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Salma Shaheen, Muhammad Jamil Khan, Saleem Jilani (EM) on the agronomic performance of spinach crop, at Gomal University D.I. Khan during 2009- 11. A commercial product called Bio-Aab was used as a source of EM. Organic manure was first mixed with Bio-Aab, left for 7 to 15 days at room temperature (20oC) and then applied to appropri- ate pots. The treatments of farm yard manure (FYM) @ 10 t ha-1, press mud @ 20 t ha-1, compost @ 0.7 t ha-1 and poultry manure @ 5 t ha-1 were applied with half of the recomme...

Muhammad Mudassar Maqbool1, Anser Ali1, 2 *, Tanveer ul Haq1, Muhammad Nasir Majeed1, Dong Jin Lee2


... induced water stress on performance of different wheat varieties at critical growth stages. Three wheat varieties viz. Faisalabad-2008, Lasani-2008 and Kohistan-97 were manually sown in polythene lined pots. Five water stress treatments were created by withholding the irrigation for specified time at critical growth stages viz. tillering, booting, anthesis and milking (grain filling), whereas a well-watered treatment was also included during whole plant growt...

Ahmed Sultan Jatoi1*, Shahid Mehmood2, Jibran Hussain2, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2, Yassar Abbas3, Muhammad Akram2


...gate the six-week growth performance in four different strains of Japanese quails maintained at Avian Research and Training Centre, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. For this purpose, 2160 newly hatched quail chicks were randomly picked up from available stock and then placed into 108 experimental units (replicates comprising 20 chicks each). Growth parameters i.e. weekly body weight (g), weight gain (g), times of weight gain, feed intake (...

Muhammad Rizwan Tariq1*, Muhammad Issa Khan1, Aysha Sameen1, Mahr un Nisa2


...ficantly enhanced growth performance of rabbits and improved poly unsaturated fatty acids in the meat of rabbits as compared to other groups.



Khalid Usman1*, Niamatullah Khan2, Fazal Yazdan3

...>Yield and fibre quality performance of DNH-105 strain in comparison with standard cotton varieties (CIM-573, CRIS-342, Gomal-93, NIAB-112 and CIM-612) was assessed at Cotton Research Station, D.I. Khan, Pakistan, during growth season 2011‑2013 in a randomized complete block design replicated thrice. The strain DNH-105 gave optimum yield owing to more bolls per plant (37.2), boll weight (3.4 g) plus higher ginning out turn (39.9%) compared to the standar...

Tauseef Taj Kiani1*, Mozammil Hussain1 and Hidayat ur Rahman2


...phenom- enon of superior performance of F1 progeny over their parents not only trans gured maize breeding schemes but also constituted the foundation of maize seed industry. Evaluation of per se performance of parental lines and estimation of heterosis and inbreeding depression are prerequisites to start hybrid development program. In this context, we explored heterosis and inbreeding depression in indigenous maize germplasm...

Seyed Mohsen Mirbod

...ase which influences the performance of the joint during walking. Various types of knee orthosis have been designed to improve the performance of the subjects, however, such cases are often associate with post-operational complications. The aim of this study is to design an orthosis which is easy to use, economical and effective. A new knee orthosis was designed to improve the performance ...

Anna-Maria Andersson*, Ann-Kristin Nyman, Per Wallgren

...can predict the breeding performance of the female needs to be further evaluated.


Haq Aman Ullah1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Ijaz2 and Aqeel Javeed3

Mukhtarullah1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal1*

...dy aims to compare yield performance of newly released varieties of wheat by delay in sowing in the season under rainfed condition. Field experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Farm, Ahmad Wala Karak, Pakistan in a randomized complete block design (RCBD); split plot arrangements in three replications during winter season 2014-15. Sowing dates were assigned to main plot and varieties to sub plot as treatments. Thirteen wheat varieties (i.e. Pak.2013, ...

Qaizar Ahmed1, Fida Mohammad2, Hidayat-ur-Rahman2, Sheraz Ahmed2* and Fakharuddin2

Nadeem Khan1*, Arshad Ali Khan1, Mukhtar Ahmad2, Muhammad Nouman2 and Badshah Islam1

...s of results and overall performance Tarocco and Hamlin performed best in all aspects while Arnold Blood and Cara Cara revealed poor growth.  


Keyvan Sharifmoradi1*, Nader Farahpour2

...sed significantly due to performance of ankle joints plantar flexor which decreased in this group of subjects.


 Zar Muhammad and Mohammad Tariq Jan

...ear over 1st year. Maize performance linearly increased with increase in FYM (25 to 75%). Compost application with or without fert-N, enhanced maize productivity, in a more productive and sustainable way. FYM as composting material is superior over legume and cereal residue.


Sungil Kim1, Muhammad Riaz2, Amjad Farooq3 and Sungkwon Park4*

...olubles (DDGS) on growth performance, meat quality and fatty acid composition of pork belly. A total of 50 gilts and 50 barrows (initial BW 26±6.3 kg) were randomly allotted to 2 diets including a corn-based control diet and control plus 9% DDGS. After 105 d administration of experimental diets, growth performance, pork quality traits, and fatty acid composition in loin were analyzed. No significant difference in grow...

Mazhir Nadeem Ishaq, Li Cui Xia, Rukhsana Rasheed, Zeeshan Ahmad, Muhammad Abdullah

...t effects (ATE) on eight performance indicators. The outcomes of study disclosed that cooperative members have higher farm income, more milk production, reared improved cattle breeds, get better access to veterinarian services and used more nutritious fodder (silage), as compared to non-members. The findings of study also provided the evidence that establishment of milk marketing cooperatives foster more economic opportunities to female dairy smallholders and ...

Pan-pan Guo1, Wei Liu2, Yan Li2, Rui-yu Ma2, Wang Zaigui1*, Kai Zhan2*, Jun-ying Li2 and Sheng-nan Liu2 

...ociation with production performances in two Anhui local chicken breeds. A total of 800 chickens (400 Huangshan black chickens and 400 Huainan partridge chickens) of similar age and weight were evaluated in the present study. We extracted DNA from blood samples and analyzed polymorphisms of HTT gene as wells as possible association with egg production performances including age at first egg (AFE), laying rate (LR), egg produ...

Dilawar Hussain* and Abdul Mateen

...its effect on the growth performance of Nile tilapia over a period of 10 weeks. Inclusion of AFB1 at both 2 and 4 ppm levels significantly (p<0.05) decreased specific growth rate (SGR), net weight gain (NWG), average daily gain (ADG), survival, feed intake, feed efficiency ratio (FER) and protein efficiency ratio (PRE), irrespective the addition of the 4TX in the diets. Among different dietary groups of the fish, % survival was not affected significantly (p...

Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1*, Lorenzo Gallus2, Sara Ferrando2, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman3, Abdul Ghaffar4 and Abdul Mateen5

... and frequency on growth performance, nutrient utilization and body composition of juvenile black fin sea bream, Acanthopagrus berda (weight 23.5g−125.8 g) were investigated. Fish were randomly distributed in rectangular glass tanks (150 liter) and were fed at six ration levels of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,3.5, 4.0 and 4.5% body weight per day (BW d−1) and four feeding frequency i.e., once, twice, thrice and four times per day. Fish in all replicates were fed ...

Fida Mohammad, O.S. Abdalla, Sheraz Ahmed, Fakharuddin and S. Rajaram factors in the varied performance across years, however, the grain yield of synthetic derived wheat lines across different environments was not significantly disturbed within each year and hence, are suitable for areas of prolonged drought. Some lines of synthetic derived wheat especially those carrying blood from T. tauschii germplasm were equivalent in performance to superior cultivars used in the study, thus can be uti...

Hina Fatima, Lal Almas and Bushra Yasmin

...ides reflect the general performance of the inputs in terms of their degree of changes in cotton-melon output to change inputs reflected by the allocative efficiency analysis. It is indispensable that policies aimed at adapting innovative farming techniques must be implemented in an efficient manner. Effectively implementation of agricultural schemes, formal education and in-formal education should be realized. During and after conducting the agricultural rese...

Ibni Amin Khalil* and Raziuddin

...l for seed yield plant-1 performance. Differences among the parental lines, testers, F1 hybrids and line × tester interaction for found significant (P<0.01) for the studied parameter. Promising genotypes for seed yield i.e. L-4, L-5, L-7 and T-4 were identified as best parents as they outclassed all other genotypes by producing maximum seed yield per plant of 28 g. Since, the line × tester source was significant, hence data was further subjected...
Yusuf Koc1, Ecevit Eyduran1* and Omer Akbulut2
...s to evaluate predictive performances of CHAID, Exhaustive CHAID, and CART regression tree methods for different combinations of parent node: child node in the data set regarding animal science. To achieve the aim, 1884 Mengali lambs were provided for predicting weaning weight from sex (male and female), birth type (single and twin), birth year (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009), farm (Research station, Mastung, Quetta, and Noshki), birth weight, dam age, and d...
S. Bushra1,*, M. Tariq1, M. Naeem1, M. Ashfaq1, I. Bodlah1 and M. Ali2
...micals on physiology and performance of endoparasitoid of aphids, Diaeretiella rapae. Seven different treatments of semiochemicals and plant extract were applied on aphid pests, Sitobion avenae and Rhopalosiphum padi and parasitoid was released. The data regarding emergence, parasitism, sex ratio, tibia length, adult weight and adult longevity of parasitoid D. rapae after the application of treatments was studied and analyzed statis...
Muge Aliye Hekimoglu*, Kgrşat Fırat, Şahin Saka, Cüney Suzer, Aysun Kop and Yaşar Durmaz
...up B, whereas the lowest performance (1.29±0.38 g) was received in Group C. The best feed conversion ratio was found in at Group B. The total carotenoid content of skin of fish were found to be 0.77±0.61 µg.g-1 on the initial day in the experimental group. As a result of the measurements performed on the 120th day, the pigment values were determined as 30.39±0.39 µg.g-1 in Group A, 39.07±...

Iftikhar Ahmad, Abdul M. Saleem, Ghulam Mustafa, Khurram Ziaf, Irfan Afzal and Muhammad Qasim

Majed Rafeeq1,*, Nadeem Rashid1, Muhammad Masood Tariq1, Rassol Bakhsh Tareen2, AsadUllah1 and Zahid Mustafa1
...erbs as feed additive on performance of broiler alternative to antibiotics. One-day-old (N=320) broiler chicks were divided into eight treatment groups with four replicates of ten chicks. Six treatments were three herbs i.e. Allium sativum, Cassia angustifolia and Artemisia scoparia @ 0.5 and 1.0% respectively, control (basal diet), and a positive control (Oxyfeed® @ 2g/kg). In the study, the treatment groups, which w...
Adel Eid Mohamed Mahmoud*
...minal parameters, growth performance, meat analysis and feed intake of growing lambs. Fifty one Barki lambs with body weight of 30±0.57 kg; in three groups (17 animals, each). Experimental rations were composed of concentrate and clover hay in a 60:40 concentrate: roughage ratio.There was no effect of bakery by-products inclusion on nutrients digestibility and nutritive values except digestion coefficients of crude protein and digestible crude protein. ...
Muhammad Tahirand Memoona Shehzadi* seasons. Overall the performance of sunflower was better in spring as compared to autumn season. However, it was also noted that the combination of PGPR-1 + PGPR-2 and half recommended doses of chemical fertilizer gave results as full recommended dose of chemical fertilizer alone. Therefore, PGPR enhanced the yield by reducing the use of chemical fertilizer, leading towards the sustainable agriculture.
Ahmed Mujtaba1, Tariq Masud1, Asif Ahmad1, Waqar Ahmed3, Saqib Jabbar3* and Robert E. Levin2

M.K. Pandit,P. K. Pal and B. K. Das

Effect of date of sowing on flowering and incidence and damage of melon fruit fly in snap melon Cucumis melo var.momordica genotypes
...ere selected to evaluate performance of eight genotypes, named as BCSM-1 to BCSM-8. The experimental design was factorial RBD with 3 replications. Observations on days to first male and female flowers, node number of first male and female flowers, total number of fruits and number of melon fruit-fly [Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett),Diptera: Tephritidae] infected fruits were recorded.Snap melon being a monoecious and warmth loving crop, tends to bear increas...

Sitansu Pan and Amrita Das

Control of cowpea (Vigna sinensis) root and collar rot (Rhizoctonia solani) with some organic formulations of Trichoderma harzianum under field condition
...onsidered even better in performance than maize. In some parts of India it is also used as green vegetable and pulse. The crop is known to suffer from a variety of diseases. Among those root rot and collar rot are important and R. solani has been an important factor behind these two main diseases. A field trial was conducted during pre-kharif season of 2011 to control root and collar rot of cowpea caused by Rhizoctonia solani with two organic formulations of T...

Goutam Samui and S. Jha

Biology, seasonal incidence and management of Apsylla cistellata Bucton. on mango in West Bengal
...lls/shoot). However, the performance of all the three insecticides were statistically at par.



Dhananjoy Mandal

Eco-friendly management of mealybug and wilt in pineapple
...anual weeding]. By yield performance and reduction of percentage of wilted plants and mealy bug population, T3 was the best and T2 ranked second. Percent of wilted plants in T1, T2 and T3 were 11.88, 4.19, 2.62; mean mealy bug population/plant were 9.33, 5.29, 4.20, and yields were 32.5 tha-1, 38.7 tha-1, 41.6 tha-1, respectively. Benefit: Cost ratio was highest in T3 (1.30) followed by T2 (1.24) and T1 (1.09).


Rauf Ahmad1, Karam Ahad2 and Aziz Ullah Shah3
...y, were tested for their performance against the respective standards. In hybrid category, 58% candidates milling quality found excellent or good (head rice yield– HRY 51-70%), 23% marginal (HRY 40 – 50%) and 18% below limit (< 40%). Physically, 60% samples were extra-long size, slender shape and coarse type. Nineteen percent samples were long or medium size but slender shape and coarse type as well. Whereas, 21% sample were short or medium size...
Rafi Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan1,*, Abdul Hafeez1, Asad Sultan1, Nazir Ahmad Khan2, Naila Chand1 and Naseer Ahmad1 
...kworm meal on production performance, hematology and carcass traits in broilers at finisher phase. Five isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets were uttered with the step-wise i.e. 0% (D1), 25% (D2), 50% (D3), 75% (D4) and 100% (D5) replacement of soybean meal with silkworm meal in commercial broiler rations. A total of 150 day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were randomly distributed into fifteen replicate groups (n=10), and consequently reared on five exper...
Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1*,Ibrahim Alhidary1, Abdullah H. Alyemni2, Rifat U. Khan3, Abdel Raouf S. Bello4, Mohamed Y. Al-Saiady2 and Ramzi A. Amran1
...inal characteristics and performance of growing Naemi lambs fed TMR. Four groups, each of 3 months old growing Naemi male lambs (28.85±1.09 kg), were fed on TMR (NDF=41. 95%) (T1). TMR plus 100 g alfalfa hay (NDF= 43.3%) daily (T2), TMR plus 200 g alfalfa hay (NDF= 43.3%) every two days (T3) and TMR plus 300 g alfalfa hay (NDF= 43.3%) every three days (T4). Rumen fluid samples were analyzed for volatile fatty acids and ammonia nitrogen levels. Acetic ac...

Khurram Shahzad and Mohammad Akmal* and timings for wheat performance in recent weather condiction. Experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar in 2015-16 in a randomized complete block (RCBD) design with four replications. Seedbed was prepared as recommended for wheat, planting was made with basic seeds (cv. Pakhtunkhwa) using seed drill in rows spaced 0.25 m equal distances. Recommended rates of phosphorus and potassium were applied yielding 90...
Muhammad Mansoor1, Amanullah1, Zafar Islam2*,Sher Muhammad3, Muhammad Umair4, Mehmood Ayaz5, Asghar Ali Khan6, Muhammad Asif2 and Ya Sakina3
...and yield trials for its performance. Result showed that 40 kg ha-1 seed rate with 30 cm row spacing, fertilizer dose @ 20:50 kg ha-1 N:P2O5 and inoculation with rhizobium strain Vm M1 were optimal for its maximum yield. Inqalab Mung outclassed among all candidate lines included in National Uniform Yield Trial (NUYT)- 2007 with an average yield of 1092 kg ha-1 at 12 locations across country, with highest g...
Koksal Karadas1* and Ibrahim Hakki Kadırhanogullari2
...this purpose, predictive performances of several data mining algorithms (CART, CHAID, Exhaustive CHAID and MARS) and artificial neural network algorithm (Multilayer Perceptron, MLP) were evaluated comparatively. Several factors thought as independent variables in the survey were age of beekeeper (AB), education level (EL), number of full beehives (NFB), bee race (BR), the time spent in plateau (TSP), feed of autumn and spring (FAS), working period in apicultur...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Tasneem Hameed1, Muhammad Afzal2, Arshad Javid3, Nosheen Aslam4, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah6, Majid Hussain5, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan1 and Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1
...robial phytase on growth performance and nutrient digestibilityof Cirrhinus mrigala fingerlings fed sunflower meal based diet. The chromic oxide was added as inert marker in the diets. Three replicate groups of 15 fish (Average weight 5.05±0.013 g fish-1) were fed at the rate of 5% of live wet weigh and feces were collected twice daily. The results of present study showed improved growth performance ...
Ali Karabacak1, Senol Celik2, Adile Tatliyer3, Ismail Keskin1, Yakup Erdal Erturk4, Ecevit Eyduran5, Yasir Javed6 and Mohammad Masood Tariq7,*
...o compare the predictive performance of three data mining algorithms viz., CHAID, Exhaustive CHAID, and CART implemented in the estimation of cold carcass weight (CCW) and body weight (BW) from several body measurements (withers height (WH), chest depth (CD), body length (BL), hearth girth (HG) and leg circumference (LC)) measured from five sheep breeds (Akkaraman (9), Dağlıç (10), Kivircik (10), Merinos (10) and Karacabey Merino (8)) r...
Muhammad Aslam Farooqi1,*, Mansoor-ul-Hasan2, Sohail Akhtar1Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Naveed Aslam3 and Muhammad Rafay4
Netti Aryani1, Azrita2, Ainul Mardiah3 and Hafrijal Syandri2*
...eriment. Based on growth performance, feed efficiency, and carcass composition, a 6% feeding rate showed the best result for the growth of giant gourami in Maninjau Lake.
Ibrahim A. Alhidary1,*, Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1, Riyadh S. Aljumaah1, Abdullah H. Alyemni2, Moez A. Ayadi1,3 and Mohamed Y. Al-Saiady2
... levels of NDF on growth performance, metabolic profile and rumen characteristics in Naemi lambs. Fifty growing Naemi lambs at age of three months with an average bodyweight of 27.77 ±1.09 kg were randomly distributed to five different treatments, ten lambs each, as follow: 1. Alfalfa hay and barley grain (ABG); 2. Pelleted alfalfa hay and barley (PAB); 3. TMR1 (25.67% NDF); 4. TMR2 (30.88% NDF); and 5. TMR3 (55.93% NDF). Lambs were housed in an individ...
Naila Chand1,*, Shabana Naz2, Hamza Maris1, Rifat Ullhah Khan1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Muhammad Subhan Qureshi1
...upplementation on growth performance and immunity in broilers under natural summer stress. A total of one hundred and twenty day-old broiler chicks were divided into four different treatment groups such as Bet-0, Bet-1.0, Bet-1.5, Bet-2.0 having betaine supplementation at the rate of 0, 1, 1.5 and 2 g/kg feed, respectively. Significantly (P<0.05) higher weekly and total feed intake and weight gain were recorded in group Bet-2.0. Higher level of betaine supp...
Muhammad Abdullah1,*, Rashid A. khan2, Muhammad Rafay3, Tanveer Hussain3, Tahira Ruby4,Fariha Rehman5, Sangam Khalil3 and Sohail Akhtar6
Hameeda Kalhoro1, Abdul Malik2,Ghulam Abbas2,*, Illahi Bux Kalhoro3, Sajjad Ali Shah4and Haleema Kalhoro3
Muhammad Fiaz1, Khadija Munawar2, Muhammad Mushtaq2,*, Mukhtar Ahmad3, Mushtaq Ahmad Chaudhry3, Muhammad Aslam3, Tanveer Ahmad1 and Nasrullah4
...lambs for optimum growth performance and survivability. For this purpose, Salt Range neonatal lambs (n = 24, age = 01 week) were selected and divided equally into three groups having 08 lambs each. The experimental lambs were fed ewe milk, calf milk replacer-1 (Telilac) and calf milk replacer-2 (Creamo) through nipple feeding for optimum performance in lambs after mandatory colostrum feeding. Results depicted that average da...

Carolina Torres Alejo1,2, Laila Andreia Rodrigues Beserra1,2, Paulo Eduardo Brandão1,2, Luis Ramiro Luna Espinoza1,2 and Fabio Gregori1,2* 

...causing decreased growth performance and mortality. In this study, 59 pools of intestinal content of layers, broilers, and breeders were investigated from different Brazilian regions for the presence of rotavirus (RVA, RVD, and RVF), avian coronavirus (ACoV), and avian astrovirus (AAstV), using PCR reactions followed by nucleotide sequencing and analysis. Twenty-nine pools (29/59; 49%) appeared positive for AAstV, 6 pools (6/59; 10%) were positive for RVD, for...

Lucas Pedroso Colvero1, Paulo Eduardo Brandão2*, Cesar Alejandro Rodriguez Rosales2, Hanny Swam3 and Laura Yaneth Buitrago Villarreal1 


... emulsion quality on the performance of vaccine B. These results demonstrate that effective quality control and emulsion preparation are essential benchmarks of immunization and vaccine potency. 

Aqsa Mehboob1, Noor Khan1,*, Usman Atiq1, Khalid Javed Iqbal2, Rafia Tayyab1, Syeda Suhaira Batool1, Hafiza Saleha Batool1, Sana Amjad1 and Mehwish Tanveer1 
...P≤0.05) higher growth performance among the three treatment groups. Highest weight gain (5.07±0.72g), increase in total length (24.25±4.31 mm) was observed in T2. Better feed conversion ratio (FCR) 1.8 and specific growth rate 1.4 were observed in T1. Proximate analysis revealed significant differences (P≤0.05) among treatments and control for crude protein while rest of the parameters remained same. Apparent digestibi...
Rehmat Ullah1*, Kalim Ullah2, Inam Ullah3, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan1 and Asif Nawaz1 
...investigate the role and performance of field assistants in Agricultural Extension, the present study was commenced in district Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during year 2014. Eight villages were selected randomly. Among all the farmers, 120 farmers were evaluated through valid, reliable and pre-tested interview schedule. Data collected was analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences ver. 20. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used...
Talat Bilal Yasoob and Nasir Ali Tauqir* 
...aHCO3) on the performance of broilers. Experiment was conducted in two phases. In first phase (0-4 weeks), six broiler starter rations were formulated; a ration without NaHCO3 was served as control whereas other five rations had 0.15-0.73% NaHCO3 in the rations. In this way six dietary treatments resulted in dietary electrolyte balance (DEB) and sodium levels of 245, 262, 279, 297, 314, 331 meq/kg and 0.166, 0.206, 0.246, 0.286...

Arshad Iqbal1*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1 and Muhammad Sharif Kakar

...eeders could predict the performance of crop plants by knowing the magnitude of heritability. An experiment was conducted using a set of spring wheat genotypes to estimate heritability for various plant traits during crop season 2014-15 at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar. The randomized complete block design with three replications was used in the experiment. Data were recorded on yield and some other important plant traits like days to heading (days),...
Boran Karataş, Muhammed Arabaci and Şükrü Önalan* to analyze the growth performance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (G) and brown trout (Salmo trutta ssp) (K) monoculture and polyculture in 75-25%, 66-34% and 50-50% stocking rates and its effects on food utilization and to determine the results with respect to aquaculture. Stocking was conducted in 5 different ratios in the study and each different stocking ratio was considered as a group and 24 fish were used in each group. Study grou...
Karim El-Sabrout* and Mohamed H. Khalil
...centage) and hatch chick performance (weight, vitality). The experiment was carried out in two groups with total number of 1800 eggs (900 eggs for each group). Eggs were incubated 12 h of light (natural) then 12 h of complete darkness (G1); and 12 h of light (natural) then 12 h of LED lighting (G2). From the obtained results, there were no significant effects of complement LED lighting” after effect on hatchability percent and dead embryos. There were di...
Pei-feng Yin1,2,Xiu-xiu Li1,Qi-wei Zeng3, Cheng-chen Shen1, Le Gao1 andJian-zhang Ton2,*
...ected leaves on silkworm performance. One group of silkworms was fed infected mulberry leaves and the second silkworms group was given control mulberry leaves that were infection free. Results showed that infected leaves exhibited limited toxicity to the silkworm; however, the cocoons yield found in infected group was deeply affected. Compared with control group, the biggest body weight, cocoon weigh, cocoon shell weight, pupal weight in infected group was 9.3...

