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Atul Sharma, Aruna Chandra Singh, Gautam Bacher, Sunil Bhand

Aqila Shaheen and Nadia Sabir

...tillage with and without residues and organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield of wheat-maize cropping systems in the erosion-vulnerable sub-humid area. Treatments included tillage levels i.e. ST (shallow tillage), STR (shallow tillage with residues), DT (deep tillage) and DTR (deep tillage with residues). Sub plots had three fertilizer’s levels viz. F1 (co...

D.K. Hazra, Megha Pant, S.K. Raza and P. K. Patanjali


Formulation technology: key parameters for food safety with respect to agrochemicals use in crop protection
...ccumulation of pesticide residues in food commodities along with environmental pollution. Conventional formulations, because of their characteristics i.e. dustiness and use of volatile organic solvents in their preparation maximize several problems like health haz-ards and environmental pollution etc. With the increasing awareness of toxic effects of conventional formulations, there is a significant trend towards switching over from such pesticide formulations...

Anjan Bhattacharyya, Suhrid Ranjan Barik & Pritam Ganguly

New pesticide molecules, formulation technology and uses: Present status and future challenges
...ving very less amount of residues in the environment. Conventional pesticide formulations like WP, EC etc are endangering human health and polluting environment. Newly developed modern formulations like water emulsifiable gel, floating granules, drift less dust, macro and micro encapsulated suspension, hollow fibers, monolithic matrix, laminated structures etc can avoid these problems. The prime motto for these developments is to give protection to the crops a...
Muhammad Aslam Farooqi1,*, Mansoor-ul-Hasan2, Sohail Akhtar1Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Naveed Aslam3 and Muhammad Rafay4
...V) was used to determine residues of commonly used agricultural insecticides (imidacloprid, thiametoxam, profenofos, endosulfan, spinosad and deltamethrin) in multi-floral raw honey of Apis dorsata F. collected from the cotton belt area of Punjab, Pakistan. The residues of these insecticides were extracted using ethyl acetate. Honey samples were spiked at 0.1 and 0.01 mg/kg. The mean recoveries of these insecticides i...
Xue-yang Wang1, Shang-zhi Zhang1, Ming-hui Liu2, Dong Yu1, Yan Ma1, Dong-qiong Fei1, Hai-zhong Yu1 and Jia-ping Xu1,*
...predicted 641 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of approximately 71.2 kDa. BmARM-like mRNA showed highest expression in hemolymph, significantly high expression levels in 4th instar, moth, and egg, stable high expression levels in the early embryonic development, relatively high expression levels in the 1st day and 5th day of the pupa stage, and highest expression levels in the molting stage. What’s more,...

 Bushra Mazhar1, Nusrat Jahan1, Nazish Mazhar Ali1, Saiqa andleeb2, Shaukat Ali2*

...n production using waste residues of rice bran oil. After the screening of different bacterial isolates, a novel strain Enterobacter hormaechei showed significant production of vanillin when inoculated in waste residues of rice bran based media. E. hormaechei produced 5.2 g/l of vanillin in culture media containing ferulic acid as a substrate. Optimum pH for E. hormaechei was 7 and the temperature was 30°C. Using optimum...
Amtul Jamil Sami1,*, Sehrish Bilal1, Madeeha Khalid1, Muhammad Tahir Nazir1 and A.R. Shakoori2


.../i> AChE. The amino acid residues of T. castaneum AChE identified at positions 259(SER), 176(SER), 173(GLY), and 502 (HIS) are involved in binding with saponin molecule to form four hydrogen bonds. Whereas in A. mellifera hydrogen bonds are formed at two positions by SER 171 and TYR104 with the saponin molecule indicating weak interaction as compared to T. castaneum Saponins derived from A. indica work as biosafe pesticides as it ha...

Imtiaz Hussain*, Hassnain Shah, M. Azeem Khan, Waqar Akhtar**, Abdul Majid*** and M. Yaqub Mujahid*


...e followed by burning of residues that not only create environmental pollution but also affect the productivity of the cropping system. Stagnation in yield of rice and wheat is reported mainly due to uninterrupted sequential rice-wheat cropping which cause low fertility, increased weed problem, more disease and insect invasion leading to yield losses. Berseem is the only crop that breaks this rotation. Farmers are aware of the beneficial effects of this crop r...

 Shahida Khalid*and Shahida Nasreen Khokhar*

...e, grown in soils having residues of either Triasulfuron+Terbutryn (Logran) or Sulfosulfuron (Leader), were found to significantly mitigate (% increase in root length, shoot length, fresh weight and dry weight) the inhibitory effect of residues , when inoculated with Azospirillum A4. In second experiment two Azospirillum (B2 and B3) and two Azorhizobium (3.6ksk and srsn2k4) isolates reduced seed germination of Phalaris minor...

 Imdad Ali Mahmood*, Arshad Ali**, Armghan Shahzad**, Muhammad Asif Masud Ghumman***, Muhammad Arshad Ullah**, Tariq Sultan** and Badar-u-Zaman**

...a along 2 5 -1 with crop residues incorporations. Overall 2.75 and 2.89 t ha of paddy and -1 wheat, respectively were obtained with P O @ 80 kg ha under crop residue 2 5 -1 incorporation. Although, the yields produced with the treatment, 80 kg P O ha + 2 5 -1 crop residue, performed similar to P O @ 120 kg ha without crop residues 2 5 incorporation during both the years. However, on average, grain yield of direct seeded rice...
Muhammad Sharif1*, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2, Muhammad Ansar3, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Syed Abdul Sadiq5
...mswith retention of crop residues,whilesignificantly lower values were recorded under ZT without residue return (54 plants m-2, 4.33Mg ha-1, 2.02Mg ha-1, respectively). The gross margins were highest with crop residue return under RT (Rs. 109375) followed by MT (Rs. 101800) and CT (Rs. 97840), whereas ZT without residue return gave the lowest gross margin of Rs. 7187.The study indicated that reduced tillage (chiseling) with ret...
Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Farkhanda Khan2, Muhammad Kashan3, Qadir Ullah4 and Abdur Rauf5
Basit Zeshan1,2,*, Mushtaq A. Saleem2,Javed Iqbal Wattoo2, Mohd Mokhtar Arshad1 and Maizan Mohamed1
...497–543 amino acid residues of S1 glycoprotein) were amplified by overlap PCR, cloned into prokaryotic expression vector resulting pET-Sf200 and confirmed the construct by sequencing. The recombinant plasmid was identified by restriction enzyme and sequencing analysis. The in vitro expression of the truncated protein was analyzed in E. coli with a molecular weight of 38kDa determined through SDS-PAGE and confirmed by Western blot...

Habibullah* and Sahib Alam  

...) increased with biochar residues and N applications, whereas soil pH was only influenced by residual biochar. The effect of N was not significant (p≥0.05) on soil pH and EC at maturity stage of wheat crop. As biochar improve the soil physicochemical properties therefore biochar application along with N fertilizer might be helpful in maintaining healthy soil for better crop productivity.  

Farrukh Jamil*, Samra Raheel and Haroon Rasheed
... size, polar heme pocket residues and large cavity for exogenous ligand in the heme pocket. The crystal structures of HGbIV showed that its heme pocket can accommodate and interact with bulky PO4-3 ion. Here, we have docked different smaller molecules/ion like O2, NO, CO, CO2, NO3-1, CH3COO-1 and CN-1 in the heme pocket of HGbIV. Analysis of the structure showed ...

