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Plant-Derived Oils Enhance the Effectiveness of Entomopathogenic Fungi in Controlling Melon Fruit Fly Maggots


Research Article

Plant-Derived Oils Enhance the Effectiveness of Entomopathogenic Fungi in Controlling Melon Fruit Fly Maggots

Shahbaz Ahmad1*, Mubashar Iqbal1, Arshad Javaid2, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3, Muhammad Ashfaq4, Tajamal Hussain5 and Sumra Ashraf1

1Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan; 2Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan; 3Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan; 4Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan; 5School of Chemistry, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan.

Abstract | The present study was carried out to investigate the sensitivity of nine entomopathogenic fungal (EPF) strains to three plant-derived oils viz. coriander-oil (Coriandrum sativum), caster-oil (Ricinus communis) and taramira-oil (Eruca Sativa) and to assess the impact of these oils on the pathogenicity of EPF strains against melon fruit fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett) maggots. Under the laboratory conditions, EPF strains namely Metarhizium anisopliae (F 52), Metarhizium pinghaense (MBC 709), Isaria cateniammulata (MBC 289), Isaria javanica (MBC 524), Isaria farinose (MBC 389), Isaria fumosorosea (MBC 053), Lecanicillium attenuatum (MBC 807), Beauveria brongniartii (MBC 397) and Beauveria bassiana (MBC 076) were assessed. Five conidial/spore concentrations (1×105, 1×106, 1×107, 1×108, and 1×109 conidia mL-1) of each EPF were prepared in different concentrations of essential oils (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35%) in tween-20. The virulence and mortality of each strain was estimated after 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21 days. Result revealed that up to 87% of M. pinghaense, 90% of I. javanica, 84% of I. fumosorosea, 87% of L. attenuatum, 95% of M. anisopliae, 80% of I. cateniammulata, and 81% of B. brongniartii germination of EPF was observed at the lowest concentration (5%) of the oils. The germination of EPF conidia/spores with different oils, namely coriander, taramira, and castor, were 70%, 76%, and 82%, respectively. EPF strain MBC 389 demonstrated the least LC50 value (4.32 × 108 conidia mL-1) and the strains MBC 709, MBC 053, MBC 807, F 52, MBC 076, MBC 289 and MBC 397 exhibited 8.13 × 109, 3.46 × 109, 1.72×1010, 1.07×109, 5.40×108, 1.00×109 and 1.25×109 conidia mL-1 LC50, respectively. Maggots of B. cucurbitae showed the highest mortality of 50% after 21 days of application of the treatments and minimum mortality (18%) was recorded after 3 days of application. Likewise, 23% mortality was recorded after 5 days, 32% mortality after 7 days and 39%. Mortality was recorded after 14 days of application of the treatments. The order of pathogenicity of the tested EPF strains was MBC 389 > MBC 397 > MBC 076 > MBC289 > F52 > MBC709 > MBC524 > MBC053 > MBC807. B. cucurbitae maggots treated with different strains (MBC709, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397) at 1 × 109 conidia mL-1 showed 52%, 44%, 52%, 39%, 55%, 58%, 58%, 569% and 60% mortality, respectively. Entomopathogenic fungus (B. brongniartii MBC397) can be utilized as a cost-effective bio-insecticide in integrated pest management programs to control B. cucurbitae. This study provides valuable insights for managing this pest through sustainable biological control methods.

Received | November 07, 2024; Accepted | December 18, 2024; Published | December 28, 2024

*Correspondence | Shahbaz Ahmad, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan; Email: [email protected]

Citation | Ahmad, S., M. Iqbal, A. Javaid, M.B. Chattha, M. Ashfaq, T. Hussain and S. Ashraf. 2024. Plant-derived oils enhance the effectiveness of entomopathogenic fungi in controlling melon fruit fly maggots. Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research, 30(4): 162-177.


Keywords | Coriandrum sativum, Ricinus communis, Eruca sativa, Bactrocera cucurbitae, EPF, Virulence

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Fruit fly maggots feed inside the fruits and vegetables as well as damage their quality. They also damage flowers and stems of plants (Kumar and Rathor, 2020; Mahendiran et al., 2022). The damage is mostly done by the female that lay eggs in the soft tissue of the fruits and flowers (Mani, 2022). Due to this, market value of the products is decreased and the losses vary between 30–100% depending upon the species. Fruits damage due to the melon fruit fly has been reported in the range of 41–89% (Saeed et al., 2022; Khuhro et al., 2024).

For biological control of insects, parasitoids, predators and entomopathogens (fungi, viruses, bacteria and nematodes) have been used that are effective for the betterment of the environment as compared to the use of synthetic insecticides (Thilagam et al., 2023; Joshi et al., 2024). Entomopathogenic fungi, bacteria, virus and nematodes were reported for the protection of plants against different pests (Deka et al., 2021; Ahmad et al., 2022; Grabka et al., 2022; Singh et al., 2024). Integrated pest management is proved to be more effective for reducing the pollution as well as density of the pests from the environment (Fahad et al., 2021). It is done by biological control particularly by the help of entomopathogenic fungi (Mantzoukas and Eliopoulos, 2020; Wang et al., 2024). The entomopathogenic fungi such as Isaria fumosorosea, Beauveria bassiana and Lecanicillium lecanii have been proved very effective in biological control of insects (Alwaneen et al., 2024; Quesada-Moraga et al., 2024). These occur naturally and to preserve these, proper understanding about the compatibility and interaction with other insecticides would be known that may inhibit the pathogen reproduction and growth (Bamisile et al., 2021; Mishra et al., 2024; Singh et al., 2024).

Oils and wetting agents have been extensively investigated and adopted as means of enhancing the delivery, persistence, and efficacy of myco-insecticides (Ghorui et al., 2024). Oil based formulations of Beauveria bassiana proved more efficient carrier of B. bassiana conidia than 0.01% aqueous Tween 80 for the weevil Pantorhytes plutus (Prakash et al., 2015; Kordrostami et al., 2024). Naturally occurring botanical insecticides such as neem oil and other plant essential oils, have long been used in Asia for protection against stored-grain insect pests. More recently, researchers in the Western Hemisphere have begun to assess their use as alternatives to fumigants and other chemical insecticides (Deguine et al., 2021; Zharkov et al., 2023; Albornoz et al., 2024).

The use of entomopathogenic fungi in combination with the plant essential oils proved to be more effective in controlling different types of pest with cost effective techniques. The investigation of the combined action of EPF and EOs or vegetable extracts can aid in pest management by improving control effectiveness and reducing the use of chemical pesticides (Bacova et al., 2020; Natal et al., 2021; Kordrostami et al., 2024; Rehan et al., 2024). EPF and essential oils compatibility could make it easier to choose the right items for IPM programs (Sorokan et al., 2023; Ochieng et al., 2024; Vermelho et al., 2024). According to Chaudhary et al. (2024) and Marisel et al. (2024), these combination applications can increase control effectiveness by lowering applied amounts, avoiding environmental contamination risks, and preventing the development of insect resistance. Because many synthetic pesticides are incompatible with EPFs, it is crucial to search for some natural antagonists to use in conjunction with them (Napoli et al., 2020; Valerio et al., 2021; Kordrostami et al., 2024). So, the aim of the present study was the assessment of sensitivity of entomopathogenic fungi to different oils such as coriander oil, taramira oil and castor oil against B. cucurbitae maggots.

