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Amanda Schutz, deal with death and heartache, and build communities—basically, how they carry on without supernatural guidance.


Reviewed by Dr William Patterson

...s in that it lies at the heart of the matter and serves to undermine, at least to some extent, parts of Coyne’s main argument.


Fatemeh Kheiri

... force plate and a polar heart rate monitoring. The difference between the kinetic and kinematic between sound and prosthetic sides was evaluated by two sample t-test. The physiological cost index of amputees varied between 0.42 and 0.74 beats per minute. there was no signi cant di erence between the range of motion of ankle, knee, hip and pelvic rang of motions between both sides. The plantar exion moment in prosthesis and sound sides varied from 0.92-0.98 N...

Muhammad Mushtaq, Umer Sadique, Naila Chand, Iftikhar Ahmed, Said Sajjad Ali Shah, Ijaz Ahmad, Imran Ullah and Muqadar Shah

... factors associated with heart attack. Atherosclerosis is also associated with development of diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney failure. Hypercholesterolemia is mainly caused by high fat diet, obesity and diabetes.Hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effect of water based infusion of Withania somnifera was investigated in broiler chicks. One hundred and twenty (120) day-old broiler’s chicks were alienated into four treatment groups namely WST-0, WST-I, ...

Muhammad Shafiq and Tahir Maqsood

.... These results are very heartening; signifying that for any soil, B adsorption isotherm need to be worked out for location precise fertilizer B use.


 Eman M. Farghaly1, Ahmed Samy1,2*, Heba Roshdy recovered mainly from heart and liver. The recovered E.coli, S.aureus and P. haemolytica isolates recovered from mixed infection cases showed (57.1-100%) resistance to highly important antibiotic group (Doxycycline, Tetracycline, Trimethoprim sulfa methoxazole and Chloramphenicol) and showed dissimilar pattern of resistance to critical important antibiotic group. Salmonella isolates showed antibiotic resistance to Nalidixic acid (100%) and Nitrofurantoin (4...

Muhammad Asif Zahoor1, Zeeshan Nawaz1, Abu Baker Siddique1, Sajjad ur Rahman2 and Shahid Ali1*

...oplasma spp. using brain heart infusion broth supplemented with horse serum. The blood was used for serum plate agglutination assay. Thereafter, the samples were subjected to genomic DNA extraction to detect Mycoplasma spp. using multiplex-PCR. Isolation and identification data showed that a total of 58/96 samples (60.41%) were positive for Mycoplasma infections whereas a total of 61/96 blood samples were also found positive using serum plate agglutination. Ho...

S. K. Dutta, S. Roy Chowdhuri, D. Pandit and A. K. Bajpai

Rot diseases of muga host, Som (Persea bombycina) in Assam, India
...white rot fungus, causes heart rot disease and Biscogniauxia mediterranea (= Hypoxylon mediterranea) (under Xylariaceae) causes canker rot disease of Som plant. A survey was conducted to study the infection of rotting pathogens on Som plants at Regional Muga Research Station (RMRS), Boko, Assam, India with during 2004-06. The disease incidence (DI %) caused by B. mediterranea was 12% while P. contigus showed 20% infection. Correlating the age of Som plants wit...

A. Regupathy and R. Ayyasamy

Initiatives of papain industry by private-public-farmer link-ages in classical biocontrol program for papaya mealybug in Tamil Nadu
...the papain industry wholeheartedly supported the training programmes by deploying its field staff in release and multiplication of the parasitoid. For enabling initial multiplication of the released parasitoids, farmers of heavily infested papaya fields were compensated for the yield loss to serve as field-mass-multiplication-strategy. Further, the farmers of neighbouring fields were encouraged and facilitated through thirteen field staff to take the bug infes...

Shrinivas Mudigoudra and Shekharappa

Evaluation of plant products aganist sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani, per cent dead heart (14.97%) and maximum grain yield of 13.22 q.ha-1 among different plant products. The next best plant product was found to be V. negundo @ 5% in recording less incidence of shoot fly and obtaining higher grain yield. However, both the treatments were found next best only to carbofuran 3 G.

1Sitesh Chatterjee, 1Chirasree Gangopadhyay and 2Santosh Kumar Roy
...d. The incidence of dead heart incidence was found lowest in chlorantraniliprole granule when applied in seedbed followed by spraying of chlorantraniliprole in the main-field or chlorantraniliprole granule application. Chlorantraniliprole granule application along with spraying of same chemical provided the best result against white heads due to stem borer followed by chlorantraniliprole granule application in seedbed or the same granular application in the ma...
Obaidullah1, Zafar Ali Shah1* and Sami Ullah2
...l was isolated from stem heartwood of heterophragma adenophyllum seem through column chromatographic technique. Characterization of Lapachol was carried through melting point assessment and running its comparative TLC against standard, added with structure elucidation by FT-IR spectrum. Silver nanoparticles of Lapachol were  synthesized by treating 1 mM silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution with 1 mM solution of Lapachol in the presence of sodium hydroxide (0.1...
Baohua Chen1,2, Wenzhu Peng3, Jian Xu2, Jingyan Feng1,2, Chuanju Dong1,2 and Peng Xu2,3,*
...issues, including brain, heart, spleen, kidney, intestine, gill, liver, skin, blood and muscle of common carp. Expression profiles provided us more evidences to understand GST gene functions as well as their functional evolution post duplication. Overall, the whole set of GST genes provide essential genomic resources for future biochemical, toxicological and physiological studies in common carp.
Muhammad Imran Shabbir
...ext-align: justify;">The heart of learning genetics is in realizing that how the likelihood of inheriting a particular trait can be predicted. This fundamental approach is the basis for plant and animal breeding to get desired varieties as well as performing genetic analysis including prediction of patterns of inheritance in family lines and to calculate the recurrence risk for relatives etc. Punnett square is used to describe the possible combinations of pate...
Yijin He1, Song Ma2, Bo Liu1,*, Ting Xue1, Qunlan Zhou1, Wu Jin1 and  Kui Chen2,*
...pressed in gill, spleen, heart, lips, skin and tongue tissue, suggesting that it is not only act as taste receptors, but also play other possible functions. Furthermore, the cloning and expression analysis of T2R1 provide theoretical basis to further study function of T2R1 for T. fasciatus.
Ali Karabacak1, Senol Celik2, Adile Tatliyer3, Ismail Keskin1, Yakup Erdal Erturk4, Ecevit Eyduran5, Yasir Javed6 and Mohammad Masood Tariq7,*
... (CD), body length (BL), hearth girth (HG) and leg circumference (LC)) measured from five sheep breeds (Akkaraman (9), Dağlıç (10), Kivircik (10), Merinos (10) and Karacabey Merino (8)) reared in Konya province conditions located in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. For measuring the predictive performance of three algorithms in Models I and II, goodness of fit criteria (coefficient of determination (R2%), adjusted coefficient ...
Jing Xin Mao1,2, Guo Wei Wang2, Yuan She Huang3, Rui Wang2, Guo Ze Wang4, Bing Zeng1 and Fu Yuan Zuo1,*
...pressed in normal liver, heart, lung, kidney, spleen and small intestine. The results showed that: The expression level of BPI in lung of Rongchang pig was relatively higher level compared to that in heart, liver, kidney, spleen and small intestine. The expression level of BPI in liver of Landrace was relatively higher level compared to that in heart, lung, kidney, spleen and small intesti...
Wen-Feng Li, Xiao-Yan Wang, Ying-Kun Huang*, Rong-Yue Zhang, Jiong Yin, Zhi-Ming Luoand Hong-Li Shan
...ated areas, percent dead-heart was 8.30% - 58.83%, the percent stalk injured was 26.73% - 96.67%, the percent internodes bored was 4.40% - 25.87%, and the effective stem number was reduced by 4440-21900 stalk/ha. Measured yield and sugar yield loss results showed cane yield was reduced by 5.32-44.53 T/ha; the yield loss percent was5.92% - 44.53%; the sugarcane juice yield decreased by 1.73% - 3.28%; the sucrose content reduced by 0.33% - 5.63%; s...
Tariq Mahmood1,*, Fakhra Fazal1, Faraz Akrim1, Hira Fatima1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem2
...emales, liver weight and heart length of the two species differed significantly (p < 0.05). Among males, significant differences were found between heart length (p < .001), weight of large intestine, stomach, liver and lungs, and weight of right and left testes (p < 0.05) of the two mongoose species. Other anatomical variables of the two species differed non-significantly (p > 0.05).

 R. Hussain* and A. N. Naqvi**

.... 57.91±0.342 cm, heart girth 83.58±0.628 cm vs. 70.42±0.702 cm and body length 78.18±0.355 cm vs. 70.10±2.160 cm in males vs. females of Gojali goat. The data on growth traits indicated the average birth weight, weaning weight and adult weight as 1.53±0.070, 7.04±0.17 and 41.38±0.39 kg in males against 1.28±0.04, 5.61±0.58 and 25.21±0.37 kg in female specimens. The weaning age and ad...
Muhammad Kashif Maan1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Shehla Gul Bokhari1, Muhammad Ijaz2, Hamid Akbar1, Sajid Umar 3 and Muhammad Luqman Sohail4,*

 Habib Iqbal Javed, Ashiq Saleem, Javed Fateh, Mozammil Hussain, Naheed Akhtar and Shamim-ul-Sibtain Shah*

...tensity of 5-8. The dead hearts in resistant and susceptible germplasm were 0.0-7.8% and 19.6-25.4%, respectively. The performance of the resistant germplasm was far better than susceptible ones. The best plants in resistant germplasm were maintained by selfing to make them more uniform for resistance. During pollination, three resistant composite genotypes (BR-1, BR-2 and BR-3) were constituted by bulk pollination.

