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John Teehan

...of public safety and the costs we are willing to pay for that safety. They also raise questions of how to understand the complex conditions that give rise to such events and the conditions for such events are always complex, even when facile “explanations” are readily available, i.e. the violent nature of Islam, their hatred of Western freedom, etc. A consistent element in many such explanations is a pronouncement on the nature of religion, in gene...

Malik Ikram Ullah1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Inayatullah Awan1, Muhammad Munir2, Ghazanfarullah1

...However, highest benefit-cost ratio was estimated when 240 kg N ha-1 was applied which was found best compromise between forage yield and quality for maize cultivar Kissan under the agro-climatic conditions of Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. The study also indicates that crude protein and mineral content in fodder maize can be improved through N application and complete reliance on protein and mineral supplements for farm livestock can be reduced.


Hina Fatima1*, Muhammad Azeem Khan2

...p seeds to economize the cost but this comes at another cost of loss of potential yield, which could be obtained through the use of modern varieties of seeds. Also considering the ecological conditions of the area is must before the adoption of any variety of seed, otherwise suboptimal output will be produced. Governmental check and regulation is also needed, dealers often sell fake seed varieties which discourages, the prod...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro*, Habib-Ur-Rehman Memon, Muhammad Ali Ansari, Ahmed Naqi Shah

...micals is considered low-cost and natural sources for weed suppression. Field trials were undertaken at Cotton Section, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam Pakistan during summer 2010 and repeated during summer 2011 for validating the previous results. The experiments were laid out in three replicated randomized complete block design. The seed of cotton variety “Sindh-1” was sown through drilling in the 1st week of May each...

Rodolfo Villagra-Blanco1*, Gaby Dolz1, Danilo Montero-Caballero2, Juan Jose Romero-Zuniga2

Fatemeh Kheiri

...-test. The physiological cost index of amputees varied between 0.42 and 0.74 beats per minute. there was no signi cant di erence between the range of motion of ankle, knee, hip and pelvic rang of motions between both sides. The plantar exion moment in prosthesis and sound sides varied from 0.92-0.98 N/BW and 1.19-1.39 N/BW, respectively (p value of di er- ence <0.05). The energy consumption of amputees was high due to reduced walking speed. However walking...

Khalid Ali1*, Amanullah Jan2

...resulted in higher value cost ratio (VCR) of 4.4 Hence, it was concluded that the inclusion of legumes and their incorporation either at 40 or 70 DAS coupled with 100 kg N ha-1 showed promising results and thus could be used for enhancing overall farm productivity and net economic returns of the farming community.


Rehmat Ullah1*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan1 and Kalim Ullah2

...chinery booking process, costly rental prices, out-dated machinery, preference of progressive farmers, no timely availability of Inputs, unviability of crop specific machinery. It was recommended that MFSC may take initiative to compel private companies to sponsor schemes for low cost inputs. MFSC may take initiative for funds on account of pragmatic trainings arrangement, subsidized inputs and crop specific machinery.


Gurrappa Naidu Govindaraj, Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan*, Habibur Rahman

...e to increased abortion, cost of high feeding and rearing inputs in young and adult sheep/goats etc. The results revealed that at the annual 10% incidence level, the estimated total loss due to PPR in sheep and goats was INR 5041.5 million (77% was mortality loss and 23% was morbidity loss) and INR 11074.6 million (73% mortality loss and 27% morbidity loss), respectively. Further, sensitivity analysis under Ceteris paribus, revealed a loss of INR 8058.8...

 Abdul Qahar and Bashir Ahmad

...m net income and benefit cost ratio (BCR) were recorded in plots with 350 kg N and 40 kg S ha-1 for R-2210. Nitrogen and sulfur content in soil and tissue were substantially increased with application of both the nutrients. However, sulfur content in plant tissue did not vary with increasing N from 250 to 350 kg ha-1, but was considerably improved with respect to control. It is concluded that R-2210 produced maximum yield, BCR value and N content in tissue wit...

Amtul Jamil Sami1*, Madeeha Khalid1, Sara Iqbal1, Maira Afzal1 and A.R. Shakoori2

...used as an efficient and cost effective method to treat waste water polluted with carcinogenic dyes by coagulation-flocculation. Moreover this method is beneficial over other methods that employ toxic polymers or mineral coagulants.


Jixue Hou1,2, Xueling Chen3, Jing Wang4, Hongwei Zhang2, Yu Xi2, Jie Xia2, Xinyu Peng2,* and Xiangwei Wu2,5*

...uction fast cycle, lower costing, and close to human genes, can be showed about some phenomenon quickly, also more easy to form model of atherosclerosis. Thus, a mouse model of vascular injury is vitally important for researching the pathophysiological mechanisms to restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) as well as translational approaches. In this Experiment, we established a unique murine model of femoral artery injury through...

Neelum Andaleeb and Munir Khan

...onducted to find out the cost and net return of milk production in district Mardan. The aim of this study was to identify factors affecting milk production in the study area. A multistage sampling method was used to select a sample of 274 livestock farm households from 6 union councils, and a well-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the female respondents through face to face interview. Cobb-Douglas production function and

Nusrat Habib, Safeena Inam and Abdul Hayee Qureshi

... access to credit, total cost of sunflower, access to price information of market, distance from input shop and more profit from competing crops indicating that the 1 percent increase in these parameters will decrease the probability to adopt sunflower. Whereas supporting parameters were highest educations level in the family, total operational holding, last year yield of sunflower, access to extension services and share of non-agricultural income. By increasi...

Hina Fatima, Lal Almas and Bushra Yasmin

...his study considered the cost efficiency analysis of cotton-melon cropping system under tunnels. The data were collected from 150 farmers; those were cultivating cotton-melon crops in combination under tunnels. The study area was Punjab, Pakistan. The stochastic cost frontier analysis was used to estimate the allocative efficiency of cotton-melon cropping systems efficiency. The result illustrates that none of the farmers to...

Naushad Khan1*, Shahnaz Akhtar1, Munir Khan1, Shaista Naz2, Javeria Tanveer1 and Muhammad Kaleem3

...term. The average yield, cost and return for the maize crop showed significant results due to the proper utilization of the credit by the farmers. The major constraints to farmers while obtaining credit were complicated procedure of pass book preparation, amount less than requirement, unavailability of timely credit and non-availability of collateral. The study recommends amount of loan according to the farmers’ requirements, bank staff cooperation and o...

Zeeshan Haider, Inayatullah Jan and Waqar Akram resulted in increased cost of production and decreased farm productivity of tomato. This further resulted in decreased net income of farmers from tomato crop. The study concludes that poverty in these areas can be alleviated if the government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play their role in promoting social cohesion and management of any conflict in future.


Muhammad Afzal1 and Murad Khan2*

... used. The average total cost of small poultry farm was Rs. 3,10,067 per flock while that of medium and large farms were Rs. 4,99,002 and Rs.7,34,290 respectively. The highest cost was estimated for feed followed by chicks cost. The average gross margin of small farms was Rs. 38,556 while that of medium and large farm were Rs. 62,844 and Rs. 89,261 respectively. The highest net benefits we...

Wesam Hasan Mohamed Mady 1*, Bing Liu2, Dong Huang2, A. Arafa1, M.K. Hassan1, M.M. Aly1, Pucheng Chen2, Yongping Jiang2* and Hualan Chen2

...opment of new potent and cost-effective influenza vaccines is urgently needed to safeguard poultry and to contain zoonosis. The primary goal of this study was to develop H9 plasmid-based DNA vaccine against the currently circulating AIV subtype H9N2 targeting HA gene of the virus A/Turkey/Egypt/1341V/2013(H9N2). The full length sequence of HA gene was codon optimized to the chicken biased codons and subcloned into the pCAGGS plasmid vector under the control of...
Adel Eid Mohamed Mahmoud*
...h improvement in feeding cost by 10%.Bakery waste can replace corn grains and wheat bran in concentrate feed mixtures up to 60 % in growing lambs rations without any adverse effects on animal’s performance with increasing growth rate.

Sanaullah Jalil*, Asim Hayat, Abid Majeed, Syed Haider Abbas, Muhammad Noman, Muhammad Imran Kasana and Muhammad Mazhar Hussain

...ved as an alternative of costly fertilizers and sustaining the agricultural productivity. Residual effect of rock phosphate with additional use of farmyard manure with effective microorganisms would be a promising strategy for enhancing P use efficiency and productivity of wheat crop in eco friendly way.


Sitansu Pan and Someshwar Bhagat

Biological control of plant diseases
...s ecofriendly, reliable, cost effective and is an integral component of integrated plant disease management framework for sustainable crop production. A considerable number of biocontrol agents have been established successfully for their bioconrol potential including strains belonging to bacterial genera such as Agrobacterium, Pseudomonas, Streptomyces and Bacillus, and fungal genera such as Gliocladium, Trichoderma, Ampelomyces, Candida and Coniothyrium. Tri...

M. S. A. Mamun and M. Ahmed

Integrated pest management in tea: prospects and future strategies in Bangladesh
...ith much care but lesser cost.


S.K. Sahoo

Incidence and management of mustard aphid (Lipaphis ery-simi Kaltenbach) in West Bengal
... kg seed/ha. Incremental cost benefit ratio indicated that most favourable return was obtained under Dimethoate 30EC (1:20.8 & 1:13.3) followed by Oxydemeton-methyl 25EC (1:16.8 & 1:9.1), while poor incremental cost-benefit ratio was observed in Fipronil 5SC (1:5.8 & 1:2.1) and Acephate 75 SP (1:7.1& 1:4.3) during the year 2010-11 and 2011-12, respectively.

Md Riton Choudhury, Koushik Brahmachari, Sudeshna Kar and Rupayan Deb

Integration of weed management practices in rice-potato-groundnut cropping sequence
...of crops in sequence and cost effectiveness of different weed control measures. Rice exhibited the maximum yield when treated with two hand weedings, but it may be profitably replaced by the application of herbicides. From the point of eco-safety measures and economy, combination of hand weeding and mulching can be judiciously recommended in potato and groundnut.


Biswajit Pramanick, Sruti Karmakar, Koushik Brahmachari, Rupayan Deb 

An integration of weed management practices in potato un-der New Alluvial soil
... crisis and minimize the cost of cultivation, therefore, maximizing benefit cost ratio.


Dipak Mandal, Paramita Bhowmik and M.L. Chatterjee

Evaluation of new and conventional insecticides for the management of mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Homoptera: Aphididae) on rapeseed (Brassica juncea L.)
... (1: 10.27). Incremental cost benefit ratio indicated that highest return was obtained from imidacloprid (1:16.12) followed by lambda-cyhalothrin (1: 15.68) treated plot.



Lakshman Chandra Patel and Chandan Kumar Mondal

Management of causal agents of chilli leaf curl complex through bio-friendly approaches
...was made to find out the cost effec-tive management schedule to minimize the crop loss. Seven treatments were taken up for study including two chemicals i.e. profenophos and diafenthiuron, three ecofriendly approaches i.e. garlic extract, spirit and alternate use of garlic with spirit, one predator insect Chrysoperla carnea and untreated control. The lowest population of thrips, mites and white fly was recorded with application of diafenthiuron at 15 days inte...

Dhananjoy Mandal

Eco-friendly management of mealybug and wilt in pineapple

Dhananjoy Mandal 2K. Baral 3M. K. Dasgupta

Developing site-specific appropriate precision agriculture
...ty were improved and the cost of cultivation has reduced at Agaram Village, Dharamapuri, Tamil Nadu of Adhiyaman Precision Farmers Association (Ramasamy 2007). Their “PA” is a fine example of community or cooperative approach to farming, which has high prospect in India. But it is far from both PA (sensu lato) and SSAPA (sensu Dasgupta 2006, 2007b) as applied by us in this trial for methodology development. As a prelude to SSAPA we are comparing ni...

K. K. Hegde and B. S. Nandihalli 

Bioefficacy of some indigenous products in the management of okra fruit borers
...est incremental benefit: cost ratio was noticed in endosulfan treatment (15.00) followed by treatment involving NSKE alternated with cow urine 10% (13.00), repeated sprays of GCKE (10) and NSKE alternated with cow dung 10% (7.90).



N. Mandi and A. K. Senapati 

Integration of chemical botanical and microbial insecticides for control of thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood infesting chilli
...marketable yield, higher cost benefit ratio and percent reduction in thrips’ population.


Freeha John, Noor Abid Saeed*, Sajid Nadeem and Muhammad Hamed 
...lanting gave the highest cost benefit ratio when protected against aphids.
P.P. Ghosh*, C. Ghosh, B. Mahato, A. Chakraborty, S.K. Bhattacharya and M.K. Bhattacharjya
....9% - 26.8%) and benefit-cost ratio. Integrated approach was the best approach followed by prophylactic and curative soil disinfestations. Thus, for the present micro-level situation vascular bacterial wilt malady can be addressed by prophylactic application of lime at 500 kg/ha and bleaching powder 20 kg/ha in the soil four weeks before transplanting followed by seed dressing with 20g bioinoculant formulation per kg seed, pre-transplanting seedling root treat...
P.P. Ghosh*, A. Chakraborty, S.K. Bhattacharya, C. Ghosh, B. Mahato and M.K. Bhattacharjya
...tify a practical and low cost solution of such damage with the active participation of village women responsible for the storage. Proven biological, chemical and botanical (vegetable oil) approaches of management were tested against traditional practice and replicated among 10 different household at 10 villages. Results showed that grain dressing with both neem and mustard oil under botanical approaches performed significantly superior over other approaches an...
Rafi Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan1,*, Abdul Hafeez1, Asad Sultan1, Nazir Ahmad Khan2, Naila Chand1 and Naseer Ahmad1 
...ctively be used as a low-cost protein constituent in the broiler finisher ration.

Shahid Iqbal Khattak1*, Mohammad Safdar Baloch1, Khalid Naveed2 and Ejaz Ahmad Khan1

...iency, net return, value cost ratio and relative increase in income as compared to soil applied method. However, maximum grain protein content was recorded in soil applied method in comparison to foliar N application. In conclusion, higher results for all the quantitative parameters were observed at 120 kg N ha-1.

Saba Irshad1,*, Ayesha Ashfaq1, Ammara Muazzam1 and Abida Yasmeen2
...ciently at an affordable cost.
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Tasneem Hameed1, Muhammad Afzal2, Arshad Javid3, Nosheen Aslam4, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah6, Majid Hussain5, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan1 and Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1
...ure by reducing the feed cost and nutrient discharge through feces into the aquatic ecosystem.
Kanwer Shahzad Ahmed1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1,*, Muhammad Ather Rafi2, Fatima Sellami3 and Muhammad Afzal1

Wali Khan1, Naushad Khan2 and Shaista Naz2*

... on the provision of low cost inputs, pesticides/insecticides, modern techniques and trainings, and value chain market facilities at the local and regional level. 

Talha Nazir1,2,*, Muhammad Dildar Gogi2, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Waheed ul Hassan2, Abdul Hanan2 and Muhammad Jalal Arif
Tanveer Ahmad1, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1*, Zulfiqar Ali1, Muhammad Azeem Khan2 and Shahid Zia3 was 3.1 kW. Operating cost of sisal decorticator together with a combing machine was Rs. 507.9 h-1. The break-even point or payback period of this technology was 233 h. Sisal fibre needs to be washed, dried and brushed after decortication process for getting good quality fibre to make domestic products. This technology has a great potential and needs to be commercialised in sisal growing areas of the country.
Sumit K. Satpathi1, Suprakash Pal2*, Rupsanatan Mandal2, Nonigopal Shit2 and Ashutosh Sarkar3
...modules resulted in poor cost-benefit ratio. However, the biopesticides and new ecofriendly molecule flubendiamide were found to have less hazardous effect on the population of natural enemies as compared to the pesticide based treatments; thus this approach is augmenting the natural control of pests.
Keywords: Cowpea, insect pests, biopesticides, bioefficacy...
Muhammad Fiaz1, Khadija Munawar2, Muhammad Mushtaq2,*, Mukhtar Ahmad3, Mushtaq Ahmad Chaudhry3, Muhammad Aslam3, Tanveer Ahmad1 and Nasrullah4
...cheaper in terms of milk cost per kg gain than natural ewe milk. It was concluded that high quality calf milk replacer can be used as an efficient substitute of ewe milk for optimum growth performance in neonatal Salt Range lambs after mandatory colostrum feeding.
Mushtaq Ahmad1,*, Mehboob Ahmed1,2 and Nasim Ahmad1
...) assay is easy and less costly. Though used in many species but the variability exists in technique. Therefore, the present study was aimed to optimize the steps of AO staining protocol for buffalo sperm which has not been explored yet. Semen was collected from two mature buffalo bulls, diluted in tris citrate egg yolk based extender and cryopreserved using standard protocol. The semen straws were thawed at 37oC and stained using different protocol...

Abdus Subhan1, Qudrat Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Mansoor2 and M. Jamil Khan

...used to reduce the input cost and improve crop yield. A field experiment was conducted at Arid Zone Research Centre (AZRC), D. I. Khan during year 2014 –15 and 2015–16 to investigate the water use efficiency and response of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop to organic and inorganic fertilizers on a heavy textured soil. The treatments used in the experiment include compost @5 t ha-1, cattle manure @ 5 t ha-1, compost + cattle manure each @ 2....

Ghani Akbar1, Steven Raine2, Allen David McHugh3, Greg Hamilton4 and Qurban Hussain5 

...le without incurring any costs associated with altered infrastructure, new or modified machinery, or increased labour. 

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem, Muhammad Shahid, Abdul Shakoor*, Muhammad Safeer, Imran Khan, Ayesha Farooq, Iftkhar Ali and Usman Nazir
...ithout using Zn enhanced cost of production.
Naheed Bano* and Muhammad Afzal
...lthy production with low cost by using sunflower meal to some extent replace fish meal. In this 3× 3 factorial and completely randomized design study 324 fish were used. The acidification levels were (0, 1.5 and 3%) whereas the phytase levels were (0, 500 and 1000 FTU). The addition of 3 % citric acid and 1000FTU phytase produced significant interaction effect on calcium and phosphorus digestibility and different body contents of L. rohita. Phytas...

Sikandar Hayat, Khalid Usman* and Muhammad Tahir Amin 

...tify;">Zero tillage is a cost effective and resource conserving technique, however, drill clogging and immobilization of nitrogen are problems in the standing stubbles of the previous crop. Row adjustment and an appropriate N fertilizer application method may be a possible solution. Field trials were carried out to explore suitable row spacing and N fertilizer application method for zero tillage wheat at Agronomic Research Area, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal U...
Mahreen Yahya, Noor Abid Saeed*, Sajid Nadeem, Muhammad Hamed and Sajid Shokat 
...e treated plots. Maximum cost-benefit ratio was found (1:9.2) in NW-1-8183-8 when treated against aphids. Wheat varieties, Galaxy-13 and Faisalabad-08 were found tolerant against aphid damage. Wheat variety Lasani-08 should be avoided because it was found susceptible to aphid infestations, and give low net yield. It is inferred that infestation of aphids significantly reduced the grain yield when not protected by insecticide. Insecticide protected crops give m...
Mubashir Hussain1,Safdar Ali1, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Ghulam Abbas Shah1, Ijaz Ahmad2*, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar3 and Sohail Latif4
...dicated that sieving was cost-effective, less time consuming, more user friendly with higher accuracy over seedling emergence method. 
Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz
... nitrogen levels and the cost-effective sowing technique for oat forage production under salt affected conditions. Two sowing methods i.e. broad cast and drill sowing with 30 cm apart rows and four nitrogen levels (75,100,125 and 150 % of N recommended dose i.e. 150kg ha-) were tested. Recommended dose of PK fertilizer (85-60 PK kg ha-1) was used uniformly with experimental N rates. Data on plant height (132.00 cm), number of plants (91.3...

Imran Ali Rajput1*, Tajwer Sultana Syed1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Imran Khatri1 and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi2 

...have increased the input cost of local farmer and similarly aroused the serious problem of pest resistance. The introduction of transgenic cotton since last decades has played a significant role in suppressing the pest population of Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund) which is the main pest of cotton in all over the world. Nevertheless, the indigenous botanical extracts have been used effectively against various sucking pests of cotton but only few stud...
Fahad Tanveer1, Adnan Afzal2, Muhammad Adeel3*, Sana Shahid4 and Maham Masood5 of human resource and cost. To shed this load of resources and cost, it’s essential to sort out means which give real relief to this increasingly significant problem. To compare outcomes of sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAGs) versus Maitland manual therapy in improving non-specific neck pain. It was a quasi-experimental study design. The study was conducted in Chaudhary Muhammad Akram, Teaching & Researc...
Anan Kenthaoand Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame*
...ortance as source of low-cost protein in Lower Mekong Region. The present study applied multivariate morphometric technique to identify fishery management units of C. apogon from six populations of three different river drainages: Pong, Chi, and Mun Rivers. Thirty-two truss measures and standard length were obtained using digital calliper from 291 fish individuals, and raw measured data were then subjected to allometric equation to remove size-dependent...

Warda Fatima1 , Shahida Hasnain1 , Saqib Mahmood2


...nsidered one of the most costlydisease in terms of diagnosis and treatment. Its heritability content is considered to be up to 80% but still it isunknown whether it’s a pure genetic disease. It is considered a polygenic multifactorial condition where both genes and environment have roles in disease development. In the present study we selected a family withmultiple schizophrenic patients and have identified some reasons for disease development. It is est...
Muhammad Iqbal Anjum*, Shahbaz Javaid and Mukhtar Ahmad Nadeem
...ectively. The total feed cost per unit weight gain of broilers fed R-III diet was numerically 14% and 9% less than the broilers fed R-II and R-I, respectively. Results suggested that exogenous microbial phytase supplementation to rations having low DCP had positive effects on weight gain, feed: gain ratio and economic efficiency in broiler chicks.

Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1*, Syed Makhdoom Hussain1, Farhat Jabeen1, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain 2,Sajjad Ahmad3, Abida Ashraf4,Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan1

...elop an eco-friendly and cost-effective fish feed by using MOLM based diet.

Faiza Hassan1, Mubshara Saadia1,*, Muhammad Sher1, Mian Anjum Murtaza2, Muhammad Arshad3,Asam Riaz4 and Mahmood Ahmad Khan5
...tic drugs has been found cost effective with severe side effects as well. Herbal remedies are gaining popularity. Black cumin and garlic are found effective against hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypercholesterolemia. Present study was designed to evaluate the relative antidiabetic potential of garlic aqueous (AGE) and petroleum ether (EGE) extracts compared to black cumin (Nigella sativa oil; NSO) and insulin. Alloxan induced diabetic rats were post...

Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Abdul Aziz Khakwani2, Sami Ullah2, Najeeb Ullah2, Abdur Rauf3 and Inam Ullah2

...n water, cut cultivation costs and increases cotton yield and quality on sustainable basis. Field trial was conducted in 2013 and 2014 at Cotton Research Station, Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan to study the effect of tillage systems [ridge tillage (RT) and flat tillage (FT)] and 5 nitrogen levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 kgN.ha-1) on cotton lint yields, quality and earliness. Experiment was laid out in a RCB design with split plot arrangements rep...
Saara Ahmad1,*, Iftikhar Ahmed2, Saida Haider3, Zehra Batool3, Fatima Ahmed4, Saiqa Tabassum3,6, Syeda Madiha3, Tahira Perveen3 and Saad Bilal Ahmed5
...incredible taste and low cost. However, to meet the increasing demand the chickens are reared commercially through feeds and battery cages allowing maximum weight gain and growth in considerably less time. The constituents that are fed to chickens concentrate in the flesh and bring deleterious health outcomes on the consumers. The ill effects account for hyper-lipidemias and imbalance in the steroidal sex hormones may result in the development of cysts in the ...

Saima Akhtar Qureshi1 and Asim Anwar2*, Ather Maqsood Ahmed

...method so it reduces the cost of production and increases the farmers’ profit. However, concerns about production may hinder widespread adoption of this technology by farmers. The aim of the study is to evaluate economic feasibility of IPM method in Punjab. The study consisted of 326 farmers (161 IPM producer and 165 NON-IPM producers) and compared input and output outcomes of IPM and NON-IPM farms and provided a detailed evidence of overall production o...
Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1*, Abid Ali2, Manzoor Hussain2, Saadia3, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Sohail Latif6
... forth higher production cost and pollute the soil environment. Therefore, some alternative but sustainable, environment friendly and cost effective approaches of nutrient management can be a possible solution for these problems. So the present study was conducted at Agronomic Research Area, Groundnut Research Station Attock, Pakistan during rabi 2013-14 to check the effect of different integrated nutrients management strate...

Sidra Majeed, Shahid Ahmad*, Asif Ali Bhatti** and Ghazanfar Abbas***

...2004-05. The analysis of cost of production indicated that the increase was largely in the cost of tillage and harvesting due to increase in the price of diesel fuel and renting cost of farm machinery. The average net return from barani wheat using chemical fertilizer is Rs. 1.22 million, on an average the benefit and cost ratio was 1.28, which means tha...

Hassnain Shah, Hina Riaz, Nadeem Akmal , Muhammad Sharif* and Abdul Majid**

... for almost 70% of total cost of production of milk or meat. The trend for concentrate feeding to livestock is changing from the conventional concentrate feeding to a formulated compound feed. Considering the importance of livestock in the livelihood of the people, scarcity of green fodder three feed producing units were provided under Community Action for Livestock Development Project in Pakistan. From the technical and scientific points of view, the balance ...

 Babar Hussain*, Muhammad Ashfaq**, Mazher Abbas***, Khalid Mahmood**** and M. Ather Mahmood***

...cation for extensive and costly government intervention designed to improve competitiveness to enhance market efficiency.


 Rahmat Ullah Khan, Abdur Rashid*, Mohammad Sohail Khan** and Erdogan Ozturk***

...justify;"> The high cost of inorganic fertilizer, use of natural fertilizer resources for increasing crop production on sustainable basis has become imperative. Two field experiments were conducted to study the potential of humic acid (HA) as a low-cost natural fertilizer and to determine its effect on the yield of rainfed wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Naseer) at the research farm of Arid Zone Research Institute,...

 Mazher Abbas*, Muhammad Waqas Akram**, Ikram Saeed*** and Arshed Bashir*

...50 respectively. Benefit cost ratio for small, medium and large farmers was 2.44:1.00, 2.08:1.00 and 2.00:1.00 respectively. The study revealed that canola production in Central Punjab is profitable enterprise. However, the profitability of canola at small farms was higher as compared to other farm size categories. There is sharp increase in input prices from year to year basis while output prices remained same over the year. The Government should effectively ...

 Muhammad Azam Niazi*, Hassnain Shah, Waqar Akhtar and Nadeem Akmal** friendly policies and cost effective technologies should be transferred to farmers to make agriculture an attractive investment domestically and competitive internationally.


 Sumia Bint Zaman, Sidra Majeed and Shahid Ahmad*

...le environments. Benefit-cost analysis shows that break-even point can be achieved in fourth year of plantation of Jatropha. The projected consumption in Pakistan for petro-fuel for 2025 is 35.1 mt, which is almost double of the current consumption. Thus, the target projections for replacement of petro-fuel with bio-diesel will be 3.51 mt for which 3.5 mha of land is required, as Jatropha has to be grown in marginal areas with marginal yields. Comparative econ...

 Rubina Bano, Hassnain Shah, Muhammad Sharif and Waqar Akhtar*

...ultry farmers along with cost and profitability analysis. Broiler farming was done by adult males on full time basis. It was the main source of income of a family. The average flock size in the study area was 4033 birds. The study also bifurcates the cost structure and fixed cost accounts for 7 % while variable cost accounts for 93% of total

Anish Shrestha 

...hive. Average production cost was NRs. 7392.52 with the average net profit of NRs. 2987.05 (1 USD = 106 NRs), and B:C ratio was 1.67. Labor cost, migration cost and expenditure on sugar drug and comb foundation seems to have positive and significant relation with gross return. All of them appeared to be underutilized and needed to be increased by 39%, 74% and 34% respectively for the profi...

Akhlaq Ahmad, M. Anwar Arain*, Rahila Nazli**, Syed Anser Rizvi***,
Mubarik Ahmed* and Farzana Ibrahim****

Corresponding author:

... polyethylene sheet. The cost effectiveness of the treatments was determined, considering the cost of the materials and labour. It was estimated that a single fumigation treatment in under-sheet stacks was around Rs. 1.05 million less than the whole godown fumigation, even though it involved extra cost of polyethylene (PE) sheet. This cost may be partial...

 Javid Iqbal, Asghar Ali Mian, Tanveer Ahmad*, Shamsul Hassan** and Sohail Hassan Khan* 

...d economic evaluation as cost of broiler per kilogram live weight produced. The average body weights gained by the birds were 2264g, 2277g, 2256g and 1942g for A, B, C and D strains, respectively at 49 days of age. The birds in treatments A, B and C gained significantly (P <0.05) more weight than the birds in treatment D. On the contrary, the birds in treatment D (4371g) consumed significantly (P <0.05) less feed than birds in treatments A (4896g), B (49...

