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Author Guidelines

General Information

Authors are advised to please visit following sections on author's responsibilities, publishing policies and statements before formatting manuscripts according to the Author’s Guidelines provided below. 
Only electronic files in Word format (.doc, docx) can be submitted to the Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Submission shall only be made by one of the authors, main or co-author, who should take the responsibility for all correspondence throughout the submission and review process.
Submit your manuscript through the Manuscript Handler (left side and right top corner of this page). For any technical issues during submission please contact us at
Terms of Submission:
While submitting your manuscripts you must ensure that:
• The manuscript is not being considered elsewhere for publication.
• All authors have approved the publication of this manuscript.
• The relevant institution has approved the submission, if required.
• The authors permit editing of the paper for readability.
Types of manuscript:
Research Article: An article containing full detail of findings. It should consist of Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Results, Discussion (Results and Discussion can be combined), Material and Methods, Acknowledgements, Authors's Contributions, References, Tables, and finally Figure Legends.
Short Communication: A shorter version of manuscript. Short Communications may be published more rapidly. It should consist of Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Acknowledgements, Author's Contributions, References, Tables, and finally Figure Legends.
Mini-review: These should focus on an emerging topic in the field. Prior permission from the Editor-in-Chief is mandatory. There is no specific format of different sections.
Review: Should comprehensively focus on an emerging topic, which fit into the scope of the journal. Prior permission from the Editor-in-Chief is mandatory. There is no specific format of different sections.
Commentary: An expert discussion on controversial results or to connect different studies published separately.
Editorial: An opinion of the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors.
Formatting of the manuscript:
Title and Authorship Information Page (first page of the manuscript)
• Title of the manuscript
• Full names of author(s)
• Full institutional mailing addresses
• Email address(es), telephone and fax number of corresponding author(s)
The manuscript should contain an abstract. Abstracts shall not contain any references and should clearly and accurately summarize the main focus of the study. The word count should be under 250 words.
This section should summerise existing literature sufficiently so that the readers understand the background of the findings. At the end, the introduction should contain the objectives of the study. Authors are encouraged to use headings, however, these are not compulsory.
Materials and Methods:
This part should contain sufficient experimental and analytical details so that any readers can repeat the procedures without consulting the author of the study. To have better understanding of the methodologies, it is recommended that this section is divided under headings.
Results and Discussion:
This section may be divided by subheadings or may be combined depending upon the nature of manuscript and the type of study.
This section should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work. It should not be more than one paragraph and should not repeat the text presented earlier in the text. Efforts should be made to highlight the importance and relevance of the study.
All acknowledgments (if any) should be included in the manuscript before the Reference section and may include supporting grants etc.
Authors Contributions:
The manuscript must clearly state the contribution of each author and should convince editors that each author has contributed significantly to the study.
Conflict of Interest:
In cases where no conflicts of interests exist, authors should state that “The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this article”. Otherwise, they should mention any conflict of interest in this section of the manuscript.
References in the text should be mentioned as Smith, 2005 (when there is single author) or Smith and Franklin, 2005 (when there are two authors) or Smith et al., 2005 (when there are more than two authors).
The reference in the Reference List shall be arranged as mentioned below for each categories:
Mauer, J., Chaurasia, B., Goldau, J., Vogt, M.C., Ruud, J., Nguyen, K.D., Theurich, S., Hausen, A.C., Schmitz, J., Brönneke, H.S., Estevez, E., Allen, T.L., Mesaros, A., Partridge, L., Febbraio, M.A., Chawla, A., Wunderlich, F.T., Bruning, J.C. Signaling by IL-6 promotes alternative activation of macrophages to limit endotoxemia and obesity-associated resistance to insulin. Nature Immunology, 2014; 15(5): 423-30.
Munir., M. 2002: Mononegaviruses of veterinary importance. Volume I: Pathobiology and molecular diagnosis: 1st edn. CABI, UK.
Chapter in Edited Book
Gnanadurai, C. W. Lyon, D. C. Jackson, A. C. Fu, Z. F., 2014: Rabies Virus. In: Munir, M (eds), Mononegaviruses of veterinary importance. Volume I: Pathobiology and molecular diagnosis, 1nd edn. pp. 209-221. CABI, UK.
PhD thesis
Author, A. 2003: Thesis title with lower case initials to all words. PhD thesis, University, Town, Country.
Web Page
Global Alliance for Research on Avian Diseases, 2014: Partners Available at: (accessed 7 Jan 2014).
Preparation of Figures:
Figures should be submitted in separate files and should be uploaded to the online submission system (eSubmit) along with the manuscript. All figures should be cited in the paper in consecutive order. Figures should be supplied in .jpg or jpeg formats.
Preparation of Tables:
Tables should be submitted in separate files and should be uploaded to the online submission system (eSubmit) along with the manuscript. Tables should be cited consecutively in the text and should not be abbreviated.
The formatted galley proof will be sent to corresponding authors only and should be returned within 2-3 days of receipt. It is the responsibility of the corresponding authors to consult the other authors for corrections and proof reading.
Open Access authors retain the copyrights of their papers, and all open access articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited. Please consult the bottom of each page of the ResearchersLinks website for detail.

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Vol. 12, Iss. 11, pp. 2062-2300


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