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Yashab Tur


Science, Religion and Culture, Vol. 2, Iss. 2 Masons, missionaries, colonial agents, officials of the fledging Ottoman Empire, Arab propagators of a new science, and religious scholars (‘Ulama) who are not ready to deal with a science that attempts to extract God from the explanatory hypothesis.



Rashid Mahmood1*, Saima Asad2, Waqar Ahmad1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhamamd Khalid Rafique1, Noor Islam1, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1 and Zain Ul Abiden2 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies in the winter, spring and summer season (2013-14). Four honeybee colonies were exposed to oxalic acid (3.2%), thymol (0.5 g) and formic acid (65%) on screen bottom boards in winter, spring and summer seasons. The fourth group had screen bottom board trays but without any chemical. There was a trend of fallen mean number of mites 157±6.28, 97±3.81, 132.75±9.76 and 26&plus...

Sayeda Sarah and Muhammad Ibrar

...density and percent root colonization of selected sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids in P-deficient soil. It was observed that spore density and AMF root colonization was higher in the soil of control (RP0) plants, which decreases progressively with increasing fertility level. Less number of spores and percent root colonization was found at high RP level (RP100) in all hybrids. Highe...

Halide Nihal Açikgöz1*, Serdal Kenan Köse2 and Ali Açikgöz3



Ai Ming Zhou1,2, Guang Wen Liang2, Ling Zeng2, Yong Yue Lu2 and Yi Juan Xu2* the no-ant plots, the colony growth rate of mealybug significantly increased, and the parasitism of mealybug was obviously decreased, both in fire ant-infested plots and in fire ant-free plots. Colony growth rate of mealybug in fire ant-infested plots was greater than fire ant-free plots. These results suggest that S. invicta suppresses the exploitation of honeydew-producing hemipterans by ghost ant and occupies most of t...

Sadiq Hussain, Muhammad Sharif, Sarmad Khan, Fazli Wahid, Hina Nihar, Wiqar Ahmad, Imran Khan, Nadeem Haider and Tabassum Yaseen

...vermicompost, while root colonization of 57.8% and 46% were maximum by the treatment of mycorrhiza inculcation with vermicompost. Results suggested that inoculation of mycorrhiza with vermicompost at half as well as full dose has potential to improve yield, yield component and nutrients uptake of wheat under prevailing soil and environmental conditions.


Muhammad Imran*, Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Naeem, Muhammad Farooq Nasir, Imran Bodlah, Muhammad Nasir and Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh

...velopmental stages i.e., colony initiation, development and maturation stages under controlled laboratory conditions. Queen oviposition rate was 1.4-fold higher in polycarbonate box compared to wooden and cardboard materials. Early start of egg-laying (first oviposition period) and earlier emergence of first worker were found in polycarbonate box as compared to others. Similarly, colony foundation stage in polycarbonate box ...

Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek

...nd eggs were found to be colonized with L. muscarium during microscopic observations. In the greenhouse experiment, L. muscarium had significant effects in reducing the nematode population in soil compared to the other treatments. In regard to the growth parameters, root and shoot growth (cm) were enhanced after the application of L. muscarium, followed by D. oviparasitica and S. rugosoannulata. The reproductive rate (Rf = Pf/Pi) of nematodes was much higher i...
Rashid Mahmood1*, Saima Asad2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Waqar Ahmad1, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1, Ammara Balouch1 and Muhammad Khalid Rafique1 Twenty five honeybee colonies were used which had similar number of worker bees, brood and stored food. In order to study the foraging activity of honeybees in the field condition, the number of pollen foragers returning to the hive entrance was recorded for 10 min duration on hourly basis between 0800 h to 1600 h for 3 days per week. The data was collected at 0800–1000 hours (early morning foraging activity), 1000-1200 hours (late morning foraging a...
Tianzhu Chao, Huiqiang Cai, Yuxun Zhou, Kai Li* and Junhua Xiao
... castaneus are older colonized subspecies with broad distributions in East China, while M. m. domestics is a newly arrived subspecies currently restricted to Shanghai, indicating the elevated risk in this cosmopolitan cities. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that M. m. musculus migrated from northern China to eastern China and that M. m. castaneus invaded from southern China. The two subspecies form a hybrid zone in eastern China. There...

 Sitansu Pan and Amrita Das

Evaluation of shelf life of some value added organic formulations of Trichoderma harzianum estimated in terms of colony forming unit (c.f.u.)/g of substrate up to 120 days at 30 days interval. In all organic products or their amendment with oil cakes c.f.u. increased up to 60 days and then gradually declined. Among the four organic media, vermicompost retained 21.3 x 10 c.f.u./g at 120 days where as leaf mold,FYMand rice bran retained 20.1 x 10 c.f.u./g, 17.3 x 10 c.f.u./g and 15.1 x 10 c.f.u. /g of substrate respectively at 120 days of incubatio...

K.N. Ahmed , M.A. Al-Helal, N-E-P. Khanom, S. Bulbul

Control strategies of papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Willink infesting vegetable crops in Bangladesh
...(Williams & Willink) colonize the ventral surface of the papaya leaves along the veins and later disperse to the unripe fruits rendering them unmarketable and inedible. The damage appeared to be in the range between 70 and 95 per cent. Generally young plants die due to heavy infestation and colony formation of the mealybug. P. marginatus is a polyphagous pest attacking several agricultural, horticultural crops, ornamenta...

M.S. Islam, M.Ali, and I. Ahmad

Efficacy of sedomil 72WP and recozeb 80WP to control die-back (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) of tea in Bangladesh
... and recozeb 80WP caused colony growth inhibition, respectively by 75.00-90.77% and 75.88-91.33% in 2008 and 74.66-90.55% and 75.66-91.11% in 2009. In a field experiment at the main farm of Bangladesh Tea Research Institute (BTRI), both fungicides were applied as foliar spray for three times at 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 kg ha-1. In 2008, sedomil 72WP gave 45.52-92.78% and recozeb 80WP gave 46.47- 90.39% reduction in PDI. In 2009, the reduction in PDI was 45.84-90....

S. Pal, H. Banerjee and N. N. Mandal 

Efficacy of low dose of herbicides against weeds in transplanted kharif rice (Oryza sativa L.)
...comprised of Echinochloa colona (30 %), Cyperus difformis (20 %), Monochoria vaginalis (30 %) and Ludwigia parviflora (20 %). Penoxsulam 24 SC at 0.0225 kg a.i. ha-1 applied at 8-12 days after transplanting was most effective to check all types of weed population and their growth. This treatment also gave the maximum grain yield (3.53 tha-1) and straw yield (4.73 tha-1) of rice resulting in lowest weed index (5.61 %). Therefore, penoxsulam 24 SC at 0.0225 kg a...

Someshwar Bhagat and Sitansu Pan

Comparative ecological behaviour of some pre- and post-tsunami isolates of Trichoderma harzianum and T. viride from Andaman & Nicobar Islands
... ability and rhizosphere colonization when the competition of other organisms withdrawn compared to natural and sun dried soil. Both competitive parasitic behaviour and rhizosphere colonization was low in post-Tsunami isolates of Trichoderma. The chlamydospore inoculum was found best in percentage colonization of sclerotia of boh R. solani and S. rolfsii, followed by mycelial and conidial ...
Noor Islam1, Muhammad Amjad2, Ehsan ul Haq3, Elizabeth Stephen1 and Falak Naz4 Apis mellifera colonies and major economic losses (a serious threat) to beekeeping industry in Pakistan. Seven treatments including five essential oils of basil (Ocimum basilicum), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), oregano (Origanium vulgare), lemon (Citrus lemon) and thyme (Thymus linearus), formic acid at three different concentrations of 25%, 50% and 100% and control were used against T. clareae in natural...
Muhammad Abdullah1,*, Rashid A. khan2, Muhammad Rafay3, Tanveer Hussain3, Tahira Ruby4,Fariha Rehman5, Sangam Khalil3 and Sohail Akhtar6
...d that Cattle egrets are colonial breeders and colonies were monospecific with no other ardeidae members nesting in the neighborhood. They prefer sites for nest building, which have regular accessibility of water, and usual human activities are common nearby. The breeding period was discerned to be start from April to August and Acacia nilotica was observed as most preferred tree for nesting followed by Syzygium cu...
Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1,*, Muhammad Arshad1, Mubasshir Sohail1,2 and Jaime Molina-Ochoa3,4

Ayesha Bibi*, Musharaf Ahmad and Shaukat Hussain 

...characteristic bacterial colonies Cmm-specific primers CMM-5 and CMM-6 were used for amplification of 614bp product from pat-1 gene of bacterial plasmid. The whole bacterial DNA was used as template, extracted with standard procedures using commercially available kit i.e. protinase-K (sigma). 27 out of 34 isolates were confirmed as Cmm having 614bp band. Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L) was the only weed from which pathogen was consistently isolated. From N...
Muhammad Naeem1, Bushra Sadia1,2,*, Faisal Saeed Awan1and Muhammad Anjum Zia3 and UV radiation. The colonies (15 each) showing > 1% survival rate at 150 min of UV exposure and 12 % survival at 0.5 mg/ml of ethidium bromide for 120 min were selected. Casein hydrolytic assay identified EB3, EB4, EB6, EB7, EB9, EB11, EB13, UV2, UV4, UV6, UV7, UV9, UV11, UV12 and UV 15 mutants producing halo zones. Percentage blood clot lysis led to screening of mutants UV 2, UV 6, UV 7, UV 9, UV 11, UV 12, UV 15 and EB 3, EB 4, EB 11, EB 13 with hype...

 Nasreen Sultana* and A.Ghaffar**

...d complete inhibition of colony growth at 100 ppm. Invariably all fungicides at three different concentration viz., 1, 2, 3 g (a.i.) kg-1 seeds reduced the recovery of the seed borne fungi. The most effective seed treatments were Benlate, Topsin-M, Carbendazim and Aliette @ 3 g kg-1 seeds which enhanced seed germination and reduced seed infection in bottle gourd. Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride, Gliocladium virens, Stachybotrys atra and Bacillus subtilis show...

 Mohammad Siddique Munawar, Shazia Raja, Elizabeth Stephen Waghchoure* and Muhammad Barkat**

...ified from the apiary (4 colonies in each replicate). Half of the colonies were treated with shook swarm method while other half were left without any treatment. The treated colonies showed significant difference from untreated colonies (t test, P< 0.005) and moribund colonies got recovered with increased bee popula...

 Rashid Mahmood*, Elizabeth Stephen Wagchoure* and Ghulam Sarwar*

...ce in supporting the bee colonies of Apis mellifera during August, 2011 and January, 2012 in the premises of Honey bee Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan, to investigate alternative nutrients to pollen grain. Sixteen A. mellifera bee hives were selected alike with respect to number of frames and bees present in them. Honey bee colonies were divided into four groups of four

 Khawer Jawad Ahmad*, Asif Razzaq*, Khalida Hamid Abbasi*, Muhammad Shafiq*, Muhammad Saleem** and Muhammad Arshadullah***

...was recorded in honeybee colonies of Apis mellifera during 2011-12 at research farm of Beekeeping and Hill Fruit Pests Research Station, Rawalpindi. Analysis of variance for different treatments indicated (F=3.64, F>P=0.15) significantly different effect among treatments as well as for the control of mite. The average efficacy of thymol was 73.72% as compared to 69.21% by fluvalinate, 72.23% by formic acid and 13.1% in control. The reduction in the effectiv...
Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Arshad1, Rashid Mahmood2,* and Ziyad Abdul Qadir2
...d 24 Langstroth standard colonies of Apis mellifera naturally infested with Varroa destructor. Ectoparasitic mite, V. destructor is considered the most important parasite of A. mellifera L. that badly affects the development and performance of bees. Main objective of our study was to assess the effectiveness of five synthetic acaricides (Bayvarol®, Apivar®, Apistan® Apitol
Saba Parveen Samo1, Moolchand Malhi1,*, Javed Gadahi2, Yan Lei3, Allah Bux Kaciwal1 and Saeed Ahmed Soomro1
... vs 0.27 ± 0.01); colon (1.14 ± 0.03 vs 1.06 ± 0.01), caecum (0.62 ± 0.03 vs 0.57 ± 0.01) and the whole large intestine (2.44 ± 0.04 vs 2.32 ± 0.03) significantly increased (P < 0.05) in B compared to A. The weights of liver, heart, kidney and spleen were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between the groups, however, the lung weight increased in B (1.15 ± 0.04 vs 0.99 ± 0.04, P < 0.05...
Nasir Abbas1, Muhammad Suleman1, Nazir Ahmad Khan2,*, Ijaz Ali3, Mubashir Rauf1,5 and Sadeeq ur Rahman4,*
... typical mycoplasma like colonies with appearance of fried egg or nipple like characteristic of 0.1 to 1 mm in diameter with a dense raised center in the middle. Interestingly, culture positivity for broiler samples was found higher (36.8%) as compared to breeders (33.5%) and layers (29.5%), respectively. Overall, of the cultured samples, 71.19% (215/302) were confirmed as M. gallisepticum by specie specific PCR. Furthermore, 82.43% of the confirmed iso...