 Shahida N.Khokhar*

...tential to improve value cost ratio (VCR) of agricultural production. Pakistan faces increase in degraded lands, water shortage, energy crisis, all contributing to poverty. During last two decades, many efforts were made to address the issue through developing and applying the inoculants. Several research institutions including National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan contributed significantly to these efforts. There are many reports o...

 Hassnain Shah, Muhammad Azeem Khan, Umar Farooq, Nadeem Akmal*, Shahid Munir and Bashir Hussain**

...ainfed Pothwar area. Low cost soil and water conservation structures were developed and demonstrated in the area. The investment appraisal based on the cost incurred and benefits realized by the farmers recorded through assessment survey revealed that the technology had a short payback period along with internal rate of return varying in the range of 25-37% under rainfed conditions and positive net present value. The farmers...

 Mazher Abbas*, Tahir Mehmood**, Arshed Bashir*, Muneeb Zafar*** and Aneela Afzal****

...3, respectively. Benefit cost ratio for small, medium and large farmers was 2.34:1.00, 2.21:1.00 and 2.09:1.00 respectively. Cultivation of L. royleana in Punjab is profitable enterprise. Because of low cost of production the profitability of L. royleana at small farms was higher as compared to other farm size categories.


 Arshad Ali, Muhammad Arshadullah, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder, Imdad Ali Mahmood and Badar-uz-Zaman*

...howed that maximum value cost -1 ratio (4.1:1) was determined with incorporation of 5 t ha wheat straw plus -1 60 kg N ha .


 Syed Ishtiaq Hyder, Muhammad Arshadullah, Arshad Ali and Imdad Ali Mahmood*

...howed that maximum value cost ratio was -1 (12.5:1) with the application of 1.5 kg B ha .


 Munir Ahmad* and Asif Ali Mirani**

...groundnut growers, a low cost mobile flat-bed dryer designed and developed at Agricultural and Biological Engineering Institute (ABEI), National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad was evaluated for drying groundnut. The dryer had been found capable to dry about 1818 kg groundnut from 23.3% moisture content to 14% within 2.4h. On average the groundnut drying rate was 3.9% per hour, and the average efficiency of the dryer was 69%. However, typical tests ind...

 Hafiz Sultan Mahmood*, Munir Ahmad**, Tanveer Ahmad*, Muhammad Azhar Saeed* and Muhammad Iqbal***

...ces and reduce the input costs. Before this, the effectiveness of precision technologies needs to be realised in Pakistan through field experiments and land management practices.


Ayesha Tahir* and Sonila Hassan**

...ace, care, equipment and cost compared to many other crops and livestock. The present study was conducted in 2010 to estimate the profitability of small scale button mushroom production at National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) Islamabad, Pakistan. The cost of production methodology was used for this study. The yield and gross return of mushroom was estimated at 155.6 kg ha and Rs.77,800 ha , respectively. The results ...

 Tabinda Qaiser*, Ayesha Tahir*, Sajida Taj* and Murad Ali*

...was to calculate benefit-cost analysis of beekeeping in Chakwal. The data was collected from 25 beekeepers of Chakwal district because this enterprise is working more in areas like Chakwal, Sargodha, FatehJang and Mardan. Beekeepers were selected randomly for case study and they were interviewed for getting the necessary data to determine the costs and return of beekeeping and assess the scope of beekeeping. The benefit

 Muhammad Tayyab Mudassar*, Ehsan-ul-Haq*, Muhammad Naeemullah**, Muhammad Shakeel*, Muhammad Ashfaque*, Asmat un Nisa* and Javed Khan*

... with minimum labour and cost. The maintenance cost of 100 Chrysoperla carnea adults was Rs. 192.38 per month, which included the labour cost of Rs. 152.38 and diet cost of Rs. 40. Approximately 4000 eggs per month were obtained from the C. carnea adult culture and the cost per egg was Rs. 0.04. This study also reveale...

 Abid Hussain*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Sonila Hassan**

...sources in total feeding cost have been determined and cost-benefit analysis of milk production by ecological zones was also conducted. Wide variations in share of feed sources in total feeding cost per annum, milk productivity and profitability of main cow breeds across selected areas have been observed. Concentrate feeding is the main cost item for cow...

  Abdul Hassan*, Muhammad Ishaq*, Nisar Ali Shah* and Arshad Farooq*

MILK PRODUCTION POTENTIAL IN KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA in respect of cost of livestock herds production in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.


 Naveed Jehan*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla**, Muhammad Shahzad*, Abid Hussain**, Muhammad Zahoor*, Majid Khan* and Ahmed Bilal*

...d that low communication cost and availability of information about wholesale market prices through SMS service and low cost calling packages will help farmers and market agents in improving bitter gourd production and its marketing, respectively.


 Asghar Ali*, Muhammad Tahir**, Shahid Riaz Malik* and Muhammad Hanif Munawwar*

EVALUATION OF PRE AND POST-EMERGENCE HERBICIDES FOR WEED MANAGEMENT IN LENTIL (LENS CULINARIS MEDIK.) is time consuming and costly. The chemical weed control is the effective method of weed management. A field study was conducted to evaluate pre and post-emergence herbicides for weed control in lentil. The experiment comprised eight treatments including three herbicides, manual weeding and check (no weeding). The yield was higher in manual weeding but in herbicide treatments Isoproturon as pre-emergence @ 2 kg -1 ha produced statistically at par grain yield...

 Muhammad Sharif*, Muhammad Azam Niazi*, Abdul Jabbar** and Sajida Taj*** 

...of ex-factory production cost of sugar supports the sugarcane support price programme in the country. The present paper aimed at up-dating the financial profitability of white sugar on the basis of recent data in the country. The total cost of white sugar production was Rs. -1 50.11kg in Pakistan. The estimated financial profit of white sugar production -1 was Rs. 2.47 kg in the country in 2012-13. The estimated supply and d...

 Samiullah*, Mehmood Shah*, Kalim Ullah**, Rehmat Ullah*** and Ibrarullah****

...udy sought to assess the cost and gross margin of wheat in Dera Ismail Khan District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Pakistan, in the wheat crop season during May-June, 2012. A survey method was employed and 11 villages were selected at random which are the major wheat producing villages in the said district. A total of 50 respondents were probed by personal interview method from the sampled villages. Cost and return (gross return...

 Munir Ahmad*, Asif Ali Mirani**, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood**, Tanveer Ahmad** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed**

...age point h . The drying costs of gas-fired and rice husk-fired dryers were about Rs. 0.21 and 0.16 -1 kg . The overall performance of the gas-fired dryer was satisfactory, while that of the rice husk-fired dryer can be improved by incorporating an appropriate heat exchanger.


 Hassnain Shah*, Nadeem Akmal*, Waqas Farooq*, Muhammad Azeem Khan* and Shahid Munir**

...or fruit plants but also cost effective, water, labor and resource saving along with farmer friendly under rainfed condition with scare supplemental water availability. The cost of adoption of technology including labor charges for its preparation and maintenance was recovered from irrigation cost saved from single rainfall at the demonstration site. One of the important implications drawn...

 Nusrat Habib*, Saima Rani*, Sabeen Siddiqui*, Shah Zaman** and Muhammad Zubair Anwar*

IMPACT OF MAJOR FARM INPUTS ON PRODUCTIVITY OF SUGARCANE: A CASE STUDY IN TEHSIL KOT ADDU, PUNJAB, PAKISTAN 2013 harvesting. The costs of land preparation, DAP, urea, irrigation, FYM, seed and labor for harvesting were the significant factors which affect on the proceeds of sugarcane growers. The results revealed that costs of land preparation, DAP and urea were highly significant at 1% level with positive coefficients 0.94, 0.23 and 0.76, respectively. The cost of FYM was significant at 1% ...

 Mazher Abbas*, Irfan Mehmood*, Arshed Bashir*, Muhammad Ather Mehmood* and Sonila Hassan* 

...ment and long-run health costs) of using safety measures during and after cotton picking.


 Arshed Bashir*, Fatima Ahmad**, Irfan Mehmood*, Muhammad Qasim*, Mazher Abbas* and Sonila Hassan*

...;This paper analyzes the cost and return estimates of red meat among different meat production systems namely subsistence rural farms, small sized specialized farm and commercial farms. Four districts of Punjab (Gujranwala and Sialkot from rice-wheat zone and Chiniot and Faisalabad from mixed cropping zone) were selected for data collection and 76 red meat producers were interviewed. The results showed that commercial farms were dominated by cows while the sma...

 Rashed Saeed*, Shoaib-ur-Rehman**, Muhammad Qasim*, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood*** and Irfan Mehmood*

... of survey data, benefit cost and total factor productivity analyses depict that radish cultivation is a profitable enterprise in the study area. Productivity gap between current and potential yield of radish can be minimized by the adoption of recommended production and marketing practices.


 Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Abid Hussain*

... was designed to compare costs of rearing and returns received from major dairy buffalo breeds (Nili-Ravi and Kundhi) in various agro-ecological zones of Pakistan. For this purpose, 219 buffalo farmers were randomly selected from mixed and rice-wheat cropping zones of Punjab and Sindh provinces, mixed cropping zone of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province, coastal zone of Sindh and mountainousAJK. Of these, 155 and 64 were Nili-Ravi and Kundhi buffalo breed farmer...

 Amjad Pervez*, Syed Muzaffar Ahmed*, Akhlaq Ahmad** and Qazi Mehmood Ali**

...d 27%, respectively) and cost effective grain as bait base for effective management of Indian porcupine, Hystrix indica, being an economically important rodent pest of agriculture, forestry and irrigation network in Pakistan.


 Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Abid Hussain*

...villages. High marketing costs and lack of proper market infrastructure/facilities compel farmers to sell camels at village level to the village dealers and fellow farmers at relatively low prices. Percent difference in prices at wholesale market and village levels were 28.6, 12.9, 6.0 and 0.5 for adult male, wet female, dry female and young stock, respectively. The prevailing marketing situation of live camels is an indicative of exploitation farmers from the...

 Muneeb Zafar*, Tahir Mehmood**, Irfan Ahmad Baig**, Abdul Saboor** Mazher Abbas***, Shumaila Sadiq** and Khalid Mahmood****

... and increase the health cost of vegetable pickers. The purpose of this study is to estimate the excessive use of pesticides and economic cost of health hazards for the vegetable pickers in district Vehari. Data from 90 respondents were collected and analyzed. The most common health problems identified during the survey were headache, eye irritation, skin infection, cough and shortness of breath. Health

 Waqar Akhtar*, Muhammad Sharif**, Abdul Hayee Qureshi*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla*** and Muhammad Azeem Khan*

...rofitability and private cost ratio (PCR) which is less than 1. Competitiveness difference in two regions indicated that Central Punjab has more competitiveness at farm level in tomato production. Economic efficiency results i.e. Domestic Resource Cost (DRC) ratio remained 0.39 and 0.51 in Central and Southern Punjab, respectively with positive social profitability indicating strong comparative advantage under importable sce...

 Hafiz Sultan Mahmood*, Tanveer Ahmad*, Zulfiqar Ali*, Munir Ahmad** and Nadeem Amjad***

...was 61.1%. The operating cost of chopper setup was Rs. 5,262 ha . Total worth of recovered chaff was Rs. 24042 ha (@ Rs. 10 kg ). Net gain in terms of recovered wheat straw was Rs. 18780 ha . The break even point (use) of this machine for harvesting own fields and rental fields was 77 h (31 ha) and 266 h (105.5 ha), respectively. Wheat straw chopper is a profitable technology that is getting momentum in combine-harvested wheat fields of the country, which save...

 Shafique Qadir Memon* , Nadeem Amjad** and Riaz Ahmed Dayo***

...fected by the high input costs thus maximum benefits were achieved. It is interesting to note that the NPK treatment appeared to be the best for all farmyard manure and control plots.


 Nusrat Habib*

RELATIVE PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS OF SUNFLOWER IN DISTRICT SWABI AND MARDAN estimate the relative cost effectiveness of sunflower with competing crops like sugarcane and tobacco to find out the major factors which caused the decreasing trend of sunflower in the area. Primary data of 100 respondents was collected and analyzed in SPSS (Special Package for Social Scientists) software. Estimated results revealed that there was a key difference among target three crops profitability such as revenue per crop day of tobacco, sugarcane and...

 Ehsanullah*, Muhammad Amjad Shahzad*, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum*, Ali Zohaib*, Muhammad Ishfaq* and Ejaz Ahmad Warraich*

...omic returns and benefit cost ratio (BCR) (1.52) was elevated by flat sowing on 25 cm apart rows. In conclusion, maximum seed cotton yield and economic returns can be acquired by flat sowing with 25 cm apart rows, while, fiber quality is independent of sowing methods.

Muhammad Sharif1*, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2, Muhammad Ansar3, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Syed Abdul Sadiq5
...stems for reducing input cost of small holder farming community of Pothwar, Pakistan. A two-year field study was carried out with a split plot design, having conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), reduced tillage (RT) and zero tillage (ZT) systems in main plots,while residue retained (R+) and removed (R-)in sub-plots.The results showed that seedling emergence, wheat biomass and grain yield were statistically same under CT (83 pl...
Aitezaz Ahsan1*, Muhammad Usman1, Ihsan Ullah2, Aamer Bin Zahur3 and Adnan Rasheed Malik4
... is need to develop some cost effective diagnostic assays which would be applicable in the field conditions and in the developing countries like Pakistan.

Irfan Ullah, Shahid Ali*, Muhammad Fayaz and Abbas Ullah Jan 

...que. Stochastic frontier cost function of Cobb- Douglas type was used for the estimation of allocative efficiency. The function was estimated using Maximum Likelihood estimation technique. Results revealed that the mean allocative efficiency of broiler farms was 0.84; implies that an average farm could have used 16% less inputs for given level of output if inputs were allocated efficiently. The estimated coefficient of output in the stochastic
Grace Chinenye Onyishi, Ifeanyi Oscar Aguzie, Joseph O. Okoro, Christopher Didigwu Nwani*, Ngozi Ezenwaji, Ndubisi Stanley Oluah and Fabian C. Okafor
... and direct and indirect cost of such parasitism to human is important, first for human health and welfare, secondly for sustainable snail farming, and finally for maintenance of snail biodiversity.
Shireen Ihsan Izzaddeen1 and Ali Kaygısız2,*
...ersion ratio (kg), total cost and unit cost (P>0.05). However, essential oil contained calf’s milk decreased fecal evaluation score and number of days with diarrhea (P<0.05). The calf’s serum total cholesterol, glucose, AST, GGT, creatinine, phosphor, calcium, insulin, total T3, total T4, albumin, GH and globulin concentrations did not differ between the groups (P>0.05). Essential laurel oil containing w...

Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

... after subtracting total cost from gross revenue was Rs. 33,173.65/-. Results illustrate that labor days, seed quantity, tractor hours, urea and pesticides have positive significant effect on sugarcane yield. Resource use efficiency analysis shows that marginal value product (MVP) to marginal factor cost (MFC) ratios for labor days, irrigation, urea, FYM and pesticides are more than unity indicate underutilization of these ...

Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

... after subtracting total cost from gross revenue was Rs. 33,173.65/-. Results illustrate that labor days, seed quantity, tractor hours, urea and pesticides have positive significant effect on sugarcane yield. Resource use efficiency analysis shows that marginal value product (MVP) to marginal factor cost (MFC) ratios for labor days, irrigation, urea, FYM and pesticides are more than unity indicate underutilization of these ...
Muhammad Zahid Latif1*, Rahila Nizami2, Intzar Hussain3
...ime and services free of cost to an organization for the benefit of others (2). It is vital for the sustainability and smooth functioning of the nonprofit and community organizations that the participation on volunteer basis should be regular and ongoing (3). This is worth mentioning that in United States during the year of 2000, 15.5 billion hours were contributed by 83.9 million volunteer...

Azhar Mehmood1,2,*, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem2, Muhammad Tahir2, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar3, Tasawer Abbas4, Ali Zohaib2, Hafiz Tassawar Abbas

... (88518 Rs.) and benefit cost ratio (1.25) for Hysun-33.


Shahid Ali1* and Salamat Ali2  

..., estimated and compared costs and revenues of open shed and environmentally controlled (EC) shed broiler farms in Punjab, Pakistan. Multistage sampling technique was applied for selection of sampled respondents. 120 farmers, 60 farmers of open shed and 60 farmers of EC shed were interviewed during 2014. Dummy variable regression was applied for estimation and comparison of costs and revenues of open shed and EC shed broiler...

Urooba Pervaiz1, Abdus Salam1, Dawood Jan2, Ayesha Khan1 and Mahmood Iqbal

...ato yield, income, total cost of seed, weeding, and pesticides were increased, while seed rate gm per acre was decreased. It is concluded that all the respondents adopted HYVs. Major constrains in the adoption of extension recommendations were high price of agricultural inputs, non-availability of; cold storage, agricultural credit and certified vegetable seeds, lack of fertilizers and technical knowledge, pest and diseases incidence, improper marketing of pro...

Abdur Rehman1*, Wang Jian2, Noor Khan3 and Raheel Saqib

...reases significantly the cost of market risk management.  

Arshad Mahmood Malik1, Khalid Mahmood Mughal2, Sarfraz Ahmed Mian2 and Atta Ullah Khan2
...omer structure, markets, costs involved in production process and revenue earned from selling of the produce in both local and in export market. Yield of hydroponic tomatoes was measured in hectares. Benefit cost ratio was studied and other measures of performance like export intensity, local penetration ratio etc. were also analyzed. Average yield of hydroponic tomatoes was found to be 161.8±6.6 ton per hectare as ag...
Mingming Ning1,2, Yanjie Zheng1, Yuanyuan Dun1, Weijun Guan2 and Xiuxia Li1,*
...ectric method with lower cost. Groping and optimizing culture system abiding by the idea of simulating the chicken body environment, involving adding proportion of chicken serum and some growth factors. CAFSCs can be transferred to 34 passages nowadays. Surface marker Oct4, CD105, nanog, CD73 and SSEA-4 on CAFSCs are detected positive with immunofluorescence histochemistry, Gene CD44, CD29, CD73 and SH2 are detected positive with RT-PCR. We carry karyotype ana...
Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1,2, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2,*, Farhat Jabeen2, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain3, Arshad Javid4, Muhammad Asrar2 and Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan2
...elop an eco-friendly and cost effective fish feed by using MOSM based diet.

Syed Muhammad Hassan Raza1*, Syed Amer Mahmood1, Veraldo Liesenberg2 and Syed Shehzad Hassan1  

...logy is an efficient and cost-effective tool to demarcate the vulnerable zones to YSB attacks and to take remedial measures accordingly 

Rana Khurram Aftab1*, Farhat Ijaz2, Samia Jawed3
... for obesity may offer a cost-effective approach towards lowering blood pressure.
Objectives: To determine the frequency of obesity according to body mass index and waist hip ratio and its relationship with hypertension among medical students.
Methodology: It was a descriptive cross sectional study where a total of 213 students of 1st year MBBS and BDS were involved. Their waist circumference, hip circumference,...
Azmat Hayat Khan Khattak1, Muhammad Nauman ul Islam1, Muhammad Shakir Khan1, Muhammad Iqbal1, Imtiaz Ali Shah1,Sheeraz Ghani1, Amjad Ali2, Zubina Hameed1, Mohammad Farooque Hassan3 and Tariq Ali1,3,*
...alves. Additionally, the cost of production was Rs.406.68/kg and Rs.591.32/kg for AJC and ABC, respectively. This study concludes that AJC calves performed better on milk replacer than ABC.

Raphael Olanrewaju Babatunde, Adeyemi Esther Omoniwa and Miriam Ukemenam 

...le increase in schooling cost, average years of schooling of the children affects the farm income. It was thus recommended that parents should be sensitized on the future benefits of sending their children to school. More so, credits should be made more accessible to farming households. This might help in the establishment of mechanized farm system thus reducing the need for manual labour and improving the children’s opportunities of schooling. 


Shahen Shah1*, Manzoor Hussain1, Arshad Jalal1, Mohammad Sayyar Khan2, Tariq Shah1, Muhammad Ilyas1 and Muhammad Uzair3 

... biomass yield and value cost ratio (VCR) of wheat were significantly affected by N and S. Sulfur and its application time prominently influenced the productive tillers m-2 and biomass yield. Nitrogen at 150 kg ha-1 resulted in more number of productive tillers m-2, less un-productive tillers m-2 and higher thousand grain weight, biological yield and higher value cost ratio. Sulfur at 45 kg produced higher productive tillers...

Sadiqa Begum1, Murad Khan2* and Noor Pao Khan

... used for calculation of cost, revenue and profit and dummy approach is used for comparative analysis while multiple regression model is used to estimate the relationship between inputs and output of wheat. Per acre yield of wheat production in district Mardan was 1809.032 kgs. while in district Peshawar it was 2143.230 kgs. Total cost of wheat per acre in district Peshawar was more than that of district Mardan. The net reve...
Naeem Ahmad1,* and Zulqurnain2*
...s determining benefit to cost ratio is pre-requisite before final recommendations.

Nusrat Habib1*, Asim Zubair2 and Aisha Siddiqua3 

...e relation with the seed cost, land rent, area under tobacco, area under sugarcane and price of sunflower seed, while positively related to the area under sunflower with the variables such as total operational holding, sunflower yield and sale price of sunflower. In case of determining yield of sunflower use of DAP and organic manure were significant and positively correlated. 


Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Javeria Choudhary1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Sohail Ahmed2 and Muhammad Sajjad Khalil

...le in mitigating fitness-cost associated with insecticide resistance.  


Amar Razzaq1, Abdur Rehman4*, Abdul Hassan Qureshi2, Iqbal Javed3, Raheel Saqib5 and Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal6 

...ysis measures of benefit-cost ratio (BCR) and net present value (NPV) were estimated. The results of the study showed that the users of high-efficiency irrigation systems (sprinkler and drip irrigation) earned higher gross margins. The BCR and NPV values showed that installation of HEI systems was an economically feasible option. In addition, water productivity at modern farms was higher than those of conventional farms. Our results showed that most of the far...

Abid Hussain1*, Muhammad Azeem Khan2, Muhammad Anjum Ali Buttar3, Umar Farooq4, Muhmmad Islam5 and Zahid Ullah Khan1 

...: justify;">Reduction in cost of production to make agriculture profitable is a major challenge and all out efforts have been made by successive government in Pakistan to pass benefits to the farmers by reducing input prices through reduction in GST, providing cash subsidy and supplying inexpensive feed gas for fertilizer industry. Currently, cash subsidy on urea is costing Rs. 12 billion to national exchequer and total tax ...

Monsif Ur Rehman1*, Hidayat-ur-Rahman1, Muhammad Iqbal2, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1 and Zahir Shah3 

...e development as well as cost-effective alternatives to single-cross hybrids. This study was aimed at determining combining ability and grain yield performance of S1 lines derived from ten maize populations. These populations were crossed in half diallel design and the resulting 45 cross combinations were further explored for their use as source of elite inbred line development in a line × tester experiment conducted at Cereal Crops Research Institute, P...

Amjad Ali1, Abbas Ullah Jan1, Lal Almas2, Noor Piao Khan1 and Khurran Nawaz Saddozai

... Pakistan need to reduce cost of production in order to compete in the international market. At national level food group exports decline from 3,439.4 million US$ during 2015 to 3040.7 in 2016. Increase in productivity and efficiency has been the major concern for agricultural researchers and policy makers in Pakistan. In current study allocative efficiency of sugarcane growers in district Charsadda was worked out with frontier model. Randomly 118 sugarcane gr...
Saleh S. Alhewairini
...only in reducing control cost but also in reducing residual effects of acaricides on date fruits.
Muhammad Khan
... discovery because it is cost effective and less time consuming compared to the conventional drug discovery strategy involving de novo identification, characterization and validation of new bioactive molecules. Proscillaridin A (PSD-A), is a natural cardiac glycoside molecule used to treat cardiac arrhythmia. Recently, it has been rediscovered for its potential anticancer activity. This review will mainly focus on the anticancer activity, cellular ...

Zubina Hameed1, Muhammad Azim Malik1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Ansar1, Farina Shaheen1, Ijaz Ahmad2 and Khisrao Kalim3 with highest benefit-cost ratio (2.52). Therefore, Buctril-super is recommended for best control of broad-leaved weeds and taking an economical yield of wheat. 


*Nageen Fatima1, Sadia Murawwat1 and Syeda Ameena Rizvi1

...rements and transmission cost. It increases transmission rate by decreasing redundancy of image data in either lossy or lossless compression means. In this research work, comparison of compression techniques is done using Compression Ratio (CR) and Bit-Per-Pixel (BPP) ratio as performance parameters. Image compression by Huffman encoding, Embedded Zero tree Wavelet (EZW) and Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPINT) technique is performed. The result show...

 *Irum Javed1, Muhammad Asgher2, Sadia Noreen1, Humara Naz Majeed1 and Tanzila Sahar1

...l beneficial process for cost effective manufacturing of citric acid and management of agro-industrial waste products. This project was carried out in order to evaluate the enhanced production of citric acid by Aspergillus niger using agro-industrial wastes. In the first step of study the liquid state fermentation (LSF) and solid state fermentation (SSF) by Aspergillus niger was compared using molasses based medium and the different carrier substrate. In a sec...

 Haniya Mazhar1, Naaz Abbas2, Zahid Hussain3, Amir Sohail4, Syed Shahid Ali4*

Extracellular lipase production from Bacillus subtilis using agro-industrial waste and fruit peels
... production by other low cost agro-industrial waste, including sunflower meal, wheat bran, oat bran, rice bran and sugar cane bagasse was 23.83, 12.17, 10.40 10.00 and 16.23 U/ml, respectively. The lipase production by B. subtilis using peels of different fruits, including banana, orange, water melon and melon as carbon source, was 27.17, 21.37, 10.57 and 8.43 U/ml, respectively. The corn cob produced 12.27 U/ml while waste oils of various industries produced ...

 Maleeha Manzoor1,2*, Ruijuan Ma2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Fouzia Tabssum1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1

Microalgal-bacterial consortium: a cost-effective approach of wastewater treatment in Pakistan

Muhammad Asghar1*, Mirza Muhammad Qadeer Baig1, Sanaullalh Chaudhary1 and Muhammad Anjum Ali2 

....26305 ha-1 with benefit cost ratio of 11.31 compared with control. It is suggested that spray of difenoconazole and macro nutrients (NPK) at appropriate concentrations are handy to minimize incidence of BLS disease in rice crop. 


Faheem Ali1*, Muhammad Naeem Arbab1, Abdul Basit2, Muhammad Kashif Khan1, Gulzar Ahmad1 and Muhammad Amir

...urn lower the production cost of agricultural products. Also, sensitive equipment would not be encountering voltage fluctuations anymore 


Ali Zohaib1*, Saima Yousaf1,2, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Tahira Tabassum1, Tasawer Abbas3, Wardah Muzaffar1 and Wasiq Ikram2 

...ustify;">Besides being a costly input considerable losses of chemical fertilizers occur that add to environmental pollution and reduced nutrient use efficiency. However, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are cheap and excellent alternate and can be applied as seed inoculation to enhance nutrient use efficiency along with reduced nutrient losses. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of seed inoculation viz. control (no treatment), R...
Yan-Guo Han1, Xiao-Li Peng1, Kai Li1, Yu-He-Tian Zhao1, Xun-Ping Jiang2, Guang-Xin E1, Yong-Ju Zhao1, Jun-Hua Ye3, Li Xu3, Qin-Tao Zhao3 and Yong-Fu Huang1,*
...fective, simple, and low-cost method in enhancing the effect of SS DNA vaccine and the growth of ram lambs.

Mujib ur Rahman1, Munir Khan2*, Himayatullah Khan2, Malik Muhammad Shafi2 and Haidar Ali2  

Raza Ullah1* and Jamal Shah

...require farmers to incur cost or forgo part of the potential benefits from agricultural production. These costs (explicit or implicit) are referred to as the cost of risk management. Previous studies on risk management in agriculture however have ignored such costs. The present study is therefore designed to investigate how adoption of risk coping tools ...

Shumaila Nazeer1, Iqbal Javed1*, Allah Bakhsh2, Mudassar Yasin2, Haroon Javaid3 and Kaniz Fatima1 

...e coefficient of packing cost is -0.039 that shows negative but highly significant effect. The coefficient of international sale price was 0.003 that showed positive sign and highly significant. In case of factor affecting the kinnow exports to UAE, the coefficient of age of exporter is positive and highly significant. The coefficient of exporter`s experience is 178.961 that significantly affect the kinnow export of Pakistan. The coefficient of freight charges...
Muhammad Shabir Shaheen1, Shahid Mehmood1, Athar Mahmud1, Jibran Hussain1, Ahmed Sultan Jatoi2, Muhammad Yaqoob3, Sohail Ahmad1 and Arshad Javid4,*
...aisal in term of running cost / Kg of live meat were recorded. The results revealed that all strains generally but Ross 308 particularly maintained on floor heating system (FH) exhibited significantly (P<0.05) better FCR, EEF and livability along with higher glucose and lower cholesterol level in blood with better immune response that led to higher profit margin. All these parameters were significantly (P<0.05) lowest on gas brooder in comparison of broo...

