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Michael Shermer

D. “Buddha avenged!” E. “Atheists rule!”
F. “Allahu Akbar!”


Behzad Hussain1, 2, Abdullah Iqbal2, Muhammad Abubakar2*

...gnificantly near Eid-ul-Adha. Haemorrhages are the major signs of this fatal disease. No treatment of CCHF is available currently but Ribavirin antiviral drug is used to cure this disease. There is currently no commercially available vaccine for this disease. It is recommended that the disease can be controlled by adopting preventive measures such as avoiding of tick bites and contact with blood of the suspected animal. <...
Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2* and Syed Shahid Ali3
...rat, Gujranwala and Sargodha. The activities of all esterases tested were significantly increased in all field collected phosphine-tolerant populations when compared with phosphine-susceptible population. Among developmental stages, the 4th instar larvae possessed higher esterase activities than 6th instar larvae and adult beetles in all populations of T. granarium. The increased level of esterases in phosphine tolerant populations...
Ahmad Khan1, Raza Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Zameer Khan1, Fayyaz Hussain1,Muhammad Ehsan Akhtar2, Jalal-Ud-Din3

1Bikash Ranjan Ray and 2Mrinal Kanti Dasgupta

Management of root holoparasite Aeginetia pedunculata of (Orobanchaceae), causing wilt of sugarcane by trap and catch crops (Phaseolus mungo L.), dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata (Willd.) Pers.), sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), jute (Corchorus olitorius L.), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.), and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) were found effective as trap crops for their ability to germinate the seed of A. pedunculata. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) was identified as a catch crop for its ability to support further growth and development of A. pedunculata up to flowering.

K.N. Ahmed and M.R. Hasan

Sudden outbreak of mealy bug and armoured scale causing severe damage to economic crops in Bangladesh

Debjani Chowdhury, P. C. Paul and B. Dasgupta

Management of leaf spot of Centella asiatica (Thankuni) caused by Alternaria sp. and target leaf spot of Rauvolfia serpentina (Sarpagandha) caused by Corynespora cassicola
...lfia serpentina (Sarpagandha) caused by Corynespora cassicola by spraying three fungicides (carbendazim at 0.1%, mancozeb at 0.025% and blitox at 0.25%) and four biocontrol agents (Trichoderma viride at 107 cfu / ml, T. harzianum at 107 cfu / ml, Pseudomonas fluorescens at 108 cell / ml and Biomonas-a formulated product of P. fluorescens preparation at 0.15% for three times at an interval of 15 days. The results revealed that the lowest percent disease inciden...

Nilesh Suresh Gole and Bijan Kumar Das

Biology of Dichromia sagitta (Fabricius) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera), a serious pest of Indian ipecac, Tylophora indica
...ine (AICRP on MAPB) at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal during 2010-2011 on seasonality, extent of damage and biologoy of D. sagitta on T. indica. The larvae were active almost throughout the year, fed voraciously on leaves and flowers causing extensive damage to T. indica during June and December. Eggs were laid singly or in batch of 2-3 on younger leaves (mostly on under surface) or on young shoot tips. Life cycle was ...

Md Riton Choudhury, Koushik Brahmachari, Sudeshna Kar and Rupayan Deb

Integration of weed management practices in rice-potato-groundnut cropping sequence
...o;C’ Block Farm, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia West Bengal in two consecutive years (2009-10 and 2010-11) to study the effect of different weed management measures (e.g. hand weeding, herbicides, mulching etc.) on the yield of crops in sequence and cost effectiveness of different weed control measures. Rice exhibited the maximum yield when treated with two hand weedings, but it may be profitably replaced by the application of herbi...

Biswajit Pramanick, Sruti Karmakar, Koushik Brahmachari, Rupayan Deb 

An integration of weed management practices in potato un-der New Alluvial soil
...C’ Block farm of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal. The experiment was laid out in RBD with nine treatments replicated thrice. The predominant weed flora in the experimental field of potato was Cyperus rotundas, Chenopodium album, Anagallis arvensis and Fumaria purviflora. The results revealed that the maximum tuber yield and return per rupee invested vis-à-vis the maximum N, P, K uptake by potato and the minimum up...

Dipak Mandal, Paramita Bhowmik, Pronobesh Halder and M. L. Chatterjee

Determination of relative toxicity and base line data of dif-ferent insecticides against cotton mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley)
...ricultural Entomology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Mohanpur during 2012. Both treated food untreated insect and treated food treated insect methods were followed. The lowest LC50 values through treated food untreated insect method were recorded in chlorpyriphos 20 EC (226 ppm) and dichlorvos 75 EC (282 ppm) in treated food treated insect method, which was 8.89 and 7.13 times more relatively toxic in respective method after 24 hours when compar...

S. Patra, V.W. Dhote, SK F. Alam, B.C. Das, M.L. Chatterjee and A. Samanta

Population dynamics of major insect pests and their natural enemies on cabbage under new alluvial zone of West Bengal
...abbage were studied at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Kalyani, West Bengal(India) during rabi season of 2011-12 and 2012-13. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Cabbage (cv Rareball) seedlings were transplanted in the plot of 9 m2 area with 45cm x 45cm spacing. Observation was recorded at weekly interval from randomly selected five plants /plot. Peak population of diamond back moth (DBM) was recorded on 1st...

S. Pal, H. Banerjee and N. N. Mandal 

Efficacy of low dose of herbicides against weeds in transplanted kharif rice (Oryza sativa L.)
...n (New Alluvial Zone), Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Chakdaha, Nadia, West Bengal. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 7 treatments and 3 replications. The results revealed that the major weed flora associated with the transplanted rice during kharif season was mainly comprised of Echinochloa colona (30 %), Cyperus difformis (20 %), Monochoria vaginalis (30 %) and Ludwigia parviflora (20 %). Penoxsulam 24 SC at 0.0225 kg a.i. ...

Dhananjoy Mandal 2K. Baral 3M. K. Dasgupta

Developing site-specific appropriate precision agriculture

K. K. Hegde and B. S. Nandihalli 

Bioefficacy of some indigenous products in the management of okra fruit borers

B. S. Nandihalli

Utilization of botanicals in the management of the coconut perianth mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer

Shrinivas Mudigoudra and Shekharappa

Evaluation of plant products aganist sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani


Biological control of earhead caterpillar, Helicoverpea armigera Hubner in sorghum

N. Mandi and A. K. Senapati 

Integration of chemical botanical and microbial insecticides for control of thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood infesting chilli
Mazher Abbas1, Irfan Mahmood1*, Arshed Bashir1, Tahir Mehmood2, Khalid Mahmood1 and Zubair Ikram1
...ey was conducted in Sargodha and T.T. Singh districts to gather the information about the awareness and adoption of recommended production practices of citrus. The study sample was consisted of 140 respondents. The binary regression model has been used to evaluate the effect of different socio-economic variables on the adoption response of different recommended production practice for citrus. Average age, education and experience of the citrus growers were est...
Rais Ahmed1,*, Khushi Muhammad1, Masood Rabbani1 and Muhammad Sarwar Khan2
...labad, Sheikhupura, Sargodha, D.G. Khan, Chakwal, Sahiwal, Gujranwala and Attock were determined. By using grid based sampling strategy, soil samples (n= 1280) were collected from villages (n=256, 5 samples/village) of the nine districts. Brucella genus specific DNA (bcsp31) was detected using Real Time PCR and prevalence was 2.11%. Out of five species, only two species B. abortus and B. melitensis were detected through conventionea...
Kanwer Shahzad Ahmed1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1,*, Muhammad Ather Rafi2, Fatima Sellami3 and Muhammad Afzal1
...ted in the district Sargodha (32°05’02’’ N and 72°40’18’’ E), Pakistan to assess the species richness and distribution of coccinellid beetles in seven selected regions (Bhera, Bhalwal, Kot Momin, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Shahpur and Silanwali). A total of 1,470 coccinellid specimens were collected from all types of vegetation and were identified up to species level by means of external m...
Shantanu Jha1, A. Rama Devi1, Ngalaton Kasar1 and Abhishek Mukherjee2 meeting held at the Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya on 7th August provided a unique platform to scientists working in the eastern and north-eastern parts of India on fruit flies to interact, share their experience and finally to prioritize areas for future Research. The meeting started at 12:00 noon on 7th of August and continued till 5:00 pm and was attended by 31 participants. The programme was inaugurated by Prof. D. D. Patra, ...
Asmatullah Kaka2, Wahid Haron1,*, Rosnina Yusoff 1, Nurhusien Yimer1,  A.M Khumran1, Akeel Ahmed Memon2, Kazhal Sarsaifi1 andMahdi Ebrahimi3
Fahad Tanveer1, Adnan Afzal2, Muhammad Adeel3*, Sana Shahid4 and Maham Masood5
...udy was conducted in Chaudhary Muhammad Akram, Teaching & Research Hospital, Lahore and Suriya Azeem Teaching Hospital, Lahore within six months from June 2015 to December 2015. A total of 75 subjects with non-specific neck pain using non-probability convenience sampling technique who fulfilled the specific inclusion and exclusion criteria were randomly allocated to three groups; group 1 received SNAGs, group 2 Maitland mobilization and group 3 conventiona...
Saswati Roy1, Rakesh Pashi2, S. Dey3 and Shantanu Jha
...42N, 88.513064E) under Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Nadia and West Bengal during June 2015 to April 2016. Landscapes of the area can be classified into two major categories: agricultural fields and non-agricultural areas. Observations on birds were taken twice a week, at early morning, starting from just after the sunrise around 7a.m and till before sunset up to 5.30 pm. Data were collected by using the line transect method. Total 74 number of bird sp...
Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2,* and Syed Shahid Ali3
...rat, Gujranwala and Sargodha were labeled as phosphine-tolerant populations and one population never exposed to any insecticide/fumigant for 13 years was termed as phosphine-susceptible population. Percent change in the activities of above mentioned microsomal enzymes and soluble protein contents in 4th and 6th instar larvae and adult beetles of phosphine-tolerant populations were evaluated with reference to phosphine-susceptible populati...