 Maleeha Manzoor1,2*, Ruijuan Ma2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Fouzia Tabssum1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1

Microalgal-bacterial consortium: a cost-effective approach of wastewater treatment in Pakistan
... /> Agricultural wastes/residues generated abundantly in energy deficient countries like Pakistan, having enormous
energy potential, are not utilized efficiently and considered as wastes only. The present review focuses on the current
research on algal-bacterial consortia and the construction of consortia by keeping in view the environmental
conditions of country, suitable for microalgal growth to deal with pollution control and productio...

 Anber Naqvi1*#, Abdul Qadir1, Adeel Mahmood2, Mehvish Mumtaz3, Iqra Aslam1, Gan Zhang4

Assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in maternal blood serum from selected districts of Punjab, Pakistan
...ducted to screen the PCB residues in blood serum of
mothers residing in five districts of Punjab Province, Pakistan. The mean
concentration of Σ34 PCB congeners was recorded 232.3 ng/g l.w. PCB homologs
profile showed highest levels of Tetra-CBs (53%) followed by Penta-CBs (23%)
and Hexa-CBs(11%), respectively. Spatial distribution of PCB homolog reflected
the higher prevalence of lower chlorinated PCBs in urban populat...
Asim Faraz1,*, Muhammad Younas2, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Yaqoob2 and Kashif Ishaq3


...ate @ 1 kg/h/d plus crop residues of gram (Cicer arientinum) ad lib while in second group, calves were reared under SIMS, sent for grazing 8 hours daily plus gram crop residues ad lib. Twice watering was done in both the groups. At end of trial mean body weight and ADG of male and female calves was significantly increased (P<0.05) in IMS (80.83+2.7, 77.83+2.7 kg and 0.674+0.02, 0.649+0.02 kg/d) than S...

Babar Tasim1, Tariq Masood1*, Zafar Ali Shah1, Muhammad Arif2, Ata Ullah1, Ghazal Miraj3 and Muhammad Samiullah4 

...erial used. Agricultural residues of different types (e.g., Sesbania stems (Sesbania punicea, SS), Chickpea plant (Cicer arietinum, CP), Maize cobs (Zea Mays, MC), Wheat straw (Triticum aestivum, WS), Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) bagasse (BG) and Animal dung (AD) were pyrolyzed at temperature range of 300-500 oC in order to compare the biochar samples obtained on the base of its physical and chemical properties. Physico-chemical characteristic such as pH,...

 Syed Turab Raza1,*, Zhu Bo1,*, Zulfiqar Ali2 and Tang Jia Liang3

...were prepared using crop residues i.e. wheat straw, rapeseed and cow manure in different concentrations. Vermicomposting through biochar (Biochar 50%, rapeseed residues 20% and Biochar with earthworms) gave maximum increase in soil fertility with maximum decrease (39.63%) in C:N ratio. Significant increase of N content in nutrients and reduction in C: N ratios during this process shows conversion of harmful wastes int...
Muhammad Shahid Nadeem*, Maryam A. Al-Ghamdi and Jalaluddin Azam Khan
...are putative active site residues interacting the substrate. Anti-proliferative effect of purified enzyme was determined quantitatively using non-cancerous human fibroblast cells (FB) and hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2). A dose of 5U/ml of enzyme has shown an anti-proliferative effect up to 65 percent on HepG2 cells.
Muhammad Shoaib Saleem* and Muhammad Faheem Akbar
...r the level of pesticide residues in food and environment causing health and ecological problems. The indiscriminate use of synthetics insecticides in crop protection has also led to development of resistant strains of pests and have adverse effects on non-target organisms including natural enemies and pollinators. Amongst bio-rational insecticides, neonicotinoids and insect growth regulators (IGRs) may be exploited as eco-friendly approach in crop pest manage...
Gul Afshan1,2,*, Soumble Zulfiqar2, Sumaira Mehboob2, Muhammad Tahir Javed Khan1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori2,*
...ealed that V342 and L349 residues were involved in the ligand binding. Interaction of HCV3a infected human sera with HCV3a E2 purified protein was carried out through Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA) using HCV antihuman conjugated protein. It was confirmed that the HCV3a E2 purified protein bound with the human serum almost three times more efficiently than the positive control. For raising antibodies against the antigenic protein HCV3a E2, the purifi...
Yating Cheng1, Wenlong Shi1, Xue Xiao2, Qirong Zhang2, Qihao Zhang1, Zhijian Su1, Qi Xiang1,2* and Yadong Huang1,2
...hydroxylation of proline residues is vital for the stability of this triple-helix. Prolyl-4-hydroxylase (P4H) is an enzyme with an α2β2 tetramer arrangement that functions to post-translationally hydroxylate proline residues in the collagen chain. The α subunit (P4Hα) of the P4H α2β2 tetramer contains the catalytic site, whereas the β subunit (PDI) maintains the solubility and activity ...
Riaz Shah1* and Margaret Appleby2
...reated leaf discs (spray residues), only garlic/chilli extract gave relatively acceptable levels of mortality 72.0+5.8% while bifenazate caused 95.2+3.7% mortality. TSSM females laid significantly more eggs on the garlic/chilli treated leaf discs in both contact and residual bioassays. When sprayed directly (contact bioassay), all of tested low-risk pesticides mortality of 85.2-100% to P. persimilis except DE. All of tested low-risk pesticides were mode...

Mahnoor Pervez and Farkhanda Manzoor* 

...) by detecting pesticide residues in pollen and nectar samples collected from various agricultural areas of Pakistan through high performance liquid chromatography analysis. Pollen and nectar were collected from 2016 to 2017 from different agricultural areas of Pakistan during a field survey. Pollen was collected by installing traps and nectar was collected through capillary method allied with centrifugation. The HPLC technique was used for fast and simple det...

Imran1*, Amanullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Zahir Shah2 and Abdul Bari3 

...each (Prunus persica L.) residues and soil application of Trichoderma (soft-rot fungi) along with seed inoculation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) (Pseudomonas) and phosphorus (P) on weeds frequency, and biomass at various growth stages of soybean and its yield contributing parameters. The consecutive field experiments for years 2016 and 2017 using randomized complete block design (RCBD) were conducted on soybean (cv. Malakand-96) crop. Experimental t...

Shazia Akhtar1, Abdul Samad1*, Afshan Gohar1, Muhammad Munir Shahid2, Muhammad Ishtiaq1, Arslan Sarwer1, Adnan Khan1 and Karam Ahad1 

...evelopment of pesticides residues monitoring system in Pakistan, a semi-structured questionnaire survey consisting of 40 sub questions was evaluated by interviewing the peach growers in Swat, Malakand. The current survey described the knowledge, behavior, agricultural practices and pesticides toxicity symptoms among the field workers. Over all 72 orchards from 26 Union Councils were covered. Data was analyzed by using SPSS 21 and sample collection points were ...
Saara Ahmad1,*, Iftikhar Ahmed2, Saida Haider3, Zehra Batool4, Laraib Liaquat3, Fatima Ahmed5, Asra Khan1, Tahira Perveen3, Mirza Jawad ul Hasnain6, Saima Khaliq7 and Saad Bilal Ahmed8
Muhammad Faheem Akbar1,*, Muhammad Abdul Haq2, Imtiaz Ahmad1, Vasileva Viliana3 and Amjad Sultan1
...concerns about pesticide residues in food and their environmental impacts, this study designed to find out the biological degradation of conventional and bio pesticides sprayed on cauliflower crop. Bio pesticides are environment-friendly products and highly biodegradable with low persistency and residual effects. Imidacloprid, endosulfan and profenofos were selected as convectional, while spinosad and biosal (neem compound) as bio pesticides, and were sprayed ...
Meriem Msaad Guerfali1,*, Heitham Hamden1, Salma Fadhl1, Wafa Djobbi1, Lotfi Sillini1, Wafa Marzouki1 and Mohammed Ammar2
...o reduce the insecticide residues in fruit, the government is trying to introduce the application of spinosad that was also reported to cause resistance under extensive use. The aim of this work was to monitor the susceptibility to malathion after prolonged use in wild caught tunisian Ceratitis as well as to spinosad after a survey carried out with farmers and to give...
Asim Faraz*
...ate @ 1 kg/h/d plus crop residues of gram (Cicer arientinum) ad libitum while in second group calves were allowed grazing/browsing for 10 h daily along with household refusals. Twice watering was provided. Fortnightly weighing of calves was done by digital scale. Data collected on different parameters was subjected to statistical analysis with 2×2 factorial arrangements of treatments under completely randomized design. After 120 days trial ...