Khwaja Tariq Ziad1, Umar Hayat1, Muhammad2 and Muhammad Suleman Bacha3* 

... aimed at explaining the costs of the chosen supply channels and their transaction costs, the role of the mid-agent opportunistic behaviour in the relative milk supply chain. Using case study and qualitative method approach, eight key informants including five farmers, one local middleman, and representatives of two dairy companies were interviewed during the study, focusing the social aspects and people behaviour towards th...
Pingping Cang1, Mingming Zhang1, Guo Qiao1,Qirui Sun1, Dehai Xu3, Qiang Li1, Xinghua Yuan4 and Wenbin Liu2,
...erage, and environmental costs under experimental conditions was conducted. Analysis results revealed that BFT system was more effective than the control system with water exchange in gibel carp culture, suggesting that BFT system could be successfully used in gibel carp aquaculture.

Naseer Ahmed Abbasi1, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1*, Bilawal Abbasi2, Shakeel Ahmed Soomro1, Najeeb Ahmed Khan Nangraj1, Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahto1 and Sajjad Ahmed Morio1 

...d the potential time and cost saving methods can assess the suitability of land. Finding shows that the fuzzy set method is different from parametric method. The influence of explicit weight on land characteristics is combined with the evaluation of land characteristics. The correlation coefficient is high for both indices, but results obtained with fuzzy set method (r=0.97) showed a higher accuracy with yields than those obtained with the parametric method (r...

Muhamamd Naeem1 and Murad Khan2* 

...nique was used. The main cost of winter season consists of feed cost, lighting cost, the price of day old chicks, breeding cost, medication and vaccination cost. These costs were high in the winter season than the summer season. The mortality rates were also high in the winter season...
Muhammad Nasir1,*, Ata-ul-Mohsan2, Shafqat Saeed3, Munir Ahmad2, Muhammad Asif Aziz2 andMunir Ahmad4
... bumblebees that entails costs that become visible after diapause completion. In the present study different diapause temperature (-2-0 ºC), (1-3 ºC), (4-6 ºC) and duration (two and three months) showed the highest survival rate of the queens after diapause period of two months at 1-3 ºC. Highest colony initiation rate was observed at 1-3 ºC for three months duration. Early pre-oviposition period and early emergence of the first worker...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1,2*, Muhammad Iqbal2, Zia-ul-Haq2,3, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Shabbir Ahmed Kalwar1, Liaqat Ali Shahid1, Badar Munir Khan Niazi1 and Muzammil Husain1 

...irrigation and machinery costs. Zone disk tiller was tested for its field performance with three different types of furrow openers viz; disk furrow opener, reverse hoe furrow opener and hoe furrow opener. Statistical design, RCBD, was employed to evaluate the machine performance in comparison with conventional method of wheat sowing in cotton harvested field. In this study, moisture content (15.72 %), bulk density (1.41 g/cm3) and penetration resistance (875.2...

Muhammad Nasrullah1*, Liu Chang1, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai2, Asaad Osman Khalid1, Rachel Bayisenge1 and Gulnaz Hameed3 

...hectare; nursery raising cost was estimated at 11,828 rupees per hectare. The bed preparation cost for tobacco is 12,300 rupees per hectare while planting cost was 61,476.68 and processing cost was 95,535 rupees per hectare. The highest cost incurred was 61,750 rupees for land followed by Fuel wood which was 39,957 rup...

Fraza Ijaz1*, Umair Riaz2, Shazia Iqbal3, Qamar uz Zaman4, Muhammad Furqan Ijaz5, Hina Javed1, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Zuhra Mazhar3, Ahmad Hassan Khan6, Hassan Mehmood7 and Ijaz Ahmad8 

... hormones as well as low cost. This study was conducted to evaluate the role of Rhizobium, with and without Tryptamine on growth and yield parameters of Berseem. Total of eight treatments was planned to conduct an experiment. Results revealed that the nodule mass (0.523 g plant-1), highest plant height (103.45 cm), number of seeds per head, thousand seeds weight were recorded with Co-inoculation + Tryptamine @ 10-5 M (T8). Nutritious Parameters crude protein (...

Waqar Akhtar1*, Munir Ahmad2, Nadeem Akmal1, Hassnain Shah1 and Asif Ali Mirani2 

...nfluence of farm size on cost efficiency and competitiveness level. Domestic Resource Cost (DRC) ratio less than unity reveled overall resource use efficiency in dates production, however fresh dates (0.39) had more comparative advantage as compare to dried dates with DRC value (0.72). The measures of protection showed that there was more dis-protection for fresh dates as compared to dried dates. Despite more resource use ef...

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Sami Ullah1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Mohsin Raza1, Muhammad Abbas3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Muhammad Zeshan5, Adeel Abbas1, Mehmood Ali Noor1 and Mohsin Nawaz1 

...t net income and benefit-cost ratio. Thus foliar application of 0.05 M B application (foliar) at booting stage can improve wheat productivity possibly by optimizing post-vegetative plant metabolic activities during grain filling, in contrast to late application rate. 


Arshad Mahmood Malik1*, Khalid Mahmood Mughal2 and Abdul Saboor3 

...ystem. Domestic resource cost indicates relative efficiency of hydroponics products in domestic resource use. Results indicated that labor used in production of hydroponics products and supply chain management of hydroponics products both in the domestic market and in regional markets has significantly affecting total value product of the hydroponics. Return to scale value of 1.77 indicated that the product function is positive and increasing return to scale i...
Jingchen Chen, Zhaochao Deng and Zhiqiang Han*
...cing technology, and the cost is basically the same. Based on this, we used the next-generation sequencing technology to measure the whole mitochondrial genome sequence of Ammodytes personatus, and compared with Sanger sequencing results. Three samples belonging to two lineages of A. personatus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used in the study. Based on the complete mtDNA sequence, the genetic distance between the two lineages is 0.064. Results sh...

Zara Ahmad1*, Fazli Rabbi2, Muhammad Zamin3, Bushra Kiran2, Tariq Shah2 and Shahzad Kouser4 

...s also revealed that the cost of pesticides is 43% higher for on-season bitter gourd production than the off-season. The findings also indicate that the cost of fertilisers for the on-season crop was 14% less than the cost of the off-season. On the contrary, the cost of irrigation was 71% higher during on-season than the cost

Wajid Khan* and Raziuddin 

...ble oils and its imports cost nearly 3 billion US dollars each year to feed 220 million people. This situation demands serious efforts to develop new lines/ hybrids with better yields. Rapeseed is the second largest contributor in domestic edible oil industry. Keeping in view the lower yield of rapeseed in Pakistan especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa this study was conducted to investigate genetic variability and heterosis in eight rapeseed genotypes for maturity...
Zia-ud-Din1, Muhammad Nauman Aftab2, Tanveer Hussain3,*, Irfana Iqbal4 and Asma Zafar5 profit (Rs.1677, 0.35 cost benefit ratio). Among varieties, Mushki showed more economic value than rest of the varieties with highest live body weight of 169.78±8.23g, gaining 130.61±7.92g weight, multiplying their weight 4.41±0.22 times over the initial body weight with feed intake of 658.95±37.70g showing slightly less efficient FCR (5.09±0.47) with no mortality and highest net profit (Rs.1432, 0.44 CBR). Hence, the hous...
Mahdi Khojastekey1, Majid Kalantar1, Jam Zaheer Ahmed2, Samiullah Khan3, Muhammad Altaf Hussain4, Rajwali Khan5 and Sayed Haidar Abbas Raza6*
...ivestock profit is quite cost effective.
Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1*, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2, Afia Muhammad Akram1, Arshad Javid3, Majid Hussain5, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah4 and Asma Chaudhary1
...was helpful to develop a cost-effective as well as eco-friendly fish feed by using MOLM based diet.
Po Bunnika, Khalid Khan and Guo Xiangyu*
... cooperative tend to cut costs by concentrating on TE, AE, and OE instead of lowering costs. Furthermore, the study has introduced the ordinary least squares (OLS) model to examine the relationship between profitability ratios and performance measures, which indicates that return on assets and equity are linked to technical and distribution efficiency. The cooperatives could increase their profits by upsurging sales performa...

Muneer Abbas1*, Muhammad Ramzan1, Niaz Hussain1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Khalid Hussain1, Sohail Abbas2 and Ali Raza3 

...actors based on marginal cost benefit ratio. Results indicated that total 32415 insect’s captures were made with >26 insect species including 4 species of bio control agents. Helicoverpa armigera, Spodoptera litura, Agrotis Sp., Bemesia tabaci and Microtermes Spp. were major pests of gram and mungbean attracted in light traps. May, June and July were hottest months of the year with highest population captures of 2892, 2789 and 2475, respectively. Temp...

Wajid Shah Yousafzai1, Irfan Ullah1*, Amjad Ali1, Mahmood Iqbal2 and Salman Khan1 

Imran1*, Amanullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Zahir Shah2 and Abdul Bari3 

...incorporation. The value cost ratio (VCR) was highest with compost application (5.48) among the organic sources followed by biochar (5.37), while the least VCR value (4.67) was observed with peach residues. Beneficial microbe’s application indicated that highest NR (PKR 67,453 ha-1) were attained with soil application of Trichoderma followed by seed inoculation of PSB (PKR 62,695 ha-1). When compared the average VCR of both years, greater VCR was attaine...

Sanaullah1, Fazli Rabbi2*, Shahid Ali2, Zeeshan Khan3 and Muhammad Zamin4 affected by traveling cost, gender, and visitors’ perception of the quality of the site. The policy should legislate to introduce payment system for visiting the tourist site to generate funds for its development. Moreover, development programs shall be initiated to attract tourists vis-à-vis realize the objectives of the sustainable management and conservation of biodiversity. 

Nazir Ahmad Khan1,*, Mudassir Alam1, Rafiullah khan1, Kamran Khan2 and Sadeeq ur Rahman3
... the inclusion level and cost of expensive protein ingredients. This study quantified the chemical composition and amino acid profile of grains from newly developed QPM hybrids and evaluated the effect of replacing conventional maize (CM) with QPM in broiler feed on bird’s performance, diet digestibility, nitrogen retention, meat amino acids profile and farm profitability. Grains of QPM200 and QPM300 hybrids, approved by Pakistan maize variety evaluation...

Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz*, Khalil Ahmed, Ghulam Qadir, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Faisal Nawaz and Muhammad Sarfraz 

...vels of nitrogen and the cost-benefit sowing methods for turnip production under moderately salt-affected soils. The experimental design was split-plot with sowing methods (bed and ridge) in the main plot and nitrogen doses (40, 60, 80 and 100 kg ha-1) as sub plot. Treatments were replicated three times with sub plot size of 4 m × 6 m. Measurements included were: number of plant/m-2, number of leaves/plants, root length, bulb diameter, forage yield and t...
Ibrahim Tapki1*, Huseyin Bahadir Ozalpaydin2, Nuran Tapki3, Mehmet Aslan4 and Muhammet Hanifi Selvi1
...aning age and lower farm costs (P < 0.05) compared to Control and OreganoHigh calves. To conclude, dietary oregano essential oil seems to be a potential liquid feed additive that improves feed efficiency, health status, growth performance, and that reduces diarrhea incidents, hastens weaning age and minimizes dairy farm costs when used at the level of 100 mg/l.

Muhammad Rehan3, Asim Aslam3, Javeria Umber4, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan3, Waqar Azeem3, Hassan Aftab5, Ahsan Anjum3, Muhammad Abid6, Abdul Hameed Khan3, Hafiz Hasnain Ayoub5, Altaf Hussain2 and Muhammad Farooq Khalid1* 

...n: justify;">Vitamin D secosteroids are group of liposoluble prohormones consisting of five different vitamins, the most important forms being vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Previous and current studies revealed the putative immunomodulatory role of 1,25(OH)2D3 besides its classical role of maintaining phosphorus and calcium metabolism inside body. Vitamin D is involved in homeostasis of innate and adaptive immune responses by modulating activity of monocytes, den...

Muhammad Bakhtiar Khan1 and Jangraiz Khan2* 

...ntails added efforts and cost. Through this research study the economic analysis of Tunnel farming of off-season vegetables has been done for district Peshawar. Primary data was collected from eighty-four farmers who had grown off-season vegetables through tunnel-farming, and seasonal vegetables without tunnel and their productivity were compared. It was found that output per acre in tunnel was significantly higher than that of without tunnel. All the three ve...

Muhammad Ramiz Murtaza1, Tahir Mehmood2*, Aziz Ahmad2 and Uzma Arshad Mughal3 

Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Sajjad Ali2, Asad Abdullah1, Samina Khalid3, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif4, Syed Muhammad Ali Zahid1, Muhammad Afzal1 and Jaima Molina-Ochoa5 with minimum time and cost and can be used in various crops for damage assessment.


Mahfooz Khan* and Himayatullah Khan 

...usehold head and cooking cost had significant effect on the use of electricity, firewood and natural gas as against animal dung cakes for cooking purpose which was the base category. The study concluded that the use natural gas for cooking was less expensive as compared to other alternative energy sources such as firewood, electricity and animal dung cakes. The study also concluded that family size has negative relationship with the use electricity and firewoo...
Muneer Abbas1*, Muhammad Ramzan1, Khalid Hussain1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Irshad1, Mudassar Khaliq1 and Sohail Abbas2
Asim Faraz*
...n EMS. The total feeding cost per calf for 120 days was higher in IMS than EMS while the cost per kg body weight gain was less and economical in the former as compared to the latter group. In behavioral preference the first in order was kari (Capparis spinosa), dhaman (Cenchrus ciliaris) and kikar (Acacia nilotica) among bushes, grasses and trees, respectively for male and female calves in EMS.

Ihsanullah Kakr1, Sarwar Khan2, Khalid Khan3* and Sajjad Ahmed

...osses include additional costs of drugs, veterinarian fee, preventive medicine and quarantine. Moreover, the present study demonstrates that the respondents above the age of 50 years were more experienced in disease diagnosis and use of traditional veterinary practices. 


Muhammad Asif Farooq1*, Muhammad Jalal Arif1, Muhammad Dildar Gogi1, Bilal Atta2 and Ahmad Nawaz

....79%), average yield and cost-benefit ratio (1:63.28). Conclusively, the pesticide residues can be minimized by applying different control measures with proper integration. 


Arjumand Nizami1, Muhammad Zulfiqar2*, Jawad Ali1, Naushad Khan2 and Imran Sheikh

...e scenario and saving in cost of energy that is used for tube well operation ultimately adding to profitability of the farmers. These results are in line with a number of earlier studies. The respondent farmers also claimed improvement in paddy yield but along with AWD technique and laser land leveling there might be other agronomic factors adding to yield improvement as this study did not isolate yield and AWD technology and laser land leveling from other fac...

Aftab Khan1, Shahid Ali1*, Asim Khan1, Muhammad Waqas1 and Sufyan Ullah Khan2 terms for purchase of costly inputs. 

Yan-Guo Han, Jia-Yuan Wu, Ri-Su Na, Wei-Jiang Si, Yu-Qin Han, Yan Zeng, Yong-Ju Zhao and Yong-Fu Huang*
...imple operations and low cost.

Tahira Moeen Khan*, Irum Riaz, Shahida Hameed and Bushra Khan 

...were conducted using low cost adsorbent (raw date seeds husk and lemon juice microwave activated date seeds husk) by taking 25ppm/50ml initial concentration of NaAsO2. Best removal (90%) was achieved for Lemon juice microwave activated date seed husk LMDS (time= 30mins, agitation speed= 150 rpm, pH= 5, adsorbent dose= 0.1 g). While 85% removal efficiency was observed for Raw date seed husk RDS (time= 45mins, agitation speed=250 rpm, pH= 4 and adsorbent dos...

Amjad Ali1*, Lal Almas2, Syed Attaullah Shah1, Hina Fatima3 and Asim Khan1 be put in place where cost of production might be considered while fixing sugarcane price. Also, there is need to keep experienced farmers involved in sugarcane production, because of positive relationship between grower’s experience and technical efficiency.  


Cornelius Arome Omatola*, Samson Daniel Iyeh, Shedrach James Abuh, Charles Kehinde Mofolorunsho, Martin-Luther Oseni Okolo and Phoebe Queen Akoh 

...d cases at an affordable cost should be promoted to reduce STIs thereby reducing associated morbidities and mortalities.  


Muhammad Usman Saleem, Nadeem Iqbal, Shawaiz Iqbal*, Usama Bin Khalid, Adila Iram, Muhammad Akhter, Tahir Latif and Tahir Hussain Awan 

...ning surface water, high cost of pumped groundwater, high labor costs, and drudgery in manually transplanted rice (TPR) have motivated researchers to develop alternated technology such as direct seeded rice (DSR). About 30% of total water used in rice cultivation is consumed for puddling of soil (land preparation) and transplanting operations. Physical properties of soils are deteriorating due to continued puddling over the ...
Bin Huo1 and Xiaoyun Shen1,2,3*
...eness,enlargement of the costochondral junctions and abnormal curvature in long bones. The aim of the study was to determine possible relationships between the illness and mineral deficiency. The present result showed that phosphorus contents in soil and forage from affected pastures were significantly lower than those from healthy areas (P<0.01) and the ratio of calcium to phosphorus (Ca:P) in affected herbages was 13.16:1. Phosphorus contents of bl...

Ghulam Akbar1*, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1 and Shahneela Nusrat

...diseases because its low cost and efficacy. It’s a microbial origin enzyme produced especially by Streptococcus bacterial spp. Therefore, it is antigenic in nature due to microbial source which restricts its use. However, it is necessary to truncate antigenic regions present in the SK gene for the removal of streptokinase antigenicity. The basic goal of this research work is to highlight antigenic regions founded in streptokinase molecule and to give str...

Faisal Hafeez, Asad Aslam*, Ayesha Iftikhar, Afifa Naeem, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar and Muhammad Jawad Saleem 

...g order/trend in benefit cost ratio (BCR) as above. So the conservative strategies of using non-selective and conventional insecticides for the control of sucking fauna, especially against jassid, must be transformed / amended to most selective insect growth regulators (IGR’s) and new chemistry insecticides, that are safe and harmless for nature and environment. 

Alicja Kowalczyk1, Marian Kuczaj2, Anna Szul3 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska4*
...bovine semen and its low cost of use in routine semen production will allow manufacturers of insemination doses to improve the quality of their product.
Sohail Ahmed1,*, Muhammad Waseem Saleem1, Abid Ali1, Muhammad Shahid Nisar2, Rashad Rasool Khan1 and Abdul Rashid3
...terventions, the maximum cost benefit ratio was calculated to be 1: 15.19 in those plots of FH-118 where spinosad alone was sprayed. The minimum cost benefit ratio was recorded in T5, i.e. 1: 1.02 where both the biological agents were released together. Results have been discussed in the light of these cost benefit ratios, and concluded that deliberate use of predators ma...
Muhammad Anwarullah1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Ghulam Mustafa3, Muhammad Husnain1 and Muhammad Usman1
...cause of heavy treatment cost and poor outcomes. This study is conducted on experimentally challenged rabbits to observe the efficacy of amikacin and cinnamon. A total of 40 SPF (specific pathogen free) rabbits were selected at the age of two months. Rabbits were given experimental challenge with oral inoculum of pure culture of MAP. These rabbits were divided into four groups; three test and one control group. Histopathological lesions were observed before an...

Ghani Akbar*, Muhammad Asif, Zafar Islam and Shahid Hameed 

... and drip irrigation are costly and require more technical knowledge, thus negligibly adopted and are generally considered as late time solutions. Although furrow bed irrigation, a relatively more efficient irrigation method, has been adopted, especially for row crops but decision support guidelines for their appropriate installation and management is very limited, thus potential benefits of furrow beds are yet to be achieved on Pakistani farms. Consequently, ...

Muhammad Rasheed1*, Zafar Ullah1, Muhammad Ansar1, Asma Hassan1, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2, Muhammad Hussain Shah4 and Muhammad Arshadullah

... Maximum forage economic cost benefits in case of both oats and vetch were achieved in case of minimum tillage. 

Neelam Pery*, Nayab Batool Rizvi, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq
...stration along with high cost have rendered these unattractive. All this has paved the path for orally available small molecule kinase inhibitors and ‘Tofacitinib’, the first FDA approved Janus kinase inhibitor, invaded the market. The success of ‘Tofacitinib’ has switched on the myriad efforts for more efficacious and safe inhibitors. Here we report the in-Silico development of novel 1, 7-dihydrodipyrrolo[2,3-b:3’,2’...

Nasrullah1*, Ahmad Nawaz Khoso1, Jamila Soomro2, Ilahi Bakhash Marghazani1, Masood-ul-Haq Kakar1, Abdul Hameed Baloch1, Sarfaraz Ahmed Brohi1 and Muhammad Asif Arain1* 

...ain, feed efficiency and cost of production were recorded similar in both species. Conclusively, both species of small ruminants showed significant weight gain and different feeding behavior of the consumption of various summer fodders. 


Joseph Anejo-Okopi1*, Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1 and Onyemocho Audu2 curb the catastrophic cost of managing the epidemic. However, the diagnosis of HCV infection is faced with several challenges, therefore there is a demand for development of easy to use and inexpensive molecular methods for accurate diagnosis. The sub-Saharan Africa HCV genotypes distribution are diverse, but genotype I is the most common. This review highlights the need for more robust surveillance studies with introduction of opt-in testing at all clinics...
Imad Hassan1, Bilal-ur-Rehman2, Muhammad Amir2, Faheem Ali2*, Salman Ilahi2 and Amjad Ali3 
...ant to have a simple and cost effective solution to avoid the problems of air pollution due to the combustion of biomass. Using an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is an effective method for the removal of particulate matter from industrial processes and boilers. This research proposes the development of a cost effective, simple and compact ESP, through practical installation and efficiency analysis. Experimental evaluation ...

Rana Shahzad Noor1,2*, Fiaz Hussain2, Muhammad Umair2, Waqas Aslam2, Muhammad Ameen4, Muhammad Adnan Islam3 and Muhammad Sheraz2 


...onducted for crop inputs cost for different tillage systems showed that the most positive effect in term of yield, fuel consumption, input cost and income was determined in conventional tillage system T1 and reduced tillage system T2. 


 Salman Khan, Irfan Ullah*, Shahid Ali and Murtaza

...ajor shares of the input cost per acre incurred in the study area were seed (Rs. 18720), followed by land rent (Rs.15890) and labors having an estimated cost of Rs. 14965 respectively. The analysis showed that on average per acre yield of potato was recorded as 4,953.35 kg with net revenue of Rs. 28,261.89. The results of the Cobb-Douglas type production function revealed that the coefficients of seed, labor, tractor, urea a...

 Gulzar Mehmood1*, M. Zahid Khan1, Haseeb Ur Rahman1, and Sohail Abbas2

... scheme is efficient and cost effective in terms of
communication and computation cost, and key establishment delay, hence conserves energy and enhances security.


Muhammad Ismail1, Shahid Maqsood1*, Abdul Shakoor2, Feroz Shah2 

...industry to reduce their costs and expenses to maintain a sustainable
position in the global marketplace. Selecting the right manufacturing strategy and planning is a critical decision
for production managers in the industry. The layout problems generally exist in the manufacturing industries. In the
industries the layout problems deals with the facilities like departments, machines etc. As a case study, this paper
presents a machin...

Muhammad Qasim Khan1, Syed Athar Masood1 

...zations need to focus on cost minimization and
resource optimization to enhance productivity and output as compared to private sector organizations which focus
on cost minimization and profit maximization.


Nasir Ahmad1*, Jehad Ali2, Khalil Khan3, Muhammad Naeem4, Usman Ali5 

due to high cost of 3D sensors, therefore we are using the low cost sensor Kinect acquired images. We do
face recognition from RGB images, depth images and then we combine both RGB and depth maps i.e. concatenate
different Modalities to improve the accuracy of recognition. Depth maps have holes and noise induced from camera
sensors, therefore we process them to remove these distortions and t...

 M. Ihsan Ul Haq1, Ahmad Hussain2*, Farzana Yasmeen3, Shafiq R. Qureshi4

...r is presented. The unit cost of desalinated water is found to
be US$ 0.0147 per litre. The energy and emission payback (EEP) period for vacuum chamber and solar collector
has also been presented. The energy payback period of solar collector and vacuum chamber are found to be 1.3
years and 1.5 years respectively. The emission payback period of solar collector and vacuum chamber are found to
be 1.8 years and 2.1 years respectively.

Naseem Ahmad1, Sahar Noor1, Rehman Akhtar1*, Misbah Ullah1, Khizar Azam2 

...ance parameters guide to cost effective taking out the low pressure flare gas
minimizes harmful environmental impacts and achieve financial benefits. 


Razaullah1*, Iftikhar Hussain1 

...planning, minimize total cost and improve efficiency. In this paper, a systematic
approach is presented for the facility placement, optimal production planning and product transportation across
network arcs. An optimization formulation is developed for the determination of production size, locations of network
nodes and optimal supply chain. The objective function considered the minimization of transportation cost<...

Ebtisam Mirza1, Nadeem Ehsan1 

...nts i.e. scope, time and cost is still missing. In this research, a
model has been developed to compute PECI (Project Execution Complexity Index) for various categories of projects
considering varying levels of complexity, i.e. PECI(R) for R&D/Technology projects, PECI(I) for Infrastructure development
projects and PECI(O) for Other projects. A complexity scale starting from 0 = least complex to 10=highly
complex has also been p...

Misbah Ullah1, Rehman Akhtar1, Sikandar Bilal Khattak1, Khawar Naeem1 and Khizar Azam2 

possible costs by using significant factors. Indeed, the role of statistical design of experiment in general and factorial
design in particular is vital in identifying these significant factors in comparison to the conventional techniques. This
paper provides a statistical approach towards manufacturing of coal briquettes in Northern Province of Pakistan.
Binder composition, pressure, particle size, and coal type are analyz...

Waqas, A. Imtiaz1, Yousaf Khan1, Syed Waqar Shah2 

...ility along with minimum cost as compared to existing
tree based protection architectures. 


Misbah Ullah1, Rehman Akhtar1, Sikandar Bilal Khattak1, Khawar Naeem1 

... based on
average cost minimization. However, cycle time optimization has been ignored relatively when processes are imperfect
and inspection as a process is considered. Furthermore, the role of work-in-process inventory with respect to cycle
time has always been significant. Hence, this paper integrates work-in-process inventory and imperfect production
setup in order to optimize cycle time based on average

Ghani Akbar1, Muhammad Munir Ahmad1, Abdul Ghafoor1, Matiullah Khan1, Zafar Islam1 

cost to infrastructure, machinery or labour. 


Salman Saeed*, Akhtar Naeem Khan**, Rashid Rehan*, Sikandar Hayat Sajid**, Muhammad Sagheer Aslam*, Khan Shahzada** 


Rahim Haider*, Al Mustaan Kakar*, Sikandar Bilal Khattak*, Safi ur Rahman**, Shahid Maqsood*, Misbah Ullah*, Rehman Akhtar*, Aamir Sikandar* 

... is critical in terms of cost, availability and customer
satisfaction. The major cause for delays is inefficient and ineffective maintenance procedures. To avoid major market
losses, an efficient maintenance model is required. This research proposed a maintenance system that integrates the
flow of information by incorporating different maintenance strategies. The analysis is carried out on the basis of
likelihood of the failures. Fi...

Suhaib*, Shahid Maqsood*, Sikandar Bilal Khattak*, Misbah Ullah*, Rehman Akhtar*, Rashid Nawaz*, Iftikhar Hussain*, Abdul Shakoor**, Khizar Azam** 

...e overall
running cost. An optimal facility location is directly proportional to traveling cost between facility and destinations. In
past decade, extensive research has beencarried out in this field. Most of the facility location optimization techniques
provide optimum or near optimumsolution. In this paper, an optimization technique median method is applied to a
real world problem of a multinati...

Hassan Nasir*, Rashid Rehan,** Rizwan Younis,*** Fazal Mabood,**** Salman Saeed,**, Muhammad Sagheer Aslam** 

projects. This especially applies to projects involving using of heavy machinery such as earthmoving projects. Currently,
many construction managers – especially in Pakistan, rely on their intuition and judgement based on past
experience to select their construction machinery fleet configuration. This approach is obviously subjective and prone
to inefficient utilization of resource...

Waqas Anwar, Iftikhar Hussain 

...the study finds that the cost of work in FATA / PATA and restive regions of Baluchistan is substantially high due to multiple factors and therefore recommendations a construction model for creating ideal circumstances for expediting pace of development and assuring timely completion of projects. The author adopts methodology of quantitative analysis using SPSS for drawing important conclusion from research. 


