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Mohammad Fayaz, Abbas Ullah Jan, Dawood Jan

...mato, cabbage & cauliflower and peas, mostly consumed in Pakistan. A comparison of quality elasticity between urban and rural households is provided using Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES) data from Pakistan Social and Standards Living Measurement (PSLM) 2010-11. The elasticities of interest were obtained via log-log inverse (LLI) functional form of Engel equation. The quantity and expenditure elasticities remained less than unity with reasonable...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro*, Habib-Ur-Rehman Memon, Muhammad Ali Ansari, Ahmed Naqi Shah

...justify;">Sorghum and sunflower have been reported to contain several allelochemicals. Utilization of these allelochemicals is considered low-cost and natural sources for weed suppression. Field trials were undertaken at Cotton Section, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam Pakistan during summer 2010 and repeated during summer 2011 for validating the previous results. The experiments were laid out in three replicated randomized complete...

 Nagina Zeb, Muhammad Sajid, Abdul Mateen Khattak and Imtiaz Hussain

... hydrazide on growth and flower quality of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) was carried out at Ornamental Nursery, Department of Horticulture, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar during 2011. Suckers of chrysanthemums were planted during the first week of January and transplanted in 20 cm clay pots in July. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with two factors replicated three times. Different levels of pota...

Ilham Ulla, G. Arjumand, Nawab Ali and Mohammad Akmal*

...text-align: justify;">Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), a non-conventional oil seed crop, can successfully be fit in the cropping system as spring or summer season crop. However, its planting in summer is at risk of the moon-soon outbreak duration in the season. Present study was aimed to quantify delay-sowing response with increasing N-rate on crop productivity at Agronomy Research Farm, University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan. Sun

Tahir Khan, Raziuddin, Fakharuddin* and Muazam Jamal Razi

...ulations for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, primary branches plant-1 and main raceme length. Among parents, CA2, DH8, DH4, CA4 and DH6 performed better for different traits. Whereas among F4 populations, cross combinations CA5 × DH8, CA2 × DH7, CA2 × DH8, CA5 × DH7, CA4 × DH7 and CA4 × DH8 performed better. Plant height and main raceme length displayed moderate to high broad sens...

Murad Ali Khan and Mohammad Akmal 

...ontributing traits of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid Hysun-33 at the Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan during spring 2011 and repeated in spring 2012. The planting geometries were (a) 70 x 20 cm with rows spaced at 70 cm and plants spaced within the rows at 20 cm and (b) 90 x 15.5 cm with rows spaced at 90 cm and plants spaced within rows at 15.5 cm. It is important to mention here that 70 cm is the recommended r...

 Muhammad Ishaq and Raziuddin

...he genotypes for days to flowering, maturity, plant height, primary branches plant-1 and main raceme length. Analysis of combining ability revealed highly significant GCA (general combining ability), SCA (specific combining ability) and RCA (reciprocal combining ability) effects for the studied traits. Based on GCA, best general combiners were AUP-7 for earlier flowering and maturity, AUP-2 for plant height, AUP-14 for prima...

Sayeda Sarah and Muhammad Ibrar

...onization of selected sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids in P-deficient soil. It was observed that spore density and AMF root colonization was higher in the soil of control (RP0) plants, which decreases progressively with increasing fertility level. Less number of spores and percent root colonization was found at high RP level (RP100) in all hybrids. Higher P doses declined the sporulation and colonization. There was total seven AMF species that were obs...

Safdar A. Wahocho, Tanveer F. Miano, Noor U.N. Memon and Niaz A. Wahocho

...on vegetative growth and flower quality of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans Jacq.) were examined during 2015 at the Horticulture orchard, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam in a three replicated RCBD design. The zinnia plants were grown under four photoperiodic treatments which included T1=Natural photoperiod (Control), T2=4 hours daylight (8 am -12 noon), T3=6 hours daylight (8 am – 2 pm) and T4=8 hours daylight (8 am – 4 pm). The results revealed signi...

Muhammad Basit1, Shafqat Saeed2, Mushtaq Ahmad Saleem3, Rana Zulfiqar4


...nd their predators in sunflower ecosystem. The data revealed that B. tabaci and Empoasca spp were present throughout the cropping season. Their average maximum populations (5.65 and 3.20 individuals / leaf) were recorded during 3-week of May 2009. Aphis gossypii was recorded during the month of March and its maximum population (28.3 individuals / leaf) was observed during 2-week of March 2009. Likewise, Nysius inconspicuous was observed during seeds developmen...

Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed and Dilnawaz Ahmed Gardezi

...s limited because of its flowering and viable fuzz production. New avenues suitable for flowering were explored using 20 genotypes for initiation of breeding program in the country. A site near Bagh district (Arja) Azad Kashmir was found suitable and used for morphological evaluation, phenotypic diversity analysis and their flowering behavior sugarcane under local conditions. Two year data...

Muhammad Aslam Shahid, Muhammad Iqbal and Muhammad Niamatullah

...strands/spath, number of flower per strands, number of spath per tree, weight of pollen grain/spath, weight of pollen grain/tree, pollen viability, fruit set, yield and physico-chemical characteristics. The results indicated that males were significantly differed from one another in all these characters during both years of study. Maximum spath length (107.21, 107.81cm), weight of pollen grain (150.07, 147.57g)/ tree and number of spath/tree (18.52, 19.24) wer...
Rashid Mahmood1,*, Waqar Ahmad1, Muhamamd Khalid Rafique1, Ghulam Sarwar1 and Anjum Shahzad2
...s 12.65 to 13.85 per 250 flowers in 2013 but decreased in year 2014 by 7.82 to 7.88 per 250 flowers and Non-Apis bees was recorded as 6.15 to 7.59 per 250 flowers in 2013 which also decreased and recorded as 5.35 to 5.70 per 250 flowers in year 2014. The results showed the trends of increase in population of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana b...
Fazal Said1,Mian Inayatullah2 and Hussain Ali3* on oil contents of sunflower seed. Frequent visitations of A. mellifera observed at 1200 noon, where 29 individuals of bee visitors were found on sunflower blossoms. The next high (25 honeybee/3 m2) visitation rate of bee was recorded at 1400 h. Individuals of A. florea showed two peaks of visitation between 1400 to 1600 h. First peak (15 honeybee/3 m2) was recorded at 1600 h, whereas s...

Iftikhar Ahmad, Abdul M. Saleem, Ghulam Mustafa, Khurram Ziaf, Irfan Afzal and Muhammad Qasim

...ure uniform maturity and flower harvesting of ornamentals.


 Sheraz Ahmed and Fida Mohammad

... reducing sugar. Days to flowering was the most environment responsive trait and its heritability fluctuated between 0.22 and 0.91. Plant height was significantly associated with yield at phenotypic level only. Yield exhibited significantly negative phenotypic correlation with days to flowering. Similarly, yield was positively correlated with leaves per plant, green leaves weight per plot, cured leaves weight per plot and gr...

Muhammad Waqas1*, Anwar Ali Shad1, Omaira Bashir2 and Mohsin Iqbal3

... natural colorants in sunflower oil and spaghetti. Tomato peel contained 720 mg/100g of carotenoids consisting phytoene (3.15%) followed by phytofluene (2.31%), β-carotene (2.11%), cis-lycopene (1.71%), lutein (1.51%), cis-ζ-carotene (0.61%), ζ-carotene (0.56%), and γ-carotene (0.52%). Lycopene was found in highest amount (87.52 %). Antioxidant activity of carotenoids from tomato peel was assessed by measuring Rancimat’s test and dip...

M. Abdus Salam1, M. Moynul Haque2, Md. Obaidul Islam3, M. Nasir Uddin4 and Md. Nazmul Haque3*

...t-1 (19.11), days to 50% flowering and boll splitting (72.00 and 156.33, respectively), number of bolls plant-1 (20.33), boll weight (4.60 g), seed cotton and lint yield (2305.30 and 832.49 kg ha-1, respectively), ginning out turn (36.04%) and lint index (6.28 g) were recorded for genotype BC-0125 grown from seed stored in polythene bag. Regarding fiber quality, the genotype SR-08 grown from seeds stored in polythene bag had the highest staple length (3.15 cm)...

Muhammad Noor, Hidayat ur Rahman and Muhammad Iqbal

...tude of heritability for flowering and maturity attributes along with plant and ear height parameters in four popcorn populations. Broad sense heritability estimates varied from 0.69 to 0.76, while narrow sense ranged from 0.38 to 0.69. Maximum broad sense heritability estimate of 0.84 was observed in cross-II for days to anthesis. Minimum narrow sense heritability of 0.46 was calculated in cross-III for plant height. Plant height exhibited high estimates of b...
Muhammad Tahirand Memoona Shehzadi*
...text-align: justify;">Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of the major oilseed crops grown worldwide for the production of edible oils. In order to increase the oil production there is dire need to grow more sunflower by using the economical and environment friendly techniques. Present study was proposed to evaluate theresponse of spring and autumn sunflower to chemical and bio-...

Waqas Ahmed Dogar2, Arshad Ali Khan3*, Saeed Ahmed2, Sudheer Tariq2, Mukhtar Ahmad2, Muhammad Imran2, Muhammad Noman2 and Nadeem Khan1 

...had more total number of flowers per plant (441.58) and fruit length (58.243 mm), but yield was less due to more fruit drop % (74.165). While, T3 (22 x 22ft) exhibited the poorest results. V2 (Musambi) showed best results for most parameters. Overall situation indicated that plants planted at 11 x 22ft (T1) showed better results as compared to plants planted at 11x11ft (T2) and 22 x 22ft (T3) of both species. Musambi showed best results as compared to Kinnow. ...
Ahmad Khan1, Raza Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Zameer Khan1, Fayyaz Hussain1,Muhammad Ehsan Akhtar2, Jalal-Ud-Din3
...s) derived from coal, sunflower, and maize waste materials on onion yield. Four HSs rates; 0, 20, 30 and 40 kg/ha were applied to onion (variety Red Swat) transplanted earlier to field (plot size=1.2×0.8 m2). Results showed that maximum bulb yield of 25.1 and 24.5 t/ha were obtained with application of plant derived HSs; SFDHSs and MDHSs respectively, while 24.7 t/ha bulb were obtained with CDHA applied at the rate of 20 kg/ha. Almost s...

K.N. Ahmed, S.H.A. Pramanik, M. Khatun A. Nargis M. R. Hasan

Efficacy of plant extracts in the suppression of insect pests and their effect on the yield of sunflower crop under different climatic conditions
...text-align: justify;">Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an annual herb scarcely cultivated in Bangladesh. During cultivation, the coccinellid beetle,Epilachna varivestis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) severely attacked the foliages and florets in the capitulum (inflorescence). Other pests encountered were Spilosoma obliqua (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae),Homoeosoma sp. (Lepidoptera: Phyticidae),Heliothis armigera (Hb.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Monolepta sign...

M.K. Pandit,P. K. Pal and B. K. Das

Effect of date of sowing on flowering and incidence and damage of melon fruit fly in snap melon Cucumis melo var.momordica genotypes
...g date for higher female flower production and more number of fruits as well as lower fruit fly incidence. Three sowing dates viz. S =25 November, 2004, S =25 January 2005 and S =25 March, 2005 were selected to evaluate performance of eight genotypes, named as BCSM-1 to BCSM-8. The experimental design was factorial RBD with 3 replications. Observations on days to first male and female flowers, node number of first male and f...

1Bikash Ranjan Ray and 2Mrinal Kanti Dasgupta

Management of root holoparasite Aeginetia pedunculata of (Orobanchaceae), causing wilt of sugarcane by trap and catch crops
... of A. pedunculata up to flowering.


Nilesh Suresh Gole and Bijan Kumar Das

Biology of Dichromia sagitta (Fabricius) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera), a serious pest of Indian ipecac, Tylophora indica
...oraciously on leaves and flowers causing extensive damage to T. indica during June and December. Eggs were laid singly or in batch of 2-3 on younger leaves (mostly on under surface) or on young shoot tips. Life cycle was completed in 41-46 days during January- February and 26-32 days during June-July. There were several overlapping generations in a year. Descriptions of different life stages have been made. Adaptive behaviour of D. sagitta and its interaction ...

Goutam Mondal

Plant growth promoting activity of some indigenous Tricho-derma isolates and their field performance against sheath blight of rice in old alluvial zone of North Bengal
... was also tested on cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var botrytis L.), chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) with culture filtrate of biocontrol agents and found both positive and negative effect on seed germination, plant growth and vigour. Maximum increase in germination by 13.64% (chilli), shoot length by 59.69% (tomato), root length by 84.51% (cauliflower) and biomass by 46.55% (cauli

Dharmishthabahen R. Shah and Abhishek Shukla

Reaction of gerbera cultivars to spider mite, Tetranychus urti-cae Koch (Tetranychidae: Acari) under polyhouse conditions
... leaves and red coloured flowers, while the highly tolerant cultivar Cherany with dark green leaves and pink coloured flower.


S. Pal and I. Sarkar

Pests infesting ornamental plants in hilly region of West Bengal
... Bird of Paradise, Straw flower. A number of aphid species were found infesting different ornamental plants viz. Myzus persicae on Carnation, gerbera and Anthurium; Macrosiphoniella sanborni on Chrysanthemum; Aphis gossypii on China rose. Other sucking pests infesting ornamentals included Bemisia tabaci on Gerbera, leafhopper on Gladiolus and scale insect (unspecified) on Anthurium. Amongst the thysanopteran pests Taeniothrips simplex was very much serious on ...

Niamatullah Khan1*, Najeeb Ullah2, Inam Ullah2 and Asif Imran Shah1

...le late planting induced flowering and boll formation when temperature was much cold that adversely affected cotton yield. The results further illustrated that, genotype DNH-105 ranked first for plant population, sympodia per plant, bolls per plant, weight per boll and seed cotton yield when sown on April 01. CIM-616 was the 2nd suitable variety under April 01 sowing. Earlier and later planting produced lower cotton yields due to unfavorable environment and sh...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Tasneem Hameed1, Muhammad Afzal2, Arshad Javid3, Nosheen Aslam4, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah6, Majid Hussain5, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan1 and Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1
...a fingerlings fed sunflower meal based diet. The chromic oxide was added as inert marker in the diets. Three replicate groups of 15 fish (Average weight 5.05±0.013 g fish-1) were fed at the rate of 5% of live wet weigh and feces were collected twice daily. The results of present study showed improved growth performance of Cirrhinus mrigala fingerlings in response to phytase supplementation. Maximum growth performance was observed b...
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,Waqas Wakil2 andMuhammad Hussnain Babar3


...S. litura on cauliflower.

Muhammad Zafarullah Khan*, Shah Saud Ahmad and Asif Nawaz 

...spondents regarding cauliflower (43%), bitter gourd (32%), bottle gourd (13%), potato (34%) and squash (29%). Similarly, majority of the respondents obtained urea (73%), SSP (54%), DAP (60%) and Nitro-Phos (55%) from the FSC whereas 91%, 99% and 96% respondents obtained Micron, Supper Silica and Gypsum from the concerned dealers. It is concluded that there was a gap in invitation of farmers for general body meeting and participation in elections by FSC members...

Sadia*, Abdur Rab, Sayyed Hamad Ahmad Shah, Irfan Ullah, Farida Bibi and Islam Zeb

...ts (55.7), number of new flowers (225.3), fruit weight (197.5g), and fruit volume (245.5cm3) were recorded in plants deblossomed in September treated with 50 ppm of GA3. While maximum fruit density (1.13gcm-3) was recorded in the month of July fruits treated with 10 ppm of GA3. While maximum fruit drop (11.69%), titratable acidity (0.59%), with minimum number of new shoots (16.3), number of new flowers (65.3), fruit weight (...
Naheed Bano* and Muhammad Afzal
...ith low cost by using sunflower meal to some extent replace fish meal. In this 3× 3 factorial and completely randomized design study 324 fish were used. The acidification levels were (0, 1.5 and 3%) whereas the phytase levels were (0, 500 and 1000 FTU). The addition of 3 % citric acid and 1000FTU phytase produced significant interaction effect on calcium and phosphorus digestibility and different body contents of L. rohita. Phytase and citric acid...

Muhammad Anas1, Abdul Jabbar1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar2*, Raza Ullah1, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar3, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Sohail Latif5 

...eld study relating to sunflower-mungbean intercropping intensities under irrigated conditions was conducted at Agronomic Research Farm, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad during the spring season, 2014 in RCB design with triplicate run. The treatments included viz. Four sunflower plants m-2 + 30 mungbean m-2, 6 sunflower plants m-2 + 30 mungbean plants m-2, 8 sun

Ayesha Aihetasham1*, Khalid Zamir Rasib2, Syeda Rida Hasan1, Imran Bodlah3

...w), Helianthus annus (Sunflower) and Bougainvillea glabra (Paper flower) against Heterotermes indicola. The leaf extract of C. papaya caused highest mortality i.e. 100% of 10%, 5% and 3% concentration. Bougainvillea glabra and H. annus caused 100% mortality at 10% and 5% concentration while 96.4% mortality on 3% concentration after exposure period of 10 hours. B. glabra extracts also caused 100% mortality on 10% and 5% conce...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan and Said Alam 

...ests and crops diseases, flowering time of fruits trees, biodiversity and livestock’s. Respondents were selected randomly but priority was given to elders and those possess land and practice agriculture. The study reveals that majority of the respondents are well aware of climate change and its effects on cropping calendar, crop variety, crop yield, crop diseases as well as an earlier blossoming of fruit trees. The respondents in all the fifteen villages...

Bashir Ahmad1*, Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Hayad Zada2, Shahid Sattar1, Toheed Iqbal3, Saddam Hussain1 and Muhammad Saeed4 

... xylostella (L.) in Cauliflower, Brassica oleracea crop at District Haripur of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Field studies results showed that the population of P. xylostella gradually increased from mid of July where the population was 2.1 and 2.0 larvae and pupae per plant in the year 2012 and 2013 respectively. The population increased in September to highest number of larvae and pupae per plant (8.25 and 8.4) were recorded in the years 2012 and 2013 respectively. Th...
Alim-un-Nisa1*, Sajila Hina1, Sania Mazhar1, Imran Kalim1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Naseem Zahra1, Shahid Masood1, Muhammad Khalid Saeed1, Qurat-ul-Ain Syed1 and Maida Asif2
... (Tagetes erecta) flower by using cheap and safe techniques and making it stable for long period of time in food products as well as in extracted form by using preservatives and antioxidants like citric acid and determining its usefulness by applying on food products. Natural edible color was extracted from T. erecta gave lemon yellow color shade which when applied on candies increased the attractiveness. The spectrophotometric analysis at 474nm ...

Muhammad Iqbal, Jalal-ud-Din*, Muhammad Munir** and Mohibullah Khan***

...imum width. The greatest flower spike length was observed in M8. Male palms did not differ significantly in number of strands as well as number of flowers per spathe. The maximum number of flowers per spathe was recorded in M11 while minimum number of flower per spathe was found in M2. Significantly maximum number of flower

Liaqat Ali Shahid, M. Azhar Saeed and Nadeem Amjad*

... while others such as sunflower and canola are the non-traditional oilseeds. Mechanization is one of the important and efficient tools to enhance the crop yield. It also helps to reduce the labour drudgery and ultimately increased farmers’ prosperity.


 Sumia Bint Zaman, Sidra Majeed and Shahid Ahmad*

...alysis shows that for sunflower and canola all conditions are favorable, as per frequency of crops, price and returns as oilseed get returns of 166% higher than Jatropha. Oil contents of sunflower and canola are higher than Jatropha. Analysis concludes that it is more feasible to grow oilseeds because in trade-off between food and fuel, food should win. Before launching commercial production of Jatropha in Pakistan key issue...

 Sarfraz Ahmad, Shaista Koukab, Nayyar Razzaq, Muhammad Islam, Aneel Rose*, and Muhammad Aslam**

...s, maximum fresh and dry flower production at one flush was recorded 2783 and 763 kgha-1, respectively. The fresh and dry flower production under natural rainfall was recorded 812 and 252 kgha-1 respectively, at one flush. Matricaria recutita survived under the cold and drought conditions of highlands of Balochistan. Matricaria recutita has also shown regeneration potential on marginal lands. Commercial scale production of M...

 Hidayatullah, T. Mahmood, M. Farooq, M. A. Khokhar and S.I. Hussain*

* Corresponding author:

...increased the pistillate flower production as compared to control. Moreover, the treatment produced maximum number of fruits -1 -1 (22.24 plant ) and fruit weight (6.31 kg plant ). However, foliar spray with different combinations of ethrel did not improve yield and yield contributing attributes.


 Faisal Khalil, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi, Ammaz Khan, Fakhar-ul-Hassan and Nabila Bibi*

...number of inflorescence, flower count, perfect flower percentage, fruit drop percentage, fruit set percentage, fruit harvest percentage, fruit size, fruit weight, pulp weight and oil contents followed by girdling, NAA and SA. All growth parameters were found enhanced in Uslu (V ) with exception for fruit drop percentage, fruit size and fruit weight 1 which was improved in Nochlerra (V ). 