Saba Parveen Samo1, Moolchand Malhi1,*, Javed Gadahi2, Yan Lei3, Allah Bux Kaciwal1 and Saeed Ahmed Soomro1
...A. The weights of liver, heart, kidney and spleen were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between the groups, however, the lung weight increased in B (1.15 ± 0.04 vs 0.99 ± 0.04, P < 0.05) compared to A. Digestibility trails revealed that utilization of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and crude fiber (CF) increased (P < 0.05) by 13.71, 12.02 and 4.78% at week 3 and by 11.11, 11.8 and 3.46 % at week 6 in B compared to A. Among car...
Hafiz Manzoor Ahmad1,*, Hamad Bin Rashid1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Asim Khalid Mahmood1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Shahid Hussain Farooqi1, Muhammad Rafi Ullah2 and Usman Ghani1
... like; body temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate with normal averages 105.02±0.12ºF, 103.75±3.18 beats/min and 19.2±1.62 breaths/min, respectively. All the physiological parameters varied significantly (p<0.05) between the two groups with exception of body temperature, which varied non-significantly (p>0.05). The post drug administration onset of sedation in ducks anesthetized by K+X was delayed (2.11&plusm...
Iqra Arooj1,* and Shahida Hasnain2
...iseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) are a growing health concern in developing and under-developed countries. Some of their risk factors are smoking, obesity, diabetes, family history, high blood pressure etc. Previous genome wide association studies have identified association of large number of loci with risk of CHD in different populations. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of 6q25.1/rs6922269 and 9p21.3/rs1333049 loci with...

Inzimamul Haq1*, Shahid Sattar1, Bashir Ahmed1, Qamar Zeb2 and Amjad Usman

... 1 to 5 and percent dead hearts. Results showed that Imidacloprid + T. chilonis resulted in significantly lower leaf injury m-2 (1.32) and dead hearts (4.16 %) closely followed by the plots treated with emamectin benzoate + T. chilonis with leaf injury m2 (1.74) and dead hearts (7.50 %) while significantly higher leaf injury m2 (3.64) and dead hearts (20...
Tahira Batool1*, Nabila Roohi1, Athar Mahmud
..., lungs, liver, gizzard, heart, and carcass yield comprising percent weight of breast and thigh. 
Kalimullah Khan1,*, Hafsa Zaneb2, Zia Ur Rehman3, Hamza Maris4 and Habib ur Rehman1
... the relative weights of heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, gizzard and intestines. Results showed that supplementation of phytase enzymes affected the weight and length of small intestine and feed conversion ratio (FCR) and did not affect the other zoo technical variables like body weight, feed consumption, and weight gain during the whole experimental period. Application of phytasefailed to exert any influence on the weights of gizzard, provetriculus,
S. Justin Carlus1,*, Atiyeh M Abdallah1,2, Abdulhadi H. Al-Mazroea1, Mazen Khalid Al-Harbi3 and Khalid M Al-Harbi1

 Şaban Çelebi

... concentration in liver, heart, kidney and breast muscle. In addition, malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and enzyme activities of glutathioneperoxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in liver, heart, breast and thigh tissues of laying hens were determined in present study. A total of 96 White Lohman laying hens, aged 24 weeks, were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=24), each of which was composed o...
Huma Naz1,*, Sajid Abdullah2, Khalid Abbas2, Wardah Hassan3, Moazama Batool4, Shakeela Perveen5, Sadia Maalik4 and Sajida Mushtaq4
...r, gills, kidney, brain, heart and muscle) of fish, Labeo rohita. The LC50 of chlorpyrifos+endosulfan mixture was calculated as 1.95±0.02 μgL-1 for 96 h with the 95% confidence limits. The fish expose to the mixture (1:1) for 96-h. The results obtained from this study showed that superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase activities in the liver, gills, kidney, brain, heart
Uzma Jabeen1, Irfan Khan2, Nadia Naeem2, Asmat Salim2,* and Waseem Ahmed1
...e to oxidative stress in heart and liver tissues following DOX administration to rats. In this study, DOX was administered to rats intraperitoneally (i. p.) at 3 mg/kg at alternate days for two weeks. Heart and liver tissues were harvested and the mRNA levels of NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 (Nqo1), glutathione peroxidase (Gpx1) and isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 (Idh1) were analyzed by RT-PCR. We observedvariable pattern of g...
Ali Mujtab Shah1,2,3, Muhammad Naeem2, Muhammad Giasuddin Shah2, Muhammad Haaroon2, Quanhui Peng1 and Zhisheng Wang1,*
...Whereas; withers height, heart girth and body length were found non-significant (p > 0.05) among the groups. The morbidity rate of calves fed different levels of colostrum by ST, NF and NS, diarrhea was found 40, 80 and 60% calves affected among the groups respectively, whereas pneumonia problem was observed as 20, 40 and 60% calves were affected accordingly. It is concluded from the present study theconcentration of serum IgG following administration of co...
Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed1,2,*
...ges of body temperature, heart rate, blood parameters (RBCs, WBCs, hematocrit, hemoglobin, glucose and total protein), oocyte quality after ovarian transplantation (cumlus enclosed, brilliant cresyl blue stain and diameter) and reproductive performances (litter size and weight) were determined and recorded. In addition, values of body temperature and blood glucose were determined after general anesthesia. The results indicated that N. sativa oil supplem...

Nosheen1, Sajid Abdullah1, Huma Naz2* and Khalid Abbas1 

..., gills, kidney, muscle, heart and brain of fish Catla catla exposed for 4-day. After each sampling (24-hr interval) fish were dissected and required organs were obtained. Results showed that the POD activity was augmented in all selected organs of Pb+2 exposed fish in relation to control. The POD activity in organs of fish followed the order: brain>liver>gills>kidney>heart>muscle. Regression analysis showed a...
Ahmet Ozer Sehirli1,2, Serkan Sayiner3*, Ayliz Velioglu-Ogunc4, Nedime Serakinci5, Emel Eksioglu-Demiralp6, Berrak Yegen7, Feriha Ercan8 andGoksel Sener2
...tion. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored at weekly intervals over a period of six weeks. Serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6) concentrations, urinary volume, creatinine, and both serum and urinary electrolyte levels were measured. In addition, the apoptosis rate of white blood cells was analysed from plasma samples. Tissue samples from the brain,
Qaisra Siddique1, Sajid Abdullah1, Huma Naz2*, Khalid Abbas1, Laiba Shafique3


...z. brain, gills, kidney, heart, muscle and liver of Labeo rohita kept under sub-lethal dose (4.13 µgL-1) of chlorpyrifos. Fish was kept under chlorpyrifos stress for two months and samples were collected on weekly basis. It was noted that GST level varied significantly with duration. The GST level was raised in first 28 days after that it was dropped off up to 56-day. The trend of GST in fish tissues was observed as muscle<

Muhammad Shakeel1,2*, Salik Nawaz2, Yasar Saleem3, Shazia Shafique2, Ateeq Tahir2 and Muhammad Riaz2

...icial properties against heart diseases. In case of selection of varieties 37% were unaware of the name of variety and 22% cultivate “Marathon” while a small group was cultivating other improved varieties. In case of agronomic input 96% farmers were applying fertilizers and observing other recommendations for cauliflower. In case of postharvest handling 49 % were not specific for packing material whereas broccoli leaves were being used for wrapping...

Ghulam Akbar1*, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1 and Shahneela Nusrat

...sed in the world to cure heart diseases because its low cost and efficacy. It’s a microbial origin enzyme produced especially by Streptococcus bacterial spp. Therefore, it is antigenic in nature due to microbial source which restricts its use. However, it is necessary to truncate antigenic regions present in the SK gene for the removal of streptokinase antigenicity. The basic goal of this research work is to highlight antigenic regions founded in strepto...
Saira Saleemi1*, Zafar Iqbal1, Abdul Nasir Khalid2
...ected skin, gills, fins, heart, liver, kidney and intestine of fish and culturing it on four different culture media; Malt extract agar (MEA), Corn meal agar (CMA), Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) and Potato dextrose agar (PDA). The inoculated culture plates were incubated for 5-8 days at 28-32 oC. The fungal growth in the form of colonies of different shapes and colour appeared in agar plates. Four Aspergillus spp.; Aspergillus terreus ...

 Qazi Salman Khalid1, Muhammad Abas1, Mudassar Rauf2, Mirza Jahanzaib2, Shahid Maqsood1

...System (CMS) lies in the heart of lean manufacturing with goal of producing the wide variety of products as efficiently as possible. Increase in customer demand for more customized products had forced industries to shift to CMS. Once CMS has been established scheduling becomes one of the challenging task. So, in present work, a real case study based on scheduling problem in CMS is presented and a hybrid particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed t...

Erum Bughio1, Ahmed Sultan Jatoi1*, Jibran Hussain2, Muhammad Hayat Jaspal3, Shahid Mehmood2, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq4, Reema Bughio5 and Athar Mahmud2

Comparative Study of Carcass Traits in Four Strains of Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) at 3 to 6 Weeks of Age
...ect was observed in mean heart weight at week 3 and 6, gizzard weight at week 4, 5 and 6 and intestinal length (cm) at week 3, 5 and 6;  whereas, dressing percentage (%) and shank length (cm) differ non-significantly (p>0.05) in this study period. Imported quail strain (M) performed better in almost all the studied parameters than that of other strains of quails.


Mohsin Ali Alias Mehran Khan Solangi1, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Asad Ali Khaskheli1*, Turab Ali Korejo3, Nazeer Ahmed Rajput2, Qurban Ali Memon3 and Maqsood Ahmed Kumbhar4

Influence of Camellia sinensis on Broilers Performance
...ximum relative weight of heart (13.53%), liver (61.1%), spleen (2.26%), proventiculus (58.13%), intestine (102.2%) and fat pad (81.41%) were found in D group (control) and minimum in C group. Mortality percent was equally higher in A group (2%), B (2%) and D (2%) compared to C (1%). Considerable (P < 0.05) variation was seen among A, B, C and D groups for feed and water intake. Prominent (P < 0.05) variation was also noticed for carcass weight of birds i...