Materials and Methods

Collection and rearing of fruit flies

Fruit flies used in this experimental trail were collected from the bitter and cucumber fields that were present in University of Punjab Lahore on weekly basis. In order to gather the flies, the fruits were first taken from the infected field and placed on the side of the plate with one side adjusted using mesh wire. As the development of the maggots was completed, they were collected in different trays.

After the period of five days pupa were collected, washed with distilled water and were placed in the plastic plates for the emergence of the flies. During this, diet such as banana, eggs and yeasts etc. was provided in rearing cages. Emerged adults were maintained in plastic cages (30 x 30 x 30 cm), approximately 180–200 flies per cage, under laboratory conditions (24±1.5°C, RH 40±5%, L:D 14:10). During the photophase, light was provided by typical neon tubes (Philips18W/865), at light intensity of approximately 1000 lux near the cages (measured with Elvos Luxmeter LM1010). Food provision was in the form of a liquid diet consisting of sugar, yeast hydrolysate enzymatic (Chembiotin) and water (ratio 4:1:5). Flies were allowed to oviposit in bitter gourd. Water was provided with a soaked cotton wick extruding from a small water container. Maggots obtained from bitter gourd for 2–3 generations in our laboratory were used in our experiments.

Procurement of entomopathogenic fungi

Nine strains of entomopathogenic fungi namely Metarhizium pinghaense (MBC709), Isaria javanica (MBC524), I. fumosorosea (MBC 053), I. farinose (MBC 389), I. cateniammulata (MBC289) Lecanicillium attenuatum (MBC807), Metarhizium anisopliae (F52), Beauveria bassiana (MBC 076), and B. brongniartii (MBC397) were used in the present research and imported from the National Center for Agriculture Utilization Research US Department of Agriculture, USA. These strains were cultured on the ¼ SADY media and incubated at 28 ºC in dark conditions for 10-14 days. Determination of conidial concentration was done microscopically, by using Bright-Line hemocytometer (Abdelmoteleb and González-Mendoza, 2020).

Oils and preparation of their concentrations

Three oils (Coriander, Taramira and Castor oil) were purchased from reliable source and seven concentrations viz. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35% of each oil were prepared in Tween-20.

Experiment I: Impact of oils on growth of EPF

Before autoclaving, each concentration of the oil was mixed with growth media, poured in Petri dishes and placed inside the laminar air flow for solidification. Lazy-L-Spreader was used to inoculate fungal strains by spreading 100 µL of conidial suspension in the Petri dishes containing growth media and placed under dark condition at 28°C. Germinating spores were counted in three groups by using the given formula:

Experiment II: Impact of oils on virulence of EPF

Oil concentrations were mixed with five concentrations of every EPF strain (1×105, 1×106, 1×107 and 1×108, 1×109 spores mL-1) in all possible combinations. A suspension of oil concentration within conidial suspension of EPF was prepared by mixing 100 µL of oil and then it was spread on media plates. The larvae were fed on the diet containing all possible combinations of oil treatments. Completely randomized design was applied and 25 larvae were exposed to each treatment. Dead larvae were collected to calculate mortality after 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21 days of treatment (Dembilio et al., 2010). The mortality data were changed into percentage corrected mortality by utilizing Henderson-Tilton’s formula (Henderson and Tilton, 1955).

Data analysis

To determine LC50 and LC90 values, the data of mortality were subjected to probit analysis. The products were analyzed on the basis of their LC50 and LC90 values. The statistical analysis was conducted using the Minitab software package (Minitab, 2017). The mortality data were also analyzed by ANOVA and their mean were separated by Tukey HSD test (Dembilio et al., 2010).

Results and Discussion

Effect of oils on germination of entomopathogenic fungi

Findings showed that oils had significant effects on germination of all entomopathogenic fungal strains (P value = 0.0000 <0.05) (Table 1). Maximum germination (87%) of M. pinghaense was observed on 5% concentration as compared to other concentrations 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% have germination of M. pinghaense (80%), (72%), (65%), (58%), (51%) and (45%), respectively (Table 2). Germination due to different oils viz. coriander, taramira and castor oil was 59%, 65% and 72%, respectively (Table 3). Interaction effect between concentrations and oils revealed that maximum germination (93%) due to castor oil was at 5% concentration and minimum germination (80%) was observed at same concentration due to coriander oil. Similarly, percent germination (85% at castor oil) and minimum germination (72% at coriander) was observed on 10% concentration. While maximum percent germination (77% of castor oil) was observed on (15%) concentration and minimum germination (65% of coriander) was observed. Maximum percent germination (20%) concentration was (72%) of castor oil and minimum germination (59%) of coriander was observed. Maximum percent germination on 35% concentration was (52%) of castor oil and minimum germination (42%) of coriander was observed (Table 4).


Table 1: Analysis of variance for the effect of fungal strain, concentration and incubation period on mortality of melon fruit fly maggots.

























Concentrations × Days






Concentrations × Fungus






Days × Fungus






Concentrations × Days × Fungus














Table 2: Effect of different concentrations of oils on percent germination of spores of entomopathogenic fungi.


Germination (%) (± S.E.)

Metar-hizium pinghaense

Isaria javanica

Isaria fumoso-rosea

Lecani-cillium attenu-atum

Metar-hizium anisopliae

Isaria farinose

Beau-veria bassi-ana

Isaria cateniam-mulata

Beauveria brongniartii


87 ± 1.96A

90 ± 0.87A

84 ± 0.83A

87 ± 0.85A

94 ± 0.89A

97 ± 0.98A

80 ± 0.95A

92 ± 0.82A

81 ± 0.58A


80 ± 2.06B

83 ± 0.75B

77 ± 0.74B

80 ± 0.77B

87 ± 0.82B

90 ± 0.84B

73 ± 0.83B

85 ± 0.81B

74 ± 0.51B


72 ± 1.91C

76 ± 0.67C

70 ± 0.66C

72 ± 0.62C

80 ± 0.74C

83 ± 0.73C

66 ± 0.71C

78 ± 0.72C

66 ± 0.44C


65 ± 1.91D

67 ± 0.57D

62 ± 0.61D

64 ± 0.51D

72 ± 0.65D

75 ± 0.61D

58 ± 0.62D

69 ± 0.66D

59 ± 0.42D


58 ± 1.93E

61 ± 0.54E

55 ± 0.54E

58 ± 0.46E

65 ± 0.57E

68 ± 0.54E

51 ± 0.54E

63 ± 0.61E

52 ± 0.38E


51 ± 1.69F

54 ± 0.41F

49 ± 0.41F

51 ± 0.36F

58 ± 0.52F

62 ± 0.51F

45 ± 0.51F

56 ± 0.54F

46 ± 0.35F


45 ± 1.71G

48 ± 0.29G

43 ± 0.37G

45 ± 0.31G

52 ± 0.43G

56 ± 0.43G

39 ± 0.37G

50 ± 0.41G

39 ± 0.21G


Values with different letters show significant difference (P≤0.05).