Muhammad Asif Farooq1*, Muhammad Jalal Arif1, Muhammad Dildar Gogi1, Bilal Atta2 and Ahmad Nawaz

... insect pests, pesticide residues and yield in mangoes. The modules were based on a combination of different IPM tactics to suppress the pest population with no or minimal use of insecticides. Each module was applied in an area of 0.405 ha of a mango orchard. Fruit samples collected from all modules were subjected to analytical analysis using QuECHERS for sample preparation followed by quantification with GC-ECD. Recoveries of the samples analyzed were ranged ...
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Annamaria Passantino2, Ayman Balla Mustafa3, Nasir Ali Tauqir4, Naeem Ullah Khan5, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel6
...on lucerne and gram crop residues were fed. Daily feeding allowance was offered as 3% body weight. Water was provided twice a day. In blood-biochemical analyses, level of Hb (hemoglobin) concentration (P<0.05) was found to be significantly different as 16.4±0.14 and 16.8±0.09 (g/dL) with G1 and G2, respectively. The concentration levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, creatinine, albumin, total-protein, glucose, Ca and P were found signif...
Neelam Pery*, Nayab Batool Rizvi, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq
...ons with the ATP binding residues. The designed inhibitors show some selectivity for JAK 1 and 3 over JAK2 offering a better safety profile against the harmful effects of JAK2 inhibition.

Hina Nazli, Abida Butt*
...died spider. Insecticide residues of different ages were used to evaluate the residual toxicity of both insecticides. Mortality in exposed spiders decreased with the increased age of the residues. The results of both assays showed that male spiders were more susceptible than female spiders in both acute and residual toxicity tests. The residues study data showed that spiromesifen is short-...

Hafiz Muhammad Imran Javed* and Mushtaq Ahmed 

...s were seen at different residues other than the conserved domains. However, the analysis based upon the three-dimensional protein structures revealed that the study isolates showed mutation at C-terminus region of N protein. Such a study helps to improve our understanding towards evolution of emerging and re-emerging strains of SRMVs in the country. 

Asim Faraz*
...rgy along with gram crop residues ad libitum, the second group calves reared in SIMS were allowed grazing/browsing for 8-10 hours and fed gram crop residues ad libitum while the calves of third group reared in EMS were allowed grazing/browsing 10-12 hours along with feeding of household supplementation. The calves of first two groups were maintained at CBRS in semi-open housing system while the third group owne...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1, Waheed S. Khan2, Shafqat Saeed1 and Kashif Razzaq3

Application of Nanotechnology for Insect Pests Management: A Review fauna. The pesticides residues remain in the different parts of the crops and cause the lethal effects on human health. Many countries in the world switched from chemical based agriculture to green based agriculture that are ecologically reliable, socially acceptable and economically sound. In current scenario, the nanotechnology has revolutionized the agriculture with the greatest potential of nano based insecticides for the insect pest management. The phy...
Waseem Khalid1, Ali Ikram1*, Muhammad Rehan2, Farukh Adeem Afzal1, Saadia Ambreen1, Marryam Ahmad3, Afifa Aziz1 and Anam Sadiq1
...umed fresh fruit and the residues like seeds and peel are commonly thrown out. It is cultivated in many countries and has high financial value worldwide and all this is due to adaptation to climate and various types of soil., Melon is an excellent source of biologically active compounds for humans due to good taste and rich chemical composition. Glucose, fructose, vitamin A, D, C, K, E, and some vitamins from group B are present in melon. Biologically active c...
Yongyun Zhang1, 2, Xinyang Fan1, Fangting Zhou1, Weizhen Li3, Yina Ouyang1,4 and Yongwang Miao1*
...peptide composing of 214 residues. A total of 5 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was identified in two types of buffalo. Among them, c.516T>C and c.578C>T were observed only in river buffalo, while c.175A>G, c.580T>C and c.609T>G were found only in swamp buffalo. The c.175A>G, c.578C>T and c.580T>C were non-synonymous, which led to substitutions of p.I44V, p.L178S and p.F179L. The prediction showed that the p.F179L may affect the ...

 Muhammad Ajmal1, Saima Mustafa1, Fizza Ibrahim Bajwa1, Cheng Zhou2, Guangdong Wen2, Soe Lwin Myint2, Syed Irfan Raza3, Ihtasham Bukhari4, Mubashir Hassan5, Muhammad Faisal6 and Furhan Iqbal1*

...tein after 23 amino acid residues (p.P144LfsX23), resulting in a truncated HR protein with 166 amino acid residues. The mutation followed Mendalian pattern of inheritance as all the patients are homozygous for the mutation while parents were heterozygous and unaffected siblings from both families were either heterozygous for the reported mutations or they lacked this mutation.

Aamer Sattar1, Sadia Sultana1*, Abid Niaz1, Muhammad Aftab1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Irfan Rasheed3, Muhammad Shoaib4, Raheela Naz1, Amina Kalsom1, Nisa Mukhtar1, Farah Rasheed1, Arfan ul Haq1, Munazza Rafique5, Muhammad Arif1, Sarfraz Hussain1 and Jafar Salim6

...ustify;">Burning of crop residues in semi-arid region with hot climate and less than 1 % soil organic matter not only pose severe threat to global climate but also become the reason of ever decreasing organic matter status. Keeping in view the objective to monitor the impacts of crop resides, burning and incorporation into the soil on crop yield, nutrients uptake and soil physico-chemical properties, this long-term study was planned and conducted at Soil Chemi...

Raza Ullah Khan1*, Ahmad Khan1, Mohammad Zameer Khan1, Fayyaz Hussain1, Zafar Islam2 and Muhammad Asad Hameed2

...tify;">Post-harvest crop residues and coal have potential to be used for the extraction of humic substance, a macroorganic molecule. The humic substances were extracted quantified and characterized using techniques such as spectrophotometer, High Performance Liquid chromatography, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The analysis showed the presence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic sites. The Fourier infrared spectrosc...
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1 and  Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2 
...odder (lucerne) and crop residues (gram crop residues) was 70:30. They were fed two isocaloric diets with different protein levels viz: one group with 18% CP and other group with 22% CP. Daily feeding allowance (@ 3% body weight) was calculated and adjusted according to fortnightly live weights. Water was provided twice a day. Daily weight gain was 953±50 and 996±40 g/d with 18% and 22% levels of protein ration...
Li Shengqing1,2,3, Zhang Xiyun2,3, Liu Shengcai2,3, Hu Guoyuan2, Fan Yuxia2,Liu Huaixin2, Wang Tingting2 and Zhang Yanming1*
...airs and 1276 amino acid residues, respectively. The nucleic acid and protein sequences of the toxin exhibits 99% homology with those of a known type D botulinum neurotoxin gene, and the composition of the functional domain of the toxin is consistent with that of type D botulinum neurotoxin. For plateau pikas and plateau zokors, the LD50 values of intragastrically administered type D botulinum toxin is 6810 and 5840 MLD/kg weight, respectively, and ...