Ehtisham Shakeel Khokhar1*, Amir Shakeel1, Muhammad Amir Maqbool1, Muhammad Waheed Anwar1, Zoraiz Tanveer1 and Muhammad Fahad Irfan2 

...fiber fineness. The mean performance of F1 populations were better than parents. Maximum GCV was recorded for number of monopodial branches followed by number of sympodial branches and seed cotton yield. High broad sense heritability estimates were reported for seed cotton yield and all yield contributing traits except fiber quality with high response to selection. High heritability with genetic advance suggested vigorous phenotypic selection in breeding popul...
Semra Benzer1,* and Recep Benzer2
...bsolute percentage error performance criteria (MAPE) were used for comparison of artificial neural network and linear regression models goodness of fit. The results of the current study show that ANNs can be a superior estimation tool compared to LWR equation. Thus, as an outcome of the present study, ANNs can be considered as a finer method especially in the growth estimation of the species in biological systems. Another outcome of this study is that crayfish...

Riaz Alam* and Muhammad Sajid 

...the rooting response and performance of olive cultivars through Air-Layerage was determined at Olive Model Farm, Sangbhatti Mardan-Pakistan during the year 2014. The experiment was laid out according to Randomized Complete Block Design with two factors factorial arrangement. Air layerings were practiced on July 1, 16, 31; August 15, 30 and September 14 in plants of olive cultivars Frontoio, Manzanilla, Ottobratica, Pendolino and Picual. Significant variations ...
Quang Minh Dinh
...sub>) and the growth performance (Φ’) were 5.56 yrs and 2.50, respectively. The fishing, natural and total mortalities of this fish were 1.29 yr-1, 1.44 yr-1, and 2.73 yr-1, respectively, and its exploitation rate was 0.53. There were two recruitment peaks in May and October, and relative yield-per-recruit and biomass-per-recruit analyses gave Emax = 0.735, E0.1 = 0.656 a...
Serap Gelibolu1,*, Yasemen Yanar2, M. Ayce Genc3 and Ercument Genc4
...ccharide (MOS) on growth performance, body physiology and tissue morphology of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Treatment of fish with MOS-feed shown a significant increase in live weight and protein efficiency rates when were directly compared with mock-treated fish control. However, there was no statistically supported level of significance was observed for growth rates and feed conversion rates among groups. Improved live weight and protein efficie...

Malak Atiq Ullah Khan* and Fida Mohammad 

...t GEI suggested that the performance of genotypes was not consistent across environments, revealing strong influence of environments. Generally, GEI explained major portion of total variation and thus had larger effect than G and E on the expression of phenotype for all traits. Average over nine environments, genotype G-79 exhibited maximum values for tillers m-2 (181 tillers); grains spike-1 (71 grains); grain yield (4862 kg ha-1) and thus appeared as leading...
Zia ur Rehman1, Naila Chand1, Rifat Ullah Khan2,*, Sarzamin Khan1 and Muhammad Subhan Qureshi3
...was planned to study the performance and potential profitability of four commercial broiler strains in two different temperature zones i.e., thermoneutral zone (TN) and high ambient temperature zone (HAT) group. Day-old broiler chicks (n=242) of four different commercial strains (Ross, Hubbard, Cobb and Arber Acer) were placed in brooding room for the first two weeks and then chicks were divided into two groups: TN and HAT. Chicks in TN group were house...

Muhammad Zamin* and Abdul Mateen Khattak 

...the ecotypes gave better performance at mowing height 3 and 4 cm, which comply with the standard mowing height for turf grasses. Ecotypes RS2, MZADS1 and SAADS1 resulted in the best performance against mowing shock. Based on their performance, these ecotypes could be used for turf purposes in public landscape under saline environments. 

Abdul Malik1,2, Ghulam Abbas1,*, Abdul Ghaffar3, Ghulam Dastagir4, Sara Ferrando5, Lorenzo Gallus5, Asad Ali Muhammad1,6, Abdul Jabbar2 and Khalil-ur-Rehman2 
...d 30‰) for growth performance, food conversion, body composition and survival rate of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (mean body weight 4.5±0.5 g) were investigated. Fingerlings were randomly distributed into the glass tanks (60 x 30 x 45 cm each). Ten fish per tank were stocked with two replications. Fish were fed with commercial floating pellet (35% protein) with 3% of total biomass day-1 for 50 days. Results showed that t...

Muhammad Ijaz Khan* and Amanullah Jan 

...rrigation regimes on the performance of maize crop during 2011 and 2012. Four irrigation regimes ranging from 3-6 irrigation in relation to the critical stages of maize crop were applied. Irrigation consisted of 93 mm water. Three organic soil conditioners viz., farmyard manure (10000 kg ha-1), wheat straw as crop residue (10000 kg ha-1) and two levels of humic acid (2 and 4 kg ha-1), alone and in combinations with gypsum (1000 kg ha-1) as inorganic soil condi...

Aneeza Jamshed1* and Syed Amir Gillani2 

...n pre and post awareness performances and t score and p value was calculated. All the students (150) were boys, 98% belonged to a lower middle class family with the age of 9-12 years. During pre-testing evaluation, students were never given the knowledge about hepatitis C, its source of transmission (contaminated syringes) and its secondary prevention. Only 3% knew that it can be prevented. About 61% thought that it is a disease of adults. Only 21.1% students ...
Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1*, Abid Ali2, Manzoor Hussain2, Saadia3, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Sohail Latif6
...wever despite the better performance of F2, economic analysis showed that maximum net income and benefit cost ratio were obtained where (F3)75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure was applied. Therfore, it can be concluded that 75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 PM along with Azospirillum seed inoculation could be a better management approach for sustainable wheat production.

Rahila Nizami1, Muhammad Zahid Latif2*, Intzar Hussain3 and Khalid Rashid

...hip behaviors affect the performance. Further research is required to provide more comparable evaluations in health sector leadership in diverse cohorts and the presented study provides the baseline to improve this feature in healthcare professionals. 


S. M. I. Hossain*, S. U. K. Eusufzai and M. A. Rahman**

...and Isd 33 showed better performance and produced significantly higher yield among the selected varieties. Hence sugarcane varieties Isd 31, Isd 32, Isd 33 and Isd 34 may be cultivated with potential yield in clay loam soil by providing 4 to 5 irrigations at an interval of 21-42 days in addition to two live irrigations at 0 and 14 days after transplanting when soil bed settlings are used as planting material.


Raania Ahsan* and Zafar Altaf**

...evelopment, adoption and performance of Bt cotton against the background of monopoly pricing of its seed in Pakistan. The area under illegal Bt cotton is 80 % with nearly 36 unapproved varieties. Most of these varieties are Cotton leaf curl virus susceptible, poor in fiber quality and high input demanding unapproved varieties. Almost all these varieties employed Monsanto Cry1Acgene (MON 531) as it was not patented in Pakistan. A positive development was approv...

 Zafar Khokhar*, Imtiaz Hussain**, Badruddin Khokhar* and Muhammad Sohail**

...otypes. While evaluating performance of different genotypes on different sowing dates, V-7002 resulted in maximum yield on November 15 and late planting. On the other hand, V-7004 had lower yield on all planting dates. Results from the study revealed that maximum grain yield could be achieved with wheat planted in first fortnight of November and any delay in wheat planting might reduce wheat yield.


 Muhammad Azam Niazi*, Hassnain Shah, Waqar Akhtar and Nadeem Akmal**

...for the overall economic performance of a country. In this paper the terms of trade (1991-2003) for Pakistan’s crop sector have been worked out to reveal how the sector has performed over time in terms of profitability. Various indices were worked out to view the profitability from different angles using weights, giving due importance to all the contributing factors. The results revealed that Pakistani farmers’ profitability improved slightly durin...

 Oguz Bilgin, Kayihan Z. Korkut, Alpay Balkan, and Ismet Baser*

..., and to investigate the performance and relationship of F1 hybrids and parents for the spike characters and to select suitable parents and population for designing an effective wheat breeding programme. Highly significant genetic variability was present in parents and their genetic combinations for the characters. The degree and direction of heterosis varied for different characters and for different hybrids. The highest heterosis over mid and better parents ...

 Zaheeruddin Mirani*and Aslam Memon**

...s designed to assess the performance of farm advisory services of agricultural extension and pesticide/fertilizer companies. The most important finding of the study was the fact that farmers were not receiving new agricultural information from agricultural extension as most of the farmers were not visited. This entails the fact that farmers are not alone responsible for non-adoption of improved practices. Pesticide/fertilizer agents were viewed as effective in...
Maryyum Khalil1, Hamda Azmat1,*, Noor Khan1, Arshad Javid2, Ali Hussain1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain3, Asim Ullah1 and Sumaira Abbas1 added feed on growth performance, health and hematological analysis of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (initialaverage weight 32.46±0.36 g). The 40% crude protein diet was prepared by adding feed ingredients along with 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, 0.00 g kg-1 of α-amylase as T1, T2, T3 and T4 (control). At the end of feeding trial, 100% survival rate was recorded. Growth rate was significantly increased in fish fed with enzyme supplemented ...

Muhammad Zafarullah Khan1*, Rehmat Ullah1, Asif Nawaz1 and Ejaz Ashraf2 investigate about the performance of Farm Services Centers in the empowerment of farmers towards the sustainable development. Five districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa such as Mansehra, Dir Lower, Swat, Dera Ismail Khan and Swabi were the sampled districts and 80 farmers registered with Farm Services were randomly selected from each district. Thus, sample size was making a total of 400 respondents. Primary data were collected with the help of pre-tested intervie...
Asad Sultan1, Sahal Ahmad1, Sarzamin Khan1, Rifat Ullah Khan2,*, Naila Chand1, Muhammad Tahir3 and Shakoor Ahmad2
... ZnO improved the growth performance, blood parameters and nutrient digestibility in broiler during heat stress, however, the positive effect of ZnO was better than silymarin. 

 Javid Iqbal, Asghar Ali Mian, Tanveer Ahmad*, Shamsul Hassan** and Sohail Hassan Khan* 

...initiated to compare the performance of economic traits of four internationally reputed broiler strains, imported in Pakistan, under the local environmental and management conditions. A total of 360 day old chicks of four broiler strains (90 from each strain) were procured from the local hatcheries and designated as four treatments i.e., A (Hubbard), B (Arbor Acres), C (Ross 308) and D (Hybro PN). The chicks were raised under recommended rearing requirements f...

 Habib Iqbal Javed, Ashiq Saleem, Javed Fateh, Mozammil Hussain, Naheed Akhtar and Shamim-ul-Sibtain Shah*

...25.4%, respectively. The performance of the resistant germplasm was far better than susceptible ones. The best plants in resistant germplasm were maintained by selfing to make them more uniform for resistance. During pollination, three resistant composite genotypes (BR-1, BR-2 and BR-3) were constituted by bulk pollination.


 Gulzar S. Sanghera and Wassem Hussain*

...ffects along with per se performance revealed that some of the crosses have shown desirable SCA effects, having superior per se performance for most of the traits thus indicating the selection of these crosses. Based on standard check varieties (SR-1 and Jhelum) assessment of heterosis for effective restored cross combinations showed a significant heterosis for all the traits except number of filled grains per panicle. The r...

 Akhtar A. Siddiqui and Allah W. Rind*

...f Pakistan to assess the performance of Extension Field Worker (EFWs) performed during FAO-EU-ADB funded National Integrated Pest Management Programme (Nat-IPM) for cotton. The basic principle of Nat-IPM programme was to enable farmers to be self sufficient, using practices that are agro-ecological friendly. This study was carried out in four districts of Sindh province (Hyderabad, Tando Allahyar, Matiari, and Mirpurkhas). The sample size comprised 48 EFWs who...

 Muhammad Yaqoob*, Rukhsana Anjum, Mumtaz Hussain and Muhammad Jahangir Shah**

...onducted to evaluate the performance of 10 hybrid rice along with two high yielding varieties under drought conditions at Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI), Bahawalpur. The experiment was designed in RCBD with three replications. The crop was maintained under moisture stress conditions. The data on various plant traits including, days to panicle initiation, panicle length, spikelet fertility, days to maturity, plant height, number of grains per panicle, numb...

 Wabekwa, J.W., I.A. Sodagni and F.K. Mohammad*

PHYSIOLOGICAL GROWTH AND YIELD EVALUATION IN PMINERALIZED SUNFLOWER (HELIANTHUS ANNUS L.) UNDER SUDANOSAHELIAN AGRO-ECOLOGY, NIGERIA 40 kg P O ha in yield performances 2 5 for grain and fodder in this experiment, it could be recommended for farmers' adaptive farm trials in the agro-ecological location.


 Shafique Qadir Memon*, Muhamamd Safar Mirjat, Abdul Quadir Mughal** Nadeem Amjad***, Muhammad Azhar Saeed, Shabbir Kalwar, Asif Ali Mirani and Habib Iqbal Javed****

...actice which affect crop performance. An experiment was conducted during the spring crop season 2009 to compare the effect of three different tillage regimes i.e. deep, conventional and zero and four fertilizer levels viz., -1 control 100-50-50, 150-75-75 and 200-100-100 NPK kg ha . The randomized complete block design was used with three replications. There was significant differences in maize emergence percentage, plant height, -1 grains cob , 1000-grain wei...

 Muhammad Yasin Mirza*, Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Muhammad Amjad* and Malik Shah Nawaz*

...near) indicated that the performance of genotypes was under genetic control. The b-values of V-90005, T-89 and PARS-I were larger than unit regression; hence were suitable for favourable environments for yield. Whereas, V-III and SangharI were with b-values less than unity indicating their below average response. For branches per plant, Sanghar-1 and S-17 had regression coefficients less than one with negative sign making them suitable only for poor environmen...

 Rashid Mahmood*, Elizabeth Stephen Wagchoure* and Ghulam Sarwar*

...ts were tested for their performance in supporting the bee colonies of Apis mellifera during August, 2011 and January, 2012 in the premises of Honey bee Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan, to investigate alternative nutrients to pollen grain. Sixteen A. mellifera bee hives were selected alike with respect to number of frames and bees present in them. Honey bee colonies were divided into four groups of four colonies e...

 Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar*, Maqsood Ahmad*, Gulshan Riaz* and Sartaj Khan*

... conducted to assess the performance of five tropical forage legumes namely sesbania (Sesbania aculeata), cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata), rice beans (Vigna umbellata), lablab bean (Lablab purpureus) and cluster bean (Cymopsis tetragonoloba) with reference to a cereal fodder reference crop of millet (Pennisetum typhoides) and their residual effects on the succeeding oat crop at the National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan, under rainfed condition...

 Shafique Qadir Memon*, Nadeem Amjad**, Muhammad Safar Mirjat***, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Khalil Ahmad Ibupoto***, Shabbir Ahmad Kalwar****, Asif Ali Mirani**** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed****

...ctice which affects crop performance. It was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. An experiment was conducted during the spring and autumn crop seasons 2009-2010.The objective of the trial was to compare the effect of three different tillage regimes namely, deep tillage, conventional tillage and zero tillage, and four fertilizer levels. Results showed that plant height, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and dry matter were ...

 Munir Ahmad*, Asif Ali Mirani**, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood**, Tanveer Ahmad** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed**

PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF CROSS-FLOW RICE DRYERS study focussed on the performance evaluation of cross-flow rice dryers with both gas and rice husk heat sources. The experimental results indicated that drying air temperature of the gas-fired and rice husk-fired dryers was 54° and 66°C, respectively. However, the average air flow rate was 6.24 and 3 -1 2.60 m s of gas-fired and rice husk-fired cross-flow dryers, respectively. -1 The drying rate of gas-fired dryer was 2.0 percentage point h , wherea...

 Farrukh Saleem*, Babar Hilal Ahmad*, Saleem Zahid* and Bilal Kabeer*

...n comparative productive performance of indigenous Naked Neck (NN) and Naked Neck Crossbred (NNC) i.e., Naked Neck x White Leg Horn at Poultry and Wildlife Programme, National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan. A total of 72 birds (16 weeks of age) comprising 30 females and 6 males of each breed were divided into six experimental units / replicates (10 females and 2 male / replicate). Separate breeding pen were allotted to each replicate...

 Israr Ali*, Naushad Ali*, Riffat Tahira**, Sardar Ali*, Izhar Hussain* and Sher Aslam Khan*

..., were used to check the performance of collected materials with already available brassica varieties. Significant statistical differences were observed among the tested genotypes based on the studied morphological traits. Among the tested genotypes, genotype Kalabat proved to be superior as compared to other studied genotypes due to maximum level of studied traits like -1 pod length (7.03 cm), seed pod (32.33), 1000-seed weight (5.38 g), seed yield -1 plant (...

 Said Salman*, Shah Jehan Khan* and Javed Khan**

...stan during 2012-13. The performance of crosses and their parents were evaluated with three replications. These crosses were -1 evaluated for plant height, number of tillers plant , days to 50% heading, -1 -1 spike length, number of spikelets spike , number of grains spike and 1000-grain weight. Maximum heterosis and heterobeltiosis interactions were noted in Pari-73 x Hashim-08 for 1000-grain weight (29% and 22%), grains per spike (19% and 11%) and spike leng...

 Ibrar Ali*, Abdul Mateen Khattak*, Muhammad Ali* and Kalim Ullah**


 Ali Raza Shah**, Muhammad Saffar Mirjat**, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Inayatullah Rajper** and Asif Ali Mirani****

... conducted to assess the performance of different tillage systems in a clay loam soil. A completely randomized block design with four treatments i.e., conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), zero tillage (ZT) and controlled traffic farming (CTF) was carried out to evaluate the performance of tillage systems. Results indicated that the soil pulverization was higher (P<0.05) under MT and lower under CT treatments w...

Salar Khan Yousafzai*, Shah Masaud Khan*, Khalil ur Rehman**, Junaid Khan*, Sher Aslam Khan*, Ijaz Hussain* and Ishrat Naz***

... Considering the overall performance, it was found that the tomato cultivar Rio Grand was promising for yield and other characters whereFYM was applied.


 Muhammad Farrukh Saleem*, Munir Ahmad*, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum*, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza** and Abdul Shakoor*

... successfully for better performance by topping provided N dose is monitored.


Muhammad Zahid Kiani*, Tariq Sultan**, Arshad Ali**, Ghulam Qadir*** Imdad Ali Mahmood**, Tauseef Tabassam**, Muhammad Arshad Ullah** and Nasir Abbas* 

...conducted to examine the performance of four isolated strains in five treatments viz., KS 44, KS 7, KS 41, KS 42 and KS mix under four different artificially developed -1 salinity levels (5, 8, 10 and 12 dS m ) at National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad. Hybrid seeds (SMH 0917) of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were used. After six weeks of sowing, plants were harvested and data regarding root length, plant height, root dry weight and shoot dry weig...

 Nisar Ahmed Soomro*, Abdul Fatah Soomro**, Hamz Ali Samo* and
Muhammad Siddique Depar***

...Imdad-2005 maximizes its performance with 90.81% germination, 88.33 cm plant height, 10.29 tillers plant , 273.10 tillers m , 54.99 grains spike , 58.40 g 1000-seed weight and 5804.66 kg grain yield ha . However, varieties TJ-83, Kiran and T.D-1 ranked 2 , 3 and 4 in all the growth traits examined in this study. It was concluded that the differences in grain yield between the crop receiving five and four irrigations were statistically nonsignificant; which sug...

  Muhammad Nisar Khan*, Hassnain Shah*, Saqib Shakeel Abbasi and Abid Hussain*

...aper aimed to assess the performance of biozote on rice and is based on perceptions of farmers involved in on-farm demonstration trials. Four different treatments on each selected plot were carried out for demonstration purpose by a team of technical partners from NARC during 2014. The results are based on farmers’ perception recorded through a structured questionnaire and face to face interviews at their fields. Majority of the host farmers found that p...

 Shahid Iqbal Khattak*, Muhammad Amjad Nadim**, Mohammad Safdar Baloch**, Kashif Waseem** and Muhammad Sohail***

...1 sowing had the poorest performance in almost all parameters. However, the highest grain yield (3104 kg ha ) was produced by October 15 sowing while the results of November 15 and thereafter sowing were nonsignificant with each other. Data on lodging of these cereal crops was also observed during the study. Barley was the crop showing maximum lodging (35.83 %) which led the same to lowest grain yield. The minimum lodging (8.33 %) was noted in oat crop. It was...

 Hafiz Sultan Mahmood*, Tanveer Ahmad*, Zulfiqar Ali*, Munir Ahmad** and Nadeem Amjad***

...urnt in the field. Field performance of this technology has not been evaluated yet, although this technology has been adopted in Pakistan for many years. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of an improved version of wheat straw chopper in combine-harvested wheat fields of southern Punjab and to determine the economics of this machine. Five test plots ranging from 0.39 to 0.61 ha were selected to deter...

 Ummad-ud-Din Umar*, Muhammad Aslam Khan**, *Ateeq-urRehman*, Abdul Hannan***, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi*, Azhar Ali Khan****, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar****

...e development. The model performance was evaluated based on coefficient of determination (R ) and the comparison of observed and predicted disease incidence. Model so developed explained 70% of the variability in disease development and when validated on an independent dataset, the model explained 67.5% of the variability in disease incidence. This prediction model can be used for the management of PLRV in this region.


Muhammad Nawaz*, Anwar Javaid Wahla*, Muhammad Saleem Kashif*, Masood Qadir Waqar**, Muhammad Anjum Ali*** and Asim Raza Chadhar****

... both the cultivars. The performance of KSK-133 was better than KS-282 at all levels of N during all the years. In conclusion, to attain higher yields of coarse rice, KSK-133 should be grown and the nitrogen should be applied at 255 kg ha under agroecological conditions of Sheikhupura.

Muhammad Sharif1*, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2, Muhammad Ansar3, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Syed Abdul Sadiq5
Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Arshad1, Rashid Mahmood2,* and Ziyad Abdul Qadir2
...ects the development and performance of bees. Main objective of our study was to assess the effectiveness of five synthetic acaricides (Bayvarol®, Apivar®, Apistan® Apitol® and Perizin®) against V. destructor in infested colonies of A. mellifera in Langstroth standard hives. Four hives were selected for each acaricide and one group of four hives was left untreated as contr...
Alaeldein M. Abudabos*, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer, Elsayed O.S. Hussein and Mutahar H. Ali
...t (VC100, 200 mg/kg), on performance of broilers. Two levels of environmental temperatures: normal (22°C) and high (32°C) and two levels of vitamin C in drinking water (with and without) were arranged in a factorial arrangement resulted in four dietary treatments for the period from 15 to 30 days of age. Results revealed a significant two way interaction for body weight gain (BW) and feed intake (FI) (P<0.01) for the first week of the trial (15-22 d...
Zhiping Hu, Hussain Ahmad, Jingfei Zhang, Lili Zhang and Tian Wang*
Saba Parveen Samo1, Moolchand Malhi1,*, Javed Gadahi2, Yan Lei3, Allah Bux Kaciwal1 and Saeed Ahmed Soomro1
Shireen Ihsan Izzaddeen1 and Ali Kaygısız2,*
...tial oil (600 mg/day) on performance and blood parameters of Holstein calves. The study was started with total of 24 calves, randomly categorized into two groups of 12 (6 males and 6 females) however, it was completed with 23 calves because of dying a female at the 8th week of the trial. Addition of Laurel essential oil into whole milk did not cause any significant change in weekly live weight gain (kg), total weaning live weight gain (kg), weekly c...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khuram Sharjeel1, Raheel Babar2, Muhammad Junaid1, Qamar Iqbal3, Rabia Rasheed1 and Nosheen Fatima1 

... record and evaluate the performance of extension approaches and Extension Field Staff (EFS) in order to identify the weaknesses or failures behind extension system and to suggest recommendations for improvement in extension approaches and performance of EFS through census study. The total EFS population consists of 155 people and 121 respondents appeared for interview. The non response rate was 21.94%. The analysis showed t...
Yan Li1, Kai Zhan1,*, Junying Li1, Wei Liu1, Ruiyu Ma1, Shengnan Liu1, Tao Han2, Shaoquan Li2, Shaolin Wang2 and Yang Hu2
...ters in 20 cages. Laying performances, mortality, egg quality characteristics and welfare level of birds were measured during the study period.Compared with AI birds, NM birds laid the first egg significantly earlier age, and had significantly lower laying rate, mortality and body weight of hens. NM birds however had significantly higher albumen height, Haugh units and yolk colour. No significant differences were found in other laying ...
María Magdalena Crosby-Galván1, Bernardino Espinoza-Velasco1 and Mónica Ramirez-Mella2,*
...esidue in the productive performance of ruminants. It would also be appropriate to evaluate the intake behavior, productive performance and nutritional status of animals fed with different forms of processed residue of chihua pumpkin.

Nadia Mubarik1, Aqib Iqbal1*, Iqbal Munir1 and Muhammad Arif2 in improvement in the performance of plants under water deficit conditions. These results also demonstrated that senescence, which is a type of cell death program that could be inappropriately activated during drought, was also delayed in the supplemented seedlings as highlighted by a high RWC and expression of the Lhcb2 gene. 


