Assessment and Economic Returns of Lemons at District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan
Research Article
Assessment and Economic Returns of Lemons at District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan
Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1 and Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito2
1Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs 66111, Sindh, Pakistan; 2Department of Teacher Education, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs 66111, Sindh, Pakistan.
Abstract | District Naushahro Feroze of Sindh also known as “Sahatia Pargana” is the main hub and robust zone of Lemon cultivars with rich productivity. The research study was carried out to study the economic feasibility and production potential of Lemons from five respective talukas of District Naushahro Feroze-Sindh, 2021. The maximum per hectare net return and benefit-cost ratio from taluka Kandiaro in PKR, was calculated at net profit Rs; (228998/ha), (1.70), in pesticide applied module and (197065/ha), (2.74), non-pesticide module with net income followed by Mehrabpur, (213366/ha), (1.54), (186080/ha), (2.54), Bhiria, (194077/ha), (1.32), (176972/ha), (2.40), Naushahro Feroze, (164287/ha), (1.17), (135057/ha), (1.60), and Moro (134452/ha), (0.99), (99789/ha), (1.21), respectively. In this region, citriuculture is the trademark industry and Citrus limon fruits are regarded as table fruit, rich content of vitamin “C” appreciated due to delicious taste with high economic and medicinal value. The present research work indicates the per hectare lemon benefit cost ratio, gross returns and net returns were benefited to Lemon cultivation in this area and proved that the Lemon growers earning profit in changing situation. Previously there is no such type of comprehensive assessment study on Lemons and its cost benefit has been taken in this area. Considering the aforementioned facts, this piece of work has been taken with the objective to evaluate the per hectare economic assessment of the lemons. So, it is dire needed to conduct the research study on lemons to benefit the livelihood and pave the way for new researchers. Therefore, Integrated Pest Management strategies should be strongly recommended to secure and enhance the citriculture industry.
Received | September 23, 2023; Accepted | January 28, 2024; Published | February 13,2024
*Correspondence | Wali Muhammad Mangrio, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Mirs 66111, Sindh, Pakistan; Email:
Citation | Mangrio, W.M., H.A. Sahito, F.A. Jatoi and F.I. Sahito. 2024. Assessment and economic returns of lemons at district Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 37(1): 48-55.
Keywords | Benefit-cost ratio, Citriculture, Citrus limon, Livelihood, Sahatia pargana, Vitamin C
Copyright: 2024 by the authors. Licensee ResearchersLinks Ltd, England, UK.
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Citrus, a symbol of beauty, and most important consumed fruits grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world (Adenaike and Onyukwo, 2021), with unique diversity and 3rd largest industry among other fruits in the world (Sarada et al., 2014). Citrus varieties are originated in South East Asia and extended from North-east India to North-central China (Dafna, 2017), Burma, Indonesia, Caledonia, Bangladesh, Philippines and Pakistan (Prashant et al., 2017). Lemons fruits are vulnerable, widely preferred, delightful in taste and main exportable commodity District key position in economic perspective of the district Naushahro Feroze (Mangrio and Sahito, 2022), and most of the citrus growers of this area are engaged by lemon crop as their earning live hood (Mangrio et al., 2020). The citrus fruits are considered as famine fun food with wide distribution and Pakistan is the top ten in the world in terms of citrus area cultivation (Usman et al., 2008).
Citrus fruits are more popular owing to their thirst-quenching quality, anti-viral, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, and anti-ulcer medicinal properties (Rafique et al., 2020). Due to the presence of alkaloid constituent in lemon flowers, stem, leaves and roots act against anti-bacterial, anti-cancer (Oikeh et al., 2016). Lemons possess variety phytochemicals viz., carotenoids, limonoids, citric acid, pyridoxine, biotin, thiamine, folic acid, nicotinic acid, choline, riboflavin, flavanones and pantothenic acid (Singh et al., 2019). In addition to high nutritional value and high amount of vitamin “C” makes Lemons more popular with great status among all other fruits in the world (Kundu et al., 2018). The oil of the lemon promotes clarity of thoughts, reduces face wrinkles, respiratory distress, cardiovascular disorder, kidney stone, blood sugar level and creates restriction against human liver cancers cells (Berk, 2016). Lemons fruit act as in treating biliousness, asthma, heart burn, colds, liver complaints, rheumatism, diphtheria, cough, fever and production of WBCs (Sanofer, 2014).