 Khalid Mahmood Qureshi, Fakhar ul Hassan, Qamar ul Hassan, Usman Shaukat Qureshi, Saman Chughtai and Adnan Saleem*

IMPACT OF CULTIVATION SYSTEMS ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF STRAWBERRY (FRAGARIA ANANASSA) CV. �CHANDLER� of trusses, number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit size, fruit weight and qualitative measures viz., total soluble solids, total sugars, ascorbic acid were found significantly higher under tunnel condition as compared to other cultivation systems. The experiment was arranged by employing the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) by using five treatments, each comprising three replications with 20 plants per replicate. 


 Wabekwa, J.W., I.A. Sodagni and F.K. Mohammad*

...igate the response of sunflower to phosphorus fertilizer -1 inorganically applied as P O @ 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg ha . The experi- 2 5 mental design was randomized complete block and replicated thrice. It was observed that leaf area per plant and plant dry weight increased with -1 increasing P O rates (40-60 kg ha ) at 6, 8 and 10 weeks after sowing (WAS) 2 5 . Crop growth rates similarly increased with increasing P O rates (40-80 kg 2 5 -1 ha ) at 6 WAS in b...

 Sajida Taj*, Muhammad Tariq Iqbal Khan**, Mazher Abbas and Arshed Bashir***

...ure and operation of the flower marketing system in Punjab, Pakistan. Based on cross sectional data collected from 34 farmers, 13 wholesalers-cum-commission agents and 20 retailers from main flower producing areas of Kasur and Faisalabad districts from Punjab province, the structure and marketing margins of producers and other marketing intermediaries are quantified along the existing two marketing channels for cut

 Tahir Abbas, Bushra Nawab, Rahila Nazli, Rubina Saleem, Amrat Lal and Khalid Jamil*

...nemakil fertilizer on sunflower crop was tested in the field of PCSIR Laboratories Complex Karachi, Pakistan. Individually all the treatment showed maximum plant growth character in terms of plant height, number of flowers, diameter of flowers, 1000 grains weight and oil contents. The highest significant improvement in plant growth characters were recorded in plots treated with cotton wast...

 Sara Khalid*, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*, Ishfaq Ahmad Hafiz*, Khalid Saifullah Khan* and Usman Shaukat Qureshi*

...ant (2), total number of flowers (58), total number of fruits (42), fruit size (3.04 cm), fruit weight per berry (8.82 g) while T (soil + silt + 4 -1 200 g kg vermicompost) improved fresh leaf weight (0.92 g), number of 2 leaves (6.67), leaf area (43.07 cm ) and days required for first bloom (96.67). Leaf manure based treatment (T3 ) enhanced root length (20.11 cm), T4 improved quality parameters like total solid soluble (TSS) (8.88) and ascorbic acid contents...

 Rabeea Tariq*, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*, Imran Hassan*, Muhammad Rasheed* and Usman Shaukat Qureshi*

...rowth resulting in early flowering with more flowers per plant, better fruit setting and fruit set percentage, greater fruit size and weight but fruit number per plant was reduced which lowered the overall yield. While the fruit produced had more Total Soluble Solid (TSS). Plants grown in coir based growing media showed significant increase only in titratable acidity and ascorbic acid content of fruit.


 Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Muhammad Yasin Mirza*, Muhammad Amjad*, Nazakat Nawaz*, Malik Shah Nawaz* and Doulat Baig*

...ere recorded for days to flower initiation, flower completion, maturity, reproductive period, plant height, branches per plant, bolls per plant, plot biomass, harvest index and seed yield. Wide ranges between the mean values with high CV values were exhibited by plant height, bolls per plant, biomass and seed yield accompanied with maximum values of variances and standard deviation, revealed the existence of greater genetic ...

 Md. Nazirul Islam*, M. Z. Rahman**, R. Ali***, A. K. Azad**** and M. K. Sultan**

...ribution of vine colors, flower and pod colors, pod curvature and beak position on pod noticed the presence of substantial variation in the collection. Shannon Diversity Index also revealed high phenotypic diversity in vine and pod characters. High diversities were estimated in quantitative characters of inflorescence and pod characters. Considering a core collection strategy, the accessions were stratified into two groups based on vine colors: green and purpl...

 Syeda Nasreen*, Mehwish Ishaque**, Muhammad Ayub Khan*, Saleem-ud-din* and Syeda Musarrat Gilani*

...">Genetically diverse sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) inbred lines comprising six cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) and six fertility restorer (R ) lines were crossed in a line x tester mating design to obtain 36 f F hybrids. Parental lines and F hybrids exhibited mean values for seed 1 1 total proteins, oil content and fatty acids composition. Among parental lines, CMS-64, CMS-53, CMS-H55-2-2-1 and CMS-53 were the best general combiners for seed total proteins,...

 Frasat Saeed*, Jehanzeb Farooq*, Abid Mahmood**, Tassawar Hussain***, Muhammad Riaz* and Saghir Ahmad****

...uare and days taken to 1 flower had positive correlation with each other and both these traits also showed their positive association with ginning out turn. The negative significant correlation of CLCuD was obtained with monopodial branches, sympodial branches and plant height. Principal component (PC) analysis showed first five PCs having eigen value >1 explaining 67.8% of the total variation with days to st -1 1 square and flower<...

 Muhammad Zahid Kiani*, Arshad Ali**, Tariq Sultan** and Muhammad Munir Ahmed***

...ere and rhizoplane of sunflower. Thirty six bacterial strains were selected out of 44 from plant root samples along with rhizospheric soil, collected from different salt affected areas of Central Punjab (Pakistan). Selected bacterial strains were characterized morphologically as well as biochemically at National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad during 2011-13. It was observed that all isolates produced IAA, whereas14 strains were declared as phosphate s...

 Ibrar Ali*, Abdul Mateen Khattak*, Muhammad Ali* and Kalim Ullah**

... -1 -1 (84.1), number of flower inflorescence (5.4), number of fruits inflorescence (4.3), -1 3 -1 number of fruit plant (25.4), fruit size (63.9 cm ), fruit weight plant (9.1 kg) and -1 total yield (22.9 t ha ). However, it was closely followed by cultivar Rio Grande for -1 -1 number of leaves plant (79.6), number of flower inflorescence (5.1), number of -1 -1 fruits inflorescence (4.0) and number of fruits plant (24.9). Cu...

 Quratulain*, Muhammad Aslam**, Muhammad Khalid Rafique*, Mian Atiq Ahmad* and Rashid Mahmood***

... lower leaves), buds and flowers by visual observation from tagged plants. Aphid populations start to develop in November and its population decline with decline in temperature in December. While its population started rising again at the end of February. Significantly more aphid populations were observed on Perfecta than other varieties; however, significantly few aphids were observed on Christan Diar. These studies revealed that farmers growing roses on a co...

 Syeda Nasreen*, Muhammad Ayub Khan*, Muhammad Arshad*, Maryam Kamal**, Doulat Baig *, M. Tariq*, Talat Gilani* and Musarrat Gilani*

...heterosis breeding in sunflower.

 Doulat Baig*, Fida Mohammad Abbasi*, Habib Ahmed*, Maqsood Qamar** and Muhammad Ayub Khan**

...lign: justify;"> Sunflower occupies main position among oil seed crops in Pakistan. Mostly indigenous sunflower hybrids are cultivated which give low achene and fodder yields. The issue related with these hybrids ascribed to lack of information about use of inputs and cultural practices. Judicious nitrogen use and suitable high yielding hybrid play key role in increasing sunflower pro...

  Sohaib Arshad*, Sarwat Naz Mirza*, Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar** and Maqbool Shahbaz**

...o 6.68t ha at pre- -1 -1 flowering, 9.67 to 11.83 t ha at full flowering and 22.83 to 27.80 t ha at m -1 aturity. While dry matter yield ranged from 0.86 to 1.38 t ha at pre- -1 -1 flowering, 1.73 to 2.78 t ha at fullflowering and 6.67 to 8.67 t ha at maturity stage. It could be attributed to their genetic inheritance potential. Mean value of crude prote...

Salar Khan Yousafzai*, Shah Masaud Khan*, Khalil ur Rehman**, Junaid Khan*, Sher Aslam Khan*, Ijaz Hussain* and Ishrat Naz***

...entage (98.33%), days to flowering -1 -1 (40.73), number of flowers plant (6.23), number of fruit plant (25.67), fruit -1 3 weight (8.84 kg), number of leaves plant (83.66), fruit size (64.70 cm ) and total -1 yield (25.67 t ha ) in Farm Yard Manure (FYM). Considering the overall performance, it was found that the tomato cultivar Rio Grand was promising for yield and other characters whereFYM was applied.


 Muhammad Farrukh Saleem*, Munir Ahmad*, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum*, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza** and Abdul Shakoor*

...68), appearance of first flower (65.64), first boll splition (105.47) and monopodial branches per plant (0.81) were recorded at 250 kg -1 N ha . Minimum days for first floral bud initiation (36.66), appearance of first flower (55.97), first boll splition (86.31) and monopodial branches per plant (0.33) were -1 recorded with application of 150 kg N ha . While topping did show non-significant effect on these earliness related ...

Muhammad Zahid Kiani*, Tariq Sultan**, Arshad Ali**, Ghulam Qadir*** Imdad Ali Mahmood**, Tauseef Tabassam**, Muhammad Arshad Ullah** and Nasir Abbas* 

...d seeds (SMH 0917) of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were used. After six weeks of sowing, plants were harvested and data regarding root length, plant height, root dry weight and shoot dry weight were recorded. The plant growth improved significantly with PGPR strain under salt stress. The root length, plant height, root and shoot weight increased up to 40%, 40%, 167% and 255%, -1 respectively over un-inoculated at 12 dS m salinity level. Whereas an increase...

 Nusrat Habib*

...lign: justify;"> Sunflower is one of the most important among edible oil crops growing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It was introduced in the province during 1976 but commercially adopted by a large number of farmers only by 1990's. Sunflower cultivation trend kept on increasing from the year 1990 to 1999. Since then a continuous decreasing trend in adoption of sunflower has been observed. T...

Hamza Khan1, Safdar Ali1, Ijaz Ahmad*2, Ihsanullah Khan3, Shujaat Hussain1, Bashir Ahmad Khan4 and Muhammad Suhaib5  

...nd promotion of local sunflower hybrids can be one of the options. Local sunflower hybrids with higher yield and wider adoptability can make Pakistan self sufficient in edible oil. Therefore a study was carried out at National Agricultural Research Centre Islamabad, to evaluate the performance of 12 locally developed sunflower Hybrids. Twelve sunflower h...

Azhar Mehmood1,2,*, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem2, Muhammad Tahir2, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar3, Tasawer Abbas4, Ali Zohaib2, Hafiz Tassawar Abbas

...s of low yield of the sunflower. The use of essential macro and micronutrients in the right proportion and optimum quantity is the key factor to boost and sustain the crop productivity. Among plant nutrient deficiencies, nitrogen and boron limitation is the most prevailing problem in the world, which is involved in the decline of sunflower production. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to examine the combined effect...

Qasim Iqbal1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Obaidullah Shafique1, Bashir Ahmed Khan2, Ijaz Ahmad3 and Ihsanullah Khan4  

...text-align: justify;">Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an important oil seed crop in Pakistan having the potential of bridging gap between production and consumption of edible oil in the country. The experiment was conducted at National Agriculture Research Center (NARC) Islamabad, Pakistan, during August to December, 2016, to evaluate different exotic sunflower hybrids for their performance and adaptability in the field ...
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel2, Waqas Wakil3 and Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1,*
...eld crops including cauliflower. In the present study three commercial formulations of biorational insecticides viz., Bacillus thuringiensis (DiPel®), NPV (SpltNPV) and Flubendiamide (Belt®) evaluated (alone and in combination) against S. litura under field condition. Minimum plant infestation (7.60±0.40%) was observed three days after application when B. thuringiensis and flubendiamide we...

Rizwana Qamar1, Maria Ghias1, Fida Hussain1, Sajida Habib1, Muhammad Khuram Razzaq2*, Muhammad Aslam1 and Imran Habib3 

...oduction in Pakistan. Sunflower productivity is sturdily delimited by the inaccessibility of water. Developments of sunflower hybrids having greater drought tolerance are the effective and inexpensive approach by plant breeders to manage with drought. A wire house experiment was conducted in Oilseeds Research Institute, Ayub Agricultural Research Faisalabad for the screening of genotypes against drought. Ten hybrids along wi...

G. Venkatesan* and Amit Kumar  

...ical papillomatous, cauliflower like external growth around mouth regions and rarely the lesions are found in other parts of the body and internal organs. Another characteristic feature of ORFV including other PPVs is the ability to re-infect the same host and conferring short term immunity in contrast to other pox viruses and also produce localized skin lesions in humans who are in contact with infected animals and their products. Unique and specific virulenc...
Zhu-Mei Ren1,*, Xu Su2, Carol D von Dohlen3 and Jun Wen4,1,*
...ondary sensilla, and the flower-like shape of the galls that are formed on its primary host. Its primary host plant is Rhus hypoleuca, whereas other Nurudea species are on R. chinensis.
Muhammad Mobashar1, Muhammad Tahir1, Shahbaz Javaid2,*, Muhammad I. Anjum2, Insha Gul3, Nazir Ahmad1 andAbdul Sami1
...stages i.e. boot, flowering and dough and 60% total mixed ration. The results showed that animals fed with oat hay from flowering stage (ration II) had significantly higher (P<0.05) dry matter (DM) intake followed by dough (ration III) and boot stage (ration I). Similarly, intakes of crude protein (CP) and crude fat (CF) were significantly higher (P<0.05) on ration II compared to rations I and III. Neutral Deter...

Saima Siddiqui1*, Ghulm Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed1 and Abdul Sattar Buriro

...op. Millet, maize and sunflower were grown as trap crops in cotton (cv CRIS-342) croping the experimental area of Entomology section, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam during 2011 and 2012. There was significant effect of trap crops on population reduction of jassid, thrips and white flyin cotton intercropped with millet, maize and sunflower. The minimum population of jassid (0.89), whitefly (0.36) and thrips (6.20) w...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Muhammad Zeshan1,2, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmed1 and Sabir Hussain Shah3 

...; at rauni + ½ at flowering (T1), ½ at sowing + ½ at flowering (T2) and ½ at 1st irrigation + ½ at flowering (T3) were included in the experiment. Treatments were replicated thrice. Data were collected for growth parameters and yield contributing traits. It was observed that source of nitrogen has no significant difference on growth or yield while the N p...

Nusrat Habib1*, Asim Zubair2 and Aisha Siddiqua3 

...o the determinants of sunflower area and yield in districts Swabi and Mardan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during 2016. The study was conducted in two selected districts through purposive sampling for 100 farms in different locations of selected districts. The objective of the study was to estimate determinants of sunflower area and yield in the study area. To determine the role of different factors that were affecting the area and ...

Saif Ullah and Mohammad Akmal*

...import of edible oil. Sunflower is one of the best options to work due to its better oil quality and fit well in the cropping system of environment. Combined effect of N, P and S on sunflower is essential to review. Field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, the University of Agriculture Peshawar during summer 2016. Nitrogen (40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1), P (30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1) and S (10, 20 and 30 kg ha-1) were...

Safina Naz1, Muhammad Akbar Anjum1, Saeed Akhtar2, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3* and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar

...spinach, carrot and cauliflower, grown with canal, tubewell and sewage irrigation water, were assessed for their proximate (moisture, ash, protein and fiber) and heavy metal (Pb, Ni, Cu, Cd, Fe and Cr) contents. Significant differences were found for proximate composition of canal, tubewell and sewage water irrigated vegetables. The vegetables grown with tubewell water had higher moisture, ash and fiber contents compared with those grown with canal and sewage ...

Abdur Rehman1* and Shad Khan Khalil2 

...ages (bud formation, 20% flowering and 20% pod formation). The experiment was laid out in RCB design with split plot arrangement having three replications. Moisture levels were allotted to main plot while treatments (application of chemicals at different growth stages and water spray) to sub plot. Chemicals were sprayed in solution form on the leaves of the canola plants. Results indicated that reducing irrigation water shortened days to 50%

Muhammad Arshad*, Sabeeta Jan, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam, Shiguftah Khalid and Muahmmad Ayub Khan 

...developed twenty four sunflower hybrids were appraised for different agronomic traits to assess genetic specifications, genetic divergence, and correlation coefficient, direct and indirect effects of eight characters towards seed yield under field condition. Experiment was conducted according to RCBD design at NARC (National Agricultural Research Centre), Islamabad during year 2015. Data were recorded on Days to flower initi...

Muhammad Kashif Asghar1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Shahid Riaz Malik2, Waqas Ahmad3, Sumaira Zareen4, Safdar Ali5 and Abid Ali6 

... yield and quality of sunflower hybrids at Agronomic Research Farm, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. The achenes of two different sunflower hybrids i.e. Hysun-33 and FH-331 were subjected to different priming treatments including hydropriming, osmopriming (with 1, 0.1 and 0.01 mM B) using boric acid as a source of B. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement in triplicat...

 Shagufta Andleeb*

Teratogenic potential of pyrethroids: a review
...d are extracted from the flowers of pyrethrums (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium and C. coccineum) in late 1900s. An extensive data on multiple aspects of genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reproductive toxicology and neurotoxicology is available except teratogenicity. This review concludes the teratogenic potential of sublethal doses of different types of pyrethroids in various groups of animals in systematic way. On line available data interpretation...

 Haniya Mazhar1, Naaz Abbas2, Zahid Hussain3, Amir Sohail4, Syed Shahid Ali4*

Extracellular lipase production from Bacillus subtilis using agro-industrial waste and fruit peels
...rial waste, including sunflower meal, wheat bran, oat bran, rice bran and sugar cane bagasse was 23.83, 12.17, 10.40 10.00 and 16.23 U/ml, respectively. The lipase production by B. subtilis using peels of different fruits, including banana, orange, water melon and melon as carbon source, was 27.17, 21.37, 10.57 and 8.43 U/ml, respectively. The corn cob produced 12.27 U/ml while waste oils of various industries produced 16.17 U/ml (Shan oil), 13.67 U/ml (automo...

Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Nazakat Nawaz, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Tahira, Doulat Baig, Ihsan Ullah Khan and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah 

...were recorded on days to flower initiation, days to flower completion, reproductive period, days to maturity, pod filling period, plant height (cm), number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, seed yield (kg/ha). Seed yield ranged from 352 to 878 kg/ha with a mean value of 521 kg/ha. A total of forty genotypes produced more seed yield than standard cultivar (517 kg/ha) with a range of 524 to 878 kg/ha. Maximum va...

Muhammad Salman Wazir and Mohammad Akmal 

...bean (Vicia faba) and Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), hereafter, referred as IC-I and IC-II. The N splits were applied of the total recommended 120 kg ha-1 N in splits, i.e. N splits application (NS) viz. NS1 (50% sowing and 50% tillering), NS2 (25% sowing: 50% tillering and 25% anthesis) and NS3 (25% sowing, 25% tillering and 50% anthesis). Experimental design was a randomized complete block, replicated three times. Results showed a delay in maturity with tall...

Ali Bakhsh1*, Mashal Rehman1, Said Salman1 and Rehmat Ullah

...formation, days to first flower formation, plant height, monopodial branches per plant, sympodial branches per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, fiber length, fiber strength, uniformity index, fiber fineness, ginning out turn and seed cotton yield per plant in both watering treatments. Water stress on an average, caused a reduction of 13% in days to first square formation, 14% in days to first flower formation, ...
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Muhammad Saleem Haider1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1, Muhammad Ali1, Muhammad Ashfaq1, Muhammad A. Aqueel2 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah2
...ld crops comprising cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis). Current inspections were carried out to determine their impact on larval mortality, pupal and adult emergence by exposing three field strains of S. litura (Faisalabad, Chiniot and Sargodha), under laboratory conditions. Both NPV and Bt were applied using diet incorporation method. Two concentrations of a NPV based formulation (Somestar): 1x107 and 1x10

Noor ul Ain*, Malik Muhammad Shafi and Haidar Ali* 

... Potato and Cabbage-Cauliflower) in district Peshawar for the year April, 2017. Through proportion allocation technique a total number of 120 households were selected from two villages namely Landi Arbab and Deh Bahadar. Data was analyzed through Double log model for estimation of demand for the selected vegetables. It was found that household head in Landi Arbab includes 87.10% male and 12.90% female whereas in Deh Bahadar, 94.82% household heads were male an...

Khadim Hussain Wagan1*, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Jamal-U-Ddin Hajano1 and Abdul Ghani Lanjar2 

...using charcoal rot of sunflower is major fungal pathogen which can survive for months to years in soil and also over season in the seed. Therefore, population density and their aggressiveness to cause the disease is playing critical role for management of this pathogen. For such purpose colony forming units (cfu) per gram of soil and seed were determined and capability of previously characterized M. phaseolina isolates to cause the disease was tested on HO-1 v...

