The Indonesian Etawah (PE) goat breed, valued for its dual-purpose meat and milk production and high adaptability, dominates the local goat population in Indonesia and plays a crucial role in supporting smallholder farmers throughout the country. This study aimed to identify early predictors of growth and potential selection criteria for more effective breeding programs. Data were collected from 210 PE goats at weaning and eight months of age. Nine morphometric traits were measured: body weight (BW), body length (BL), withers height (WH), chest girth (CG), chest depth (CD), hip height (HH), ear length (EL), ear width (EW), and mane ruff length (MRL). The methods used in this study included descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Results showed significant sexual dimorphism, with males exhibiting larger body sizes BW (27.15±5.39 kg vs. 24.53±3.85 kg in females, P ≤ 0.01), indicating potential for sex-specific breeding strategies. Strong correlations between BW and CG (r=0.819, P ≤ 0.01) suggest these measurements could serve as reliable proxies for growth potential. The strong CCA (0.839, P < 0.01) between traits at weaning and eight months, with significant contributions from BW, CG at weaning, and MRL at eight months to the canonical variables, indicates that early measurements can effectively predict later growth. These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing PE goat breeding strategies, potentially improving production efficiency and economic returns in Indonesian goat farming.
Keywords | Canonical correlation analysis, Indonesian etawah (PE) goats, Morphometric traits, Growth prediction, Sexual dimorphism, Breeding efficiency