Hamza Khan1, Safdar Ali1, Ijaz Ahmad*2, Ihsanullah Khan3, Shujaat Hussain1, Bashir Ahmad Khan4 and Muhammad Suhaib5  

...lamabad, to evaluate the performance of 12 locally developed sunflower Hybrids. Twelve sunflower hybrids including two checks viz., SMH 1006, SMH 0907, SMH 0932, SMH 1208, NKS-278, SMH 1001, SMH 0917, SMH 1401, Hysun-33, SMH 0927, SMH 0909 and SMH 1215 were studied in the experiment. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Data regarding Agronomic parameters was collected on days to flower initiation, day...

Muhammad Suhaib1, Ijaz Ahmad2*, Masooma Munir3, Muhammad Bilal Iqbal4 , Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 and Safdar Ali6 

...unjab-2011 showed better performance as compared to Faisalabad-2008. 


Muhammad Waqar Yasin*, Mobushir Riaz Khan and Muhammad Amin 

...dly, the changes in crop performance were computed through remote sensing and crop reporting data obtained from the agriculture department, Government of Punjab, Pakistan. Lastly, changes in crop performance (what does performance mean here!!) were compared with changes in studied climate variables (temperature and rainfall). It was found that increased in mean annual temperature decreased...

Feroza Haider1,2, Shamim Gul2,3*, Javaid Hussain4, Sadaf Asalam Ghori5, Muhammad Naeem Shahwani6, Muhammad Murad6 and Abdul Manan Kakar

...chars on the crop growth performance and accumulation of chromium, iron, manganese and zinc in the edible parts (roots) of Brassica rapa (turnip) under groundwater and wastewater irrigation. Biochars were applied at 0.25, 0.5 and 1 kg m-2 to soil. Amendment of biochar increased significantly the aboveground plant biomass by 28% - 34.3% under groundwater and 18.3% - 30.4% under wastewater irrigation. Dry weight of root biomass increased by 16.1% - 20.2% under g...

Qasim Iqbal1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Obaidullah Shafique1, Bashir Ahmed Khan2, Ijaz Ahmad3 and Ihsanullah Khan4  

...flower hybrids for their performance and adaptability in the field area of NARC. Twelve sunflower hybrids including one check i.e. SF-16013, SF-16007, SF-16010, SF-16005, SF-16006, SF-16002, SF-16008, SF-16004, SF-16011, SF16003, SF-160011, Hysun-33 were studied in the experiment. The experiments were carried out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The distance between adjacent rows was 75 cm while the distance between plants to plant ...
Arshad Mahmood Malik1, Khalid Mahmood Mughal2, Sarfraz Ahmed Mian2 and Atta Ullah Khan2
...ed and other measures of performance like export intensity, local penetration ratio etc. were also analyzed. Average yield of hydroponic tomatoes was found to be 161.8±6.6 ton per hectare as against 10.07±0.4 in open field. The BCR was found positive at 1.07 and 1.44 for with and without casual labor respectively. Analysis suggests that this technology can improve the yield of tomato in the country and solve the demand and supply gap of Pakistan ...
Pasqua Rotondi1, Maria Antonietta Colonna1, Giuseppe Marsico1, Francesco Giannico1, Marco Ragni1 and Anna Maria Facciolongo2,*
...ot affect in vivo performances, dressing percentage, pH and meat colour, but it influenced meat tenderness, that was lower (P<0.01) in meat from kids receiving oregano, probably due to the lesser (P<0.05) fat content of their meat. The use of oregano also resulted in a lower muscle fat oxidation and in a better meat flavour. As for human health, the dietary supplementation with linseed improved the muscle fatty acid composition, resulting in highe...
Ayesha Munir, Hafiz Muhammad Umer, Anjum Nasim Sabri and Imran Sajid*
...atography (TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-UV) to get the indication of the identity of the compounds responsible for antimicrobial activity and biofilm dispersion. Overall the results indicated that natural extracts from these Streptomyces strains and their active components can be exploited for the preparation of anti-caries products like mouth washes and tooth pastes etc.

Nashwa Mohamed Eid1, Al-Hussien Mohamed Dahshan1, El-Shayma El-Nahass2, Basma Shalaby3 and Ahmed Ali1* 

...e of EOs improved growth performance of broiler chickens especially when used as preventive feed additive continuously. The thyme EO showed better anticlostridial activity in terms of reduced CP counts in intestine and alleviation of intestinal damage caused by infection. In conclusion, the EOs are effective feed additives to treat and/or prevent NE in poultry. Further studies on the effect of EOs on other enteric infection, intestinal microbiota, poultry feed...
Abdur Rahman1,*, Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul2, Ismail Bayram2, Cangir Uyarlar2, Abdil Burhaneddin Akkaya2, Eyup Eren Gultepe2, Hikmet Keles3, Aykut Ulucan4 and Zafar Hayat1 leaves, showed better performance than control. We conclude here that Oregano dried leaves may have the potential activity to modify the gut morphology and can result in better performance of the quail by increasing the nutrient absorption from the intestine.
Hazrat Nabi1, Irshad Hussain2, Muhammad Adil3, Amar Nasir3,*, Arbab Sikandar3, Saeed Khan1 and Nasrullah Khan3


...mphoid organs and growth performance of broilers. In this study, a total of 118 day-old broiler chicks were used, of which 108 were randomly divided into 6 groups (A to F) on day 14th. Aflatoxins derived from Aspergillus parasiticus were mixed in the feed measuring 150 ppb and fed to various broiler groups. Mycotoxin binders were also added into the feed and offered to group E and F from 14th-42nd day of age. The impact ...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan1Arshad Javid2, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain3, Nosheen Aslam4, Qasim Ali5, Majid Hussain6Muhammad Masoom ul Hassan Rehan7, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1,8Anam Khalid1 and Danish Riaz1
...ffects of MOLM on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in L. rohita fingerlings. MOLM was added in the diet by replacing fish meal at the levels of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. Triplicate tanks were used for each treatment having 15 fingerlings. These fingerlings fed at the rate of 5% of live wet weight. Chromic oxide as an inert marker was also added in the diets. Feces from each tank were collected twice a day to estimate the nutrient digestibi...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Nosheen Aslam2, Arshad Javid3, Shehzadi Liaquat1,Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1, 4, Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan1 and Muhammad Adnan Khalid1 effect on fish growth performance. Chromic oxide (1%) was added in the diets as inert marker. It was noted that probiotics supplementation played a significant role in improving absorption of minerals, carcass composition and haematology of fish. Higher mineral digestibility (Ca 76%, Fe 62%, Zn 57%, P 76%) and carcass composition (crude protein 17% and crude fat 10%) was found in fish fed on 3 gKg-1 level of probiotics supplemented canola meal ba...
Sadaf Noveen1*, Shaista Habib Ullah2, Babar Alam3
...communication along with performance of its primary functions. Its defects can decrease intelligibility of speech while affecting production of phonemes. Description of this relationship is important for etiologic diagnosis and treatment planning among children without any disability or ignored craniofacial deformities. Studies highlighting this relationship are rare to none in Pakistan. Therefore, this study aims to detect the type and extent of relationship ...
Fangxiao Dong1,2, Xuan Luo1,2, Delu Yuan1,2, Aixin Liang1,2* and Liguo Yang1,2*
... the immune efficacy and performance of somatostatin DNA vaccine.
Yan Li1, Kai Zhan1,*, Junying Li1, Wei Liu1, Ruiyu Ma1, Shengnan Liu1, Haijun Cui1 and Xin Zhang2
...declawed males on laying performances, egg quality characteristics and feather cover of layer breeders in the mating cage. Ninety-six 230-day-old Hy-line Brown roosters were randomly split into four groups. Group 1 chicks served as intact control. Trimming of claw of group 2 chicks was performed by the method of partial amputation of the third toe (along the distal phalanx) at day of hatch; the first and third toes were declawed in the group 3, while the secon...
Fouzia Hadi Ali1, Farhat Naz2, Aban Abid Qazi3
...v>Abstract | Work performance (WP) in the healthcare sector has hither to remained an underexplored area of research. Despite the fact that the implications of WP in the healthcare sector context are far more expensive for both doctors and hospitals, the predictors of WP among the healthcare practitioners appear to have contextual nuances. One of the significant factors and increasing vulnerabilities of the healthcare sector is work-life balance (WLB). ...
Quratul Ain Tahira1*, Sidrah Lodhi1 and Sajid Abaidullah2
...r IRAT and FT scores and performance in early and advanced domains were performed taking p-value < 0.05 as significant.
Results: A total of 53 RDs including 58.49% HOs and 41.51% PGRs participated in the study with similar distribution among mTBL and LBL groups. The mean IRAT scores for LBL and mTBL groups were 41.03±17.79&44.17±19.54, respectively (p-value 0.272). The overall FT scores were 40.26±15.17 &48.02...
Muhammad Anwar Iqbal1, Habib Rehman2, Ali Hussain3,*, Faiza Jabeen4, Ijaz Ahmad2, Kamran Ashraf5, Muhammad Irshad Arshad6 and Omaima Khan7 influenced the growth performance of Japanese quails.
Irshad Ali1, Mohammad Masood Tariq2,*, Abdul Waheed2, Ferhet Abbas Yousafzai1, Farhat Abbas Bokhari1, Majed Rafeeq1, Muhammad Ali1, Muhammad Adnan Attique1, Shahid Amin3 and Tahir Hameed1
...e data on morphology and performance of 1020 Bhag Nari (BN) cattle were collected from Bhag Nari cattle Farm, Usta Mohammad Baluchistan during 2015-16 and its surrounding areas. Some distinct characteristics have been found exclusively in Bhag Nari breed. These characters are rare in other local breeds of the area such as tick resistance, tolerance against > 50oC temperature in the hot weather nevertheless still gives good productive results. It ...
Azmat Hayat Khan Khattak1, Muhammad Nauman ul Islam1, Muhammad Shakir Khan1, Muhammad Iqbal1, Imtiaz Ali Shah1,Sheeraz Ghani1, Amjad Ali2, Zubina Hameed1, Mohammad Farooque Hassan3 and Tariq Ali1,3,*
... to compare their growth performance and economics. The experiment was performed at Livestock Research and Development Station (LR&DS), Surezai, Peshawar for a period of 12 weeks. The calves were fed with milk replacer (10% of their live body weight) in two equal doses, one in the morning followed by an evening dose, until the end of 8th week. The average birth weight of AJC was 15.75±2.43 kg; while, it was 28.18±0.87 kg for ABC ca...
Kamran Khan1, Sarzamin Khan2, Nazir Ahmad Khan2,* and Naseer Ahmad2
...upplementation on growth performance, carcass yield and meat quality of rabbits. Sixty indigenous rabbits were divided randomly into five treatment groups. The control group was fed on standard concentrate basal diet, whereas in the treated groups, the basal diet was supplemented with low (3.5%; LCF) or high (7%; HCF) level of crushed flaxseed and low (1.5%; LFO) or high (3%; HFO) level of flaxseed oil until slaughtering (day 90). Carcass fat deposition was gr...
Rana Zeeshan Habib1, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2,*, Mahroze Fatima3, Muhammad Bilal4 and Syed Makhdoom Hussain5
...he mineral digestibility performance of L. rohita. In conclusion, both the additives (CA and PHY) showed improved digestibility of minerals individually as well as in combination.
Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1,*, Ibrahim A. Alhidary1, Gamaleldin M. Suliman1,2, Abdullah H. Alyemni3, Mohamed Y. Al-Saiady3, Faisal A. Alshamiry1,Mohsen M. Alobre1 and Riyadh S. Aljumaah1
... NDF improve the general performance and most of the required meat quality measurement.

Fazal Munsif1, Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Arif2, Kawsar Ali3 and Ijaz Ahmad

...n on 20th September. The performance of plots sown on 30th March was found not promising as compared to all other sowing except POL and sugar recovery which were comparatively better compared to rest of sowing dates. 

Azmat Hayat Khan Khattak1, Abdul Wasay2, Tariq Ali1,*, Muhammad Iqbal1, Khisrao Kalim1, Mohammad Farooque Hassan3, Muhammad Mobashar2, Nazir Ahmad2, Abid Iqbal2 and Muhammad Nauman ul Islam1
...aning ages on the growth performance of cattle calves to reduce ECM. Nine calves (Achai crossed Jersey) were randomly distributed into three weaning age groups viz., A = 90, B = 70, and C = 110 days. In group A, calves were fed with whole milk at 10% of live body weight (LBW) for 4-7 days after initial colostrum feeding at 10% of LBW. From 8-30 days they received milk at 10% LBW + calf starter ration (CSR). During 31 to 63 days, milk at 10% LBW + CSR + ...
Adem Aksoy1, Yakup Erdal Ertürk2, Selim Erdoğan3, Ecevit Eyduran3 andMohammad Masood Tariq4,*
...ekeeping (90%). The best performance order was MARS (r=0.920) > CART (r=0.619) > multiple linear regression (r=0.286), which indicated that MARS outperformed other approaches. MARS reflected that the main and interaction effects of socioeconomic (age of enterprise, province of enterprise, educational level, membership status, other works except for beekeeping and number of full beehives), biological predictors (bee race and frequency of changing queen be...

Muhammad Zahid1, Naeem Iqbal1, Sohaib Muhammad2*, Summiya Faisal3, Wajid Mahboob3, Makhdoom Hussain4 and Zaheer ud din Khan2 

Adem Aksoy1, Yakup Erdal Ertürk2, Ecevit Eyduran3 and Mohammad Masood Tariq4,*
...on of Turkey. Predictive performances of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and Chi-Square Interaction Detector (CHAID) were evaluated comparatively in the definition of significant factors and interaction effects between the factors. Before the definition process, the data on socio-economic (age, province, educational level, experience, social security, lands and the reason at ranching of the animal breeders) and biological factors (sex, first li...
Ali Karabayir1,*, Nazan Arifoğlu2 and Mustafa Öğütcü3
...king water on the growth performance of three different chicken strains, Plymouth Rock, Australorp and Village (local mix-breed village chickens) was evaluated in the present study. Supplementation of disinfectant clearly improved the microbiological quality of chicken drinking water, by reducing the total bacteria, coliform and E.coli counts. On the other hand, disinfectant addition decreased feed and water intake of all chicken strains. Furthermore, t...
Naeem Ahmad1,* and Zulqurnain2* to compare the growth performance of two GIFT strains (GIFT-Th, imported from Thailand; GIFT-Tw, obtained from a local hatchery) in two earthen ponds, fed with commercially available feed. Similar feeding regime and physical conditions were maintained for both treatments. It was found that there was no significant difference in final total length (TL) and standard length (SL) of the fish in both treatments (P>0.05). However, average monthly weight gain, ...
Majid Hussain1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Razia Iqbal2, Arshad Javid3, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1,4 and Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan1
...digestibility and growth performance of Catla catla fingerlings. MOLM based diet was sub-divided into one control diet (0% CA) and five test diets, each supplemented with 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% CA, respectively. Chromic oxide as an inert marker was added in the diets to determine nutrient digestibility. The fingerlings were fed twice daily at the rate of 5 % of live wet body weight on their respective diets. Supplementation of CA in MOLM based diets sign...
Shoukat Ara1, Sheikh Adil2,*and Manzoor Ahmad Khan3
... biochemistry and laying performance layer chicken, a study was conducted on 240 key stone golden layer chicks which were randomly assigned into five groups having three replicates of 16 each. Birds in control (T1) group were fed the basal diet, where as other groups the groundnut cake was replaced with 5 (T2), 10 (T3), 15 (T4) and 20% (T5) Azolla. The results revealed that inclusion of Azolla

Iqbal Javed1*, Amar Razzaq2, Mudassar Yasin3, Muhammad Ali Imran4, Haroon Javaid5, Iftikhar Nabi6, Anum Sardar1 and Shahbaz Ahmad

...d to explore the current performance and competiveness of meat industry of Pakistan. Keeping the importance of the meat industry of Pakistan, the study in hand is conducted to explore the mutton exports from Pakistan and to figure out the potential markets for Pakistani mutton. For the purpose of a research conducted on mutton exports from Pakistan the secondary data were used. The major sources of the data used in the study were international trade center, Ec...

Saif Ullah and Mohammad Akmal*

... ha-1 also showed better performance on sunflower yield traits. At some observations S 20 and 30 kg ha-1 were found non-significant. Situation like field remains longer under cereal crops cultivation, the integrated effect of nutrients i.e. N 80 with P 90 kg and S 30 is the best option to grow sunflower for better oil and protein. The study suggests that N, P and S at the rate of 80, 90 and 30 kg ha-1 is the best combination for soils remained with cereal crop...

Bushra Qadir1, Muhammad Asim2 and Mohammad Akmal1* 

...dy compares early growth performance of alfalfa varieties for forage biomass production. The seed was soaked overnight (14 h) in extracts made from dry powdered leaves of Bakayn (Azadir achtaindica), Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana) and water (H2O) and planted in pots on the next morning. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design at the University of Agriculture Peshawar during winter 2013-14. Periodic growth sampling was taken by harvesting thre...

Arshad Iqbal1*, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1, Hidayat ur Rahman1, Faiza Aman2 and Aziz-ur-Rahman

... and AUP-322 showed best performance for primary panicle branches (13) and secondary panicle branches (41.3), respectively. High broad-sense heritability estimates were observed for all the studied characters, number of days to maturity (99.6%), culm length (99.4%), flag leaf area (98.9%), days to heading (95.9%), secondary branches panicle-1 (88.3%), panicle length (70.7%) and primary branches panicle-1 (60.6%), respectively. Genetic advance estimation showed...

Monsif Ur Rehman1*, Hidayat-ur-Rahman1, Muhammad Iqbal2, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1 and Zahir Shah3 

... ability and grain yield performance of S1 lines derived from ten maize populations. These populations were crossed in half diallel design and the resulting 45 cross combinations were further explored for their use as source of elite inbred line development in a line × tester experiment conducted at Cereal Crops Research Institute, Pirsabak and Maize and Millet Research Institute, Yousaf wala during Kharif 2016. A total of 164 testcrosses from four teste...
Naila Chand1, Shamsullah1, Rafiullah1, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3, Shabana Naz4,*, Ebrahim Rowghani5 and Murad Ali Khan2
...ride (MOS) on the growth performance, weight of lymphoid organs and intestinal histomorphology of broilers during starter phase. A total of 180 day-old broiler chicks were distributed into 3 treatments, designated as MOS-0, MOS-50 and MOS-100 having MOS at the rate of 0, 50 and 100 g/kg respectively. Each treatment was further replicated 3 times having 10 chicks per replicate. Treatment MOS-0 was kept as control and the birds in this treatment were fed on basa...

Jafar Aqeel Naqi1, Abdul Mateen1, Dilawar Hussain2,*, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2, Sajjad Hussain1 and Abuzar Tabasum1 

...eed ingredient on growth performance and immune response in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). A total of 150 juvenile’s tilapia were taken randomly and divided into five experimental units (10 fishes per unit) with three replicates. Fish was hand feeded containing five different levels of garlic (T1, control) 2.5 (T2), 5.0 (T3), 7.5 (T4), and 10g/500g (T5) in powdered form. Fish were fed a...

Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar*1, Shahid Riaz Malik1, Waqas Ahmad2, Muhammad Sajid Mahmood3, Muhammad Jawad1, Muhammad Asadullah1, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Muhammad Imran1

...ted significantly better performance as compared to G1 (NM-11) for most of the studied traits including yield. In case of planting times delayed sowing enhanced the maturity but July 05 reported best results especially for yield attributes like no. of clusters per plant, pods plant-1, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index, however it was statistically similar with planting time July 15 for all these traits. The interaction also exhibited significant ...

*Nageen Fatima1, Sadia Murawwat1 and Syeda Ameena Rizvi1

...Per-Pixel (BPP) ratio as performance parameters. Image compression by Huffman encoding, Embedded Zero tree Wavelet (EZW) and Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPINT) technique is performed. The result showed that lossy techniques are reliable to save hardware memory consumption but having low CR ratio. In lossless techniques, CR ratio is higher and it uses more space to store compressed image. Proposed comparison between lossy and lossless techniques is ...

 Mirfa Murtaza1, Sajid Abdullah1, Wardah Hassan1*, Khalid Abbas1, Huma Naz1, Muhammad Anjum Zia2

Studies on amylase and lipase activity in fishes fed with diet containing different feed ingredients
...nificantly better growth performance than fish fed with rice
polish. The activity of amylase and lipase was higher in all fish species fed with corn gluten. Liver showed higher
amylase activity than the intestine, while the activity of lipase was higher in intestine. It was concluded that different
fish species respond differently to various feed ingredients. Therefore it is important to follow the acceptability and
digestibility st...

Dilara Abbas Bukhari1, Abdul Rehman2*

Isolation of bioactive compounds from exudate of edible fungus, Pleurotus ostreatus
...yer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, were employed to study fungal exudate. A total of fifteen different metabolites were detected in the sample by GC/MS. The detected metabolites could be classified into chemical groups of 2 esters, 4 alcohols, 3 benzoic acids, ketone, aldehyde, phenyl and amide groups containing compounds. Some of these may be classified into aroma containing compounds.


 Ihsan Ali1#, Asim Aslam1*, Habib-ur-Rehman2, Beenish Zahid3, Ishtiaq Ahmed1

Effect of fish oil on growth performance and immune response in experimentally infected broiler chicken with avian influenza virus H9N2
... histopathology, growth performance and antibody response in H9N2 challenged
broilers. A total of 80 chicks were divided in to 4 groups A, B, C & D. Group A and
B were challenged with AI virus (H9N2) on 21 day of age, group B and C were
treated with 3% FO while group A and D were treated with cooking oil. For isolation
of virus, 21 samples were collected, out of which 8 (40%) were positive for H9. The
virus titer was ran...

Masab Umair Khan, Syed Mehar Ali Shah, Hidayat-ur-Rahman, Arshad Iqbal* and Ezaz Aslam 

... conducted to assess the performance of 20 maize hybrids along with two checks at The University of Agriculture Peshawar during spring 2017 crop growing season. The experimental material was planted in randomized complete block design with three replications. Significant differences among the hybrids were observed for plant height, ear height, days to tasseling, days to anthesis, days to silking, cob length, cob diameter, kernel rows cob-1, 100-kernel weight a...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Khalid Usman2*, Muhammad Arif1, Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi3, Muhammad Munir4 and Imran Khan

...s study displayed better performance over the local check in both the study years. The maximum germination (84.1 % and 85.4 %), number of fruits (25.4 and 23.9), fruit length (52.8 and 51.5 cm), fruit width (16.7 and 17.1 cm), fruit weight (1283.8 and 1330.2 g), yield (48.1 and 50.1 tons ha-1), TSS (7.1 and 6.9 %) and Vitamin C (16.1 and 16.1 mg/100g) were recorded in cv. Anmol. On the basis of overall performance and highes...

Fouzia Tabssum1, Qamar uz Zaman2*, Yinglong Chen3,4, Umair Riaz5*, Waqas Ashraf6, Ambreen Aslam2, Nusrat Ehsan2, Rab Nawaz2, Humera Aziz7 and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah8 

...gnificantly improved the performance of rice cultivars by improving tillering dynamics, plant water-relations, chlorophyll pigments, photosynthetic pigments, morphological and yield related traits of rice cultivars. Proline application improved the efficiency of salt tolerance of rice cultivars, Shaheen basmati showed better response in terms of yield than Super basmati. In crux, foliar applications of 50 mM proline at seedling and vegetative stages are more e...

Muhammad Salman Wazir and Mohammad Akmal 

...n timing effect on wheat performance as sole or intercrop with other selected species. The study was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, during winter 2015-16. Treatments included cropping pattern viz. sole and intercrop of lines with 1:1 ratio i.e. one wheat row followed by one other crop species and 2:1 ratio i.e. two wheat rows followed by one other crops rows of Brassica (Brassica juncea), Fababean (Vicia faba) and...
Farhat Iqbal1, Mohammad Masood Tariq2,*, Ecevit Eyduran3, Zil-e-Huma4, Abdul Waheed5, Farhat Abbas2, Muhammad Ali2, Nadeem Rashid2, Majed Rafeeq2, Asadullah2 and Zahid Mustafa2
...ts revealed the superior performance of the Brody model in terms of lower DIC and higher R2 values for male, female, single and twin birth sheep data, thus providing the overall best fit than the competing nonlinear growth models. The findings of this study indicate the potential of fitting complex nonlinear functions to weight-age relationship of animal data via Bayesian approach.
Asim Faraz1,*, Muhammad Younas2, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Yaqoob2 and Kashif Ishaq3


...i, to examine the growth performance and hair mineral status of Marecha calves (Camelus dromedarius) reared under intensive (IMS) and semi-intensive management systems (SIMS). Twelve Marecha calves were randomly allotted to two comparable groups of 6, (3 ♂ and 3 ♀). First group animals were reared under IMS, fed concentrate @ 1 kg/h/d plus crop residues of gram (Cicer arientinum) ad lib while in second group, calves were reared under S...
A.H. Shahzad1, A. Sattar1,*, A. Husnain1, I. Ahmad2, N. Ahmad1, D. Nak3 and Y. Nak3

Ali Bakhsh1*, Mashal Rehman1, Said Salman1 and Rehmat Ullah

...ilability. In this study performance of 23 cotton genotypes was compared for seed cotton yield and fiber quality traits under water stress and non-stress conditions. All the genotypes depicted significant differences for days to first square formation, days to first flower formation, plant height, monopodial branches per plant, sympodial branches per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, fiber length, fiber strength, uniformity index, fiber fineness, ...

