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Imtiaz Ahmed, Muhammad Abbas Khan, Noorullah Khan, Naveed Ahmed, Abdul Waheed, Fazal Yazdan Saleem, Sajjad Khan and Sohail Aslam weight (g), number of cloves bulb-1 and yield (t ha-1) was measured. The result of the study reveals that plant spacing had significant impact on the occurrence of rust disease and its severity, yield and yield components. Plants with 10 cm spacing had more disease incidence and severity (79 and 55.66% respectively). Plants with 20 cm spacing had more Bulb weight (99.33 g), Bulb diameter (67.33 mm), clove weight (11.65g) and no of c...

Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Ghulam Qadir1, Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Muhammad Faisal Nawaz1 and Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich2

Impact of Fertilizer and Planting Geometery on Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Yield in Saline-Sodic Soil
...ulb mass, bulb diameter, cloves bulb-1 and bulb yield. Data revealed that phosphorus @ 125% of RD with planting geometry 15cm x 20cm recorded maximum yield and yield attributes with higher economic returns, therefor, under saline-sodic conditions it is proposed as a most cost-effective management practice for garlic cultivation.

Sallam A.A.A.1, Hoda M.A.Waziri2,E. K .F. Elbeshehy1, SamiaI.Massoud,1 and Abeer M. Abo El-Wafa2.
... from garlic
cloves (GE) and onion (OE) as an antiviral against BBMV infection in vivo has been
evaluated. The percentage of virus inhibition induced by GE and OE varied according
to the time of treatment (1, 2 and 3 days).GE was more effective in reducing the
percentage of infection produced by BBMV on faba bean plantsthan did OE.

Yusri Sapsuha1*, Nur Sjafani1, Suryati Tjokrodiningrat2

...pth review of the use of cloves in feed to improve broiler chicken production performance and health. In conclusion, cloves contain bioactive substances that can be used to improve broiler chicken performance and health. Administration of appropriate dose is believed to replace the role of AGP, which is currently prohibited from its use in broiler chicken feed.
Keywords | AGP, Broiler,

Riaz Hussain2*, Adnan Ihsan1*, Waqar Khan1, Shiraz Malik1, Hamza Jameel1, Hidayat Ullah3, Shahab Ahmad4, Jawad Anwar5 and Murad Ali6

...followed by Garlic fresh cloves (13, 11). After 2nd spray followed by green chili (12.66) and chinaberry (11). After 7 and 14 days maximum mean density of aphids after 1st and 2nd spray application (14, 16) and (19, 17) were observed in control plot. The highest yield Were recorded in plot treated with Eucalpytus leaves (1728.3kg/ha) followed by Garlic fresh cloves (1555.3kg/ha). While lowest yield (904.7kg/ha) was recorded ...

Soliman*, Ahmed M.; Mahmoud**, Sabry Y. M. and Dawood*, Rehab A.

...cted garlic plants using cloves subjected to electrotherapy, thermotherapy, chemotherapy or meristematic dissection followed by in vitro culture. A combination treatment with electro- and chemotherapy (15 mA/10 min + 20 mg 1-1 virazol) was found to more effective on viral elimination and survival of explants. ELISA tests showed that 85% of the plantlets that survived severe OYDV-negative.


S.A. Sidaros1; R.A. Omar; S.A. El-Kewey l and Samaa Abd El-Khalik2

... 100% virus free. Garlic cloves or two cultivars Balady and Chinese were treated with hot water and hot air at different terminated degrees of temperatures and periods. Treated cloves were planted in pots.


Journal of Virological Sciences


Vol. 3, Iss. 1


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