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Imed Ben Salem*, Aymen Ben Ibrahim, M’barek Chetoui and Said Nouira

... are exclusively African rodents. This study deals with morphs-genetic analysis of eight species viz. Lemniscomys barbarus, L. bellieri, L. griselda, L. limulus, L. macculus, L. rosalia, L. striatus and L. zebra; which have practically similar external morphologies although they spread in completely different geographical areas. The approach adopted was to identify landmarks on the skulls of all specimens using the tpsDig software, and then analyzing them thro...
Memoona Akber1, Muhammad Mushtaq1,*, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1, Amjad Rashid Kayani1 and Noor-un-Nisa2 trapping of commensal rodents was carried out from May 2011 through April 2012. A total of 100 rats (R. norvegicus = 65, Rattus rattus = 35) were trapped during 720 trap nights @ 0.13 captures per night and the trap success was 13.88%. Maximum captures of the Norway rats were recorded during summer (n = 33), followed by winter (n = 13), autumn (n = 12) and the least number was recorded during spring (n = 7). A non-significant difference betwee...
Yi-qiang Ouyang1, Zhen-xin Liang1, Shi-wen Huang2, Ying Zhang3, Shao-shi Luo1, Jin-ning Liang1, Jia-fu Li1, Yu He4 and Song-chao Guo1,*
...similar to primates than rodents are. To demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of using the tree shrew as an AD model, we examined how well the model recapitulates features of the disease. Injecting animals intraperitoneally with d-galactose to induce acute senility, and then injecting them with β amyloid fragment 1-42 and ibotenic acid into the bilateral hippocampus led to significant learning and memory deficits in the Morris water maze test. Patho...
Abu ul Hassan Faiz1,*, Fakhar-i-Abbas2 and Lariab Zahra Faiz2
...>. The maximum number of rodents was captured in loamy soil type with population density (53.3±19.8) per hectare. The lowest rodent population density was captured in silty clay loam soil type with population density (22.5±5.7) per hectare. The population density in other soil types differ significantly (P≤ 0.05). The statistical results of this study found the following habitat preference of the species: clay loam for N. indica, sand f...