Liaqat Ali Shahid1*, Nadeem Amjad2 and Muhammad Abdul Hanan Siddhu3 

Muhammad Shabir Shaheen1, Shahid Mehmood1, Athar Mahmud1, Jibran Hussain1, Ahmed Sultan Jatoi2, Muhammad Yaqoob3, Sohail Ahmad1 and Arshad Javid4,*
...lectricity Bulb). Growth performances, blood glucose, cholesterol level and economic appraisal in term of running cost / Kg of live meat were recorded. The results revealed that all strains generally but Ross 308 particularly maintained on floor heating system (FH) exhibited significantly (P<0.05) better FCR, EEF and livability along with higher glucose and lower cholesterol level in blood with better immune response that led to higher profit margin. All th...
Muhammad Tufail1, Naila Chand1, Rafiullah1, Shakoor Ahmad2, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3 and Shabana Naz4,*
...osaccharide (MOS) on the performance and gut morphology of broiler chicks (Ross 308) during the finisher phase. A total of 180 of 22 days broiler chicks were distributed into 3 treatments with 3 replicates having 20 chicks per replicate. One group was kept as control and the birds in this treatment were fed on basal ration without alteration in feed contents while the other treatments MOS-50 and MOS-100 represented 50 and 100 g MOS/kg feed respectively during ...
Hao Gu*, Zhi Yang, Weiqiang Yu, Kan Xu and Yuan-fei Fu* showed an outstanding performance in the inhibition of acid producing and biofilm of the four strains of cariogenic bacteria. Meanwhile, low values of MIC of capsaicin on four sectional cariogenic bacteria indicated high efficiency of antibacterial activity of capsaicin. Antibacterial activity of capsaicin on Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces viscosus, Lactobacillus and Streptococcus sanguis were proved in this study. In vivo experiments of capsaicin...
Kalimullah Khan1,*, Hafsa Zaneb2, Zia Ur Rehman3, Hamza Maris4 and Habib ur Rehman1 to enhance the growth performance in broilers and it will lay foundation for future research on poultry feed in Pakistan.

Naseer Ahmed Abbasi1, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1*, Bilawal Abbasi2, Shakeel Ahmed Soomro1, Najeeb Ahmed Khan Nangraj1, Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahto1 and Sajjad Ahmed Morio1 

...dy able to provide grade performance suitability of lands for agricultural purposes; it could be more helpful for farmers of the research area. Fuzzy AHP methods could be beneficial for future studies for land suitability. The study finding have capabilities of different methods combined with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the potential time and cost saving methods can assess the suitability of land. Finding shows that the fuzzy set method is diffe...
Muhammad Usman Asif*, Raza Muhammad, Waseem Akbar, Mubasshir Sohail and Muhammad Awais  
... (0.31/leaf). Best yield performance (2467.8 kg/ha) was of NIA-HM-6N that showed high tolerance against sucking pests as well as bollworms. Moreover, the perusal of data showed that the population trend of all insects remained below economic threshold level (ETL) during the period of study.  
Wen Chao Liu1,2, Kwan Sik Yun3 and In Ho Kim2,*
...erol (1,3-DAG) on growth performance, blood lipids profiles, relative organ weight and meat quality of broilers. A total of 512 male, one-d-old Ross 308 broilers with an average initial BW of 45.28 ± 0.81 g were randomly allotted to 4 treatments. Each dietary treatment consisted of 8 replicate cages, with 16 birds per replicate. The 4 dietary treatments were corn-soybean meal-based diets and supplemented with 0, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15% 1,3-DAG, respectivel...
Shahid Yousaf1*, Salman Khurshid1, Saqib Arif1, Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat ul Ain Akbar1, Najmus Sahar1 and Ghulam Rasul2
Sakhra Mahmood1, M. Younus1, A. Aslam1, A.A. Anjum2, S. Umar3, Aamerzish Mushtaq3 and M.L. Sohail4,*
...o get optimum production performance from livestock and poultry, proper detoxification of AFB1 in feed is mandatory. This study was designed to analyze the biological detoxification potential of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) in experimental quails fed with AFB1 added diets. For this purpose 180 quails, divided in 3 groups were reared and fed with 3 different experimental diets having 0.5 mg/kg of AFB1 contamination and varying levels of SC (0.5, 1 and 2...
Hande Küçükönder1, Pınar Çelebi Demirarslan1,*, Aykut Burgut2 and Mustafa Boğa3
...ltry house on production performance in a commercial poultry enterprise with a hybrid approach. In accordance with this purpose, the hybrid approach has two main objectives: i) Determination of the effective period for which the output factors [(chicken survival rate (%), egg yield (%)] are optimized at the same time and the appropriate value ranges for the input factors [temperature (oC), humidity (%) and feed per hen (g)] that provide effectivenes...
Doğukan Ölmez1 and Gonca Alak2,* calculated using high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) method. As a result of the analyses, it was observed that there were 9 protein bands in the muscle and 7 protein bands in the visceral organs, and the volume increases were observed in protein amounts in the hydrolysates depending on time. In addition, as the lipid profile, cholesterol ester (CE), triacylglycerol (TAG), free fatty acids (FFA), cholesterol (CHOL), monoacylglycerol (MAG), dia...
Naveed Ahmad1,*, P.J.A. Siddiqui1, Amjad Ali1, Khan Mir Khan2, Rafaqat Masroor3, Noor ul Akbar4, Muhammad Amin5 and Mohammad Attaullah6
...ietary protein on growth performance, feed utilization, survival and carcass composition of yellowfin seabream, Acanthopagrus arabicus. Five semi-purified experimental diets were formulated containing 350 (P30), 400 (P35), 450 (P40), 500 (P45) and 550 (P50) grams of protein kg-1 of dry matter. Thirty healthy fish (20.94±0.81g initial weight) were stocked in each floating net cage (1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m), with three replicates of each trea...

Saqib Bashir* and Bashir Ahmad 

...on pea green manuring on performance and subsequent nitrogen fertilizer requirement of wheat crop during 2013 and 2014. The experiment was carried out in randomized complete block design with split plot arrangements having four replications. Pigeon pea green manuring treatments as 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days post emergence were allotted to main plots, where crop was incorporated in soil at different days after emergence (DAE), this was done in previous season b...

 Asad Sultan1, Rabia Ali1, Rifat Ullah Khan2,*, Sarzamin Khan1, Naila Chand1 and Ambrina Tariq3

...compromised birds’ performance. The present study assessed the impact of phytase on enhancing the nutrient retention and phosphorus utilization in two different sorghum cultivars fed to broiler. In an open sided house, a total of 160, 14-days-old broilers were allotted to four dietary bioassay treatments and fed mash red and white sorghum grain with or without phytase enzyme (500 FTU/kg) for 12 days (including 4 days adaptation period). Standard lab prot...
Fukuan Du1,2, Yongkai Tang1, Juhua Yu1, Shengyan Su1, Fan Yu1, Jianlin Li1, Hongxia Li1, Meiyao Wang1 and Pao Xu1,2,*
...linkage map and economic performance improvement of C. nasus.

Muhammad Adnan Islam1,2*, Muhammad Iqbal2, Zia-ul-Haq2,3, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Shabbir Ahmed Kalwar1, Liaqat Ali Shahid1, Badar Munir Khan Niazi1 and Muzammil Husain1 

...was tested for its field performance with three different types of furrow openers viz; disk furrow opener, reverse hoe furrow opener and hoe furrow opener. Statistical design, RCBD, was employed to evaluate the machine performance in comparison with conventional method of wheat sowing in cotton harvested field. In this study, moisture content (15.72 %), bulk density (1.41 g/cm3) and penetration resistance (875.21 kPa) were f...

Aziz Ur Rahman* and Syed Mehar Ali Shah 

...0 and AUP-29 excelled in performance for yield and yield attributes across locations while AUP-3, AUP-29, AUP-30 and AUP-29 displayed adaptation to specific environments of Peshawar, Swat, Mansehra and Charsadda, respectively. 


Hamid Ali, Muhammad Arshad, Ibad Ullah Jan, Muhammad Zamin*, Junaid Khan, Ikram Ullah and Mushtaq Ali 

...mer 2018 to evaluate the performance of tuberose under various concentrations of gibberellic acid and micronutrients. Experiment was laid in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) using two factors i.e. gibberellic acid and micronutrients with three replications. Both the factors gibberellic acid (GA3) and micro nutrients had their significant effects. The best performance was found in the interaction of GA3 and micronutrie...
Senol Celik
...vely evaluate predictive performances of multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), chi-squared automatic interaction detector (CHAID), exhaustive CHAID and classification and regression trees (CART) data mining algorithms in predicting live body weight as a continuous response variable by means of morphological measurements i.e. live body weight (LBW), body length (BL), withers height (WH), rump height (RH), belly girth (BG) and chest girth (CG) ...

Bina Khanzada1*, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed1 and Nazir Ahmed2 

...tal plants on parasitoid performance. Among artificial diets tested were honey, sugar, protein hydrolysate solution to enhance fecundity and fertility of the parasitoid under laboratory conditions and compared with the provision of flower nectors such as ornamental sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock in the laboratory. The ornamental plants sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock were also tested in the field for conservation of the C. flavipes. The results showed...
Yuyu Wang, Gangchun Xu*, Zhijuan Nie, Quanjie Li, Nailin Shao and Pao Xu*
...king densities on growth performance, serum biochemical parameters, digestive enzymes activity and antioxidant status of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) reared in an in-pond raceway system (IPRS). Fish (initial average body weight: 35.68±2.12g) were randomly allotted to in-pond raceways (26.2m×5m×2.5m) stocked at two stocking densities (68 and 114 fish/m3, respectively). Fish were fed twice daily (08:00 and 17:00), ...
Wang Zaigui1,*, Guo Panpan1, Ye Miao1, Sun Linghong1, Zhang Hongfu2 and Liu Chaoliang1,*
... of B.subtilis on growth performances, cocoon quality and amylase activity of silkworm, Bombyx L, we got the following results: (1) In the larval duration of 3rd instar silkworm, average weight gain (AWG) and feed conversion ratio (RFC) were not significantly affected with the use of B. subtilis, but the remaining amount of mulberry leaves (RAML) was significantly decreased contrasting to the blank group (P<0.05). (2) In the la...
Muhammad Afzal1, Nighat Sultana1, Ali Hassan1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2,*, Mahroze Fatima3, Syed Makhdoom Hussain4, Muhammad Bilal5 and Majid Hussain2
...oject studies the growth performance, muscle proximate composition and nutrient digestibility performance by rohu (Labeo rohita) juveniles fed citric acid (CA) acidified phytase (PHY) pretreated soybean meal (SBM) based diet.Basal SBM based diet was supplemented with two levels of CA (0 and 2%) and two levels of microbial PHY (0 and1000 FTUkg-1) in factorial arrangement resulting in the formulation of four ...
Rana Waqas Arshad1, Asim Aslam1, Muhammad Saeed Imran1, Kamran Ashraf2 and Raheela Akhtar1,*
...ection and better growth performance of broiler industry.

Asad Ullah Khan1, Wiqar Ahmad1*, Amir Raza2, Farmanullah Khan3 and Muhammad Sharif3 

...eld and nutrients uptake performance. This research investigated the survival and growth efficiency of the 10 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under sand culture including Batoor-2007, Barsat (NRL 0320), Fakhr-e-Sharhad-99 (FS-99), Tatara-96 (WS 395), Paktunkhwa-15 (PR-103), NIFA Lalma (NRL 0517), Pirsabak 2013, NIFA Insaf (NRL 0707), Shahkar-2015 and Pirsabak 2015 (PR-105). Pots were arranged in completely randomized design in a glass-house at the Nucle...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1*, Nisar Ahmad1, Azhar Rasul1, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad2, Muhammad Latif3, Muhammad Zubair Ul Hassan Arsalan1, Muhammad Umair1  and Hafiza Hina Shafqat1
... nanoparticles on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and hematological parameters of C. catla fingerlings fed nano- Cr particles supplemented sunflower meal based diets. The experiment was consisted on seven test diets on the basis of supplementation of nano Cr graded levels (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 mg Kg-1). Chromic oxide was used as an inert marker. Fingerlings were fed at the rate of 5% of their live wet weight. Maximum improv...
Naimat Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3, Shahbaz Javaid4*, Tarique Tonio1 and Asif Mahmood5
...ductive and reproductive performance, and semen quality of Friesian Sahiwal crossbred bulls during summer season. A total of 24 Friesian Sahiwal crossbred bulls at nearly similar age and body weight were selected and allotted erratically into 3 treatment groups, denoted as A, B and C for a period of 2 months (May and June). Each group was assigned 8 bulls. Bulls in group A were not fed with any dietary fat (control group) while bulls in group B and C were offe...
Ali Mujtab Shah1,2,3, Muhammad Naeem2, Muhammad Giasuddin Shah2, Muhammad Haaroon2, Quanhui Peng1 and Zhisheng Wang1,*
...eeding methods on growth performance, and immunity of Holstein Friesian (HF) calves. The applied feeding methods were stomach tube (ST), nipple feeder (NF) and natural suckling (NS). A total of 15 newly born HF calves were selected randomly from the available stock and divided into 3 groups, each of 5 calves. The median birth weight (kg) ± S.D of calves fed by ST, NP and NS were recorded as 28.68±1.16, 28.44±0.67 and 28.56±1....
Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed1,2,*
...ameter) and reproductive performances (litter size and weight) were determined and recorded. In addition, values of body temperature and blood glucose were determined after general anesthesia. The results indicated that N. sativa oil supplementation resulted in significant (P < 0.05) increase of RBCs, hematocrit, WBCs and plasma total protein values in addition to significant hypoglycemia compared to control. The quality of oocytes and reproductive <...

Durr-e-Nayab*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil, Fida Mohammad and Shad Khan Khalil 

...eneral reduction in mean performance of genotypes for important yield component traits due to late planting but the magnitude of reduction varied over genotypes and traits. Mean of 29 genotypes (9 parents and 20 F1 hybrids) were 18.0 vs. 7.4 for spikes plant-1, 23.4 vs. 20.5 for spikelets spike-1, 70.2 vs. 51.6 for grains spike-1, 47.7 vs. 40.4 g for 1000-grain weight and 35.6 vs.19.6 g for grain yield plant-1 under normal and late planting environment. Theref...
Chen-Yu Sun, Wen-Chao Liu*, Mei Xiao, Zhi-Hui Zhao and Li-Long An*
...els of betaine on growth performance and intestinal morphology in Chinese indigenous young yellow feather broilers. A total of 360 male, one-d-old Huaixiang chickens with an average initial BW of 44.52 ± 1.07 g were randomly allotted to 4 treatments. Each dietary treatment consisted of 6 replicate cages, with 15 birds per replicate. The 4 dietary treatments were corn-soybean meal-based diets and supplemented with 0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg betaine, res...

Muhammad Ilyas* and Fida Mohammad 

.... The RIL25 had superior performance for various traits. Wheat RIL25 produced maximum grain yield in E2 (3123 kg ha-1), E3 (3665 kg ha-1) and E7 (3256 kg ha-1), thus emerged as promising line with wider adaptation. Conversely, RIL24 had higher grain yield in E1 (2800 kg ha-1); RIL1 in E4 (2884 kg ha-1); RIL58 in E5 (2370 kg ha-1); RIL7 in E6 (3200 kg ha-1) and RIL53 in E8 (2339 kg ha-1) suggesting their specific adaptability to respective environments. Grain y...

Wajid Khan* and Raziuddin 

...he tested material. Mean performance identified parental genotype AUP-21 being the best for early maturity (167.0 days), pods main raceme-1 (65.3), 1000-seed weight (7.1 g) and seed yield (30.6 g). F1 cross combination AUP-10 × AUP-18 had high seed yield (36.5 g) and moderate days to maturity (177.0). Desirable significant negative best parent and commercial heterotic effects were observed in 17 and 13 hybrids for maturity, respectively. Desired signific...
Laiba Shafique1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah3, Mahroze Fatima4, Huma Naz5, Saif ur Rehman1, Youchuan Wei1 and Qingyou Liu1,*
... D3 on growth performance and muscle proximate analyses of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Four experimental diets viz. FD1, FD2, FD3 and FD4 having formic acid (%) and vitamin D3 (IU/Kg) 0, 0; 2, 0; 0, 5000 and 2, 5000, respectively were prepared. Fish were fed with experimental diets for 90 days. Growth performance of fish was observed on fortnightly basis throughout the t...
Lin Qi, Lu Li, Danyang Chen, Mingxiao Liu, Yan Wu and Wei Hu*
... was determined by ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) and Bruker micOTOF OllQ TOF mass spectrometry, respectively. The full amino-acid sequence of the monomericpeptide was analyzed by sequential Edman degradation using a protein/peptide sequencer. The antibacterial activity of the protein monomer in antlerplate was studied by disc diffusion method, and the antibacterial ring diameter of each antibacterial agent was measured to determine its antibac...
Mahdi Khojastekey1, Majid Kalantar1, Jam Zaheer Ahmed2, Samiullah Khan3, Muhammad Altaf Hussain4, Rajwali Khan5 and Sayed Haidar Abbas Raza6*
...romotion of reproductive performance and economic indices performance of Zandi ewes under an accelerated lambing system (3 times lambing in two years). A total of 289 ewes from 3 to 4 years old, with mean body weight of 50±5 kg and BCS range from 2.5 to 3, were randomly allocated between two experimental groups as follow:1) in control group 98 ewes were exposed to rams all year-round without any hormonal treatment.2) ...
Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1*, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2, Afia Muhammad Akram1, Arshad Javid3, Majid Hussain5, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah4 and Asma Chaudhary1
Mubasshir Sohail1,2,*, Raza Muhammad1 and Qadeer Ahmed Soomro1 significantly good in performance when fed to C. carnea larvae with S. cerealella eggs than their solo effect. Results depicted that mortality factor and life parameters of C. carnea larvae are influenced by its prey type which they fed on. These results of the study could be used to improve the rearing and conservation strategies to increase C. carnea population and their predatory activities.
Shad Mahfuz1,2, Shuyuan Wang1, Mo Chen1, Fei Zao1, Dong Zhen1
Zhongjun Liu4 and Hui Song1,3*
...of increasing production performance has led to human health hazards. A driving force for the interest of using natural herbs is to eliminate the use of low-dose antibiotics in poultry production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Flammulina velutipes stem waste (FVW) inclusion in laying hens diet on production performance, egg quality and serum metabolic profile during the early pha...

Muhammad Zubair1, Sagheer Ahmad2*, Awais Rasool1, Muhammad Asad Farooq1 and Ibni Amin Khalil3

...ability and stability of performance. It also indicated Larkana environment as the ideal location, most discriminating for varieties with the greatest G × E interaction and representative for all other locations. Hence GGE-biplot analysis tool can be applied facilitate evaluation of superior sugarcane varieties for different agro-ecologies. 

Po Bunnika, Khalid Khan and Guo Xiangyu*
...profitability ratios and performance measures, which indicates that return on assets and equity are linked to technical and distribution efficiency. The cooperatives could increase their profits by upsurging sales performance instead of improving technical performance. These results also confirm that cooperatives managers should give greater importance to the effective use of capital and l...

Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Muhammad Afzal1, Azhar Abbas Khan2, Syed Muhammad Ali Zahid1, Muhammad Saqib1, Asad Abdullah1, Saba Kousar1 and Maryam Riaz1 

...notype (CIM-554) for the performance of H. armigera feeding The difference in leaf injury, relative consumption and growth rate of H. armigera was detected among experimental factors and their interactions. The leaf injury caused by H. armigera was higher (38.5 cm2 and 30.5cm2) on non-transgenic genotype at high and low moisture levels of plants respectively. Similarly, the relative growth and consumption rate of H. armigera was higher on non-transgenic genoty...

Khaled Kaboudi* 

...lity, decrease in animal performance and aggravation of infection by other pathogens. Although H9N2 is endemic in many regions of the world, such as Middle East and North Africa, where the first outbreaks were described since the end of 1990s, many features about epidemiology and genetic characteristics are still little known. This review summarized the epidemiological situation of H9N2 subtype in poultry in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia. H...
Haq Aman Ullah1,*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Ijaz2, Aqeel Javeed3, Muqadder Shah1 and Ikramul Haq1
...n M1 (AFM1) through high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), somatic cell count (SCC) and total viable count (TVC). Blood samples were analyzed for aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels. Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) was detected in all milk samples of the Group B, C, and D in concentration higher than 0.05 ppb. The AFB1 was excreted in milk as metabolite AFM1 @ 1.35-1.59%. Udder health and milk qual...

Mahnoor Pervez and Farkhanda Manzoor* 

...of Pakistan through high performance liquid chromatography analysis. Pollen and nectar were collected from 2016 to 2017 from different agricultural areas of Pakistan during a field survey. Pollen was collected by installing traps and nectar was collected through capillary method allied with centrifugation. The HPLC technique was used for fast and simple detection of pesticide residues of commonly used pesticides (imidacloprid, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos, fipro...

Sana Munir1, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi1*, Ahmad Naeem Shahzad2, Ismat Nawaz3, Muhammad Shahzad Anjam4, Sumaira Rasul4 and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar5 

...hat among four clusters, performance of genotypes in cluster 3 was superior. PCA and LCA showed that interspecific hybrids showed highest diversity from intraspecific hybrids and concluded that intraspecific hybrids had narrow genetic basis, which can be altered by using interspecific hybrids or exotic lines. These genotypes can be exploited for variety development with enhanced level of diversity, fiber quality and seed cotton yield. 


Aftab Shaukat1,2,*, Tauseef ur Rehman3, Rizwan Shukat4, Shahid Ali Rajput5, 

Shadab Shaukat6, Muhammad Ahsan Naeem2,5,8, Mubashar Hassan2,5, Tabassam Fatima2,5
Fayyaz Ahmad1, Muhammad Usman Saleem7, Fatima Arooj1, Ashar Mehfooz2 and Anas Sarwar Qureshi2
...flushing on reproduction performance (kidding type and fertility percentage) and production performance (birth weight, weaning weight of offspring and health of does). Eighty teddy does were randomly divided into two groups (n=40) viz T1 and T2 as control group and test group, respectively. Flushing ration 250 g and 500 g with crude protein 17.5 % and metabolizable energy 2.9 Mcal/kg was offered ...
Zekeriya Demir1 and Hatice Kaya2*
...BP) supplemented diet on performance, egg quality and some blood parameters of laying hens. A total of 96 Lohmann layers, 28 weeks of age, were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments and fed a control diet (Pol-0), basal diet plus 0.5% (Pol-1), 1.0% (Pol-2) and 1.5% (Pol-3) bee pollen. The present study lasted for twelve weeks. During the experimental period, the hens were fed ad-libitum and water was available all the times. The hen house was li...

Hassnain1, Abdul Basit1*, Mehboob Alam1, Imran Ahmad1, Izhar Ullah1, Noor Alam2, Inayat Ullah3, Muhammad Areeb Khalid1, Muhammad Shair4 and Noor ul Ain1 

Nazir Ahmad Khan1,*, Mudassir Alam1, Rafiullah khan1, Kamran Khan2 and Sadeeq ur Rahman3
...ler feed on bird’s performance, diet digestibility, nitrogen retention, meat amino acids profile and farm profitability. Grains of QPM200 and QPM300 hybrids, approved by Pakistan maize variety evaluation committee in January 2017, were provided by International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), Pakistan. The content of CP was higher in QPM300 (10.8% dry matter (DM)) and QPM200 (9.12% DM) than the CM (7.78% DM). Moreover, QPM200 and QPM300 had ...

Noorullah Khan1*, Farrukh Siyar Hamid1, Fayaz Ahmad1, Sabaz Ali Khan2, Imtiaz Ahmed1, Muhammad Abbas Khan1, Shamsul Islam1, Abdul Waheed1, Basharat Hussain Shah1 and Hussain Shah

...sed to predict the field performance of seedlings. 

Hu Liu1,2, Qifang Yu1,2, Xiaopeng Tang1,2, Chengkun Fang1,2, Sijia Chen1,2 and Rejun Fang1,2,*
...d selenium yeast (SY) on performance, egg quality, selenium concentration in eggs and serum antioxidant capacity in laying hens. Seven-hundred and twenty 21-week-old healthy Roman laying hens with a similar laying rate were randomly divided into 5 groups with 6 replicates of 24 hens. The experiment was designed by 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two sources of Se and two levels of Se. The hens in control group were fed a basal diet without adding exogen...

Jawad Ali*, Ibad Ullah Jan and Hidayat Ullah 

... in improving the growth performance of okra, suggesting that foliar supplementation of Se may result in the development of drought mitigation in okra. 