Muhammad Luqman1,3, Raheel Saqib2*, Xu Shiwei3 and Yu Wen3 

...nducted in district Sargodha located in the central Punjab, Pakistan. Personal interviews were conducted from male head as well as spouses of each selected farm family. The total sample size of the study was 300 (150 male and 150 female spouses). A designed structured questionnaire was prepared for the data collection as the research instrument. The data thus collected were coded on SPSS for analysis and interpretation. Results showed that there is significant...

Muhammad Iqbal, Jalal-ud-Din*, Muhammad Munir** and Mohibullah Khan***

  Farhat Ullah Khan, Nowshad Khan and Zaibunnisa Abdullah*

Corresponding author: (This is part of Ph.D. work of senior author)

...rried out in Tehsil Sargodha of Punjab province in 2010- 2011 to assess the impact of yield losses of kinnow (Mandarin) on the socio-economic conditions of the farming community of the area. In this study, 20 union councils from Tehsil Sargodha were selected on the characteristics important for higher production of kinnow. Then ten growers from each union council were chosen randomly. Total 200 respondents were interviewed t...

 Safdar Ali, Sahiba, M. Azim Malik, Fayyaz-ul-Hassan and M. Ansar*

...8 mg kg . Maize cv. Sargodha-2002 was sown in randomized complete block design (factorial) and was fertilized with four -1 each nitrogen @ 0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha and phosphorus 0, 30, 60 and 90 -1 kg ha doses. Significant increase in green fodder and dry matter yield was observed with the increased doses of nitrogen and phosphorus. Overall, the -1 nitrogen application @ 180 kg ha increased the green fodder and dry matter yield by 12.33% and 51.50%, respectiv...

 Tabinda Qaiser*, Ayesha Tahir*, Sajida Taj* and Murad Ali*

...areas like Chakwal, Sargodha, FatehJang and Mardan. Beekeepers were selected randomly for case study and they were interviewed for getting the necessary data to determine the costs and return of beekeeping and assess the scope of beekeeping. The benefit cost ratio of beekeeping was 1.4709 which showed that this business was profitable. It will be a great source of employment creation for the rural poor people to reduce the poverty. There is a great prospect of...
Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Arshad1, Rashid Mahmood2,* and Ziyad Abdul Qadir2
...ry of University of Sargodha. The coordinates of apiary are 32º13´15.7ʺN, 72 º68´41.8ʺE. The apiary had 24 Langstroth standard colonies of Apis mellifera naturally infested with Varroa destructor. Ectoparasitic mite, V. destructor is considered the most important parasite of A. mellifera L. that badly affects the development and performance of bees. Main objective of our study was to ass...
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1,2,*, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza2, Muhammad Afzal2,Hafiz Salah-ud-Din2, Imtiaz Sarwar2, Muhammad Yahya2 and Khurram Shehzad3

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khuram Sharjeel1, Raheel Babar2, Muhammad Junaid1, Qamar Iqbal3, Rabia Rasheed1 and Nosheen Fatima1 

...nducted in district Sargodha, Punjab-Pakistan in 2016 to record and evaluate the performance of extension approaches and Extension Field Staff (EFS) in order to identify the weaknesses or failures behind extension system and to suggest recommendations for improvement in extension approaches and performance of EFS through census study. The total EFS population consists of 155 people and 121 respondents appeared for interview. The non response rate was 21.94%. T...
Tariq Mukhtar,1,* Abdul Jabbar1, Muhammad Usman Raja1 and Humayun Javed2
... (Steinbuch) in Sargodha division of the Punjab province of Pakistan. The overall incidence of ear cockle of wheat in the division was found to be 1.2% while the overall prevalence was 27%. As regards districts, the maximum incidence was recorded in district Bhakkar followed by Khushab. Similarly, the maximum prevalence was observed in district Bhakkar followed by Sargodha while it was the minimum in district Khushab. Th...

Nadia Faqir1, Aish Muhammad2*, Ghulam Muhammad Ali2, Armghan Shehzad2, Hafeez Ur Rahman3, Farhatullah4 and Muhammad Zeeshan Hyder

Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1,*, Hummaira Iqbal1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2, Haseena Ghulam Muhammad1 and Muhammad Irfan1
... citrus orchards of Sargodha and maintained individually in the laboratory. Both the control and insecticide treated spiders were offered larvae of Drosophila melanogaster in different densities. C. citricola increased prey consumption as the prey density was increased. Insecticide treated C. citricola consumed less prey as compared to control. Effects of chlorpyrifos on the prey consumption of C. citricola were more drastic than bi...
Tanveer Hussain1,*, Masroor Ellahi Babar1, Marcos De Donato2, Abdul Wajid1, Asif Nadeem3, Zahoor Ahmad3, Waqas Ahmad Khan4, Sunday O. Peters5 and Ikhide G. Imumorin6

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2 and Mujahid Iqbal3  

...r. 2014 in district Sargodha-Punjab, Pakistan to assess the role of Mobile phone cellular technology for dissemination of information regarding Macrosiphum miscanthi, attack on wheat crop by mobile phone. A sample size of 60 farmers was selected by systematic sampling technique using the available list of the farmers provided by Agricultural Extension Department. The respondents were than randomly assigned into two groups, one group was comprised of experiment...
Haroon Rashid1,*, Khushi Muhammad1, Masood Rabbani1, Muhammad Sarwar Khan1, Tasleem Ghori2, Mamoona Chaudhry3, Hamad Bin Rashid2, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir1, Muhammad Hamid Chaudhary4, Muhammad Asad Ali1, Mian Muhammad Khubaib Sattar5, Javed Muhammad1 and Bhushan Jayarao6
...wala, D.G. Khan and Sargodha, no positive sample was detected. The odds of (PA) in Chakwal District pathogen B. anthracis PA plasmid positive sample shows no association with distance from Animal Market, distance from road, distance from drainage, not subjected to human population, and for distance animal density because only one sample was found positive others districts (Gujranwala, Sargodha, Sahiwal, Faisalabad and...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Bushra Hassan2, Nadeem Anwar2, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel3 and Shafique-ur-Rehman

... villages in tehsil Sargodha was obtained from local district office of the Population Welfare Department. All rural families live in tehsil Sargodha served as population in the study. Tehsil Sargodha was selected purposively. Of the 62 rural union councils, four were selected purposively and from each selected union council two villages were selected purposively. Hence, from each village ...

Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Javeria Choudhary1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Sohail Ahmed2 and Muhammad Sajjad Khalil (Swl-strain) and Sargodha (Sgd-strain) districts of Pakistan. Bioassays with two frequently used insecticides, i.e. deltamethrin and permethrin and one biological insecticide, spinosad, were performed on these strains of T. castaneum. Toxicological studies demonstrated that Fsd-, Jh- and Swl- strains exhibited higher tolerance ratio of 26.5-fold, 21-fold and 18.6-fold respectively relative to Sgd-strain against deltamethrin, whereas, these strains did not h...

Amar Razzaq1, Abdur Rehman4*, Abdul Hassan Qureshi2, Iqbal Javed3, Raheel Saqib5 and Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal6 

...rpur Thal, Bhalwal, Sargodha and Lodhran districts of Punjab province. These areas were purposively selected based on relatively higher concentration of HEI infrastructures installed on the farms. Sprinkler irrigation system was mainly installed on wheat crop while the drip irrigation systems were installed on mango orchards. Therefore, one half of the sample consisted of modern and conventional farmers growing wheat crop and the other half of the sample consi...