Zahir Shah1*, Saima Munawar1, Ihsan Ullah2, Taif Shah3, Haq Aman Ullah1, Saqib Nawaz1, Farhan Anwar Khan1 and Manoj Kumar Shah4

Combined Physico-chemical and Analgesic Effects of Electroacupuncture Plus Clonidine in Goats
...arterial blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate up to 10-60min than those groups treated of clonidine. Moreover, a significantly lower serum glucose concentration was noted in EA plus 10µg/kg of clonidine treated goats at 15-60 min than those treated with clonidine alone. Creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, alanine/aspartate aminotransferase activities, and hematological variables for differently treated groups were insignificant. In conclusion, EA...
Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Shahid Mehmood2*, Athar Mahmud2Khalid Javed3 and Jibran Hussain2


...h, wing, liver, gizzard, heart, and abdominal fat for chicks fed compost at any level compared to chicks fed the control diet. Although, a slight reduction in breast and thigh weights was observed in chicks fed compost at 10% level compared to control chicks, but statistically this difference was not significant (P>0.05). Similarly, there were no differences (P>0.05) in serum biochemical indices, and immune-related parameters among the diets. The experim...

Ghulam Akbar1*, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Aamna Rafique1, Sania Riasat1, Mohsin Raza1, Mahpara Qamar1, Shahneela Nusrat1 and Shakila Hanif1

Critical Update for the Treatment of Anemia by using Advanced Genome Editing Crispr Cas Technology
...isease, cancer, ischemic heart ailment and inflammatory bowel disorder. However, with the development in generation at genome editing level have made feasible to accurate mutations in human genome. A site oriented specific break in double stranded DNA is induced by CRISPR/Cas9, whereas different oligonucleotides are provided to make accurate DNA template for genome correction. It is of importance to knowledge about types of CRISPR to treat anemia. Cas 9 showed...
Ahmad Sadiq1, Muzafar Shah2*, Habib Ullah1, Irfan Ali1, Amir Alam3
Navid Jalil1 and Muhammad Khan3
...% angina, 2.22% ischemic heart disease and 27.77% micro vascular complications.

Mehwish Saleem1*, Maria Tahir1, Maryam Ilyas2 and Aqsa Malik2

...ion, muscle contraction, heart beating and conduction of nerve impulse. These include calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride etc. Calcified body parts like teeth and bone contain calcium, which firm the bony parts and important factor in blood clotting and circulation purpose was to evaluate serum calcium level in patient’s blood. Blood samples were collected from cancer patients from MAYO hospital LHR during the time period April 2018 to May 20...
Sahar Mubashar*, Tariq Mukhtar and Nasir Ahmad Khan
...he body like kidneys and heart. It is spread from human to human through respiratory droplets or direct contact. Moreover, there have been reports of the mixed infection of coronavirus with other bacteria, fungi and viruses. Various methods are used for the detection of the virus such as nucleic acid and immunological methods but RT-PCR is considered as the most reliable. Some antiviral drugs have shown to be effective against the virus like Favilavir, Remdesi...
Roheela Yasmeen1*, Nida Mobeen1 and Samia Chaudhry2
...eptors are also found in heart and are reason for serious cardiovascular disease including myocardial injury. This virus can persuade cardiac damage, arrhythmias, severe coronary syndrome and venous thromboembolic complications. Patients of COVID-19 having already cardiovascular problems showed severe symptoms of this disease and have greater chance of death. This review article especially pays attention on cardiovascular symptoms of COVID-19 and its enhanced ...
Wen-Feng Li, Rong-Yue Zhang, Jiong Yin, Hong-Li Shan, Xiao-Yan Cang, Zhi-Ming Luo, Xiao-Yan Wang, Jie Li and Ying-Kun Huang*
...e control effect of dead heart rate and bored stem rate could be more than 69.98% and 49.09%, respectively, and were superior to the control pesticide 3.6% Bisultap GR (90 kg/ha).

Md. Abdullah Al Mamun1,2*, Shamima Nasren1,3, Sanjay Singh Rathore1 and Kavalagiriyanahalli Srinivasiah Ramesh1

...le, gill, liver, kidney, heart and different parts of gut tissues. According to the results obtained in the present study, it can be suggested that acute infestation of A. japonicus elicited direct effects such as eye opacity, fin rots, scale loss and severe histopathological alterations in catla. 


Ahmed Ali Moryani1, Nasir Rajput1*, Muhammad Naeem1, Atta Hussain Shah1 and Hidayatullah Soomro2

...liver, pancreas, spleen, heart, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, thymus and ceaca was observed significant (P < 0.05) in the herbs supplementary groups as compared to control group. The compound-II supplementary group F significantly (P < 0.05) increased the percentage of crude protein and fat contents as compared to control and other groups. Histomorphological examination of liver of broiler chicken supplemented with Compound-I and Compound-II in the coccidios...
Sen Liu1,2, Yue Zhu2, Haixia Leng2, Ying Wang1, Xiangju Yin1 and Yajun Zhao1*
...tissue (BAT), brain (B), heart (H), kidney (K), liver (L), and muscle (M) tissues. An average of 67.0% CCGG loci was methylated in each tissue. There were significant methylation differences among tissues in full-methylation (p < 0.001) and total methylation (p = 0.001). Moreover, various unique methylated loci (15–59) were also detected. Non-negligible level of hemi-methylation (31.4%) existed, indicating that CHG methylation may also p...

Khaliq Dad1, Muhammad Nawaz2*, Muhamamd Ibrahim3, Fengliang Zhao4, Rumsha Hassan2, Humaira Nawaz5, Muhammad Usman Saleem6, Kinat Javed2, Ayesha Komal2 and Hajra Naz2

...tact which then produces heart disease, kidney failure, lung cancer, orthopedic disease, nervous system failure, low immunity level, mental retardation and growth retardation. Different environmental friendly and low cost biological remedies are used nowadays to control Cd toxicity such as phytoremediation phytostabilisation, rhizofilteration, phytoextraction. This review paper has summarized the impact of Cd on soil, plants and humans and strategies to remove...
Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Shu Juan Zhao, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Heng Cao and Kun Peng Shi
...<0.05). Moreover, heart weight, liver weight, slaughter rate, whole net carcass rate, heart rate and breast muscle rate of french giant meat quail are slightly higher than those of savimalt meat quail (P>0.05). For savimalt meat quail, carcass weight shows extremely significantly postive correlations with carcass net weight, heart weight, liver weight, breast muscle weight...
Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3* and Abdul Waheed3
...h (NL), neck width (NW), heart girth (HG), rump length (RL), rump width (RW), tail length (TL), barrel depth (BD), sacral pelvic width (SPW), birth weight (BiW), Live body weight (BW), teat length (TEL), teat diameter (TED), testes length (TsL), testes width (TsW) and scrotal circumference (ScD). Male and female animals were placed in two separate groups. The correlation coefficients among most of the morphometric traits were high and significant (P≤ 0.01) ...
Rajesh Kumar Oad1, Nasir Rajput1, Imdad Hussain laghari1, Hidayatullah Soomro1, Muhammad Azhar Memon2, Abdul Sattar Baloch5, Qudratullah Kalwar3,  Mashhood Ahmed1, Zubair Ahmed Soomro2 and Waseem Ali Vistro4* (p<0.05). Broiler heart was heavier in group D, while liver and gizzard were heavier in group B than other groups, whereas, spleen and crop were heavier in group A, and gall bladder was heavier in group C. Mortality ratio increased in group A (p>0.05). Group E broiler spent more time on feeding (8.31 min/h). Group F spent more time on drinking (4.76 min/h). Group A spent more time on standing/walking (13.38 min/h). Group A spent more time on lying/sl...
Ho-Seong Cho1 and Yeonsu Oh2,*
...e lung, stomach, kidney, heart and diaphragm, which were growing together, suspiciously metastatic, projecting, 5 to 40 mm in diameter and tawny to white in color. Histopathologically, the tumor was composed of prominent papillary-acinar structures and the cells had a resemblance to the biliary epithelium. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were strongly reactive for cytokeratin and CD10 and were negative for carcinoembryonic antigen, fetoprotein and hepat...

Syeda Shazia Bokhari, Aisha Waheed Qurashi*, Roheela Yasmeen*, Fouzia Yasmeen, Nabeela Nayab, Uzma Rafi

Eman H. Mahrous1, Mohamed. W. Abd Al -Azeem2, Faisal A. Wasel1, Waleed Younis2* 

... goal, lungs, liver, and heart (50 for each organ) were collected from 50 diseased rabbits (suffering from respiratory signs) from backyard rabbits at different localities in Sohag governorate, Egypt. All samples were submitted for PCR test and other conventional methods of identification. Recovery of P. multocida isolates of diseased rabbits from lung, liver, and heart were 23 (46%), 11 (22%), 13 (26%), respectively, with a...
Abdullah Abdo Albegali1, Tayyaba Aftab1, Atiq-ur-Rehman1*, Amir Rashid1 and Mayada Mohammad1,2
...vestigation of liver and heart was also done. The plant significantly (P < 0.05) and non-significantly (P > 0.05) decreased the levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, very low density lipoprotein, asparate aminotransferase and alkaline aminotransferase. The plant maintains the level of HDL to a normal range. It is concluded from the study that the plant may be supportive treatment in combating hyper...

Wassan Mhammed Husain1*, Zainab Sattar Ali2 

...od samples were taken by heart puncture for serum collection. In comparison to all other groups, the current results reveal a significant (p≤0. 05) decrease in testosterone, somatic testicular index, and sperm quality in the G3 group, nevertheless, there was a significant (P<0.05) increase in LH, FSH, sperm abnormalities percent, and dead sperm percent in the G3 group. The capacity of Phitofert ® to restore all passive effects of CCL4 and increase ep...