Ihsan Ullah Khan*, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Muhammad Ashraf, Ashiq Saleem, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam and Shamim Ul Sibtain Shah 

...rphological traits in sunflower hybrids. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used with three replications. The experimental material consisted of nine hybrids, six inbred lines and a commercial check (Hysun-33). The recorded data on days to flowering initiation (DFI), days to flowering completion (DFC), days to maturity (DM), plant height (PHT, cm), stem thickness (ST, mm), head di...

Saud Khan and Inamullah* and grain yield of sunflower. In this regard, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of phosphorus (P) levels and tillage instruments on grain and oil yield of sunflower at Agronomy Research Farm of the University of Agriculture Peshawar (Pakistan) during summer 2017. Split plot arrangement of the Randomized Complete Block design was used with four replications. Tillage instruments including mouldboard (MB) pl...

Hamid Ali, Muhammad Arshad, Ibad Ullah Jan, Muhammad Zamin*, Junaid Khan, Ikram Ullah and Mushtaq Ali 

...or increasing growth and flowers in tuberose. 


Bina Khanzada1*, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed1 and Nazir Ahmed2 

...ed with the provision of flower nectors such as ornamental sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock in the laboratory. The ornamental plants sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock were also tested in the field for conservation of the C. flavipes. The results showed that during 2013 and 2014, the C. flavipes fed on Hollyhock produced more cacoons. During 2013 and 2014 C. flavipes fed on marigold oc...

Aliya Ayaz, Gohar Ayub, Maqsood Khan* and Syed Aizaz Ali Shah 

...rgence and days to first flower, while increased germination percentage, number of fruits plant-1, fruit length, fruit weight, plant height, yield plot-1, total yield and survival percentage. In case of dipping durations, seeds dipped for 18 hours significantly reduced days to emergence and days to first flower, while increased germination percentage, number of fruits plant-1, fruit length, fruit weight, plant height, yield ...
Lichao Feng1,2, Shaoqing Zhang4, Dianyuan Chen2, Sina Adl3 and Donghui Wu1,4*
...arvae alternated between flower and corn growth stages in the field because food resources and foraging behaviors stimulated and restrained the acquisition of supplemental nutrients as a strategy for reproduction. To evaluate their food choices, wireworm were exposed to different types of plants associated with their farmland habitat, as follows: mixed pollen and nectar of flowers (Erigeron annuus, Trifolium repens...

Muhammad Yasin1, Romana Shahzadi1, Muhammad Riaz2, Mahideen Afridi2, Wajya Ajmal3, Obaid Ur Rehman2, Nazia Rehman3, Ghulam Muhammad Ali1,3, Muhammad Ramzan Khan1,2,3* 

...SHP2-like transcripts in flower and siliques while no expression in the leaf tissues was observed. A strong expression for FUL gene was detectable in mature silique and silique from upper portion of plant as compared to other tissues of “Pakola” and “Punjab Sarsoon 3”. Our results flaunt basic gene expression information about shattering genes for developing genome edited plants to prevent yield losses in canola in future. 


Ammara Saeed* and Noor-ul-Amin 

...uring 2014 and 2015. Cut flower rose cultivars were tested with treatments of 3 levels of phosphorus (30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1) and potassium (20, 40 and 60 kg ha-1) each as well as combined. Results showed that when plants were supplied with phosphorus at 60 kg ha-1 and potassium at 40 kg ha-1, it significantly improved studied variables, such as early days to sprouting (11.5 days), days to flowering (35.0 days), maximum numbe...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1*, Nisar Ahmad1, Azhar Rasul1, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad2, Muhammad Latif3, Muhammad Zubair Ul Hassan Arsalan1, Muhammad Umair1  and Hafiza Hina Shafqat1
...articles supplemented sunflower meal based diets. The experiment was consisted on seven test diets on the basis of supplementation of nano Cr graded levels (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 mg Kg-1). Chromic oxide was used as an inert marker. Fingerlings were fed at the rate of 5% of their live wet weight. Maximum improvement in the growth performance (weight gain 197%, FCR 1.49, SGR 1.21 and survival 100%), nutrient digestibility (crude protein 71% and...

Masood Ahmad* and Abdur Rab 

...s commercially important flowering plant famous for its excellent flowers worldwide. In order to meet the high demand for its quality plants especially cut flowers. Gladiolus is commercially propagated by corms. The quality and health of corm is one of the important factors that affect the production and quality of gladiolus florets and spikes as well as corm production. Keeping in view, t...

Muhammad Khuram Razzaq1,2*, Saeed Rauf1, Mohsin Khurshid3, Shahid Iqbal1,4, Javaid Akhter Bhat2, Ayaz Farzand5, Adeel Riaz1,6, Guangnan Xing2 and Junyi Gai


... under heat stress in sunflower showed additive to partial dominance towards higher pollen viability in the inheritance showing that trait can be improved through selection in segregating generations. In this review, we have mainly considered the effect of abiotic stresses on pollen viability, selection and methods for the improved pollen viability and the management of heat stress.  


Muhammad Shahzad Akbar*, Maria Aslam, Muhammad Rehan Khalid, Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Luqman and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed 

...anolic extracts of eight flowers i.e. Mexican marigold (Tagetes lucida), African marigold (Tegates erecta), tecoma (Tecoma stans), calendula (Calendula officinalis), basil (Ocimum basilicum), oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), lily (Lilium longiflorum) and chrysanthemum (Glebionis segetum) against the worker individuals of subterranean termite Odontotermes obesus (Isoptera: Termitidae). Bioassays were conducted using filter paper disc method according to comp...

Muhammad Saleem1*, Ehsan Elahi1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi1, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1, Hajra Ibrahim2 and Muhammad Ali3 

...text-align: justify;">Sunflower is important oil seed crop for human being diet and sulphur plays major role in increasing the achen yield and oil content. A field study was conducted to observe the effects of sulphur on sunflower growth, oil content and yield. The sulphur rates were 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 kg ha-1. The recomended rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potasium were given to all plots of different treatments. The ec...

Yousaf Noor*, Zahir Shah and Muhammad Tariq 

...on of Zn and B increased flower (12118), fruit set (8.3%), fruit retained (59.42 %), and fruit yield (14.34 t ha-1) relative to control. June fruit drop was reduced by 28.82 % by Zn alone. In methods foliar spray significantly improved fruit retained (46.24%) and fruit yield (12.4 t ha-1) relative to soil applications. The fruit retained and yield were also significantly increased by 10.41% and 15.93% respectively, while June drop was reduced by 33.75% during ...

Sibgha Noreen*, Sumrina Faiz, Muhammad Salim Akhter, Kausar Hussain Shah 

...xture) @ 200 mgL-1 on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown under saline environment (150 mM NaCl). The results showed that salinity stress (150 mM) resulted into significant decrease in biomass accumulation of sunflower up to 50%, while it was improved by 80% in control by the foliar application of osmoprotectants. Chlorophyll (Chl-a, chl b and total chlorophyll) contents were also decreased significantly due to saline env...

Imran1*, Amanullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Zahir Shah2 and Abdul Bari3 

...quency, weeds biomass at flowering, pods formation and physiological maturity stages. However, P highest and moderate (100 and 75 kg P ha-1) rates were remained the same for weeds biomass. When compared with the economic analysis and profitability of soybean the highest net returns (NR) in Pakistani Rupees (PKRs) (PKR 62.082 ha-1) were noted with the biochar amendment followed by compost (PKR 60,168 ha-1), whereas least net return NR (PKR 41,548 ha-1) was reco...

Manzoor1*, Ahmad Khan1, Amir Sohail2, Shahzad Ali1, Fawad Ali Shah3, Junaid Iqbal3, Muhammad Owais Khan4 and Sultan Nawaz4 

...x leaves, twelve leaves, flowering and grain filling stages) and role of different planting methods (Ridge, Flat and Broadcast) in soil moisture conservation for maize crop. The research was carried out using RCBD with split plot arrangement having 4 replications at Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, during May 2017. Deficit Irrigations were allotted to main plots, while planting methods were allotted to sub plots. Deficit irrigati...
Sumaira Abbas1, Muhammad Sultan Haider2,*, Fatima Kafayet1, Sana Ashraf2, Atifa Masood3 and Moazma Batool4
... By mixing fish meal, sunflower meal and rice polish four treatment diets, T1, T2, T3, were prepared and citrus peel powder was added @ 200g, 400g and 600g/ 1000g, respectively. While fourth one, control diet (To) was without citrus peels. These is nitrogenous diets (30% protein) were offered to Carassius auratus juvenile having body weight 20±7.54g in powder form for 92 days. Weight gain, length gain a...
Tong Feng, Zilu Zhang, Minghao Qu, Chan Luo, Laiba Shafique, Qingyou Liu and Kuiqing Cui*
...te, pure black and brown flower) was cloned and analyzed by systematic bioinformatics. The result showed that the coding region of the MC1R gene of Nubian goat was 954 bp in length and encoded 317 amino acids. The results of multiple sequence comparison showed that the clones were 99%, 87%, 86%, 85%, 84%, 81%, and 77% similar to the published pig, cow, human, dog, sheep, mouse, and chicken, respectively. It showed that MC1R gene had a high conserved type among...

Nosheen Noor Elahi1, Muhammad Shafique1, Muhammad Imtiaz2, Umer Farooq3* and Muhammad Rashid1 

...bserved. Number of pods, flowers and fresh weight of pods were not affected at salinity levels of 0-50mM and decreased at 100 mM NaCI in all the four varieties. In varieties CM91 and CM2000 nodules were formed at all levels of salinity treatments, while in varieties CM44 and CM98 nodules were formed at salinity levels of 0-50 mM NaCl and completely inhibited at 100mM NaCl. The total protein and nitrogen contents increased with concurrent increasing levels of N...
Muhammad Afzal1, Mahroze Fatima2, Aasma Qamar1, Muhammad Farhan1 and Syed Zakir Hussain Shah3,*
...ohita when fed on sunflower meal-based diet.

Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui1*, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Ghulam Shah Nizamani1, Shafquat Yasmeen1, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan1, Abdullah Khatri1 and Nighat Seema Soomro2 

...rovement in earliness in flowering, maturity, yield and yield contributing traits. Correlation analysis of the agronomic parameters implied that number of branches plant-1, seeds pod-1 and 1000 seed weight had highly significant correlation with the seed yield of the lentil. It was concluded that the mutants AEL-40/30 and AEL-12/30 have very high yield potential, and these genotypes can be further evaluated for zonal performance in the Sindh province.  

Masaud Khan1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Shahab Ahmad2, Asad Ali3, Numan Khan3 and Muhammad Adnan Fahad

...lant height, days to 50% flowering, were found to be non-significant. Results indicated that deficit irrigation (I15, I30 and I45) had significant effect (P<0.05) on plant height and NUE. Plant height tends to decrease by 1.3 and 5.5% with deficit irrigation. NUE also decreased by 17, 16 and 24 with deficit irrigation. Compared to I0, while the effect on dry to fresh weight ratio and days to 50% flowering was found to be ...
Muhammad Faheem Akbar1,*, Muhammad Abdul Haq2, Imtiaz Ahmad1, Vasileva Viliana3 and Amjad Sultan1
...sticides sprayed on cauliflower crop. Bio pesticides are environment-friendly products and highly biodegradable with low persistency and residual effects. Imidacloprid, endosulfan and profenofos were selected as convectional, while spinosad and biosal (neem compound) as bio pesticides, and were sprayed at the rates of 49.4, 642.2, 988, 35.5 and 158 g a.i. ha-1 respectively. The pesticide residues were analyzed after 0, 1, 3 and 7 days of application...
Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Sajjad Ali2, Asad Abdullah1, Samina Khalid3, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif4, Syed Muhammad Ali Zahid1, Muhammad Afzal1 and Jaima Molina-Ochoa5
...optera: Noctuidae) on sunflower and soybean crops was measured using BioLeaf android application. The infected leaves due to citrus canker were also tested using BioLeaf for foliar analysis. Our results demonstrated that the quantification of foliar damage using BioLeaf application was easy and accurate. This method is also comparable with other techniques like digital analysis by ImageJ software and leaf area meter devices. With these results, it is concluded...
Seval Dernekbasi* and Emin Karatas
...ith canola oil (CO)], safflower oil trial (SFO; continuously fed by diet with safflower oil (SFO)], mixture oil trial (CSFO; continuously fed by diet containing both %50 CO and %50 SFO), alternate cycled feeding trial [(FO/CO; fish fed by diet with CO for 2 weeks and FO for the following 2 weeks), (FO/SFO; fish fed by diet with SFO for 2 weeks and FO for following 2 weeks) and (FO/CSFO; fish fed by diet with CSFO for 2 weeks...

Muhammad Ramzan, Unsar Naeem-Ullah*, Mahreen Hanif, Muhammad Nadeem, Mirza Abdul Qayyum, Muhammad Javaid 

...getables especially cauliflower all over the world. The larvae feed on foliage and cause severe damage. Present study was carried out under laboratory conditions to elicit information about every stage like egg, larva, pupa and adult of Plutella xylostella on natural diet. The study revealed that incubation period of eggs varies from 3.2-4.3 hours. There are four larval instars of Plutella xylostella. The first, second, third and fourth instar larva survived f...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Abdullah Khan1, Ibadullah Jan1, Fazli Rabbi2, Shahen Shah3, Rashid Ali1, Kaleem Ullah1 and Muhammad Amin4 industry used for cut flowers in interior decoration. Fertilizers have prominent role in quality flower production. To investigate the performance of gladiolus at different application rate of nitrogen and potash, a study was conducted at National Agriculture Research Council (NARC) Islamabad, in May to August 2018. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 10 treatment combinations of n...

Saeed Ahmed Shah Chishti1, Saba Aleem1*, Iram Sharif2, Kashif Nadeem1, Nusrat Parveen1 and Muhammad Najeebullah1 

Fazli Ahad1, Raziuddin1, Nazir Ahmad1,2*, Muhammad Nauman1, Touheed Iqbal3, Nabeel Khan1, Fazli Hameed4 and Quaid Hussain2 

...recorded for days to 50% flowering, plant height, primary branches plant-1, main raceme length, pods main raceme-1, pod length, seeds pod-1, 1000-seed weight, seed yield plant-1 among genotypes, parents and F3 population. Similarly, parents vs. F3 population also showed significant differences for all the studied traits except primary branches plant-1 and pods main raceme-1, which revealed non-significant differences. Among parents DH4, DH5 performed better fo...

Rehman Ali Keerio1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui2, Muhammad Tahir Khan2, Ghulam Shah Nizamani2*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Maryum Siddiqui4, Hajra Khan3 and Farheen Deeba Soomro

...on must be augmented. Sunflower seed contains 40% of good quality oil. Hence, it can play a significant role for fulfilling the Pakistan’s oil needs. This study was conducted to identify the optimum foliar zinc (Zn) supplement for sunflower variety HO-1. The experiment was conducted at field of Oil Seeds Section, Agriculture Research Institute (ARI), Tandojam, Sindh using RCBD design with three replications. The maximu...

Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Naimatullah Leghari2, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio3, Ahmed Naqi Shah1 and Musrat Begum Abro1 

...n growth and yield of sunflower in agro-ecological conditions of Tandojam, Pakistan. The experiments were a randomized complete block design in factorial combination, replicated three times. An experimental unit was accommodated with three factors i.e. seed priming sources (No seed priming, seeds priming with canal water, seed primed with 1.0% Urea, and seed primed with 0.2% ZnSO4), planting geometries (i.e. 55 x 35 cm, 65 x 30 cm, 75 x 25 cm, and 85 x 20 cm)...

Peer Sikandar Shah1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan*1,2, Saddam Hussain1 and Jawad Ali Jan1

...ce (11.14 days), days to flowering (36.76 days), days to blooming (43.86 days) while maximum seed emergence (80.43 %), numbers of leaves plant-1 (45.87), leaf area (99.87 cm2), number of fruit plant-1 (7.94), fruit weight (289.20 g), fruit volume (193.84 cm3), yield plant-1 (2.42 kg) and total yield (12.09 t ha-1) were obtained by Jaipuri cultivar. While in case of manure regimes maximum vine length (465.50 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (49.13), leaf area (11...

Muhammad Shakeel1,2*, Salik Nawaz2, Yasar Saleem3, Shazia Shafique2, Ateeq Tahir2 and Muhammad Riaz2

...recommendations for cauliflower. In case of postharvest handling 49 % were not specific for packing material whereas broccoli leaves were being used for wrapping of florets by 30% while 21.6% farmers were using paper for wrapping. The present studies concluded that broccoli has great potential for adoption especially for smallholding growers. But it needs government and media assistance for creating awareness for its health benefits and crop production technol...

Aqsa Ahmad1, Iftikhar Ahmad1* and Malik Fiaz Hussain Ferdosi

...ons for improved growth, flower yield, stem quality and vase life of cut antirrhinum. Two experiments comprised of seven substrate compositions with variable ratios of saw dust (SD), peanut hulls (PH) and sugarcane pressmud (a by-product of sugar industry, which is rich in nutrients) or coco-coir (CC), rice hulls (RH) and sugarcane pressmud (PM) were used. Seeds were sown in plastic plug trays containing CC, silt (soil extracted from canal) and PM (1:1:1; v/v/...

Muhammad Younis1, Shahen Shah1*, Inamullah1, Rozina Gul2, Arshad Jalal1, Farhan Khalil1, Iqbal Hussain1 and Muhammad Adnan Fahad P @ 50 kg ha-1, while flowering and maturity were delayed when no P and S applied. Pods plant-1and biological yield were recorded highest at sulphur level 45 kg ha-1. The HI attained its peak at 75 kg P ha-1 with no sulphur application. It was concluded that solicitation of phosphorus and sulphur @ 50 kg ha-1 and 45 kg ha-1, respectively resulted in significantly higher yield contributing parameters of sesame; therefore, recommended for the locality. <...
Muhammad Mohibullah1*, Mehran1, Sundas Batool1, Muhammad Amin1, Zakiullah1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Irfanullah1, Abdur Rehman1 and Sardar Ali3
...germination, days to 50% flowering, seeds per pod,1st branches plant-1, 2ndry branches plant-1, plant height, hundred grain weight and grain yield plant-1. Overall, chickpea accessions CH30/12, CH10/12, CH44/12, CH14/12, and CH11/12 performed well, and recorded with maximum values for grains pod-1, hundred seed weight along with other contributing parameters. Values for phenotypic found greater ...

Jawad Ali Jan1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan1,2*, Shehzad Ahmad1, Peer Sikandar Shah1, Saddam Hussain1 and Sehrish

... minimum days to produce flowering (33 days), maximum numbers of leaves plant-1 (208.93), plant height (42.27 cm), stem diameter (1.60 cm), number of fruit plant-1 (52.53), yield plant-1 (184.61 g) and total yield (3.69 t ha-1), while maximum fruit weight (3.65 g), fruit volume (9.47 cm3) and fruit diameter (12.0 mm) were noted in variety Magma. In case of humic acid levels, maximum number of leaves plant-1 (243.67), branches plant-1 (5.50), plant height (47.3...
Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel2, Ejaz Ashraf3*, Asad Ali4 and Arooba Rubab5
Effect of Insecticides on the Longevity of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
...tin benzoate) applied at flowering stage of sunflower (variety Hysun-33). After three days of pesticides application, Apis mellifera was exposed to insecticides, placing three honey bee colonies in the center of each plot in the field. Four frames from each colony and twenty cells from each frame were selected as samples for further studies. After egg hatching larval duration was recorded until pupal duration starts. The hon...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Fazli Rabbi2, Shahen Shah3, Muhammad Amin4, Haroon Ur Rashid5, Hasnain Alam6 and Sabahat  Ali1

Performance of Lilium (Lilium elegans L.) Genotypes using Different Planting Media
...72cm), highest number of flowers (5.4) and least days to flowering (45.92 days). However, maximum number of leaves (53.3) were recorded in genotype Red carpet and largest (17.67cm) flowers were noted in genotype Yena. On the other hand, the genotype Star fighter started flowering after 125.17 days and other varieties were found between the two-genotype r...

Sikander Hiyat1, Nazim Hussain1, Muhammad Ishaq Asif Rehmani2*, Muhammad Nasir Abbas2, Smana Raza3, Javed Shabbir Dar4 and Tauqeer Ahmad Yasir5 

...growth and yield (no. of flowers plant-1, no. of square plant-1, no. of open and un-open bolls plant-1, seed cotton yield and cotton seed yield) parameters were recorded. The results revealed that exogenous application of mepiquat chloride @ 0.61 L ha-1, significantly reduced plant height as compared to control treatment. However, it did not reduce all other yield attributes of cotton. Among the row spacing treatments, widely spaced cotton plants (RS3, 75 cm) ...
Magbolah Salem Helal Alzahrani come from its flowers, which contain volatile oils including bisabolol, bisabolol oxides A and B, and matricin as well as flavonoids. This study aims to elucidate the possible therapeutic applications of different levels of M. chamomilla on the functional status of liver, in rats injected with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), a known hepatotoxin. Thirty-six male albino rats were treated with subcutaneous injection of CCl4 in...