Muhammad Luqman1, Raheel Saqib2*, Mujahid Karim1, Khalid Nawab2, Abdur Rehman3 and Muhammad Yaseen1 

...ture, University of Sargodha. Data were collected from randomly selected 160 rural heads of households using interview schedule. Majority (76.2%) of the respondents were young (26 to 40 years). A significant majority (76.3%) were illiterate and only 23.8% were literate (Having more than five years of schooling). Farming was the major income source for majority (69.4%) of respondents. Small farming is very common as more than 60.0% of the respondents had only u...
Sajid Ali Khan1, Mazhar Hussain Ranjha1, Azhar Abbas Khan2,*, Muhammad Sagheer1, Amjad Abbas1 and Zeshan Hassan2

 Tanzeela Riaz*†, Farah Rauf Shakoori, Syed Shahid Ali

Toxicity of phosphine against tolerant and susceptible populations of Trogoderma granarium collected from Punjab, Pakistan
....Din-II),Gujrat and Sargodha and a susceptible population of T. granarium. The 4th, 6th instar larvae and adult beetles of

 Waqas Ali, Arshad Javid, Ali Hussain, Syed Mohsin Bukhari

Public attitude towards amphibian and reptiles in district Kasur, Punjab, Pakistan
...Pattoki, Chunnian, Kot Radha Kishan and Kasur. The
people of the study area used to prepare traditional medicines from body parts of
Bungarus caeruleus, Naja naja, Ptyas mucosus, Eryx johnii, Varanus bengalensis
and Uromastyx hardwickii. Out of 200 respondents, more than 80% considered
amphibians and reptiles as useless animals, 71% as symbol of bad omen, 73%
believed that herpetiles are used in traditional medicine and 3% co...

Saman Fatima* and Shazia Iram 

...rom the orchards of Sargodha. The samples were classified into groups on the basis of physical appearance of lesions on peal and the disease severity was then identified. Both classical and molecular method was used for identification of pathogens. Under classical approach the infected sections from the skin of kinnow was utilized to grow fungal colonies on generalized media, i.e. potato dextrose agar, from which six fungal colonies were also isolated and stud...
Asim Faraz1,*, Muhammad Younas2, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Yaqoob2 and Kashif Ishaq3


...ri, siras, jand, khagal, dhaman, persain, khawi, bui, bhakra, kari, laana, phog, karir and khar laana. Regarding hair mineral status Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations were found to be significantly different (P<0.05) between calf groups being higher in IMS as (685.07±15.86, 595.67±15.86; 104.33±5.12, 101.17±5.12; 7.08±0.34, 6.73±0.34; 65.33±2.25, 59.33±2.25; 322.20±8.67, 311.10±8.6...
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Muhammad Saleem Haider1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1, Muhammad Ali1, Muhammad Ashfaq1, Muhammad A. Aqueel2 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah2
...alabad, Chiniot and Sargodha), under laboratory conditions. Both NPV and Bt were applied using diet incorporation method. Two concentrations of a NPV based formulation (Somestar): 1x107 and 1x108 POB/ml, and three concentrations of a Bt based formulation (Dipel): viz., 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 μg/g, were applied alone and in different combinations against 2nd and 4th instar larvae of S. litu...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Nosheen Fatima1, Raheel Babar3 and Ikramul Haq4  

Owen Flanagan, Mona Letourneau and Wenqing Zhao
...iness Report (, like its predecessors since 2012, ranks countries – now 156 – in terms of overall happiness, happiness of immigrants, and so on. The teams that produce the World Happiness Reports claim that six variables explain most -- as much as 70% -- of the variation in the rankings of happiness among nation states:

Tahira Moeen Khan* and Amat ul Mateen
...h (commonly known as dharaik) a species of family Meliaceae and Morus nigra (commonly known as Shahtoot) family Moraceae were used for bio reduction of copper ions to CuO nanoparticles in place of harmful and expensive chemical/physical methods. A cheaper, simple to perform method giving high yield without by products is employed here. The leaf extract act both as reducing and capping agent. The atomic absorption shows a linear curve between co...

Huma Khalil1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Sajjad Khalil1, Farghama Khalil2 and Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel1 

... citrus orchards of Sargodha, Pakistan. Surveys were done during January 2014 to December 2015 from various citrus growing localities. A total of 3,176 parasitoids belonging to five subfamilies (Alysiinae, Aphidiinae, Braconinae, Microgastrinae and Opiinae), 12 genera and 16 species were collected. Out of them, two genera and 12 species were recorded for the first time from this area. Aphidiinae contains 1,107 individuals which showed that it’s a dominan...
Hafiz Abdul Ghafoor*, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Asam Riaz and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed
...s of Datura alba (dhatura) and Syzygium aromaticum (clove bud) were the most effective against D. mangiferae with minimum LC50 (0.80 and 0.90%, respectively) and LT50 (61.30 and 68.58 h, respectively) values. These findings substantiate the relative effectiveness of indigenous plant extracts as environment-friendly alternates to hazardous synthetic insecticides and, hence, are recommend to be integrated in pest manage...

Waqas Raza*, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar and Muhammad Imran Hamid 

...njab viz., Khushab, Sargodha, Sahiwal, Okara, Jhang and Chiniot districts during the cropping seasons of 2016-2017. A total of six districts comprising of three locations in each district were surveyed for the collection of late blight infected samples. During 2016 and 2017, prevalence of disease in all the surveyed districts ranging between 34.6-24.4% and 39.3-28.6% respectively with district Okara recording the maximum (39.3%) and district Jhang the minimum ...
Suhu Duan, Liuan Li*, Zaiqiang Li, Mengran Qin, Zhenzhen Fan, Keyan Zhang, Qian Wang, Zhongmou Zhang, Bailiang Yang

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar, Muhammad Imran Hamid, Mubashar Raza, Waqas Raza*, Misbah Iqbal Qamar 

...alities of district Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan which were recognized morphologically. Three isolates of T. harzianum HM, HK, HC and one isolate of T. asperellum TH were evaluated in dual culture assays and in pots amended with different composts against P. infestans and F. oxysporum. Mycelial growth reduction and inhibition percentage of P. infestans and F. oxysporum in dual culture assay significantly higher by T. harzianum HK as compared to all other isolate...
Muhammad Mansoor1, Khalid Usman2*, Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil3, Abdul Mateen Khattak4, Muhammad Ehsan Elahi1, Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik2 and Amir Hamza2
Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Umar Mumtaz1, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan3 and Abdul Naveed4
...of young farmers in Sargodha district-Punjab, Pakistan. As per list obtained from District Officer Agriculture Extension, Sargodha, tehsil Sahiwal was randomly selected. Sahiwal comprises of 17 union councils; four union councils were randomly selected and two villages per union council were randomly selected. The list of potential old aged farmers those were not active in farming system (above the age of 60 years) was prepa...

Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Rashid Mahmood2, Ziyad Abdul Qadir2, Muhammad Arshad1 and Mubasshir Sohail3 

...ture, University of Sargodha, Sargodha during 2015. The apiary had 20 Langstroth standard colonies of Apis mellifera naturally infested with Varroa destructor. Varroa destructor (Anderson and Trueman) is the most destructive pest of honeybees and a major threat to beekeepers in different areas of the world. Many control measures including application of chemicals, are adopted to control the infestation of mites in honey bee ...
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Imtiaz Sarwar1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Rehan Khalid1, Muhammad Yahya1 and Khurram Shehzad2
...alities of District Sargodha (Punjab, Pakistan). Moreover, the quality status of soils under these land-use types or categories was also determined by working out the soil biological quality (QBS) index. Extensive soil sampling was done in different randomly selected land-use types for four consecutive seasons from spring 2017 to Spring 2018. Results showed that the collection season, land-use categories and land-use types had a significant and differential im...

Turab Ali Kaurajo1*, Huma Rizwana1, Gulbahar Khaskheli2, Muhammad Haroon Baloch1, Muhammad Naeem Rajput1, Asad Ali Khaskheli3 and Mohsin Solangi

Haroon1,2, Yu-Feng Meng1, Zahid Khan1, Farzana Perveen2, Muhammad Ather Rafi3, Sayed Waqar Shah4, Xiao-Hong Su1 and Lianxi Xing1,*
Muhammad Yahya1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Imtiaz Sarwar1, Khurram Shehzad2, Muhammad Luqman3 and 
Sher Muhammad Shahzad2
...alities in district Sargodha (Punjab, Pakistan) and soil microarthropods (i.e. springtails and mites) were extracted from composite soil samples using Tullgren-Berlese funnel. Impact of collection seasons (i.e. spring, summer, autumn and winter) and impact of different land-use types or categories on the population abundance of soil microarthropods was assessed. Moreover, soil physico-chemical and microbiological properties were also determined i...
Asim Faraz*
...i>Capparis spinosa), dhaman (Cenchrus ciliaris) and kikar (Acacia nilotica) among bushes, grasses and trees, respectively for male and female calves in EMS.

Noor-us-Sabah1*, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Ghulam Sarwar1 and Sher Muhammad

...ea of University of Sargodha in year 2017-18. A saline sodic-soil with desirable characteristics (SP = 40.35, ECe = 5.17 dS m-1, pHs = 8.71, SAR = 18.80 (mmol L-1)1/2, bulk density = 1.49 g cm-3) was selected for present study. After chemical analysis, different organic amendments were used in the study. Following treatments were applied in three replicates i.e. T1- control (recommended NPK), T2- ½ of recommended NPK, T3- full dose of FYM, T4- full dose...

Peer Sikandar Shah1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan*1,2, Saddam Hussain1 and Jawad Ali Jan1

...tivars (Jaipuri and Dharidhar) were allotted to the main plot while organic and inorganic regimes (i.e. Control, NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium), FYM (Farmyard manure), FYM (half) + NPK (half), FYM (full) + NPK (half), FYM (full) + NPK (full) and FYM (half) + NPK (full) were allotted to sub plots . The results obtained from the experiment indicated that both cultivars and regimes have significant variations on growth and yield parameters of sponge gou...