Waqas Anwar, Iftikhar Hussain 

...the study finds that the cost of work in FATA / PATA and restive regions of Baluchistan is substantially high due to multiple factors and therefore recommendations a construction model for creating ideal circumstances for expediting pace of development and assuring timely completion of projects. The author adopts methodology of quantitative analysis using SPSS for drawing important conclusion from research. 

Kemi F. Omotesho*, Adedamola V. Adetayo, Adeniyi F. Akinrinde and Deborah A. Olabode
Challenges to the Adoption of Agricultural Innovations: The Case of Yam Minisett Technology in Kwara State, Nigeria
...and increased production cost with mean scores of 2.92. High cost of production (MS=2.57), unavailability and poor quality of dust and insecticides (MS=2.08) and Poor training (MS=2.01) were major challenges faced by the adopters. At p<0.05, frequency of extension contact (β=0.209) and membership of farmer-groups (β=0.562) significantly influenced adoption. The study concluded by highlighting the determinants as...

Muhammad Usman Shafi*, Syed Muhammad Ali**, Syed Akhtar Ali Shah***, Kamran Ahmed****

... should be efficient and cost effective

for determining truck loads passing from Peshawar. As heavy vehicles impacts road most, therefore small vehicles
are put in one category and trucks are divided into two, three, four, five and six axles to give clear interpretation
of each type of truck. To determine load data, a portable weighing station was designed keeping in view the size of
each truck tire, the maximum de...

 Akhtar Nawaz*, Sahar Noor*, Iftikhar Hussain*, Afzal Khan*, Shahid Rashid**, Rehman Akhtar*

...ts faster and keep their cost at possible minimum. Manufacturers

are always in search to fit their supply chains both internal (within manufacturing) and external to meet
the challenge of competitive market. The delivery time is one of the most critical factors which influence management
of the supply chain networks and cost of the product. To respond to a given lead time, manufacturing firm...

Waqas Anwar1*, Iftikhar Hussain1

...the study finds that the cost of work in FATA / PATA and restive regions of Baluchistan
is substantially high due to multiple factors and therefore recommendations a construction model for creating ideal
circumstances for expediting pace of development and assuring timely completion of projects. The author adopts
methodology of quantitative analysis using SPSS for drawing important conclusion from research.

 Muhammad Amir*1, Syed Waqar Shah1, Michael J. Pont2

... FlexRay. Looking at the cost-effective nature of CAN and its widespread use, we started working on making
such SC architectures more flexible and fault-manageable on embedded level as demonstrated by our previous work
“Improving flexibility and fault-management in CAN-based “Shared-Clock” architectures”, published in ELSEVIER
Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems (Volume 37, 2013, issue 1, page...

 Muhammad Khurram Ali*, Raft Javed Qureshi**, Mirza Jahanzaib***

...priorities and change of cost and capacity constraints has provided an in depth scenario evaluation which has added value to the degree of reliability and confidence regarding acceptability of results. The paper is a unique contribution for strategic m...

Gul Rukh*, Iftikhar Khan* M. Naeem Arbab*, Uzma Nawaz*

... not available and where cost of transmission and distribution is high. The location where it has been installed and tested is village Kandar, Tehsil Mathra, Peshawar. The present project is compared with the existing and is much cost-effective and highly efficient.

Farid Ullah Khan*

...ation, applicability and cost effectiveness with the use of newer micro fabrication techniques such Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), Laser Ablation (LA) and Micro electro-discharge machining (μEDM). Different designs of bimorph thermally actuated digital micro-mirror devices (DMDs) are also fabricated by the same generic fabrication process in order to show the practical utility of this research in the field of MEMS. The DMDs actuated by BTAs, are e...

Tahir Usman*, Khan Muhammad*

...nes and quarries and the cost of which is normally 8% to 12% of the total costs. Hence, reduced blasting cost is one of the main objectives of production blasting at a cement quarry. This paper presents the development of a prediction model for blasting cost per ton at Deewan cement quarry operations, located in Hattar, Pakistan. The datas...

Saba Iqbal1*, Muhammad Luqman1, Hafiz Muhammad Nasrullah1, Asmat Ullah1 and Hafiz Muhammad Akram2

Response of Cotton to Application of Organic and Inorganic Source of Nutrients in Semi-Arid Climate
... health and reducing the cost of inorganic nutrients per unit area. This study was executed to quantify the best possible combination of integrated nutrients application for cotton crop. The effect of different combination of mineral/inorganic nitrogen (N), farm yard manure (FYM: comprised of cow dung) , poultry manure and slurry (waste product of biogas plant that uses manure of all kind of farm animals to produce biogas) were investigated to figure out the b...

Abroon Jamal Qazi*, Afzal Khan*, Muhammad Tahir Khan*, Muhammad Ali Kamran* and Khizar Azam*

...rmance, light weight and cost effective design. The semi-active system is driven by a fuzzy logic controller that is based on the feedback of relative displacement of the suspension with respect to the road disturbance and relative velocity across the damper. Fuzzy logic control can cope with the nonlinearities of system using heuristic rules. Three gains are incorporated in the system corresponding to the inputs and output of the controller. Pa...

Sajid Ullah Butt, Aamer Ahmed Baqai, Syeda Naela Fatima, Hasan Aftab Saeed

...stomized flexibility and cost-effective reconfiguration whenever a design change in products/product families is needed. In RMS, the process plan is designed such that changes in demand or features etc. can easily be reflected without major loss in manufacturing time or cost. The costs usually included are machine usage, tool usage, machine change, tool change

 Uzma Nawaz1*, Muhammad Iftikhar Khan1, Muhammad Naeem Arbab1

...;due to its less initial cost compared to portable generator sets. Following the increased use of battery based UPS as backup power source, several technical and economic issues due to their use have not been addressed. The main component of UPS system is the battery, which is costly and has to be replaced after its useful service life. Failure to do so, the cost of utility ...

 Shakil Rehman Sheikh1*, Zafar Ullah Koreshi1, Nouman Ghafoor1, Muhammad Shahid Khalil1, Muzzamil Ghaffar1

...s 50% of the energy cost of the school buildings. Additionally, once extrapolated over the entire school-going population of Pakistan the CO2 emission savings come out to be substantial, amounting to 3.07 M tonnes annually.

 Riaz Sayed1, Khizar Azam1, Waqar Shah1, Inayat Babar1, Hamidullah1, and Sahar Noor1

...the annual economic cost of highway crashes over rupees one hundred billion (over US$ 1.6 billion) for Pakistan. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the previous literature regarding driver fatigue and drowsiness research, the present state of research and the future trends. Various factors that may contribute to driver fatigue and drowsiness, Fatigue related countermeasures from various sources along with their merits are di...

Amjad Ali1, Hong Luo1, Khalid Saifullah Syed2, Muhammad Ishaq2

... specifically considered cost effective compute clusters, composed of mass-market-commodity-off-the-shelf (M2COTS) computer hardware components interconnected via Ethernet. The parallelization is based on computational domain partitioning, making use of the well-known graph and mesh partitioning package METIS. Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) message passing parallel programming model has been employed, by making use of the de-facto ...

 Iftikhar Ahmad1, Sahar Noor1

...e will reduce the energy cost for wall tile production. In addition talc's use is economical because of its cheaper cost than other fluxes like feldspar and lime stone.

Matiullah Khan1*, Humera Arif2, Muhammad Rasheed2, Motsim Billah3 and Shoaib Ahmad

...tinuously increasing the cost of crop production. The huge amount rock phosphate (RP) found in Hazara area of Pakistan can be utilized as P source by preparing Single Super Phosphate (SSP). The spatial variation in minerology of Hazara RP might have an impact on the availability of phosphorus from these rocks. The experiment was therefore planned to revisit the formulation of SSP for various Hazara locations’ rock, for obtaining maximum available P. Thre...

Kamran Ghasemi1*, Mostafa Emadi2, Asghar Bagheri3 and Mehdi Mohammadi1

Casing Material and Thickness Effects on the Yield and Nutrient Concentration of Agaricus bisporus
...of reducing initial costs and waste disposal is preferable, some amount of yield decrease can be ignored.

Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Ghulam Qadir1, Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Muhammad Faisal Nawaz1 and Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich2

Impact of Fertilizer and Planting Geometery on Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Yield in Saline-Sodic Soil is proposed as a most cost-effective management practice for garlic cultivation.


Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi1*, Ayoola Olugbenga Oladele2 and Ibrahim Maharazu3

Profitability Analysis and Marketing Efficiency of Soyabean (Glycine max) Value Chain among Actors in Abuja, Nigeria
... determine the marketing cost, marketing margin, and marketing efficiency of soyabean, analyze the costs and returns of marketing soyabean, evaluate factors influencing or affecting marketing efficiency of soyabean, and identify problems or constraints influencing marketing of soyabean. Data obtained were collected from one hundred and fifty (150) randomly selected soyabeans marketers, using well- structured, well-designed q...

Paul Oludare Adetunji* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola

Comparative Productive Performance among three Plumage Varieties of Noiler Hens
...24 days), FE/dozen eggs, cost/dozen eggs and persistency of lay, respectively. The CL and WL positively and significantly (P<0.05) correlated (r = 0.22 to 0.57) with egg production performance indices, except egg weight but negatively related (r = -0.11 to -0.36) to age at first egg in all three varieties, while IPD was positively correlated with egg weight in brown (r = 0.43) and black (r = 0.53) hens. Collectively, these results demonstrate that black and...
Huma Abbas1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2, Muhammad Kamran3, Muhammad Umar Shahbaz3*, Haseeb Ullah Kamber1, Nazir Javed1, Muhammad Junaid1, Hira Abbas4 and Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq3
Evaluation of Advanced Mung Bean Germplasm against Cercospora Leaf Spot and its In-vitro Management by Different Fungicides
...lly safe fungicides is a cost-effective approach. The present study was aimed to find the resistant germplasm against the disease and to evaluate the relative efficacy of different fungicides against the C. canesens in lab conditions. Twenty varieties/lines were screened against Cercospora Leaf Spot disease in field conditions. No line/ variety was found immune and only one line (16051) was resistant against this disease. Five different fungicides Cymoxanil 8%...

Shahzad Khan*, Munir Khan, Inayatullah Jan, Mahfooz Khan and Fida Muhammad Khan

Determinants of Sugarcane Yield in District Charsadda, Pakistan
.... Labour and fertilizers costs were found major components in the total variable cost. The profit margin was obtained as 37.37%. Empirical results of regression model found seed, farm yard manure and fertilizer positive and significant determinants, with coefficients 0.5011, 0.2916 and 0.2796, respectively. While tractor and labour costs were noted insignificant. For the wider interest of ...

Muhammad Imran1,2*, Shahbaz Talib Sahi1, Muhammad Atiq1 and Amer Rasul3

Brown Leaf Spot: An Exacerbated Embryonic Disease of Rice: A Review
... reliable, operative and cost-effective strategy to control the diseases and maximize the yield in limited time. Due to changing the environmental conditions and appearance of the disease epidemic, the use of fungicides judiciously is the alternate significant method for quick and efficient control of diseases and improving the yield of rice. While, the use of phytoextracts and antagonist are considered to be safe, eco-friendly, cost
Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Shahid Mehmood2*, Athar Mahmud2Khalid Javed3 and Jibran Hussain2


...e lowest (P=0.0001) feed cost per kg weight gain compared to control group. These results indicate that it is possible to feed diets containing up to 10% compost to growing meat quails without compromising growth performance, carcass characteristics, serum biochemical indices, and immune antibody response of meat quails. Furthermore, the inclusion of compost in quail diet may reduce feed cost per kg live weight gain.<...

Kubilay Ucar1, Sait Engindeniz1* and Jozef Palkovic2

Risk and Return Analysis of Open-Field Tomato Grown in Turkey: A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach
...ed by the risk in price, cost, and yield outcomes. One of the products that are grown in irrigable lands and has high returns is tomato. The aim of this study is to analyze production costs, return and the risks associated with open-field tomato grown in Izmir province of Turkey in 2011-2017 period. Statistical data used in the study have been obtained from FAOSTAT, Turkish Statistical Institute and Turkish Ministry of Agric...

Saeed Ahmad1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Habib ur Rahman1,3*, Tanveer-ul-Haq2, Mahmood Alam Khan4 and Arshad Mahmood5

Evaluation of Different Production Systems in Combination with Foliar Sulphur Application for Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under Arid Climatic Conditions of Pakistan
... benefits and benefit to cost ratio and 16 days early maturity than direct seeded sunflower, which ultimately provide optimum time for cotton crop sowing in cotton-sunflower cropping system. It is concluded that sunflower has to be shifted through nursery transplanted production system in field to achieve the highest achene yield with achene oil content which also ensures timely sowing of cotton crop for effective use of field under cotton-sunflower cropping s...
Hassam Ud Din1*, Huma Rizwana1, Rameez Raja Kaleri2, Kaleem Ullah2 and Muhammad Din2
Evaluation of Production Performance and Marketing of Small Ruminants in District Dukki, Balochistan
...bad, respectively. Total cost of animals in Villa Dukki was (1131000 Rs), Thal (1352000 Rs), Nana Sahib (1092000 Rs), Sadar (1124800 Rs) and Nasar Abad (1037000 Rs), respectively. Per animal feeding, vaccination, shepherd, marketing and miscellaneous charges was 59256, 3838, 139440, 50202 and 29186 rupees. An amount of 1370, 53.47 and 12.84 rupees per animal received from sale of animal, wool / hair and manure, respectively. Net return of 1450.18 rupees per an...

Imtiaz Hussain1, Azhar Mahmood Aulakh2, Muhammad Sohail1*, Khalid Hussain2, Ansaar Ahmed3, Abdul Hamid3 and Muhammad Imtiaz3

Impact of Zero Tillage on Productivity of Traditional Mung Bean-Wheat Cropping System of Punjab, Pakistan
...practices that increases cost of production and declines soil fertility. Zero tillage planting method provides an opportunity to improve crop yield, reduce production cost and GHG emission. Farmer participatory field trials were carried out at six locations in Punjab province, a major Mung bean-Wheat cropping zone to evaluate zero tillage based crop production system in comparison to the traditional tillage. The findings rev...
Ayesha Talib1,2, Khanzadi Nazneen Manzoor1, Wajahat Ali1, Maria Saeed1, Muhammad Asif Gondal1, Malik Badshah3 and Abid Ali Khan1*
...gical resources as it is cost effective, eco-friendly and large-scale production possibilities exist. Copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) have been synthesized from the aqueous fruit extracts of Ficus sycomorus and their physico-chemical properties as well as antimicrobial activity against Multidrug Resistant (MDR) bacteria is evaluated. The total formation of the Cu nanoparticles was observed visually with a color change and confirmed by the appearance of pea...
Babar Zahoor, Basharat Ahmad*,Riaz Aziz Minhas and Muhammad Siddique Awan
...ely. The total estimated cost of damages due to crop raiding (grains & fodder) during 2013-2015 was $22042.31, and the crop raiding intensity during 2015 was significantly higher than 2013 and 2014 (χ2=376.16; df=2; p≤0.001). Among livestock (n=304), goats, sheep and cattle were reported killed between 2013 and 2015. The total estimated cost of livestock killings during 2103-2015 was $38260 and estimate...
Zhi Chen1, Toshifumi Minamoto2, Longshan Lin3 and Tianxiang Gao4,*
...d select an optional low-cost kit, a test among three kits was held. 12S rRNA bands of marine fishes on the agarose gel preliminarily revealed that all three kits could successfully extract eDNA from field water samples. Digital PCR results further revealed that the average eDNA concentration of Sepiella japonica extracted by three kits were (4.62 ± 0.72) × 105, (3.83 ± 0.56) × 105, and (2.35 ± 0.27...

Ali Zohaib1*, Habib Ullah2, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum2, Tahira Tabassum2, Muzzammil Hussain1, Mohsin Nawaz3, Ghulam Abbas4 and Sohail Irshad5

Effect of NPK Fertilization Strategies on Growth, Yield, Nutrient Use Efficiency and Economic Benefits of Relay Intercropped Wheat in Cotton
... net returns and benefit cost ratio (BCR) were obtained by same NPK application timing (i.e. T4). In conclusion, fertilization timing substantially affected the yield, NUEA and economic benefits of relay intercropped wheat in cotton; and application of ½ N and all PK at sowing and ½ N at tillering was most appropriate option.


Muhammad Kashif Khan1*, Muhammad Wasim Jan Khan2, Kaleem Ullah Jan Khan3, Muhammad Ishaq Khan4, Muhammad Faheem Jan Khan5 and Abdul Salam Lodhi6


Impacts of Construction Risk Attributes on Organizational Performance of Registered Construction Companies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Mohammad Adil1*, Muhammad A. Khan2, Naveed Ahmed1, Edward Bromhead3, Muhammad A. Arshad1, Muhammad Fahad1, Shahid Ullah1 and Khan Shahzada1

Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Column Staggering in Flat Slabs Systems
... as well as the material cost of the structure without affecting the structural performance of the slabs as well as columns. Wide parking and halls could be constructed and architects will have more freedom and flexibility in their designs with reduced reliance on structural design. This study is focused on the basic flat slab analyses and design with the help of finite element software along with manual method of analyses and design called “yield line m...

Sanaullah1*, Abdul Basit2 and Inayat Ullah3

Challenges and Prospects of Farm Mechanization in Pakistan: A Case Study of Rural Farmers in District Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
...quate capital (4.00) and costly inputs (3.80) were some of the challenges plaguing the use of agricultural mechanization in the rural area. It was established that agricultural mechanization has significant role in boosting farm productivity, improving farmers’ livelihood, ensuring economic growth, availability of off-seasonal farm produce, increasing income generating opportunities and reduction in time of operation among others. Logistic Regression ind...
Aamer Sharif1,*, Muftooh Ur Rehman Siddiqi1 and Riaz Muhammad2 of energy for its low cost, user- friendly, reliable and clean generation of electricity. Gravitational water vortex power plant is certainly one of such low head hydro turbines in which the potential energy of free surface flowing water is converted into kinetic energy through vortex turbine that tangentially passing the water into the basin, which forms a powerful water vortex. This study is the experimental analysis of novel runner which has the ability ...

Sabina Noor1*, Fatimah Abang1 and Hamady Dieng2

Biology of an Exotic Butterfly Acraea terpsicore (Linnaeus, 1758) (Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae), in a Newly Invaded Region, Sarawak, Borneo
...e (Linnaeus 1758) (tawny coster) relative to habitat types, phenotype, and gender in Sarawak, Borneo. The nymphalid butterfly tawny coster is widely distributed throughout the Indian and Sri Lankan region and has expanded its distribution range southward through Southeast Asia and Australia. Currently establishing its population in Kalimantan, it was firstly detected in Sarawak in 2013. Comparative observations on the life-c...

Shishir Sharma* and Laxmi Prasad Joshi

Current Insights on Stemphylium Blight of Lentil with its Management Strategies
...t is the most efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable technique. Integrated disease management approaches along with Omics and weather prediction tools may be crucial in avoiding severe SB outbreaks. A comprehensive review article discusses the morphological as well as molecular dimension of pathogens, their effects, pathogenicity, integrated disease management approaches, and future views.

Luka Anthony*, Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi, Elizabeth Samuel Ebukiba and Vandi Gamba
...ractor, poor price, high cost of chemical, inadequate fertilizer, lack of improved seed, inadequate extension officers, and lack of credit facilities. This study recommends that new innovations and technology that targets increased productivity should be promoted, provision of adequate extension officers is needed, input market supply for provision of seeds, fertilizers and storage facilities should be made accessible to farmers, provision of rice processing e...

Inam Ul Haq1*, Humara Umar2, Naeem Akhtar3, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2 and Muhammad Ijaz1

Techniques for Micropropagation of Olive (Olea europaea L.): A Systematic Review because of production cost and globally; it is mostly used for research and development on various aspects of olives. In this review, efforts are made to document the different techniques for successful initiation of olive micropropagation techniques because presently in Pakistan this technique is used at very limited research and development scale besides having basic infrastructure and necessary facilities. Therefore, authors planned to document different...

Muhammad Umair Hassan1, Muhammad Aamer1, Muhammad Nawaz2, Abdul Rehman3, Talha Aslam3, Ubaid Afzal4, Bilal Ahmad Shahzad3, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub5, Faryal Ahmed1, Ma Qiaoying1, Su Qitao1 and Huang Guoqin1*

Agronomic Bio-Fortification of Wheat to Combat Zinc Deficiency in Developing Countries
...e genetic techniques are costly, and sustainable, however, they are long term and requires large breeding activities and resources. Conversely, agronomic techniques appear to be short term, quick and economic solution to increase the Zn contents to meet human needs. The application of Zn as foliar sprays, seed priming, soil application and soil+foliar application effectively enhanced Zn uptake and grain Zn contents. Zn fertilization also maintains desirable Zn...
Xiaopeng Tang1,*, Lei Chen1, Kangning Xiong1, Dun Deng2 and Peng Peng2,*
...quently can decrease the cost per unit weight gain. Therefore, the DDGS presents an alternative protein resource to meet ever-increasing demands of feed ingredients in poultry production sectors.  
Kamran Baksh Soomro1*, Sina Alaghmand2, Sanyogita Andriyas3, Muhammad Rehmatullah Khan4, Naveedullah5 and Amin Talei6
...he crop end. The benefit-cost Ratio (BCR) per hectare in season 1 was 1.90 and 1.69 under IT1 and IT2, respectively. While for season 2, the BCR was 1.89 and 1.59 under IT1 and IT2,respectively. In terms of crop yield, overall, IT1 showed better results as compared to IT2 irrigation treatments.

Faheem Aslam1,*, Aneel Salman2, Inayatullah Jan3 and Sarah Siddiq Aneel4

...industrial growth at the cost of its agriculture sector; and while it mentions inter-regional and inter-state disputes in sharing of water as detrimental, the issue is not tackled at length in the document. Pakistan’s policy, on the other hand, is more multi-sectoral in terms of focus on irrigation, agriculture, climate change, research and development, inland navigation and the importance of the Indus River. Pakistan’s water policy does, however, ...
Wahyu Widodo1,*, Imbang Dwi Rahayu2, Adi Sutanto3, Apriliana Devi Anggraini4, Harum Sahara4
Sara Safitri4 and Abubakar Yaro5,6
...fect on income over feed cost and carcass weight percentage, but it had no significant effect on abdominal fat weight percentage, feed efficiency, meat dry matter content, meat organic matter, meat ash content, dry matter, and organic matter digestibility in super kampong chicken. The best treatment was curcuma by 1 % as feed additive due to the increase of carcass weight percentage by the value was 69.60 %.
Arshad Bhat1*, Masudul H. Wani1, Shabir A. Wani2, Abid Qadir3, Iqra Qureshi4 and Abid Sultan2

...n turn resulted in heavy cost involvement both visible and invisible. In this backdrop, present study attempts to highlight involvement of invisible costs in apple industry of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Defensive Expenditure Method and Willingness to Pay Model was used to estimate the costs incurred on the health and protective items purchased for reducing the impact of excessiv...

Raza Ullah Khan1*, Ahmad Khan1, Mohammad Zameer Khan1, Fayyaz Hussain1, Zafar Islam2 and Muhammad Asad Hameed2

...this study showed KOH as cost effective extractant vis a vis NaOH. However, further characterization could not confirm it. The presence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic nature of sites could be utilized to develop slow release plant nutrients based on humic substances.


Imrana Khushk1, Abdul Nabi Jatt2, Abdul Sattar Qureshi1*, Choudhary Haider Ali3, Muhammad Aqeel Bhutto1, Imran Ibrahim Khaskheli1, Sartar Iqbal Panhwer1

...treatment inhibitors and cost of cellulase enzyme). In the present study, long term evolutionary adaptation was evaluated for ethanol and lactic acid production to overcome the pretreatment inhibitors issue. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Angel was used for the production of ethanol, while, Bacillus coagulans, Pediococcus sp. and Lactobacillus sp. were used for lactic production, respectively. All the microbial strains were inoculated on wheat straw hydrolysate and ...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1

...w all these issues a low-cost version of fertilizer band placement drill was designed and developed with the help of local manufacturer. Over all Weight reduction (from 450 to 390 kg) and changing the drive wheel mechanism (from rear to front) for seed metering was incorporated in modified drill so that it can be easily operated by commonly available 50 hp tractor. After modification, fertilizer band placement drill was tested and compared it with zero tillage...

Shapon Kumar Bashak1, Alok Kumar Paul1, Md. Akhtar Hossain1, Usman Atique2,3*, Sonia Iqbal3, Md. Najim Uddin1, Asrafi Mohammad Farhaduzzaman4, Md. Mojibar Rahman5, Md. Shahanul Islam6

... 1559.20 (T3), while the cost-benefit ratio showed encouraging improvements from 0.17 ± 0.14 in T3 to 0.39 ± 0.01 in T1. Overall, lower stocking density yielded the most promising production and economic performance. The outcomes of this study provided valuable insights into the profitable production of eel fish meat. 
Novelty Statement | This study highlights that the mud eel can b...
Muhammad Furqan1*, Zulfiqar Ali1, Usman Ali2, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad3, Bushra Nisar Khan1, Waqar Ahmed1, Zakir Hussain1, Mian Amman Ullah1Nimra Afzal1 and Anjum Ara2
...mming up to an estimated cost of 0.126 million PKRs (784 US$). The highest (n=56) depredation was recorded at Naugran and Mehmoodabad locality and the lowest (n=14) at Rata and Thara localities. Most (66%) attacks were observed in summer season; the preferred (32%) attack timing was the morning time. Three retaliatory killings were reported, 2 at Kalyal and one at Sorakhi locality. Habitat degradation by clearing forests for fuel wood, grazing, agricultural pu...

Allah Bakhsh1, Attiq Akhtar1*, Fiaz Hussain1 and Shabbir Ahmed2

...echnique that provides a cost-effective and high-quality grape yield. In order to boost grape quality and minimize disease incidence in the King’s Ruby variety, FZLR was used for two seasons in a row. Total leaf removal was used before bloom, during full bloom, and four weeks after bloom, and was compared to an untreated control (non-defoliated). In all leaf removal treatments, titratable acidity and bunch rot incidence decreased significantly, while tot...
Suman Bhattarai1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Jaya Prakash Dutta3, Meghnath Timalsena4 and Rajendra Bam5
...bee productivity. Labour cost and migration cost had positive coefficient and significant relation at 1% level of significance with gross return whereas expenses on baiting materials had positive coefficient and significant relation at 5% level of significance with the gross return. Thirty-six percentage of total visit for foraging of honeybees was contributed by East Chitwan. The overall productivity of honey in 2019 AD (24...

Mian Muhammad Arif* and Malik Muhammad Shafi

...o know the variations in cost, revenue and profit of various size of commercial broiler poultry farms. Due to wide spread variations in cost and return pattern of various broiler poultry farms, subsequently, the farms have been divided into three major groups i.e. small, medium, and large size farms. It is evident from the results of partial budgeting that the average total cost per flock ...

Rabia Iqbal and Muhammad Naeem *

...tary protein is not only cost-efficient, economical but also nutritional and wholesome for a fish’s health condition.


Abdul Hameed1*, Ihtsham Ul Haq Padda1 and Abdul Salam2

...tivity, and high medical costs. This study based on data from the Household Integrated Income and Consumption Survey 2015-16 of Pakistan is designed to ascertain and estimate the patterns of calorie intake in Pakistan and compare the same across various provinces. It also tracks the pattern and levels of consumption of various macro and micronutrients. The study indicates 38% of the households at the national level experience calorie deficiency (less than reco...
Shafaq Fatima1,*, Farkhanda Manzoor1, Humaira Amman1, Zakia Kanwal1, Asma Latif1, Zeeshan Ali2, Hamid Iqbal Gondal2, Sumera Sajjad1 and Raja Shahnawaz Janjua3
...ish feed due to its high cost, the addition of economical plant oils rich in n-3 PUFA in fish diet can remarkably improve its quality. The present study evaluated the effect of the addition of linseed in fish feed on growth and fatty acids profile in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella); an important commercial carp in Asia. The present study investigated the effects of three different diets (A, 5% linseed flour; B, 5 % LO; C, 2.5 % linseed flour + 2.5%...
Nilgun Dogan1,* and Hakan Adanacioglu2
... farms were evaluated by cost, profitability and efficiency analysis. The cost of a unit of honey was US$3.16 and the average price paid to the beekeepers was US$6.78. The absolute and relative profits were calculated as US$3.62 and US$2.14, respectively. The efficiency of the beekeeping farms was measured using Data Envelopment Analysis. The results of output- and input-oriented constant return-to-scale (CRS) analysis indic...
Arshad Ali1, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak2*, Muhammad Ali Nawaz3 and Shoaib Hameed3 Such an attitude has costs, both for wild carnivores and local communities. Human costs are mostly in the form of economic loss to property and infrastructure, damage to crops, and depredation on livestock. In northern Pakistan where large carnivores like common leopard (Panthera pardus), snow leopard (Panthera uncia), Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetinus), Himalayan brown bear (Ursus arctos isabe...