Muhammad Khubaib Hameed, Muhammad Aziz ur Rahman, Muhammad Ashraf, Safdar Hassan, Muhammad Riaz, Muhammad Qamar Bilal, Fawwad Ahmad, Muhammad Sharif*

... relative organs weight (heart, liver and gizzard) and immune organs such as bursa, spleen and thymus weight were also recorded. Weekly feed intake (3506g, 3531g) and body weight (2080g, 2139g) were better (P<0.05) in group fed arginine supplementation as 0.4 and 0.6%, respectively as compared to control group. Better feed conversion ratio (FCR, P<0.05) was shown by the all arginine treated groups with best FCR result in D group. Birds fed diet containin...

Jiao Ma*

...epair and enhancement of heart injury. This role of endogenic cardiac stem cells can be regulated by factors. Numerous causes, such as paracrine and autocrine factors, extracellular matrixes and genetic factors. In general, it is well known that these variables could have an appropriate role to improve the effectiveness of the treatment of heart lesions. The work of cytokines and growth factors has been found to play an impo...

Zheng Tan*, Li Li, Yuxin Song, Meirong Tian and Fan Jia

... diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD) were divided them into three groups, each containing 50 patients, namely stable angina pectoris (SAP) group, unstable angina pectoris (UAP) group, and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) group. Fifth healthy people were enrolled as control. The changes in serum endothelin, brain natriuretic peptide and high sensitive c-reactive protein in patients with CHD were observed and analyzed. The levels of serum endothelin, br...

Noura El-Shahat Attia1*, Abd El-Khalek Ramadan El-Sheikh1, Mohamed Omia Siam2 

...sis. Rectal temperature, heart, and respiration rates were not significantly differed between the two groups. Packed cell volume (PCV), total erythrothetic count (TEC), white blood cells (WBCs), serum glucose, total proteins and serum Zn were significantly decreased. Moreover, while copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) were significantly increased (p<0.05). All diseased dogs were treated with Zn sulphate @10mg/kg orally and daily for 14 days, and the treated dogs reve...

Hussain Ali1, Shahid Sattar Khan1, Fazal Maula2, Said Hussain Shah3* and Misbah Uddin1

...pulation density of dead hearts (3.50%) and white heads (7.08%) were recorded in Fakher Malakand variety, while the maximum population of dead hearts (7.89%) and white heads (13.7%) were observed in JP-5 variety. Yield analysis showed that maximum yield (2780 kg ha -1) was recorded in the Fakher Malakand variety. Data regarding the efficacy of different insecticides showed that maximum percent biological efficacy against ric...

Kanakuntla Sandhyarani*, Dhoppalapudi Madhuri, Yadala Ravikumar tissues like kidneys, heart, lungs, intestine (visceral gout) and also in the joints (articular gout). Gout is a multifactorial metaboic disease which involves infectious agents, nutritional factors and managemental prcatices. Infectious agents include Nephropathic Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), Avian Nephritis Virus (ANV), Chicken Astrovirus (CAstV) and nutritional factors like high dietary calcium (>2%), high crude protein (> 30%), Hypovitaminos...

Sajjad Khan*, Naila Chand, Abdul Hafeez, Nazir Ahmad 

...d the relative weight of heart, liver and gizzard while no significant effect was observed on pancreas and lymphoid organs. Significantly high (P<0.05) villi height (VH), low crypt depth (CD) and high VH:CD was recorded at 1.5% GA in different parts of intestine. Similarly, count of E. coli, Salmonella and C. perfringens was significantly low in ileum, caecum and colon. It was concluded that supplementation of GA at 1.5% resulted in significantly (P<0.05...

Fatma Desouki Mohammed Abdallah

...hter, dressing, carcass, heart, liver, gizzard, and spleen) weight. SPSS packages used for calculation descriptive statistics, correlations and principal component reduction method. The results showed that Bartletts test of sphericity is highly significant (P = 0.000 **) for the three lines. Three principle components were able to explain 82.193% (53.927, 15.188, 13.078 for PC1, PC2, PC3 respectively) of the total variance in the eight variables of the high bo...

Rafiqul Islam1, Nasrin Sultana1*, Md. Abu Hadi Noor Ali Khan2 

...development of the fetal heart, but overexposure can harm adult cardiovascular health. Dexamethasone (DEX) is a widely administered synthetic glucocorticoid. The focus of this study was determining how DEX affects serum biochemistry (cholesterol and triglycerides), morphology, and morphometry of broiler hearts. Eighty one-day-old chicks (DOCs) were randomly categorized into four groups i.e., one control group and three trial...
Ilvir Khabibullin1*, Ruzel Khabibullin1, Irina Mironova1, Lyalya Musina2, Elmira Akhmadullina1, Victoria Morozova1 
...ected their skeletal and heart muscles, lung tissue, liver and kidneys, where immunity and blood cells develop. Although the swimming test at the beginning of the experiment showed that mice and hamsters had approximately the same indicators of physical endurance, by the end of the experiment, the swimming time of the experimental group animals was significantly longer. The animals receiving pantocrine turned to be stronger. Their interval time increased by 26...

Amal Hamad1, Ashraf M. Abu-Seida2*, Faisal A. Torad2, Nahed S. Thabet3, Shabaan M. Gadallah1

...nsignificant increase in heart rate, significant increase in systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure and significant increase in respiratory rate after 15 and 30 minutes. In conclusion, meloxicam is more safe and effective analgesic than Nalbuphine HCl, Fentanyl citrate and Tramadol HCl in dogs.
Keywords | Dogs, Fentanyl citrate, Meloxicam, Nalbuphine hydrochloride, Tramadol hydrochloride

Shewangizaw Wolde1,2*, Tadele Mirkena1,3, Aberra Melesse1, Tadelle Dessie4, Solomon Abegaz5, thigh, breast, back, heart, and kidney were increased with age. The dressing percent was not affected by genotype for male chickens, but it was higher for LL, lower for SRSR, and in-between for LSR hens. Moreover, it was not affected by age except for LSR chicken. In conclusion, the values of body and carcass weights were significantly improved by cross-breeding of Sasso-RIR chicken with Normal Feathered local chicken. The weights of most carcasses were in...

A. Samy1*, H.M.A. Hassan1, Fatma T.F. Abd-El Ghany2, Shama H. Morsy2 percent, while liver, heart, kidney, giblets, and spleen percentage were not affected. When curcumin or garlic extract were added at 200 or 400 ppm, Improved the antioxidants status by enhanced total antioxidant capacity also, significantly (P<0.05) enhanced hepatic antioxidants enzyme (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase) compared with the control. Slightly (P>0.05) decreased in malondialdehyde of all treatments compared to the...

Min Li1, Shiwu Deng2*, Yiqian Peng3 and Hong Li2

...activity of Caspase-3 in heart tissue of SD rats was measured, and the expression of p-JNK, GRP78, Caspase 12 and CHOP in heart tissue of SD rats was determined by Western blot. We found that LVEDd and LVESd in MIRI group and MIRI + DEX group were significantly higher than those in sham operation group (P<0.05), and LVEF was significantly lower than that in sham operation group (P<0.05). Compared with MIRI group, the e...

Thobela Louis Tyasi1*, Lubabalo Bila2, Nkgaugelo Kgasago3, Siza Mthi4 

...sitively correlated with heart girth (HG) and rump height (RH) in males, while in females, BW was positively correlated with RH, body length (BL), withers height (WH) and shoulder height (SH). The findings of the study suggest that rump height can be used as an accurate indicator/good management tool for goat selection and breeding programs in improvement of BW. The findings of the current study might also help goat farmers to have a better understanding of mo...

Tao Ren1, Guiqiu Cao2, Xiao Han3, Feng Tan1, Qiaoli Chen4, Shicheng Yang5 and Haiyan Zhang6*

...lign: justify;">Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a common multiple cardiovascular disease (CVD) in clinical settings. It is a major contributor to mortality and morbidity worldwide and causes a serious threat to human life and health. Naringenin, a flavonoid possesses the potent antioxidant potential and it is proposed to be useful in the treatment of CVD. In this experimental study, we aimed to scrutinize the cardio-protective effect of naringenin against the ...
Chinar Mustafa Mohammed1*, Thamer M. Bashir1, Omar A.M. Al-Habib2, Farhad Ramadhan1, Mohammed Bassam1
...acological agent against heart disease, including chronic heart failure. This study investigated the potential protective effects of taurine, on behavior and cardiovascular function in the male rat following arrhythmia induced by the social stressor. Here, we studied levels of heart electrical activity following experimental conditions: Cage control, social isolation in standard rat housin...

Hany M.R. Elsherif1, Ahmed Orabi2, Hussein M.A. Hassan3, Ahmed Samy3*

...ges of birds. The liver, heart, gizzard, and spleen were unchanged (% of body weight). Birds fed diets enriched with SF or SP had considerably (P<0.05) longer and wider guts than the control group, and scored zero in intestinal lesions scale. The addition of SF or SP were significantly enhanced (P<0.05) the lactobacillus count when compared to the control, while the quantity of Clostridium perfringens intestinal colonization was not exist. When OAS&rsquo...
Luu Huynh Anh1, Huynh Tan Loc2, Nguyen Hong Xuan3, Le Minh Thanh1, Trinh Thi Hong Mo4, Ly Thi Thu Lan5, Nguyen Trong Ngu1*
...E. coli densities in the heart, liver, and spleen of chickens treated with MHH6 and PR2 phages were greatly decreased in infected chickens. After 98 days, the body weight of birds from the E. coli-infected groups treated with MHH6 and PR2 phages was lower than individuals in non-E. coli-infected groups (1,313-1,324 g/bird) but higher and significantly different from those in the PC group (1,172 g/bird). The majority of commercially important traits in chickens...