Hafrijal Syandri1*, Ainul Mardiah2, Azrita3 and Netti Aryani4


...ocking density on growth performance, body carcass composition and biometric indices of juvenile gurami sago in the synthetic sheet pond. Fish were stocked at densities of 10, 15 and 20 fish/m3 in synthetic sheet pond with three replicate. Fish were fed with commercial feed containing 29% crude protein and gross energy of 3,340.50 kkal/kg of feed and cultured for 90 days. The physicochemical parameters of water were always at satisfactory levels fo...
Ibrahim Tapki1*, Huseyin Bahadir Ozalpaydin2, Nuran Tapki3, Mehmet Aslan4 and Muhammet Hanifi Selvi1
...s marked improved growth performance, earlier weaning age and lower farm costs (P < 0.05) compared to Control and OreganoHigh calves. To conclude, dietary oregano essential oil seems to be a potential liquid feed additive that improves feed efficiency, health status, growth performance, and that reduces diarrhea incidents, hastens weaning age and minimizes dairy farm costs when used at the level of 100 mg/l.
Nihat Tekel1, Ilkay Baritci1, Halit Deniz Sireli1, Muhittin Tutkun1, Ecevit Eyduran2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3,*
...nvestigate the fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Awassi x (Romanov x Awassi) G1 crossbred male lambs. In the study, seven male lambs whose weaning weights were almost similar were included in the experiment. The lambs were weaned at 2 months of age. They were fed with ad libitum concentrated feed and 100 g/day wheat straw was given to each animal during the fattening period of 64 days. During the fattening period, it was determine...
Monica Paula Marin1, Elena Narcisa Pogurschi1*, Iuliana Marin2 and Carmen Georgeta Nicolae1
... capacity and productive performance of cows, the health status of the resulting calves.

Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2*, Muhammad Ajmal2, Taj Ali Khan2, Zia Ul Haq2, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak2 and Abdul Malik2 

...omponents. The hydraulic performance of these drip emitters may affect the efficiency of irrigation schemes if not conforming to specified standards. The main objective of this study was to investigate the hydraulic characteristics including average flow rate, emitter exponent, distribution uniformity, emitter discharge coefficient of variation, and statistical uniformity of locally available drip emitters. These indices were compared with the manufacturer dat...

Yousaf Ali1, Muhammad Zamin1*, Ibadullah Jan1, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Mazhar Hussain3, Fazli Rabbi4 and Muhammad Amin

... As far as the genotypes performance is concerned, genotype money maker showed the best performance for all the agronomic characters providing maximum shoot height (34.07cm), lengthiest root (47.87 cm), maximum number of leaves (6.42) and the highest stem diameter (1.24 cm ). Similarly, there was significant effect of compost on various parameters such as the tallest shoots (42.07 cm), maximum number of leaves (8), wider ste...
Muhammad Asif Gondal, Qazal Waheed, Sana Tariq, Waseem Haider, Aisha Khan, Qudsia Rasib and Haroon Ahmed* to perform ecological performance is abosolute. The freshwater malacological information is sparse within Pakistan specifically in the foothills of Margalla hills. Therefore, the present study was designed to evaluate the habitat preference of freshwater snails to environmental factors. However, only 3 species of snail were found from the 13 sites of Islamabad during the period of study. The presence of the snails like Melanoides tuberculata, Indoplanorb...
Muhammad Afzal1, Mahroze Fatima2, Aasma Qamar1, Muhammad Farhan1 and Syed Zakir Hussain Shah3,*
...iciently enhanced growth performance, muscle proximate composition and whole-body nutrient status of L. rohita when fed on sunflower meal-based diet.
Peng Peng1,3, Xiaopeng Tang2*, Dun Deng3, and Rejun Fang1*
...guar meal (GM) on growth performance of meat ducks, to explore the possibility of GM as an alternative protein resource in meat duck diets. Firstly, the chemical composition, dry matter (DM) digestibility, metabolic energy (ME) were determined. Secondly, a total of four hundred eighty 15-day-old Shuanggui-tou meat ducks were divided into 4 treatments, 1) Control group (0% GM in the diet), 2) 3% GM group (3% GM in the diet), 3) 6% GM group (6% GM in the di...

Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui1*, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Ghulam Shah Nizamani1, Shafquat Yasmeen1, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan1, Abdullah Khatri1 and Nighat Seema Soomro2 

...ther evaluated for zonal performance in the Sindh province.  


Muhammad Ilyas1, Sardar Ali Khan1, Shahid Iqbal Awan1, Shafiq-ur-Rehman1, Waqar Ahmed1, Muhammad Riaz Khan2, Raja Mohib Muazzam Naz2, Muhammad Mohib Ullah Khan3 and Sumaira Hafeez1* 

...easurement of phenotypic performances of certain quantitative traits on as many as possible plant individuals in basic experimental generations. Initially, 108 inbred lines of maize were planted in two separate trails under water deficit and normal irrigation conditions in the experimental field of Department of Plant Breeding and Molecular Genetics. Selection of parents for further study was done with regards to grain yield and its component traits. Broad ran...
Abdüssamet Aydın1 and Ş. Canan Bölükbaşı2*
... diets of laying hens on performance, egg quality traits, thiobarbituric acid reactive substans (TBARS) of yolk, the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismütase (SOD) and glutation peroxidas (GSHPx) in serum. Sixty Lohman LSL white layers, 40 weeks of age, kept in individual cages were assigned randomly to five treatment groups, each group included 12 hens. The hens received one of five diets with 0, 32.5, 65 or 130 mg/kg pennyroyal extract an...
Irfan Shahzad Sheikh, Masroor Ahmad Bajwa, Nadeem Rashid, Muhammad Zahid Mustafa, Mohammad Masood Tariq*, Majed Rafeeq, Abdul Samad, Tauseef M Asmat and Asad Ullah
...omising effect on immune performance of broiler chickens.


Sana Aslam1, Wayne Thomas Shier2 and Imran Sajid1*
...te profiling using ultra performance liquid chomatography and mass spectrometric (UPLC-MS) analysis suggested the presence of a variety of bioactive compounds including totarol, kifunensine, talaromycin and clausine F. These results indicated that Kallar Kahar Lake harbors a significant diversity of actinobacterial strains which are able to produce a diverse range of biotechnologically and pharmaceutically potent compounds. Further studies related to the struc...
Muhammad Faheem Akbar1,*, Muhammad Abdul Haq2, Imtiaz Ahmad1, Vasileva Viliana3 and Amjad Sultan1
...liflower curd using high performance liquid chromatography. First order degradation kinetics was fitted on this data and degradation rate constants and half-life were calculated. Conventional pesticides were found to be more persistent in the crop (Average half-life: 2.94, 4.06 and 2.74 days for imidacloprid, endosulfan and profenofos respectively) than bio pesticides (Average half-life: 3.87 and 1.81 days for spinosad and biosal respectively). The crops treat...
Jun Yan Bai*, Xiao Hong Wu, Shuai Yang, You Zhi Pang, Heng Cao, Hong Deng Fan, Xue Yan Fu, Kun Peng Shi and Xiao Ning Lu
...stigate the early growth performance of French giant quails and Savimito quails.In this study, body weight, tibia length, chest depth, chest width, sternum length, body length and tibia circumference of 3-5 weeks old meat quails were measured.The results showed that the at 3-5 weeks of age, the body weight, chest depth, body length, shank length, and sternum length of the French giant female quail were significantly higher than those of the Savimite female qua...
Saeed Murtaza1, Abdul Sattar1*, Nasim Ahmad1, Muhammad Ijaz2Maqsood Akhtar3 and Muhammad Shahzad4
...roductive and productive performances. Moreover, misconceptions about its harmful effect on public health are increasing day by day during postpartum period when animal has been already in stress. To know effect of oxytocin injection on cervix, uterus and milk composition during postpartum interval in Nili-Ravi buffalo, a study was conducted at Buffalo Research Institute Pattoki, Pakistan from September to October. For this purpose, 25 animals were randomly di...

Shazia Mansoor1, Muhammad Sohail2*, Saima Aslam3 and Muhammad Nauman ul Islam4 

...e weight gain and growth performance of Balkhi lambs and pregnant Balkhi ewes at The University of Agriculture, Peshawar Dairy Farm Malakandair. Balkhi sheeps (n=30) were purchased from the market. They were kept for ninety days including 10 days for adaptation. Animals were divided into three groups such that each group contain ten animals i.e. group A (NRC recommended diet), group B (4% more CP and 2% more TDN), and group C (conventional grazing). Weekly bod...
Seval Dernekbasi* and Emin Karatas
...acid profiles and growth performances of rainbow trout. Seven trials were implemented; fish oil trial [FO; continuously fed by diet with fish oil (FO)], canola oil trial [CO; continuously fed by diet with canola oil (CO)], safflower oil trial (SFO; continuously fed by diet with safflower oil (SFO)], mixture oil trial (CSFO; continuously fed by diet containing both %50 CO and %50 SFO), alternate cycled feeding trial [(FO/CO; fish fed by diet with CO for 2 weeks...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Abdullah Khan1, Ibadullah Jan1, Fazli Rabbi2, Shahen Shah3, Rashid Ali1, Kaleem Ullah1 and Muhammad Amin4 

...ion. To investigate the performance of gladiolus at different application rate of nitrogen and potash, a study was conducted at National Agriculture Research Council (NARC) Islamabad, in May to August 2018. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 10 treatment combinations of nitrogen (0, 100, 200, 400 kg ha-1), Potash (0, 100, 200, 400 kg ha-1) and other combinations (200N + 100K kg ha-1, 100N + 200K kg ha-1 and 400N + 400K...

Fazli Ahad1, Raziuddin1, Nazir Ahmad1,2*, Muhammad Nauman1, Touheed Iqbal3, Nabeel Khan1, Fazli Hameed4 and Quaid Hussain2 

... while DH8 showed better performance for pods main raceme-1 (76.6), pod length (7.7 cm) and 1000-seed weight (7.3 g). Cross combinations CA5 × DH6, CA5 × DH7, CA2 × DH7 and CA5 × DH3 showed potential performance for pods main raceme-1 (80.9), pod length (8.2 cm), seeds pod-1 (25.7), 1000-seed weight (7.8 g) and seed yield plant-1 (18.4 g). All the studied traits showed moderate (>30%) to high (>...

Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Naimatullah Leghari2, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio3, Ahmed Naqi Shah1 and Musrat Begum Abro1 

...proved better in overall performance. The interaction of seed priming with 0.2% ZnSO4 and planting geometry of 85 x 20 cm produced the highest seed yield (kg ha-1) and oil content (%), followed by seed priming with 0.2% ZnSO4 and 75 x 25 cm planting geometry. It is concluded that sunflower yield could be enhanced substantially with seeds primed with 0.2% ZnSO4 before sowing and arranged with planting geometry of 85 x 20 cm. The variety HO-1 is relatively a bet...
Hifzulrahman1, Muhammad Abdullah1*, Muhammad Uzair Akhtar2, Jalees Ahmed Bhatti3, Muhammad Saadullah1 and Muhammad Naveed-ul-Haque2

Peer Sikandar Shah1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan*1,2, Saddam Hussain1 and Jawad Ali Jan1

Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Mudasser Nazir2, Aneela Hameed3, Nasir Ali Tauqir4, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Rana Muhammad Bilal5

Muhammad Safdar Hussain1*, Muhammad Farrakh Nawaz2, Muhammad Ayyoub Tanvir2 and Noor-E-Hira

...ght spells, however, the performance of T. aphylla was found better in this study. Consequently, research work is necessary to study Eucalyptus camaldulensis genetically and physiologically to bring modification in this plant that can make it less water demanding to conserve water. 


Iqbal Javed1, Abdur Rehman2*, Iftikhar Nabi3, Amar Razzaq4, Raheel Saqib5, Allah Bakhsh6, Muhammad Mohibullah7 and Muhammad Luqman

... review and evaluate the performance of Pakistani basmati to international markets and to estimate the impact of different factors on basmati export from Pakistan. For this purpose, panel data of eleven markets are collected from 2003 to 2016. Independent macroeconomics variables used in the study are exchange rate of Pakistan, exchange rates of trading partner, inflation in Pakistan, inflation in trading partner and dummy variables joint border and religion b...
Shaista Abbas1,Imtiaz Rabbani1, Hafsa Zaneb2, M. Shahbaz Yousaf1, Saima Ashraf2, Abid Hussain Shahzad3, M. Afzal Rashid4 and Habib Rehman1,*
... increase the production performance and nutrient digestibility in ruminants. However, when compared with large ruminants there is scarcity of the data reporting the effects of dietary yeast in transition goats. Therefore, a trial was planned to elucidate the effects of various inclusion levels of live dried yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on dry matter intake (DMI), body condition score (BCS), body weight (BW) and serum health biomarkers in Beetal goa...
Fermín López-Uriostegui1, Jesus T. Ponce-Palafox2*, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso1, María R. Castañeda-Chávez1, Itzel Galaviz-Villa1, Sergio Castillo-Vargasmachuca2 and Arturo Ruiz Luna3
...nd 10‰) on growth performance and survival of Macrobrachium americanum was studied under controlled laboratory conditions. Sub-adult’s prawns (10.29 ± 0.27 g) were reared in these conditions for 72 days. Each experimental group contained 25 prawns in an approximately 100-L water capacity tank. The experimental design was factorial with three repetitions per treatment. Prawns were fed (commercial shrimp feed with 35% protein, 12% lipi...

Hasnain Alam1*, Jabar Zaman Khan Khattak1 and Taoufik Saleh Ksiksi

...ther evaluated for field performance under stress conditions so can be recommended for mass vegetation and as a substitute to exotic landscaping species. 


H. Liu1, X.P. Tang1, R.J. Fang1,*, F.Yi2, C. Zhang2, R.Q. Yang1, F. Sun1 and S.Y. Zhou1 

... acids complex on growth performance and serum Cu-Zn SOD activity in piglets. A total of 288 (144 castrated males and 144 females) healthy post-weaned at 23-day-old piglets (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire) with an average body weight of (8.79±1.15) kg were randomly divided into 6 groups with 8 replicates in each group, and 6 piglets (3 castrated males and 3 females) per replicate. Control group was fed a basal diet, experimental groups were fe...

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam and Yousaf Jamal 

...hould be used for better performance of wheat. 


Muhammad Jan1*, Safdar Hussain2, Muhammad Anwar ul Haq3, Javed Iqbal4, Ilyas Ahmad4, Muhammad Aslam4 and Aiman Faiz3 

...evaluate the comparative performance of different BT cotton variety. The treatments were T0: Control T1: FYM @10 tons ha-1, T2: Compost @10 tons ha-1 and T3: FYM @10 tons ha-1+ Compost @10 tons ha-1. Three BT cotton varieties (BT-142, Lala zar and BT-786) were tested against the organic sources applications impacts. The application of compost and FYM in combined increased the physical parameters number of bolls per plant, plant height, sympodial branches, mono...
Muhammad Mohibullah1*, Mehran1, Sundas Batool1, Muhammad Amin1, Zakiullah1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Irfanullah1, Abdur Rehman1 and Sardar Ali3
...ce of environment in the performance of chickpea genotypes for the said parameters. Overall, the gcv and pcv were low to moderate for majority of the parameters. Highest amount of gcv and pcv were recorded for seed yield per plant (30.48 and 32.00%) and secondary branches per plant (20.47 and 24.29%), respectively. High broad sense heritability and genetic gain values were also noted in seed yield plant-1 and 2ndry branches plant-1

Nasrullah1*, Ahmad Nawaz Khoso1, Jamila Soomro2, Ilahi Bakhash Marghazani1, Masood-ul-Haq Kakar1, Abdul Hameed Baloch1, Sarfaraz Ahmed Brohi1 and Muhammad Asif Arain1* 

...the feeding behavior and performance of sheep and goat. The animals were fed on Maize, Sorghum, and Millet. For this purpose, a total of 90 animals (n=45 sheep) and (n=45 goats) were randomly assigned into six groups (n=15) each under 2x3 factorial arrangement. All groups of both species were fed maize, millet and sorghum randomly. Results indicated that goat spent more time to eat than sheep while sheep rumination time were noted significantly (P<0.05) hig...

Khalid Khan1, Marguerite Wotto2, Saima Liaqat3, Gulawar Khan1, Balach Rasheed1, Sara Rafiq4 and Guo Xiangyu5* 

...technical efficiency and performance of the farmers. The study results disclosed that all explanatory variables have a positive impact on the farmers’ technical efficiency apart from pesticides. Additionally, the average technical performance of the farmer was 85% which shows that on average a farmer can spur the tomato production by 15 % by using the existing resources. Moreover, the inefficiency model results showed ...

Paul Oludare Adetunji* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola 

...valuate the reproductive performance of three plumage varieties of Noiler cocks, with a view to helping both the farmers and breeders in selecting the best performing variety for rearing and further genetic improvement. Eighteen cockerels of three plumage colours (brown, black and barred) were divided into 2 replicates with 3 birds per replicate. The study lasted for 38 weeks (Feb.-Nov., 2019). Data were taken on the onset of puberty parameters (age at first s...

Ahmad Hussain1*, Syed Murtuza Mehdi2, Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Adeel3, Mohammed Hassan Jabal4, Farid Nasir Ani4 

...> a better tribological performance as compared to neat castor oil.


Muhammad Alam Zeb Khan1*, Muhammad Ali Kamran1, Khan Muhammad2, Khizar Azam1 

... quantify the combustion performance by measuring the furnace temperature. Mesh size 200 was found to
be readily combustible within the operating ranges, while tight control of the operating parameters was required
to combust coal at mesh size 150. Optimum ranges of primary air and Air-Fuel Ratio are suggested for effective
combustion. The study will help in effective utilization of indigenous coal reserves of Pakistan.


Muhammad Nafees Khan1, Iftikhar Hussain2, Muhammad Tahir3, Misbah Ullah2, Shehzad Ali Jamshed4 

employees’ performance. Several organizations, however, struggle to manage performance of their employees. The
key research question which this study set out to answer was to see the effects of tangible and intangible aspects on
employees’ performance. After a detailed review of the literature, list of tangible and intangible aspects were identified.

Rashid Nawaz*1, Iftikhar Hussain1, Sikandar Bilal Khattak1 

...examines the role of Key performance Indicators (KPIs) that is believed to influence the environmental
sustainability of cement production of Pakistan. Environmental sustainability decision requires a scientific approach of
identifying and prioritization of KPIs. The cement industries are confronted with challenges to implement sustainable
manufacturing processes. The data gathered through questionnaire distributed among 213 respondents re...

Younis Jamal1, Asad Naeem Shah1, Wasif Amin Butt1, Ahmad Naveed1*, Muhammad Usman1 

... on a test bench for the performance
and emission analyses using different nozzles and injection timings. During the experiments, two types of nozzles
known as sac and valve covered orifice (VCO) were used with hemispherical cavity and toroidal cavity pistons,
respectively. Besides an already existing set of sac type nozzles, six distinct combinations of nozzles with varying
cone angles and tip penetration (protrusion) lengths (desi...

Samreen Fatima1*, Mudassir Uddin1 

...compares the forecasting performance
and also investigates more volatile stock markets using Asymmetric GARCH (A-GARCH) models and non-parametric
method (Artificial Neural Networks). In the A-GARCH; EGARCH and PGARCH models are used. Firstly, suitable
Asymmetric GARCH (A-GARCH) model was developed for forecasting and investigating leverage effect. Secondly,
an Artificial Neural Networks model was developed for the said stock markets...

Naseem Ahmad1, Sahar Noor1, Rehman Akhtar1*, Misbah Ullah1, Khizar Azam2 

...udied to enhance factors performance and the factors were set up according to the modified compressor
compression system. The suggested equipped factors guide to enhance the recuperate of low pressure burn gas and
the proposed approach of the performance parameters guide to cost effective taking out the low pressure flare gas
minimizes harmful environmental impacts and achieve financial benefits. 

Zahooruddin1*, Muhammad Altaf1, Ayaz Ahmad1, Farooq Alam1 

...erations adaptively. The performance
of the proposed technique is compared with Fast-ICA and Optimum Block Adaptation ICA (OBAICA) for
telecommunication signals. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the Fast-ICA and OBAICA


Muhammad Naeem1*, Sahib Khan2, Nasir Ahmad3

implemented. The performance of the algorithm has been evaluated with standard benchmark problems for USAHLP
and UFLP. Results have been found encouraging.


Muhammad Kaleem Sarwar1, Zulfiqar Ali Chaudary2, M.Tousif Bhatti3, Daulat Khan 



Aqeel Nawaz1, Muhammad Ali Kamran1 

... on the burn pattern and performance profile for qualitative analysis of
sliver fraction (tail-off)and neutrality. The purpose of the study is to expand the design domain by evaluating entire
convex Star family under both neutral and least sliver content conditions.The computer program associated to it
is essentially the ballistic design analysis of the convex star grain configuration.Results showed that neutrality and
sliver fracti...

Ghani Akbar1, Muhammad Munir Ahmad1, Abdul Ghafoor1, Matiullah Khan1, Zafar Islam1 

...the main reasons of poor performance.
Addressing these issues, the three surface irrigation systems were evaluated on thirteen fields under routine farmer
management in Pakistan. Irrigation performance including application efficiency (AE), Potential Application Efficiency
(PAE), Adequacy (AD) and distribution uniformity (DU), of 17 irrigation events were evaluated and further potential
for improv...

Yasir Irfan Badrashia1, Qaisar Alia1, Mohammad Ashraf1, Muhammad Rashid1 

...els is presented and the performance of the two
specimens is compared. The study found that moderate to high deficiencies exist between design specifications and
construction practices for the construction of RC buildings in Pakistan. The study also concluded that significant
loss of strength and ductility is observed between code-compliant and non-code-compliant exterior beam-column
connections subjected to reverse cyclic loading.&...

Salman Saeed*, Akhtar Naeem Khan**, Rashid Rehan*, Sikandar Hayat Sajid**, Muhammad Sagheer Aslam*, Khan Shahzada** 

...udy is aimed at cost and performance optimization of pre-stressed
concrete girder bridges using a parametric study of the design variables and their effects on cost and performance
of the bridge. A spreadsheet is developed for analysis and design of deck slab and girders using one dimensional
beam line analysis and AASHTO LRFD distribution factors. The spread sheet also calculates the overall cost of the...

Sahib Khan*, Abdur Rehman*, Nasir Ahmad**, Muhammad Naeem*** 

... improvement in antenna performance. The improvement in directivity & gain has been observed and bandwidth of
about 65% has achieved with Specific absorption rate reduction. 


Muhammad Shahid1, Adiqa Kiani2* and Mahmood Shah3

Livestock Tackles the Major Sector Fluctuations in Agrarian Sector and Raises Economic Performance: A Study of Pakistan the level of economic performance. The study reveals implications of livestock in tackling seasonal fluctuations, inputs shocks and failure of crops in major sector by taking time series data from 1984 to 2017. Auto regressive distributive lag (ARDL) econometric technique was applied to conclude empirical results. Further, cumulative sum (CUSUM) and CUSUM square test was used to check the stability and structural breaks of the model. The results of research...

Mujahid Badshah, Saeed Badshah, Sakhi Jan 

...TSR from 1-10 to obtain performance curve for the turbine at a design current velocity of 1.5 m/s. Effect of solidity on performance was quantified by varying the number of turbine blades. The value of CP increased by 1.5% with increasing the number of blades from 2 to 3. The value of CP further increased by only 0.2% with increase in number of blades from 3 to 4. The value of turbine thrust was minimally effected by increa...

Numan Habib, Naseer Ahmed, Riaz Muhammad, Himayat Ullah, Muftooh Ur Rehman, Kareem Akhtar 

...Zr-7Nb-0.7Nd with better performance in machining. These two developed alloys contain 0.9% and 0.7% neodymium by weight, respectively. It produces discontinuous chips during metal cutting, which make possible the automatic machining. It also reduces machining time and increase productivity. Ultrasonically assisted turning (UAT) was used to further improve its machinability. In addition, machinability of both newly developed alloy and Ti-6246 is studied by anal...

Muhammad Shahid1, Adiqa Kiani2* and Mahmood Shah3

Livestock Tackles the Major Sector Fluctuations in Agrarian Sector and Raises Economic Performance: A Study of Pakistan the level of economic performance. The study reveals implications of livestock in tackling seasonal fluctuations, inputs shocks and failure of crops in major sector by taking time series data from 1984 to 2017. Auto regressive distributive lag (ARDL) econometric technique was applied to conclude empirical results. Further, cumulative sum (CUSUM) and CUSUM square test was used to check the stability and structural breaks of the model. The results of research...

Sajjad Haydar*, Zunaira Asif*, A. A. Bhatti**, Obaidullah Nadeem***, Ghulam Hussain*, Nadeem Abbas*

...udy aims to evaluate the performance of wastewater
treatment plant (WWTP) of a local tanning industry. Raw wastewater showed high concentration of organic matter
and Chromium. Phosphorous concentration was found deficient for satisfactory biological treatment. WWTP showed
overall removal efficiency of 88.81, 84.54 and 62.31% for total suspended solids (TSS), five day biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD) and chemical o...

