Remote digital necropsy (RDN) in cattle is a systematic method of post mortem diagnostic remotely, with the aim of increasing knowledge about deaths. The method is based on a standardized, systematic approach to opening and photo documenting dead cattle on farm. Images are sent to a bovine practitioner, experienced in interpreting gross lesions, for analysis. In this pilot study, education and training sessions on the RDN method were administered to veterinarians. After the training sessions, the participants performed 15 RDNs. Subsequently, interviews were conducted with 10 participants to capture their experiences and views on using the RDN method. In many of the necropsied animals, the RDN diagnosis matched well with the on-site veterinarian’s observations. The participants expressed a great interest in developing and obtaining more skills in performing on-farm necropsies. This pilot study identified several challenges with the RDN and these need to be considered before implementing this service for Swedish cattle farms. The pilot study also showed that the RDN method could be a good complement to the regular post-mortem examinations and that it is possible to use the RDN in Sweden to determine a gross diagnosis of the cause of death of cattle, with subsequent increased disease surveillance.
Keywords | Cause of death, Digital pathology, Necropsy, Off-site evaluation, On-farm death, Post-mortem examination