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Antidiabetic Activity of Green Gold-Silver Nanocomposite with Trigonella foenum graecum L. Seeds Extract on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats

Antidiabetic Activity of Green Gold-Silver Nanocomposite with Trigonella foenum graecum L. Seeds Extract on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats

Promy Virk

Department of Zoology, College of Sciences, King Saud University, P.O. Box, 22452, Riyadh-11495, Saudi Arabia

*      Corresponding author: [email protected]


Fig. 1.

Zetasizer measurement of the average size of green silver/gold noncomposite.

Fig. 2.

TEM images of the green silver/gold nanocomposite.

Fig. 3.

 A, Images from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showing the structures and morphologies of the formed nanocomposite; B, Spectrum analysis showing the presence of the silver and gold in green Au/Ag nanocomposite.

Fig. 4.

Effect of Au/Ag nanocomposite with aqueous Trigonella seed extract (TN) and bulk Trigonella seed extract (TBE) treatment on blood glucose levels (mg/dL) in diabetic rats. Values are expressed as mean ± standard error (n=5). Different letters indicates significant differences between groups (p≥0.05).

Fig. 5.

Effect of Au/Ag nanocomposite with aqueous Trigonella seed extract (TN) and bulk Trigonella seed extract (TBE) treatment on serum AST levels (U/L) (A), ALT levels (U/L) (B), urea levels (mg/dL) (C) and creatinine levels (mg/dL) (D) in diabetic rats. Values are expressed as mean ± standard error (n=5). Different letters indicates significant differences between groups (p≥0.05).

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56, Iss. 6, pp. 2501-3000


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