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Customer Satisfaction, Attitude, and Purchase Intention Towards Stingless Bee Honey Consumption in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

Customer Satisfaction, Attitude, and Purchase Intention Towards Stingless Bee Honey Consumption in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

MohamadRahijan AbdulWahab*andAhmadAimanSalahudin

Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.

*Correspondence | Mohamad Rahijan Abdul Wahab, Faculty of Fisheries and FoodScience,Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu,Malaysia; 


Stingless bee honey contains high source of antioxidants, phenolic acids, and flavonoidsthat are capable of promoting health and wound healing. However, few studies have beenconducted on factors determining stingless bee honey consumption. This study aims to ascertain customer satisfaction, attitude, and purchase intent with reference to Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, and stingless bee honey consumption. The study’s other goals include figuring out how attitude and customer satisfaction are related, as well as how sociodemographic characteristics affect these variables.Atotalof160individualsfromanappropriatesamplewithintheSerembanareatookpartinthesurvey.Therespondentswerebetween the ages of 13 and 65, and they must have previously tasted stingless bee honey.A questionnaire containing four sections: section A for sociodemographic information,section B for satisfaction evaluations, section C for attitude evaluations, and section D forevaluationsofpurchaseintentions,wasused.The data were examined using SPSS. Quantitative data are utilized in the analytical process. This quantitative approach allows for statistical analysis using SPSS to calculate means and standard deviations, providing a clear summary of customer attitudes and purchase intentions.Overallcustomerattitudewascalculatedatameanof=4.01±0.63,andcustomerbuyintentionwascalculatedatamean=3.66±0.58.Asignificantdifferenceincustomersatisfactionwithstingless bee honey consumption was found among groups of employment status andfrequentconsumers.However, there was no discernible difference in the satisfaction of customers about the use of stingless bee honey between groups according to gender, age, ethnicity, educational attainment, and monthly income. Customers’ attitudes on the consumption of stingless bee honey did not differ significantly based on their gender, ethnicity, age, education level, or work status; however, their satisfaction levels did differ significantly based on their monthly income and frequency of consumption. Groups based on gender, age, ethnicity, and work status did not significantly differ in their purchase intentions towards stingless bee honey consumption; however, groups based on education level, monthly income, and frequency of consumption did significantly differ. Thequestion with the highest correlation was between customer satisfaction and customerpurchase intention.

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Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 3, Pages 680-1101


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