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Macro - and Microorganisms of Animals (Helminths and Bacteria) as Indicators of the Degree of Sanitary Pollution of Soil and Water of Mountain Pastures of the North Caucasus


Research Article

Macro - and Microorganisms of Animals (Helminths and Bacteria) as Indicators of the Degree of Sanitary Pollution of Soil and Water of Mountain Pastures of the North Caucasus

Vetlana Aleksandrovna Shemyakova1, Boris Kazievich Laipanov1, Ismail Anatolyevich Bittirov2, Kerim Khasanovich Bolatchiev1, Kamilla Gadzhimuradovna Alieva4, Anatoly Murashevich Bittirov2,3*

1Moscow State Veterinary Academy and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin, Department of Parasitology and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise, Moscow, Russia; 2Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Nalchik, Russia; 3Pre-Caspian Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Health Sciences of the Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Russia; 4Dagestan state medical University, Department of medical biology, Makhachkala, Russia.

Abstract | Intestinal nematodes of animals of the genus of as factors of contamination of mountain pastures of the North Caucasus by invasive elements are considered by us for the first time. As seen of in the mountain zone (Elbrus district, Zolsky pastures, and Chereksky district) 60.00 - 90.00% of soil samples are contaminated with eggs of the nematodes genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) (average 13,80±1,30 ekz. per 5 g of soil). The dynamics pasture of soil contamination in the mountain zone with eggs of nematodes of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) was characterized of by an increase in pollution soil samples from 62,00 to 95,00% (on average by 77,60%), which indicates the likely formation of persistent foci of invasion that are dangerous to animal health. In recent years, due to technological errors, the number of animals per 1 ha of pastures has increased by 3-5 times, which has led to an increase in soil pollution by eggs of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902). Up to 100% of soil samples in animal drinking places, in the soils of grazing lands, gardens, residential sectors, and reverie of coastal areas of were contaminated with invasive material of from nematodes of the species Bunostomum trigonocephalum and Bunostomum phlebotomum, which indicates of a high level of contamination of biotopes of pasture with eggs. The current sanitary condition of the mountainous territories of Kabardino-Balkaria under the conditions of soil contamination with eggs of the nematodes genus Bunostomum necessitates urgent measures to organize deworming of the sheep stock 4 times a year (quarterly) with benzimidazole derivatives and avermectins.


Keywords | Region of the North Caucasus; Mountain zone, Pastures, Soil; Nematode, Contamination; Genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902).

Editor | Muhammad Imran Rashid, Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.

Received | November 22, 2022; Accepted | December 25, 2022; Published | December 29, 2022

*Correspondence | Anatoly Murashevich Bittirov, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Nalchik, Russia; Email:

Citation | Shemyakova SA, Laipanov BK, Bittirov IA, Bolatchiev KK, Alieva KG, Bittirov AM (2022). Macro - and microorganisms of animals (helminths and bacteria) as indicators of the degree of sanitary pollution of soil and water of mountain pastures of the north caucasus. J. Adv. Parasitol. 9(1): 62-66.


ISSN | 2311-4096



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Spherical of forms of microorganisms, or cocci (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococcal), as well as rod-shaped forms and actinomycetes (branching, filamentous bacteria), corynebacteria (club-shaped bacteria), mycobacterium and bifidobacteria , of eggs and larvae nematoda of in soilare considered of as dangerous pathogens factors (with the exception of bifidobacteria) for animals and humans (Bittirov et al., 2012, 2013; Vasilevich et al., 2010). In the soil and water of the animal habitat gram-negative bacteria of genus: Meningococcus, Gonococcus, Veilonella, Sticks, Vibrions, Campylobacterium, Helicobacterium, Spirillasum, Spirochetes, Rickettsia, Chlamydium and gram-positive bacteria, Pneumococcus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium, Actinomycetes are found in various quantitative and species combinations depending on the region (Atabieva et al., 2012; Shikhalieva et al., 2012; Bittirov, 1999; Bichieva et al., 2011). Eggs and larvae of intestinal nematodes of ruminant animals and bacteria of genus: Meningococcus, Gonococcus, Veilonella, Sticks, Vibrions, Campylobacterium, Helicobacterium, Spirillasum, Spirochetes, Rickettsia, Chlamydium, Pneumococcus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium, Actinomycetes as an ecosystem sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological-epizootological threat for the regions of the Russian Federation were considered in many scientific works, of but without taking into account of their landscape and quantitative values contamination of pasture (Vasilevich et al., 2010; Shikhalieva et al., 2012). In many regions of the country, the sanitary and hygienic condition of the soils of the flat territories with respect to their contamination by eggs and helminth enter pathogenic bacteria worsens annually, which the authors attribute an increase in the incidence ruminants of the diseases of gastrointestinal of infectious and parasitic origin (Ardavova et al., 2010). Over the past 10 years, the incidence of young cattle with gastrointestinal nematodoses complicated by enter pathogenic of microflora, especially of the genera Gonococcus, Vibrions, Campylobacterium, Rickettsia, Chlamydium, Pneumococcus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium, Actinomycetes, increased by 4-9 times (Zalikhanov et al., 2018; Bichieva et al., 2012). Acute invasions of gastrointestinal nematodoses complicated by enter pathogenic microflora of 19 genera in young of sheep and cattle became enzootic for the mountainous regions of Kabardino-Balkaria. The epizootic situation of by gastrointestinal nematodoses complicated by enter pathogenic microflora of 19 genera is dynamically complicated due to the formation of regional foci in of the mountains zone . Currently, in the Caucasus, about 80% of the territories of animal habitats are contaminated with pathogens of bacterial and parasitic nature. In the regions of the North Caucasus, infection of animals with intestinal nematodes and enter pathogenic microflora is 48-100%. In the southern regions of Russia, ruminants revealed 68 species of intestinal nematodes of more than 400 species of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic enteric microflora (Bittirov, 2013; Bichieva et al., 2011; Vasilevich et al., 2010; Ardavova et al., 2010; Kolodiy et al., 2012).