Table 3: Effect of different oils on percent germination of spores of entomopathogenic fungi.


Germination (%) ± S.E.

Metar-hizium ping-haense

Isaria javanica

Isaria fumoso-rosea

Lecani-cillium attenu-atum

Metar-hizium aniso-pliae

Isaria farinose

Beauveria bassiana

Isaria cateniam-mulata

Beauveria brongniartii


59 ± 2.85C

62 ± 0.42C

57 ± 0.64C

58 ± 0.67C

63 ± 0.72C

69 ± 0.65C

53 ± 0.32C

64 ± 0.62C

54 ± 0.63C


65 ± 3.56B

68 ± 0.55B

63 ± 0.59B

64 ± 0.73B

74 ± 0.47B

76 ± 0.69B

59 ± 0.49B

70 ± 0.68B

59 ± 0.55B

Castor oil

72 ± 3.05A

75 ± 0.83A

69 ± 0.51A

74 ± 0.82A

80 ± 0.41A

82 ± 0.71A

65 ± 0.61A

77 ± 0.71A

66 ± 0.41A


Values with different letters show significant difference (P≤0.05)


The germination of I. javanica was significantly impacted by oils (Table 1). The highest percentage of I. javanica germination occurred at 5% concentration. At concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% and 35%, the corresponding germination was 83%, 76%, 67%, 61%, 54%, and 48% (Table 2). However, germination resulting from various oils, such as castor oil, taramira oil, and coriander oil, was 62%, 68%, and 75%, respectively (Table 3). There was a minimum germination rate of 82.01% of coriander and a maximum germination of 96% of castor oil at 5% concentration, according to the interaction impact between concentrations and oils. At 35% concentration, the highest (55% of castor oil) and the lowest germination (44% of coriander) were noted (Table 4).

In comparison to other concentrations, the highest percentage of I. fumosorosea germination (84%) was observed at 5% concentration. The corresponding germination at 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% concentrations were 77%, 70%, 62%, 55%, and 43%, respectively (Table 2). However, the germination due to various oils (coriander, castor oil, and taramira oil) were 57%, 63%, and 69%, respectively (Table 3). Minimum germination (77% of coriander) and maximum germination (90% of castor oil) were found at 5% concentrations. The highest germination (49% of castor oil) and the lowest germination (39% of coriander) were noted at 35% concentration (Table 4).


Table 4: Interactive effect of concentrations and oils on percent germination of spores of entomopathogenic fungi.



Germination (%) ± S.E.




Castor oil



Castor oil



Castor oil

Metarhizium pinghaense

Isaria javanica

Isaria fumosorosea


80 ± 0.86DE

88 ± 0.88AB

93 ± 0.95A

82. ± 1.19CD

91 ± 1.24AB

96 ± 1.43A

77 ± 1.28E

85 ± 1.36B

90 ± 1.49A


72 ± 0.58GH

82 ± 0.81CD

85 ± 0.91BC

74 ± 1.14EF

85 ± 1.21BC

88 ± 1.25B

69 ± 1.22G

80 ± 1.28D

82 ± 1.35C


65. ± 0.62HI

75 ± 0.43FG

77. ± 0.73EF

69 ± 1.11FG

78 ± 1.14DE

80 ± 1.14CDE

62 ± 1.17H

72 ± 1.21F

74 ± 1.26F


59 ± 0.61JK

63 ± 0.41IJ

72 ± 0.61GH

61 ± 1.07HI

66 ± 1.11GH

75 ± 1.17EF

56 ± 1.13I

60 ± 1.18H

69 ± 1.18G


52 ± 0.54KH

57 ± 0.56JK

65 ± 0.58HI

55 ± 1.05KLM

60 ± 1.04IJK

68 ± 1.12G

49 ± 1.11J

54 ± 1.13I

62 ± 1.13H


47 ± 0.58MN

50 ± 0.48HM

58 ± 0.51JK

49 ± 1.01MN

53 ± 1.01LM

61 ± 1.02HIJ

49 ± 1.05J

54 ± 1.13I

55 ± 1.06I


42 ± 0.41O

42 ± 0.32O

52 ± 0.45KH

44 ± 1.03N

45 ± 1.01N

55 ± 1.02JKL

39 ± 1.01L

39 ± 1.05L

49 ± 1.04J

Lecanicillium attenuatum

Metarhizium anisopliae

Isaria farinose


79 ± 1.46C

87 ± 1.65B

95 ± 1.76A

83 ± 1.76D

97 ± 1.81AB

99 ± 1.83A


93 ± 1.83AB

97 ± 1.82A


71 ± 1.37DE

81 ± 1.54C

87 ± 1.69B

75 ± 1.69EF

91 ± 1.74BC

94. ± 1.77B

82 ± 1.75EF

93 ± 1.81BC

96 ± 1.79B


64 ± 1.27FG

74 ± 1.48D

79 ± 1.63C

69 ± 1.53FGH

84 ± 1.72D

86 ± 1.65CD

76 ± 1.65FG

86 ± 1.76DE



58 ± 1.21HIJ

62± 1.41FGH

74 ± 1.57D

62 ± 1.45IJ

72 ± 1.56FG

81 ± 1.54DE

69 ± 1.60HI

74 ± 1.71GH

82 ± 1.71EF


51 ± 1.18KL

56 ± 1.37IJ

67 ± 1.42EF

55 ± 1.38KL

66 ± 1.51HI

74 ± 1.46F


67 ± 1.66IJK

75 ±1.65G



49 ± 1.32LM


49 ± 1.32LM

59 ± 1.43JK

67 ± 1.34GHI


60 ± 1.64LM



41 ± 1.06N

41 ± 1.16N

54 ± 1.35JK

45± 1.26M

51 ± 1.32LM

61 ± 1.26IJK

52 ± 1.44N

53 ± 1.51N


Beauveria bassiana

Isaria cateniammulata

Beauveria brongniartii


73 ± 1.46CD

82 ± 1.52AB

86 ± 1.56A

84 ± 1.53CD

93 ± 1.61AB

98 ± 1.65A


82 ± 1.43AB

87 ± 1.52A


65 ± 1.44EF

76 ± 1.47BC

79 ± 1.49B

77 ± 1.49EF

87 ± 1.57BC

90 ± 1.62B

66 ± 1.34G

76 ± 1.41CD

79 ± 1.47BC


59 ± 1.36FG

69 ± 1.42DE


71 ± 1.43FG

80 ± 1.54DE

82 ± 1.55CDE

59 ± 1.21H

69 ± 1.34FG

71 ± 1.43EF


52 ± 1.31HI

57 ± 1.39GH

65 ± 1.32EF

63 ± 1.28HI

68 ± 1.51GH

77 ± 1.51EF

53 ± 1.15IJ

57 ± 1.32HI

66 ± 1.38G



50 ± 1.32IJK

58 ± 1.26G

57± 1.21KLM

62 ± 1.39IJK

70 ± 1.48G

46 ± 1.12L

51 ± 1.25JK



39 ± 1.17MN

44 ± 1.26LM

51 ± 1.21HIJ

1 ± 1.19MN

55 ± 1.34LM

63 ± 1.45HIJ

41 ± 1.06MN

44 ± 1.21LM

52 ± 1.31J


35 ± 1.06N

36 ± 1.15N

46 ± 1.17JKL

47 ± 1.15N

47 ± 1.31N

57 ± 1.41JKL

36 ± 1.01N

36 ± 1.16N

46 ± 1.27KL


Values with different letters show significant difference (P≤0.05).


