Anatomical Variations of the Portal Vein in Ruminants
Anatomical Variations of the Portal Vein in Ruminants
Reda Mohamed1, 2*
1Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago; 2Anatomy and Embryology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef 62511, Egypt.
Abstract | The anatomical variations of the extrahepatic ramifications of the portal vein were analysed. The portal vein gives off the gastroduodenal, splenic and cranial mesenteric veins. The splenic vein continues as the left gastric vein. The right ruminal and reticular veins originate from the splenic vein. The epiploic branch originates either for the splenic or right ruminal veins. The left ruminal vein originates either from the splenic or left gastric veins. The accessory reticular and left gastroepiploic veins originate from the left gastric vein. The cranial pancreaticoduodenal, right gastric and right gastroepiploic veins detach from the gastroduodenal vein. The caudal duodenal or caudal pancreaticoduodenal, jejunal, ileal, ileocolic and caudal mesenteric veins originate from the cranial mesenteric vein. The caecal vein is considered as either as a branch of the ileocolic vein or as its direct continuation. The middle colic vein arises from either the cranial mesenteric vein, the caudal mesenteric vein or the right colic vein. The left colic and cranial rectal veins are considered branches from the caudal mesenteric vein or as its direct continuations. The sigmoid veins arise from either the left colic vein or the caudal mesenteric vein.
Editor | Muhammad Abubakar, National Veterinary Laboratories, Park Road, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Received | March 23, 2020; Accepted | April 13, 2020; Published | April 29, 2020
*Correspondence | Reda Mohamed, Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago; Email:
Citation | Mohamed, R., 2020. Anatomical variations of the portal vein in ruminants. Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews, 6(2): 64-72.
Keywords | Anatomical variations, Portal vein, Ruminants
Ruminants can successfully accommodate to different environmental conditions, which can include hot climatic conditions as well as low nutritional levels. Ruminants are of great economic value providing a good source of meat, milk and some industrial substances. The study of the pattern of the blood supply is important to gain information in the interest of pharmacology and toxicology and from a surgical perspective in ruminants (King, 1974). Metabolic wastes are carried from the tissue by thin-walled venules to the capillaries, and then the venules connect with each other thus forming the veins (Mutus, 2001). The venous blood of all unpaired abdominal organs, except the terminal part of the rectum, is collected via the portal vein (König and Liebich, 2004). The venous drainage of the stomach and intestine of ruminates by the external root of the portal vein is described by some authors. The current work aimed to review the findings on the variability of the portal vein and its external branches among small and large ruminants. The results can be used for correlating diagnostic and surgical procedures of the liver of ruminants and in possible future publications in ruminants.
Materials and Methods
The data from 16 research papers, five on goat, one on sheep, three on ox, two on ruminants and five on camel, including full text original articles, theses and
Table 1: Branches of the portal vein in the goat, ruminants and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main finding (A) |
Goat |
Horowitz and Venzke, (1966), Yadm et al. (1992), Tipidamaz et al. (1997), Constantinescu (2001) and Mohamed et al. (2016) |
A. Splenic, cranial mesenteric and gastroduodenal veins |
Ruminants | ||
Camel |
Table 2: Branches of the splenic vein in the goat, ruminants, sheep and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A, B, C, D and E) |
Goat |
A. Right ruminal and reticular veins |
B. Right ruminal, reticular and left gastric veins and as well as an epiploic branch |
C. Right ruminal, left ruminal, reticular and left gastric veins |
Ruminants | ||
Sheep |
D. Right ruminal vein and an epiploic branch |
Camel |
E. Left gastric and gastroduodenal veins |