 Addishiwot Fekdu, Afework Bekele and Demeke Datiko*

...ith comparative study of rodents between exclosure and control sites, Ethiopia. To collect the rodent fauna, six study grid sites were identified and marked. These were three from exclosure and three from control sites. Twenty-five traps were used to capture the rodents. Four hundred sixty two (462) individuals of small mammals were captured and one recorded as observed species during both dry and wet season. They were ident...
Nadeem Munawar, Iftikhar Hussain and Tariq Mahmood*
...umn breeding peak of the rodents in the study area. The burrow density recorded inside the wheat crop at various stages of growth and in uncultivated fields was significantly higher than those on field boundaries. The overall comparison of the rodent burrows occurrence in groundnut crop indicated a significantly higher number inside the crop as compared to the field edges at maturity stage. Similarly, maturity stage of the millet and maize crops attracted sign...
Raja Imran Hussain* and Iqra Yousaf
...ffective results because rodents still have alternative habitat for survival. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the control strategy on both habitat types before sowing the wheat crop. This might prevent damage to wheat and possible reduction of intensive use of rodenticides in cropland.
Jae-Kang Lee, Hyun-Su Hwang, Tae-Kyung Eom and Shin-Jae Rhim*
...factor influencing small rodents in a tree thinned Japanese larch Larix kaempferi plantation in Mt. Maehwa, Hongcheon, South Korea. The mid-story, understory and ground vegetation coverage, the number of standing and downed trees ha-1 and the volume of downed trees ha-1 were significantly different between the pre- and post-thinning sessions. Mean density of Apodemus agrarius, A. peninsulae, and Myodes regulus ...
Nadeem Munawar1,2*, Tariq Mahmood2, Paula Rivadeneira1, Ali Akhter2 and Saqib Mehmood2
...on practices that affect rodents and their habitat. During crop season, local farmers in the Pothwar agro-ecosystem in Pakistan do not manage wild vegetation on the field edges, and that may impact rodent populations near their fields. This study was conducted to examine the effect of adjacent non-crop vegetation on rodent populations in the Pothwar agro-ecosystem in Pakistan. Over 14 months, vegetation analysis was conducted using the quadrate method to recor...
Mounir R. Abi-Said1, Mohammad Al Zein2, Mohammad A. Abu Baker3 and Zuhair S. Amr3,4*
... items were dominated by rodents (91%) which were found in 96.4% of the pellets. Birds, scorpions, and other insects constituted 2.46, 5.91, and 2.96% of the diet, respectively. Rodents contributed the most in terms of biomass, with the black rat, Rattus rattus, and desert jirds dominating the remains. The results suggested that the Desert Eagle Owl in the arid ecosystem in eastern Saudi Arabia is a highly selective f...
Mubashra Salim1, Omeira Ibrahim1, Hugo Vilhena2,3,4, Carla Maia5, André Pereira5, Maria Shahzeen1, Shabana Kalsoom1, Asim K. Mahmood6 and Furhan Iqbal1*
...omestic ruminants, pigs, rodents and humans. The present study was designed for the molecular detection of Mycoplasma haemofelis and Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum in feline blood samples collected from various pet clinics in Pakistan, by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), using 16S rDNA as the target sequence. Clinical and epidemiological data was collected in all animals included in the study. M. haemofelis and C. Mycoplasma haemomi...
Faruk Çolak1 and Ferhat Matur2,3,* obligate subterranean rodents known for their remarkable chromosomal variation. In the present study, we investigated whether the structure of seismic signalling is different between the two species found in Turkey, Nannospalax leucodon and the N. xanthodon and whether it is associated with ecological, sex, temporal and chromosomal peculiarities. A cytotype of N. leucodon (2n=56)and three cytotypes of N. xanthodon, (2n=...

Md. Sahidur Rahman

Origin and Spillover of Coronaviruses: Prospects of One Health Action
...umans and birds. Bat and rodents act as a reservoir of alphacoronavirus and betacoronavirus whereas, gamacoronavirus and deltacoronavirus originate in avian species. Domestic animals also play a critical role in disease transmission as they are found seropositive against different coronaviruses. At least seven coronaviruses are known to have been spilled over from animal to human. SARS-CoV-2 is the recent one that showed pneumonia-like syndrome named COVID-19....
Shakeel Ahmed* and Sarwat Jahan circadian rhythms. In rodents and higher primates its stimulatory role in HPG axis is reported. Growth hormone (GH) is released from anterior pituitary and directly or indirectly play very important role in regulation of HPG axis. In the present study the pathway of stimulatory role of NMS was investigated in the regulation of HPG axis. For this purpose, after NMS administration plasma testosterone (T) and growth hormone (GH) levels were determined in four ...
Muhammad Bilal Anwar1, Mirza Azhar Beg1, Amjad Rashid Kayani1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1*, Syed Israr Shah1, Sajida Noureen2
Muhammad Mushtaq1 and Tariq Mahmood3
...(IRI) values highlighted rodents as staples in the three owls’ diets in contrast to conventional proportional representations. An inverse relationship between the body size of owls and preys suggested prey selection might be associated with ecological dynamics in prey populations.
Li Shengqing1,2,3, Zhang Xiyun2,3, Liu Shengcai2,3, Hu Guoyuan2, Fan Yuxia2,Liu Huaixin2, Wang Tingting2 and Zhang Yanming1*
...he population control of rodents in plateau pastoral area. The toxin is subjected to toxin component, DNA sequencing, and bioinformatic analyses. The lethal median dose (LD50) values of intragastrically and orally administred type D botulinum toxin in wild plateau pikas, plateau zokors, and Microtus fuscus are calculated through Horn’s method and the improved Karber method. The ability of the toxin to prevent and control rodent damage i...
Manar M. Farouk1*, Amal El-Molla1, Fayez A. Salib1 and Yousef A. Soliman2
...troughs, and presence of rodents in feed storage area. Enterotoxin (stn) gene was detected in all recovered salmonellae, and the phylogenic analysis of stn gene of the selected strains and the retrieved sequences from GenBank showed the relatedness of the isolated strains to the other strains isolated from different sources. Accordingly, the analysis of disease associated factors and the robust phylogeny findings provide valuable data that will b...