Mohammed A. Almujtaba1, Turky Omar Asar2, Salma Naqvi3, Vikas Kumar4, Fahad A. Al-Abbasi1, Abdulbasit I. Al-Sieni1 and Firoz Anwar1*

...animals were sacrificed, heart preserved, and blood collected for biochemical estimations. Serum levels of cardiac biomarkers, CRP, Fibrinogen, BUN and creatinine increased, while zinc, IL-10 and angiotensin levels decreased significantly in DC as compared to NC. Interestingly, renin level also decreased in DC group. Heart tissues from each group were examined for histological changes. Altered serum levels of the biomarkers ...

Victoria Rankotsane Hlokoe, Thobela Louis Tyasi* 

...asurement traits such as heart girth (HG), body weight (BW), rump width (RW), body length (BL), head length (HL), withers height (WH), ear length (EL), rump height (RH), head width (HW) and sternum height (SH), and to detect the best-fitted regression model for the prediction of BW of Nguni cattle. A total of 70 Nguni cattle (59 females and 11 males) aged 2-4 years were employed in the current study. Pearson’s correlation and stepwise regression techniqu...

Fengbin Jin1, Xin Liu2 and Yanqiu Yue3*

...uding blood pressure and heart rate), blood-gas indicators and scores of symptoms before and after treatment between two groups. Additionally, we also observed the adverse reactions of patients in two groups. After treatment, the effectiveness rate of patients in the observation group and control group were 96.49% and 79.70%, and the difference had statistical significance (P < 0.05); besides, patients in two groups gained significant improvement in vital s...

Madumetja Cyril Mathapo and Thobela Louis Tyasi*

... (BW), body length (BL), heart girth (HG), rump height (RH), withers height (WH) and sternum height (SH) were measured. Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression were used for data analysis. Phenotypic correlation outcomes indicated that SC had a positive statistically significant (P<0.05) correlation with BW (r = 0.425) and non-significant correlation with BL (r = 0.108), HG (r = 0.082), RH (r = 0.038), WH (r = 0.097) and SH (r = 0.280), whi...

Maher Mohammed Yousef Alobaysi,1,4 Turki Albacker2, Waleed Alharbi2, Osama Almogbel2, Sadik Mohammed3, Fahad Al-Abbasi4, Vikas Kumar5 and Firoz Anwar4

... pre and post values for heart rate, WBC, electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), cortisol, tri-iodothyronine, thyroxine, thyrotropin and Vit D in paired sample correlation. WBC counts measured before and after intervention were 5.81±1.12 and 5.19±0.98 respectively, which showed a significant fall in the WBC count and increase in cortisol after intervention. These alternations suggest to review and redesign the curricular or assigning duties to ...

Rijumoni Daimari, Silistina Narzari, Jatin Sarmah* 

..., liver, kidney, spleen, heart, large intestine and small intestine of Doom pig of Assam, India. The samples were collected from semi-extensively reared pig farms of Kokrajhar district, Assam. The approximate composition range of these edible viscera was found to be: moisture 50.67-68.47%, fat 0.47-9.85%, ash 0.16-0.92%, protein 6.85-22.36%, carbohydrate 10.18-24.65% and calorie 124.31-198.16 k/cal/100g. Among the samples the maximum protein, carbohydrate and ...

Andi Hiroyuki1,2,*, Refina Sastya Qomariyuti1, Najmah Nur Islami3, Vanessa Ayu Sumirat4, Neni Anggraeni5, Mas Rizky A.A Syamsunarno2,6 

...ical examination and the heart, liver, white fat tissue, and kidneys were weighed. The results showed that the average heart weight (0.120 grams) and white fat tissue (0.145 grams) decreased in the KSO group, as did RBC (8.285×106/μl), WBC (2,943×103/μl) and platelets (506 ,5×103/μl), but statistically there was no significant difference in hematological parameters, body temperature, GDP, body weig...

Qurban Ali1, Habib-ur-Rehman2, Muhammad Abdullah3, Asad Aslam1*, Muti Ullah4, Ali Sher5, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Humaira Malik1, Muhammad Umar Qasim1, Muhammad Yasir6, Ijaz Haider1, Tamsila Nazir1 and Muhammad Jawad Saleem1

... (96.08%) and no of dead hearts (93.65%) was noticed inthecase of Chlorpyriphos 40% EC while the lowermost infestation reduction i.e. 55.12% was noted in case of Fipronil 0.3% G treated plots. Results of mean infestation values of C. partellus depicted that maximum mean infestation was 72.11% and 59.11%was noted in control during the peak population months, August and September. Results of population dynamics with abiotic conditions revealed that highest popul...

Ansar Abbas1*, Muhammad Aman Ullah2, Abdul Waheed3 and Muhammad Asif4

...), barrel depth (BD) and heart girth (HG). A total of 271 female Thalli sheep of southern Punjab were included in the study. We used different goodness of fit criteria such as coefficient of determination (R2 %), adjusted coefficient of determination (Adj-R2 %), standard deviation ratio (SD ratio), root mean square error (RMSE), relative approximation error (RAE), mean absolute deviation (MAD), coefficient of variation (CV %), Akaike information criterion (AIC...

Qingyue Han1, Ying Li1, Jichang Deng1, Kunxuan Huang1, Yanyang Yang1, Quanwei Li1, Zhuowei Zhang1, Na Qiao1, Yanju Ji2, Khalid Mehmood3, Sarfaraz Ali Fazlani4, Hui Zhang1 and Zhaoxin Tang1*

...D and its metabolites on heart development in swine. The effect of 25(OH)D3 and Ca2+ supplementation in diets on heart development in neonatal piglets during pregnancy were examined in this study. Total 40 sows of 7 gestational age with good health and nutritional condition were divided into four groups (n=10): the control group, low calcium, 25(OH)D3 group and low calcium with 25(OH)D3 group. Each groups consist of 5 piglet...

Chattida Panprom1, Nakrob Pattanapon1, Wannisa Meepoo1, Soontaree Petchdee2* 

...nt in dogs with valvular heart disease. This study suggested that the anesthetic drug protocol of alfaxalone 2.5 mg/kg and a maintenance fluid rate of 5 mL/kg/hr in dogs with valve disease is safe and appropriate for preserving cardiovascular functions.


Keywords | Dog, General anesthesia, Mitral valve degeneration, Noncardiac surgery 


Muhammad Bilal Munawar1, Saima Naveed1, Shafqat Nawaz Qaisrani1, Jibran Hussain2, Shahzad Munir3, Ayesha Ahmed3, Mubbashir Hussain4, Ahmad Kamran Khan5, Abdullah Jalal6 and Irfan Ahmed7*

...igher gizzard, liver and heart weight were recorded in group A and B while tibia ash, Ca and P in group H. Described results concluded that supplementing liquid phytase enhances breakdown of phytate phosphorus, phosphorus availability, digestibility, and growth performance.


Rezqita Putri Pitaloka1, Kartiawati Alipin1, Mas Rizky A.A Syamsunarno2, Gemilang Lara Utama3, Ramdan Panigoro2, Ratu Safitri1* 

...els in the serum, liver, heart, spleen, kidney, and brain. The results showed that the effective dose was the combination of 75 mg/kg BW DFP and 50 mg/kg BW SWEE as an adjuvant, while 200mg/kg BW SWEE can be used as a substitute for chelators, especially in the heart. The decrease in serum and organ iron levels due to the combination of DFP and SWEE showed their ability to act as an adjuvant and substitute for chelators.


Nadia A Eltablawy1, Ibrahim El Tantawy El Sayed2, Hamed Mohamed Abdel Barry2, Marwa A. Ibrahim3*, Maha Nageib Ahmed Serag ElDein2 

...harmful effect of DOX on heart tissue. Conclusion: TME is a potent cardiac protective agent that protects and preserves the heart tissue against the deleterious effect of doxorubicin.

Keywords | Terminalia Muelleri; Doxorubicin; iNOS; eNOS; Top 2 ß 


S. Feroza 1, A. G. Arijo1†, F. M. Bilqees2* and M. S. Phulan1

...estine, liver, lungs and heart. Hemorrhagic enteritis and acute fibrinous enteritis with clotted blood, hemorrhagic and reddish spots on intestinal wall, inflammation and necrotic patches with consolidation of intestinal contents were generally observed. Infected liver showed dark red coloration. Severe congestion, chronic pneumonia, exuded in one lobe of the lung were seen, whereas, necrosis and atrophy in infected heart we...

Esam A Razin1, Hassan Sobhy2, Tarek R. AboElnaga1, Asmaa A. Darwish1*, Rasha S. Mohammed1

... from the liver, kidney, heart, lung, spleen, and brain on the 49th day, stained, and histopathologically examined. Although, both treatments presented a significant improvement (P<0.05) in their parasitological and clinicopathological results, DAG suffered from lower levels of GR than BG, and its organs microscopical examination clarified severe lesions similar to TG. While, BG clinicopathological parameters and histopathological results were so close to C...

Shaimaa A.Tawfik2,3, EL S.T. Awad1*, Hoda O.Abu Bakr1, Amira M.Gamal-Eldeen4, Esmat Ashour2, Ismail M.Ahmed1  

...ons of liver, kidney and heart tissues were confirmed these findings. In liver tissues, DOX resulted in an observable induction in CYP3A4 and MRP-1, while CSO/DOX showed an inhibition in both proteins. c-MYC was dramatically decreased in DOX group, while CSO/DOX group restored cellular c-MYC. CSO/DOX group resulted in a remarkable inhibition in the tumor suppressor miRNA (let-7a) compared to DOX-induced expression. Moreover, miR-122, as negative regulator of ...
Muhammad Fiaz1, Muhammad Farooq Hussain Faisal1
Muhammad Imran Khan1*, Kashif Ishaq1, Tanveer Ahmad1 and Qazi Jamil Akbar2

Rukhsana Anwar1*, Muhammad Usman Khalil1 and Kanwal Ashiq1,2

...25±6.7 mmHg), and heart rate (370±33.9 beats/min and 298.25±19.1 beats/min) respectively as compared to hypertensive rats. Sub-acute study results showed that the extract significantly decreased systolic blood pressure (97.33±3 mm Hg), diastolic blood pressure by (68.6±4.6 mmHg), mean arterial blood pressure (78.17±3.7 mmHg), and heart rate 335.8±27.5 beats/min as compared to ...

