Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Al-Qasim Green University, 51013, Babylon, Iraq.
*Correspondence | Siraj Moner Al-Kafagy, Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Al-Qasim Green University, 51013, Babylon, Iraq; Email:
The present study was carried out to elucidate the differences in histological structure and histochemical characters between the tongue of two birds based according to the different food habits. Twenty adult healthy birds with undetermined sex (10 bulbul and 10 cockatiel) were investigated. Our histological study showed that the mucous membrane covering the tongue in bulbul and cockatiel consists of a multi-layered epithelium covering the lamina properia. The skeletal muscle fiber was absent in the apex of the tongue in bulbul and present in the body and root in large number with longitudinal and circular direction. In cockatiel skeletal muscle found in large number three part of the tongue. The keratinized layer in the body of tongue was thick layer at the cranial part and then absent gradually toward the root of the tongue in both birds. The root in both birds was lined with non-keratinized epithelium. The lingual gland give positive reaction for alcian blue stain in both birds that mean the gland was have acidic mucopolysaccharid, for periodic acid shiff the lingual gland in the tongue of bulbul give week positive reaction while that gland in cockatiel give negative reaction for this stain .Presence of Herpes corpuscles in the lamina properia under the epithelium in the body and root of the cockatiel tongue was observed. While the Herpes corpuscles was absent in all part of the tongue in bulbul. These finding highlight characteristic features of and differences in the histological structure and histochemical characters between the tongue of two birds.
Keywords | White-eared bulbul, Birds, Tongue, Lamina properia, Bronze fallow cockatiel
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