Mahwish Rehman1*, Sajjad Ahmad1, Maqsood Shah1 and Inamullah Khan

...lected from the honeybee colonies from different regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa i.e. Peshawar, Mardan, Kohat and Chitral to discovered Varroa mite species. Identification was done by using key developed byDe-Guzman and Fernandez and Coineau, (2007), i.e. body size (length and width), location of seta, shape, size (i.e. bristle hair, stiff) on dorsal shield, chaetotaxy and structure of the sternal, , metapodal, anal, and epigynal shields, periterme, morphology o...
Muhammad Waheed Mushtaq1,*, Jamil Anwar2, Omara Naeem3,Farah Kanwal1 and Waheed-uz-Zaman1
...rozen mass and bacterial colonies were counted after proper Gram staining. It was found that more than 90% bacteria were separated along with freezing front and were concentrated in the centre in the case of radial freezing and at the bottom in case of vertical freezing.
Zihong Chen1, Ling Xu2, Xiaona Yang2, Yaguan Zhang3* and Yuming Yang4
...haracterized by that its colony colour became slightly shallow with culture time on PDA plates at 25°C, being grayish green at 12 d and turning gray black at 30 d of cultivation.
Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Shehla Gul Bokhari1, Ikramul Haq1,*, Imdad Ullah Khan3, Naimat Ullah4, Naimat Ullah Khan4, Kashif Hussain1 and Azmat Ullah Khan2
...ially identified through colony characters, Gram staining and biochemical tests. The identified isolates were quantified on blood agar and confirmed through PCR. Toxins were extracted, quantified, formalized and adjuvanted with aluminium hydroxide gel. Safety, sterility and stability of the toxoid were ascertained. Bacterin toxoid of C. perfringens type D was procured from Veterinary Research Institute Peshawar. The immunogenicity of toxoid vaccines and...
Xiaojie Ding, Xiling Sun, Zuien Wang, Qiusheng Zheng, Xiaofei Yu, Wenjin Hao, Kejun Wang, Wenjuan Xu and Zhengping Dong*
...charide (LPS) as well as colonic mucosal tissue TLR4/9 and NF-kB. We got the following results: (1) The rat IBS-D model was successfully prepared; (2) Wumei Pill could reduce the contents of serum TNF-α, IL-6 and LPS in rats(P<0.05), and alleviate the inflammatory reaction and accumulation of bacterial endotoxins; (3) Wumei Pill could reduce the transcriptional level of TLR4/9mRNA, to decrease TLR4/9 protein synthesis and expression. So we concluded t...

Saman Fatima* and Shazia Iram 

... utilized to grow fungal colonies on generalized media, i.e. potato dextrose agar, from which six fungal colonies were also isolated and studied further. Under molecular approach direct DNA was isolated from the infected skin of sampled fruits by using CTAB method. The pathogens being identified through classical approach includes: Penicillium sp., Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Alternaria sp., Lasiodiplodia theobrom...

Khadim Hussain Wagan1*, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Jamal-U-Ddin Hajano1 and Abdul Ghani Lanjar2 

...thogen. For such purpose colony forming units (cfu) per gram of soil and seed were determined and capability of previously characterized M. phaseolina isolates to cause the disease was tested on HO-1 variety. Additionally, most virulent isolate was characterized through sequence and phylogenetic analysis. There was significant variation (Df= 54, F=7.4, P=0.0000) among cfu per gram of M. phaseolina in soil samples collected during field survey at different dist...
Muhammad Nasir1,*, Ata-ul-Mohsan2, Shafqat Saeed3, Munir Ahmad2, Muhammad Asif Aziz2 andMunir Ahmad4
... at 1-3 ºC. Highest colony initiation rate was observed at 1-3 ºC for three months duration. Early pre-oviposition period and early emergence of the first worker in a colony was also observed at three months diapause period at diapause temperature of 1-3 ºC. Larger colony size with the highest number of workers, males and progeny queens were also observed at 1-3 ºC for ...
Muhammad Nasir1,*, Ata-ul-Mohsan2, Munir Ahmad2, Shafqat Saeed3, Muhammad Asif Aziz2, Muhammad Imran4 and Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh4
...was studies on different colony characteristic of post-hibernated queens of Bombus terrestris during flight activity period and solitary phase of development. Results showed that survival rate and colony initiation rate of the queen was highest at 28 ºC and 30 ºC. Different parameters in the initial stage of colony growth like pre-oviposition period and emergence timing of...

Javed Asghar Tariq1*, Bashir Ahmed2, Manzoor Ali Abro2, Muhammad Ismail1, Muhammad Usman Asif1 and Raza Muhammad1 

...olates, 6 representative colonies were purified, multiplied and characterized using light microscopy and other biochemical tests. The bacteria were tentatively identified as Pseudomonas, Streptomyces, Bacillus and Micrococus. These bacteria were checked for their antagonistic activity against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. alium cepa. They all were found to inhibit fungus showing inhibition zone 4.09 -74.97%. Hence, on the basis of these studies, it can be concluded...

Fraza Ijaz1*, Umair Riaz2, Shazia Iqbal3, Qamar uz Zaman4, Muhammad Furqan Ijaz5, Hina Javed1, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Zuhra Mazhar3, Ahmad Hassan Khan6, Hassan Mehmood7 and Ijaz Ahmad8 

...s because of their great colonizing capability and helps in improving crop growth. Physiological precursors are also used in association with rhizobium because of their higher solubility in water, continuous providence of hormones as well as low cost. This study was conducted to evaluate the role of Rhizobium, with and without Tryptamine on growth and yield parameters of Berseem. Total of eight treatments was planned to conduct an experiment. Results revealed ...
Zil-e-Huma1, 2, Abdul Malik Tareen3, Kaleem Ullah3, Tauseef M Asmat4,Abdul Samad4Asim Iqbal2, Mohammad Zahid Mustafa3*,Irshad Ahmad5 and Sadeeq ur Rahman6
...cedures and confirmed by colonial characteristics, biochemical profile and specie specific PCR. Multiplex PCR was applied to differentiate among the five main diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes (enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). Results show that the virulent EAEC strain of E. coli ...

Zubaria Malik, Zahir Shah* and Muhammad Tariq 

...ges and assessed for AMF colonization. Soil samples were also collected at the time of root sampling and analyzed for AMF spores. The results showed that neither root colonization of AMF in wheat and maize nor AMF spores density in soil were significantly (P<0.05) affected by cropping systems in any year. The average AMF spores in soil ranged from 45.1 to 39.8 per 20 g soil in wheat phase and 41.2 to 37.0 per 20 g soil in...
Zijuan Li1,2, Rong Ma2, Muhammad Khan3*, Chenchen Liu2, Xiaolin Cui2 and Yongming Li1,2*
...ed using CCK-8 assay and colony forming assay. Flow cytometry was used to determine apoptosis and cell cycle profile. Western blot was used to measure the expression of various proteins. The data demonstrated that piceatannol inhibited growth and induced G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis. Further studies showed that piceatannol induces mitochondrial apoptosis as shown by Bcl-2 family proteins modulation. Finally, piceatannol significantly enhanced apoptotic effi...
Muhammad Khalid Rafique1, Rashid Mahmood1,*, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1,Imran Bodlah2 andFarid AsifShaheen2
... Lingustica honeybee colonies during the spring months of March-April 2017. The effects of four larval grafting techniques, addition of royal jelly (A), dry grafting (B), grafting with addition of one drop of distilled water (C) Royal jelly plus distilled water (D) on queen bee rearing were investigated under field conditions. A considerable variation in queen rearing success was observed as calculated by percentage of secluded queen cells vs. grafted larv...
Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Naimat Ullah Khan3, Muhammad Asfandyar Khan2, Kashif Prince1,*, Mahboob Ali1, Ghazunfar Rashid1 and Azmat Ulah Khan2
... initially identified by colony characteristics, Gram staining, biochemical tests and CFU/g. Clostridium perfringens was isolated from 43.45% of lambs and 50.59% of the kids. Obtained isolates were further analyzed for toxinotyping with conventional PCR. Sequence analysis of 73 strains from diseased lambs showed 13.10% type A, 9.52% type B and highest 20.83% proportion of Clostridium perfringens type D. Out of 108 strains from kids, 54.62% were t...

Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Rashid Mahmood2, Ziyad Abdul Qadir2, Muhammad Arshad1 and Mubasshir Sohail3 

...d 20 Langstroth standard colonies of Apis mellifera naturally infested with Varroa destructor. Varroa destructor (Anderson and Trueman) is the most destructive pest of honeybees and a major threat to beekeepers in different areas of the world. Many control measures including application of chemicals, are adopted to control the infestation of mites in honey bee colonies. Chemical are still the most effective option; however, ...
Abu ul Hassan Faiz1,*, Fakhar-i-Abbas2, Mehboob ul Hassan3 and Lariab Zahra Faiz1
...s (Harighel fields, Grid colony fields and Iqbal colony fields during mid April to mid December 2017 by selecting 5 model plots of maize. On each study site, line transect method for small mammalian pest, for large mammals spot light count and for birds point count methods were used to determine abundance of each species. The study, documented 10 species of mammalian pests, 13 species of pest birds of maize crop and their po...
Bibi Nazia Murtaza1, Mazhar Saeed Chaudry2, Shamaila Inayat Nadeem1, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4,*
...NHL located in ascending colon with worst prognosis of disease. Through mutagenic PCR, codon 12 was analysed by creating a single nucleotide mismatch at the 3′-end of primers to produce a BstNI recognition sequence at codon 12 while codon 13 was analysed by introducing HaeIII recognition sequence. By using RFLP and sequencing, point mutation substituting the glycine (GGC) to aspartic acid (GAC) was observed at codon 13. The p.G13D or c...
Jing Zhang1,2, Xin Wang2, Yun Zhao2, Yongcheng Jin2, Yongfeng Zhou2, Junmei Wang2, Yurong Fu2, Rui Wang2, Ruihua Li2, Hengtong Fang2 and Hao Yu2,*
... barrier function in the colon. We found that the morphology of colonic mucosa in mice was normal after ZEA was administered by gavage for one week, the mRNA expression levels of mucosal Mucin-1, Mucin-2, regenerating islet-derived protein 3 gamma (Reg3γ), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) were significantly downregulated. The mRNA expression levels of mucosal β-defensin, regenerating islet-derived protein 3 alpha (...
Dongping Liu1, Guogang Zhang1, Chao Wang2, Baoping Qing2 and Jun Lu1,*
...% of nests were observed colonial in single tree in the reintroduced population, probably due to male-biased sex ratio and better nesting conditions. First nest failure in reintroduced population occurred much earlier than that in wild, which resulted in significantly higher probability of re-nesting. The phenotypic plasticity in crested ibis may play important role in future reintroduction of this critically endangered species under a changing environment.