Ali Hazrat1*, Mohammad Nisar1, Khan Sher2, Jehandar Shah2, Tour Jan1 and Abid Ullah1

Taxonomic and Medicinal Study of Papilionaceae of District Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...ntment, Trigonella emodi flowers and leaves are dried and powdered. One spoon of powder is taken twice a day for one week to cure jaundice, Vicia faba can be eaten before it is fully ripened in the same way as broad beans, fully ripened seed requires overnight soaking to soften it before cooking. All the species of the selected family are reported for the first time and studied for medicinal purposes.


Adnan Arshad1*, Huma Qamar2, Ristina Siti-Sundari3, Zhang Yue1, Muhammad Zubair2, Muhammad Ali Raza4, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rehman5 and Lizhen Zhang1*

Phenotypic Plasticity of Spineless Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Cultivars in Response to Exogenous Application of Salicylic Acid under Rainfed Climate Conditions identify spineless Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) performance in acclimating changing climate, as safflower has gained prominence as an oilseed industry due to its hardiness in nature. A two-factor factorial experiment using completely randomized block design (RCBD) followed by five spineless safflower cultivars and five concentrations of salicylic acid (SA) in three replications w...

Rao Wali Muhammad1, Hafiz Muhammad Wasif Ali2*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Qadir Ahmad2, Abdul Qayyum2, Waqas Malik2 and Etrat Noor2

Estimation of Different Genetic Parameters in Various Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Genotypes under Field Condition
...omic traits i.e. days to flowering, plant height, days to maturity, no. of primary branches per plant, no. of secondary branches per plant, pods per plant, 1000-seed weight and yield per plant of 200 safflower accessions. Analysis of variance and principal component analysis were carried out to estimate the extent of variability for studied parameters and to partition the germplasm into various cluster groups on basis of the...

Shahid Nadeem1*, Taj Naseeb Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Adnan Younis2 and Iram Fatima3

Influence of Plant Growth Regulators by Foliar Application on Vegetative and Floral physiognomies of Gladiolus
...nd it mainly used as cut flower and greatly demanded in floral markets. In order to achieve the maximum outcomes for the purchaser or community, a comprehensive study was conducted on gladiolus to enhance its vegetative and floral characteristics with the foliar application of growth hormones i.e. gibberellic acid (GA3) and salicylic acid (SA). The results revealed that the application of GA3 and SA had significant influence on vegetative as well as floral tra...

Shaiza Rasool1, Iftikhar Ahmad1*, Khurram Ziaf1, Irfan Afzal2, Muhammad A.S. Khan1, Muhammad Aashir Sajjad1 and Muhammad Zain Ali1

Seed Conditioning Effects on Germination Performance, Seedling Vigor and Flower Production of Zinnia elegans
...ion, seedling vigor, and flower production in zinnia (Zinnia elegans Jacq.). Two initial laboratory experiments evaluated the timing and frequency of seed magnetic stimulation to select the most promising treatments for field production testing and flowering. In the first experiment, a 3% moringa leaf extract (MLE) showed the earliest (2.8 d) and the highest germination rate (90%) with an average root length of 4.2 cm. Hydro...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Anees Muhammad1, Ibadullah Jan1, Hidayat Ullah1, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin3 and Haroon Ur Rashid4

Production of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) as Affected by Bulb Size and Planting Medium
...placed among top ten cut flowers in floriculture industry. Quality production of cut flowers for market depends upon bulb size and growing medium. To investigate the best type of planting medium and suitable bulb size for commercial production of tuberose, an experiment was conducted in the Horticulture Nursery, University of Swabi, Pakistan in the year 2019. Three bulb sizes of tuberose viz., large (2.5cm dia), medium (1.5c...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Anees Muhammad1, Ibadullah Jan1, Hidayat Ullah1, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin3 and Haroon Ur Rashid4

Production of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) as Affected by Bulb Size and Planting Medium
...placed among top ten cut flowers in floriculture industry. Quality production of cut flowers for market depends upon bulb size and growing medium. To investigate the best type of planting medium and suitable bulb size for commercial production of tuberose, an experiment was conducted in the Horticulture Nursery, University of Swabi, Pakistan in the year 2019. Three bulb sizes of tuberose viz., large (2.5cm dia), medium (1.5c...

Khan Sher1*, Muhammad Subhan1, Muhammad Nisar2, Ali Hazrat2, Zahid Fazal1, Gul Rahim2, Imran Ahmad1, Riaz ul Haq1 and Shamia Bibi1

Genetic Diversity in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgarus L.) Collected from Different Ecological Zones of Malakand Division (A Part of the Sino Japanese Region of Pakistan)
...les were responsible for flower color. Similarly, the quantitative traits showed 73% diversity in the parameters studied. However, it was different in individual characters. In overall, 59% of the yield contributing traits showed significant level of correlation in the present germplasm. The dendrogram in one-way cluster analysis distributed 55 lines into 2 lineages (I and II). The former was comprised of 24% bean landraces, while the latter was comprised of 7...

Zulnorain Sajid1*, Muhammad Ramzan2 and Noreen Akhtar1

Foraging Behavior and Pollination Ecology of Bumble Bee and Honey Bee in Pakistan; A Review
...ollen sac, high speed to flower visitation at low temperature and solitary colony structure. In northern areas of Pakistan bumblebees are natural pollinators. The various products of honey bee especially honey, royal jelly and bee venom used for the treatment of various diseases like cardiac diseases, hypertension and many others problems. These are the main source of income for entomologist and agriculture graduates. There are several factors (habitat loss, l...

Saeed Ahmad1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Habib ur Rahman1,3*, Tanveer-ul-Haq2, Mahmood Alam Khan4 and Arshad Mahmood5

Evaluation of Different Production Systems in Combination with Foliar Sulphur Application for Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under Arid Climatic Conditions of Pakistan
...text-align: justify;">Sunflower is a new emerging oilseed crop in Pakistan. Its oil is recommended for use across the globe including Pakistan. Due to lower production of indigenous edible oil, a huge quantity is imported which has a negative effect on the economy. To reduce the import expenses and meet country’s demand, there is a need to increase area under oilseed crops without disturbing the cropping systems. Climate variability is another emerging t...
Samreen Khan, Tabassum Ara Khanum, Nasira Kazi, Salma Javed* and Shahina Fayyaz
Description of Aphelenchoides acacia n. sp. and Aphelenchoides naurangiensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) with Observation on Aphelenchoides saprophilus Franklin, 1957 from District Lakki Marwat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
... muritiana L.) and paper flower (Bougainvillea spectabilis L.) and Aphelenchoides naurangiensis n. sp. recovered from soil samples of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), thoroughly described and illustrated from District Lakki Marwat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The new species namely Aphelenchoides acacia n. sp. belongs to the Group 2 of Aphelenchoides Species Sensu Shahina is characterized by small body length 358-496 µm; cephalic region non offset from th...

Agustine Christela Melviana1, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Maizirwan Mel3, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4 and Juris Burlakovs5

Gene Expression Related to Steviol Glycoside Synthesis Produced in Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Shoot Culture Induced with High Far-Red LED Light in TIS RITA® Bioreactor System
...t period. The forming of flowers is one of the limiting factors interfering with the metabolite production, as the content of steviol glycoside will decrease after plant flowering dramatically. This mechanism happened because steviol glycoside synthesis and flowering process share the same precursor. However, this interfering factor could be inhibited by using a high-red LED induction ...

Samia Ikram1*, Riaz ur Rehman1, Farwa Batool2 and Atyab Amjad3

Evaluation of Bird of Paradise for Commercial Flower Production by using Organic Manures
...t-align: justify;">Crane flower commonly known as Bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae) belongs to family Strelitziaceae. Bird of paradise is a beautiful multi color cut flower with a distinct flower shape of a bird and is an important commercial crop of tropical area. The present research work was designed to investigate the effect of different organic manures on the growth of Bird of par...
Anjali Khadka1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Subarna Sharma Acharya3, Amrit Poudel4 and Sushma Adhikari1
Morphological Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill Genotypes in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal
...tability for days to 50% flowering with low genetic advance and genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation for both of the above traits were observed. Test weight had a significant positive correlation with grain yield. Number of nodes, basal pod height, internodal length, plant height, number of branches, number of grains, pod length at maturity, leaf area was positively correlated with grain yield while days to 50% flower

Amjed Ali1, Rafi Qamar1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Salman Saleem2, Sami Ullah3, Muhammad Arshad Javed4 and Syed Wasim Hasan5

Development and Growth: Influence of Sowing Dates on Performance of Cotton Cultivars
...n from planting to first flower and boll opening, fruiting branch and branch height (65.02), (112.56), (10.02) and (26.43 cm) in FDH-170, respectively while boll maturation (48.05) was noted in Bt. MNH886. Sowing date 5th May plot recorded more leaf area index and net assimilation rate in FDH-170 (4.45 and 3.87 g m-2 day-1) while leaf area duration and crop growth rate in Bt. FH-142 (282.32 and 6.67 g m-2 day-1), respectively. Significantly, higher TDM product...

Sajid Ali1, Abdul Basit1,3*, Abdul Mateen Khattak1, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Izhar Ullah2, Noor Alam Khan3, Imran Ahmad1, Kamran Rauf1, Salman Khan1, Irfan Ullah1 and Intizar Ahmad1

Managing the Growth and Flower Production of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) through Benzyle Amino Purine (BAP) Application and Pinching
...and production of zinnia flowers through application of BAP (25, 50, 75 and 100 mg L-1) and pinching (2, 4 and 6 leaf stages), was carried out at The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan. Research analysis showed that zinnia plants treated with 100mg.L-1 and pinched at 6 leaves stage recorded maximum days to flowering, flower persistency, branches, leaves and ...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Naimatullah Leghari2, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio3, Ahmed Naqi Shah1, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro4, Nadia Mangrio1 and Shazia Parveen Tunio5

Evaluation of Irrigation Frequencies and Seed Priming with Plant Nutrients on Growth and Yield of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Genotypes
... and two genotypes of sunflower (HO-1) and (Hysun-33). The analysis of data indicated that irrigation frequencies, seed priming and their interaction affected significantly (P≤ 0.05) on growth and yields of traits of sunflower genotypes. In case of irrigation frequencies, enhanced seed yield (2256 kg ha-1) was recorded in five irrigations followed by four irrigations having non-significant differences with each other. Gen...

Muhammad Tariq Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akhtar2, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Saleem2, Ali Aziz2, Irfan Rasool2, Zeshan Ali3 and Muhammad Amin2

An Update on Biology, Extent of Damage and Effective Management Strategies of Chickpea Pod Borer (Helicoverpa armigera)
...eed on leaves, twigs and flowers. In later stages larger larvae (4th to 6th instar caterpillars) shift to developing pods by making holes/bores and consume entire developing seeds. Pod borers can cause yield losses up to 90 percent depending upon the insect density and susceptibility of cultivars. Sustainable management of chickpea pod borer involves use of resistant cultivars, manipulation of sowing dates, maintaining low crop density, management of nutrition...

Muhammad Rizwan1*, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Muhammad Farooq1,2, Aqeel Sarwar4, Abid Ali3, Farrukh Ilahi1, Muhammad Asif1 and Ghulam Sarwar1

Quantitative Studies in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) using Multivariate Techniques
...(cms), days taken in 50% flowering, monopodia plant-1, sympodia plant-1, boll weight (g), No. of bolls plant-1, ginning out turn (%), lint index(g), seed index(g), 2.5 percent span length(mm), bundle strength(g/tex), micronaire (µg/in), fibre elongation (%), uniformity ratio and yield plant-1(g). Using Mahalanobis D2 analysis, these parameters were assembled into seven clusters. Among these clusters, cluster I and VII were largest each having nine and ei...
Alam Zeb* and Amanullah Jan significantly delayed flower and pod formation (7 and 9days) respectively as compared with control plots. Higher: leaves plant-1 (242), leaves area plant-1(492.79cm2), branches plant-1 (9), plant height (212.56cm), and seed yield (1581kg ha-1). Sulphur applied at 40 kg S ha-1 had significantly produced more: leaves area plant-1(446.14cm2), plant height (192.25cm), and se...

Saba Aleem1*, Mehvish Tahir2, Iram Sharif3, Muqadas Aleem4, Muhammad Najeebullah2, Ali Nawaz1, Amina Batool1, Muhammad Imran Khan1 and Waheed Arshad1

Principal Component and Cluster Analyses as Tools in the Assessment of Genetic Diversity for Late Season Cauliflower Genotypes
...genetic base of the cauliflower germplasm.


Hafiz Hammad Ahmad1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1*, Noor-us-Sabah1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Sher Muhammad2, Muhammad Aftab3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Aneela Riaz4

Growth and Yield Response of Sunflower to Organic Amendments in Aridisol
...plore the response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to sparingly soluble P sources grown under P deficient environment at research area, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha during 2018. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with eight treatments replicated thrice. The treatments consisted of T1 = NK + P0 (Control); T2 = NPK (Recommended dose); T3 = NK + Rock phosphate at 7 g pot-1; T4 = NPK + Rock phosphate at 7 g po...
Ghulam Sarwar1, Amna Nazir1*, Muhammad Rizwan1, Eram Shahzadi2 and Abid Mahmood3 days to first square, flower and boll opening were positively associated with seed cotton yield. Staple length and CLCuV % were negatively associated with fiber fineness and yield respectively. In principal component analysis, four out of 14 principal components were selected with Eigen value ˃1. The four prin...
Imran Haider1, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza1*, Rashid Iqbal1, Salman Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Usman Aslam1, Muhammad Israr3, Umair Riaz4, Maliha Sarfraz5, Nasir Abbas6, Salman Haidar Abbasi7, Zafar Abbas8 and Muhammad Aamer9
...z, Control, a drought at flowering and grain filling stages, Amino acid @ 1.5 ml L-1 + drought at flowering and grain filling, Amino acid @ 3 ml L-1 + drought at flowering and grain filling, Yeast @ 3g L-1 + drought at flowering and grain filling and Yeast @ 6g L-1 + drought at flower
Hafiz Hammad1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Aneela Riaz3, Abid Niaz4 and Muhammad Arif4
...isition efficiency of sunflower from sparingly soluble P source i.e. Rock Phosphate (RP), a pot research was conducted by growing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in P deficient environment at research area, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha in year 2018. The experiment was laid out in a complete randomized design (CRD) with eight treatments which were replicated four times. The treatments plan includes T...
Sadaqat Khan1,Saleem Ullah1* and Muhammad Sajid2
...ght in centimeter, buds, flower, leaves and leaflets in numbers per plants with a range of 131.33 to 176.67 cm, 60 to 105, 41.5 to 60.0, 50.66 to 77.167 and 7.607 to 15.33, 30.33 to 82.0, respectively were significantly affected (P<0.05) by the interaction of selenium application in irrigation and foliar spray in relation to season. The effect was also significant (P<0.05) on some minerals like Cu, Mn, Zinc, Mg and Se that ranged from 0.2080 to 0.3150, 0...
Md. Sabbir Ahamed1, Md. Rayhan Chowdhury1, Md. Atik Mas-ud1, Sujat Ahmed2, Md. Shahadat Hossain1 and Mohammad Nurul Matin1
...ose traits. PH (92.17%), flowering (90.16%), 100-GW (83.1%), maturity time (82.4%), PaL (79.2%) and spikelet no. (60.2%) was highly heritable variation. The highest value of genotypic covariance (GCV) and phenotypic covariance (PCV) were found in FGPa (2312.334 and 2377.728) followed by UFGPa (18.472 and 74.639) and PH (437.76 and 438.34) suggesting that selection of this corresponding trait would be more effective. Identified low value of GCV than the PCV, su...
Haseeb Khattak1, Imran Ahmad1, Abdul Basit1*, Izhar Ullah1,2, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Humaira Wasila3, Inayat Ullah4, Intizar Ahmad1 and Noman Ahmad1
...ficantly. Highest female flowers, number of leaves and fruits plant-1, leaf area, fruit length, fruit diameter and total yield were observed under vertical gardening pattern. Data recorded for genotypes observed an increase in total yield and fruits plant-1 of Damaz while and increased number of leaves plant-1, leaf area, fruit diameter and length were observed by SCM-01. The interactive response of genotypes and gardening patt...
Shehzadi Saima1, Maqsoda Perveen2, Muhammad Nawaz1, Khalid M. Ahmad1,* and Haider Sultan1
...ncreasing the growth and flowering of Gladiolus than side dressing.
Uzma Ayaz1,* and Muhammad Fareed Khan2

...bally among oil seed, sunflower is a major oil contributor with high productivity following cotton and rapeseed. Twenty-five local and imported hybrid seeds along with two check hybrids (Hysun-33 and NKS-278) collected from National Agriculture Research centre Islamabad were field tested at Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir during July and August 2019. The cultivation was carried out in three replications uniformly by applying randomized complete block design (...

Memoona Tehseen1, Sajila Hina2*, Alim-un-Nisa2 and Naseem Zahra2

...luated by addition in sunflower oil (SFO) as natural antioxidant. Three different concentrations of spinach extract, SFO-800, SFO-1600 and SFO-2400 ppm were supplemented to sunflower oil at 25oC and 60oC along with standard synthetic antioxidants butylated hydroxianisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). The stabilization of sunflower oil with spinach extract as natural antioxidant wa...

Muhammad Musa1*, Muhammad Riaz Gondal2, Aaqib Riaz3, Sikander Hayat2 and Iftikhar Haider1

...erences in the period of flowering as well as yield characters under different cutting managements. Seed production decreased and fodder tonnage increased with delay in last harvest for fodder. Similarly, seed quality in terms of % germination and seed size decreased with delay in last harvesting. The last performed on 20th April produced significantly higher green fodder yield but low seed yield and total income ha-1 whereas 10th March and 20th March produced...

Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1*, Muhammad Aslam Panhwar1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio1, Muhammad Saleem Sarki1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi1, and Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2

...strawberry plants before flower initiation. A continual increase in number of leaves, number and weight of berries, fresh weight of strawberry plants, and Zn concentration in strawberry fruit was observed as a function of foliar application of zinc. Plants sprayed with 66 and 99 mg Zn L-1 had significantly more number of leaves (27.4 ± 1.14 and 29.9 ± 1.36) and berries plant-1 (12.0 ± 1.02 and 13.0 ± 0.61), heavier berries plant-1 (...

Imran Ullah Khan*, Noor Ul Amin, Sayyed Hamad Ahmad Shah, Maqsood Khan, Shehzad Ahmad and Syed Aizaz Ali Shah

...was collected on days to flowering, plant height (cm), number of leaves plant-1, leaf area (cm2), number of branches plant-1, number of flower plant-1, diameter of flower (cm), fresh flower weigh (g), flower stalk length (cm) and flower vase life. The above mentioned parameters are h...

Hafiz Basheer Ahmad1*, Sajida Habib2, Waqas Shafqat Chattha3, Rizwana Qamar2, Shazia Saeed2, Abdul Khaliq1 and Salsabeel Rauf2

...or the development of sunflower hybrid varieties. Seventy-seven of each, maintainer and restorer lines were sown in field and data were analyzed by using multivariate analysis. The results revealed that the mean values of all traits except for days to 50% flowering of maintainer lines were higher than restorer lines. The principal component analysis for B-lines showed that first eigen value equals 2.77 and represented 39.57 ...

Syed Ismat Hussain1, Muhammad Ramzan Asi1, Habbib Anwar1, Faqeer Ahmad1, Ateeq ur Rehman2*, Muhammad Shahid3, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi2*, Ummad ud Din Umar2, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4, Memuna Ijaz1 and Hafiz Usman Shakir1

...emselves with in rosette flowers and bolls and can reduce cotton yield up to 30%. It is considered to be a critically important pest of cotton all over the world. Field trials were conducted in different districts; Vehari, Rajanpur, and Mianwali, of Punjab-Pakistan during 2017 to evaluate efficacy of synthetic sex pheromone [ZZ/ZE-7, 11-Hexadecadiene-1-yl-Acetate] impregnated ropes by using PB rope L dispensers at @ 100/acre, at first pin square stage to cause...

Arjun Bastola1*, Sachet Subedi2 and Malatee Bastola3

...but JKMH 502 was late in flowering. Rampur composite had higher ear height hence susceptible to stalk lodging than rest of the genotypes. Stalk lodging seen less in CP-808. Rajkumar had longer cob length and larger cob diameter while maximum number of rows per cob were noted in CP-858 genotype. Higher number of grains per rows was recorded in Rampur hybrid-10 genotype. Rampur hybrid-10 genotype had more shelling percentage but sterility percentage was lower. H...