Shahzad Khan1*, Munir Khan1, Arif Alam2, Ikram Shah2, Mahfooz Khan1 and Fida Muhammad Khan1

...ts in the total variable cost. The profit per acre was obtained as Rs.12714. The profit margin was obtained at 32.48%. Empirical results of the regression model found tractor, fertilizer, seed, and pest/weed inputs positive and significant, with coefficients 0.1693, 0.1646, 0.4894, 0.0285, respectively. In contrast, labour and animal costs were noted negatively. For the larger benefit of the farmers’ and the growth of ...

Ain-ul-Abad Syed1*, Zaheer Ahmed Khan1, Shakeel Hussain Chattha1, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh2, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio3, Shahzad Hussain Dahri2 and Ghous Bakhsh Buriro4

...needed for a perfect low-cost hydroponic model, obtained from local markets, were combined accordingly to achieve the results of set goals. A total of 9680.00 PKR was the approximate expense of the manually manufactured hydroponic model. The field under geoponic cultivation was maintained equal to the manufactured hydroponic model (4’x 4’). Full-Spectrum Light-emitting diode (LED) grow light was used to meet the plants’ light requirements. Th...

Asfand Raheel1, Syed Zulfiqar Ali2, Muhammad Waris2, Muhammad Basharat2, Basheer Ahmed2, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder4 and Taqi Raza4*

...ay reduce the production costs but it heavily increased the postharvest decay. Mechanical damage impact can be identified the post-harvest decay by developing regression models. Additionally, new packaging materials have been introduced to avoid mechanical injuries and decline the chances of contamination, bruises and decays. Postharvest treatments includes biological agents, fungicides, herbal and natural products, edible coatings and heat treatments can be e...
Syed Maaz Nadeem1,*, Muti ur Rehman Khan1, Asim Aslam1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh2, Arfan Ahmad2, Syed Nadeem Mansoor3 and Muhammad Anees4
...ested an easy, quick and cost-effective approach for supportive diagnosis of chicken anemia virus infection and therefore could be replicated for efficient disease diagnostics in resource-limited setting.

Hanaa A. Elsamadony1, Laila A. Tantawy1, Sabry E. Omar2 and Heba A. Abd Alah1

...oduction and
cost for preventive medications.
Objective: The aim of this study was to identify CAV obtained from farms with problems associated
with decreased body weight and immunosuppression. Also to determine their relationship with vaccine
used in the field and other reference strains. Then to observe microscopic lesions and to detect CAV
antigens by immunohistochemically in thymus and bone marrow...

Anila Kousar, Muhammad Naeem*, Samrah Masud, Abir Ishtiaq, Zara Naeem and Rabia Iqbal

...on criteria was based on cost effectiveness and local availability of cheaper plant protein feed ingredients. Ten specimens were randomly selected from each treatment hapa for evaluating the concentrations of selected essential and non-essential elements in GIFT fingerlings fed with dietary protein levels of 15% (T1), 20% (T2) and 25% (T3) crude protein. Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer was used for the analysis of whole-body elemental concentrations in re...

Nadeem Anwar1, Muhammad Luqman2*, Shaoib Nasir3, Moazzam Sabir1, Hafiz Bashir Ahmad4 and Saleem Ashraf5

...ted that the increase in cost of production negatively effects the profit earned especially by the small farmers. The results of inter-correlation analysis of variables, which are considered to be a constraining factor in citrus production confirms that most of the variables are interrelated and by resolving one, may lead to the resolution of other accompanying factors. 


Ghani Akbar*, Muhammad Asif and Zafar Islam

...mparatively less capital cost and skills requirement. Keeping in view these challenges, this study was conducted to evaluate the water and land productivity of drip irrigated off-season tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus) under tunnel farming compared with traditional open-air farming method in Potohar, a rainfed area in Pakistan. The results indicated increased production potential per unit of land (46%) and per unit of water...
Donglai Li1,Mei Han1,Huw Lloyd2, Linyu Jin1, Lei Zhang1, Jiangxia Yin1 and Dongmei Wan1*
... be faced with providing costly care for unrelated offspring when nests have extra-pair young (EPY). Theoretical models predict that cuckolded males should lower their parental investment as the likelihood of paternity decreases. However, empirical data are not always in support of this prediction.Here, we explore parental behaviours within the context of extra-pair patenity (EPP) in a population of the varied tit Parus varius in China. The results show...
Shoaib Khan1, Sida Hussain2, Amir Naveed1*, Nazia Wali3, Zafar Ullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Muhammad Sadiq4 and Muhammad Asif5
...lanners for developing a cost-effective way to mitigate the electricity problems in low-income areas by incorporating the energy mix of wind and solar. A Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator is designed for the location and simulated in Matlab. With a fixed rated speed of 100 rpm, based on the load calculation, the number of poles and slots calculated are 60 and 180 respectively. The total load demand is shared 50% between wind and sol...

M. Azam, Iqtidar Hussaian*, Ghazanfar ullah, A.A. Khakwani, M.S. Baloch, K. Waseem, M. Amjed Nadeem and M.K. Javaid 

...yield (kg ha-1), benefit cost ratio (BCR) and Harvest index (%). Seedling density showed significant differences for traits such as unfertile tiller hill-1, while transplanting dates also indicated significant differences for biological yield, grain yield, plant height, spikelet fertility (%), 1000-grain yield and number of unfertile tiller per plant. Seedling densities and transplanting dates interaction also showed significant differences for various paramet...
Zhengyi Fu1,2,3,4, Rui Yang2,3,4, Zhenhua Ma2,3,4*, Mingyang Han2,3,4 and Yifu Wang2,3,4
...ormance. Considering the cost of production, carbohydrate could be a potential energy supplementing source.

Khaliq Dad1, Muhammad Nawaz2*, Muhamamd Ibrahim3, Fengliang Zhao4, Rumsha Hassan2, Humaira Nawaz5, Muhammad Usman Saleem6, Kinat Javed2, Ayesha Komal2 and Hajra Naz2

...nmental friendly and low cost biological remedies are used nowadays to control Cd toxicity such as phytoremediation phytostabilisation, rhizofilteration, phytoextraction. This review paper has summarized the impact of Cd on soil, plants and humans and strategies to remove or minimize its toxicity by applying some low cost and environmental friendly techniques. 

Nazish Huma Khan1*, Mohammad Nafees2, Tooba Saeed3, Khaliq Ur Rahman4 and Adila Bashir2
... to the community at low cost. About 41% solid waste is thrown away as waste. Fifty percent of discarded waste (41%) is properly collected and disposed of. These wastes include wood (27%), paper (20%), glass/ceramics (16%), metals (16%), plastics (11%), rubber (6%), and sand/stone (5%). The waste management questionnaire survey showed poor performance in collection (67.5%), treatment (82.5%) and recycling (42.5%). This study proposes that there is no separate ...
Bushra Shaikh, Sadia Muniza Faraz*, Syed Riaz un Nabi Jafri, Syed Usman Ali
...algorithm is simple, low cost, independent of lighting conditions and requires less computational steps to identify the exact location on the map. 

Milkessa Wakjira, Fikiru Temesgen*, Chala Hailu and Dabesa Wegari

...sues such as increase in cost of production, shortage of workers and reduction in sales and profit. More than 70% of participating respondents reported that they could not survive if the present trend lasts more than three months. As a temporary solution to sustain their business 169 (45.40%) reduced the number of their employees, 73 (19.60%) laid off their employees as the result of the pandemic crisis. The findings of study are consistent with previous studi...

Theophilus Miebi Gbigbi* and Rodney Akpoviri Isiorhovoja

... model result shows that cost of day old chicks, feed, drugs and vaccines, labour, shelter and equipment significantly influenced exotic chicken production. The resource use efficiency result infers that DOCs and drugs and vaccine were under-utilized while feeds, labour and housing and equipment were over-utilized by the farmers. The elasticity of production was 1.08. This is increasing returns to scale. This paper concludes that poultry farmers were inefficie...
Muhammad Hamza Tariq1, Mahjabeen Akram2 and Yasir Sharif3*
...lopment of a natural and cost-effective drug against COVID-19. Further, in vivo and in vitro examinations are required to validate our results.
Farah Deeba1, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Muhammad Irfan2, Muhammad Khan1 and Javed Iqbal Qazi1*
... decrease the production costs of microbial chitinase but can also providing positive way out for solving environmental pollution problem related to the waste.

Muhammad Waryam Warraich1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Fakhar Mujeeb3, Muhammad Zeeshan Maznoor1, Aneela Riaz4 and Sarfraz Hussain2

...inishing day by day. The cost of potassium fertilization is very high and awareness for external nutrition of potassium benefits is also on the minimum side. To overcome potassium bio-available losses from Pakistani farming system is very essential to sustain crop growth. Keeping in view of these issues, a pot study was performed at the departmental research area. The aim of the research was to depict the efficacy of the use of carbon sequestering fertilizer (...

Arshad Farooq1, Abdul Hassan1, Muhammad Ishaq2, Asif Nawaz3*, Iltaf Ullah4 and Hidayatullah5

...gation problems and high cost of inputs were the most important problems faced by the farmers. Agricultural departments need to develop and disseminate climate smart recommended agricultural production technologies. The government and private organizations should arrange trainings and awareness programs regarding climate change to overcome the effect on agriculture. 


Sudip Debnath1, Dipta Sundar Sarker1, Pankaj Kundu1, Md. Shahin Parvez1, Shaikh Tareq Arafat1, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef A Alkhamis2,3, Md Moshiur Rahman1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman1* 

...n terms of availability, cost, ecological and health hazard issues.

Keywords | Egg custard, Tubifex, Commercial feeds, Growth, Swordtail fish 


Ali Zohaib*, Muzzammil Hussain, Iftikhar Ahmad and Adnan Bashir

... net returns and benefit cost ratio (BCR) was achieved by using 90 g seed per tray. In conclusion, 90 g seed per tray improved the grain yield by enhancing number of productive tillers and grain weight of fine basmati rice; hence, could be adopted for better productivity and economic benefits of mechanically transplanted fine basmati rice.

Anguara Khatun1*, Sachchidananda Das Chowdhury1, Bibek Chandra Roy2, S.M. Shafikul Gani3, Bipul Chandra Ray1, Tanvir Ahmed1 

...testinal morphology, and cost-effectiveness in commercial broiler production. Four hundred eighty Cobb 500 straight run broiler chicks were randomly allocated to three dietary treatments each of eight replications having 20 birds each. The basal diets were corn-soya broiler starter and broiler grower diets. Starter diet was fed up to 21 days and grower diet during 22-35 days. In treatment 1, chicks were fed a basal diet (Diet 1), in treatment 2, chicks receive...

K.M. Injarul Haque, Sharmeen Islam*, Md. Rokibul Islam Khan, Md. Ruhul Amin 

...ion which provides a low-cost quality ruminant feed by reducing the environmental pollution.

Keywords | Environmental pollution, Silage, Metabolizable energy, Organic matter digestibility, Physical properties 


Keiven Mark B. Ampode1*, Federico C. Mendoza2 

...urn above feed and chick cost. In conclusion, 5% oregano powder can be incorporated without adverse effects on the production performance and cell-mediated immunity.

Keywords | Broiler chicken, Oregano powder, Lymphoid organs, Cell-mediated immunity, Feed additives 


Yin-Hua Wang1,2, Yi-Bing Zhu1, Li Jiang1, Bin Du3 and Xiu-Ming Xi1*

... duration of extubation, costs and length of stay (LOS) in ICU, dose adjustment time, analgesic and sedative agent costs, short-term mortality, and adverse events potentially relevant to the study drugs. Data analysis will adopt an intention-to-treat approach. This trial will demonstrate the probability that remifentanil can reduce the duration of MV in long-term ventilated patients in critically ill patients compared to fen...

Kubilay Ucar1, Görkem Oruk2 and Sait Engindeniz1*

...e scope of the research, cost and profitability of plum production for 2018 were calculated in Izmir province. The data of this paper is derived from Izmir Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry. Total production costs are determined as 4215.74 US$ ha-1 and variable costs as 1496.88 US$ ha-1. Net profit per decare in plum cultivation was calculated as 816.82 US$ ha-1, relative ...

Mahreen Alam*, Muhammad Ashfaq, Sarfraz Hassan and Asghar Ali 

... showed that the benefit-cost ratio for milk production was higher with good groundwater quality. The Data Envelopment Analysis was used to calculate the technical efficiency. It found that farmers with good groundwater quality were technically more efficient. Tobit model used to analyse the impact of water quality parameters on the dairy animal’s efficiency. It is concluded that water quality was minimizing the potential gain from dairy animals. The stu...

Saba Iqbal, Asmat Ullah*, Muhammad Luqman, Hafiz Muhammad Akram, Muhammad Kashif Munir and Nawal Zafar methods. Moreover cost benefit ratio of ridge (1:1.15) and bed (1:1.25) planting techniques was higher than drill (1:0.93) and broadcast (1:0.44) techniques. In conclusion, it is recommended that wheat may be planted on ridges and raised bed to have more yield, high water use efficiency and sound financial return to farming community.


Omer Eyuboglu

...tocks, rising production costs, adverse effects on human health and changes in biological diversity. The most prominent alien species in Turkish Black Sea waters are  species invasions which are witnessed in the Black Sea. The Black Sea, which has incurred significant losses in biodiversity due to the increasing eutrophication and various pollution related problems, have surfaced significantly and provided a considerably suitable environment to invasive N...

Heba El-Zahar*, Zeinab Abd El-Rahman, Abbas El-Naggar incidence, simple and cost-effective methods of diagnostic and clinical assessment are urgently required. The goal of this study was to look at the hematobiochemical alterations in association with the evaluation of C-reactive proteins (CRP), haptoglobin and fecal calprotectin concentration as prognostic markers in dogs with IBD. After a detailed clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic examination 21 IBD dogs with symptoms of chronic gastrointestinal dise...

Muhammad Hanif Khan1, Syed Muhammad Suhail2, Hayaz uddin1, Aitbar Khan3, Rashid Ahmed Magsi3, Rajwali Khan2*, Iftikhar Ahmed2, Asim Ijaz2 and Khalid Khan2

...ntrol group, while extra cost of yeast culture was Rs.4116/-, So, result in net profit of Rs: 6036.8/- during 7 week period. It is concluded that Achai cattle ration supplementing with high level of YC were observed with increased milk fat, feed intake, Protein, SNF and milk yield. Maximum production was observed with higher proportion of 40g YC as compare to other rations.

Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Mushtaq Ali2, Tahira Tabassum3 and Adnan Bashir1
... net returns and benefit cost ratio (BCR) due to its high paddy market price, and it was followed by Chenab Basmati. In conclusion, Super Basmati and Chenab Basmati could be adopted in Gujranwala rice-wheat cropping zone to achieve better yield and economic benefits; while Kissan Basmati could be adopted for increasing the cropping intensity and productivity of cropping zone due its earlier maturity and better yield.


Thobela Louis Tyasi1*, Lubabalo Bila2, Nkgaugelo Kgasago3, Siza Mthi4 

...n farm animals at lesser costs with a high relative accuracy and consistency. This research was performed at the University of Limpopo experimental farm (Syferkuil) to examine the effect of sex on the interrelationship between body weight and linear body measurements in South African non-descript goat kids. A total of 46 new-born South African non-descript goat kids (30 females and 16 males) were used for the study. Analysis of variance and Pearson’s cor...

Muhammad Tahir Latif1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Ayesha Latif2, Majid Hamid Bajwa1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Ali Zohaib1, Naeem Faisal1 and Muhammad Hamza3

...g 6.17% more operational cost for sowing and transplanting nursery. For service users of MT on rental basis the 292-303 values (variety wise) of marginal rate of returns (MRR%) was calculated. The project appraisal method of financial analysis illustrated the viability of MTR from the owner user or service provider’s point of view as calculated by the indicators like benefit cost ratio, net present value, internal rate...

Lopamudra Samantaray*, Yashaswi Nayak 

... many nations at a lower cost than other animal meat sources. Concerns about the extensive use of Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGPs), stimulated consumer demand for antibiotic-free animal yield. We investigated the applicability of the phytobiotic Essential Oils (EOs) and their influence on the overall performance, appetite, and food digestion. We aimed to assess the effects of dietary phytobiotic supplements containing black pepper, fennel, and turmeric EOs o...

Sania Subhan Qureshi*,1, Baitullah Khan1, Shahid Khan1, Hanif Ur Rahman1 and Muhammad Subhan Qureshi2 production, treatment cost and mortality. FMD is caused by 7 different serotypes of FMD virus having different virulence. To compare the virulence of various FMD serotypes the study was designed to propagate the virus on BHK-21 cell line. The results revealed that serotype ‘A’ virus virulence is more as compared to serotype ‘O’ and ‘Asia-1’. Although less virulence difference was found between serotype ‘A’ and...
Ade Djulardi1*, Robi Amizar2, Tigor Sanjaya1
...on, and income over feed cost (IOFC). The analysis of variance showed that supplementation of expired milk powder in the ration had no significant effect (P>0.05) on ration consumption, daily egg production, egg weight, egg mass, and ration conversion at 20% and 18% protein levels. Based on the study results, it can be concluded that the addition of expired milk powders up to a dose of 0.50% did not affect the performance of quail aged 6-9 weeks. Numericall...

Abid Hussain1, Mubbashira Nazir2*, Saira Batool2 and Sidra Majeed1

...without its use. Benefit-cost ratios (BCRs) for groundnut crop with and without gypsum application are 4.47 and 3.23, respectively. Similarly, productivity of wheat crop with application of 0.66 ton gypsum per acre is higher (32.25 mounds) than normal practice by 84.3 percent. Benefit-cost ratios with and without gypsum application for wheat crop are 1.38 and 1.16, respectively. Micro-catchment technology is mostly adopted b...

Nawal Abd-elhafez Hassanain1, Raafat Mohamed Shaapan1*, Ahmed Maher1, Ahmed Badwi Yousif2, Gomaa Desoky Emam2 

...nt by lowering treatment costs and removing other risks related with antibiotic misuse.

Keywords | Cross reactivity, Febrile, Malaria, Brucellosis, Typhoid fever  


Rawda S. Mohamed1,2, Mohammed Y. Matoock2*, Abeer H. Abdelrazek2 

... for 3-hours. Serum corticosterone level, brain levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), malondialdehyde (MDA), and glutathione (GSH) were measured. Mice were subjected to open field, plus maze, and dark light activity box tests. Swiss Multiple Acute concurrent Stress (SMAS) showed more responsiveness to MAS than Balb/c Multiple Acute concurrent Stress (BMAS) in most biochemical and behavioral parameters, with an elevated leve...

Oluwaseun Adetarami1*, Oluwatoyin Olagunju2, Babatunde Adebayo Oyebamiji1, Adegboyega Abel Odeyemi3 and Sina Basil Johnson4

... of ₦ 81,134.65 with a cost benefit ratio of 1.09. The results of logistic regression revealed that the age of cocoa farmer, level of education, extension contact, farm size and cocoa annual income are major determinants influencing the utilization of FBS approach. The study concluded that the utilization of FBS approach by smallholder cocoa farmers contributes substantially to the profitability of cocoa business. It is, therefore, recommended that effective...

Amal Ramadan Fawy1, Hussein Yousef Ahmed2, El-Sayed S.E. Shabana3, Mohamed Abdelfattah Maky4*

...e group D being the most costly. Proximate and quality analysis were conducted. Group D of Egyptian beef burger had a greater protein than other groups as well as being the best in terms of quality. Furthermore, six beef burger formulations with different amounts of beef fat and vegetable oils were prepared and stored at 4 ± 1°C for 21 days. Analysis of samples showed that fat content was significantly lowered in F1 and F2 (beef fat partially replac...

Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik1, Khalid Usman1*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Saad1, Said Ghulam2 and Azmat Ullah1

...eld at a reduced tillage cost and site specific potassium nutrition is much important for higher cotton yield and lint quality. The experiment was in a split-plot design and replicated thrice. Tillage system (i.e. reduced and conventional) was main plot treatment and potassium levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 & 250 kg ha-1) sub-plot. K-levels were applied 50, 100, 150, 200, and 200 kg ha-1 as soil application treatments and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 as a foliar applic...

Amina Batool1*, Saba Aleem1, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Waheed Arshad1, Muhammad Aslam2, Shiraz Ali3 and Muhammad Zeeshan3

...ead to higher production cost but will also result in decline of crop yield and quality. Hence, the present experiment was designed to establish the optimal seeding density of three different wheat genotypes (Fatehjang-2016, Dharabi-11 and 16FJ17) of the Barani Areas to attain maximum economic yield. The research experiment was managed in split amidst the cropping season of Rabi 2019-20; one at the laboratory by growing three diverse genotypes of wheat at four...

Tasya Nur Karina1, Osfar Sjofjan2, Tri Eko Susilorini2, Muhammad Halim Natsir2*

...nts to reduce production costs and maximize income.
Keywords | Date palm, Egg quality, Growth performance, Hen day production, Laying hens

Ahmed A. Mohammed1, Madeha H. A. Darwish1, Eman A.A. Negm2, Ayman S. Abdel- Maguid3 

...of the total or variable cost of the production of poultry.

Keywords | Probiotics, Economic, Performance, Production, Broiler 


Md. Sabuj Rahman and Md. Mahmudul Alam* using of incisional cecostomy technique in a calf treated for intestinal atresia. A 2-day-old cross-bred bovine calf was brought to Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh having atresia coli with atresia ani et recti. Bypass surgery was performed using incisional cecostomy techniques. After 10 days post-surgical administration of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflamma...

Hanan Saad El-Samahy, Amani Abd El-Naby Hafez, Mohamed Talat Ragab, Disouky Mohamed Mourad* treatment, medication cost, difficult isolation of causative bacterial agents, weight loss, reduced fertility, and hatchability, so this study aimed to determine the bacterial causative agents using multiplex PCR as an accurate rapid diagnostic technique. Exudates of swollen infra-orbital sinus were aspirated and aseptically collected from affected turkeys of seventeen flocks and examined by multiplex PCR against Escherichia coli (E. coli), Mycoplasma gall...

Auzair Javaid Butt, Irfan Ullah*, Shahid Ali, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai and Jahangir Khan

...ting channels, marketing costs and margins of different market functionaries of potato crop in the selected villages of district Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan in 2019. For this purpose, a total of seventy producers, twenty wholesalers and twenty retailers are randomly selected and interviewed for data collection. From the current research it can be revealed that majority of potato growers followed the same marketing channel i.e. Producer → Wholesa...

Sarzamin Khan1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Rafiullah1, Ibrahimullah1, Ghulam Abbas3*, Jabbar Khan4, Muhammad Saeed Imran5, Asghar Ali Kamboh6 

... animal protein and high cost as well as shortage of conventional feed ingredients has driven the dire need to search for alternative protein and energy sources to be incorporated in poultry feed. Insects may be one of the alternative feed source which can be used as a good quality, low-cost and sustainable ingredients of poultry feed. Therefore, the present experiment was designed to explore the effect of dietary inclusion ...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1,2*, Sobia Ijaz1, Nauman Ali1, Muhammad Saeed Ashraf1, Muhammad Naeem Khan1, Muhammad Arshad3, Muhammad Arif1, Jamil Akhtar4, Naeem Iqbal1 and Bushra Zulfiqar5

...vealed a highest benefit cost ratio of 3.99 under 17.5 kg ha-1 seeding rate compared to control.


Entesar Z. Eliraqy1*, Basant M. Shafik2, Yasser S. Hussein1, Abdelwahab A. Alsenosy3, Emad A. Abd allah1, Mohamed F. Saad1 

...lately appeared as a low-cost, it considers a natural source of chemicals for preserving, also enhancing activity of sperm during different period storage. Current paper gives an apprise on the usage of garlic (Allium sativum) extract as an alternative additive for sperm preservation in buffalo bulls at animal production research institute, Sakha, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt. The experimental protocol was designed as four groups (Control, G1, G2 and G3)....

Tariq Ali1,2*, Kamran1, Abdur Raziq1, Inam Ullah Wazir1, Anwar Ali1, Muhammad Ijaz Ali1, Muhammad Shuaib Khan2, Shakeeb Ullah2 and Sher Hayat Khan3

...the major prevailing and costly diseases in dairy cattle and buffaloes. This study describes the current prevalence of mastitis in lactating cattle, and buffaloes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during 2019-2020, to identify bacterial pathogens of mastitis, and to determine the antimicrobial resistance. A total of 1013 milk samples belonging to 726 cattle and 287 buffaloes were examined to detect clinical mastitis (CM) and subclinical mastitis (SCM). Mastitic milk sampl...

Sidrah Ashfaq1, Muhammad Nadeem1*, Muhammad Yamin1, Talha Afzal1, Muhammad Waqar Akram1, Rabia Anam1 and Ali Mehboob2

...n and their ever-growing cost, the need to shift focus towards renewable energy resources has increased a lot. To overcome the above-said problems, there is a need to look for a feasible and robust solution for thermal applications in remote areas. Biomass gasification proved to be one of the most efficient and clean waste-to-energy conversion processes in contrast to direct combustion of agricultural waste. Other than controlled burning of biomass, it can be ...

H. A. Aidaros1*, S. S. Khalafallah1, M. S. Diab2, Nehal K. Alm Eldin2, Halla E.K. El Bahgy1 

...s and the high treatment cost. They cause serious public health hazards, as they are the major cause of food-borne infections. The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae in twelve poultry farms located in Qalubia Governorate, Egypt, and their antimicrobial resistance. A total number of 2160 samples included litter, pen litter, stored feed, feed from the feeders, water, drinkers, droppings, dust, swabs from walls, birds’ cloaca, w...

Riaz Hussain1*, Adnan Ihsan2, Azaz Ali Shah2, Najeeb Ullah2, Hamza Iftikhar3 and Ranra Jalal4

...nd their effect on yield/cost benefit ratio. The randomized complete block design (RCBD) was followed with 9 treatments and a control each replicated thrice. Treatments including the extracts of garlic bulb (Allium sativum) @ 2%, tobacco dry leaves (Nicotiana tabacum) @ 2%, red chili (Capsicum spp.) @ 5% and Chinaberry dry fruits (Melia azedarach) @ 10% concentrations were used singly and tobacco dry leaves (N. tabacum) + Chinaberry dry fruits (M. azedarach) @...

Ejaz Ul Haq, Urooba Pervaiz*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan and Ayesha Khan

...mple t- test showed that cost of tomato and bitter-gourd in tunnel is higher as compared to cultivation of these vegetables in field, while the yield and net-income obtained in tunnel was also high. The study also concludes that tomato cultivated in tunnel is more profitable as compared to bitter-gourd. Major constraints faced by farmers in tunnel cultivation were high cost of installation and inputs, unavailability of certi...

Kokab Nazim1*, Asghari Bano1 and Ghulam Jellani2

...o shortlist genotypes on cost effective basis.


Abhishek Pandit1, Suman Poudel2, Manish Gautam3* and Shambhu Shah4

...reased labor and upfront cost of hormone treatment, standard degree of supervision, and decent handling facilities are some of the drawbacks of this technique. Successful estrus synchronization necessitates optimum nutrition, a good body condition score, the best semen quality, general health, and an efficient estrus detection technique.


Shabana Ehsan1*, Aneela Riaz2, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Abid Ali1, Ifra Saleem3, Muhammad Aftab3, Khalid Mehmood4, Fakhar Mujeeb1, Muhammad Asif Ali1, Hina Javed1, Fraza Ijaz1, Anwar-ul-Haq5, Khaliq-ur-Rehman3 and M. Usman Saleem

...ducing bacteria can be a cost-effective biofortification technique. The current study includes the collection of rhizobacterial isolates from wheat, maize, sorghum, millet, and maize rhizosphere soil of Rawalpindi and Sargodha divisions. The screening of bacterial isolates for siderophore production through CAS-shuttle assay (quantitative) and CAS-agar (qualitative) was done. Isolates were further characterized for Fe and phosphorus solubilization, indole acid...
Farzana Bashir2, Aysha Saleem1, Khalid Iqbal Khichi2, Rubina Nelofer3* and Rauf Ahmad Khan2
...usk and to use them as a cost effective approach for the removal of microbial contaminant from drinking water. The copper nanoparticles (Cu-NP) were prepared by using copper sulphate, sodium hydroxide and ascorbic acid and then embedded on rice husk for the removal of bacterial contaminants from drinking water. The Cu-NP embedded rice husk then characterized by SEM, EMAX and ICP-OES techniques. The antibacterial activity was determined by column studies using ...

Ahmed H. Abed1, Ahmed Orabi2*, Wafaa Hassan3, , Enas Hammad4 , Ghada Gaber5 

...sease in poultry, and it costs the industry a lot of money. This study shows that some immune modulatory substances such as lectins, probiotics, and essential oils have a unique immune-potentiating effect on broiler chickens’ immunity challenged with E. coli. One hundred and twenty broiler chicks were separated into eight equal groups in an in vitro experiment (15 birds for each group). A negative control group was the first group. There were 3 groupings...