The germination of L. attenuatum was significantly affected by oils (P value= 0.0000<0.05) (Table 1). It was highest (87%) at 5% concentration. The germination was 72%, 64%, 58%, 51%, and 45% at 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35%, respectively (Table 2). In different oil (coriander, taramira, and castor oil) treatments, germination was of 58%, 64%, and 74%, respectively (Table 3). The maximum percentage of germination (95% of castor oil) was recorded on 5% concentration, while the minimal germination (79% of coriander) was demonstrated by the interaction impact between concentrations and oils. The lowest percentage of germination (41% of coriander) and the highest percentage of germination (54% of castor oil) were noted at 35% concentration (Table 4).

The highest percentage of M. anisopliae germination (95%) was observed at a concentration of 5%. In contrast, M. pinghaense germination was observed at concentrations of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35% was 87%, 79%, 74%, 67%, 60%, and 54%, respectively) (Table 2). In treatments of coriander, taramira, and castor oil, germination was 63%, 74%, and 80%, respectively (Table 3). There was a minimum germination (83%) of coriander and a maximum germination of 99% in castor oil on 5% concentration, according to the interaction impact between concentrations and oils. At 35% concentration, the highest percentage of germination (61% of castor oil) and the lowest percentage of germination (45% of coriander) were noted (Table 4).

I. farinose germination was highest at 5% concentration (97%), whereas at 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35%, I. farinose germination was 90, 83%, 75%, 68%, 62%, and 56%, respectively (Table 2). However, the germination affected by the various oils (castor oil, taramira, and coriander oil) were 82%, 76%, and 70%, respectively (Table 3). The interaction between concentrations and oils showed that the lowest germination (90% of coriander) and the highest germination (97% of castor oil) were both seen at 5% concentration. The highest percentage of germination (63% of castor oil) and the lowest percentage of germination (52% of coriander) were noted at 35% concentration (Table 4).

The highest percentage of B. bassiana germination occurred at 5% concentration (80%). The corresponding germination at 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35% of B. bassiana was 73%, 66%, 58%, 51%, 45%, and 39%, respectively (Table 2). Coriander, taramira, and castor oil caused germination of 53%, 59%, and 65%, respectively (Table 3). The maximum percentage of germination (86% of castor oil) and the minimum germination (73% of coriander) were shown to be caused by the interaction impact between concentrations and oils. At a 35% concentration, the highest percentage of germination (46% of castor oil) and the lowest percentage of germination (35% of coriander) were noted (Table 4).

T1 (control) had the highest percentage of I. cateniammulata germination (80%), followed by T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, and T7 (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35%), which had I. cateniammulata germination of 85%, 78%, 69%, 63%, 56%, and 50%, respectively (Table 2). Coriander, taramira, and castor oil treatments showed 64%, 70%, and 77% germination, respectively (Table 3). The maximum percentage of germination (98% of castor oil) and minimal germination (84% of coriander) were found to occur when concentrations and oils interacted. At 35% concentration, the highest percentage of germination (57% of castor oil) and the lowest percentage of germination (47% of coriander) were noted (Table 4).

B. brongniartii at 5% concentration showed maximum germination (81%) followed by T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 and T7 where germination of B. brongniartii was 74%, 66%, 59%, 52%, 46% and 39%, respectively (Table 2). Germination due to different oils (coriander, taramira, and castor oil) was 54%, 59% and 66%, respectively (Table 3). Interaction effect between concentrations and oils revealed that maximum germination (87% of castor oil) was observed at 5% concentration and minimum germination was 74% due to coriander oil. Maximum percent germination (46.06% of castor oil) was observed at 35% concentration and minimum (36%) due to coriander (Table 4).

Lethal concentrations (LC50 & LC90) of microbial insecticides after 3 days of exposure to B. cucurbitae maggots

EPF strain MBC 053 has demonstrated the least LC50 value (8.56 × 107 conidia mL-1) and proves highly effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. Unlikely, EPF strain MBC 397 exhibited the highest LC50 value (2.83 × 1011 conidia mL-1) and proved least effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. EPF strains MBC 709, MBC 524, MBC 807, F 52, MBC 389, MBC 076 and MBC 289 exhibited 7.61 × 109, 1.45 × 1010, 1.02 × 1010, 6.84 × 109, 1.85 × 109, 4.51 × 109 and 5.96 × 109 LC50, respectively. The order of pathogenicity of tested EPF strains were MBC053 > MBC389 > MBC076 > MBC289 > MBC709 > F52 > MBC807 > MBC524 > MBC397. The pathogenicity of all EPF strains against B. cucurbitae maggots varied significantly as fiducial limits of EPF tested strains did not overlap with each other (Table 5).


Table 5: Lethal concentration values of different entomopathogenic fungi after 3 days of exposure to Bactrocera cucurbitae maggots.

Fungal strain


FL limit


FL limit





M. pinghaense (MBC709)

7.61 × 109

1.70 × 109 - 1.18 × 1011

2.63 × 1012

1.55×1011 - 7.03×1014

0.21 ± 0.04




I. javanica (MBC524)

1.45 × 1010

3.18 × 109- 2.53 × 1011

1.43 × 1012

1.08 × 1011 - 2.52 × 1014

0.26 ± 0.04




I. fumosorosea (MBC 053)

8.56 × 107

1.66 × 109-1.95 × 1011

6.10 × 1012

2.47 × 1011 - 4.48 × 1015

0.18 ± 0.03




L. attenuatum (MBC807)

1.02 × 1010

2.46 × 109- 1.38 × 1011

1.25 × 1012

1.02 × 1011 - 1.62 × 1014

0.24 ± 0.04




M. anisopliae (F52)

6.84 × 109

1.29 × 109- 1.71 × 1011

8.91 × 1012

2.94 × 1011 - 1.16 × 1016

0.16 ± 0.03




I. farinose (MBC 389)

1.85 × 109

6.42 × 108- 9.72 × 109

4.27 × 1011

5.27 × 1010 - 1.68 × 1013

0.22 ±0.03




B. bassiana (MBC 076)

4.51 × 109

6.65 × 108-2.99 × 1011

9.28 × 1013

8.94 × 1011 - 8.10 × 1018

0.12 ± 0.02




I. cateniammulata (MBC289)

5.96 × 109

1.06 × 107 - 1.80 × 1011

1.68 × 1013

4.13 × 1011 - 5.25 × 1016

0.15 ± 0.02




B. brongniartii (MBC397)

2.83 × 1011

3.73 × 109 - 2.406 × 1021

3.22 × 1018

6.62 × 1013 - 7.03 × 1044

0.07 ± 0.02





Table 6: Lethal concentration values of different entomopathogenic fungi after 5 days of exposure to Bactrocera cucurbitae maggots.