Citrus is the leading fruits of Pakistan holding the highest export share with great economic value and their demand is going to increase globally (Donkersley et al., 2018), but bad impact on consumers demand, citrus value chain, and price transparency hinders mainly caused by old-fashioned marketing system also socioeconomic factors, wide use of pesticides and pathogens are the major productivity constrains (Burhan et al., 2018). The Scirtothrips citri, Diaphorina citri, Toxoptera citricida, leaf miners, trunk borers, mealy bugs, and aphids are the major limiting causative agents (Rupak and Sikha, 2019), but Papilio demoleus is the key pest of lemon orchards (Mangrio and Sahito, 2023). The attention is needed on quality development, strength marketing, high post harvested measures, advanced facilities, investments and introduction of commercial varieties for maximum yield productivity and economic returns (Burhan et al., 2018).
Besides providing livelihood economic returns to the growers and unique characteristics, Citrus limon is a profitable business and regarded as the valuable commodity in Pakistan but unfortunately citrus marketing is totally in the hands of private sector and partially regulated by government. With the application of multidisciplinary approaches, proper pest management, diagnosis methods, modern agronomic techniques, parasitiods augmentation, cultivation suitable areas, ecological knowledge, application of botanical insecticides, pathogenic free planting materials, eco-friendly dynamic management, and insect vectors for control measures can offer an effective and safe pathway in Citrus limon productivity enhancement.
The changing climatic condition and fertile soil of Pakistan are in favour of citrus production but poor sapling quality, traditional technologies, pest attack, adulteration of insecticides, fertilizers, and production export are the major constrains of lemons. The control of weed in lemon orchards, conserve organic matter and moisture of soils from leaching of nutrients is strictly needed for maximum lemon yield production. In present study it was observed too difficult to compare the gross and net returns from all talukas of the given district because of soil type, fruit quality and price fluctuations.
Materials and Methods
Geographical description of the study area
The study site has sub-tropical climate with extremely hot summer and mild winter. The pre-monsoon starts from March to April, and monsoon sets normally from the month of June till September almost throughout the country. The national average rainfall was recorded 242.3 mm, the average annual temperature remained 23.43°C, and research conducted year remained the seventh-warmest year in the history of Pakistan. The study area mostly contains fertile lands situated at 26°50’0 N and 68°7’0 E, 44.55 m above the sea level. District Naushahro Feroze borders Khairpur in the north-east, Dadu in the west, Larkana north-west, and Nawabshah south-east as shown in (Figure 1).
Data collection strategy
For understanding the per hectare benefit-cost ratio of lemon orchards and fruits, the questionnaire proforma was developed. A total of (n=100) questionnaire were formulated and from each taluka (n=20) proforma was filled face to face responses of the respondents/lemon growers during, 2021. The (n=10) respondents from each taluka were individually interviewed about per hectare pesticide with gross return and net return and formulated as (module-1). The (n=10) lemon growers were interviewed about per hectare non-pesticide and formulated as (module-2). Generally, the lemon plants bear lemons after the passing of two years but in this research study the all expenses and productivity of one year data of the (n=06) year old matured lemon plants per hectare from all five talukas were gathered.
Benefit cost analysis
The questionnaire proforma contained columns such as; lemon growers age, marital status, education, income source, farming experience, power source, soil type, method of cultivation, per hectare lemon plants, plant to plant distance, fertilizers cost, farmyard manure cost, weeding, irrigation, pesticide cost, annual labour charges, all other expenses and average yield/ fruit boxes per hectare with net income. All the columns of the proforma were filled authentic information of per hectare all expenses and net returns were gathered through personal lemon grower’s interviews by following the described methodology of Burhan et al. (2004).
The economic assessment of lemon orchards
The economic assessment of lemons and analysis of investment carried out benefit-cost during the period of study. Per hectare, all expenses from each of the talukas individually converted in to PKR. The total expenditure and monetary returns per hectare were worked out as follows:
Gross return = Value of yield (produce) of lemon fruits per/ha
Net return = Gross return per/h total cost of cultivation per/ha
In order to calculate the benefit-cost ratio for different treatments was worked out on the price of expenditure inputs and marketable prices by using the formula, and it is expressed in ratio as: Benefit-cost ratio = Net returns (Rs./ha) Cost of cultivation (Rs./ha).