Saba Aleem1*, Iram Sharif2, Mehvish Tahir3, Muhammad Najeebullah3, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Amina Batool1 and Waheed Arshad1 

... yield in different cauliflower varieties under heat stress. Heat stress was imposed by early sowing of genotypes (in July as compared to September sowing). Under the early sown condition, the high temperature was experienced by the plants during the curd development stage. Heat tolerance ability of the genotypes was assessed by their ability to curd induction and development at high temperature and also based on different physiological traits. Heat susceptibl...
Suman Bhattarai1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Jaya Prakash Dutta3, Meghnath Timalsena4 and Rajendra Bam5
....000) and maintenance of flowering plants (p=0.057) have significant effect on honeybee productivity. Labour cost and migration cost had positive coefficient and significant relation at 1% level of significance with gross return whereas expenses on baiting materials had positive coefficient and significant relation at 5% level of significance with the gross return. Thirty-six percentage of total visit for foraging of honeybees was contributed by East Chitwan. ...

Muhammad Rafique1, Inam Ul Haq1*, Humara Umar2, Muhammad Jan2 and Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2

...g end March before olive flowering. In recent past, mass scale olive plantation over an area of 10,000 acres was done in these parts of the country. So, in order to ensure the sustainability of olive orchard development in Pakistan, a research trial was conducted to improve the rooting ability of olive cuttings to strengthen the local olive nursery setup. A practical problem is that the commercial production of potentially important olive cultivars is limited ...

Muhammad Ahsan1*, Aneela Ramzan1, Muhammad Nafees1, Adnan Younis2, Muhammad Amin1, Gulzar Akhtar3, Khansa Saleem1 and Azka Sabeeh1

...ned in T4 (acetic acid), flower head diameter (mm) and flower color was ideal under T3 (salicylic acid). Maximum dry weight (g), highest flower freshness on 1st and 3rd day, minimum petal discoloration which leads to productive market acceptability and highest vase life was recorded in T2 (sugar). It is worth to note that lowest market acceptability of flower

Habiba ur Rehman, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar and Waqas Raza

...t the charcoal rot of sunflower caused by Macrophomin phaseolina under greenhouse conditions. The treatments viz. Success, Nativo and Control with the concentrations of 2, 4 and 6mM were used with three replications under completely randomized design in greenhouse conditions. Nativo had given the most significant results in all studied traits as compared to all other treatments at the concentration of 6mM. The results showed that Nativo exhibited the maximum g...

Fazal Subhan1,2, Abdul Malik1, Zia Ul Haq1 and Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,3*

...ficit irrigation on cauliflower yield and water use efficiency (WUE). Three furrow irrigation techniques; alternate furrow irrigation (AFI), fixed furrow irrigation (FFI), and conventional furrow irrigation (CFI) techniques with three levels of irrigation; full irrigation, 80% of full irrigation (DI20), and 60% of full irrigation (DI40) were carried out in randomized complete block design (CRBD) with three replications. Crop water requirement was calculated us...

Arshad Khan1, Mohammad Ihsan1, Mohammad Nisar1, Ali Hazrat1*, Murad Ali3, Rashid Ul-Haq3, Khalid Khan2, Karishma Gul1 and Shah Faisal1 36cm to 50cm, days to flowering range from 130 to 133 days), while 100 seed weight ranged from 36 to 86 g and plant biomass range from 50 to 199.5 g per plant. SDS-PAGE analyses of total seed storage protein resulted in a total of 18 polymorphic bands. Total genetic diversity on the basis of total seed storage protein analysis was 17.5%. In Band, the 14 total genetic diversity was (0.60%) followed by Band 16 (0.58%) and Band 17 (0.55%). Similarly, Band 3 sh...

Gulnaz Parveen1*, Naila Mukhtar2, Shumaila Irum3 and Nain Bukhari4

...umber, round gourd, cauliflower, and chilli. These losses result in about a 30% reduction in the yield of these vegetables. By reducing the post-harvest losses, it could be possible to overcome the need of food as the world population is in dare need of research relating to crop sustainability.


Huma Qamar1, Mariam Hassan1, Muhammad Zubair1*, Adnan Arshad2, Muhammad Qusain Saeed3, Muhammad Umar3, Sundas Shahzad1, Tariq Mahmood1 and Muhammad Aftab1

...nches, days required for flowering and days required for maturity was positive at genotypic as well as phenotypic levels. Correlation between numbers of branches and days required for flowering was positive, while negative association of branches’ number was observed with days required for maturity and the obtained yield of a plant. Positive association was expressed between days required for f...

Sami Ul Haq1, Abid Hussain1*, Umair Riaz2, Muhammad Baqir Hussain1, Adnan Fareed1, Nabeel Ahmad Ikram3 and Fahim Nawaz3

...text-align: justify;">Sunflower needs higher sulfur as compared to other oilseed crops. In addition to sulfur, Compost can enhance the availability of nutrients, resulting in increased crop yield. Adequate sulfur (S) supply plays an important role for improving seed and oil yield of sunflower. Oilseed crops require sulfur for oil contents and protein synthesis. A field trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of S applica...

Fahrauk Faramayuda1,2*, Totik Sri Mariani3, Elfahmi1,4 and Sukrasno1

...ext-align: justify;">The flowers of Orthosiphon aristatus are purple, white-purple, and white. The main chemical compounds of O. aristatus are rosmarinic acid, eupatorin and sinensetin. The O. aristatus plant’s potential as traditional medicine is established, so it is necessary to produce its active compounds abundantly and to propagate purple and white-purple varieties of O. aristatus. A strategy that can be adopted  to achieve plant tissue cultur...

Mokbel, Samah A.1,Ahmed K. El Attar1; Azza G.Farag2.

...all leaves, and deformed flowers. Dienes‟ stain was used for detection of
witches‟ broom infection midribs of the symptomatichibiscus plant. The phloem of
infected tissues showed scattered area stained bright blue. Molecular detection utilizing
nested and direct PCR as well as DNA sequencing was used for the diagnosis of the
witches‟ Broom infection. Total DNA was isolated from leaf tissues of infected hibi...

Hanaa H. A. Gomaa1; Entsar A. A. Nassar2; K. A. El-Dougdoug3

...of purple and white head flower varieties and one parent type of milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.) grow in the Egyptian desert. These are important plants used for treatment of various liver diseases. All the studied genetic parameters showed variations among milk thistle and parent varieties (plant height, main branch, total branches, head flower, fruit yield per plant). Concentration and yield amount of seven detected sil...

Sahar A. Youssef1; Manal A. El-Shazly1,2; Azza G.Farag1,3; Eman A. Khattab1,2

...n number and diameter of flowers , color breaking and necrotic spots on flower petals .The virus was biologically purified from single local lesion formed on Chenopodium quinoa. The isolated virus was identified on the basis of symptomatology, transmissibility, serological tests and molecular technique. The virus was identified serologically by direct ELISA, dot and tissue blotting immune-binding assay using authentic and in...
Eman A. Ahmed1, Osama Y. shalaby2, Emad F. Dwidar2, Samah A. Mokbel1 and Ahmed K. El-Attar1
...characteristics of stem, flower petiole and leaves of infected tomato with phytoplasma with healthy ones in order to reveal anatomical modifications caused by the infection process. The results obtained showed that infection of tomato plants with phytoplasma led to an increase in stem diameter by 10.23% as well as greatly increase in measurements of the other stem components while the diameter of pith was decreased by 38.46%. This infection was led to an incre...

Shimaa M. Gad1, Ahmed A. Kheder1, Mohamed A. Awad 2

surveys in flower nurseries and open filed in Giza governorate, it was transmitted from naturally
infected Gazania to healthy periwinkle and other ornamental plants by dodder (Cuscuta reflexa ), and
the leaf hopper (Empoasca decipiens). Free hand sections stained with Diene's stain was used to detect
and differentiate the phloem tissues of leaf sections from infected gazania and periwinkle plants.

Ayesha Manzoor1, Muhammad Saqib Naveed1, Sayed Rashad Ali1, Danish Ibrar2, Sairah Syed1, Sharmin Ashraf1 and Rafiq Ahmed1*

...nts significantly delays flowering. In terms of seed yield and quality, longer (T5=15cm) and wider stecklings (T6=4.9cm and T7=6.3cm) increased number of seeds/pod, seed size (mm), seed vigor index and total seed yield/plant(g). However, extra wide stecklings (8cm) significantly reduced all morphological and reproductive growth parameters. Therefore, treatments T6 and T7 proved to be better for production of higher seed yield with improved quality.


Haroon Ur Rashid1*, Nazia Tahir2, Muhammad Zamin3, Naveed Shehzad4, Aman Ullah2, Bibi Zainub5 and Farooq Azam6

...(L.) Conard Moench.}, Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.)] residues as surface mulches and their water extracts integrated @ 15L each +atrazine @ 0.125 kg a.i ha-1(1/4th of the recommended dose) was assigned to sub plots (Factor B). Data were recorded and analyzed for dry biomass (g) of total weeds 60 DAS, leaf area (cm2), leaf area Index (%) and Stover yield (Kg.ha-1). Integration of tillage regimes and various allelo...

Javed Anwar Shah1, Azhar Iqbal1, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood2, Muhammad Aslam3, Muneer Abbas4 and Ilyas Ahmad5*

...uspension during initial flowering and pod filling stages. Observations on disease incidence were recorded by employing 1-9 Disease Rating Scale. Result showed that no line was resistant whereas, only eight chickpea desi lines were found moderately resistant, three lines were tolerant, seventeen were moderately susceptible and the rest thirty-two lines were found susceptible and highly susceptible. Identified moderately resistant lines (D-17001, D-17005, D-170...

Gulzar Ullah* and Gohar Ayub

...ent durations, number of flower clusters plant-1 (16.06), fruit set percentage (68.33%), number of flowers cluster-1 (8.34), chlorophyll content (50.31 SPAD), leaf relative water content (75.34%), Putrescine concentration (193.95 nmol/g), spermidine concentration (154.59 nmol/g), spermine concentration (36.51 nmol/g), yield (20.14 t ha-1), early flowering (26.99 days) and lowest electrolyt...

Muzamil Farooque Jamali1, Fayaz Ali Jamali1, Tanveer Fatima Miano1, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi2, Sohail Ahmed Otho3, Khalid Hussain Talpur4, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho1 and Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro5*

...esults for both seed and flowering related traits. The plants treated with canal water showed better seed germination (82.56 %), seed germination index (2.04), plant height (21.31 cm), branches/plant (45.61), leaves/plant (201.67), flowers/plant (8.56), diameter of flower (7.95 cm), fresh root biomass (0.821 g) and dry root biomass (2.28 mg). The plants treated with 2 dSm-1 showed seed ger...

Amir Muhammad Khan1, Laila Fayyaz2*, Raziuddin2, Sajid Ali1, Israr-ud-Din1, Sheraz Ahmad2, Haidar Ali1 and Ijaz Ahmad2

...traits including days to flowering, primary branches mainstem-1, plant height, main raceme length, pods mainraceme-1, pod length, 1000-seed weight and three seed quality traits; oil content, glucosinolate and erucic acid. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) found significant variation among Brassica napus L. lines for all the studied morphological and seed quality traits. Furthermore, analysis of correlation revealed that 1000 seed weight was significantly correl...
Xueli Jiang1,2, Jie Gao3, Muhammad Zahid Sharif1,2, Xuewen Zhang4 and Fanglin Liu1,*
...pis mellifera in the flowering period of the Mexican sunflower Tithonia diversifolia in southwestern China, and use data mining approach to model the relationships between nectar phenolics and bee losses. The results show that bee losses are closely related to the phenolics of isochlorogenic acid, p-coumaric acid, chlorogenic acid and galangin, identified from the sunflower

Asma Hanif* and Shahnaz Dawar

...ed treatment of okra, sunflower, mung bean and mash beans followed by drenching the soil with these concentrations of both homeopathic drugs separately, also resulted in increasing the weight and height of tested crops and reducing the nematode infection on roots plant.


Mahmoud M.A.Youssef and Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi

...nchulus reniformis on sunflower. Also, dry heat was used to control rice root nematode, Hirschmanniella oryzae on rice soil and root and wheat soil. Several investigators reported that number of galls and egg-masses of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on roots of several plants were reduced gradually by increasing gamma irradiation doses. When tomato plants infected by root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita were exposed to combined elevated atmosph...

Iffat Nawaz1*, Tahseen Zeb1, Bibi Saima Zeb2 and Javaria Sherani3

...hypocotyls pigmentation, flower color, pod color, growth habit, dry pod color, pod curvature, pod beak position, pod beak orientation, seed shape, seed coat pattern and seed color) was studied by using standard Chi square test for homogeneity of populations. Results showed that agro climatic conditions have no influence on the qualitative traits. Secondly, each landrace has its own specific and distinguishing trait like flower

Rasool Bux Kalhoro1, Ghulam Mustafa Laghari2*, Ghulam Hyder Jamro2 and Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio2 The maximum days to flowering 45.06 and days to maturity 117.28 were recorded at row spacing 60cm with a seed rate of 90 kg ha-1. The row spacing 45 cm with a seed rate of 75 and 90 kg ha-1 showed minimum days 41.67to 41.94 to leghaemoglobium in nodules. While 60cm row spacing with all seed rates had short time 61.61 to 61.72 days to disappearance leghaemoglobium in the nodule.Furthermore, days to nodule formation and the number of nodules plant-1 were no...

Samreen Khan*, Salma Javed, Tabassum Ara Khanum, Nasira Kazi

..., vegetables, ornamental flowers, medicinal plants and other commercially important trees from different four sites of district Lakki Marwat and subsequently assessed the presence of EPNs using last instar larva of greater wax moth Galleria mellonella L. as baited host. After completion of requisite process, resultantly the corresponding recovery rate of EPNs was found 10.9% which includes only genus Steinernema comprising two isolates of S. balochiense (24%),...

Imran Ali Chandio1, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Qamaruddin Jogi1, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2 and Siraj Ahmed Channa3

...) were applied to two sunflower genotypes (HO-1 and Hysun-39). Data analysis revealed nitrogen fertigation, genotypes and their interaction substantially (P≤0.05) affected growth and yield traits of sunflower. Greater seed yield (kg ha-1) and the oil content (%) were documented in N10 = 125 kg N ha­­­­­-1: three splits (⅓ broadcasting at sowing time + fertigation- ⅓ at 1st and ⅓ at 3rd irrigation...

Nisar Ahmad1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2,*, Azhar Rasul2, M. Mudassar Shahzad3, Arshad Javid4, Hamda Azmat5, M. Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan2, Sadia Tabassum2 and Bilal Ahmad2

...articles supplemented sunflower meal based diets. The experiment was consisted on seven test diets on the basis of supplementation of nano Se graded levels (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 mg/kg). Chromic oxide was added as an inert marker. Fingerlings were fed at the rate of 5% of their live wet weight. Maximum improvement in mineral absorption (Ca, Na, K, Cu, P and Al) was observed at test diet with 1.5 mg/kg supplementation of Se nanoparticles. Maximum Fe, Mn ...
Afsheen Noman Saddar1, Anila Naz Soomro2*, Sadaf Tabasum Qureshi1, Syeda Saleha Hassaney1 and Mukhtiar Ahmed Mahar2
...leaves of peppermint and flower of red cabbage through brine shrimp toxicity assay. Brine shrimp eggs hatching was optimized by applying three temperature levels (25°C, 27°C and 29°C), three salinities (10 ppt, 30 ppt and 35 ppt), two food demands (0.8 g and 1.6 g) and two levels of shrimp egg (1 g/l and 1.5 g/l). Five concentrations (1200, 2500, 5000, 10000 and 15000 µg/ml) of aqueous extracts of five fertility enhancing plants were tested f...

Mudssar Ali1*, Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed1

...ound visiting the carrot flowers that comprised of 65% and 35% of total abundance respectively. Among Syrphidae, Eristalinus aeneus was the most abundant followed by E. laetus while E. arvorum was the least. In Apidae, Apis dorsata was the most abundant followed by Lasioglossum sp (Halictidae) while Xylocopa sp. was the least abundant bee species. The foraging behavior in terms of visitation rate proved A. dorsata and Lasioglossum sp. as the most efficient pol...

Tehseen Ali Jilani1*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani2, Javeria Sherani3, Kashif Waseem2, Muhammad Sohail Khan2, Hasnain Saleem3, Abdul Manan2, Rashid Jawad2 and Sami Ullah4

...lesser number of days to flower initiation (55.48 days) followed by Rando and Coronado. Statistically maximum variability was shown by Climax and Green feast for plant height (81.33 and 80.77 cm), number of pods plant-1 (18.64 and 17.77), weight of pods plant-1 (51.74 and 50.89 g), pod length (11.09 and 11.31 cm), pod width (2.51 and 2.31 cm), number of grains pod-1 (8.02 and 7.64), and pod yield (5.61 and 5.50 t ha-1), respectively. Almost similar results wer...
Didiek Hadjar Goenadi1,2*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi3,4, Erkata Yandri3,4, Kiman Siregar5,6, Aris Winaya7, Damat Damat7, Wahyu Widodo7, Ahmad Wahyudi7, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4,8
Maizirwan Mel9, Ivar Zekker10, Muhammad Zul Mazwan7, Devi Dwi Siskawardani7
Endang Dwi Purbajanti11 and Ida Ekawati12 napus L.), and sunflower (Helianthus L). Relatively affordable in price, palm oil is in high demand in Asia. Further than a food source, Crude Palm Oil also serves as feedstock for biodiesel – an environmentally friendly renewable energy. In Indonesia, the palm oil industry plays an essential role in the national economy. However, negative issues in oil palm cultivation bring certain apprehension towards its industrial sector in implementin...

Shorouk Aladdin Helmy1, Hossam Mahrous Ebeid2*, Mohamed Ahmed Hanafy1, Adel Eid Mohamed Mahmoud1, Reham Roshdy Ali El-tanany1 

...n sources, (soybeans, sunflowers, or cottonseed meals) on a dry matter basis. All rations were incubated in a rumen culture medium collected from sheep in a 3 (sources of clay), 4 (levels of clay), and 3 (protein sources) factorial design. All rations were prepared to be iso-nitrogenous. The results illustrated that humic acid addition had made a significant difference on the amount of degradable dry matter (dDM, g/kg DM), total gas production, per (ml) and (g...

Samreen Khan*, Salma Javed and Nasira Kazi

...ed around roots of paper flower (Bougainvillea spectabilis L.), thoroughly described and illustrated from village Sarai Naurang located in southern district Lakki Marwat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The population was identified as new species and related with Group 2 of Aphelenchoides species, distinguished via length of female’s body 428-444 µm (0.42-0.44 mm), cephalic region rounded and offset. Lateral field found with three incisures. Cuticle...

Muhammad Furqan and Zulfiqar Ali

...sisted of seeds, leaves, flowers, fruits, rhizomes, and bulbs. Invertebrates including ants, insects, larvae, and grit were also recorded. According to respondents the highest sighting (62.4%) of kalij pheasant was recorded from the forest, followed by cultivated land (20.4%). Major threats to kalij pheasant include forest fire (41.6%), followed by hunting (27.2%), habitat destruction (18.8%), and natural predators (12.4%). The hunting (n=142) of kalij and hun...

Mudssar Ali1*, Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed1

...sitation rate (number of flowers visited per minute) along with their pollination effectiveness in terms of single visit seed set efficacy were assessed. Pollinator community was composed of seven solitary bees species (Nomia oxybeloides, Amegilla sp., Lasioglossum sp., Megachile sp., Xylocopa sp.), two honeybee species (Apis dorsata, A. florea) and two syrphid fly species (Eristalinus aeneus, Ischiodon scutellaris). In both the years, honey bees were more abu...

Noor Muhammad* and Shah Alam Khan

... three levels; seedling, flowering and pod stage. In all the three stages, only genotype ‘KS-75’ proved as antixenosis resistant against the aphid compared to susceptible genotype Abaseen. The second experiment was performed to test antibiosis resistance against L. erysimi among the selected genotypes. During the antibiosis experiment different life table parameters of aphids; developmental period, reproductive period, longevity and fecundity were ...

Nguyen Hai Quan, Nguyen Huu Van*, Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Vo Thi Minh Tam, Le Duc Thao, Le Duc Ngoan 

...niques of whole-plant sunflower Aguara 6. In Exp. 1, whole sunflower plant was harvested at the seeding period (SP) to measure biomass yield, chemical composition and energy values. Results showed that, fresh biomass yield was 62 tonnes/ha, in which, heads consisting of 46.8% with the highest, leave accounting for 35.5% and stems consisting of 17.7% as fresh matter with the lowest proportion. The dry matter (DM) content of t...
Allah Bakhsh1, Attiq Akhtar2, Fiaz Hussain3, Hafiz Wasif Javaad4, Inam ul Haq5* and Humara Umar

Muhammad Jan1*, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah1, Javed Iqbal2, Muhammad Aslam3, Rizwan Latif4, Muhammad Arif5, Muhammad Tahir Akbar6 and Hafiz Husnain Nawaz1

...earing results into poor flowering, low pollination, low fruit set and fruit drops. All these factors are the climatic factors dependent which can be controlled by proper irrigation scheduling, proper pruning and proper dose and source of fertilizer application at a proper growth stage. As a result, OFF season crop in once year and followed by ON year crop. Alternate bearing cannot be completely controlled but it can be minimized by adopting different approach...