FL limit


FL limit





M. pinghaense (MBC709)


1.06 × 109 to 7.92 × 1011


1.01 × 1012 to 1.08 × 1019





I. javanica (MBC524)


3.23 × 109 to 1.79 × 1012


5.11 × 1011 to1.25 × 1017

0.17 ±0.03




I. fumosorosea (MBC 053)


8.74 × 108 to 3.98 × 1010


1.35 × 1011 to 5.43 × 1014

0.18 ± 0.03




L. attenuatum (MBC807)


2.53 × 109 to 8.97 × 1011


4.41 × 1011 to 5.97 × 1016

0.42 ± 0.03




M. anisopliae (F52)


2.31 × 108 to 2.08 × 1010


3.95 × 1011 to 2.55 × 1017

0.12 ±0.02




I. farinose (MBC 389)


1.57 × 108 to 1.93 × 109


5.03 × 1010 to 3.66 × 1013

0.16 ± 0.02




B. bassiana (MBC 076)


1.16 × 108 to 1.03 × 1010


4.94 × 1011 to 2.58 × 1018

0.10 ± 0.02




I. cateniammulata (MBC289)


2.34 × 108 to 1.46 × 1010


3.02 × 1011 to 4.85 × 1016

0.12 ±0.02




B. brongniartii (MBC397)


1.68 × 108 to 2.07 × 1011


3.24 × 1012 to 1.32 × 1024

0.08 ±0.02





Table 7: Lethal concentration (LC) values of different entomopathogenic fungi after 7 days of exposure to Bactrocera cucurbitae maggots.

Fungal strain


FL limit


FL limit





M. pinghaense (MBC709)


1.32 × 108 to 5.19 × 109


2.23 × 1011 to 2.15 × 1016

0.12 ± 0.02




I. javanica (MBC524)


1.36 × 109 to 2.83 × 1013


3.92 × 1012 to 5.14 × 1023

0.10 ± 0.02




I. fumosorosea (MBC 053)


1.51 × 108 to 4.38 × 1011


3.60 × 1012 to 8.87 × 1025

0.08 ± 0.02




L. attenuatum (MBC807)


2.56 × 109 to 4.63 × 1016


1.83 × 1013 to 8.74 × 1031

0.08 ± 0.02




M. anisopliae (F52)


4.20 × 107 to 2.06 × 109


3.62 × 1011 to 2.78 × 1018

0.09 ± 0.02




I. farinose (MBC 389)


3.02 × 107 to 2.11 × 108


2.06 × 1010 to 6.16 × 1012

0.15 ±0.02




B. bassiana (MBC 076)


2.37 × 107 to 2.70 × 109


9.27 × 1011 to 1.93 × 1022

0.08 ± 0.02




I. cateniammulata (MBC289)


4.28 × 107 to 2.26 × 109


4.09 × 1011 to 4.63 × 1018

0.09 ±0.02




B. brongniartii (MBC397)


1.34 × 106 to 6.05 × 107


2.85 × 1011 to 2.16 × 1020

0.07 ±0.02





Lethal concentrations (LC50 & LC90) of microbial insecticides after 5 days of exposure to B. cucurbitae maggots

EPF strain MBC 389 has demonstrated the least LC50 value (4.32 × 108 conidia mL-1) and proves highly effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. Unlikely, EPF strain MBC 524 exhibited the highest LC50 value (2.45 × 1010 conidia mL-1) and proved least effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. EPF strains MBC 709, MBC 053, MBC 807, F 52, MBC 076, MBC 289 and MBC 397 exhibited 8.13 × 109, 3.46 × 109, 1.72 × 1010, 1.07 ×109, 5.40 × 108, 1.00 × 109 and 1.25 × 109 LC50 respectively. The order of pathogenicity of tested EPF strains were MBC389 > MBC076 > MBC289 > F52 > MBC397 > MBC053 > MBC709 > MBC807 > MBC524. The pathogenicity of all EPF strains against Bactrocera cucurbitae maggots varied significantly fiducial limits of EPF tested strains did not overlap with each other (Table 6).

Lethal concentrations (LC50 & LC90) of microbial insecticides after 7 days of exposure to B/ cucurbitae maggots

EPF strain MBC 389 has demonstrated the least LC50 value (7.38 × 107 conidia mL-1) and proves highly effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. Unlikely, EPF strain MBC 807 exhibited the highest LC50 value (8.51 × 1010 conidia mL-1) and proved least effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. EPF strains MBC 709, MBC 053, MBC 524, F 52, MBC 076, MBC 289 and MBC 397 exhibited 5.06 × 108, 1.26 × 109, 1.88 × 1010, 1.76 × 108, 1.25 × 108, 1.83 × 108 and 1.05 × 109 LC50, respectively. The order of pathogenicity of tested EPF strains were MBC 389 > MBC 076 > MBC289 > F52 > MBC709 > MBC 397 > MBC053 > MBC524 > MBC807. The pathogenicity of all EPF strains against B. cucurbitae maggots varied significantly as fiducial limits of EPF tested strains did not overlap with each other (Table 7).


Table 8: Lethal concentration (LC) values of different microbial insecticides after 14 days of exposure to Bactrocera cucurbitae maggots.

Fungal strain


FL limit


FL limit





M. pinghaense (MBC709)


2.35 × 107 to 2.35 × 108


4.27 × 1010 to 9.59 × 1013





I. javanica (MBC524)


3.63 × 107 to 3.63 × 109

1.62 ×1014

7.36 × 1011 to 7.97 × 1020





I. fumosorosea (MBC 053)


2.25 × 106 to 2.18 × 107


1.34 × 1010 to 9.68 × 1012





L. attenuatum (MBC807)


5.18 × 108 to 1.15 × 1012


2.28 × 1012 to 1.54 × 1022





M. anisopliae (F52)


4.12 × 106 to 4.83 × 107


3.51 × 1010 to 2.50 × 1014





I. farinose (MBC 389)


4.46 × 106 to 3.99 × 107


1.83 × 1010 to 1.97 × 1013





B. bassiana (MBC 076)


2.55 × 105 to 7.39 × 106


2.21 × 1010 to 4.31 × 1014





I. cateniammulata (MBC289)


1.06 × 106 to 1.87 × 107


3.23 × 1010 to 6.64 × 1014





B. brongniartii (MBC397)


1.59 × 105 to 7.90 × 106


4.65 × 1010 to 2.11 × 1016






Table 9: Lethal concentration (LC) values of different entomopathogenic fungi after 21 days of exposure to Bactrocera cucurbitae maggots.



