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Histomorphological Development Study of the Heart of Local Awassi Sheep (Ovis aris) at Postnatal Stages

Histomorphological Development Study of the Heart of Local Awassi Sheep (Ovis aris) at Postnatal Stages

Ahmed Jamil Abid*, Ahlam Jaber Hamza 

Department of Anatomy and Histology, Veterinary Medicine College, University of Al-Qasim Green, 51013 Babylon, Iraq.

*Correspondence | Ahmed Jamil Abid, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Veterinary Medicine College, University of Al-Qasim Green, 51013 Babylon, Iraq; Email: 


The present study aimed too morphological, histo-morphometric, histochemical and development-statements of the heart at postnatal in different stages of age of Awassi sheep. Through examination at the one-month age of the lamb indicated that morphologically heart was a triangular, hollow muscular organ and was located in the thoracic cavity extending from the 2nd to 5th ribs. Histologically, the heart wall was composed of three layers (pericardium, myocardium and endocardium), the pericardium was composed of the parietal and visceral layers, and the parietal layer is made up of dense connective tissue. The visceral layer was inner visceral epicardium and was attached to the heart, and epicardium was covered by single layer simple epithelial tissue. The endocardium was thin and inner layer, the composed of three layers (endothelial the simple squamous epithelial tissue, subepithelial and subepicardial). At the six-month age of animals, morphologically the heart was a muscular cone in shape with a sharp apex, the heart was located in the thoracic cavity and extended from the 3rd to 6th ribs, the two surfaces, two borders and composed of four champers including two atria and two ventricles. The myocardium was the middle and thickest layer and was composed of myocardiocytes and Purkinje fibres, the myocardial fibres. Endocardium inner and thin layer lining cavities of the heart and contains Purkinje fibres in the deep part of the subepicardial layer. In conclusion the findings shown that the epicardium constitutes thin and outer layer of the atria and the ventricles were composed of mesothelium cells and a subepicardial layer. The mesothelium cells were composed of a single layer of simple squamous cells with flattened nuclei, and supported by irregular dense connective tissue and contain blood vessels and lymph vessels in subepithelial layer to the supply of heart muscle cells, subepithelial layer contain adipocytes in the atrium. 

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Journal of Animal Health and Production


Vol. 12, Sp. Iss. 1


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