Histological and Histochemical Comparative Study of the Tongue in White-Eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucotis) and Bronze Fallow Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus)
Saif Dhulfiqar Abdulhasan Al-Khafaji, Siraj Moner Al-Kafagy*
Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Al-Qasim Green University, 51013, Babylon, Iraq.
*Correspondence | Siraj Moner Al-Kafagy, Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Al-Qasim Green University, 51013, Babylon, Iraq; Email:
[email protected]
Figure 1:
(A) Cross histological section of the apex of tongue in white eared bulbul show: Stratified squamous epithelium (Ep), keratinized layer (K), lamina properea (Lp), blood vessels (B), Hyaline cartilage (H). H&E stain. 20X. (B). Magnified section. 100x.
Figure 2:
Longitudinal histological section of the apex of tongue in cockatiel show: Keratinized layer (yellow double head arrow), stratified squamous epithelium (blue double head arrow), papillary projection (red arrow). H&E stain. 20x. (B) and (C) magnified section. H&E stain. 40x.
Figure 3:
Cross histological section of the apex of tongue in white eared bulbul show: Keratinized layer (K), stratified squamous epithelium (Ep), lamina properia (Lp), collagen fibers (C). Masson trichrom stain. 20x.
Figure 4:
(A) Cross histological section of the apex of tongue in cockatiel show: Keratinized layer (K), stratified squamous epithelium (Ep), collagen fibers (red arrow), blood supply (yellow arrow), herbiest corpuscle (H). Masson trichrom stain. 20x. (B) and (C): Magnified section 40x.
Figure 5:
Cross histological section of the body of tongue in bulbul dorsal surface show: Stratified squamous epithelium non keratinized (Ep), lamina properea (Lp), papillary projection (black arrow), blood vessels (yellow arrow), skeletal muscle (Ms), paraglossum (P). H&E stain. 10x.
Figure 6:
Cross histological section of the body of tongue in cockatiel show: stratified squamous epithelium (Ep), keratinized layer (K), connective tissue (C), skeletal muscle (Ms), herbiest corpuscles (H). Masson trichrom stain. 10x.
Figure 7:
Cross histological section of the root of tongue in bulbul show: stratified squamous epithelium non keratinized (Ep), lamina properia (Lp), blood vessels (B), collagen bundles (C). H&E stain. 4x.
Figure 8:
Cross histological section of the body of tongue (ventral surface) in cockatiel show: Skeletal muscle (Ms), stratified squamous epithelium (red arrow), herbiest corpuscle (black arrow), collagen bundles (yellow arrow).Masson trichrom stain. 10x.
Figure 9:
Cross histological section of the tongue in cockatiel show: The distribution of the herbiest corpuscle H&E stain. 10x. A: Apex of the cockatiel tongue B: Root of the cockatiel tongue.
Figure 10:
Histological section for lingual gland of bulbul show: The ligual gland was give positive reaction for Alcian blue stain that men the gland was have acidic mucopolysaccharid secretion. AB stain. 40x.
Figure 11:
Histological section for lingual gland of cockatiel show: the ligual gland was give positive reaction for Alcian blue stain that men the gland was have acidic mucopolysaccharid secretion. AB stain. 10x.