FL limit


FL limit





M. pinghaense (MBC709)


1.64 × 106 to 1.2 × 107


4.64 × 109 to 5.35 × 1011





I. javanica (MBC524)


2.88 × 105 to 6.81 × 106


1.50 × 1010 to 8.39 × 1013





I. fumosorosea (MBC 053)


1.12 x 105 to 2.43 × 106


3.20 × 109 to 7.67 × 1011





L. attenuatum (MBC807)


6.88 × 106 to 4.79 × 107


1.22 × 1010 to 3.32 × 1012





M. anisopliae (F52)


1.44 × 105 to 3.94 × 106


8.77 × 109 to 1.74 × 1013





I. farinose (MBC 389)


5.04 ×104 to 1.64 × 106


3.05 × 109 to 1.05 × 1012





B. bassiana (MBC 076)


1.39 × 104 to 6.44 × 105


1.09 × 109 to 1.27 × 1011





I. cateniammulata (MBC289)


4.43 × 104 to 1.05 × 106


9.99 × 108 to 6.42 × 1010





B. brongniartii (MBC397)


4.23 × 101 to 4.48 × 104


2.25 × 108 to 2.31 × 1010






Lethal concentration (LC50 & LC90) values of different microbial insecticides after 14 days of exposure to B. cucurbitae maggots


EPF strain MBC 397 has demonstrated the least LC50 value (1.86 × 106 conidia mL-1) and proves highly effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. Unlikely, EPF strain MBC 807 exhibited the highest LC50 value (4.60 × 109 conidia mL-1) and proved least effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. EPF strains MBC 709, MBC 053, MBC 524, F 52, MBC 076, MBC 289 and MBC 389 exhibited 6.63 × 107, 7.85 × 106, 1.79 × 108, 1.48 × 107, 2.02 × 106, 5.49 × 106 and 1.40 × 107 LC50, respectively. The order of pathogenicity of tested EPF strains were MBC 397 >MBC076 > MBC289 > MBC053 > MBC389 > F52 > MBC709 > MBC524 > MBC807. The pathogenicity of all EPF strains against B. cucurbitae maggots varied significantly. Fiducial limits of EPF tested strains did not overlap with each other (Table 8).

Lethal concentrations (LC50 & LC90) of microbial insecticides after 21 days of exposure to B. cucurbitae maggots

EPF strain MBC 397 has demonstrated the least LC50 value (4.49 × 103 conidia mL-1) and proves highly effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. Unlikely, EPF strain MBC 807 exhibited the highest LC50 value (1.86 × 107 conidia mL-1) and proved least effective against maggots of B. cucurbitae. EPF strains MBC 709, MBC 053, MBC 524, F 52, MBC 076, MBC 289 and MBC 389 exhibited 5.16 × 106, 7.41 × 105, 1.98 × 106, 1.12 × 106, 1.57 ×105, 3.11 × 105 and 4.46 × 105 LC50, respectively. The order of pathogenicity of tested EPF strains were MBC397 > MBC076 >MBC289 > MBC389 > MBC053 > F52 > MBC524 > MBC709 > MBC807. The pathogenicity of all EPF strains against B. cucurbitae maggots varied significantly as fiducial limits of EPF tested strains did not overlap with each other (Table 9).

Percent mortality of B. cucurbitae maggots due to entomopathogenic fungi

Analysis of variance showed that the total percentage mortality against B. cucurbitae has significant results after the application of all treatments. Mean comparison for total treatments against B. cucurbitae showed highest mortality rate (52.58%) was recorded when highest concentration (1 × 109 conidia mL-1) of entomopathogenic fungi was used and minimum mortality was recorded in control treatment (5.82%) followed by other concentrations (1 × 105, 1 × 106, 1 × 107 and 1 × 108 conidia mL-1) was 21.79%, 29.79%, 38.20% and 45.56% respectively against B. cucurbitae (Table 10).


Table 10: Effect of different concentrations of entomopathogenic fungi on mortality of melon fruit fly maggots.

Concentrations (conidia mL-1)

Mortality (%)

1 × 105

21.79 ± 0.43E

1 × 106

29.79 ± 0.54D

1 × 107

38.20 ± 0.61C

1 × 108

45.56 ± 0.62B

1 × 109

52.58 ± 0.78A


5.82 ± 0.21F


Values with different letters show significant difference (P≤0.05).


Mean comparison for total treatments against B. cucurbitae showed highest mortality rate (50.06%) after 21 days of application of treatments and minimum mortality was recorded (17.45%) after 3 days of application, while 23.41% mortality was recorded after 5 days, 31.61% mortality after 7 days and after 14 days of application of treatments mortality was 38.95% for B. cucurbitae (Table 11).


Table 11: Percent mortality of melon fruit fly maggots exposed to different entomopathogenic fungal strains for different days.


Mortality (%)

3 day

17.45 ± 0.35E

5 day

23.41 ± 0.45D

7 day

31.61 ± 0.53C

14 day

38.95 ± 0.74B

21 day

50.06 ± 0.86A


Values with different letters show significant difference (P≤0.05).


Mean comparison for total treatments against B. cucurbitae showed highest mortality rate (40.18%) was recorded when MBC397 strain of entomopathogenic fungi was used and minimum mortality 22.66% was recorded in MBC807 strain followed by other strains (MBC076, MBC289, MBC389, F52, MBC053 MBC709 and MBC524) was recorded 37.16%, 34.91%, 33.95%, 33.57%, 31.81%, 30.30% and 26.09%, respectively against B. cucurbitae (Table 12).


Table 12: Percent mortality of melon fruit fly maggots exposed to different entomopathogenic fungal strains.


Mortality (%) ± S.E.


40.18 ± 0.75A


37.16 ± 0.56B


34.91 ± 0.51C


33.95 ± 0.47D


33.57 ± 0.45E


31.81 ± 0.41F


30.30 ± 0.33G


26.09 ± 0.26H


22.66 ± 0.16I


Values with different letters show significant difference (P≤0.05).


