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Sanitary and Hygienic Expertise of Seasonal Contamination of Pastures in the region North Caucasus with Invasive Elements of Nematodes of the Genus Nematodirus Ransom, 1907


Research Article

Sanitary and Hygienic Expertise of Seasonal Contamination of Pastures in the region North Caucasus with Invasive Elements of Nematodes of the Genus Nematodirus Ransom, 1907

Zarema Alimsultanova Magomedova1, Kheda Khalitovna Dadaeva1, Roza Said-Akhmedovna Zakhkieva1, Islam Khasanovich Shakhbiev1*, Boris Kazievich Laipanov2

1Department of Physiology and Anatomy of Man and Animals, Veterinary Medicine and Zoo engineering , Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Chechen State University”, Grozny, Russia; 2Department of Parasitology and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin, Moscow, Russia.

Abstract | Sanitary and helminthological studies of soil, grass and water samples in the lowland, foothill and mountainous zones of the North Caucasus region (Chechen Republic) revealed a different degree of their infection with eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus Ransom, 1907. In the lowland zone of the Chechen Republic, 37.50% of soil samples, 23.00% of water samples were contaminated with invasive elements, respectively, in the foothill zone, 41.00% and 26.50% of samples, in the mountainous zone - 29.00% and 15 .00% of soil and water samples. In all climatic zones, on average, 27.83% of soil and water samples were contaminated with eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus, with an average of 10.59 ± 0.97 ind. eggs of nematodes in 4-5 g of each soil and water sample. Contamination of soil and water from pastures, places of accumulation of animals, from the banks of foothill rivers, from rural households, from agricultural territories, from the territory of hayfields with eggs of the genus Nematodirus amounted to 40.59%, 38.11%, respectively, 33.90%, 37, 06%, 30.77%, 25.28% of soil samples, which indicates a moderate circulation of nematodiosis pathogens in the infrastructures of the foothill zone. In addition, it should be noted that these levels of environmental pollution by eggs of the genus Nematodirus are quite enough for the active implementation of the epizootic process of nematodiosis in animals in the North Caucasus region during the period (spring-summer-autumn).


Keywords | North Caucasian, Zone, Sanitation, Hygiene, Pasture, Pollution, Soil, Grass, Water, Egg, Nematode of the Genus Nematodirus Ransom, 1907.

Editor | Muhammad Imran Rashid, Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.

Received | November 12, 2022; Accepted | December 25, 2022; Published | Deccember 29, 2022

*Correspondence | Islam Khasanovich Shakhbiev, Department of Physiology and Anatomy of Man and Animals, Veterinary Medicine and Zoo engineering , Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Chechen State University”, Grozny, Russia; Email:

Citation | Magomedova ZA, Dadaeva KK, Zakhkieva RSA, Shakhibiev IK, Laipanov BK (2022). Sanitary and hygienic expertise of seasonal contamination of pastures in the region north caucasus with invasive elements of nematodes of the genus nematodirus ransom, 1907. J. Adv. Parasitol. 9(1): 41-46.


ISSN | 2311-4096



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Nematodirosis, belong to the list of ruminant helminthiases hazardous to health, are caused by more than 10 species of nematodes from the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) of the family Trichostrongylidae, parasitize in the small intestine of sheep, goats, cattle, zebu, buffaloes, camels, wild ungulates. Nematodes of more than 15 species from the genus Nematodirus Ransom, 1907 are found in Africa, Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Australia. (Ardavova et al., 2010; Onishchenko 2010; Bittirov et al., 2014; Kolodiy et al., 2012). Species Nematodirus filicollis (Rudolphi, 1802), Nematodirus spathiger (Railliet, 1896), Nematodirus mauritanicus (Mapes et Seurat, 1912), Nematodirus normalis (May, 1920), Nematodirus oiratianus (Rajewskaja, 1929) are widespread RFs of epizootological significance . and, like many helminths, are found with high values of the extent and intensity of invasion (Vasilevich et al., 2010; Bittirov et al., 2012, 2013). Over the years (2003-2017), many authors (Bittirov; Atabiev; Kolodiy; Shikhalieva; Arkhipova, Arkhipov; Mantaeva; Onishchenko; Golubev; Vasilevich; Kabardiev; Kanokova; Sottaev; Gorokhov, Laipanov et al.) gave an epizootological assessment of the representatives of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) in 18 ruminant species in the North Caucasus (Kolodiy et al., 2012; Golubev et al., 2011; Artamonova et al., 2012). According to veterinary statistics, nematodirosis caused by the species Nematodirus oiratianus (Rajewskaja, 1929), Nematodirus spathiger (Railliet, 1896), Nematodirus abnormalis (May, 1920), Nematodirus filicollis (Rudolphi, 1802) are mainly registered in sheep up to 10 species of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) with invasion from 27.4% to 83.6%, in domestic goats - from 22.% to 75.5%, in cattle - from 17.6% to 68.3%. with medium and high abundance index. Many authors associate the wide spread of dangerous nematode invasion with an increase in the reproductive capacity of females of the genus Nematodirus in the warm season and an uncontrolled increase in pollution of soil, grass, and pasture waters by nematode eggs and larvae (Vasilevich, Bittirov, 2010; Kabardiev et al., 2015; Bittirov et al., 2010, 2019).


