Establishment of Multiplex PCR for Detection of Calf Diarrhea Associated Virus and Analysis of its Clinical Infection Status
Liyun Chang*, Yazi Li, Yumei Cai and Chenghui Li
Faculty of Life Science, Tangshan Normal University, Thangshan, Hebei, 064001, China
Liyun Chang and Yazi Li contributed equally to this work.
Fig. 1.
PCR amplification of (a) BVDV DNA (b) BRV DNA and (c) BCV DNA. M, DL1000 Marker Lane 2 is Negative control.
Fig. 2.
Optimization of the annealing temperature (A), PCR primer concentraction; (B), multiplex PCR primer concentration.
Fig. 3.
Results of the multiplex PCR specificity (A), and sensitivity (B) test.