B. cucurbitae which were treated with 1 × 105 conidia mL-1, showed 6.63% mortality after 3 days of application of treatments while 1 × 106, 1 × 107, 1 × 108, and 1 × 109 conidia mL-1 showed mortality 11.75%, 21.99%, 28.03% and 33.61%, respectively, for B. cucurbitae after 3 days of application of treatments. Minimum mortality (2.67%) was recorded in control where no treatment was applied. B. cucurbitae which were treated with 1 × 105 conidia mL-1, showed 12.67% mortality after 5 days of application of treatments while 1 × 106, 1 × 107, 1 × 108, and 1 × 109 conidia mL-1 showed mortality 20.14%, 27.59%, 34.09% and 41.52%, respectively, for B. cucurbitae after 5 days of application of treatments. Minimum mortality (4.45%) was recorded in control where no treatment was applied. B. cucurbitae which were treated with 1 × 105 conidia mL-1, showed 22.13% mortality after 7 days of application of treatments while 1 × 106, 1 × 107, 1 × 108, and 1 × 109 conidia mL-1 showed mortality 30.57%, 36.63%, 44.07% and 50.17%, respectively, for B. cucurbitae after 7 days of application of treatments. Minimum mortality (6.07%) was recorded in control where no treatment was applied. B. cucurbitae which were treated with 1 × 105 conidia mL-1, showed 28.68% mortality after 14 days of application of treatments while 1 × 106, 1 × 107, 1 × 108, and 1 × 109 conidia mL-1 showed mortality 36.94%, 46.11%, 53.32% and 61.10%, respectively, for Bactrocera cucurbitae after 14 days of application of treatments. Minimum mortality (7.60%) was recorded in control where no treatment was applied. B. cucurbitae which were treated with 1 × 105 conidia mL-1, showed 38.88% mortality after 21 days of application of treatments while 1 × 106, 1 × 107, 1 × 108, and 1 × 109 conidia mL-1 showed mortality 49.56%, 58.72%, 68.33% and 76.55%, respectively, for B. cucurbitae after 3 days of application of treatments. Minimum mortality (8.34%) was recorded in control where no treatment was applied (Table 13).

B. cucurbitae which were treated with MBC709 strain showed 16.15% mortality after 3 days of application of treatments while strains, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397 showed mortality 11.73%, 15.72%, 11.67%, 18.53%, 18.52%, 22.03%, 19.24% and 23.43% respectively for B. cucurbitae after 3 days of application of treatments. B. cucurbitae which were treated with MBC709 strain showed 22.73% mortality after 5 days of application of treatments while strains, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397 showed mortality 12.78%, 20.22%, 15.37%, 27.24%, 25.67%, 29.29%, 26.68% and 30.71% respectively for B. cucurbitae after 5 days of application of treatments. B. cucurbitae which were treated with MBC709 strain showed 31.12% mortality after 7 days of application of treatments while strains, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397 showed mortality 23.52%, 30.83%, 22.50%, 33.78%, 33.66%, 35.22%, 32.83% and 41.01% respectively for B. cucurbitae after 7 days of application of treatments. B. cucurbitae which were treated with MBC709 strain showed 36.26% mortality after 14 days of application of treatments while strains, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397 showed mortality 35.65%, 42.45%, 25.37%, 39.73%, 39.74%, 44.11%, 42.15% and 45.16% respectively for B. cucurbitae after 14 days of application of treatments. B. cucurbitae which were treated with MBC709 strain showed 45.29% mortality after 21 days of application of treatments while strains, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397 showed mortality 46.76%, 49.83%, 38.44%, 48.60%, 52.20%, 55.16%, 53.66% and 60.61%, respectively, for B. cucurbitae after 21 days of application of treatments (Table 14).


Table 13: Percent mortality of melon fruit fly maggots exposed to different concentrations of entomopathogenic fungi for different time intervals.


(conidia mL-1)

Mortality (%) ± S.E.

3 day

5 day

7 day

14 day

21 day

1 × 105

6.63± 0.35R


22.13± 0.45N

28.68± 0.42M


1 × 106

11.75± 0.68OP

20.14± 0.51N

30.57± 0.65L

36.94± 1.02J

49.56± 1.12F

1 × 107

21.99± 0.98N

27.59± 0.67M

36.63± 0.87J

46.11± 1.07G

58.72± 1.21D

1 × 108

28.03± 1.01M

34.09± 0.76K

44.07± 1.21I

53.32± 1.15E

68.33± 1.46B

1 × 109

33.61± 1.14K

41.52± 1.05H

50.17± 1.06FG

61.10± 1.41C



2.67± 0.12T

4.45± 0.04S


7.60± 0.13Q

8.34± 0.15P


Values with different letters show significant difference (P≤0.05).


Table 14: Percent mortality of melon fruit fly maggots exposed to different entomopathogenic fungi for different time intervals.

Fungal strains

Percent mortality ± S.E.

3 days

5 days

7 days

14 days

21 days


16.15 ± 1.04T

22.73 ± 1.14P

31.12 ± 1.16J

36.26 ± 1.17H

45.29 ± 1.32E


11.73 ± 1.04V

12.78 ± 1.05S

23.52 ± 1.18M

35.65 ± 1.21H

46.76 ± 1.38D


15.72 ± 1.06T

20.22 ± 1.12Q

30.83 ± 1.21K

42.45 ± 1.32F

49.83 ± 1.67D


11.67 ± 1.12V

15.37 ± 1.15T

22.50 ± 1.25P

25.37 ± 1.16M

38.44 ± 1.53G


18.53 ± 1.26R

27.24 ± 1.04M

33.78 ± 1.28I

39.73 ±1.18G

48.60 ± 1.54D


18.52 ± 1.16R

25.67 ± 1.06N

33.66 ± 1.32I

39.74 ± 1.22G

52.20 ± 1.47C


22.03 ± 1.15O

29.29 ± 1.08L

35.22 ± 1.35H

44.11 ± 1.27EF

55.16 ±1.61B


19.24 ± 1.23Q

26.68 ± 1.11LM

32.83 ± 1.36H

42.15 ± 1.35F

53.66 ± 1.74C


23.43 ± 1.35O

30.71 ± 1.14K

41.01 ±1.42F

45.16 ± 1.43E

60.61 ± 1.87A


Values with different letters show significant difference (P≤0.05).


Table 15: Percent mortality of melon fruit fly maggots exposed to different concentrations of the entomopathogenic fungi.

EPF strains

Percent mortality ± S.E.

