Effect of Withania Somnifera Supplement on Thyroid Gland Hormones, Body Weight, Body Temperature and Thyroglobulin in Males Rabbits Induced with Hypothyroidism
Zainab Sadik Chetheer*, Aseel Abdullah Ibraheem
Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
*Correspondence | Zainab Sadik Chetheer, Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq; Email: zainab.sadiq2206m@covm.uobaghdad.edu.iq
Figure 1:
Photomicrographs of the thyroid of rabbits of negative control group (C1) showed normal architecture of the thyroid gland. It comprised of different-sized thyroid follicles (black arrow) filled with acidophilic homogenous colloid (C), and individual follicle was lined with a simple layer of cubical epithelial cell (Blue arrow). (A)H&E 10X.(B) H&E 40X.
Figure 2:
Photomicrographs of the thyroid of rabbits of Ashwaganda treated group (C2) showed markedly packed variably-sized thyroid follicles with various amount of intraluminal acidophilic homogenous colloid (C). Also, section showed a huge dilation of one follicle (Double-headed arrow) with accumulation of large amount of colloid in its lumen (C). (A)H&E 10X (B) H&E 40X.
Figure 3:
Photomicrographs of the thyroid of rabbits of PTU-treated group (T1) showed hypothyroid changes and distortion in its architecture that characterized by decrease in the size of most follicles (Dashed black arrow) with drop in or lack in the amount of colloid, and increased thickness of follicular lining epithelium (Red arrow). (A) H&E 10X. (B)H&E 40X.
Figure 4:
Photomicrographs of the thyroid of rabbits of PTU-Ashwaganda treated group (T2) showed significant reversed in histological changes with restored most of follicles (Black arrow) and increase colloid deposition within follicular lumens (C).(A) H&E 10X (B)H&E 40X.