Data analysis
The obtained data from each of the talukas were entered into the computer by using the MS excel software package. The prices of each component were collected according to the market selling price from the citrus growers. The descriptive analysis of overall net cost and net returns of per hectare Lemons were statistically analyzed by the application of statistical powerful software, SPSS.
Results and Discussion
Benefit-cost ratio of lemon orchards and fruits at Taluka Kandairo
The per hectare detailed cost description of all expenditures, gross and net returns from each of the talukas gathered through the source of the lemon growers. The per hectare mean cost of fertilizers from taluka Kandiaro was calculated at (42018), irrigation/tube well (14400), labour charge (15632), weeding (18500), harvest (20200), pesticide (15850), health cure (7650), with total expenses (134250), per box average price (605), total lemon boxes income price (363248) with net income (228998) in (module-1) pesticide applied per/ha. While as, the cost of farmyard manure was recorded (11550), irrigation/canal cost (11900), labour charge (12050), weeding (12600), harvest (20350), tobacco (1250), health cure (2200), total expenses (71900), per box average price (520.50), lemon fruit boxes total income price (268965), with net income (197065) in (module-2) non-pesticide applied per/ha, further validation shown in (Table 1).
Benefit-cost ratio of lemon orchards and fruits at Taluka Mehrabpur
From taluka Mehrabpur the overall mean cost of C. limon per hectare of fertilizers was recorded (39125), irrigation water through tube well source (19200), labour charge (13250), wedding (13750), harvest (21825), cost of pesticide (22625), health cure (8500), per hectare total expenses (138275), average per/box price (785), total boxes price (351641), with net income (213366) in (module-1). While as; the overall all mean cost of fertilizers/farmyard manure was calculated (12650), irrigation/canal cost (12250), labour charge (13751), weeding (11600), harvest (19900), garlic (1630), health cure (1260), per hectare total expenses (73041), per box average price (690), total boxes price (259121), with net income (186080) in (module-2), respectively. Further justification is given in (Table 2).
Table 1: Per/ha cost comparison modules with overall mean benefit-cost ratio of lemon at taluka Kandiaro during, 2021 (PKR).
Pesticide application |
Module-1 |
Non-pesticide application |
Module-2 |
Particulars cost |
Particulars cost |
Fertilizers |
42018 |
Fertilizers/FYM |
11550 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
14400 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
11900 |
Labour charge |
15632 |
Labour charge |
12050 |
Weeding |
18500 |
Weeding |
12600 |
Harvest |
20200 |
Harvest |
20350 |
Pesticide |
15850 |
Tobacco |
1250 |
Health cure |
7650 |
Health cure |
2200 |
Av. boxes price |
605 |
Av. boxes price |
520.50 |
Total price/ha |
363248 |
Total price/ ha |
268965 |
Total expenses |
134250 |
Total expenses |
71900 |
Net income/ha |
228998 |
Net income/ ha |
197065 |
Benefit-cost ratio of lemon orchards and fruits at Taluka Bhiria
The cost state benefit-cost ratio of per hectare from taluka Bhiria with overall mean cost of fertilizers was calculated (43260), irrigation/tube well (19475), labour charge (16255), weeding (16050), harvest (17625), pesticide (22965), health cure (10595), per hectare mean expenses (146225), average per box price (714.5), total boxes price (340302), with net income (194077) in (module-1). While as; the per hectare mean cost of farmyard manure was counted (10250), irrigation canal (13450), labour charge (14250), weeding (10250), harvest (20550), neem oil and detergent (3100), health cure (1800), per hectare mean expenses (73650), average per box price (622.50), total boxes price (250622), with net income (176972) in (module-2), respectively shown in (Table 3).
Table 2: Per/ha cost comparison modules with an overall mean benefit-cost ratio of lemon at taluka Mehrabpur during, 2021 (PKR).
