body were not significantly (P>0.05) different at varying salinity levels. Mean values of water quality were found acceptable for tilapia i.e. temperature 28.42±0.08°C, dissolved oxygen 7.48±0.06 mg/L, pH 7.64±0.04 and ammonia 0.022±0.004 mg/L. Relationship between log body weight and log total length of the the fish shows that Nile tilapia fingerlings reared from 10‰ - 20&p...

Afsheen Masood1*, Rubab Musarrat2, Shama Mazahir3 and Adeela Ashraf4  

Muhammad Yahya Noori1*, Saharish Rizwan2, Zaheer Ali3 and Shaheen Sharafat4 

...pread by those patients, who are unaware of their disease. 


Uzma Zahid 

...action. Medical students who are more aspired towards their career seem to be more satisfied in their life. Moreover, medical students were more interested in getting more and more education but there is lack of aptitude towards achievement and leadership, signifying the need of mentoring amongst medical students. Practical steps should be taken to develop achievement and leadership aspects of medical students, which can ultimately enhance their career aspirat...
Richard Swinburne
...mporal God (that is, one who exists at all moments of time), could not have infallible knowledge of any future causally undetermined contingent event, and so – if there are any such events - could not be essentially omniscient, in the sense of having infallible knowledge of all true propositions. Given the assumption that human free actions are causally underdetermined, this entails that such a God cannot at any time have infallible knowledge of whi...

Abida Sajid* and Aqsam Sajid 

... during pregnancy 95% of whom live in countries that are developing. To know the frequency of anemia, and obstetric outcome in terms of preterm delivery, low birth weight and rate of caesarean section in young Primigravida. It was a cross sectional study, conducted in the department of Gynae & Obstetric unit 5 King Edward Medical University Lahore during a period of one year from May2013 April 2014. All primigravida young 15-24years with anemia enrolled fo...

 Babar Hussain*, Muhammad Ashfaq**, Mazher Abbas***, Khalid Mahmood**** and M. Ather Mahmood***

...s study used the monthly wholesale price (Rs. / 40 kg) data from January 1991 to December 2006 of gram, in logarithmic form and empirically estimated the degree of integration in gram markets of Pakistan using co-integration analysis. Co-integration results show that all gram markets are highly co-integrated in the long run. The high degree of market integration observed in this case is consistent with the view that Pakistan’s gram markets are quite comp...

 Abid Hussain*, Imdad Hussain Mirza and Muhammad Azeem Khan**

...tes fed to goats. On the whole about 30% metabolizable energy requirements of non-milking goats and 34% of does were fulfilled by supplementation. Goats were supplemented maximum during January-March, June, November and December and grazed for greater periods in summer and autumn than in winter and spring seasons. It can therefore be concluded that in general the months when minimum supplements were given are the better ones in terms of feed availability becau...

Muhammad Athar Khan1, Muhammad Zahid Latif2*, Syed Amir Gilani3 and Ifrah Bukhari4 

...l. Similarly 25 subjects who never worked in the rice paddy field were also randomly selected from each union council as controls. The serum sample of each subject was tested against each of the five antigens against the serovars. A total of 250 subjects were included in the study. Out of these, 125 subjects were exposed to the rice paddy water where as 125 were not exposed to rice paddy water. The cumulative seropositivity among the exposed is (83.2%) as comp...

Akhlaq Ahmad, M. Anwar Arain*, Rahila Nazli**, Syed Anser Rizvi***,
Mubarik Ahmed* and Farzana Ibrahim****

Corresponding author:

...akistan is the result of whole godown improper fumigation of bagged wheat over the past several years. Trials were conducted in 338 godowns in 8 districts of upper Sindh. Out of these, 169 godowns were selected for fumigation with phosphine inside and under polyethylene sheets, while the others for indoor space fumigation in godowns without covering wheat stack with a sheet. Samples of wheat at the baseline and at two-monthly intervals after fumigation were co...

 Saima Rani and Irum Raza*

...oor class of the economy who do not have enough resources to buy expensive livestock-based protein-rich food will be badly affected.


 Akhtar A. Siddiqui and Allah W. Rind*

...e size comprised 48 EFWs who participated in Training of Facilitators (ToF) and erecuted FFSs during 2001 and 2004. The results revealed that the EFWs performed effectively to attain the objectives of IPM programme. It appears that EFWs improved farmers' knowledge, skills and behavioral change in attitude towards agro-ecological sound IPM practices through FFS training. 


 Sajida Taj*, Muhammad Tariq Iqbal Khan**, Mazher Abbas and Arshed Bashir***

...cted from 34 farmers, 13 wholesalers-cum-commission agents and 20 retailers from main flower producing areas of Kasur and Faisalabad districts from Punjab province, the structure and marketing margins of producers and other marketing intermediaries are quantified along the existing two marketing channels for cut flowers. In the first channel the main players were producers, wholesalers-cum-commission agents, retailers and co...

 Sajida Taj*, Akhter Ali*, Nadeem Akmal*, Shujaat Yaqoob** and Mubarik Ali***

...detail to understand the whole system and the factors contributing to the adoption of the technology. The study revealed that adopters typically have a more favorable resource base and tend to variously outperform non-adopters. More access to education and other social indicators increases the chances to adopt new technologies by the farming community. However, the small farmers can also be benefited with the technology with proper education regarding the tech...

 Waqar Akhtar*, Nadeem Akmal*, Hassnain Shah*, Muhammad Azam Niazi** and Ayesha Tahir*

...other categories for the whole period under analysis. Onion export has revealed comparative advantage with some fluctuations over time. The research indicates that Pakistan's comparative and competitive advantages have been increasing in all the selected commodities during period under analysis which indicates the potential of horticulture exports for foreign exchange earnings. There is need to strengthen comparative and competitive advantage in horticulture s...

 Muhammad Shahzad*, Akhter Ali**, Abdul Hayee Qureshi**, Naveed Jehan*, Imran Ullah* and Majid Khan*

... at farm level, 1.44% at wholesale level, 6.31% at retail level, and 8.64% at the consumer level. Harvesting at proper maturity, using experienced labor and storage facility can reduce extent of post harvest losses of plum.


 Md. Nazirul Islam*, A. K. Azad**, Leon O. Namuco***, Teresita H. Borromeo***, Maria Lourdes O. Cedo*** and Edna A. Aguilar***

...ultured makapuno coconut whose endosperm is thicker and softer instead of hard crispy, growing at the University of the Philippines, Los Baños, was assessed using morphometric characters from March 2004 to October 2005. Shannon 2 Weaver Diversity Index and Chi-square (÷ ) tests were used to analyze variation in both the qualitative and quantitative characters. Substantial variation in crown shape, bole category, color of young fruit, petiole and ...

 Naveed Jehan*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla**, Muhammad Shahzad*, Abid Hussain**, Muhammad Zahoor*, Majid Khan* and Ahmed Bilal*

...ity of information about wholesale market prices through SMS service and low cost calling packages will help farmers and market agents in improving bitter gourd production and its marketing, respectively.


 Rashid Minhas*, Iftikhar Ahmad Khan**, Faisal Saeed Awan**, Lal Hussain Akhtar*, Syed Awais Sajid Shah* and M. Shahjhan Bukhari* 

...mer was observed. On the whole, 87.50% genetic identity was found in material under investigation and it ranged from 68.07% to 96.88%. The polymorphism detected among the genotypes was employed as marker for hybrid identification. Comparing the banding patterns of RAPD of the parents with their particular hybrids, true hybrids were identified by six primers namely GLA-7, GLA-8, GLA-15, GLA-19, GLD-3 and GLD-5. Consequently, RAPD analysis can be used as a marke...

 Muhammad Aamir Khan*, Abdul Saboor*, Rauf-i-Azam**, Abdul Qayyum Mohsin* and Fayyaz-ul-Hassan***

...e rural household types, who guage most of their income from agricultural business. Trade policy must be pursued keeping derivation and distributional narration in view. 


 Muhammad Shahzad*, Ayesha Tahir**, Naveed Jehan*** and Muhammad Luqman*

IMPACT OF DIFFERENT PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES ON POSTHARVEST LOSSES OF STONE FRUITS IN SWAT PAKISTAN were estimated at the wholesale and retail level by price differential method. Multiple regression analysis was employed to find relation between post-harvest losses and different factors at three different stages. Findings of the study revealed the channel of cardboard box technology accounted for post-harvest losses of 10.49% while at farm level, losses were 2.90%, at wholesale level 1.45% and retail level the losses we...

 Syeda Aimen Hadi*, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry*, Aftab Ahmed** and Shaheer Ellahi Khan***

...ern technology and those who are still finding means to adapt their traditional agriculture to the fast changing needs of the societies. The research was carried out in the villages of Ghora Gali and Aruka through qualitative and quantitative methods. Sustainable development in Pakistan thus needs to be reinvented in the local perspective considering approaches and practices and, eradicating the alien chains of development completely.


 Anum Fatima*, Saleem Abid* and Sobia Naheed* 

TRENDS IN WHOLESALE PRICES OF ONION AND POTATO IN MAJOR MARKETS OF PAKISTAN: A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS examine the trends in wholesale prices of onion and potato in the major markets (Lahore, Hyderabad, Peshawar and Quetta) of Pakistan. Time series data about annual average wholesale prices of onion and potato were collected from 1981-82 to 2011-2012. Major findings of the study revealed that wholesale prices of onion and potato were increased with time. Results revealed that

 Muhammad Asif Jamil*, Nowshad Khan*, FarhatUllah Khan* and Muhammad Zakria*

...eir friends. The farmers who knew extension staff through relatives were only 16%. It was also found that demonstration, personal contact, group meetings and training were effective methods of communication. The study concluded that other sources of information i.e., relatives, friends were more influential in bringing changes in the behavior of the respondents and solving the problems of farm related issues. It was found that 38% of the aware respondents yiel...

 Amjad Pervez*, Syed Muzaffar Ahmed*, Akhlaq Ahmad** and Qazi Mehmood Ali**

...d millet were offered in whole/crack form. Under no choice and choice tests, rice was the most preferred food, followed by wheat, maize and others. The present study suggested that rice in whole or cracked form alone or in combination with wheat can be applied as very palatable (32% and 27%, respectively) and cost effective grain as bait base for effective management of Indian porcupine, Hystrix indica, being an economically...

 Doulat Baig*, Fida Mohammad Abbasi*, Habib Ahmed*, Maqsood Qamar** and Muhammad Ayub Khan**

...the crop. The protein is wholly dependent upon the amount of nitrogen fertilization available in soil for the plant use. A two year study was conducted in 2012 and 2013 at National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan. The experiment was aimed to –1 –1 evaluate the effect of different nitrogen (N) levels (N = 0 kgha , N = 60 kgha , N = 0 1 2 –1 –1 –1 –1 80 kgha , N3 = 120 kgha , N4 = 180 kgha and N5 = 240...

 Imdad Ali Mahmood*, Arshad Ali**, Armghan Shahzad**, Muhammad Asif Masud Ghumman***, Muhammad Arshad Ullah**, Tariq Sultan** and Badar-u-Zaman**

...dues incorporation. As a whole, constant two years crop residues incorporation further improved the paddy yield (9%) during the following years of crop harvesting. Economic analysis of both the crops was carried out to see the best treatment with sufficient economic benefits as compared to without crop residues incorporation. Maximum net benefit of Rs. 92754 for direct seeded rice -1 and Rs. 69558 for wheat grown with 80 kg P O ha application under crop 2 5 re...

 Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Abid Hussain*

... difference in prices at wholesale market and village levels were 28.6, 12.9, 6.0 and 0.5 for adult male, wet female, dry female and young stock, respectively. The prevailing marketing situation of live camels is an indicative of exploitation farmers from the village dealers/market intermediaries. The regulatory laws of livestock markets applied in Pakistan are not comprehensive and do not cover all the aspects necessary for the markets to function efficiently...

 Arshia Naeem*, Maria Anjum*, Mariam Rehman*, Zahid Mahmood** and Muhammad Asif Kamran**

... for farming communities who are otherwise deprived of extension services due to large number of farmers and their huge spread throughout the country.


 Raza Ullah*, Mariam Rehman*, Maria Anjum*, Muhammad Asif
Kamran**, Khuda Bakhsh***, Abdul Saboor****

...r way and target farmers who need risk management information the most. At policy level, emphasis may be given to formal training and awareness of the farmers for diversification to compensate production risks. The existing extension network can be strengthened through its institutional linkage with metrology department and information communication technologies to further inform and train the farmers about disasters and disaster associated risks.


 Nusrat Habib*

....64 respectively. On the whole tobacco and sugarcane both of these crops were more profitable for the farmers. As study results showed that outputinput ratio of tobacco were 3.09 followed by 3.01 of sugarcane. While sunflower's output-input ratio was only 1.86, which was very low than both of the competing crops (tobacco and sugarcane). In terms of net profit nonadopters of sunflower were earning more income than adopters of sunflower with lesser profit. This ...

Sher Muhammad , Ijaz Ashraf*, Amir Khatam**, and Naima

...mprising of four members who were properly trained for the purpose. Highest farmers' participation was perceived in supply of inputs and was ranked 1 with mean value 3.10. There existed a highly significant association between age, education, land holding, and tenancy status of the respondents and their participation in various activities being carried out under MFSCs. It is recommended that relatively young, educated, big and owner farmers may be given priori...

Samina Ashraf1*, Ghulam Haider2 and Maimoona Ashraf

... women with disabilities who have been subjected to any type of violence, generate a theoretical model for the ways in which women with disabilities survived and coped with their violence and finally to make suggestions and recommendations in order to reduce the elements causing violence against women with disabilities. In this study, a qualitative interpretive phenomenological research methodology has been used to explore, interpret, and evaluate the personal...
Aitezaz Ahsan1*, Muhammad Usman1, Ihsan Ullah2, Aamer Bin Zahur3 and Adnan Rasheed Malik4
... a transboundary disease whose occurrence hampers the trade and consequently causes an enormous economic losses. It is a disease of sheep and goat, particularly in the regions of Africa, Middle East and Asia. Besides clinical signs and symptoms of PPR various diagnostic assays, both serological and molecular, have been developed and are applied for estimating the current status of the disease. This review article focuses on the development of different molecul...
Zheng Quan Jiang1,2, Feng Shan Li3, Jiang Hong Ran1,*, Chen Hao Zhao1, Man Zhang1 and Hua Li4 alpine crane species, whose distribution is restricted to the Tibetan-Qinghai Plateau and the adjacent high altitude areas of China, Bhutan, Pakistan, and India. Study on nest type and size is useful for understanding the life history, evolution and adaptation of birds. A survey was conducted on nest size and the underlying regulatory factors of Black-necked Cranes from 25 March to 31 July in 2013 and 2014 at Ruoergai Internationally Important Wetland and i...
Saba Parveen Samo1, Moolchand Malhi1,*, Javed Gadahi2, Yan Lei3, Allah Bux Kaciwal1 and Saeed Ahmed Soomro1
...7 ± 0.01) and the whole large intestine (2.44 ± 0.04 vs 2.32 ± 0.03) significantly increased (P < 0.05) in B compared to A. The weights of liver, heart, kidney and spleen were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between the groups, however, the lung weight increased in B (1.15 ± 0.04 vs 0.99 ± 0.04, P < 0.05) compared to A. Digestibility trails revealed that utilization of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and c...
Shireen Ihsan Izzaddeen1 and Ali Kaygısız2,*
...aurel essential oil into whole milk did not cause any significant change in weekly live weight gain (kg), total weaning live weight gain (kg), weekly chest girth measurements (cm), weaning chest girth (cm), dry matter, roughage and concentrate feed consumption (gr), total milk consumption (kg), feed conversion ratio (kg), total cost and unit cost (P>0.05). However, essential oil contained calf’s milk decreased fecal evaluation score and number of days...
Abid Hussain1,*, Mansur-ud-Din Ahmad2, Muhammad Hussan Mushtaq2, Mamoona Chaudhry2, Muhammad Sarwar Khan2, Michael Reichel3, Tanveer Hussain4, Amjad Khan2, MuhammadNisar2 and Imtiaz Ahmad Khan5
... (106/1036 animals) as a whole. However, the prevalence of clinical mastitis in district Lahore was 11.8% (71/598 animals) whereas it was 8% (35/438 animals) in district Bhimber. The overall prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 38.8% (402/1036). The district wise prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 43.6% (261/598 animals) and 32.2% (141/438 animals) in the districts of Lahore and Bhimber, respectively. The quarter level prevalence was recorded 16.20% (673...
Senol Celik1,*, Ecevit Eyduran2, Adile Tatliyer3, Koksal Karadas4, Mehmet Kazim Kara2 and Abdul Waheed5
...odel might help breeders who aim to make precise decisions on optimum slaughtering time and to ensure suitable managerial conditions in DDP goat.

Murad Khan1* and Muhammad Afzal2 

...izes of poultry farms as whole. The highest net benefits were reported from the large scale poultry farms followed by medium and small firms. The results of the multiple regression model for profit shows that profit of a poultry farm is positively affected by education, experience, age of the respondent and farm size while negatively affected by mortality of chicks. All the variables were significant except age of the respondents. Proper vaccination and medica...

Saima Rani*, Hassnian Shah, Nusrat Habib and Muhammad Azeem Khan 

...thermore, the households who earn more income perceive a negative impact on health from chemical usage, the more likely they would be willing to pay a high price for a fresh organic vegetable. 

Mohammed Al Bratty1, Hassan A. Alhazmi1, Somaya Jadoh Ogdi1, Jana Ahmad Otaif1, Abdul Jabbar Al-Rajab2, Mohammad Firoz Alam3 andSadique Akhtar Javed1,*
Gulnaz Malik1, Abdul Qadir1 and Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan2,*
...5°C and 30°C, on whole wheat grains which was artificially infested with S. oryzae under laboratory conditions. The toxicities of spinosad, emamectin benzoate, lufenuron and thiamethoxam increased 2.65, 1.59, 1.64 and 3.00 folds (positive temperature coefficient), respectively, with increasing temperature. The positive temperature coefficients of all the tested insecticides suggest that these insecticides may provide effective control of ...

Muhammad Zulfiqar1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Irshad Khan Abbasi2, Muhammad Tariq2, Jawad Ali3, Melad Karim4 and Rizwan Ahmad1 and thus for Pakistan whose major water requirements are met from snow/glacier melt from the River Indus. 

Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1,2, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2,*, Farhat Jabeen2, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain3, Arshad Javid4, Muhammad Asrar2 and Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan2
Muhammad Kashif Munir1*, Sana Rehman1, Rizwan Iqbal1, Muhammad Saqib Saeed2, Muhammad Aasim1
...ed pulmonary TB patients who were not responding to standard regimen of first line anti-tubercular treatment. Smears were stained by Ziehl-Neelsen method. All specimens were processed for culture and drug sensitivity by drug proportion method using Lowenstein Jensen medium as well as GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay.
Results: A total of 125 subjects were registered in present study including 64 (51.2%) males and 61 (48.8%) females of age 15 years and...
Naveed Rashid*1, Muhammad Aamer2, Uzma Malik3, Nimra Arif4, Muhammad Waqar Akram5 and Ayesha Irshad6
... disease (ESRD) patients who are on maintenance hemodialysis. 
Methods: This comparative cross sectional study with quantitative approach was carried out in hemodialysis unit of Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences, Lahore for the month of July, 2017. All patients with ESRD, on maintenance hemodialysis through an AVF access for at least last 30 days, were included in the study. Each patient was given a questionnaire comprising of 21 qu...
Ansar Ahmed Abbasi1,*, Kathrin Blasius2-4, Imtiaz Ahmed6, Hao Hu7, Sylvie Picker-Minh2-4,8, Muhammad Nasim Khan5, Khalid Hameed1, Aneela Gulnaz1, Zahid Latif5, Abdul Rauf5 and Angela M. Kaindl2-4,8
...n which were assessed by whole exome sequencing and cosegregation analysis. We identified a previously described mutation c.4802C>G (p.S1601*) in the ASPM gene in both families. This study further underlines that mutations in the ASPM gene are a common cause for microcephaly in the Pakistani population and updates our knowledge regarding the frequent involvement of ASPM in microcephaly.
Laiba Shafique1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2, Mehroze Fatima3, Huma Naz4, Qaisra Saddique1

G. Venkatesan* and Amit Kumar  

...d skin lesions in humans who are in contact with infected animals and their products. Unique and specific virulence genes located at termini of ORFV genome with their encoded products are attributed to host immune evasion, short-term immunity both in natural infection post-vaccination in target species and repeated host susceptibility. However, these genes are variable among ORFV isolates/strains as they are not located in central part of genome and some of th...
Azmat Hayat Khan Khattak1, Abdul Wasay2, Tariq Ali1,*, Muhammad Iqbal1, Khisrao Kalim1, Mohammad Farooque Hassan3, Muhammad Mobashar2, Nazir Ahmad2, Abid Iqbal2 and Muhammad Nauman ul Islam1
... A, calves were fed with whole milk at 10% of live body weight (LBW) for 4-7 days after initial colostrum feeding at 10% of LBW. From 8-30 days they received milk at 10% LBW + calf starter ration (CSR). During 31 to 63 days, milk at 10% LBW + CSR + green fodder (GF) was fed. Then, from 64-77 days they were fed milk at 5% LBW + CSR + GF. From 78-90 days milk at 2.5% LBW + CSR + GF. Calves in groups B and C were also fed with same feeding regimen with the corres...
Binbin Shan, Yan Liu, Changping Yang, Shengnan Liu and Dianrong Sun*
... study, we generated the whole transcriptome of Penaeus penicillatus from four combined tissues (eyestalk, muscle, intestinal and viscus) using High-seq sequencing technology. A total of 65,703,216 high-quality clean reads were generated to produce 27,850 non-redundant transcripts with a mean length of 918 nt using Trinity and Tgicl software. For homological alignment, 13,083 unigenes had significant hits in Nr database. And then, 10,467 unigenes were a...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2 and Mujahid Iqbal3  

...f experimental group (to whom a set of advisory instructions were sent by mobile phone) and other was control (face-to-face). Two- population independent t-test was applied for comparison of the two methods of instructions. The results of the study revealed that both methods were equally applicable and effective regarding timely transfer of information or knowledge to the farmers for aphid attack on wheat crop. Hence, it is concluded that the goal for creating...

Safina Naz1, Muhammad Akbar Anjum1, Saeed Akhtar2, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3* and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar

Raza Ullah Khan*, Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Zameer Khan, Fayyaz Hussain and Sonia Saba 

.... Treatments consists of whole P applied as soil (PS =100%), foliar (Pf=100%) or different combination (PS75:Pf25, PS50:PF50, PS25:Pf75) to wheat grown in 5 kg soil in plastic container. Data on plant growth parameters (plant height, biomass and grain yield) was collected at the end of the experiment taking as an average of the three replications. Nutrients such as K, P and selected micronutrients concentration in shoot and root were determined once after harv...

Bushra Qadir1, Muhammad Asim2 and Mohammad Akmal1* 

...ura, Vernal and Cuf 101) whose seed were treated with overnight in bio-extracts solution made of perennial tree leaves. The study compares early growth performance of alfalfa varieties for forage biomass production. The seed was soaked overnight (14 h) in extracts made from dry powdered leaves of Bakayn (Azadir achtaindica), Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana) and water (H2O) and planted in pots on the next morning. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomize...

Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1*, Maryam Bisola Adebayo2, Bashiru Shafa Abubakar3, Ibrahim Abubakar Yusuf2 and Joseph Aje Anejo-Okopi1  

...onsenting pregnant women who were attending antenatal clinic in Abuja, Nigeria. Structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on socio-demography and risk factors. The sera were obtained from samples were analyzed for IgG and IgM antibodies of human parvovirus B19 using SERION ELISA Classic Parvovirus B19 IgG/IgM kits. A total of 171 (52.5%) of women had IgG antibody to Parvovirus B19 while 31 (9.5%) were positive for IgM antibody. Demographics including ag...

Inzimamul Haq1*, Shahid Sattar1, Bashir Ahmed1, Qamar Zeb2 and Amjad Usman

...f these chemicals on the whole life cycle of T. chilonis. 


Waqas Ali* and Mudasser Habib 

...ntigenic region but as a whole protein was under negative selection pressure for serotype O, A and Asia 1. Therefore, under mass vaccination campaigns and drastic environmental conditions strains under negative selection has the ability to make escape mutants. 

Zafar Iqbal*, Farah Ansar, Zil-e-Huma
...he author throughout the whole period due to contact with these fish. One reason for this is the use of safety measures and precautions by the concerned; such as use of disposable gloves, thorough hand washing, using sterilized equipment, keeping work place clean and disinfecting it regularly. The possibility of isolation of fewer pathogenic agents in this study cannot be ruled out. There has not been any report of zoonotic infection in ornamental fish handler...

 Phong Huy Pham

Nesting biology of a spider wasp Auplopus sp. (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) in Vietnam
...ith a single prey spider whose legs were amputated. The prey spiders were immatures of a species of the genus Heteropoda, family Sparassidae. Developmental time of egg, larva, pre-pupa, pupa, and pre-adult was 6 - 7, 13 - 14, 5 - 7, 41 - 43, and 3 - 4 days, respectively. The duration of egg to adult development ranged from 68 to 75 days.


 Mian Azhar Ahmad1†*, Nawab Mohammad Khan2, Asmatullah3

Anatomical variations of hepatobiliary triangle in patients operated laparoscopically for gallbladder diseases from Lahore and Sahiwal
... and Sahiwal on patients who presented with symptomatic gallstones during the period 2011 to 2015. All the patients irrespective of their age, sex, past history of acute cholecystitis and obesity were subjected to Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Patients’ age was between 18-70 years, gender ratio was 1:3.5 with female dominance, mean operative time 99.6 minutes and patients remained admitted for 1–3days. The procedure was performed successfully in 9...

Durr-e- Samin Tahir*, Waqar Nasir, Sarah Bushra, Fatima Batool

Height trends in the population of Rabwah, district Chiniot, Pakistan and comparison with WHO standards

Nasir Raza Zaidi1, Mian Waheed Ahmad1, Mahesh Gautam1, Riffat Mehboob2*

Risk factors for multiple sclerosis in Pakistani population- A crosssectional study
...e first hundred patients who came for
reporting MRI of the brain and had positive findings of MS were retrospectively evaluated. Mean age of the patients
was 43.07±13.88 years, with youngest patient as 18 years old and eldest as 65 years. Our study depicted 19% cases
of MS were smokers. 8% of the patients had positive history for viral infections. 8 % of the patient had low level of
serum vitamin D and 30% of the patients had...

 Zubair Ahmed#, Muhammad Farhanullah Khan, Habiballah Rana*

Toxicological effects of Haloxylon recurvum Bunge ex Boiss (Khar Boti) whole plant extract and novel insecticide chlorantraniliprole against maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky
...rude methanol extract of whole plant of Haloxylon recurvum (Khar boti)
and a novel insecticide chlorantraniliprole. A serial concentration of extract i.e.,
1.2%, 2.4%, 3.6%, 4.8%, 6.0% and insecticide 0.00224%, 0.00448%, 0.00896%,
0.01792%, 0.02688%, respectively, were topically applied to adult S. zeamais.
Contact toxicity assayed by topical application showed that 3.6% concentration of
H. recurvum plant extract and 0.00896%...

 Mohsin Arshad1, Muhammad Irfan*2, Asad-Ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Nadeem3, Zile Huma3, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir4, Quratulain Syed3

Optimization of medium and substrate for CMCase production by Bacillus subtilis-BS06 in submerged fermentation and its applications in saccharification
...on speed of 140 rpm. The whole
fermentation experiments were carried out in 250ml Erlenmeyer flask. Different
agricultural wastes such as sugarcane bagasse, wheat straw, rice husk, defatted
soybean meal, corn cobs and wheat bran were exploited for CMCase production
using different media (medium 1 (M1), medium II (M-II), medium III (M-III) &
medium IV (M-IV)).Of all these tested substrates, sugarcane bagasse was found to

Mujib ur Rahman1, Munir Khan2*, Himayatullah Khan2, Malik Muhammad Shafi2 and Haidar Ali2  

...gher for those producers who sold their products in other cities. In local market the profit margins of Chadar and Suit was 17% and 14% respectively. The profit margin of Chadar and Suit was 26% and 23% respectively when sold in other cities. The study concluded that due to low profit, handloom business in district Charsadda is on downfall. The study recommends that financial support, marketing management, access to technology, training and international exhib...

