Agroforestry Practices Affecting Farm Income in Rural Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Agroforestry Practices Affecting Farm Income in Rural Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Najmul Saqib* and Himayathullah Khan
Farm households in the rural areas are practicing agroforestry to generate their livelihood. To conduct this study, two distracts namely Mardan and Swat of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan was purposively selected. In district Mardan, agroforestry is practiced as boundary line plantations; while in Swat intercropping is more common characteristics. A total of 390 households involved in agroforestry practices were interviewed. The study investigated the effect of agroforestry practices on farm income of rural households in KP. A Multiple linear regression model was used to find out the effect of area under agroforestry, number of fruit and wood trees on farm, schooling level of household head, number of farm labor and adopted agroforestry practices on farm income. It was found that the effect on annual farm income by a unit increase in area under agroforestry was Rs.44.379, number of fruit trees was Rs.0.344 and wood trees on farm was Rs. 0.240, quantity of crops under these systems was Rs. 39.174 and education was Rs. 8.987 which were positive and statistically significant. It was found that intercropping practice in comparison to boundary line plus intercropping was statistically significant.
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