Sherif Abdelghany1, Hossam Mahrous Ebeid2*, Ahmed Abdelkader Aboamer2, Mohamed Ali Radwan1, Rania Agamy1 

...g/dl, respectively). The cost of producing one kg of milk was higher (P < 0.05) on the Newly Reclaimed district. Collected data through survey and lab analysis for milk (Fat: protein ratio and MUN) and feeds samples could help to set new and practical standards that fit small-scale farms at the districts level as well as adapt commercialized diagnostic tools for feeding practices in rural areas.

Keywords | Rural Regions, Dairy Farms, Feeding Practic...

Muhammad A. Ahmad1, Shabbir Hussain2*, Humera A. Awan3, Muhammad Riaz4 and Muhammad Saeed1

...ion reduces the economic cost of the farmer and also increases the nutritional value of wheat crop.


Kamel Etman Ibrahim Etman*, Salah Kamal Sayed, Farouk Amin El-Sayed, Abd-Alghany Hasaneen Ghoniem, Mostafa Mohamed El-Nahrawy, Mona Ahmed Alsayed Farag 

...CP per kg gain. The feed cost per kg weight gain recorded 28.874, 27.899 and 26.815 LE with animals fed ration A, B and C, respectively. So, the improvement of economical efficiencies were found and recorded 3.46 and 7.76 % with animals fed ration B and C , respectively. Using probiotics bacteria and fibrolytic enzyme in rations of fattening buffalo calves tended to improve nutrient digestibility coefficients, feeding values and increase LBW gain. Moreover, t...

Mochamad Rizal Umami1, Zainuri*2, Sebastiana Viphindrartin2 and Rafael Purtomo Somaji2 its lower transaction costs. The proposition (substantive theory) produced in this study states that in conditions of sugarcane commodities facing a captive market, the market mechanism is more efficient than the contractual mechanism. Furthermore, this study found that the development of accelerative information technology during the COVID-19 pandemic (social media) has destroyed social capital between sugarcane farmers and partners (sugar factories) due t...

Ilhama G. Kerimova1*, Viktor A.Krivokhatsky2, Merve N. Aydemir3 and Lala N. Mamedova4

Mohamed M. Bahr1, Mohamed S. Amer1*, Khaled Abo-EL-Sooud2, Shaimaa M. Kamel3, Marwa A. Fouly4, Ahmed N. Abdallah5, Ashraf A. Shamaa1, Omar S. El-Tookhy1 

...regulatory concerns, and cost, EVs are superior to corneal transplantation and live stem cell therapy.

Keywords | Mesenchymal-stem-cell, Xeno-Exosomes, corneal-ulcer, histopathology, corneal-transplantation, AS-OCT, New-Zealand-rabbits, paracrine-signaling. 


Quang Minh Dinh1*, Tran Thi Huyen Lam2,3, Y Thi Nha Nguyen4, Thanh Minh Nguyen1 and Tien Thi Kieu Nguyen5

Farwa Batool1*, Riaz ur Rehman1, Samia Ikram2 and Maham Zahara3

...plant production and low-cost growing substrate is critical factor in nursery business profitability. The soil substrates must be non-toxic, environmental friendly, highly sustainable and good in nutrients capacity for better plant growth and economical plant production. The agriculture waste is a good option for soil substrate source in nursery plants production. The present research is focusing on the utilization of agriculture waste with different proportio...

F. Shahina†, K.A. Tabassum and M.A. Habib*

...urbed agro-ecosystem and costs over US$ 195 million per year to
the nation in terms of environmental and social costs. Pathogenicity and efficacy trials of indigenous
entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) isolates have positive results. Four EPN isolates viz., Steinernema
pakistanense, S. asiaticum, S. feltiae and Heterorhabditis indica were assessed for their infectivity against the

Muhammad Iqbal Anjum*, Shahbaz Javaid, Agha Waqar Yunus, Faisal Ashfaq and Javed Iqbal

... better in terms of feed cost per kg gain in buffalo calves compared to other rations used in this study.

Aulia Evi Susanti1*, Rudy Priyanto2, Muladno2, Dewi Apri Astuti3, Lucia Cyrilla2
...tality rates, production costs and income. A business feasibility analysis is calculated by the value of net present value (NPV), benefit/cost (B/C ratio), and internal rate of return (IRR). Vensim software and powersim studio version 10 were used to compile causal loop (CLD) and flow chart diagrams, followed by dynamic system analysis. Based on the simulation results, the existing production model has not been declared feas...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel4, Abdelwahab M. Abdelwahab1,5
...d the profit margin, the cost benefit ratio and the return on investment per bird, recording the highest economic efficiency when employing 12% BSFL in the layer diets. Our results conclude that each 3% of the soybean meal in the laying hen’s diet can be replaced by 1% of the BSFL meal to achieve favorable outcomes on the performance, the physiological mechanisms, and the economic profits of egg production.
Keywords | Herme...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Mohammad A. Al-Mahaish4, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel5
... decrease in the protein cost of the diet and a linear increase in birds’ total revenue and profit margin in response to increasing MWM levels in the broiler diet. However, MWM linearly (p < 0.05) decreased the cost-benefit-ratio (CBR) and the return-on-investment outcomes (RoI) due to the restrictive production and the high prices of MWM in the global market. In conclusion, the dietary inclusion of MWM as a replace...
Magda A. Eldomiaty1,2, Manal E. Elsawaf2, Soad S. Ali3, Heba El-Sayed Mostafa4,5*
...tion, estimation of corticosterone level was conducted, and samples of adrenal gland were examined for structural changes by light and Electron microscope, and for immunohistochemical expression. Rats from group III showed statistically increased corticosterone level and increased cortical thickness compared to other groups. Voluntary exercise improved these measures in rats of group IV. Histological disorganization of corti...

Hasina Basharat1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Aziz Ahmed2, Rehana Kausar2 and Shamim Akhter1 level, yet based upon cost benefit analysis, feeding at 4% rate was considered best. The economic profitability for the culture of African catfish in earthen ponds showed that net profit is increased on increasing feeding level from 2 to 4% of wet fish body weight, however, upon further increase in feeding level from 6 and 8%, the feed cost was increased that decreased the net profit. So, it was concluded that the feeding...
Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1*, Iqra Javed1, Muhammad Irfan2*, Shaukat Ali3, Muhammad Khan1, Farah Rauf Shakoori1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1 and Muhammad Abrar Yousaf1 reduce its production cost. The maximum tannase production was obtained with 60% initial substrate moisture contents, tap water as enzyme extraction medium with 2 mL volume, 45°C incubation temperature, pH 7, 300 µL inoculum size, 24 h incubation period in agitated condition with substrate particle size of 4mm during one factor at a time optimization. Concentrations of medium components (3.75% tannic acid, 0.75% K2HPO4 and 1.25% yeast extract) wer...

Ghulam Jelani1, Muhammad Haris Raza Farhan2, Rida Asrar3, Muhammad Ahmad1,4*, Chanda Naseem5, Zafar Ali Khoso6, Majid Hussain Soomro7* 

...ultry are the sum of the costliest problem plaguing today in the poultry industry due to high morbidity and mortality. Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) had a high prevalence rate in the last decade and thus established itself as a disease of the major economic importance of the poultry industry. The eradication of this contagious disease remains a challenge to the poultry industry that can be transmitted from infected birds to healthy ones by respiratory rout...

Saleem Hussain1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Tauqir Anwar1, Talha Nazir2*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3, Zohaib Asad2,4, Muhammad Adnan3 and Tajwar Alam5

...y quickly biodegradable, cost-effective, less persistent and exhibit low mammalian toxicity than synthetic pesticides. This study assessed the toxicity potential of seven local plant species (i.e. parthenium Parthenium hysterophorus L., eucalyptus Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., milkweed Calotropis gigantean (L.) Dryand., bakain Melia azedarach L., neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss., tobacco Nicotiana tabacum L. and thorn apple Datura stramonium L.) against whe...


...ining attention. Further cost reliance of these microbes to produce single cell oils (SCOs) could be reduced by using lignocellulosic waste (LCW) biomass produced in millions of metric tons annually all over the world covering 60% of annual crop produced. This review presents the yeasts SCO production from LCW, and its favorability towards commercialization in developing countries like Pakistan, which is eighth largest country among GDP sector for farm product...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Ziaul Islam2, Assar Ali Shah3 and Saad Ullah1

...hases 1, 2, and 3) while cost-benefit ratio during phase-1 and 2 were recorded significantly higher for the control group than all other treatment groups.It is concluded that the effect of different levels of soy hulls in diet did not affect egg weight and egg quality parameters during different phases but economic parameters were significantly higher (P<0.05) amount in the control group than all soybean hull treatment groups. Among soybean hulls groups, 3%...

Riko Noviadi, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri, Gusma Gama Maradon*, Agung Adi Candra, Nani Irwani, Gadis Apriani, Made Guntur Candra Adinata, I Made Krisnanda burdensome production costs. The Maggot Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) can be utilized as protein source feed ingredients. We aimed to analyze the implications of maggot black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) flour with various processing techniques in broiler rations. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications, each replication consisting of 5 broilers. We designed four treatments, P1 = Sundried for 2 da...
Riaz Muhammad1*, Aamer Sharif2 and Muftooh ur Rehman Siddiqi³
...because of its low head, cost-effectiveness, environmentally friendly and minimal installation and setup time. In the present study, the performance of single-stage gravitational water vortex turbine assembled in a conical basin with curved blade has been analyzed at different head and flow rate to investigate the performance parameters such as vortex formation, vortex height and rotational speed. In addition to that, the influence of vortex formation, vortex ...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Asif1, Amjed Ali1, Ahsan Aziz1, Naeem Akhtar2, Muhammad Shahid Gulrez1 and Waqas Raza3*

...(Rs. 706765) and benefit cost ratio (3.47), and therefore recommend this a feasible production technology for canola.


Mostafa Mohamed Attia Hammam, Moawad Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed* and Mahfouz Mohamed Mostafa Abd-Elgawad

...olds, the study compares costs of a biological versus a chemical nematicide for M. arenaria control on faba bean. Meloidogyne arenaria was not detected at pre-planting soil samples of two consecutive field seasons. However, the potential of field weeds as hosts/reservoirs for M. arenaria to transfer from weeds and build-up on ‘Giza 843’ faba bean roots was apparent at harvest. Significant relations were established between the M. arenaria populatio...

Usama Saleem1, Muhammad Asrar1*, Dilbar Hussain2, Saddam Hussain1, Abdul Ghaffar2, Hassan Usman1, Muhammad Imran1, Mubshar Saleem3 and Maryam Hamid1

... that botanicals provide cost-effective and ecologically friendly alternatives to wheat aphid control and that they should be incorporated into an integrated management approach.


A. S. Gamal El din1; Sohair I. El-Afifi2; A. S. Sadik2; Nashwa M. A. Abd El Mohsen1; and H. M. Abdelmaksoud1

Muhammad Ismail1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,2, Zarina Qasim3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*

...y, percent sex ratio and cost-benefit ratio were recorded. Results showed that when all of the components were used together (T4), fruit damage was significantly reduced remained 0.32 to 0.49% in both years. In addition, T5 (control) plots where no IPM treatments were applied showed highest number of infected fruits (3.06 to 4.59%) in both years. Moreover cost-benefit ratio was lowest for the combined treatment (T4) during b...

Keatisak Soisuwan1, Hatairat Plaimast2, Atichat Thongnum3, Soranot Chotnipat4, Manatsanun Nopparatmaitree4* 

... on investment, and feed cost per gain compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Likewise, supplementation of natural multiple enzyme had no effect on the viscosity of the duodenal content and cecal microbial population, of broilers (P > 0.05). In addition, dietary treatments had no significant changes on carcass composition and meat quality (P > 0.05). Inclusion of 100 g/ton feed of natural multi-enzymes supplementation (top up feeding) of broiler ch...

Xiaowei Huang1, Chao Ma1, He Lin1, Yuchen Wang1, Yan Xu1, Guangfu Lv2* and Zhe Lin1*

... hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT) in serum were detected. Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining was used to observe the hippocampal histomorphological changes. The protein levels of glucocorticoid receptor (GR), mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), trosine kinase B (TrkB) and cyclic adenosine monophosphatec response element binding protein (CREB) in hippocampus were detected by western blotting. The results show...

Muhammad Hasnain1, Qudsia Nazir2, Ifra Saleem2*, Syed Shahid Hussain Shah1, Muhammad Asif Ali1 and Noor ul Ain3

...ion is an effective, low-cost in grains of staple food like rice and wheat and possible choice to reduce/decrease the Zn deficiency among humans of poor world. Around the globe main/basic reasons of Zn deficiency are intensive agriculture and ignorance to micronutrient fertilization. Soils with less organic matter (OM), high in pH and calcareousness contribute in Zn deficiency. Moreover, efficiency of zinc (Zn) in soils is usually very little due to fixation o...

Abid Hussain1*, Hassnain Shah1, Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal2 and Tariq Sultan3

... by ten percent. Benefit cost ratio of micronutrients use for citrus orchards was 5.71. Use of micronutrients for off-season vegetables resulted into even better gains; increased productivity of chili pepper, cucumber, bottle gourd and bell papers by 31.9, 40.6, 29.9 and 11.1 percent; with benefit cost ratios of 28.1, 17.4, 15.0 and 11.4, respectively. Similarly, application of Biozote for wheat production increased the prod...

Edwin Ormachea V1,2*, Bilo Calsin C1,2, Eyner Aguilar S3, Buenaventura Ormachea V4, Henry Gonzales C1, Yecenia M. Masias G5

...r; Thoracic perimeter; Bicostal diameter; Sternal dorsal diameter; Rump width; Rump length; Height at the rump; Leg perimeter; Height at hock; Metacarpus perimeter and Metatarsus perimeter. Data were processed using R statistical software. The correlation of the main morphological characteristics were significant and high. Age significantly influences morphological characteristics, showing high correlations between characters. Two principal components were obt...

Indira Jurinskaya1*, Tynyshtyk Kenzhebaeva2, Kairat Iskakov3, Bekzat Niyazbekov1 

... breeds and reducing the cost of manual labor in the technology for obtaining down. The research was carried out at the “Aiganym” farm of the Zhambyl district on one-year-old goats of the Kazakh coarse-haired and Gorno-Altai downy breeds as well as their crossbreeds. Animal groups were formed according to the principle of analogue groups, taking into account age and live weight. Animals downy breed were more than 2.5 times higher than the animals o...

Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

...cidences of diseases and costs associated with their control. This study aimed to assess the biosecurity practices adopted by broiler farmers in the Pwani region, Tanzania. A structured questionnaire was administered to 78 broiler farmers complemented with on-site observations. Data collected were related to the socio-demographic characteristics, the structure of broiler farms, the level of biosecurity in the farms as well as the constraints related to levels ...

Zahra Abdulameer Al-Zayadi1, Hana Kadum Shanan1, Al Salihi Karima Akool2

...rbal medicine, Saussurea costus root extract

Aditya Chowdhury Avi1,4*, Md Tariqul Islam1,4, Md Saiful Bari2,4, Rebeka Sultana Swapna Khandoker3, Goutam Buddha Das1 

...d decreasing the rearing cost of broilers by feeding a commercial broiler-feed. A total of 120 unsexed commercial broilers (Ross-308) were randomly assigned to four treatment groups that contained 1%, 2%, and 3% FO in regular drinking water, as well as a control group. All of the birds were given enough commercial broiler-feed and water. The performance gained by broilers after 30 days of rearing from all supplemented groups complied with the standards. Observ...

Sarwat Yousuf1, Shaista Emad2 , Mohammad Misbah ur Rehman3, Zehra Batool4, Sara Qadeer5, Yousra Sarfaraz1, Sheeza Sheikh1, Sana Sadaf6 and Tahira Perveen1,*

...nced whereas plasma corticosterone levels were significantly decreased following the administration of a low dose of lemon peel oil. However, rats administered with higher doses of lemon peel oil that act as prooxidants showed depression and anxiety-like effects, and impaired muscular strength. Altered brain antioxidant enzyme activity and elevated corticosterone in plasma were also observed in rats treated with a high dose ...

Abdulaziz A. Alaqil*

...atens egg production and costs the poultry business significantly in lost revenue. This investigation was carried out to determine the beneficial effects of dietary Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA) on laying hens exposed to endotoxic shock induced by intravenously injection of lipopolysaccharides (LPS). A total of one hundred twenty, 40-week-old, laying hens from the Hy-line breed were allocated at random into four groups of 30 hens each. For eight consecutive w...

Fuji Astuty Auza1*, Sri Purwanti2, Jasmal A. Syamsu2, Asmuddin Natsir2, Rusli Badaruddin1, Deki Zulkarnain1, La Ode Muh. Munadi1 

...often limited, and their cost is typically high. Therefore, this study aims to develop a ration formulation using black soldier fly (BSF) larvae flour to reduce the use of fish flour and improve performance, carcass quality, and nutrient digestibility of village chicken. A total of 140 one-day-old chicks (DOC) were randomly assigned to one of five treatments in a completely randomized design, with four replicates per treatment. The treatments included P0 = 0% ...

Saqib Ali Rustam1, Shoaib Sultan Afridi2, Muhammad Inamullah Malik1*, Shakeeb Ullah1, Syed Muhammad Kamal Shah1, Faiqah Ramzan1, Arsalan Khan3, Israr ud Din3, Wasimullah3, Hafiz Ahmad Raza4

.... The highest net return cost was highest for group A (RS 13575 ± 0.1220) while for the group D was lowest (RS 12804 ± 0.712). The profitability of other 3 groups was less as compare to group A which was about RS 1575 ± 0.1240. Results indicated that 4% urea treated sugar beet pulp has excellent effect for weight gain of lambs. 
Novelty Statement | D.I.Khan is an agriculture ...

Muhammad Adeel Farooq1, Shaukat Ali1*, Ali Hassan1, Rida Sulayman1, Muhammad Ahsan Kaleem2, Hafsa Shahzad1, Muhammad Summer1, Arooj Latif1, Tahreem Tanveer1

... wild strains. To reduce costs, less expensive agro-wastes were used, such as soybean meal, wheat bran, apple peels, rice husk, and cucumber peels. The mutant strains of Bacillus subtilis (BSAA-5 to BSAA-40) and Bacillus licheniformis (BLAA-5 to BLAA-40) were prepared by exposure to UV radiation for 5 to 40 min to synthesize α-amylase via submerged fermentation. Then the crude α-amylase synthesized by these mutant strains was optimized and partiall...
Chen Gu1,2, Ze-Dong Xu1, Lin Chen1, Ming-Hui Gu1, Sheng-Mei Yang1, Ai-Qing Wang1, Bao-Fa Yin1* and Wan-Hong Wei1,2,3*
...rmone (ACTH), serum corticosterone (CORT), and hypothalamic c-fos mRNA, compared to RO and DW offspring. When exposed to rabbit odor, male RO offspring showed more alerting behaviors than females, while male CO offspring showed more exploring behaviors than females. CO offspring exposed to rabbit odor exhibited higher levels of serum ACTH, serum CORT, and c-fos mRNA than those in RO and DW offspring. Our findings indicate that maternal stress induced by predat...

Irtaza Hussain1, Muti ur Rehman Khan1*, Asim Aslam1, Masood Rabbani2 and Ahsan Anjum1

...chnique is sensitive and cost-effective for detecting disease in large no of animals. For this purpose, serum samples from 350 goats and 91 sheep were collected on the 20th day post-infection for detection of antibodies, and essential information related to potential risk factors was collected through a questionnaire from fourteen districts of Punjab, Pakistan. Serologically positive samples were processed through PCR for confirmation using scab samples by ide...

Sajid Ali1, Ghulam Abbas1, Shahnaz Rashid1, Asma Fatima1*, Abdul Malik1, Dilawer Ali1, Muneer Hussain Bijoro1, Ushra Batool Hashmi1, Rumaisa Abdul Rahim1, Shahid Hussain2, Kashif Ali3, Jabbar Memon4 and Javeria Khourshid1

...d used as an alternative cost-effective source of fishmeal in the fish diet.


Muhammad Hussain1, Yasir Ali2*, Baber Iqbal1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal1, Salman Ahmad3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed4, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif2, Muhammad Saeed1 and Muhammad Jawad Yousaf1

...educe disease management costs and to increase crop sustainability. For this purpose, screening of 42 different wheat varieties and advanced lines was conducted at the Research area of Plant Pathology Research Institute, Ayub Agriculture Research Institute Faisalabad, during 3rd week of November 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 crop seasons. To monitor the changes of rust virulence pattern in the region, a set of rust trap nurseries consisting of 21 stripe (Yr) and 36 ...

Kandiah Pakeerathan*, Konesalingam Jeyavithuyan, Aruchchunan Nirosha and Gunasingham Mikunthan

... be new eco-friendly low-cost approaches to manage soil-borne diseases as well as properly manage organic wastes into super compost.

Sami Ullah1, Choudary Ihtasham Ali1, Umar Ijaz Ahmed1*, Shoaib Nasir1 and Amjad Masood2
...oup. As vegetable oil is costly as compared to ghee, consuming healthier food, price is an essential criterion for low-income consumers. Based on the findings, the availability of good quality vegetable oil to the masses requires time which can be ensured by enhancing local vegetable oil production and market competitive prices.


Nadeem Akmal1, Abid Hussain1*, Muhammad Yousaf2, Waqar Akhtar1 and Hassnain Shah1

...techniques revealed that costs of raising the nursery and its transplanting through mechanical method are higher than conventional sowing method by 13.55 percent and 2.33 percent, in case of Basmati Super and Basmati-386, respectively. While, all other cost items of the crop production are more or less the same across both methods. Thus, it is reaffirmed that mechanical transplanting of rice (MTR) is labour saving, and more ...

Khwaja Junaid and Shah Alam Khan

...s considered as safe and cost-effective method for the control of (RLF). Keeping in view the importance of the pest and economic value of the crop this experiment is designed to screen thirty five genotypes for resistance against rice leaf folder. These genotypes were evaluated for resistance against RLF in green house in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Agriculture University Peshawar, by following the method of Heinrichs et al. (1985). In our f...

Kusuma Adhianto*, Mika Tania Sidabutar, Liman, Arif Qisthon 



Bilal Ahmed Shah1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Masood Rabbani2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Asad Ali2, Muhammad Awais1, Sohail Ahmad3 and Shahan Azeem2*

...y;">Mastitis is the most costly disease of dairy cattle and poses colossal economic losses to the farming community worldwide. The role of vaccination in controlling mastitis is of paramount importance and significantly reduces the use of antimicrobial agents. This study aimed at preparing and evaluating inactivated polyvalent mastitis vaccines containing bovine origin Staphylococcus aureus (tst), Streptococcus uberis (cpn-60 targeted STUB), and Escherichia co...

Azam Khurshid1*, Jawad Sarwar1, Kamran Sohail1, Hafiz Muhammad Faisal Ayub2, Farooq Muhammad1, Fida Muhammad Khan3 and Adnan Ihsan1


... and D-dimers can make a cost effective trio for an earliest detection of COVID-19-associated coagulopathy (CAC). Regular monitoring of these biomarkers can prompt early detection and timely management of CAC.


Muhammad Umar Farooq1, Kashif Ishaq1*, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal1, Tanveer Ahmad1, Jamil Akbar1, Asim Fraz2, Sara Naeem1 and Aansa Latif1 T2 and T3. Total feed cost was also significantly (P<0.05) lower in T1 (Rs. 1938). Serum glucose was also higher (P=0.04) in group T1 (63.11 mg/dl) and least in T3 (55.97 mg/dl). This is also confirming the physiological modification in feed restricted animals that are responsible for compensatory growth. It is concluded that the growth performance of Beetal male kids can be improved by giving them restricted feeding @2% BW followed by re-alimentation wh...

Romedi Çelik

...crest (upright feathers) costume structure, which was at the back of the head, starting from the end of the neck and extending from ear to ear. Among the gender groups from the measurements obtained in this study; wing length, wingspan, tail length and head width (P < 0.001); shank length and head length (P < 0.01). Differences in beak length and beak width were also significant (P < 0.05). Moreover, the differences in beak length and beak width were ...
Fariha Javaid1*, Zahoor Qadir Samra1, Madeeha Shahzad Lodhi1,2, Aroosha Hussain1 and Gulnaz Pervaiz1
...olation and purification cost of the enzyme is highest, so there is a need to develop cost-effective purification methods. This research work aims to purify BRM by using magnetic nanoparticles. After purification, BRM enzyme was characterized and utilized in the detergent industry due to its stability at a wide range of pH and temperature; results showed that stem BRM has the highest enzyme activity at 23.5 U/ml as compared ...
Nighat Nisar*, Hasina Maham Qadri, Asad Afridi, Muhammad Sami Khan, Muhammad Abdullah Khan
...frequency, waiting time, cost, ambience, attitude of cafeteria staff, and cleanliness after taking informed consent. The study findings revealed that majority of students reported high cost of meals in the cafeteria as compared to the local market. The food items such as snacks and cold drinks were found expensive as compared to local market. About half of the study participants reported that the cos...

Sona Salem El-Nwehy1*, Assem Abbas Mohammed El-Naggar2 and Adel Badr El-Nasharty1

...xpensive and raising the cost of production; these considerations, taken together, stimulate the use of bio-fertilizers. This study’s objective was to assess how a biofertilizer EM1 (effective microorganisms) combined with varied rates of the recommended NPK mineral fertilization would affect vegetative growth, flower yield, quality, chemical constituents, and reduce mineral fertilization of NPK on Gladiolus hybrida cv. “Rose Supreme”. A pot ...

Imtiaz Khan1*, Abdullah1, Muhammad Ibrahim1, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan1, Saima Hashim1, Shomayela Afzal2 and Khalid Nawab3 

...grain yield (kgha-1) and cost benefit ratio (%).The data analysis revealed that the herbicide Pendimethalin showed the lowest A. tenuifolius Cav. density (6.10 m-2), fresh weight (1.30 kgm-2) and dry weight (0.43 kgm-2) , while the control plots had the highest density, fresh weight and dry weight of A. tenuifolius Cav. Data regarding chickpea parameters, Pendimethalin showed the maximum plant height (46.66 cm), number of nodes (32.33 plant-1), number of branc...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Muhammad Waryam Warraich1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Fakhar Mujeeb3, Muhammad Zeeshan Maznoor1, Aneela Riaz4 and Sarfraz Hussain2

...assium (K) fertilizer is costly in Pakistan and K from soil is depleting with intensive cropping which made it necessary to find out innovative ways to conserve native K in soil. Following study was carried out to possibly find a way to overcome bioavailable potassium losses and to access the efficacy of carbon sequestering fertilizers in this regard using wheat as a test crop under aridisols. Different carbon sequestering fertilizers (CSFs) i.e., press mud, c...

Sabi Ur Rehman1*, Laiba Arshad1, Saman Ali1, Shazma Massey2, Safeer Khan3, Abdul Samad4 and Fazal-Ur-Rehman5

... is the eco-friendly and cost-efficient production of metal nanoparticles utilizing botanical extracts. Silver nanoparticles are particularly noteworthy due to their potent antibacterial properties and relevance in nanomedicine. This study presents a green synthesis method using Sarcococca saligna leaf extracts to successfully produce both silver and gold nanoparticles. The formation and stability of the nanoparticles were verified through a change in physical...

Siswanto Imam Santoso*, Agus Setiadi, Maulina Syafa’ati Ningrum 

...e formula for production costs, total revenue, and profitability, BEP, payback period (PP), and R/C ratio. The statistical analysis used was the normality test and the one-sample t-test. The results of this study show that the broiler farm business in Kaliwungu District, Kudus Regency is profitable, with strata I being more profitable than strata II. There is no difference in the results of the one-sample t-test at the stratum II level, and for stratum I, ther...
Mahmoud M. Bayoumi a more efficient and cost-effective approach that can be tailored to specific viral strains. Moreover, mRNA-based vaccines offer several advantages over conventional or molecular-based vaccine types. The mRNA vaccine only encodes the target viral protein, with no infection hazard or even nucleic acid integration. Furthermore, mRNA vaccines can stimulate both specific cellular and humoral immunity in a short time scale to combat a life-threatening or emergi...
Morcos Ibrahim Yanni1* and Eid Elsaid Abdelaziz2
...als and control strategy costs. Due to Egypt’s privileged location and friction with neighboring countries and far countries from Europe and Asia throughout the ages, the current research goal is to evaluate the extent of their influence on nucleotide and amino acids variation of rabies virus isolates from the brain tissues of three dogs from 2017 to 2019 at the genetic level of the N and P genes from three governorates of Delta region in Egypt with earl...

Zhimin Wu1,2, Yaping Yang1, Arshad Zahoor1, Aftab Shaukat1 and Ganzhen Deng1,2*

...rno-diaphragmatic angle, costophrenic angle (left), costophrenic angle (right) to identify whether pulmonary disordered. Meanwhile this method also introduced the indexes of thorax, such as height, width and their ratio which were measured and/or calculated for further normalizing the differential indexes. Healthy pulmonary radiographies (n=76) were selected to scale the normal parameter threshold, and patients with respirat...