Humayun Saleem1, Faisal Sohail Fateh2*, Zia-Ur-Rehman1 and Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddique the markets near poor colonies are merely selling cheap fruits and they are not concerned with the diseased fruits. 

Şükrü Önalan1*, Muhammed Arabacı1and Haşmet Çağırgan2
...bright, round and S-type colonies with smooth margins were seen in TSA medium. They were alive during native examination without movement. It was observed that morphologically all isolates were Gram (+), α-hemolytic (BA), oxidase and catalase negative and were reproduced under 21, 37 and 45 °C temperatures with 0–6.5 % NaCl salinity. As a result of the examination of biochemical properties with API Rapid ID 32 Strep test, it was observed that 2...

Noor Islam1*, Rashid Mahmood1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Sarfaraz Ahmad2 and Saleem Abid

...a, strength of honey bee colonies and honey yield. Data analysis showed significant difference among all diets tested and check (i. e. control colonies). Diet 2 induced the highest consumption rate (71.90 g per colony), maximum sealed worker brood area (1562.0 cm2 per colony), mean highest maximum (12 frames covered with bees per
Saira Saleemi1*, Zafar Iqbal1, Abdul Nasir Khalid2 growth in the form of colonies of different shapes and colour appeared in agar plates. Four Aspergillus spp.; Aspergillus terreus (8.40%), A. flavus (17.06%), A. fumigatus (24.02%) and A. niger (50.52%) were isolated from fish. Aspergillus niger showed high infection and it was recorded on all 200 fish samples. Fins were the most affected parts with 39.10% infection. Intestine was the least affected part with 6.59% ...

A. S. M. El-Nuby1† , S. A. Montasser2 and I. A. El-Khadrawy

Control of root-knot nematodes using wild plants colonized Sinai, Egypt
...for small-holder growers colonized Sinai Peninsula.

Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel2, Ejaz Ashraf3*, Asad Ali4 and Arooba Rubab5
Effect of Insecticides on the Longevity of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
... placing three honey bee colonies in the center of each plot in the field. Four frames from each colony and twenty cells from each frame were selected as samples for further studies. After egg hatching larval duration was recorded until pupal duration starts. The honey bees were caged after pupal duration starts and marked with permanent marker for adult data recording. The data was recorded daily for 30 days. The effects of...
Zubair Ahmad1, 2, 4, Hamed A. Ghramh1, 2, 3,Khalid Ali Khan1, 2, 3*, Farhat Khan4 and Shujauddin5 the vicinity of aphid colony. The vague stimuli via the host in C. subnuda Mayr. causes a phenomenal warning to the other members for searching the invader.
Tabassum Yaseen1*, Shehzad Ahmad1, Khushnood Ur Rehman2, Fayaz Asad1, Abdul Waheed1, Rani Gul3, Hussain Gulab4 and Naveed Akhtar2
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Spore Density and Root Colonization in Weeds of Carrot field at Charsadda, Pakistan
...oots. It forms the multi colonization systems with the roots and provide benefits to the host plants. The present study was conducted to evaluate the occurrence and distributions of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizospheric soil of major weeds of District Charsadda. In the present study roots and rhizospheric soil of 15 weeds species belonging to 12 families were collected from Carrot field of District Charsadda and was investigated for the sporulation ...

Zulnorain Sajid1*, Muhammad Ramzan2 and Noreen Akhtar1

Foraging Behavior and Pollination Ecology of Bumble Bee and Honey Bee in Pakistan; A Review
...temperature and solitary colony structure. In northern areas of Pakistan bumblebees are natural pollinators. The various products of honey bee especially honey, royal jelly and bee venom used for the treatment of various diseases like cardiac diseases, hypertension and many others problems. These are the main source of income for entomologist and agriculture graduates. There are several factors (habitat loss, landscape degradation, overuse of agrochemical, exo...

Taqi Raza1*, Sergio de Los Santos Villalobos2, Muhammad Shehzad3, Shakeel Imran4 and Derly José Henriques da Silva5

PGP Characterization of Rhizobacteria Associated with Apple Gourd (Praecitrullus fistulosus L.)
...orphologically different colonies, shapes, and colors. The isolated strain mostly belonging to Coccus, Bacillus, and Spirillum. Nearly, 63% belonging to Coccus, 23% to Bacillus, and 14% to Spirillum. Only 18% of strains gave the gram positive staining results and 14% strains showed the hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production abilities by slightly changing the color on media. While, in the case of enzyme production test, almost 90%, of isolated strains confirmed the ...
Yujun Zhao and Jianping Fan*
...spase-3 and Caspase-8 in colon cancer SW480 cells were studied. Compared with the control group without medication, the proliferation inhibition rate of cells processed with Kanglaite injection (10, 20 and 40 μL/mL) significantly increased (p <0.05), the apoptosis rate increased (p <0.05), the expression of Bcl-2 protein decreased (p <0.05), the expression of Bax protein significantly increased (p <0.05), and the acti...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq1*, Muhammad Kamran1, Muhammad Idrees1, Shahid Nazir2, Ihsan Ullah3, Sumera Naz1, Shaukat Ali1 and Muhammad Zafar Iqbal2

Morpho-Molecular Characterization of Xanthomonas Axonopodis Pv. Citri Associated with Kinnow (Mandarin) and its Management
...evofloxacin USP) against colony growth of X. axonopodis pv. citri was evaluated at 50, 100 and 150 ppm using disc sensitivity technique. Streptomycin sulphate was found most effective to inhibit the colony growth of the bacterium. Streptomycin sulphate and Oxytetracycline were evaluated against the disease in field conditions. Streptomycin sulphate was found relatively most effective as compared to the Oxytetracycline.


Sidra Shehzadi, Sher Bahadar Khan*, Umar Sadique and Saqib Nawaz

Isolation and Molecular Identification of Clostridium perfringens Type D in Goats in District Peshawar
...ate of 44%. However, the colony morphology, microscopy, biochemical tests and polymerase chain reaction of C. perfringens  type D showed that PCR is an effective diagnostic and confirmatory tool for the toxinogenic typing of C. perfringens  type D infection.

Ye Ge1, Chunmiao Zhao1, Weitian Xie2, Ying Liu2,* and Chunhou Xu1,*
...enic rate of 69.1% and a colony number of 2.7×105 CFU/mL after an 80 °C high-temperature treatment. After 7 generations of fermentation, the average pH value was 4.47. The average number of colonies in the culture medium was 18.4. The production of protoplasts lays a foundation for research in microecological preparation.
Iram Liaqat1*, Tahir Hussain1,2, Aisha Waheed Qurashi3, Gulbeena Saleem2Asia Bibi4, Muhammad Fiaz Qamar5,ShaukatAli1 and Ikram-ul-Haq6 
...s the complex structural colonies enclosed in a sticky matrix known as biofilm. Various antimicrobial approaches used to treat gastrointestinal infections are usually ineffective due to biofilm formation. The purpose of this study was to (1) compare biofilm formation of three S. Gallinarum strains isolated from commercial broiler chicken by three different methods i.e., congo red, test tube and air liquid interface coverslip, (2) biofilm quantifi...
Rashid Mahmood1*, Muhammad Abu Bakar2, Muhammad Fahim Raza3, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1 and Muhammad Yahya2
...Apis mellifera L) colonies. The main objective of this study was to examine the role of naturally occurring chemicals against Varroa mites of A. mellifera. Nine colonies of A. mellifera were selected to check the infestation of V. destructor randomly. Treatment was applied once and post-treatment data was recorded after 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after all applications of the tested material throu...

Mehwish Saleem1*, Maria Tahir1, Maryam Ilyas2 and Aqsa Malik2

... blood cancer (n=4) 25%, colon cancer (n=3) 9%. Cancer patients with hypocalcaemia were (n=20) 67%). Cancer patients ranging from 21-40 years have high prevalence of hypocalcaemia (n=11) 57%. Hypocalcaemia in cancer patients is commonly encountered, in hospitalized patients due to side effect of chemotherapy or other drugs. 

Abdul Muhaimin Wahab1, Basit Zeshan2,*, Naveed Ahmed2, Muhammad Afzal2 and Muhammad Naveed2
... are associated with the colonization of Campylobacter.
Saqib Nawaz1, Sher Bahadar Khan1*, Umar Sadique1, Muhammad Israr2
Mumtaz Ali Khan3, Hameed Ullah Khan4, Muhammad Irshad5, Ihsan Ali1 and Haq Aman Ullah1
...%), lesions in ileum and colon in 39 sheep (78%), soft kidney 27 (54%), dark congested liver 26 (52%), nephritis 23 (46%) and spleenitis 13 (26%). Microscopic lesions revealed a score of 10 of kidney tissue out of 15 while the lesion score of intestine revealed 08 out of lesion score of 15.
Shuang Yang1,2, Huiting Zhao3, Xuewen Zhang2, Kai Xu1, Lina Guo1, Yali Du1 and Yusuo Jiang1,*
...orious pest of honey bee colonies that has negatively affected the global apicultural industry. Olfactory cues influence the behavior of wax moth, where males attract females, making them an ideal candidate for pheromone studies. However, the molecular mechanism of chemoreception in G. mellonella pertaining to sex pheromone recognition has not been elucidated. In this study, transcriptome sequencing was conducted on the antennae of male and female great...

Samra Aftab1, Saleem Ullah1 and Farida Anjum2*

...isolation showed highest colonies of Aspergillus sp. (8 CFU × 104g-1) followed by Penicillium sp. and Trichoderma sp. (7 CFU × 104g-1 and 5 CFU × 104g-1), while the lowest colonies were noted for Candida ablican and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The screening test of these microbes for cellulose degradation showed higher degradation for Trichoderma sp. (6 % and 8 %) followed by Penicillium sp. (4 % and 4.5 %) i...
Asif Sadam*, Rahmat Ullah Khan and Sajid Mahmood
...urban exploiters i.e. to colonize and become abundant in highly urbanized areas. Bird species were identified in point counts without distance estimation, in three habitats: urban area, residential area, and agricultural area. Twelve sampling sites were selected in well-defined habitats in Mardan district. Bird species traits were taken from field observations and published literature. The trend and variation in traits was recorded along a sampled gradient of ...
Rahma Mohamed, Sara Nader, Dalia Hamza and Maha A. Sabry*
...with Cryptococcus colonization in the donkeys did not show any statistically significant differences. Molecular serotyping of 6 identified Cryptococcus spp. evidenced C. gattii in the nasal passages of 4 healthy donkeys (7.7%); while the other 2 C. neoformans serotype A (3.8%) isolates identified in healthy and diseased donkeys. Four C. gattii and C. neoformans isolates demonstrated higher laccase (LAC1) genes a...

 Ramadan, F. Abbas1;H.M.Salem1; M.H. Belal2, and A. M. M. Abd-Alla3*

laboratory colony, leads to the detection and isolation of this virus from
Egypt. Injection of filtrate induced SGH symptom in 60% injected flies.
The salivary gland symptom was similar to the previously reported
symptoms of the MdSGHV. Examination of the SGH suspension with
Electron microscopy revealed the presence of rod-shape virus particles
with 500-700 n...

AdlyAbd-Alla1,2, MahaNada3, Francois Cousserans1, and Max Bergoin1

...lishment of a N. viridulacolony in Egypt, a significant reduction in the insect
productivity and high mortality rate were observed. Electron microscopy examination of dead
insects homogenate revealed the presence of paraspherical virus like-particles with diameter
of 25 nm. Virus purification on cesium chloride gradient showed one band at a buoyant
density of 1.362. Extraction of nucleic acid from purified virus ...