Hafiz Kashif Ali1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Mujahid Ali2*, Zahoor Hussain3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem4, Malik Abdul Rehman5, Barkat Ali6, Muhammad Iftikhar7

...nhance economic value to flowers growers globally. A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of various bio-stimulants on yield and quality of stock. Three cultivars of stock, viz. ‘Cheerful White’, ‘Iron Rose’ and ‘Iron White’ foliarly sprayed by bio-stimulants (Isabion and Tecamin Max) with three different concentrations (1 ppm, 3 ppm, and 5 ppm) with the different number of sprays (1, 2, or 3 sprays). The first spray...

Ishtiaq Ahmad1,2* and Muhammad Akbar Anjum1

...the maximum time took to flower was observed in genotype 37032 (66.0 ± 2.50 days), while maximum time took to ripen fruit was observed in genotypes CKD 2204 (57.0 ± 2.00 days), the maximum relative leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD value) was measured in genotypes Zenia F1 (45.88 ± 0.92) and maximum number of stomata per unit area (mm2) was counted in 32344 (41.00 ± 0.16). The data based on morphological traits was analyzed in multivar...

Khalid Khan1*, Mahmood-ul-Hassan2, Ihsan Ullah1, Haris Khurshid1, F.Y Saleem Marwat1, Salman Saleem1, M. Jehanzeb1 and Zubair Ahmad1

...R-1, maximum days to 50% flowering (77) was recorded for hybrid combination ICSA88019XICSR93012,excellentcrop stand depicted by hybrid combinationICSA220XICSR55, maximum panicle length (25.23cm) was recorded for hybrids combinations ICSA254XICSR112, highest leaf area index (2.0) were observed for hybrid combination ICSA88019XICSR90, highest PH (230.0 cm) observed of hybrid combinations ICSA216XICSR-1, maximum total grain weight panicle-1 (32.48 g) was recorded...
Azra Kalhoro1, Abdul Aziz Mirani2, Fozia Khan Siyal1, Tahira Jatt2*, Abdul Razak Mahar1, Sadia Iram3 and Muhammad Abbas Bhutto4, radish, turnip, cauliflower, and carrot crops, irrigated with sewage water (SW) of peri-urban area of the Karachi. Four treatments were designed, the fresh water (FW) was used as the control (T0), whereas T1, T2 T3 and T4 contained 25, 50, 75 and 100% of SW respectively. The samples analyzed through atomic absorption spectrophotometer using flame atomic absorption techniques revealed that among the five treatments, accumulation of the six metals was found ...

Samina Kausar1, Rana Badar Aziz2, Muhammad Waseem3, Muhammad Ahmad3, Hamza Shafiq4, Muhammad Asim5, Usama Zia6, Sobia Afzal7, Wanpeng Xi8*, Mansoor Hameed1* and Muhammad Usman Shoukat9

...y vegetables, fruits and flowers. They are categorized into two types: (1) xanthophylls and (2) carotenes. For instance, lycopene is found in tomatoes and watermelon, beta carotene in sweet carrots and potatoes, lutein in marigold flowers, and capsanthin and capsorubin in crimson pepper. Zeaxanthin is protective against scalp diseases, UV and skin redness. Lycopene is a bioactive component regarding the remedy of persistent ...

Muhammad Mansoor1, 2, Sheheryar1 and Shahid Ali Khan1*

...antification of mungbean flowering flushes to final yield, identification of short duration variety, to recognize varieties suitable for water-deficient areas, and varieties suitable for cotton crop intercropping before reaching their maximum canopy level. The analysis was carried out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications of split plot arrangement; varieties (NM-2011, Inqelab Mung, Dera Mung, and NM-98) were allocated in the main p...

Muhammad Mansoor1, 2, Sheheryar1 and Shahid Ali Khan1*

...antification of mungbean flowering flushes to final yield, identification of short duration variety, to recognize varieties suitable for water-deficient areas, and varieties suitable for cotton crop intercropping before reaching their maximum canopy level. The analysis was carried out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications of split plot arrangement; varieties (NM-2011, Inqelab Mung, Dera Mung, and NM-98) were allocated in the main p...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi1*, Mariam Temitope Baker2 and Gabriel Ademola Olatunji2

...rison with control. Late flowering was recorded in the untreated control experiment, while plants treated with FAE flowered notably earlier. Application of FAE is recommended for the sustainable management of M. incognita in Jew’s mallow plants.


A. Khan†, S.S. Shaukat1, K.A. Khanzada and M.S. Khan2

...arigold (Tagetes erecta) flower powder used alone and in combination with Fertinemakil. Untreated pots were
kept as control. Carbofuran a chemical nematicide was used for comparison. Subsequently after 8 weeks nematode
populations were studied. The results showed that amendments significantly influenced the nematode population
though the nematode populations themselves did not differ significantl...
H. Ravindra†, M. Sehgal1, R. Murali, T.G. Manu, H.B. Narasimhamurthy and M. Latha

A.W. Amin† and A.W. Mona*

...(number of days to first flower, fruit characteristics (fruits weight,
length and diameter), total early fruits (first four gathering) and total fruit per plant were significantly improved in
plant leaves compared with infested cucumber. Consequently, the shoot macro and micro-elements were increased
compared with infested cucumber. The macro and micro-elements and chlorophyll contents were recorded but the

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

...ation (DFI), Days to 50% flowering (DF), number of tillers per plant (NTPP), plant height (PH), spike length (SPL), number of spikes per plant (NSPP), days to maturity (DM) and seed yield per plant (SYPP) were recorded. Estimates of heritability values were high in SYPP and DF ranged from 0.998 to 0.930, respectively, like all characters except DFI noted as 0.658 whereas genetic advance ranged between 16.3069 in the parameters i.e., NTPP and 1.4473 for the cha...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

...ation (DFI), Days to 50% flowering (DF), number of tillers per plant (NTPP), plant height (PH), spike length (SPL), number of spikes per plant (NSPP), days to maturity (DM) and seed yield per plant (SYPP) were recorded. Estimates of heritability values were high in SYPP and DF ranged from 0.998 to 0.930, respectively, like all characters except DFI noted as 0.658 whereas genetic advance ranged between 16.3069 in the parameters i.e., NTPP and 1.4473 for the cha...

Zubair Aslam1, Ali Ahmad1*, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Hira Kanwal1, Muhammad Asif1 and Ehsan Ullah1

...diameter, time taken for flowering, time taken to fruit set, fruit diameter, fruit length, fruit weight plant-1, plant-1 no. of fruits, plant-1 fruit yield, and yield ha-1) and physiological traits (membrane stability index, relative water content of leaves, total carotenoids, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll (a+b) contents, SPAD value of chlorophyll and photosynthetic rate). The obtained results indicated that treatment T5 had significantly (p&...

Tariq Mahmood1*, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2, Sami Ullah1, Bilal Ahmad3, Zarmina Aslam4, Naveed Ahmad Khan5, Muhammad Shahzaib Tariq6, Muhammad Ali Raza6, Rana Usama Iqbal7 and Samia Zain8

...pollination to many wild flowering plants. These pollinators are now under attack from a variety of sources. Pesticides, habitat degradation, genetic diversity loss, inclusion of genetically modified crops, and parasites are among the main threats to these pollinators. As a result of their decrease, there has been a significant loss of ecological activities, negatively influencing the global economy. This work covers the management of foraging activities, fact...

Sadaf Aman1, Fouzia Tabssum2, Ali Hussain3, Shamsa Jabeen1 and Javed Iqbal Qazi1*

...), fish were fed with sunflower meal along with L. rhamnosus. The control group was served with commercial feed. Initial mean weights of the experimental fish was recorded as 40.00 ± 1.00, 40.33 ± 0.76 and 40.01 ± 1.00 g for T1, T2 and control groups, respectively. The highest weight gain was found in T1 (747.96 ± 1.9 g) and control group (479.35 ± 1.8 g). Significant differences were found in the feed conversion ratio betwee...
...bera is an important cut flower that is famous for its attractive and wonderful colors. The gerbera is produced in all around the globe especially in South East Asian country of Japan and in Netherlands in Europe. The short vase life of gerbera is limiting factor in earning full profit from gerbera cut-flower sale. The standardization of suitable substrate for extending vase life of gerbera is not present. The gerbera was pl...

 Salwa N. Zeinl and Hanaa S. Zawam2

.... (Petioles, stigma, and flower cup).


Adel B. Salama and Reham M. Sabry*

...le purpose plant for its flowers or recently for its seeds, whereas information for calendula cultivation for both flowers or petals and seed production is very scarce. A field study was conducted on two seasons to evaluate the effect of petal harvesting on flower heads fresh and dry weights, monthly and cumulative number of flower heads/plant, seed yiel...

Mahpara Fida Ahmed1, Abdul Hanan2* and Sher Ahmed2

...align: justify;">Saffron flower production and stigma yield with respect to corms size and spacing were determined by conducting two experiments at Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) center based at Quetta, Pakistan, during 2015-2016. The experiments were carried out under rainfed Conditions using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). In the one experiment, three treatments (T1 to T3) of corm sizes viz: large (8-11 g), medium (5-7 g) and small (l...

Monis Hussain Shah1*, Riaz Ur Rehman2, Riaz Ali Shah1, Farwa Batool3, Rizwan Rafique4, Muhammad Usman5, Sajida Bibi6, Sadia Yasin7 and Samida Qamar8

...ulip is an important cut flower around the globe. The Tulip is not famous in Pakistan for sale and cultivation for commercial purposes as well. The evaluation of exotic varieties are very important for recommendation to local farmers for better yield. Four tulip varieties cv. Antarctica, Oxford, Ballerina and Apeldoorn were purchased for evaluation. The 100 bulbs of each variety were planted in the bed. The performance of the plants during 2017-18 were judged ...

Asifa Hameed1*, Haider Karar2, Abdul Ghaffar1, Abid Hameed Khan1, Muhammad Mubashir1 and Ghulam Mustafa1 before initiation of flowering, while the open trees of the same varieties were not covered with net. Overall, we found that insects are necessary for pollination and fruit setting. There was no fruit setting i.e. zero fruits per panicle in netted trees where the insects could not visit, the inflorescence during peak period. Maximum fruit setting occurred on trees where the trees were not covered with net. The most abundant insect was blue bottle flies. Th...

Malik F.H. Ferdosi1*, Arshad Javaid2, Iqra Haider Khan2 and Muhammad Kaleem Naseem

...tituents from methanolic flower extract of this plant were identified through GC-MS. A total of 13 compounds were found in the extract. These included heptacosan-9-ol (15.01%), 2-hexanamine (13.28%), n-hexadecanoic acid (10.38%), eicosane (10.37%), 4H-pyran-4-one, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl (9.69%), cyclohexane, 1,1’-(2-propyl-1,3-propanediyl)bis-(8.81%), hexadecane-1,2-diol (6.34%), pentadecanoic acid, 14-methyl-, methyl ester (5.76%), methyl li...

Arshad Javaid1*, Iqra Haider Khan1, Malik F. H. Ferdosi2, Aneela Anwar3 and Mujahid Manzoor4 

...ochemical profile of its flowers. In the present study, flower extract of this plant was analyzed by GC-MS in search of identification of medicinally important constituents. The dried and crushed material of flowers was extracted in analytical grade methanol for one week and after filtration, it was subjected to GC-MS analysis. Major compounds in the flower<...

Yao Xixi1, Zhou Rui2* and Ma Yinshan3

...ed during green-up time, flowering time and withering time of forage to determine nutrient composition of forage, fermentation parameters of rumen fluid, and CLA in milk fat. The correlation analysis was studied in order to find out the influence of forage and rumen fluid parameters on the content of CLA in milk of grazing yak. The results showed that the phenological phases significantly affected the content of lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stear...

Muhammad Noman Khan* and Ghulam Nabi

... timing regulate growth, flowering and yield in trees of sweet lime (Citrus limetta L.) was conducted during the year 2019. Experiment was laid out in RCBD split plot arrangement with 2 factors and 3 replications. Potassium sources (Potassium chloride (KCl), Potassium sulfate (K2SO4) and Potassium nitrate (KNO3) were applied on different dates i.e., 15th Feb, 25th Feb, 7th March and 17th March. Potassium sources and its time of application significantly affect...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Jamshaid Iqbal2, Tariq Mustafa3, Gul Rehman2, Muhammad Faisal Shahzad2, Muhammad Younas4,5*, Aftab Ahmad Khan6, Ameer Hamza2, Abdul Ghaffar1 and Muneer Abbas1

... in number of thrips per flower, and percentage damage of the mung bean pods. On an accumulative basis, B. bassiana at 7.5 % concentration resulted in the reduction of thrips population per flower (59.42 %) and it was observed more superior than other tested EPFs. Application of B. bassiana resulted highest number of flowers (185.40) with the maximum number of pods/plant (56) followed by M...

Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Youssef and Wafaa Mohamed Abd - El-Hameed El-Nagdi

... mashed fresh leaves and flowers at concentrations of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 % were bioassayed against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita second stage juveniles (J2s). The obtained results revealed that the tested extracts at 10% caused 100% nematode mortality at 72 h of exposure followed by the other concentrations with the percentages of net mortality ranging from 49 at the lowest concentration of mashed leaves to 100% at the highest concentration of mashe...

Getulio A. Barcenas Jr.1* and Luisa Marie I. Barcenas2 

...d enhanced the staminate flower production. Ethrel enhanced pistillate flower tendency and improves yield when applied at cotyledon stage. Paclobutrazol (PBZ) showed the shortest vine length (1.49 m) at the two-leaf stage and improved pistillate flower production. BAP application enhanced yield and fruit development. NAA attained the least number of pistillate flow...

Iftikhar Ahmad1, Tahir Saeed1, Umair Faheem2*, Qaisar Abbas2, Muhammad Saleem Akhtar Khan3, Mussurrat Hussain2, Tanveer Ahmad4, Gulzar Akhtar4, Asifa Hameed5, Muhammad Hasnain6 and Muhammad Jamil7

... Jasminum sambac against flower thrips for efficacy of insecticides. To conduct this experiment, six insecticides viz., imidacloprid 20Sl, Spinosad 240SC, Spintoram 120SC, Chlophenapyre, Imidacloprid+fipronil and abamectin were applied. Thrips population was observed on jasmine flower before application of insecticides and thrips mortality data was noted after 24, 72 and 168 hours of insecticides spray. The maximum mortality...

Sona Salem El-Nwehy1*, Assem Abbas Mohammed El-Naggar2 and Adel Badr El-Nasharty1

...t’s most important flowering bulbs. Gladiolus flower output may be harmed by unbalanced fertilizing over reliance on chemical fertilizers to increase crop productivity, on the other hand, has resulted in health hazards and microbial population issues in soil, as well as being rather expensive and raising the cost of production; these considerations, taken together, stimulate the use of bio-fertilizers. This study&rsquo...

Hafiz Nawaz1*, Kashaf Nawaz2, Attiq ur Rehman1, Muhammad Bashir3, Mussera Hira2 and Mariyam Nawaz4

...lop late and produce few flowers and pods. MYMD causes 85% of economic losses. Begomovirus is a Begomovirus. DNA-A and DNA-B make up its single-stranded genome. The virus’s virulence and symptoms need both components. The sequencing of both components showed considerable variation between old-world and new-world viruses. Cultural practices, insecticides, and virus-resistant mungbean cultivars may help suppress the disease. MYMD-resistant NIAB mungbean li...

Zain Ali1, Amjed Ali1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Muhammad Asif1, Adnan Ashraf1, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Iram Inayat2, Aneela Nijabat3 and Rameez Hussain3,4

...he combined effect of sunflower and maize crop for the quality production of silage for enhancing the growth and production in the animals. Six maize hybrids were used along with the sunflower, tree were twelve treatments, each maize with sunflower as intercrop and only maize hybrids as solo crop. Outcome of research revealed that both of sunflower heads...

Danish Kamal2, Muhammad Abbass Khan1, Ghulam Mujtaba-Shah1, Naveed Ahmed1, Maryam Iqbal¹, Basharat Hussain Shah1 and Imtiaz Ahmed1*

...n nodes, pedicel length, flower colour, and flower diameter. Tea samples were analyzed for anatomical parameters such as epidermis cells, mesophyll cells and epidermal anatomy of leaves. The stem length, stem girth, number of leaves plant-1, leaf width, leaf length, distance between node, pedicel length and flower in tea samples ranged between 9.66-71.80cm, 1.40-2.54cm, 7.66-15.66cm, 4.83-...

Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah2*, Azhar Hussain2, Zoma Saleem2, Syed Hamza Mehfooz2 and Javeria Sherani3

...h shown that Murree Gola flowering is 8-10 days earlier than that of Ceylon blue, while ripening is 6-12 days later in Murree Gola as compared with Ceylon blue. Flowering duration remained 15 days in Murree Gola and 13 days in Ceylon blue. Murree Gola produced heavier fruits (484g) compared to Ceylon Blue (370 g) while Murree Gola produced 150 kg fruit per tree and Ceylon blue produced 120 kg fruit per tree. Murree Gola gave...

Abdul Aleem Memon1*, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2, Javaid Ahmed Shah3

... the crops, including sunflower. However, recent studies have shown that the sunflower is becoming more responsive and exhibiting superior growth and yield with the addition of K. To determine the impact of K fertilizer sources on the growth and development of sunflower seedlings on artificially established calcareous soils, we carried out a pot study. The experiment included two K sources...
Nassarl , Entsar A.; El-Dougdoug , Kh. A.; Osmanl , M.E; Dawoud3, Rehab
A. and Kinawy l , Aliaa H.*
...ith mosaic, mottling and flower discoloration. The virus was purified biologically using serial transfer of the single local lesion technique on Nicotiana gultinosa. The induced antiserum for the isolated virus had a titer 1\1024. 600 bp DNA fragments from the coat protein gene (CP) of TMV—Ch—EG was amplified with Rt-PCR technique. Phylogenetic analysis of the TMV-Ch-EG/CP- gene showed 89% nucleotide sequence homology with other published strains o...

Zein Salwa N; Abd El-khalik, Samaa; Khatab  , Eman A.A.H and Azzam4,Clara R.

...obamovirus (TMV-S) on sunflower in Egypt. It was originally isolated from naturally infected sunflower plants growing in Giza Res. Station, showing systemic mosaic and spots. Purified TMV-S migrated as a single zone in density gradient column. Ultraviolet absorbance ofTMV-S was typical of nucleoprotein with minimum and maximum at 247 and 260 nm respectively. The ratios of A260/280 and Amax/min were 1.2 and 1.1 respectively. ...

Ahmed, Amal A. and Fath-Allah, Mervat M.

...deformation and abortive flowers grown at Kalubia and el-Fayoum Governorates, Egypt. The identities of the two viruses were confirmed serologically using DASELISA. Graft inoculation of diseased apricot scion onto healthy one showed the same symptoms as those seen in naturally infected trees in the stock shoots. Similar symptoms were caused by slashing inoculation with surgical knife onto the stem of young healthy apricot seedling with mixed inoculum of both vi...

Manal A. El-Shazly1, A. s. 2 Abdel Wahab and Salwa N. Zein3

...low spots on leaves, and flower stem for IYSV. Both TSWV and IYSV were mechanically and seed transmitted. TSWV was transmitted by two different thrips species, Thrips tabaci L (33.3%) and Frankliniella occidentallis Pergamde (60.9%) whereas the transmission of IYSV was obtained by Thrips tabaci L. only (45%).  Adults of T. tabaci and F. occidentallis Pergamde as vectors of TSWV and IYSV were discussed. Franklinella tritici L. and Gynaikothrips ficorum Mar...

S. A. Sidaros*, S. A. EL-Kewey*, Eman A. H. khattab**, M. M. ELsharkawy* 

...etected in stems and all flower parts (sepals, petals, pistils and anthers) in intact seeds and all seed parts (seed coats, cotyledons and embryos) of immature seeds obtained from infected faba been and cowpea plants. Both of the viruses were not detected in seed coat of ripened seeds and in roots of infected plants. BBSV was detected in stained seeds more than un-stained seeds obtained from infected faba bean plants. 