Akbar Hayat*, Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Ehsan Ul Haque, Ahmed Raza, Faheem Khadeeja 

... Research Institute Sargodha from 2013-18. The trail was conducted according to RCB design with three replications. The Five Treatments four exotic and one local root stock (To Rough lemon, T1 Troyer citrange, T2 Cox mandarin, T3 C-35, T4 Carrizo citrange) were budded with Feutrells early in 2013. The statistical analysis of vegetative data from trial site shown good compatibility in term of scion/root stock ratio. Maximum plant height attained in T0(Rough lem...

Ahmad Khan1*, Raza Ullah Khan1, Sadia Khan2, Muhammad Zameer Khan1 and Fayyaz Hussain1 

Muhammad Usama Hameed*, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Sajjad Khan and Allah Bakhsh 

...65 tha-1 but check (Sargodha, 2011) shows 42.76 tha-1 (9.1% increase). PARC-Oats exhibit a medium plant height (110-120 cm), high crude protein (36.23% over check variety S-2000), thick stem (14.86% more than check variety S-2000) and higher leaf area per plant (21.55% over check variety S-2000). The variety is drought tolerant may be grown in semiarid and arid areas having minimum rainfall up to 300 mm, highly lodging-resistant, late-maturing i.e. stay green ...

Malik Abdul Rehman1, Shafqat Ali1, Muhammad Babar Shahzad Afzal1, Muhammad Nawaz Khan1 and Mujahid Ali2*

Efficacy of Chemicals and Botanical Extracts to Control Citrus Canker on Kinnow in Sargodha Region
...Research Institute, Sargodha, Punjab-Pakistan during 2011-13 on ten-year-old bearing trees of Kinnow plants. There were nine treatments, control (no chemical was applied), Neemsol @ 5 ml, copper oxychloride @ 3 g, streptomycin sulphate @ 1 g, potassium acetyl benzoic acid @ 10 ml, difenoconazole @ 0.5 ml, extracts of Acacia nilotica @ 10 ml, Datura alba @ 10 ml, and Allium cepa @ 10 ml. These treatments were used by mixing in 10-liter water. The foliar spray w...
Amir Aziz1*, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1, Ghulam Sarwar1 and Sher Muhammad2
Effect of Rice and Wheat Straw and K-Silicate Application on Maize Growth
...ture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan in 2017. Different treatments including T1= control, T2= wheat straw (deficient @ 200 mg kg-1 of soil), T3 = wheat straw (adequate @ 400 mg kg-1 of soil), T4= rice straw (deficient @ 200 mg kg-1 of soil), T5 =rice straw (adequate @ 400 mg kg-1 of soil), T6 = K-silicate (deficient level @ 2 mg kg-1 of soil) and T7 = K silicate (adequate @ 400 mg kg-1 of soil). All the pots were arranged according to completely randomized d...

Malik Abdul Rehman1*, Hafiz Muhammad Ehsan2, Tehseen Ashraf2, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani3, Sajjad Khan3 and Mujahid Ali2

Effect of Growing Media on Plant Growth of Rough Lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.) and Poncirus (Citrus trifoliata)
...Research Institute, Sargodha to check the influence of growing media (peat mass, compost, soil, silt, sand, sawdust and leaf manure) in 14 different combinations of growth media to check for plant growth of rough lemon and poncirus rootstocks. Five plants per treatment were growing in black polythene bags filled with the required media using a Completely Randomized Design with three replications. Data of stem length stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, ...

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Luqman1*, Zahoor Hussain2, Usman Saleem3, Asif Nawaz1, Tahir Munir Butt4 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood1

Assessment of Knowledge Level and Information Sources of Vegetable Growers regarding Tunnel Farming in District Sargodha
...growers in district Sargodha aside from their knowledge level about vegetable production under tunnels. Every year there is a lot paid from the national exchequer for the import of vegetables, especially from the neighboring countries. To at least minimize those expenditures tunnel farming to a maximum level can give us a way forward. This transverse study has the Sargodha district as its universe. All the vegetable growers ...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq1*, Muhammad Kamran1, Muhammad Idrees1, Shahid Nazir2, Ihsan Ullah3, Sumera Naz1, Shaukat Ali1 and Muhammad Zafar Iqbal2

Morpho-Molecular Characterization of Xanthomonas Axonopodis Pv. Citri Associated with Kinnow (Mandarin) and its Management
... the disease in the Sargodha districts of the Punjab province. Furthermore, isolated bacterium from diseased samples was characterized morphologically and molecularly. The relative efficacy of commercially available antibiotics against the pathogen was evaluated in the lab and in field conditions. A systematic survey of randomly ten localities/sampling sites was conducted for a reliable estimation of citrus canker disease in District Sargo

Amjed Ali1, Rafi Qamar1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Salman Saleem2, Sami Ullah3, Muhammad Arshad Javed4 and Syed Wasim Hasan5

Development and Growth: Influence of Sowing Dates on Performance of Cotton Cultivars
...gical conditions at Sargodha, Punjab, during Kharif season, 2015. The study consisted of i) three cultivars viz. Bt. FH-142, Bt. MNH-886 and FDH-170 and ii) three sowing dates viz. 21st April, 5th May and 20th May. Cultivars and sowing dates improved developmental and allometric traits of cotton in the study year. Significantly, 21st April cotton sowing observed maximum days taken from planting to first flower and boll opening, fruiting branch and branch heigh...

Hafiz Hammad Ahmad1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1*, Noor-us-Sabah1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Sher Muhammad2, Muhammad Aftab3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Aneela Riaz4

Growth and Yield Response of Sunflower to Organic Amendments in Aridisol
...ture, University of Sargodha during 2018. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with eight treatments replicated thrice. The treatments consisted of T1 = NK + P0 (Control); T2 = NPK (Recommended dose); T3 = NK + Rock phosphate at 7 g pot-1; T4 = NPK + Rock phosphate at 7 g pot-1; T5 = NK + Rock phosphate at 7 g pot-1 + Wheat straw at 14 g pot-1; T6 = NK + Rock phosphate at 7 g pot-1 + Wheat straw at 28 g pot-1; T7 = NK + Rock phos...
Ashara Sajid1, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Saeed Rauf 2, Zahoor Hussain3, Salman Ahmad1 and Yasir Iftikhar1,* areas of Sargodha district based on symptoms. Random samples of trees within orchards were scored based on characteristic symptoms like blotchy mottle, lopsided unripe fruits, and aborted seeds were observed. The highest incidence of 26% was recorded in Kot Momin, while the lowest incidence of 4.6% was found in Sahiwal. Among the cultivars, the highest disease incidence in mosambi (C. sinensis)and Kinnow (C. reticulate)was recorde...
Muneer Abbas1*, Dilbar Hussain2, Muhammad Saleem2, Abdul Ghaffar2Sohail Abbas3, Niaz Hussain1 and Abdul Ghaffar1
....e. Faisalabad, Sargodha, Toba Tek Singh with five treatments. Each experimental unit comprised of 1 ha area. Five treatments viz. A=sanitation, B=MAT, C= protein based baits, D= plant extracts and E= A+B+C+D were used during 2015-16. Data of % infested fallen fruits, total flies/trap, total flies captured/year, % fruit punctures, pupal population, % fruit infestation and market value of fruits was collected at regular intervals. Results indicated t...
Hafiz Hammad1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Aneela Riaz3, Abid Niaz4 and Muhammad Arif4
...ture, University of Sargodha in year 2018. The experiment was laid out in a complete randomized design (CRD) with eight treatments which were replicated four times. The treatments plan includes T1 = NK + P0 (Control); T2 = NPK (Recommended rate); T3 = NK + RP at 7 g pot-1; T4 = NPK + RP at 7 g pot-1; T5 = NK + RP at 7 g pot-1 + Wheat straw at 14 g pot-1
Muhammad Tariq Chaudhary1, Saleem Ashraf 2, Muhammad Yaseen3 and Muhammad Luqman3
...ived DAS from IATI, Sargodha while least contribution came from University of Agriculture Faisalabad (2.86%). Family background of 77.45% respondents was rural and farming was key source of income for more than half of respondents (56.14%). Satisfaction with classroom facilities (Mean=2.47±0.67), higher grades in examination (Mean=2.39±0.77) and relevance of the coursework (Mean=2.38±0.75) learned at training institutes helped respondents ...

Muhammad Musa1*, Muhammad Riaz Gondal2, Aaqib Riaz3, Sikander Hayat2 and Iftikhar Haider1

...Research Institute, Sargodha, Pakistan during three rabi seasons from 2015 to 2018. The experiment was arranged in split plot design with three replications. Berseem varieties (Super Late, Agaiti Berseem, Punjab Berseem) were kept in main plots and last cutting dates (10thMarch, 20th March, 30th March, 10th April and 20th April) were kept in sub-plots. Results revealed considerable differences in the period of flowering as well as yield characters under differ...

Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Hamid Bashir2, Shah Najaf Mukhtar1, Muhammad Arshad1, Nimra Altaf1

...y at tehsil Sahiwal Sargodha, Sillanwali, and Bhalwal of district Sargodha. Sampling was done at fifteen days interval to record the population dynamics and identification of citrus mites during 2018. A total 37,963 mites specimens were collected in which nine species were identified from four families Cunaxa sp. (Cunaxidae); Amblyseious andersoni Chant, Euseius sp., Neoseiulus sp. (Phytoseiidae); Brevipalpus californicus Ba...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Abdul Moeez1, Humaira Ramzan1, Mudassar Hafeez1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Aneela Riaz3, Sher Muhammad4 and Muhammad Latif4

...ture, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan. In the present study growth response of rice under normal and saline soil conditions was checked using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) under divided plot arrangements with nine treatments and three replications was used. Rice plants were grown in plots having normal soil (EC = 2.32 dS/m) and salty soil (4.93 dS/m). Si as phosphate industry waste was applied @ 0, 50 an...

Muhammad Shakil Ahmad1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Sylvain Nafiba Ouedraogo2 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1

...ting potato crop in Sargodha, Faisalabad and Okara districts. This in-vitro study assessed the comparative feeding preference, food consumption and utilization rates and larval development of S. litura on different white and red skinned potato cultivars. Feeding bioassays revealed that all parameters including leaf weight loss, larval weight gain, relative food consumption and growth rates and conversion efficiency of the ingested food were statistically signi...

Amjed Ali1, Kamran Arooj1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1­, Muhammad Imran1,2, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz3 and Muhammad Fraz Ali4

...ture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan to investigate the impect of different sowing dates on growth and yield on mungbean cultivars. The research trial was arranged out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) under split plot arrangement followed by 3 replicas. In this study four different sowing dates (1st March, 15th March, 29th March and 12th April and two cultivars (AZRI-2006 and NM-92) were used. Data regarding leaf area index, leaf area duration, pla...
Shafaq Fatima1,*, Farkhanda Manzoor1, Humaira Amman1, Zakia Kanwal1, Asma Latif1, Zeeshan Ali2, Hamid Iqbal Gondal2, Sumera Sajjad1 and Raja Shahnawaz Janjua3

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Samra Ammara1, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1, Shahbaz Hussain2, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid1, Abdul Rehman1 and Amjed Ali1

...Area, University of Sargodha during spring 2015. The studies consisted of seven herbicide treatments, viz. lactofen complete dose (180 g a.i. ha-1) alone, lactofen complete dose + adjuvant, lactofen 80% dose alone, lactofen 80% dose + adjuvant, lactofen 60% dose alone, lactofen 60% dose + adjuvant and a control (no herbicide). It was found that lactofen full dose with and without adjuvant attained significantly the lowest R. capitata dry weight and highest see...

Nadeem Anwar1, Muhammad Luqman2*, Shaoib Nasir3, Moazzam Sabir1, Hafiz Bashir Ahmad4 and Saleem Ashraf5

...nducted in district Sargodha, the hub of citrus production. The findings of the study indicate regarding harvesting behavior of the farmers that they do not harvest the fruit by their own. Only a small number of the citrus growers harvest the fruit by their own. Majority of the farmers were found to be unsatisfied about the role of intermediaries and termed these intermediaries as profit-making group indenting the share of farmers. The Harvesting behavior of t...

Najam-un-Nisa1, Ruqia Bibi1, Balqees Riaz1, Bushra Khalil1, Iqra Maheen1, Saima1, Uzma Islam Khan1 and Inam Ullah1,2*

...vifauna species found in dhapchapak wetland and forest during winter (2017-18 and 2018-19). As birds are the best indicator for environmental changes hence the migratory birds fauna was observed during September to March of the year 2017-1019. Point transect method was used to explore the avifauna diversity at study site. In current study, total of 13,933 birds belonging to 39 species, 21 families were observed. Among these 39 species, 33 bird’s species ...

Muhammad Yaseen*, Muhammad Adnan, Muhammad Luqman, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed and Muhammad Umer Mehmood

Mohammed Naji Ahmed Odhah1,2*, Dhary Alewy Almashhadany6, Abdullah Garallah Otaifah7, Bashiru Garba5, Najeeb Mohammed Salah2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse4*, Mohd Azam Khan G.K3 

Jhan Zeb1*, Saiqa Tufail1, Nausheen Saboohi1, Zafar Samuel2, Asher Azeem3, Yaseen Amir4 and Sehrish Akram5

Ijaz Rasool Noorka1,2*, Bilal Ahmad Khan3*, Kafeel Ahmad4, Zafar Iqbal Khan4, Muhammad Ather Nadeem3, Amer Nawaz2, Tasneem Ahmad5 and Humayun Bashir4

...ta collect from the Sargodha, Jhang, Layyah and Bhakkar districts of the Punjab. Five sites, three animal’s (Cow, Sheep and Goat) and two origins (Blood and Feces) were selected. Standard samples preparation methods were worker to check occurrence of the heavy rock’s metals in the forage and soil samples. The Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer was used to check Iron (Fe). The results revealed that Fe were found in safe limit, as per WHO. 


Abdul Jabbar*, Anees-Ul-Hussnain Shah, Abdul Basit, Ghulam Ahmad, Aftab Ahmad Khan, Suleman Raza, Muhammad Sultan Ali Bazmi, Imtiaz Akram Khan Niazi and Ahmad Hussain

...Research Institute, Sargodha, Pakistan during 2017-18 and 2018-19. Different sowing methods, broadcast and row spacing of 15cm, 30cm, 45cm, 60cm apart were used. Plant height (cm), number of capsules/m2, number of seeds/capsule, 1000-grains weight (g) and seed yield (kg/ha) parameters were studied. It was observed that sowing methods had a significant outcome on seed yield. The results depicted that broadcast sowing gave maximum seed yield of 954 kg ha-1 while...
Muhammad Faisal Riaz1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1 and Talha Nazir2
...tations in district Sargodha. From November to April 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, about 51,000 apterous adult aphid specimens were collected from various plantations from all six tehsils of district Sargodha and were identified up to species level. Richness and relative abundance of different aphid species were determined by calculating Shannon Wiener’s (H’), Evenness (J’), Dominance (D) and Sampson’s div...
Panjono1*, Endy Triyannanto2, Widagdo Sri Nugroho3, Muhammad Danang Eko Yulianto1, Bayu Andri Atmoko1,4
...ficial cattle on Eid al-Adha is conducted traditionally, conventionally, and tends to be rough so that the cattle experience torture. Restrain is important in the slaughtering process by using equipment in the form of a restraining box. This study aimed to examine and identify the effect of using the portable restraining boxes (PRB) on the slaughtering efficiency and the level of animal welfare in the slaughtering process of sacrificial cattle during the Eid a...

Muhammad Rizwan, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed*, Muhammad Arshad

...ehsils) of district Sargodha during 2017 to determine the population dynamics of D. mangiferae nymphs and adults on citrus plants. Results showed that the average population of mealybug nymphs (9.92 individuals per branch) and adults (14.55 individuals per branch) was higher in Bhalwal as compared to Kotmomin and Sargodha. The maximum population of nymphs (31.93 individuals per branch) was observed during April and the adult...

Nora Faten Afifah Mohamad1, Hassan Haji Mohd Daud1, Ruhil Hayati Hamdan2, Sharifah Raina Manaf3, Ain Auzureen Mat Zin2, Nik Nur Fazlina Nik Mohd Fauzi2

Amreen Zahra1, Mushtaq A. Saleem1*, Hasnain Javed2 and Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan3

...aisalabad (81.93%), Sargodha (76%) and in Nankana (62%). A strikingly high level of co-infection was observed compared to single infection. These results suggest a high rise in HCV and HIV co-infection among the HIV positive IDUs. Estimate of the CD4 cell count showed a strong correlation of high HCV and HIV viral titre with low CD4 count. In co-infected individuals, a significantly decreased level of CD4 cells was seen in both medium high and very high viral ...

Muhammad Zeeshan Nadeem1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1 and Muhammad Anwar ul Haq2

...BY, Ghana White and Sargodha Bajra 2011) during the experimentation. Treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design and replicated thrice. The results revealed that seed germination, plant growth, fodder yield and quality were improved by all seed priming agents over the control, but CaCl2 priming outclassed all other priming agents for all the attributes. For example, seed priming of CaCl2 ­increased plant height significantly during both ye...

Akbar Hayat1*, Marayam Nasir2, Ehsan-Ul-Haque1, Muhammad Asim1, Sohaib Afzaal1, Shagufta Naz3, Muhammad Nawaz1, Abid Mahmood4, Faheem Khadija1, Fiaz Hussain1 and Tariq Mehmood5

...Research Institute, Sargodha from 2016 to 2020. Results revealed over all good adaptability, while no significant difference in juice contents was observed among all the tested cultivars. Physical quality of fruit (weight, firmness, size etc.,), and TSS were significantly affected by varying rootstocks. Cox mandarin was found as best cultivar as imparting maximum weight (180.7 g), size (74.10 mm), TSS (12.0 ⁰B). Overall, cox mandarin budded with Kinnow perfo...
Amreen Zahra1*, Mushtaq A. Saleem2, Hasnain Javed3, Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan4 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4
...eak i.e. Kot Imrana Sargodha, Faisalabad and Gujrat. Drug resistance mutations such as T12A, I13A, K14R, I15V, K20I, T31S, E35D, M36I, N37D, R41K, K43X, R57K, Q61H, H69K, K70R and L89M were observed across several sites across the whole length of PR region among the isolates. A significant accessory resistance mutation V32I conferring a low level of resistance against non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors was observed among two isolates. This kind of...