Shahida Sabir1, Anwar Ali Shad1, Tariq Masood1*, Zafar Ali Shah1, Nasiruddin2, Yaseen Ahmad1 and Syed Sartaj Alam3 

...ocumented on days to 50% colonization, days to 100% colonization, yield per bag and % bio-efficacy of Pleurotus eryngii. It was found that maximum 20 and 34 days were taken by 50% and 100% colonization, respectively on 25% supplemented B. lycium substrate compared to control treatment (17 days). The yield and bio-efficacy of mushroom was observed around 596.7 g per bag and 99% respectively...

Mohsen M. Elsharkawy1, Salem H. Homayed1, Mohamed M. Elsawy2 and Amr A. Khedr1

... generated wind and root colonizing F. equiseti
GF19-1 or its CF elicited induced resistance against CMV infection, leading to a restriction of
pathogen propagation and disease development.
Waqar Ali1,3*, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Abida Arshad1, Guifu Dai3,Safir Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Arshad Malik4, Imran Ullah1 and Ihsan Ullah1
...ent biochemical test and colony morphology from positive milk sample were Staphylococcus aureus (25.4%), Escherichia coli (20.3%), Streptococcus (16.9%) in which (6.7%) Streptococcus agalactiae, and (10.1%) other streptococcus species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (15.2%), Salmonella (13.5%) and Klebsiella pneumonia (8.4%). Staphylococcus aureus was found most prevalent pathogen that causes mastitis in goats...
Xueli Jiang1,2, Jie Gao3, Muhammad Zahid Sharif1,2, Xuewen Zhang4 and Fanglin Liu1,*
... on honey bees and their colonies. Because of their complex, non-linear interactions, it is difficult to assess honey bee health risks from exposure to real-world floral nectar with complex phenolic mixture. In the study, we investigate the bee losses of Apis mellifera in the flowering period of the Mexican sunflower Tithonia diversifolia in southwestern China, and use data mining approach to model the relationships between nectar phenolics and b...

Mst. Deloara Begum1, Md. Muniruzzaman1, Md. Salauddin2* and Md. Mostafizer Rahman1

...quo;s staining reaction, colony morphology, cultural characteristics, biochemical and antibiotic susceptibility test. All most 100% dried and 20% cooked fish sample were contaminated. In this study seven different species and 168 isolates were identified from dried fish and these were Escherichia coli 21.43% (36), Vibrio spp. 18.45% (31), Staphylococcus spp.17.86% (30), Pseudomonas spp.17.86% (30), Salmonella spp.12.5% (21), Shigella spp. 8.93% (15) and Klebsi...
Sohail Anjum1, Awais Ahmad1, Farzana Bibi1 and Hazrat Ali2*
...dy area. The species has colonized both rural and urban areas and has dispersed throughout the study area. One of the most important factors for its population increase is the increased number of dumping sites in the area.
Junli Liu1, Tongfang Yang2 and Lisheng Wu3*
...ermine cell survival and colony formation, flow cytometry to measure apoptosis, and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to assay LINC00857 and miR-340 expression. Bioinformatics and dual luciferase reports analyzed the targeting relationship between LINC00857 and miR-340. Cells were transfected with pcDNA3.1-LINC00857 or anti-miR-340, and treated with homoharringtonine to observe their effects on U2OS protein expression, survival, clone ...

Adel M. Abdelrahman1, Sahar R. Mohamed1, Soliman M. Soliman2, Sherif Marouf3* 

... Suspected P. aeruginosa colonies carry ESBL were 56.6% by the double disc synergy test (DDST). Detection of virulence genes using pslA, toxA and exoU genes revealed that 29.4%, 23.5% and 17.6% respectively. Molecular detection of ESBLs encoding genes in P. aeruginosa recorded that blaTEM genes blaSHV and blaCTXM genes were detected in percentages of 64.7%, 47.0 % and 29.4%, respectively. Finally, ESBL P. aeruginosa showing multidrug antimicrobial resistance t...

Neda Amani1, Mehrdad Shariati1, Rahim Ahmadi2,3*, Mokhtar Mokhtari1 and Saeed Khatamsaz1, -8 and -9 in human colon (HCT) and gastric (AGS) cancer cells. Cell lines were divided into untreated (control) group and groups exposed to 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 mg/ml of testosterone enanthate. The cytotoxic effect of testosterone enanthate was measured using MTT assay method. iNOS, MMP9, caspase-3, -8 and -9 expression level were evaluated by real-time PCR and the caspases activity was measured by ELYSA method. Flow cytometry was used to detect an...

Maid Zaman1*, Imtiaz Ali Khan1, Amjad Usman1 and Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi2 insects living in the colonies as workers, soldiers, and reproductive caste found across the globe specifically in tropics acting as invertebrate decomposer excluding the only 3% species which are the leading pests causing damages to agriculture, forestry, and housing/structures. Diverse ecological conditions of Pakistan made it favorable for termites which are found across the country but its diversity, genera strength, percent host and habitat attacked fo...

Sajjad Khan*, Naila Chand, Abdul Hafeez, Nazir Ahmad 

...low in ileum, caecum and colon. It was concluded that supplementation of GA at 1.5% resulted in significantly (P<0.05) improved growth performance, visceral organs along with improved histomorphology and limited growth of pathogenic bacteria in broiler chickens.

Keywords | Gum arabic, Bursa, Thymus, E. coli, Salmonella, C. perfringens  


Sheng Dong1*, Ning Li2, Jiawei Zhang2 and Ting Wang2

...r 24 h. CCK-8 method and colony-forming assay were taken to detect cell proliferation ability; flow cytometry was adopted to detect apoptosis rate; qRT-PCR method was used to detect the expression of KCNQ1OT1; Western blot method was used to detect Nephrin, GRP78, GRP94, and Caspase 12 protein expressions. We found that DS enhanced the proliferation of high glucose-induced podocytes (P<0.05), increased the number of clones formed (P<0.05), reduced the ap...

Xiuli Wang1, Cuilan Hu2 and Sen Ye3*

...farction and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) expression, postoperative brain function. Eighty SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: control group, infarction group, 4.5h thrombolysis group and 6h thrombolysis group. The postoperative body weight loss rate and neurological function change of each group were observed by body weight test and neurological function scores. The infarct volume and microvessel density of each group were detected by...

Dwi Budiono1,5, Ratih Rinendyaputri2, Ariyani Noviantari2, Mokhamad Fahrudin3, Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari4, Vista Budiariati1,6, Diah Nugrahani Pristihadi1,3, Noer Muhamad Dliyaul Haq1, Arief Boediono3* 

...a source of pESC primary colonies. Fertilized embryos as positive control group. Diploid parthenogenetic embryos were divided into three treatment groups: CHIR99021 0 mmol/l, CHIR99021 0.003 mmol/l, and CHIR99021 0.01 mmol/l. The embryonic stem cell (ESC) primary colonies were cultured from blastocyst stage embryos. The results of this study showed that CHIR99021 0.003 mmol/l was able to significantly increase the blastocyst...

Saima Naz1*, Ahmad Manan Mustafa Chatha2, Sajjad Ali2 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah3

...line by disturbing their colony structure, productivity, morphology and physiology of their gut microbiota for first time. The study will raise the concerns about the bee conservation.

Haroon1, Chen-Xu Ye1, Yu-Xin Li1, Hong-Xin Zhang1, Qing Liu1, Xiao-Hong Su1,2,3 and Lian-Xi Xing1,2,3,*

...019. After the inaugural colonies foundation, imagoes started egg-laying during 30-40 days. The hatching ratio increased gradually during the time. The femal+male (FM) worker reproductive (ergatoids) colonies were reported significantly (p<0.005) in egg-laying and chambers making than primary reproductives (imagoes). The morphological measurement shows that the swarmer alates were significantly (p<0.005) extended along...

Abdelrahman A. Abdelrahman1, Salama A. S. Shany1, Kareem E. Hassan1, Mansy A. A. Dardeer2, Ali A.1*, Magdy F. El-Kady1* 

...microscope for fried egg colonies. Forty-three samples were detected as Mycoplasma spp., using PCR for species identification, MG, MS, and Untyped strains, with a high prevalence of MG (27.9%) and lowest for MS (8.8%). An rRT-PCR used for detection of AIV-H9N2 and IBV showed high prevalence for IBV (88.2%) and AIV-H9N2 (52.9%), the highest rates of co-infection were MG-H9N2-IBV, Mycoplasma other than MG/MS, and H9-IBV with rates of (17.6%), (14.7%), and (13....

Hany M.R. Elsherif1, Ahmed Orabi2, Hussein M.A. Hassan3, Ahmed Samy3*

...m perfringens intestinal colonization was not exist. When OAS’s were introduced to broiler diets, total protein, globulin, albumin/globulin, T3, T4, and total antioxidant capacity levels were dramatically increased, while alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and urea levels remained not affected. Adding SF, SA, or SP to broiler diets significantly improved immunological state (P<0.05) via enhancing avian influenza (H5) and...

Ida Bagus Oka Winaya1*, Anak Agung Ayu Mirah Adi1, Putu Henrywaesa Sudipa2, I Gusti Ketut Suarjana2

...he growth of small round colonies, grayish-white, mucoid but hemolysis reaction was not clearly visible. On Gram staining, the bacteria looks purple, the coccus arranged like a chain, reacts negatively in the catalase and oxidase tests. The findings of meningoencephalitis in the brain, arthritis in the leg joints, and microbiological tests suggest that post-weaning piglets suffer from streptococcosis.

Keywords | Histopathology, Meningoencephalitis, Pos...

Arsalan Maqbool1,2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse1,3*, Eric Lim Teik Chung3,5, Abd Wahid Haron3, Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila5, Bura Thlama Paul3,4, Khaliq ur Rehman Bhutto3,6 


...uspension containing 105 colony-forming unit (CFU) of M. haemolytica serotype A2. Blood samples were collected on weekly basis. The results revealed that the plasma progesterone concentration increased significantly (p<0.05) whereas estrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone decreased significantly (p<0.05) in the non-vaccinated group compared to vaccinated and control groups in both seasons. The study outcomes shown that climate has ...
Faiza Ghazanfar1, Masood Rabbani1*, Aamir Ghafoor2 and Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq3 that asymptomatically colonizes broilers during development and contaminates it during slaughter. Outbreaks mostly start from the ingestion of contaminated poultry products or infected water. Reducing colonization of Campylobacter jejuni in the gut can be useful in decreasing the contamination of the poultry. Different organic acids display potential as a substitute of antibiotics. These not only improve poultry performan...

Qi Zhuo, Yuanchun Yao, Meisongzhu Yang*, Jinhua Chen and Miao Tian

... metastasize and invade; colony formation test was conducted to detect the effect of HDAC8 on the cells. We found that the expression of miR-216b-5p protein in breast cancer group was lower than that in healthy control group (P<0.05); the expression of HDAC8 protein in the group was higher than that in healthy control group (P<0.05). The MDA-MB-231 group had lower miR-216b-5p mRNA expression than the MCF-10A group (P<0.05), and the MDA-MB-231 group ha...

Eman H. Abotalp, Sahar R. Mohamed, Jakeen K. El Jakee

...and felines in Egypt are colonized with unsafe E. coli serotypes and the antibiotic resistance in these E. coli isolates. A total of 129 rectal swabs were gathered from apparent healthy and diarrheic canines and felines. By using Vitek2 compact system, 42 E. coli isolates (32.6%) were resulted from canines (24%) and felines (44.4%) rectal swabs. E. coli were serotyped to: O8, O25, O26, O28, O36, O55, O78, O86, O111, O114, O125, O127, O128 and O157. The re...

Ahmad Nadeem1,2 and Rubina Arshad1,2,*

...isolated on the basis of colony morphology on De Man Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) agar plates, Gram staining, biochemical tests and molecular characterization. The co-culturing of LAB isolates with fungal cultures (in vitro) showed that among seven LAB isolates, only three possessed antifungal activity. One promising wild type isolate (LPA6) was subjected to gamma irradiation for mutation induction. Seeds of two chickpea varieties were inoculated with LAB isolates in f...

