Determination of Genetic Variability in Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus (AIBV) Isolated from Pakistan
Determination of Genetic Variability in Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus (AIBV) Isolated from Pakistan
Saba Rafique1,2,*, Khalid Naeem1, Naila Siddique1, Muhammad Athar Abbas1, Aamer Ali Shah2, Akbar Ali1, Abdul Rahim1 and Farooq Rashid1
Significant dwarfism of the chicken embryo (L) at 7 dpi as compared to control group embryos (R). dpi, days post inoculation.
RFLP patterns of the PCR-amplified S1 glycoprotein genes from five IBV strains (3 Reference strains and 2 Field isolates) digested with Alu I, Hae III, BstY and Xcm I. Lane 1 to 5, Alu I; Lane 6 to 11, Hae III; Lane 12 to 16, BstY; Lane 17 to 22, Xcm I; Lanes 8, 19 and 23, molecular weight marker l kb DNA step ladder.
Phylogenetic tree based on S gene, showing inter-relationship among IBV isolate from Pakistan, commercial vaccines and selected reference strains. The Pakistani isolate is highlighted in Black Square.