Ehab M. El-Nahas1, Hemat S. El-Sayed2, Sawsan S. El-Basuni3, Gabr F. El-Bagoury1

...ino acid substitution at residues 39 (Serine), 40 (Tyrosine), 41 (Lysine), 64 (Glutamate) and 69 (Valine) of the S1 proteins from H120 and M41.The cross-neutralization test revealed antigenic relatedness of Egypt/Qal/014p with Massachusetts serotypes. The commercial H120 vaccine conferred partial protection against proventriculitis induced by Egypt/Qal/014p. Conclusion: IBV strains exhibiting proventriculitis were found co-circulating in broiler chickens in Eg...

Haroon Ur Rashid1*, Nazia Tahir2, Muhammad Zamin3, Naveed Shehzad4, Aman Ullah2, Bibi Zainub5 and Farooq Azam6

...enium hysterophorus L.)] residues as surface mulches and their water extracts integrated @ 15L each +atrazine @ 0.125 kg a.i ha-1(1/4th of the recommended dose) was assigned to sub plots (Factor B). Data were recorded and analyzed for dry biomass (g) of total weeds 60 DAS, leaf area (cm2), leaf area Index (%) and Stover yield (Kg.ha-1). Integration of tillage regimes and various allelopathic treatments had significant effect on tested parameters. However, the ...

Sadarman1, Agung Irawan2, Muhammad Ridla3, Anuraga Jayanegara3*, Nahrowi3, Roni Ridwan4, Ahmad Sofyan5, Hendra Herdian5, I Nyoman Guna Darma5, Teguh Wahyono6, Dewi Febrina1, Rakhmad Perkasa Harahap7, Rizki Amalia Nurfitriani8, Danung Nur Adli9 

Prima Mei Widiyanti1*, Mirnawati B Sudarwanto2, Etih Sudarnika2, Raphaella Widiastuti1 

...ublic health. Antibiotic residues could result microbial resistance, toxicity, carcinogenicity, allergy, and product rejection. Prevention and control of antibiotic residues should be carried out through socialization to the public, monitoring of antibiotic examinations on animal products and application of hazard analysis and a critical control point (HACCP) in the food industry.

Keywords | Antibiotic, Enrofloxacin,...

Rehman Shahzad1, Saba Irshad1*, Malik Saddique Mehmood1 and Faisal Amin2

...e evolving clade. Valdar residues conservation scores by multiple sequence alignment showed the C terminal region of NEP protein is conserved while C terminal region of effector domain (ED) of NSI protein exhibit mutations. These mutations are enhancing the total hydrophobicity of the molecules. Hydrophobicity was calculated by using Kyte and Doolittle method. High hydrophobicity of NS1 protein is also posing a potential for H9N2 virus to adapt in host, which ...
Lin Ye, Jie-Lan Jiang*, Jia Xu, Rui-Ting Liu, Yin-Qiu Tian, Qing-Qing Zang, Jia-Yi Cao and Ming-Guang Mao*
... encoding 834 amino acid residues. Sequence alignments revealed that the TrCLCN5 cDNA is highly homologous (96.2% and 96.1%) with that of Takifugu bimaculatus and Takifugu flavidus. SignalP and TMHMM analysis showed that TrCLCN5-deduced protein was a type III transmembrane protein and lacked a typical signal peptide. Conserved Domain analysis revealed that there was a Voltage_CLC domain and two CBS domains located in the TrCLCN5 deduced protein. qPCR analysis ...
Heba Mohamed Shaheen1, Ali Meawad Ahmed1*, Hosny Abdelltief Abdelrahman1, Rania Helmy Abohatab Abdou2, Aya Salama Mohamed Kamel1
...occurrence of antibiotic residues in broiler chicken is the chief causes of the development of antibiotic resistance in food-borne pathogens. Antibiotic resistance is setting the achievements of present day medication at chance. Therefore, in this study 300 chilled broilers carcasses were collected from different poultry markets in Ismailia City, Egypt to evaluate qualitative, quantitative and tetracycline levels. Qualitative determination of tetracycline

Bilal Jan1, Farida Anjum1*, Aasma Bibi1, Syed Roohul Hussain1, Abdul Ahad1, Azeem ud Deen1, Zia Ullah2 and Farrakh Mehboob3 countries. Pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables have achieved considerable attention due to the unempirical utilization of pesticides. Fruits and their products can serve as potential sources of toxic constituents such as pesticide residues, as they are often consumed unprocessed. This study was designed to assess the pesticide contamination level in different varieties of peach collected from the Swat and Peshawa...

Nahla Hamada Magd Khalil1*, Ihab Mahmoud Helal2, El-Desoky Hassan Ibrahim Dorrah1, Soad Ahmed Soliman Ismail3 

...organochlorine pesticide residues (OCP) by gas chromatography. The results revealed presence of different types of OCP residues (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD), chlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), Alderin, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Alpha hexachlorocyclohexanes (αHCH), Gamma hexachlorocyclohexanes (γHCH), Endosulfan and Gamma chlordane (γ-chlorda...

Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Kamran Ashraf2, Muhammad Muddassir Ali3, Kumayl Hassan Akhtar4 and Nazia Rubab5, the antibiotic (ABs) residues remain in livestock products like milk of buffalo and cow. It leads to antibiotic resistance in human beings as well as animals and thus lead to the problem for one health (OH). Following were the objectives of the current study. Detection of commonly used antibiotics (penicillin and oxytetracycline) in (i) raw milk of buffalo and cow collected open market, (ii) UHT milk, (iii) pasteurized milk, (iv) bulk tank milk and (v) gaw...

Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Kamran Ashraf2, Muhammad Muddassir Ali3, Kumayl Hassan Akhtar4 and Nazia Rubab5

...otics, antibiotics (ABs) residues in milk, meat and yogourt, the role of food safety, organizations, antibiotic resistance, compromise on human health and harmful implications upon animal welfare and eventually one-health due to unnecessary over or under label use of ABs. The results have delineated the educated individuals had a very little knowledge about OH i.e. 18.2% persons knew about the term. Regarding the abuse of ABs, 91.1% believed about the occurren...

Aiman Al Mufarji, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed* 

...nd undetected pesticides residues and its effect on modulation of blood and plasma parameters of ewes in subtropics. Twenty seven Naimi ewes, 51.3 ± 2.70 kg body weight and aged 2.5 - 3.0 years, were randomly allocated to three equal groups (nine/group) as control and M. oleifera groups (25 & 50.0 g daily). Blood samples were collected and were subjected to analysis through hematology and plasma biochemistry analyzers. The hematological parameters i...

Shuhuan Li1*, Yongheng Bo2, Youzhi Li3 and Xiuzhen Yang2 will lead to atropine residues in meat. When people eat animal meat from these sources, it will pose a potential threat to human health. Thus, in production practice, atropine residues in meat are usually determined quantitatively. In this study, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), a simple but potent method was used to quantify atropine residues in beef. The results indicate...