Shama Sadaf1*, Komal Hassan1, Ayesha Saeed1 and Zeeshan Ahmad2 

... after six days only one colony of microorganism was appeared on treated fabric, while nine colonies was observed on untreated cotton sample The cotton fabric treated with B. monosperma and L. chinensis exhibited 100% reduction after 22 hours and even after six days interval. In case of mechanical properties (Tensile strength, Tear strength) antimicrobial finish had made positive effect on cotton. The antimicrobial finish la...

Siti Dharmawati1, Muhammad Halim Natsir2, Hartutik Hartutik2, Danung Nur Adli2, Osfar Sjofjan2*;2.59 g were placed in colony-shaped pen, and each pen contained seven ducks. The trial design used was completely randomized design with five treatments and six replications for each one, consisting of seven ducks. The treatment diet was formulated as follows: T0 basal diet + 100% fish meal (10% in diet) (10:0), T1 : basal diet + 75% fish meal (7.5% in diet)+ 25% FSFIBE(2.5% in diet) (7.5:2.5), T2 : basal diet + 50% fish meal (5% in diet)+ 50% FSFIBE(5% in...

A.H. Choshali1, S. Rezaee2, S. Jamali3, H. Reza3, Zamanizadeh4 and F. Rejali5

...erant cucumber roots pre-colonized with Funneliformis mosseae against root knot-nematode Meloidogyne incognita were studied. Mycorrhizal plants which pre-colonized for 7 weeks inoculated with 1500 J2 per 1 kg soil. The quantitative activity of chitinase and ß 1, 3 glucanase enzymes was assessed on 2, 4, 6 and 8th days after M. incognita inoculation based on split- plot in time design. Also the results showed that AMF p...

Tariq Mahmood1*, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2, Sami Ullah1, Bilal Ahmad3, Zarmina Aslam4, Naveed Ahmad Khan5, Muhammad Shahzaib Tariq6, Muhammad Ali Raza6, Rana Usama Iqbal7 and Samia Zain8

... activities of honey bee colonies connect them to their surroundings. As a result, several in- and out-of-colony factors impact this behavior. Foraging is advantageous not only to plants and insect colonies but also to humans. Honey bees helps preserve ecosystems as they offer pollination to many wild flowering plants. These pollinators are now under attack from a variety of sources. Pesti...


...d as template in PCR and colony PCR gave better results as compared with extracted DNA from infected leaf.
Key Words: Xanthomonas axonopodis citri, Citrus canker, Molecular diagnostics
... of water samples having colonial population between 1-40 CFU/100ml. According to this study, 98 % of the water sources of study area did not meet the safe limits for drinking water of the country as well as the WHO guidelines. Conclusively it was declared that water quality is unacceptable for human consumption. It is therefore recommended that the authorities should take every possible measure to provide safe and clean water to household especially drinking ...

Chenchen Liu1,2, Tong Wang1, Muhammad Khan3*, Xiaolin Cui2 and Yongming Li1,2*

...ent from CCK-8, Edu, and colonogenic assays. The molecular mechanism associated with induction of apoptosis includes ROS generation, G2/M phase arrest and inhibition of aerobic glycolysis. Inhibition of glycolysis was found to be linked with down-regulation of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) and glucose transporter-1 (GLUT1). Finally, ALT effectively suppressed growth and induced apoptosis in cisplatin resistant A2780/CR cells. Taken together, our findings sugg...

Muhammad Arshad Iqbal*, Aamir Ghafoor, Irfan Ahmad, Muhammad Ijaz 

...llected to observe organ colonization. Use of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens as feed additive decreased the shedding pattern of S. Enteritidis and Cl. Perfringens and may pave way for safe poultry rearing and addressing public health concerns associated with AGP.


Sumbal Nazir1*, Farkhanda Manzoor2, Ishrat Perveen3, Anum Rana2, Irum Naureen1, Abad Ali Nadeem3 and Hafiza Najma Naeem2 the diseased honeybee colonies was followed by RNA isolation. The RNAs were quantified on spectrophotometer. Results have shown the occurrence of fungus and/or pathogen infestation which was caused by microsporidium Nosema apis with 277bp. It has been observed that the honeybee colonies were badly affected due to Nosemosis disease which was caused by microsporidian fungus Nosema apis. This microsporidian fungus causes dys...

Pawinee Kingkan1, Thanathip Supcharoenkul1, Chaowit Rakangthong1, Chaiyapoom Bunchasak1, Komwit Surachat2,3, Wiriya Loongyai1* 

Tasew Getu1*, Wassu Mohammed2, Awol Seid3, Tesfamariam Mekete4 and Bekele Kassa

... and tuber, and RS final colonies (2.6 × 105) with same treatment. The presence of VC greatly increased tuber yield, and Guassa and Bubu produced the highest marketable tuber yield of 47 and 48 t/ha, respectively under this treatment. All cultivars that were grown with drip irrigation amended with VC fell into the resistant category towards MI and RS disease complex. The study revealed that the tested treatments respond differently to the disease complex...

Yajuan Zheng, Qiuping Mo, Hongchao Tang, Qinghui Zheng and Dandan Guan*

...f C-terminal tail) human colon cancer LoVo cell lines. The mechanism of the reaction between LGR5 and IQGAP1 was examined by immunoprecipitation. Expression of LGR5 and phosphorylation ratio of IQGAP1 showed opposite trends in breast cancer and normal body. Viability, migration and invasion ability of breast cancer cells were all affected by LGR5 expression and IQGAP1 phosphorylation ratio. LGR5 affected IQGAP1 phosphorylation process by linking to IQGAP1 thro...

Qi Zhuo, Yuanchun Yao, Meisongzhu Yang* and Jinhua Chen and Miao Tian of transgelin gene in colon cancer cells. HT29 cells were randomly divided into three groups: CON group, TGT group and DGT group. The transgelin gene was sub-cultured in the control (CON) group, transfected in the TGT (cells transfected with tranglin gene) group, and knocked out in the DGT (cells in which tranglin gene has been knowcked out) group. The protein expression and the gene expression were measured using Western blotting and RT-QPCR, respectively....

Dajun Su1, Tao Deng2* and Mingshui Xie2

...3 cell proliferation and colony formation were significantly decreased. miR-761 expression was up-regulated and apoptosis rate was increased. The biological behavior of the LOXL1-AS1+ miR-inhibitor NC group was similar to that of the LOXL1-AS1siRNA group, and miR-inhibitor treatment could reduce the above effects of LOXL1-AS1 on cells. LncRNALOXL1-AS1 can regulate the proliferation and apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells, and the mechanism may be related to the ...

Wizna1, Rusfidra2, Robi Amizar3, Romi Andika1, Muhammad Haikal1, Zurmiati1*

...yloliquefaciens on total colony count of Bacillus sp. and nutrition content of leftover food.   The research, a 3x3 complete randomized design factorial, consisted of two factors, and each treatment was repeated three times. Factor A is the dose of B. amyloliquefaciens (3, 4, and 5%), and factor B is the fermentation time (3, 4, and 5 days). The total colony count of Bacillus sp., water content, dry matter, crude p...

Mohammed Naji Odhah1,2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse1*, Bura Thlama Paul3,4, Bashiru Garba5, Zaid Mahmood1, Eric Lim Teik Chung6, Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila7  

...ermally with 2 ml of 109 colony-forming unit of live C. pseudotuberculosis. All the animals were observed for 90 days post-inoculation. Blood samples were collected via the jugular vein from all the groups before the inoculation and once weekly after the challenge until the end of the research period. The result of the study showed that the Immunoglobulin M (IgM) concentration in goats inoculated with C. pseudotuberculosis significantly (p<0.05) increased a...

Fahad A. Al-Abbasi1*, Abdullah Samer Habib1, Vikas Kumar2 and Firoz Anwar1

...nt increase in S. aureus colonies were observed in fish samples compared to chicken in the month of September and October, 2017 and in fish and chicken meat from December, 2017 to June, 2018. In all samples TPC was more or less same for fish and chicken. E. coli was non traceable in any of the analyzed samples. Uniform pattern of V. parahaemolyticus was observed from March to June 2018 but was altered in 2017. Elevated level of C-reactive protein was observed ...

Putu Henrywaesa Sudipa1*, Hapsari Mahatmi1, Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel1, I Gusti Ketut Suarjana1, I Nengah Kerta Besung1, Romy Muhammad Dary Mufa2 , I Wayan Sukernayasa3 

...oscopically by observing colony growth and microscopically using the tape smear method stained with Methylene Blue stain. The results showed that 32 fungi belonging to seven genera were isolated from 22 Bali cows. The prevalence rates of Aspergillus, Fusarium, Cladosporium, Curvularia, and Candida, Mucor, and Penicillium spp. were 41, 25, 19, 6, and 3%, respectively. These data add important information to the literature on the fungal microbiota in healthy Ba...

Anshara Javed Qureshi and Ishrat Aziz*

...nt houses of the Dilawar colony area of Bahawalpur, and proceeded qualitatively through direct microscopy and floatation method. In this study, 18 (11 males and 7 females) out of the 100 samples (with a prevalence 18%) were found infected with Capillaria spp. of nematodes. The qualitative examination also revealed that the Capillaria spp. of nematodes was more prevalent in males (36.67%) than females (10%). This study will be helpful in raising awareness among...

Sajida Batool1, Mubeen Akhtar1, Shafaat Yar Khan1,2*

...L3 is well recognized as colony stimulating factor, which inhibits cell death and enhance the persistence of mega-karyocytes, macrophages and mast cell specifically in stress condition. This research is first contribution to find correlation of IL3 with hematological aspects in polycystic females.

Kristina Morkūnienė*, Rūta Insodaitė, Laimutis Kučinskas, Renata Bižienė 

...f Varroa mites among bee colonies may be due to several factors, including drifting of infested bees, movement of bee swarms, robbing of weakened colonies. However, some bees’ colonies are resistant to V. destructor and that may be related to changes in the amino acid sequence of the Mblk1 protein leading to higher brain functions in bees. In this study, we aimed to test the contribu...

Frah R Kbyeh1*, Ahmed N. Abedsalih2 

...mponents responsible for colonization and penetration also have a role in the pathogenicity of the resistant Escherichia coli 0157: H7 strain. Resistance Escherichia coli 0157 H7 for antibiotics decreases the cure rate. Repurposing Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications against the contributing factors is a novel method to overcome this scarcity. The analgesic medication diclofenac was reported to have anti-virulence action against resistance ...

Khansa Jamil1, Muhammad Ramzan Khan1, Asad Jan2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

...ion around the bacterial colonies show the antibacterial activity of the plant. Extract of the targeted plant was effective against all test organisms Escherichia coli, Bacillus, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas that revealed methanolic extract of medicinal plant Caralluma possesses high antimicrobial activity against E. coli. and Bacillus causing 16mm±0.53 and 12.6±0.43 while ethyl acetate solvent of plant extract against E. coli. and Bacillus in...
Qingsen Ran1,2, Manjing Li3, Jiayin Han3, Lifang Wang3, Han Wang3,4, Shaobo Liu5* and Yanping Wang1*
...dicting the prognosis of colon cancer (CC), a common invasive gastrointestinal tumor. In this study, clinical and gene data were collected to identify glycolytic genes that significantly associated with overall survival (OS) rate of CC patients through gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and Cox regression models. The K-M method was used to determine the difference of OS rate with high and low risk scores. The accuracy of risk scores were determined based on r...
Rabiea Pervaiz, Shaista Bano*, Sarfraz Ali Tunio, Abdul Nabi Jatt and Aisha Amber Soomro
...which produces rhizoidal colonies on solid medium. The present study was aimed to explore antibacterial properties of B. pseudomycoides isolated from the rhizosphere soil of the indigenous Mangifera indica (mango) plant. Identification of the isolated strains was determined by sequencing their 16S rRNA genes. The isolates identified as B. pseudomycoides were screened for their antibacterial potential. In order to circumvent the trouble created from rhizoidal <...