Abdul Aziz1,2, Hamad Bin Rashid1*, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Asim Khalid Mahmood1, Ayesha Hassan1, Hamid Akbar1, Sadaf Imran1, Naveed Hussain1, Muhammad Umar1, Muhammad Asif1, Sajjad Javaid1 and Mamoona Chaudhry3 time. Hence, it is a cost effective and alternate procedure for developing countries like Pakistan.


Sahar A. Youssef I and A. A. Shalaby 

...d saves time and reagent costs compared with rnonospecific RT-PCR needs several reactions for the sarne number of tests. Using this method, jnany samples can be simultaneously analyzed and it can be used routinely för sanitary and cettification prograrnmes.

Makmun1, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid2, Muhammad Saleh S. Ali2*, Muhammad Yamin Saud2, Rahmadanih3

...pacted by changes in the cost of inputs and outputs because they have access to independent input suppliers and market networks that support productive and efficient business methods.
Keywords | Actor, Actor relation, Egg production, Laying chicken, Blitar regency

Zurmiati1*, Ade Trisna2, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli1, Yelsi Listiana Dewi3, Ulvi Fitri Handayani4, Wizna1 

...0% of poultry production costs come from feed costs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Bacillus subtilis FNCC 0059 administration as a probiotic on growing male Bayang duck performance. A randomized design was used in this study. The probiotic Bacillus subtilis FNCC 0059 was included in drinking water of male Bayang ducks at different doses (0, 76x106, 69x108, 65x1010, 53x1012 CFU/ml), and each of th...

Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain2, Ishtiaq Hassan3, Muhammad Tahir Latif2, Tahira Tabassum1 and Naeem Faisal2 seedling age. Benefit cost ratio (BCR) and net returns were substantially improved by 72 hours puddled soil settling period and 25 days seedling age. In conclusion, 72 hours puddled soil settling period and 25 days seedling age improved the yield and economic returns by decreasing missing hills; hence could be employed to enhance yield and economic benefits of MTR.


Farid S. Nassar1,2, Osama A. El-Sayed3, Saidi Ouassaf4, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2* 

...s increased, plasma corticosterone (CORT) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels as stress markers in broilers reduced significantly (p < 0.05). On the other hand, adding FS to broiler diets considerably (p < 0.05) improved both the humoral and cellular immunity, as determined by the antibody (AB) titers and the phytohemagglutinin-wattle reaction (PHA-WR), respectively. It was observed that most of these measures showed a linear trend response to the rise in F...

Riaz Hussain1, Adnan Ihsan2*, Jawad Sarwar2, Nauman Ahmad2, Noor Ullah2, Arbab Luqman2, Muhammad Junaid2 and Hizer Ali2 

...ield (1556.38 kg/ha) and cost benefit ratio (1:9) was observed in Flonicamid 50WG (0.3g/l) treated plots. From the above study, it is concluded that all the insecticides reduce the population whitefly and increases net production of the crop. But chemical insecticide Flonicamid 50WG (0.3g/l) is recommended against various sucking insect pests.


Muhammad Tahir Latif1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Ali Zohaib2 and Ishtiaq Hassan3

...ation time (7.69%), seed cost (14%), fertilizer cost (10.81%), and fuel cost (58.33%) with the constrained requirement of higher hp tractor (preferably 85 hp) for sowing operation. An increased wheat yield (13.11%) was estimated with SS (3450 kg ha-1) as compared to CT (3050 kg ha-1) in rice-wheat cropping system. The more net returns (36.15%) were calculated by SS with higher benefit

Makruf Arif1*, Claude Mona Airin1, Dwi Sunu Datrianto2, Vincentia Trisna Yoelinda1, Sarmin1, Yuda Heru Fibrianto1, Pudji Astuti1

...g measured by their corticosterone levels. Since the data about Stone Magpie testosterone and corticosterone levels during songbird competition remains unreported, this study aims to investigate testosterone and corticosterone hormone levels in Stone Magpies before and after the songbird contest. Fecal samples were collected from twelve birds, distinguishing between amateur and experienced...

Wael Halawa1, Raed M. Al-Atiyat2*, Jamal Abo Omar1, Faisal S. Rashaydeh3, Fath Ullah4, Shakirullah5 and Berkant Ismail Yildiz6

...ingle lambs. Significant cost effects (P<0.05) were observed by feeding milk replacer in suckling lambs. The cost of milk per lamb was reduced from 120 to 40 USD. It was determined that feeding milk replacers to nursing lambs will result in significant cost reductions. However, these reductions were expected from the savings in milk expenses and the significant decrease in lambs’ ...

Ruth Dameria Haloho1*, Jisril Palayukan1, Agus Setiadi2, Edy Rianto2, Nadlirotun Luthfi3

...ofit (P<0.05). Forage cost and capital were the main production factors affecting the profit of the buffalo farming business (P<0.05). It is concluded that buffalo farming to fulfil the “Rambu Solo” traditional Ceremonial needed was profitable and feasible to run.
Keywords | Buffalo, Business, Feasibility, Factors, Production

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1 and Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito2

...e net return and benefit-cost ratio from taluka Kandiaro in PKR, was calculated at net profit Rs; (228998/ha), (1.70), in pesticide applied module and (197065/ha), (2.74), non-pesticide module with net income followed by Mehrabpur, (213366/ha), (1.54), (186080/ha), (2.54), Bhiria, (194077/ha), (1.32), (176972/ha), (2.40), Naushahro Feroze, (164287/ha), (1.17), (135057/ha), (1.60), and Moro (134452/ha), (0.99), (99789/ha), (1.21), respectively. In this region, ...

Eluzia A. Barus*, Khansa N. Salsabilah, Achmad Firman, Linda Herlina

...average total production cost per period for a year was Rp. 2,342,573,664. The average revenue per production period was Rp. 2,429,151,070, so the average revenue obtained per production period was Rp. 87,170,606 with profitability at 3.31%. The average BEP obtained unit was 101,590.53 kg, and the BEP price in rupiah was Rp. 2,187,762,256. The SWOT analysis results show that Camara Farm’s business development strategies should focus on building expansion...

Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

...mers, flocks, production costs and farm incomes. From this data, eight variables were selected and subjected to a principal component analysis (PCA), enabling three groups of farmers to be distinguished. The productivity of each group was assessed based on the economic information collected from the farmers. Overall, the results showed that the number of birds per flock was less than 1000 on farms ranging in size from 81.2 to 206.3m2. Farmers used more family ...


...pplications but its high cost hindered its use. Development of low-cost biotechnological process for laccase production has gained great attention. Present study is concerned with the enhanced production of laccase by Aspergillus flavus Maf 0139. Five different cultural media were tested and best one was selected for laccase production. Different cultural conditions such as inoculum size, pH, temperature, incubation period, ...


...pods (cirripediae 2, malacostraca 7) & 3 echinoderms (stelleroids 3). The Highest diversity was found during the mid & high tidal zones. Diversity & distribution configurations were found to be linked with topography & prevailing environmental conditions.



...tudy, we have proposed a cost-effective and convenient tree plantation-monitoring mechanism, which can be replicated over any plantation sites at diverse landscapes.



...tioners recommended corticosteroids for asthma symptoms persistence. Majority of practitioners were not well aware of the treatment options in spite of preventive therapy (prescription for long-acting β-2 agonists was 8%, inhaled corticosteroid was 6% and theophyllines 13%). In Lahore, practitioners did not follow guidelines regarding the management of asthma. There was found misconceptions regarding diet restriction. D...

 Muhammad Sultan1,4, Muhammad H. Mahmood2,4, Takahiko Miyazaki3,4, Shigeru Koyama3,4, Zahid M. Khan1


...n the development of low-cost thermally driven desiccant air-conditioning systems. It also influences various operating parameters of desiccant air-conditioning systems e.g. switching/cycle time, desiccant/system size, and regeneration temperature etc. Usually it is difficult to measure open-cycle adsorption kinetics precisely in adsorption heat pump systems. Therefore, present study provides an experimental comparison of close and open cycle based water vapor...
Aliya Irshad Sani1, Shumaila Usman2*, Zile Rubab1, Sufyan Ahmed3, Sana Iqbal3 and Zehra Ahmed4
...rcinoma (OSCC) including costimulatory molecules OX40 (Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 4, TNFSRF4) and OX40L (tumor necrosis factor superfamily, member 4; TNFSF4). They function to potentiate T cells function to accentuate anti-tumor activity. The results of OX40 and OX40L in cancer immunotherapy are still limited and most of the studies have evaluated their expression in tumor biopsies. In this study we aimed to find out gene expression of ...

Sedef Selviler Sizer1, Semih Kurt1*, Burcu Onuk1, Gokmen Zafer Pekmezci2 and Murat Kabak1

...mestid beetles being low-cost, efficient, and environmentally friendly are commonly used to prepare osteological materials in museums. This study was carried out to produce osteological material from the heads of roe deer, cows, and cats using a Dermestes maculatus (De Geer, 1774) colony and reveal the colony’s meat consumption performance in terms of time. In addition, using hydrogen peroxide solution to kill remaining beetles in the cleaned osteologica...

Muhammad Adnan Khalid1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain1*, Shafaqat Ali2,3*, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain4, Muhammad Asrar1, Nisar Ahamd5, Majid Hussain6 and Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan7

...growth is impeded by the cost of fishmeal, an optimal protein source for fish health. In this study, we examined the feasibility of various biochar supplements with Moringa oleifera seed meal (MOSM). Six iso-nitrogenous and iso-energetic diets were prepared: Control (without biochar) and diet II (parthenium biochar), diet III (farmyard manure biochar), diet IV (poultry waste biochar), diet V (vegetable waste biochar) and diet VI (corncob waste biochar). Tripli...

Khurram Nawaz Saddozai1, Muhammad Nasrullah2, Jahangir Khan3*, Syed Attaullah Shah1, Raheel Saqib4, Naheed Zahra5 and Mansoor Rasheed6 equal to the marginal cost of production in an economy. The study in hand was designed to assess the allocative efficiency of tobacco growers during 2019. Primary data was collected through face to face interview and a sample of 120 tobacco growers was selected. These growers were randomly selected from three villages namely Takar Kaly, Garo Shah, and Pasand Kaly of tehsil Takhtbai, district Mardan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Empirical findings reveal that labou...

Felix O. Takim*1, Gideon Z. Nayan2, Oluwafemi O. Osatuyi1and Israel O. Olayiwola1

...��566,435.00 and benefit cost ratio of 1.44 was relatively similar to sole sweet potato. Therefore, the above intercropping pattern established in the month of June will minimize weed infestation and improve productivity of maize and sweet potato in the southern Guinea savanna of Nigeria.

Muhammad Bilal Niaz1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Khuram Mubeen1, Mahmood Alam Khan1
and Wazir Ahmed2
...eas, the highest benefit cost ratio (1.70) was observed for plot that was
kept free from horse purslane and other weeds till 60 DAS.
Luqman1, Zahid Hussain1, Mohammad Ilyas2, Azmat Ali Awan3, Javed Rahman 2,
Mazhar Ali2 and Tamana Bakht4
as mulches, the cost of production and the environmental safety, the hand weeding and
herbicide use cannot be preferred alone for use as weed management tools. Therefore, the
herbicide use and hand weeding should be used only on casual basis or in emergency; and
the mulching methods should be adopted in the long run as mulching method is not only
good for weed control but also for maintaining the soil fe...

Nguyen Thuy Linh, Nguyen Hoang Qui*

...ry production with lower cost and better growth. By this importance, a total of seventy-two broilers from six to twelve weeks old were allotted to three treatments with 24 chickens per treatment using a completely randomized design to determine the effect of replacing fish meal (FM) by Hermetia illucens larva meal (HIM) in the diet on growth and health of broilers with three treatments of a 15% replacement of FM by HIM, a 30% of FM replacement by HIM and contr...
Noor Muhammad, Zia Mehmood, Ijaz Rasool Noorka, Abdul Ghafar, Memoona Shehzadi and Hafiz Muhammad Akram

Ali Nawaz, Qazi Bilal, Anwar Ali*, Nowsherwan Zarif, Faizan Ahmad, Asim Karim and Atif Majeed

...93,579 ha-1 with benefit cost ratio of 2.45. The land expectation value and internal rate of return were found 9570USD ha-1 and 11121USD ha-1, with an internal rate of return 52 % ha-1. The review concluded that the potential of poplar (Populus deltoides) based agroforestry system can be utilized by overcoming financial, technical, and institutional barriers for planned adaptation.


Viranga Kumudini Jayasundara¹*, Ali Khatibi², Jacqueline Tham²

...lanning and implementing cost-effective and sustainable SDP population management interventions in a area.
Keywords | Responsible dog ownership, Free-roaming dogs, Veterinary services, Abandonment

Putri Islamiati1, Muhammad Fathin Hanif2, Joko Sujiwo1,3, Adi Nugroho4, Bambang Ariyadi1*

... an attempt to save feed costs in the broiler business because it can encourage compensatory growth in broilers. This study was conducted to determine the effect of restricted feeding through the fasting method on growth performance, carcass traits, digestive organs, blood hematology, and intestinal histomorphology of broilers. A total of 240-day-old male New Lohmann broilers were randomly assigned to two treatments: ad libitum feeding (AF) and restriction fee...

Migie Handayani1*, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Jamhari Jamhari2

..., with annual production costs of about IDR 7,140,000, annual revenue of IDR 16,501,000, and annual income of IDR 9,361,000. Factors influencing goat farming income include the sale of livestock, feed costs, number of livestock, feeding management, marketing management, and adoption of feed technology. The implication of this study is an arrangement of management livestock training by the local Government and encouragement o...

Quart ul Ain1, Arfan Ahmad1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1 and Mamoona Chaudhry2

...e used preferably due to cost effectiveness and availability to combat avian influenza H9 in poultry birds.


Asad Sultan1, Ziaul Islam2*, Faiza Shahzadi3, Sarzamin Khan1, Rafiullah Khan1 and Ihsan Ali4 nitrogen losses, feed cost, and environmental pollution.

Rukhsana Kausar1, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2 and Mian Muhammad Shafiq3
Muhammad Tahir Laeeq and Muhammad Asif Aziz
...better height growth and cost effectiveness of this tube size.

Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Muhammad Yousaf Khan Syed Zakir Hussain Shah and Khalid Jan
...elief in consistency and cost of power to the citizens of the country. The new 20 million acre land brought under irrigation on utilization of the additional water stored in these reservoir will add Rs.5,000 billion per year to the GDP @ Rs.25,000 per acre average crop price. Also the annual losses sustained by the country to the tune of Rs.100 billion will be prevented and the miseries faced by the nation will be brought to an end. This tremendous revenue is...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Abid Hussain
...row through tenants. The cost for raising hurrie varied from 7000/acre/rotation (15% respondents), 10,000 (35% respondents) and 15,000 (50% respondents) and income also varied from Rs.150,000 to 160,000 / acre / rotation (41.7% respondents) and more than Rs.170,000 (58.3% respondents). Respondent farmers (66.8%) informed that Hurrie is being raised for fuel wood production, 16.6% reported for forage, fodder and minor timber production and 16.6% respondents rep...
Majid Azizi and Mohammad Modarres
...benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks (BOCR). A hierarchy is used to prioritize the BOCR themselves are prioritized using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ratings approach. A control hierarchy is then created and prioritized using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) to evaluate the control criteria of the system. There are a total of 19 control criteria in the system and each controls a decision network evaluated using the ANP. The final synthesis of th...
Abdul Hameed Khan1, Bashir Ahmed Wani2, Hakim Shah3 and Basar Ali4
...n funded the operational costs and Pakistan Forest Institute executed the task with the technical assistance of soil survey of Pakistan. On the basis of their agricultural development potential, nine land capability classes were recognized in the area. It has been estimated that in the arable part of the area about 349 hectares (20.6 %) consist of class II (good) dry-farmed land. About 469 hectares (27.6 %) of the land consist of class III land, having moderat...
Muhammad Rafique and Muhammad Afzal
...e height alongwith more cost for retaining them for longer time in the nursery. The study was designed to find out the optimum and economical age/size of Eucalyptus camaldulensis tubed nursery plants for transplanting in the field. Six different age groups of seedling were planted for this purpose. Results revealed that seedlings of three months old or less are not suitable for out-planting due to their high mortality rate. Seedlings of four an...
Mohammad Ayaz and Bashir Ahmad Wani
...n m3 (43.9%), costing about Rs.6,660 million (Ashfaque et al., 2000). The major contributors in the national wood supply were farmlands, making up the balance of 1.663 million m3 (48.8%)....
Babar Sohail and Kanwar Muhammad Suleman
...tice having high benefit cost ratio than the later. Moreover, out of total sample population, 45 percent of the farmers have sold 66,300 Eucalyptus trees earning 13.2 million rupees which is a handsome amount generated from about 55 acres during the last 8 years. More than 74 percent farmers reported negative effects of shade of Eucalyptus trees on wheat production while only 6% farmers who belonged to waterlogged areas reported positive effects of Eucalyptus ...
Kanwar Muhammad Suleman and Muhammad Ayaz
...e present study benefit cost analysis has been carried out to determine the economic feasibility of manufacturing Eucalyptus chips at the stump for export purposes. The results of this analysis showed that at present the marketing margin in export of Eucalyptus chips from Pakistan is negative because of high production cost than the price offered in the international market. Higher production
Muhammad Hafeez, Liaqat Hussain Jafri and Mohammad Rafiq
Bashir Ahmad
...benefit, knowledge about cost of production and returns from forest products is needed to make appropriate production decisions. Unfortunately, such information is totally missing about various forest trees in the Azad Jammu and Kashmir, where forests occupies about 27.1 percent of total area of 1.33 million hectares (Forestry Sector Master Plan)....
Kanwar M. Suleman and R. W. Rice
...evel of technology, wood cost, the level of integration, geographical specialization and market share. Brazil and Portugal have clear advantages over the less industrialized countries like Thailand and Pakistan in hardwood pulping. However, increasing demand for Eucalyptus market pulp on the world market will help to develop the industries of the four countries....
Fazli Subhan Khan
...However, the opportunity cost of keeping trees of Acacia nilotica and Zizyphus mauritiana are more than the value foregone for growing wheat and chick peas. A strong biological and financial competition exist between trees of Acacia and Zizyphus and agricultural crops of wheat and chick pea....
M. Ayaz
...ity of timber/hour at a cost which is about half and one fourth of the cost of work with raker-tooth and peg-tooth crosscut saws, respectively....
Iqbal Mohammad and John Sessions Prof. Dr.
... as a fixed and variable cost network problem....
K. M. Siddiqui
...e results indicate that cost benefit ratio of the plantations under the existing conditions depend upon the tree species, demand and marketability of forest produce and intensity of management practices. Generally, tree planting on the farmlands is financially favorable in all localities irrespective of tree species planted on them. On the other hand ,large block plantations on state land, with the exception of poplar plantation in Changa Manga, have l...
Abdur Rauf Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid and Naseer Ahmad 90 million kgs, which costs more than US $ 200 million on its import. To meet the growing demand for tea and to save the foreign exchange, efforts were made to produce tea locally, for this purpose, tea seed was imported from Indonesia, Srilanka and China and were sown at various locations in Murree, Azad Kashmir and Hazara. The agro-ecological conditions of the Daively in Hazara were found to be suitable for tea cultivation because of low pH (6.0...
P. H. Haydock Wilson and A. R. Beg
... in the area, and to the cost of any possible solution....
Sabah U. Randhawa and Kidon D. Olsen
...down, fixed and variable costs material flow and scheduling priorities. The resulting mathematical analysis is not computationally feasible. Computer simulation can be effectively used to accurately represent complex systems such as timber harvesting, that are affected by numerous variables. The research reported in this paper developed as simulation model for analyzing the entire logging operation (tree-to mill) in the forest products industry....
K. M. Siddiqui
...isis and resultant high cost of fossil fuels. This crisis however, compelled some development planners to find out the possibility of extended use of biofuels including wood in place of fossil fuels in the developed countries. Some efforts were also directed towards establishment of energy plantations to reduce the need for fossil fuels and improve the lot of rural poor in third world countries. In the latter case, the efforts made little impact on ...
M. Ayaz
... on the travel speed and cost of timber transportation by gattu (small truck) in Siran Forest Division, N.W.F.P. show that the average travel speed of loaded and empty gattu in the forest roads is 5.6 and 7.9 km/hour, respectively. A gattu generally carries an average load o f about 15 logs, with a volume of 6.75 m3 (239.6 cft) under bark. The cost of timber transportation is calculated as Rs. 19.91/m3...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, Saliheen Khan and R. W. Hussain
...espectively. The average cost of production per piece is Rs.46/-, Rs.36/- and Rs.14/- for hockey sticks, cricket bat and all type of rackets while the average selling price per piece is Rs.60/-, Rs.46/ and Rs.25/-. The export price for hockey stick and cricket bat is Rs.25. The export price for hockey stick and cricket bat is Rs.140/-and Rs.200/- per piece. The current annual consumption of wood for this industry is around 57,198 m3; the projected d...
M. I. Shiekh and Sultan Maqsood Khan
...ults indicating positive cost benefit ratio. These studies, conducted by Dr. S. M. Khan and his group....
M.I. Sheikh, Saliheen Khan and Raja Walayat Hussain
...t 15-20%. The production cost and the whole sale price of one gross of match boxes is Rs.16.85 and Rs.18.27 respectively. The current annual consumption of wood is around 14,662 m3. The demand for round wood for the year 1990,1995, and 2000 comes to 18,069; 20,795 and 24,202 m3 respectively....
Saliheen Khan and M. I. Sheikh
...nnually. The production cost per sq. meter is Rs.45 and the whole sale selling price is Rs. 50 leaving a very nominal profit margin of Rs. 5 per sq.m. The current annual consumption of wood is around 70,000m3; the projected demand of round-wood for the years 1990, 1995and 2000 is 107,000,144,000and 180,000m3 respectively....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, B.H. Shah and A. Aleem
...cheapest treatment as it costs about Rs.4,000 per hectare as compared to the next best treatments, polythene sheet cover and sodium carbonate spray, their expenditure being Rs. 30,000 and Rs.10,000 per hectare respectively....
Mohammad Amjad and Iqbal Mohammad has raised production costs and undermined the competitive power of the industry. High quality mulberry and willow timber is in short supply. The industry can be assisted by increasing the availability of quality timber at reasonable prices and providing subsidy on exports....

Ammar Abdulhasan Aldhalemi1, Murtadha Abdulhasan Aldhalemi2, Ali Joodi3, Qais R. Lahhob4* 

...o with a very affordable cost. To be concise, the application of ginge oil extra has highly improved the texture, taste, and the reception of the product; moreover, it has also acted well in mold inhibition. The result shows that the purpose of the study is met and it can also be helped to makes the cheese preservation and quality improvement.


Ammar Abdulhasan Aldhalemi1, Murtadha Abdulhasan Aldhalemi2, Ali Joodi3, Qais R. Lahhob4* 

...o with a very affordable cost. To be concise, the application of ginge oil extra has highly improved the texture, taste, and the reception of the product; moreover, it has also acted well in mold inhibition. The result shows that the purpose of the study is met and it can also be helped to makes the cheese preservation and quality improvement.


Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Iqbal1, Malik Muhammad Hashim2, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Mohammad Safdar Baloch3, Muhammad Sohail Khan1, Asif Latif1, Muhammad Amjad Nadim3, Muhammad Mamoon-ur-Rashid4

...weeding is very tedious, costly, time consuming and most probably non-availability of trained and skillful labor is another issue. Keeping in view these facts, an experiment was performed to evaluate the efficacy of dual gold on the weed biomass (g m-2) and on the growth and yield components of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cv. California-KWS during 2013-14 and 2014-15. The study was performed using RCBD having five treatments and three replications. The treat...

Sumaira Abdul Raouf1, Nadia Jabeen1* and Sundus Akhtar1

... food beans and a highly cost-effective crop. Allelochemicals in Trianthema portulacastrum L. (black pigweed) leaf extract decreased the V. mungo germination rate (34% to 6%), seedling length (10 cm to 3 cm), fresh biomass of seedling (2.4 g to 0.94 g) and dry biomass of seedling (1.2 g to 0.47 g). Biological agent Pseudomonas sp. (PF-097) act as bioherbicide and as plant growth promoter agent to decrease the T. portulacastrum allelopathic stress and to enhanc...

Nada Hamzah Shareef Al Shabbani1, Marwa Jamal Hussain Al Kinani2*, Tmara Qais Al-Mohammadi1 

...ocal application of corticosteroids or injection of corticosteroids to nodules but the response to treatment is less than clent and relapses are very frequent. The objective of this study was to illuminate which of these features prevail and which ones fade in scarred sites which undergo postscabietic nodule development. The time span between August 2021 to May 2022 was allowed to collect samples from patients with (1-60) ye...

Muazzam Hashmi1, Braima Pascal Komba1, Muhammad Waqas Alam Chattha2*, Almazea Fatima1, Muhammad Farooq Hyder3

...s the respective benefit-cost ratio and estimates cut-rose and gladiolus production prospects using technical efficiency. Primary data were obtained from a well-tailored questionnaire administered to 50 cut rose and 50 gladiolus small-scale farmers as respondents selected randomly from Gehlan Hithar in district Kasuther. The results from benefit-cost ratio analyses revealed that the benefit-cost

Muhammad Ramzan Ali1*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed1, Mubeen Fakhar1 and Aleem Khan1 formulated from low cost locally available feed ingredients. This feeding trial was performed on African catfish in twelve fiber glass circular tanks (2000 L water capacity) for period of 12 weeks at the stocking rate of 20 fish/ tank. The experimental design was CRD with 4 treatments having 3 replicates. Four experimental diets containing different levels of crude protein (CP: 40%, 35%, 30% and 25%) levels were prepared. The final weight of fish and weig...
Cristian Mendoza1*, Adriana Celi-Soto2, Ernesto Cañarte3 and George Cedeño-García2
...f the lowest application costs, that make it the best alternative for the integrated management of Sagalassa valida.
Wasseem Emam1, Mohamed E. Bakr2*, Marwa F. Abdel-Kader3, Mohamed M. Abdel-Rahim4, Ashraf I.G. Elhetawy4 and Radi A. Mohamed1
...s study suggest that low-cost interventions that introduce thermal gradients in aquaculture systems may hold promise for improving health and welfare status of farmed fish in developing countries.


Chukwujekwu A. Obianefo1,2*, Ngozi J. Obiekwe1, Nma O. Okoroji3, Zahoor A. Shah4, Uzochukwu V. Uchemba5 and Ebele G. Osegbue5

...erceive e-extension as a cost-effective method of extension advisory services that goes beyond the role of technology transfer to serve farm stakeholders and provide an efficient feedback mechanism. Determinants of ease of use were gender, age, educational background, work experience, household size, work motivation, and organizational support, these were significant at various levels of probability. Constraints on the use of e-extensions were rotated into thr...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Naila Chand1 and Muhammad Tahir2

...oup while the profit and cost-benefit ratio had a higher (P<0.05) value in the CON and T1 diet groups. The total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were calculated (P<0.05) higher in the CON group while all other hematological and serum biochemistry parameters were not affected and were in the normal range. It is concluded that the replacement of soybean meal in the diet of laying hens by 3% SH in combination with enzyme (β-Mannanase) at ...

Ashiq Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib1*, Sohaib ul Hassan2, Abubakar Sufyan3, Kinkpe Lionel5, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Majid Ali1, Aamir Khan4, Qudrat Ullah2 and Waqar Azeem6

...2ml/l of LE group. Total cost in the control group while the gross and net return was recorded significantly higher in the group containing 2ml/l of LE. The dressing percentage had a significantly higher value in 1.5, and 2ml/l of LE groups than in the remaining treatment groups. Mortality was recorded significantly higher in 1 ml/l of LE group as compared to all other groups. It was concluded that liquorice extract at 2ml/l water has a useful effect on growth...

Efi Rokana1, Iin Rohmatul Fatimah1, Brilian Desca Dianingtyas1, Niswatin Hasanah2, Wulandari3, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,3*, and income over feed cost (IOFC). Results indicated that feeding with different types of forage did not significantly impact dry matter intake (P>0.05) but significantly affected body weight gain, feed conversion, feed efficiency (P<0.05), and IOFC (P<0.01). The ration formula containing corn plants (T2) emerged as the optimal treatment, exhibiting average values for body weight gain, feed conversion, feed efficiency, and IOFC of 25.1 ± 4.9...
Rico Anggriawan1, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari2, Sri Hidanah3, Muhammad Anam Al-Arif4, Diyah Ayu Candra5
...rgin can cover all fixed costs, so the road remains viable.
Keywords | Broiler chicken performance, Open housed, Probiotics, CRD 

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Asmat Ullah2, Arbab Jahangeer1, Naveed Akhtar3, Tahira Tabassum3, Ali Zohaib3, Naveed Ramzan3

... with 30% higher benefit cost ratio (BCR) than control. Therefore, it is recommended that the bed tops should be covered with FYMM + WSM at the time of sowing to obtain improved growth, yield, and economic benefits in cotton cultivation under saline conditions. 

