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Claudia Kohl*, Andreas Nitsche, Andreas Kurth


...the fish, ducks, plants, fungi, bacteria and everything else that belongs to the lake. If we apply this approach to clinical samples we can identify the community of etiological pathogens, without any knowledge on the targets in advance. However, clinical specimens usually comprise an overwhelming amount of host nucleic acids, which by far exceeds the number of pathogen nucleic acids in the sample. Subsequently, it is necessary to either decrease the amount of...

Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Rysanek

... and in-vivo. All fungi proved to be efficient in reducing final population of northern root knot nematode M. hapla and giving vigour to the plants. In laboratory experiment, L. muscarium was the most effective against nematode eggs (95.6%) and second stage juveniles (J2) (95.8%) infection. In greenhouse experiment, similar trend was found. L. muscarium proved to be more effective against M. hapla whereas S. rugosoannulata...

Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek

...ts of five nematophagous fungi on the population dynamics of this pest in sugar beets in laboratory and greenhouse trials. The fungi chosen were Arthrobotrys oligospora, Dactylella oviparasitica, Clonostachys rosea, Stropharia rugosoannulata, and Lecanicillium muscarium. In the laboratory experiment, S. rugosoannulata proved to be the most efficient biocontrol agent by parasitizing the maximum number of eggs, whereas D. ...

Ibrar Khan1,2,3,*, Sadia Qayyum2, Shehzad Ahmed2, Kashif Syed Haleem2, Mujaddad-ur-Rehman1, Guang-Lei Liu3 and Zhen-Ming Chi3

...nt group of marine micro-fungi family. The study comprised isolation, microscopic observations and ribotyping, allowed discrimination of the marine fungal isolates as Penicillium viticola F1, Penicillium restrictum F2, Penicillium rubens F8, Penicillium implicatum F10, Penicillium piceum F11, Penicillium oxalicum F12, Penicillium sumatrense F15, and Penicillium vinaceum F16. This study demonstrated that Yellow Sea can be considered as a valuable natural source...

Sana Irshad Khan1*, Zafar Iqbal2, Hamid Ullah Shah2 and Shaukat Hussain3

...his study five different fungi, including Alternaria alternata, Acremonium sp., Alternaria brassicicola, Pythium sp. and Aspergillus flavus were screened against Wilt causing pathogens using the dual culture assay. Among them, Aspergillus flavus was found active fungus against the selected vascular Wilt causing fungus and bacteria, i.e. Fusarium oxysporum (87.50 ± 0.11% inhibition), Xanthomonas campestris (67.00 ± 0.46% inhibition) and Clavibacte...
Waheed Anwar*, Muhammad S. Haider, Ahmad A. Shahid, Hamid Mushtaq, Usman Hameed, Muhammad Zia Ur Rehman and Muhammad Javed Iqbal
.../i> sp. along with other fungi were isolated and characterized morphologically as well as genetically by amplifying internal transcribed spacer region (ITS). Variability among Fusarium species based on ITS showed that it is not enough to score diversity within species and isolates. Additionally pathogenicity of isolated Fusarium species was evaluated against nymph and adult of Bemisia tabaci. Under controlled conditions different sp...
Nadeem Rashid1,*, Masroor Ahmad Bajwa1, Mohammad Masood Tariq1, Tanvir Ahmad2, Majed Rafeeq1, Zafar Ahmad1, Mohammad Arif Awan1, Mohammad Ali1, Muhammad Zahid Mustafa1, Muhammad Shafee1, Asad Ulah1 and Amanullah Khan3

Honnur Basha, Vinaya Hemannavar, B.Ramanujam, R. Rangeshwaran and S.Sriram 

Screening of chilli microflora and other biocontrol agents for their antagonistic effects on Colletotrichum spp. infecting chillies
... included 50 isolates of fungi and 44 isolates of bacteria from phylloplane and pomoplane, 44 isolates of endophytic fungi and 45 of endophytic bacteria from inside the leaf and fruit tissues, respectively. Among them, 70 fungal isolates belonged to plant pathogenic genera like,Alternaria, Cercospora, Colletotrichum, Curvularia, Glomerella, Mycosphaerella, Phoma and Stemphylium and the other 24 isolates of

Sitansu Pan, Surojit Khalko and Amrita Das

Effect of some fungicides on seed mycoflora, germination, viability and their persistence in treated seeds
...ify;">The effect of some fungicides on seed mycoflora, germination, seed viability and their persistence in treated seeds of mungbean, mustard and rice was studied in vitro. The highest appearance of pathogens viz.,Alternaria alternata was recorded in seeds of mungbean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.), A. brassicae in mustard (Brassica campestris L.) and Drechslera oryzae in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Propineb 70WP and prochloraz 45EC considerably reduced the appearance ...

A. K.Bhattacherjee and B. K. Pandey

Dissipation of carbendazim in mango after pre- and post-harvest treatments
...92 and 2.06 mg kg of the fungicide recovered after 10 days of storage from 0.05 and 0.1 percent doses, respectively. The corresponding values in fruit pulp after same days of storage were 0.51 and 1.05 mg kg . The residual half-life values of carbendazim in whole fruit were calculated as 4 and 3 days at both the concentrations from pre harvest spray and post harvest dip treatment, respectively. Pre and post harvest interval of 3 and 7 days were suggested from ...

B. Ramanujam, R. D. Prasad, S. Sriram and R. Rangeswaran

Mass production, formulation, quality control and delivery of Trichoderma for plant disease management
...l-borne plant pathogenic fungi, suppressive effects on some root nematodes without adversely affecting beneficial microbes like Rhizobium and capable of promoting growth of certain crops. There are two major methods of inoculum production of Trichoderma spp. viz., solid state fermentation and liquid state fermentation. In solid fermentation, the fungus is grown on various cereal grains, agricultural wastes and byproducts. The solid state production is highly l...

A. K. Chaubey and Satyandra Kumar

Bio-management of root knot nematode and root rot disease by antagonistic fungi and rhizobacteria
...justify">Effects of four fungi and six rhizobacteria isolates from the rhizosphere of vegetable crops was studied for suppression of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita and wilt fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici on tomato in laboratory and pot culture experiment. All the isolates were isolated by serial dilution and cultured in liquid protein supplemented broth medium and culture filtrates (CF) were prepared. In in-vitro test single eggmasses...

Sitansu Pan and Someshwar Bhagat

Biological control of plant diseases
...actions between bacteria-fungi-actinomycete, may exist in nature and that is why consortium of microorganisms is needed for tackling several plant pathogens simultaneously instead of only one biocontrol agent-one pathogen,which is the most common and established system of biocontrol of plant diseases.


Debjani Chowdhury, P. C. Paul and B. Dasgupta

Management of leaf spot of Centella asiatica (Thankuni) caused by Alternaria sp. and target leaf spot of Rauvolfia serpentina (Sarpagandha) caused by Corynespora cassicola
...sicola by spraying three fungicides (carbendazim at 0.1%, mancozeb at 0.025% and blitox at 0.25%) and four biocontrol agents (Trichoderma viride at 107 cfu / ml, T. harzianum at 107 cfu / ml, Pseudomonas fluorescens at 108 cell / ml and Biomonas-a formulated product of P. fluorescens preparation at 0.15% for three times at an interval of 15 days. The results revealed that the lowest percent disease incidence (PDI) of leaf spot of Thankuni caused by Alternaria ...

P.S. Ajith, K.K. Lakshmesha, S. Mahadev Murthy and N. Lakshmidevi

Botanicals for control of anthracnose of bell peppers
...hen compared to chemical fungicide Bavistin and also 13% reduction in disease incidence is observed when compared to untreated control. From the results it is evident that C. aromaticus were effective in not only controlling the disease but also increase the height and weight of the plants and hence are highly recommended for plant disease control.


Madhuban Gopal, Rajesh Kumar and Arunava Goswami 

Nano-pesticides - A recent approach for pest control
...nopesticides with potent fungicidal and miticidal properties. Nanosulphur and nanohexaconazole were prepared using encapsulation technique. The Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) studies, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) studies confirmed the nano-structure of nanopesticides. Nanoparticles of sulphur and hexaconazole thus characterized were estimated for the presence of active ingredient in the formulation adopting anal...

Goutam Mondal

Plant growth promoting activity of some indigenous Tricho-derma isolates and their field performance against sheath blight of rice in old alluvial zone of North Bengal
...e significantly than the fungicides. Therefore, the fungal biocontrol agents, particularly, B18 and B16 could be used as biofungicide as well as biofertilizer for the management of sheath blight of rice.



M.S. Islam, M.Ali, and I. Ahmad

Efficacy of sedomil 72WP and recozeb 80WP to control die-back (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) of tea in Bangladesh
...h Institute (BTRI), both fungicides were applied as foliar spray for three times at 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 kg ha-1. In 2008, sedomil 72WP gave 45.52-92.78% and recozeb 80WP gave 46.47- 90.39% reduction in PDI. In 2009, the reduction in PDI was 45.84-90.83% and 45.65-89.98% respectively under sedomil 72WP and recozeb 80WP. The use of sedomil 72WP and recozeb 80WP @ 2.5 kg ha-1 and 2.0 kg ha-1 are equally effective in controlling the disease. Both the

M.A. Pendse, P.P. Karwande and M.N. Limaye

Past, present and future of nematophagous fungi as bio-agent to control plant parasitic nematodes
... justify;">Nematophagous fungi (NF) are the major antagonists of nematodes. They include nematode trapping fungi as well as endoparasitic fungi. For more than a century scientists are studying different facets of biology of NF including their potential as a bioagents to control nematodes. Their inconsistent success in control of nematodes in field trials, however, is enigmatic. This paper ...

