Composition and Beneficial Impact of Camel Milk on Human Health
Composition and Beneficial Impact of Camel Milk on Human Health
Sumaira, Ali Mujtaba Shah*, Ghulam Asghar Solangi, Ifra Anwar, Qudratullah Kalwar
Department of Livestock Production, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Sakrand-67210, Sindh, Pakistan.
Sumaira and Ali Mujtaba Shah contributed equally in this work.
Abstract | Milk is a complete diet for the human beings because it comprises all the supplements, such as water, fat, carbohydrates, lactose, protein, minerals, nutrients and catalysts. A total of 20 % milk is obtained from different species including sheep, ass, horse, yak, goat, bison and camel while the 80 % milk is produced by cows. Milk of camel plays an essential part in the diet of human. Additionally, camel milk comprises numerous fatty acids and enzymes. Hence camel milk has many beneficial effects, such as antiviral, antibacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-ageing. Besides, camel milk contains abundant proteins which are conductive to improve the immunity functions. Thus, it is necessary to illuminate the beneficial impact of camel milk and its composition.
Novelty Statement | This review exposed beneficial impact of camel milk on human health, on which previously little information exists. The work may be helpful in future for detailed re-search on camel milk and its uses for children.
Article History
Received: May 03, 2020
Revised: May 13, 2020
Accepted: June 27, 2020
Published: August 12, 2020
Authors’ Contributions
Sumaira, GAS and IA conceived the study, gathered the data and wrote the manuscript. AMS and QK reviewed the final version of the manuscript.
Camel milk, Composition, Immunity, Human health
Corresponding Author: Ali Mujtaba Shah;
To cite this article: Sumaira, Shah, A.M., Solangi, G.A., Anwar, I., Kalwar, Q., 2020. Composition and beneficial impact of camel milk on human health. Punjab Univ. J. Zool., 35(2): 179-189.
Camel milk has been an important source of nutrition for nomadic and pastoral cultures in the arid parts of the world for centuries. More recently, there has been a growing interest in camel milk as an alternative to bovine milk and nutraceutical products because of its high nutritional value and therapeutic effects (Zhang et al., 2020). In Pakistan particularly desert regions of the Sindh, Punjab and Baluchistan around 0.8 million of camels are slaughtered in summer season (Anonymous, 2002). A camel is a cumbersome creature living in desert areas with a population of approximately 34 million as 89 percent is
Camelus dromedarius and 11 percent is Camelus bactrianus (FAOSTAT, 2017; Kgaudi et al., 2018) for the processing of milk and meat for human use. Epstein (1971) stated that, 3,000 years ago the camels were the first to be used as a greater source to fetch the water since the end of the first world war with urbanization in armed forces they became an oldest animal to help them in any cause (Yagil et al., 1994). Camel is one of the animal as declared in the Quran as a wonder of God (Derasech, 2005). Dromedary camel lives in the dry land and desert area and it issued for short distance transportation in semiarid and arid regions, besides it also used for milk purpose in certain regions namely raikas and rabaris since hundreds of years (Yagil, 1986).
Camel is significant animal for the peoples of desert tribes in Asia and Africa as a main source of food and also used for transportation since ancient times, its milk is being used as a medicine for different infections. Milk of camel, recognized as desert white gold, is more relevant to human milk and varies from other animals milk as it comprises small quantity of sugar and cholesterol whereas, it consist of minerals in greater quantity (magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium, zinc, copper) proteins and vitamin C (Yadav et al., 2015; Gader et al., 2016). Moreover, milk of camel is used for the curing of various disorders and diseases i.e. jaundice, dropsy, asthma, anti-hypertensive and leishmaniasis (Yardav et al., 2015). Yagil (1982) stated that three decades ago, the medical assets of camel milk were investigated. According to investigator, camel milk includes reactive proteins that may have a possibility in improving the immunological defense mechanism. Furthermore, proteins which are present in milk of camel have antiviral and antibacterial properties (El-Agamy et al., 1992). Besides it has a hypoglycemic impact while provided as a supportive treatment, and it may be due to the combination of insulin/insulin like protein and has a useful result in the treatment of diabetes. In addition, milk of camel was used for the medication of crohn infection and for food allergies (Shabo and Yagil, 2005). Over the years, camel strengths have been known and its position in mankind history is guaranteed but in Pakistan, studies on production and quality of camel milk are poor. Therefore, assessing the consistency of camel milk in a considerable manor is important to make sure that camel is wonderful animal brings out the best in the heart of subsequent generations. We collected the updated literature examining the compositions and therapeutic properties of camel milk and its positive effects. Hence, the main objectives of this review are to study the useful impacts of camel milk on health of humans, to assess the composition of camel milk also to investigate the purchase and drinking of camel milk.