1 × 105

1 × 106

1 × 107

1 × 108

1 × 109



19.28 ± 1.01V

23.45 ± 1.17T

35.11 ± 1.24O

45.11 ± 1.54I

51.78 ± 1.34EF

7.12 ± 1.04Z


17.68 ± 1.05X

22.68 ± 1.12T

30.18 ± 1.31Q

36.01 ± 1.66M

43.51 ± 1.42I

6.47 ± 1.02Z


19.73 ± 1.03V

30.78 ± 1.19Q

37.63 ± 1.28M

45.27 ± 1.52I

52.01 ± 1.43D

5.42 ± 1.06a


10.47 ± 1.05Y

20.69 ± 1.51U

25.80 ± 1.43S

34.27 ± 1.43P

39.38 ± 1.75K

5.41 ± 0.76a


23.99 ± 1.06T

30.76 ± 1.12Q

39.28 ± 1.16L

46.92 ± 1.54H

54.53 ± 1.53D

5.99 ± 0.62a


21.49 ± 1.07U

28.34 ± 1.27R

39.28 ± 1.25L

51.13 ± 1.46EF

57.94 ± 1.43BC

5.56 ± 0.57a


26.59 ± 1.11RS

36.77 ± 1.15M

45.24 ± 1.28I

50.35 ± 1.62F

58.03 ± 1.96B

5.99 ± 0.41a


23.24 ± 1.17T

33.87 ± 1.22P

42.73 ± 1.22J

48.06 ± 1.59G

56.09 ± 1.87C

5.47 ± 0.32a


33.73 ± 1.14P

40.77 ± 1.31K

48.61 ± 1.44G

52.97 ± 1.64D

60.01 ± 1.98A

5.00 ± 0.25a


B. cucurbitae which were treated with different strains (MBC709, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397) at 1 x 105 conidia mL-1 showed mortality 19.28%, 17.68%, 19.73%, 10.47%, 23.99%, 21.49%, 26.59%, 23.24% and 33.73%, respectively. B. cucurbitae which were treated with different strains (MBC709, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397) at 1 × 106 conidia mL-1 showed mortality 23.45%, 22.68%, 30.78%, 20.69%, 30.76%, 28.34%, 36.77%, 33.87% and 40.77%, respectively. B. cucurbitae which were treated with different strains (MBC709, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397) at 1 × 107 conidia mL-1 showed mortality 35.11%, 30.18%, 37.63%, 25.80%, 39.28%, 39.28%, 45.24%, 42.73% and 48.61%, respectively. B. cucurbitae which were treated with different strains (MBC709, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397) at 1 × 108 conidia mL-1 showed mortality 45.11%, 36.01%, 45.27%, 34.27%, 46.92%, 51.13%, 50.35%, 48.06% and 52.97%, respectively. B. cucurbitae which were treated with different strains (MBC709, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397) at 1 × 109 conidia mL-1showed mortality 51.78%, 43.51%, 52.01%, 39.38%, 54.53%, 57.94%, 58.03%, 56.09% and 60.01%, respectively. B. cucurbitae showed mortality rates of 7.12%, 6.47%, 5.42%, 5.41%, 5.99%, 5.56%, 5.99%, 5.47% and 5.00% in control treatment of different strains, MBC709, MBC524, MBC053, MBC807, F52, MBC389, MBC076, MBC289 and MBC397, respectively (Table 15).

Virulence of different entomopathogenic fungi was evaluated against maggots of B. cucurbitae. Susceptibility to fruit flies by different pathogens has been confirmed by various scientist (Peña et al., 2015; Cheng et al., 2017). Results of present experiment revealed that mortality range 10 to 95%, results supported by (Bedini et al., 2018; Chergui et al., 2020) who found that 7 to 100% mortality was observed against Ceratitis capitata when treated with B. bassiana. In present study nine strains were evaluated against maggots of melon fruit fly. Among of them B. brongniartii (MBC397) proved to be most effective for the control melon fruit fly maggots.

Higher concentration (1×109) and maximum exposure interval (21) days, Metarhizium pinghaense (MBC709) (51.78%), Isaria javanica (MBC524), (43.51%) Isaria fumosorosea (MBC 053) (52.01%), Lecanicillium attenuatum (MBC807) (39.38%), Metarhizium anisopliae (F52) (54.53%), Isaria farinose (MBC 389), (57.94%) Beauveria bassiana (MBC 076), (58.03%), Beauveria bassiana (MBC 076), Isaria cateniammulata (MBC289) (56.09%) and Beauveria brongniartii (MBC397) (60.01%) mortality against maggots of melon fruit fly. These results also reported by Yang et al. (2015) topical application method encouraged significantly greater mortality than feeding alone. C. capitata adults demonstrated mortality level from 20 to 98.7% in the assessment of 16 strains of B. bassiana, Qazzaz et al. (2015). In the identical way, (Ugwu and Nwaokolo, 2020) stated mortality range between 82 and 100% against B. bassiana and M. anisopliae for the control of Anastrepha ludens adults. Similarly, Nwaokolo et al. (2023) reported that larvae of Mediterranean fruit fly showed that M. anisopliae discovered higher mortality rate than B. bassiana reaching 73.80% at 1×109 concentration of volume 20ml/100g result showed difference because Khlaywi et al. (2014) used distilled water for solution making and in our research Tween 20 were used as solvent for prepration of suspension. Iqbal et al. (2021) reported that Cucurbits fruit fly larvae showed (75%) mortality the highest was at concentration of 1×109 spores/ml of B. bassiana isolates was measured depending on the adult’s emergence rates. The adult’s emergence rate was decreased with increasing of concentration.

When these EPFs were applied on maggots through diet bioassy all tested entomopathogenic microbial insecticides, LC50 for maggots of B. cucurbitae decreased with increase in exposure interval. At maximum exposure intervals (21 days), B. bassiana demonstrated least LC50 against B. cucurbitae maggots (1.57 × 105 conidia mL-1) followed by I. farinose which explained LC50 value of 4.46 x 105 conidia mL-1against maggots of B. cucurbitae, at maximum exposure interval (21 days). Likewise, Isaria farinose explained LC50 value of 1.0 × 107 conidia mL-1against larvae of B. cucurbitae, at maximum exposure interval (21 days); while, Isaria cateniannulata demonstrated highest LC50 against B. cucurbitae larvae (1.9 × 107 conidia mL-1). At highest concentration (1 × 109 conidia mL-1), LT50 values for larvae of B. cucurbitae in sand bioassay were 9.04 days, 11.78 days, 12.78 days and 13.04 days for B. bassiana, Metarhizium pinghaense, Isaria farinose and Isaria cateniannulata, respectively. Gul et al. (2015) reported that B. zonata showed that LC50 value 2×108 conidia/mL for B. bassiana for 5 days result difference due to different application method. Shahid et al. (2024) reported that LC50 values, Bb100 show more sensitive against male the LC50 value was 8.3 x 103 spores mL-1. and then Bb 17 (2.7 x 105 spores mL-1) and BE47 (5 × 106 spores mlL-1). At concentration of 1×109 spores mL-1show varied lethal time, which articulates on virulence, showed superior of Bb100 with LT50 2.5 days, then the isolate of BE47 (5.5 days) and Bb17 (9 days). Here is little difference in result due to solvent Xia et al. (2023) were used Tween 80 rather than tween 20. Dimbi et al. (2003) and Singh et al. (2024) also reported that C. rosa var. fasciventris and C. capitata showed that the LT90 value ranged 3–4 days in both insects.


The researcher would like to express gratitude to the University of the Punjab Lahore Campus’s Department of Entomology as well as everyone else who helped with this research.

Novelty Statement

In order to effectively manage melon fruit flies and eliminate the need for insecticides for pest control, the current work is a pioneer in comprehending the synergistic effect of oils in improving the virulence effect of entomopathogenic fungus.

Author’s Contribution

Mubashar Iqbal and Shahbaz Ahmad: Developed the research plan, analyzed the data, and authored the manuscript.

Arshad Javaid and Muhammad Bilal Chattha: Critically analyzed the data and provided guidance on the research plan and statistical analysis.

Muhammad Ashfaq, Tajamal Hussain and Sumra Ashraf: Reviewed the manuscript drafts and prepared the tables.

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.


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