Anil Sehajpal, Saroj Arora and Parminder Kaur 


Evaluation of plant extracts against Rhizoctonia solani causing sheath blight of rice
...sativum exhibited strong fungitoxicity even at the lowest concentration, i.e. 100 ppm, with relative magnitude of inhibition 2.0 mm against the pathogen R. Solani. With regard to the effect of 8 plant oil samples tested, it was noticed that the oil of Syzygium aromaticum showed strong inhibition i.e. 7.5 mm at 1000ppm whereas Helianthus annus and Oryza sativa were ineffective.

Muhammad Arslan Khan1,*, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Imran-ul-haq1 and Rashad Waseem Khan2
... disease due to root rot fungi and root-knot nematode cause huge losses to cotton. Experiments were conducted to assess the role of fungi and root knot nematodes in root rot disease complex of cotton and to optimize their control. For this purpose fifteen cotton growing areas in Southern Punjab were surveyed in year 2013-14. Data were recorded on disease prevalence, incidence, frequency percent of root rot

Jawad Anwar* and Zafar Iqbal 

...highly demanded. Luckily fungi are potential producer of antibacterial natural products. The present study was initiated to investigate the antibacterial activity of Trichoderma harzianum against phyto and human pathogenic bacterial strains. T. harzianum was grown under different conditions and their extracts were evaluated, using disc diffusion method against tomato wilt causing bacteria (Xanthomonas campestris and Clavibacter michiganensis). Extracts that re...

Shahab e Saqib1*, Himayatullah Khan2, Sanaullah Panezai3, Ubaid Ali4 and Mazhar Ali5 

...loping countries, credit fungibility is a crucial issue in agricultural credit market, and Pakistan is no exception. The aim of this study is to explore the credit fungibility and credit margin of investment among different farmers’ group in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The data were collected from 87 subsistence farmers in Mardan sub-district. Multistage sampling technique was used to select the study area. A standardized que...
Temel Gokturk1, Elif Tozlu2,* and Recep Kotan2
...ind new methods in which fungi and bacteria were used in the biological control against pests. Totally 10 bacterial strains including 2 strains of Brevibacillus brevis (CP-1, FD-1), 1 strain of Bacillus thuringiensis (FDP-1), 2 strains of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kenyae (FDP-8, FDP-42), 2 strains of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstakii (FDP-41, BAB-410), 1 strain of Bacillus subtilis (EK-7), 1 strain of ...
Rana Fartab Shoukat1, Shoaib Freed1,*, Kanwar Waqas Ahmad1 and Ateeq-ur-Rehman2
...ures of entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana (isolates Bb-01, Bb-10), Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae (isolate Ma-11.1, Ma-2.4)and Isaria fumosorosea (isolates If-2.3, If-02) and chemical insecticides i.e., bifenthrin, lambda cyhalothrin, imidacloprid, triazophos, spinosad, pyriproxyfen and nitrinpyrum, as larvicides against C. pipiens. Highest larval percent mortality (73.3 ± 4.7) was observed afte...

 Nasreen Sultana* and A.Ghaffar**

...nbsp; The effect of fungicides and microbial antagonists in the control of Lasiodiplodia theobromae , the cause of seed rot, seedling and root infection on bottle gourd was studied in vitro and in vivo. Carbendazim and Topsin-M completely inhibited the growth of L. theobromae in vitro at 50 ppm whereas Aliette, Benlate, Mancozeb, Ridomil and Vitavax showed complete inhibition of colony growth at 100 ppm. Invariably all fungi

 Rahila Nazli, Tehmina Sohail, Bushra Nawab and Zahra Yaqeen*

...ended to some species of fungi. Results showed that the activity was more pronounced against gram +ve organisms and fungi. Maximum inhibition activity was calculated against all the groups of organisms, which was between 0.5 and 1mg ml-1 against bacteria and 2.5 mg ml-1 against fungi. It is therefore concluded that G. sepium provide a lead towards the exploration of new antimicrobial agent...

 Abdul Rehman Khan*, Muhammad Mahmood–Ul-Hassan**, Rizwan Ahmad** and Anjum Munir ***

...tify;"> Filamentous fungi can play significant role in bioremediation due to their large surface area and metal sorption capacity. In present study, arsenic (As) tolerance of indigenous filamentous fungi was explored. Fungal strains were isolated from peri-urban soils of Multan and Gujranwala irrigated with untreated industrial or municipal effluent. Some fungal strains were also isolated from non-polluted soils of Isla...
Tariq Mukhtar
...ness of two antagonistic fungi viz. Trichoderma harzianum and T. viride were evaluated against Meloidogyne incognita on tomato. The application of T. harzianum and T. viride significantly increased shoot weight and decreased root weight of tomato in a dose dependent manner. Doses of 8×103 and 1×104 cfu/g of soil showed maximum increase in shoot weight and decrease in root weight. On the other...
Souheila Slimani1,*, Sonia Hamouda1, Chahrazed Souadi1, Sara Silini2, Cherif Abdennour2 and Leila Delimi3
...toperiod (19L: 05D). The fungicide was orally administered at 5 and 10 mg/Kg body weight/day for 10 consecutive weeks.Testicular volume and weights were measured weekly, whereas semen quality, and histopathological profile were investigated at week 10.The obtained results reveal that under a long photoperiodthe sexual activity of the control lasted only 04 weeks, characterized by significant increase in the testicular volume, followed by spontaneous gonadal re...

Wasim Javaid1, Farid Asif Shaheen1*, Farah Naz2 and Muhammad Usman Raja2 

...ness of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF), Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae was evaluated to manage pulse beetle (PB), Callosobruchus chinensis by using different fungal concentrations of 1×106, 1×107 and 1×108 spores/ml in stored chickpea grains. Highest mortality (90%) of PB was observed in 72 hours through application of 1×108spores/ml of M. anisopliae compared to B. bassiana with 60% mortality. On 24 hours of exposure, minim...
Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek


... of nematodes to several fungi. Of the 14 fungi tested, 11 attracted root-knot nematodes, one repelled nematodes, and two were neutral. The attraction intensity was directly proportional to time and based on the nutrients provided by the nematodes. In this experiment, the nematophagous fungi Arthrobotrys oligospora, A. superba, A. musiformis, Dactylella oviparasitica, Clonostachys rosea...
Xiaqing Chen, Yü Huang and Zhen Huang*
...e or in combination with fungicide carbendazim under laboratory conditions. The results showed that S. shiraiana was not detected on mulberry leaves and branches, whereas it was only detected in mulberry fruits. T. hamatum fermentation broth and its ethyl acetate extracts caused high mycelial growth inhibition and germination inhibition of S. shiraiana, with the inhibition value up to 80% and 90%, respectively. An apparent increase ...
Dan Yü, Chuchu Li, Yü Huang and Zhen Huang*
... alternative to chemical fungicides in controlling popcorn disease of mulberry.

Mohsin Iqbal1, Farid Asif Shaheen1*, Farah Naz2, Muhammad Usman Raja2, Muhammad Fiaz3 and Muhammad Nadeem1 

...tudies, entomopathogenic fungi, Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana were used as the bio-control agents against this economic pest and proved good alternatives to chemicals. Less number of eggs (2 per grain), more number of holes (8.3 per grain), less number of F1 adults (20.3 per jar) and more number of days (7) to 100% mortality of C. chinensis adults were recorded when chickpea grains were treated with the highest concentration of B. bassiana as c...

 Raazia Kiran1, Alya Riaz1, Muhammad Irfan1*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir2

An overview of pre-treatment methods used for bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomasses into valuable products
brown-rot fungi and bacteria, and quite a few combinations thereof to
breakdown the lignocellulose into its components. Pre-treatment process changes
cellulose morphological, chemical and physical features, making it prone to
enzymatic attack for saccharification. In this review, we have discussed different
pre-treatment methods and their effect on recalcitrant structure of lignocelluloses
for making it readily...

Muhammad Asghar1*, Mirza Muhammad Qadeer Baig1, Sanaullalh Chaudhary1 and Muhammad Anjum Ali2 

...ifferent combinations of fungicide (difenoconazole) with various concentrations of sprayable formulations of macronutrients (NPK) was conducted during Kharif 2012 to 14 at Adaptive Research Farm, Gujranwala, Pakistan. The experiment was conducted on a promising basmati rice cultivars Super basmati in RCBD with three repeats. The spray of difenoconazole at rate of 315 mlha-1 + 500gha-1 of NPK (20:20:20) significantly decreased incidence of BLS per leaf (9.31) a...

Nighat Seema1*, Muhammad Hamayun1, Husan Ara1 and Raham Sheer Khan justify;">Endophytic fungi cooperate more meticulously with their host plants and may be more capable to solubilize nutrients from soil and provide it to their hosts. In current study, endophytic fungi inoculation significantly affected the soil properties such as soil texture, organic matters, EC and pH with or without 8% PEG induced drought stress. Upon inoculation of different endophytic fungi...