Pesticide application |
Module-1 |
Non-pesticide application |
Module-2 |
Particulars cost |
Particulars cost |
Fertilizers |
39125 |
Fertilizers/FYM |
12650 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
19200 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
12250 |
Labour charge |
13250 |
Labour charge |
13751 |
Weeding |
13750 |
Weeding |
11600 |
Harvest |
21825 |
Harvest |
19900 |
Pesticide |
22625 |
Garlic |
1630 |
Health cure |
8500 |
Health cure |
1260 |
Av. boxes price |
785 |
Av. boxes price |
690 |
Total price/ ha |
351641 |
Total price/ ha |
259121 |
Total expenses |
138275 |
Total expenses |
73041 |
Net income/ ha |
213366 |
Net income/ ha |
186080 |
Table 3: Per/ha cost comparison modules with an overall mean benefit-cost ratio of lemon at taluka Bhiria during, 2021 (PKR).
Pesticide application |
Module-1 |
Non-pesticide application |
Module-2 |
Particulars cost |
Particulars cost |
Fertilizers |
43260 |
Fertilizers/FYM |
10250 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
19475 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
13450 |
Labour charge |
16255 |
Labour charge |
14250 |
Weeding |
16050 |
Weeding |
10250 |
Harvest |
17625 |
Harvest |
20550 |
Pesticide |
22965 |
Neem oil & detergent |
3100 |
Health cure |
10595 |
Health cure |
1800 |
Av. boxes price |
714.5 |
Av. boxes price |
622.50 |
Total price/ ha |
340302 |
Total price/ ha |
250622 |
Total expenses |
146225 |
Total expenses |
73650 |
Net income/ ha |
194077 |
Net income/ ha |
176972 |
Benefit-cost ratio of lemon orchards and fruits at Taluka Naushahro Feroze
From taluka Naushahro Feroze the overall C. limon per hectare benefit-cost ratio of fertilizers was counted (43735), irrigation tube well source (22700), labour charge (10550), weeding (15900), harvest (21900), pesticide (18050), health cure (7100), per hectare mean expenses (139935), average box price (670), total boxes price (304222), with net income (164287) in (module-1). Similarly, overall mean cost of fertilizers and farmyard manure was calculated (14365), irrigation through canal source (20400), labour charge (15250), weeding (11900), harvest (19700), tobacco (1200), health cure (1400), per hectare mean expenses (84215), average box price (586.25), total boxes price (219272) with net income (135057) per hectare in (module-2), respectively, the justification is given in (Table 4).
Table 4: Per/ha cost comparison modules with an overall mean benefit-cost ratio of lemon at taluka Naushahro Feroze during, 2021 (PKR).
Pesticide application |
Module-1 |
Non-pesticide application |
Module-2 |
Particulars cost |
Particulars cost |
Fertilizers |
43735 |
Fertilizers/FYM |
14365 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
22700 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
20400 |
Labour charge |
10550 |
Labour charge |
15250 |
Weeding |
15900 |
Weeding |
11900 |
Harvest |
21900 |
Harvest |
19700 |
Pesticide |
18050 |
Tobacco |
1200 |
Health cure |
7100 |
Health cure |
1400 |
Av. boxes price |
670 |
Av. boxes price |
586.25 |
Total price/ ha |
304222 |
Total price/ ha |
219272 |
Total expenses |
139935 |
Total expenses |
84215 |
Net income/ ha |
164287 |
Net income/ ha |
135057 |
Benefit-cost ratio of lemon orchards and fruits at Taluka Moro
From taluka Moro, the overall mean expenses of the fertilizers was calculated (42127), irrigation through tube well (22900), labour charge (9670), weeding (15760), harvest (20890), pesticide (13395), health cure (10615), per hectare mean expenses (135357), average box price (708.5), total box price per hectare (269809), with net income (134452) in (module-1). Simultaneously, the overall men expenses of farmyard manure was reported (13500), irrigation through canal source (15800), labour charge (17170), weeding (15300), harvest (18040), garlic (1500), health cure (1130), per hectare mean expenses (82440), average box price (611.50), per hectare total box price (182229), with net income (99789) in (module-2), further described in (Table 5).
