Preference and Seasonality of Allogrooming Posture and Body Site of Wild White-Headed Black Langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) in Guangxi, China: Functional Implications
Qiu-Cheng Zhao1,2, Xin-Ling Gan1,2, Zhou-Quan Wei1,2, Zhong-Hao Huang1,2* and You-Bang Li1,2*
1Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, China
2Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, China
Fig. 1.
Proportions of different postures of whit-headed black langur in the dry and rainy season. Asterisks represent statistically significant differences between the dry and rainy season.
Fig. 2.
Line chart of surface area and time percentage of different grooming areas of white-headed black langur. The dash line and solidate line show the time spent was disproportion to body site area. Thus, difficult to reach area was preferred during grooming.