Ateeq ur Rehman1, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Muhammad Irfan Zafar1, Faqeer Hussain2, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar3 and Azhar Ali Khan3 

Huseyin Cetin1,*, Oner Kocak2, Emre Oz1, Samed Koc1, Yesim Polat1 and Kalender Arıkan2
...any pathogenic bacteria, fungi and parasites. The use of synthetic pyrethroid (SP) insecticides is recommended by the World Health Organization for the control of adult houseflies. Despite the fact that SPs have been used effectively, this insect has developed resistance in many regions/countries of the world. The use of synergistic substances to overcome insecticide resistance is widespread. Piperonyl butoxide (PBO) is used as a synergist in combination with ...
Hafiz Abdullah Akbar, Zafar Iqbal, Waqas Raza*, MuhammadUsman Ghazanfar and Salman Ahmad

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Sidra Mushtaq1, Muhammad Tariq Malik2, Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Ateeq ur Rehman1, Shoaib Fareed3, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar

...sity of plant pathogenic fungi has been identified and isolated from the various affected sheesham trees from Indian sub-continent, yet the actual cause of the diseases is still controversial. It is pertinent to mention here that no viruses or any bacteria has been reported from a singly tree in whole of the Indian sub-continent. Although the involvement of the insect’s species has been recorded and authenticated by various scientists reporting that thes...
Zahra Nazir1, Saba Ijaz1, Roquyya Gul2 and Mahjabeen Saleem1,*
...s, widespread in plants, fungi and microorganism, gain commercial importance for improving the yield and nutraceutical properties of juice processing industry, degumming of fibre plants and maximum oil recovery. These enzymes break down complex polysaccharide polymers of plant tissues into simpler monomer like D-galacturonic acids. In this study, polygalacturonase from grape skin was purified by salting out with ammonium sulfate, gel filtration on Sephadex G-7...
Mohsan Iqbal1, Farid Asif Shaheen1, Rashid Mahmood2,*, Muhammad Khalid Rafique2, Imran Bodlah1, Farah Naz3 and Muhammad Usman Raja3
...ects of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF), Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae and entomopathogenic bacteria (EPB), Photorhabdus temperata and Xenorhabdus nematophila were studied as bio-control agents to manage this pest. In addition, percent conidial germination and % mortality of C. chinensis were also evaluated when B. bassiana was used with DEBBM. The minimum number of eggs (0.66 grain-1), number o...
Naheed Ikram and Nafisa Shoaib*
...d 5 different species of fungi Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus stolonifer, Penicillium sp. and Fusarium sp. from 14 different genera of commercially important marine fishes Acanthopagrus sp. Parastromateus niger, Nemipterus sp., Pampus argenteusIlisha sp., Alepes djedabaEpinephelus sp., Teraponjarbua, Terapon puta, Scomberomorus koreanus, Epi...

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar, Muhammad Imran Hamid, Mubashar Raza, Waqas Raza*, Misbah Iqbal Qamar 

...commercially used as bio-fungicide against soil borne plant pathogens. The present study was conducted with the aim to determine the efficacy of Trichoderma species using dual culture and pot assays against Phytophthora infestans (late blight) and Fusarium oxysporum (wilt) of tomato on different compost including carbon rich compost, nitrogen rich compost and nutrient enriched compost. The species of Trichoderma includes T. harzianum and T. asperellum isolated...

Zubaria Malik, Zahir Shah* and Muhammad Tariq 

...y arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have received less attention. This study was therefore executed to assess the effect of biochar amendment on AMF in soil and roots of wheat and maize crops in a rotation experiment involving cereals {wheat (Triticum aestivum), maize (Zea mays L.)} and legumes {chickpea (Cicer arientinum), mungbean (Vigna radiata)} in a calcareous alkaline soil of Peshawar valley during 2015/16 and 2016/17. This study was conducted in an alr...
Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Shahid Yousaf1, Salman Khurshid1*, Qurrat Ul Ain Akbar1, Saqib Arif1, Nasreen Fatima2 and Ali Murad Rahoo3
...of identified pathogenic fungi. It will be useful to enhance quality and to extend shelf life of citrus for local as well as export oriented markets.
Abdul Hanan1, Talha Nazir1, Abdul Basit1, Shahbaz Ahmad2 and Dewen Qiu1,*
...tion of entomopathogenic fungi as potential microbial control against different insect pests is important due to their eco-friendly nature. The virulence potential of 3 different isolates of Lecanicillium lecanii formerly recognized as Verticillium lecanii (V-2, V-3 and V-5) with different bioassay materials (conidia, filtrate and the binary combination of conidia + filtrate) were evaluated against green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) under ...
Manzoor Hussain*, Marie Maňasová, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek
...tes from seven different fungi, Arthrobotrys oligospora, Dactylella oviparasitica, Clonostachys rosea, Stropharia rugosoannulata, Lecanicillium muscarium,Trichoderma harzianum and Pleurotus ostreatus,along with two chemicals,Vydate and Basamid (G),were evaluated against northern root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne hapla, on carrots in a greenhouse. All
Muhammad Shoaib1,3*, Arif Ismiyev2,Khudaverdi Ganbarov3, Aygun Israyilova3 and Sajid Umar4 bacteria and fungi by agar well diffusion method. In second step, minimum inhibitory concentration of test compounds was determined against bacterial species by using resazurin microplate assay. All the tested compounds exhibited variable antimicrobial properties against various test cultures. All the compounds showed stronger antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria as compared to Gram-positive bacteria and

Imran1*, Amanullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Zahir Shah2 and Abdul Bari3 

...of Trichoderma (soft-rot fungi) along with seed inoculation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) (Pseudomonas) and phosphorus (P) on weeds frequency, and biomass at various growth stages of soybean and its yield contributing parameters. The consecutive field experiments for years 2016 and 2017 using randomized complete block design (RCBD) were conducted on soybean (cv. Malakand-96) crop. Experimental treatments included three organic sources, three phospha...
Khursheed Ahmed, Shoaib Freed*, Rana Fartab Shoukat and Kanwar Waqas Ahmad
...late of entomopathogenic fungi were used in combination with insecticides against 5th instar nymphs of O. hyalinipennis. The combined treatment of isolates of entomopathogenic fungi and synthetic insecticides caused higher mortality of O. hyalinipennis. Moreover, the combined treatments decreased the adult emergence, male and female longevity, while increased the nymphal duration. The results indicat...

Awais Ahmed Khan1*, Zafar Iqbal1 and Muhammad Atiq2 

...ive methods to synthetic fungicides, currently used to control green mold of citrus caused by the Penicillium digitatum. Antifungal activities of organic elicitors were evaluated and all the elicitors expressed significant results. Salicylic acid was the most effective to control the disease and showed minimum mycelial growth diameter (35mm) followed by benzoic acid (44mm), jasmonic acid (45.5), and ascorbic acid (50mm) as compared to control (92mm) treatment....

Saleha Ashfaq1, Manzoor Hussain1, Nazish Bibi2, Jan Alam1, Muhammad Junaid2 and Sabi-Ur-Rehman3*

...control for bacteria and fungi respectively. The cytotoxic assay results showed that methanolic extracts of stem and root of H. gilesii had toxic effects on brine shrimp larvae with LD50 values of 116.72 µg/ml and 168.16 µg/ml respectively. The antimicrobial and cytotoxic parameters reported can be considered as quality standards of H. gilesii in herbal industry. 


Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam and Yousaf Jamal 

... griesus) and fermenting fungi (Aspergillus oryzae, Mucor heimalis). Farm yard manure (FYM) and poultry manure (PM) were used as organic sources of nitrogen. Bio-primed (seeds soaked in 10% BM aqueous solution for 30 minutes just before sowing) and unprimed wheat seeds were tested under various nitrogen sources (NS) with and without BM. Nitrogen sources were NS1 (control), NS2 (full dose from Urea), NS3 (full dose from FYM), NS4 (full dose from PM), NS5 (half ...

Gulnaz Parveen1*, Salma Gul2, Muhammad Ather Rafi3, Ashfaq Ali Khattak4 and Hikmatullah Jan

...ceptible to root rotting fungi causing huge losses each year in Pakistan. Acacia nilotica used as a biofertilizer and Significant (p< 0.05) enhanced the growth of tomato plants. Infection % of all test fungi included Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Macrophomina phaseolina and Rhizoctonia solani was significantly controlled by leaf powder (LP) and shoot powder (ShP) when applied alone and with combination. While combi...
Fehmina Ashraf1*, Muhammad Irfan2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Shaukat Ali3, Muhammad Khan1
...d in different genera of fungi. Laccases have been purified by various methods. It involves in di-oxygen to water reduction and 1e- oxidation of phenolic and its allied parts. Laccases are mostly used in different industries like food, paper and pulp, pharmaceutical and textile etc. Both laccases and mediators have been used in different process like delignification of pulp. Laccases from bacterial species are used in dye decolouration and biobleaching process...

Ehsan-Ul-Haque1, Akbar Hayat1*, Muhammad Asim1, Sajjad Hussain2, Muhammad Shakeel Hanif3, Muhammad Zubair1, Muhammad Abdullah Jamil1 and Faheem Khadija1 

... and shelf life. Various fungicides and salts are incorporated in wax to limit postharvest fruit decay and fungal attack. In the present study two salts were incorporated in commercial wax to control postharvest decay in Willow leaf mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Sodium bicarbonate and Potassium sorbate incorporated (6% w/v concentration) in wax were used to compare with commercially used

Amir Afzal, Muhammad Ijaz and Sayed Rashad Ali Shah*

Determination of Suitable Growth Stage for Application of Fungicide against Stripe Rust in Wheat
... application of suitable fungicide at appropriate growth stage. For this, an experiment was conducted to investigate proper growth stage for application of fungicide to control stripe rust in wheat. Sowings at various dates was done to attain various growth stages at once. Two genotypes 16C038 and cv. Ihsan 2016 were selected for study. Difenoconazole 25% was treated @ 0.3 ml/L of water using Knapsack sprayer. Data regarding...
Tabassum Yaseen1*, Shehzad Ahmad1, Khushnood Ur Rehman2, Fayaz Asad1, Abdul Waheed1, Rani Gul3, Hussain Gulab4 and Naveed Akhtar2
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Spore Density and Root Colonization in Weeds of Carrot field at Charsadda, Pakistan
...>Arbuscular mycorrhgizal fungi that forming symbiotic associations with plants through roots. It forms the multi colonization systems with the roots and provide benefits to the host plants. The present study was conducted to evaluate the occurrence and distributions of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizospheric soil of major weeds of District Charsadda. In the present study roots and rhizospheric soil of 15 weeds speci...
Huma Abbas1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2, Muhammad Kamran3, Muhammad Umar Shahbaz3*, Haseeb Ullah Kamber1, Nazir Javed1, Muhammad Junaid1, Hira Abbas4 and Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq3
Evaluation of Advanced Mung Bean Germplasm against Cercospora Leaf Spot and its In-vitro Management by Different Fungicides
...ith environmentally safe fungicides is a cost-effective approach. The present study was aimed to find the resistant germplasm against the disease and to evaluate the relative efficacy of different fungicides against the C. canesens in lab conditions. Twenty varieties/lines were screened against Cercospora Leaf Spot disease in field conditions. No line/ variety was found immune and only one line (16051) was resistant against ...