Yao Zou, Shien Ren, Miao Xu, Nannan Liang, Xuxin Zhang, Chongxuan Han and Xiaoning Nan

... one of the subterranean rodents in the subfamily Myospalacinae. Extant zokors include two major genera, Eospalax and Myospalax, which can be distinguished by skull shape. However, due to few available studies on skull morphology of zokors, the interspecific differentiation of their skulls is still unclear. To differentiate among species and to describe the sexual dimorphism within each species, we measured morphological variation using one-way analysis of var...

Hyun-Ju Cho1, Eun-Jae Lee2 and Shin-Jae Rhim3*

...ze. Six species of small rodents were captured during this study. The number of small rodent species and the total number of captured individuals were correlated with patch size. We focused on the patch size and preferred habitat variables of two dominant small rodents, Apodemus agrarius and A. peninsulae, and found that the numbers of captured individuals of both species were highly related to the patch size. We determined ...

Jae-Kang Lee, Hyun-Su Hwang, Tae-Kyung Eom, Dong-Ho Lee and Shin-Jae Rhim*

... microhabitats for small rodents and encouraging biodiversity.


Nausheen Irshad1, Maria Akhter1, Tariq Mahmood2*, Faraz Akrim3, Muhammad Rafique Khan1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem4

... two species of mammals (rodents) and birds (domestic hen and pigeon), while among plant food it consumed seeds and twigs of wild mulberry, Japanese fruit, wild fig and cucumber. The study concludes that Altai weasel in Bunjosa Game Reserve occurs at an elevation range between 1773 m to 1875 m, and consumes most frequently insects, followed by small mammals, birds and reptiles, along with seeds and twigs of some wild plant species.


Samira Merabet1, Nora Khammes-El Homsi1,*, Lydia Aftisse1 and Stéphane Aulagnier2

...y;">Reproduction of wild rodents in the temperate regions is adaptively timed with the season under the influence of photoperiod, temperature and food availability. The aim of this study was to investigate the responses of three small-sized murine species to the same physical and ecological conditions in a locality of Great Kabylia (Algeria). Apodemus sylvaticus, and Mus spretus synchronized their reproduction in winter and spring, Lemniscomys barbarus in spri...

V. Sunitha*, V. Vasudeva Rao, V. Ravinder Reddy, P. Venkateshwarlu, A.V.L.N. Ramalingeswar Rao and B. Naresh

...nsects (51%) followed by rodents (33%), herpetofauna (9.5%) and unidentified invertebrates (6.5%). Among the rodents (33%) Rattus rattus, Bandicota bengalensis, Funambulus palamaram, Mus musculus and Mus booduga. The insects (51%) which includes Orthoptera (21%), Coleoptera (19%) and Dermaptera (11%) were predominantly recorded. The month wise analysis for the year 2015-17 showed that the diet of the spotted owlet closely re...

Rinat Islamov*, Dinara Turegeldieva, Altyn Rysbekova, Kuralay Sarmantayeva, Victor Semenuyk 

Anatoly Murashevich Bittirov1*, Sadrutdin Shamshitovich Kabardiev1, Ayub Yusupovich Aliev1, Boris Kazievich Laipanov2, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Shemyakova2, Ismail Anatolyevich Bittirov1  

...nfavorable cestodosis of rodents of the territories: p. Upper Baksan, Elbrus settlement, a/l Dzhantugan, Tegenekli settlement, Baidaevo settlement, a/l It-kol, Cheget, Terskol, Azau. These points belong to the resort and recreational complex and are densely populated areas and require deratization. 