Supardi Rusdiana1, Tatan Kostaman1*, Priyono Priyono2, Diana Andrianita Kusumaningrum1, Lisa Praharani1, Yeni Widiawati1, Agustin Herliatika1, Nurul Pratiwi1, Nurul Azizah1, Paul Ade Iji3
...demic. Nevertheless, the cost of broilers among farmers has experienced a significant decline of 6.34%, while the price of broiler meat at the consumer level declined by 3.9% during the early pandemic. The crucial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indonesian broiler production included disruption in supply chains, increased production cost, reduced broiler farm productivity, decreased farmer incomes, and impeded sustainabi...

Hazrat Younas1,*, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai1, Amjad Ali1 and Rizwan Ahmad2

...h also shed light on the cost disparities between vertical and linear staking methods, with former incurring a production cost of Rs. 6,99,125/- compared to Rs. 1,84,000/- for the latter. Correspondingly, structured vertical staking led to higher profits, with Rs. 4,25,875/- compared to Rs. 1,92,000/- for linear staking, demonstrating the increased profitability of vertical staking practices. Based on the analysis, the study...

Mukondwa Olivia1, Rugare Joyful Tatenda1, Mabasa Stanford1 and Mandumbu Ronald2*

...ntified as potentially a cost effective, natural weed control method which could be exploited by smallholders who have little access to herbicides. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of sorghum and pearl millet cultivars for their allelopathic effect against several weeds. Water extracts of the stems root and leaves of twelve sorghum and pearl millet cultivars were screened for their ability to suppress germination and dry weight of b...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat, Muhammad Zeshan Maajid, Mubashar Nadeem and Amjed Ali

...a tool for employing its cost-effective management. Studies were carried out to find out competitive effect of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) on wheat at research area of College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan during winter season 2014-15. Experimental treatments included varying densities (0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 plant m-2) of Convolvulus arvensis. The weed densities were maintained by thinning the excess weed seedlings one week aft...

Huzaifa Hammad1, Bakhtiar Gul1, Haroon Khan1, Muhammad Fawad1*, Hafizullah2, Haidar Ali3 and Tamana Bakht4

...yield, harvest index and cost benefit ratio. The results showed that both the herbicides (Atrazine and Stomp 300 EC) were effective in weed control having lowest fresh weed biomass of 29.31 and 32.65 kg ha-1, respectively. Maximum biological yield (8309.7 kg ha-1) was recorded in cowpea as living mulch while minimum biological yield (5909 kg ha-1) was recorded in control treatment. Similarly, maximum grain yield (2883.3 kg ha-1) was recorded in mung-bean as li...

Suravi Akter, Md. Bipul Mondal and Md. Mahmudul Alam*

...onomic impact, treatment costs, and labour costs including extra care and feed supplied to the FMD affected cattle for recovery of body weight were included. The prevalence of FMD were 41.67% and 69.56% in young and adult cattle respectively. Indigenous and cross-bred cattle showed 53.57% and 65.38% prevalence of FMD respectively. FMD prevalence was higher in females 67.19% than males 22.22%. Among the FMD-affected cattle, t...

Abdel Fattah A. Khalaf1, Karam T. Hussein1, Shehta A. Ali2, Doaa K. Barakat2*, Mohamed I. Gad1

...nment, reduce production costs, and are unlikely to induce pesticide resistance in pests. The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the fixed oils derived from the seeds of the Croton tiglum and Simmondsia chinensis and the two ethanolic extract (Urtica dioica and Hyoscyamus muticus) on the lifespan, total protein, fat, and total body carbohydrate of Chrysoperla carnea (C. carnea). The lifespan of C. carnea was significantly reduced by all ...

Natalia Shchur1,2*, Tetiana Mazur1, Orest Katsaraba3, Ihor Halka2, Ludmila Shalimova2, Larisa Moskalenko4, Tetiana Ponomariova-Herasymiuk4, Maksym Lusta4, Vitalii Nedosekov1

...esearch process, reduced costs by 50%, and decreased laboratory workload, which will enhance the efficiency of routine Campylobacter diagnosis and identification in laboratories.
Keywords | Foodborne zoonoses of Ukraine, Campylobacter spp. isolates, Campylobacter isolation methods, CRYOBANK, Identification

Idrissi Ouedrhiri Housna1, Bikri Samir1,2*, Benloughmari Douae1, Aboussaleh Youssef1

...ipid parameters and corticosterone (CORT) levels. Additionally, organs (pancreas and brain) were dissected to measure LPO levels as indicators of OS. The data underwent a one-way analysis of variance, followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test for inter-group comparisons.The results revealed that combining MET with MEL alleviated OS in the brain and pancreas of diabetic mice subjected to CIS for two months by reducing LPO accumulation (P<0.05). This combi...

Nasr Tarq Mohammed 

...ract allows for easy and cost-effective preparation while retaining bioactivity. In this research, the effectiveness of AGE in inhibiting cancer cell viability was assessed using cancer cell lines CAL51 and AMN3. The cell lines were treated with various concentrations of AGE (100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 µL) in vitro. The findings indicate that at a concentration of 500 µL, AGE caused 95% destruction of CAL51 cells, while lower concentrations result...

Yingying Wang1, Sufen Zhao2* and Qunxiu Liu3*

... and reduce the economic cost of disease prevention and control. In regard to the ND vaccine, different immunization programs should be formulated for different bird species; immunization procedures can be optimized, and the antibody level of wading birds should be monitored after vaccination.


Ferry Lismanto Syaiful*, Jaswandi Jaswandi, Mangku Mundana, Zaituni Udin 

...cessible, efficient, and cost-effective option. 


Jahid Hasan Tipu1, Md Ashraful Islam2, Md Altafur Rahman3, Md. Nazim Uddin4, Obaidul Islam5* 

...of the most reliable and cost-effective methods for predicting live body weight in Black Bengal goats. 


Sadia Rashid1, Muhammad Waqas Alam Chattha2, Almazea Fatima1*, Muhammad Farooq Hyder3 and Nazia Tabasam1

... reveals that fertilizer cost are the highest among the other production costs, accounting for 33.90 percent of the total cost. The value of the benefit-cost ratio is 1.17 in 2022 and 1.42 in 2021 which shows that the net return of the farmers is 25 percent greater than their cost in 2021 and decreases in 2022. The res...

Efi Rokana1*, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,2, Khoirul Wafa1, Kalvin Putra Wahyudatama1, Ferdian Ginanjar1, Rini Mastuti3, Amiril Mukmin1, Miarsono Sigit4 

...issue of high production costs in sheep fattening systems. This research aims to determine the effect of utilizing beer waste on the performance and health of sheep. The study involved 24 female thin-tailed sheep, each approximately 7 months old. They were divided into four groups: a control group and three groups that received beer waste at 5%, 10%, and 15% of their ration. Feed consumption was measured by calculating the difference between the amount of feed...

Fazli Amin1*, Amjad Usman1, Maqsood Shah¹ and Sarzamin Khan²

...poultry. However, due to cost constraints, these methods may not always be feasible, and alternative nutritional strategies can be followed, including the use of balancing of nutrients. One such nutritional strategy for reducing stress is the incorporation of Tenebrio molitor (mealworm) as a feed additive. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the impact of T. molitor as a feed supplement on the performance, immunity, and economics of heat-stressed...
Roshita Ibrahim1*, Anis Nursyazwani Aminuddin1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
...ormal;">High demand, low-cost production, and vigorous mycelium growth of grey oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) make it popular among small farmers to commercially cultivate it in Malaysia. This study explored the impact of different physical stimulations on the growth and yield of grey oyster mushrooms. The treatments included individual applications of electrical shock (12V; 13A) and high light intensity (1500 Lux) which were studied previously,...

Danyal Khan1, Abdur Rahman1, Muhammad Shuaib2,3*, Sohaib Ul Hassan4, Abubakar Sufyan5, Wajid Ullah1, Seema Jani1, Obaid Ullah6 and Shahrood Ahmed Siddiqui7

... prevalent, and the high cost of buffalo milk pushes farmers to sell more than they need for calves. Insufficient milk feeding causes hunger, poor development,and high mortality. Thus, an appropriate milk replacer will meet the needs of a newborn calf and help it thrive without culling.

Budi Guntoro1*, Nguyen Hoang Qui1,2, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra1, Nguyen Thi Anh Thu1,2 and Nguyen Van Vui2

...influence, and perceived cost were significant predictors of farmers’ willingness to adopt biogas. Specifically, occupation (B = -0.088, p = 0.007) and perceived usefulness also negatively affected (B = -0.149, p = 0.005) the willingness to adopt biogas; in addition, farmers having off-farm jobs or having high perceived usefulness of biogas were less likely to adopt biogas. In contrast, information awareness (B = 0.295, p < 0.001), social influence (B...

Md Kamrul Hasan1,2, Hong-Seok Mun1,3, Keiven Mark Bigtasin Ampode1,4, Eddiemar Baguio Lagua1,5, Hae-Rang Park1,5, Young-Hwa Kim6, Md Sharifuzzaman1,7, Chul-Ju Yang1,5*

...clude high establishment costs, risk of market monopolization, and technical knowledge gaps. The amalgamation of government subsidies, localized technology production, and the provision of training facilities can be instrumental in enabling farmers to overcome the obstacles. The application of DT is limited in monitoring animal behavior and farm environment. However, DT technology has the potential for broader use, such as predicting growth, feed consumption, ...

Adi Tiya Warman1, Panjono1*, Tri Satya Mastuti Widi1, Sigit Bintara1, Bayu Andri Atmoko2, Endang Baliarti3

...reed (rs = 0.51), and AI cost (rs = 0.47). Hence, it can be concluded that farmers’ decision-making in choosing frozen semen for beef cattle is influenced significantly by social (total cows owned), technical (breed of cows), and economic (AI cost) factors.
Keywords | Farmers, Preference, Breeding, Artificial insemination, Beef cattle, Crossbreeding

Nbaa Mutea Abid AL-Alh1, Nuha Hatem Khalaf1, Nagam Khudhair1*, Ahmed Khalid2

...ective role of ethanolic costus root extracr in CPZ-induced functional and histological changes in rats’ liver. The study was carried out on 30 male albino rats, 12-14 weeks old. The Rats were divided into 5 groups, G1 control negative received distilled water 2 ml. CPZ was administered orally at dose 2 mg/kg of body weight. The rats dosed CPZ were divided as follows: G2 a positive control group, received CPZ alone. G3 was given an ethanolic extract of <...
Chang Guoliang1,2*, Pan Zhengjun1,2, Zhu Chuankun1,2, Zhao Haitao1,2
Yan Zhang3, Summaya Rajput4 and Laghari M. Younis4*
...imal feed, which is very costly. In recent years, as a good emulsifier, lysolecithin attracted increasing interest in fish species. In the present study, lysolecithin as a substitute for SO was used to observe the growth and immune performance of M. nipponense. Four types of diets containing similar basal compositions but differing in lysolecithin ratios were used. lysolecithin 0.1% was added to all diets except the control diet (0.0% lysolecithin). The conten...

Humaira1, Afsana Huseynova Anvar2, Shaukat Ali3, Marcelo Franco4, Muhammad Irfan1*

...mercial manufacturing of cost-effective value-added products and biochemical from sustainable feed-stock show limited success as desired higher production rates run counter to life-sustaining metabolic activities. To address these challenges, cell-free approaches developed as promising platform to proceed towards sustainable bio-manufacturing through the development of self-sustaining, constantly operating systems employing renewable biomass to yield higher co...

Muhammad Noman Tariq1, Saeed Ahmed*1, Ghazanfar Ali Chishti1, Muhammad Shahbaz Zafar1, Muhammad Saadullah2, Muhammad Usman1, Mohsin Ali1 and Ghulam Qadir1

... decrease the production cost in Beetal bucks.

Qurat-ul-Ain1*, A. Ahmad2, Farhat Nazir Awan3, M. Rabbani1 and M. Hassan Mushtaq4
...-prepared vaccine due to cost effectiveness and usage of local vaccinal virus.


Wiranut Thannithi1, Payungsuk Intawicha1, Nattamaporn Kongmuang1, Wilasinee Inyawilert2, Attapol Tiantong3, Sureeporn Saengwong1*

...s study investigates the cost structures, market channels, and profitability of smallholder beef production systems in Phayao Province, Thailand. Focusing on three market segments: Traditional Market Production (TMP), Medium Market Production (MMP), and Premium Market Production (PMP). This study analyzes the socio-demographic characteristics of farmers, production practices, and the costs and returns of each segment. Data w...

Faheen Riaz1, Sarfraz Mehmmod1, Aatka Jamil1, Khansa Jamil1, Imran Riaz Malik2, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1* and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

...ortisol and 11-deoxycorticosterone to corticosterone. The protein produced by the bovine CYP11B1 gene, which has nine exons and eight introns and is located on BTA14q12, is linked to the mitochondrial epithelium. The CYP11B1 gene is located close to the marker ILSTS039, this marker is connected to milk characteristics. This makes the CYP11B1 gene, along with milk yield and milk component yield, the functional and positional ...

Srisukmawati Zainudin1*, Hartutik2, Edhy Sudjarwo2, Osfar Sjofjan2

...poultry feed, offering a cost-effective alternative that could reduce feed costs and increase profitability in the poultry industry. Furthermore, the use of SSFO, a byproduct, promotes sustainability and resource efficiency within the industry.
Keywords | Carcase quality, Growth performance, Local chicken, Skipjack tuna

Rakhtasha Munir1, Shazia Rafique2*, Iram Amin1,2, Sameen Ahmed2, Ayesha Vajeeha2, Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Shahid2, Muhammad Umer Khan4 and Muhammad Idrees2

...r-free, unambiguous, and cost-friendly in-house ELISA, for the detection of antibodies in Pakistan’s most prevalent dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV-2). The progress of this research would likewise foreshadow advancements of novel vaccines for future counteraction of dengue infection as C protein is highly immunogenic.


Yonis Gulzar1*, Faheem Ahmad Reegu2, Arjumand Bano Soomro1,3, Mohammad Shuaib Mir1, Abdul Zahir4* and Choo Wou Onn5

Shahbaz Ahmad1*, Mubashar Iqbal1, Arshad Javaid2, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3, Muhammad Ashfaq4, Tajamal Hussain5 and Sumra Ashraf1

...97) can be utilized as a cost-effective bio-insecticide in integrated pest management programs to control B. cucurbitae. This study provides valuable insights for managing this pest through sustainable biological control methods.

Muhammad Saeed1, Farhana Aslam2, Muhammad Sajjad Khan2,  Asghar Ali Kamboh3, Zahid Farooq2, Rifat Ullah Khan4, Rizwana Sultan2, Ahmed Ali Moryani3 and Huayou Chen1*
...i.e., meat and eggs. The cost of production for rearing animals is also a big problem of the current era. Thus, the use of small birds like quail is getting attention due to their low feed requirements and rapid growth. Furthermore, the nutritional quality like amino acid, fatty acid, vitamins, minerals, and protein composition of its egg and meat has more benefits than other birds. Despite their small size, quail eggs have three to four times the nutritious v...

Atsmarina Widyadhari1, Chaerul Basri2*, Etih Sudarnika2

...s in the form of control costs that the government must bear. This study evaluates the control costs incurred with various alternative responses at the beginning of the FMD outbreak. The location of the research model is Malang District, with three simulation areas with low, medium, and high levels of dairy cattle population density. Disease transmission was simulated using the mathematical model susceptible-exposed-infected...

Rakhmad Hidayat1,2*, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto3, Lestari Rahayu Waluyati3 and Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo3

...hnical efficiency, while cost inefficiency is determined by education, family size, and frequency of extension. Other findings show that farm size, pepper trees, labour, urea fertilizer, fungicide and pepper age positively influence pepper production. This study suggests the participation of government and stakeholders to improve and develop superior varieties and increase farmers’ informal education through extension activities and technical training in...

Hend A. Hamedo, Ahmed E.M. Shokr, Omnia T. Abd-Elsalam and Naglaa Elshafey*

...) are biodegradable, low-cost, and ecofriendly polymers produced by various bacteria in the environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of moderately halophilic Paracoccus onubensis strain E3 as a promising PHA-producing bacteria isolated from a hyper-saline environment in Egypt. The optimum conditions for PHAs production were explored and the recorded maximum yield of PHAs was 54.77 mg/ l after 72 h of incubation at 37 oC, pH 7, and 4 % NaCl...


Mahesh Raj Pant 1 Dipti Shrestha 1 Shovana Thapa 2

Volume 2, Issue 3 May and June 2018 Pages 53-60
... significant increase in costs, morbidity, and potential mortality. This study was conducted during the period from July, 2015 to January, 2016 with the aims of identifying the etiological agents causing skin wound infections, and their antibiotic susceptibility profile among patients visiting International Friendship Children’s Hospital (IFCH), Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal. Specimens were processed by conventional culture technique and antibiogram of i...

 Adel K. Madbouly

Volume 2, Issue 4 July and August 2018 Pages 61-64
...2015). Availability, low-cost and non-phytotoxicity of NPs are the main prerequisites for their application in the field of agriculture.



Bashir I. 1 Adam A.S. 2 Yahaya H.S. 3 Makeri D. 4 Ntulume I. 2 Aliero A.A. 5 Afolabi R.O. 6

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 175-184
...out, Arkilla federal low cost and Arkilla state low cost. They were analyzed for the total bacterial, coliform and faecal coliform counts using the standard plate count and most probable number (MPN) assays. Obtained results were compared with (WHO) standards for drinking water sources. The mean total bacterial count ranged from 5.4 ×104 to 3.7 ×106 cells/ ml, whereas, the total coliform counts of the water sampl...

Muhammad Usman Akhtar1*; Abid Ali Khan1; Wajeeha Jahangir Khan1; Tiyyaba Furqan1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(5): 464-470
...xtraordinary cultivation costs, which make their commercialization economically infeasible. Algal spp. especially Chlorella spp. are capable of thriving in waste water and can accumulate high lipid contents. The aim of the current review was to highlight the possible integration of waste water treatment and algae based bio-fuel production, as a sustainable option for cost effective bio-fuel production along with lower enviro...


Muhanna M. Alshaibani1*; Noraziah M. Zin1*; Juriyati Jalil2; Anis Rageh Al-Maleki3,4; Nik M. Sidik5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 704-713
...d integrity, purity, low cost, and with saved time of extraction. A fast and an inexpensive method involving the use of acid phenol: chloroform (5: 1 [v/v]) at low pH (4.5), with lysostaphin and Triton X-100 for effective isolation of RNA from the MRSA is developed. As a result of this study, yields of this method presented high concentration of RNA (1175.26 ng/ μl/ 3 ml) of bacterial culture broth, with high RNA integration number (RIN). In similar assays ...

Shahbaz Hussain1*, Atif Naeem1, Asif Ameen2, Muhammad Yousuf3, Imtiaz Hussain3 and Muhammad Ehsan Safdar4

...ied out to determine the cost-effective planting method. Rice cultivars PK-386 and Super Basmati produced the highest number of tillers (410 and 350 m-2) under DSR, while the lowest number (276 m-2 and 253 m-2) from CTR, respectively. Number of grains per panicle and 1000-grain weight remained unaffected from planting methods whereas paddy yield was significantly influenced by various planting methods. The highest paddy yield of PK-386 and Super Basmati (5.59 ...

Malathi H1*; Pooja Sharma2

...the environment at a low cost. This study analyzes
the effectiveness of bioremediation using microorganisms; using unique methodologies and
integrated assessment methods. In addition to providing an overview of ISB for pollutant(s)
elimination; this review is useful for comprehending the primary functions of microorganisms
in this process.

Muhammad Waqas1*, Shahid Mehmood1, Muhammad Shabir Shaheen1 and Saeed Ahmed2

...ized the benefits of low cost diluted diets. To sum up, 10% dilution is viable in commercial rearing while less than 10% dilution produce non-significant results. Furthermore, it is difficult to balance nutrients for higher than 10% diet dilution which produce some unwanted side effects regarding growth and egg production.


Michael E. Nkereuwem1,2*; O. Fagbola2; Iniobong E. Okon3; Ini D. Edem4; Adeniyi O. Adeleye5; Victor O.

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 808-824


Mati Ullah*; Muhammad Ibrar; Salah Uddin Khan; Habib Ullah; Nasir Ali Khan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 868-883
...ime limit as well as the cost for COVID- 19 detection.


Bikash Chandra Behera1; Bijay Kumar Sethi1; Sonali Mohapatra2; Hrudayanath Thatoi3; Rashmi Ranjan Mishra1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1241-1255 lowers the production costs but also reduces the environmental problems. Hence, the present study aimed to search for new potential microbes, which can produce alkaline protease enzyme, to meet the industrial demands. In this study, 13 fungal spp. were isolated on potato dextrose agar medium (PDA) from mangrove soil through serial dilution, and then were streaked on the skim milk agar medium for qualitative screening of protease production. Out of 13 fungal...


Simiat O. Jimoh*; Semirah A. Sanusi; Farouq A. Olaogun; Ramot B. Badmos-Oladapo; Kifayat O. Asafa- Adedimeji

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1821-1835
...come the high production costs and low yield challenges of bioisoprene, thus generating significant environmental and economic benefits.



Simiat O. Jimoh1*; Faizah R. Adebowale2; Kifayat O. Asafa-Adedimeji2, Ramat B. Badmos-Oladapo2; Taiwo A. Sorunke1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2452-2468
...te synthesis using a low-cost substrate (i.e., corn cobs) and completely non-pathogenic bacteria (Azotobacter vinelandii DT1) may be desirable compared to the pathogenicity risks and poor jellying qualities linked to Pseudomonas alginate biosynthesis, its expensive production costs, and the adverse environmental effects of seaweed harvesting and processing.



Zine El abidine Bzazou El Ouazzani1*; Laila Reklaoui1; Monsif El Madany2; Houda Benaicha3; Said Barrijal1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2632-2652
...tays and higher economic costs. This is primarily caused by the
over and inappropriate use of antibiotics. Microorganisms have developed various
mechanisms to combat the effects of antibiotics, including modifying their genetic material to
evade the drugs' harmful effects. Colistin disrupts bacterial cell membranes by interacting with
lipopolysaccharides (LPS), causing cell death. Currently, colistin is regarded as a last-resort

Omnia Karem Riad*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2734-2749
...c era, searching for new cost-effective approaches is necessary to compensate for the continuous increase in AMR. The aims of this review are to explore the different biological and sustainable approaches that should be exploited to overcome the problem of AMR, discuss the mechanisms and advantages of different sustainable biological strategies, and introduce several strategies, including probiotic bacteria, predatory bacteria, and bacteriophages, which are po...

Linda Herlina*, Anita Fitriani, Marina Sulistyati, Khansa Nurul Salsabilah, Achmad Firman

... while seed prices, cage costs, feed costs, equipment costs, and labor costs negatively influenced profits. The 7 independent variables 95.3% (R2) explained the dependent variable and simultaneously had a significant effect on farmer profits. SWOT analysis revealed strengths such as abundant natural feed resources and favorable environmental conditions, ...

Lalu Ahmad Zaenuri*, Enny Yuliani

... conclusion, the manual, cost-effective semen freezing method is suitable for small laboratories. Future research should examine how different extenders, equilibration, and pre-freezing durations affect post-thaw semen quality, and validate fertilization rates against modern methods.
Keywords | Eppendarf, Sperm quality, Pre-freezing, AI, Simple, Cheap

Edy Rianto1*, Vita Restitrisnani1, Sutaryo Sutaryo1, Sri Mawati1, Agung Purnomoadi1, Endang Purbowati1, Retno Adiwinarti1, Muhammad Hesa Karim1, Putty Kinanti Anif Machfiroh1, Niar Ulfa1, Agnes Ragil Mustikasari1, Dwi Wahyu Setiawan1, Farkhan Farkhan1, Marcelinus Dwi Septian1, Nadlirotun Luthfi2

...OI) was 11.6 and benefit-cost ratio (BCR) was 2.4. The profit obtained by the buffalo farmers was IDR 190,670/year/AU. In conclusion, the buffalo farming in Central Java Province were run in a traditional way, nevertheless the buffaloes had a good reproductive performance and growth rate. The buffalo farming was profitable.
Keywords | Buffalo, Farm management, Growth rate, Profitability, Reproduction

Danh Mo1*, Nguyen Van Thu2

...welfare, environment and cost
Keywords | Digestibility, In vivo, In vitro, Medium, Rumen fluid, Sesbania 

Muhammad Usman Akhtar1*; Abid Ali Khan1; Wajeeha Jahangir Khan1; Tiyyaba Furqan1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(5): 464-470
...xtraordinary cultivation costs, which
make their commercialization economically infeasible. Algal spp. especially Chlorella spp. are capable of thriving
in waste water and can accumulate high lipid contents. The aim of the current review was to highlight the possible
integration of waste water treatment and algae based bio-fuel production, as a sustainable option for cost effective
bio-fuel produc...

Remy Ntakirutimana1,2*, KM Mujeeb Rahiman2, Megha Lovejan2

...ast as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to fishmeal, promoting environmental conservation and enhancing aquaculture productivity. Three experimental diets were formulated: T1 based on fishmeal, T2 based on BSFL with baker’s yeast supplementation and T3 was BSFL without yeast. Growth performance, feed utilization, body composition, haematology, gut histomorphology and gut microbiota of juvenile Nile Tilapia fed these diets for 60 days were eva...

Khuram Nawaz Sadozai1, Amjad Ali1, Munawar Raza Kazmi2, Rizwan Ahmad3 and Hazrat Younas1* production and reduce cost by 22 % at existing level of inputs use and technology available. Tomato yield and inputs cost and land rent were explanatory variables, while total cost was dependent variable. Coefficient for yield is negative which shows that with one percent increase in yield decrease the cost by 0.069 percent. Estimated elasticities for...

Umar Salisu Ahmad1,2*, Adamu Zoaka Hassan2, Echiobi Gaba Emmanuel2, Munir Ari Sani2, Fatai O. Anafi3, Adamu Abdul Abubakar4,1

... necessitating a second, costly surgery that can impact patient well-being. To avoid this, a bioabsorbable/biodegradable material (xenograft) is needed.This experimental study aimed to evaluate the effects of implanting camel bones into rat muscle tissue, comparing findings with a control group that had Kirschner wire (inert) implants. The study involved haematological and histological assessments of the implants and surrounding muscles. Sixteen male albinos r...

Anwar A. Maki* and Asaad M.R. Al-Taee

...tionally recognized as a cost-effective and ecologically sustainable solution. The aim of this study is isolating and identifying the PPFM bacterium from oil contaminated soil. So, this bacterium was isolated from soil samples collected from Rumaila oil field in Basra, southern Iraq, using a mineral salt medium (MSM) complemented with 1% methanol as the only carbon and energy source. Genetic identification of the promising bacterium was performed using the 16S...
Muhammad Bilal Yasser and Muhammad Imran Majid
...quantification of social costs based on well-known analytical models. The results have implications for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process improvement within Pakistan’s construction sector. Knowledge of social ranking helps decrease adverse social and cultural effects and it can result in improvement of the EIA framework. It has been found that the vehicle operation cost covers 67% of the total social

Setyawan Wahyu Pradana1, Zuprizal1, Bambang Ariyadi2*, and income over feed cost (IOFC) in the parent stock chickens during the starter phase. The study methods used 4,800 female day-old chicks and 4,800 male day-old chicks reared under three different treatments with two replications, each treatment replications are using 800 birds, as follows: T0 = Starter feed used; T1 = grower feed with 2 days for male and 3 days for female used and then continued with starter feed; T2 = grower feed with 5 days for male an...

Anguara Khatun1*, Ankon Lahiry2, Nusrat Jahan Nishat1, Maksuda Begum3, Bibek Chandra Roy4, Shubash Chandra Das1 had a better benefit-cost ratio. It was summarised that the potential use of powder extract of herbs in broiler diet improved growth performance, meat quality and reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels by maintaining good liver condition. So, this powder of herbs may be used as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters.
Keywords | Growth performance, Meat quality, Hematology, Lipid profiles, Liver enzymes, Profitabil...

Sindu Akhadiarto1*, Ezi Masdia Putri1**, Armina Fariani2, Mirnawati Mirnawati3, Windu Negara1, Ruslan Abdul Gopar1, Maman Surachman1, I Wayan Angga Darmawan1, Dimar Sari Wahyuni1, Putut Suryo Negoro1, Riris Delima Purba1

...come over feed and chick cost (IOFCC), and revenue cost ratio of native chicken. The subjects used in this study were 200 one-day-old Indonesian native chickens. The research design was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and five replications. The treatments in this study were local feed with CP 16.20; ME = 2,738 (R1), CP = 17.68 %; ME 2,723 (R2), CP = 21.50; ME = 2,676 (R3), and as a control, commerci...

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 3,


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