Muhammad Imran1,2*, Shahbaz Talib Sahi1, Muhammad Atiq1 and Amer Rasul3

Brown Leaf Spot: An Exacerbated Embryonic Disease of Rice: A Review
...ase epidemic, the use of fungicides judiciously is the alternate significant method for quick and efficient control of diseases and improving the yield of rice. While, the use of phytoextracts and antagonist are considered to be safe, eco-friendly, cost-effective economically and biodegradable. The use of plant activators as another new strategy that activates the defense system of plants and reduces the disease. The plants which are scarce nutrients are more ...
Wajahat Azeem1,*, Tariq Mukhtar1 and Tooba Hamid2
...ts with the antagonistic fungi may be useful for the better control of plant parasitic nematodes.

Muhammad Javaid1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1, Waheed S. Khan2, Shafqat Saeed1, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1 and Muhammad Arslan Khan1

Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Protection and Production: A Review
... of different crops, nanofungicides to control pathogens, plant diseases and nanoherbicides for the management of weeds. It also facilitate in precision farming, targeted use of inputs i.e. nanofertilizers and to overcome the environmental stress seed treatments with nanoparticles, to improve the crop yield use of smart gene delivery system. This technology can also be useful for sustainable water use and irrigation water filtration. It also plays an important...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1, Waheed S. Khan2, Shafqat Saeed1 and Kashif Razzaq3

Application of Nanotechnology for Insect Pests Management: A Review
...rising of plants, algae, fungi, yeast, etc. which are consists of wide array of biomolecules. There is various size and shapes of nanoparticles to be synthesized by using the naturally occurring biomolecules. These biomolecules acting as a driving force for the designing of greener, safe and environmentally benign protocols for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Insect pests are main density dependent factors that deteriorate the quality and production of various...
Wenyou Huang1, Dan Yü1, Song Huang1,2, Jian Xiao2, Ping Qi2, Anhua Song2* and Zhen Huang1*
...lity of entomopathogenic fungi to be applied for pest control in field applications is often hampered by negatively active abiotic factors including high temperature, desiccation and UV irradiation. Selecting isolates with high UV tolerance and virulence is important in improving the efficacy and utility of fungal insect pathogens as insect biological control agents for use under field conditions. UV-irradiation of Metarhizium lepidiotae, coupled to gro...
Saba Shabeer1, Riffat Tahira2 and Atif Jamal3*
... of the plant pathogenic fungi is Fusarium spp. Fusarium species are very well-known soil-inhabiting fungi that cause many economically important diseases of crops.Many species are included in the Fusarium genus, which are not only pathogenic to plants but also cause different diseases in humans and livestock.Apart from diseases, one of the most dangerous characteristics of this fungus is the a...

Salma Javed and Samreen Khan*

...ny pathogenic soil-borne fungi because this is the first study conducted on the subject experiment in Pakistan.


Qaiser Shakeel1*, Rabia Tahir Bajwa1­, Yasir Iftikhar2, Mustansar Mubeen2, Muhammad Luqman3, Waqas Ashraf1 and Ifrah Rashid4

... of different plants and fungicides were performed for determination of antifungal activity against Penicillium digitatum, a plant pathogenic fungi responsible for ginger soft rot. Petri dish were used to conduct bioassay through poisoned food technique with triplicates. The crude extract of all the plants showed a better inhibitory effects on the pathogen’s (P. digitatum) mycelial growth rather than

Habiba ur Rehman, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar and Waqas Raza

...tration of two different fungicides against the charcoal rot of sunflower caused by Macrophomin phaseolina under greenhouse conditions. The treatments viz. Success, Nativo and Control with the concentrations of 2, 4 and 6mM were used with three replications under completely randomized design in greenhouse conditions. Nativo had given the most significant results in all studied traits as compared to all other treatments at the concentration of 6mM. The results ...

Misbah Ali1, Safdar Ali1, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan2*, Rana Binyamin3, Nadeem Ahmed4, Muhammad Usman Ghani5 and Awais Ahmed Khan2

... the present study, four fungicides (Aliette, Cabrio Top, Nativo, and Melody Duo) were evaluated against C. graminicola under in-vitro and in-vivo conditions. The poisoned food technique was used for in vitro trials with three concentrations (150 ppm, 200 ppm, and 250 ppm). The most effective concentration of fungicides from laboratory experiment was used in field conditions against red leaf spot of sorghum. Results showed t...

Gulnaz Parveen1*, Naila Mukhtar2, Shumaila Irum3 and Nain Bukhari4

...arvest loss by different fungi. The danger of post-harvest disease influences the way most horticultural crops are handled. Hence, the proper identification of the causal pathogen is important before appropriate treatment can be made to control the pathogens. Therefore, In the present study, Alternaria alternata, Alternaria, Rhizopus, Mucor, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Cladosporium, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium moniliforme, Drechslera, Penicillium, an...
Rahma Mohamed, Sara Nader, Dalia Hamza and Maha A. Sabry*
...ial association of those fungi with human disease in Egypt. In order to strengthen existing therapeutic and control approaches, further analyses of the main risk factors and the other virulence of these pathogens should be further considered.

Asfand Raheel1, Syed Zulfiqar Ali2, Muhammad Waris2, Muhammad Basharat2, Basheer Ahmed2, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder4 and Taqi Raza4*

...ludes biological agents, fungicides, herbal and natural products, edible coatings and heat treatments can be efficaciously applied in a vast and specific commodity range to prevent great losses.

Sahar Mubashar*, Tariq Mukhtar and Nasir Ahmad Khan
...rus with other bacteria, fungi and viruses. Various methods are used for the detection of the virus such as nucleic acid and immunological methods but RT-PCR is considered as the most reliable. Some antiviral drugs have shown to be effective against the virus like Favilavir, Remdesivir, Chloroquine, hydroxy-chloroquine, Tocilizumab etc. but further clinical studies are required to confirm their efficacy. In Pakistan, blood plasma therapy is in high demand but ...

Mohsen M. Elsharkawy1, Sara E. Hanbal2, Samir A. Sidaros1, Mohamed M. Elsawy2, Ali H. Hamed2

...e plant growth promoting fungi (PGPF) of Penicillium simplicissmum GP17-2, Fusarium equiseti GF19-1 and Trichoderma asperellum SKT1 as a sustainable method to control the invasion of BYMV in faba bean plants.
Methods: Faba bean plants were treated with PGPF isolates at 2 days prior to BYMV inoculation. Disease severity and virus titer were estimated at 1, 2 and 3 weeks after virus inoculation. The transcription profile related to defense genes was ...
Hadeer M. Mossa, Ausama A. Yousif, Emad A. Aboelsoud, Mahmoud El Gamal, Ahmed El-
...ia, viruses,
fungi and archaea that present in the sample it was then classified to subspecies and strain level in a
quantitative manner in approximately 48min and 23 second.
Conclusion: This method allows screening all the virus harvest content in non-selective, non- targeted
manner. The reasons to choose this technology in qualification of the TC propagated LSDV as a onestep
quality control for in p...

Muhammad Madni Afzal1*, Shahbaz Talib Sahi1, Amer Habib1, Waqas Ashraf2, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan3, Muhammad Raheel2 and Qaiser Shakeel2

...hout having a host. Many fungicides are available in the market to control the basal rot of onion which contain hazardous material that continuously destroys the environment and human health. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the fungicidal efficacy of desert plant extracts against basal rot of onion in the laboratory, greenhouse and field. Completely randomized design (CRD) was used for in-vitro study and r...
Essam H. Ibrahim1,2,3, Attalla F. El-kott1,4, Ali Alshehri1, Mona Kilany2,5,  Reza Yavari6, Salahud Din7* and Diaa Massoud8,9
...llae; filiform, conical, fungiform and vallate were observed on the dorsaum lingua. Numerous filiform papillae were visible on the lingual apex and body, while, fungiform papillae were scattered among them. The discoid-shaped fungiform papillae were more densely on the lingual apex. The filiform papillae were extended to the lateral margin of the lingual body. They were transformed into th...
Madiha Nawaz and Shoaib Freed

...ates of entomopathogenic fungi on 2nd nymphal instar of P. solenopsis under laboratory conditions by immersion method. Three entomopathogenic fungi; Beauveria bassiana (isolates Bb-01, Bb-08), Metarhizium anisopliae (isolates Ma-11.1, Ma-2.1) and Isaria fumosorosea (isolates If-2.3, If-02) showed percent mortalities of (61.0%, 85.0%), (78.0%, 56.0%) and (52.0%, 54.0%) with LC50

Hailemariam Assefa1*, Tesfahun Dagnaw2 

... were selected as tested fungi. The effect was seen high on Staphylococcus aureus, while the Klebsiella pneumoniae was less affected by any of the used extracts. Methanolic extract was more active than petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extract on all three tested fungal species. The oil was obtained by soxhlet extraction method. The maximum oil yield using petroleum ether was found 18.4% at a temperature of 70oC and a minimum yield of 13.5% at 30oC while at th...
Ali Ikhwan1*, Dian Indratmi1, Faridlotul Hasanah1, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum2,3 and Irum Iqrar4,5
...ntrolled with a chemical fungicide that harms the environment. The purple Cleome plant (Spider plant – Cleome rutidosperma Linn.) can be extracted and function as an organic fungicide for environment-friendly control. This research aimed to examine the type and concentration of purple cleome extract metabolites and understand their effectiveness in inhibiting C. capsici. Purple cleome leaf is extracted wi...