Table 3: Branches of the right ruminal vein in the goat and ruminants.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A and B) |
A. Dorsal, ventral and deep ruminal branches as well as the right ventral coronary vein |
Goat |
B. Dorsal and ventral branches |
Ruminants |
Table 4: Origin of the epiploic branch in the goat, sheep and ruminants.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A and B) |
Goat |
A. Splenic vein |
Sheep | ||
Ruminants | ||
Goat |
B. Right ruminal vein |
Table 5: Branches of the reticular vein in the goat and ruminants.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A, B and C) |
Goat |
A. Ruminal, reticular and deep branches |
B. Twigs to the cardiac orifice, ruminal atrium, in addition to the adjacent portion of the dorsal ruminal sac |
Ruminants |
C. Drains the reticulum, the left wall of the rumen and the ruminal atrium |
Table 6: Branches of the left gastric vein in the goat and ruminants.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (Aand B) |
Goat |
A. Left ruminal, accessory reticular and left gastroepiploic veins, in addition to omasal and omasoabomasal branches |
Goat |
B. Right and left branches. The right branch gives off reticular branch and gastric branches while, the left branch continues as left gastroepiploic vein. |
Ruminants |
Table 7: Branches of the left ruminal vein in the goat and ruminants.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A and B) |
Goat |
A. Left gastric vein |
Goat |
B. Splenic vein |
Ruminants |
Table 8: Branches of the accessory reticular vein in the goat.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A) |
Goat |
A. An omasal branch which continues to the diaphragmatic surface of the reticulum |
Table 9: Branches of the left gastroepiploic vein in the goat and ruminants.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (Aand B) |
Goat |
A. Reticular, omasal, abomasal, omasoabomasal, and omental branches |
Goat |
B. Gastric branches to drain the omasum and abomasum as well as epiploic branches to drain the omentum |
Ruminants |
Table 10: Origin of the gastroduodenal vein in the goat, sheep, ox, ruminants and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (Aand B) |
Goat |
Horowitz and Venzke, (1966), Mohamed et al. (2016) and Mohamed et al. (2017) |
A. Portal vein
Sheep | ||
Ox | ||
Ruminants | ||
B. Splenic vein |
Table 11: Branches of the gastroduodenal vein in the goat, ruminants and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A, B and C) |
Goat |
Yadm et al. (1992), Tipidamaz et al. (1997), Mohamed et al. (2016) and Mohamed et al. (2017) |
A. Cranial pancreaticoduodenal, right gastric and right gastroepiploic veins |
Ruminants | ||
B. Cranial pancreaticoduodenal and right gastric veins. |
Goat |
C. Cranial pancreaticoduodenal and right gastroepiploic veins |
Table 12: Branches of the right gastric vein in the goat, ruminants and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (Aand B) |
Goat |
Horowitz and Venzke, (1966), Yadm et al. (1992) and Mohamed et al. (2016) |
A. Abomasal and duodenal branches |
Ruminants | ||
Camel |
B. Omasal, abomasal and reticular branches |
Table 13: Branches of the right gastroepiploic vein in the goat and ruminants.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main finding (A) |
Goat |
Horowitz and Venzke, (1966), Yadm et al. (1992) and Mohamed et al. (2016) |
A. Abomasal, duodenal and omental branches |
Ruminants |
Table 14: Branches of the cranial mesenteric vein in the goat, ruminants and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A, B, C, D and E) |
A. Duodenal, jejunal, ileal, ileocolic and caudal mesenteric veins |
B. Caudal pancreaticoduodenal and caudal mesenteric veins then it trifurcates into jejunal vein, right colic vein and ileocolic vein. |
C. Caudal pancreaticoduodenal, jejunal, ileal, ileocolic and right colic vein |
Ruminants |
D. Caudal mesenteric vein then it terminates by dividing into the ileocolic, right colic and ileal veins |
Camel |
E. Jejunal and caudal mesenteric veins |
Table 15: Number of the jejunal veins in the goat and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A, B, C and D) |
Goat |
A. 24-27 |
B. 17-18 |
C. 18-22 |
Camel |
D. 5 |
Table 16: Branches of the ileocolic vein in the goat and ruminants.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A, B, C and D) |