A. El-Shemy1*, Hoda M. Mekky2, M. A. Bosila2, A. M. Allam1, Kh. M. Elbayoumi2, M. M. Amer3 

Amina Batool1*, Saba Aleem1, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Waheed Arshad1, Muhammad Aslam2, Shiraz Ali3 and Muhammad Zeeshan3

Muhammad Mansoor1, Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil2*, Zafar Islam2, Muhammad Asif2, Ghani Akbar2, Muhammad Ashraf Khan3 and Ibadullah Jan4

Asim Ali Khan1, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan1, Yasir Iftikhar1*, Mustansar Mubeen1, Maham Sohail1, Sonum Bashir1, Malik Abdul Rehman2 and Muhammad Usman Ghani3 growing areas of Sargodha district (Sargodha, Kot Momin, and Bhalwal). The samples from the declined orchards were collected based on symptomology and confirmed through ELISA. CTV was detected in 3 varieties viz., Kinnow (Citrus reticulate), Mosambi (Citrus sinensis) and Feutrell’s early (Citrus reticulate cv feutrell’s early). The maximum disease incidence was recorded in Mosambi (90%), followed by Feutral&rs...

Shabana Ehsan1*, Aneela Riaz2, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Abid Ali1, Ifra Saleem3, Muhammad Aftab3, Khalid Mehmood4, Fakhar Mujeeb1, Muhammad Asif Ali1, Hina Javed1, Fraza Ijaz1, Anwar-ul-Haq5, Khaliq-ur-Rehman3 and M. Usman Saleem

...l of Rawalpindi and Sargodha divisions. The screening of bacterial isolates for siderophore production through CAS-shuttle assay (quantitative) and CAS-agar (qualitative) was done. Isolates were further characterized for Fe and phosphorus solubilization, indole acidic acid (IAA) equivalents, and organic acid production. The growth chamber and field study was planned to evaluate the effectiveness of these isolates on the growth and yield parameters of wheat. To...

Akbar Hayat1*, Ehsan Ul Haque1, Marayam Nasir2, Rab Nawaz3, Tariq Mahmood4 and Sohaib Afzaal1

... Research Institute Sargodha. The candidate varieties/cultivars were Rhode Red Valencia, Cara Cara, Amber Sweet, Sun Star and Salustiana. All of these different five citrus varieties evaluated objectively assessing their suitability both for direct consumption and value addition. The work spread over two years (2018and19) produced distinctive results for their commercial exploitation. The attributes in analytical work for fruit quality evaluation were fruit si...

Muhammad Saif-ur Rehman1, Faiz-ul Hassan1* and Muhammad Sajjad Khan2

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Luqman1*, Bushra Pervaiz2, Rana Shahzad Noor3, Muhammad Ameen4, Sadia Hassan3 and Wassi Abbas1

...ood security in the Sargodha district. The sample size of the study was 120 farmers. An interview schedule was used as a research instrument for data collection using the face-to-face interview method. Descriptive statistics; mean, frequencies and percentages were applied to draw results and to interpret. The prominent mode of rural advisory services by the public sector was ‘training program’ whereas for the private sector it was ‘advice on ...

Uzma Ishaque1, Nasira Kazi1, Erum Iqbal1* and Shahnaz Dawar2

...pium hirsutum L. in Sargodha, Punjab, Discolaimus omanensis Siddiqi, 2005 from roots of Mangifera indica L., in Faisalabad, Punjab, Discolaimus paratenax Siddiqi, 2005 from decaying matter in Peshawar, KP, Dorylaimoides micoletzkii (de Man, 1921) Thorne and Swanger, 1936 from soil around the roots of Vitis vinefera L. in Quetta, Balochistan, Sectonema ventralis Thorne,1930 from roots of Prunus persica L. in Peshawar, KP, Ironus terranovus Ebsary, 1985 from soi...

Asmatullah Kaka1*, Wahid Haron2, Nurhusien Yimer3, Abdullah Channo1, Ali Raza Jahejo2, Mahdi Ebrahimi3, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro4 

Rehman Shabbir1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Noor us-Sabah1, Mukkaram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Luqman*2, Muhammad Fahad Ullah3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Imran Shahzad1

...industrial state of Sargodha directly discharges its effluents that flow into a stream. This industrial wastewater was taken for this trial. The contaminants of the stream water were utilized for this trial to check its impacts on soil properties and growth of tomato plants. The physiochemical parameters of the soil such as pH, EC, organic matter, heavy metals and physiological parameters of the tomato plants were observed. Most of the soil parameters were pro...


...tic laboratories of Sargodha city. Levels of non-specific esterases were determined in the normal and breast cancer patients. The levels of non-specific esterases were higher in healthy individuals than the breast cancer patients. So, levels of non-specific esterases could be used as a marker for the diagnosis of breast cancer.
Key Words: Esterases, breast cancer, risk factors, diagnosis


... Citrus orchards in Sargodha region were surveyed and leaf samples showing typical symptoms of citrus canker were collected. Infected section of leaf was taken for isolation of bacteria. Lesions were cut into parts and streak bacteria by the help of inoculation loop grown in nutrient medium. Pure bacterial culture of Xanthomonas axonopodis were used for detection by standard PCR. Xanthomonas axonopodis was diagnosed by amplification of 16S rDNA. A fragment of ...

Siti Fairus Mohamed Yusoff1, Annie Christianus1*, Yuzine Esa1, Muhammad Fadhil Syukri Ismail1, Bashiru Garba2, Nik Siti Zaimah Safiin3, Nur Hamid Hidayahanum4

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Asif1, Amjed Ali1, Ahsan Aziz1, Naeem Akhtar2, Muhammad Shahid Gulrez1 and Waqas Raza3*

...lege, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan during winter season 2020-21. Treatments comprised of three B (0, 1, and 2 kg ha-1) and three Zn (0, 8, and 10 kg ha-1) levels and their all-possible combinations as their basal application to soil as boric acid and ZnSO4 fertilizers, respectively. RCBD with three blocks was applied. Seed of AARI Canola variety was sown in 45 cm apart rows. Maximum CGR (155 g m-2day-1), total dry matter (10663 kg ha-1), LAD (360 d...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1,2*, Neelam Yaqoob3*, Abdullah2, Amina Iftikhar4, Muhammad Irfan5, Hafiza Zara Saeed6, Syed Saqlain Hussain7 and Sidra Shakil8

..., the University of Sargodha in 2021. The experiment was run in four replicates to avoid variance. Different concentrations of aqueous extract of wild radish (0.0 %, 3.0 %, 6%, 9.0% and 12.0 %) were applied on ten seed of pea. It was observed that maximum emergence percentage (94.25 %), shoot length (5.52 cm), root length (6.20 cm), fresh biomass (0.95 g), dry biomass (0.32 g), minimum time to start emergence (2.56 days), mean emergence time (4.51 days), time ...

Tajul Islam Mamun, Jillur Rahman, Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Jamal Hossain, Md Wakil Mahmud and Kamruz Zaman

Jawad Ali1,*, Samiya Rehman1, Aqsa Aslam1, Fouzia Tanvir2, Rida Liaqat1, Muhammad Ahmad1, Aamir Riaz1, Muhammad Shafique3, Hassan Ali1 and Amjad Ali1

...anwalli, Kohat, and Sargodha city were gathered for antioxidant potential determination. Free radical scavenging activity and total antioxidant activity experiments were performed on the samples using the DPPH and Phosphomolybdenum methods. Results shows leaves extract from Mianwali has the highest total antioxidant capacity while stems collected form the Sargodha has highest free radicals scavenging ability with values of 4...

Ahmad Noor and Malik Muhammad Shafi*

...within six villages; Kiridhand, Jangerizi Banda, Yaghi Musakan, Hassan Banda, Takht Nasrati and Garang. Data were collected through questionnaires, while secondary data was from different climate and weather reports. Binary Logistic model was used for analysis. The study discovered lack of surface water resources and ground water extraction satisfied the community needs and rainfall was only recharge method. Boreholes pumping technique was used mostly for irri...

Salman Ahmad1*, Muhammad Asim1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, Muhammad Atiq3, Yasir Ali4, Hafiz Bashir Ahmad5, Malik Abdul Rehman6 and Naeem Akhtar7

...conducted in tehsil Sargodha during 2017 and 2018. Correlation and regression analysis were used to determine the relationship of ACP with CG, and the relationship of environmental factors with ACP. Surveys were conducted to record the incidence of CG and estimate the yield losses caused by it. The study of population dynamics of ACP revealed that ACP population was higher between 7th to 14th April and 11th to 18th September, during 2017 and 2018. While, there...