Irshad Ahmad1,2*

...cluding entomopathogenic fungi, nematodes as well as adopting the regulatory methods of domestic and international quarantine. This paper provides updated information about IPM, which look like a promising paradigm that can be adopted for the control of red palm weevil.


Aly M. Ghetas1*, Dalia M. Sedeek1, Hanaa S. Fedawy1, M.A. Bosila1, Hoda M. Mekky1, Kh. M. Elbayoumi1, 3, Mohamed M. Amer2 

... identify the intestinal fungi of chickens in large scale and different ages which help to understand their role.

Keywords | Aspergillus, Chickens, fungi, immunosuppression, molecular identification, Histopathology.  


Ramy S. Yehia1,3, Essam A. Shaalan2* and Hashem M. Al-Sheikh1 

...seases. Entomopathogenic fungi, particularly Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, and botanical oils have shown potential as synthetic insecticides alternative for house fly control. In the present work, local isolates from both fungi as well as their mixtures with essential oils were evaluated against house fly larvae under laboratory conditions. Batches of house fly larvae (25 individuals per replicate and 4 repl...

Palwasha1, Siraj-ud-Din1 and Muhammad Fahim2*

...erse insecticides and 22 fungicides alone or in combination are used to manage this twin menace. The indiscriminate use of agrochemicals i.e., 24-30 sprays per season with no effective results; led us to believe that either the pest or pathogen or both might have developed pesticide-resistances. We conclude that i. lack of knowledge about pests and diseases, ii monocropping and use of decade’s old cultivars, iii. lack of awareness about diseases, their e...

Noor-us-Sabah1*, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Luqman2, Amir Aziz1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Muhammad Aftab3

...solublizing bacteria and fungi as well as employment of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria etc. 


Evrim Sönmez

...ects of entomopathogenic fungi on pests in recent years, researchers have also focused on fungi in fighting pests. These fungi, which are sold as bioinsecticides in the market, are generally preferred by producers who want to engage in organic or environmentally sensitive agriculture. Although there are a large number of sources in literature on the mortality rates of Beauveria bassiana&rs...

Nzube Thaddeus Egboka1*, Olajire Fagbola2, Ugochukwu Nnamdi Nkwopara1, Nnaemeka Henry Okoli1, Akaninyene Isaiah Afangide1 and Tochukwu Victor Nwosu3

...">Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are one of the most beneficial components of the soil biota whose abundance in soil varies with land use type, soil depth and location. The study investigated the density of the AMF and nutrient status of soils in selected land use types and soil depths. Soil samples were collected from some fallow, cassava and pineapple fields in Ibadan and Ikwuano areas of Nigeria at 0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cm depths and analyzed in the Lab...

Nuraini Nuraini*, Mirzah Mirzah, Yuliaty Shafan Nur, Harnentis Harnentis 

...n with lignocellulolytic fungi was carried out to improve the nutritional quality of Azolla microphylla. This research has 2 phases. Phase 1, determination of the best types of lignocellulolytic fungi on the nutrient quality of fermented Azolla microphylla. This study used an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments were the types of fungi, namely Lenti...

Eman Alsayed Hammad1* and Mahmoud Mohamed Hassanin Hasanin2

... Fenamiphose (328.4) and fungicide, Occidor 50% SC was completely infection prevented. A similar pattern was discovered in a greenhouse with a positive effect on increased shoot dry weight for coleus plants, where thyme and spearmint essential oil nanoemulsions at (5000ppm) achieved 3.3 and 3.9 g/plants for root-knot nematode infected plants, respectively, compared to 2.7 and 4.4 g/plants for F. oxysporum infected plants.


Avijite Sarker, Sharmeen Islam, S.M. Ariful Islam, Md. Rokibul Islam Khan*, Md Mukhlesur Rahman 

...ut after 45 days, in T3, fungi and some bad smells were obtained. The pH, dry matter (DM), crude fiber (CF) were reduced and the crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), ash, ME, OMD were elevated significantly with MFW and ensiling time (P<0.05). Comparing the parameters, T2 and T3 were preferable to prepare silages as cattle feed. Finally, it can be summed up that market fish waste is a valuable resource for the preservation of rice straw which provides fa...

Mehwish Saleem Khan* and Sumama Farooq

...ances which bacteria and fungi produce either to inhibit or kill the other microbes. Antibiotics are classified on the basis of their structure and mode of action. Bacteria resist antibiotics by inactivating the drugs, altering the target site, chemically modifying the antibiotics and by ribosomal splitting. Antibiotic resistance can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Bacteria transfer resistance to other microbes through conjugation, transformation and transduction. ...

Alsi Dara Paryuni1, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto2, Tri Untari3 and Sitarina Widyarini4*

...onotic disease caused by fungi of species dermatophyte. The case of dermatophytosis have increased not only in humans but also in animals, especially dogs and cats. The close interaction of cats and humans reported to play an important role in dissemination of zoonotic diseases. Therefore, this study aims to diagnose and to treat of dermatophytosis in cats. Twenty cats with the age of 6-12 months were used in this study. Determination of dermatophyte infection...
C.A. Angel-Sahagún1, J.E. Ortega Palomares1, A.A. Hernández-Rangel1, C. Cruz-Vázquez2, R. Montesinos-Matias3, M. Valencia-Posadas1 and A.M. Cruz-Avalos4*

Veronica Ngozi Emenuga1, Clara Idara Eleazar2*, Seto Tunrayo Aladenika1  

...ding tested positive for fungi, while 41(82%) of the milk samples had fungal contamination. Rate of isolation from cattle, bedding and the milk was not significantly (P= 0.365) different. The distributions of various species within the bedding was significantly different (P= 0.001). Trichophyton mentagrophytes had the highest rate in the beddings (22%) followed by T. verrucosum (16%), while T. verrucosum had highest occurrence rate (24.2%) in cattle ...

Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1, Atta Hussain Shah1*, Gul Bahar Khaskheli1, Zubair Ahmed Laghari2, Ghulam Shabir Bahram1, Muneer Ahmed Jamali1, Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1 

... disease-causing agents, fungi has remained prominent making foods unsafe and insecure. Food and feed contamination by mycotoxins are among key factors creating food insecurity. There are various forms of aflatoxin (AF) occurring in foods of plant origin (B1, B2, G1, and G2) and animal origin (M1 and M2). Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is a geno-toxic carcinogen and is less lethal but it is still cytotoxic. The present study was conducted on prevalence and quantification...

Umar Farooq Gohar, Attia Majeed, Bushra Muneer* and Hamid Mukhtar

...t species and endophytic fungi is used as precursor for the chemical synthesis of the anticancer drugs. In the present study, for the isolation of podophyllotoxin producing endophytic fungi 30 plant (Podophyllum hexandrum) samples were collected from different localities of Pakistan. About 261 fungal strains isolated, among them 22 strains had the ability to produce podophyllotoxin. Maximum podophyllotoxin production (88.14&...

Ghalib Ayaz Kachelo1, Nasir Ahmed Rajput1*, Muhammad Atiq1, Shahbaz Talib Sahi1, Nasir Ahmad Khan1, Akhtar Hameed2, Noor Muhammad1 and Muhammad Saqib Mushtaq1

...To check the efficacy of fungicides and plant extracts against leaf spot disease of spinach caused by Alternaria alternata five plant extracts and five fungicides were evaluated under in vitro and field conditions by using complete randomized design (CRD) and randomized complete block design (RCBD). In plant extracts moringa (Moringa oleifera) showed minimum fungal growth (20.790) mm followed by ginger (Zingiber officinale) ...

Shomaila Sikandar1*, Imran Afzal1 and Sadaf Sarfraz2 different filamentous fungi. The significance of these low molecular weight compounds lies in the fact that they are the contributors of severe health issues in livestock and humans. Every year mycotoxins infect different crops and animal feedstock by accumulating in the food and feed crops in the field and during transportation, which leads to the huge economic losses. Presently about 300 types of mycotoxins have been identified, while, aflatoxins, fuminis...
Muhammad Younas1*, Khalid Hussain1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Atiq2, Niaz Hussain1, Wasim Abbas3, Muhammad Azeem Khan4, Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Irshad1, Nasir Ahmad Khan2 and Muhammad Zubair5
...fter that effect of some fungicides and plant extracts was determined for disease suppression on a susceptible variety of onion. During both years of study, eight accessions (Phulkara, Texas Early, Cylon, Sunset, Red Gystal, Rubi F1, Red Flame, ON-14133) exhibited resistant response with minimum percent disease index (PDI) which ranged between 5-10%, followed by Mirpurkhas, Nasarpuri, HON-1069, Pania, Rubi F2, GSL-132, Red Moon, PK-1032, F-1122, Red Imposta, E...

Khalid Hussain1, Muhammad Younas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Raheel2, Anees Akhtar3, Muhammad Irshad1, Munir Abbas1 and Farah Shabir4

...ting pathogen. Among six fungicides (Fosetyle aluminium, Derosal, Shinkar, Ridomil gold, Cabrio Top, Acrobate) Fosetyle aluminium caused maximum disease reduction (75.16%) at the concentration of 3 g/liter of water followed by Derosal carbendazim) (65.76), Shinkar (59.44), Ridomil gold (52.41), Cabrio Top (44.17) and acrobat (41.86) respectively on comparison to control. Results are also helpful for the farmers for timely management of fusarium wilt.


Reza Aghnoum*, Hamid-Reza Sharifi, Masoud Ghodsi and Ahmad Zare Fizabadi

...on population density of fungivorous (Aphelenchus avenae) and free-living nematodes under four crop rotation patterns. The experiment was arranged as a split plot in randomized complete block design with three tillage systems (conventional tillage, minimum tillage and no-tillage) as the main plots and three level of crop residue retention (no-residue, 30%, and 60% of residue retention) as the sub-plots that replicated three times during five consecutive croppi...

Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Muhammad Atiq*, Nasir Ahmed Rajput, Muhammad Usman, Ahmad Nawaz, Ghalib Ayaz Kachelo, Azeem Akram and Hadeed Ahmad

...s disease. The synthetic fungicides are used to curb the disease incidence. Pathogen have developed resistance against various chemicals that are generally utilized to overcome this disease. Because of its antifungal potential against mango anthracnose, among these strategies, nanotechnology is a rapidly evolving discipline that is gaining the attention of researchers. 


Aslı Çilingir Yeltekin

...conazole, an azole group fungicide, causes undesirable toxicity in non-targeted organisms, including fish in aquatic environments. We investigated metabolic responses by observing apoptosis (caspase- 3), DNA damage (8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)), malondialdehyde (MDA), and antioxidants (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px) activity in Van fish kidney and muscle tissue after 24., 48., 72., and 96. h of tebuconazole exposure at a concentration of 2.5 mg/L. The obtained resu...

Samina Kausar1, Rana Badar Aziz2, Muhammad Waseem3, Muhammad Ahmad3, Hamza Shafiq4, Muhammad Asim5, Usama Zia6, Sobia Afzal7, Wanpeng Xi8*, Mansoor Hameed1* and Muhammad Usman Shoukat9

... some non-photosynthetic fungi or bacteria. The color gamut of carotenoids is from colorless to yellow, orange to red color, with variations reflected in many vegetables, fruits and flowers. They are categorized into two types: (1) xanthophylls and (2) carotenes. For instance, lycopene is found in tomatoes and watermelon, beta carotene in sweet carrots and potatoes, lutein in marigold flowers, and capsanthin and capsorubin in crimson pepper. Zeaxanthin is prot...

Nina Chen1, Shuang Xu2, Juanjuan Lin1* and Moslem Lari Najafi3

...sulfamethoxazole and micafungin sodium did not change significantly. The particle size of the mixture containing vancomycin hydrochloride, levofloxacin hydrate, metronidazole and fluconazole increased gradually. The particle size of fosfomycin sodium in the mixture containing gentamicin sulfate, abacain sulfate, minocycline hydrochloride, ciprofloxacin and/ or ciprofloxacin also changed significantly after preparation. We concluded the particle size changes of...

Amir Abdullah Khan and Muhammad Irfan* The use of synthetic fungicides, which have negative effects on human health and the environment, reduces the widespread economic losses in citriculture caused by these pathogens. In the current study, 68 bacterial strains were isolated from citrus field soil and tested for antifungal activity using the streak plate method. Among them, one bacterium was found to be antagonist against the pathogen. This was identified as Bacillus subtilis 2i through 16SrRNA...

N. Hajra

...buscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi with root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and their effect on carbon and nitrogen metabolism of Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley, a mycorrhizal plant of family Cucurbitaceae. Biochemical analysis including carbon and nitrogen profiles was taken into account.The estimation of carbon profile comprising of carbohydrate, glucose, sucrose and total soluble sugars and nitrogen profile comprising of proteins, amino acids protea...

Muhammad Shahid Nadeem*, Jalaluddin Azam Khan and Firoz Anwar

...cluding animals, plants, fungi and microbes. The enzyme has a clinical applications in the diagnosis of many diseases. In the present study we have produced a recombinant of ALT from Pyrococcus abyssi in BL21 (DE3) strain of E. coli. The recombinant enzyme was purified by anion exchange chromatography, it displayed a 45kDa band on SDS-PAGE, with 58.1% final recovery, 15.3 fold purification and 139 U/mg specific activity. Maximum enzyme activity was found at pH...

K. Nasira† and S. Shamim

... feeders
and fungivores shared the same occurrence percentage (5%) while the least occurrence percentage was of omnivores
(2.5%). These studies add to the knowledge of diversity of fresh water nematodes and evidence on their
categorization of the basis of feeding habits and the community structure.

N. Hajra, F. Shahina1, †, K. Firoza1 and R. Maria

...scular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi inoculated with nematodes in roots of Luffa cylindrica
(L.) Roem was studied under greenhouse conditions. Six treatments were used; viz., C = Control, T1 = VAM only,
T2 = nematodes only, T3 = VAM and nematodes simultaneously, T4 = VAM fungi one week before nematodes and
T5 = VAM fungi one week after nematodes. Damage produc...

Aqleem Abbas1, Mustansar Mubeen2, Yasir Iftikhar2, Qaiser Shakeel3*, Hafiz M. Imran Arshad4, Maria del Carmen Zuñiga Romano5 and Sarfaraz Hussain6

...SB disease. Conventional fungicides are now being replaced with eco-friendly fungicides and biological agents, including mycoviruses that can effectively control RSB disease and minimize the hazardous effects of chemicals. Here, we summarize the disease cycle, symptoms, and effects of environmental variables on RSB disease development. Furthermore, recent advances in studies on the management of disease using cultural, chemi...

Ghulam Sarwar Shah1,2, Maqsood Anwar Rustamani1, Rab Dino Khuhro1, Rehana Naz Syed1 and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi1

...cult. However, synthetic fungicides provide quick and effective control. Therefore, we checked the sensitivity of different isolates of P. aphanidermatum to 17-old and novel fungicides. Against all isolates, the fungicides’ main effect, concentration’s main effect, and fungicides’ × concentration’s effect are highly signific...
Safika1*, Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari1, Juliadi Ramadhan2 as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites can cause feline respiratory conditions. Antibiotics can be used to treat diseases caused on by bacterial organisms. This research aims to determine antibiotic resistance and the gene coding for antibiotic resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from clinical cats in Bogor, Indonesia. This study’s total sample comprised of 58 clinical cat laryngeal swabs. Samples were isolated and biochemically and molec...

Alsi Dara Paryuni1, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto1, Tri Untari2, Sitarina Widyarini3*

...tosis. Identification of fungi was conducted by scrapping area infection of the skin and then cultured on Dermatophyte Test Medium (DTM) for macroscopic and microscopic examination. The results of this study demonstrated that dermatophytosis in cats is characterized by the presence of multifocal alopecia, scale, pruritus, and erythema on the skin with a specific formation. The dominant clinical lesion was alopecia followed by crust and erythema, stated at 75.8...

Noor Rahmawati, Alfi Rumidatul* and Sopandi Sunarya

...t can support endophytic fungi to produce bioactive compounds that have antibacterial and antioxidant activity. The method used in this study was to ferment endophytic fungi from gall rust sengon in different media, namely PDB, PDB plus sengon wood powder, and PDB plus yeast, for 9 days, followed by extraction using ethyl acetate solvent and testing of antioxidant and antibacterial activity. The DPPH radical was used to meas...
... used for antimicrobial, fungicidal, herbicidal, piscicidal and molluscicidal. The present study was aimed to find out metabolites of piscicidal potential. Total thirty plants were collected on the basis of their availability and abundance around the year from different locations of Punjab, Pakistan. The aqueous and alcoholic extract of fresh and dried parts of each plant were used for qualitative estimation of thirteen metabolites (alkaloids, carbohydrate, ca...
...ous bacteria, yeast, and fungi. But Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most commonly used yeast. Different substrates have been used for ethanol production such as sweat sorghum cane extract, lignocellulose, starch-based substrate and molasses, and other wastes. In this study low-quality apples were used for the production of ethanol that was further used for various purposes. From this work, it is clear that the maximum ethanol production is obtained from...
...ous bacteria, yeast, and fungi. But Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most commonly used yeast. Different substrates have been used for ethanol production such as sweat sorghum cane extract, lignocellulose, starch-based substrate and molasses, and other wastes. In this study low-quality apples were used for the production of ethanol that was further used for various purposes. From this work, it is clear that the maximum ethanol production is obtained from...

Abdur Rauf1*, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Zia-ul-Islam3, Rizwanullah1, Ikramullah Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib4, Muhammad Khalid5 and Samrin Gul6

...cillus subtilis) and two fungi (Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger) were examined. The above-mentioned various ethanolic crude extracts of H. eichwaldii revealed the highest potential (15.82±0.40), (18.12±0.56), and (17.41±0.51) against S. aureus, a moderate activity (13.31±0.64), (15.43±0.52), (14.35±0.64), (11.34±0.50), (13.47±0.55), (14.21±0.67), (9.53±0.51), (15.32±0.53), an...

Gang Liu*, Na Xu, Zhizhong Gong and Jiahui Feng

...ngs suggest that the gut fungi were highly sensitive to the diets of the geese at both lakes. Potential pathogenic species of A. erythropus should be further studied.


Muhammad Hussain1, Yasir Ali2*, Baber Iqbal1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal1, Salman Ahmad3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed4, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif2, Muhammad Saeed1 and Muhammad Jawad Yousaf1

... genotype resistance and fungicides are used to combat crop diseases, evaluation of wheat germplasm is still needed to reduce disease management costs and to increase crop sustainability. For this purpose, screening of 42 different wheat varieties and advanced lines was conducted at the Research area of Plant Pathology Research Institute, Ayub Agriculture Research Institute Faisalabad, during 3rd week of November 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 crop seasons. To monito...

Mehran Ali* and Inamullah

...uscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi could be helpful in the sustainable management of immobile P in soil. However, their use in releasing P from alternative sources in alkaline calcareous soils have been little investigated. To explore the influence of AM fungi and P management on wheat productivity, two years of field experiments were carried out at Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar during Rabi seaso...

Yasir Ali1, Muhammad Shahbaz2, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif1-2, Salman Ahmad3*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed4, Saqib Saeed2, Mohsin Iqbal1, Mozam Ejaz1 and Saima Naseer5

...e seven different foliar fungicides such as Cholorothalonyl+metalyxl @ 2000 ml/ha; Pyraclostrobin @ 375 ml/ha; Sulphur @ 2500 g/ha; Diphenoconazole @ 375 ml/ha; Tubiconazole+trifloxystrobin @ 303 g/ha, Polyram DF @ 625 g/ha and Propiconazole @ 625 g/ha for the management of leaf rust of wheat in Research Area of Plant Pathology, Hafiz Abad Research Station, B.Z.U. Bahadar Sub-Campus, Layyah, during crop seasons 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 in Randomized Complete Bl...