Amara Amjad Hashmi1,2,*, Maqbool Hussain Sial3, Waqar Akram4 and Maaida Hussain Hashmi5,6

...0 food groups and on the whole it is slightly improved from (8.8 %) to (9%) in previous 10 years. Interestingly, when we analyze the share of staple food in total calories, results suggest that major portion of a household’s diet is consisting of staple food (wheat), (53%) and increased to (57%) from 2005 to 2014. We use the Heckman Approach to find out determinants of food insecurity. Results suggest that female headship plays a significant positive rol...
Kalimullah Khan1,*, Hafsa Zaneb2, Zia Ur Rehman3, Hamza Maris4 and Habib ur Rehman1
...d weight gain during the whole experimental period. Application of phytasefailed to exert any influence on the weights of gizzard, provetriculus, heart, liver, spleen and empty intestine. The weights and lengths of the small intestine were highly significant (P > 0.05) in the treatment groups. This study showed the potency of phytase to enhance the growth performance in broilers and it will lay foundation for future research on poultry feed in Pakistan.

 Saira Zaheer1, Abrar Hussain1*, Aqsa Khalil1, Muhammad Mansha1, Muhammad Lateef2

...A. lebbeck L. and whole plant of C. sinensis L. were prepared by cold maceration method. The anthelmintic activity was analyzed by adult motility assay (AMA). Levamisole was used as positive control to compare the efficacy of CEE of both plants. Adult worms were treated with different concentrations i.e., 2, 4, 6 and 8 mg/ml of ethanolic extract and motility of the worms was examined after every two to eight hours. Both A. lebbeck and C...
Osman Ergene1,*, Isfendiyar Darbaz1, Serkan Sayiner2 and Selim Aslan1 carried out on 9 cows whose pregnancy was confirmed and 9 cows whose embryonic mortality (EM) was determined. In PAG-Serum, there was a statistically significant difference (P <0.05, P <0.01) between the measurements on 40th day when EM was detected and on the 28th and 32nd days of pregnancy. In the PAG-Milk and PSPB-serum tests, there was a difference (P <0.05) in terms of blood values betw...
Kamran Zakaria1*, Noreen Munawar1 and Shafqat Ejaz2
... and the outcomes of the whole power spectra exhibited a low annual frequency all over the basin; whereas additional frequencies are present with major significance that indicate changes in the rainfall system. While, the calculated global wavelet power spectra showed variable frequencies, they presentedodd patterns (symbolized by A and B) that might be used to portray the region. Therefore, three sub-regions with consistentprecipitation patterns were recogniz...
Madeeha Khalid and Amtul Jamil Sami*
... polymorphic gene family whose members contain regions of very similar conserved sequences making this gene a challenging candidate to analyze. Almost 90% of the sequence of growth hormone gene family members is similar and prone to single nucleotide variations. The sequence variation occurring in the non-coding region of the GH-1 gene leads to altered transcriptional regulation causing various developmental defects in humans. In this report, we have analyzed ...
Naveed Ahmad1,*, P.J.A. Siddiqui1, Amjad Ali1, Khan Mir Khan2, Rafaqat Masroor3, Noor ul Akbar4, Muhammad Amin5 and Mohammad Attaullah6
...rences were found in the whole fish body proximate composition of protein, ash and moisture fed at different protein levels except for lipid content of fish body influenced significantly (P<0.05) by increasing protein in the diet. The second degree polynomial regression estimates that A. arabicus grows best when fed on a diet containing up to 42% protein in floating net cages. 
Seth Ligo
...r metaphysical neighbors who are understood to inhabit Varaṇasi, and who are regularly engaged by the city’s residents. While some were residents who became transhistorical, and others have descended from myth to dwell in the sacred city, the ability to live well and flourish in Varaṇasi relies upon participation in social networks that extend to members beyond the contemporary a...
Kathryn Phillips and Katherine L. Schaefer;we explore how a Jain who is on the path to eventual bodily liberation via a fast to the death might be treated, and the difficulties inherent in applying an ethics framework that remains neutral about the existence of souls, or the effects of acts on those souls. We conclude that no account of well-being is complete without an account of its fundamental metaphysical commitments.


Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Sidra Mushtaq1, Muhammad Tariq Malik2, Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Ateeq ur Rehman1, Shoaib Fareed3, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar

...ed from a singly tree in whole of the Indian sub-continent. Although the involvement of the insect’s species has been recorded and authenticated by various scientists reporting that these acts as the carrier of the fungal spores and produce tunnels in the bark of the trees. Since, many extensive filed surveys of forests, avenues, road sides and canal banks has been made to calculate the total losses and mortality of the sheesham trees in Indian sub-conti...

 Adile Tatliyer1,*, Sinan Bas1 and Serdar Yagci2


... At each period, factors whose eigenvalues which is the characteristic roots of a square matrix with p×p were higher than 1 were elected by applying the Varimax rotation in explanatory factor analysis. In the first period of average 11 days after birth, 2 factor scores (FS) were used as new latent predictors in order to predict live body weight in multiple linear regression model. The 2FS at the first period, 3 FS at the second period,...

Farhana Gul1*, Dawood Jan1 and Muhammad Ashfaq2 

...jor adaptation practices whose benefits were analyzed. The adaptation results indicated that adopters of adaptation technology would range from 33 % to 74.47 % in Dera Ismail Khan and 62 % to 65.18 % in Peshawar. Before adaptation, poverty rates would range from 23 to 28.90 percent in D.I.Khan while from 19 to 28.62 percent in Peshawar for all GCMs. These findings concluded that proposed adaptation strategies could have significant impact to offset climate vu...
Iram Maqsood1,2,3 and Ke Rong *1,2
...>Alligator sinensis) who is at the edge of extinction in nature. Approximately, 130-150 individuals left in wild. Habitat loss is considered as a major source of population decline of this precious species. Consequently, for the sake of A. sinensis conservation, China took steps with the top priority of habitat restoration, controlled management in captive breeding centers, as well as initiation of reintroduction into the wild. Captive breeding cent...
... responses of scientists whose names were exploited and proven the intentional fraudulent act of the (corresponding) author. 
Based on the mutual consent of the Chief-Editor of Pakistan Journal of Zoology and the President, Zoological Society of Pakistan and Executive Council of Zoological Society of Pakistan, all articles of the fraudulent aut...
Syeda Ain-ul-Batool1, Sadia1, Kathrin Blasius2,3,4, Angela Kaindl2,3,4 and Ghazanfar Ali1,*
... chromosome 7p14.3 using whole exome sequencing (WES). A splice acceptor site mutation (c.1131G>A) in exon 3 was revealed by Sanger sequencing.
Hong Zhang1, Shu-Fen Han2, Jing Wang1, Shao-Kang Wang1, Gui-Ju Sun1 and  Cheng-Kai Zhai1, *
... the effects of compound whole grains on high fat and cholesterol diet-induced obesity and lipid accumulation in rats and the possible molecular mechanisms, 40 male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to four different diets, including reference chow diet (RCD), high fat and cholesterol diet (HFCD), city diet (CD) and compound whole-grain diet (CWD). Serum lipid profiles and glucose level were examined after 8 weeks. ...
Syeda Shazia Bokhari*, Ghashia Qayyum, Uzma Rafi and Aisha Waheed Qurashi
... for vermicomposting and whole of the setup was maintained for 60 days.The results showed that microbes were characterised and identified as Bacillus cereus and Citrobacter freundii. Both these strains showed ptimum growth at pH 7.0 and temperature 37C. In the finally formed vermicompost water holding capacity, soil pH and aggregation changed positively by EG4. The results of the present finding showed positive impact of inoculation...
Jingchen Chen, Zhaochao Deng and Zhiqiang Han*
...echnology to measure the whole mitochondrial genome sequence of Ammodytes personatus, and compared with Sanger sequencing results. Three samples belonging to two lineages of A. personatus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used in the study. Based on the complete mtDNA sequence, the genetic distance between the two lineages is 0.064. Results show that the total sequence lengths of the three samples of A. personatus mitochondrial genome are 16,...

Haidar Ali1, Malik Muhammad Shafi1*, Himayatullah Khan1 and Hamra Haidar

... Sampled farm households who were operating farm size up to 1 acre (74.88 hours/week) were performing more off-farm employment followed by farm size more than one (1) but less than or equal to two (2) acres land (59.32 hours/week), more than two (2) acres but less than or equal to three (3) acres land (41.86 hours/week), more than three (3) acres but less than or equal to four (4) acres land (33.97 hours/week) and more than four (4) acres land (25.62 hours/we...

Sanaullah and Urooba Pervaiz* 

...m 166 sample respondents who got training from Bajaur Area Development Program (BADP) using a well-structured interview schedule; through personal interview method. Result showed that 63.9% of the respondents were illiterate, 31.3% respondents were in age group between 25-35 years. Yield, income, plant spacing, seed rate, irrigation interval, and use of pesticide before and after training were computed with the help of paired sample t-test. Results revealed th...

Sajjad Ali1, Atta-ur-Rahman1 and Sher Ali2* levels; initially the whole tehsil is studied for land use change analysis by comparing 1985 and 2015 Landsat images. Secondly, four sample union councils were targeted for medium level analysis. Thirdly, seven sample villages are targeted for micro level. The Landsat images of 1985 and 2015 are obtained from the open source Global Land Cover Facility (GLCF). The analysis revealed that the cultivated area was 146 square kilometer in 1985. It was observed th...
Jinfeng Liu1,2, Yanhong Cao3, Tong Feng1, Laiba Shafique1, Chan Luo1, Peng Zhu1,4,* and Qingyou Liu1,*
.../i> was expressed in the whole process of embryogenesis and folliculogenesis, early high level and then down regulated. It was significantly expressed higher level in COCs of middle diameter sized follicles than that of small and large sized follicles. BMP15 gene expression enhanced until morula stage but it fell sharply at blastula stage. Immunohistochemistry exhibited BMP15 protein was located in germ cells of testis, in primordial granulosa ce...
Qudsia Yousafi1*, Muhammad Aslam2 andShahzad Saleem1
...s were recorded from the whole plant by sampling three plants per plot. Seasonal mean number of aphids per leaf was at the maximum on the variety Black Beauty and lowest on Nirala, during the 2013-14 growing season. During the 2014-15season the maximum number of aphids per leaf was recorded on the variety Round Black and lowest on Nirala. When sampling dates were compared, the highest and lowest aphid numbers/ leaf was noted on February 1 and March 1, respecti...

Faleye Temitope Oluwasegun Cephas1,2*, Adewumi Moses Olubusuyi1, Olayinka Olaitan Titilola3 and Adeniji Johnson Adekunle1,3 

Ahmed Zia* 

...ially threatened species whose habitat and ecology was never known. To date, there is no information available for its male and immature stages. It is second species for the genus to be recorded from Pakistan. Distributional details along with important taxonomic characters and habitat information is discussed in detail to facilitate readers of this document. A key to the known species of Coeliccia from Pakistan is also provided. A need to conduct further surv...

Hina Fatima1*, Abdul Jabbar2 and Khurram Nawaz3 

...icient compared to those who cultivated wheat after BT-cotton. The major factors that were found to be compliant for improved wheat production in study area were operational holding under wheat crop, which was cultivated after Non-BT or BT cotton, date of sowing, number of irrigations, tractors and tubewell’s ownership, tenancy status, farmer’s education and experience. The result of the study reported that farmers of wheat crop have the potential ...

Muhammad Naeem Khan* and Asad Jan 

...imicrobial activities of whole plant of D. botrys. Qualitative phytochemical screening of MCE and solvent fractions of D. botrys showed the presence of alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and sterols, however in n-hexane fraction (HxF) only flavonoids and saponins were detected. In quantitative analysis, among all the solvents, ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) had highest amount of phenol (27.4 mg/g), flavonoids (15.5 mg/g) and alkaloids (3.14 mg/g),...

Saifullah* and Ihsan Mabood Qazi wheat flour (FWF) and whole wheat flour (WWF) of the selected varieties. These varieties were collected from different research stations located in the province. The grains were milled using laboratory scale flour mill. Part of the flour of each variety was passed from mesh to remove the bran and get fine flour. Both whole and fine flour of the selected wheat varieties were subjected to qualitative study. The data disclos...
Muhammad Ramzan1*, Muhammad Nadeem1, Masood Maqbool1, Ghulam Murtaza2 population during the whole study period. The study concluded that NIAB-78 is best variety and shows resistance against insect pests like thrips.

Imran1*, Amanullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Zahir Shah2 and Abdul Bari3 

.... Weeds found during the whole growing period of soybean crop were Euphorbia heterophylla L, Phyllanthus fraternus L., Portulaca oleracea L., Parthenium hysterophorus L., IPomoea nil L., Erigeron canadensis L., Echinochloa crus-galli L., Asparagus officinalis L., Cynodon dactylon L., Digera muricata L., Cyprus rotundus L. and Solanum nigrum L. The most abundant and flourished weeds were Cyprus rotundus L, and Cynodon dactylon. Results revealed that peach organ...

Aftab Shaukat1,2,*, Tauseef ur Rehman3, Rizwan Shukat4, Shahid Ali Rajput5, 

Shadab Shaukat6, Muhammad Ahsan Naeem2,5,8, Mubashar Hassan2,5, Tabassam Fatima2,5
Fayyaz Ahmad1, Muhammad Usman Saleem7, Fatima Arooj1, Ashar Mehfooz2 and Anas Sarwar Qureshi2
...arate feeding during the whole experimental period. Ad libitum supply of fresh clean drinking water was made available round the clock. Exposed does were mated naturally and bucks were inducted to the exposed does for 30 minutes at morning and evening daily for teasing purpose to identify does in estrus, while separate them for breeding with enlisted buck. Mean values of Fertility rate and kidding rate in T1 and T2 were 75% vs 85% ...
Sajida Rasool1, Saba Irshad1*, Neelam Saba1, Mehak Fiaz1Muhammad Sajid Hussain2, MuhammadWajid Hussain3 and Peter Nürnberg2


...ide linkage analysis and whole exome sequencing revealed a novel homozygous nonsense mutation (c.204T>G) in BICD2 gene which was predicted to yield a truncated protein product (p. Glu68*). This is first nonsense mutation being reported causing HSP with complex clinical features and early onset. Further, functional exploration will be required for genotype phenotype correlation.
Ibrahim Tapki1*, Huseyin Bahadir Ozalpaydin2, Nuran Tapki3, Mehmet Aslan4 and Muhammet Hanifi Selvi1
...rol calves were fed with whole milk (n=10), (b) OreganoLow (n=9), and (c) OreganoHigh (n=9) calves were fed with whole milk, plus 100 and 150 mg/l oregano essential oil per kg milk respectively. The amount of the milk offered on daily basis was calculated as 10% of each calf live weight and was given in two meal times. All calves were kept in individual pens during experimental period. Calves got weaned following the consump...
Nihat Tekel1, Ilkay Baritci1, Halit Deniz Sireli1, Muhittin Tutkun1, Ecevit Eyduran2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3,*
... study, seven male lambs whose weaning weights were almost similar were included in the experiment. The lambs were weaned at 2 months of age. They were fed with ad libitum concentrated feed and 100 g/day wheat straw was given to each animal during the fattening period of 64 days. During the fattening period, it was determined that daily live weight gains in lambs were 0.278±0.019 kg and feed conversion ratio were 4.79. The average final live weight, col...
Sameh S. Tawfik, Ahmed A. Elkady* and Ehab T. Mohamed
...ed (animals subjected to whole body γ-rays (8Gy), and TSE-treated and irradiated (each rat received 230mg TSE; once daily for 6week, then one-hour later after last-treatment, rats were exposed to whole body γ-rays (8Gy). The results revealed that TSE before-irradiation significantly abolish γ-rays-induced alleviation in renal catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (PGx) activities and reduced-glutathione...

Farheen Shafique1, Shaukat Ali2,*, Saiqa Andleeb1, Abdul Rauf1,3, Syed Ayaz Kazmi1,3, Sadia Idrees4, Faisal Farooq1,3, Faiq Nawaz Khan3,4, Muhammad Saad-ul-Hassan1,3, Raja Awais Mumtaz1,3, Saba Khalid1, Zaheem Ashraf1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2 and Fazal-ur-Rehman5

Muhammad Bakhtiar Khan1 and Jangraiz Khan2* 

...from eighty-four farmers who had grown off-season vegetables through tunnel-farming, and seasonal vegetables without tunnel and their productivity were compared. It was found that output per acre in tunnel was significantly higher than that of without tunnel. All the three vegetables viz tomato, cucumber and bottle gourd gave higher revenue, however tomato gave the highest return. Growing vegetables through tunnel farming involve higher cost in the shape of st...

Muhammad Ramiz Murtaza1, Tahir Mehmood2*, Aziz Ahmad2 and Uzma Arshad Mughal3 

...sted R2 was at 0.62. The whole goodness of fit model was enlightened by the high significance of F-value i.e., 26.5 where p<0.01. Mango plantations with intercropping were 76.6 percent lesser per acre yield as compared to without intercropping. Agri. extension workers should inform mango growers to give up intercropping in order to get a higher yield. 

Muhammad Afzal1, Mahroze Fatima2, Aasma Qamar1, Muhammad Farhan1 and Syed Zakir Hussain Shah3,*
...s proximate composition, whole body proximate composition and minerals status of Labeo rohita juveniles. Four experimental diets were prepared by supplementing citric acid (0 and 2%) and phytase (0 and 1000 FTU/kg) in 2×2 factorial arrangements. Total 180 juveniles (3.45±0.013) were distributed to 12 tanks having triplicate tank for each test diet. Weight gain of each replicate was recorded on weekly basis. Results showed that growth of ...

Sanaullah1*, Urooba Pervaiz1, Shahid Ali2, Mohammad Fayaz2 and Aftab Khan

...ined for the respondents who irrigated their fields using hybrid seed, as well as with the help from extension specialists’ visits and with the adoption of recommended farming practices. It is established that improved farming practices have significant influence on yield. The study recommends transfer of technical and timely information to the farming community and organizing local trainings and learning workshops. It is recommended that farm inputs i.e...
Gulnaz Afzal1, Ghulam Mustafa2*, Shakila Mushtaq3 and Amer Jamil4 first ever spiders of whom any gene sequences were deposited in nucleotide database. A CO1 profile of all spider species was correctly assigned and 100% of subsequently analyzed specimens were identified up to their species levels. Such outcomes establish the potential of CO1 as a rapid identification tool and for phylogenetic relationships of spiders. Despite being sympatric species, the origin and diversification of Araneid fauna in wheat fi...
Peimin Yang*, Zongyun Hu, Yixin Liu, Guanghai Jin and Lei Wang
...ggested the species as a whole and all but Tieling population did not undergo a recent population expansion. The results obtained here suggested that Fuyuan, Baoqing and Neimeng populations should be protected and managed separately, and Panjin and Tieling populations should be considered as a genetic management unit.

Bahadar Sher Khattak1, Muhammad Kaleem1, Waqas2*, Humaira Naz1 and Muhammad Yasir

... the respondents (83.3%) who were small farmers acquired and utilized micro-credit in establishing income generating entrepreneurs, purchased quality seeds, fertilizers and small scale modern technology. These innovations brought substantial enhancement in their farm productivity and income that ultimately improved those farmers’ socioeconomic position. However, 16.7% of the respondents’ remains deprived of acquiring the micro-credit facilities of ...
Hina Habib Syed1, Muzafar Shah2*, Shahid Sherzada3 and Masroor Elahi Babar1
... Head Quarter Laboratory who were recommended for diagnosis of malaria. About 1050 patients were examined and malaria was detected through microscopy of thick and thin blood smears and rapid diagnostic test of which 118 (11.24%) were found to be infected with malaria parasite. Data was also collected sfrom other labs of District Swat which accumulated to a total of 9255 patients, among which 932 (10.07%) patients were found positive for malaria parasite. Male ...

Anila Kousar, Muhammad Naeem* and Samrah Masud 

...romis niloticus). In the whole wet body weight of GIFT, the mean percentages for water, fat, ash, protein and organic content were observed as 79.13, 3.74, 2.75, 14.43 and 18.12 (T1,15% crude protein CP level); 80.85, 2.62, 3.27, 14.00 and 16.62 (T2, 20% CP) and 78.48, 2.82, 3.30, 15.39 and 18.22 (T3, 25% CP) respectively. Proximate composition of GIFT tilapia was influenced by body size. The relationship between water and body weight as well as total length e...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan, Said Alam and Riyasat Sultan 

...overs all the households who practice transhumance. Land use data were collected from revenue office Topi. Patterns of transhumance in Utla reflected the distinctive environmental and socio-economic conditions. The system and schedule devised by the local population is based on indigenous knowledge and is for the better management of forests, grasses and agriculture resources. According to field survey, availability of fodder (grasses) at the pastures, ban on ...

Cornelius Arome Omatola*, Samson Daniel Iyeh, Shedrach James Abuh, Charles Kehinde Mofolorunsho, Martin-Luther Oseni Okolo and Phoebe Queen Akoh 

...d 0% respectively. Women who were married, unemployed, aged 15-35 years and of low-income earners had a higher prevalence of STIs. Factors such as a history of STIs in women and husbands, blood transfusions, genital ulcers and trimesters were significantly related to a higher predisposition to STIs. Conclusively, a high prevalence of STIs was observed among asymptomatic pregnant women in the study area. Our findings highlight a concern with economic consequenc...
Murtala Muhammad, Ting Zhang, Siyu Gong, Jing Bai, Jiansong Ju, Baohua Zhao* and Dong Liu*
...system was determined by whole blood killing, exposure to hydrogen peroxide, and biofilm assays. This study represents the first Report of S. iniae infection of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis).

Anila Latif, Zaheer Abbas, Farhatullah and Ghulam Muhammad Ali* 

H. Liu1, X.P. Tang1, R.J. Fang1,*, F.Yi2, C. Zhang2, R.Q. Yang1, F. Sun1 and S.Y. Zhou1 

...ce of piglets during the whole experimental period (P < 0.05). 3) Av-Cu has significant effect on serum Cu-Zn SOD activity on day 14 (P < 0.05). This study showed that, oral administration Av-Cu to weaned piglet has the potential to promote growth performance and antioxidant capacity, and reduce diarrhea incidence.
Dil Afroza Khanom1, Amirun Nesa1, Muhammad Abu Sayed Jewel1, Muhammad Ayenuddin Haque1, Alok Kumar Paul1, Sonia Iqbal2, Usman Atique2,3*, Lubna Alam4
Mian Adnan Kakakhel1, Faryal Gohar1, Zahid Anwar2, Raza Ullah1, Muhammad Attaullah3, Shahbaz Ahmad4, Aamir Khan5, Kalimullah5* been conducted in the whole province of Khyber Pakhtnnkhwa for the safety of dog owners in Peshawar.
Fehmina Ashraf1*, Muhammad Irfan2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Shaukat Ali3, Muhammad Khan1
...ew article describes the whole overview of laccases.

Naseem Zahra1* and Shajia Jabeen

...d, coarse and unpolished whole grain rice which is directly obtained by removing only husk. In Brown rice, the embryo may or may not be left undamaged depending upon the hulling process. Brown rice may become white rice when the bran layer is exposed of in the milling process. In present era where diseases are common and people are in search of nutritious diet containing minerals and essential compounds, brown rice is found to be healthiest and minerals rich f...

Bibi Safia Haq1,2, Shahnaz Attaullah3, Abdul Shakoor4, Hidayat Ullah Khan5, Khan Alam5, Kausar Shaheen1 

...tion with materials. The whole optical intensity profile in
two dimensional space of a laser beam i.e. across the beam radius and its detailed shape has been measured and it
has been demonstrated that Ti: sapphire laser system has the ability to fabricate three dimensional structures for biomedical
applications. Tissue scaffolds have been prepared with different pore sizes suitable for application in different
living tissues. Polyme...
Kemi F. Omotesho*, Adedamola V. Adetayo, Adeniyi F. Akinrinde and Deborah A. Olabode
Challenges to the Adoption of Agricultural Innovations: The Case of Yam Minisett Technology in Kwara State, Nigeria
...elect 205 respondents on whom an interview schedule was administered. Descriptive statistics, Probit Regression Analysis and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation, were used to analyse data. Result reveals that the farmers were mostly males (71.2%), middle-aged (50.7years,) with an average of 28 years of farming experience. Only 58.5 percent of the farmers had adopted the YMT. Training was most required in the preparation of minisett dust and insecticide ...

Muhammad Naveed Anjum1, Abdur Rehman1*, Muhammad Niamatullah Khan1, Raheel Saqib2, Mohammad Fayaz3 and Iqbal Javed4

Impact of Microfinance on Socioeconomic Status of Farmers in District Dera Ismail Khan
...s. Moreover, the parents whose children were not getting their education from the educational institutions due to their financial crisis and issues, now the parents sent their children to the educational institutions. 85.1% farmers replied that there is significant enhancement in the family living standard due to microfinance facility in the research area. It was also discussed that constraints experienced by the borrowers in getting the loans from the Khushha...

Azam Khan*, Irshad Ahmad**

... technique, to model the whole structure. Appropriate dead load, live loads and quasi-static action of 100 yr storm have been applied to the structure. The structure-pile interaction analysis has been performed using SPLINTER, a component of the ANSYS ASAS program suite. The platform is subjected to design action, i.e combination of permanent and variable actions, and the basic Integrity checks including member strength, stability and hydrostatic col...

Fazli Rabbi1*, Muhammad Idrees2, Shahid Ali1, Muhammad Zamin3 and Hazrat Bilal4

Farmers Perceptions and Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Peach (Prunus persica L.) Production and Marketing
...ucated farmers and those who receive foreign remittances are more likely to use ICTs. Farmers’ awareness level is a significant determinant of the adoption of the ICTs for farming and peach (P. persica L.) marketing. Farmers who perceive ICTs to be more useful, they are more likely to adopt ICTs for peach (P. persica L.) farming and marketing. It is concluded that ICTs have influenced the farmers’ farming practic...

Shahida Nasreen Zakir*, Samina Siddiqui*, Nasreen Ghaffar* and Zia Ul Haq**


 Muhammad Naeem Khan Khattak1, Hamidullah1, Shehryar2

PROBLEMS, ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE AUTOMOTIVE VENDOR INDUSTRY OF PAKISTAN—I both the vendors who are working for Japanese and local motorcycle assemblers. The analysis of the findings of survey interviews, expert’s discussions, and media releases has unveiled some daunting facts pertinent to automotive vendor industry of Pakistan. The salient outcomes of the analysis are presented. On the basis of the analysis and interview results, comprehensive recommendations are also provided for the automotive ve...

Zeeshan Ahmad Bhutta1,2*, Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam Kulyar3*, Muhammad Shoaib4, Wangyuan Yao3, Muhammad Asif5, Shah Nawaz6, Moazam Ali7 and Ayesha Kanwal8

Exploratory Study on the Psychological Impact of COVD-19 on Students
...19) on domestic students who were at high risk of exposure. A cross sectional study was conducted through a semi structured questionnaire. Recruitment of participants was done from different universities of Pakistan. The results showed that the students are more concerned about their family members (p=0.00). Under this influence they have increased the frequency of handwashing and use masks when they have to go outside. More than half of the students (53.09%) ...
Waqar Majeed1, Naureen Rana1, Elmo Borges de Azevedo Koch2* and Shahla Nargis1
...d on monthly basis for a whole year. The arthropods were collected by sweep net, direct hand picking, forceps. For each sampling day in each month, 20 sweeps were randomly taken in each block. The insects at rest or on shrubs were manually collected. Overall, 5867 individuals were recorded pertaining to 152 species. Among the arthropods collected from two fields, number of the order Diptera was most diverse followed by those of Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Hemipte...
Kui Li1, Lijun Li1, Jialun Fu2, Yi He2, Zhaohui Song2, Shuiping Zhou2Luobu Gesang1* and Rui Liu2* However, during the whole observation period, the LLSS values for comprehensive AMS symptoms in the group receiving CDDPs indicated lower occurrence than those in the placebo (CON) group. It is noteworthy that, on day 3 (arrival at Lhasa, altitude 3658 m), AMS symptoms (LLSS=3.79) in the CON group had clearly aggravated (P=0.0475) in contrast to those in the group with administration of CDDPs (LLSS=2.31). Besides, arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2
Shagufta Parveen1*, Kousar Perveen1, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Amir Gilani2, Muhammad Musadaq3
...ent or guardian. Infants who were premature or had any congenital disease were excluded from the study. Information about the weaning practices of the infants was obtained from the consenting parent or guardian of each respective infant and recorded in the questionnaire. Weight and height of each infant was measured in kilograms and cm, respectively, and recorded. Data was entered in SPSS version 26 and analyzed for results. A total of 200 infants were include...