Yuyu Wang1,2, Mingzhu Li 3,4, Gang Lin4, Xiaohua Guo5, Aihua Sun5, Hao Dong5, Qinghui Ai1,* and Kangsen Mai1,*

Yongming Zhang1,2, Yuyu Wang2*, Jing Jia2, Sihe Zhang2, Xiaohua Guo3, Aihua Sun3, Hao Dong3, Peiqiang He4 and Xiefa Song1*

Saima Naz1, Ahmad Manan Mustafa Chatha2, Rifat Ullah Khan3*, Saba Iqbal1, Nimra Amjad1, Azka Kiran1, Ammara Javed1, Maria Lateef1 and Amna Nawaz1

Naeem Akhtar1*, Sana Noureen1, Muhammad Asif2, Ahsan Aziz2, Usman Saleem1, Talat Mahmood3, Nadeem Raza4 and Waqas Raza5

...ture, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan using randomized complete design in triplicate. Different morphological parameters were calculated to observe sugarcane production and SCMV susceptibility by determining disease incidence and disease severity by using appropriate statistical software. Results revealed that all sugarcane genotypes performed well, showed significant variability for morphological characters and S...
...on zone in district Sargodha were
collected and analyzed for the presence of deltamethrin and malathion
pesticides using HPLC technique. Results showed that 100 % of milk
samples were contaminated with pesticide residues. Maximum
concentration of malathion (0.72±0.02 μg/kg) and deltamethrin (0.75±0.04
μg/kg) was found in cow milk samples collected from Sargo

Muhammad Raza Salik1, Muhammad Babar Shahzad Afzal1,2*, Ayesha Komal3, Muhammad Nawaz Khan1, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah4, Faheem Altaf5, Akbar Hayat1 and Hira Tariq1

...Research Institute, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan during 2012-13 and 2013-14 to see the impact of four different plant spacing (T1: 10` × 10`, T2: 14` × 14`, T3: 18` × 18`, and T4: 22` × 22`) upon various physio-chemical parameters of Citrus reticulata. The experimental design was randomized complete block (RCB). The parameters evaluated were: plant height, plant spread, canopy volume, month wise incremental trend of fruit growth, fruit si...

Zain Ali1, Amjed Ali1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Muhammad Asif1, Adnan Ashraf1, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Iram Inayat2, Aneela Nijabat3 and Rameez Hussain3,4

...ture, University of Sargodha to evaluate the combined effect of sunflower and maize crop for the quality production of silage for enhancing the growth and production in the animals. Six maize hybrids were used along with the sunflower, tree were twelve treatments, each maize with sunflower as intercrop and only maize hybrids as solo crop. Outcome of research revealed that both of sunflower heads and maize plants have better combination for the silage productio...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Muhammad Talha Shoaib1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Umair Safdar2 and Hassan Raza2

...ronment in district Sargodha. A cross sectional survey method using convenient sampling was adopted for this research and data was collected from 300 respondents with the help of structured interview schedule. The results revealed that all the respondents (100%) considered ‘enhance farm production’, ‘control of insect/pest’ and ‘weed eradication’ as major factors for application of pesticides. Moreover, results also indicate...
Naila Amjad1, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1*, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan2, Shafaat Yar Khan1 and Sania Waliat1
...erent localities of Sargodha division (Sargodha, Khushab, Jauharabad, Mianwali, and Bhakkar), Punjab, Pakistan, and tested against selected insecticides. The resistance ratios (RR) at LC50 ranged from 10.32-35.37 folds for deltamethrin, 17.49-38.13 folds for fipronil, and 10.70-18.81 folds for chlorpyrifos. The RR values at LC50 for imidacloprid and pyriproxyfen ranged from 4.35-28.0 and 10.56-21.45 folds, respectively. The ...

Asma Sadia Authoy2, Aneek Chanda2, Aparna Datta3, Md Shohel Al Faruk4, Towhida Kamal1* 

M.R. Abd-El Wahab l, H.A. Hussein2, T.M. Asfourl and M.A. Shalaby2

Taleeha Roheen1, Shagufta Kamal1*, Shazia Anwer Bukhari1, Ghulam Mustafa1 and Saima Rehman2

...and MT-2 in soil of Sargodha region (SGD). Overall FSD soil was observed to be more suitable for methanogenic and methanotrophic growth than SGD soil according to the conditions needed for microbial growth in soil.


Abdul Haseeb1, Yasir Iftikhar1, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan1*, Safdar Ali2, Rana Binyamin3, Salman Ghuffar4 and Muhammad Usman Ghani5,6

...Tehsils of district Sargodha (Pakistan) viz: Sargodha, Silanwali, Sahiwal, Shahpur, Bhalwal, Kot Momin and Bhera. Population densities of nematode were assessed in different genera of citrus crop i.e. kinnow, sweet orange, feutral’s early, grape fruit and sweet lime, both in healthy and declining orchards. Whitehead and Hemming tray method was used for the isolation of T. semipenetrans which showed that the population ...

Muhammad Qazzafi Khan1, Iqtidar Hussain1, Ejaz Ahmad Khan1, Sara Zafar2*, Zuhair Hasnain3* and Moneeza Abbas4

Fen Wang1,2, Lin Zuo1,2, Xiang Zhou1,2, Zhu Chen1,2, Xiao Na Xu1,2, Suo Fei Ji1,2, Guan Jun Hou1,2, Cheng Jun Zhu2, Ye Zhang3, You Feng Su4, Gendong Jin5, Jia Jia Wang1,2, Yuan Gao6, Guang Tong Song1,2* and Ye Lin Jiang1,2*
...nt was conducted in Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan to assess the level of different heavy metals such as Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in wheat variety (Chagi-4) irrigated with varying quantity of sugar industry effluent. The water, soil and wheat grain samples were analyzed for heavy metals by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Concentrations of Mn (0.29-0.61), Ni (0.79-1.02), and Pb (0.01-0.42) mg/L in water samples were higher than the permissible limit of Mn (0.2), Ni (...


...riment conducted in Sargodha, Pakistan. The current study also focused on the evaluation of bioconcentration factor and pollution load index of the contaminated soil. Most of the metals observed in wastewater were present above the permissible limit set by WWF. Cd concentration increased considerably under wastewater irrigation in soil and wheat grains. Zn showed highest bioconcentration. Wastewater irrigated soil exhibited the maximum Pollution Load Index (PL...


...s cultivated in the Sargodha region of Punjab Pakistan. The endophytic bacterial community associated with citrus was characterized and screened for antifungal activity against Alternaria solani which causes losses to crops. A total of twelve strains were identified based on morphological and biochemical tests following Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology. The antagonistic potential of bacterial endophytes to A. solani was explored using the agar ...


...tany, University of Sargodha to evaluate the possible health risks of heavy metals in forages. Forages both forsummer and winter were grown with different water treatments (sewage and tap water). The concentration of cadmium in water, root and forage samples was determined. Moreover, bioconcentration factor, pollution load index, daily intake of metals and health risk index were calculated. In tap water Cd value was 0.54 mg/L and in sewage water, it was 0.56 m...

Yan Wang1,2*, Lin Liu3, Na Li4, Yijun Zong1, Wei Liu1, Wenhua Xu1, Qi Wang1, Peijuan Zhang1 and Huiling Feng2,5*

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Abdul Rehman1, Amjed Ali1,
Nasir Iqbal2, Qaisar Mumtaz1, Amir Javed1
site, Sargodha in spring seasons of 2018 and 2019 to evaluate the performance of
various herbicides to combat weeds in soybean. The study consisted of 8 herbicide
treatments including two pre-emergence herbicides (pendimethalin at 489.1 g a.i. ha-1,
pendimethalin + S-metolachlor at 731.1 g a.i. ha-1) which were applied immediately
after sowing and six post-emergence herbicides (oxyfluorfen at 237.1 ...

Amir Ehsan1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Amjed Ali1

...ture, University of Sargodha, Punjab-Pakistan. Treatments included 0, 22, 44, 66 and 88 plants m-2 densities of each of Echinochloa colona and Digera arvensis laid out in randomized complete block design. Augmented densities of E. colona (0, 22, 44, 66 and 88 weed plants m-2) enhanced its plant dry biomass up to 348 and 353%; and relative competitive index maximally to 80 and 77% in years 2015 and 2016, respectively. While the corresponding increases in plant ...
Saddam Rasham1*, Sohaib Ahmed1, Arz Muhammad Umrani1, Sidra Jamil2, Tariq Khan1, Shehr Yar Nasim3, Safi Ullah1, Haseeb Ahmad1 and Asfand Yar Nasim1
... interviews, people of Sudhan Gali and Bani Minhasan, which are two villages located in Azad Kashmir close to Ganga Choti Bagh, were asked questions in an order that was randomised. This allowed for the questions to be answered in any way that was most convenient for them. For the aim of our research, we conducted interviews with the people who took part in the study as part of the methodology that we utilized to collect data from the field. In order to collec...
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Muhammad Muslim
...iana, Dalbergia sissoo, Adhatoda vasica, Cedrula toona, Melia azedarach and rarely Tamarindus indica and Azadirachta indica. Singri is another large tract, where settlers cultivated agricultural crops like wheat, rice, maize, sugar-cane etc. This area had footprints of Hindu civilization near Singri Police Chouki, Seth Powaridas dug well on 9th January, 1860 for drinking water, currently the same well is being used for irrigation to forest nu...
Malik Mahboob ur Rehman1, Muhammad Rafiq2, Amjad Ali Ch.3, Tariq Mahmood4, Javaid Ahsan5 and Shahzad Fazal6
Muhammad Afzal, Amjad Ali Ch., Javaid Ahsan, Shahzad Fazal and Saima Tabassum
Kabir Dihider Shahriar, Mahmood Hossain and Ripon Kumar Debnath
...agro-ecological zones, Badhadia village of Thana Sonagazi possessed the highest number (186.17) of trees whereas the lowest number (24.4) of trees per household was found in Charpar village of Thana Jamalpur. Among the timber trees akasmoni (Acacia auriculiformis) and mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) were the dominant (1987and1785) species in the study areas. Betel nut, (Areca catechu), mango (Mangifera indica), coconut (Cocos nucifera), jackfruit (Artocarpus ...
Inayat Ullah Chaudhry
...pecies are known as Ludhar. The two species are described in the following paragraphs:

Lutra lutra kutab, SCHINZ 1844; Himalayan Otter or common otter.