Munir Ahmad1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Riaz Hussain2* and Rifat Ullah Khan3*

...s were seen, whereas the heart of treated fish showed hemorrhages, edema, and neutrophilic myocarditis. In conclusion, Pymetrozine appears to have harmful effects on blood biochemistry and histological alterations in several tissues of bighead carp.


Amr N. El-Shahat1*, A.M. Abdul Azeem1 and Mohamed H.M. Abd el Megid2

...dant status in liver and heart tissues with indicated inhibition of lipid peroxidation by reducing the level of malondialdehyde compared to HCD-fed rats. The results concluded that BLE may have an effective role in reducing high cholesterol levels.


Xiaoyan Yang1* and Xiuli Xu2

...ion is a risk factor for heart attack and getting an influenza vaccine is recommended for people who are prone to heart disease.


Mohammad Bani Ismail

...c remodeling can lead to heart failure and cardiac hypertrophy. Zizyphus jujuba var spinosa seeds contain SPN, a C-glycoside flavonoid used in traditional medicine. A growing body of evidence indicates they have pharmacological potential against a wide range of diseases. Spinosin (SPN), however, has not been examined in relation to doxorubicin (Dox) induced cardiac injuries. To find out if SPN can reverse Dox-induced cardiomyopathies, we conducted this study. ...

Mohammed A. El-Sayed1*, Mahmoud H Hatab2, Heba AEM Assi3, Nashaat S Ibrahim2, Hisham M Saleh2, Waheed AA Sayed2, Birgit A Rumpold4 

...weight, small intestine, heart, liver, gender organs, spleen, and bursa of Fabricius of quails when compared to diet A. The LBW, relative carcass weight, and measured organs of the diet A group were significantly impacted by the interaction of dietary treatment and HS, whereas these traits had no or minimal effects on the diet B and diet C groups. The HSP70 gene transcription level was highest in birds exposed to cyclic HS and fed control diet A, and lowest in...

Dhurgham K. Seger1, Rahman H. H. Al Qasimi2, Azhar A. Jaffar3, Salah H. Faraj4, Ahmed I. Ateya5* 

...haracteristics including heart and liver weight alongside recovery rate. Meanwhile, there was no significant effects between polymorphisms of SSTR1 and the remaining carcass traits including live weight, carcass weight, clearance percentage, and spleen and kidneys weights. This study highlights the possible efficiency of using SSTR1 as candidate marker for carcass traits in sheep. 


Swagata Das Gupta1, Majharul Islam1, Towhida Kamal2,Md. Rayhan Faruque3,Md. Shohel Al Faruk4* 

... hepatomegaly, congested heart, and proventriculus, and found nodules in the crop wall as tentative diagnoses. Tropozoid was identified through microscopic examination by direct wet smear and giemsa staining. The cankers were treated orally with metronidazole at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight, and the farmer was also advised on the hygienic management of his farm. After careful treatment, all the clinically affected pigeons get cured within...

Muhammad Shahid Nisar1*, Ahmad Kamran Khan1, Ghulam Fatima2, Irfan Ahmed4, Khizar Sami Ullah2 and Syeda Amber Hameed2,5

...all other organs (liver, heart, intestine, pancreas, lungs, spleen and kidney) resulted significantly difference (p<0.05) and affected with FW supplementation. Broiler fed with 25% and 50% FW affected positively (p<0.05) to lymphocytes, granulocytes, red blood cells, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean platelet volume while D3 also resulted positively in results of mid-range absolute count. While birds fed D4 (75% FW) resulted significant di...

Shafqat Ullah1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Rafiq Ullah1, Raheela Taj3, Fatima Syed3, Shumaila Gul4, Faiza Khan5, Ibad Ullah Jan6, Muneeb Islam7 and Sumaira8

...gans i-e liver, gizzard, heart, pancreas, and proventriculus etc. showed significant (P≤0.05) results in each of selenium-supplemented groups. Overall, 0.3 mg/kg (Basal diet) of selenium showed better results with respect to the positive control group.


Yanmei Wang1,2, Haoyun Li1, Lijuan Han1 and Wenkui Wang1*

...nary hypertension, right heart failure and a large amount of yellowish liquid accumulated in the body cavity, and has become one of the most causes of non-infectious death in broiler industry worldwide. The macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF) and related protein and gene expressions in its downstream signal pathways need to be studied to explore the mechanism of MIF participating in PH. In this study, 4-5 weeks broilers with clinical PH were collected...

Cahya Alamsyah Putra Anugerah1*, Ita Krissanti1, Diky Ramdani2 

...ody weight, body length, heart girth, chest width, wither height, and shoulder width were 19,72±3,77 kg, 42,5±6,36 cm, 59±5,65 cm, 15,25±0,75 cm, 43,5±2,5 cm, and 14,5±0,5 cm for does, and 30,05±1,20 kg, 47,5±0,5 cm, 73±2 cm, 20,5±1 cm, 52,5±6 cm, and 20,5±0,5 cm for bucks respectively. All goats were infested with helminth eggs at mild in goats I and III, moderate in goat IV, ...
Nauman Jamil Khan1, Rabia Tariq2, Hina Saleem2 and Muhammad Waheed Mushtaq2*
...kes, renal irregularity, heart attack etc. Various analytical techniques including atomic absorption spectroscopy, chromatography methods, ion selective electrode method, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, complexometric titration method and thermometric endpoint titrimetry are developed to determine the quantity of sodium. Spectrophotometric methods are cheap, easy to handle and more precise to quantify sodium in food contents.

Turrini Yudiarti*, Sugiharto Sugiharto, Endang Widiastuti, Hanny Indrat Wahyuni, Tri Agus Sartono, Maulana Hamonangan Nasution

...n in ileum and weight of heart also bursa of fabricius, whereas could reduce MCV, coliform population in caecum, and weight of pancreatic also caecum and no effect on broiler performance. The conclusion is supplementation of fermented product of the fungus Monascus purpureus as a feed additive that applied on boiler can improve the physiological parameters, intestinal microbial population and internal organ weight but no impact on performance.

Eman, M. Abd El-Mottaleb.*; Ahmed, S.A."; Maysa, H.M.*; Salem, S.A.* and M. M. El-Shenawy

...tissues were seen in the heart. Liver showed severe edema, fibrous connective tissues proliferation, various sized organized thrombus with severe infiltration by mononuclear inflammatory cells. Depletion of the white pulp of the spleen as well as edema in the lymph node. The brain of inculcated mice showed intracytoplasmic inclusion body. Electron microscopy (EM) were applied on brain of infected mice and showed intracytoplasmic small number of bullet shape pa...

Divanildo Outor-Monteiro1,2,3*, José António Silva2,3,4, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3

...(liver, kidney, lung and heart), decreased hind part proportions and lower cooking loss values. Furthermore, the hind legs of these rabbits had a greater proportion of muscle and less bone, along with increased luminosity and reduced redness. In conclusion, production systems exert influence on specific carcass and meat characteristics.
Keywords | Rabbit, Housing system, Slaughter-age, Carcass, Meat

Estabraq Hayder Khayoon, Ammar Ahmed Abdulwahid*  

...les were taken using the heart puncture technique after the subjects had been given an intramuscular injection of ketamine and xylazine to induce anesthesia. The findings revealed the exposure of Acrylamide to rats significantly reduced their tendency to gain weight, a marked rise in the concentration of malondialdehyde and decrease levels of Total antioxidant in blood serum and behavioral differences like Acrylamide greatly decreased the struggling and as...
Raed M. Al-Atiyat1,2*, Gamaleldin M. Suliman3, Khaled Abu-Alruz4, Firas Al-Zyoud5, Amer Mamkagh6, Ahmed M. El-Waziry7, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer8 and Rifat Ullah Khan9
...r and rump, body length, heart girth, body depth, head length, ear length, body weight at slaughtering, empty body, dressing percentage, hot carcass, cold carcass, and head weight which had a significant effect on breed. The phenotypic associations between the traits were also studied and strong associations between economically important traits were reported. The analyses of principal components were efficient in showing the total variation of 13 traits accum...

Sajjad Khan*, Naila Chand, Abdul Hafeez and Nazir Ahmad

...rn of improved weight of heart, liver, gizzard, pancreas, bursa, spleen and thymus was recorded for the groups studied. Significantly higher (P<0.05) VH, lower (P<0.05) CD and higher (P<0.05) VH:CD in duodenum, jejunum and ileum were recorded in synbiotic group D followed by C, E and B. Similarly, supplementation of synbiotic in group D and Bacillus subtilis group C resulted in complete eradication of E. coli, Salmonella and C. perfringens from ileum,...

Qing Cao1, Wei Jiao2, Huihui Lu1, Jing Zhang2, Meiling Ren3, Yan Xu1* and Shuyang Hu1* mellitus and coronary heart disease (CHD) on the hypercoagulability and thromboembolism. A total of 236 patients with type II diabetes mellitus and CHD who were treated in 904 Hospital of Joint Logistic Support Force of PLA were enrolled between January 2018 and January 2020. These patients, according to their 2 h postprandial glucose (2hPG), were divided into the hyperglycemia group (n = 126) and hypoglycemia group (n = 112). Patients in the hypoglycemia a...

Qing Cao1, Wei Jiao2, Huihui Lu1, Jing Zhang2, Meiling Ren3, Yan Xu1* and Shuyang Hu1* mellitus and coronary heart disease (CHD) on the hypercoagulability and thromboembolism. A total of 236 patients with type II diabetes mellitus and CHD who were treated in 904 Hospital of Joint Logistic Support Force of PLA were enrolled between January 2018 and January 2020. These patients, according to their 2 h postprandial glucose (2hPG), were divided into the hyperglycemia group (n = 126) and hypoglycemia group (n = 112). Patients in the hypoglycemia a...