Israr Yasin1, Ismail Qureshi1*, Shahjahn Qaimkhani1, Gulam Mustafa Solangi3, Ismail Qaimkhani1, Ismail Brohi1 and Abdul Ahad Soomro2

A Perspective on Household Dairy Farming in District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan
...mated for the households who used Oxytocin before milking of animals. Using chi-square statistic, the relationship between use of Oxytocin and abortion in large animals was found highly significant (p<0.01). On an average basis, 3.0% growth rate in livestock was estimated. The highest growth rate (5.0%) was recorded in buffaloes. Livestock contributed about 21.0% to household income (sale of milk 11% and sale of animals 10%). Relatively more proportion of f...

Joseph Anejo-Okopi1*, Obinna Oragwa Arthur2, Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1, Sarah Joseph1, Geoffrey Chibueze1, Joshua Adetunji1, Joseph Ameh Okwori3, David Ochola Amanyi4, Otobo I. Ujah5 and Onyemocho Audu6

Seroprevalence of Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection among Slaughtered Ruminants in Jos, North-Central, Nigeria
... with livestock handlers who get occupationally exposed to Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) because of frequent contact with infected vectors, animal body fluids and other tissues. We aimed to determine the prevalence of antibodies against RVFV in slaughtered ruminants in Jos, North-Central, Nigeria. Blood samples were collected from 100 livestock (cattle and goats) at selected slaughter locations in Jos Metropolis. Questionnaires were administered to obtain inf...
Huma Abbas1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2, Muhammad Kamran3, Muhammad Umar Shahbaz3*, Haseeb Ullah Kamber1, Nazir Javed1, Muhammad Junaid1, Hira Abbas4 and Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq3
Evaluation of Advanced Mung Bean Germplasm against Cercospora Leaf Spot and its In-vitro Management by Different Fungicides
...a canescens, affects the whole crop and 95% yield losses may be attributed in severe conditions. To manage the diseases through tolerant germplasm and with environmentally safe fungicides is a cost-effective approach. The present study was aimed to find the resistant germplasm against the disease and to evaluate the relative efficacy of different fungicides against the C. canesens in lab conditions. Twenty varieties/lines were screened against Cercospora Leaf ...

Qurrat ul Ain Akbar*, Saqib Arif, Shahid Yousaf, Salman Khurshid and Najmus Sahar

Effects of Flour Particle Size on Farinographic Properties of Wheat Dough
... size on the rheology of whole wheat flour were investigated by using farinograph. Two types of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on the basis of hardness, hard and soft wheat, were analysed in this study. Each type of flour was fractionated separately into coarse (1000 to 1500µm), medium (500 to <1000 µm) and fine (<500 µm) fractions on the basis of particle size. All the farinographic parameters (except dough development time) were influen...

Mehnaz Safdar and Urooba Pervaiz*

Constraints in Accessing Agricultural Extension Services by Rural Women: Evidence from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...ganizations. Those women who got trainings were more updated than those who did not attend or had no access to trainings. Chi-square analysis revealed that age had significant association with involvement in decision making. It means that by increasing age of the respondents, the tendency towards involvement in decision-making increases. Literacy had non-significant association with decision making and training attended. Sim...
Muhammad Umer Khan1,2*, Muhammad Farooq Sabar1, Atif Amin Baig3, Arif-un-Nisa Naqvi4 and Muhammad Usman Ghani1
...c DNA was extracted from whole blood samples and subjected to PCR amplification using specific primers for the control region of mtDNA (covering positions 16024–16569 and 1–576), including the three hypervariable segments (HVS1, HVS2, HVS3). The PCR products were subjected to cycle sequencing and further evaluated through computational analysis. A total of 75 different haplotypes were identified in Shin people; among them, 72 were unique and 3 were...
Hassam Ud Din1*, Huma Rizwana1, Rameez Raja Kaleri2, Kaleem Ullah2 and Muhammad Din2
Evaluation of Production Performance and Marketing of Small Ruminants in District Dukki, Balochistan
...mposed by producer (50), wholesalers (50) and retailer (50) for convenient sampling contribution of each selected producer involved in the business area. The result showed that in the study area (60.00%, 24.00% and 16.00%) farmers have kacha, pacca and semi pacca housing type. flock size in average was 193.33 in Vialla Dukki, 241.42 in Thal, 390.00 in Nana Sahib, 493.33 in Sadar and 610.00 in Nasar Abad, respectively. Total cost of animals in Villa Dukki was (...

Muhammad Siyar1, Anwar Saeed Khan2*, Fazlur Rahman2 and Muhammad Jamal Nasir2

Spatio-temporal Assessment of Reliability in Pehur Main Canal System, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...tions of the system as a whole, distributaries and minors are unpredictable. This situation points towards lack of operational maintenance of the canal system.


Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Luqman1*, Zahoor Hussain2, Usman Saleem3, Asif Nawaz1, Tahir Munir Butt4 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood1

Assessment of Knowledge Level and Information Sources of Vegetable Growers regarding Tunnel Farming in District Sargodha
...ll the vegetable growers who used to grow off-season vegetables were the population of the study. The snowball sampling technique led us to have 8 off-season vegetable growers in Sargodha tehsil, 13 in Bhulwal, 27 in Bhera, 17 in Kot Momin, 9 in Shah pur, 11 in Sillanwali, and 5 in Sahiwal. This way a sample of 90 respondents was interviewed using a structured interview schedule. The content validity of the instrument was checked by the panel of experts and fo...
Taqiur Rahman1, Tabassum Yaseen1*, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, Samiullah3, Ghulam Jelani3, Gul Nawaz1,Qudratullah Kalwar2
...edicinal plants, most of whom use herbal medicines in livestock and pet animals, were recorded. Like Aloe vera L use for the healing of wounds, Arisaema jacquemontii blume used as antidote, Artimizia annua used asanathematize also in gastric problems, Avena sativa L. used as a laxative and antiseptic (R1). 

Zubia Rahim1, Gulnaz Parveen1*, Salma Gul2 and Khushnood-ur-Rehman3

Ameliorating Effects of Salt Stress (KCl, NaCl) on Growth and Germination Parameters of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum americanum)
...l seeds on single spike, whole plant weight, weight of 50 seeds per spike) parameters in the field, which was performed in completely randomized design (CRD). 39 pots lined with polythene bags were used to avoid percolation of water. Data was analyzed by variance (ANOVA). Salinity effects on the test species were analyzed by (LSD) Least Significant Differences method. 100mM concentrations of the said two salt and a mixture of two salts concentrations was less ...

 Shafii Abdullahi Mohamed1, Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud2*, Yonis Abukar Mohamed3, Pravin Mishra4 and Osman Sheikh Ali Jama5

Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Population Towards Brucellosis in Benadir Region, Somalia
...66% (n=116). Populations who are connected with livestock management or eating livestock products are frequently aware of the disease brucellosis. Though, they do not have as considerable knowledge, what is required to help in control it. Veterinarians, health care workers and respective government bodies must take action to increase the level of awareness and considerate by providing programs or any other technique that can be helpful.

Arnab Tanveer, Shabana Naz*, Azhar Rafique and Asma Ashraf
... compared to Albandazole whose efficacy was 94.53%, 78.57% and 53.44%, respectively.
Pengfei Liu1*, Hongxia Liu2 and Jiajia Xiao1
...f family Leiothrichidae, who are both assumed sexually monomorphic. We employed reflectance spectrometry to determine the plumage coloration in these two species in the hand. PL with dull plumage, the males had brighter head plumage than females, there was no significant difference in coloration of wing and breast plumage between two sexes. EL appeared relatively bright and polychrome plumages, and the males had extremely significantly higher carotenoid chroma...
Eslam Moradi-Asl1*, Behnam Mohammadi Ghalehbin2, Kamran Akbarzadeh3, Jafar Mohammad-Shahi4, Hajar Afshin4
... Lucilia cuprina, who had a history of diabetes and also blind that reefed to hospital in 13 September and was admitted to date 18 September 2019.Larvea extracted manually from thumb finger of left foot and sent to Medical Entomology Laboratory of the School of Public Health, Ardabil University of medical Sciences for identification. This case is a first time was reported from Ardabil province, northwest of Iran and the Diabetics, Blindness and Physical...
Vijay Lal and Muhammad Naeem*
...nd protein 16.62% in the whole wet weight of body of T. jarbua. % water represented correlation with highly significant value (P<0.001) with protein, ash, fat and organic constituents in wet weight. Fish body weight represented highly significant (P<0.001) positive relation to all the studied body constituents in log transformed data. Total length also represented highly-significant positive relation to all the studied body constituents except for...
Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Jahangir Shah1, Rao Wali Muhammad1, Sami Ullah2,3, Hera Gul4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Zeshan6
...ntervals by dividing the whole year into 16 treatments to identify the optimum sowing time for the Cholistan desert of Bahawalpur. The results revealed that maximum germination rate of 85.63%, 85.93%, and 82.83% were found in treatment 16th September during the whole study period (2011-14). The 16th of March, 16thSeptember, and 1st August were the other suitable sowing times for jo...
Muhammad Akram Muneer1, Khalid Munir1, Ghulam Abbas1’*, Isra Munir1Mumtaz Ahmad Khan1, Asif Iqbal1, Munsoor ud Din Ahmad1, Muhammad Arshad Javid2, Zareen Fatima1 and Maria Arshad1
Hina Habib Syed1, Muzafar Shah2*, Shahid Sherzada3 and Masroor Elahi Babar1
... Head Quarter Laboratory who were recommended for diagnosis of malaria. About 1050 patients were examined and malaria was detected through microscopy of thick and thin blood smears and rapid diagnostic test of which 118 (11.24%) were found infected with malaria parasite. Comparative Data was also collected from other labs of District Swat which accumulated to a total of 9255 patients, among which 932 (10.07%) patients were found positive for malaria parasite. ...
Muhammad Tariq Chaudhary1, Saleem Ashraf 2, Muhammad Yaseen3 and Muhammad Luqman3
... Sciences (DAS) holders. who were recruited in agriculture department during 2017. This study was quantitative and data were collected through questionnaire from 300 respondents who were recently appointed as Field Assistants (FAs) in Agriculture Department. Total 237 questioners returned by the respondents were found complete, thus, sample size was reduced to 237. Effective Schools Model presented by Lezotte (2010)” w...
Tariq Ali Mastoi1, Zulfiqar Ali Mastoi2*, Zahoor Ahmed Khetran3, Ghulam Hussain Alizai2, Binish Baig4, Mitha Khan2 and Syed Jahangir Shah1
...nts were chosen randomly who obtained micro finance loans. The information of the selected districts and respondents was obtained (ZTBL). Thus, the respondents were interviewed personally and necessary data were collected through structured questionnaire. The research revealed that majority of the respondents i.e. 50% were in the age limit between 31-40 years. Almost 36.25% respondents had elementary level education. Further, it is reported that 28.75% respond...

Masood Sadiq Butt1, Sadia Aslam1,2, Rizwan Shukat1,*, Syed Qamar Abbas1, Muhammad Issa Khan1, Shadab Shaukat3 and Muhammad Shahid4

Aysha Riaz* and Said Wahab
...n the overall quality of whole wheat flour biscuits. Composite flours were made by incorporating moringa leaves powder in different ratios (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%) in whole wheat flour. Biscuits were prepared from the composite flours and were analyzed for physical attributes, proximate composition and sensory evaluation. The results showed that moringa leaves powder have higher protein content, crude fat, ash content and crude ...
Tanay Dineshkumar Shah

...or the people of Gujarat who are not consuming mushrooms regularly in their diets. The survey was conducted targeting the majority of youngsters i.e., Generation Z as the eating habits of present youngsters will define the mushroom market in the future. However, to know the perspective of millennials as well as baby boomers, people from those age groups were also included in the survey. There were 213 responses on the questionnaire which contained 14 qu...

Aamer Sattar1, Sadia Sultana1*, Abid Niaz1, Muhammad Aftab1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Irfan Rasheed3, Muhammad Shoaib4, Raheela Naz1, Amina Kalsom1, Nisa Mukhtar1, Farah Rasheed1, Arfan ul Haq1, Munazza Rafique5, Muhammad Arif1, Sarfraz Hussain1 and Jafar Salim6 complete removing (C) whole crop biomass from field, ii. burnt (B) practice by burning the crop biomass in field after threshing and iii. Residue’s (R) incorporation practice by rotavating the crop biomass into the soil. The selected field was sufficient in exchangeable K and available P but was deficient in organic matter contents. The results showed that in first year the wheat yield was maximum in T4 (5.04 t ha-1) in complete removal plot followed ...

Attaullah Jan1*, Saleem Khan2, Iftikhar Alam1, Farzeen Khan3 and Muhammad Farooq4*

Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim1*, Asif Ahmad1, Anwaar Ahmed1, Amer Mumtaz2, Muhammad Javaid Asad3, Saqib Jabbar2, Ahmad Mujtaba1 and Muhammad Nadeem4

...fe for human health. The whole food chain should be monitored right from production to consumption. The public health burden of developing countries is increasing beyond their resources. In developing countries like Pakistan, food safety issues result in serious health issues. Diarrhea is perhaps the most important problem that is responsible for more than half of the global burden of food borne diseases, causing 550 million people to fall ill and 230,000 deat...

Muhammad Ahsan1*, Aneela Ramzan1, Muhammad Nafees1, Adnan Younis2, Muhammad Amin1, Gulzar Akhtar3, Khansa Saleem1 and Azka Sabeeh1 well as aesthetically whose beauty must be enjoyed for longer period of life. Current experiment was performed to discover the comparative consequence of various vase solutions to improve the post-harvest qualities and extend vase life of Rosa hybrida cv. Freedom. The research was performed at the research area of Department of Horticultural Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. There were 11 treatments comprising of honey (T1), sugar (T2), salicy...

Mohammad Tariq Aziz* and Ayesha Khan

...17.0%) while respondents who have telephone was recorded as 15.2% as a ICT tool. In the research area 7.1% of the respondent avail information through TV program, 9.9% through radio broadcasts, 13.4% through mobile, 11.6% through internet, 14.3% through agriculture extension agents, 5.4% through private companies while 7.9% through fellow farmers. Only 41.1% of the respondents were aware of the programs about agriculture programs on mobile or internet in which...
Guangyu Wang, Xu Tian, Lintao Liu, Junyang Liu, Bo Zhang and Jingming Dong*
...with knee osteoarthritis who were treated in our hospital were enrolled as the study subjects who were divided into study group and reference group, each with 90 cases. The reference group received sodium hyaluronate injection treatment, while the study group was given SJHXT combined with sodium hyaluronate. The therapeutic effects were compared between the two groups. Comparison of Lysholm knee score scale, WOMAC score, and...

Rabia Iqbal and Muhammad Naeem *

...but also nutritional and wholesome for a fish’s health condition.


Mohammed Bashar Danlami1*, Basiru Aliyu1, Abbas Bazata Yusuf1, Bashar Gulumbe Haruna1 and Asmau Nono Mahe1

...r registry data of women who underwent a cytological examination at the cytology unit of the FMC Birnin Kebbi spanning a period of 10 years (2009-2019). The study used a hospital-based archive that covers the entire Kebbi State without any well-defined population to collects data on all Pap smear cases presenting to the hospital for possible diagnosis of cervical cancer. Descriptive and summary statistics and cross-tabulation were used to describe the data usi...

Mai A. Kilany1; Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1; Yousry E. Abo El-magd2 and Nermin Raafat2.

...lated healthy volunteers who served as controls. Qualitative determination of Hepatitis C Virus antibody and quantitative determination of RNA-HCV by RT-PCR were done. MnSOD activity was evaluated using a superoxide dis-mutase assay kit. Genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction and re-striction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. The homozygous Ala/Ala (CC) was significantly more frequent in HCV-related HCC patients com-pared to HCV-in...
Abd El-Hamid, M.I1, Seham, A.El-Zeedy1, El-Sanousi, A.A2, Reda, I.M2, Nehal, S. Saleh1, Abbas, A.M1 of them includes the whole length of the gene about 1209 bp while the nested one from the start ATG is 1000 bp ,seven out of nine samples have been reported positive by the 2 sets of primers, then the specific band at the expected size of the whole length of EHV-1 (EHV-1gD) gene of the local isolate was sent for sequence analysis, multiple alignment revealed single nucleotide substitution at the base pair number 121 from...
Maha M. Khedr1, Reem A. Suliman1, Marwa F. Mohamed1, Mounir D. El Safty1, Hussein A.
...t in isolators along the whole
period of the study. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were vaccinated with the prepared vaccine; group 4, 5 and 6 were
vaccinated with one of the imported reassortant H5N1 containing 300 HAU at 1, 5 and 10 days of age;
respectively. Groups 7 and 8 were positive and negative groups for the challenge trial. Blood samples
were collected weekly for 4 weeks of age and tested by HI test. Post challenge,...
Ruqayya Bint Khalid1, Asif Nadeem1,2*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir3 and Masroor Ellahi Babar4
...c DNA was extracted from whole blood by organic method. PCR primers were designed and optimized according to respective melting temperatures. PRALINE tool, MEGA 6.0 and POPGENE tool were utilized for phylogenetic tree construction and statistical analysis, respectively. Characterization of physical and chemical properties of β-casein protein was performed by ProtParam and SWISS MODEL was utilized for protein model prediction. Sequencing results of amplifi...
Sahar Mubashar*, Tariq Mukhtar and Nasir Ahmad Khan
...vel coronavirus took the whole world by storm and in no time spread across the globe and claimed many lives. The most affected countries of the world are USA, Brazil, India, Italy, Iran, Spain, Russia, South Africa, United Kingdom and Peru. In Pakistan, the pilgrims from Iran became the major source of spread of the virus in the country, as the Government did not impose quarantine measures to restrict their movement. In Pakistan, the most affected province was...
Nagwa K. Meselhy1, Mohamed A. Abo El-khair1, Basem M. Ahmed2, Sherif A. El-Soally3,
Abdelhamid M. Fares1, Mohamed A. Nayel1 and Hussein A. Hussein2
...ut. Sixty-two samples of whole blood with anticoagulant
were collected and screened for EHV-1 using nested PCR that amplify the conserved fragment of
glycoprotein B gene (ORF 33), followed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis.
Results: The study revealed that 19% of our samples were positive to EHV-1 and phylogenetic
analysis showed that the Egyptian EHV-1 isolates were more than 99% similarity to European
Samira M. Bolis1, Magda Mahmoud2, Salah E. Gumma3, Naser E. Bilal1 and
Isam ElKhidir4
...ldren (3 -14) years old, who
attended the pediatric dental clinics of Faculty of Dentistry, University of Khartoum and Khartoum
Dental Teaching Hospital, clinically diagnosed by the dental clincian as FEH cases and their guardian
agreed to participate. The study used the multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the most
common HPV genotypes associated with FEH in children, beside the Papanicolaou (Pap....

Anila Kousar, Muhammad Naeem*, Samrah Masud, Abir Ishtiaq, Zara Naeem and Rabia Iqbal

...used for the analysis of whole-body elemental concentrations in relation to fish size under the influence of various dietary protein levels. The concentrations of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Pb and Cd were quantified for T1, T2 and T3 fish samples. An increasing trend was observed in the concentrations of studied elements with the increase of dietary crude protein in fish feed. The elemental concentration in the carcasses of studied GIFT yielded similar accumulatio...
Zhengyi Fu1,2,3,4, Rui Yang2,3,4, Zhenhua Ma2,3,4*, Mingyang Han2,3,4 and Yifu Wang2,3,4
.... Lipid group had higher whole body and muscle lipid, hepatosomatic index (HSI) and intraperitoneal fat ratio (IPF). The number of goblet cells and the height of the mucosa in the HL were significantly higher than those in the other two groups. The lipase activity of HL and HC was higher than that of control group in both stomach and foregut. This study indicates that increasing the proportion of lipid in the dietary improves growth performance and digestion p...
Arsalan Khan1*, Navid Anjum2, Muhammad Shuaib Khan3, Shakeeb Ullah3
Ali Zaman3, Kamran Safdar3, Khalid Muhammad3, Ambrina Tariq4
Muhammad Inam Malik3, Muhammad Kamal Shah3, Atiq ur Rehman3 
and Hamza Maris3
...ration of this oil based whole crude larval extract, the number of hard ticks was counted with naked eye and the efficacy of this crude tick vaccine was determined in terms of reduction in tick number. Control of ticks and the clinical efficacy of the prepared vaccine were determined on the basis of number of ticks infesting the vaccinated and control group over 01-month period, post vaccination. The results revealed that physically the number of ticks were si...
Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Shu Juan Zhao, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Heng Cao and Kun Peng Shi
... weight, slaughter rate, whole net carcass rate, heart rate and breast muscle rate of french giant meat quail are slightly higher than those of savimalt meat quail (P>0.05). For savimalt meat quail, carcass weight shows extremely significantly postive correlations with carcass net weight, heart weight, liver weight, breast muscle weight (total), leg muscle weight (single), slaughter rate and whole net carcass rate ...
Tian Tian, Lili Luo*, Haiyan Wang and Lei Wang
...ded in the study, all of whom were treated with methotrexate combined with mifepristone tablets. According to the treatment results, they were divided into treatment success group and the treatment failure group, each containing with 90 cases. The levels of β- human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone in the two groups were compared.Of the 180 patients, 168 were cured successfully, 12 were failed, and the success rate and failure rate were 93.33% and ...
Mona Mohammed EL-Derbawy1, Eman Naser Hafez2*, 
Mona Abdel Daym Abd Rabbo1, Nagwa Ibrahim Toaleb3,
 Saedia Abdel Hady Sayed El-Ahl1 and Bahaa Eldkeen Wade EL-Aswad4 
...1 obtained from patients who were positive for schistosomiasis and negative for other parasitic infections; Group ІІ included 18 sera from patients who were negative for schistosomiasis and positive for other parasitic infections; (3) fascioliasis, (5) amoebiasis, (7) toxoplasmosis and (3) hydatidosis and Group ІІІ included (13) sera from healthy individuals all were diagnosed parasitologically and serologically. Althou...
Jun-Dong Tian1,2, Wei-Jie Guo1,2, Han Yan1, Jie Zhang1, Shu-Liao Tian3 and Ji-Qi Lu1,2,*
... 86 % of the richness of whole microbiota, ii) Ruminococcaceae, Prevotellaceae, Lactobacillaceae and Spirochaetaceae were together taken over 60% at family level, iii) Prevotella was the dominant genus, iv) the community richness at OTU and family levels and both community evenness and community diversity at OTU level of the AM group were significantly higher than that of the PM group, v) though no analyses could significantly differentiate the two grou...

Mukhtar Iderawumi Abdulraheem1*, Muhammad Ihtisham2*, Abiodun Yusuff Moshood3, Nawab Khan4, Muhammad Owais Shahid5, Shafiq Hussain6, Kumail Abbas6 and Fawad Zaman7

...less of treatment. Those who had a treatment combination of three weedings and polythene mulching, on the other hand, had the lowest incidence and severity of viral infection, while those who received no weeding and no mulching had the highest. At the 7th week after planting, the treatment combination of thrice weeding with polythene mulching had the lowest viral incidence of 18.75 percent, whereas the treatment combination ...

Kemi Funmilayo Omotesho1*, Philip Akintunde Fatodu1 and Toyin Benedict Ajibade2

...ect 178 youth farmers on whom a structured interview schedule was administered. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Multiple Regression Analysis. Results reveal that most of the respondents were male (73.6%), with mean age of 28 years and average of 12 years farming experience. Farmers’ level of record keeping was low (Mean=2.26), and their attitude was poor (index=0.43). Farmers’ knowledge of record keeping was fair (index=0.66)...

Theophilus Miebi Gbigbi* and Rodney Akpoviri Isiorhovoja

...mple of 120 farmers from whom data were elicited using structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings indicate that the average age of respondents was 43 years; majority (85%) of respondents were males with 16 years’ experience in exotic chicken production; 75% were married and 48% had secondary education. The mean household size was 5 persons. Budgetary analysis showed a net return of ₦930,700.0...

Murad Ali* and Said Wahab

...l were collected and the whole frying process was properly monitored throughout. All the samples were analyzed for TPM and Acid value at the time of collection with the help of oil testometer DOM-24. A 100 ml of sample from each of the frying mediums was collected and transferred to the Biochemistry Laboratory, University of Malakand for further analysis. The peroxide values (18.073 meq kg-1) were found significantly higher in oil medium, followed by ghee (11....
Ikechukwu Eugene Onah*, Ifeoma Esther Aniaku, Jude Ifeanyi Okwor and Ada Sylvester Haruna
... and common African bird whose close association with man could be of public health risk. Data on plasma biochemistry profile which is indicative of the health condition of the birds in the wild is scanty while knowledge of the environmental factor that bridges the gap between the crow and man is lacking. This study evaluated the plasma biochemistry profile of C. albus and the environmental factor that bridges the gap between man and crow through which ...
Shoaib ur Rehman1, Jabbar Khan2*, Raaza Malja Khan3, Maimoona Azam4 and Zeeshan Mutahir5
...ohat region but also the whole community of KP province. Such study could provide valuable information regarding thalassemia prevention like prenatal diagnosis (PND), genetic counseling and carrier screening for controlling the affected births in the population. Consanguinity, lack of awareness and non-availability of health facilities have thus contributed to the high occurrence of β-thal and miserable life of the patients.
Abdul Sattar*, Hasan Orooj and Muhammad Iqbal Afridi
Abdul Sattar*, Hasan Orooj and Muhammad Iqbal Afridi
Teuku Fadlon Haser1*, Muh. Saleh Nurdin2, Eddy Supriyono3, Deni Radona4, Fauziah Azmi1 , Kukuh Nirmala3, Widanarni3, Tri Heru Prihadi4, Tatag Budiardi3 and Riris Yuli Valentine5
... obtained from fishermen who captured the fish using gillnet with mesh size 1.5-2.0 inch. The specimens collected were placed in a coolbox and transported to the Aquatic Resources Management Department of IPB University in Bogor for further analysis. Regression, chi-square, Mann Whitney test and t-test were applied to analyze reproductive biology parameters. There was no significant between-site difference in the reproductive parameters of mahseer from Atu Sua...
Longjun Guo*, Jiaqi Teng, Juan Wang and Yukun Chen
...sis patients. Inpatients who attended the Department of Neurology of our hospital from January 2018 to December 2018 were selected as study subjects, with 58 patients with leukoarais as the experimental group, and 60 patients without leukoarais in the same period as the control group. ELISA was used to detect τ (Tau) protein expression level in the cerebrospinal fluid of the two groups. DTI technique was taken to compare DTI anisotropic diffusion coefficie...
Abdullah Abdo Albegali1, Tayyaba Aftab1, Atiq-ur-Rehman1*, Amir Rashid1 and Mayada Mohammad1,2
...n daily basis during the whole treatment and served as hyperlipidaemia control group. Group C was kept as a standard group and received simvastatin (10 mg/kg), while group D received a methanol extract of the plant (800 mg/kg). Lipid profile was analyzed using different kits of Roche Cobas C111 chemistry analyzer. Histopathological investigation of liver and heart was also done. The plant significantly (P < 0.05) and non-significantly (P > 0.05) decrease...

Tilahun Woretaw1, Netsanet Beyero2*, Yonatan Kassu3 

...elected for an interview who had at least one livestock. Secondary data sources, field observation, and semi-structured questionnaire interviews were employed to generate data. The descriptive data were analyzed by percentages, means, and standard errors of the mean. At the same time quantitative data were subjected to ANOVA. P. schimperiana leaves and twigs were used as animal feed, traditional medicinal value, and source of income as indicated by 100, 59.4, ...