Benefit-cost ratio of lemon orchards and fruits from five talukas at district Naushahro Feroze
The District Naushahro Feroze is regarded as the main hub of Citrus limon production and also master of many fruits. The overall mean expenses of fertilizers cost was recorded (42053), irrigation (19735), labour charge (13275), weeding (15992), harvest (20488), pesticide (18577), health cure (9892), per hectare mean expenses (140012), average box price (696.6), total box price per hectare (325844.4), with per hectare net income (185832.4) from five talukas of the district in pesticide applied (module-1). While as; the overall mean cost of fertilizer/farmyard manure expenses was counted (12463), irrigation cost (14760), labour charge (14494.2), weeding (12330), harvest (19708), bio-pesticides (1736), health cure (1558), per hectare mean expenses (77049.2), average box price (606.15), total per hectare box price (236041.8), with net income (158992.6), Pakistani rupees from five talukas of the district in non-pesticide (module-2), further justifications are given in (Table 6).
Table 5: Per/ha cost comparison modules with an overall mean benefit-cost ratio of lemon at taluka Moro during, 2021 (PKR).
Pesticide application |
Module-1 |
Non-pesticide application |
Module-2 |
Particulars cost |
Particulars cost |
Fertilizers |
42127 |
Fertilizers/FYM |
13500 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
22900 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
15800 |
Labour charge |
9670 |
Labour charge |
17170 |
Weeding |
15760 |
Weeding |
15300 |
Harvest |
20890 |
Harvest |
18040 |
Pesticide |
13395 |
Garlic |
1500 |
Health cure |
10615 |
Health cure |
1130 |
Av. boxes price |
708.5 |
Av. boxes price |
611.50 |
Total price/ ha |
269809 |
Total price/ ha |
182229 |
Total expenses |
135357 |
Total expenses |
82440 |
Net income/ ha |
134452 |
Net income/ ha |
99789 |
Table 6: Overall per/ha mean cost benefit-cost ratio comparison modules of lemon from five talukas at district Naushahro Feroze during, 2021 (PKR).
Pesticide application |
Module-1 |
Non-pesticide application |
Module-2 |
Particulars cost |
Particulars cost |
Fertilizers |
42053 |
Fertilizers/FYM |
12463 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
19735 |
Irrigation/canal/tube well |
14760 |
Labour charge |
13275 |
Labour charge |
14494.2 |
Weeding |
15992 |
Weeding |
12330 |
Harvest |
20488 |
Harvest |
19708 |
Pesticide |
18577 |
Bio-pesticides |
1736 |
Health cure |
9892 |
Health cure |
1558 |
Av. boxes price |
696.6 |
Av. boxes price |
606.15 |
Total price/ ha |
325844.4 |
Total price/ ha |
236041.8 |
Total expenses |
140012 |
Total expenses |
77049.2 |
Net income/ ha |
185832.4 |
Net income/ ha |
158992.6 |
The present study was aimed to assess the per hectare expenditure and profitability of Lemons. The climatic condition and soil type of this area found frequently favours for growth of lemon orchards and their productivity. Our result is more or less comparable with the published work of (Hasan et al., 2020), they worked on benefit cost ratio of lemon based agro-forestry systems at Madhupur, India and proved lemon-based agro-forestry systems are more profitable than sole cropping cultivation. Dubey et al. (2023), proved optimized foliar application with significant effect of micronutrients on yield attributes and economic feasibility of lemon orchards. Sikha et al. (2021), reported that Assam lemon is one of the most prominent commercial citrus fruits and productivity average had increased from 4421kg/ha to 7614kh/ha with 3.4:1 benefit cost ratio. Kaysar et al. (2017), worked on the production of the Colombo and Jara lemons at Bangladesh, the highest gross return was found in 5th years old lemon orchards followed by 11th to 15th year old lemon plants. Bukero and Philipos (2018), analysis the benefit cost ratio of Verbena (Lominat) lemons and proved this variety of herbal plants provides the net present value and benefit cost-ratio of 12828.5$/ha, 10043.6 and 0.2 at fresh bio-mass price of 0.4$/kg. Sharma et al. (2023) discussed economics of plant prepared through air layers of Kazi lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) under rainfed conditions and the treatment using 1500 ppm (Indole-3-butyric acid) IBA, soil and sphagnum moss proved to be the most profitable, providing the highest net profit and benefit cost-ratio (Adeel et al., 2014) documented that without intercropping lemon orchards give better production and gross income, net income and benefit cost-ratio without intercropping are much higher than the lemons with intercropping.