Goat |
A. A common trunk for both colic branches and right colic veins, in addition to last right colic vein, mesenteric ileal vein and a colic branch |
B. A colic branch, small caecal veins and ileal vein |
C. Colic branches, right colic veins and caecal vein |
Ruminants |
D. A common trunk for both colic branches, and right colic veins, in addition to caecal and ileal veins |
Table 17: Origin of the common trunk for colic branches and right colic veins in the goat, ruminants and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A, B and C) |
Goat |
A. Ileocolic vein
Ruminants | ||
B. Cranial mesenteric vein |
Camel | ||
C. Caudal mesenteric vein |
Table 18: Origin of the caecal vein in the goat, ruminants and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A and B) |
Oat |
A. Ileocolic vein
Ruminants | ||
Camel | ||
Omar, 1978 |
B. Ileocecal vein |
Table 19: Branches of the caecal vein in the goat, ox and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (Aand B) |
Goat |
A. Caecal and antimesenteric ileal branches
Ox | ||
Camel | ||
Goat |
B. Caecal branches |
Table 20: Branches of the caudal mesenteric vein of the goat, ruminants and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A and B) |
Goat |
A. Middle colic, left colic and cranial rectal veins |
Ruminants | ||
Camel |
B. Left colic and cranial rectal veins |
Table 21: Origin of the middle colic vein in the goat, ruminants, ox and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A, B and C) |
Goat |
A. Caudal mesenteric vein |
Ruminants | ||
B. Right colic vein |
Ox |
C. Cranial mesenteric vein |
Table 22: Origin of the sigmoid veins in the goat.
Species |
Author and year of publication |
Main findings (A and B) |
Goat |
A. Left colic vein |
B. Caudal mesenteric vein |
Table 23: Origin of the cranial rectal vein in the goat, ruminants and camel.
Species | Author and year of publication | Main findings (A and B) |
A. Left colic vein |
Ruminants | ||
Camel | ||
Goat |
B. Caudal mesenteric vein |
Camel |
textbooks were collected either via hard copies or electronic search. The pattern of the external roots of the portal vein in the goat, sheep, ox, and camel was reviewed, organized and discussed.
Results and Discussion
The results were presented using Tables 1 to 23 which shows the type of animals (goat, sheep, ox, ruminants and camel), author, year of publication (1966-2017) and their main findings (A, B, C, D and E) and Figures 1 to 24.
The main extrahepatic branches of the portal vein are the splenic, cranial mesenteric and gastroduodenal in the goat, ruminants and camel. The right ruminal vein originates from the splenic vein and it gives off either the right ventral coronary vein as well as the ventral, dorsal and deep ruminal branches in the goat or it gives off the ventral and dorsal branches only in the goat and ruminants. The reticular vein originates from the splenic vein and gives off the ruminal, reticular and deep branches in the goat or it gives off small branches to the ruminal atrium, cardiac orifice and the adjacent portion of the dorsal ruminal sac in the goat and ruminants. The epiploic branch arises either from the splenic vein in the goat, sheep and ruminants or from the right ruminal vein in the goat. The left ruminal vein originates either from the splenic in the goat and ruminants or from the left gastric vein in the goat. Furthermore, the left ruminal vein detaches the ventral, dorsal and deep ruminal branches in the goat.
The left gastric vein originates from the splenic vein in the goat and ruminants and it gives off the accessory reticular and left gastroepiploic veins as well as the omasal and omasoabomasal branches in the goat and ruminants. The left gastric vein terminates as a parietal and a visceral omasoabomasal branch in the goat. The accessory reticular vein originates from the left gastric vein and it detaches an omasal branch and continued to the diaphragmatic surface of the reticulum in the goat. The left gastroepiploic vein detaches the reticular, omasal, abomasal, omasoabomasal, and omental branches in the goat while, it detaches epiploic branches to drain the omentum and gastric branches to drain the omasum and abomasum in the goat and ruminants.