Syed Majid Rasheed1*, Tauseef Ali1, Saad Jan1, Faiz ur Rehman2, Muhammad Ali Shah3, Zahid Hussain1 and Abdul Waheed4 Among genotypes, G10 flowered earliest (41.5 days), G22 had longest internodes (3.59cm), G16 had heaviest fruits (9.65g), and G14 had longest and thickest marketable fruits (13.8 cm, 1.74cm). Combing ability analysis revealed that non-additive gene action was involved in controlling all traits. Non-additive gene action was important for all traits, and P2 and P3 were good general combiners. G8 and G14 were superior crosses due to high per se performance an...

Alveena Izhar1*, Basit Ullah2, Rabia Asghar1, Aqeel Ahmad1 and Hassam Bin Mujahid1 number of days to 50% flowering (32) were noted in the plants supplied with phosphorus at the rate of 100 kg ha-1, while the minimum were observed in the control plots. Steckling size also affected the growth and yield parameters of radish crop. Maximum plant height (68 cm), number of pods plant-1 (183), pod length (7.4 cm), pod diameter (3.54 mm), seed pod-1 (7), 1000 seed weight (21.9 g), seed yield plot-1 (23.2 g), seed yield (153.4 kg ha-1) and seed ger...

Shakir Ullah1*, Lubna Shakir2, Ghani Subhan3 and Mohammad Sohail4

...mes at vegetable growth, flowering, and pod full stages) on yield and yield components of two soybean varieties (1448 and Egyptian) under semi-arid regions. The results indicated that irrigation regime applications had a significant effect on most of the traits except the weight of the plant. The pod full stage is more affected by the drought than other stages on most of the parameters tested. Irrigation regimes at pod full stage reduced the number of pods pla...

Amina1, Muhammad Zahid Rashid1*, Muhammad Asim Rashid2 and Amina Rashid2

...was to assess the plant, flower and fruit characteristics of three exotic strawberry genotypes. In this respect, an experiment was conducted in the research area of the Horticultural Research Institute of Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan during the year of 2019-2021. Results revealed that Sogoya germplasm have maximum survival (85.71%), number of leaves (16.55), leaf area (62.41 cm2), No. of flowers...

Nadia Kèmi Assana Chabi1, Gildas Codjo Tchemadon1,2*, Olaïgbé Lydie Hounkpatin3, Paul Kouété Jimmy4 and Leonard Antoine Chaffara Afouda1

...l symptoms appear at the flowering stage of sweetpotato plants. They observe the presence of aphids or whiteflies in their fields at 53.3% (AEZ II); 65.0% (AEZ VI) and 75.6% (AEZ VIII). Moreover, 100% (AEZ II); 92.5% (AEZ VI) and 93.0% (AEZ VIII), of farmers do not apply any management strategy for sweetpotato viral diseases. However, 5.0% (AEZ VI) and 7.0% (AEZ VIII) of them use chemical insecticides and 2.5% (AEZ VI), ash to control these diseases. To limit ...

Syed Makhdoom Hussain*, Hafiza Hina Shafqat, Muhammad Faisal, Mahnoor Saleem, Zeeshan Yousaf and Muhammad Amjad

...f palm oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, canola oil and mixture of all mentioned vegetable oils respectively. Triplicate tanks were used and every tank had 15 fingerlings. Results demonstrated that significant (p<0.05) improvement in growth performance i.e. weight gain % (WG %) (210.48), minimum feed conversion ratio (FCR) (1.11) and maximum specific growth rate (SGR) (1.61) of fingerlings were noted when fed with test diet-VI-based on plant mixture oil. When c...

Shakil Ahmed1, Mahin Das2, Md. Rayhan Sojib3*, Shishir Kanti Talukder4, Sadia Sultana5, Prantika Datta1, Shofiqul Islam1 and Gazi Md. Mohsin2

...ercentage, days to first flowering, fruit weight, fruits per plant, fruit length, seeds per plant, and yield. The study compared local hybrids (Saba, Lalbeni, Tokii, and 1070) and exotic hybrid (White Beauty, imported from Thailand) using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The results revealed that exotic hybrid varieties had a positive significant difference (p<0.001) in the number of seeds per fruit compared to other local hybrids. Local hybrids s...

Ndubuisi Chinedu Adikuru1*, Paul Inyang2, Abraham Agwu Ngwuta1, Chinyere Prisca Anyanwu1 and Rosemond Adaohuru Alagba1

...ze developmental stages (flowering and maturity) between the years (2010 and 2011). This was attributed to inter-annual variability in climatic factors within the study area. Maize grown in 2011 flowered (anthesis) 3 days earlier and matured 5 days later than maize grown in 2010.Therefore, grain filling duration was 6 days greater in 2011 and led to 33.1 % higher yield when compared to 2010. Based on superior grain yield and...
Luis Fernando Díaz-Toral1, Carlos Eddy Alvarado-Zamora1, Ernesto Gonzalo Cañarte-Bermúdez2*, José Bernardo Navarrete-Cedeño2, Gilmar Jesús Cañarte-Cañarte1 and Fernando David Sánchez-Mora1* 
...s/plant, total number of flower buds/plant, total number of cotton bolls/plant, weight (g) of ten unopened cotton bolls (g) and yield of raw cotton (kg ha-1), were recorded. The data obtained were subjected to ANOVA, and comparison of means was done by Tukey’s test (P<0.05). The results indicated that the application of mepiquat chloride at 50 days after sowing (DAS) performed better in most of the agronomic and productive variables evaluat...
Julio Adolfo Corzo-Bacallao1*, Carlos Alfredo Salas-Macías1, Osvaldo Fonseca-Rodríguez2,3, Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos1, Erika Isabel Alcívar-Muñoz1 and Henry Fabricio Baque-Loor1 
... linear. In our results, flowering and fruiting were not affected by the level of shade, nor were their precursors, such as nodes per productive branch and productive nodes per productive branch. On the other hand, coffee plants at full sun exposure in S1, without shade, decreased chlorophyll measured in SPAD units, as a possible compensation for the increase in photosynthetically active uptake in that condition.

Wajid Ali1, Muhammad Noman Khan1*, Ghulam Nabi1, Shahid Ur Rahman1, Saira Sattar2, Muhammad Fawad Khan1, Saeed Ur Rahman1, Sayed Zubair1, Qurat Ul Ain1, Muhammad Sabeeh1 and Afsar Ali3

... plant height (226.1cm), flowers plant-1 (34.5), number of fruit pickings (28.3), pod length (9.5 cm), pod diameter (14.6 mm), individual pod weight (11.3 g), pods plant-1 (34.5), yield ha-1 (14.6 tons) were noted with dry Moringa powder extract solution. Among different levels of Moringa leaf extract solution, the maximum flowers plant-1 (36.3), pods plant-1 (36.3), pod length (11.0 cm), pod diameter (15.8 mm), individual p...
Danish Riaz1,2, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2*, Majid Hussain3, Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan4 and Eman Naeem2
... fed a diet including sunflower meal (SFM) with probiotics (Protexin®) on growth performance, nutritional digestibility, and hematological indicators. Six test diets and one control diet (0 g/kg) were formulated before the beginning of the experiment, with varying amounts of probiotics (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 g/kg) added to the basal diet. Fish growth performance, nutritional bioavailability, and hematological indices all improved significantly (p<...

Arshad Javaid1* and Iqra Haider Khan

...ous leaf, stem, root and flower
extracts (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0%) of the weed was checked on germination
and growth of the target weed. Leaf and stem extracts showed the best herbicidal activity
and a 2.5% extract of the each plant part completely inhibited germination of parthenium
seeds. The lowest extract concentration (0.5%) of leaf and stem reduced germination by 56
and 46%, s...

Farrukh Hussain1, Sajid Aziz1, Gul Hassan2, Khalid Aziz1 and Sapna Raisham1

... fertilization of female flowers; and thereafter it is weeded out. There is need for extensively surveys and ecological analysis from more localities in the valley to get further information about the weed flora, their distribution, population size and possible losses due to these weeds. It is an established cash crop in the entire valley that can be respected for improving the socio-economic uplift of the area.

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan 1, Sadia Afzal2, Muhammad Azim
Khan3, Tasawer Abbas4, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid1, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1,
Naila Farooq5 Amir Aziz5
...thamus tinctorius L. (safflower) on summer weed Oryza punctata
L. (red rice) seed emergence and initial seedling growth, a study was planned. In this study,
seeds of Oryza punctata were incubated in seven concentrations (0, 0.25, 0.50, 1, 2, 4, and
8%) of different parts i.e. leaves, stem and fruit of C. tinctorius. All the tested
concentrations of various plant parts of C. tinctorius significantly inhibited the ...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1, Sadia Afzal2, Hasnain Abbas3, Muhammad Khuram Dar3, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Ishtiaq Hassan4, Muhammad Asif1, Muhammad Adnan1, Amir Aziz5

... parts (leaves, stem and flower) was used at various concentrations (0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4% and 8%) along with distilled water as control. The aqueous extracts of leaves, stem and flower of P. somniferum significantly inhibited the emergence, seedling growth as well as root length (cm), shoot length (cm), fresh weight (g) and dry weight (g) of O. punctata. Maximum mean emergence time (9.18 days) and minimum shoot length (1....

Khalid Ali1, Asif Tanveer1, Naila Farooq2, Tasawer Abbas3*, Ghulam Sarwar2, Muhammad Ather Nadeem4, Ishtiaq Hassan3, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid4, Anees-ul-Hussnain Shah5, Bilal Ahmad Khan4 , Ali Raza6

...osia capitata (Clustered-flower Snoutbean) has become problematic weed in summer crops, such as cotton, soybean, pearl millet and mungbean worldwide. Current study was conducted to evaluate the impact of four types of salts stresses (NaCl, Na2SO4, CaCl2 and NaHCO3) at six different levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mM) on R. capitata seeds of different sizes including small, medium and large. Results revealed that R. capitata can germinate over a wide range...
Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Mansoor
Javaid1 (stem, root, leaves, flower and entire plant) at their 5% (w/v)
concentration were applied to germinating rice seeds. In second experiment, soildecomposed
red sprangletop plant residues of variable concentrations (2, 4 and 6% w/w)
were used as germination media for rice. Among plant parts, red sprangletop leaves showed
maximum allelopathic effect by fully inhibiting the germination of rice while its stem coul...

Khushdil Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Zafar1, Khafsa Malik2, Shazia Sultana1, Shabir Ahmad1, Fawad Khan3, Asif kamal1, Kalim Ullah3

...rin jelly and anthers of flowers. Pollen grain recorded ranged from monocolpate to hexacolporate and from psilate to echinate which were important systematic significance. Pollen size, shape, ratio of polar to equatorial diameter exine thickness, number of colpi, number of pores, equatorial diameter, polar diameter, colpus width, colpus length, spines number, length and width of spines were examined with the help of light microscopy and all these values were a...

*Malik F. H. Ferdosi1, Iqra Haider Khan2, Arshad Javaid2 and Muhammad F. A. Fardosi3

...oconstituents present in flower of this weed. To achieve this goal, the dried flowers of this weed were soaked in methanol for one week and filtered. This methanolic extract was subjected to GC-MS analysis and 7 compounds were identified. These included olean-12-en-3-ol, acetate, (3β)- (63.87%), lanosta-8,24-dien-3-ol, acetate, (3β)- (12.12%), β-amyrin (6.19%), γ-sitosterol (6.09%), α-amyrin (5.24%...

*Malik F. H. Ferdosi1, Arshad Javaid2, Iqra Haider Khan2, Muhammad F. A. Fardosi3 and Ayesha Munir4,5

...s bioactive compounds in flowers of Ageratum conyzoides, the dried powdered flowers were extracted in methanol and the extract was examined by GC-MS. In total, eight constituents were identified in the extract. The predominant compound in the methanol flower extract was precocene II (59.50%). Three moderately abundant compounds including ethanone, 1-(7-hydroxy-5-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-b...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Saima Anwar2, Rizwan Maqbool3, Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz4, Iram Batool3, Athar Mahmood3, Abdul Rehman1, Aafaq Ali5, Aneela Nijabat5

...arts i.e. leaf, stem and flower of S. oleraceus. All the tested concentrations of various plant parts significantly inhibited the mean emergence time, emergence index, emergence percentage (%), time taken to 50% emergence as well as growth of O. punctata. However, maximum mean emergence time (5.26 days), minimum germination index (1.69), germination percentage (40%), root length (2.04 cm), shoot length (5.71 cm), fresh weight (59 g), dry weight (4.06 g) was no...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1* Sadia Afzal2, Rizwan Maqbool3, Hasnain Waheed1, Aneela Nijabat4, Muhammad Ikram5, Amir Aziz6, Muhammad Adnan1, Qaisar Mehmood7, Hasnain Umer3

...s i.e., leaves, stem and flower of P. somniferumwere. All the tested concentrations and plant parts of P. somniferum significantly reduced mean emergence time, germination index, germination percentage, time to 50% germination as well as well growth of E. cruss-galli weed. However, maximum mean emergence time (9.07 days), time to 50% germination (3.67 days) was noted by applying leaves and stem extract, respectively. Application of aqueous extract of stem at 8...

Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Hammad Ud Din1 and Fazli Amin1, specifically days to flowering and days to maturity, among the tested Sesame varieties at a significance level of (P < 0.01). Similarly, significant effect was also observed for seed yield and other yield attributing traits. Numerically, the top-performing Sesame varieties in terms of seed yield were Till-18 (11 qt/ha), TS-3 (10.3 qt/ha), and DM-14 (10 qt/ha), and they are recommended for the specific community and its vicinity. None the less, further s...
Hamid Reza Mohammaddoust, Ali Asghari, Aleksander Mihailovic Tulikov, Mohammad Hasanzadeh , Mohammad Reza Saidi
IMRAN KHAN,Faisal Khan,Abdul Rab,Haq Nawaz,SHAD KHAN KHALIL
Inayat Ullah Awan, Mohammad Azam Khan, Muhammad Zareef , Ejaz Ahmad Khan
Mahmood Laghari,Ahmed Naqi Shah,Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar,Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro,Habib-ur-Rehman Memon
B.B REDDY,K. BALASWAMY,S. M. Kondap,A. R. RAO,G.S. REDDY,G.V.REDDY,P. Chandrasekhar Rao
Muhammad Naseem, Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Ansar Muhammad Azhar
Masood Ur Rahman,Muhammad Hanif,Muhammad Amin,Salim Shah,Subhan Uddin,SAJJAD ALI,Rafi Ud Din,Anwar Ali Shad
Gulwaiz Akhter, Tabreiz Ahmad Khan and Aiman Zafar

Guenaoui Mohamed1*, Khelil Sofiane Raouf2, Berrani Abdelkader3

...he effects of dietary sunflower oil incorporation on laying performances and egg quality of Japanese quail. A basal diet SF0 was formulated to meet the nutritional requirements for laying quails. Two other foods SF5 and SF10 were obtained by the incorporation of 5 and 10% of sunflower oil in the control food SF0. We used a total of 300 females of quail, aged 42 days old. Quails were housed in cages. They were randomly assign...
Ashar Farooq1*, Mohammad Salim2, Muhammad Tahir Khan3, Zahid Rauf1, Ahmed Hussain2 and Muhammad Bilal Zia1
...ages viz. Pre-boot; full flowering and Seed Ripe stage. Fresh forage yield was determined immediately after clipping. The samples were oven dried to determine dry matter yield and In-Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility. The data were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for Factorial arrangement. Significant difference between individual means was separated using Tukey's HSD test. The results of the study for comparison of species indicated that fresh forage y...
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
...stages i.e., vegetative, flowering and maturity of grasses was analyzed statistically by ANOVA using RCBD. Significant results were observed among selected grass species in terms of biomass production and growth potential and revealed that Cynmbopogan distans (Chita) grass showed higher morphological growth in comparison to other grasses at all growth stages however Cenchrus ciliarus (Dhaman) grass showed minimum growth. While, Pennisetum purp...
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
...stages i.e., vegetative, flowering and maturity of grasses was analyzed statistically by ANOVA using RCBD. Significant results were observed among selected grass species in terms of biomass production and growth potential and revealed that Cynmbopogan distans (Chita) grass showed higher morphological growth in comparison to other grasses at all growth stages however Cenchrus ciliarus (Dhaman) grass showed minimum growth. While, Pennisetum purp...
Ch. Muhammad Muslim, Muhammad Shabbir Mughal and Imtiaz Hussain
... shape and small when it flowers. Flowers are 1-2 inches in length and 1.5 inches broad. The flowers are hermaphrodite. Fruit is 0.5-1 inches in length and bear seeds. Seeds are 2-3 mm in diameter and are ovate in shape. These are light brown in colour and are bitter to taste. A trial of Colchicum luteum was laid out in March, 2003 at Medicinal Plants Farm, Pakistan Forest Institute...
Kiramat Khan1, Tahir Sajjad2, Nasrullah Jan Malik2, Hassan Sher3, Farrukh Hussain4 and Muhammad Iqbal1 an increased trend in flower yield with increasing altitude for C. sativa and V. serpense was also observed Cultivation of only two species, C. sativa and V. serpense, under farmland conditions at upper Swat appeared successful and economically viable.

Keywords: Ex-situ cultivation, Medicinal plant species, High altitudes, Bergenia ciliata, Crocus sativa, Dioscorea deltoidea, Paeonia emodi, Polygonum amplexicaule, Viola ...

Sarfaraz Hussain Bangash
... of Pollen Tube, hastens flowering and fruiting process and increases seed & fruit formation, activities salt absorption, Increases seed & Fruit formation, hormone movement, metabolism of pecitc sustances, water metabolism and the water relations in plants and respiratory activities. Boron is said to be a constituent of membranes and serve in precipitating excess cations.

Mohammad Zubair Sulemani* Mohammad Safdar Baloch** and Khalid Abdullah**
...setum typhodeum), sunflower (Helianthus annus), brassica (Brassica compestris) and taramira (Eruca sativa). Seed germination of all sevel crops was significantly and negatively affected due to the application of extracts as compared to tap water treatment. Highest adjusted reduction in germination (89.67%) was recorded in Sorghum followed by Taramira (85.36%), while maize was least affected (60%).

Keywords: Allelochemicals, ki...

Abdul Ghaffoor, Kashif Waseem and Hafiz Sabir Ali
...days taken to sprouting, flowering, fruit setting, number of branches/plant, length of branches, number of fruit clusters/plant and weight of clusters. Among different pruning intensities, 100 cm pruning gave the maximum number of clusters/plant (1771) and the highest yield/plant (18.41 kg). Various pruning dates significantly affected the days taken to sprouting, number of leaves/branch and number of branches/plant. Comparing to other dates, pruning on 22 Dec...
Iqtidar Hussain and Adnan Noor Shah
..., London rocket, wild safflower, Wild oat, common lambsquaters, Bird�s seed grass, Broad leaved dock and Umbrella milkweed .In addition to the control, 10 ml of dry leaf water extract was applied at intervals of 3 days for each treatment. The data obtained after 20 days showed that the fresh weight and dry weight of each tested weed were significantly reduced compared to the treatment with water (control). Germination, root length (cm), shoot length (cm) and c...
Muhammad Afzal
... but many of the bamboos flower and seed after long intervals. Seeding cycles vary from species to species and may be 30-100 years (Banik, 1980). Due to long inter-seeding intervals, the propagation is done vegetatively. Bamboo cultivation by rhizome planting is the most common method applied in this country. Normally, it takes 10 years for nonclump-forming (Monopodial) types of Bamboos to reach a size suitable for harvest, but the time is shorter for the clum...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Muhammad Arif Chaudhary
... species (14 out of 33) flowered in the month of April, followed by May (6 species), March (4 species), June and November (2 species each) and January, August, September and October (1 species each). August, September and October (1 species each). Fruits of maximum species ripe (6 out of 33) in the month of June, followed by August and November (5 species each), July, September, October and December (3 species each) May (2 species) and February and Ma...
Mohammad Arif Chaudhry
...gesii indicated that flower bud production occurred in the month of August in the first four species . P. forgesii did not produced any flower buds. The blooming took place in first week of March before foliation. P. elongata flowered earliest of the species in the first followed by P. fortunei in the second, P. australis and P. tomentosa in the third...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...und. 22.5-37.5 cm long; flowers in axillary panicles, lilac, honey-scented particularly during night....
Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...144 m long and broad. It flowers and fruits from June to November respectively. Its natural range extends to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran (Bailly, 1935 and Malik,. 1984). In is widely distributed in Makran, Kharan.Khuzdar, Hernai and Sibi area of Balochistan, Kohat,. Hungu, Orakzai, Waziristan and Kurram Agencies of N.W.F.P., and Jacobabad of Sindh (Watt, 1891; Troup, 1921; Parker, 1921; Blattar, 1926; and Stewart, 1972)....
Yasin J. Nasir
... the vernacular name and flowering period, where ever possible, are given for each taxon....
Ashiq Ahmad
... was observed feeding on flowers of Peucedanum skadicum, leaves of Betula utilis and Salix himalayensis and tuberous roots of Lindelofia anchusoides. Some behavioral studies were also conducted. ...
S. M. A. Shah, A. Razzaq and M. T. Younis
...different sources at the flowering stage and the other at various stages of maturity had earlier been studied for a number of physical characteristics (14). The series were now investigated for major chemical characteristics. Their hollocellulose, a-cellulose, lignin, pentosan and contents were determined. Also, losses due to alcohol-benzene solubility, a-hydrolysis, B-hydrolysis and acid purification were examined in these samples....
Ashiq Ahmad and G. M. Khattak
...a fistula, an ornamental flowering tree, treated with concentrated sulphuric acid for 15 minutes and 30 minutes and then thoroughly washed and soaked in water for 24 hours before sowing, started germination the next day and gave, with in 5 days 84 and 90% germination, respectively. Soaking in acid for one hour, followed by 24 hours soaking in water gave 76% germination after 5 days. About 90% germination was obtained in 20 days with acid soaking for 15...
G. M. Baloch and M. A. Ghani
...o, egg plant, tomato, sunflower, carrot, celery, lettuce and legumes (Kasaian, 1971). The dodders, Cuscuta spp., parasitise a large number of plants including trees, herbs, shrubs, cultivated crops (mostly legumes) and weeds (Baloch et al., 1967a)....
K. M. Siddiqui on the stimulation of flowering and fruiting of trees (Wright, 1976). This note describes seed production in chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) growing in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir during 1978 and gives future trends....
Amjad Mahmood Chima
...l varieties sprouted and flowered and flowered well but susceptibility to damage by nematodes varied. The quality and durability of blooms was good in all varieties except one variety of daffodils. Varieties resistant to nematode attack differed in their multiplication rates....
Taj Ali Wazir and S. M. A. Shah
...different sources at the flowering stage (July), and the other from Peshawar at various stages of maturity, were examined for a number of physical characteristics. A number of different methods of retting were investigated to get at the optimum procedure. The anatomical characteristics, length, diameter and ratio of length to diameter of the ultimate fibers were evaluated. The effects of stage of harvesting, methods of retting, different levels of relative hum...