Camel milk and its composition
Milk of camel is a white liquid with an aroma and salts like flavor. It depends largely on the kind of nutrition or plant accessible in the grazing region (Khalesi et al., 2017; Abbas et al., 2013). Besides, due to the fats homogenized in the milk, the color of camel milk is white, while the differences in flavor depend on the form of feed or plant present in the grazing area and water for drinking (Kumar et al., 2015). Additionally, camel milk pH (6.2 to 6.5) and thickness varies from (1.026 to 1.035) these both are inferior to cow milk and skim milk’s optimum buffering potential is at pH of 4.95 (Gul et al., 2015). There are various reasons which influence on the quality of camel milk such as, conditions of feeding, physiological stage, physiological and seasonal differences, camel inherent makeup and condition of health (Konuspayeva et al., 2009). In general, the normal camel milk comprising ash 0.79%, water 87%, lactose 4.4%, fat 3.5%, protein 3.4%, as mentioned in Table 1. (Al-Haj and Al-Kanhal, 2010).
Table 1: Composition of camel milk and other species of milk (Fox, 2003).
Animal species |
Percentage of water |
Fat (%) |
Protein (%) |
Lactose (%) |
Ash (%) |
Camel |
86 to 88 |
2.9 to 5.4 |
3.0 to 3.9 |
3.3 to 5.8 |
0.6 to 1.0 |
Cow |
85 to 87 |
3.7 to 4.4 |
3.2 to.8 |
4.8 to 4.9 |
0.7 to 0.8 |
Buffalo |
82 to 84 |
7.0 to 11.5 |
3.3 to 3.6 |
4.5 to 5.0 |
0.8 to 0.9 |
Sheep |
79 to 82 |
6.9 to 8.6 |
5.6 to 6.7 |
4.3 to 4.8 |
0.9 to 1.0 |
Goat |
87 to 88 |
4.0 to 4.5 |
2.9 to 3.7 |
3.6 to 4.2 |
0.8 to 0.9 |
Human |
88 to 89 |
3.3 to 4.7 |
1.1 to 1.3 |
6.8 to 7.0 |
0.2 to 0.3 |
Protein is the key element of camel milk which has a significant effect on its nutritional benefits and technical suitability. Milk proteins are a collection of different mixtures which vary in structure and characteristics. They are classified into fractions of whey protein and clusters of casein. Casein has been the most significant protein in milk, with a fairly small ratio of whey proteins (Guo et al., 2007). A large portion in camel milk is casein. Moreover, dromedary camel contains 1.63 to 2.76 percentage of casein protein, which makes up 52 to 87 part of entire milk proteins (Khaskheli et al., 2005). Barłowska et al. (2007) reported that there are 4 casein variants of the central casein: αs1, αs2, β, and γ, the composition of these proteins is broad and polymorphism showed in many types of animals. Camel milk has a greater β-casein level and lower ÿ- and α casein amounts than cow milk. Casein is easy to digest in intestine and it is an essential source of amino-acids for development and growth of kids. The amino acid structure of camel milk is analogous to cow milk but the quantity of essential and non-essential amino-acids are greater in milk of camel than cow. Casein relative to dairy camel breeds, apart from arginine amounts, which are greater in milk of Safrah breed camel. In cow β-casein quantity of essential amino acids are higher compared to βeta casein in dairy camel breeds, excluding, threonine, lysine, isoleucine and methionine (Salmen et al., 2012). Relative to camel milk, the amount of non-essential amino acids in π casein in milk of cow is greater excluding arginine, the amount of which is greater in camel milk ÿ-casein. Cow milk casein includes a higher proportion of essential amino-acids relative to milk of camel, excluding lysine that has a higher proportion in camel-casein (Salmen et al., 2012). Besides, serum albumin, peptidoglycan proteins, lact-albumin, lactoferrin, lysozymes, lacto-peroxidase immunoglobulin and whey proteins are existing in milk of camel. Khaskheli et al. (2005) stated that milk of camel contains whey protein which make up 20-25 percent of all proteins. The volume of whey proteins in milk of one humped camel ranges between 0.63 to 0.80 percent. Thus, whey proteins are more vigorous in camel milk (Laleye et al., 2008).
