Genetic Predisposition of PON1 L55M (T172A) and Oxidative Stress in Breast Carcinogenesis among Pakistani Population
Genetic Predisposition of PON1 L55M (T172A) and Oxidative Stress in Breast Carcinogenesis among Pakistani Population
Syeda Abiha Zehra Jaffari1, Tuba Abid1, Muhammad Zohaib2, Ghulam Haider3 and Zehra Hashim1*
Agarose gel indicating tetra-ARMS PCR products for PON1 L55M polymorphism. L: ladder; PB: PCR blank; Lane 1, 3 and 8: homozygous LL (TT); Lane 2, 5, 6 and 7: heterozygous LM (AT); Lane 4: homozygous mutant MM (AA).
Frequency of PON1 L55M genotypes (A) and alleles (B). Bars in A represent LL, LM and MM genotypes in control (n=111) and diseased group (n=111). Bars in B presented L and M alleles in healthy females (n=111) and breast cancer patients (n=111).
Paraoxonase (A) and arylesterase (B) activities, and MDA levels (C) in healthy and diseased subjects. Bars representing mean ± SD of experimental groups (n=111). Statistical significance ***p < 0.001.
Inverse correlation between PON1 enzyme activity and MDA levels (r=-0.121 and **p < 0.01) was considered statistically significant.