Hend K. Sorour, Mohammed A. M. Saleh, Azhar G. Shalaby* detection of colistin residues by HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography). In this research, we used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of the mcr-1 gene, and phylogeny was performed on three isolates to detect mcr-1 gene mutations and relationships. The percentage of isolated E. coli was 25.5%. All isolates showed resistance to colistin in disc-diffusion assay, while in MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) method 68.8% exhibited resi...

Nur Prabewi , Supriyanto, Budi Purwo Widiarso* 

...;such as antibiotic residues, low antioxidant and tenderness value, and protein instability upon heating, thus it needs special treatment. Marination is a flavored liquid that serves as the ingredients of the meat marinated, and is usually used to improve the yield and shelf-life of meat. The research aims to study the effect of herbal marination on the quality characteristics of broiler meat. The variables mea...

Mohamed. E. Taha1, Mohamed S. Ahmed2, Ahmed I. Ahmed2, Amany Adel3, Salama Rehab4,5*, Nabila Osman2** 

...tion sites at amino acid residues “188–191” and “200–203” were mutated. The phylogenetic analysis clearly highlights the aggregation of the sequenced AIV H9 isolates with the Egyptian H9N2 viruses G1 lineage in the group B and the Israeli strains. Although the strains are low pathogenic, the presence of mammalian binding amino acid markers indicated their public health concern. Overall conclusion indicated that AIV (H9N2) st...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi

...ign: justify;">Pesticide residues and metabolites are often found in fruits, vegetables, soil and underground water as contaminants. This necessitated the search for bio-nematicides, accordingly the nematicidal prospect of chromatographic fractions from Mangifera indica as a substitute to synthetic nematicides in the control of Meloidogyne incognita pests of tomato was evaluated. Crude extracts of M. indica bark was fractionated on silica-gel (120-150 mesh) us...

Inam Ul Haq1*, Muhammad Ramzan1, Mansoor Khan Khattak1 and Ahmad Khan2

...). Compost from domestic residues (C2), a combination of urea with compost (C3), and urea (C4) were compared with control, no N-fertilizer (C1) in integrated nutrient management factor. The result showed that the treatments had a significant effect on the plant height, spike m-2, grains spike-1, grain yield, biological yield, and harvest index. The highest plant height (0.44 m) and spike m-2 (88) were found in the combination of P3 with C2. The highest grain y...
Sara Mohamed Hemeda1, R.H. Sayed2, Hani Hassan1, Sheima A.E.2, Hassan Aboul-Ella3, R. Soliman3*
...beta;-lactams antibiotic residues in dairy milk. The developed LFK is based on a competitive immunochromatographic format using anti-antibiotic-specific polyclonal antibodies. Specific artificially induced active acquired polyclonal antibodies production were performed in female New Zealand rabbits against the following β-lactam antibiotics; Amoxicillin (AMX)- Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) and Penicillin-G (Pen G)-KLH conjugates. The prepared anti-&beta...

Muhammad Waseem Akhtar1*, Khalid Mahmood Khawar2, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar3, Muhammad Rafique1, Khalid Hussain4, Sharmin Ashraf1 and Muhammad Fida Hassan1

...ese pesticides, chemical residues may cause severe damage to non-target organisms. Host plant resistance against insect pests is considered best ecological approach to pest management. Keeping this in consideration, the current research activity is planned to screen out available germplasm of chickpea against dhora beetle (Callosobruchuschinisensis). For this purpose, 8 genotypes of chickpea genotypes were taken from Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisa...

Zahin Anjum1*, Mubashra Tarana1, Shaista Ali1, Faryal Yousaf1, Amina Rahat1 and Sumbla Yousaf2

Zheng-Yong Wen1, 2*, Chuan-Jie Qin1,2, Bin Li1,2, Rui Li1,2 and Xiao-Tao Shi3* and two cysteine residues were conserved in vertebrates. Three-dimensional (3D) structure modeling revealed that pvLeptin was highly conserved with that of other tetrapods. Genetic synteny analysis revealed that lepB had specifically lost in siluriformes teleosts. Phylogenetic analysis showed that fish lineage contained two clades of leptinA and leptinB, and the pvleptin was grouped into leptinA clade and shared a close relationship with its counterpar...

Abdullah Al Musabbir1, Md Abedur Rahman2*, Naveed Anjum2, 3 and Mustajab Ali4,5

...trip tillage in anchored residues by using Blade A in straw heights of 20, 30, and 40 cm was found to be 9.03%, 10.36%, and 12.14%, respectively. Whereas, these were 6.50%, 8.74%, and 8.88% for the corresponding straw heights, which were 28.01%, 16.63% and 26.85% lower, respectively while using Blade B. In both anchored and loose straw conditions, the effective field capacity was witnessed to be higher for Blade B. Furthermore, a significant reduction in the p...

Marwa S. Khattab1*, Ahmed H. Osman1, Huda O. AbuBakr2, Rehab A. Azouz3, Asmaa A. Azouz4, Heba S. Farag5 

...ide, and veterinary drug residues were detected in 50 random bovine skin samples. Each sample was kept in a separate sterile plastic bag and transferred to the lab in an insulated icebox for detection of the presence of ivermectin residues using the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. Skin histopathology and immunohistochemistry of collagen were performed. Results: Ivermectin was detected in 36 samples, ...
Alia Tajdar1,3, Shaghef Ejaz2, Muhammad Shah Zaib1, Anum Ishfaq1, Syed Muhammad Zaka1*, Hafiz Muhammad Safeer1 and Khalid Abbas1
...t also has side effects (residues in fruits, human health issues, resistance, damage to non-target population, environment pollution). In the present study the effect of different botanical extracts on the olfactory response of B. zonata and on the post-harvest quality parameters of banana was evaluated. Extracts of Moringa olifera, Mentha pipertia, Zingiber officinale, and Cinnamomum spp. were prepared in methanol, ethanol, and distilled water. The olfactory ...

Muhammad Shahid Nadeem*, Jalaluddin Azam Khan and Firoz Anwar

...and suggests active site residues of enzyme from archaeal origin. 


M. M. A. Youssef1†, Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi1, and Mona G. Dawood2

...div>Different sugar beet residues, fresh and dry leaves and mashed storage roots of sugar beet @20 and 10g were tested
for controlling root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on cowpea in screen house. On the basis of the average
percentages nematode reduction, mashed storage roots at the highest rate (20g) achieved 85.1% increase followed by
dry leaves at the same rate caused the reduction 81.6%. Average nematode reductio...

Muhammad Iqbal Anjum*, Shahbaz Javaid, Agha Waqar Yunus, Faisal Ashfaq and Javed Iqbal

...and 68% TDN] having crop residues MS, MC and WS each supplemented with 75% and 65% concentrate (C) were formulated as: T1) MS to C ratio of 25:75%, T2) MS to C ratio of 35:65%, T3) MC to C ratio of 25:75%, T4) MC to C ratio of 35:65%, T5) WS to C ratio of 25:75% and T6) WS to C ratio of 35:65%. These TMRs were offered ad libitum along-with 5 kg green fodder to each calf for 100 days. Daily feed intake, body weight gain and nutrient digestibility during last 5-...

Yusri Sapsuha1*, Nur Sjafani1, Suryati Tjokrodiningrat2

...a and causing antibiotic residues in meat which has implications for stunted growth performance and increased health problems in broiler farms. Herbal products have been proposed for use in broiler production in order to maintain health and maximize the growth potential of modern broilers. The performance of broiler chickens is focused on maximizing performance parameters, i.e., fast chicken growth with low feed consumption, and with optimal health status. Thi...