Previous findings illustrated that normal proportion of lactose in the milk of camel was 4.62% (Sankhla et al., 2000), 3.8-4.3% (Raghvendar et al., 2004), and 5.5% lactose (Schwartz, 1992). The differences in lactose content because camel normally eat grass on extensive range in desert, available arid grasses and salty bushes (Khaskheli et al., 2005). The study of the lactose association with fat particles is considered negative in meta-analysis, although no connection among lactose and total protein is observed (Konuspayeva et al., 2009) that in different season (Haddadin et al., 2008) and in normal health status or in dehydrated conditions (Yagil and Etzion, 1980). There is a slight alteration in the milk of camel composition in different camel breeds worldwide (Mehaia et al., 1995). In milk of bovine the lactose content (4.9%) is more as compared to lactose available in milk of camel (4.2%) (Smits et al., 2011). While another study revealed that content of lactose in milk of buffalo is inferior than the milk of camel and cow (Jaydeep et al., 2015).
Table 2: Chemical composition of milk of various species of camel (Konuspayeva, 2007).
Species |
Protein (%) |
Fat (%) |
Lactose (%) |
Dry matter (%) |
One humped camel |
3.03 |
5.94 |
3.12 |
12.39 |
Bactrian camel |
33.3 |
6.67 |
2.77 |
13.07 |
Crossbreeds |
3.28 |
6.09 |
3.04 |
11.91 |
Minerals are main component of milk; in general minerals available in milk such as: chloride, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and iron. From them calcium and phosphorus are the main components in milk, which are considerable for bone development and normal childbirth health. These minerals have a higher bioavailability impact and nutritional benefits of milk. Previous findings exposed that the quantity of these minerals in milk of camel is higher (Al-Wabel, 2008). Moreover, Mal et al. (2007) illustrated that in milk of camel the contents of potassium 50.74 mEqL-1, sodium 29.70 mEqL-1, calcium94.06 mg percent, P values (41.68 mg) and Mg values (11.82 mg percent) found in early lactating camels. The related values in late lactation were 35.49±0.89 mEqL-1, 71.86±1.43 mEqL1, 97.32±0.51 mg percent, 47.14 ± 0.52 mg percent and 13.58 ± 0.31 mg percent respectively. The discrepancies in amounts of macro minerals recorded by numerous study groups may be due to a change in breeds or external factors such as soil and feed. Various camel breeds have unique capacity for storing minerals into their milk (Wangoh et al., 1998). The Fe (1.00012), (Zn 2.00002) and Cu (0.44004 mg / dl) respectively. Also, the trace mineral values such as Zn, Cu and Fe in milk of camel were considerably greater than in milk of other bovines (Singh et al., 2006).
Konuspayeva et al. (2009) determined amount of ash in milk of camel ranges from 0.60-0.90 percent. Moreover, quantity of ash in the milk is associated with type of farming, diet and water intake (Haddadin et al., 2008). Besides, milk of camel is a good source of chloride (Khaskheli et al., 2005) due to feed consumed by camels, such as locust and atriplex tree which normally comprises more content of salt (Yagil, 1982).
