Description of New Species of Oxya from Pakistan with Comparison to a Close Ally (Oxyinae: Acrididae: Orthoptera)
Riffat Sultana*, Nuzhat Soomro and Muhammad Saeed Wagan
Department of Zoology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Fig. 1.
O. kashmorensis; A, Sub-genital plate dorsal view; B, same ventral view; C, Ovipositor dorsal view; D, same ventral view; E, same lateral view; F, Spermatheca, (Bar line 4mm).
Fig. 2.
O. Kashmorensis (sp. nov); A, Dorsal view ♀; B, same but lateral view, O. nitidula; C, Dorsal view ♀; D, same but lateral view.
Fig. 3.
O. nitidula; A, Sub-genital plate dorsal view; B, Same ventral view; C, Ovipositor dorsal view; D, Same ventral view; E, Same lateral view; F, Spermatheca, (Bar line 4mm).