 Muhammad Nafees*, Asim Nawab*, Wisal Shah**

... conducted to assess the performance of the treatment plant installed on the main effluent drain

of Hayatabad Industrial Estate (HIE) for reducing pollution load. The objective of the study was to know about the
pollution removal efficiency and suggest changes in the existent treatment plant, if required. For this purpose, samples
were taken from the effluent, before and after it went through the treatment plant. It was found ...

 Sikandar Afridi*, Muhammad Irfan Khattak**, Nasim Ullah***, Gulzar Ahmad**, Muhammad Shafi**


 Akhtar Nawaz*, Sahar Noor*, Iftikhar Hussain*, Afzal Khan*, Shahid Rashid**, Rehman Akhtar*

... is useful in evaluating performance of the supply chain in terms of cost for
a given delivery lead time and helps draw a line of multiple decoupling points in the networks which is supposed to
yield best possible cost. The application of the model has been demonstrated through an example for its usefulness.
The results shows effectiveness of the proposed model and leads to recommendations for developing a comprehensive

 Asif Ali Khan*, Nasru Minallah*, Shahbaz Khan**

...ed clearly show that the performance of maximum-likelihood classifier is better than
the other considered counterparts. Also it is indicated that the newly developed system offer an efficient, reliable and
faster approach for estimation of tobacco crop.

 Mujahid Badshah*1, Saeed Badshah1, Sakhi Jan1

... TSR from 1-10 to obtain performance curve
for the turbine at a design current velocity of 1.5 m/s. Effect of solidity on performance was quantified by varying
the number of turbine blades. The value of CP increased by 1.5% with increasing the number of blades from 2 to 3.
The value of CP further increased by only 0.2% with increase in number of blades from 3 to 4. The value of turbine

 Numan Habib1, Naseer Ahmed1, Riaz Muhammad1*, Himayat Ullah2, Muftooh Ur Rehman1, Kareem Akhtar3

...Zr-7Nb-0.7Nd with better performance
in machining. These two developed alloys contain 0.9% and 0.7% neodymium by weight, respectively. It produces
discontinuous chips during metal cutting, which make possible the automatic machining. It also reduces machining
time and increase productivity. Ultrasonically assisted turning (UAT) was used to further improve its machinability.
In addition, machinability of both newl...

 Farid Ullah Khan·

...his work presents on the performance enhancement ofvibration-based electromagnetic energy harvesters (EMEHs) due to reduced air damping. Fabrication and characterization of Copper foil-type EMEH-l and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane type EMEH-2 un...

Farid Ullah Khan*, Sheraz Ali Khan*

A SMART STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN SYSTEM FOR DOMESTIC ELECTRIC POWER GENERATORS generator. The system performance has been analyzed for three different fUels i.e. Petrol, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural gas.

 Syed Asif Ali Shah*, Iftikhar Hussain*

.... This paper reviews the performance of Pakistan’s manufacturing sector and highlights its importance in economic development of the country and analyses the reasons behind the sectors apparent lack of competitiveness. It also discusses the standing of the Pakistani manufacturing sector and its capability of producing high-tech products and its share in the global export. Data provided by GEM Pakistan has been analyzed, that leads to suggest optimizing t...

M A Khalid*, A R Ghumman**, H. N. Hashmi**, E. Tanveer*

...rigated agriculture. The performance of irrigation system having large network of canals fed from rivers is influenced by many parameters. Inequitable water distribution, Shortage of water during peak crop water requirements, tempering of insufficient funds for proper maintenance and high sediment loads in canals are worth mentioning issues. In this paper the performance of Lower Bari Doab Canal with emphasis on sediment tra...
Muhammad Qasim*, Mohib Ahmad*, Mohammad Inayatullah Babar*, Shahid Bashir*,
Farah Mahmood*, Zeeshan Sabir*
...special emphasis on performance and efficiency of physical layer. The role of physical layer is clearly evident from the fact that it plays an important role in determining the overall quality of data communication. The issue of quality is also important in the context of saving energy of nodes involved in wireless sensor network communication. Poor quality of communication puts constraint on the already existing energy sensitive nature of ...

Gulzar Ahmad*, Sahibzada Faheem*, Amjad Ullah*, Waqar Shah*, S.M. Majid Ashraf*

...ity but gives comparable performance and diversity gains to the actual multiple antenna systems. The aim of this paper is to compare various techniques used in cooperative relaying protocols. The performance is evaluated in terms of average symbol error under various ranges of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) probabilities. A three node system i.e. source, relay and destination, placed on the edges of equilateral t...

Muhammad Naeem*, Sohail Asghar**

A REVIEW OF FEATURE SELECTION TECHNIQUES IN STRUCTURE LEARNING in imparting improved performance metric for Bayesian belief network.

Inayat Ullah*, Shah Khusro**, Saeed Mahfooz**, Azhar Rauf**

...s paper studies the performance of RIP and IGRP in simple networks of different sizes, using email application as evaluation entity. The objective is to find that where, in simple network architectures, RIP with its simple metric will produce better email services or IGRP will win the race with the help of its composite metric. This study also investigates the effect of scalability on both of the routing protocols when the size of the netwo...

Zeeshan Sabir*, M. Inayatullah Babar*, Saeed Ur Rehman**, Amjad Ullah Khattak * Syed Riaz Ul Hassnain*

...5 scripting and the performance of these protocols have been compared based upon their TCP window size evaluation and the number of tcp packets successfully received at the receiving node under each scenario.

Muhammad Tahir Manzoor*, Javed Iqbal*, Mohammad Inayatullah Babar*, Zeeshan Sabir* Khizar Azam*

MULTI HOP CLUSTER DESIGN IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS we examined different performance matrices of the WSN by increasing the size of cluster up to four hops and then compared the results with the network having a cluster with small number of hops.


Mumtaz Shah*, Hashim Nisar Hashmi* Naeem Ejaz* Abdul Razzaq Ghumman*

...on and comparison of the performance of three aquatic macrophytes regarding sewage treatment. A bench scale laboratory model was developed and used for experimentation. Six experimental runs were conducted and each run laps over thirty (30) days. In each experimental runcontinuous monitoring of municipal sewage was done for each macrophyte specie. The aquatic macrophyte species used for the performance compari...

Asadullah Saleem* and Nadeem Ehsan*

...iticized for sub-optimal performance. The situation is no different in case of Pakistan construction industry. Being regarded as an answer to challenges framed by globalized competitive environment, performance measurement discipline has received much attention among researchers and construction firms during last two decades. Before a solution in the form of a suitable performance...

Feroza Arshad*, Aftab Ahmed Memon**, Muhammad Aslam Uqaili** and Arshad Habib Malik*

...rt-up to high power. The performance of highly robust NICRC is tested and evaluated for a typical transient providing complete coverage of moderator level, low log and steam pressure modes of CANDU reactor and found excellent within the desired control bands.



Abroon Jamal Qazi*, Afzal Khan*, Muhammad Tahir Khan*, Muhammad Ali Kamran* and Khizar Azam*

... benefits of better performance, light weight and cost effective design. The semi-active system is driven by a fuzzy logic controller that is based on the feedback of relative displacement of the suspension with respect to the road disturbance and relative velocity across the damper. Fuzzy logic control can cope with the nonlinearities of system using heuristic rules. Three gains are incorporated in the system corresponding to the inputs an...
Muhammad Shaheen
...m exists to evaluate the performance of GIS service provider and the client on the basis of performance indicators and (3) there is no centralized mechanism for penalizing negligence of either party. This paper proposes (1). a method to regulate the technical part of the GIS contract by suggesting a simple and wizard-based Graphical user interface. (2). Conversion of existing manually prepared contracts into electronic ...
Amjad Hussain1, Ata Ur Rehman2, Zia Ur Rehman Tahir3, Aftab Ahmad1, Fahad Noor3, Qasar Wasique Ahmad1
...nbsp;of achieving higher performance through rapid lean implementation.

 Qazi Salman Khalid1, Muhammad Abas1, Mudassar Rauf2, Mirza Jahanzaib2, Shahid Maqsood1

...evaluate two conflicting performance measures; minimization of work in process (WIP) and maximization of average machine cell utilization. Implementation of proposed algorithm had increased the utilization from 65% to 82 % while minimized the WIP to 6 parts from 25parts.


 Majid Ashraf, Mohammad Haseeb Zafar, Tariqullah Jan

...AODV-Blacklist. The performance of proposed routing scheme called Active Reverse Route (ARR) scheme is compared with AODV and AODV-Blacklist routing protocols in Multi-hop networks. The performance analysis when compared with the three routing protocols to manage unidirectional links shows that our proposed ARR scheme is superior to the AODV and AODV-Blacklist.


 Asad Naeem Shah1,2, GE Yun-shan1, HE Chao1,3

...impact on the spray performance, and thus improves both ‘L’ and ‘β’. During the earlier phase of time after start of injection, the relative difference between two fuels in terms of their spray tip penetration was smaller. This difference augmented, and then became roughly stable. Before the commencement of a comparatively steady phase of time after the start of injection, the test fuels revealed an appreciable ...

Amjad Ali1, Hong Luo1, Khalid Saifullah Syed2, Muhammad Ishaq2

...tions. The parallel performance of the developed code on an Ethernet based cluster, in terms of speedup is demonstrated.

 Faizullah Mahar1, Syed Saad Azhar Ali1, Abid Karim1

...meters are evaluated for performance analysis via extensive simulations. Simulation results and performance comparisons demonstrate the efficiency of proposed approaches.

 Adnan Ali Khan,* and Shahrukh Khalid**

...roach for evaluating the performance of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) cellular mobile communication systems in interference limited environment. The performance is analyzed by calculating the ergodic capacity and hence the spectral efficiency for Rayleigh fading SIMO channel in the presence of unequal power Rayleigh fading co-channel interferes. Expressions for evaluating system’s capacity usi...

Uzma Arif1, Sadar Uddin Siddiqui2, Muhammad Fareed Khan1, Muhammad Arshad3 and Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi

...s. Similarly, the growth performances of the seedlings were slower at higher temperatures coupled with longer storage periods. The aging led to decline in seedling fresh and dry biomass as well as root and shoot development capacity; while the deleterious effect of higher temperature (45°C) were more pronounced and severely affected the seedling growth and development from start. The information generated on seed behavior under storage conditions in this s...

Ghulam Murtaza1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Ashraf Malik2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad3 

...esting sorghum. The best performance was observed in T7 (canal water + FYM at 10 Mg/ha) which improved soil properties by lowering pH, EC, and SAR and enhancing concentration of organic matter, phosphorus and potassium. However, T3 (water of EC 3 dS m-1) increased soil electrical conductivity, pH, SAR, and lowered organic matter, phosphorus and potassium concentration. Data were statistically analyzed by statistix 8.1 ANOVA approach along with Tukey’s te...

 Honghai Zhang1,*, Yao Chen1, Xiaoyang Wu1, Shuai Shang2, Jun Chen2, Jiakuo Yan1, Qinguo Wei1, Xibao Wang1, Yongqiang Lu3 and Huanxin Zhang2

...important role in animal performance and the environment. We collected fresh feces of the Tibetan wild ass (Equus kiang) from the Jinan Wildlife World and Qinghai - Tibet Plateau Wild Animal Park. And we divide the sample into Group A (the low altitude area) and Group B (the high altitude area). we studied the basic structure of the gut microbiota by sequencing high throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V3-V4 hypervariable regions. The differences ...
Zengwen Huang1,2, WuReliHazi Hazihan2*, Baheti Bodai2, Kadyken Rizabek3, Nuralieva Ulzhan3, Omarova Karlygash4, Juan Zhang1 and Yaling Gu1*
...Hα on the breeding performance of YM sheep, providing a novel strategy to improve their reproductive capacities.

Shahzad Malik* and Ayesha Khan

Gap Analysis of Farmers’ Capacity Building by Public and Private Agriculture Extension Sectors in Central Plain Valley of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...ere was a big gap in the performance of the public sector extension and private sector extension in capacity building. It is therefore, recommended that both the Public and Private Agriculture Extension Sector should work on joint venture basis and hold joint extension activities for the betterment of farming community.


Muhammad Yaseen1*, Syed Amir Zia Abid1, Muhammad Luqman1, Syed Wasim Hasan2, Muhammad Aqeel Pitafi3, Muhammad Tariq Chaudhry4 and Muhammad Ameen5

Training Needs Assessment of Training Professionals Working in Agricultural Training Institutes in Punjab, Pakistan
...ssionals affecting their performances. Collected data were analyzed with the help for SPSS, results revealed that majority of the were included training professionals did not get any training at national/ international level. Moreover, they were facing many constraints, which affect their performance like limited of financial resources and lack of linkage with research. The most emerging training needs were; recent developme...

Adnan Arshad1*, Huma Qamar2, Ristina Siti-Sundari3, Zhang Yue1, Muhammad Zubair2, Muhammad Ali Raza4, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rehman5 and Lizhen Zhang1*

Phenotypic Plasticity of Spineless Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Cultivars in Response to Exogenous Application of Salicylic Acid under Rainfed Climate Conditions
...Carthamus tinctorius L.) performance in acclimating changing climate, as safflower has gained prominence as an oilseed industry due to its hardiness in nature. A two-factor factorial experiment using completely randomized block design (RCBD) followed by five spineless safflower cultivars and five concentrations of salicylic acid (SA) in three replications was conducted. The safflower promising genotypes viz; C1 (L16358), C2 (L16378), C3 (L26748), C4 (L26754), ...

Shereen Zulfikar1, Zulfikar Ahmed Maher2, Attaullah Khan Pathan4, Imran Ali Rajput3*, Din Muhammad Soomro1, Muhammad Akbar Lashari1, Arsalan Memon3, Sibghatullah5 and Mir Zehri Khan5

Population Fluctuation and Weight Losses Caused by Khapra Beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts on Different Wheat Varieties
... varieties. However, the performance of Marvi and Mehran varieties was found to be resistant against T. granarium and thus recommended for future plantations. The present study will be useful to provide the information for controlling T. granarium on wheat.


Hafsa Naheed* and Hidayat-Ur-Rahman

Genotype by Environment Interactions of Vegetative Growth Traits of Bread Wheat Genotypes and environments. The performance of vegetative growth traits of the 40 exotic bread wheat lines was assessed across seven different environments during 2015-16 and 2016-17 growing seasons. The trials were conducted using RCB design at four locations for two years; Research Farm, of the University of Agriculture, Peshawar; Agriculture Research Station, Buner; Agriculture Research Station, Baffa, Mansehra; and Barani Agriculture Research Station, Jarma, Koha...

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam, Yousaf Jamal and Hidayat Ullah

Appraisal of Yield and Yield Components of Wheat with Integrated Management of Nitrogen Sources
... from PM resulted higher performance of all investigated parameters, the efficiency of which further increased with passage of time and is recommended for improvement of wheat production.


Paul Oludare Adetunji* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola

Comparative Productive Performance among three Plumage Varieties of Noiler Hens
...o compare the productive performance among three prominent plumage varieties of Noiler hens. For this purpose, a total of 90 pullets with three plumage colours (brown, black and barred) were divided into 3 replicates with 10 birds per replicate in each of the variety. Data were collected on the pubertal parameters (age at first egg and crouching behaviour) from 16-22 weeks of age; egg production performance indices (egg weig...

Rao Wali Muhammad1, Hafiz Muhammad Wasif Ali2*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Qadir Ahmad2, Abdul Qayyum2, Waqas Malik2 and Etrat Noor2

Estimation of Different Genetic Parameters in Various Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Genotypes under Field Condition
...s on basis of their mean performance. A value of 74% was indicated by the first three PCs, which showed the highest variability between studied parameters. Eigen values >1 contributed variability between the genotypes under field condition. Minimum and maximum heritability estimates ranged between 77.4% - 99.0% for days to flowering and pods per plant, respectively. Genetic advance estimates ranged between 11.99-27.21% for number of primary branches per pla...

Iram Sharif1*, Amna Nazir1, Eram Shahzadi2, Shahid Munir Chohan3 and Ghulam Sarwar4

Influence of Sowing Dates on Cotton Growth (Gossypium hirsutum), Yield and Fiber Quality the average varietal performance in both sowing dates, FH-6071 produced maximum yield 2989.39 kg ha-1 while minimum yield 2103.5 kg ha-1 was exhibited by FH-152. Boll retention % was maximum in genotype FH-490. With respect to fiber quality fiber length and strength were not affected significantly due to sowing dates effects. In addition to yield, fiber quality of FH-6071was better in both sowing dates with average fiber length, strength and micronaire val...
Asmat Ullah1,2, Shahid Iqbal1,2 and Furhan Iqbal2*
...f Morris water maze test performances remain unaffected in both genders (P > 0.05) when compared between 300 mg/ml solvent/Kg body weight of Bauhinia variegata’s leaf extract treated and untreated albino mice of both genders. We concluded that applied dose of Bauhinia variegata’s leaf extract has the potential to improve neuromuscular co-ordination in female albino and should be explored further as potential treatment for neuromusc...
Mikail Arslan1, Orhan Yilmaz2, Bahattin Cak2* and Ahmet Fatih Demirel2
...quo; survival and growth performances. A total of 200 Kivircik ewes and 15 Kivircik rams were used. Ewes were subjected to a system of lambing every 8 months. Ewes were mated in August (summer), April (spring) and December (winter), respectively. Ewes were synchronized using FIS (intravaginal flourogestone sponges) for 14 days. Additionally, 600 IU eCG (equine chorionic gonadotropin) was administered intramuscularly at sponges withdrawal. Rams remained with th...
Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Shahid Mehmood2*, Athar Mahmud2Khalid Javed3 and Jibran Hussain2


... on quails’ growth performance, carcass yields, blood biochemistry, and immune antibody response. A total of 1200 newly hatched quail chicks (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly allocated to five treatment groups. Each treatment group contained 40 birds and experiments were replicated six times using a completely randomized design (CRD). The experimental diets consisted of increasing levels of compost (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10%), but were othe...

Saeed Ahmad1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Habib ur Rahman1,3*, Tanveer-ul-Haq2, Mahmood Alam Khan4 and Arshad Mahmood5

Evaluation of Different Production Systems in Combination with Foliar Sulphur Application for Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under Arid Climatic Conditions of Pakistan
...;5249 E) to evaluate the performance of sunflower production systems (nursery transplanted and direct seeded) and sulphur foliar spray (0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm) on sunflower in a randomized complete block, with split plots arrangement. Results revealed that tallest plant (175 cm) with maximum number of leaves (32.7) recorded with the application of foliar sulphur spray (150 ppm). Similarly, sunflower produced maximum head diameter (18.0 cm), number of achenes p...
Muhammad Awais Nazir1, Khalid Mahmood Anjum1, Junaid Naseer1, Ahsan Anjum2, Aneela Zameer Durrani3, Saba Usman2, Muhammad Asif Munir1, Omer Naseer4 and Muhammad Usman3,*
...29%, 35% and 51%. Growth performance of fish fed diet 4 was significantly lower than that of fish fed the other diets (P<0.05). The dietary inclusion of SBM up to level of 35% did not affect the blood biochemical parameters of rainbow trout, and was associated with acceptable growth performance. In conclusion, the SBM can be included in diet of Oncorhynchus mykiss at 35%, while keeping the level of FM and fish oil ...
Fanrong Xiao, Jichao Wang and Haitao Shi*
...hips between morphology, performance and ecology is central to understand how morphology influences fitness. Previous work has already shown that two sympatric turtles, the Keeled box turtle Cuora mouhotii and the Flowerback box turtle C. galbinifrons, have divergent morphologies and occupy different microhabitats (steep, rocky hillslopes vs gentle, less rocky hillslopes). However, it is unclear how these differences are related to

Mohammad Mohsin Faqeer1, Muhammad Aquil Siddiqui2*, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Shameem Raja3, Muhammad Tahir Khan2, Ghulam Shah Nizamani2, Fareen Deeba Soomro4 and Muhammad Mahran Aslam2

Impact of Row Spacing on the Growth and Yield Parameters of Lentil (Lens culinaris L) under Semi-arid Region of Pakistan
...oor 2016 showed the best performance at 30 cm row spacing. This genotype exhibited highest germination (97.02 %), plant height (41.17 cm), number branches per plant (7.53), number of pods per plant (54.93), number of seeds per plant (2.75), 1000 seed weight (60.09 g), and seed yield (1863.6 kg ha-1) at 30 cm row spacing. The results of the current study can be used for optimal lentil production for enhancing lentil yield in Pakistan.
Syed Zakir Hussain Shah1*, Muhammad Afzal2, Mahroze Fatima3Syed Makhdoom Hussain4 and Tanveer Ahmed5
...) minerals digestibility performance. Interaction plots showed synergistic effect of both the supplements for crude fat and gross energy digestibility. Again, interaction data showed synergistic effect on minerals digestibility except Fe. Inclusion of both the supplements independently and in combination in the diet resulted in less nutrient contents in fish feces. In conclusion, addition of CA and PHY in the Labeo rohita diet may improve the nutrient d...
Jin-Juan Wan, Mei-Fang Shen*, Hui Xue, Hong-Yan Liu, Mei-Qin Zhang, Xi-He Zhu and Chong-Hua Wang


...ding frequency on growth performance, antioxidant status and immunity of juvenile red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkia (average weight: 3.01±0.02 g). Crayfish were randomly assigned to one of five feeding frequencies (1,2,3,4 and 5 times/day, F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5) following the same ration size for 60 days. After the feeding trial, fish were challenged with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and cumulative mortality was recorded for the next 4 d...
Anjali Khadka1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Subarna Sharma Acharya3, Amrit Poudel4 and Sushma Adhikari1
Morphological Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill Genotypes in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal
...tions. According to mean performance, the genotypes F778817, G-1873 and KAVRE performed better and were found high yielding. Phenotypic coefficient of variation was found to be higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation for all traits. Most of the traits observed were moderate to highly heritable accompanied by the desirable level of genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variations and genetic gain, indicating that the heritability was most likely du...

Muhammad Kashif Khan1*, Muhammad Wasim Jan Khan2, Kaleem Ullah Jan Khan3, Muhammad Ishaq Khan4, Muhammad Faheem Jan Khan5 and Abdul Salam Lodhi6


Impacts of Construction Risk Attributes on Organizational Performance of Registered Construction Companies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan on the organizational performances. The relationships between risk factors in the fields of Site Conditions, Resources, Project Parties, and Project Features and organizational performances including Profitability and Cost Risk Impact are developed through regression analysis using SPSS software. It is hoped that this research work will inform all concerned about risk management practices, possible risk factors, and their...

Mohammad Adil1*, Muhammad A. Khan2, Naveed Ahmed1, Edward Bromhead3, Muhammad A. Arshad1, Muhammad Fahad1, Shahid Ullah1 and Khan Shahzada1

Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Column Staggering in Flat Slabs Systems
...affecting the structural performance of the slabs as well as columns. Wide parking and halls could be constructed and architects will have more freedom and flexibility in their designs with reduced reliance on structural design. This study is focused on the basic flat slab analyses and design with the help of finite element software along with manual method of analyses and design called “yield line method” applied to staggered column arrangement. T...

Mehreen Ijaz

Effect of Weave Type on Tensile Strength of Cotton Fabrics
... role in determining the performance behavior of finished fabric. Weaving is one of the commonly used technique and different types of weaves have different effects on mechanical and physical properties of fabrics. The study was experimental in nature. It was aimed at investigating the effect of weave type on tensile strength of cotton fabrics manufactured with various interlacing patterns. Fabrics were manufactured by following three key structures of weaving...

Bilal Pervaiz Khan1, Neelam Ara1, Shujaat Ali1,2*, Kamran Khurshid Baigh1 and Abdul Wahab1

Effect of Seed Priming on Radish with Different Nutrients at Various Soaking Durations DAP, showed excellent performance in germination, growth and yield. While KCl also gave better results in most of parameters.

Li Yao1,2,3, AnQing Zhang1,2,3, HaiYan Zhang2, Jian Shao1,2,3, Ming Wen2,4, ChangAn Wang5, HaiBo Jiang1,2,3,* and Ming Li6,*
...queous extract on growth performance and nutritional composition of rainbow trout (145.56 ± 4.12 g) (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed five different diets, including 0 (EUO-0), 5 (EUO-5), 10(EUO-10), 20 (EUO-20) and 40(EUO-40) g kg-1 EUO bark aqueous extract. The muscle lipid of fish in EUO-40 was significantly higher than that in other groups (p < 0.05), and fish in EUO-0 showed significantly lower muscle crude lipid content than th...

Said Sajjad Ali Shah1*, Muhammad Ilyas Khan1, Aziz Ullah1, Hayat Ullah2 and Faisal Ahmad2

Coprological Examination of Small and Large Ruminants in Central Zone of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa limit, the productive performance of animals. Aim of the project was to find out the prevalence of internal parasites in small and large ruminants in central zone of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. For this purpose, a total of 1700 fecal samples were received from central districts and processed for coprological examination. Out of 1700 samples, 947 samples (55.7%) were positive for intestinal parasites. Specie wise prevalence of GI parasites was recorded as 51.5% in c...