Fatty acids
Narmuratova et al. (2006) reported that milk of camel contains short chain fatty acid content (C-4 to C-14) and long chain fatty acid content (C-14 to C-18). These polyunsaturated fatty acids are extremely important for nutrition. The camel milk fatty acid contents are mentioned in Table 3.
Table 3: Fatty acids contents in milk of camel (Singh et al., 2006).
Fatty acid |
Percentage |
Lauricacid |
1 to 1.8 |
Caprylic acid |
0.2 to 0.3 |
Caproic acid |
0.2 to 0.6 |
Buytric acid |
0.31 to 0.75 |
Capric acid |
0.2 to 0.4 |
Myristoleic acid |
1.7 to 4.5 |
Myristic acid |
15.9 to 25.2 |
Palmitoleic acid |
6.1 to 19.1 |
Palmiticacid |
25 to 29.5 |
Oleic acid |
6.8 to 24.9 |
Stearic acid |
1.9 to 11.7 |
Arachidic acid |
0.6 to 3.4 |
Linoleic acid |
0.9 to 0.2 |
Mansson (2008) stated that the size of fat globules and average diameter was lower in the milk of camel 2.99 μm, while it was higher in milk of buffalo 8.7 μm and goat 3.19 μm. A higher rate of milk fat distribution has a favorable effect on the access for lipolytic enzymes as compared to small fat globules. Hence, milk of goat and camel easy to digest for human beings (D’Urso et al., 2008). A significant proportion of long chain fatty acids differentiate the lipid fraction in milk of camel, which contributes for 96.4 percent contrast to 85.3 percent in milk of bovine (Abbas et al., 2013).
Cholesterol levels in milk of camel is 34.5 mg/100g which is greater than in cholesterol of other animals, meanwhile, milk fat from dromedary camels produces lower carotene levels and lower sums of short chain fatty acids relative to milk of other animals (Stahl et al., 2006). Camel milk, as it has the greatest amount of milk fat dispersion, includes the greatest amount of cholesterol 31.3-37.1 mg/100 g of milk in the examined species of animals. As for its fatty acid profile, camel milk is also exceptional. Gizachew et al. (2015) reported that camel contains 6 to 8 times fewer fatty acids in the short chain related to cow, horse, buffalo and sheep milk. Numerous fatty acids such as caproic, arachidic acids, palmitic, butyric, caprylic, lauric, myristoleic, capric, myristic, palmitoleic, linoleic, stearic and oleic acids are existing in camel milk (Panwar, 2015).
Water percentage
Milk of camel includes a large proportion of water that varies from 84 percent to 91 percent (Sisay and Awoke, 2015; Farah and Ruegg, 1989). The ratio of water in milk of camel may be varying depend on the circumstances surrounding the camels (like feed and temperature). Drinking water during the winter, the calf and mother were endorsed to drink only one time in a week for an hour from spring until the completion of summer. The water content of the milk was eighty six percent when water was limited, the water content in the milk increased to ninety one percent when water was limited. Therefore, it seems that the lactating camel at the time is sacrificing water to the milk at the time of drought, perceived to be a common ability to deliver not only nutrients but also crucial fluid to exhausted calf (Yagil and Etzion, 1980).