Ijaz Rasool Noorka1,2*, Bilal Ahmad Khan3*, Kafeel Ahmad4, Zafar Iqbal Khan4, Muhammad Ather Nadeem3, Amer Nawaz2, Tasneem Ahmad5 and Humayun Bashir4

Tabinda Urooj1,*, Bushra Wasim1, Shamim Mushtaq2, Syed Nudrat Nawaid Shah1, Lubna Faisal3, Moazzam Ali2, Nabeela Rasheed1 and Syed Faizan Ali Rizvi4 54 (30.8%) patients, who received cancer treatment as adjuvant therapy, were included as treated (Group B) cases. Regarding patient’s demographic data, mean age of enrolled patients was found to be 48.26±10.74 years. The mean age of menarche was found to be 13.39±0.89 years. The calculated BMI (body mass index) was found to be 20.4. Majority of the enrolled subjects have acquired primary or basic education and most of them were married ...

Mirza Gul1*, Muhammad Zahid1, Ikram Ilahi2, Hazrat Ali2*, Fida Hussain3 and Muhammad Anwar Sajad3

...uefasciatus. Bioassay of whole-plant extracts was performed following WHO methods, with slight modifications. LC50 values for A. scoparia and A. indica against early fourth instar larvae were 360.4 and 971.1 ppm, respectively. LC50 values for pupae were 1665 and 2838 ppm for A. scoparia and A. indica extracts, respectively. Percent knockdown after 1 h exposure was 49.0 for A. scoparia. KDT...

Sameh Abdel-Moez Ahmed Amer1*, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Kutkat1, Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel-Baki1, Asmaa Mahmoud Maatouq1, Omnia Mohamed Kutkat2, Hagar Magdy Ahmed1, Khaled Mohamed El-Bayoumi1 

...81 base pair (bp) of the whole NDV F-gene was carried out to confirm the presence of NDV and then sequenced. Our results demonstrated that, RT-PCR was successfully detecting 62 NDV samples. While, Sequencing and phylogenesis of six selected isolates revealed that, all isolates were virulent NDV with amino acid motive 112RRQKRF117 at F protein cleavage site. Furthermore, all isolates were clustered together with NDV genotype VII.1.1 (former GVIId) in a high sim...

Lin Huang1, Ling Mai2, Keyan Zhong1 and Xinjun Chen3*

...n this basis, SeFABP was whole-genome synthesized and cloned into prokaryotic expression vector. The recombinant plasmid pET-30a(+)-SeFABP was constructed, then transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) and induced by IPTG. The purified SeFABP was obtained by Ni-IDA resins affinity chromatography, and were finally confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The results showed that SeFABP, a stable intracellular protein without signal peptide and transmembrane region, wa...

Yao Zou, Shien Ren, Miao Xu, Nannan Liang, Xuxin Zhang, Chongxuan Han and Xiaoning Nan

...erence value to scholars who apply themselves to pest control and to the classification and identification of zokors using morphology.


Yongjie Xue1, Jinling Yan1, Huifeng Zhao1*, Haijing Zheng2 and Changhai Ma1

...managed by smallholders, who lack modern management and cannot scientifically measure short-term and long-term interests.


Alexander Tsybulsky1*, Tatyana Tabakaeva1, Anna Klimovich2, Michail Shchelkanov1, Eduard Kostetsky1, Maksim Aliev1, Anton Degtyarenko3 

...f the kidneys and liver, whose disorders are most critical in the progression of the leukaemic process; 3) Replicative and expressive activity of provirus FeLV in blood white cells (WBC); 4) Concentration of the IFNs and viral p27-FeLV-specific antigen in the blood plasma; 5) Expression of ifnα6, ifnα7, ifnβ1, ifnγ and ifnλ1 genes in WBC; 6) Expression of p53 and gadd45g genes in WBC. The concentration of the viral p27-FeLV antige...

Zhang Dong-jie1, He Xin-miao1,2, Wang Wen-tao1,2 and Liu Di1,2*

... pig. In this study, the whole genomes of ten Min pigs and four Northeast wild boars were sequenced and the analysis yielded 8,988,338 non-redundant SNPs plus 1,231,680 InDels. A phylogenetic tree was constructed and a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed based on previously published SNP data from 66 individual pigs. Both analyses indicated the Min pig fell between the European and Asian pigs, while the Northeast wild boar was closely related to t...

Muhammad Niamatullah1, Abdur Rehman1* and Raheel Saqib2

...luded that those farmers who had used tube well irrigation as a source of irrigation in the area, benefited a great deal, and as a results their per household annual income were found sufficient enough to keep them above poverty line. Most of the farmers were of opinion that after the introduction of tube well irrigation, farmers found it profitable to bring uncultivated land under cultivation, enhancing the overall agricultural production in District Dera Ism...
Hadia Gul1, Abdul Haleem Shah1, Ricardo Harripaul2, Anna Mikhailov2, Ejaz Ullah Khan3, Wasim Shah3, Nisar Ahmad3, John B Vincent2,4 and Muzammil Ahmad Khan3*
...y-descent (HBD) mapping, whole exome sequencing (for mutation identification) and Sanger sequencing (for variant segregation). Homozygosity analysis revealed a 1.2 Mb HBD region on chromosome 15 between markers rs4778147 to rs8036234 (chr15:27752745-28962131bp), which harbors the previously reported OCA2 gene. The subsequent whole exome sequencing identified a novel splice site defect at spice donor site, wherein G was repla...

Ndumiso Malusi1, Andrew Bamidele Falowo2, Yiseyon Sunday Hosu3,4, Emrobowansan Monday Idamokoro3,4* 

...tion among rural farmers who happen to be a major player in cattle production in South Africa. Such prevalent factors that have been identified to decline cattle productivity include poor animal breeding, lack of available feed resources, marketing constraints and animal health challenges among others. These limiting constraints have in turn negatively affected the potential of communal cattle farmers from exploring both the local and global markets. To upsurg...

Mensah Gertrude Dzifa1, Christian Larbi Ayisi2,* and Elliot Haruna Alhassan1

...imate composition of the whole body. In addition, the effects of the diets on liver histology were studied. Three experimental diets were formulated to contain shea meal as a substitute for fish meal at 0%, 25% and 50%. The diets were designated as SNM0, SNM 25 and SNM 50 to reflect the inclusion level of shea meal. Two hundred fry of O. niloticus (initial weight of 0.82g) were obtained from Water Research Institute of Ghana (WA center) and transported to the ...

Sana Khalid1,2*, Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman2,3, Usman Hameed2,4, Shabnum Shaheen1, Muhammad Naveed Shahid5, Khajista Jabeen1, Farah Khan1, Muhammad Saleem Haider1 leaves to healthy one whose presence later confirmed by DNA extraction from whiteflies and symptomatic plants followed by PCR amplification of CP gene and full length genome of viruses for authentication of results. So, it has been confirmed that whiteflies were not responsible for transmission of CpCDV and MCV from diseased to healthy plants.


Nan Jiang, Tong Liu, Jimin Liu and Guobin Tang*

...this study, 180 patients who had been diagnosed and treated for bronchial asthma in our hospital were enrolled as research objects. They were divided into experimental group accepting inhalation of low-dose budesonide powder combined with pulmonary rehabilitation and control group accepting conventional drug therapy. The therapeutic effects of the two groups were compared. Compared with the control group (77.78%), the overall treatment effective rate of was si...

Saima Mustafa1, Firdous Bukhari1, Muhammad Nazar Aftab1, Muhammad Asif1, Muhammad Amjad1, Maryam Ijaz1, Muhammad Latif2 and Furhan Iqbal1*

Jie He* and Ren Yang

...each group. Rat model of whole liver ischemia-reperfusion injury was established according to Pringle’s method. Results showed that compared with propofol group and vitexin group, levels of serum ALT, AST and LDH in propofol + vitexin group were reduced (P < 0.05), apoptosis index was reduced (P < 0.05), Bcl-2 protein expression was increased (P < 0.05), Bax protein and caspase-3 protein expression was decreased (P < 0.05). In conclusion, pro...

Nuzhat Naseem, Sajid Abdullah and Sana Aziz*

...proximate composition of whole-body of Labeo rohita (fingerlings) fed distiller’s dried grains with solubles based diet, supplemented with phytase. Six different feeds were formulated by supplementing different concentrations of phytase. i.e. D1 without phytase supplementation, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6 with 250, 500, 750, 1000 and 1250 FTU phytase per kilogram of diet, respectively. An experiment was conducted for 2 months. During this experiment, water qua...

Shahid Sherzada1,2*, Muhammad Naeem Khan1 and Masroor Ellahi Babar2

...enomic DNA isolated from whole blood was used to amplify and sequence a short region of COI gene in mitochondrial DNA. The identification of sequenced samples was done by NCBI (98-99%) and BOLD (99%) databases. The sequence data analysis represented 15 variable polymorphic sites and 4 haplotypes. Mean haplotypes and nucleotide diversity was 0.42 and 0.0018, respectively. The mean intraspecific and intragenric K2P genetic distances were 0.2% and 1.2%, respectiv...

Tahir Munir Butt1*, Azra2, Muhammad Luqman3, Naveed Farah4 and Muhammad Yaseen3

...owers from each district who used to do vegetable farming using wastewater. Total sample size of the study was 240 vegetable growers. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by conducting research survey. Interview schedule as well as interview guide was used as the research instruments. The data thus collected were analyzed using SPSS for interpretation. Findings revealed the most prominent reason behind wastewater irrigation was uncertainty about en...
Hanan A. Abo-State*, Mosaad M. El-Monairy, Yasser A. Hamouda, Hussein M.A. Hassan
... among all treatments in whole body composition. From these results it could be concluded that using PSO up to 75% from the ordinary source of vegetable oil in Nile tilapia fish diets enhances growth performance and feed utilization and without negative effect on whole body composition which may lead to improve fish production.
Keywords | Pumpkin seed oil, Nile tilapia, Performance, feed utiliz...

Evrim Sönmez

...y preferred by producers who want to engage in organic or environmentally sensitive agriculture. Although there are a large number of sources in literature on the mortality rates of Beauveria bassiana’s A. obtectus, studies on the effects on the biology of the pest, the number of eggs it lays and the number of adults emerging from beans after the application are limited. In this study, the effects of different concentrations of Beauveria bassiana (Nostal...
Tiara Widyaputri*, Aldryan Cristianto Pratama, Dian Vidiastuti, Yudit Oktanella
...0 samples of cow’s whole blood were collected and extracted and DNA isolated. DNA amplification was carried out using primer Forward (BLAD_F) 5’-TCAACGTGACCTTCCGGAGG-3’ and Reverse (BLAD_R) 5’-CCCAGATTCTTGACGTTGAC-3’. Amplification of the CD18 gene segment on chromosome 1 exon 2 with a target length of 106bp has been successfully carried out with a success rate of 100%. RFLP analysis of NCOI cutting restriction enzymes shows that ...

Amal Hamad1, Ashraf M. Abu-Seida2*, Faisal A. Torad2, Nahed S. Thabet3, Shabaan M. Gadallah1

...saminase (AST) along the whole experiment. Meloxicam induced no sedation, no behavioral changes, insignificant increase in heart rate, significant increase in systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure and significant increase in respiratory rate after 15 and 30 minutes. In conclusion, meloxicam is more safe and effective analgesic than Nalbuphine HCl, Fentanyl citrate and Tramadol HCl in dogs.
Keywords | Dogs, Fentanyl citrate,...

Nzube Thaddeus Egboka1*, Olajire Fagbola2, Ugochukwu Nnamdi Nkwopara1, Nnaemeka Henry Okoli1, Akaninyene Isaiah Afangide1 and Tochukwu Victor Nwosu3

...onents of the soil biota whose abundance in soil varies with land use type, soil depth and location. The study investigated the density of the AMF and nutrient status of soils in selected land use types and soil depths. Soil samples were collected from some fallow, cassava and pineapple fields in Ibadan and Ikwuano areas of Nigeria at 0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cm depths and analyzed in the Laboratory. Spore densities of AMF varied significantly (P > 0.05) betwe...

Husmaini1*, Riza Andesca Putra1, Indri Juliyarsi1, Tevina Edwin1, Linda Suhartati1, Aditya Alqamal Alianta1, Harmaini2 

...were fifty-seven farmers who kept the KBC. The method was survey method and purposive sampling to determine the respondents. The observed variables were breeder profile, maintenance management, number of KBC, actual population (Na), effective population (Ne), and inbreeding rate. The total population of KBC in Nagari Batu Bajanjang, Tigo Lurah District is 1960, with an actual population of 610 chickens, an effective population of 600 chickens, and an inbreedin...

Amira M. Refaie1*, Manal S. Mohamed1, Enayat H. Abo El-Azayem1, Sherein H. Mohamed2 

...yield (7.71%) during the whole lactation period (5 weeks) comparing to un-supplemented group. All tested groups recorded a gradual decrease in Malondialdehyde (MDA) level in blood plasma by increasing AA levels in diets. None of the groups record any significant differences in immunoglobulin (IgM and IgA). It could be concluded that adding Aspergillus awamori to does diets up to 0.15% enhanced their performance during lactation period, in term of increased the...

Hua Liu, Wei Hou, Li Peng, Changjun Peng, Yansen Cai and Jing Li*

...ed species. Based on the whole genome sequences of Macaca thibetana, we successfully developed 26 SNP loci that were sensitive to non-invasive samples, then based on which, genetic diversity and population structure of three populations of M. thibetana were estimated. Our results showed the novel SNP loci were polymorphic and bi-allelic. The observed and expected heterozygosity across 38 individuals varied from 0.184-0.605 and 0.405-0.506, respectively. The mi...

Jun Zhang1*, Xiaocao Xu2 and Min Cao2

...alassemia major patients who received regular blood transfusions at a hospital in Bengbu, China. We found that out of 630 patients of the study, there were three HBs-Ag positive, so the prevalence of HBV in this study is 0.5%. The prevalence of HCV-Ab positive was 7.1 and these individuals had a significantly older mean age than those with HCV-Ab negative. In 89.8% of patients the HBs-Ab titer was more than 10. Due to the progress of screening and selection of...

Chuanfeng Fan1,2,*, Wenguo Feng1,3, Jingchang Yang1,2, Qingchao Chen1,2 and Yu Wang1,4

... of retinal nerve cells, whose mechanism may be related to the enhancement of mitochondrial transmembrane potential.

Ibrarul-Haq* and Malik Muhammad Shafi the economy of people who inhabits within or near forests. This study aims to examine how the NTFP’s collection affects the rural households’ income in district Swat, Pakistan. In addition, the factors of household’s participation in the study area were also identified. The relationship among the household’s income from of the NTFP’s collection and age of the household head, level of education, distance between the forest and h...

Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Kamran Ashraf2, Muhammad Muddassir Ali3, Kumayl Hassan Akhtar4 and Nazia Rubab5 1000 literate persons who could easily read English i.e. physicians, veterinarians, lawyers, livestock farmers, managers and other literate stakeholders. This survey comprised of a variety of questions related to one-health, use of antibiotics, antibiotics (ABs) residues in milk, meat and yogourt, the role of food safety, organizations, antibiotic resistance, compromise on human health and harmful implications upon animal welfare and eventually one-health d...
Bambang Yudi Ariadi1*, Rahayu Relawati1, Barbara Szymoniuk2 and Waris Ali Khan3
...filled by 95 respondents who met the requirements. Data were analyzed using the partial least square–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) model. The results revealed that product, psychography, and demography influence the purchase of organic vegetables. Furthermore, product and demography also influence the WTP of organic vegetables. All product attributes positively correlate with product variables, except the label. About psychography, consumers&rsq...

Noora Hassan Hezam Al-Aqmer1*, Zain Aamir2, Muhammad Farooq Hanif3, Soumble Zulfiqar4, Sibgha Zulfiqar1, Mateen Izhar5 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4*

... C patients (genotype 3) who responded to the directly acting antiviral treatment and achieved negative HCV-RNA three months after completing the treatment (sustained virologic response (SVR)) and 66 hepatitis C patients (genotype 3) who did not achieve SVR three months after completing the same treatment. Informed consent was taken from participants, demographic data was collected, and 5 mL of blood was drawn from each part...

Zilu Zhang1, Ning Wang2, Ce Hou1, Laiba Shafique1, Saif ur Rehman1, Zhuyue Wu2, Zhiqiang Wang1, Mingsong Wei3* and Kuiqing Cui1*

...assembled containing the whole goat PIS region both in horned goats and in polled goats, which mean there were no 11.7 kb deletion in the Guanzhong dairy goats.The polymorphisms sites in PIS region of horned and polled Guanzhong dairy goats were identified, and a total of 30 polymorphisms sites were confirmed (A648T, T652C, G1107C, T2594C, G2820A, G3556A, A3573G, T3621C, A5329T, T5392G, G5878A, C5996T, A6187G, C6228A, G6969T, G7045T, T7057C, C7266G, C7417T, T8...

Phassakon Nuntapanich1*, Hathaichanok Nuntapanich2 and Woraman Maicharoen3 lots of fish from the wholesale farmer. All of these farming practices are efficient using of natural resources as the local wisdom that shield against inevitable shock in household economy and food security including encourage interaction between people in the community. The farmers in the study site obtain benefits from ecosystem services such as increasing income and maintaining food security (rice and fish) by using local wisdom. Therefore, to ensure su...

Aamir Ibrahim1, Bingyao Chen1, Hassan Ali2, Imran Ali3, Yang Cao1 and Guang Yang1*

... species. Currently, the whole population across the Indus River in Pakistan is divided into four subpopulations. Although photo-identification efforts on freshwater dolphins were successfully made on the Irrawady dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) in South Asia, Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) in the Yangtze River of China, and the Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) in South America, it is very difficult to take photographs of Indus river dolphin. From March 1 t...

Marwa Ragab Saeed Abdallah, Hussein Mohamed Hussein Mohamed, Mohamed Mohamed Talaat Emara, Mai Atef Mohamed

... treatments extended the wholesomeness of pastirma to 16 weeks at 5 °C in comparison with 12, 8, and 4 weeks for uncoated vacuum-packed, aerobically packed WPI/BW, and untreated control samples, respectively. Therefore, the application of WBI/BW edible coating before packaging of pastirma may be safely used at a commercial scale to extend the durability of pastirma.

Keywords | Pastirma, Whey protein, Beeswax, DPPH, carbonyl compound. 

Sara Mohamed Hemeda1, R.H. Sayed2, Hani Hassan1, Sheima A.E.2, Hassan Aboul-Ella3, R. Soliman3*
... it will not consume the whole conjugate that will, in turn, reacts with the β-lactam antibiotic in the test line producing a deep red color in the test line, so the presence of two deep ruby red lines indicates acceptable Beta-lactam antibiotic residues beneath the permissible limit and vice versa in case of one deep ruby red line. The results could be accomplished within 8 minutes without the need for any other equipment. The recorded lower detection li...

Teguh Wahyono1,2*, Wahidin Teguh Sasongko3, Wijaya Murti Indriatama4, Setiawan Martono5, Slamet Widodo3, Widhi Kurniawan6, Muhamad Nasir Rofiq7

...n vitro degradability of whole-plant sorghum. Three sorghum varieties (Numbu, Super 1 and Samurai 1) were ensiled either fresh or wilted and evaluated in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. Based on sensory evaluation, colour, smell and sensory index increased after wilting treatment (P < 0.01). Based on chemical quality, pH and NH3-N values were lower in wilted groups than in unwilting sorghum silage (P < 0.01). Compared with non-wilted materials, higher dry...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Adeel Mustafa1, Sheer Abbas2, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehomood1 and Raheel Saqib3

...75% of respondents (148) who claimed that there are multiple major income sources. The respondents who had a low level of poverty and a high level of poverty were the same in the study area. Among respondents, 25% said that they don’t have easy access to the local livestock market for selling animals and their products. Moreover, according to the livestock farmers cow has proven the least productive species in the stud...
Amreen Zahra1*, Mushtaq A. Saleem2, Hasnain Javed3, Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan4 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4
...several sites across the whole length of PR region among the isolates. A significant accessory resistance mutation V32I conferring a low level of resistance against non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors was observed among two isolates. This kind of genotypic pattern demonstrated a striking evidence of multiple transmission routes and co-circulating viruses due to increased genetic diversity in Pakistani isolates. However, SNAP analyses demonstrated h...
Ch. Muhammad Rafiq1, Muhammad Rizwan1*, Bilal Atta1, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Misbah Rizwan2, Muhammad Arshad3, Muhammad Zeeshan3, Hamza Latif3, Usama Bin Khalid1, Shawaiz Iqbal1
... of a severe attack, the whole crop turns brown called ‘hopperburn’ and farmers face great yield losses. The experiments were performed to evaluate the planting geometry and nutritional effects on N. lugens abundance and yield attributes of the crop using susceptible rice (var. Basmati 515). Results indicated that planting geometries with more space (60 and 90 cm) after 12 lines with a uniform number of plants in each plot had less incidence of N. ...

Yuxia Zhang and Kong Yang*

...inococus multilocularis, whose life cycle requires a variety of canids and small mammals as hosts. The terminal hosts have received a lot of attention, while there are few studies on the distribution and abundance of intermediate hosts. A structural equation model was produced to demonstrate the effects of habitat factors on the distribution and abundance of intermediate hosts of E. multilocularis. Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) act as the main intermediate...

Liyun Chang1, Aiju Liu2, Jianshuang Zhang3, Yingbin Chen1 and Zhiyong Liu4*

...ii antibody in pet cats, whose reaction conditions were optimized. The SAG2 gene was successfully cloned into a pET-21a (+) prokaryotic expression vector, and the recombinant plasmid pET-21a-SAG2 was obtained. The size of the recombinant protein was approximately 19 kDa, and it was expressed mainly in the form of an inclusion body. The optimal reaction conditions were as follows: antigen-coating concentration, 0.6 μg·mL-1; serum dilution, 1:200; 60-m...

Omnia Mohamed Khattab1*, Hala Kamel Abdelmegeed2, Mohamed Mahmoud Mashaly1, Mervat Hamdy1*, Naglaa Hagag1, Ayman Hamed3, Hanan Aly Fahmy3, Essam Ibrahim4, Momtaz Abdelhady Shahein2, Elsayyad Mohamed Ahmed2

Jiacheng Du and Yuping Cao*

... ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who underwent Invitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET). This study selected 200 patients with PCOS who took IVF-ET in our hospital from January 2016 to January 2020 as subjects. The study subjects were divided into group A (low-level group, n=90) and group B (high-level group, n=110) according to serum AMH levels; and group C (successful group, n= 88) and group D (failure group, n=112) accordin...

Xiaoli Yao1, Xiaofang Yue2, Yue Yang3 and Guobin Zhang3,*

..., aged from 55-75 years, who underwent treatment in hospital from January 2018 to December 2020. Each group received routine treatment, in which the treatment group received LMWHC alongwith argatroban. The score of neurological deficit (NIHSS) and serum neurological function, endothelial injury and inflammatory marker levels, and the clinical efficacy after treatment of 14 days were compared between groups. After treatment of 14 days, the vascular endothelial ...

Xiaoli Yao1, Xiaofang Yue2, Yue Yang3 and Guobin Zhang3,*

..., aged from 55-75 years, who underwent treatment in hospital from January 2018 to December 2020. Each group received routine treatment, in which the treatment group received LMWHC alongwith argatroban. The score of neurological deficit (NIHSS) and serum neurological function, endothelial injury and inflammatory marker levels, and the clinical efficacy after treatment of 14 days were compared between groups. After treatment of 14 days, the vascular endothelial ...

Nguyen Hai Quan, Nguyen Huu Van*, Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Vo Thi Minh Tam, Le Duc Thao, Le Duc Ngoan 

...d ensiling techniques of whole-plant sunflower Aguara 6. In Exp. 1, whole sunflower plant was harvested at the seeding period (SP) to measure biomass yield, chemical composition and energy values. Results showed that, fresh biomass yield was 62 tonnes/ha, in which, heads consisting of 46.8% with the highest, leave accounting for 35.5% and stems consisting of 17.7% as fresh matter with the lowest proportion. The dry matter (D...

Auzair Javaid Butt, Irfan Ullah*, Shahid Ali, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai and Jahangir Khan

...eventy producers, twenty wholesalers and twenty retailers are randomly selected and interviewed for data collection. From the current research it can be revealed that majority of potato growers followed the same marketing channel i.e. Producer → Wholesaler → Retailer → Consumer. The analysis shows that marketing-margins of potato growers, wholesalers and retailers is estimated as 31.8 percent, 24.1 percent, an...

Ayesha Khan*, Zubair Ahmad Khan and Urooba Pervaiz

...on or researcher chooses who would be appropriate for the study) was employed to select three districts i.e. Peshawar, Mardan and Swabi from Agro-ecological Zone C of KP. The population of the study comprised of all extension agents of the selected district. Data was collected through a well-developed interview schedule from all Agriculture Officers and 41% of the Field Assistants (randomly selected) of the three districts. Thus, the total number of respondent...

Maher Mohammed Yousef Alobaysi,1,4 Turki Albacker2, Waleed Alharbi2, Osama Almogbel2, Sadik Mohammed3, Fahad Al-Abbasi4, Vikas Kumar5 and Firoz Anwar4

...ete the criteria for the whole set of study, free from anxiety and were not on any medication before enrollment of study. Cortisol and white blood cells (WBC) count showed a significant difference in pre and post catherization procedures. Significant (P˂0.05) linear correlation was found between pre and post values for heart rate, WBC, electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), cortisol, tri-iodothyronine, thyroxine, thyrotropin and Vit D in paired sample corre...

Jun Wang*, Xiaoming Jiang and Zhiwei Sun

...cial fish species in the whole mainstream of the Yellow River.The LRWs of five species have not been previously record. These data can serve as important baseline for conservation and management in the Yellow River fishery resources, which is very useful for evaluation of the status of the river ecological health.


Lei Xu1, Qin Yang2 and XiaoYan Zhang3,*

..., a total of 94 patients who were subjected to the peritoneal dialysis for over three months in the Nephrology Department of XXX Hospital between January 2019 and January 2020 were enrolled into the experiment group (n = 94). Simultaneously, 94 healthy subjects who received the physical examination were enrolled into the control group. Prior to the enrollment, all subjects had the plain abdominal radiograph, and, according t...

Muhammad Ikram Ullah

... unaffected members, and whole blood was collected for genomic DNA extraction. A genome-wide scan was carried out on four affected members to establish homozygosity linkage. The analysis for genotype assessment was carried out, and three homozygous regions were identified. Whole exome sequencing was carried out to identify the mutation in putative gene/s. The data was arranged, and MAN2B1 was selected for the DNA sequencing. Protein homology was analyzed by th...

Othman E. Othman1*, Lingjiang Min2, Amira M. Nowier3  

... profile using WGBS. The whole genome DNA was extracted from ovaries of Zaraibi goats belonging to two different fertility groups: high (HFG) and low (LFG) fertility groups. The extracted DNA was subjected to WGS after treatment with bisulfite. The findings declared that a small difference in the DNA methylation levels is present among high and low fertility groups. The methylated C frequencies in contexts: CG, CHG and CHH were 89.89%, 2.39%, 7.72% and 90.19, ...

Marat Kuibagarov1, Assylbek Zhylkibayev1, Dinara Kamalova1, Anara Ryskeldina1, Nurdina Yerzhanova1, Yerlan Ramankulov1, Alexandr Shevtsov1*, John A Angelos2  

...uated as alternatives to whole cell vaccines. Pilin is one candidate antigen for M. bovoculi, and is a key pathogenic factor necessary for attachment of M. bovis to the surface of the eye epithelium. To evaluate pilA diversity amongst Kazakh isolates of M. bovoculi, the pilA gene sequence was determined for 35 isolates of M. bovoculi. Ten genotypes (gNA1-gNA10) were identified which were 96.1% to 99.8% identical. It was found that as a result of the replaceme...

Syeda Batool Zehra1, Abdullah G. Arijo2, Aly Khan3, Nasira Khatoon1* and Samina Waheed1

...y will focus on children who are suspected of being afflicted with pinworms. The presence of adult worms or ova in the feces is required to make proper diagnosis. The swabbing of the perianal region is utilized to determine the presence of eggs in feces.


