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Livestock Forage Resources in Manokwari Lowland Valley; A Case Study of West Papua’ Abundancy, Richness, and Potential

Livestock Forage Resources in Manokwari Lowland Valley; A Case Study of West Papua’ Abundancy, Richness, and Potential

Deny Anjelus Iyai1*, Ambo Ako2, Sitti Nurani Siradjuddin2, Budiman Nohong2 

1Ph.D. of Animal Science Study Program. Animal Science Faculty, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Tamalanrea. Km. 10. Makassar-Indonesia; 2Animal Science Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Tamalanrea. Km. 10. Makassar-Indonesia

*Correspondence | Deny Anjelus Iyai, Ph.D. of Animal Science Study Program. Animal Science Faculty, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Tamalanrea. Km. 10. Makassar-Indonesia; Email:  

Figure 1

Spatial map of research locations in four districts, namely Warmare, Prafi, Masni and Sidey. 

Figure 2

Grasses and legumes selected technique. 

Figure 3

Number of plant family found in the four districts in the MLV (Warpramasi).

Figure 4

Number of plant species found in the four districts in the MLV (Warpramasi). 

Figure 5

Means and probability test of the family and species distributed from MLV. 

Figure 6

Means and probability test of types of plants from MLV 

Figure 7

Family curves from district of Sidey 

Figure 8

Species curve from district of Sidey 

Figure 9

Family curves from district of Masni 

Figure 10

Family curves from district of Masni 

Figure 11

Family curve from district of Prafi 

Figure 12

Species curve from district of Prafi 

Figure 13

Family curve from district of Warmare 

Figure 14

Species curve from district of Warmare 

Figure 15

Boxplot and significant test of plant diversity indicators. 

Figure 16

Boxplot and significant test of plant diversity indicators. 

Figure 16

Boxplot and significant test of plant diversity indicators. 

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Vol. 12, Iss. 9, pp. 1622-1845


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