Numerous vitamins are present in camel milk such as fat and water-soluble vitamins. The vitamins in camel milk are retinol, tocopherol, calciferol and thaimine, and particularly ascorbic acid (Abbas, 2013; Shamsia, 2009). Milk of camel is well recognized as a good source of ascorbic acid 34.16 mg/ L and is 35 fold higher than milk of cow (Stahl et al., 2006). In addition, there is more folic acid, niacin (B3), vitamin B12, pantothenic acid but a lesser amount of retinol and riboflavin present in milk of camel (Stahl et al., 2006). Furthermore, in dromedary camel the amount of vitamin A is lower than the milk of cow 159 I.U./lOOg. Moreover, previous findings of Knoess (1977), illustrated that thiamine and riboflavin content of najdi camel milk were nearly half their values compared with cow milk. While another study stated that the amount of riboflavin in milk of camel was slightly lower than milk of cow (Hartman and Dryden, 1978). However, the content of vitamin B6 and thiamine was similar to that of milk of cow while that of pantothenic acid, folacin, and B12 was lower in cow (Hartman and Dryden, 1978). In camel milk the niacin content was extensively greater than milk of cow. Moreover, vitamin C levels were similar to that of camel milk (Knoess, 1977), but were significantly greater than that of cow milk. The existence in camel milk of fairly good amounts of vitamin C 23.7 mg / kg is of significant importance to human diet in areas where green vegetables and fruits are difficult to access. Anonymous (1980) recommended dietary allowances one kilogram of camel milk provides roughly 50 per cent of vitamin B12, 40 per cent of ascorbic acid, 30 per cent of vitamin A, 24 per cent of vitamins thiamin, niacin, B6, riboflavin and just 1 per cent of folacin. The small amounts of folacin in milk of camel may be nutritionally important.
Dry matter
Kouniba et al. (2005) revealed that dry content in milk comprises of fat, lactose, proteins, ash on average of 10.4 percent. Phase of milk production and seasoning have a major effect on daily milk output, dry matter, protein, and fat proportions (Zeleke, 2007). The dry content in milk of camel is identical to that of goat, mare, and milk of donkey. Camel milk main components in dry matter (Average 15.06 percent) are protein (4.9 percent), mineral substances (0.99 percent), milk fat (5.60 percent) and lactose (5.85 percent). While, milk of Bactrian camel has the largest content of dry matter and fat, while in hybrid camel milk has maximum protein content whereas, milk of one humped camel contains maximum content of lactose.
Beneficial effects on human health
In the past mostly peoples use milk of camel as a home remedy for treatment of different diseases. Recently, various researches showed that the remedial assets were due to certain types of constituent in milk of camel (Nora et al., 2014). Meanwhile, nowadays milk of camel is used worldwide, but it is not the primary choice for the peoples because its taste is salty (Zhang et al., 2020; Sisay and Awoke, 2015). Though, it has numerous useful assets as it is used for the treatment for autism, allergy, diabetes and also stops liver cirrhosis. Camel milk is becoming familiar because of its health benefits in managing and helping to prevent various health issues (Korish and Arafah, 2013). In the Raica population in India, there is a low occurrence of diabetes drinking camel milk habitually (Agrawal et al., 2003). Milk of camel is necessary for the control of diabetes (Shori, 2015). Additionally, attentiveness related to camel milk and its medicinal and nutritional profits increased (Jamshed et al., 2016). Milk of camel contains antimicrobial properties including, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. Then cure from the assault of pathogens and various diseases that will promote a solid way to balance a life (Jamshed et al., 2016). Camel milk is better than cow and buffalo; much importance has been given in recent times to the use of camel milk for human wellbeing (Sahani et al., 1998, 2005). However, the mindfulness among everyone on its clinical, favorable circumstances are less. Individuals who are presented to the way of life infections or have a family ancestry of diabetes, heart sicknesses, and so on are as a rule looking for elective treatments. They favor options in contrast to traditional medications. Camel milk has been recognized as aiding the recuperation procedures of immune system infections having a snappy and constructive outcome on the mending procedure (Ahmed et al., 2015). In this way, milk of camel is helpful in the sugar patients and other way of life maladies. We needed to discover whether individuals who are presented to these sorts of maladies are all the more ready to get it after realize the medical advantages of camel milk. Thus, we set the individuals presented to a way of life sicknesses are additionally ready to purchase camel milk.