In this regard, the aim of the work is to study microorganisms of the groups Bacteriae and nematodes of animals as indicators of the degree of sanitary pollution of soil and water of mountain pastures of the North Caucasus.


The work was carried out on the basis of the parasitology laboratory of the Pre-Caspian Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute in 2015-2019. For this, by 2,000 of soil and 2,000 water samples were taken to identify eggs and larvae of intestinal nematodes before the genus and bacteria of genus: Meningococcus, Gonococcus, Veilonella, Sticks, Vibrions, Campylobacterium, Helicobacterium, Spirillasum, Spirochetes, Rickettsia, Chlamydium, Pneumococcus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium, Actinomycetes from different places of the mountain zone (Prielbrussky of mountain pastures, Zolsky mountain of pastures, mountain pastures of the Cherek rayon). The experiments were carried out using modern certified methods of bacteriological and of parasitological studies using the MUK “Methods of sanitary-parasitological and sanitary-bacteriological studies of soil and water”. The data were subjected to statistical processing of under the program “Biometry”.


The sanitary and hygienic state of the soils of the mountain zone (Prielbrussky of mountain pastures, Zolsky mountain of pastures, mountain pastures of the Cherek rayon) is poorly studied with regard to their contamination with eggs of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902). Studies of soil samples in the context of areas in relation to contamination with eggs of the nematodes genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) are presented in Table 1. As seen of in the mountain zone (Prielbrussky of mountain pastures, Zolsky mountain of pastures, mountain pastures of the Cherek rayon) 60.00 - 90.00% of soil samples are contaminated with eggs of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) (average 13,80±1,30 ekz. per 5 g of soil) (Table 1). Relatively more eggs and larvae of the nematodes genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) were found in the soils of the Chereksky district (90.00% of soil samples), which is associated with a high density of ruminants infected with bunostomosis and the formation of a large number of bio


Table 1: Characterization of the sanitary and hygienic condition of the soils of the mountainous territories of Kabardino-Balkaria in connection with their contamination with eggs of intestinal nematodes and enter pathogenic of bacteria 19 genera

Study area



soil samples


contaminated soil samples

% contaminated

 samples soil

The number of eggs of intestinal nematodes in 5 g of soil, the specimen and the degree of bacterial 19 genus contamination of the soil

Prielbrussky of mountain pastures 600 420 70,00 12,9±1,1/+++
Zolsky mountain of pastures 600 492 82,00 15,3±1,4/+++
Mountain pastures of the Cherek rayon 800 760 95,00 19,5±1,7/++++
Total: 2000 1672 - -
Average: - - 83,60



+ - a weak level of bacterial soil contamination 1-5 copies. bacteria 20 genus in the field of view of the microscope;

++- the average level of contamination of soils 6-11 copies. bacteria 20 genus in the field of view of the microscope;

+++ - a high level of soil contamination 12-20 copies. bacteria 20 genus in the field of view of the microscope;

++++ - ultra-high level of soil pollution 21-30 or more bacteria of 20 genus in the field of view of the microscope.


