The Effect of Environmental Factors on Testicular and Body Measurements of Norduz Lambs
The Effect of Environmental Factors on Testicular and Body Measurements of Norduz Lambs
Hasan Çelikyürek
Pearson correlation coefficients explaining the relationship between body weight, body size and testicular characteristics. BL, Body Length; CW, Chest width; CD, Chest depth; WH, Withers height; RH, Rump height; CC, Chest circumference; TD, Testis Diameter; TL, Testis Length; SL, Scrotum Length; SC, Scrotum Circumference. *** all correlations are statistically significant (p<0.001).
Changes in live weights and body measurements in Norduz lambs between 1 and 5 months.
Changes in live weights and testicular measurements in Norduz lambs between 1 and 5 months.