Ahmed H. Abed1, Ahmed Orabi2*, Wafaa Hassan3, , Enas Hammad4 , Ghada Gaber5 

... remaining three groups, who were also infected with E. coli O78, and one group act as an E. coli O78 challenged group. The obtained results showed improvement of the growth performance of the three groups administrated immune modulatory agents without challenge. The level of IL-4 gene expression was increased, and it effectively reduced INFG, and IL-6 mRNA gens expression.

Keywords | Broiler chickens, Cytokines, E. coli, Essential oils, Lectins, Perfo...

Hasnain Raza1*, Tanveer-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Imran1, Nabeel Ahmad Ikram2 and Muhammad Bilal Shoukat1

...r bodies is damaging the whole ecosystem. The government should monitor the industries’ wastewater disposal according to the nation’s effluent standards, and make wastewater treatment plants for the elimination of hazardous contaminants.


Sanwal Masood1, Dildar Ahmed2, Silvia Machado1 and Sohaib Aslam1*

Humera Manzoor1,2,5 Norbert Brüggemann2,3, Hafiz Muhammad Jafar Hussain1, Tobias Bäumer2, Frauke Hinrichs2, Muhammad Wajid4, Alexander Münchau2, Katja Lohmann2* and Sadaf Naz1*

Mingqing Wang1 and Xiaojuan Chen2,*

...udy, 180 AECOPD patients who had been treated in our hospital were enrolled as research objects, who were given routine respiratory stimulant therapy regimen and intravenous methylprednisolone. According to the dosage of glucocorticoid methylprednisolone, the patients were divided into three groups, each containing 60 patients. The changes of arterial blood gas parameters including pH value, oxygen partial pressure (PaO2) an...

Chattida Panprom1, Nakrob Pattanapon1, Wannisa Meepoo1, Soontaree Petchdee2* 

...generation stages C or D who underwent general anesthesia for surgical treatment were included in this study. All dogs in this study were assigned to receive diazepam 0.3 mg/kg body weight, alfaxalone 2.5 mg/kg body weight, and a perioperative fluid rate of 5 ml/kg/hr. An appropriate assessment before and during surgery may help to prevent adverse events and preserve cardiovascular functions. This case report provides recommendations for anesthetic protocols a...

Neni Widaningsih1,2*, Budi Hartono2, Hari Dwi Utami2, Eni Siti Rohaeni3 

...s, collecting merchants, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. The number of respondents in this study was 135 persons. Methods of data analysis carried out include; qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis is intended to find out the characteristics of marketing institutions, and the marketing channels of buffalo cattle. While quantitative analysis is intended to find out margins and farmer share and marketing efficiency. The resu...

Phan Truong Khanh* and Tran Thi Hong Ngoc

...on was 1,588 mm.yr-1. In whole province the total water demand in the year 2020 was based on 2,796 million m3. The results also showed that reliable projections of water requirements at different spatial scales enable water management authorities to assess and upgrade irrigation infrastructure and manage water allocation to meet for rice production.


He-Cai Zhang, Tian-Ge Hu, Chang-Ying Shi, Guang-Wen Chen* and De-Zeng Liu

...ytb/ITS-1 sequences as a whole for neutrality test. Moreover, the mismatch distribution was multimodal. Therefore, D. japonica in Taihang Mountains might have been undergoing a population decline, and conservation measures such as reducing human interference should be taken. We hope these findings will arouse conservation and management strategy regarding freshwater planarians and contribute to the biodiversity in the long run.

Farah Abid1,2, Mohammad Saleem1,3*, Tahir Maqbool4, Tania Ahmed Shakoori5, Faheem Hadi4, Tahir Muhammad4, Saira Aftab4, Yasir Hassan7 and Shabana Akhtar4,6*
...f Acacia modesta extract whole plant extract (E-AM) in process of inflammation and also in arthritis by using animal model of rat. Thirty-six healthy wister rats were chosen for in vivo experiments and divided into six groups. Arthritis was induced in rats using Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) and treated with different concentrations of E-AM (250, 500 or 750 mg/kg), and with standard treatment, piroxicam (10 mg/kg). Antioxidant assays (superoxide dismu...
Serkan Özkaya1*, Oktay Özkan2, Sabri Erbas3, Isa Gökhan Yalçın4, Dariusz Piwczynski5 and Wojciech Neja5 
...nd 80 ml OW supplemented whole milk (WM) per day. The applied 60 and 80 ml OW tended to improve the antioxidative stress mechanism of calves while supporting their growth (e.g., total and daily weight gain, body measurements). The findings of the present study showed that Oreganum onites L. aromatic water, a by-product, can be used safely in alleviating the problems such as oxidative stress that may occur in intensive growing systems.


F. Shahina†, K. Nasira, K. Firoza and Y. I. Erum

...forts of several authors who contributed to gather knowledge on the biological diversity through systematics and faunistic studies. Information published in different scientific journals, newsletters, reports, book chapters, books booklets and proceedings have been considered. Those records contained in abstracts of conferences/ congresses, doctoral theses were not included. A total of 749 species belonging to 261 genera of 81 subfamiles, 85 families of 24 Sup...

Reem R. Tahon, Nora A. Shaker* 

... was a complex structure whose walls bore calcareous ossicles. It was divided into the cardiac stomach with four ossicles: unpaired mesocardiac, paired pterocardiac, paired lateral zygocardiac, and the unpaired urocardiac ossicle; and the pyloric stomach, which bore three ossicles: unpaired uropyloric, and a pair of exopyloric ossicles.

Keywords | External Anatomy, Stomach, Gills, Gonad, Blue swimmer crab 

M. M. A. Youssef† and W. M. A. El-Nagdi
...ts were made by removing whole plant or cutting sugar beet above the surface of
soil in each pot 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 days after nematode inoculation. The population density of root-knot
nematode as indicated by the number of galls and egg-masses on roots of sugar beet increased gradually as
influenced by the time of gathering. Root-knot nematode started to lay egg-masses after the 18th day t...

Fawzia, I. Moursy1, Amira, Sh.Soliman1, A. E.M. Khalil2,Samaa, M. Shawky2 and A. A. Taher2

...e of fresh weight of the whole plant which was greatly improved in all treatments.

Aiman Amur1*, Nasreen Memon1, Khalida Unar2 and Roshan Jamali3

...racious for the mango in whole world mostly; means the favorable host of delicious mango. During current study observe the ecological margins and its habitats, host effects on the occurrence of this decisive pest. This study was steered in district Naushahro feroze of Sindh Pakistan during mango season of 2014-2015. Actually, this district is well known according to citreous fruity land Pakistan where lot of citreous fruits cultivated. The selected 2 hectors o...

Aiman Amur*, Nasreen Memon, Reshma Sahito and Seema Memon less infested, during whole season of mango the infestation was significantly different (F 54.05, df 52, p<0.5). The highest number of flies emergence were found from Beganpali (60.9%) followed by Sindhri variety (43.2%), while least No.of emergence found 6% from Sindhri variety (6%) during September. Ratio of fruit flies like B. dorsalis 54.7%, from Beganpali, followed by Sindhri variety 41.6% (F 53.24; dF 51, 108; p=0.29) during mean functional time of...

Nachaat Sakr

...rley and wheat along the whole world. To defeat it, sources of host resistance and pathogenic variation of FHB species need to be identified. Although barley and wheat are crucial crops in the dried Mediterranean area, there is insufficient information about their resistance to head blight infection and aggressiveness of Fusarium species. A 3-year (2019 to 2021) experiment was conducted under arid Mediterranean conditions to measure disease reactions, i.e., FH...

Bin Hu1*, Jianchang Qu2, Tenglong Han3 and Jun Leng1

...ients with periodontitis who were treated in our hospital were taken as the expirmental objects, as the control group (n=36) and the study group (n=36). Patients in the control group received normal diabetes treatment and basic periodontal treatment, and the study group received probiotic treatment on the basis of the control group. The differences in oral and intestinal flora between the two groups of study subjects were compared, and changes in inflammatory ...

Nasratullah Baloch1*, Naeem Tariq Narejo2, Hamida Narejo3, Muhammad Farooq Hassan4, Muhammad Hanif Chandio5, Faheem Saddar6, Dharti Shahnawaz Thebo7, Ghulam Abbas8 and Shahnaz Rashid8

...zosolenia 15% during the whole duration of investigations. It reflects that the bay water was found to be rich with primary productivity. Vital physicochemical factor such as pH, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and transparency were taken into account twice in a month from sampling area during the whole period of research. The temperature found to be varied from 21-35.7oC, pH8.0-8.1, DO 3.57–5.0 mg/l, salinity...

Abdirahman Barre*, Karanja D Njuguna, Bebora Lilly Caroline and George Chege Gitao should be done in the whole country. With respect to picking positive cases, RBPT is recommended as a screening test, since it is cheap, quick, and easy to carry-out. The other three can be used to establish respective antibody titres. The organs condemned at inspections are due to inflammatory processes that can be associated with brucellosis or other zoonotic diseases. Standard biosecurity measures at slaughterhouses and farms be enhanced the control and ...


...orld especially in those who live in rural communities having low socioeconomic status. This cross sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of anaemia in children of rural communities of Punjab from January 2016 to July 2016. The children were selected from Services hospital, Lahore and District hospital Sharqpur, Dist. Sheikhupura. A total of 500 samples of children were collected. Questionnaire was designed to collect information for studyin...
Jameel Ahmed1,2*, Mohammad Masood Tariq1, Nadeem Rashid1, Asim Faraz3*, 
Majed Rafeeq1, Irfan Shehzad Sheikh1, Mudassar Jahan1,2, Abdul Fatih1,2
Masroor Ahmad Bajwa1, Ifrah Jameel1, Muhammad Ali1 and Saira Iftikhar4
...xpected heterozygosities whose values were found to be 0.56 ± 0.27, 0.44 ± 0.27 and 0.43 ± 0.26, respectively. Slightly higher magnitude of observed heterozygosity indicated that forces affecting Hardy-Weinburg Equilibrium were not much effective in these flocks and outbreeding was common phenomenon that reduced the inbreeding in the flocks as inbreeding tends to promote homozygosity. The range in observed heterozygosity was very wide for ...

Caiping Duan

...hemia-reperfusion injury who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in our hospital from January 2018 to May 2019 were selected as study subjects and randomly divided into low-dose propofol group (n=123; intravenously injected with 25 mg before angiography), high-dose propofol group (n=123; intravenously injected with 50 mg before angiography) and control group (n=123; receiving local anesthesia before angiography, subcutaneously injected with 2% lidocaine 2.5 ml...

Gulzhan Kalenovna Mussayeva1*, Alikhan Meldebekovich Meldebekov2, Nurgul Alikhanovna Meldebekova2, Gulshat Imanzhankyzy Shaykamal1, Batyrkhan Azimkhanovich Buralkhiyev2, Nurkuisa Mirzabekovich Rametov3 and Kanat Zhumanov4

...tion bulls from the line whose offspring are most productive and physiologically more adapted to the climatic, technological and forage conditions of the farm. When selecting, special attention should be paid to the strength of the hoofed horn and the duration of commercial use. For the given purposes it is recommended to use such bulls of the Wis Burke Ideal line whose average milk productivity exceeds that of their coevals...

Faradji Khalil1*, Slimani Noureddine2 and Senoussi Abdelhakim3

... (2021-2022), 50 farmers who agreed to cooperate in the research were randomly selected to engage in agriculture and animal husbandry. These farms are also located in a lower arid bioclimatic zone with cool winters. The methodological approach followed to carry out our study requires the use of appropriate observation or survey methods and the use of analysis means adapted to the situations encountered. In this context, the means used to carry out this work ar...

Siti Azizah1*, Salsa I Latifah1, Irfan H Djunaidi1, Anif M Wati1, Achadiah Rachmawati1, Siti Hamidah2 

...he contribution of wives who perform productive roles is essential. It is at 29.06%, with an outpouring labor of as much as 78,128 man-days/year and a productivity level of 112,515 IDR per man-day.


Ahmad Jupri1*, Yuliana Vofi2, Faturrahman2, Immy Suci Rohyani1, Ernawati1, Bulkaini3, Djoko Kisworo3, Wardatul Jannah4 

...many people in Indonesia who use springs as a source of drinking water, one of which is in Joben, Pesanggrahan Village, Montong Gading District, East Lombok Regency. Drinking water from springs can be polluted by contaminants such as bacteria, viruses and others during storage and distribution. This study aims to analyze the quality and microbiological feasibility of drinking water sourced from Joben Springs, Montong Gading, East Lombok. The research was carri...

A. A- E. Abo-Elkhier1, K. S. E. Abdel-Wahab2, M. A. Ali3, M. A-H. El-Sayed4, N.A-K. Saleh5 and A. A. Atef6

...d 120 women aged matched who had normal full-term pregnancy in labor were included in the present study. Maternal blood was tested for anti-HEV IgG and IgM antibody and the positive cases were tested for HEV Ag and HEV RNA. The fetal tissue from anti-HEV IgG and IgM positive aborted women and cord serum of infant of anti-HEV IgG and IgM positive full term delivered women were tested for REV Ag and HEV RNA. Among 120 aborted women. 2.5 (3/120) of them were posi...

Sahar. A. Shoman1 and B. A. Othman2

... (bp) and 3836 bp of the whole TMV genome. The intensity of these RT-PCR amplified products was estimated, and it indicated relatively to the amount of the virus in the infected plant, The specificity of amplification was verified using internal primers through nested—PCR (n-PCR) to demonstrate the specificity of this technique. the n-PCR-expected product (869bp) was sequenced, and this nucleotide sequence was analyzed using a software program. Sequence ...

Pengliang Xie1, Lufang Zheng2*, Mingxia Dong3, Huaiqiang Zhang1 and Fang Chen1

...lusion and macular edema who were treated at Tangshan Eye Hospital from November 2018 to June 2020 were enrolled in the study, including 19 cases of localized macular edema, 12 cases of diffuse macular edema, and 14 cases of cystoid macular edema. Forty-five healthy people in physical examination were recruited as control. We found that the diseased group had higher proportion of hypertension (P<0.05) compared with the control group, and there was no differ...

Rafik Soliman1*, Rafik H. Sayed2, Hanan Mahmoud3, Heidy Abo El-Yazeed1, Marsell Saad1, Shaimaa Abdelall Elsaady2, Khalid Sh3 

...ical mastitis during the whole observation period that extends up to 20 weeks post treatment. The total immunoglobulin concentration (g/dl) measured four weeks post immunization was significantly higher in the serum and milk whey of immunized cows as compared to the non-immunized cows (P<0.01). The highest ELISA titers against E. coli (O111), S. aureus, Str. agalactiae and Str. dysgalactiae were recorded 4 weeks post immunization in the serum and milk whey ...

Mehwish Kanwal1, Muhammad Mushtaq1*, Surrya Khanam2, Irfan Ahmed3, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1, Amjad Rashid Kayani1 and Tariq Mehmood1

..., sugar, milk powder and whole egg) at two different concentrations (2.5 and 5% each) were tested for their relative consumption. Groundnut and maize (1:1 ratio) were used as basic bait; for control group, additives were not included in the basic bait. Each experiment was performed under a single choice test pattern. Whole egg at a concentration of 5%, enhanced the intake of the bait significantly over the basic / plain bait, while a non-significant difference...

Khitam J. Yahya*, Mohammed T. S. Al-Zubaidi 

...CR. Three of five quails whose 18S gene was amplified by nested PCR and sequenced were found to belong to C. meleagridis in the sequence of this gene deposit on the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) under accession number (HQ917077.1), while the others were found to be closely related to C. baileyi and had the accession number (MN410723.1). The finding suggests that Cryptosporidium parasites, which cause zoonotic disease trans...

Muhammad Mukhtar1*, Lely Ummi Wakhidah2,Mohammad Zubair Hippy3 

...ent found that the actor who has the biggest role in the development of beef cattle in increasing the income of livestock farmers is the livestock business actor himself with an interest weight of 0.399. In conclusion, taking into account aspects of supporting strategies, namely improving livestock technology and reporting systems, improving animal disease management and feed quality, facilitating business licensing, and strengthening legal regulations on liv...

Javeria Khourshid*, Ghulam Abbas, Shahnaz Rashid, Asma Fatima* and Abdul Malik

...was occurring during the whole experimental period. Comparative growth analysis of both fish species revealed that OxyAqua organic is highly suitable for enhancing the biological performance of fish in captivity. This study is recommended for intensive and semi-intensive fish cultivation technology development, water quality improvement and fish health management in aquaculture.


Martin-Luther Oseni Okolo1, Monday Eneojo Akor1, Cornelius Arome Omatola1*, Zainab Penninah Ochada1, Ugbane Eleojo Okolo2, Benjamin Mudi Idache3, Andrew Isiramen4, Julius Akor Omatola5 and Moses Adaji David6

...istered and 325 patients who consented were enrolled in the study. Sputum specimen was collected from each patient, processed, and examined using Xpert® MTB/RIF Assay Version 4. The prevalence of HIV/TB was found to be 6 (1.85%). Infection was more prevalent in the age group 26-35 years (3.92%) and among the females (83%) than their counterpart males (17%). Co-infection was found only among the married (2.43%). A higher prevalence (1.89%) was found in pati...

Budi Guntoro1*, Agung Triatmojo1, Bambang Ariyadi2, Nguyen Hoang Qui1 

...hosen by the criteria of who are staying and raising beef cattle in Yogyakarta. The results showed that farmers had a high experience and more than 50 years old, they worked as a farmer at the farm with low income from cattle production (less than 100$). Farmers had more than 8 years of education and raised their cattle under breeding system (68.55%). Besides, most farmers had a good knowledge of Anthrax and FMD. The risks analysis was performed by the great k...

Winda Sartika1*, Budi Hartono2, Hari Dwi Utami2, Lilik Eka Radiati2 breeders, collectors, wholesalers, and retailers to the rendang processing industry. The rendang industry’s beef price is IDR 115,000.00-IDR 120,000.00 per kilogram, about 7.5% lower than the price for household consumers, IDR 130,000.00 per kilogram. The most efficient marketing channel comprises farmers, collectors, and final consumers, with a marketing efficiency value of 0.94 %. Marketing collaboration and active supply chain institutions involved...
Umara Amir ud Din1, Waqas Ahmed Khan1*, Khurrum Shahzad1,2, Basharat Ali3, Misbah Hussain1,4 and Fazli Rabbi Awan4
... subjects were recruited who were divided into three groups; healthy control (n=222), diabetics without nephropathy (n=230) and diabetics with nephropathy (n=250). Clinically important biochemical parameters including glucose, uric acid, urea, creatinine, albumin, total protein cholesterol, and liver enzymes (ALP, ALT, and AST) were measured for all subjects. Genotyping for ACE (I/D) polymorphism was done by PCR assay. Statistical analysis showed that subjects...

Aqleem Abbas1, Mustansar Mubeen2, Waqar Younus1, Qaiser Shakeel3, Yasir Iftikhar2*, Sonum Bashir2, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan2 and Azhar Hussain1

...phic events that destroy whole fields. Plant protection units are needed to tackle these challenges to prevent future outbreaks. Herein, we describe significant diseases and pests that are catastrophic to GB’s crops in the future. In addition, this review shows how diseases and pests impact the yields of GB’s crops.


Mohamed Adam1*, Hassan Sobhy2, Mohamed Abouzid3, Dalia Elhafny4 and El-Desouki Ibrahim5

... not detected during the whole experiment. The amounts of ethoprophos and fenamiphos decreased from zero to 5 days from (4.88 to 3.61 ppm) and (15.25 to 7.31 ppm) with loss of 26.02% and 47.93 %, respectively. For all tested products, no impacts on Chlorophyll degree in leaves were detected when applied on the soil. From the result of this research, it is recommended that both bionematicides could be used for nematode control in different agricultural systems ...

Eliseo Pelagio Fernández Ruelas1, Ali William Canaza-Cayo2,3*, Francisco Halley Rodriguez Huanca1, Uri Harold Perez Guerra1, Roxana Churata-Huacani3, Tales Jesus Fernandes3, Ysabel Mendoza Aguilar1 

...ity characteristics like whole egg weight and egg albumen weight, were improved (P<0.05) at MOL2.5 and MOL4.5, whereas higher (P<0.01) eggshell weight was observed only at MOL2.5. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the average egg weight/week and egg yolk weight. The egg production and laying percentage were also improved at MOL2.5. In conclusion the addition of 2.5% MOL in diets, increased all productive parameters and some egg quality c...

Xiaoyan Yang1* and Xiuli Xu2

...s recommended for people who are prone to heart disease.


Muhammad Ashfaq ur Rahman1*, Saleem Khan1, Aurang Zeb2, Zia ud Din1 and Zafar Iqbal3 diagnosed TB patients who had tested positive for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). Participants underwent TB therapy in accordance with the WHO recommendations. The variables measured included weight, height, BMI, body fat, albumin and sputum test. Subjects with BMI status below normal, normal, and above normal were represented by 23.0%, 58%, and 19%, respectively. Albumin levels were found to ...
Tariq Ahmad1*, Anum Razzaq2*, Li Bo1, Faiz ur Rehman3, Gul Saba2, Omama Saqib1, Saif Ullah2 and Muhammad Suliman1
... civets foraging habits, who damages and feed human cultivated fruits, stored wheat grains and attacks on their domestic poultry. The results demonstrated that the ability of civets to change their diet in response to availability of food resources, as it found the consumption of Vitis vinifera in bulk in the month of July and August whereas Diospyros lotus and Diospyros kaki were the most preferred diet in the month of September and October. We were informed ...
Tehreem Fatima1, Jabbar Khan1,*, Hamid Shafiq2, Dost Muhammad3, Muhammad Rafi1 and Shoaib ur Rehman1

Amthal Ahmed Fouad1, Basem Mohamed Ahmed2, Momtaz Abdelhady Shahein1, Hussein Aly Hussein2* 

... genetic data -including whole genomes- from Egypt are clustered within a unique lineage (Africa-4 lineage of the cosmopolitan clade), no report provided detailed description of this lineage genome and the last published whole genome dates back to 2009. In this context, a complete RABV genome (5EG-QH19) was obtained from a stray dog, analyzed, and compared to other RABV sequences to update the present knowledge. Methods: Rap...

Kiran Afshan1*, Sobia Baseer1, Shanza Kiran1, Ghulam Narjis2 and Sabika Firasat1

...ii among suspected women who visited local hospitals in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Sera of 425 suspected women were screened by latex agglutination test (LAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to measure the IgG and IgM antibodies level. Univariate analysis and odds ratios were calculated to determine the strength of association. The overall T. gondii infection was 60% with LAT, 52% IgG, and 56.26% with IgM ELISA. The seroprev...

Jaiperkash Moolchandani1*, Geeta Moolchandani2, Syed Mohsin Turab3, Nasima Iqbal4, Ambreen Rehman5 and Shaima Sultana Memon6 common among patients who were in their 6th decade of life. Likewise, male patients were much more affected with non-motor symptoms than females- but non-significantly. No any major difference was noted in frequency of non-motor symptoms of Parkinsonism between the rural and urban area patients. It was noted that anxiety decreased, insomnia increased while depression remained same with the decreasing duration of the disease but the results were non-signific...

Xiaowei Huang, Yajie Wang, Jia Zhou, Junxiu Liu, Zhe Lin and Ruili Li*

...up, the spleen index and whole blood viscosity was significantly decreased, while the thymus index, peripheral blood WBC, RBC, Hb, HCT, PLT levels, and NO, SOD, GSH-Px levels in serum were significantly increased. The levels of TNF-α, IL-6, MDA, LDH in serum were significantly decreased. The protein expression levels of TLR4 and Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) p65 in kidney were significantly decreased. HandE staining on renal showed that SBG group...

Ming Wang1, Nan Yang2, Xiaolin Zhang2 and Wei Liu1*

...trated that the herdsmen who agreed with deratization were between 31–40 years old (71.70%), possessed a college education or above (69.92%), killed rodents when their damage was serious (70.48%), and participated at least once in deratization organized by the government (76.35%). There was a significant difference in the awareness of rodent control among the herdsmen having different education levels. The consciousness for deratization among the herdsme...

Jialing Zhang1, Yan Ma2, Lili Lian3 and Min Wei1*

...ith severe endometriosis who were treated in our hospital. They were divided into the study group receiving GnRH-a treatment alone and the reference group receiving GnRH-a and gestrinone treatment. Patients in the reference group received routine nursing, while patients in the study group received comprehensive nursing intervention to compare the treatment outcomes of the two groups. Comparison of the two-year postoperative recurrence and pregnancy of the two ...

Meryem Betmezoğlu1*, Dilek Arsoy2 and Mahmut Çerkez Ergören3

...racted from goats’ whole blood. As a result, ten different Caprine Prnp polymorphisms were detected including P42= (CCG>CCA), G127S (GGC>AGC), S138= (AGT>AGC), N146S (AAT>GAT), R154H (CGT>CAT), Gln172Arg (CAG>CGG), G172H (CAG>CAT), G172R (CAG>CGT), V179V (GTG>GTT), V187 (CAG>CAT). The three most common genetic markers were P42= 16%), R154H (12%), N146S (8%), respectively. Two different polymorphism, P42= and R154H, were dete...

Haiyan Nan, Ran Feng, Guiling Zhang and Jingqin Liu*

... study recorded patients who were admitted to the No.1 hospital of Baoding from August 2017 to January 2020. We continuously observed the comprehensive diabetes complications screening or blood glucose of 517 hospitalized patients with T2DM. 67 subjects were excluded due to incomplete physical examination and clinical parameters, lack of carotid lower extremity ultrasonography, and 450 subjects participated in the study. There were 268 male patients with an av...

Sehrish Ishtiaq1, Mahroze Fatima1*, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2, Noor Khan3, Muhammad Bilal4, Maryam2 and Sobia Nisa1

...r interaction on growth, whole-body composition, nutrient digestibility and mineralization of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (average initial weight 13.7 ± 0.05 g). Nine isonitrogenous, isocaloric and isolipidic diets with three Ca levels (0, 1 and 2%) combined with three P levels (0, 1 and 2% P) were prepared. Results showed that silver carp fed the diet supplemented with 1% Ca and 1% P level yielded the similar (p > 0.05) growth performan...

Fatimah A. Al-Saeed 

...ed with medicinal plants whose therapeutic effects are not sufficiently known and not exploited properly. Medicinal plants play an important role in treatment of human health problems since past decades until now. The present study might be the first trial to examine the effects of olive (Olea oleaster) leaves extract on male rats exposed to Cd (15 mg/kg body weight (b.w.). The male rats were randomly assigned to four groups. The first group served as control ...
Yafang Wang1,2,3, Fugui Jiang2,3, Haijian Cheng2,3, Yifan Liu2,3, Chen Wei2,3, Ce Liu2,3 and Enliang Song1,2,3*
...ldrye ad libitum for the whole trial period. The total dry matter intake of calves were similar among treatments, whereas the final body weight at 120 days (P = 0.084) and average daily gain (P = 0.025) increased with increased ASIV. There were no significant differences among treatments on body measurement indexes. Serum blood urea nitrogen levels decreased (P = 0.028) and glucose levels increased (P = 0.029) with increasing ASIV. The average concentrations o...

Blessing Ndenum Peter1, Olufemi Bolarinwa Adedeji1, Reuben Chukwuka Okocha2,3*, Ekemini Moses Okon4 

... in Ibadan are not safe, wholesome and fit for human consumption because of the high loads of bacteria. The bacterial and fungal organisms isolated from the shrimps indicate contamination from personnel and the environment. 


Swagata Das Gupta1, Majharul Islam1, Towhida Kamal2,Md. Rayhan Faruque3,Md. Shohel Al Faruk4* 

...o pigeons 40 days of age who came to S.A. Quaderi Teaching Veterinary Hospital, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU).Clinical history indicated that the birds were taking both food and water from the same source, clinical investigations showed greenish diarrhea, and post-mortem studies revealed hepatomegaly, congested heart, and proventriculus, and found nodules in the crop wall as tentative diagnoses. Tropozoid...