Mehar Ul Nissa Rais1*, Tahmina Mangan1, Jam Ghulam Murtaza Sahito1 and Naeem Ahmed Qureshi2

A Trend Analysis: Forecasting Growth Performance of Production and Export of Chilli in Pakistan
...roduction, export growth performance and forecasting of chilli in Pakistan. Annual time series data of 38 years (1981-2018) of chilli production and export was employed for this study. Overall, chilli production of the Pakistan exhibited a positive growth of 1 percent over the time; however, in Pakistan negative growth was recorded during 2001-02 and 2011-12, these losses can be attributed to major floods, diseases attack, poor management practices and shortag...
Yasin Altay1, Saim Boztepe2, Ecevit Eyduran3, İsmail Keskin2Mohammad Masood Tariq4*, Farhat Abbas Bukhari4 and Irshad Ali4
... the powerful predictive performance of the CHAID and MARS algorithms, but MARS outperformed CHAID. Considering the regression tree diagram generated by CHAID algorithm, the most influential predictor affecting WF was F, followed by BW, ANC and DA at the 2nd significance degree, and SL at the 3rd significance degree, respectively. MARS predictive model with the selected 5 terms captured only F as a significant predictor. In conclusion, CH...
Jun Yan Bai*, Kun Peng Shi, Xiao Ning Lu, Xiao Hong Wu, Xue Yan Fu, Heng Cao, Hong Deng Fan, Meng Ke Chen and Yong Kang Ma
...lar markers of slaughter performance of quail, SNP in control regions of cytogenin gene (MyoG) 5’ in French giant quail, and Savimit quailwas detected by PCR-SSCP method in this study. Moreover, correlations of control regions of MyoG 5’ with slaughter performance of quail were analyzed. Results demonstrated that: In meat quail, three genotypes (AA, BB and AB) were detected at locus A in the control...
Qianbao Wang, Zhengyang Huang, Shoufeng Li, Huayun Huang, Chunmiao Li and Zhenhua Zhao* optimize reproductive performance. In fertility trial, a significantly higher embryonic mortality (8.65%) and significantly lower hatchability (90.48%) was found in males fed with 135.5g/d diet than other two groups (p<0.05). Taken together, feed allocation of 125.5 g/d under ME 2770 kcal/kg and CP 15.4% was recommended to broiler breeder males of genetically modified F line after sexual maturity. 
Gulzar Ahmad*, Muhammad Bilal Khan, Junaid Bahadar Khan and Faheem Ali
...rials to investigate its performance for its employment in future higher frequencies wireless applications in general and 5G cellular applications in particular. In the past, researchers employed different dielectric substrates to analyze microstrip patch antenna in low frequency range. In the presented research work three different dielectric materials were investigated in the higher frequency range starting from 12GHz as the scientists consider these higher ...

Tofique Ahmed Bhutto1, Mahmooda Buriro1, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2, Safdar Ali Wahocho2, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro3*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Reema Vistro1, Fehmeeda Abbasi1, Sanam Kumbhar1, Fateh Muhammad Shawani4 and Nadar Hussain Khokhar5

Evaluation of Wheat Cultivars for Growth and Yield Traits under Agro-Ecological Condition of Tandojam
...raits. The highly varied performance of crop cultivars of the same species for growth and yield-related attributes is well documented. The present investigation investigated the performance of wheat cultivars under Tando Jam conditions. For this study, two-year field experiments were performed during October 2015-2017 (both seasons) applying randomized complete design with three replications. Perform...

Zafar Abbas1*, Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2, Muhammad Nasir3, Muhammad Ashraf4, Salma Kausar5, Nadeem Iqbal6, Muhammad Zahid Khan Nazar7, Iftikhar Ahmad3, Ghulam Murtaza1 and Ijaz Ahmad8

Evaluation of Best Dose of Micronutrients (Zinc, Iron and Boron) to Combat Malnutrition in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
...egg plant showed maximum performance i.e plant height (88.57, 139.77 and 135.11 cm), fruit weight (213, 284 and 261 g), yield (10.11, 11.98 and 12.39 t ha-1), survival percentage (95.71, 99.63 and 90.23%) and number of fruits per plant (9.81, 8.67 and 8.11) due to T5 in black boy, twinkle star and shamli varieties, respectively. Hence, Borax (0.2) + ZnSO4 (0.5%)+FeSO4 (0.5%) kg ha-1 is recommended as best dose of micronutrient for brinjal.

Xiaopeng Tang1,*, Lei Chen1, Kangning Xiong1, Dun Deng2 and Peng Peng2,*
...les (DDGS) on the growth performance of meat ducks. To this end, a total of 450 Shuanggui-tou meat ducks with comparable body weights were treated with increasing concentration of DDGS. Compared to mock-treated group, the average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed to meat ratio (F:G) were measured. It was revealed that the addition of DDGS up to 24% in the diet remained ineffective for ADFI, ADG and F:G. However, there a tendency of de...
Muhammad Muhsin1, Muhammad Nawaz2, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3,Sadia Khan4, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal5, Muhammad Zubair Amin6, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub7, Usman Anwar8, Muhammad Umair Hassan1 and Muhammad Umer Chattha1*
Ming-Yue Zhang*, Bo Yuan, Xiao-Hui Zhang, James Ayalaand Rong Hou*
...ocusing on observing the performances of stereotypes and behavioral diversity. The results showed that both adult and juvenile giant pandas preferred to feed in places where substrate was placed; additionally, juvenile giant pandas living in an outdoor playground that was covered with substrate were more active than those without substrate (p<0.01); moreover, the social and the play behaviors were significantly more frequent in the juvenile giant pandas wit...
Faheem Ahmed Khan1*, Sarzamin Khan2, Qurat-ul-Ain3, Saqib Ishaq1Muhammad Salman1, Abdul Rehman1, Ikram Ullah4, Kalsoom5 and Johar Jamil5
... ration to enhance their performance, immunity against pathogenic microbes for production of quality meat.
Sana Khan1*, Faiza Aman1, Muhammad Ismaeel2, Zafar Ali2, Mehboob Alam1, Sadeed Iqbal1 and Taimur Khan3
...of phosphorus for better performance in terms of growth and yield under the agro-climatic conditions of Swabi District-Pakistan.

Faiza Aman1,*, Neelam Ara1 and Syed Mehar Ali Shah2



...On the basis of superior performance for maturity, yield and yield-related traits, pea genotypes Leena Pak, UAP-47, UAP-29 and Green Gold are recommended for testing across locations and for onward use in pea breeding programs.
Muhammad Tariq Chaudhary1, Saleem Ashraf 2, Muhammad Yaseen3 and Muhammad Luqman3
... the successful academic performance and earning an employability. Study stresses to streamline extracurricular activities at institutes level and conductance of inter and intra institutes competitions to bring positive change in behavior of students to pave the way towards success.
Yuanyuan Zhang1*, Liping Song1, Hui Guo2, Jun Wu1, Xiaoli Wang1 and Fangbin Yao1
...>We evaluated the growth performance and the hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of curcumin against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver injury in common carp Cyprinus carpio. A 10-week feeding trial was carried out. A basal feed was supplemented with 0 (control), 30, 60, 120 and 240 mg/kg curcumin to formulate five experimental feeds. At the end of the feeding trial, the growth performance was d...
Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Nadia Mangrio1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2, Ghulam Sughra Mangrio3, Nihaluddin Mari4, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1 and Shazia Parveen Tunio5
...ded) resulted in highest performance of crop especially yield and quality traits.
Haseeb Khattak1, Imran Ahmad1, Abdul Basit1*, Izhar Ullah1,2, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Humaira Wasila3, Inayat Ullah4, Intizar Ahmad1 and Noman Ahmad1
Ibrar Muhammad Khan1, Dezhi Xu1, Zubing Cao1, Hongyu Liu1, Adnan Khan2,  Sajid Ur Rahman3, Jam Zaheer Ahmed4, Muhammad Akmal Raheem5 and Yunhai Zhang1*
... related to reproductive performance. Hence, the antioxidants agents(L-cysteine and vitamin E) were added into semen diluent and assessed the freeze-thawed semen quality parameters. The ejaculates were collected from two crossbred groups (Sahiwal × Holstein-Friesian), and (Achai × Jersey) and, split into seven aliquots while extended with three different concentration (5, 7.5 and10 mmol) of L-cysteine diluents and followed by other th...
Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Yu Chen, Jing Yun Li, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Kun Peng Shi and Xue Yan Fu

Mustasim Famous1*, Asim Chakrabartty Aditya2, Shahabuddin Ahmed3 and Sabuj Sutradhar2

...ductive and reproductive performance of Sahiwal × Local (SL× L), Friesian × Local (F×L), Sindhi× Local (S×L) crossbred during the period of July 2019 to January 2020. A total of 162 crossbred dairy cows under 3 genotypes were studied on the basis of productive and reproductive performances. The average age of puberty of L×F, L×SL and L×S crossbred cattle were 23.7, 26.5 a...

Safdar Hussain1, Muhammad Naeem Mushtaq5, Ali Bakhsh3, Muhammad Mudassar Maqbool1, Muhammad Sarwar1, Muhammad Jan4*, Muhammad Abdul Qayyum2 and Arif Husain2

... Comparing the genotypic performance Aas-2011 performed well as compared to Faisalabd-2008 and TD-1 wheat genotype.


Aurang Zeb1, Abdur Rab1, Shujaat Ali1,2*, Ijaz Hussain2, Shah Masaud Khan2, Israr Ahmad1, Bilal Pervaiz Khan1, Shakila Umer3 and Muhammad Abbas1

...y attributes and storage performance of Sweet orange (Blood red). The Sweet oranges were collected from four different locations i.e. location-1 (Torwarsak, Buner), location-2 (Rabat, Lower Dir), location-3 (Wartair, Malakand) and location-4 (Palai, Malakand), which were stored in three replications at room condition for 48 days and Complete Randomized Design was used during the post-harvest experiment. Data were recorded on fruit juice pH %, titratable acidit...

Raza Ullah Khan1*, Ahmad Khan1, Mohammad Zameer Khan1, Fayyaz Hussain1, Zafar Islam2 and Muhammad Asad Hameed2

Imrana Khushk1, Abdul Nabi Jatt2, Abdul Sattar Qureshi1*, Choudhary Haider Ali3, Muhammad Aqeel Bhutto1, Imran Ibrahim Khaskheli1, Sartar Iqbal Panhwer1

...production. Fermentation performance of the adapted strain improved over parental strains. Ethanol and lactic acid yield reached to 90% and 75%, respectively, when using freshly pretreated wheat straw or wheat straw hydrolysate or rice straw as carbon source. On-site produced cellulase from Bacillus subtilis OCS SH-2 was applied in the saccharification of pretreated wheat straw and rice straw. There was no significant difference when commercial cellulase youte...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1

...d been developed and its performance was evaluated at farmer’s fields. This drill places DAP fertilizer near the seed that is about 5 cm away and 5 cm deeper than the seed due to which phosphorus use efficiency has increased. Experiments conducted at farmer’s fields showed excellent results of fertilizer band placement drill even 50% DAP was saved with 10 % excess wheat yield. In previous study s results of the fertilizer band placement drill were ...

Shapon Kumar Bashak1, Alok Kumar Paul1, Md. Akhtar Hossain1, Usman Atique2,3*, Sonia Iqbal3, Md. Najim Uddin1, Asrafi Mohammad Farhaduzzaman4, Md. Mojibar Rahman5, Md. Shahanul Islam6

... production and economic performance. The outcomes of this study provided valuable insights into the profitable production of eel fish meat. 
Novelty Statement | This study highlights that the mud eel can be reared at lower stocking densities in rain-fed earthen ponds. Furnishing cheaper shelter alternatives and enhancing habitat features may not alter the pond water quality instead gives higher ...

Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah1*, Muhamad Jan1, Azhar Hussain2, Shoaib Akhtar1, Hussain Nawaz1, Muhammad Afzal3 and Humara Umar1

...ive to evaluate varietal performance of table olives i.e. Ascolana, BARI Zaitoon-1, Earlik, Gemlik, Hamdi, Hojiblanca, Manzanilla and Picual at Barani Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Chakwal. Eight olives varieties were evaluated for their growth and yield under Pothwar region of Punjab, Pakistan. The trial was conducted with experimental design following randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with three replications. The results exhibited morphologi...

Syed Ismat Hussain1, Muhammad Ramzan Asi1, Habbib Anwar1, Faqeer Ahmad1, Ateeq ur Rehman2*, Muhammad Shahid3, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi2*, Ummad ud Din Umar2, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4, Memuna Ijaz1 and Hafiz Usman Shakir1

Arjun Bastola1*, Sachet Subedi2 and Malatee Bastola3

...rid-10) had shown better performance, competitive to other hybrid maize genotypes. The genotype Rampur composite which is open pollinated variety (OPV) did not show good yield performance as compared to hybrids. So, CP-858 and Rampur hybrid-10 genotypes had good yield and yield attributes and it could be recommended for the cultivation in the Chitwan district and terai region of Nepal having similar climate and altitude for ...

Habiba ur Rehman, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar and Waqas Raza

...han the Nativo. The poor performance and maximum disease incidence and disease severity were recorded from the controlled pots. Among all the treatments the application of Nativo @ 6 mM had given maximum control of charcoal rot. So, it suggested that the application of Nativo @ 6 mM may be best for the control of charcoal rot.


Muhammad Iqbal1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal1*, Saghir Ahmad1, Athar Mahmood2, Muhammad Akram1, Hammad Husnain1, Muhammad Shahid1, Saeed Ahmad1, Ali Raza1, Ansar Hussain3, Allah Ditta Abid4, Qaisar Abbas5, Mussarrat Hussain5, Muhammad Akram6 and Muhammad Umair Hassan2

Muhammad Waqas1*, Muhammad Shoaib2, Muhammad Saifullah1, Adila Naseem4, Sarfraz Hashim1, Farrukh Ehsan1, Irfan Ali3 and Alamgir Khan1

...SE, and NSE assessed the performance evaluation. DTF was more efficient AI techniques with the average evaluation parameters R2, NSE, and RMSE are 0.998, 0.992, and 382 m3/sec. The assessment revealed that DTF has potential and may be considered as an alternative method for streamflow forecasting.


Rabia Iqbal and Muhammad Naeem *

... of fish meal, on growth performance, survival and production of hybrid fry (Labeo rohita♀ x Catla catla ♂). The hybrid fry of mean 1.05±0.08 g body weight and 4.36±0.40 cm mean length were acclimatized and transferred to 8 X 6 X 3 ft. hapas. Fry were fed with fish meal at the rate of 10 % of body weight during acclimatization period and experimental feed at the rate of 5 % of body weight up to the end of the 90 days experiment in duplicate a...
Majed Rafeeq1,*, Nadeem Rashid1, Muhammad Masood Tariq1, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh1, Muhammad Zahid Mustafa1, Muhammad Shafee1, Khalid Mehmood1, Rana Muhammad Bilal2 and Tauseef Asmat1
...sia scoparia) on the performance of broiler chickens. The study used 120 unsexed Hubbard one day old broiler chicks randomly divided into three groups of 40 chicks that were each further divided into four replicates of ten chicks. Extracts were introduced at 200 mg/Kg as feed supplement to two groups of broilers and the third group was kept as control (C) and offered a basal diet. The chicks were reared in floor pens bedded with saw dust litter. Measured f...
Nilgun Dogan1,* and Hakan Adanacioglu2
...o determine the economic performance of the beekeeping farms. For this purpose, a survey was done in Kelkit County, in northeastern Turkey. The performances of the beekeeping farms were evaluated by cost, profitability and efficiency analysis. The cost of a unit of honey was US$3.16 and the average price paid to the beekeepers was US$6.78. The absolute and relative profits were calculated as US$3.62 and US$2.14, respectively...
Ying Yang 1,2,3, Tietao Zhang 1,2,3, Min Rong 1,2,3, JiaPing Xu 1,2,3 and Xiumei Xing 1,2,3*
...ergy levels affected the performances of female mink to a lesser degree than those of male mink. Diets containing energy at levels below 15.06KJ/kg and exceed 29.06 KJ/kg of dry matter did not support optimum growth of male, but energy levels at least as low as 17.81KJ/kg and no more than 29.06 KJ/kg appeared to be satisfactory for the growth of female.

Muhammad Akhtar1, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood2*, Kaiser Latif Cheema1, Mushtaq Ahmad2, Muhammad Jahanzaib Khalid1, Amir Amin1, Javed Anwar Shah1, Zeeshan Qadeer1 and Zeshan Ali3

...tan during 2019-20. Mean performance of various traits revealed significant differences among all the included chickpea advance lines. Drought indices i.e. drought tolerance efficiency (DTE), drought susceptibility (DSI) and yield reduction percentage were calculated to identify the drought tolerant chickpea lines. Correlation analysis showed that the strains possessing higher number of pods plant-1, more root length and maximum grain weight were comparatively...

Enas K. Abo-Elmagd,Kouka S. Abd El-Wahab,Azza H. El- Salakawy

...o compare the diagnostic performance of Lateral flow immuno-chromatography assay (LFICA) as a rapid test for detection of RV antigen in stool specimens collected from Egyptian infants and young children with ELISA, and nested reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Furthermore, to study the frequency of RV infection in Egyptian infants and young children during the summer season 2012 and the effect of certain risk factors including age and ge...
Nehafta Bibi1,2, Faiq Jan3, Munawar Saleem Ahmad4 and Haitao Wang1,5,* However their visual performance in dim light conditions is largely unknown. Here, we compared light intensity threshold of activity in two groups of passerines, i.e. secondary cavity and non-cavity nesting. For this purpose, different species of secondary cavity and non-cavity nesting passerines were subjected to two phases of trials: in the first trial birds were released in an experimental cage and allowed them to accommodate themselves in darkne...
Hadeer M. Mossa, Ausama A. Yousif, Emad A. Aboelsoud, Mahmoud El Gamal, Ahmed El-
starts on a high performance laptop device (GENUS), sequence data is generated for bacteria, viruses,
fungi and archaea that present in the sample it was then classified to subspecies and strain level in a
quantitative manner in approximately 48min and 23 second.
Conclusion: This method allows screening all the virus harvest content in non-selective, non- targeted
manner. The reasons to choose this techno...

Moazama Batool1*, Sajid Abdullah2, Huma Naz3, Mubashar Hussain4, Sadia Maalik1, Sajida Mushtaq1, Tanveer Ahmed5 and Laiba Shafique6

...was to assess the growth performance and bio-accumulation of metals in Channa marulius and Wallago attu exposed to 1/3rd of LC50 of chromium (Cr) and cadmium (Cd) for 8-week. In both treatments statistically significantly, variable responses viz. wet weight gain (WG), feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and specific growth rate (SGR) were determined. The control fish (unstressed) had significantly higher WG followed by Cr and Cd test mediums. The FI ...
Jehan Dastagir, Muhammad Amir*, Bilal Ur Rehman, Shahid Hameed and Majad Ashraf
...ED demonstrates a better performance when it comes to attainment of optimized TCP congestion control. This investigation is naturally followed by simulating different TCP versions such as TCP Tahoe, TCP Sack, TCP NewReno, TCP Reno and TCP Westwood for checking and comparing their effective resource utilization such as network Throughputs, comparative bandwidths, retransmission rates and window sizes. Simulations in this regard were carried through using NS-2 (...
Jing Yu1*, Yao Lu1,2, Zhaojin Lin1, Pimao Chen1 and Yuting Feng1,3
...nds, indicating the good performance of the HSI model based on GMM and MINM in forecasting spawning grounds in the Western Guangdong Waters.

Muhammad Rafique1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2, Inam Ul Haq1*, Muhammad Ramzan Anser2, Humara Umar2 and Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah2

...s. Variation in varietal performance was observed under different treatments however 8000 lux light gave better results in all the parameters.


Ahmed Ali Moryani1, Nasir Rajput1*, Muhammad Naeem1, Atta Hussain Shah1 and Hidayatullah Soomro2

...e effect of herbs on the performance of broiler chickens challenged with coccidiosis. A total of 450 broiler chickens were allotted into 6 groups (n = 75/group). Group A controlled without supplementation, Group B, C and D were supplemented with Aloe barbadensis (5ml/L), Ferulafoetida regal (500mg/L), Tamarindus indica (50mg/L), respectively. Group E and F were supplemented with a mixture of all 3 herbs/plants at 2ml/L; mixed with distilled water and another w...

Rupinder Kaur1,2*, Pretty Bhalla3, Jubin Kumar Saini4 and Sayeeduzzafar Qazi5 on both public sector performance and organizational role stress is silent on various stressors associated with the role of government agricultural extension officials, which is one of the most important components of the entire agricultural system. The purpose of this exploratory study is to fill this gap with the identification of potential work stressors for this profession. The paper also aims to investigate whether employment type (permanent or tempor...
Wenjuan Yan1, Qunlan Zhou2, Bo Liu2,3*, Cunxin Sun2, Huimin Zhang3 and Changyou Song2
.... cicadae) on growth performance and meat quality of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). The prawns were fed with five isonitrogenous (40.54% crude protein) and isolipid (6.16% crude lipid) diets with different I. cicadae levels (0, 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg Kg-1). Results revealed that I. cicadae significantly increased specific growth ratio (SGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER), while decreased feed inta...
Song Jiang1,2,3, Ming-ge Zhuang1,2,3, Fa-lin Zhou1,2, Qi-bin Yang1, Jian-hua Huang1, Li-shi Yang1 and Shi-gui Jiang1*
...h reflected reproductive performance of the parent shrimps and was suggested to be an indicator of reproductive performance for selective breeding. As a result, P. tschiliensis is a suitable substitute of N. succinea based on its effect on the reproductive traits and VTG mRNA expression level in parent shrimps of P. monodon.
Muhammad Mobashar1, Qazi Aqeel1, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Assar Ali Shah2*, Ahmed A.A. Abdel-Wareth3, Salman Khan4, Nazir Ahmad1, Sami Ullah1 and  Haq Amanullah5
...y on feed intake, growth performance, in-vivo and in-saco nutrient degradability in Kari sheep. A total of 36 Kari sheep were randomly weighed and offered the following four type of ration: A, total mix ration (TMR) + alfalfa (AL) 70 % and Prangos pabularia (PP) 0 % (control); B, TMR + 24% PP: 46 % AL; C, TMR + 46% PP 24 % AL and D, TMR + 70% PP: AL 0 % on dry matter basis were fed to experimental sheep for a period of 90 days. The dry mat...

Khalid Mehmood1*, Abdul Rehman2 and Ammara Khan1

... measured to compare the performance of improved and conventional groundnut varieties. Logit model was estimated to determine the factors affecting the adoption of improved groundnut varieties. The empirical findings suggested that the input elasticity of production of improved groundnut varieties was greater than that of conventional ones. Most of the farmers considered the improved varieties superior to the conventional ones in respect of their yield, pod si...
Syed Azmat Ali Shah1*, Asfandyar Ahmed2, Khan Shahzada3, Syed Muhammad Ali4, Akhtar Naeem Khan5 and Akhter Gul6

Muzamil Farooque Jamali1, Fayaz Ali Jamali1, Tanveer Fatima Miano1, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi2, Sohail Ahmed Otho3, Khalid Hussain Talpur4, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho1 and Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro5*

...ress increases the plant performance for all investigated traits decreased significantly. The varieties showed highly different responses for both seed and flowering related attributes. The variety dwarf double mix had a better seed germination and flowering growth and production in comparison with African orange. The double mix showed better seed germination (64.64 %), seed germination index (1.53), plant height (14.94 cm), branches/plant (36.71), leaves/plan...

Hafsa Naheed* and Hidayat-Ur-Rahman

...: justify;">Stability of performance is one of the most important characteristics of any variety. To evaluate stability of 40 bread wheat lines (30 introduced lines and 5 check cultivars), a multi-environment experiment was conducted at three locations for two years; The University of Agriculture, Peshawar; Agriculture Research Station, Baffa, Mansehra; Agriculture Research Station, Buner; and at one location for one year; Agriculture Research Station , Kohat,...
Zhengyi Fu1,2,3,4, Rui Yang2,3,4, Zhenhua Ma2,3,4*, Mingyang Han2,3,4 and Yifu Wang2,3,4 sources on growth performance, somatic parameters, histology and digestive enzymatic activity of barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Fish were fed ioso engery diets (18 kJ/g) with two types of non-protein energy sources in the experimental groups and a regular diet was used as the control. The feeding trial lasted for 56 days. Results from the present study indicate that, except for weight gain and feed intake, most growth parameters of fish were...
Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska1, Iwona Szatkowska1, Daniel Zaborski2*, Wilhelm Grzesiak2, Sara Tabor-Osińska1, Małgorzata Wasielewska1Witold S. Proskura1, Wojciech Kruszyński3 and Edward Pawlina3
...ene on the level of milk performance traits in different cattle breeds. The study involved 227 Jersey, 147 Polish Holstein-Friesian black-and-white (HO) and 181 Polish Holstein-Friesian red-and-white (RW) cows. PCR-RFLP was used for genotyping. A bioinformatic analysis of the P1 regulatory sequence was also carried out. Three genotypes (TT, CT and CC) were identified. The CT genotype was the most frequent (0.40, 0.50 and 0.52 in Jer...
Aftab Raza Khan1, Azhar Abbas Khan2*, Javed Iqbal3, Arif Muhammad Khan4, Zeshan Hassan2, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif2 and Umbreen Shahzad2
... pesticides on predatory performance of these birds against a wide range of arthropods including grasshoppers, crickets and locusts.
Yuzhou Luo1, Ping Wang1, Kaijun Yu2*, Song Luo3 and Longjie Sun4
...ermine and verify a high performance algorithm to correlate the sleep stages with respective stages of breath sound signals. The algorithm was designed for breath sound signals and was tested with several all-night days data acquired with our laboratory-made sleep monitoring system. Furthermore, a commercial system was compared for validating the efficiency of our proposed algorithm. This work is the first study that successfully used breath sounds to classify...

