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Scandal of the Evangelical Mind: A Biblical and Scientific Critique of Young-Earth Creationism

Scandal of the Evangelical Mind: A Biblical and Scientific Critique of Young-Earth Creationism

Bruce L. Gordon

History and Philosophy of Science, Houston Baptist University, USA & Center for Science and Culture, Discovery Institute, USA


Young-earth creationism (YEC) is one of the more peculiar manifestations of broader evangelical culture. It continues to be the most common view of the relationship between science and Scripture held in the evangelical community and, unfortunately but understandably, the view of science most non-Christians associate with evangelicalism. For scientifically literate non-Christians, it presents an obstacle to Christian faith, and for young Christians who have been raised to equate YEC with the teaching of Scripture, it can destroy their faith altogether when its falsity is discovered. With a view toward encouraging a culture of biblical and scientific literacy and overcoming the anti-intellectual legacy of fundamentalism that sustains this particular “scandal of the evangelical mind”, we offer a synoptic critique of young-earth creationism while developing and defending an evangelically acceptable alternative for understanding the relationship between God’s works and God’s words.

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Science, Religion and Culture


Vol. 5, Sp. Iss. 1 Pages 1-82


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