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Open Peer Reviews and Blind Peer Reviews: Merits and Demerits

Open Peer Reviews and Blind Peer Reviews: Merits and Demerits

Prof. Dr. Saira Afzal

MBBS, MCPS, FCPS, M.Phil,PhD. Chairperson and Head, Department of Community Medicine, Editor Annals of King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan


The peer review process is essentially the quality control mechanism. Scientific discoveries and advancements have far reaching implications especially in health and medical publications. The quality assurance mechanism in medical journals has to be stringent and flawless. The peer review systems are continuously being criticized, debated and updated. It may be open peer review or blind peer review, both have advantages and disadvantages. Open peer review is performed for scientific quality after publication. It is also known as transparent peer review and public peer review. 

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Annals of King Edward Medical University


Vol. 24, Iss. 1, Pages 1-153

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