The work was carried out on the basis of the parasitology laboratory of the Pre-Caspian Research Veterinary Institute in 2017-2020. For this purpose, in the spring, summer, autumn and winter, 200-600 soil samples were taken from the places of grazing, watering and resting animals in the lowland, foothill and mountainous zones of the Chechen Republic for testing for the presence of eggs of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) of grassland and water. In the biotopes of the lowland, foothill, and mountainous zones, of we conduct experiments to determine the developmental time of eggs of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) at altitudes of 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000 m above sea level. The experiments were carried out using fresh eggs and larvae of the genus Nematodirus, washed from the uterus of females. Samples of eggs nematodes in the amount of 10-15 thous were and placed on the experimental site every month from March to November to determine their viability in winter. For this, eggs were placed in glass jars, which were then placed on a biological platform. Samples of soil and water with eggs of the genus Nematodirus were taken every decade to determine the viability of invasive elements. In each case, 100 ekz of eggs of the genus Nematodirus were examined under a microscope from samples of soil and water. The vitality of eggs of the genus Nematodirus after the winter period was studied using helminthooscopy and MUK “Methods of sanitary-parasitological studies” [1-14]. The data were subjected to statistical processing by the computer program “Biometry”.


Sanitary-helminthological studies of soil and water samples in the lowland, foothill, and mountainous zones of the Chechen Republic revealed their different levels of contamination with eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Table 1). In the lowland zone, 37.50% soil samples, 28.00% water samples were contaminated by invasive elements, respectively, in the foothill zone, 41.00%, 31, 00% and 26.50% samples , in the mountain zone - 29.00%, 19.50% and 15.00% of soil and water samples. In all climatic zones of the Chechen Republic, an average of 27.83% of soil, grass, and water samples were contaminated with eggs of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) when an average of 10.59 ± 0.97 ekz. of eggs in 5 g of each sample of soil and water. In of the plains, foothills and mountains zone of the Chechen Republic, the most eggs of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) contaminated discovered of soil, grass and water in places livestock grazing, watering, and resting animals (Table 1).

The seasonal assessment of soil and water pollution in the lowland zone by eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) (according to ovoscopy and larvoscopy of samples) showed an increase in their contamination in the warm season (spring, summer, autumn) when a multiple decrease of in the of number eggs and larvae aftermath in soil, water in the winter, which is associated with sexual depression of female nematodes and the death of invasive elements at low temperature in the external environment.

In of the plains zone in spring, 27.00% of soil samples were contaminated with eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907), in summer - 35.00% of samples, in autumn -42.00% of samples, in winter - 13.00% of soil samples, of respectively season, 18.00%, 24.00%, 30.00%, 8.00% grass samples, 11.00%, 19.00%, 25.00%, 5.00% water samples. On average, of in the lowland zone, eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) contaminate 22.50% of soil and water samples with an increase in the number of nematode eggs in 5 grams of each sample of from 3.0 ± 0.2 to 17.6 ± 1.7 ekz. (average 8.83 ± 0.87 ekz. per 5 g of each sample), which indicates the formation of the plains pasture biotopes of animal nematodirosis invasion in the region in any season (Table 2). In the foothill zone, the dynamics of soil and water pollution by eggs of nematodes (according to the data of ovoscopy and sample larvoscopy) differs from the plain zone by higher rates of


Table 1: Sanitary and hygienic studies of soil and water samples for the presence of eggs of the genus Nematodirus from places grazing, of watering and of resting animals in the plains, foothills and mountains zones