Hidayatullah1*, Sammia Mahroof1, Saleem Abid2, Naveeda Anjum3, Noor Habib4, Akhter Saeed5 and Muhammad Arshad Farooq1

... suggesting inconsistent performance of chilli genotypes over environments. The NARC Chilli-2 has regression slope equal to one with relatively low Wricke’s Ecovalence, low value of Shukla’s Stability Variance, relatively less value of deviation from regression and highest value of coefficient of determination. Results of stability analysis revealed that NARC Chilli-2 was the most stable line with reference to yield and this could be recomended for...
Ahmad Wahyudi1*, Sujono Sujono2, Listiari Hendraningsih2, Ari Prima2, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile3 and 
Ivar Zekker4
... on calves’ growth performance is yet to be elaborated. Therefore, the effect urea addition on TMR and its silage on performance of Friesian Holstein (FH) male calves were evaluated. The calves (n = 27; 5 mo to 7 mo, mo = month old) were divided into three groups, each group consisted of nine calves, based on age: 5 mo (100 kg to 105 kg), 6 mo (111 kg to 116 kg), and 7 mo (123 kg to 133 kg). All groups were divided int...
Nazish Huma Khan1*, Mohammad Nafees2, Tooba Saeed3, Khaliq Ur Rahman4 and Adila Bashir2
...naire survey showed poor performance in collection (67.5%), treatment (82.5%) and recycling (42.5%). This study proposes that there is no separate organizational set up to separately treat industrial and municipal waste. As a result, it is difficult to manage the recovery of industrial solid waste. Therefore, it is recommended that industrial wastes be handled properly with good resource recovery. 
Mona Mohammed EL-Derbawy1, Eman Naser Hafez2*, 
Mona Abdel Daym Abd Rabbo1, Nagwa Ibrahim Toaleb3,
 Saedia Abdel Hady Sayed El-Ahl1 and Bahaa Eldkeen Wade EL-Aswad4 

 Song Jiang1,2, Xianbin Mo1,2, Falin Zhou2,3, Jianhua Huang2,3, Qibin Yang2,3, Lishi Yang2,3 and Shigui Jiang2,3*

...P<0.05) in production performance among families in different feed groups. The highest yield of families in Diet A group and Diet B group was 100% and 124.44% higher than that of the lowest families, respectively. The production of No.10 family and No.6 family ranked the top two at two dites. Therefore, the potential for selection for growth and survival is available and genetic materials for breeding selection are demanded in future.


Kemi Funmilayo Omotesho1*, Philip Akintunde Fatodu1 and Toyin Benedict Ajibade2 the evaluation of the performance of farms, national planning, budgeting for commercial agricultural development, and control of postharvest losses. The study analysed the record keeping behavior of youth farmers in Ekiti State. Specifically, it assessed the level of record keeping among farmers; examined their attitude towards record keeping; assessed the farmers’ knowledge of record keeping; determined their intentions towards keeping farm records; ...

Kirshan Chand1, Fahad Nazir Khoso1*, Arfan Ahmed Gilal1, Abdul Mubeen Lodhi2, Agha Mushtaque Ahmed1, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro3, Sohail Ahmed Otho1 and Jamal-U-Din Hajano4

...n: justify;">Though, the performance of insecticides depends on various factors (i.e. pests, insecticide formulation, entry route, mode of action, dosage, calibration and application timing) but one factor that doesn’t get much attention is the quality of the water used to spray the product which may reflect in the success of spray operation. To know the influence of water quality on pesticide performance, this study w...
Zafer Karslı1,*, Dilek Şahin1, Meryem Öz2, Ünal Öz2 and Orhan Aral2
... mortality, reproduction performance etc.) and positive (growth, sex conversation etc.) impacts of hormone administration were also assessed. This study had two experiments. In the first experiment, six experimental feeds were prepared by adding two different hormones (17α-Methyltestosterone (Mt), 17β-Estradiol (Es) at three different doses (20, 40, 60 mg kg-1) and control feed was without hormone. All six experiment groups ...
Farhat Iqbal1, Abdul Waheed2*, Zil-e-Huma3 and Asim Faraz2 In order to test the performance of candidate methods, various evaluation measures such as the mean absolute error, root mean squared error, mean absolute percentage error, coefficient of determination and the correlation between the actual and predicted body weights were calculated. A 10-fold cross validation was used on the training dataset for tuning the hyperparameters of the models whereas a separate testing dataset was used for evaluation of the pred...
Ishtiaq Ahmad1*, Abid Usman1, Khursheed Iqbal1 and Shams Ur Rehman2
...stics influence the firm performance of Non-Financial Firms in Bangladesh. In this study, three types of industries like pharmaceutical, cement, and food were analyzed from the Dhaka Stock Exchange, Bangladesh for the period of 2010 to 2019. The authors used the diagnostic test on data that argued that the model is better, like the fixed effect model or random-effect model for analysis. Multiple regression based methodology was developed to use fixed-effect mo...
Ziyue Qin1, Zhen Wang1, Ali Mujtaba Shah3,4, Zifan Ning1, Yaofu Tian1, Qing Zhu1, Yan Wang1, Huadong Yin1, Zhichao Zhang1, Lu Zhang1, Lin Ye1, Diyan Li1, Gang Shu2 and Xiaoling Zhao1,*
...iction effects on growth performance and blood glucose concentrations in faster- and slower- growing chicken (different genotypes). In the present study, birds were restricted to 100% to full feed in faster- and slower- growing broilers groups. Body weight gain, feed consumption, blood glucose concentrations were measured on each week from d 1 per 70, and the weight gain of skeletal muscle and viscera were measured on d 7, 28, 49 and 70. The daily voluntary in...
Luis Daniel Jiménez Martínez1, Vicente Morales Garcia2Carlos Alfonso Frias Quintana3, Alejandra del Carmen Castillo Collado1, Gloria Gertrudys Asencio Alcudia4, Carina Shianya Alvarez Villagomez4, Emyr Saul Peña Marín4,5, Bartolo Concha Frias1 and 
Carlos Alfonso Alvarez-Gonzalez4
...on, sensitivity and high performance, particularly in gene expression to compare between cells, tissues and organs; as well as different populations, stages of development, metabolism, among other conditions. This study analyzed the stability and normalization of six commonly used reference genes such as alpha elongation factor (ef1-α), beta-actin (actb), 18S ribosomal RNA (18s rrna), beta-2-microglobulin (b2m), tubulin alpha ...
Rajesh Kumar Oad1, Nasir Rajput1, Imdad Hussain laghari1, Hidayatullah Soomro1, Muhammad Azhar Memon2, Abdul Sattar Baloch5, Qudratullah Kalwar3,  Mashhood Ahmed1, Zubair Ahmed Soomro2 and Waseem Ali Vistro4*
... production and behavior performance. Total 300 day old chicks were divided into six groups (50 broilers each) i.e. A, B, C, D, E and F, fed ration containing 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 percent of synthetic lysine, respectively. Feed intake in broiler group A was higher (3572 g/b) (P<0.05). Live body weight was higher in group F (2.234 kg/b). Broiler carcass weight and dressing of group F (1.298 kg/bird and 60.83 kg/bird) was higher as compared to othe...
Nasir Ali Tauqir1, Asim Faraz2*, Muhammad Arif1, Abdul Rehman1Imtiaz Hussain1, Abdul Waheed2, Gabriele Marino3 and Michela Pugliese3


Nasir Ali Tauqir1, Asim Faraz2*, Annamaria Passantino3, Muhammad Asif Shahzad1, Rana Muhammad Bilal4, Adeel Tahir1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2 and Abdul Waheed2
Funda Turan1*, Ihsan Akyurt2 and Sehriban Cek-Yalniz1
...ism, e.g., better growth performance, higher economic value. Synthetic steroids are commonly used to induce monosex population in fish but because of the potential hazards of such steroids; the use of new phytochemicals is a potential alternative to be explored. We evaluated hypothesis that red clover extract to sexually undifferentiated fry of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) would affect their sex ratio. Five different concentrations (0, 25, 50 an...
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Nasir Ali Tauqir2 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel3
...s to evaluate the growth performance, blood biochemical and wool mineral profile of Marecha camel calves kept under intensive management system by feeding two different dietary regimes. The study was carried out at Camel Breeding and Research Station, Rakh Mahni Tahsil Mankera District Bhakkar Punjab, Pakistan. Twelve male calves around one year of age were raised in stall-fed conditions by feeding two different diets. In roughage proportion lucerne and gram s...

Sudip Debnath1, Dipta Sundar Sarker1, Pankaj Kundu1, Md. Shahin Parvez1, Shaikh Tareq Arafat1, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef A Alkhamis2,3, Md Moshiur Rahman1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman1* 

...cial feeds on the growth performance and survival of swordtail. Therefore, the study was carried out to investigate the effect of a live feed (Tubifex), formulated egg custard, and two commercial feeds (one aquarium feed and one fish feed) on survival, growth, and body protein content of swordtail in triplicates. Swordtail juveniles (initial weight: 0.46±0.03 g and length: 3.28±0.30 cm) were randomly stocked in glass aquaria feeding ad libitum tw...

Prima Mei Widiyanti1*, Mirnawati B Sudarwanto2, Etih Sudarnika2, Raphaella Widiastuti1 

...were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. This study showed that no heating (control), heating at 72 oC for 15 seconds (high temperature short time pasteurization), and 89 oC for 1 second (higher heat shorter time pasteurization) did not affect on enrofloxacin antibiotic residue concentration, however heating at 121 oC for 15 minutes (sterilization) affected the antibiotic enrofloxacin. The stability of enrofloxacin antibiotic c...

Ahmed M. Elbaz*, Engy F. Zaki, Morsy A. S. 

...of energy and protein on performance, blood metabolite, and meat quality in broiler chickens. A total of four hundred and eighty 1-day-old Ross 308 chicks were randomly divided into four experimental groups: Control (CON), 5% of quinoa seeds (QS5), 10% of quinoa seeds (QS10), and 15% of quinoa seeds (QS15) groups. Results indicated that increasing inclusion levels of QS improved body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and crude protein digestibility of broile...

Anguara Khatun1*, Sachchidananda Das Chowdhury1, Bibek Chandra Roy2, S.M. Shafikul Gani3, Bipul Chandra Ray1, Tanvir Ahmed1 

... multi-enzymes on growth performance, intestinal morphology, and cost-effectiveness in commercial broiler production. Four hundred eighty Cobb 500 straight run broiler chicks were randomly allocated to three dietary treatments each of eight replications having 20 birds each. The basal diets were corn-soya broiler starter and broiler grower diets. Starter diet was fed up to 21 days and grower diet during 22-35 days. In treatment 1, chicks were fed a basal diet ...

Saleem Ur Rahman1, Muhammad Irfan Yousaf1*, Mozammil Hussain2, Khadim Hussain1, Shahid Hussain1, Muhammad Husnain Bhatti1, Dilbar Hussain1, Aamir Ghani1, Abdul Razaq1, Muhammad Akram1, Iqra Ibrar1, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad1, Shoaib Anwar Kohli3, Muhammad Abubakar Siddiq4

...e ability based on their performance as assessed through different high temperature stress indices. Nine maize hybrids were screened under optimal and high temperature stress conditions (late sowing) for three consecutive spring seasons (Spring 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20), laid out under split-split-plot design under RCBD. Results reveled significant differences among stress indices for all three seasons and both conditions. Correlation analysis indicated th...
Shoaib Ahmed Pirzado1,2*, Wu Zhengke1, Adanan Purba1, Chen Jiang1, Huiyi Cai1, Chen Guilan1 and Guohua Liu1*
...mite (AZO) on the growth performance, nutrient availability, intestinal enzymes activity, immune function, and bone mineralization of broiler chickens. A total of 240-day old male chicks were randomly assigned into comprising four treatments with six replicates (n=10), which included control (basal diet), control +0.25% AZO, control + 0.50% AZO and control + kitasamycin (as AGPs). The results indicate that LBGW, ADG and FCR was significantly (P<0.05) improv...

Mohammed Sirajul Islam1,2*, Nurhusien Yimer1*, Wahid Haron1 , Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse1, Mark Hiew Wen Han1, Mamat-Hamidi Kamalludin3, Wan-Nor Fitri1, Ubedullah Kaka4, Abdul Quddus1,5 

...d to compare growth performance and sexual maturity of KK and KK × Brangus bulls. Ten (10) experimental bulls with similar ages were kept under the same paddock and fed with equal quality and quantity Guinea grasses and palm kernel cakes. Body weight was measured at monthly basis by using a digital animal weighing scale. Age at sexual maturity was determined by the time of semen e...

Ghulam Abbas, Sultan Mahmood*, Ahsan ul Haq and Haq Nawaz

...icarbonate on production performance of caged layers during summer was studied. One hundred sixty commercial layers (24 weeks old) were purchased from a poultry farm and were reared in a group for one week (adaptation period). At the start of 25th week of age, these layers were divided into 20 experimental units/replicates (8 layers/ replicate), which were further allotted to five treatment groups (4 replicate/ treatment). Five diets (A, B, C, D and E) were pr...

Kusuma Adhianto*, Satria Ibnu Lenanto, Akhmad Dakhlan, Muhamad Dima Iqbal Hamdani 

... major influence on goat performance. Based on the results of research, it can be concluded that selection of female Saburai goat based on weaning weight would improve yearling weight, and also improvement of environmental factors such as feeding would be beneficial to the performance of the goat.

Keywords | Saburai goat, Weaning weight, One year weight, Genetic correlation, Phenotypic correlation 


Keiven Mark B. Ampode1*, Federico C. Mendoza2 

... additives on the growth performance and cell-mediated immunity of broiler chickens. A total of sixty-day-old Cobb-broiler chickens were used in the study and arranged in a Completely Randomized Design experimental set-up with four dietary treatments. Each treatment was replicated three times, having five birds in every replication. The experimental rations containing graded levels of OP (0%, 1%, 3%, and 5%) were formulated and fed ad libitum in 42 days feedin...

Tintin Rostini1*, Irwan Zakir1, Danang Biyatmoko2 

...mentation in feed on the performance of Jawarandu goats. In this study were used total of 20 goats Jawarandu, 1.-1,5 years old, weighing about 13,46±1.55kg. were divided into four treatments consisting of TR0 (basal ration of palm waste-based local feed without Curcuma and yeast), TR1 (basal diet with 0.5% yeast), TR2 (basal diet with 2% Curcuma flour) and TR3 (basal diet with 0.5% yeast and 2% Curcuma flour). Meanwhile, the variables measured include...

Muhammad Khubaib Hameed, Muhammad Aziz ur Rahman, Muhammad Ashraf, Safdar Hassan, Muhammad Riaz, Muhammad Qamar Bilal, Fawwad Ahmad, Muhammad Sharif*

...0.6% had improved growth performance and carcass yield.

Keywords | Arginine, Growth parameters, Carcass attributes, Immune functions  


Khadim Hussain Memon1,*, Amir Mahmood Memon2, Tahira Jabeen Ursani3, Abdul Manan Shaikh1 and Sapna Waheed Memon1

...t 0.384/year. The growth performances indices phi prime (Φ’) 3.429 was computed accordingly. The present fishing mortality 0.395/year was smaller than the target biological reference points (Fopt= 0.635/year, Fmax= 1.05/year and F0.1= 0.90/year). These results revealed and confirmed that the stock of N. chitala is not being over-fished. The analysis of current exploitation rate E= 0.384/year was also indicative the sustainable fishery stock in the In...

Amira Mahmoud Refaie1*, Marwa Hosni Abd El-Maged2, Hassan Abd El-Kriam Hassan Abd El-Halim2, Hanan Abd El-Rahman Hassan Alghonimy2, Sayed Ahmed Mohamed Shaban1 

...palm pollen (DPP) on the performance, physiological parameters and egg quality traits of laying hens. A total number of 240 Fayoumi chicken hens were classified into two equal experiments, 120 hens each (4 groups × 3 replicates × 10 birds). In each experiment, birds were divided into 4 treatment groups as follow: Normal control, positive control (0.0125% Butylated hydroxytoluene; BHT), 0.1% and 0.3% DPP, respectively. The DPP was used in two forms ...

Sherif Abdelghany1, Lynda Allouche2, Ahmed A. Abd El-Maksoud3, Ehab N. Daoud4, Saleh A. Kandeal1, Mohamed A. Radwan1* 

...y influences production, performance, and welfare. The study aims to improve milk production and quality during the hot season, which supports milk safety and dairy chain sustainability. Forty-two Holstein cows in the middle of the first lactation were used and divided into a control group (22 cows) that received control diet and a treatment group (20 cows) that received a control diet supplemented with 200 g of potassium carbonate through 30 days. Milk y...

Serdar Eratak1, Metin Çabuk2,* and Ahmet Alcicek3

...byproducts on the growth performance, relative weight of internal organ and carcass traits of growing quails. Day-old quails (240; Coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly divided into 4 treatments, each with 4 replicates: control, 10%, 15% and 20% lentil byproducts—fed to the quails between 1 to 35 days of age. The mash experimental diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. No significant effects of the lentil byproduct inclusion level were observed on...

Tran Thi Bich Ngoc1,2, Ninh Thi Huyen1,2, Nguyen Cong Oanh2, Pham Kim Dang2* 

...eir mix (PROR) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal noxious gas concentration in grower-finisher pigs. Twenty-four barrows [(Pietrain × Duroc) × (Landrace × Yorkshire)], with an average initial body weight of 26 ± 0.77 kg (around 75 days old), were equally divided into four dietary groups, 6 replicates each group. The animals were housed individually in metabolism cages. The four experimental diets consisted of a ba...

Pham Tan Nha1*, Nguyen Thi Kim Dong2, Le Thu Thuy1 

...supplement on the growth performance of Tau Vang chicken in 7-14week old period. It was a completely randomized design with 5 treatments corresponding to 5 diets and 4 replications with 10 birds per experimental unit. The treatments were the different ginger supplement levels of 0.1. 0.2. 0.3 and 0.4 % (in DM) to basal diet. Corresponding to the G0, G0.1, G0.2, G0.3 and G0.4 treatments. The results showed that the daily intakes of DM, OM, CP and EE were signii...

Ho Le Quynh Chau, Than Thi Thanh Tra, Duong Thi Huong, Du Thanh Hang, Le Thi Thu Hang, Vo Thi Minh Tam, Dinh Van Dung*, Ho Trung Thong 

...SID methionine on growth performance, carcass yield, meat quality, myogenic gene expression of two coloured chicken groups. A total of 480 one-day-old chicks (240 Ri hybrid and 240 Luong Phuong) of uniform body weight was divided into a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments with four replicate cages of 20 chicks per treatment. Two factors include 2 chicken groups (Ri hybrid-slow-growing strain and Luong Phuong-fast-growing strain) and three dietary S...

Shang Zhenda1,2*, Kong Qinghui1,4*, Li Jiakui1,4, Liu Suozhu1,2, Tan Zhankun1,2, Shang Peng1,3 and Wang Honghui1,2

...p improve the production performance and disease resistance of domestic yak.


Lungile Gumede1,2, Thobela L. Tyasi1, Teedzai Chitura1*, Khanyisile R. Mbatha3 

...od parameters and growth performance.

Keywords | Dietary supplementation, Growth performance, Haematology, Natural forages, Vaccination 


Hung Van Mai1, Tuan Duc Nguyen2, Nang Thu Tran Thi3 and Hung Phuc Nguyen4*

...BM3 might improve growth performance of pompano fish fed SBM-based diets.


Wafaa M.A. Ghoneem, Reham R. El-Tanany and Adel E.M. Mahmoud* buffer on the growth performance of lambs and nitrogen utilization. Thirty growing Barki lambs (live body weight 34±0.1kg, age: 6 months); divided into three groups (10 in each). Animal groups were randomly divided as follows: G1 (control group): lambs fed clover hay, concentrate feed mixture (CFM) plus sodium bicarbonate (1% of dry matter (DM)), while lambs in G2 and G3 groups fed clover hay, CFM plus natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) at the level o...

Hafiz Ghulam Muhu-Din Ahmed1, Aziz Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3*, Amna Bibi3, Hafeez-ur-Rehman4 and Umar Farooq4

...lts from radar analysis, performance designated that the root related attributes were the most sensitive and important attribute followed by shoot related attributes. Chakwal-50 wheat variety had highest dry root weight (1.256g), dry shoot weight (0.41g) and fresh shoot weight (2.83g), while had minimum shoot length (10.87cm). The genotype Ass-11 possessed highest fresh root weight (4.93g) while the genotype Pasban-90 shown maximum value for root length (35.9c...

Junaid Ahmad1*, Shazma Anwar1, Anwar Ali Shad2, Sher Shah Souri1, Bibi Amina3, Wajia Noor4, Abidullah1 and Muhammad Adil1

... kg ha-1) application on performance of mungbean. The trial was presented in randomized complete block design having three replicates. For molybdenum and phosphorus source, sodium molybdate and single super phosphate was used. The findings of trial indicated that molybdenum applied with 1.5 kg ha-1 to mungbean crop significantly improved pods plant-1 (29), seeds pod-1 (11), thousand seeds mass (38 g), biological and grain production (2960 and 777 kg ha-1) whil...

Muhammad Tariq Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akhtar2, Kaiser Latif Cheema2, Abdul Ghaffar3, Imtiaz Ali4, Muhammad Jahanzaib Khalid2 and Zeshan Ali5

... of genetic variation in performance of studied different traits. Principle component analysis distinguished the traits into eight components. Results revealed that PC1 and 2 extracted >1 Eigen values explaining that these components have major contribution in genetic variability. Cluster analysis distributed the genotypes into four distinguished clusters. Agglomerative dendrogram of genotypes was constructed by Ward’s method. On the basis of Euclidea...

Muhammad Shoaib1*, Muhammad Nawaz2, Muhammad Ilyas3, Muhammad Shafique1, Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Muhammad Sultan Ali Bazmi4, Muhammad Arshad5, Ghulam Ahmad4, Muhammad Irfan6, Muhammad Umer Chattha1 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

... rates and seed sizes on performance of wheat. The study was comprised of various seeding rates 100, 125 and 150 kg ha-1 and different seed sizes i.e., bold seed (more than 2.7 mm), medium seed (less than 2.7 mm) and small seed (less than 2.3 mm). The various seed sizes and rates significantly affected performance of wheat crop. For seed sizes maximum LAI, CGR, plant height (94.32 cm) productive tillers (PT) (364 m-2), thous...

Syed Haseeb Ahmed Shah, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh, Abdul Samad, Muhammad Kamran Taj, Mohammad Masood Tariq*, Majed Rafeeq, Sumaira Fazal, Niamatullah Kakar, Sabeera Afzal and Asadullah

...for enhancing the growth performance and to reduce harmful effects of bacteria in broiler chicken. These anti-microbial agents are capable of destroying the metabolism of microbes and can alter certain properties of bacterial cellular and metabolic activity which results in impaired growth or death of these bacteria. This study was planned to find out the effect of AGPs in broiler chicken. For the purpose one day old (n=432) broiler chicks were used in the exp...

Mirza Lena1,2, Dinda Fathia Syahramadani2, Alfi Nurrachma Gustya2, Arif Darmawan2,3, Sumiati2, Wiwin Winarsih4, Minoru Maeda5, Komang Gede Wiryawan2*  

...mental impact on poultry performances. The prohibition is based on its negative impacts such as antibiotic residue and antimicrobial resistance. Alternative feed additives should be developed to replace the use of AGP in poultry production. Hence, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of combined dietary probiotics L. lactis D1813 and B. licheniformis D3270 on broiler performance, energy utilization, intestinal morphology,...

Ayman M. Khalifah1*, Walaa A. Kashyout1, Sara A. Abdalla2, Hassan S. Zeweil3, Soliman M. Zahran3, Tarek A. Ebeid4, Waleed M. Dosoky3 

... Results showed that the performance traits, including feed conversion ratio (FCR), daily egg number, and egg mass, were affected positively by Cr-Met supplementation (P ≤ 0.05) compared to birds fed BD. All eggshell and interior egg quality traits were not affected by Cr-Met supplementation. Cr-Met administration positively affected yolk total lipid and yolk total cholesterol compared to birds fed BD as their values were decreased. Also, Cr-Met addition im...