Influence of Phytochemicals on Haemato-Biochemical Parameters, Oxidative Status, Semen Characteristics and Histological Changes in Damascus Goat Bucks under Heat Stress Conditions
Influence of Phytochemicals on Haemato-Biochemical Parameters, Oxidative Status, Semen Characteristics and Histological Changes in Damascus Goat Bucks under Heat Stress Conditions
Ibrahim Samir Abd El-Hamid1, Alaa Emara Rabee2, Moustafa Mohamed M. A. Ghandour2, Rasha Salah Mohammed3, Ahmed Mohamed. Sallam4
Changes in means of ambient temperatures, relative humidity temperature-humidity index (THI) throughout the experimental period in Damascus goats’ bucks.
Effect of plant herbs mixture (PHM) OR Quebracho tannins (QT) supplemented diets in haematological parameters in Damascus bucks’ goats (Mean ± SE).
A-B Letters among the group differ significantly (P ≤0.05).
Photomicrograph of the testes of bucks Damascus goats fed mixtures plant herbs (PHM) or Quebracho tannins-supplemented diets (QT).
[A]: Histologic section of the testis of bucks in control group showing the damage of seminiferous tubules, desquamated epithelial cells in the lumen of seminiferous tubulles, haemorrhage and edema of interstitial tissue (blue arrow), vacuolation of spermatogenic epithelium of seminiferous tubules (black arrow), desquamated necrotic spermatogenic epithelium in seminifferous tubules (red arrow), thickening of interstitial tissue surrounding seminiferous tubules (yellow arrow) (H&E ×10).
[B]: Histologic section of the testis of bucks in group CTS testis, showing somewhat normal histology of testis (red arrow) with slight degeneration and edema (blue arrow) (H&E ×10).
[C]: Histologic section of the testis of bucks in group PHM testis, showing clearly defined, intact seminiferous tubules and normal spermatogenesis (black arrow) (H&E ×10).