Length-weight relationship and growth of a marine gastropod mollusk, Hemifusus ternatanus was studied for 36 months under artificial condition. The total shell length (SL), shell width (SW) and total weight (TW) were measured for eight times throughout the experimental period. The length-weight relationship can be expressed as Wt = 0.0734×SL2.7817 (R2 = 0.9924) and width-weight can be expressed as Wt = 0.5763×SW3.036 (R2 = 0.974). The correlation coefficients between morphometric traits and total weight reached the significant level. With the increasing of animal age, the growth of total shell length, width and weight significantly increased, while the growth rate decreased with the increasing of animal age. Results from the present study provide the first biological reference to H. ternatanus and are useful for assessing the growth and resource assessment of H. ternatanus.
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