Imran Nadeem1, Qurban Ali1, Muhammad Kamil Malik1*, Asad Aslam1, Imran Tariq2, Muhammad Bilal Bin Iqbal1, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Sikander Ali3, Muhammad Jawad Saleem1, Muhammad Zubair3 and Aqsa Abbas1

... of the entomopathogenic fungi and novel insecticide Radiant 120 SC, the results revealed that the maximum population reduction (79.16%) was observed with Radiant as compared to Beauveria bassiana (57.02%). The results regarding beneficial insects showed that the maximum survival rate was found in Radiant 120 SC (57.11%) while the minimum was observed in the case of entomopathogenic fungi (52.46%), which indicated that Radia...

Bdour Muhammed Al-Shweily1*, Jawad Bulbul Al-Zaidawi2, Muhammed Jubair Hanawi1 such as nematodes and fungi are employed. This study examines their efficacy in controlling the insect larvae and pupae. The integration of these indigenous biological control agents yielded notable mortality rates for the targeted larvae and pupae. The highest rates were achieved when using a higher concentration of fungi, specifically 20×10^6 spore/mL, in combination with 100 infective juveniles/mL of nematodes (r...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Jamshaid Iqbal2, Tariq Mustafa3, Gul Rehman2, Muhammad Faisal Shahzad2, Muhammad Younas4,5*, Aftab Ahmad Khan6, Ameer Hamza2, Abdul Ghaffar1 and Muneer Abbas1

... microorganisms likewise fungi, bacteria and viruses has proven to be a viable and sustainable pest management technique. Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) are currently used as biocontrol agents and are alternatives of synthetic insecticides in sustainable agriculture. The bio-efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF); Metarhizium anisopliae (PacerMA), Verticillium lecanii (Zimm) (Mealikil-VL),...

Syed Nouman Shah1, Anees Ur Rahman1, Abdul Kabir1,2*, Midrar Ullah3, Shahab Ahmad Nawaz1, Muhammad Said1, Abdul Hafeez Bukero1, Maaz Ahmad1 and Muhammad Sadiq1

...ic compounds produced by fungi that contaminate silage, a common livestock feed. Mycotoxin contamination poses significant risks to animal health and performance, affecting various physiological systems and functions. This paper aims to review the current literature on mycotoxin occurrence, effects, and management in silage and identify effective strategies to ensure animal health, productivity, and minimize economic losses. We synthesized evidence from studie...


...e more than 100 types of fungi that can yield mycotoxins. They are secondary metabolites and their main producing agents are Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus nomius and Aspergillus parasiticus that are famous for Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, and G2. The present study was conducted to quantify the aflatoxins in bovine feed provided to cattle found in and around Lahore. Total 50 samples were collected from two different localities of Lahore and categorized in two groups...

Putu Henrywaesa Sudipa1*, Hapsari Mahatmi1, Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel1, I Gusti Ketut Suarjana1, I Nengah Kerta Besung1, Romy Muhammad Dary Mufa2 , I Wayan Sukernayasa3 

...however, the presence of fungi has yet to be discussed in detail. This study aimed to provide data on the prevalence and identification of fungi by using morphological methods. The samples were vaginal swabs obtained from 22 healthy female Bali cattle from various locations in Bali, Indonesia. For isolation, vaginal swabs were cultured on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar (SDA) medium and identification was performed macroscop...

Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi1*, Hassan Abd- El-Khair2, Usama S. Elkelany1, Mahfouz M.M. Abd-Elgawad1 and Mona G. Dawood3

...ore-forming bacteria and fungi and frequency% of fungi in potato rhizosphere varied among different treatments.


Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Salman Khurshid1*, Saqib Arif1, Qurrat-ul-Ain Akbar1, Saba Iqbal2, Shahid Yousaf3, Kainat Qureshi1, Abdul Karim Khan5, Abdul Ahad6, Aqeel Ahmed Siddique4 and Neelofar Hamid7

...nd Escherichia coli) and fungi viz., Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternate, Fusarium solani and Aspergillus flavus were studied by Well diffusion method. Three solvent extracts Aqueous, Acetone and Methanol with concentrations (5,10,15 and 20%) was prepared. Our study showed that maximum zone of inhibition (ZOI) was observed against bacteria for M. Koenigii i.e., 22mm and 23 mm for fungi, while; O. basilicum and S. asoca p...

Syed Nouman shah1, Anees Ur Rahman1, Midrar Ullah2, Shahab Ahmad Nawaz1, Muhammad Said1, Abdul Kabir1,3*, Abdul Hafeez Bukero1, Maaz Ahmad1 and Muhammad Sadiq1

...ic compounds produced by fungi that contaminate silage, a common livestock feed. Mycotoxin contamination poses significant risks to animal health and performance, affecting various physiological systems and functions. This paper aims to review the current literature on mycotoxin occurrence, effects, and management in silage and identify effective strategies to ensure animal health, productivity, and minimize economic losses. We synthesized evidence from studie...

Sidra Hafeez1, Tayyaba Sanaullah2, Hafsa Naeem3, Mah Noor Hassan4, Muttalib5, Farhana Kausar6, Muhammad Salman Hameed7*, Muhammad Anayat Ullah8, Abdul Samad9, Memoona Bashir10 and Sadaf Shabbir11 agents like bacteria, fungi etc. Black rot is a serious disease in pumpkin caused by fungus (Didymella bryoniae) and damaged fruit with the symptoms of dark brown lesions but causal organism identification through DNA is still unknown. We collected infected leaf from C. pepp from the vicinity of The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad and isolated D. bryoniae on the respective media. Then morphologically identification was observed through fungal growth p...

Hualong Jiang1, Tao Li2,3*, Jing Xiang3, Hanqing Yang3 and Maolin He3 of ectomycorrhizal fungi in group EG, while these taxa were rare in sediments of a control group. Increased abundance and metabolic functions of these rare ectomycorrhizal fungi suggested that rare microeukaryotes should play fundamentally ecological roles in local ecosystems, especially when environmental perturbations occurred. This report is the first to address the ecological impacts of sea-crossing bridge construc...
Annum Razzaq1*, Zia Ullah2, Arooj Naseer1 and Abdul Nasir Khalid1
...e mycoparasitic class of fungi and mostly infects fruiting bodies of Russula and Lactarius. During a survey for the collection of macrofungi from forests of sub-himalayas, Bhurban, Punjab, Pakistan, a unique fungus Asterophora lycoperdoides found growing on a decaying Russula species. Previously, no species of Asterophora has been described so far from Pakistan. Descriptions and illustratio...

Rahmat Elahi1, Gulnaz Parveen1*, Nazara1, Faryal Ali2, Nain Tara3 and Saba Iqbal1 of seed-borne fungi in maize using castor oil treatment. The study involved collecting and analyzing seeds of various maize varieties such as yellow, blue, white, waxy, and hybrid, sourced from Buner district in KP. Through blotter test and agar plate methods, a total of eight different species of fungi were isolated from five different maize varieties. In the blotter test method, only spores and mycelium of seed-...

Karl Maramorosch

...ed as viruses because no fungi or bacteria could be detected in diseased plants. The inadequate characterization of viruses delayed the discovery of the pathogens of yellows-type diseases by forty years. In 1967 Japanese plant pathologists and entomologists announced the discovery of mycoplasma-resembling pathogens in diseased plants and insect vectors and the temporary recovery of diseased plants treated with tetracycline antibiotics. The recognition of mycop...

Kalsoom Abdulrazaq1*, Bisma Arif1, Rimsha Mehboob2, Asma Mehboob3 

...bes, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and other parasites. These pathogens have the ability to infect both domesticated and wild animals. Zoonoses involve interactions among a minimum of three species: an infectious agent and two host organisms, which can either be humans or animals. They can spread directly through contact with diseased animals, such as rabies, and through bites, or indirectly through exposure to contaminated surroundings and con...


...y along with a reference fungicide (Mancozeb). Data obtained after 7 days of incubation depicts that maximum antifungal activity was observed in fungicide with 89% inhibition in the radial diameter of the test fungus. n-hexane and chloroform also effectively retarded the growth of F. oxysporum, whereas n-butanol and ethyl acetate fractions gave minimum activity . So it can be concluded that wood biochar has the potential to ...


...the growth of pathogenic fungi compared to controls. Aureobacterium liquifaciens (27.66%), Acinetobacter sp. (25.66%), Bordetella pertussis (26.63%) also showed equal potential for inhibition. In contrast remaining isolates Enterobacter cloacae (19.33%), Azomonas agilis (17%) and Kurthia sp. (19%) were less efficient as compared to the others. Bacterial endophytes are colonized inside plants and have antagonistic potential for fungal pathogens. These endophyte...


...eted by both eukaryotes (fungi, phytoplankton, and algae) and prokaryotes (archaeobacteria and eubacteria). EPSs produced by bacteria include a broad range of chemical structures and may either be heteropolymeric or homopolymeric. Their molecular weights vary from 10 to 1000 kDa. Exopolysaccharides have multifarious applications in different fields of life. These EPSs are used as anticoagulant, immunomodulator, emulsifiers, anticancer and bioflocculants. They ...

MUHAMMAD MANSHA*1, QAMAR ALI1, UROOJ FATIMA DILAWARI1, ABRAR HUSSAIN1 & MUHAMMAD TARIQ1 selected bacteria and fungi strains and are expected to be effective in other bioscreening studies.



...ation of myco- and phyto-fungicides proved highly efficient in managing collar rot disease. However, combined effect of T. harzianum or T. viride + leaves biomass of R. sativus found more promising in managing disease through significantly improving growth attributes and activities of antioxidant enzymes. It was concluded that disease suppression is directly linked with increase in activities of antioxidant enzyme (peroxidase, catalase, polyphenol oxidase and ...