Table 2: Dynamics of soil contamination in the mountain zone by eggs of nematodes of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) (according to coproovoscopy)




soil samples, ekzemplyar

Discovered soil samples

with eggs of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902), ekzemplyar

% contaminated

 samples soil

Amount eggs of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) in 5 g samples soil, ekzemplyar

2015 100 59 59,00


2016 100 62 62,00 11,6±1,1
2017 100 71 71,00


2018 100 80 80,00 14,7±1,4
2019 100 87 87,00


Total: 500 359 - -
Average: - - 71,80



Table 3: Dynamics of soil contamination on pastures of the mountain zone by eggs of nematodes of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) (according to coproovoscopy data)




soil samples, ekzemplyar

Discovered soil samples

with eggs of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902), ekzemplyar

% contaminated

 samples soil

2015 100 62 62,00
2016 100 67 67,00
2017 100 76 76,00
2018 100


2019 100 95 95,00
Total: 500 388 -
Average: - -



topes limneid. In addition, about 75,00% of the animals in the villages of Elbrus district, Zolsky pastures, Chereksky district districts are not dewormed and worsen the epizootic situation in bunostomosis caused by the nematodes genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) (Table 1, 2, 3).When studying the dynamics of soil pollution by invasive elements nematode of the Bunostomum genus (Raillet, 1902) in the mountain zone (Elbrus district, Zolsky pasture, Chereksky region), an annual gradual increase in the level of soil pollution from 59.00 to 87.00% (average 71,80%).


Table 4: Objects contaminated with eggs of nematodes of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (according ovoscopy soil)



Number of objects,




soil, units

Samples   soil

with eggs of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) units

% contaminated samples

Animal Watering Places 32 100/3200 3200 100,00
Pasture areas 19 100/1900 1900 100,00
Garden territories 37 100/3700 3700 100,00
Household territories 64 100/6400 6400 100,00
Riverside 16 100/1600 1600



An increase in the number of eggs in 5 g of soil samples from 10,4±1,0 up to 16.5 ± 1.6 ind. (on average 13,32±1,26 ind. per 5 g of soil) is associated with complete non-compliance with the rules of keeping animals by the local population, sanitary and hygienic standards, the timing and frequency of preventive treatments of sheep against bunostomosis, of approved Department of Veterinary of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian (Table 2).

The dynamics pasture of soil contamination in the mountain zone with eggs of nematodes of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) (Elbrus district, Zolsky pastures, Chereksky district) was characterized of by an increase in pollution soil samples from 62,00 to 95,00% (on average by 77,60%), which indicates the likely formation of persistent foci of invasion that are dangerous to animal health (Table 3).

In recent years, due to technological errors, the number of animals per 1 ha of pastures has increased by 3-5 times, which has led to an increase in soil pollution by eggs of nematodes of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902). In particular, the number of soil samples with the presence of nematode eggs of the species Bunostomum trigonocephalum and Bunostomum phlebotomum in animal drinking areas increased to 100%, the soil of pasture areas - up to 100%, the soil of vegetable gardens - up to 100%, the soil of residential areas - up to 100%, the coastal territories of rivers - up to 100%, which indicates a high level of pollution of pasture biotopes eggs of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) (Table 4).

The data obtained are consistent with the results of M., Zhekamukhova, J. Atabieva, A. Bittirova et al., 2012 in that the soils of pasture areas of the mountain zone at altitudes from 2000 to 4000 m above sea level of in 100% cases are contaminated o fwith eggs of nematodes genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) with the exception of the winter period and the modern sanitary state of the ecosystem requires constant dynamic monitoring.


In the soils of mountain pastures of Kabardino-Balkaria at altitudes of 2000-4000 m above sea level, the degree of sanitary contamination of the soil by invasive elements of the nematodes of the genus Bunostomum (Raillet, 1902) meets the criteria of high contamination and requires urgent measures to reduce the incidence of young of sheep with bunostomosis by organizing deworming of the entire stock 4 once a year (quarterly) using highly effective drugs based on benzimidazoles and avermectins.


The authors did not have any contradictions when performing the research, they worked according to the plan. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. The co-authors of the article have no conflicts of interest.

novelty statement

The authors declare that the results obtained on the topic of the article were obtained empirically, and the reflected information is new for science in the field of parasitology and bacteriology.


All authors took part in the study of macro- and micro-organisms of animals (helminths and bacteria), as indicators of the degree of sanitary contamination of soil and water in mountain pastures of the North Caucasus, took soil and water samples, analyzed the material, and participated in writing the manuscript. Collectively reviewed the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


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The Journal of Advances in Parasitology


JAP Vol. 10, Pages 1-29


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