Corn Substitution Through Na-Glutamate and Neurospora Species Supplementation in Cassava and Tofu Dregs
Munasik*, Titin Widiyastuti, Caribu Hadi Prayitno
Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, 53122, Indonesia.
*Correspondence | Munasik, Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, 53122, Indonesia; Email:
[email protected]
Figure 1:
Moisture of post fermented cassava-tofu dreg.
Figure 2:
Dry matter of post fermented cassava-tofu dreg.
Figure 3:
Effect of red fermented peanut cake yeast addition on the crude fiber of post fermented cassava-tofu dreg.
Figure 4:
Effect Na-glutamate on the crude fat.
Figure 5:
Effect of red fermented peanut on the crude fat.
Figure 6:
Effect of red fermented peanut cake yeast addition on the inorganic matter of post fermented cassava waste-tofu dreg.
Figure 7:
Effect of Na-glutamate on the crude protein.
Figure 8:
Effect of red fermented peanut cake yeast on the crude protein.
Figure 9:
Effect of Na-glutamate on the NFE.
Figure 10:
Effect of red fermented peanut cake yeast addition on the NFE.
Figure 11:
Calcium concentration of post-fermented cassava waste-tofu dreg with Na-glutamate level (A) and red fermented peanut cake yeast level (B).
Figure 12:
Phosphor concentration of post-fermentation cassava waste tofu dreg with Na-glutamate level (A) and red fermented peanut cake yeast level (B).
Figure 13:
Cassava waste-tofu dreg phytic acid content post-fermentation with different levels of Na-glutamate (A) and level of red fermented peanut cake yeast (B).