Abdul Aleem Memon1*, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2, Javaid Ahmed Shah3 and Saima Kalsoom Babar2 to crops including sunflower due to low K activity ratio. The research was conducted to ascertain whether K foliar applications can improve growth, and yield of sunflower in calcareous soil. The sunflower cultivar (HO-1) was tested in field with three foliar K sources (Kfs) (MoP, SoP and NoP) and three foliar K times (Kft) treatments (2% once at leaf development stage (LDS), 2% in two e...
Muhammad Naeem Korejo1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1 and Niaz
Ahmed Wahocho2
...lopathic potential of sunflower
(Helianthus annuus L.) and bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L.) extracts under various
irrigation levels on weed density and yield of mungbean cultivar AEM-96. The experiment
consisted of different weed control practices i.e. weedy check, various levels of sunflower /
bermuda grass extracts, herbicides and hand weeding under three irrigation frequ...
Malik F. H. Ferdosi1, Iqra Haider Khan2, *Arshad Javaid2, Muhammad Nadeem3 and
Ayesha Munir4
...f C.
procera flowers collected from Southern Punjab region of Pakistan. Methanolic flower
extract of C. procera was subjected to GC-MS analysis. There were 30 compounds
identified in this extract. The predominant compound was γ-sitosterol with 15.39%
peak area. Other abundantly occurring compounds included stigmasterol (9.22%),
9,12-octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-...

Abid Hussain Khoso1, Mahmooda Buriro1*, Bakht-un-Nisa Mangan1, Naimatullah Laghari1, Muharam Ali Qambrani1, Allah Ditta2, Muhammad Saeed3, Taufiq Nawaz4

...terials (wheat straw, sunflower, and banana leaves, each applied at 12 t ha-1), and a control without any mulching treatment. The study revealed that the maximum sympodial branches plant-1 (27.93), opened bolls plant-1 (47.53), weight of seed cotton plant-1 (124.55 g), seed index (8.73 g), seed cotton yield (5394.4 kg ha-1), staple length (30.33 mm), ginning out-turn percentage (37.96%) and oil contents (22.45%) were recorded in Sindh-1 with banana leaves as m...

Malik F. H. Ferdosi1, Iqra Haider Khan2, Arshad Javaid2*, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed1, Ifrayeem Butt2 and Ayesha Munir3

...s. In the present study, flowers of this weed were collected from Murree, Pakistan. The dried flowers were extracted in methanol and subjected to GC-MS analysis that showed 7 compounds in it. The predominant compound was hexanedioic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester (48.88%) followed by γ-sitosterol (22.56%). Moderately occurring compound was cyclohexane, 1,3,5-triphenyl- (12.87%). The remaining compounds namely n-hexadeca...

Arshad Javaid1*, Malik F. H. Ferdosi2, Iqra Haider Khan1, Amna Shoaib1, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed2, Muhammad Abrar Ul Hassan1

Muazzam Hashmi1, Braima Pascal Komba1, Muhammad Waqas Alam Chattha2*, Almazea Fatima1, Muhammad Farooq Hyder3

...gladiolus farmers. Since flower cultivation seems profitable, the government and other stakeholders should provide training facilities and appropriate planting materials for florists to produce effectively and efficiently. In addition, infrastructural facilities like good roads leading to the farms and storage facilities are made available to the florists for suitable marketing.


Muti Ul Hannan1, Wazir Ahmed1, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar2*, Muhammad Baqir Hussain1 and Khuram Mubeen1 fruit set percentage, flower to fruit conversion percentage, square boll size and weight, opening of square bolls and seed-cotton yield compared to conventional approach. Compare to farmer practice, foliar K application showed a significant increase in fiber quality parameters such as fiber length, fiber strength, MIC, micronaire and ginning out turn (GOT). Results advocate compost, micronutrients and K essential element of cotton production whenever cotton...

Tariq Zaman1*, Fawad Khan2, Sajjad Ahmad2*, Alia Mehsud2, Atta Ur Rahman3, Muskaan Zaman2 and Sumaira Noor2

...of 2 species (4.76%) and flowers of 1 specie. The most significant number of plant species that helped alleviate digestive problems was 12 (58.57%) of the total, followed by intestinal problems with 8 species (19.04%), abdominal pain with 7 species (16.66%). Different quantitative indices like Use Value (UV), Relative Frequency Citation (RFC) and Family Important Value (FIV), were used to find out comparative signficiance of plant species. The species with hig...

Nask Jawher Ahmed and Kawa A. Ali*

...further irrigation after flowering (65BBCH), and (c) No further irrigation after seed development (79 BBCH) stages of the crop. There were four concentrations of foliar applied salicylic acid: (a) Control (only water spray) and (b)100ppm, (c) 200ppm, and (d) 300ppm SA spray. Yield traits were observed including (plant height (cm), capsules (plant-1), seed (capsule-1), seed yield (kg d-1), thousand seeds weight (g), biological yield (kg d-1) and harvest index (...

Atyab Amjad1*, Riaz-Ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Shafique Khalid2, Samia Ikram1, Riaz Bukhari1, Muhammad Shafique3 and Muhammad Luqman4

.... Notably, the number of flower buds per plant did not exhibit significant variation across growing conditions, although Crystal Blanco again displayed a trend of superior performance. The largest bud diameter (20.2 mm) was recorded for Crystal Blanco grown under green netting. Crystal Blanco cultivated in a shade lath house demonstrated the longest vase life (8 days). In conclusion, this investigation suggests that the Crystal Blanco cultivar exhibited superi...

Hamid Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Anas1*, Rozina Gul1, Waseem Ullah Shah1, Abdul Haleem2, Muneeb Ahamd Khan1, Muhammad Taimur1, Tahreem Shah1, Sajjad Ur Rahman1, Noman Anjum1 and Muhammad Saqib3

...ys of emergence, days to flower, plant height, pods per plant, seed per pod, 100 seed weight, grain yield, larval infestation, pod damage percentage and biological yield. The pooled analysis of variance showed highly significant differences (P<0.01) between years and between genotypes and genotype-year interaction (GYI) for all traits examined, except plant height. On average over two years, a minimum of (126) days to flower<...

Ria Dewi Andriani1, Lilik Eka Radiati1, Teti Estiasih2*

...oils and fats such as sunflower, soybean, and palm oil. These common sources usually lack of health beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. This study evaluated the capability of hydrolyzed goldband snapper (Pristipomides multidens) visceral oil (HGSVO) as the omega-3 fatty acid containing emulsifier for dairy creamer produced by spray drying method. This HGSVO was obtained by hydrolyzing the goldband snapper oil with goldband snapper visceral lipase. The glycerides c...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Mohammad Safdar Baloch, Ejaz Ahmad Khan and Asghar Ali Khan

...opulous deltoids L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), jaman (Syzygium cumini L.) and karir (Capparis decidua L.) were used in this study along with distilled water (control). Tobacco and sunflower extracts were prepared by grinding the mature harvested dry leaves while other plant extracts were prepared by grinding the mature harvested dry stem peel and their 20% concentrated extracts were obtained. The extracts were appli...

Gul Hassan, Anees Amin, Haroon ur Rashid, Naqib Ullah Khan and Hussain Ali1

...em were collected before flowering stage, chopped into about 1 cm pieces, dried and then incorporated into soil 30 days before planting. The treatments included NPK at recommended dose alone and NPK + 1, 2, 3 and 4% dried parthenium (w/w of soil). For comparison, treatments like dried berseem 2% (w/w) and untreated (0 NPK and 0 Parthenium or berseem); were also employed. The experiments were replicated four times as factorial in completely randomized design (C...

Aasma Rasheed1, Dilbar Hussain2, Usama Saleem1, Saddam Hussain3, Zeeshan Javed1, Mashal Shahzadi1, Muhammad Sohail Qadir2, Muhammad Saleem2, Abdul Ghaffar2, Mawra Rafique4, Ayesha Ikram5, Saad Rasheed1 and  Muhammad Asrar1* crops like cotton, sunflower, fruit plants, and vegetables. C. septempunctata is the free living predatory specie of sucking insect pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and whiteflies and consume many preys during its lifetime. C. septempunctata larvae and adults are both active predators. The present study regarding toxicity of new chemistry insecticides against C. septempunctata was conducted under laboratory conditions. The toxic potential of six synthetic i...

Kouakou Yadom Yao François-Regis*, Kra Kouamé Daniel and Atta Diallo Hortense

...mature (MLF) leaves from flowering plants. The fifth type (ATL), a mixture of all leaf types, was used as a control. Second-stage juveniles and eggs of M. incognita were exposed to extracts for 72 hours and 10 days, respectively. Egg-hatching inhibition and juvenile mortality were used to evaluate the in vitro efficacy of extracts. Castor leaf extracts were applied to okra soils infested with M. incognita. The gall index, gall reduction, and nematode reproduct...

Muhammad Suleman Aziz1, Muhammad Iqbal1, Muhammad Sohail Khan1, Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Munir2, Khalida Musa3 and Asim Iqbal1

...12 (3 strands having 110 flowers) during both years of study as compared to other treatments. While all these parameters have shown lowest values in control (No Pollination). However, the findings of this research investigate that all the treatment consistently improved quantitative, qualitative and yield characteristics and can be suggested for obtaining of maximum yield of Dhakki date.


Muhammad Nauman Hanif1*, Tanveer-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar2*, Abid Hussain3 and Amar Matloob4

...sticide residues in cauliflower curds and soil, and associated human health risks in the specific climatic conditions of Multan City, and it is the first to collectively examine these five (lufenuron, bifenthrin, emamectin benzoate, metalaxyl, and mancozeb) pesticides in cauliflower. A survey of the cauliflower production area was performed to collect information about pesticides used for ...

Faisal Noor1, Shahid Iqbal1, Muhammad Irfan Shan2, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3*, Abbas Sheer4, Muhammad Shahroz Khan3

...bee hotels, beehives and flowers intercropping were evaluated for their effect on the number of fruits, fruit weight, fruit diameter and average fruit yield. The results revealed that the presence of beehives improved pollination of round gourd and showed 1.32 to 1.95 fold increase in number of fruits per plant, 1.33 to 2.10 fold increase in average fruit yield per plant, 0.92 to 1.32 fold increase in fruit weight and 23.9% increase in fruit size. Moreover, tr...

Muhammad Salim1,2*, Muhammad Zakria2, Ahmad Ur Rahman Saljoqi2, Shahid Sattar2, Ayhan Gökçe1, Amjad Usman3 and Hayat Badshah4

... plant, stem, leaves and flower extracts) and control (only water) which were applied randomly within each block. Wheat variety “Faisalabad 2008” was sown in the first week of December and general agronomic practices were applied as per the recommendations for wheat sowing. The pre- and post-spray data were collected after 1, 2, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days. The aphids population was found on the decreasing trend after spray application of each extract of ...

Sanjita Gurau1,2 and Ram L Ray1*

...e highest number of male flowers plant-1 (29.56) and female flowers plant-1 (13.81) were recorded in Shlesha 1214, while the lowest number of male and female flowers were recorded in grey zucchini, i.e., 24.43 and 11.68, respectively. Similarly, a higher number of days to 50% female flowering (29.56), higher number of pickings plant-1 (5.50), higher aver...
Jalal Ahmed Khan1, Ishfaq Ahmed Hafiz1, Ayesha Maryam2, Sher Muhammad2 and Rashid Iqbal Khan1,3*
...ign: justify;">Gloxinias flowers having vibrant shades, colors and splendid inflorescence are most suitable for decorating the gardens. However, its growth has been prone to several environmental conditions. The current study was planned to evaluate the impact of silver nanoparticles (30 and 40 ppm) on growth and productivity of five different gloxinia cultivars i.e., Kaiser Wilhelm, Violaciea, Blenche de Meru, Mont Blance and Tigrina Red. The experiment was c...

Hussain Shah1, Ali Hazrat2*, Ateef Ullah1, Hafsa Razzaq3, Shabir Ahmad1, Muhammad Yahya2, Muhammad Abdullah1, Sahar Nasim2, Waqar Ahmad2, Muhammad Junaid1 and Gul Rahim2

...branches, nods, types of flowers, inflorescence, flower color, pods number, length of pod, seed number per pod, weight of each pod, weight 10 pods, 100 seeds weight and total yield per plant has been investigated. Compared to other alternatives, variety PL8 had the greatest number of leaves. On the other hand, the yield an important factor was also recorded for all of the selected varieties. The variety PL8 can produce highe...

Yong Su Park1a, Dong Won Seo2a, You Sam Kim2, Myung Hum Park2, Min Jee Oh3, Sang Hwan Kim3,4*

...20,765. The experimental flower deer group possessed an average of 19,994,130 SNP mutations along with 996,204 insertions and 1,050,106 deletions, thus exhibiting a clear difference from the previously reported Japanese Cervus nippon hortulorum population and suggesting that it may have been a deer native to the Korean Peninsula.
Keywords | Cervus nippon, Whole genome sequencing, Single-nucleotide polymorphism, Sika deer, MtDNA, ...

Malik F.H. Ferdosi1, Arshad Javaid2*, Muhammad Samiullah1, Zeeshan Mutahir3 and Tajamal Hussain4

...-MS analysis of C. alata flowers to identify possible bioactive compounds. Twelve compounds were recorded in the methanolic extract with hexadecanoic acid, 15-methyl-, methyl ester as the most abundant ones with 29.78% peak area. Other compounds were linolenic acid methyl ester (15.84%), guaiacol (9.48%), 2-cyclopenten-1-one, 2-hydroxy-3-methyl- (8.56%), 2-cyclopenten-1-one, 3-methyl- (7.73%), butanal, 3-hydroxy- (6.19%), phenol, 4-ethyl- (4.83%), aziridine, 1...

Gulzar Ullah1*, Riaz Alam1, Gohar Ayub2 and Ibrar Hussain3 (82.72 cm), number of flowers per cluster (5.91), number of flower clusters per plant (16.95) and yield (22.27 t ha-1) was obtained in Rio Grande plants in contrast to Roma and Yaqui plants. Roma plants resulted in lowest blossom end rot (14.96%) as compared to Yaqui and Rio Grande. Regarding various brassinolide levels, maximum number of leaves per plant (116.41), plant height (85.48 cm), number of ...

 Qin Yang Xinlei Fan

Volume 2, Issue 1 January and February 2018 Pages 17-18
...iseases (e.g. grapes, sunflowers, soybean, and various diseases associated with ornamentals and forest trees). The taxonomy of Diaporthe spp. has recently been reviewed in several impactful studies (Udayanga et al., 2011; Gomes et al., 2013).


Ashar Farooq1*, Mohammad Salim2, Zahid Rauf1, Muhammad Tahir Khan3 and Asad Abbas Khan4 i.e., pre-boot, full-flowering, and seed-ripe. Fresh grass samples were collected and analyzed for several quality parameters. The samples were oven-dried in order to determine dry matter (DM) yield and subsequent analysis for Crude Protein (CP), Ash Content, Ether Extract (EE), Crude Fiber (CF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) and Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF). ANOVA test was applied on the data to determine the considerable differences of means which were fur...

 Yahaya, S.M.1*; Mardiyya, A.Y.1; Sakina, S.B.1; Hayatu, L.W.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 204-214
... production chain of cut flowers, bulb flowers and pot plants. Molecular-genetic studies performed over the past decade have provided a wealth of novel insights into the infection mechanisms utilized by this pathogen. Fungal genes important for successful infection by B. cinerea were identified. Such knowledge provided perspectives for designing novel, and rational plant protection strategies that could effectively counterac...

Saad Rasheed1, Dilbar Hussain2, Usama Saleem1, Muhammad Usman1, Zeeshan Javed1, Saqlain Irshad1, Muhammad Imran1, Usama Bilal1, Saddam Hussain3, Rashid Ali1 and Muhammad Asrar1*

...text-align: justify;">Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is a key oilseed crop with 15-21% protein and 50% oil content, ranking fourth globally and third in Pakistan. Pakistan currently produces only 18% of its edible oil, with sunflower contributing 11%. Sunflowers are cultivated on 151,000 acres, yielding 87,000 tonnes of seeds and 33,000 tonnes of oil. The Present study evaluated the effecti...


Fatma M. Abdel Baset; Noura Sh. A. Hagaggi*; Francis F. Hezayen; Usama M. Abdul- Raouf

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(6): 1045-1056
...s; roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and latex. Bacillus was the prevalent genus. At the species level, the bacterial diversity was high. Eight representative species were isolated including; Citricoccus alkalitolerans (Cps2) (NR025771), Bacillus cereus (Cps1) (NR074540), B. pumilus (Cps3) (NR112637), B. firmus (Cpl1) (NR025842), B. niabensis (Cpl3) (NR043334), B. subtilis (Cpl4) (NR113265), B. amyloliquefaciens (Cpl10) (NR041455) and B. subtilis subsp. sp...

Ikram-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Huzaifa1*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, Abdul Hannan Afzal1, Iqra Bibi1, Tashfeen Fatima1, Tayyaba Batool1 and Mudassar Nawaz1

...xt-align: justify;">Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) is one of the major cruciferous crops in Pakistan. It contributes significantly in the food security of country. This study aimed to evaluate different commercially grown cauliflower cultivars including three hybrid and two non-hybrid ones at seedling stage to assess their genetic variability and association of plant characters. The experiment was conducted in pots and 4...

Noura Sh. A. Hagaggi1*, Marwa E.A. Khalaf2 and Eman A. El Rady2 root, stem, leaf, and flower were respectively identified as Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus mojavensis, Bacillus australimaris, and Psychrobacter pulmonis. The ethyl acetate extracts of all bacterial isolates were rich in phenolics, flavonoids, and hydrocarbons such as pentacosane, eicosane, hexadecane, heneicosane, pentadecane, and tetracosane. The extracts expressed an anti-inflammatory potential against the inhibition of protein denaturation by 77–95 %...

Maryam Nasir1*, Nida Mahreen1, Muhammad Maaz Aziz1, Malik Mohsin Abbas1, Akbar Hayat Saggu2, Afzal Ansari1, M. Amna Jamil Kanwal1 and Hira Faiz1

..., leaf length, number of flowers, number of fruit set, number of fruits matured, average yield and fruit quality (TSS, TA, vitamin C, sugars, Total phenolic contents and antioxidants. Results showed that the vegetative growth, yield and quality of Red lady is better than Calena and it is well adapted for cultivation under climatic conditions of Punjab.

Mehwish Iqtedar*, Mahnoor Siddique, Asma Shahzad, Afshan Kaleem and Roheena Abdullah
...heless, SEM revealed nanoflowers assembly of ZnO NPs. The results further disclosed antimicrobial potential of NPs against Staphylococcus aureus (BTCB02), Salmonella typhimurium (BTCB23)and Escherichia coli (BTCB03)at varying intensities and a maximum zone of inhibition (ZOI) of 15 mm was established with S. aureus at 125 µL. Moreover, the ZnO NPs also showed photocatalytic activity of 80.1% against dye (methylene blue)...

Biologia (Lahore)


Vol.70, Iss. 1


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