Peixia Yu1*, Lijun Bo2 and Xueyin Song1

... measured items included heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP), ±dp/dtmax, malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, creatine phosphokinase MB (CK-MB) and cardiac troponin-I (cTnI). The total apoptotic cardiomyocytes, B cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) and Bax protein and mRNA expression were detected in the myocardial ischemia (MI) region. The HR and the MAP of the Fen group exceeded that of ...
Aatif Masood Ahmad Khan1, Masood Rabbani1*, Arfan Ahmad1, Muhammad Wasim2 and Sohail Raza1
... production, using brain heart infusion broth media.



...ousness, respiration and heart rates were comparable among both treatment groups. No adverse reaction was observed following transfusion of blood or Haes-sterilTM in any experimental dog. Hematological parameters like total leukocytic count (TLC), red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb) and total proteins were also studied. Blood parameters such as RBC, Hb and total proteins were significantly different among dogs of both treatment groups. The changes in TLC va...


...betle leaf is deep green heart shaped belongs to family Piperaceae. This plant is used for the treatment of different diseases like diabetes, cancer, inflammatory responses, oxidant injuries etc. in the present study ethanolic extract of Piper betle leaf was used (300 mg/kg). Diabetes was induced in male albino rats by using Alloxan (150 mg/kg). Glutathione (GSH), Catalase (CAT), Malondialdehyde (MDA), Nitric oxide (NO), micronutrients (Vitamin A, Vitamin C an...

Hayder S. Rwayyih*, Tahani S.S. Al-Azawi

...roponin and histology of heart and aorta in intact and ovariectomized rabbits. Twenty rabbits, aged seven to eight weeks, were employed in this investigation. The animals were split up evenly into the following four groups: The intact rabbits in Group One (G1) were given distilled water. The intact rabbits in Group Two (G2) were given an oral dose of alpha lipoic acid (10 mg/kg B.wt). The ovariectomized rabbits in Group Three (G3) were given distilled water. G...

Nguyen Thuy Linh, Nguyen Hoang Qui*

... not show any effects on heart, liver and gizzard. The study also recorded longer small intestine in treatment of 30% HIM replacement. Furthermore, cooking loss and pH of breast and thigh meat was not different (P>0.05). A significant effect of HI in replacing FM recorded in immune organ weights, especially, improving bursa of Fabricius and thymus weight (P<0.05). The inclusion of 15% and even 30% HI in diets to replace FM did not record changes in hemat...

Sri Purwanti1*, Wempie Pakiding1, Marhamah Nadir1, Nurhayu2, Kusumandari Indah Prahesti1, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin1, Jasmal Ahmari Syamsu1,4, Andi Mushawwir3 

...igh sensitivity, H-FABP (heart-type fatty acid-binding protein), homocysteine, and Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase found higher (p<0.05) in R0 than R1 and R2. Moreover, the level of adiponectin, apolipoproteins, HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol, triglycerides and NEFA (non-esterified fatty acid) was found significantlyr (p<0.05) better in R0 compared to the R1 and R2 groups. These results suggested that ...

Muhammad Choirur Roziqin1, Muhammad Halim Natsir2*, Osfar Sjofjan2

...which include the liver, heart, gizzard, spleen, and pancreas, as well. However, the use of date pit flour in feed has a very real effect (P<0.01) on body weight gain, carcase percentage, abdominal fat, and cholesterol. In conclusion, date pit flour feed was recommended as an alternative feed for broiler chickens.
Keywords | Broiler chicken, Carcase, Internal organs, Growth performance, Date pit flour
Khalid Hussain, G. M. Nasir and Tanvir Hussain
...sis of ring growth rate, heartwood percentage and anatomical properties of locally grown species Paulownia catalpifolia, Paulownia elongata, Paulownia fortune and Paulownia tomentosa was carried out in order to observe the extent of variations. Discs were cut off from the butt log of each species at breast height and data were collected for the growth rate and heartwood percentage. To observe variations in anat...
A. S. M. Helal Siddiqui1, Abul Khair2, M. Masudur Rahman3 and S.M. Mosfeka Hasnin4
...ow Passur is affected by heart rot problem. Actually heart rot is internal damaged condition locally known as "dhor". The fruit body, gall and cankers are developed on the different portion of the standing living trees. Thus it is characterized by the gradual death of the crown starting first with small twigs and then gradually larger branches die. To know the status of heart rot a...
Amjad Ali Ch., Javaid Ahsan, Tariq Mehmood, Shahzad Fazal, Punjab Forestry Research Institute, Faisalabad and Nowsherwan Zarif constraints were half hearted implementation of existing range management regulation and inadequate research. ...
Muhamamd Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
...ut growths directed from heart wood into sapwood were noted in first 3 cross sections of first 3 consecutive logs.

Presence of i) white or black fungal material both on stem and root ii) exudation either of black or red blood colour iii) dry patches in stem/root and drying of roots and iv) white powdery streak in cross sections are leading to the conclusion that there have been the possibility of some fungal attack resulting in blockage of conducting t...

Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...eddish hard and durable heartwood (air dried specific gravity 0.72- 0.83); leaves are compound. 22.5-37.5 cm long; flowers in axillary panicles, lilac, honey-scented particularly during night....
Hanif Gul, M.I. Chaudhry M. Farooq and Rahmatullah Jan
...tanus orientalis. L. heart woods were extracted with Acetone solvent in the soxhelt apparatus. The laboratory trails of the wood extractives revealed that termites longevity was minimum in the Platanus orientalis, L. among the broad leaved tree species and Cedrus deodara Roxb Ex. Lanb and P. roxburghii Saragent from conifers while in Abies webbiana Lindl there was no significant difference in extractives and check (no treatments...
M. Ayaz
... The results of time and heart rate studies showed that the improved tools demanded 12.4 minutes less of work time per cubic meter of timber and firewood converted. The technical labor productivity for work with improved tools also higher by about 24% and this increase was highly significant. Improved tools reduced the physical workload in the workers highly significantly as shown by their lower average total pulse by 9 beats/min. These results indicat...
...omes demidoffii, the heart rot fungus, accounted for over 96% of the total decay volume. Dead branch stubs and root -connections were important means of entry for decay fungi....
M. A Quraishi and Manzoor Ahmad
...od is greyish- white and heartwood is brown with darker streaks. It is very durable, works well and does not warp or split. It is used for furniture, cabinet making, carving and for gun-stocks. It is found to be the best wood for gun-stocks so there is always a demand for it. The tree is often cultivated for its valuable fruit. Wild trees are lopped for fodder. Spirit is extracted from leaves which is used in checking the sick- ness of pregnancy. Bark is us...
Mohammad Hafeez
...d is generally white and heartwood is dark brown. Leaves are broadly ovate or obovate, oblique and abtuse. Flowers are pale in colour.
It is a very slow growing tree. It obtains a height from 20 to 30 feet. It occurs more or less gregariously in dry hills up to 4,000 feet. It is found in various geological formations and is capable of growing in poor dry shallow soil where few other species can survive. It may occur pure or in mixture with other trees. It...

Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3, Abdul Waheed3*, Ecevit Eyduran4 and Muhammad Tariq5

... (NW), neck length (NL), heart girth (HG), rump length (RL), tail length (TL), rump width (RW), barrel depth (BD), birth weight (BiW), live body weight (BW), sacral pelvic width (SPW), teat diameter (TED), teat length (TEL), testes length (TsL), scrotal circumference (SC) and testes width (TsW). Positive and highly significant (P≤0.01) correlations among different morphometric traits were present in overall animals of 0-12-month age groups of Thalli sheep s...
Never Assan1,2, Michael Musasira3, Maphios Mpofu3, Nicholas Mwayera4, Kwena Mokoena5, Thobela Louis Tyasi5
...r = 0.70), while BWT and heart girth (HG) showed a significant correlation (r = 0.68) (p<0.05) at I2 stage. Simple regression models demonstrated good predictive power on BWT at the FM stage for HG (R2 = 74%), BL (R2 = 65%), and WT (R2 = 53%) (p<0.05). The predictive power of multiple regression models for I3 was slightly reduced when non-significant components were removed. The findings suggest that HG is the best predictor of BWT during the I3 to FM to...

Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi1, Majeed Ajafar2, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory2 * 

...(P ≤ 0.05) the lowest heart glycogen levels at one and six weeks, while hens in G1 and G4 respectively showed significantly (P ≤ 0.05) the lowest muscle glycogen levels at one and three weeks. These results showed that addition of manganese to chicken diet improved their immune status, and metabolic state during forced molting. 


Renny Fatmyah Utamy1*, Ambo Ako1, Hasbi Hasbi1, Zyahrul Ramadan2, Andi Arif Rahman Hakim2,3, Siti Annisa Sukri2

...d conversion efficiency, heart rate, body temperature, heat tolerance coefficient, or Benezra coefficients. In early lactation, dairy cows are susceptible to negative energy balance, which can reduce performance and affect physiological values. Proper feed intake can help address the negative energy balance (NEB), many cows get NEB during this phase. Performance and physiological values at different phases vary, requiring adjustments to nutritional intake base...

Mohamed Ahmed Abaza1, Amany O. Selim2, Mona Abdallah3, Shimaa A.E. Atwa4, Hala El Daous5, Mona Abd-Allah Abd-Elrehim6, Mohamed M.S. Gaballa7, Reda R. Fathy1*

...r, cecum, colon, spleen, heart, and lungs compared to the E. coli-infected group. These findings solidified our central hypothesis which was to evaluate the antimicrobial and antioxidant efficacy of ZnO-NPs against pathogenic bacterial strain of E. coli in broiler chicken as a powerful, safe alternative to antibiotics.
Keywords: Nano-production of zinc oxide (ZnO-NPs), Specific pathogen free chicks, E...

Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy1, Mahmoud Yassin Mohamed1*, Mahmoud Sayed Sayah2,1, Ashraf Ali Mehany1, Ezzat Arafa Ahmed El-Beltagi1, Shimaa M. Ali1

..., height at withers, and heart girth) adhered to the same pattern. Calves in the 3rd group reached maturity earlier (about 50d and 63d) and recorded heavier body weights (about 35 kg and 55 kg) of both males and females, respectively. Also, sexual activity, semen characteristics and testosterone levels for bulls developed earlier than the 1st group. Heifers in the same group were superior in reproductive performance such as reaching puberty, and fertility comp...

Jahid Hasan Tipu1, Md Ashraful Islam2, Md Altafur Rahman3, Md. Nazim Uddin4, Obaidul Islam5* 

... measurements, including heart girth, body length, height at withers, height at back, and paunch girth in Black Bengal goats. A total of 125 Black Bengal goats were selected from Sylhet Government Goat Development Farm and Khadimnagar union of Sylhet Sadar upazila of Bangladesh. Goats were categorized into different groups based on their age and sex. Live weight was estimated by digital balance, and other body measurements were estimated by measuring tape and ...

Hussein Jabar Jasim*, Naer Abdulbari Madlool Alkaabawi, Ali Naser Kathem  

...iarrhea 51.4%, increased heart rate 50.27%, respiratory rate 46.37%, coughing 50%, snoring during breathing 48.55%, nasal and ocular discharge 49.27%, and rough hair coat 52.89%. Also, results of epidemiological investigation discovered that out of 138 examined horses, 75 tested positives for ascariasis, with infection rate of 54.34% depended to flotation technique. A correlation was observed between climatic conditions and the occurrence of ascariasis, with t...

Manel Ben Larbi1*, Ameni Askri1, Mariem Saidani1, Naceur M’Hamdi2, Ibrahim El Akram Znaïdi3, Nadia Ben Braiek4 and Hajer M’Hamdi5

...ainful leg disorders and heart failure in broiler chickens and hunger due to severe food restriction in the breeding birds. The scientific literature on broiler chicken welfare in Tunisia is scarce. This study aimed to assess broiler welfare conditions in five Arbor Acres commercial flocks at the age of 35 days. Some indicators were observed like hock lesions, lameness, pododermatitis, plumage cleanliness, and breast blister. The scores of welfares ranged betw...

Oluwakamisi F. Akinmoladun1,2*, Olusegun O. Ikusika1, Conference T. Mpendulo1 organs’ (liver, heart, gizzard and neck) weights were similar (P>0.05) irrespective of dietary Na supplementation. In conclusion, the performance of the Japanese quail from 22 to 42 days appears to be at an optimum range of 0.187% to 0.231% for dietary Na supplementation.
Keywords | Carcass traits, Coturnix coturnix Japonica, Growth performance, Haematology, Sodium

Eslam F.M. Eisa1, Bardees K. Elgohary1*, Mahasen El Shair1, Hagar F. Gouda2, Ali E. Kandeel1

...ory variables, including heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, were recorded 30 minutes after premedication (baseline), 15 until 90 minutes post-induction, along with end-tidal sevoflurane, tidal volume, end-tidal carbon dioxide, oxygen saturation. The results revealed that G2 and G4 demonstrated superior hemodynamic stability, with more consistent in HR and MAP, reflected by the lowest coefficient of variation (18.7, 20.5% for HR; 15.8, 20.5% for MAP)...

Nahed Yehia1*, Rania I. Mohamed2; they also affect the heart, liver pancreas, and proventriculus. Also, the spleen showed severe lymphoid depletion and necrosis causing immunosuppression. Regular virus monitoring and study of the pathogenicity is necessary for better control of virus infection.
Keywords: H9N2, Genetic evolution, Pathogenicity, Histopathology, Avian influenza

Mona F. Shousha1*, Aml M. Ragab2 and Salwa M. Helmy1, 800 internal organs (heart, liver, intestine, and yolk sac) were collected from 200 infected broilers to genetically analyze their recovered Salmonella antimicrobial resistant genes. Ten isolates of Salmonella were recovered: two (20%) for each S. enterica serovar Grampian, S. enterica serovar Kentucky, and S. enterica serovar Blegdam and then one (10%) for each S. enterica serovar Hadar, S. enterica serovar Anatum, S. enterica serovar Kirkee, and S. enter...

Ahmed Jamil Abid*, Ahlam Jaber Hamza 

...opment-statements of the heart at postnatal in different stages of age of Awassi sheep. Through examination at the one-month age of the lamb indicated that morphologically heart was a triangular, hollow muscular organ and was located in the thoracic cavity extending from the 2nd to 5th ribs. Histologically, the heart wall was composed of three layers (pericardium, myocardium and endocardiu...

Anas A. Humadi1*, Samer I. Sabeeh2, Ahmed Talib Yassen Aldossary3, Bushra I. Al-Kaisei2 

...ples were collected from heart for assay catalase enzyme activity and lymphocyte count at 90 days of experiment whereas tissue sample from liver were taken for pathological examination. Comprehensive analysis of the biochemical analysis indicated a decrease in catalase enzyme and lymphocyte count in C. auris treated groups. Pathological changes were characterized by fibrosis, necrosis, hemorrhage, infiltration of inflammatory cells and liver cirrhosis in C. au...

Heba Saleh Shaheed1, Zainab J. Malik2*, Ghusoon A.A. Alneamah1, Salih T.H.2

... rate of respiration and heart rate were with in agreeable values postoperatively. However, adhesions of intra-abdomen wall between the liver, various organs, and the wall of abdomen occurred in a varying degree, which were more frequent in the graviola group than in the other treated group. On the 15th day postoperatively histological examinations were performed by using the liver biopsy method. The pathological anatomical outcomes of this study presented tha...

Syed Abdul Hadi1, Jameel Ahmed Gandahi1*, Muhammad Ghiasuddin Shah1, Saima Masood2, Noor Samad Gandahi1  

...C. The weight of spleen, heart, and kidney was unaffected (P≥0.05), while weight of liver significantly increased (P≤0.05) in HZNC compared to PC. In conclusion, the combined supplementation of ZnO-NP 60 mg/kg and COS 200 mg/kg effectively mitigated the negative consequences of heat stress thus could be adopted in hot climates as feed supplement instead of synthetic antibiotics.  

A.M. Abdul Azeem1, A.N. El shahat1, Mohamed H.M. Abd El Megid2 and Amal A. Mansour1*
... catalase) in kidney and heart tissues compared to DOX-group. So, the results concluded that gamma irradiation (5 kGy) can be effective in increasing the in vivo and in vitro antioxidant potential as well as enhancing the medicinal value of turmeric against tissues damage.


Xintao Dai1, Zhenfeng Cai1, Xingli Jiang2 and Pinglei Wu1*

...ic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR), and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) in the CG were lower than those in the EG during and after anesthesia. After 72 h, SAS in the EG was lower than those in the CG. Compared with the effect of propofol alone, the implementation of remimazolam anesthesia in LOCS patients was significant and could shorten the time of anesthesia-related indicators, and the level of vital sign changes during anesthesia was relatively more s...

Omnia A. Eltantawy1*; Amany M. Kamal2; Lamyaa E. Allam3; Nadia M. Elsheshtawy2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1227-1240
...n of the endocardium and heart valves that necessitate early diagnosis. The conventional blood culture has lots of false-negative results besides being time consuming. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a rapid diagnostic tool that helps in saving the patients’ life. This study aimed to investigate the feasibility of multiplex PCR in early diagnosis of IE compared to the conventional blood culture, and to evaluate its impact on IE diagnosis in cases of n...

Dian Septinova*, Ridwan, Tiara Arnenda, Mita Dewita Sari, Riyanti Riyanti, Madi Hartono

...s of the gizzard, liver, heart, spleen, and gallbladder. In conclusion, the continuous administration of an acidifier up to 1.5% in drinking water significantly decreased the performance of KUB chickens during the 2nd and 3rd weeks. However, from the 4th to the 8th week, the performance of the chickens tended to improve. Additionally, the use of an acidifier did not negatively impact the weight of giblets or internal organs. Based on these findings, it is reco...

Jiaojiao Ma*, Jialei Jiang and Lijun Shan pectoris and coronary heart disease. Eighty-three patients admitted to a hospital from January 2021 to December 2022 are research subjects. The enrolled patients are randomly numbered 1-83. Patients with odd numbers (42 cases) and even numbers (41 cases) are included in the control group (CG) and the observation group (OG), respectively. On the basis of routine treatment, the CG patients are treated with low molecular weight heparin and aspirin. The OG are ...
Syed Rafiq Hussain Shah1, Atta Ullah1, Dhafer Hazip Gaber Alwayli1
Jiaxu Liang1, Tayyab Saeed Akhter2, Faisal Rasheed3, Nimra Zafar Siddiqui4, Bibi Nazia Murtaza5* and Wen Shu1*
...mptoms like acid reflux, heartburn, halitosis, dyspepsia, dysphagia, and bloating were frequently observed among those with non-erosive reflux disorders with gastritis and those with reflux esophagitis, whereas xerostomia was found to be common in both groups. Routine tissue histological examination revealed dilated intercellular spaces, basal cell hyperplasia, papillary elongation, and elevated eosinophil levels in the reflux esophagitis group. The prevalence...

Miao Yin1,2,3,4, Xi-Wen Chen1,2,3,4, Zuo-Jie Xie1,2, Cong Wang1,2, Zhi-Chao Song1,2 and Jun-Qiao Chen1,2

...nt of nerve, epithelium, heart and embryo, suggesting that ssc-miR-32 may mainly affect virus replication by regulating the biological process of cells. This study provides a scientific basis for miRNA regulation of the pathogenic mechanism of PEDV porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus.


Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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