Chemical imbalance range issue (ASD)
Numerous findings have shown that oxidative stress plays a major part in the rehabilitation of many neurological disorders including autism spectrum disorder; some researches also indicated that antioxidant enzymes play path physiological role in autism. Camel milk has also identified to possibly have positive effects in autism. A survey was conducted to assess the influence of camel milk drinking on oxidative stress biomarkers in autistic children, using the ELISA technique to measure the plasma levels of glutathione, myeloperoxidase and superoxide dismutase prior and 2 weeks afterward usage of camel milk. All evaluated parameters showed significant difference after consumption of the camel milk. These results showed that camel milk may play a vital role in reducing oxidative stress by altering the amounts of antioxidant enzymes and non enzymatic antioxidant molecules, as demonstrated by the strengthened childhood autism rating scale (Agrawal et al., 2005).
Camel milk against gastrointestinal scatters
Milk of camel includes a large anti-inflammatory protein content, which has a beneficial impact on the disorders of intestinal and stomach. The large number of poly-unsaturated and mono fatty acids and its comprises more vitamins which provides expanded metabolism for carbohydrates (Konuspayeva et al., 2008; Karray et al., 2005). In addition, fermented camel milk has been found to have an enzyme (Angiotensin Iconverting enzyme, ACE) (Quan et al., 2008), which enables the digestion of milk proteins (Alhaj et al., 2006). Latest researches for the wellbeing of the stomach-related framework indicated that camel milk has hostile to looseness of the bowels properties and all youngsters, who have taken camel milk and with the 20 episodes of loose bowels every day are restored with ordinary solid discharges. Camel milk can likewise be utilized in little kids who have looseness of the bowels by nourishment pollution with rotavirus, since milk of camel is wealthy in against rotavirus antibodies (Yagil, 2013).
Nourishment hypersensitivities
Camel milk has already shown possible effect in food allergy care. A research has explored the effect of camel milk and cow’s milk on hypersensitivity. Some researchers found that camel milk has an optimistic result in kids with serious food allergies. This investigation is experimental work to develop a deeper insight of the ability of the greater camel milk in children for food allergies. People, identified and studied using two separate methods of electrophoresis. These findings suggest that milk proteins which are existing in milk of camel is useful in food allergies (El-sayed et al., 2009).
Ceaseless hepatitis and hepatitis C contamination
Sharmanov et al. (1982) was the first one to indicate an antiviral function of camels milk, and they noticed that milk of camel is beneficial in enhancing and reinforcing the biochemical and clinical condition of patients with chronic active hepatitis than mare’s milk. Previous studies presented that camel lactoferrin effectively prevents hepatitis C virus genotype 4 infection of human peripheral blood leucocytes and the human leukocyte incubation with camel LF accompanied by HCV infection stopped the virus from entering the cells. The assumption was that the direct association between HCV and camel LF resulted in a complete inhibition of virus entry into the cells; in this regard, camel lactoferrin seemed to be a more active antiviral agent than bovine and human lactoferrin. Moreover, the application of milk of camel clears schistosoma mansoni from diseased mice, signifying a further helpful anti parasitic activity in milk of camel (Galil et al., 2016).
Camel’s milk against diabetes
Earlier outcomes presented that milk of camel is beneficial in diabetes (Malik et al., 2012; Al-Haj and Al-Kanhal, 2010; Agrawal et al., 2007). In India, the individuals which use milk of camel has zero percent diabetic cases, while other which not use milk of camel for drinking having 5.5 percent diabetic patients (Agrawal et al., 2011). Furthermore, after the utilization of milk in diabetic patients declines their normal insulin level from 30to 35 per cent with low blood sugar levels (Shori, 2015) besides, milk of camel also comprises insulin and insulin like proteins, immunoglobulin and trace components which have anti-inflammatory qualities (Gader and Alhaider, 2016; Agrawal et al., 2011). Insulin in the milk of the camel varies from human insulin and other animals because it is accompanied by micelles which protect it from digestion and degeneration at the edge of the digestive system, making it easier to consume and pass into the blood (Zagorski et al.,1998; Abu Lehia, 1989). Current researches of experimental diabetic patients have shown they can resist diabetes related kidney damage (Kaskous, 2016; Shori, 2015; Hamad et al., 2011). Antioxidants present in milk of camel may suppress indications of metabolic syndrome such as rise of lipids and blood glucose (Gader and Alhaider, 2016). Milk of camel is ideal for lactose intolerant people due to low content of lactose in camel milk as comparison to milk of cow (Baubekova et al., 2015; Cardoso et al., 2010; Zibaee, 2015).