Muhammad Rafiq,1 Amna Shoaib,1 Arshad Javaid1

...nd resistance. Botanical fungicides have shown enormous antifungal potential against
many sclerotial forming phytopathogens. In the present study, methanolic root extract of
Sonchus asper was assessed for its antifungal activity against R. solani. The methanolic
extract was prepared by soaking dried root biomass in methanol and analyzed by GC-MS.
Antifungal potential of the extract was detected in test tubes fill...

Hussain Shah1, Hamida Bibi2, Ali Hazrat1and Khan Sher3

...f gymnosperms, 2 (2%) of fungi
and 1 (1%) of Pteridophytes. Asteraceae was a dominant family having 5 species follows by
Brassicaceae and Moraceae each one is represented by 4 species. Among angiosperms 73
(63.01%) was herbs, 4 (5.47%) was shrubs and 20 (27.39%) was trees. The local
community is currently using these plants species along with mushrooms for different
diseases and also used as a timber ...
Tabassum yaseen1*, Muzamil shah1, Khushnood Ur Rehman2 Ali Mujtaba Shah3, Gul
Nawaz1,Rani Gul4
...g arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) spore density in
weeds plants of soil selected from the Tehsil Tangi. The spore density was observed in all
weeds plants in the host growth stage. The maximum arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF)
spore density was found in the Chenopodium album (93.00±74.02) and Scandix iberica
(89.00±92.08) at the vegetative stage. The Glomus sp...

Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi1*, Ahmed E.A. Mahgoob2, Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Mona M.S. Zayed3, Entesar H. Taha2 and Nora R.A. Saleh1

...buscular endomycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (Ne) on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) were evaluated. In general, the combined treatments by AMF and Pf isolates decreased significantly (P≤0.05) root-knot nematode as indicated by numbers of egg masses, eggs and galls per root system more than single treatments. Co-toxicity% for the two applied combined treatments of each bacterial isolate+ AMF, added at the same time with ...

Nabeel Akhtar1, Owais Iqbal1,2*, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani1, Rehana Naz Syed1 and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi1

...ent study, ten different fungicides viz., Shincar, Antracol, Alliete, Ridomil Gold, Moncut, Systhane, Kocide, Evito, Nativo, and Topsin M at 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 ppm concentrations were tested in in vitro by poisoned food method against Rhizoctonia solani, Verticillium albo-atrum and Macrophomina phaseolina. Our results showed that Nativo and Evito at 800-1000 ppm and Systhane and Kocide at 1000 ppm can significantly inhibit the mycelial growth of R. s...
Abid Ali Khan,Ghosia Lutfullah,Nafees Bacha,Bashir Ahmad,Zahid Hussain
Muhamamd Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
...ecology of the suspected fungi and Rhizobial nodulation pattern.

Aashaer Farooq and Zakaullah
... the occurrence of seven fungi and one bacterium on the sample seeds by using the agar plate test method. The Bhurban sample was found to have 80% and 20% infection in non-treated and treated (HgCl2) seeds respectively, while the Kuzagali sample had 100% in the non treated and 3.3% infection in the treated seeds. The fungi isolated from non-treated seeds comprised: Diplodia pinea, Fusarium moniliforme, Penicill...
Shad K. Khalil and John G. Mexal
... with two ectmycorrhizal fungi i.e. Rhizopogon vinicolor and Hebeloma crustuliniforme, to determine how different mycorrhizal and non mycorrhizal (NM) fungi control affect the response of photosynthesis, dry matter, shoot-root partitioning and photosynthetic water use efficiency (PWUE). Containerized seedlings were grown in greenhouse for about 9 months under well-watered and nitrogen fertilized conditions, and th...
...ual organisms comprising fungi, viruses, bacteria and phanerogamic parasites. Mulberry mosaic virus was found to cause heavy reduction in leaf yield and distortion in the cocoons with inferior silk when silk worms were fed on infected leaves....
... many bacteria and decay fungi....
S. I. Zafar, Ulfat Naheed, N. Abdullah and M. Yasin
...ious brown and white rot fungi in the natural habitat, their cow reticulo-rumen digestibility, and isolated D. sissoo lignin bio-degradation by some basidiomycetes under cultural conditions....
Jehandar Shah and Zakaullah
...ed to the record of rust fungi from Pakistan. The present paper adds four more fungi to the list as occurring either for the first time or recorded on new hosts. The hosts include horticultural and medicinal plants....
Zakaullah, Jehan Ara and Abdul Jabbar
...a sizeable collection of fungi was made. Of this, 12 fungi were recorded parasitising a dozen new hosts including timber species, orchard plants, condiments, medicinal herbs and weeds. However, earlier workers (Ahmad 1956, 1956, 1978; Spaudling 1961; Sadiq and Shah 1986) have significantly contributed to the records of fungi and their hosts occurring in different regions of the count...
Wulf Killmann
...erly - dip the timber in fungicide after sawing - segregate and stack the sawn timber in accordance with at least two, preferably three density classes - Seasoning: air season the timber properly stacked (in airy place under cover, off the ground, with fillets between) - air dry timber down to 30% before kiln drying it do not dry batches of mixed densities. Preservation: all timber In exterior use and/ or with ground contact should be (preferably pressure) tr...
K.M. Siddiqui and Mohammad Pervez
...cation, insecticidal and fungicidal treatments on germination of blue pine seed were determined for different seed sources of this species in these studies. It was observed that the viability of blue pine seed is significantly reduced within short period if it is stored at high temperature. Seed stored in dry cold or stratified condition retains its viability and maximum terminations per cant as well as speed of germination are obtained if the seed is ...
...were the two major decay fungi causing brown cubical and red ring rot respectively. They accounted for 94% of the total decay volume. No consistent relationship was indicated between decay and age of the tree. Decay volume percent was higher on northern as compared to southern aspects. Mechanical basal injuries and dead branch stubs were the important infection courts for the decay pathogens....
...means of entry for decay fungi....
M. A. Quraishi and Manzoor Ahmad
...of the largest groups of fungi. It plays an extremely destructive role in forest wood. This destructive activity of wood-decay fungi was unknown until late in the nineteenth century when Robert Harting established through an important member of Polyporaceae i.e. Fomes sp., relation between hyphae, wood­ decay and sporophphore (3,4). Since then Polyporaceae have been considered as the cause of enormous losses in timber....

Zara Naeem1, Khajista Jabeen1*, Muhammad Khalid Saeed2, Sumera Iqbal1 of test mycotoxigenic fungi.


Shaofei Zhang1, Na Xu2 and Gang Liu2*

... that fecal bacteria and fungi may cooperate with archaea to perform crucial roles in the gut. However, because of the small sample size in this study, further studies are needed to fully investigate the altered archaea in the guts of these geese.


Aysha Fatima1, Safdar Ali1, Saira Azmat2, Luqman Amrao1, Muhammad Usman Ghani3*, Yasir Iftikhar4, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan4*, Adeel Ahmad5 and Humaira Kalsoom6 aimed at avoidance of fungicides and management of early blight through resistance source and nutrients. Tomato germplasm (Nadir F1, Naqeeb F1, Johir, Gohar, Walter Gaint FM9 and Money Maker) were screened against Alternaria solani to find out the resistance potential against early blight under field conditions. Data of disease severity and disease incidence was recorded fortnightly that showed only a single variety “Johir” expressed resistant (...

Daniel Offiong Etim1*, Etim Johnson Umana1, Idorenyin Asukwo Udo2, Ndarake Eden Ini-Ibehe1

...>Root-knot nematodes and fungi are serious pathogens affecting okra production. It has been observed that okra production has not been maximized due to nematode and fungus infestation. A research into the control of Meloidogyne incognita and Sclerotium rolfsii were examined in screenhouse. One gram of Trichoderma viride at 2.40×107 CFU/g and Trichoderma harzianum at 1.40×107 CFU/g of millet were applied in combination with neem cake at 2.00 t/ha an...

Noor Rahmawati*, Dea Indriani Astuti and Pingkan Aditiwati

...d endophytes, endophytic fungi can produce the same secondary metabolites as their host plants. Numerous research on the bioactive elements of secondary metabolites from endophytic microorganisms, particularly endophytic fungi, have been undertaken on plants that are able to produce secondary metabolites with unique properties. When tested using the DPPH radical-scavenging assay, the secondary metabolite Toona sinensis Roem,...

Syeda Rubab Zaidi* and Safdar Ali Mirza

...8 strains of microscopic fungi were cultured by using serial dilution method and plate assay method. Pure cultures of these strains were further inoculated on PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) plates supplemented with indicator compounds guaiacol or tannic acid to check the laccase producing ability. Among 08 isolated strains belonging to Aspergillus species of microscopic fungi, only 04 strains were screened for laccase production...
Plinio Vargas Zambrano1*, Luis Vásquez Cortez2,3, Julio Ibarra Arteaga4, Camilo Chávez Ceballos4 and Ramona Párraga Alava1
... product with respect to fungi, yeasts and mesophiles. In conclusion, results showed that the inclusion of 3ml, 5ml and 7ml of extract prolonged the shelf life without the presence of Coliforms and E. coli, reaching a durability of 21 days, however, at a higher concentration of garlic, acceptance decreased. The most widely accepted products in terms of color, odor, flavor, texture and general appearance parameters were treatments C (control) and T2...
Sultan ÇobanoÄŸlu1, Waheed Anwar2*, Muhammad Asim Javed2 and Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan3
...cacy of entomopathogenic fungi using two concentrations (4×104 and 4×108 conidia/ml): Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Trichoderma longibrachiatum and Verticillium lecanii, against the adult female of T. urticae strains (red and green) using leaf-disc bioassay method. Their corrected mortalities were also calculated using Abbot formula. Results indicated that the concentration 4×108 conidia/ml of Trichoderma longibrachiatum caused ...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56, Iss. 5, pp. 2001-2500


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