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Microbiological Analysis of Drinking Water Sourcing from the Spring of Joben Pesanggrahan, Montong Gading, East Lombok

Microbiological Analysis of Drinking Water Sourcing from the Spring of Joben Pesanggrahan, Montong Gading, East Lombok

Ahmad Jupri1*, Yuliana Vofi2, Faturrahman2, Immy Suci Rohyani1, Ernawati1, Bulkaini3, Djoko Kisworo3, Wardatul Jannah4 

1Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Mataram; 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Mataram; 3Department of Animal Science Faculty of Animal Science University of Mataram; 4Environmental Technology Study Program, Nahdlatul Ulama University Mataram, Indonesia.

*Correspondence | Ahmad Jupri,Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Mataram, Indonesia; Email: 

Figure 1

Positive test (a) preliminaries and (b) confirmation. 

Figure 2

Samples on EMBA Medi Turn Metallic Green. 

Figure 3

Gram Stain Results 

Figure 4

Biochemical test result successive TSIA test (a), Simon Citrate Test (b), GLucose test (c), Sucrose test (d), Urea test (e), Indole test (f). 

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Vol. 12, Iss. 9, pp. 1622-1845


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