Songruo Tao1, Cuiyi Liao1, Jinju Peng1, Yuexia Ding1,* and Yi Ma1,2,*

...e effects of florfenicol residues in soil on 16S rDNA sequence diversity of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria. Five different concentrations of florfenicol (0 mg·kg-1, 0.1 mg·kg-1, 1 mg·kg-1, 10 mg·kg-1 and 100 mg·kg-1) were used to collect soil samples on the 7 d, 21 d and 49 d after dosing. The effects of florfenicol on 16S rDNA sequence diversity of soil phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria were determined by amplifed ribosomal...
Ayesha Ahsan1, Rabia Arif2*, Samina Nazir1, Muhammad Saleem2 and Memunna G. Shahid1 (Y) and Threonine (T) residues by NetPhos and YinOYang.

Syeda Fakhra Waheed1, Asim Aslam1*, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan1, Kamran Ashraf2 and Beenish Zahid3
... three characteristic aa residues of vvIBDV (287-A, 508-K, and 511-S) and four characteristic aa residues of non-vvIBDV (146-E, 147-G, 242-D and 390-L). While VP2 gene sequence alignment revealed eight characteristic aa residues of vvIBDV (222-A, 242-I, 253-Q, 256-I, 279-D, 284-A, 299-S, and 330-S and a distinct aa 384-I). Based on phylogeny, this is the first identification of IBDV segmen...

Muhammad Afzal Naeem1*, Muhammad Hassaan Khan2, Tahmina Nazish3, Uzma Bashir4 and Midrarullah5

...uded by G. hirsutum crop residues (leave and stem) may have inhibitory effect on the various germination and growth indices of wheat and consequently results in poor crop development and yield statistics.


Mohamed Adam1*, Hassan Sobhy2, Mohamed Abouzid3, Dalia Elhafny4 and El-Desouki Ibrahim5

... in 2017 experiment. The residues of ethoprophos and fenamiphos in leaves and fruits were not detected during the whole experiment. The amounts of ethoprophos and fenamiphos decreased from zero to 5 days from (4.88 to 3.61 ppm) and (15.25 to 7.31 ppm) with loss of 26.02% and 47.93 %, respectively. For all tested products, no impacts on Chlorophyll degree in leaves were detected when applied on the soil. From the result of this research, it is recommended that ...

Munir Ahmad1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Riaz Hussain2* and Rifat Ullah Khan3*

...ariety of creatures. The residues of this pesticide can have devastating effects on various species, as well as public health, if they enter the food chain. Pymetrozine’s toxicity in freshwater fish was the main focus of the current study. For this reason, 80 fish were collected and placed separately in four groups of 20 fish each. Pymetrozine was given to fish in groups B, C, and D at doses of 500, 1000, and 1500 µg/L in water. For histopathologic...
Hung Phuc Nguyen1*, Doan Van Thuoc2*, Nguyen Thi Trung Thu1, Huong Tran Thi Mai3, Nguyen Tran Khanh Hoa1, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nhi1, Nguyen Phuong Thao1, Tran Thi Loan2 and Nguyen Thi Huyen My2

Peter Amuguni Mbato*, Wanzila Usyu Mutinda, Noah Kipkoech Maritim, Nicholas Edwin Odongo 

... use. Reduced antibiotic residues and pathogens in meat suggest improved meat quality. The free-range broiler production system would be a better production system to improve the welfare and quality of the meat produced.


Amistu KU1,2*, Monahan FJ2, Wims P2, Yonatan KY1 , Fahey AG2, Takele TA3 

...), hay (15.0%), and crop residues (14.7%) as basal diets, whereas for the rainy season fatteners almost fully depend on natural pasture (97.7%). However, fatteners use corn/fresh maize (87.7%), coffee leaf boiled together with water (44.4%), haricot bean (40.5%), cassava root (28.8%), mixed concentrates (21.6%), enset root (14.7%), and local brewery by-product (9.8%) as supplementary feed. The mean age of cattle when fattening began is 5.32±.08 years an...

Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Youssef and Wafaa Mohamed Abd - El-Hameed El-Nagdi

...plant parts of khella as residues at the rates of 5.0 and 10.0 g or their aqueous extracts at concentrations of 5.0 and 10.0 % were treated to pots (5kg soil) planted to cowpea cv. Baladi infected with M.incognita. The greatest percentages of nematode reductions, 84.8 and 84.0% caused by mashed leaf and flower residues on cowpea at their highest rate (10g), respectively followed by other rates. In addition, the maximum perce...
...div>dissolving pesticide residues which are fat soluble. Present study was
designed keeping in view the nutritional importance of milk and its
contamination through pesticides application. For this purpose, raw cow
milk samples from citrus plantation zone in district Sargodha were
collected and analyzed for the presence of deltamethrin and malathion
pesticides using HPLC technique. Results showed that...
Saad Ibrahim Al-Sultan1, Mariam H.E. Khedr2, Ahmed S. Abdelaziz3, Mostafa M. Abdelhafeez4, Tamer Mohamed Gad5, Sabry Mohamed El-Bahr6,7*, Sherief Abdel-Raheem1,8 and Hesham A. Khalifa3
...p< 0.05) higher metal residues than that collected from Saudi Arabia. Cadmium content exceeded the established maximum permissible limits (MPL) in 65%, 20%, and 70% of liver, kidney, and tongue samples collected from Egypt, while only 35%, and 20% of the Saudi liver and kidney samples exceeded MPL. Arsenic residue levels exceeded MPL in 50%, 50%, and 25% of the Egyptian liver, kidney, and tongue samples. None of the examined samples exceeded MPL for Pb, and...

Siddique Ahmad1*, Basit Ullah1, Sajid Ali2, Ali Zaid1, Zeeshan Ahmad3, Muhammad Usaid1, Muhammad Zeeshan1 and Saif Ullah3

...g N + bio-aab, T7: Maize residues (MR) + 80 kg N + bioabb, T8: MR + 120 kg N + bio-aab, T9: MR + 160 kg N + bio-aab, T10: Control), same treatments followed for without bio-aab. OS have applied accordingly to the plots one month before sowing, bio-aab solution (60 litres ha-1) was applied with first irrigation to one experiment before sowing to encourage microbial action necessary for manure decomposition, while half N was applied at sowing time and half after...

Raed Hussein Salih Rabee1, Yahya Sabah Abdulameer1, Walla Farhan Obed1, Noor R Abady1, Adnan Mansour Jasim1*, Firas Hussein Albawi1, Mohammed Jasim Jawad2, Ahmed Samir Abukhomra3

...;">Background Antibiotic residues in poultry have the potential to have a number of harmful effects on health, including the emergence of multidrug-resistant microbial strains, allergic and an alteration of the normal flora in the intestines. The study aimed to evaluate the residue levels of enrofloxacin in chicken meat after administering berberine (BBR). Escherichia coli (E. coli) was isolated from chickens suffering from diarrhea, and its isolation was conf...

Saman Rizwan and Sohaib Aslam* 

...y;">Using harvested crop residues in different residue management strategies would help in refilling the soil nutrient pools, enhance soil organic matter levels, protect soils against erosion and improve water retention. This research was conducted in laboratory-controlled conditions using maize residues and a loamy soil from a sugarcane field to determine carbon mineralization patterns. Two different residue management prac...