Syed Shakeel Shah1, Ayesha Jameel1, Sabila Afzal1*, Muhammad Zubair2, Iram Fatima Bokhari1 collected from shops, wholesale markets and vendors in Narowal were analyzed for parasitic contamination. Five vegetables, including coriander (Corriandum sativum), spinach (Spinacia oleracea), mint (Mentha viridus), green chili (Capsicum annum) and carrot (Davcus carota), were examined in our study. One hundred forty-five samples of different vegetables were collected and processed. 200 grams of each vegetable sample was centrifuged, followed by sedimentat...
... a representative of the whole Lahore district and about
half of the country. Some rare and new tree species in Botanical garden
can be added into the flora of Pakistan.

Muhammad Syarif Djaya1, Osfar Sjofjan2, Hartutik Hartutik2, Irfan Hadji Djunaidi2 

...nce (p < 0.05) on the whole egg quality and yolk quality. In summary, even though present slightly different the carotenoid can be used as natural pigmentation on Alabio laying ducks.  


Hazrat Usman1, Shakeel Ahmad2*, Salah Uddin3, Humaira Wasila3 and Yasser Durrani4

Rini Widyastuti1*, Rangga Setiawan1, Nurcholidah Solihati1, Siti Darodjah1, Kundrat Hidajat1, Mochamad Ali Mauludin2, Alkaustariyah Lubis3, Mas Rizky Anggun Adipurna Syamsunarno4, Sigit Prastowo5, Takdir Saili6, Arief Boediono7

... males aged 41-59 years, who graduated from elementary school and had more than 10 years of experience in dairy goat farming. Furthermore, 75% of them had adequate literacy about the signs of heat, length of pregnancy, signs of delivery, and weaning of lamb. The results showed that less than 50% of farmers lacked awareness about the length of heat and the signs of early pregnancy. The majority of the participants immediately carried out mating of the estrus da...

Hamdy Abdala El-Nagar1, Abdelaziz Mohamed Elhais2, Ayman Hassan Abd El-Aziz3, Wael Mohamed Wafa1, Mohamed Sobhy Elsayed Farrag2, Moataz Ibrahim Badawy1, Safaa Elsayed Salah Atia2

...ut treatment. During the whole suckling period each animal in G2, G3, and G4 daily received milk supplemented with propolis (5 g), thyme oil (2 ml), or 5 g propolis plus 2 ml thyme oil, respectively. Results showed that animals in fed both propolis and thyme combination showed the highest LBW, total gain, counts and percentages of blood cells, hemoglobin, total proteins and their fractions, total lipids, total cholesterol, and glucose, and the lowest urea and ...

Sri Suharyati, Tiwi Aries Pani, Akhmad Dakhlan, Syahrio Tantalo, Kusuma Adhianto*

...zes of Saburai goats doe who have single and twin birth types. Data collection was carried out on 62 Saburai goats doe in the study area. Data were analyzed by t-test. The results showed that the average body weight, body length, shoulder height, chest circumference, chest width, chest depth, hip width, and hip height were 43.62±1.08 kg, 62.79±2.76 cm, 62.31±1.57 cm, 75 .74±2.56 cm, 20.39±2.41 cm, 30.54±1.89 cm, 15.93&...

Tevina Edwin, Arfa’i*, Olivio Dickresna

...l of ninetyseven farmers who agreed to participate in the study. We used survey methodology. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. respondents in this study were 97 breeders. The cattle kept were generally Peranakan simental (F1-F4), Pesisir cattle, Bali cattle, and Peranakan Ongole cattle. The feed provided was forage and concentrate with a rate of 10% of the cow’s body weight. Cattle were intensively reared in a semi-permanent housin...

Naeem Tariq Narejo1*, Muhammad Hanif Chandio2, Faheem Saddar3, Majida Parveen Narejo4, Bushra Ainy Dars5, Hafeez ur Rehman Narejo6, Athar Mustafa Laghari2, Shafiq ur Rehman Shaikh3, Shahnaz Rashid7 and Ghulam Abbas7 of mustard oil cakes, whole wheat flour etc.) to have varying levels of crude protein, specifically 35%, 40%, and 45%. The aeration provided to the aquaria was continuous for 24 hours, and feeding occurred twice daily. The findings of this study indicate that T-II demonstrated the highest performance in terms of growth metrics, followed by T-III. Conversely, a significant drop in performance was observed in T-I (p < 0.05). The highest temperature, measur...

Afshan1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Rafiq Ullah1, Tahira Tayyab1, Fatima Syed3, Raheela Taj3, Shumaila Gul4, Faiza Khan5, Ibad Ullah Jan6, Syed Weqas Ali7 and Assad Ullah8 

...ver, muscles, kidney and whole blood. The whole blood was centrifuged for further analysis. The redox status and thyroid hormones were measured through commercially available kits. The current study resulted that selenium supplementation improved(P≤0.05) the catalase level in the liver and muscles which fight against the free radical and reduce oxidative stress. In the blood serum the catalase and Malondialdehyde (MDA) bo...

Afsheen Khattak1, Shahida Naveed1*, Naila Khalid1, Inayat Ullah Khan2 and Tamana Bakht

Khansa Jamil1, Muhammad Ramzan Khan1, Asad Jan2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

...ethanolic extract of the whole plant was rich in alkaloids and tannins. Zones of inhibition around the bacterial colonies show the antibacterial activity of the plant. Extract of the targeted plant was effective against all test organisms Escherichia coli, Bacillus, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas that revealed methanolic extract of medicinal plant Caralluma possesses high antimicrobial activity against E. coli. and Bacillus causing 16mm±0.53 and 12.6&p...

Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Muddassir Ali3, Tariq Usman4, Bilques Bano5, Nazia Rubab6, Syed Tasadak Mehdi7, Muhammad Wasim Iqbal8, Kumayl Hassan Akhtar9, Hira Hameed10

...ectively on day 21. As a whole, the highest effect or highest reduction in mean larval count was delineated by group levamisole on day 21.
Novelty Statement | In vivo anthelmintic activity of Azadirachta indica seeds (crude aqueous extract) against gastrointestinal nematodes of cattle (eggs and larvae along with identification) pertaining to Public (One) Health has categorically been studied for the f...

Ashfaq Hussain1, Javed Khan2, Ammara Blouch3, Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Ashraf Khan4,5* and Zaheer Sikandar6

...he total K value for the whole generation was 0.33.


Merita Ayu Indrianti1,2*, Didi Rukmana3, Eymal Bahsar Demmallino3, Muh. Hatta Jamil3

...o incentives for farmers whose land is determined in the LP2B program.
Keywords | Sustainable food land, LP2B, Gorontalo district, Regulations, Staple feed
Muhammad Javed Iqbal1, Farah Rauf Shakoori1*, Bushra Muneer2 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori3

Oghenebrorhie M. Oghenochuko1,4*, Olubukola T. Adenubi3, Olusola L. Ajayi3, Fakilahyel M. Mshelbwala3, Johnny O. Olukunle3, Samson A. Rahman3 and Godfrey N.O. Ezeri2

M. Azalou1,3*, C. C. Kpomasse1, A. S. Assani3,4, I. T. Alkoiret3,4, Wéré Pitala1,2  

...dary level goose farmers whose main activity was trade (56.1%); group 2 was composed of secondary level herders whose main activity was agriculture (59.38%); and group 3 included public servants (27.59%) with university-level education. As for the feeding of the geese, Group 3 fed more feed than Groups 1 and 2, where the majority of farmers used cereals, agro-industrial by-products, and food waste (p<0.05). The farming me...

Rana Mahmood Ahmad*, Orooba Mohammed Maeed  Ibrahim

...known compounds in their whole. The major ingredient, eugenol, made up 49.10% of the total compounds. Oil’s median lethal dose (LD50) was 2225 mg/kg, which suggests that clove oil has a relatively low level of toxicity. Eighteen adults male Wistar albino rats, six months, weighing 200–250g, were used and randomly grouped as follows: Group 1 was kept as a positive control group without treatment. At the same time, Group 2 received clove oil extract ...

Elkalamawyl, I.M.; Elhddadl, S.; Swelim2, M.A.; Hamdy2, S.M. and Fahmy3, Hanan A.• asymptomatic patients who were found to be persistently positive for both I-BsAg and anti-hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) and a long-lasting anti-HBc (core) IgM. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing were performed to surface antigen region and revealed two genotype D mutants 1--1BV. Aligned with known I-BsAg sequences from GenBank, the mutant variants matched to consensus with eight distinct genotypes (A to H) of hepatitis B virus. Multipl...

Abo Elmagd l , Enas K.; Abdel-Wahab l , Kouka S.; Alrasheedy l , Zeinab E. and Khalifa2, Ahmed S.

...others and their infants whose ages ranged from one day t012 months. All the deliveries were vaginal. Neither the infants nor the mothers had a history of high risk exposure to percutaneous virus transmission. Commercial ELISA kits for IgG, IgM, IgA anti-HCV epitopes and RT-PCR kits were used according to kit instructions. Dot ELISA for detection of HCV antigen in infants PBNINC lysates was an in house test. Previous exposure to HCV infection indicated by anti...

Abd Elwanis, N.D.; Abou El Khair, M.A.; Afaf H. Amin; Azab, A. and A.O. Abd El Rahman

Laila,A. Sedeek; Fatma,S. Mohamed and Manal Abo El-Yazyed normal throughout the whole experiment period. A satisfactory humoral immune response to both virus vaccines in vaccinated animals was identified by SNT and ELISA. It was found that there is no difference in the immune response among different vaccinated groups and there is no drawbacks noticed from combination of the two vaccines in the field.


Makmun1, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid2, Muhammad Saleh S. Ali2*, Muhammad Yamin Saud2, Rahmadanih3

.... In conclusion, farmers who operate large-scale enterprises are less impacted by changes in the cost of inputs and outputs because they have access to independent input suppliers and market networks that support productive and efficient business methods.
Keywords | Actor, Actor relation, Egg production, Laying chicken, Blitar regency

Zhengfei Wang1*, Chenchen Shen1,2, Yiping Zhang1, Dan Tang1,3, Yaqi Luo1, Yaotong Zhai1, Yayun Guan1, Yue Wang1 and Xinyu Wang1

...Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. As a whole, our study laid a solid foundation for further functional elucidations of olfactory molecular mechanism in Procambarus clarkii, and provided further insight for a better understanding of olfaction molecular mechanism in crustaceans.


Skeikh Mustafizur Rahman1*, Mst. Shirin Sharmin Khan1, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis2,3, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Md. Moshiur Rahman1, Mohammed Monirul Islam4, Md. Asadujjaman5 and Md. Golam Sarower1

...cted from raw fish (as a whole), different body parts (head, middle and tail) and processed fish (boiled and dried). This study further compared the nutrition values in relation to the price of individual species. Protein content (13.27–33.56%) between species and methods of cooking varied considerably. The highest amounts of protein (19.18 to 33.55%) were found in the fried fish, while the raw and boiled fish contained almost similar amount (protein, 14...
Nael Abutaha, Fahd A. AL-Mekhlafi*, Khalid Elfaki Ibrahim, 
Mohammed S. Al-Khalifa and Mohamed A. Wadaan

Qing Cao1, Wei Jiao2, Huihui Lu1, Jing Zhang2, Meiling Ren3, Yan Xu1* and Shuyang Hu1*

...iabetes mellitus and CHD who were treated in 904 Hospital of Joint Logistic Support Force of PLA were enrolled between January 2018 and January 2020. These patients, according to their 2 h postprandial glucose (2hPG), were divided into the hyperglycemia group (n = 126) and hypoglycemia group (n = 112). Patients in the hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia groups had higher levels of fasting blood glucose (FBG), 2 hPG and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) when comparing...

Qing Cao1, Wei Jiao2, Huihui Lu1, Jing Zhang2, Meiling Ren3, Yan Xu1* and Shuyang Hu1*

...iabetes mellitus and CHD who were treated in 904 Hospital of Joint Logistic Support Force of PLA were enrolled between January 2018 and January 2020. These patients, according to their 2 h postprandial glucose (2hPG), were divided into the hyperglycemia group (n = 126) and hypoglycemia group (n = 112). Patients in the hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia groups had higher levels of fasting blood glucose (FBG), 2 hPG and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) when comparing...
Yongtao Xu1, Dandan Wang1, Xiaolong Hu1, Minling Li1, Ming Tang1, Wuhua Liu2, Jianwen Zhan2 and Weiwei Zhang1*
...lthough the species as a whole is thriving, it is endangered and locally extinct in many areas of China, and the South China sika deer (Cervus nippon kopschi) is one of three subspecies left in China. Diet analysis is one of the core contents in studying animal habitat requirements, and a study of their diet could provide valuable reference for species conservation and management. The metabarcoding trnL regions of the chloroplast genome from 30 fecal samples o...

Irfan Ullah1, Asad Ullah2*, Tahira Tayyeb1, Rafiq Ullah1, Muhammad Hanif1, Faiza Khan3, Imad Khan2, Raheela Taj4, Fatima Syed4, Shumaila Gul5, Muhammad Sadeeq6, Muneeb Islam7, Arsalan Khan8 and Khudija Ghani9

...coagulant added tube for whole blood. The serum was stored at -20°C until further analysis. Biochemical parameters were measured through commercial kits. The result of the current study showed that the values of Alanine transaminase (ALT), Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were higher significantly (P≤0.05) in negative control group (B) as compared to the group C, D and E. The level of uric acid, creatinine and blood urea w...

Zhenglei Qiao*, Jie Xing and Fang Li

...ify;">In this study, the whole mitochondrial genome sequence of Pethia stoliczkana was obtained using high-throughput sequencing technology, and its structure and characteristics were analyzed. The P. stoliczkana mitochondrial genome contained a total of 16,966 base pairs, including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transport RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, and one control region. The A+T content (59.7%) of the whole mitochond...

Genlong Zhan1*, Yunhua Zheng2, Desheng Li*4 and Hongmei Zhang3

...of 130 patients with DPN who were treated in our hospital from January 2015 to July 2016 were selected and randomly divided into a control group and a treatment group, with 65 cases in each group. The control group was treated with conventional western medicine, and the treatment group was treated with self-made Yiqi Huoxue Tongmai Decoction. The efficacy of both strategies was evaluated with clinical symptoms, nerve reflex, electromyography, nerve conduction ...

Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

...ltry farming experience, who made more profit from their production than the rest of the older and more experienced farmers (groups 2 and 3). This study therefore showed that the productivity of broiler farms in the coastal region of Tanzania was low to average, and the reasons for this included the high cost of poultry inputs, the inefficiency of poultry farming management, and the selling price of broilers.  


Ediset1*, Jaswandi2, Fuad Madarisa1, Amrizal Anas1, Rizqan2

... is 100 buffalo breeders who have adopted the AI. innovation. In comparison, the number of samples determined by the Proportional Sampling technique is 50 breeders from 5 sub-districts in Padang Pariaman Regency. Data analysis was carried out in a quantitative descriptive manner, namely the adoption rate of A.I. was measured by the percentage of adoption, and the success rate of A.I. was measured by calculating Service PerConception (S/C), Conception Rate (C.R...
.../font> except for Pb whose concentration (0.19-0.83) mg/kg exceeded the permissible limit (0.3 mg/kg) given by FAO/WHO. The values of all heavy metals in water were beyond the acceptable limit but in wheat grains concentrations of heavy metals were within acceptable limit except for Pb, which indicate the lesser transfer of these metals from soil to the wheat plant. The analysis reveal...


...iafo. Passu, the glacier whose water feeds Hunza River, is also facing retreat due to climate change. Changes in the area under vegetation in Passu village due to Passu glacier retreat have also been estimated using normalized difference snow index (NDSI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) which were also derived from the satellite images. NDSI for snow cover mapping of Passu glacier indicates a decrease of 6.18% in snow covered area (3.0808 km2...


...c efficacy of CEE of the whole plant and the leaves of Tribulus terrestris L and Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. The motility of insects was assessed at concentration of 2, 4, 6 & 8 mg/ml after 2, 4, 6 & 8 hours of post treatment and dead worms were noted. The 8mg/ml concentration of CEE of Tribulus terrestris L. and Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. exhibited 90% and 93% mortality rate, respectively, after 8 hours of post treatment. The positive control, levamisole s...


...luid resuscitation using whole blood and hypertonic colloid fluid in dogs suffering from experimental hypovolemia. Acute hemorrhagic shock was developed in dogs to a touchstone blood pressure of 50 mm Hg, maintained up to 30 minutes. Resuscitation therapy was carried out using autogenous whole blood in dogs of group A (n=6) and hypertonic colloid fluid equal to the volume of lost blood in dogs of group B (n=6). Post-treatmen...


...% and 7% of those ladies who conveyed untimely births and in typical ones factually critical esteem was additionally more than 0.05. The significance level of 0.005872 of TNF-alpha -308 and 0.010089 in TNF-alpha -238 as indicated by Exact Fisher test are important. However, further study on large sample size would increase the risk of pre and post term births in Lahore.


Sri Wahjuningsih1*, Ani Atul Arif1, Khaerudin2, Herlina Pratiwi3, Ardyah Ramadhina Irsanti Putri1 10 male Gaga chickens who were 10 months old, healthy, and normal reproductive organs. Semen was collected using massage methods. This study uses a complete random design of factorial patterns with factor I being the equilibration time and factor II being the different thawing conditions. Fresh semen was evaluated macroscopically and microscopically. The sperm used had a motility of over 80%. The semen was diluted Lactate Ringer with 10% egg yolk and the ad...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Thi Tuong Vi Trang1, Thi Thuy Tien Nguyen2, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Duc Thoa Nguyen2

...f age was extracted from whole blood samples of 393 VLV chickens. The 24 bp indel/PRL target gene was amplified by PCR and the product was separated by electrophoresis on 2% agarose gel for genotyping. Polymorphism was observed at the 24 bp PRL/indel locus, showing two alleles I and D with frequencies 0.57 and 0.43, respectively and three genotypes (II, ID, and DD) with frequencies 18.3, 49.4, and 32.3%, respectively. Hens with the DD genotype had a significan...

Anisa Mushtaq1, Murtaz ul Hasan1*, Asim Shamim2, Muhammad Ali Abdullah Shah1, Muhmamad Arif Zafar3, Abdul Asim Farooq4, Aayesha Riaz1, Muhammad Kamran1 and Saif ur Rehman anatolicum anatolicum whose morphological feature were overlapping with other identified species, were confirmed through molecular tools amplifying ITS-2 gene. Ticks DNA were then examined by PCR employing a genetic marker that target (18S rRNA gene), for the presence of Babesia and Theileria species in identified ticks. The most common pathogen species observed in ticks was Theileria annulata. This study exposed different hard tick species are prevalent in...

Muhammad Wasif Gulzar*, Riffat Maqsood, Muhammad Zain, Muhammad Suleman, Tayyab Ur Rehman, Sana Asif, Abdul Wadood and Jawad Hussain

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Muhammad Inam Ullah Qaisrani1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Zuhair Hasnian2, Umar Khitab Saddozai1, Muhammad Naeem4, Hadia Gul5 and Moneeza Abbass3

Abeer Alahmari1,2* of the target organs whose structure and functions are significantly influenced by toxins. Because the protective impact of myrrh resin on renal damage induced by alcohol intake has not been previously evaluated, this study was designed to investigate the in vivo antioxidant activity of aqueous myrrh extract (AME) on oxidative stress-dependent nephrotoxicity caused by ethanol in rats. Male Sprague‒Dawley rats orally received 40% ethanol (3 g kg-1) and we...

Iqra Munir*, Farrah Iftikhar, Hira Fatima, Sunbal Khalil Chaudhari and Roha Ramash

...ks, seeds, and sometimes whole plant. There was a total of 50 plants out of which 20 plants were used through the preparation of decoction, 17 plants in the powder form and 10 plants used through infusion. 80% plants used to cure cough, asthma, fever, influenza, diabetes and liver diseases. 60% plants used to cure digestive diseases, diarrhea, cancer, inflammation, stomachache and dysentery. About 30% plants used to cure cardiovascular diseases and ulcers. The...

Jin Jiao1, Jin Song1, Yuanyuan Cui1, Yilin Wang2, Yanling Li1, Jing Li1, Yan Su1, Xiaojing Du3, Yan Wang3, Guiping Sun3 and Minxiang Wei4*

... to recruit 190 patients who were at least one-week post-MI as the research participants. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Chinese version of the Multidimensional Fatigue Scale and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were used to analyse the relationship between fatigue and sleep disorders, anxiety and depression, assess the depression status and explore the relationship between myocardial infarction. In this study, 55.3% of patients had sleep dis...

Dio Fico Felsidan Diatmono1, Seraphina Kumala1, Pradita Iustitia Sitaresmi2, Stefani Winda Paramita1, Megawati Andi1, Yustina Yuni Suranindyah3, Diah Tri Widayati1*

... The obtained serum from whole blood was immediately for total protein, cholesterol, glucose, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels assay. The spectrophotometry method used for biochemical data using specifics enzymatic were used. Feed samples were analysed using proximate method to determine dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and total digestible nutrient (TDN) intake. The data results were analysed using Independent Sample T-Test and the correlation between...

Muhmmad Asif1, Khunsa Khakwani1, Muhammad Hasnain1*, Farrukh Ilahi1, Muhammad Hussnain Babar1, Shahid Munir Chuhan1, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1, Iqra Parveen1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Saeed Ahmad2 and Hammad Hussnain2

...nds of farmers, laborers who harvest crops, and other investors including those in the cotton industry may be met by the introduction of this variety. The present study signifies for recommended as the most suitable commercial cotton cultivars for agro-climatic conditions of Faisalabad.


Evy Rossi1*, Fajar Restuhadi1, Raswen Efendi1, Yusmarini1, Rahmayuni1, Emma Riftyan1, Bisma Panca Winata2, Yolanda Ashara2, Usman Pato1

Shangmei Peng1 and Changhe Yu2*

...cases in plain CT group) who underwent CT examination in Yanbian University hospital from May 2012 to May 2022. Binary logistics regression analysis was used to determine the risk factors of PC-AKI in different examination methods. There was no significant difference compared with that in contrast-enhanced CT group (4.90%, P>0.05). The serum creatinine, uric acid and urea nitrogen in the contrast-enhanced CT group decreased, while cystatin C and eGFR increa...

Saad Parvaiz1, Khuram Mubeen1*, Mudassir Aziz1 and Tanveer-ul-Haq2

...atments viz: weeds free (whole season), horse
purslane free till 20 Days after emergence (DAE), horse purslane free till 40 DAE, horse
purslane free till 60 DAE, all weeds free 20 DAE, all weeds free 40 DAE, all weeds free 60
DAE, weedy check (all weeds), weedy check except horse purslane and weedy check
containing only horse purslane. The data showed the maximum yield and yield related
parameters lik...

Arshad Javaid1* and Iqra Haider Khan

... and 62%, and biomass of whole
plant by 44 and 15%, respectively. Root and flower extracts were less herbicidal and
reduced parthenium germination by 23–52% and 33–56%, respectively. In a pot
experiment, soil was incorporated with 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.10, 1.2% (w/w) crushed dry
biomass of C. didymus, parthenium seeds were sown after one week and the effect of

Rehan Habib1, Khuram Mubeen1, Ammar Matloob1 and Muhammad Baqir Hussain2

...eatments i.e. Weed free (whole season), horse purslane free till 20 Days
after emergence (DAE), horse purslane free till 40 DAE, horse purslane free till 60 DAE, all
weeds free 20 DAE, all weeds free 40 DAE, all weeds free 60 DAE, Weedy check (except
horse purslane), weedy check (only horse purslane), weedy check (all weeds). According to
standard procedure data of growth and yield parameters of soybean and weeds...
Muhammad Bilal Niaz1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Khuram Mubeen1, Mahmood Alam Khan1
and Wazir Ahmed2
...v>purslane free crop for whole season, horse purslane free crop for 30 days after sowing
(DAS), horse purslane free crop for 60 DAS, horse purslane and other weeds free crop for
whole season, horse purslane and other weeds free crop for 30 DAS, horse purslane and
other weeds free crop for 60 DAS, weedy check (horse purslane only), weedy check (all
weeds except the horse purslan...

Shabana Mangi1, Waheed Ali Panhwar1, Abdul Manan Shaikh1, G. Sarwar Solangi2, Khalid Hussain Rind3, Nazir Ahmed Abro4, Zaibun-nisa Memon1, Gul Hafeeza Lund1 and Paras Somroo1

...sely coarse punctures on whole body, frons depressed, prontal angles tapered, lengthened, scutellum shield shaped trigonal spots, 1st to 3rd antennomers quadrates, clypeus bigonal, legs lengthened, tarsi denticated, 5 claws on tarsi, meta tarsi slightly smooth. Male genitalia (aedeagus) is wider than longer, base broader, lateral lobe of parameres slightly bigonal, lateral margins with golden hairs, median lobe of parameres broad at base, rapidly narrowing api...

Shabnam Javed1, Amna Shoaib2 and Zaid Mehmood1

...sulphur were analyzed in whole
plant of S. tomentosa. The results revealed the occurrence of considerable proportion of
carbohydrates (52%) and protein (23.80%). Moisture, fat and ash contents were found in
small amount i.e. 6.25%, 2.02% and 0.20%, respectively. Elemental analysis displayed the
highest content of carbon (44.92%) followed by hydrogen (6.16%), nitrogen (5.17%) and
sulphur (0.43%). GC-MS...

Yuping Liu, Sige Wang and Tianyan Yang*

...The A + T content of the whole mtDNA was 55.39 %, suggesting an obvious anti-G bias (16.64 %). The positive AT-skew (0.01) and negative GC-skew (-0.25) were revealed. The analysis of codon usage showed that NNA-type codons were used most frequently, which was consistent with the A bias at the third codon positions in PCGs. Three base mismatches were detected in the secondary structures of tRNAs, namely A-C, U-U and A-A, which mainly occurred in the amino acid ...

Siti Zubaidah1, Chusnul Hanim2, Bambang Ariyadi3, Aji Praba Baskara2*, Zuprizal2

...enzyme addition showed a whole and smooth cell-wall structure, and that of PKC with enzyme was looser, coarser, and more porous. In conclusion, PKC without shells had higher chemical components, AA, and FA than the PKC with shell. The results on the cell-wall structure of PKC with enzyme showed that enzymes could loosen the cell-wall bonds of PKC.
Keywords | Amino acid, Cell wall structure, Chemical composition, Enzyme, Fatty aci...

Nageen Iqbal1,2*, Abdul Mateen2, Laiba Shafique1,*, Huma Naz3, Saif ur Rehman4, Nouman Nazir2 and Qingyou Liu4 of L. rohita analysed whole body composition revealed that lower values of total fat there was observed no significant differences in carbohydrates and moisture content of fish was observed. Bone meal could replace fish meal as an acceptable protein source to promote growth of L. rohita without any negative effects on growth and body composition.


Youlin Fu1, Zhongming Yang1 and Chongrong Qiu2*

... recorded by patch clamp whole cell recording technique, and the BK currents and BK tail currents of CA smooth muscle cells were recorded and compared between the two groups. The BK α and BK β proteins expression in the two groups was detected by western blot. The average PC density of CA smooth muscle cells in hypertension group decreased to (68.72±5.14) % after the addition of 100nM IBTX, while that in Wistar group reduced to (33.21±...

Xiaodong Lin*, Guangyao Wu and Fu Zhang

...nother 50 healthy people who did not have intestinal lesions at the same time were selected as controls. The immunohistochemically results demonstrated that occludin positive cells were mainly expressed in the cell membrane and cytoplasm of epithelial cells and glandular cells, with brownish yellow staining particles. The expression of occludin positive cells in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). β - ...
Ashraf Khan1, Muhammad Waseem Khan2,3, Imrana Niaz Sultan2, Abdul Manan Kakar4, Saad Ullah5 and Afrasiab Khan Tareen2*
...strict Quetta. Fifty-six whole raw milk samples from cows and buffalos were collected and analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy for metal contents. Levels of metals (mean±SD) such as mercury (1.97±0.49 ppm), antimony (0.37±0.08 ppm) and aluminum (0.49±0.33 ppm) exceeded the maximum permissible concentration whereas, all other studied metals including arsenic, lead, iron, sodium, cobalt and chromium were below the recommended...