Rahmat Elahi1, Gulnaz Parveen1*, Nazara1, Faryal Ali2, Nain Tara3 and Saba Iqbal1

...ifferent types of fungal colonies in maize varieties, each with varying percentages. Like Trichoderma harzianum colonies accounted for 3.33% of the treated seeds and 13.33% of the untreated seeds. Similarly, Penicillium spp. infection% 13.32% of untreated seeds and Aspergillus niger accounted for 13.32% significantly was less compared to untreated seed. It appears that Fusarium semitectum was found in 13.33% of untreated see...

Amer, H.M.; Hussein, H. A.; El-Sabagh, I. M.; El-Sanousi, A. A. Saber,M.S. and Shalaby, M. A.

...tent E. coli. A modified colony PCR assay was utilized to identify the positive bacterial colonies that harbor the recombinant plasmids carrying N gene in correct orientation. Generation of recombinant baculoviruses was achieved by co-transfection of Spodopetra frugiperda (Sf-9) insect cells with a linearized replication-defective baculovirus DNA (Bac-N-BlueTM) and the transfer vector. The recombinant baculoviruses were plaq...

Sajjad Khan*, Naila Chand, Abdul Hafeez and Nazir Ahmad

...s from ileum, caecum and colon of experimental broiler chickens. It was concluded from the present findings that although prebiotic and probiotic can significantly improve the overall performance alone, the best results can be obtained from their combine synbiotic form.


Wisnu Jaka Dewa1,2, Ekowati Handharyani3*, Sri Purwaningsih4, Silmi Mariya5 

...of bax and bcl-2 gene in colon cancer cell WiDr treated with red snail ethanol extract 125, 62.5 and 31.25 ppm concentration. mesenggerRNA (mRNA) was isolated from WiDr cells using a commercial kit. The mRNA concentration was then measured with a UV-Vis microvolume spectrophotometer at 260/28 nm. Relative expression of bax and bcl-2 to house keeping gene GAPDH was measured on a real time PCR machine. Relative gene expression was calculated using the Δ&De...

Hossam F. Abou-Shaara were presented to bee colonies beside sugar candy without any protein source as a control group. Some parameters were subsequently measured under apiary and laboratory conditions. All feeding types were attractive to bee colonies but bees consumed significantly more yeast and sugar candy within 72h than corn and turmeric. All feeding types did not impair the ability of young larvae to develop into pupae. Bee

Phoebe Lyndia Tolentino Llantada1,2*, Midori Umekawa2, Shuichi Karita2

...eum, and hindgut: cecum, colon, rectum) of two riverine type buffaloes using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method to profile the bacterial community and PCR amplification using species-specific primer sets for 16S rDNA fragments to detect major fibrolytic and non-fibrolytic bacteria. Results from the PCR-DGGE analysis showed differences in bacterial diversity, density, and banding patterns along the gut of buffaloes. Higher bacterial diver...

Hongsen Xu*, Xiaoni Wang, Tie Tian, Changyu Zhao, Denghang Yu and Jun Liu A dominant bacterial colony, named FSN1, was isolated by incubating on Luria-Bertani agar. Morphological, physiological and biochemical characterization as well as 16S rRNA sequencing identified FSN1 isolate as Citrobacter freundii. Drug sensitivity test showed the strain has multiple drug resistance and was only sensitive to a few antibiotics (doxycycline, tetracycline, minocycline and ciprofloxacin). PCR amplification of specific genes responsible for an...
Aatif Masood Ahmad Khan1, Masood Rabbani1*, Arfan Ahmad1, Muhammad Wasim2 and Sohail Raza1 the PCR from isolated colonies following conventional diagnostic procedure. In the current study, page serotyping demonstrated that all isolated Av. paragallinarum belonged to page serovars B. Among the media evaluated for growth of the isolated strain BHI/SN appeared to be the optimum media supporting the maximum growth rate and providing the maximum cfu count and the highest value of specific growth rate during the exponential phase of bacterial growth cu...


... such as new residential colonies, roads etc. had to be developed which seriously affected indigenous plant communities. This has caused destruction of local vegetation growing there and exposed land for colonization of invasive and exotic plant species. Besides this many exotic species have been planted as ornamental plants at the green belts. With the passage of time the exotic plant species also called Invasive Alien Spec...


...Bacterial endophytes are colonized inside plants and have antagonistic potential for fungal pathogens. These endophytes should be further explored for disease control. Ongoing study in this area will help to the innovate biological control of plant pathogenic fungi.



... number of pathogens can colonize urinary tract due to enriched chemical composition of urine making it favorable for microbial growth. Current study was designed to investigate bacterial associated UTI and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern was determined by Kirby Bauer’s disc diffusion method. Samples (n=85) were analyzed to determine the bacterial strains involved in infectious cases and relationship with age, gender and social status of patients wa...

Sedef Selviler Sizer1, Semih Kurt1*, Burcu Onuk1, Gokmen Zafer Pekmezci2 and Murat Kabak1

...aculatus (De Geer, 1774) colony and reveal the colony’s meat consumption performance in terms of time. In addition, using hydrogen peroxide solution to kill remaining beetles in the cleaned osteological material and determine the whitening and degreasing efficiency of this solution was also aimed. In the study, approximately 10,000 Dermestes maculatus, along with the heads of six roe deer, three cows, and three cats we...

Shahbaz Hussain1, Asif Ameen2*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar3, Atif Naeem1, Ahmad Jawad1, Madad Ali1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem3, Ghulam Abbas2, Muhammad Arif2, Muhammad Ahmad Zafar4, Zahid Hassan5

...biomass) and Echinochloa colona (94-97% weed density and weed dry biomass) weeds over control, while Puma Super proved efficient in suppressing Leptochloa chinensis and Echinochloa colona weeds. Among all the tested treatments, application of Puma Super at 92.66 g a.i. ha-1 furnished the highest number of tillers (137.3 in 2014 and 141.3 in 2015), grains panicle-1 (77 in 2014 and 79 in 2015), final paddy yield (1983.8 and 15...

Jinzhao Li1, Yawen Zhang2, Binghan Jia1, Yuqiong Zhao1, Huijuan Luo1, Xiaojie Ren1, Yuan Li3, Xiaoyan Bai1, Jing Ye3 and Junping Li1*

...ion of tau in the distal colonic muscle layers using opioid-induced constipation (OIC) rat model and to explore the mechanistic correlation between the tau phosphorylation and occurrence of OIC. The rat model of OIC was generated by intraperitoneal (i.p) injection of loperamide hydrochloride (Lop; 5mg/kg), and was evaluated by examining the fecal properties, intestinal propulsion mobility, immunohistochemistry (IHC), western blot (WB) and ELISA for detecting l...
Iqra Munir1, Abdul Ghaffar2, Asad Aslam2, Muhammad Khuram Shahzad1 and
Muhammad Jafir3
... Echinochloa
colona (Jungle rice vern Swanki) and minimum diversity of soil arthropods was recorded
(H´=1.90) from T. portulacastrum + Amaranthus viridis (green amaranth vern. chulai)
Maximum mean richness of soil arthropods (S=3.18±0.24) was reported from T.
portulacastrum + Chenopodium murale, while minimum mean richness of soil arthropods
(S=3±0.23) was reported from the Control...

Amir Ehsan1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Amjed Ali1

...s of each of Echinochloa colona and Digera arvensis laid out in randomized complete block design. Augmented densities of E. colona (0, 22, 44, 66 and 88 weed plants m-2) enhanced its plant dry biomass up to 348 and 353%; and relative competitive index maximally to 80 and 77% in years 2015 and 2016, respectively. While the corresponding increases in plant dry weight and relative competitive index of D. arvensis were 367 and 3...
Hasina Baloch1, Rahmatullah Rind2, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1*, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Hubdar Ali Kolachi3, Saqib Kakar1, Muhammad Ibrahim3, Fayaz Ahned1, Hasnain Ali1 and Muhammad Mahesar1
...tion between SCCml-1 and colony forming unit (CFU) ml-1 of bacterial population was analysed. The mean SCC was counted as 82x105 cells ml-1in clinical and 50x105 cells ml-1 in subclinical mastitis. Staphylococcus aureus was recorded as the most dominant species. The mean values of 93x105 CFU ml-1 were counted for clinical mastitis while 51x105 CFU ml-1 was measured for subclinical mastitis. A clear difference between Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and Total Bacteria...

Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi1*, Ahmed E.A. Mahgoob2, Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Mona M.S. Zayed3, Entesar H. Taha2 and Nora R.A. Saleh1

... same time recorded less colonization percentage (35%), while 40% root colonization was achieved when added at 7 days before nematode inoculation. Also, when AMF alone was applied at 7 days before nematode inoculation, it caused the highest percentage of colonization (60%). It could be concluded that the consortium treatment with AMF and P. fluorescens significantly decreased M. incognita ...
Muhammad Afzal and Muhammad Hafeez
...g short due to essential colonization for excessive population. Moreover, to feed this increasing population,more and more land is being put under food-production. The above situation leaves no way to increase the area under wood production. So, to cater for wood demand in the country, there exists no alternative except the immediate adoption of agroforestry (Rashid & Hafeez, 1991)....
Hanif Gul trials revealed that colonies of Heterotermes indicola (Wasmann) (Rhinotermitidae) and Odontotermes obesus (Rambur) Termitidae are present at the Pakistan Forest Institute and each monitored colony comprised of 1989 to 2219 workers and soldiers at one spot. At another spot at Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar 3 - distinct colonies of Odontotermes lokanadi were mo...
Wali-ur-Rehman and M. Ismail Chaudhry
... compared to non-feeding colonies. An increase of 53% of brood development was found in the colonies placed on sarsoon flora as against colonies placed on common flora during January, February. Mean maximum controlled temperature and mean humidity ranging from 30 to 34°C and to 67% during June to August increased brood development up to 18% as compared to ambient temperature and ...
S. H. Iqbal, Shahbaz and Ghazala Nasim
...corrhiza. Fungal hyphae colonized the young roots and formed coils, arbuscules and vesicles inside the cortical cells. Coiled and linear hyphae were very common, digestion stages were observed. Extrametrical mycelium was also found. Some endophytes other then VA, with septate, hyaline or coloured mycelium were found penetrating into the root. A mixture of endogonaceous spores formed the rhizosphere mycoflora....
P. H. Haydock Wilson and A. R. Beg
...n the slopes have led to colonization by the bladey grass Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauve. a pan-tropical weed. Plots with and without the presence Imperata were sampled over six sites along a single watershed. The number and biomass of Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) seedlings of all ages were found to be markedly less in plots where Imperata ground cover exceeds 75%. Over the range of sites, however, other factors of the ...
Bashir Mohammad Khan and M. Ismail Chaudhry the control where the colony population quickly dwindled resulting in complete collapse. Folbex strip fumigation proved comparatively economical and more effective. Perizin was better than Frow mixtures....
S. M. Chughtai, Jehandar Shah, Syed Zahir Shah and Sardar Hussain Shah
... different sets of early colonizers largely depending upon the availability of moisture and the coarser fraction of soil. In moderately wet new alluvial lands, Saccharum spontaneum was the leading dominant; on relatively drier sites, Astragalus graveolens took the lead over; and in more wet habitats, Salvia-Polypogon community dominated the scene. The stable land was dominated by Cynodon-Imperata community representing a relatively a advanced st...
Bashir Mohammad Khan, Mohammad Ismail Chaudhry and Pervez Khawaja 85% loss of honeybee colonies during 1982-83. Application of the dequeening method for the control of tracheal mite disease gave encouraging results particularly in the queen-right and dequeened colonies. The queen-right and colonies were recovered sooner than the dequeened colonies. A supplementary fumigation of Folbex strip is helpful. The su...
Abeedullah Jan
...and domination by the colonial powers. The people were addicted to opium, diseases were common, agriculture production was low, floods were too much and too many and famine was almost an annual feature. Natural resources were available but they were being exploited by the feudal lords and colonial masters. The lot of common man was therefore, miserable. Indiscriminate felings and other types of abuses inflic...
M.A. Quraishi, A. Khalique, Shahida Perveen and Perveen Akhtar
...ush green and a dominant colonizer of river beds and leaves (Zellar and Beg, 1969)....
Mohammad Shahid and Abdul Qayyum
...nce. Shifting of the bee colonies at appropriate times to different places as determined in this work is recommended for maximum honey production....