Based on the above investigation, it was observed that on the yield and economic feasibility of lemon orchards, with maximum yield per tree (kg), net return, benefit-cost ratio can be was obtained from this area. Because district Naushahro Feroze is the more suitable place in terms of well-furnished agricultural resources, mostly fertile soil, citrus growers keen interest, climatic and seasonal diversity, due to this different lemon cultivars are growing abundantly as a main source of livelihood of the local people of this area. In present work, per hectare information related benefit cost-ration was gathered from lemons growers at five talukas of district Naushahro Feroze on Citrus limon growers about the per hectare benefit-cost ratio. The maximum per hectare net income from taluka Kandiaro was reported with overall net income per hectare at (228998) pesticide applied module and (197065) from non-pesticide module. From taluka Mehrabpur in pesticide applied module (213366) and non-pesticide module (186080) net income hectare. From taluka Bhiria in pesticide applied module (194077) and non-pesticide module (176972) net income per hectare. From taluka Naushahro Feroze in pesticide applied module (164287) and non-pesticide module (135057) net income hectare and from taluka Moro in pesticide applied module (134452) and non-pesticide module (99789) overall net income per hectare was recorded. The result of this work is more or less comparable with the reported work of (Adeel et al., 2014) documented that without intercropping, citrus yield give maximum production compared with intercropping. The neem seed kernel and carbofuran were used through drip method and resulted higher benefit-cost ratio in NSKE compared to carbofuran (Nagachandrabose et al., 2021).
Conclusions and Recommendations
This study concludes that taluka Kandiaro provided more net income when the benefit-cost ratio was estimated in two modules comparison as a pesticide and non-pesticide application as per hectare followed by the other talukas of the same district. Such as; Mehrabpur, Bhiria, Naushahro Feroze, and Moro, respectively. Lemons farming is a profitable venture can lead to the improvement in small holders farm income and gainful employment to the lemon growers of this area. It is immediate call for more attention should be given by government and other organization to invest in the enterprise. There is no such type of work and adequate scientific research documentary record that shows the updated information regarding the harmful hazards, proper management, and benefit-cost ratio of pests within lemon orchards from District Naushahro Feroze, the Sahati region of Sindh-Pakistan. It is further recommended and dire needed to bring awareness to the local citrus growers of this area, through organizing seminars, newspapers, research publication, television, radio and other sources.
I need to extend my sincere thanks to the citrus growers of this area for their valuable cooperation and participation during the study. The corresponding author extend their appreciation also needs to recognize the support from my academic friends. Last but not least, I indeed to also acknowledge the role played my supervisor Dr. Hakim Ali Sahito for his guidance, admiral approaches, scientific advices, time and efforts rendered to supervise me. His constructive and comfort ideas contributed significantly to the academic success as well as completion of this research study.
Novelty Statement
Although, for a long time Citrus limon are growing abundantly in District Naushahro Feroze-Sindh, but for its yield and economic returns mostly traditional method and little attention has been given. It is responsibility of the government to take initiative, motivate the citrus growers to adopt new technologies and cultivate better varieties for ensuring better livelihood standards. Again, the state is responsible to strengthen farmer’s motivation so that lemon growers through the application of advanced technology increase the lemon production. Furthermore, in future, the comprehensive study should be designed at a large scale to benefit the farmers. The researchers, citrus growers and policymakers are needed to findout the potentional lemon cultivars which having high resistance power.
Author’s Contribution
Wali Muhammad Mangrio: Conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, resources, data curation, original writing.
Hakim Ali Sahito: Main author of this research manuscript, supervision.
Faheem Ahmed Jatoi: Visualization.
Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito: Writing review and editing.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Data availability statement
All data occurrences are available on request to the corresponding author.
Informed consent statement
The corresponding author accepts all responsibilities for releasing this research work.
Declaration and competing interest
The corresponding author describe that there is no conflict of interest and financial relationship regarding the detailed described work which is presented in this research paper.
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