Viranga Kumudini Jayasundara¹*, Ali Khatibi², Jacqueline Tham²

...participants (dog owners who have local or native dogs). The measure was five point rating likert scale. RDO and SDP management were higher-order constructs, and dog-keeping practice, behaviour, veterinary services, abandonment, and owned stray dogs were first-order constructs of the model. Structural equation modeling with maximum likelihood estimation via AMOS 21 software was employed. The study showed that RDO and VS were significant and positive predictors...
Muhammad Umair1, Nowsherwan Zarif1*, Zahid Rauf1, Anwar Ali1, Ghayyas Ahmed1, Basheer Ahmed1, Salman Ahmad1 and Saifullah1
...on. In contrast, farmers who are older, less educated, and whose properties are located closer to markets were less likely to plant trees in between and on the border of the fields. Cultivators should be aware of the potential benefits that might be derived from agroforestry systems and should strive toward making the growth of these systems economically and environmentally. Further, in order to ensure sustainable economic ...
Saddam Rasham1*, Sohaib Ahmed1, Arz Muhammad Umrani1, Sidra Jamil2, Tariq Khan1, Shehr Yar Nasim3, Safi Ullah1, Haseeb Ahmad1 and Asfand Yar Nasim1
... to learn how the people who live in Ganga Choti feel about the influence tourism has had on their lives and to analyse those sentiments. During the interviews, people of Sudhan Gali and Bani Minhasan, which are two villages located in Azad Kashmir close to Ganga Choti Bagh, were asked questions in an order that was randomised. This allowed for the questions to be answered in any way that was most convenient for them. For the aim of our research, we conducted ...
Basheer Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Salman Ahmad1, Nowsherwan Zarif1* and Saif Ullah Khan1
...s. Out of 50 individuals who were interviewed, 68% believe that there are no significant types of damages in plantations, whereas 28% believe that damages have happened in plantations. In accordance with the survey, 38% of people do not engage in self-cultivation, 48% of people are tenants who work on other lands under a share cropping system, and 7% of people have their own land but have also purchased land from owners....
Pervez Manan1, Farhat Jabeen1 and Ahmad Zamir2
...otal dry biomass for the whole study area.
Carbon stock (C) in Kg was calculated by the following equation (IPCC, 2006):
C = 0.47M (2)
Where, M is dry biomass.
In both Biomass and Carbon Kg were converted to Tonne (t) by dividing it by 1000.
The study concluded that a total carbon stock of Pinus gerardiana in the study area was 239082 tC with an average density of 9.19 tC/ha. In the stu...
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Muhammad Yousaf Khan Syed Zakir Hussain Shah and Khalid Jan
...pable of setting off the whole debt of the country in less than 6 months. Harnessing the hydel power potential will open new era of development, employment opportunity to the world No.1 largest youth force of the country, this will close the option for the unemployed youths to join militants.

Tanveer Haider, Aurangzeb Ashraf, Ambar Masud
...d fauna in Pakistan. The whole study of Phytosociological Analysis of State of Existing Vegetation in Reserved Forest, compartment 20 of Margallah Hills National Park, basically aimed at % vegetation cover, stood 78%, shrubs and grasses cover, in total 79 vegetative species were found in the area, however 7 remained unidentified forage productivity remained 1160 kg/ha, animal units was almost .03. Pressures and threats to park and particular compartment are di...
Muhammad Afzal, Aqeela Mobeen Akhtar and M. Mahboob-ur-Rahman
...rry reports about people who have succumbed to the heat. Heat records were broken in Multan in June 1993, when the mercury was reported to have risen to 54oC. In August the oppressive heat is punctuated by the rainy season, referred to as barsat, which brings relief in its wake. The hardest part of the summer is then over, but cooler weather does not come until late October.

Mamoona Wali Muhammad and Iftekhar Ahmed
...mangrove vegetation as a whole for fuel purpose. Responses about priority of importance of mangroves showed that shelter and progress of fish was at first priority then shelter and progress of wild birds, shelter and progress of vertebrates, fuel wood, protection barriers for villages, control on tides and erosion of coastal banks, environment apiculture and eco-tourism respectively.

100% of the respondents were in favor of social forestry schemes i...

G. R. Keerio guideline for juniors who have recently joined the forestry profession and have not practically seen/witnessed the regeneration process. Other agencies involved in afforestation will also be benefited.

Syed Shahinshah Gilani, S. M. Chaghtai and Umbrin Khan
...owed by leaves, stem and whole plant material For the growth of plumule, leaves were found to be highly toxic followed by whole plant, roots and stem. Enhancing effect on the growth of radicle was not observed However, it was observed on the growth of plumule by roots and stem extracts only....
Mian Muhammad Shafiq and Umeed Khalid
...n one side, trees in the whole field and trees in whole field with barbed wire/fence. The damage was observed in the plots with trees on two sides and in plots with trees and fenced sides. The damage observed was very minor i.e. 0.09% to 1.07%. It is concluded that damage to wheat crop by house sparrow is negligible and the trees around the field or inside the whole field do not pose any t...
Mohammad Nabi and Muhammad Ullah
...Seedling/saplings in the whole Malakand Forest Division. The maximum regeneration was found on South-western aspect whereas minimum were found on the North-eastern aspect. ...
Ghulam Rasool
...s. The British travelers who first saw the Yak in Pamir, being widely reared by the nomadic tribes, remarked It seemed to be able to do every thing except lay eggs....
Babar Sohail and Kanwar Muhammad Suleman
...ons (farmers) was fixed, who were selected randomly from one Tehsil district Attock under stratified random sampling technique to assess the impact of Eucalyptus planting on farmlands. The information collected through the questionnaire was analyzed statistically. Economic comparison between Eucalyptus tree raising and agriculture crop production has shown that the former is a profitable practice having high benefit cost ratio than the later. Moreover, out of ...
Kanwar Muhammad Suleman and Nadeem Kausar
...ulp from Paper mulberry whole wood has the superior strength properties compared to the Soda or APMP pulps. However, APMP process gives the higher yield than Soda or Kraft pulps. High yield pulp from Paper mulberry bark may be used for the supplementation to the hardwood or non-wood pulps to improve their tear properties. The present study fully justify the establishment of Paper mulberry plantations on private and government land in the country....
Muhammad Iqbal
...wners of the villages in whose boundaries these forests are included. The owners of guzaras have the right to collect, free of charge, fuelwood and timber for their domestic and agricultural needs, graze and collect forage for the livestock. Management of these forests, however, rests with the Forest Department, against the management charges at the rate of 20 percent of the net timber sale proceeds....
Hanif Gul, Nighat Mansoor Chaughtai and Rukhsana Kausar
...nd abdomen covering the whole body within a period of two weeks. The study showed the susceptibility of these insects to the fungus B. bassiana which could be used as biological control agent in the field....
K. M. Siddiqui and Mohammad Amjad
...roleum gas (LPG). Those who use fuelwood and charcoal, they also purchase it from the market. Thus in strict commercial sense a market for woodfuels exists only in urban areas. Each urban center has a number of firewood sales depots which sell fuelwood to the consumers. In some cases the firewood sales depots also sell charcoal....
S. M. Rafique
...itute. Both cuttings and whole nursery plants were planted in it at a spacing of 2.7 x 2.7 meters (9 x 9 feet). Irrigation was applied as and when required from an open sewerage drain. All necessary cultural operation were carried out according to the plan of operations. Ten years old tree crop in may, 1992 consisted of only 536 trees because there were numerous gaps in it. Amongst these, 11 trees were defective (top broken per dry and partially rotten from gr...
K. M. Siddiqui
... tried to tell all those who would listen, that forest have multiple benefits e.g. timber, fuelwood, fodder, wildlife, water and recreation. Their voice was truly one in the wilderness. They did not receive any particular attention and political support for a long time. The forestry problems were given a very low priority in national and international development programmes especially in the developing countries. On the other hand, agricultural and i...
Mir Baz Khan
...d persons and children who cannot work else-where on the farms.

Large areas of NWFP potential wealth of mulberry trees, the only food of silkworms. Climatic conditions for silkworms rearing are also suitable in many parts of the province. Silkworm rearing is therefore, carried out throughout the province where mulberry trees plants are found in .abundance. The following sericulture centres have been established over the years in the province....

K. M. Siddiqui
... by private contractors, who became heavily involved in malpractices, and institution of private contracts came into serious disrepute and was abolished. Since mid-seventies all the provinces of Pakistan are carrying out their timber harvesting and marketing either departmentally (Punjab and Sindh) or through public corporations (NWFP and Azad Kashmir). In the beginning, all these organizations were using tools and methods of forest contractors b...
S.A. Khan and A. R. Beg
...inburgh for confirmation who named it B. wallichiana Baill.var. microphylla Hook.f. The taxon represents a new record for Pakistan and is reported....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, R. W. Hussain and Saliheen Khan
... and 373 tonnes. Average wholesale price of firewood was Rs.28/-, 40/-29/17 per 40Kg for Hazara, Peshawar, Kohat and D. I. Khan Civil Division respectively. The whole-sale price for anthracite coal was Rs.1400/-, 1600/-, 650/- and 256/- per tonne for Hazara, Peshawar, Kohat and D. I. Khan Civil Division. The price in the last two cases is rather low as it is available from nearby coal mines....
M.I. Sheikh, Saliheen Khan and Raja Walayat Hussain
... production cost and the whole sale price of one gross of match boxes is Rs.16.85 and Rs.18.27 respectively. The current annual consumption of wood is around 14,662 m3. The demand for round wood for the year 1990,1995, and 2000 comes to 18,069; 20,795 and 24,202 m3 respectively....
Saliheen Khan and M. I. Sheikh
.... meter is Rs.45 and the whole sale selling price is Rs. 50 leaving a very nominal profit margin of Rs. 5 per sq.m. The current annual consumption of wood is around 70,000m3; the projected demand of round-wood for the years 1990, 1995and 2000 is 107,000,144,000and 180,000m3 respectively....
Salahuddin Ahmad draw inferences as to who other than Allah could have caused their existence and subsequent maintenance. Among the creation of Heavens and Earth, while the former is decorated with Jannat, the garden of bliss, the latter is also provided with every type of vegetation and animals of all kinds (Sura Luqman, Ayat-10). Indeed when Aadm was asked to quit the garden of heaven where he and Eve were provided with plenty of things, they were directed to des...
Ashiq Ahmad least 400 animals in whole Koh-e-Suleman....
S. Rehman
... germinated and survived whole growing season under limited irrigation. Though there was no promising vegetative growth however, plant sprouted vigorously during next season i.e. February - March 1982 and produced fodder at the rate of 19.7075 metric tons per hectare and seed collected from the crop was 600.96 kg. Per hectare. It was observed that plant can withstand high rate of soil moisture stress and is suited to arid conditions prevailing in Mastu...
M. I. Shiekh and B. H. Shah
...3rd surface painted and whole surface painted except four circular areas left on the four opposite sides to reduce the perculation rate of water. It was found that pitcher irrigation is a useful technique for the establishment of tree vegetation in the arid conditions. The results also indicated that the painting treatments to the pitchers could out prove effective to increase the survival percentage and growth rate of both the tree species. ...
M. Ihsanur Rahman Khan
...he nomadic tribal people who lead a pastoral life and their chief occupation then was rearing of livestock. It also provided fuelwood, charcoal and some timber....
M. Ihsanur Rahman Khan
...tural development in the whole of the United Arab Emirates. Inspite of the harsh climatic and edaphic environmental conditions prevalent in this area and after tackling various problems suitably, a substantial amount of progress has been achieved in the agricultural development field in last about five years....
Raja Walayat Hussain
...akistan Forest Institute who felled some plots of this species last year. The latter group of data consisted of small sized trees. In order to get an adequate representative sample for each diameter class, random selection of 20 to 40 trees was made from each diameter class having more than 100 trees. Finally 343 trees were used in this study....
G. M. Khattak
...ipura, and Lushai tribes who subsist on shifting cultivation (jhuming). They cut and burn the forests and sow rice, millets, vegetables, cotton, melons and tobacco by dibbling in patches and harvest the crops as they ripen. Every two to three years, as the soils get depleted, they move to another area, leaving their abandoned clearings to revert to forest.

According to Cowan (1923) the Chittagong Hill Tracts were made a district in 1860, and...

R. H. Jafri Dr., K.M. Saleem, R. Iqbal and Qaisra Fazal
...and finally occupied the whole cell. Due to rapid increase in number of nuclear polyhedrosis virus, the cells and finally all the tissues disintegrated, resulting in death of the individual. Nuclear polyhecrosis virus infection in silkworm caused heavy losses to poor Sericulturists. ...
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Wali-ur-Rehman
...meri Westwood caused whole sale defoliation of Pinus roxburghii in nine square kilometers in Mirpur forest during 1970-71. study of biology revealed that moths appear from middle of May to middle of July. Males are active fliers but live for a day while females are apterous, apodous and live for 3 to10 days with an average of 7 days. Females remain in the pupal shell inside the bags and are impregnated by males by inserting their long abdomen throu...
Ashiq Ahmad and M. Ismail Chaudhry
... birth to tow young ones who live initially in mother's milk switching to tender barks 2-3 months later. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Abdul Aleem The river traverses whole of the district of Skardu after covering about 8C0 km. stretch before entering into the boundaries of Pakistan. As it meanders down, small streams and nullahs contribute their share to the total stream flow. About 10 km. down strefm of Gilgit town, it is joined by Gilgit river, which itself is formed by the union of Gilgit and Hunza rivers....
Bahadur Ali Khan in Northern Areas....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...the distinguished guests who have graced this occasion of the Twenty-fifth Passing-Out Ceremony of the Pakistan Forest Institute. I am particularly grateful to you, Sir, for agreeing to be with us to preside over this function despite your multifarious and pressing engagements. Your presence at this function provides encouragement and feeling of elation to the forestry service in general, and to the students, staff and officers of this Institute in particula...

Sura Ayed Radam*, Inam Badr Falih

...ffect of Concanavalin-A, whole killed lyophilized Streptococcus pyogenes antigen(WKLA) on immune response of rat. Methods To achieve this purpose, 20 Albino male rats were divided equally into four groups and immunized subcutaneously(s/c), 1st group was immunized with (100 mg/ml) of S. pyogenes antigen with added equal volume of Freund’s adjuvant, 2 doses, 14 days intervals, 2nd group was immunized s/c with Concanavalin-A Con-A (1.5 mg/ml), 3rd group was...

Syed Shahid Imran Bukhari

...k to the health of those who have asthma, especially and occupants of such houses normally. Curative steps are needed to safeguard the people at risk. 
Novelty Statement | This study is unique in reporting the risk of high indoor carbon dioxide concentrations for asthmatic patients of people living the urban areas of Lahore Pakistan.

Ahmad Shandookh Hameed1, Ali Abd Kadhum2 and Murtada Wafi Beden1

... associated pneumonia of whom 23 were confirmed positive. for SARS-CoV-2 (infectious group) and 18 were tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 (non-infectious), were recruited in this study during the period from February to September 2022 at Al-Hussein. Teaching Hospital in Thi-Qar province, Iraq. Endotracheal aspirate samples were collected for the presence of microbes, using traditional cultivation methods along with antibiotic susceptibility testing for cultivated...

Nada Hamzah Shareef Al Shabbani1, Marwa Jamal Hussain Al Kinani2*, Tmara Qais Al-Mohammadi1 

... full of scabies burrows who visit teaching hospitals and private dermatology clinics in Kut, Wasit Province, Iraq. Treat groups were split into 30 females, and 20 males; with persistent itchy nodular lesions of scabies demonstrated clinically and histopathologically. Everity grade scabies was evaluated by the number of lesions and rated it as severity of itching. Long-term treatment with topical glucocorticoids for 14 days in every age. Tissue from the bliste...

Ghodrat Akhavan Akbari1, Saman Hayadokht1, Saeed Sadeghiyeh Ahari2 and Ahmad Gasi1* shivering in patients who underwent inguinal hernia repair with spinal anesthesia. The present study consisted of patients with herniorrhaphy in the Fatemi and Imam Hospital of Ardabil who were studied through a double-blind clinical trial. with spinal anesthesia from 2017 through 18. In the study110 cases with hernia were included. In both studied groups of Meperidine or oxycodone, patients were allocated randomly. Inter...

Muddassir Ali, Fraz Ahmad Khan*, Mohsin Ali Raza, Muhammad Shahid Munir and Muhammad Usman Saleem

Agus Subhan Prasetyo, Tutik Dalmiyatun, Siwi Gayatri, Kadhung Prayoga, Wulan Sumekar and Joko Mariyono* obtained from farmers who grew shallot in the glebagan and conventional systems, with a sample size of 100 for each group. The sample selection criteria include the farmers adopting the glebagan system for two years in technically irrigated lands in the peak season of shallot. The control group was selected based on the same seasons. Production function was employed to analyze the impact of the glebagan system. The results show that farmers growing shallots...

Yaowu Zhan, Dandan Su*, Jinxiu Bai, Fang Li and Yulian Dong

...y tract infection (ARTI) who were treated in our hospital from October 2020 to April 2022 were selected as the research subjects. The variation of C-reactive protein concentration was tested by sphericity hypothesis, and the Greenhouse-Geisser method was used for in-depth analysis. The Receiver-Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn to evaluate the early predictive value of serum amyloid A and C reactive protein in children with acute upper respiratory...

Yueting Chen* and Ying Hu

... end stage renal disease who were treated in our hospital from August 2020 to July 2022 were selected as research objects. The nutritional status of the patients was evaluated by counting their 24-hour dietary status and using MQSGA (Modified Quantitative Subjective Nutrition Assessment) scale, and was analyzed in combination with the determination of biochemical indicators and body weight. The factors influencing hemodialysis malnutrition of end stage renal d...

Yueting Chen* and Ying Hu

... end stage renal disease who were treated in our hospital from August 2020 to July 2022 were selected as research objects. The nutritional status of the patients was evaluated by counting their 24-hour dietary status and using MQSGA (Modified Quantitative Subjective Nutrition Assessment) scale, and was analyzed in combination with the determination of biochemical indicators and body weight. The factors influencing hemodialysis malnutrition of end stage renal d...

Maysaa A. Jumaah*, Ali A. Al-Iedani 

... antigens (sonicated and whole-killed bacteria) of E. coli. We also aimed to reveal tthe nature of host innate and adaptive immune responses by measuring the extent of their effects on the level of pro-inflammatory (interferon γ and interleukins (IL)-12) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4 and IL-10) and innate immune responses (total white blood count, phagocytosis and respiratory burst). Our results demonstrated that all vaccines have induced both in...

Ying Li, Peng Zhan, Qiang Wang and Dongfeng Chen*

...of 110 patients with VKO who underwent total knee arthroplasty at Fujian hospital. The patients were divided into the lateral compartment cartilage abrasion group (n=30) and the lateral compartment cartilage non abrasion group (n=80) according to the lateral compartment cartilage status. The clinical data and laboratory indexes of patients were collected, and the risk factors of cartilage wear in lateral compartment of patients with VKO were analyzed by single...

Tariq Zaman1*, Fawad Khan2, Sajjad Ahmad2*, Alia Mehsud2, Atta Ur Rahman3, Muskaan Zaman2 and Sumaira Noor2

...ecies (50%), followed by whole plant 18 species (42.85%), seeds of 9 species (21.42%), stem of 8 species (19.08%), root of 5 species (11.90%), latex, shoots of 2 species (4.76%) and flowers of 1 specie. The most significant number of plant species that helped alleviate digestive problems was 12 (58.57%) of the total, followed by intestinal problems with 8 species (19.04%), abdominal pain with 7 species (16.66%). Different quantitative indices like Use Value (U...

Muhammad Wasif Gulzar*1, Riffat Maqsood1, Hussain Abbas1, Musharraf Manzoor1, Muhammad Suleman1, Hassaan Ahmad Bajwa2, Ali Hamza2, Shaher Yar1, Muhammad Zain1, Abdul Wadood1 and Noman Aslam3 the number of people who can contract and spread a virus, which may reduce the prevalence of sickness. Aside from their deadly toxicity, certain pesticides have characteristics that alter feeding patterns or otherwise impede the spread of viruses.


Mahfuza Ferdous1, Sabuj Kanti Nath1 and Mustasim Famous2*

...0 Holstein Friesian cows who are in first parity (primiparous) were grouped, and milk samples were taken both in the morning and afternoon. The average milk production was 1.63 times higher in the morning than in the afternoon production. In the farms, the tethering grazing system was higher (43%) than the zero grazing (36%) and extensive grazing (21%) systems. 43% of farms relied upon local and natural grasses, whereas 21% produced their own fodder, and 36% s...

Li Wang, Feifei Feng, Kefei Peng, Yan Zhang and Ling Zhou*

...singleton pregnant women who had delivered at our center, and screened for syphilis by using CIA during early pregnancy from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019. Pregnancy outcomes of syphilis false-positive group were compared with those of syphilis negative group. Total of 16,935 singleton pregnant women were included in present study Compared with negative group, false-positive group shows older delivery age, smaller gestational weeks at delivery, and lowe...

Fadia W. Al-Azawi1* , Huda M. Hamid2, Husam Jasim Mohammed1 and Jan Muhammad3

...n alter scenarios in the whole of Iraq amid the period (1951-2020), at that point predicate, the alter until 2050. The PRECIS Regional Climate Model (RCM) is utilized to simulate the current time period from 1951 to 2020, as well as a future time period from 2021 to 2050. The model operates at a spatial resolution of 25 x 25 km. The RCM can provide timely and appropriate forecasts for usage in rainfall scenarios. The study aim to prepare maps to predicate rain...

Hafiz Muhammad Ashraf, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir* and Javed Iqbal Qazi Primer 7 Software for whole study compared seasonally. Cluster analysis (Euclidian distance) and poly component analysis performed by using Origin Software (2016). A total 877 (258 in low and 619 in high flow season) fish specimen was collected using a variety of fishnets and identified by using standard taxonomic keys based on morphometric characters. These fish specimens belong to 10 orders, 21 families, 37 genera and 50 species. The family Cyprinidae was...

A 90-day feeding trial was designated to evaluate how canola meal (CM)-based diet supplemented with phytase (PHY) and citric acid (CA) affects whole-body composition and hematological parameters in Cirrhinus mrigala and Cyprinus carpio fingerlings. Sixteen experimental diets (T1─T16) with varied CA (0 and 2.5%) and PHY (0 and 750 FTU/kg) levels were prepared. The fingerlings were fed at the rate of 5.0% of live fish body mass. Fifteen fish were randomly stocked into triplicate tanks for each of sixteen test diets. Significant (p<0.05) increase in crude protein (CP) and crude fat (CF) was noticed in fish fed T12 (2.5% CA and 750 FTU/kg PHY) diets. Comparison of treatments showed maximum values of RBCs (3.57×106 mm-3 and 3.18×106 mm-3), PLT (83.32 and 80.35), Hb (8.92g/100ml and 8.62g/100ml) and PCV (29.07% and 30.07%) in C. mrigala and C. carpio fingerlings, respectively, when fed with T12 diets. Conclusively, a 50% CM-based diet with 2.5% CA and 750 FTU/kg PHY supplementation, performed better in terms of whole-body composition and hematological parameters in C. mrigala and C. carpio fingerlings.

...citric acid (CA) affects whole-body composition and hematological parameters in Cirrhinus mrigala and Cyprinus carpio fingerlings. Sixteen experimental diets (T1─T16) with varied CA (0 and 2.5%) and PHY (0 and 750 FTU/kg) levels were prepared. The fingerlings were fed at the rate of 5.0% of live fish body mass. Fifteen fish were randomly stocked into triplicate tanks for each of sixteen test diets. Significant (p<0.05) increase in crude protein (CP) and c...

Iffat Ara Mahzabin, Mohammad Maruf Hasan*, Saifur Rahman, Md. Asaduzzaman Sarker and Md. Yeakub Ali

... categories of fishermen who are involved in inland capture fisheries and marine fisheries. The fisherman ID card services are essential in ensuring the capacity for management, control, and surveillance to manage fisheries effectively and eradicate illegal fishing. To address this issue, we conducted a study to gauge the fishermen’s satisfaction level with the services provided by fisherman identity cards. We conducted the study in two unions of Madarga...

Bilal Ahmed Qazi, Nowsherwan Zarif, Anwar Ali*, Faizan Ahmed, Asim Karim and Ali Nawaz 

...n of 184 million people, who directly depend on goods and services provided by dryland natural resources, especially natural forests. In the dry zone areas, the natural forests have completely disappeared and degraded. The forest cover cannot be regenerated naturally in dry areas with erratic climatic conditions. Several research organizations such as the Pakistan Forest Institute, PARC, IC, FAO, UNDP etc., initiated systematic research in dry areas to combat ...

Sher Afgan1, Muhammad Asif2, Iqra Yaqoob3, Muhammad Latif4, Zureesha Sajid2, Kainat Akram3, Ghulam Mujtaba5, Manzoor Hussain6, Muhammad Farooq1, Mourad Ben Said7,8* and Furhan Iqbal3*

... present study. Subjects whose age varied between 41 and 55 years and women suffered more from RA.  It is concluded that polymorphisms in GSTs may disturb the protection provided by them against oxidative stress which may influence disease progression in RA.


Mukondwa Olivia1, Rugare Joyful Tatenda1, Mabasa Stanford1 and Mandumbu Ronald2*

...xploited by smallholders who have little access to herbicides. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of sorghum and pearl millet cultivars for their allelopathic effect against several weeds. Water extracts of the stems root and leaves of twelve sorghum and pearl millet cultivars were screened for their ability to suppress germination and dry weight of blackjack (Bidens pilosa L.), upright starbur (Acanthospermum hispidium L.) and goose ...

Ahmed J. Jaafer1*, Alaa K. Jassim1, Nidhal A. Hashim2 

...rom gestational diabetes who were diagnosed by doctors at Maysan Children’s and Maternity Hospital for the period from 5/11/2023 to 5/20/2024, along with 50 pregnant women who did not have gestational diabetes and 50 non-pregnant women who did not have gestational diabetes as a healthy control group. The study groups were divided according to body mass index into a normal weight grou...

Sumaya Loay Mohamed Shams Al-Dean1*, Sura Shakir Hammoud2, Mohammedali J. Ghafil3

...ur Ghezel-Merinose rams, who were roughly two years old, were employed .They were kept in settings of uniform lighting, housing, and food. The farm’s feeding programme was applied to the experimental animals as well. Ejaculate of the rams is divided into seven groups. For the investigation, only ejaculates with a weak motile function were chosen. Divided into four equal aliquots, each ejaculate was diluted using an Egg-Yolk-Citrate (EYC) extender penicil...

Abdul Ghaffar1*, Ayesha Maqsood1, Riaz Hussain2, Ghulam Abbas3, Rabia Tahir4, Habiba Jamil1, Fozia Afzal5, Ahrar Khan6,7, Muhammad Ahmad Chishti1, Shahnaz Rashid3, Aliya Noreen8, Kashfa Akram1 and Maria Niaz1

...ict Bahawalnagar, Punjab who were exposed to pesticides, a total of 5ml blood was collected in both EDTA tubes and serum vials. The purpose was to study the hematological, biochemical, and genotoxic potential in rural inhabitants exposed to pesticides. Samples were collected across different age groups and compared with those from 100 unexposed individuals. Demographic characteristics of the pesticide-exposed workers in the district were also observed. Hematol...

Heba El-Sayed Mostafa1,2*, Lama Sulaiman Alahmadi1, Shiyma Abullah Alrahule1, Nada Fareed Alzughaibi1, Hala Rafat Zulali1, Yasmin Islam Magdi3, Saada Saad Alharbi1

...e (P ≤ 0.05) in those who accepted the use of animals as they got older. Binary multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that females and those in the medicine specialty were significant predictors of opinions on animal research. Linear regression analysis showed that age and source of knowledge were significant predictors of overall knowledge score on general knowledge of ethics in research. Conclusion: In conclusion, Saudi Arabia’s undergrad...

Fitrini1*, Masyhuri2, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti3

...he provisions of farmers who specifically raise local beef cattle in 3 districts which are the agribusiness centers in agropolitan area, so that a total of 101 farmers, and in-depth interviews with 10 experts. Data analysis was conducted using analysis of existing conditions of resources and other supporting factors, Location Question (LQ) and shift share analysis (SSA) to determine beef cattle potential, and SWOT analysis was used to formulate agropolitan are...