Kremlin Mark B. Ampode

...igested particles in the colon. Interestingly, the 3% OLM group also exhibited a significantly higher dressing percentage (68%), suggesting improved carcass yield. These findings indicate that OLM, rich in phenolic and flavonoid compounds, has the potential to be a safe and effective alternative to antibiotic growth promoters in broiler chickens, warranting further investigation into the mechanisms underlying its beneficial effects.

Rafiullah1, Said Sajjad Ali Shah1*, Muhammad Ilyas Khan2, Anwar Ali3, Imtiaz Ali Shah1 and  Sohaib ul Hassan4

...severe congestion of the colon and rectum. Among the hematological parameters, there was a significant reduction in hemoglobin level and hematocrit values and a significant increase in total leukocyte count, whereas all other parameters were in the normal range. Microbiological results revealed sporulated bacilli indicative of Bacillus cereus, which is an important cause of food poisoning, causing diarrheal and emetic illness. Analysis of feed samples showed a...

Sariffudin Fatmona*, Abdurahman Hoda, Sri Utami 

...this cross are placed in colonies based on age and gender. The parameters measured are the phenotypic characters of the cross. Then the data was analyzed using the variance test. The results showed that body weight, Shank Circumference, Shank Length, Comb Height, Beak Length, and Pubic Bone Width had significant differences (P<0.05) in size. First-generation crossbreed chickens (G1) have varying male feather colors while the female’s color is predomin...

Maysoon S. Abbas, Shaimaa N. Yassein 

...the risks of Vibrio spp. colonization in other animals and humans in close contact.  


Daniel Offiong Etim1*, Etim Johnson Umana1, Idorenyin Asukwo Udo2, Ndarake Eden Ini-Ibehe1

...rzianum. S. rolfsii root colonization index showed that the colonization index was significantly (P≤0.05) reduced in plants grown in soil amended with neem cake and Trichoderma species compared with the control. Growth and yield attributes were significantly (P≤0.05) enhanced in plants amended with neem cake and Trichoderma species. The highest fresh pod yield was obtained on T. viride in combination with 4.00 t/ha of ...

Abdullah Channo1,2*, Asmatullah Kaka1, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Mool Chand Malhi3, Muhammad Bakhsh4, Qudratullah Kalwar5, Shakeel Ahmed Tunio6 and Muhammad Ibrahim Panhwar7 synchronized at Bhens colony; Ghumanrabad with one injection prostaglandin (pgf2α) protocol and 13 animals showed estrus and were inseminated. Meanwhile, 8 were found pregnant through rectal palpation with a pregnancy rate of 61.53%.


Yusra Karim1, Munawar Saleem Ahmad1, Javed Khan2, Imtiaz Khan3*, Said Hussain Shah2, Syeda Anika Shamsher4, Imran Qazi5, Habib-Ur-Rehman Kakar6 and Wajih Ullah7 

...The goal was to maximize colony growth for the preparation of spore/crystal mixtures at various concentrations. The larvae of S. litura and H. armigera   were reared in a laboratory under control. Following tests, the LC50 (96-hours) of the CRY1F protein-crystal mixture against lepidoptera pests was determined to be 158.37 µg/ml for S. litura and 170.73 µg/ml for H. armigera. The endotoxin mixes of CRY1F exhibit considerable potency, caus...

Syeda Rubab Zaidi* and Safdar Ali Mirza diameter and culture colony diameter. The remaining strains showed variable results for enzyme production. Laccase enzyme production was carried out by screened strain of Aspergillus niger under submerged fermentation technique. Optimization of different cultural parameters that influence laccase enzyme biosynthesis by A.niger strain was done. To measure enzyme activity indicator compound guaiacol and acetate buffer were used. It has been found that laccas...
Abdul Majeed Saim1, Arshad Javid1, Misbah Sarwar2­, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman3 and Ali Hussain4*
...BR genes by PCR. E. coli colonies appeared circular and dark purple on EMB agar media plates while S. enterica colonies were small, circular, and red on SS agar media plates. E. coli and S. enterica isolates were found resistant to amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, and sulfamethoxazole, while sensitive against doxycycline, gentamycin, and tetracycline. E. coli isolates showed positive results in catalase, indole, and methyl red te...

Khalil1*, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli2, Montesqrit2, Andri3

...roperties, and bacterial colonies. Their nutritional values were evaluated by mixing the calcite-preserved fishmeal with a basal diet of 5% and feeding it to 200 laying quails for eight weeks. The feeding trial had four treatments as a basal diet combined with fishmeal containing 0, 3, 6, and 9% CMSM. Each treatment was composed of 5 replications (@ ten birds). Parameters measured included feed intake, egg production, FCR, eggshell, and tibia bone mineralizati...

Ali Abd Kadhum  

...lities of the developing colonies, pigmentation In Gram stain, as well as biochemical examinations. Different bacterial species was confirmed using the Enterosystem 18 R system and using a device. Vitek-2 compact system. Results of an antibiotic resistance test showed that the isolates showed a “significant” change in resistance to antibiotics, as the isolates showed the bacterial species Staphulococcu aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus ...

Dalia M.A. Elmasry1*, Dalia M. El-Husseini1, Asmaa A. Eissa1, Zakaria R. Elkanawati2, Momtaz A. Shahein3, Amany Adel4

...and survival of honeybee colonies. Viruses, among ailments, pose a significant danger to the health and well-being of honeybees, causing beekeepers to be concerned about economic losses. One hundred samples has been collected from bee colony farms had bees loss 20% or more during 2021-2022 from some Egyptian governorates. The samples have been prepared and suspected viruses detection for Sacbrood virus (SBV), Israeli acute p...

Mohamed Ahmed Abaza1, Amany O. Selim2, Mona Abdallah3, Shimaa A.E. Atwa4, Hala El Daous5, Mona Abd-Allah Abd-Elrehim6, Mohamed M.S. Gaballa7, Reda R. Fathy1*

...res in the liver, cecum, colon, spleen, heart, and lungs compared to the E. coli-infected group. These findings solidified our central hypothesis which was to evaluate the antimicrobial and antioxidant efficacy of ZnO-NPs against pathogenic bacterial strain of E. coli in broiler chicken as a powerful, safe alternative to antibiotics.
Keywords: Nano-production of zinc oxide (ZnO-NPs), Specific pathogen...

Ashraf Samir Hakim1*, Doaa Diab Khalaf1, Engy Farahat1, Mohammed Darwish Mohammed1, Wahid Hussein El-Dabae1, Khaled Abd El-Hamid Abd El‑Razik2, Amany Nabil Dapgh3, Ehab Ali Fouad4, Hussein Ahmed Abuelhag1

... the presumptive E. coli colonies were identified phenotypically, biochemically via Vitek2® and serotyping. The virulence of E. coli isolates were characterized phenotypically via hemolysis, Congo red binding, Vero cell cytotoxicity. The antibiotics resistance pattern was assessed by disk diffusion test. Also, the E. coli isolates were molecularly confirmed and screened for presence of 3 virulence genes (fimH, iss and iutA) as well as blaNDM-1gene which re...

Muhammad Al-Maruf1, Mahfuzul Islam2, Md. Rashedul Islam3, Syidul Islam1, Md. Sirazul Islam4, Md. Roknuzzaman Khan1, Md. Khairul Islam1, Md. Akib Zabed1, K. B. M. Saiful Islam1*

...t the Campylobacter spp. colonization in broilers of Bangladesh. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. colonization and its associated risk factors in the broiler farms of Munshigonj, Narayanganj, and Narsingdi Districts in Bangladesh. Cloacal swab samples were collected from 100 broiler farms. We speculated that individual samples had a higher possibility of isolating Campylobacter; however, f...
Nur Anis Hashim1, Nor Hasima Mahmod1*, Abubakar Abdullahi Lema2, Lee-Hoon Ho3 and Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1
...nd spread to Asia by the colonials in 1700s. The optimal conditions for the preparation of dried materials for further processing and suitable drying techniques while preserving their antioxidants have yet to be inferred. Thus, the present study aims to determine the content and activity of the antioxidants in fresh and dried roselle calyx. The random sampling technique was applied by collecting the calyx roselle from different plants. Calyx samples were label...
SaimaMajeed1*,TayyabaAsif2, Aisha Qureshi3,AyeshaUmer3 and Naveed Ahmad3
...; text-align: justify;"> colony forming unit /g, E. coli count was found below 5MPN/g, yeast and moldcount were found under 1000 colony forming unit /g, all analyzed seafood test results wereobserved under the average permissible limit. Explicit fish pathogens such as

Zainab A. Shehab1*, Assad H. Eissa2, Hind A.A. Alahmed1 

...t cancers of the breast, colon, rectum, stomach, and pancreas and as a cream to treat actinic keratosis and certain types of basal cell skin cancer. It is used under the brand names Carac, Tolak, Efudex, and Fluoroplex to treat actinic keratosis. It stops cells from making DNA and may kill cancer cells. 5-fluorouracil is a type of antimetabolite. A protein that helps control whether a cell lives or dies by blocking cell death called apoptosis. The gene for BCL...

Hayder A.H. Al-Mutar*, Baqer J. Hasan, Khawla Abbas Hussein, Souhayla Oneeis Hussain

...o identify the number of colonies counted. The bacteria was confirmed by Gram’s staining and biochemical tests. The PCR products from the bacterial samples were genetically analyzed (Al-Mutar et al., 2018). The result show that the most bacterial present in bovine vagina were Streptococcus thermophilus and Streptococcus uberis (92.65%) while the lowest percent of bacteria present in bovine vagina was Corynebacterium frankenforstense (78.8%). The other sa...

Rico Anggriawan1,2*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari1, Sri Hidanah1, Muhammad Anam Al Arif1, Diyah Ayu Candra2  

... They adhere to and form colonies on the intestinal epithelium, thereby minimizing the attachment and replication of pathogenic bacteria. In conclusion, probiotic microorganisms produce enzymes such as lipase, amylase, and protease, which facilitate digestion and improve metabolic processes and nutrient absorption. Additionally, probiotics secrete bacteriocins that can eliminate pathogenic bacteria, promoting a balanced microflora in the intestinal tract. This...

Sura Saad Hamada Alkhuzaie

...d. A test of the E. coli colony-forming units (CFUs) was performed for all groups. The metabolites were detected using mass spectrometry (MS). The results revealed significant (p<0.05) increases in the E. coli CFUs of the NNBM group when compared with those from the SW group. These levels decreased significantly (p<0.05) in all groups, especially in the 0T group. In the case of the metabolic activity, significant (p<0.05) increases were seen in the ab...

Mohamed H.M. Abd El-Megid1, A.N. El shahat2, A.M. Abdul Azeem2* and Amal A. Mansour2

...acids, fungal growth and colony formation and no significant change in the oil contents and fatty acid composition compared to raw seeds. Also, the inhibitory activity on α-amylase and α- glucosidase of Irr. SSAE (2 kGy) is significantly higher than that of RSSAE. The results revealed that treatment of alloxan-diabetic rats with Irr.SSAE (200 mg/Kg B.WT/ 8 weeks) significantly reduced hyperglycaemia, the activities of liver enzymes, level of lipid ...