Camel milk against crohn’s disease
In several countries the Crohn’s disease is now an outbreak. Recently growing evidence implies a primary disease of mycobacterium avium sub species of para-tuberculosis. This mycobacterium could extent through milk of cow, as pasteurization is not affected. Apparently mycobacterium passes through mucosa as saprophytes and becomes active only when the individual is under excessive stress leading to secondary autoimmune reaction. Because the bacteria relate to the tuberculosis family and milk of camel is been used to cure tuberculosis, it is clear that the strong bactericidal assets of camel milk combined with PGRP impact the healing process rapidly and positively. Moreover, the attack of immunoglobulin the anti DNA reestablishes the immune system (Urazakov and Bainazarov, 1991).
Antibacterial qualities of camel milk
Milk of camel consist of many enzymes and proteins that have antibacterial and immunological qualities (Farah, 1993). Proteins and their immunological action are: lysozyme which contributes in the primary immune system, which is concentrated on targeting structures specific to invasive pathogens. Immunoglobulins provide the body protection against pathogens. Additionally, Iron saturated lactoferrin (after lactation) stops microbial growth in the intestine and contributes in the immune system, which is focused on combating pathogen invading specific structures (Kiselev, 1998; Ueda et al.,1997; Conesa et al., 2008). Evidently, milk of camel provides much more lactoferrin than goat, cow and sheep milk. Lacto peroxidase: has an anti-cancer and bactericidal activity. Human thyroid peroxidase containing iodination and thyroid hormone coupling; peptidoglycan protein recognition is existing in the maximum proportion in the milk of camel and these have remarkable effect in the cancer of breast to regulating metastasis, enhancing the immune system of the host. Furthermore, N-acetyl-glucosaminidase also present in milk of camel in higher amount as comparison with other mammalians which has antibacterial and antiviral activities (Hoelzer et al.,1998).
Antiviral assets of camel milk
Previous findings illustrated that milk of camel is effective against numerous deadly animal viral pathogens such as FMD (Foot and mouth disease), rinderpest and in rift valley fever. (Koerhler-Rollefsen et al., 2001). Additionally, Martin et al. (1997) stated that the viral enzyme system is active and selective inhibitor of camel milk antibodies.
Camel milk against Cancer
Different logical examinations indicated that after drinking of camels milk results in decline of the formation of disease cells (Magjeed, 2005). Thus, a gathering of researchers have built up a recipe for the control of malignant growth. They reported that single dosages produced effective results in mouse and now need to attempt to occur in human. The outcomes indicated that a great success rate in control of blood malignancy. The medication may likewise be utilized effectively to treat lung, liver, and bosom-malignant growth.
Korashy et al. (2012) reported that milk of camel stimulates the proliferation of cells in MCF7 (human breast) and HepG2 (human hepatoma). The mechanisms regulated by cell proliferation and death receptor activation in both the cell lines and oxidative stress (Korashy et al., 2012). Also, Habib et al. (2013) argued that milk of camel prevents the existence and propagation of HepG2 and MCF7 cells by stimulating the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways. Consequently, efficacy of lactoferrin which is present in milk of camel has capability to impede colon cancer cell line proliferation.
MDR and its therapy from camel’s milk
Camel milk has magnificent impact on curing tuberculosis particularly those pain from MDR, as said by Gorakh et al. (2000) and Alwan and Farhuni (2000). The research of medical benefit of camel milk for MDR was performed by Mal et al. (2000) determined that milk intake had a beneficial effect in patients with tuberculosis. In addition to that another study revealed that camel milk provide contains essential proteins that play key role in strengthening the function of immune defense and these proteins have antibacterial properties which kill mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mal et al., 2006).
Arthritis and its treatment from camel milk
Milk of camel contains a higher level of chelating iron content known as lactoferrin. This protein extracts free iron from arthritic patient joints and thereby enhances arthritic function (Panwar, 2015).
