Population studies and insecticidal control of Shisham Leaf Miner, Leucoptera sphenograpta Myer. Lyonetiidae, Lepidoptera
M.Ismail Chaudhry and Ashiq Ahmad
Shisham leaf miner, Leucoptera spheograpta Myer, which has been a minor pest in the past becomes occasionally serious in shisham nurseries and appears in wide spread epidemic in young as well as old plantations almost throughout the country. The pest completes its life cycle in about 30 days and has 9 generations in a year. During severe infestation premature leaf shedding is caused, resulting in a poor and stunted growth of this valuable crop. In insecticidal trials, out of 5 test chemicals Lebayucid 50%proved most effective against larvae at 0.05%level and against pupae at 0.1%level. Ekalux gave 92%kill in 0.05%dose and 100% kill in 0.1%dose.
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