Mian Muhammad Muslim
...bad, Rajana, Gojra, Sargodha, Soan Skasar Valley, Taxila, Okara, Pipliphar, Multan Chishtian, Bahawalpur and Rahim Yar Khan area....
Amjum Amin, Zafar Uddin, Rukhsana Roohi and Tayyab Jamil
...i>Chrysopogon montanus, Adhatoda vasica, Eleusine compressa. The communities were finally named by combining the physical and biological features....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...iculturists around Sargodha. One of these is Denderocalamus strictus and the other one is yet to be identified, although it is indicated as Denderocalamus by the Forest Botanist. Denderocalamus strictus is a tropical species and its extreme limit is the Margalla Hills in Rawalpindi District. It also grows naturally in the salt range. Forest Department, Punjab has been trying this bamboo off and on in irrigated plantations ...
Mohammad Shahid and Abdul Qayyum
...desta), bhaikar (Adhatoda vasica), apple (Malus sylvestris ), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica), clovers (Trifolium spp.),serson (Brassica campestris), maize (Zea mays),dates (Phoenix spp.), citrus fruit (all spp.), ber (Zizphus jujube), guava (Psidium guyava) and shain (Plectranthus rugosus)were recorded as major sources for the production of surplus honey with five major honey-flows ...
A. R. Beg
... in Billawar, Mirpur, Udhampur and Jammu upto an altitude of 800 m (Stewart, 1972). During a recent visit to Buner, the present author spotted a few clumps growing in nature also at Ambela, Maskipur and Bagra in Buner at about 800 m. The first two spots lie on raised stream banks with some damp soil and the third on a field border. A few more clumps are also reported to occur in the lower Buner. These are the only known remnants of natural bamb...
Jalal-ud-Din and M. Farooq
...alleys locally known as 'dhars'. About 50 per cent of the area is occupied by sand dunes having irregular relief. Salinity and sodicity, dense soil mass and sandy natures are the main soil problems that adversely affect the suitability of the area for shisham and other tree species under irrigation. Under the existing conditions of arid climate and shortage of irrigation water the problematic soils could better be used for original flora or drought/salt resist...
Mamoona Arooj1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Muhammad Mansoor
Javaid1, Erum Rashid2, Muhammad Saleem Jilani3, Jamshahid Qamar1, Faryal Ali4, Sadaf
Javeria5, Muhammad Faisal4
of Sargodha, during 2019. Six different concentrations of atrazine [0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 g
a.i. ha-1] were applied as post emergence herbicides at 3- 4 leaves stage of the weeds
under two different water regimes (60 % and 100 % water concentrations). Results
revealed that increase in plant chlorophyll content, fresh weight, dry weight, root length and
shoot length were observed after spraying ...

Muhammad Qasim1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Umair Abbas1, Mehar Zubair Shehzad1 and Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,2

...species in district Sargodha. Filter paper disc-based bioassays revealed that all insecticides showed a significant impact (P < 0.001) on the mortality of C. heimi workers and this mortality response was directly proportional to insecticidal concentrations and exposure times. Significantly higher mortality was recorded by chlorpyrifos (100.0%) and fipronil (95.0%) at 72 h post-exposure with minimum LC50 values of 1.29 and 2.04%, respectively. Similar trend ...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat, Muhammad Zeshan Maajid, Mubashar Nadeem and Amjed Ali

...ture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan during winter season 2014-15. Experimental treatments included varying densities (0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 plant m-2) of Convolvulus arvensis. The weed densities were maintained by thinning the excess weed seedlings one week after crop emergence. Wheat variety Galaxy was sown as a test crop. Results exhibited that increasing densities of C. arvensis increased its dry weight m-2 but reduced its plant height. A significant re...

Muhammad Al-Maruf1, Mahfuzul Islam2, Md. Rashedul Islam3, Syidul Islam1, Md. Sirazul Islam4, Md. Roknuzzaman Khan1, Md. Khairul Islam1, Md. Akib Zabed1, K. B. M. Saiful Islam1*

Muhammad Luqman1,*, Aqsa Ashraf 1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehmood1, Anwar Saeed2 and Rizwan Ahmad3

...nducted in district Sargodha, Pakistan, one of the important district of Punjab province. Face-to-face quantitative data were collected from 300 farmers. The collected data were exposed to SPSS examination, utilizing descriptive insights. Discoveries demonstrated that while farming filled in as a primary income source, farmers often took part in non-ranch exercises for supplemental income. Fluctuated landholding sizes were noticed, and the most sought-after in...

Muhammad Suleman Aziz1, Muhammad Iqbal1, Muhammad Sohail Khan1, Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Munir2, Khalida Musa3 and Asim Iqbal1

Anum Razzaq*, Tariq Mahmood, Ammara Saman, Ammara Baig, Nadeem Munawar and Muhammad Farooq
...stachya bipinnate (Baron dhab), Artemisia dubia etc. along with some fodder crops like Sorghum bicolour (Sorghum), Zea mays (Maize), Brassica campestris (Mustard) etc. The summer diet (non-crop season) was comparatively less diversified than the diet of the cropping season (spring) and there was a significant difference in the diets of this rat species during cropping and non-cropping period. The gerbil also supplemented its diet with insects (animal matters) ...

Faisal Noor1, Shahid Iqbal1, Muhammad Irfan Shan2, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3*, Abbas Sheer4, Muhammad Shahroz Khan3

...ture, University of Sargodha using randomized complete block design. Three treatments including installation of bee hotels, beehives and flowers intercropping were evaluated for their effect on the number of fruits, fruit weight, fruit diameter and average fruit yield. The results revealed that the presence of beehives improved pollination of round gourd and showed 1.32 to 1.95 fold increase in number of fruits per plant, 1.33 to 2.10 fold increase in average ...

Zainab Sadik Chetheer*, Aseel Abdullah Ibraheem

... Hypothyroidism, Ashwagandha, Propylthiouracil, Histopathology, Thyroxine, Triiodothyronine, Thyroglobulin, Thyroid-stimulating hormone, Body weight, Body temperature

Talha Shafique1, Mustansar Mubeen2, Yasir Iftikhar2, Qaiser Shakeel3*, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan2, Haseeb Ahmed Lalika4, Malik Abd-ur-Rehman5, Atta ur Rehman2, Muhammad Irfan Zafar6 and Farwa Seemab2

...hree tehsils of the Sargodha district: Kot Momin, Sargodha, and Bhalwal. The incidence and severity of CTV were evaluated using three citrus varieties: Musambi, Feutrel’s Early, and Kinnow. Disease incidence was calculated using the ELISA test, while disease severity was determined by counting the number of pits per square inch. The results revealed significant variation in CTV incidence and severity across the three c...

Iftakher Alam1,2, Biswajit Das1,3*, Kazi Md. Younus Tanim1, Rafiat Zannat1,3, Amiya Das Hridoy1,4, H.M. Fahad Hossain1,4, Tarikul Islam1 and Md. Atiqur Rahman Bhuiyan1

...ieties outperformed. Binadhan-10, a modern variety, showed the highest yield of 5.23 tons/ha, demonstrating superior performance in the coastal region due to its adaptability to saline conditions. In the principal component analysis (PCA), the first two PCs explained 68.01% of the total variation between genotypes. Additionally, PC1 separated high-yielding genotypes from low-yielding suggests the studied moderns are high-yielding than locals for coastal region...

Arani Chakma1, Yousuf Biswas2, Md. Kamruzzaman Akimul2, Md. Saifur Rahman2, Md. Rezaul Karim3 and Mohammad Enamul Hoque Kayesh2*


Hani M. A. Abdelzaher1,2*; Koji Kageyama3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(6): 1029-1044
...k as pathogens. Pythium adhaerens, P. aquatile, P. diclinum, P. dissotocum, P. pachycaule and P. torulosum, in addition to asexual isolates of P. dissotocum (Pythium “group F”) and Phytopythium helicoides (the former, Pythium “group P”) were isolated from 5 rivers and a pond in Gifu, Japan, and their diversity were studied. All of the isolated species have been previously recorded from aquatic habitats except for P. pachycaule. Sequenci...


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