Amber Khalid1*, Amjad Rashid Kayani1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1, Muhammad Mushtaq1, Mirza Azhar Beg1 and Surrya Khanam2

...on about the diet of the rodents is prerequisite for the better management of pest species. Previous studies conducted on the diet of Indian gerbil were only based on field observations. This study provides information on the diet analysis of Indian gerbil through stomach contents. Samples were collected from different localities of Pothwar during different seasons. Stomachs were separated during autopsy. Slides from stomach contents were prepared and were com...
Guo-Hai Wang1,2,3, Chuang-Bin Tang1, Yuan-Xin Yang1, Yan-Ling Huang1, Wei-Ning Tan4, Qi-Hai Zhou3* and Chang-Hu Lu2*
...of K. septentrionalis by rodents at different locations (beneath and away from the mother tree) using two treatments (leaf litter coverage and control) to clarify the effect of leaf litter coverage on seed survival. The average seed survival rate with leaf litter covering was substantially higher than that of the control (29.36±6.54% vs. 17.07±5.57%), as was seed survival time (9.38±0.74 d vs. 4.96±0.60 d). The average seed survival...

Saqib Mehmood1, Bushra Allah Rakha1*, Muhammad Sajjad Ansari2, Ali Akhter1, Nadeem Munawar1 and Tariq Mahmood1

...activity (P <0.05) of rodents was recorded inside of the crop field (1.75 ± 0.02 ha-1) in relation to the boundary (1.46 ± 0.04 ha-1) of the field. 6.20%, 1.30% and 0.77% crop damaged was calculated at maturity, tillering and sowing stage respectively. Ecological manipulation has resulted in remarkable reduction (P<0.05) in the density of rodents in treated areas compared to reference sites. Present study...

Ming Wang1, Nan Yang2, Xiaolin Zhang2 and Wei Liu1*

...this area to control the rodents remains relatively regressive. Given the limitations in organizing herdsmen to participate in the government-organized rodent control, open-ended and closed-ended combined questionnaires were executed in the summer of 2020 for investigating the consciousness of deratization and the factors influencing the herdsmen. The age of the respondents ranged between 18 and 73, and 261 valid questionnaires were collected. The results demo...
...f seeds are lost due to rodents, birds and microbial attacks. The results indicated that low seed viability with seed losses must have been a major factor in the poor regeneration in fir forest, even if other soil and micro-climatic conditions were favorable....

Muhammad Al-Maruf1, Mahfuzul Islam2, Md. Rashedul Islam3, Syidul Islam1, Md. Sirazul Islam4, Md. Roknuzzaman Khan1, Md. Khairul Islam1, Md. Akib Zabed1, K. B. M. Saiful Islam1*

...; and “presence of rodents in the poultry house” were revealed as the factors associated with increased risk for Campylobacter colonization. The study gathered evidence of the presence of Campylobacter spp. colonization in the broiler farms and identified influencing factors which could aid to set effective interventions for controlling of Campylobacter infection in broiler farms to minimize Campylobacter infection in humans from broilers. A furthe...

Manar Mousa Alhussein*, Eman Faisal Albghdady

...e permanently changed in rodents exposed to high quantities of natural estrogens early in life; however, it is still unclear if exotic estrogens have the same adverse effects. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of estradiol benzoate (50 µg/rat) on the epididymis in male Wistar rats pre-puberty (aged 50 days). Ten male rats, aged 35 days, were divided equally into control (G1) and treatment (G2) groups. Rats in control were subcutan...

Bounthan Sounyvong1, Yohan Lee2 and Eun-Jae Lee3* 456 individual small rodents during the dry and rainy seasons. The mean number of small rodents captured in primary forests was significantly higher than that in two secondary forests. In addition, there were more rodents in burned rice field stands than in burned rubber plantation stands. The value of overstory to understory vegetation coverage and the volume of coarse woody debris we...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56, Iss. 6, pp. 2501-3000


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