Skin sickness treatment and restorative estimations of camel milk
Researchers suggest the amount of vitamin B, carotin C and iron are important for the skin. Besides that milk of camel also comprises lanolin and other hydrating assets which have relaxing and positive influence on the skin. While holding the skin perfectly used for treating skin conditions like, eczema, acne, dermatitis and psoriasis. Milk of camel is also a normal source of alpha-hydroxyacids which soften the skin and keep it smooth and prevent from wrinkles.
Camel milk impact as anti-aging
Salami et al. (2011) examined the impact of camel milk as antiaging and proposed that when milk of camel is ingested and after digestion, peptides begin to function as natural antioxidants. Milk of camel is ideal for anti-aging, as it contains higher percentage vitamin C which protects collagen. Moreover, vitamin C has tissue repair and activities and antioxidant properties. In Adding Vitamin C used to strengthen the immune system and it is important in the body for the development of a protein and collagen that are helpful in development of vessels and it provides strength and firmness to skin. Furthermore, vitamin C also enhances the skin structural strength and durability and helps recover. Besides, this vitamin decreases down the wrinkles formation on the skin. Because of the inclusion of α-hydroxyl acids which are considered to smoothies fine lines and plump the skin, it means that camel milk has anti-aging effect ant it also supports to dissolve the external sweaty coating of dead skin cells by reducing sugar level that are used to bind together skin cells. This allows exposing new, more flexible and transparent cells. The α-hydroxyl acids help remove crinkles and age spots and alleviate dryness because the α-hydroxyl acids make the skin’s external layer thinner and improve the dermis’ lower layer by making it thicker. Moreover, liposome that exist in camel milk are essential to a possible cosmetic ingredient to enhance the anti-aging effect (Kula and Tegegne, 2016).
Milk of camel used against tuberculosis
In India, a clinical investigation has determined that patients of tuberculosis vastly improved by the utilization of camel milk. So it occurred that in the camel milk testing sample, treated with 1 liter/day and patient as a dietary supplement and after usage they noted that no any chest pain and cough sputum appear. Ultimately, the community, which receives camel milk as a supplement, improve weight gain and hunger (Mal et al., 2006). The precise pattern of patients drinking additional camel milk in better condition has not yet been studied (Wernery and Yagil, 2012).
Immunity and milk of camel
Camel’s milk is now being observed across several tests to boost the immune function (El-Agamy et al., 2009). Moreover, sequence of protein in milk of camel varies from that of the protein in milk of cow (El-Agamy et al., 2009). Whereas, immunoglobulin in milk of camel is comparable to that of the human but its content in the camel milk as correlated to human (Mullaicharam, 2014). Milk of camel includes antioxidants (lactoferrin) that strengthen the efficiency of the human body’s immune system, thereby effectively combating various disease pathogens (Conesa et al., 2008). Therefore, milk of camel is beneficial for disorders of immune system such as crohn’s and sclerosis infection, it means that immune problems are easily treated with milk of camel.
Camel milk and its other advantages
Milk of camel can even be used to treat various disorders of cardiovascular system (Al-Hashem, 2009; Agrawal et al., 2009, 2011). Besides, milk of camel is now being found to suppress blood fibrinogen levels in rats having diabetes. Additionally, milk of camel is also a healthy source of vitamin c, niacin, calcium, proteins and phosphorus. Besides, milk of camel also strengthens the normal protection mechanisms of the body (Zibaee, 2015).
Conclusions and Recommendations
In short, it could be concluded that milk of camel has valuable nutritional and therapeutic properties. Milk of camel is a good source of protein, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, niacin and it fulfills all the requirement of the body. Moreover, milk of camel is also beneficial for the curing of autism, diabetes, diarrhea, allergy, autoimmune and metabolic diseases etc. This review may be helpful for people to understand the importance and profits of camel milk for health of human. In future we should study how camel milk regulate the internal physiology of human body against various disease and mechanism.
Conflict of interest
The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
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