New and Known Nematodes Associated with Cotton Plantation in Sindh, Pakistan
New and Known Nematodes Associated with Cotton Plantation in Sindh, Pakistan
Ashfaque Ahmed Nahiyoon1,*, Shahina Fayyaz2 and Nasira Kazi2
Female of Acrobeloides gossypii n. sp.: A, pharyngeal region; B, basal bulb; C, anterior region; D, posterior region; E, vulval region showing PUS; F, reflexed ovary.
Male of Acrobeloides gossypii n. sp.: A, whole body; B, pharyngeal region; C, tail region; D, anterior region; E, basal bulb; F, spicules and bifurcated gubernaculum.
Tylenchorhynchus ewingi, Hopper (1959): A, oesophageal region of female; B, oesophageal region of male; C, lateral field; D, vulval region; E, female tail; F, male tail.
Tylenchorhynchus crassicaudatus, Williams (1960): A, oesophageal region of female; B, oesophageal region of male; C, lateral field; D, vulval region; E, female tail; F, male tail.
Pratylenchus pseudofallax, Café-Filho and Huang (1989): A, whole body; B, vulval region; C, oesophageal region; D-E, tail region.