Natural and climatic zone



The number of

contaminated samples

% contaminated samples


The number of eggs of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) in 5 g of samples, instance


lowland zones

200 75 37,50 14,7±1,3

foothill zones

200 82 41,00


mountainous zones

200 58 29,00 9,2±0,9


lowland zones

200 46 23,00 8,0±0,7

foothill zones

200 53 26,50 11,6±1,1

mountainous zones

200 30 15,00 5,0±0,4
Total: 1200 344 - -
Average: - - 28,67



Table 2: Seasonal assessment of soil and water pollution in the flat zone by eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) (according to ovoscopy of samples of soil and water in 2017-2020)

Season of year


samples, ekzemplyar

Discovered samples

with eggs of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907), ekz.

% contaminated


Amount eggs of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) in 5 g samples, ekzemplyar

Spring 100 27 27,00 10,8±1,1
Summer 100 35 35,00 14,2±1,3


100 42 42,00 17,6±1,7
Winter 100 13 13,00 6,3±0,5


Spring 100 11 11,00 4,6±0,5
Summer 100 19 19,00 6,8±0,7
Autumn 100 25 25,00 9,2±1,0


100 5 5,00 3,0±0,2
Total: 800 177 - -
Average: - - 22,13



detection of positive samples in all seasons of the year. An increase in the pollution of soil, pasture grasses and water by eggs of nematodes is also observed in the warm season. (spring, summer, autumn) with a multiple decrease in the number of eggs in soil and water in winter, which is associated of with sexual depression female nematodes and the death of invasive elements at low temperature in the external environment (Table 3). In the spring of infected in the foothill zone were of eggs nematodes of the genus Nematodirus 36.00% of soil samples, in summer - 48.00% of samples, in autumn - 55.0% of samples, in winter - 19.0% of soil samples, respectively of season, 18.00%, 28.00%, 36.00%, 9.00% water samples (Table 3). On average, in the foothill zone, eggs of the genus Nematodirus contaminate 30.00% of soil and water samples with an increase in the number of nematode eggs in 5 g of each sample from 5.4 ± 0.5 to 22.0 ± 1.8 ekz. (average 12.73 ± 1.04 ekz.), which is associated with a favorable temperature and humidity regime of the foothill zone for the formation of permanent pasture biotopes of animal nematodirosis in the region in all seasons (Table 3).

In the mountainous zone, the dynamics of pollution of soil and water by eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) differs from the foothill zone by lower rates of detection of positive samples in all seasons the year. In the mountainous zone, the level of contamination of soil and water by eggs of nematodes was significantly lower in all seasons. (spring, summer, autumn, winter), which is associated with the death of invasive elements at low temperature in the environment. In the mountain zone in the spring, 16.00% of soil samples were infected with eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus of in the summer - 23.00% of samples, in the autumn - 29.00% of samples,


Table 3: Seasonal assessment of soil and water pollution in the foothill zone by eggs and larvae of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) (according to ovoscopy of samples of soil and water)

Season of year


samples, ekzemplyar

Discovered samples

with eggs of the genus Nematodirus, ekz.

% contaminated


Amount eggs of the genus Nematodirus in 5 g samples, ekzemplyar

Spring 100 36 36,00 14,7±1,1
Summer 100 48 48,00 18,4±1,5
Autumn 100 55 55,00 22,0±1,8
Winter 100 19 19,00 10,6±0,9


100 18 18,00 8,9±0,7
Summer 100 28 28,00 10,5±0,9
Autumn 100 36 36,00 12,8±1,1
Winter 100 9 9,00 5,4±0,5
Total: 1200 360 - -
Average: - - 30,00



Table 4: Seasonal assessment of soil and water pollution in the mountain zone by of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (according to ovoscopy of samples of soil and water)

Season of year


samples, ekzemplyar

Discovered samples

with eggs of the genus Nematodirus, ekz.

% contaminated


Amount eggs of the genus Nematodirus in 4- 5 g samples, ekzemplyar

Spring 100 16 16,00 7,8±0,7


100 23 23,00 10,4±1,0
Autumn 100 29 29,00 13,1±1,2
Winter 100 13 13,00 4,4±0,3


Spring 100 6 6,00 3,3±0,2
Summer 100 10 10,00 5,1±0,4
Autumn 100 13 13,00 7,2±0,6
Winter 100 3 3,00 1,8±0,3
Total: 800 113 - -
Average: - - 14,13



in winter - 13.00% of soil samples, respectively seasons, 10.00%, 15.00%, 18.00%, 5.00%, water samples- 6.00%, 10.00%, 13.00%, 3.00% On average in the upland zone, eggs of nematodes Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) contaminate 13.42% of soil and water samples with an increase in the number of nematode eggs in 5 g of each sample from 1.8±0.3 to 13.1±1,2 ekz. (average 6.51±0.59 ekz.), which is associated with a less favorable temperature and humidity regime of the mountain zone for the formation of permanent pasture biotopes of animal Nematodirosis in the region in all seasons of the year (Table 4).