The gastroduodenal vein arises from the portal vein in the goat, sheep, ruminants, ox and camel, while, it arises also from the splenic vein in the camel. The cranial pancreaticoduodenal, right gastric and right gastroepiploic veins originate from gastroduodenal vein in the goat, ruminants and camel. The right gastric vein gives off the abomasal, duodenal and omental branches in the goat and ruminants while, the right gastric vein drains the lesser curvatures of the omasum, abomasum and the reticulum in the camel. Furthermore, the right gastroepiploic vein gives off the abomasal, omental and duodenal and omental branches in the goat and ruminants.
The cranial mesenteric vein detaches the caudal duodenal, jejunal, ileal, ileocolic and caudal mesenteric veins or it gives off the caudal pancreaticoduodenal and caudal mesenteric veins then it divides into the jejunal, right colic and ileocolic veins or the cranial mesenteric detaches the caudal pancreaticoduodenal, jejunal, ileal, ileocolic and right colic veins in the goat. The cranial mesenteric vein detaches the caudal mesenteric vein then it terminates by dividing into the ileocolic, right colic and ileal veins in ruminants. However, the cranial mesenteric vein gives off the jejunal and caudal mesenteric veins in the camel. The number of the jejunal veins is either from 24-27 or 17-18 or 18-22 in the goat, while they are 5 jejunal veins in the camel.
The ileocolic vein gives off the common trunk for both colic branches and right colic veins, mesenteric ileal vein, small caecal veins and ileal vein or it gives off the colic branches, right colic veins and caecal vein in the goat, while the ileocolic vein detaches the common trunk for the colic branches and right colic veins as well as the caecal and ileal veins in the ruminants. However, the right colic vein arises also directly from the cranial mesenteric vein in the ruminants and camel, while it originates also from the caudal mesenteric vein in the camel.
The caecal vein is considered as the direct continuation of the ileocolic vein in the goat and camel. However, the caecal vein arises from the ileocolic vein in the goat, ruminants and camel, while the caecal vein arises also from the ileocecal vein in the camel. The caecal vein gives off the caecal and antimesenteric ileal branches in the goat, ox and camel. Furthermore, the caecal vein terminates as the antimesenteric ileal vein in the goat and ruminates, while the caecal vein terminates as a small branch on the free border of the jejunum in the camel.
The caudal mesenteric vein gives off the middle colic vein, and then it passes along the descending colon as the left colic vein, which detaches the sigmoid veins and terminates as the cranial rectal vein in the goat and ruminates. On the other hand, the caudal mesenteric vein gives off the left colic and cranial rectal veins in the camel. The middle colic vein arises from the caudal mesenteric vein in the goat, ruminants and camel. However, the middle colic vein originates from the right colic vein in the camel, while it originates from the cranial mesenteric vein in the ox.
The left colic vein is the direct continuation of the caudal mesenteric vein the goat and ruminants, while it arises from the caudal mesenteric vein in the goat. However, the caudal mesenteric vein becomes the left colic vein after giving off the right colic vein in the camel. The sigmoid veins arise from either the left vein or the caudal mesenteric veins in the goat. The left colic vein continues as the cranial rectal vein in the goat, ruminants and camel. However, the cranial rectal vein originates directly from the caudal mesenteric vein in the goat and camel.
Variation in the extrahepatic branches of the portal vein is very common in small and large ruminants. It is important to emphasize the possible variations of the extrahepatic branches of the portal vein to veterinary surgeons, as it may have implications for imaging studies and surgical interferences of the liver in ruminants.
The author is thankful to the technical staff and lab-assistants in the Veterinary Anatomy Department for their support and help.
Author Contribution
The author collected the data, carried out the research, wrote, and revised the review paper.
Conflict of interest
The author declared no conflicts of interest
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