Seham A. El-Zeedy1, Dalia A. Abd El-Moaty1, H. A. Hussein2 and M. A. Shalaby2

... shared three unique a.a residues at positions 222A, 256I, and 294Ile that were found only in vvIBDV as well as the conserved serine rich heptapeptide region. Giza/2000 showed two additional unique a.a residues at positions 220Phe and 321Thr that resulted from two unique nucleotide substitution at positions 609 (A to T) and 911 (G to A). Surprisingly Giza/2000 shared the unique a.a residue at position 254 (Gly to Ser) with t...

Siqiang Li1,2, Tiantian Wang1, Peng Sun1, Airong Gao1, Xin Gong1, Yuanhong Xu2, Baogen Wang2, Jun Wu1* and Bo Liu1*

...lpha;-1,2 linked mannose residues in high selectivity. The highest enzymatic activity of MDS I occurred at a pH of 7.0 and a temperature of 42°C. Enzymatic activity of MDS I was also influenced by metal ions, which were increased to 22% and 17%, respectively, by Co2+ and Cu2+ (2 mmol/L each), while were inhibited to some extent by Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+. This study has laid the foundation for the application of MDS I in future glycol-engineering researc...

Muhammad Tahir Latif1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Ali Zohaib2 and Ishtiaq Hassan3

...standing and loose paddy residues into soil without burning, prepares land and concurrently sows wheat seed. This study was conducted during 2022 to assess the pros and cons of SS for wheat sowing as well as to compare the economics of wheat production to conventional tillage/broadcasting method (CT). As the SS has not been adopted on large scale to find out its adopters easily; therefore, twenty innovative farmers were included in sampling frame with non-prob...

Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Bilques Bano3, Muhammad Muddassir Ali4, Nazia Rubab5, Syed Tasadak Mehdi6, Muhammad Wasim Iqbal7, Kumay Hassan Akhtar8, Aqeel Raza9, Ujala Fatima Shan10, Muhammad Aftab11

...que on samples and found residues of Penicillin and oxytetracycline in different percentages (11% and 9%, respectively) and percentage of both combine Penicillin and oxytetracycline is 3%. In a yoghurt sample, the highest penicillin was found as 13.95 µg/Kg, the lowest penicillin was detected as 7.07 µg/Kg, the highest oxytetracycline was observed as 306.73 µg/Kg, the lowest oxytetracycline was figured out as 197.77 µg/Kg. The result is...

Iqra Haider Khan1, *Arshad Javaid1 and Nadeem Shad1

..., water was added to the residues and the aqueous mixture was successively
partitioned with n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. Different concentrations
of each fraction were prepared which ranged from 1.562 to 200 mg mL-1. Antifungal activity
was carried out in malt extract broth medium. In general, all the concentrations of the four
organic solvent fractions significantly controlled the growth of...
Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Mansoor
...soil-decomposition plant residues towards
emergence and seedling growth of rice. In first experiment, aqueous extracts from various
plant parts of red sprangletop (stem, root, leaves, flower and entire plant) at their 5% (w/v)
concentration were applied to germinating rice seeds. In second experiment, soildecomposed
red sprangletop plant residues of variable concentrations (2, ...
Sardar Muhammad Rafique
...nnes in the form of crop residues, fodders, grazing and concentrates. However, there is shortage of feed amounting to 2508 DM, 231.4 CP and 1115.7 TDN thousand tones. This deficiency in food results in low production per unit area and/or per livestock head. To tap maximum economic return and sustainable livestock production range improvement activities like application of fertilizer, conversion of vegetation, exclosure, grazing management, introduction of nutr...
Maqsood Ahmed and Noor Mohammad
...ffs such as cereal crop residues. Evidenced is presented that browsing on such trees improves feed intake, animal performance and overall utilization efficiency of poor quality roughage. ...
Gerald Foley
... the use of agricultural residues as fuel....

Sony Eka Nugraha1*, Marianne Marianne2, Rony Abdi Syahputra2, Aji Najihudin3, Nikmatul Ikhrom Eka Jayani4, Shaum Shiyan5, Nabila Nabila6,7

...with multiple amino acid residues, indicating stable binding affinity. Finally, it can be concluded that C. papaya has potential as an anti-thrombocytopenic agent.
Keywords | Carica papaya, Hematology, Heparin, in silico, in vivo, Thrombocytopenia

Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Wali Ullah Falahi2, Aneela Zameer Durrani3, Bilques Bano4, Muhammad Muddasir Ali3, Nazia Rubab4, Syed Tasadak Mehdi4, Muhammad Wasim Iqbal5, Kumayl Hassan Akhtar6, Aqeel Raza7, Muawuz Ijaz3, Ujala Fatima Shan3, Muhammad Aftab3

...cycline), the antibiotic residues remain in livestock products like meat (beef, mutton and chicken), it leads to antibiotic resistance which is a problem for one health. Following were the objectives of the current study: Detection of commonly used antibiotics (penicillin and oxytetracycline) in mutton, chicken and beef as a one health issue. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method was used on the samples collected from Lahore district of Punjab, ...

Muhammad Wasif Gulzar*1, Riffat Maqsood1, Hussain Abbas1, Musharraf Manzoor1, Muhammad Suleman1, Hassaan Ahmad Bajwa2, Ali Hamza2, Shaher Yar1, Muhammad Zain1, Abdul Wadood1 and Noman Aslam3 the food chain, their residues build in humans and animals after entering plants and animal products.They destroy useful species in the ecosystem and put our lives and health in peril. This review highlights the current standing of the impact of insecticides on viral diseases in man and animals. We observed that in addition to their surroundings, people also consume these hazardous substances from the air, water, and agricultural goods. They result in morta...

Kashif Haleem, Basheer Ahmad, Muhammad Rayyan, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

...wood, and 6.25% use crop residues along with firewood. Of the 80 respondents, 63.75% use fuelwood from their farmland, and 36.25% purchase it from the market. Regarding agricultural production, 35% of respondents indicated that crop trees increase production, while 58% believed that the prevalence of poplars in the area decreases agricultural production due to shade and water absorption, and 8% reported no impact. The findings reveal a significant annual incom...

Muhammad Salman1, Rao Zahid Abbas1*, Muhammad Kasib Khan1 and Muhammad Shahid Mahmood2

...on-target toxicity, drug residues and drug resistance has stressed the need to search for effective alternatives such as botanicals. Hence, the current research was aimed at the evaluation of acaricidal and repellent efficacies of the Cinnamomum verum bark essential oil against the Rhipicephalus microplus ticks of cattle. Moreover, the C. verum essential oil was also analysed using GC-FID analysis which revealed the cinnamaldehyde as its major component. The a...

Mukondwa Olivia1, Rugare Joyful Tatenda1, Mabasa Stanford1 and Mandumbu Ronald2*

...orghum and millets plant residues. From this study it can be concluded that all the sorghum and pearl millet cultivars reduced the germination and growth of goose grass and blackjack. Upright starbur was independent of the extracts applied. It can be concluded that incorporation of sorghum and millet residues can work as a tool in the integrated weed management for the rural farmers in Zimbabwe.


Mohamed Ahmed Abaza1, Amany O. Selim2, Mona Abdallah3, Shimaa A.E. Atwa4, Hala El Daous5, Mona Abd-Allah Abd-Elrehim6, Mohamed M.S. Gaballa7, Reda R. Fathy1*

...ce as well as antibiotic residues in chicken meat are some of the negative outcomes of the traditional antibiotic-based approach to prevent and control bacterial infections. Therefore, the main goal of current investigation was to control the drug-resistant E. coli O6 infection using nano-production of zinc oxide (ZnO-NPs) in both in vitro and vivo studies. ZnO-NPs was applied in one day old specific pathogen free chicks to evaluate the antibacterial effective...