When of studying pollution soil and water of eggs nematode the genus Nematodirus from pasture areas, from places of animal gathering, from of the banks of foothill rivers, from rural households, from farm territories, hayfields of the Chechen Republic, were established moderate pollution of soil, grass and water. The number of soil, grass, and water samples contaminated with invasive elements of nematodes was relatively high in areas with a higher concentration of animals sick with nematodirosis. Contamination of soil, grass and water from pasture areas, from animal gathering places, from the banks of foothill rivers, from rural households, from farm territories, from the territory of hayfields of the Chechen Republic with eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus amounted, respectively, 40.59%, 38.11%, 33.90%, 37, 06%, 30.77%, 25.28%,of samples soil , which indicate a moderate circulation of Nematodirosis pathogens in the infrastructures of the foothill zone. Moreover, it should be noted that these levels of environmental pollution by eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) are quite


Table 5: Soil and water pollution of foothill pastures of the Chechen Republic by eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (according to ovo-- and larvoscopy of samples of soil of pasture and water)


Number of objects soil, grass and water,




soil, grass and water, units

Samples  soil, grass and water

with eggs of the genus Nematodirus

% contaminated samples soil, grass and water


contaminated soil, grass and water

Soil and water of grassland 27 50=1350 548 40,59 ++
Soil and water from places of concentration of animals 36 50=1800 686 38,11 ++

Soil. water from the coasts

of foothill rivers

20 50=1000 339 33,90 ++
Soil and water from rural households 44 50=2200 815 37, 06 ++
Soil. water from of territories farms 62 50=3100 954 30,77 ++
Soil. of territories hayfields 50 50=2500 632 25,28 +


sufficient for the active implementation of the epizootic process of animal Nematodirosis in the region North Caucasus during the entire warm season (spring-summer-autumn) (Table 5).

Conditional designations

+ - weak power pollution; ++ - medium power pollution;

+++ - strong degree of s contamination.

The obtained data indicate moderate pollution of soil, grass and water of pastures, places of concentration of livestock, from of the banks of foothill rivers, from rural households, from farms, from hayfields of the Chechen Republic with eggs and larvae nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907). However, moderate circulation of invasive elements of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) in the flat, piedmont, and mountain infrastructures is quite sufficient for the active implementation of the epizootic process of animal Nematodirosis in the region North Caucasus throughout the entire warm, which is consistent with the data of the prof. A.M Bittirov et al. (2010, 2013, 2019), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences F.I. Vasilevich et al. (2010).


When of studying pollution soil, grass, and water of eggs nematodes the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) from pasture areas, from places of animal gathering, from of the banks of foothill rivers, from rural households, from farm territories, hayfields of the Chechen Republic, were established moderate pollution of soil, grass and water. The number of soil, grass, and water samples contaminated with invasive elements of nematodes was relatively high in areas with a higher concentration of animals sick with Nematodirosis. Contamination of soil, grass and water from pasture areas, from animal gathering places, from the banks of foothill rivers, from rural households, from farm territories, from the territory of hayfields of the Chechen Republic with eggs of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) amounted, respectively, 40.59%, 38.11%, 33.90%, 37, 06%, 30.77%, 25.28%,of samples soil , which indicate a moderate circulation of Nematodirosis pathogens in the infrastructures of the foothill zone. Moreover, it should be noted that these levels of environmental pollution by eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus (Ransom, 1907) are quite sufficient for the active implementation of the epizootic process of animal Nematodirosis in the region North Caucasus during the entire warm season of the year (spring-summer-autumn).


The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


All authors took part in the sanitary-hygienic examination of seasonal pollution of pastures in the North Caucasus region with invasive elements of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus Ransom, 1907, collected materials, analyzed the material and participated in writing the manuscript. Collectively reviewed the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


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The Journal of Advances in Parasitology


JAP Vol. 10, Pages 1-29


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