Emad M. Gad1, Haidy G. Abdel-Rahman2, Mohy Eldin Abd-El-Fattah1, Merna M. Kamal1, Ahmed Shaker Eltahan3, Amina A. Dessouki3*

...ter being fasted for the whole night. Sixty albino rats were separated into six equivalent groups. Group I control rats administrated 0.5ml distilled water by gavage for six weeks, group II untreated diabetic rats, group III–VI are diabetic groups; received dapagliflozin (1 mg/Kg daily) by gavage for 6 weeks, mulberry fruit extract (300mg/kg b.wt) by gavage, mulberry leaves extract (250 mg/kg b.wt) by gavage and combination of DAPA, MFE and MLE, respecti...

Eman Mamdouh Qenawy1, Mohamed Abou-Ellail1, Fatma Abdel-Motaal2, Mohammed O. Alshaharni3, Nady Khairy Elbarbary4*

...ich can affect consumers who rely on meat as a primary source of these nutrients. Food adulteration can be intentional (for the financial benefit of producers, processors, and retailers), or incidental (happens during production, handling, and storage). This study used the sensitive and specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique to identify the various meat species in meat products marketed as 100% beef and sold in Aswan City, Egypt, with distinct micr...

Basirat Opemipo Amoo-Adeboye1*, Kazeem Olanrewaju Amoo2, Saheed Adeyinka Odediji3, James Akinwunmi Ogunniran1, Adenike Titilayo Olayinka1 and Oluyinka Oladele Opaleye1 of pregnant women who can be infected within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. It has been estimated that-, up to 85% of neonates are born with a pattern of growth restriction and major birth defects known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) characterized by cerebral, ophthalmic and auditory manifestations. Determination of the susceptibility levels among pregnant women as well as factors influencing their susceptibility is an important first line appro...

Iram Alam Sthanadar1*, Muhammad Zahid1, Sami Siraj2 and Omar Malik2

...racted from 200 μL of whole blood samples obtained from the patients by using the Wiz-Prep DNA extraction kit (Wiz-Prep no. W54100). Sanger sequencing was used for genetic analysis. Data analysis was done by using IBMS-KMU SPSS 23 version. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for T2DM subjects was determined using an online HWE calculator. The rs1057910 polymorphism in CY2PC9 gene responsible for drug metabolism was analyzed which showed that our population has h...

Muhammad Salim1,2*, Muhammad Zakria2, Ahmad Ur Rahman Saljoqi2, Shahid Sattar2, Ayhan Gökçe1, Amjad Usman3 and Hayat Badshah4

...rts of P. hysterophorus (whole plant, stem, leaves and flower extracts) and control (only water) which were applied randomly within each block. Wheat variety “Faisalabad 2008” was sown in the first week of December and general agronomic practices were applied as per the recommendations for wheat sowing. The pre- and post-spray data were collected after 1, 2, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days. The aphids population was found on the decreasing trend after spray a...

Qamar Ullah1,2, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan1*, Raheela Akhtar1 and Aftab Ahmad Anjum3

Mohamed T. A. Soliman1, Hadeer M. Shosha2, Hala M. Ebaid2, Heba Nageh Gad El-Hak2, Heba M.A. Abdelrazek3* The male offsprings, who were exposed to low and high COC levels throughout their mothers’ pregnancy, statistically P≤0.05 exhibited a significant elevation in IL-2, IL-6, IgG, IgE and TOS levels in comparison to the control rats. On the opposite hand, IL-4 and TAC showed reduction in their level. Rat pups of the mothers that were given 73.5mg COC exhibited a statistical P≤0.05 increase in lymphocytes accompanied with hypertrophy in the white p...

Moh Sofi’ul Anam1, Ali Agus1, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto1, Gunawan2, Andriyani Astuti1*

Muhammad Ahsan Raza1,2*, Nabila Roohi2, Abdul Qayyum Khan Sulehria3 and Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan4

...s of rotifers during the whole year cycle. Findings of this study suggested that rotifer fauna could be a robust bioindicator of water quality in aquatic ecosystem.

Roshita Ibrahim1*, Mohd Firza Ahmad Fauzi1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
... market’s range of wholesome beverages. The investigation involves creating a drink with suspended black jelly mushroom pieces and sweetening it with various agents like sucrose, xylitol, erythritol, stevia, and honey. The study evaluates the drinks’ physicochemical, and functional properties, including sensory acceptability to see the potential utilization of low-calorie sweeteners. The analysis covers parameters like total soluble solids (TSS), c...

Jaafar Haider Abd Alrudah1, Nada Fadhil Abbas2*, Farah Ali Hadi1, Haider Tuma Kaab3 

... produce an antigen from whole-cell fraction (WCF) antigen in mice. The estimation of humoral immune responses and IgG showed that the levels of the antibodies were higher in the immunized group than in the control group. Collectively, the study revealed a high level of IgG antibodies in the serum of pigeons immunized with the attenuated WCF antigen. However, future work is warranted to use a purified vaccines to demonstrate the immune induction potentials in ...

Rehan Ullah1, Fazli Rahim1, Muhammad Sajid1, Shakir Ullah2*, Shahab Ali2, Lubna Shakir3, Mohammad Sohail4 and Ghani Subhan5

...ges (35 to 75 years old) who were interviewed and included men and women, who were involved in the compilation and utilization of plants. The study region was carefully visited in all four seasons of the year and 183 plant species belonging to 73 families were collected which is composed of 9.6% of species were shrubs, 65.4% of species were herbs, 25% of species of trees, were collected from September 2018 to August 2020. Am...

Hina Jabeen*, Usman Irshad, Kainat Azhar, Alisha Fatima, Asma Zaheer Abbasi, Tayyaba Sadia and Jaweria Aqeel

Faheen Riaz1, Sarfraz Mehmmod1, Aatka Jamil1, Khansa Jamil1, Imran Riaz Malik2, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1* and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

...techniques, most notably whole-genome sequencing, SNP genotyping arrays, and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) arrays. The next-generation sequencing method is an effective way of locating functional genes and genetic variations linked to crucial economic features in livestock when compared to the other two methods. The most significant economic qualities in the dairy industry are milk yield and composition, which are typical quantitative traits that are...

Ali Sabeeh Ali1, Noor Abdulaala Kadhim2, Entissar Mansour Abdul Rasool3, Amran M. Al-Erjan4, Qais R. Lahhob5*, Mustafa Mudhafar6,7 


... diagnosed with LCA2 and who possesses the intended mutation. OCT and ERG were done at baseline and then at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks after the injection to analyse the changes in the retinal thickness and function. All the results highlighted long-standing and Statistically significant increases in retinal thickness in the treatment group compared to the control group at weeks 4, 8 and 12 after injection. The same is true with the treated group which exhi...

Muhammad Abdul Basit1, Lionel Kinkpe1,3*, Abdur Rahman1, Boko Michel Orounladji2, Hafiz Qadeer Ahmed3, Muhammad Subbayyal Akram4, Elodie Dimon5, Gadah Albasher6, Syed Muhammad Suhail1  

... for small-scale farmers who depend on these animals for their livelihoods. This study extends existing research on alternative feeding systems by investigating the global relevance of feeding strategies—stall-feeding, semi-grazing, and grazing—on the performance and profitability of three Pakistani goat breeds: Makhi Cheeni, Barbari, and non-descript. A total of 243 goats were systematically assigned to treatment groups, ensuring nutritional balan...

Moses Teye1*, Joshua Amoni1, Awal Fuseini2

... Most of the respondents who reared animals slaughter them in their homes without stunning, nor undertaking antemortem and postmortem inspections on them, thus raising animal welfare and meat safety concerns. Shockingly, some respondents slaughter animals for consumption mainly when the animals were sick, were not responding to treatment or die from natural causes, despite the apparent risks of transmitting zoonotic diseases and consuming antibiotic residues i...

Haiyan Wen1*, Kai Liao1, Zhengrong Yuan2 and Ning Zhou2 

...used to select 200 ml of whole blood from 60 unpaid blood donors who entered the blood station from January 2022 to October 2022. The acquisition time is controlled within 10 min. The plasma samples were divided into six groups (A, B, C, D, E, F) by using a random number table, 10 in each group. Group A (plate freezer for 30 min, - 30 ℃ storage), Group B (plate freezer for 30 min, 4 ℃ storage), Group C (plate freezer for...

Yong Su Park1a, Dong Won Seo2a, You Sam Kim2, Myung Hum Park2, Min Jee Oh3, Sang Hwan Kim3,4*

...f the deer, and analyzed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to determine whether they could be classified as subspecies of Cervus nippon hortulorum in the Korean Peninsula. 11 Sika deer with similar morphology to those presented in ancient literature were finally selected. Most of the sequence reads of the mtDNA gene sequence were mapped to a 2.8 Gbp region, which is 97.6% of the total region in all reads mapping. The average number of reads was confirmed to be 708...

Yonis Gulzar1*, Faheem Ahmad Reegu2, Arjumand Bano Soomro1,3, Mohammad Shuaib Mir1, Abdul Zahir4* and Choo Wou Onn5

...gly important to farmers who implement smart irrigation practices, which is reflected in their tendency to integrate IoT technologies into their agricultural operations as well. Accordingly, a third hypothesis is substantiated, which asserts that perceived benefits and economic outcomes of IoT adoption are the driving factors for the adoption of IoT. There is a strong tendency for farmers to embrace IoT technologies when they perceive substantial economic gain...

Shajaan Ridha Hasan, Farhan Khaleel Hussein*, Feedan Mohammed Junaid

...ion rate was in patients who were far from sand fly transportation sources, 13.698%.
Keywords | Cutaneous leishmaniasis, Sand-fly, Epidemiology, Kirkuk Governorate, Hawija District, Daquq District

Ariani Trisna Murti1, Budi Hartono1*, Hari Dwi Utami1, Tri Wahyu Nugroho2, Tina Sri Purwanti1, Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara1

...ata from 510 respondents who are purchasing free-range eggs, structural equation modeling is employed to address the research questions. The results reveal that consumer demographics, product attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control positively and significantly impact willingness to pay (WTP), which is a mediating variable. Additionally, WTP, and these factors, significantly influence key outcomes like product stability, habitual buying, re...

Nguyen Hoang Qui1, Budi Guntoro2*, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra2, Nguyen Thi Anh Thu1, Noemi C. Liangco2, Nguyen Thuy Linh1

...ars old and mainly males who participated in production activities. Farmers reported having completed high school, with pig farming as their primary occupation, averaging 10 years of experience. Farmers primarily raised finishers using crossbreeds, predominantly produced on-site. The average number of pigs on the farm was approximately 30. Farmers recognized the livestock support policy across almost all criteria, with the highest recognition for financial sup...

Alejandra Gómez1, Valeria Almeida2, Emilia Vintimilla2, Manuel Coronel1, Geovanny Rodriguez3 and Elena Balarezo1*

...t of replacing eggs with whole milk in the production of mayonnaise. This involves assessing the physicochemical variables: fat and pH; and performing a sensory analysis. For the analysis of fat, the Soxhlet method was used, and the pH was measured with a potentiometer at 20°C. In the sensory analysis, a descriptive analysis was carried out followed by discriminative duo-trio tests, triangular tests, and an affective sensory evaluation using hedonic flavou...

Dina Al-Shinawy1*, Reda E.M. Moghaieb2, Sara B. Awaly2, Gihan El-Moghazy1 and Dalia S. Ahmed2

Chonglin Yang1, Cuiping Yang2*, Jingwen Jiang3, Haifang Lai4 and Wenqiang Xia5 impacts on patients who suffered COVID-19. However, the correlation between the dose and times of vaccination and the natural course of disease after infection has not been determined. The objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between the type, dose, times of vaccination and the time of negative turning, clinical symptoms and the natural course of disease. Retrospective analysis was adopted for which the patients ...

Xinmin Liu1, Fengming Ni2 and Lan Gao1*

... in patients with stroke who have been hospitalized in ICU. Age and length of stay are independent risk factors. Patients with cerebral stroke that age> 65 years old and length of stay> 26 days were more likely to develop HAA. Early warning mechanism and corresponding preventive measures of HAA in stroke patients should be established in clinical practice. Meanwhile, nutrition management of stroke patients should be strengthened, hemoglobin should be mon...

Odda J. 1 Aliero A.A. 2 Waako P. 3 Obua C. 4 Kabasa J.D. 5

Volume 2, Issue 5 September and October 2018 Pages 75-84


Bashir I. 1 Adam A.S. 2 Yahaya H.S. 3 Makeri D. 4 Ntulume I. 2 Aliero A.A. 5 Afolabi R.O. 6

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 175-184

Hongmei Dai1, Shixiong Xu1, Zhipeng Liu1, Hailong Huo2, Fuhua Yang1, Xia Zhang3* and Jinlong Huo1,4*

...ermatogenesis. Here, the whole-transcriptome sequencing was performed on the testes of 12-month-old adult boars of Banna mini-pig inbred line (BMI), which identified the CDK16 gene as being highly expressed in the BMI testes. The initial average expression of the CDK16 gene in BMI testes was found to be 4,385, with a corrective average expression value (TPM) of the corresponding transcript ENSSSCT00000035953.3 being 54.3489. The full-length coding region of CD...


Ram Bahadur Khadka1,2*; Ravin Bhandari2; Rabin Gyawali3; Balram Neupane1; Dhakaraj Pant4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 675-687

Enas M. Hefzy1*; Reda M. Taha2; Safaa Abd El Salam2; Abdelrhman Abdelmoktader1; Mahmoud A.F. Khalil3

...r of
persons who are already susceptible to infections, including those who are healthy or immunecompromised.
Infections can occur worldwide; however, they are particularly prevalent in the
Asia-Pacific area. Virulence plasmids as well as other conjugal components contain the
genetic material that gives hvKp its hypervirulence phenotype. Although th...

Dalia G. Ali1; Gamal F. M. Gad1; Osman A. O. Ismail2; Hala R. Ahmed1*; Reham A. Ibrahem1

...e obtained from patients who were attending
to different hospitals in El-Minia governorate, Egypt. Approximately 23 % of the samples
belong to Proteus spp. isolates which were obtained from various clinical sources. After
biochemical identification, 42.1 % of isolates were found to belong to Proteus vulgaris and
57.8 % to P. mirabilis. The urine samples collected from catheterized patients represented 32.6

Gamal, Abdelaziz1*; Heba, A. Mostafa2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 736-745


Mati Ullah*; Muhammad Ibrar; Salah Uddin Khan; Habib Ullah; Nasir Ali Khan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 868-883
...tomography (CT) scan and whole-genome sequencing. However, such time-consuming diagnosis has critically highlighted the need for a fast and specific testing approach for earlier detection. It is expected that the ongoing research advances and the continuing efforts for the fight against COVID-19 will soon bring a fruitful discovery in in vitro diagnostics techniques. Meanwhile, the efficiency and performance of any novel diagnostic approach should be censoriou...


Gehendra Adhikari

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 955-967
...umber of infected people who were exposed to the bat animal market in Wuhan city, China, they suggested that the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (i.e., COVID-19) is likely to be associated with zoonotic transmission. The disease was declared as pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11th of March, 2020. The clinical and genetic characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 support a similar patho...

Maysaa, T. Alloosh1*; Walid, I. Khaddam1; Adbulsalam, K. Almuhammady2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1077-1090
...ill help the researchers who work in biosynthesis of NPs and in the nano-medical application fields.


Enas, M. Hefzy1*; Mona, I. Ahmed2; Abdelrahman, M. Ahmed3; Doaa, Y. Ali4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1146-1161

Prasanta Majumder1*; Shyamalendu Laskar2; Aesha Zafna3; Manisha Koul4; Anudarsh P. Kalakumari5; Pallavi A. Thomas6

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1294-1300

Sara M. Farag1; Rasha A. Nasr1; Nesma G. El Sheikh2; Mona A. Khattab1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1325-1337
...-risk patients and those who will be hospitalized for longer periods.



Fatma Ahmed Abdel Aziz1; Gamal Fadl Mahmoud Gad1; Ahmed Mohamed Kamal El Shafei2; Reham Ali Ibrahem1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1725-1741 sampled from patients who attended to the Ophthalmology department, Minia University and Malawi Ophthalmology hospital, Egypt. A total of 200 eye swab samples were analyzed over the entire period of the study. Results showed that about 133 eye swab samples expressed growth of about 147 pathogenic bacterial spp. The predominant isolated bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus (44.89 %), followed by Coagulase negative Staphylococci (29.9 %). On the contrary, Eshe...

Syeda Sadaf Wajahat

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2265-2284
...he therapeutic industry, whose market value is around 1.1 trillion US $. The enzyme biocatalysis is a prevailing approach that can be implemented in an assortment of industries, and is a more discriminative tool, sustainable, and eco-friendly as compared with the chemical catalysis.



Gehad M. Mohamed1*; Ahmed B. Barakat1; Marwa M. Gado1; Fatma M. Abdallah2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2320-2338
...ected Egyptian patients, who received Sofosbuvir (SOF) and Daclatasvir (DCV) combination therapy. All patients that were infected by chronic HCV had completed treatment with SOF and DCV combination therapy and were followed up after the end of this treatment. A total of 10 out of 100 serum specimens were collected from the enrolled patients and analyzed, where two and eight specimens were representatives for VR and SVR, respectively. These samples had undergon...


Hend M. Radwan; Nagwan G. El Menofy*; Sahar M.R. Radwan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2510-2525
...chain reaction (PCR) and whole genome sequencing (WGS). Metagenomic WGS sequencing provides more extensive genomic data and taxonomic classification than quantitative PCR, as it makes sequencing for the entire genome of microorganisms. The objectives of this review were to demonstrate the primary mechanisms through which bacteria develop resistance to antimicrobials in water, and investigate the impact of hospital effluent water on the spread AMR and ARB. Addi...

Merry Muspita Dyah Utami*, Aryanti Candra Dewi, Rosa Tri Hertamawati, Dillenia Jasmine, Nala Wafia, Jini Saputri, Kornelius Hangga Septiyanto (including seed), and whole fruit (peels and arils) using six replicates for each part of the pomegranate. Four types of maceration were used, such as aqueous, ethanol, n-hexane, and chloroform for each part of the pomegranate. The experimental design was completely randomized design, if differences were found, it was continued with Duncan’s test. The parameters of the study were water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, ash, polyphenols, flavonoids,...

Adeola D. Ayanyinka1,2*, Itunuoluwa Oyelayo1,2, Adedayo Simeon Okediji1,2, O. Opaleye1,2, O. Ojurongbe1,2 and Olugbenga A Olowe1,2

Csongor Demeter1, Zoltán Német2, Zsolt Gerencsér1, Róbert Juráskó1, András Mayer1, Boróka Bárdos1*, Anett Demeter-Jeremiás3, Erika Lencsés-Varga4, Zsolt Matics4

... of rabbits during their whole life cycle. During the fattening period (5-11 weeks of age), the Eimeria infection is on high level while the P. ambiguus infection is in low level. 
Keywords | Rabbit farming, Eimeria infection, Passalurus ambiguus infection, Coccidiosis, Pinworm, Age-dependent 

En Zhang1, Ming Zhu1, Wenli Zhu1, Wei Xiong1, Zhongfei Huang1, Xin Qiao2 and Chuanfu Song1*

...patients with depression who were diagnosed for the first time and did not receive drug treatment in our hospital were selected as the depression group, and 42 healthy people who underwent physical examination in our hospital during the same period were selected as healthy controls. We compared the serum levels of NGF, GDNF, VEGF, and IGF-1 between the two groups. The patients in the depression group were treated with SSRI a...

Cheng-Hong Chen and Ling-Xian Ding*

...d bloodstream infections who were hospitalized in our hospital between March 2016 and March 2018. All patients were examined by blood culture, and the PCT and CRP levels were examined to observe the diagnostic value of PCT and CRP. Of the 108 patients with positive blood culture and 190 patients were negative. Serum PCT (12.25±1.36) pg/mL and CRP (84.26±2.81) mg/mL were higher in the positive group than in the negative group (1.26±0.25) pg...

Zhenfeng Cai1, Xingli Jiang2, Xintao Dai1 and Pinglei Wu1*

...ed to select 86 patients who were scheduled to undergo total LH from March 2020 to April 2022. The patients were divided into control group (CG) and research group (RG), 43 cases each. All patients are treated with PCIA, CG with Sufentanil+Granisetron, RG with Nalbuphine combined with Sufentanil+Granisetron. At 6h and 12h after operation, the scores of VAS and Ramnsay sedation was lower in the RG. The PGE2 and 5-HT water of the RG patients at 6h, 12h and 24h a...

Shuang Jin, Lishu Sun* and He Wang and Yang Li

...h traumatic brain injury who underwent surgical treatment were selected in the First Hospital of Jilin University between August 2020 to August 2022. Food consistency diet plan was implemented since February 2021, and 52 patients were divided into groups by random number table. The control group (GC) carried out routine postoperative diet, and the research group (GR) carried out quantitative food consistency diet plan on the basis of GC. After the intervention...

Xiang Lv1, Sufang Zhang2, Li Ling3, Xian Wang4, Ying Xia5, Xiaoping Wang6 and Yan Li1*

...August 2018, 80 patients who were diagnosed as tumor and received radiotherapy were randomly divided into Ginsenoside Rg3 group and control group. The lymphocyte increment rate, the expression rate of cell membrane surface molecules (HLA-DR, HLA-ABC, CD3, CD4, CD8) were measured by flow cytometry. The positive expression rates of lymphocyte antibodies (IgG, IgM) and Th1, Th2 cells were measured by ELISA. Compared with the control group, different doses of gins...

Li Yang1, Xuliang Ma2 and Chao Wang1*

...he sample of 67 patients who needed dental implants in Hebei Provincial Eye Hospital from March 2021 to March 2022 were randomly grouped: experimental group (immediate implant placement + implant covering PRF, n=40) and controls (immediate implant placement, n=27). The patients were followed up for 6 months to evaluate the treatment effect. The osteogenesis ability of the two groups at different time points and the state indicators around the implant before an...

Muhammad Farooq*, Shahab Momand, Salim Saifullah and Sanam Zarif Satti members of community who possessed knowledge about medicinal plants. Information was gathered in the local language (Pashto) and covered various aspects, including plant names, parts used, traditional applications, and availability. A total of 44 plant species were collected to find their ethnobotanical status which belongs to 29 families from study area, being used traditionally for various daily requirements. Among them the Asteraceae and Apocynaceae wer...
Kashif-ur-Rehman1,2, Ahmad Bakhsh1, Muhammad Akram Tariq3
Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan4 and Sumaira Mehboob1*
...patients with PCI or ACS who were on clopidogrel treatment and analyzed them for CYP2C19*3 and CYP1A1 allelic variants using gel-based screening of allele-specific amplified products. Sanger sequencing was utilized for the validation of our gel-based genotypes. The observed allelic frequency distribution of CYP2C19*3 variants were 35% heterozygous for A/G variants, 12% homozygous for A variant, and 53% homozygous for G wild type. While in the case of CYP1A1, t...

Xiao Li, Wen Liu, CaiYi Chen and Shaoming Lu*

...ese patient was enrolled who was clinically diagnosed with PCD, and his family members were inquired for pedigree analysis. Different clinical and radiological tests were also performed. While genetic analysis, including Whole Exome (WE) and Sanger Sequencing for variant identification, was done. In silico functional analysis and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis were also performed. A 39 year old patient exhibited scoliosis and infertility. Gene...

Guoqing Lai1*, Youxia Dai2 and Yuling Lan1

...m 112 patients with SUPs who underwent CS in the Ganzhou Fifth People’s Hospital from 2020 to 2022. Fifty-six patients received a treatment with calcium agents combined with Carbetocin (Comb group), and another fifty-six patients received a regular treatment (Regu group). The PH outcomes were compared between the groups and statistical analysis was performed. The PH volume in Comb group was substantially inferior to that in Regu group (P<0.05). The in...

Hao Weng, Liang Zhu, Zhu Mei, Mingxian Wu and Qiang Xu*

... A total of 134 patients who underwent internal fixation surgery for FNFs were recruited. Based on their postoperative prognosis, patients were categorized into a control group (CG) (favorable FNF healing, n=100) and an observation group (OG) (non-union FNFs, n=34). Levels of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, IL-8, C-reactive protein (CRP), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) were compared at preoperative (D0), postoperative day 1 (D1), postoperative day 7 (...

Fuyi Liu, Qian He, Luling Luo and Qiong Mu*

...including STEMI patients who met the inclusion criteria, and they were divided into Nicorandil group (NG) and control group (CG). The left ventricular end-systolic volume index (LVESVI), wall motion score index (WMSI), ejection fraction (EF), and clinical symptoms were compared between subjects adopting different methods following 6 weeks of intervention. The extent of myocardial infarction (MI), neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PL...

Shuangmei Zhu1, Xiang Lan1, Hanying Wang1 and Jianan Hu2*

...with CRC at our hospital who were diagnosed during January 2019 and December 2022 were collected and marked as a cancer group (CCG). On the other hand, three hundred twenty healthy patients who underwent routine physical examinations at our hospital during the same period were selected as a control group (CTG). Furthermore, genotypes of three IGF-1 genes, rs6218, rs35767, and rs574261, were analyzed using MR analysis. In add...

Jinjian Ma1, Zhaokang Wang2 and Hong Liu3*

...consisted of 52 children who were admitted to our hospital from August 2021 to August 2022 and diagnosed with congenital pyelonephric junction stenosis (UPJO) leading to hydronephrosis through imaging examination. At the same time, 20 hospitalized children without hydronephrosis were enrolled as the control group. Record two sets of urine β Compare the protein expression and mRNA expression of AQP-1 and ET-1 in 2-MG, serum creatinine (Scr), and serum Ccr,...

Shouyan Cao1, Aili Yan2, Wenhua Zhang3, Fangfang Li1 and Xiaoning Liu4*

...imental group (group B), who were admitted to the Binzhou Medical University Hospital from August 15, 2022 to June 10, 2023. Besides, 25 non-pregnant healthy female employees were selected as the control group (group A). The DNA was extracted from venous blood, which was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Besides, the uterine tissue samples were processed and subjected to immunohistochemistry to monitor the phosphorylation level of ERK1/2, so as to ...

Duo Yuan, Bin Shi and Yanhua Tu* blood fever psoriasis who were treated in our hospital from May 2020 to May 2023 randomly were selected as study subjects and included into an observation group (group SCD, n=50) and a control group (group CWM, n=50). The group CWM were treated with conventional western medicine, while the group SCD were treated with SCD. After one month, the clinical efficacy, IL-6 and TNF-α levels of the groups were compared. The results showed that the total effect...

Jia Nie1*, Ze Weng Yong Zhong1, Di Wang2 and Ming Jian Li3

... Their RBC, HGB, HCT and whole blood viscosity were under M’s performance, and the effects of DXKH and DXKL groups were more significant. There were sixteen differential metabolites in the treatment of HAPC with Duoxuekang capsule, involving nine metabolic pathways. Four of them were related to the pathogenesis of HAPC, including glycerol, pyrimidine, arginine, proline and glutathione metabolism (P<0.05). Duoxuekang capsule has obvious anti-hypoxia ef...

Jia-lue Hua1,*, Peng-fei Wang2,*, Ye-ping Song3, Meng-lei Ding4, Li-ling Wang3 

...mutation was screened by whole exome sequencing. Furthermore, the plasmid containing wild type or mutant was transiently transfected into HEK293T cells. Realtime PCR and Western blotting were performed to evaluate the expression of GLRB. The distribution of GLRB was observed by immunofluorescence. One novel p.M99K mutation in the extracellular ligand binding domain of glycine receptor beta subunit was identified in our patient. Through the comparison of differ...

Meixiang Li, Meiyan Liu, Xuehua Sun and Juan Li*

... helps to discover women who are at risk of neonatal jaundice in the future. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression level of miR-137 in women with GDM and its relationship with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. During this cross-sectional descriptive study, the serum of forty patients with GDM (13 pre-diabetic and 27 diabetic) were collected at different gestational ages. Then, the total amount of cellular RNA was extracted and the expraession ...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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