Muhammad Nauman Hanif1*, Tanveer-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar2*, Abid Hussain3 and Amar Matloob4

...ntification of pesticide residues in cauliflower curds and soil, and associated human health risks in the specific climatic conditions of Multan City, and it is the first to collectively examine these five (lufenuron, bifenthrin, emamectin benzoate, metalaxyl, and mancozeb) pesticides in cauliflower. A survey of the cauliflower production area was performed to collect information about pesticides used for insect pest and disease management. Farmers were applyi...

Rico Anggriawan1*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari2, Sri Hidanah3, Muhammad Anam Al Arif4, Diyah Ayu Candra5

...biotics can lead to drug residues in the final product, potentially jeopardizing the health of consumers. This research aims to identify the number of cases and residues of enrofloxacin and tylosin that exceed the maximum threshold the maximum number of cases of overuse of enrofloxacin and tylosin antibiotics in commercial broiler farms in Indonesia, as well as detect drug residues that ex...

Mohamed T. A. Soliman1, Hadeer M. Shosha2, Hala M. Ebaid2, Heba Nageh Gad El-Hak2, Heba M.A. Abdelrazek3*

... may encounter fungicide residues in food and water through oral ingestion, inhalation, and skin exposure. However, there have been only a limited number of research investigating the impact of prenatal exposure to COC on the animal’s immune system. Therefore, three groups of pregnant rats, each consisting of 10 rats, were assigned. The 1st group was the control group, while the other two groups were administered doses 36.75 mg and 73.5 mg of COC from th...
Abrar ul Haq1, Shusheng Yin2, Amara Maryam1, Muhammad Khan1*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Muhammad Akhtar Ali3, Muhammad Irfan4, Muhammad Faisal Maqbool1 and Yongming Li2*
... with various amino acid residues of STAT3. Using immunoblotting, we found that lathyrol did not inhibit STAT3 phosphorylation and dimerization. Moreover, we showed that lathyrol induces apoptosis as evident from a remarkably increased expression of cleaved caspase-3 in all four cancer cell lines. Taken together, our findings suggest that lathyrol is a potent STAT3 DNA binding domain inhibitor and exhibits a broadspectrum anticancer activity.


Ammara Khan1, Khalid Mehmood1,2*, Ali Raza1, Ishtiaq Hassan3 and Ayesha Sultana4,5

...Conventional practice of residues-burning has been greatly discouraged in the wake of ongoing environmental challenges. When rice crop precedes wheat sowing in same fields, the farmers are elicited to burn the rice residues for urgent land preparation which poses multiple threats to soil characteristics. This study investigates the effects of different rice-residues management practices on...

Rico Anggriawan1,2*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari1, Sri Hidanah1, Muhammad Anam Al Arif1, Diyah Ayu Candra2  

...tive tract and can leave residues in tissues, probiotics enhance digestive health. They adhere to and form colonies on the intestinal epithelium, thereby minimizing the attachment and replication of pathogenic bacteria. In conclusion, probiotic microorganisms produce enzymes such as lipase, amylase, and protease, which facilitate digestion and improve metabolic processes and nutrient absorption. Additionally, probiotics secrete bacteriocins that can eliminate ...

Moses Teye1*, Joshua Amoni1, Awal Fuseini2

...and consuming antibiotic residues in the meat of such animals. Consumers ought to be educated on the negative health implications of eating meat of sick animals, animals which do not respond to treatment and those that die of natural causes as these could transmit zoonotic diseases and also leave antibiotic residues in meat consumed.
Keywords | Tough fresh meat, Chicken preference, Postmortem i...

Amir Afzal1, Sairah Syed1*, Shiza Atif2, Nisa ur Rehman2, Muhammad Arsalan1, Taimoor Hussain1, Javed Iqbal1, Sharmin Ashraf1 and Zubair Aslam3

...e left traces of harmful residues in the food we consume, posing a significant health risk to consumers. To combat these issues, alternative disease management strategies have emerged. Several approaches are categorized as ecofriendly. Among these, the utilization of weed extracts, derived from various plant sources, has gained prominence for their role as natural fungicide in reducing growth of fungi without harming the environment. These strategies collectiv...
Heba Ali Salih*, Mohanad A. Al-Bayati
...s an increase in histone residues and abnormal DNA chromatin, indicating a concentration-dependent relationship. These findings highlight the potential deleterious effects of Gold Nanoparticles on sperm motility and DNA integrity. The study concluded that Gold nanoparticles affect sperm concentration and motility, with increased Gold nanoparticle concentrations leading to higher sperm death markers and reduced motility. An observed correlation exists between t...


Abd-Elhalim, B.T.1*; Gamal, R.F.1; Abou-Taleb, Kh.A.1; Haroun, A.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 558-578 seven agro-industrial residues, added to the basal medium as different carbon sources. Results showed that 2% blackstrap sugar cane molasses was the most efficient carbon source for CuNPs biosynthesis, when incubated for at 30°C for 24 h using shaking speed of 120 rpm. The biosynthesized CuNPs has a size of 66.12 nm at a concentration of 19.2 mg\ l, and maximum surface plasmon peak (SPR) of 0.85.



Simiat O. Jimoh1*; Faizah R. Adebowale2; Kifayat O. Asafa-Adedimeji2, Ramat B. Badmos-Oladapo2; Taiwo A. Sorunke1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2452-2468
...te from the agricultural residues, and eradicate the pathogenicity and risk associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa alginate. Preliminary screening for alginate production revealed the presence of different alginate products. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) confirmed the existence of varying alginate concentrations, such as sodium alginate (2.42754×10-1g/ 100 ml), calcium alginate (1.09597×10-1g/ 100 ml), acid alginate (1.39420×1...
Hayam Albalawi1,2, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem1*, Hisham N. Altayeb1
Saima Iftikhar3, Mariam A. Al-Ghamdi1,4,5, Jalaluddin Azam Khan1 and Ahmed Osman1
... as the main active site residues of the enzyme. Molecular docking studies have shown that the enzyme investigated in the present study and human α-glucosidase have similar active site composition. Affinity studies with ten well established inhibitors have shown similar free energy change (ΔG) values for human and microbial enzymes indicating the evolutionary conserved structural and functional domains in the enzyme from phylogenetically different ...

Nusrat Jahan Lily1*, Kazi Abdus Sobur2, Minhaz Zabin Saif Mim3, Anika Thasin Bithi4, Hamja Hasanat5, Tabassum Mounita5, Foysal Ahammad6,7, Abdus Samad7,8 and Palash Bose2

...ic interactions with key residues (LYS1119, ASP1120, and LYS1073) in the protease’s active site, indicating strong and stable ligand-protein interactions. CID: 56649692 demonstrates significant potential as a lead compound for ZIKV inhibition based on its high binding affinity, molecular stability, and favorable ADME and toxicity profiles. Targeting the NS2B-NS3 protease complex represents a promising strategy to disrupt ZIKV replication, supporting CID:...

Qassim Ammar Ahmood AL-Janabi1*, Ahmed Hadi Abdul Saheb2, Aqeel Khaleel Ibraheem3

...griculture. However, its residues in the environment pose a toxic threat to animals, bees, aquatic life, and humans, and it has been classified as a carcinogen. The present study aimed to investigate the adverse effects of sub-acute exposure to doses of 50 mg of fipronil (FPN) and 50 mg and 25 mg of nano-fipronil (N-FPN) on hematological parameters in male rabbits over a period of 45 days. The study involved twenty-four male rabbits, aged 11 months and weighin...


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