Afshan Kaleem*, Iqra Noor, Roheena Abdullah and Mehwish Iqtedar

... for specific disorders (colon cancer and memory improvement in Alzheimer’s disease). Phytochemical testing showed the presence of various bioactive compounds including flavonoids, steroids, carbohydrates, proteins, glycosides, saponins, phenols etc. Antibacterial analysis of aqueous extracts of Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna unguiculata were done by using the disc diffusion method, which showed that both extracts have potential antibacterial activity agai...

Junrong Yang1, Ning Zhang1*, Muhammad Akram Khan2, Qingpeng Wang1*, Zhengping Wang1*, Quiqin Liu3, Lanjie Li3, Jun Han1, Abdul Asim Farooq4, Aayesha Riaz5 and Ruiyan Zhang1

...f the characteristics of colon tumors and contributes to autophagy and cell cycle progression of tumors. A ketogenic diet (KD) is a high-fat, adequate-protein, and low-carbohydrate diet with documented anti-tumor effects. However, the mechanism of KD inhibiting colon cancer remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism underlying the effects of KD on cell cycle and autophagy in

Iqra Javed, Beenish Maqsood* and Muhammad Khurshid*

...assay. The two microbial colonies representing widest pink zone around them were identified as Rossellomorea marisflavi and Bacillus cereus, based on 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing results. B. cereus and R. marisflavi produced maximum L-asparaginase at neutral pH and pH 8 respectively, when cultured for 36 h using 1.5% inoculum size. For optimal L-asparaginase production, R. marisflavi required 40ºC while B. cereus preferred 37ºC temperature. Best...

Faturrahman1,3*, N.L. Nakadira1, N. Anjani1, B.N. Fajriah1, B.F. Suryadi1, A.A.M.N. Kasman2, T.W. Setyaningrum1

...ulus, duodenum, jejunum, colon, and ileum respectively. Of the 20 Bacillus spp. isolates, 6 isolates (30%) demonstrated the ability to inhibit Salmonella sp., while 3 isolates (15%) exhibited the capacity to inhibit E. coli. The hydrolysis ability of the isolates included 10 isolates (50%) for protein, 4 isolates (20%) for amylum, 8 isolates (40%) for cellulose, and 1 isolate (5%) for lipids. Therefore, it can be concluded that Bacillus spp. isolates from G. t...

Rawia F. Gamal

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 101-104
...lluted environments. The colonization patterns and activities of inoculated endophytes in the rhizosphere and endosphere of host plant are among the primary factors that may influence the phytoremediation process. However, these patterns and activities are in turn controlled by none other than the host plant itself. The plant endosphere contains diverse groups of microbial communities. There is general consensus that these communities make significant contribu...

Ayesha Bibi 1 Muhammad Junaid 2 Musharaf Ahmad 3

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 167-174
... samples yielded typical colony morphology of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, when grown on Nutrient agar (NA) medium. 34 isolates out of the 47 exhibited Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis like cultural characteristics when grown on Yeast extract-Dextrose-CaCO3 (YDC) medium. However, 27 isolates only out of these 34 were confirmed to be Gram positive. Pathogenicity of the 27 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis isolates w...

Sheheryar1 and Iqtidar Hussain2*

...jungle rice (Echinochloa colona L.). This study examines the impact of varying densities of jungle rice on maize growth, yield, and quality to identify sustainable weed management strategies. The experiment was conducted at Gomal University, Pakistan, and employed a randomized complete block design with six jungle rice density treatments (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 plants/m²). The results revealed that increasing the jungle rice density significantly reduce...


Muhammad Junaid1*; Ayesha Bibi2; Musharaf Ahmad3; Muhammad Ali4; Yousaf Noor5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(2): 314-325
...rum) isolate through its colony characteristics, molecular tools; and to investigate the ability of this pathogen to cause Bacterial wilt (BW) disease, when being inoculated into tomato plant using different inoculation methods. For this purpose, a total of 74 locations covering all over the KP were visited for the presence of tomato plants with BW disease, caused by R. solanacearum. The bacterial pathogen was isolated from diseased plant tissues by growing it...

Eze, E.M.1*; Ezebialu, C.U.2; Unegbu, V.N.3; Nneji, I.R.4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(3): 379-386
...entified on the basis of colony and microscopic features. A total of 150 isolates of keratinophiic fungi were detected. The isolated fungi were classified into 19 species belonging to 11 genera mainly; Chrysosporium indicum, C. tropicum, Aspergillus flavus, Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton terrestre were isolated frequently. C. indicum (13%) was the most predominant isolated species; C. tropicum (12%) was the second, followed by A. flavus (11%). In the cur...

Hafsa Zaib1; Rabia Kanwar1; Nishat Zafar1*; Sultan Ali1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 526-534
...ial infections and their colonization. The present study was designed to investigate the prevalence of major pathogenic bacteria isolated from hospital inanimate surfaces. Random swab samples were taken from inanimate surfaces and apparatus used in daily treatment of patients from the major hospitals in district of Faisalabad, Pakistan. These swab samples were cultivated on suitable culture media including; nutrient agar, MacConkey’s agar and blood agar ...


Bahauddeen Dandashire Salisu1*; Ibrahim Raubilu Almajir2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 653-665 Cycloheximide. Fungal colonies were identified using standard mycological techniques. The samples were further extracted using a methanol-water solvent (v/v) 1:2, and the extracts were analyzed for the presence of aflatoxins using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). A total of 30 fungal isolates comprising Aspergillus spp. (30 %), Mucor spp. (30 %), Rhodotorula spp. (13.3 %), Rhizopus spp. (10 %), Saccharomyces spp. (10 %), Geotrichum spp. (3.3 ...

Andrei V. Kozlov1,2; Artem V. Lyamin1; Aleksei A. Neilenko1; Anna V. Yanchenko1; Alena A. Ereshchenko1,2*

...givalis that
colonizes the periodontal pockets, in the pathogenesis of this disease. This article aimed to
describe the possible involvement of Porphyromonas gingivalis in the pathogenesis of
Alzheimer's disease. Meanwhile, in patients with Alzheimer's disease; several structures of the
Porphyromonas gingivalis including the nucleic acids were found in the brain tissues and the
cerebrospinal fluid. It...
Debasmita Dubey1; Gopal Krishna Purohit2; Shakti Rath3*; Sushree Swagatika Subhadarshini4; Rajashree
Candida spp. to colonize and persist in the human host. Moreover, the virulence factors
secreted by Candida spp., such as the hydrolytic enzymes and toxins, contribute to the tissue
damage and modulation of the immune response, aiding in Candida spp. survival and evasion
of the host defences. The formation of Candida biofilms and the complex structures, which are
composed of fungal cells encased in an ex...

Nishat Zafar1*; Ashiq Ali2; Muhammad Yasir Afzal3; Qaisar Tanveer4; Sidra Bibi2; Irha Basit5; Huma Nasir1;
Shanzay Imtiaz3; Usman Nazir3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 766-778
...ent sites for growth and colonization of other bacteria, and also causes resistance to the antimicrobial agents. These Streptococci can be transmitted to the infants through parents or caretakers' kiss. This mode of transmission is the key role for the contribution of S. mutans in dental caries. In Pakistan, a national survey was conducted in 1992 on tooth decay, which showed that two teeth per person were decayed, missing, or filled, thus becomes an alarming ...

Michael E. Nkereuwem1,2*; O. Fagbola2; Iniobong E. Okon3; Ini D. Edem4; Adeniyi O. Adeleye5; Victor O.

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 808-824
...cent of mycorrhizal root colonization, and fungal total colony count, were collected at 4, 8 and 12 weeks after planting (WAP). Current results showed that mycorrhizal inoculation and fertilizer application enhanced the tolerance and growth of C. lucanusianus plant to the crude oil contaminated soil. Mycorrhizal inoculation and NPK fertilizer application at 1.2 g/ pot recorded higher and significantly (p <0.05) different ...


Fatma M. Abdel Baset; Noura Sh. A. Hagaggi*; Francis F. Hezayen; Usama M. Abdul- Raouf

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(6): 1045-1056


Emad, M. Abdallah

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1057-1062
...s is a primary bacterial colonizer of the skin and one of the most abundant microorganisms among the other skin microbiome. Moreover, this bacterial sp. is considered as an active microbiological barrier of the skin and one of its defensive components. On the other side, S. epidermidis is a causative agent of serious infections including wound infections, and bacteremia. The aims of the current mini- review were to attract the attention of the scientific commu...

Rasha M. Elnagar

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1194-1213 isolates according to colony morphology; microscopic examination and biochemical reactions. About 173 specimens were positive for bacterial pathogens; out of them 83 were GNB isolates. The most commonly isolated bacteria were; Klebsiella spp. 31 (37.3%), followed by Escherichia. coli 22 (26.5%), Pseudomonas. aeruginosa 17 (20.5%), Proteus spp. 10 (12.0%) and Enterobacter spp. 3 (3.6%). The antibacterial sensitivity testing of the total 178 bacterial isolate...

Bikash Chandra Behera1; Bijay Kumar Sethi1; Sonali Mohapatra2; Hrudayanath Thatoi3; Rashmi Ranjan Mishra1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1241-1255


Amira H. El-Ashry1*; Rasha H. El-Mahdy1; Mohammad A. Gaballah2; Rania Talaat3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1768-1782
...of Staphylococcus aureus colonization. Gentamicin is an important topical antibiotic that is used in the treatment of AD lesions. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of gentamicin resistance, Panton- Valentine Leukocidin (PVL), and Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) type in community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA), which colonizes the skin of the AD children. Gentamicin re...

Wenfeng Lin1* and Qiqi Zheng2

...20B in the metastasis of colon cancer cells. CCK-8 method and Transwell cell test were used to determine the proliferation, invasion, and migration of cells. Western blotting was used to determine the changes in expressions of vimentin ZO-1, E-cadherin, β-catenin, N-cadherin and Gli1. We found that at 48h~96h, compared with the control group, the proliferation ability of the group with overexpression of KIF20B was significantly increased (P<0.05), but ...

Hongqi Li1 and Meidong Xu1,2*

...C cell proliferation and colony-forming capacity. RNA sequencing was performed to explore downstream effectors of TCF3. Moreover, acyl-CoA short-chain synthetase family member 2 (ACSS2) knockdown and overexpression was conducted to further examine ESCC cell proliferation and colony-forming capacity. Mouse xenograft models were utilized to access the influence of ACSS2 on ESCC tumor growth in vivo. The results revealed that, ...

Basir Ahmad1, Lubna Ansari1*, Shazia2, Saqib Mehmood3 and Nasim Iqbal Butt3

... forests. Based on their colonial growth on the appropriate functional media, the bacteria were isolated. They were then identified using molecular and specific biochemical properties. Their functional quantitative activities and PGP properties were evaluated using the phosphate solubilization test and the production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Based on their individual high functional activities, root and shoot lengths, and improvements in seedling vigor, ...

Onifade Sururoh Joy1,2, E.F. Aluko2,4, Olowe Rita Ayanbolade1,3 and Olugbenga Adekunle Olowe1,2*

...erophilic bacterium that colonizes the human gastric mucosa, leading to various gastrointestinal diseases, including chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer. H. pylori infect over 50% of the population worldwide, with particularly high prevalence rates in developing countries due to poor sanitation and limited access to healthcare. Hence, it is considered a major global health concern, while many individuals remain asymptomatic, persistent ...

Suanyuan Zhang, Qing Ji, Xinglong Wu, Jinjing Wang, Jin Yao, Chengfang Li, Xiaorong Yang, Na Tan, Jing Yang and Hong Zheng*

...ease, closely related to colon cancer. Ginsenoside Rh2 (GRh2) is a rare protopanaxadiol type triterpene saponins in ginseng, which has anti-inflammatory/cancer/diabetic impacts. To investigate the molecular mechanism in which GRh2 reduced inflammation of UC via upregulating microRNA (miR)-30a-5p, we detected miR-30a-5p in the tissues and serum of patients with active UC and in NCM460 cells after dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) treatment. Inflammation factors, nuc...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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